##VIDEO ID:8noGsN8kcsQ## okay thank you Rafael pis so we back out of our secutive section now we will take formal action on the two item that we discuss which is item 56 and 57 mad clerk item 56 of the second section item 58 C so it's a resolution authorizing settlement of pending litigation claim in the matter of sarus Del rasario versus city of pison law resolution 24 col 7 07 formal action will be taken so mov second it was moved by Council M Ms second by counc roll call cler roll call on item number 58 for approval councilman abdulaziz yes councilwoman cartton councilwoman daver yes councilman Jackson yes councilman K yes councilwoman Ms yes councilman urin yes Council Mr President my V is yes M clerk thank you votes are eight yeses one absent item number 58 is hereby adopted next item the of the SEC section item number 59 is a resolution authorizing settlement of pending litigation claim in the matter of Carolina Hernandez versus city of Patterson Law resolution 24 callon 708 formal action will be taken may I have a motion please so MO second move by councilwoman MIM second by Council roll call clerk not here all Council de my apologies roll call man cler roll call in item 59 for approval councilman abdulaziz yes councilwoman cartton yes councilwoman daver yes councilman Jackson yes councilman KH yes councilwoman M yes councilman Udin yes Mr President Yes Man cler the votes are eight yeses one absent item number 59 is hereby adopted uh thank you m clerk uh so with item Let's uh take item number nine Madam clerk you know I'm sorry let's take item number three on second reading so this is executive session so we just have to reconvene it's the regular meeting now yes we we roll call to reconvene the regular meeting do I have Can may have a motion Mo move to open the regular meeting we move by councilman colleag second by Council Ms roll call m: to reconvene at the meeting roll call to reconvene the council meeting of Thursday November 14 2024 councilman abdulaziz yes councilwoman cotton councilwoman Dava yes councilman jacksson yes councilman khik yes councilwoman Mims yes councilman valz and Wen councilman Udin yes M and councilman BZ Mr President by V is yes mad clerk thank you the votes are eight yeses one absent the meeting is hereby reconvene thank you mad clerk now that we've reconvened let's take item number three on second reading yes Mr President item number three council president there was members of the public that was waiting to speak on this item and you have all these other items to take you're going to try to rush this through now when you know there's people that wanted wanted to speak during the uh the public hearing on this item all right I'm not I'm not rushing nobody to go and speak Council Jackson is is you is your fault for taking hours and hours speaking about an item that is not on the agenda item number three on second reading Madam clerk very good item number three is an ordinance amending patteron code section 407- 31h subsection 1 addressing sewer connection fees to move the time of payment from pre permit to pre- certificate of occupancy is sponsored by councilwoman Marissa daver councilman lisis VZ and councilwoman Dr Lisa Mims it's an economic development ordinance 240 mile Council Dava second by Council m m roll call public hearing on item number three members of the public the see move to close by councilwoman M and second by councilwoman roll call man clerk to close a public hearing on this item close a public hearing on item number three councilman ABD yes councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman DAV yes councilman Jackson no councilman K yes councilwoman M yes councilman Udin yes yes yes Mr President um my vote is yes to close the public hearing thank you the votes are eight yeses one no the public hearing on item number three is hereby closed thank you man roll call man on item number three roll call on item number three for approval councilman abdalaziz yes councilwoman cartton yes councilwoman daver yes councilman Jackson pass you just say pass pass councilman KH yes councilwoman M yes councilman urin thank you Madame Clark so before I vote I want to state that um we are changing the timing of the collecting SAR connection fee instead of collecting SAR connection fee before the permit we are collecting at the time of the um COO of a property now I want to State here that it's not going it's not helping the city of patter it's not helping city of patters in anyway as of now we have so many properties regulating without without a seal if that happens we can see that a property is functioning without the co because they don't have to worry about s connection or anything I believe that this is a wrong move if we a move if we support it so my vote is no thank you councilman Udin councilman valz so let me pass did you say pass you know what let me let me make my decision yeah let me make my decision on this because if I pass now I had to stay an hour to hour listen to to non factual factual things uh ladies and Gent gentlemen this is Nob brainer Madame ba CFO the legal department have reviewed this they have they have the capacity to collect those fees before or after but we putting things in order here based on the New Jersey statue njsa 48 column 26 68-1 those that read that statute understand that we're doing the right thing the administration is capable to collect those fees is capable to collect any fee in the city of patteron while we doing is put in order in any process that the city are doing this will give opportunity not only for big developers it will be also given opportunity to those that even want to be a single family homeowner a new homeowner so saying that last but not least based on the memo that was sent by the engineering Aid of the city of patteron I request Madame ba that you speak to the director of DPW and have him to put a public apology to this counil sitting in these days my family do not deserve at all the treatment that I received in the last meeting only because I was defending my name in a letter that was wrong written to the council saying that my V is yes thank you thank you councilman valet thank you Mr President no oh councilman Jackson pass I'm sorry councilman Jackson I could have went out there but we know what his vote is he's a stamp I would man this guy says he deserves an apology are you kidding me he's not from here that's I know for sure I can tell you one thing I could bet your bottom dollar you're not going to get an apology from that man man first of all Patterson this the kind of stuff I'm talking about here carrying the water water again carrying the water for other people this item did not go to committee both directors had recommended that this was a problem they came right here talked to council president he pulled the item off the agenda the same night after wouldn't even put his head up he was like this the whole time ducking on TV he voted yes like yes his microphone was turned off he got he he he he ate his Cheerios the night feeling himself but councilman oudin was the deciding measure to get it to the second reading so I guess the CL see and and then people are a little upset but none of what the accusations that was made were correct the the gentleman never said he spoke to the developer he said he heard that they were bragging they had eight out of the nine council members I guess 8 8.5 because councilman uden voted yes the first time and now he's counting votes next time he know he knows it's going to pass already he knows he knows he that all the rest of them are already brought in brought and sold I'm not brought and sold just vote Len cut it out why can't why can't I say why can't I say what I want to say why can't I say what I want to say I don't get frazzled by anything else that Al talk about I got 1% of the vote I loost I won by one one30 votes listen I don't say anything I like okay I could take that I'm a big boy they oh yeah the video shows man you had your head down you had your head down a nobody SC all I got to do is bring a few people in from the community you you'll pipe it back like you normally do listen this right here is how the community is losing I I can't wait Corporation councel please I sent if you need me to hand deliver it Mr mavid had it had it in his hand I'm sure he brought it over there I I took the liberty did all the work for you change I changed the wording because I will agree compel is a very strong uh uh perspective to take I changed it to uh I forget the word I Ed but it more it's a little more gentle I'm hoping that you I don't need chat GPT sir I don't need chat GPT I I don't need chap G GPT and and and and I have and and in my household I got I got children being accepted to Columbia me all over all over the most prestigious prestigious universities and we don't we don't use chat GPT in my house so you know and but I can tell you one thing we do understand what what's what's bad for this community and you'll never see me voting on behalf of something such you know with without any Merit every other item G they force this they they make sure it has to go before a committee this item never went to never the both directors they was against it in fact director from uh uh DPW had to come in here and address the councilman because he was speaking derogatory about a person and here's the other thing I just want to mind people this is America who who changed their mind who changed your mind absolutely and the engine that understood absolutely absolutely all supported all support I didn't see nobody changed their mind the they stood they stood on it they continue to ask they continue to ask the director they continue he continue to to to to Badger the director so M so you approve I support everything that comes out of my division is what he said he didn't backtrack and furthermore from Council president's perspective he said if you have an opinion go get a piece of paper at your kitchen table and write a note could you imagine an employee at Nasa that finds that there's a a a a something detrimental with the shuttle if you don't have you your opinion should be written at the kitchen table on no the person is a is a qualified person to do these uh to do the to do the investigation about these these projects and he has taken a clear position put his name on he's not like the rest of these people he put his name on it anyway listen I digress this it's like like the director said it's like beating a dead horse it's they already had they already had the choice they already had the decision made councilwoman daver made it clear listen it's the council's purview you can say whatever you want to say we have the right to approve it and then she she went she went to say we got five votes long as they got 5G this is what we're dealing with M Madam clerk I'm I'm going to be responsible not one time I'm not going to vote Yes and flip I'm not going to change directions soon as the bubbles start bubbling on the pancake and flip over I'm I'm going to I'm going to be responsible every single time Madam clerk my vote is absolutely no okay cman um it's my ter councilman Jackson no uh Mr President uh thank you mad Clerk and and this um and this will go to any person and is my humble and personal advice to any person that work in the private sector in government if you wants to express if you have an opinion that you want to express that's your personal opinion every time you use a silly letter head every time you send a letter through the E City email using letter head you know you got to be responsible for what you putting up there there was a discussion I didn't agree with the letter I the letter was the letter was WR councilman Jackson you please please yes so so that letter it wasn't appropriate and it's not your personal opinion your personal opinion you could express it another way but we're using with the city letter here and the email that's that's that's St you working and you you writing on your capacity as an employee of the city not your personal opinion but with that being said and I understand that I know that my our constituent knows that that's very clear this legislation the $1,771 12 that people will pay for the con fee all this legislation say that you pay at the beginning of the end before the SE we're not reducing we're not increasing I don't I don't see that this will make any impact or any negative impact in the city now there was a discussion about a pending fee to be charged that was my problem that I based the discussion on those additional fees that need to be charged and we have a discussion with h our CFO and the person responsible there was a person responsible to collect those fee fees that's the conversation that we need to talk about everybody has a role in the city in the city and if you have a role to get on top of collecting funding that's not the council role we're the legislative body so with that being said my vote is yes thank you Mr President so the votes are seven yeses two NOS item number three is hereby adopt thank you Madame cler item number nine Madame clerk nine nine item number nine the budget come on item nine item nine oh God it's a budget item it requires public item number nine requires public hearing so I'll just uh public hearing on the adopted introduced calendar year 2024 Municipal budget as amended is now opened so move it move by Council second by Council Roll by excuse me councilman I I say for I'm sorry coun he didn't hear you Ive he heard me I moved it Council move and councilman Ms and also you second as well no problem roll call it number n I'm sorry public hearing on the adoption move to close move to close by councilman Ms and second by councilman B and Council Dava roll call M clerk on item number nine roll call to close the public hearing and item number nine councilman abdal yes yes councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman DAV yes call it the public hearing councilman Jackson no councilman colleague yes councilwoman Mims yes councilman urin yes councilman valz yes for Mr President yes madame clerk so the votes are eight yeses one now public hearing on item number nine is hereby closed thank you m CL now let's take former action on item discussion for a minute council president discussion council member Madam Madam through the chair Madame ba uh Recreation was increased to 3,300 tell him to give us a summary of um can you give us the Madame give us no hold on hold on I asked a question why you asking for summary hold on council member last ask a question Madame B Recreation was increase thank you Council yeah council president and councilman valz um the total is 3.3 million and the CFO is going to check to compare it to last year but I I believe it's about the same is that about the same no Recreation salary was increased from 2,100 to 2,500 um and the OE was decreased from a,0 39850 to8 100,000 but it was inre small increase okay but at least it was increased okay how much was also the library hold on Cil I didn't hear what was the amount of the increase he going to Total the two lines what did I'm sorry um increase from last last year it was 3,139 850 this year is 3,300 3 m 300 total 3 Milli 3,300 recre 170,000 that's it correct correct second question second question out of three library was increased from from what is aloh and election totals I know I heard come on discussion um Li Library salary and wages went from a mil 550 to a, 900 914 720 and OE went from 900,000 to 895 283 so it got increased uh the budget from library correct correct last but not last but not least uh the reserve on collected taxes what are we going to do with that because um we still haven't collect what $50 million that all anything not collected at the end of next year would would go into a tax sale uh okay so anything not collected last year would go into a tax sale when we going when we going to have a tax sale it's December 10th I believe December 10th yes are you going to bring us a list before that yes I can I can email the list U do we supposed to discuss that uh tax sales uh list before even going to approve right the next work we already approved the tax the tax is already approved is already approved yes um um and and this and this budget reflect uh what this budget reflect an increase of tax uh what 2% 2% for it will stay in 2% 2% for min yes what was that 2% for municipal yes by state asue too right yes by the cap of the state right so it's not regard related to our with DCA it's the minimum is the 2% tax levy so it's not really a tax increase like uh we mandatory 2.5 or whatever is stay in the 2% correct it's exactly 2% correct Council councilman colleague thank you I I just want to I just want to piggy back uh on that uh uh tax increase portion we we were introduced about 2.9% by the adoption it came down to now about 2% I just want to clarify that is that is it is it fair to say yes there there was an increase earlier to the tax levy for the budget introduction that was higher than 2% because we were not sure we were going to get the additional transitional Aid that we requested but we did get that additional $2 million so we didn't have to include that in the tax levy so it is a reduction from the from the introduction since from introduction to adoption it is a reduction in the tax levy thank you that's all I wanted to clarify thank you thank you m cler roll call M cler on item number nine roll call on item number nine for approval councilman abdulaziz yes councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman daver yes councilman Jackson no no councilman KH yes councilwoman mes this budget reflects per our memor memorandum of understanding a 2% increase it was 2.9% it has been uh leveled out to the agreement with the transitional Aid that we received yearly from the state with that being said we want to make sure that we approve fiscal and responsible budgets and I believe this is one of them my vote is yes and to the viewing public right after this vote I have to leave I have to pick my son up from work um and to uh counsel uh to Madame clerk all the other items with my name included can you just make sure when they're moving that it's the same situation okay okay thank you your vote oh I voted yes you said yes okay thank you councilman Udin my voted yes Madam Clark thank you councilman councilman Valance Madame ba uh thank you uh and CFO and also the legal department also the administration to um handle us a responsible budget I think that uh that reflect the needs of the of the community and the taxpayer of the city of Patterson um I always say that every budget that we approve had to be spent wisely um and I know that for the couple years that expenditure have be wisely so um saying that um residents of pis to be able to move forward the city um I know everyone is struggling but there's a responsibility taxpayers uh to fulfill their responsibility to pay the taxes to make sure that we don't have to go Bond and get money from other places and also Madame ba send a a thank you to to the um State monitor uh for for being with us especially in to balance a budget to make sure that uh represent the needs of the community my vote is yes in this matter thank you councilman vet Mr President oh my oh my God all Mr President have a separate meeting there mad clerk thank you so very much I think that this item item number nine I'm just going to say that we've been extremely luy because we received $27 million from the state to balance the budget this year so we got to work extremely hard to get a different additional Revenue uh in the city of patteron with the G we we don't know what's going to what's coming what's going to happen next year uh you know as we see a lot of changing at the national level we don't know what's going to happen at the state level but with the state we've been very we feel very pleased with the state because instead of 25 we got 27 million to balance the budget this budget reflect the the improvement in our road that we doing the uh the park Improvement that we doing and we definitely have to continue working hard to bring additional Revenue to the city of patteron with I say my V is yes M clerk I vot is yes yes your vote is yes yes thank you council president so the votes are eight yes is one one no item number nine is hereby adopted thank you council members we only have 10 item on the non- concerned agenda let's do quick item 43 Madame clerk item 23 item 43 correct item 43 all non concern agenda 43 43 going down 43 we got this yeah this should be easy it's not there after it's 43 already called it just a moment counc President we just get the okay fine item number four 43 is a resolution honoring Rodney Addison for winning Mr America 2024 in Atlantic City New Jersey is sponsored by all members of the municipal Council it's a city council resolution 24 call move by Council second by Council roll call no you wait a minute no noit a minute I'm sorry let me tell you something let me I'm I'm going to tell you guys I'm not selfish like some of y'all sitting by councilwoman Ruby cotton put this on the agenda and I included all coun so just be fair about it no not definitely councilwoman I that it's hard to hear when they talk in thec M please R CL on item 43 roll call is item 43 for approval cman abdulaziz yes Cilan cotton thank you madam cler I just want to say say congratulations to Rodney Addison on being Mr America of 2024 congratulations again Madame clerk my vote is yes thank you councilwoman conon councilwoman daver you make us proud my vote is yes thank you councilwoman um councilman Jackson yes wow councilman KH yes Council she's absent councilman Udin yes councilman VZ uh Ronnie thank you for everything you did in that competition make us proud but most you been us proud you make us proud when you serve the community at your capacity and the hundreds and hundreds of jobs and that you Crea in City P so saying that keep on strong my vot is yes thank you councilman Val Mr President thank you Madame cler congratulation Mr America 2024 ronning Addison congratulation you make me go back to the Gin I'm back in the gin and I'm just checking my diet eating less rice you know Less Car my vot is yes well deserve brother thank you Mr President the votes are eight yeses one absent item number 43 is hereby adopted thank you item 44 mad clerk yes Mr item number 44 is a resolution honoring assemblyman benj e Wimberly for his 60th birthday celebration is sponsored by councilwoman Ruben carton councilwoman Dr Lisa M Council Lis valz and council president Alex Mendes city council resolution 24 callon 693 yeah do me a favor Council Madam clerk um can you add councilman UD to that please why all right so it was Mo by councilman Ruby C yes second by council member Les roll call Mad clerk on item 44 roll call on item 4 four for approval okay you got councilman abdulaziz yes councilwoman cotton thank you madam clerk uhem man Benji wibley will be celebrating his 60th birthday at the end of the month um at then I think it's the in uh December 1st no no his birthday December his birthday right his birthday is December 1st which is Rosa Parks day uh and we celebrate U Rosa Parks at Rosa Parks high school so with that being said um uh we we're honored to to do a resolution honoring C Benji wimbley who is also my cousin U with that being said Madam cler my vote is yes thank you councilwoman cotton councilwoman Dava I am going to say that uh December birthdays but specific to saggies are the best okay as uh assemblyman Benji wimble will be celebrating his 60th December 1st although I think his party is before his birthday the one day before one day before right I also want to say that I will be having my birthday too 18 days later so with that said happy birthday assemblyman uh my vote is yes thank you councilwoman Dava councilwoman Jackson yes thank you councilman khik yes councilman Udin yes councilman valz assembly b& e wimbley is a blessing to the community a blessing to youth blessing to everything that he touched because he was born December 1st my mother birthday is also December 1st so I will not forget his birthday ever and I always put the pictures out there when um his birthday is so congratulation assemblyman Benji a wimbley you're a true friend to the community I could take that to the bank my voice is yes thank you councilman Val Mr President thank you m clerk um congratulation assembly wiberly our coach I know Council C call me reach out to me we got to get this done we got to put it on the agenda because we're not going to have a meeting during uh before his event and here we are honoring you welld deserved assemblyman we're looking forward to be at that party celebrating your birthday Another Blessing another year life so without being say my vote is yes thank you Mr President the votes are eight yeses one absent item number 44 is here by adop than it number 45 council president yes just one one quick question might we be able to take care of the DPW items beginning at number 50 because we have our engineer here why beginning at number 50 he has a couple of non-consent items 50 and uh 50 through 55 thank you 50 55 or engineer he don't mind to stay here with us by the way I know he don't mind done a good job here so far okay let's stay from 50 all the way item number 50 van Clerk of public work uh council president so before you go there um just know the which items were removed a 51 I guess um 35 No 51 is out by yeah it's been removed 5 51 is removed okay yes and and council president if I could just uh speak to can please Madame yes if I could speak to that um there are two items that were removed and the only reason they were removed is we're still finalizing um some Nuance around certification of f funds and the procurement process um we're looking forward to bringing them at at the next agenda as you saw for a lot of these we were rushing them to try to get them on if we can have them all completed and and the two of them we just kind of crossing our te's and dotting our eyes W West Railway but they will both be um on the the next agenda uh that was number 19 35 35 and 51 35 and 51 correct thank you thank you uh for your explanation and this is teamw workk Bab we try document is not there we send it back and we we'll have it back you know uh for the second war councilman item number 50 mad clerk item number 50 is a resolution authorizing Award of contract to Zenit Construction Services Inc for Park improvements at V am Community Park bid number 24.2 one for the engineering division of the Department of Public Works Public Works resolution 24 calling 699 um move you can make me second that's fine you can I can be second it's fine no item 50 was moved by councilwoman DAV and councilwoman second by councilman bz and uh thank you roll call M clerk I don't 50 roll call on item number 50 for approval councilman abdulaziz is absent councilwoman carton um thank you um um Madam clerk um how long is going to take about eight months to get this park done next year okay can you um 8 to 12 months okay at least we're going to get started now um it's going to be after the Chris after the holidays before okay okay I see you so we finally are getting U moving our um uh C ver Ames part um I'm happy to see that it's on the agenda and then we're going to start moving uh anywhere between 8 to 12 months with that being said Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilwoman cartton councilwoman daver yes councilwoman Jackson councilman KH yes councilman Udin my V is yes councilman valz let's be uh realistic on this uh the way weather permitted okay if the weather permitted no because eight month without bad weather it's okay but let's be honest if weather permitted and whatever finding they find there that could be a roadblock it's not because us um it could hold the project that's to look so so let's be honest on this because one of you know there a lot of money to invest there's a lot of things that they have to do in the park but the good thing is going to get done uh councilwoman re kahen um you have you have more investment in park and MoneyWise than than than the fifth world all right we're talking about million Barber Park Millions yeah and 12th Avenue and also uh verra ases we talking about more than $10 million I could say right approximately of $ 78 million between the three Parks yeah total total total um I got $250,000 for a fence so I hopefully next year I get a 1.5 million for Roberto Clemente right uh he will keep me in by we spoke about that so saying that because I'm I want a basketball court you know I want a basketball court I want this and that so it it's going to be like $2 million um saying that um my vote is yes to Improvement of parks thank you councilman valz Mr President thank you Madame cler I definitely will be brief uh you know listen it's definitely um to our engineer I I make a request uh for every project that we're building when you go to any other the city when you go to hack s CL every time they have a new project they put a plaque and on the plaque they put all the council members the mayor they put all the information who made that happen this Council we might not see this now but we making a lot of improvement in the city of patteron and and this park is going to be one of the nicest park Council woman this park is going to be a blessing I can't wait for the design to be done and it's I passed by East Side Park yesterday and I was so happy to see so many children on that playground having such a great time and a beautiful part so so Madame ba I want to see that plaque in all those project that we doing you know I want to see those plaque in every project that we have done it people need to see it's midnight and we're still here doing the work and doing people Po's business so there's a lot of negativity here some people they they prefer to get into a negative side this type of project that we're building yeah it it's it's going to change the community and they us put fire truck so with that being say my vot is yes M clerk thank you Mr President you imagine the people visiting the park without the name they could go Len votes are seven yeses two absences item number 50 is hereby adopted M yes thank you council president um yes we are are compiling a list of the park improvements that have happened over the last six years to make sure that we're able to properly put PL throughout theity Stadium everything please get the list we want to see the list the okay em 52 his street naming 52 or 51 52 you see how nice when you pass by there you see your lovely hosan name there it's important my grandon to see you see C mik want his grandson to see his name where he after he died you know he wants to see you know his grandson you know where you he want to see the name on there all right and so item 52 mad clerk okay just a minute C pres has make sure you have the the the the clerk name too she was the one put it put the paper together item number 52 council president is a resolution authorizing an award a contract to ja Alexander Inc for the arp3 road resurfacing program it's bid number 25.06 for the engineering division of the Department of Public Works it's a public works resolution 2470 second move by council president councilwoman D second by councilman I didn't hear you saying that council president second by cman Udin yes and who else that's and council member also as well okay okay go ahead roll roll call and benav roll call on item number 52 for approval councilman councilwoman cotton yesen coun I'm sorry councilwoman cotton said yes um Council DAV yes Jackson councilman K yes councilman Udin yes councilman valz uh thank you amen um amen uh Bushi thank you U for the attorney he's working hard though I there's a resolution uh my vote is yes thank you councilman VZ Mr President my vote is yes M clerk so the votes are six yeses three absences item number 52 is hereby adopted thank you m clerk item 53 yes item number 53 is a resolution authorizing an award of contract to Smith Shan the asphalt Construction Company Inc for the resurfacing of City Hall Parking Lot bid number 25.0 3 for the engineering division of the Department of Public Works Public Works resolution 24 colon 7 so move move by councilman Davila and councilman C second by counc member last roll call M cler on item 53 roll call on item number 53 for approval councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman Dava yes councilman khik yes councilman Udin yes cman valz Madame B just make sure that when this uh parking lot get resurfaced any parking lot of the city that belongs to the city and any movie industry comes to use our parking lot to leave it the same way that we have because you know they really destroy this parking lot walk yeah you know is make sure we don't throw soon as they see resurface they want to do movies and they come and leave very bad so uh saying that uh yeah my vote is yes thank you councilman valz Mr President my vote is yes M clerk the votes are six yeses three absences item number 53 is is hereby adopted thank you mad clerk item 54 item number 54 is a resolution authorizing the order of contract to TG Neil Grand Hardware Inc for the purchase and delivery of hardware supplies bid number 25.4 for the Department of Public Works Public Works resolution 24 col 703 so move second move by Council second by Council coun not Council woman Council yeah I say Council second by Council H I'm sorry roll call cler on item 54 roll call on item number 54 for approval councilwoman cartton you know this item should have been on consent and I am I'm tired that you know they we be in workshops and they said oh put it on regular and then you're not here and they're not here to vote on it you read my mind con woman that's right I just I can't believe this um the grand but my vote is yes it should have been on consent that's right Council councilwoman Dava I agree on you I totally agree with you councilwoman um cotton you know it it's it saddens me that you know we all here are elected by the people we know what our job is we have to you know be here and some people just pick up and go um and granted sometimes there's emergencies people are sick or whatever the case may be but not every week man anyway my vote is yes thank you councilwoman daver councilman colleag councilwoman K read my mind I was going to say the same thing I'm serious director she read my mind many of these item we wasting time all of them should have been un consent I don't hear no no votes of any of this item we wasting time and the people who put on on non-c consent they are not here basically my vot is yes Madam clerk thank you councilman colleague councilman Valance and not only that this item is so old we we we renew this every every every year and you know what bows to oh madame ba CFO I want to list expenditure how many times they go there and make all this look all the paperwork that they make the administration work and they not here and they not here poor CFO poor ba no poor no PO no because they had to work more they had to they had to they had to work more to prove to a ghost that's not here my vot is yes on this and thank you Hardware Grand hardware store for because beside the this they give back to the community fifth world resident and business Mr President I well thank you m cler I'm very happy to hear my Council K mention that so the next Workshop let's have more discussion on the workshop and let's put those in consent that way we're not here so um we don't have to stay here until the last evening so my V is yes M clerk thank you Mr President the votes are five yeses four absences item number 54 is hereby adopted thank you m clerk item 55 item number 55 is a resolution authorizing an award of contract to deblock environmental services for Wastewater collection system operation services for the city's combined sewer system CSO RFP number 2025 D1 1 Public Works resolution 24 colon 704 move it was moved by council member last and second by councilwoman Davila roll call M clerk on item 55 roll call on item 55 for approval councilwoman cartton yes councilwoman Dava yes councilman khik yes Council councilman urin yes councilman valz another one is supposed to be in consent uh yes sure it could have been on consent consent my vote is yes Mr President could have been on consent thank you m cler my vot is yes votes are six yeses three absences item number good night Mr engineer item number 55 is hereby adopted thank you thank you ending item number four so council member so um no no no we still have to do no we have we have item 45 46 item number 45 item number 45 is a resolution celebrating the 30th anniversary of New Jersey Development Corporation it's sponsored by councilwoman rubian cartton councilwoman Dr Lisa Mims councilwoman Marita daver and councilman Lis VZ and council president Alex Mendes city council resolution 24 colon 694 so so move move by Council mavila and councilwoman second by council member roll call M clerk on item 45 roll call on item 45 for approval councilwoman cotton thank you madam clerk I just want to say that I was able to go to the 30-year celebration of njcdc it was AB absolutely awesome I want to say congratulations for celebrating 30 years here in the city of Patterson congratulations njcdc Bob gashi Madame clerk my vote is yes thank you councilwoman cotton councilwoman dava so I'm saddened that I could not go to the West M to celebrate the 30 years um as I did have another commitment uh but I was there uh in I believe it was July when uh you know they actually turned 30 uh so congratulations to njcdc uh congratulations to uh Bob gagei um as the leader of njcdc and your entire team because we understand that that you don't do this all you can't do it all and you know we know that there's been people that still are with you from day one uh but even thankful to those that at some point or another had something to do with njcdc so once again congratulations my vote is yes thank you councilwoman daver councilman khik thank you thank you Mr Bobby G and NJ CDC for all you do for our committee my V is Yes Man CL thank you councilman councilman urin thank you Madame Clark um the team in jcdc especially uh Bob gachi for your report to uh serve uh and support our children and the families of lwi income and again um I had honor to attend the 30th anniversary of new uh ncds and uh again before we come to this meeting we had another meeting with Bob and other committee members uh and looking forward to working uh to move the city forward and and support NG cdc's initiatives my vote is yes ma'am thank you councilman Udin councilman valz uh Bob the Builder Bob Rashi uh you're doing a great job in my w you have uh bring a lad U constructions uh development I'm happy for it and more to come um I was not at the 30 iversary because I was in another place and you know I don't like to go to event by myself I like to bring my other half just in case you could invite me to any Gala or whatever I need to go with my other half I love to go with my other half I dance with my wife so but um there's a lot of good things happening in the Great Falls area you know there's going to be a groundbreaking in mcard Highway not mcard Highway mcbr sanction next week uh I hope to see all my colleagues there celebrating the rooftop uh Grand Opening groundbreaking the lawyer 510 District uh congratulation um B gashi his staff and everything that you have done to change life in our city of Patterson so saying that Bobby and and New Jersey New Jersey Development Corporation um congratulations for your work that you do hopefully we could see the future Art Center I was going right um in the corner of of um Main Street and yeah and I can write Olive Street something to say they need to be there like my vote is yes thank you councilman Val Mr President thank you m cler Bob congratulation what an amazing Gala it was a phenomenal Gala uh councilwoman C and I we have a great time at the gala uh we really enjoy so many great people supporting bobi Bob the building we love you you been a blessing for the C my vot is yes cler thank you Mr President the votes are six yeses three absences item number 45 is hereby adopted thank you m item 46 item number 46 the resolution honoring and celebrating the retirement of Andre mccollum's 38 years and sadena McCollum 33 years for a total of 63 years at the Patterson Board of Education sponsored by councilwoman rubian cotton councilwoman Dr Lisa Mims and council president Alex Mendes city council resolution 24 calling 695 move by Council woman C second by council president Mendes Council r cler on 46 roll call on item number 46 for approval councilwoman cotton thank you madam clerk I just want to say congratulations to um uh Mr McCullum and his wife uh he had 30 years at the um schools he was at different schools but I remember him at school 6 and now he's at Esau High School his wife was uh is s um Miss McCullum she got 33 years I just want to say congratulations they're doing a celebration for them on November the 22nd and also I just want to thank also there's a young lady which is she's like my daughter to me Denise Brown um she's um she works at Esau high school and let me tell you she takes care of those children there you know I find and I said it before when kids come to school sometimes they need somebody in there that they can go talk to and I can truly say that Denise Brown is one of those and she's the one that reached out to me for the uh to do the resolution for uh Mr McCullum and M McCullum which have a total of 63 years working for the patteron Board of Education and to me that is absolutely awesome congratulations on your retirement I know you're going to be on a whole bunch of cruises or maybe to the island or somewhere but enjoy your retirement and congratulations again Mr and Mrs McCullum Madame clerk my vot is yes thank you councilwoman cotton councilwoman Dava I uh want to say congratulations uh Mr mcum on your retirement I've had the pleasure of meeting you working with you uh in my uh visits to East Side High School as an Alum and um I'm just uh happy someday soon I'll be saying I'm retiring too but with that said you know congratulations to both um my vote is yes thank you councilwoman daver councilman khik yes M thank you councilman councilman urin yes thank you councilman bz councilwoman Ruby um if I could respectfully also request to be a sponsor on this because Mr mcllin see he was the principal is high school he used to call me for everything and we used to share a lot of uh thought in the E Side High School if I could be part of it I received the text of the celebration too um if um if you allow me to be sponsored on it knowing that he did you want you want to be added councilman yes please all right can I thank you m we are isi okay we're going to add councilman councilwoman Dava and Council um men valz yeah because we are e side you go home yeah we are e side yeah we know we know you know I I can't leave out Udin cuz he is a teacher too yeah correct thank you councelor man this so nice that's right thank you so between all of us we could put a card for $500 one two three okay my my word is yes thank you councilman valz Mr President thank you m clerk Mr mum and his wife I just want to say thank you thank you for uh like spending so many years of your life serving the community serving the children of the city of piso you impact a lot of life you know uh you know you work a lot in the future of the city of P by dedicating your life you and your wife to educate our children so I'm very pleased to be one of the sponsor of this legislation with that being said my vote is yes Madam clerk thank you Mr President the votes are six yeses three absences item number 46 is hereby adopted thank you m CL item number 48 item number 48 is a resolution to approve a corrective action plan in response to an audit received for the 2022 calendar year Finance resolution 24 col 697 it was move by Council second by councilman BL and Council mud roll call Item 48 roll call and item 48 for approval councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman Dava yes councilman KH yes councilman Udin yes councilman valz council president when I want to move something I move it but when I be second I won do second you you put me always second every time I say move okay thank you for your leadership you my word is yes I move here but um I moved in honey I'm the finance chair as well Council it was B by Council DAV and also Council that's what you had to do let me make let me make my Council Kali happy okay sir all right to the right to the left Mr and my vote is yes thank you Mr President the votes are six yeses three absences item number 48 is hereby adopted you can't come thank you mad clerk item number nine on the agenda please 49 49 I'm sorry 49 49 49 my apology item number 4 a resolution acknowledging the municipal council's receipt of a completed calendar year 20124 best practices checklist and confirming that it was presented for public discussion Finance resolution 24 colon 698 it was moved by Council woman Davila and Council mes and second by councilman Udin roll call Mad clerk on item 49 roll call on item number 49 for approval Council woman cotton say that again councilwoman cotton what number we on we're on 49 for corrective yes thank you councilwoman daver yes councilman Kik yes the council isin yes mam councilman valz Madame the council is in the check here have a press practice the council he said yes I'm sorry is the council uh performance are in the checklist here too uh the council performance is not on the checklist oh man all right my vote is yes Mr President um U my vot is yes M clerk thank you Mr President the votes are six yeses three absences item number 49 is hereby adopted thank you m clerk council members before we get into a second second reading ordinance let's take care item 19 that was uh moved from the uh concent agenda to treat it as a separate item item number 19 Madam clerk item number 19 is a resolution honoring niike a Jonas for 21 years of military service it's sponsored by councilman Lis felles so move second move by C move by councilman Bess and second by councilman fi Udin and councilwoman Mara Davila r on item 19 roll call on item number 19 for approval councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman Dava yes councilman khik councilman Udin yes councilman valz I just got to read the first where as the sergeant uh first class uh veteran retire Nic uh Jones was born in Georgetown Guana and earned and arrived to Patterson in the 80 1983 he attended Public School 24 graduated from pay County Technical Institute during high school he played a role on softball uh football track and field and work listen to this work at McDonald's on Broadway and continue working there into leaving for college so you see the history of this joint and then serving 21 years in the Army you know I I did want to do this resolution honoring all our veterans that serve uh our country and that's why we could call the United stes Freedom so um and we just celebrate Veteran Day so that's why I asked my colleague whoever want to be also co-sponsor on it to add in it so uh councilman you didn't want to be co-sponsor um Council women mins and Council woman Ruby K so congratulation thank you for serving US 20 years of service the military service and defending the country um United States my vote is yes thank you councilman VZ Mr President my vot is yes Madam cler congratulation thank you Mr President the votes are six yeses three absences item number 19 is hereby adopted uh thank you uh council members now let's start with a second reading let's start with item number one of second reading M clerk item number one is a second reading ordinance amending chapter 212 of the partisan code to be entitled filming permits it's an Administration ordinance number 24- 045 so move move by second by councilman public hearing is now open members of the public speak on see no move to close by councilwoman Davila and second by councilman Udin roll call clerk on uh to close the public hearing on item number one roll call in public hearing for item number one councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman Dava yes councilman khik yes councilman Udin yes councilman VZ this is one thank you m ba closing the public person oh we talking to publiction closing the public person oh okay public hearing public yes yes no police officers yes thank you m councilman VZ Mr President my V is yes clerk thank you the votes are six yeses three absences public hearing and item number one is hereby closed let's take formal action on item number one and second reading M CL now yes um roll call to approve item number one councilwoman carton yes councilwoman DAV yes councilman khik yes councilman Udin yes councilman valz so thank you Madame ba uh for taking our recommendation to increase the uh fees from three uh 200 sorry 300 to 500 um 300 to 500 sorry uh from from 500 to 750 and and the main one from 750 to, 1500 um thank you for taking the recommendation this level us the same way nework is doing um this is was we point Thank you for for that so I encourage anyone they want to do movies talk to patteron that's why we are putting beautifying the the city of pison for those type of movies um saying that too Madame ba I noticed that UE had put nice beautiful ornaments around the downtown but also I saw it in 21st Avenue I want to see it on Park Avenue and Market Street because that is UE Zone oh sorry and Union Avenue I did assess in Union Avenue yeah yeah so so yeah Park Avenue marus street is a USD Zone also Union Boulevard uh Avenue sorry is OU sorry yes three blocks but we want to put it in a whole entire blocks you're good all right same yes thank you councilman valz Mr President my is yes but cler thank you Mr President the votes are six yeses three absences item number one is hereby adopted thank you mad cler item number two on second reading item number two is a the second reading refunding Bond ordinance of the city of patteron in the county of Pake state of New Jersey the city authorizing the issuance of not to exceed 2.75 million aggregate principal amount of General obligation refunding bonds of the city to undertake an energy savings Improvement program and appropriating the proceeds therefore is Administration ordinance 24-0 it was moved by Council mavila second by councilwoman C yes R cler uh public hearing is now open on item number two members of the public to to speak on this item move to close if I could just uh before that Madame ba if I could just note here um I just wanted to make sure the council was aware that this was this item went before the local Finance board in between the first reading and today's second reading um it was actually on their agenda yesterday and it was approved by the local Finance board they wish us the best of luck because they understand um that the improvements will help the bottom line for the city's budget so thank you thank you mad B and I just going to add that we've been having a lot of discussion about this item and it's finally this is the last stage of this item so let let's uh let's take for my action so and council president we will have one final item related to this topic okay so once this funding this this approves all the funding related to the project and at the next meeting whether it's a special meeting or a regular voting session we will award the that actual contract that this will fund to ABM and then they'll be off and running beautiful thank you so very much um so uh roll call M clerk to close a public hearing on item number two roll call to close a public hearing and item number two councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman Dava yes councilman KH yes councilman Udin yes councilman VZ closing public yes yes Mr President my vot is yes so the votes are six yeses three absences public hearing and item number two is hereby closed thank you mad clerk let's take formal action on item number two on second read mad clerk um roll call on item number two for approval councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman daver yes councilman khle yes councilman Udin yes councilman valz you know uh the other day I was having a conversation with a business owner uh industrial area in East 25th and and and 19th Avenue and he told me that he applied for a grant for for you know money from the state for efficiency and saving energy and he put everything LED inside his business so if you have a business a industrial business the state also have money to to cover your efficient energy in in your property so take advantage of that too go to the state DCA website page or and they have a they have money for for uh private uh companies and and private business for the we taking advantage hopefully our city Chambers is fixed soon soon that we could see the energy in there right V ba8 New Year we're getting there new we don't need we don't need the AC now we do have radiators rat Mr President uh thank you Madame clerk um so since we're taking for action on item number two Madame Clerk and it's related with the Improvement of our building I've been uh asking you about the uh the is the uh our Council chamber and if you could please um you know just give us an update at the end of the meeting so you don't have to do it now but at the end of the meeting just for the viewer we really want to go back to the chamber it's getting cold and some council member they don't want to be here because we don't have that section of the building already we don't have anything so we don't have anything here it's kind of it's difficult and I and we don't want to go back to River Street because I say how difficult is to Mad clerk how difficult is to Rafa and R and all of that um to go to go to River Street so with that being said at the end of the meeting let's talk about that my vote is yes M cler thank you Mr President the votes are six yeses three absences item number two is hereby adopted thank you item number four mad clerk item number four is a second reading ordinance vacate in the last block length of Stout Street from Holman Street to Presidential Boulevard Public Works ordinance 24-48 so move it was move by it was moved by Council and Council and second by councilman um members of the public to which to uh speak on item number four um floor is now open see no move to CL uh second motion to close by Council MAV and second by Council roll call man cler to close the public portion roll call to CL public hearing and item number four councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman dava yes councilman Kik yes councilman Udin yes councilman valz so let me get you an example on this this was approved in 2021 it came to us it was removed because the person wanted removing and he's not here and now it's going back that piece of place is going to go back to tax pay uh tax roll uh you know vacating the street is not just giving to the them is going back to the TX row um and and this this is a good initiative uh my vote is yes thank you councilman valz Mr President i v is yes M cler thank you the votes are six yeses three absences public hearing and item number four is hereby closed thank you mad clerk let's take formal action on item number four mad clerk roll call to approve item number four can we do four and seven or no one is count one is reg four is not that four but we we could do we can actually do five and seven we did four five and we're not doing that we're we already did four we close to finish agenda let's let's do let's do number four roll call roll call and item number four for approval councilwoman cotton public he councilwoman DAV yes councilman khik yes councilman Udin yes councilman valz Mr President um my vot is yes but CL thank you Mr President the votes are six yeses three absences item number four is hereby adopted thank you mad clerk council members now Madame clerk item number five is uh repealing and number seven is also repealing let's do both uh combined and let's do the public hearing for both combined five and seven correct okay just a moment five and seven item number five is a second reading ordinance repealing establishment of handicap parking space on counter roads 8 888 Madison Avenue 613 Madison Avenue 1250 Madison Avenue 615 Madison Avenue 859 Madison Avenue 786 East 18th Street 64 Marshall Street 252 pness Avenue and 93 Park Avenue that's for Public Works ordinance 24- 049 for ordinance number seven is also a second reading ordinance repealing establishment of handicap parking spaces at 55 caral Avenue 179 East 24th Street 76 Highland Street Street 87 Bloomfield Avenue 734 East 22nd Street 79 Coldwell Avenue 116 East Main Street 21 hamlock Street four English Place 133 North Third Street 306 Pacific Street 433 11 AV 343 15 AV 382 6th Avenue 102 car Coral Street 409 Crosby Avenue 1035 East 35th Street 1051 East 24th Street 110-12 Highland Street 111 mil Street 282 28 AV 110 East 17th Street 513 East 22nd Avenue 82 Mercy Street 105 North Forth Street 250 van hton Street 371 East 26 Street 117 17th Avenue 349 East 27 Street 1093 East 22nd Street 151 Beach Street 291 Pennsylvania Avenue 81 North 1st Street 149 albian Avenue 713 East 27th Street 25 patteron Avenue 792 East 19th Street 467 East 40th Street 458 East 34th Street 371 East 26th Street 362 East 22nd Street 68 nicob Baka Avenue 94 Bloomfield Avenue and 681 East 25th Street motion public it was mov by councilwoman Davila second second by councilman colleague uh members of the public that wish to speak on second reading on item number five and seven see and none move to close see none move to close by councilman DAV and second by councilman uh Udin uh roll call clerk to close the public hearing on it item five and seven roll call to close public hearing and item number seven councilwoman five and seven and item number seven sorry five and seven five and seven item number seven let let me start over roll call to close a public hearing and items number five and number seven councilman ABD disas is absent councilwoman cartton yes councilwoman Davin yes councilman khik yes councilman Udin yes councilman valz so two ordin five and six um at five five five and seven five and what seven all right this one uh repealing you know only in five um six of them off on the fifth War we repealing we taking it out and I haven't count the whole big ones on the other one but this sent a message that we are taking action uh people are violating handicap uh privilege people that have moved people that have U um don't need handicap for real and uh that's why we pealing it your vote oh my my vote is yes all right vote and speak no problem and and and actually a lot Mr President thank you mad clerk my vot is yes M clerk thank you roll call and item numbers five and seven for approval yes councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman Dava yes councilman khik yes councilman Udin yes madame Clark Miss councilman Val items five and seven oh five now oh yeah yeah for approval yeah for approval yes they voted yes Mr President um my is yes CL the votes are seven yeses two absences items numberers five and seven are hereby six is five and seven five and seven are hereby adopted thank you now mad clerk let's do item number six on second reading item number six have item number six please this the wrong one item number six is is also a second reading ordinance establishing handicap parking spaces at various locations and City roads 91 22nd Avenue 366 East 21st Street 379 nicob Baka Avenue 990 East 19th Street 466 East 31st Street 522 Broadway 182 Walnut Street 92 Jasper Street 34 12th Avenue Avenue 9 Thomas Street 35 Trenton Avenue 395 towa Avenue 123 Wayne Avenue 45 Elizabeth Street 572 East 33rd Street 122 Dixon Avenue 26 Pennington Street 143 North 2nd Street 220 East 21st Street 412 East 31st Street 22 Sheridan Avenue 112 maple Street 121 Nagle Street 422 Sussex Street 172 Mill Street 135 17th Avenue 453 East 23rd Street 18 Jane Street 455 21st Avenue 503 East 31st Street 603 East 24th Street 81 Highland Street 125 Marian Street 205 KY Street 162 ryer Avenue 320 Sussex Street 336 Atlantic Street 10:15 East 24th Street 14 Lewis Street 6:30 East 23rd Street 87 Highland Street 179 Sheridan Avenue 60 Manchester Avenue 188 Edmund Avenue 169 Mill Street 81 Chester Street 921 East 19 Street 303 East 31st Street 703 East 24th Street 7 39 East 24th Street 320 East 28th Street 284 Hamilton Avenue 119 Godwin Avenue 128 Sherman Avenue 47 Cliff Street 146 Patterson Avenue 280 23rd Avenue 525 21st Avenue 2331 16th Avenue 457 12 have a motion I have a motion move by counc Davila second second by councilman Udin members of the public to wish to speak on item number six public hearing is now open see not to move to close to councilwoman DAV and second by Council roll call M clerk to close public hearing on item number six roll call to close public hearing and item number six councilwoman cartton yes councilwoman DAV yes councilman khik yes councilman urin yes councilman valz this is for who this is for closing the public hearing okay yes okay Mr President my vote is yes M cler thank you Mr President the votes are six yeses three absences public hearing and item number six is hereby closed thank you mad clerk now let's take formal action on item number six roll call for approval of item number six councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman Dava yes Council man khik yes councilman urin yes councilman valz out of 60 establish establishing a handicap only 10 are in the fifth war that means that we reducing establishment when you got your fair share yes yeah second word is winning us you're covering yourself you got two guys here my vot is yes thank you councilman Val Mr President thank you we don't we don't play around with handicapping the third world listen members of the public if you're not using the handicap properly you might lose it I have Mr Robert from public work he pay attention to those complaints if you playing around and you use uh the general public to save a spa and then move your car to a handicap and you being and you're reporter you might lose the privilege to having a handicap they having a handic car parking spot in front of your house it's a privilege parking is very limited use it wisely used it the correct way so we have a large list of handicap that we took it away so I don't want to see you losing your spot because you now utilize the the handicap uh privilege the right way my vote is yes M cler thank you Mr President last I'm sorry got so the votes are last item yeah I'm sorry so the votes are six yeses two absent three absences item number five is hereby adopted thank you CL item number eight which is the last item of this meeting of the night wow item number eight let the record reflect that that item is sponsored by Council mess okay item number item number six is not even in your word no oh okay sorry both yes sorry both want the last item prob that's it yes that's council members no problem public work let's not F let's not have a debate for the last item item number eight sponsored by Public Work It number eight is a second reading ordinance establishing always stop control at the intersection of Ellison Street and Rosa Parks Boulevard Public Works ordinance 24- 052 so move move by council member L second by Council woman Dava and Council Dava roll call Mon cler on item number eight I'm sorry public hearing is not open council members for item number eight not move to close see not move to close by Council woman Davila and second by councilwoman K roll call cler to close the public hearing public to close the public hearing and item number eight councilwoman cotton public hearing yes councilwoman Dava yes councilman khik yes councilman Udin yes councilman valz thank you councilwoman uh Ruby to understanding uh the situation there because it's the border the fourth and the fifth but the amount of cars that inside the houses the church is a lot you got like this year we had like 12 13 Accents in in in that intersection now only what worried me is we have a lot of pedestrian uh student that go back and forth from the fourth and the fifth from school you know at least this is not go reduce speed but it's going to avoid accident of four intersection uh um my vote is yes thank you um also before you call it um um before he called it no before he called it uh council president um um Madame ba I know that Robert Sato is speaking to the county um um 24 um Market Street between 23rd and 24 this year only having been 40 accident and almost 10 almost fatal almost fatal so bad accident so last accent was the other day the number 40 so um thank you we need to put a four-way stop sign or traffic like there but studa is trying to work with the county because SATA want to do it but the county says no and you know and we're going to lose life there no I'm doing from now on until the relation don't get solid again I doing through the ba and and and whoever had to do it right well I don't know what's going to happen in that committee yeah so um all right my my vote is yes thank you councilman valz Mr President my vot is yes want to collect to close the public he it number eight thank you Mr President item number let's take formal action mad clerk on the last item of the N number eight all right let me up the votes on the public hearing it's six yeses three absences so public hearing and item number eight is hereby closed a roll call for approval of item number eight councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman Dava yes councilman khik yes councilman Udin yes councilman valz yes Mr President thank you Council Khali for being stay here until the last item of this meeting it was a good agenda with a lot of important item so with that we say my vote is yes CL thank you Mr President the votes are six yeses three absences item number eight is hereby adopted thank you may I have a motion to close so move so move move by councilwoman Davila and second by councilman colleague uh roll call clerk to close this meeting yes Mr President roll call to adjourn the municipal Council regular meeting of Thursday November 14th councilwoman cotton thank you madam clerk I just need to for the Madame ba um the the engineer was here for the DPW um I had been we approve a stop sign for Auburn Street no no gwin Avenue in um Auburn I that stop sign there gwin Avenue and Auburn it's a one way going down so it would be just a one way stop because Auburn is a one way going that way so but I need that stop sign there we approved it maybe five or six months ago so if you can have that and um if you can get that um send it over to the DPW and one more thing I was just watching um this here and I remember shadia green and she's um she's fighting I see that she's fighting she's from Patterson she went to school with my niece she played basketball but she's fighting in um uh at the atmt stadium in Arlington Texas this Friday night uh is they said it's going to be a next flex but she's from patteron New Jersey and so if anybody Watching Next Flex Friday night well it's Friday early because Texas is a time difference uh 5:30 eastern time um sh sh shad green um is fighting a pisoni in Arlington Texas with that being said Madam clerk um I'm happy to see you back um I wish you well I miss you kristo happy to see you to everyone at home out there thank you for watching um please reach out to any of us if you needs uh any type of information but Madam clerk with that being said um my vote is yes thank you councilwoman cotton councilwoman Dava thank you very much um Patterson it is after midnight uh I'm happy that we got through to the agenda council members uh Madam clerk I'm happy that you're feeling better thank you uh Madame ba Mr CFO amen um I want to give you my condolences in in person all right um for your family law so my regards to your mom I me to your wife okay um and also I got a message from making a difference with the friends of Bill McCoy Foundation Inc uh he has asked he he was caught up in traffic and he wanted um for me to announce his toys for kids his 19th annimal toys for kids and Community Aid dinner on Thursday December 5th uh at 7 7 p.m. at The Brownstone uh for more information you can call Brenda at 862 686 6542 um in addition uh Patterson I will be out uh at the league next week all right so um I'm only a phone call away but if you need me um I will not be around for a few days um and lastly um I normally don't do this but I am about all about education and so this Saturday pay County Community College will be holding its uh health fair Health openhouse uh our allot Health uh open house at um Talis AV in the Pake academic center uh from 10: to 12 I've posted it on my social media and many have shared it so um come on down learn about our programs free tuition Community College Opportunity Grant and so many other opportunities uh thank you good night my vote is yes to close thank you councilwoman daver councilman khik thank you madam clerk good night everyone my vote is yes thank you councilman colle councilman Udin oh thank you and uh yes good night Patterson my V yes thank you councilman Udin councilman VZ uh two things Happy Thanksgiving to the patteron community we're not going to be here up to the the next meeting is December the 2 I believe the 3 Happy Thanksgiving um on the 30th is going to be our tree lightting on the city of patteron I want to apologize this year I will send my recording of My Singing Fel naida with the mayor I'm not going to be present I'm going to be visiting my kids uh my grandchild at Orlando uh seven years without see them it's just embarrassing embar please do not give Fela microphone to Alex Mendes I'm the record hitter on that mes you could take the whole stage if you want but don't take the microphone uding and I counil and I you're gonna dance that I we need we need to sing Fel NAA please uh but yes happy holidays I know this starts please come out uh the 30th because it's going to be a great parade um of Christmas parade um next time the mayor should tell me when he's going to do it but this the first time I'm missing it okay you know um and I always saying the hit of f nav okay oh ho ho ho enjoy it enjoy it enjoy that F I know it's going to be a good weather it's not going to be over 60 that's great but it's going to be great right yeah enjoy with your family that's the more thing you know a lot of people cannot enjoy this time of season because they already passed away and we don't have it around KH is going to be with me in Atlantic City ladies and gentlemen oh boy oh boy and also Council Mendes see you in Atlantic City see you soon Ruby you always take classes with me yeah I don't know what class he takes but you always with me in a class so yeah do you attend the class yeah the most yes we do you better go to class Hey listen whoever do not go to classes ask him I I'll be checking I'll be we list see who who's taking classes and and matter be is true or not um who's the uh DCA Michelle is got to give two classes right so we better go to her classes is talking about procurement attended cor person which one do hold on hold on have three three let's go to her classes to see she's the same way in classes in pers you never know yet I see in the parties never in the cles oh M clerk yes see you Atlanta City yes sir can you take Crystal she's going she's oh she's going all right see I'm Lobby for you Crystal my word is yes thank you for everyone you Rafa is going to thank you councilman valz Mr President thank you m clerk thank you uh first of all I want to say thank you to my Council Cali for finish this agenda almost $2 million on refers resurfacing a lot of different Road uh patteron to all my Turbo resident please pay attention to the sign if we fixing 13 Avenue we also fixing donon Avenue look at the signs and by the way I got to say this council members stay tuned with me during my morning walk throughout the uh throughout the third war I'm just see this uh lady that getting into the car I said you know let me say hello 8:00 in the morning and when I realized it was uh Madame be's mom she live on the Ron Avenue she's my constituent so early in the morning during my walk so it was a pleasure it was a nice it was a pleasure mam be a to Met Your Mother beautiful beautiful such a sweet uh and elegant you know lady you have a beautiful mom may God bless her with long life and health you got a beautiful family that's what I do early in the morning I do my walk throughout the third war also Council me members of the third world don't forget pay attention to the signs e37 is already done I'm excited but we have a large list of different road that we're going to be fixing I'm excited about this and we get when we're doing the work we're moving the city on the right direction it's Thanksgiving Council Cali let me wish you a happy and a very blessed Thanksgiving to the entire city of patteron we're going to have our event coming up police and let's uh let's take care each other I mean pison there's a lot of people in our community struggling uh if you see somebody that you could help help please help that person also Madam clerk uh it was so happy it was a blessing to have you back it's a blessing to have you back yes coun of Les I we're in a picture in 2012 so so no RAF don't [Laughter] don't well I got my beer now I feel good now I you know I feel good with my look but once again uh you know members of the city Patterson God bless this great City let's enjoy the Thanksgiving um uh event that are coming up on the pipeline throughout the city of Pon and let's take care of each other let's love each other a little bit more crystal is always a great pleasure to have you here right next to Mad clerk I know you have a lot to learn from M clerk to our patteron police thank you so very much we have new officer from all the different town that are back to the city of Pon because of the new contract Madam ba Corporation Council my big my big brother so so Rafael you guys take care and I see you in Al my vot is yes but cler thank you Mr President the votes are six yeses three absences the meeting is hereby adjourned good night --------- ##VIDEO ID:lDXPJnBDVa0## thank you thank you Ralph um good evening Patterson on behalf of the municipal Council we welcome you to the regular meeting on Thursday November 14 at 7.m kindly noted the second session will take place at 8:00 pm uh for item number 56 and 59 the meeting is now called to order M cler please call the rooll yes Mr President roll call for municipal Council regular meeting of Thursday November 14 2024 councilman abdulaziz councilwoman cotton here councilwoman DAV councilman Council pres councilwoman I am here and ready to serve councilman ER I'm here M clerk councilman Val s I'm here Mr president president mad Clerk thank you evening will be introduced by Council as well as the person during the flag thank you Madame Clark thank you uh council president so I welcome here uh for our uh to lead the PA tonight uh Pastor Anna Fernandez from inesia s Christino casad de la Orion and today's flag salute would be led by uh patteron Public School educator zili immani Thomas and a student um razin Aswad so thank you all for joining us tonight it's a pleasure to be here sharing this moment with you and it's really important to start recognizing that that you need the help of God in everything we do father God God creator we ask you that you give these people wisdom you choose this woman and man and I ask you for you to give you wisdom you give you compassion love and they understand that you they serve you serving the community of parison Father God tonight and always you PR be with them and the parison see you in the person of each one of them in the name of Jesus Amen you choose every one of them [Music] amen I bless you in the name of Jesus amen amen thank you sorry is not only me it's is is a bunch of 59 Pastor from parison in in my behalf that I represented today okay God bless you of the United States of America and to the rep stand One Nation God indivis andice please stay stand now let's do a moment of silence for troops and for those that lost a Lov one in our community thank you you may be seated mad clerk please read the statement of compliance yes Mr President statement of compliance with the open public meetings law for 2024 2025 today's meeting date is November 14th 2024 meeting time is 700 p.m. adequate notice of this meeting was compiled and disseminated in accordance with the open public meetings law in the following manner one the annual notice of regular meetings and workshop sessions of the municipal Council was compiled for the year 2024 2025 onor about July 1 2024 two a schedule of the regular meetings and workshop sessions of the municipal Council for the year 2024 2025 was duly transmitted onor about July 1 20242 the nor Jersey Herald News the record the Arabic voice the Italian voice the P County puls Dominicana news Lisa International LS special the Paran press the city post news tap into to patteron the weekly Bangla Patria in addition to any other publication duly requesting such notices three the schedule of the regular meetings and workshop sessions of the municipal Council for the year 2024 2025 was prominently posted in the lobby of City Hall first floor in the place reserved for the announcements of this type four the schedule of the regular meetings and workshop sessions of the municipal Council for the year 20242 was duly filed with the municipal clerk and five a copy of the schedule of regular meetings of the municipal counil was mailed to any person who requested and paid the fee authorized by the open public records act Mr President thank you madam clerk um members of the public uh please if you want to participate on the public portion don't forget to add your name on the list we're going to do public portion early today so let's do payment of Bill councilwoman Davila thank you very much council president good evening ladies and gentlemen my fellow colleagues and administration uh and of course Patterson uh today's summary of dispersements are a total of 9,454 38680 uh this was a payroll week uh which amounted to 5,374 n95.9 in addition to the computer checks there's 4,793 19082 uh just let the record reflect that there is a filal payment there's covanta as well um my a motion is for payment of bills for the amount of 9,454 386 second second there's a motion move by Council mavila and second by Council colleague councilman Mims and Council bz roll call Mam clerk on payment of Bill discussion discussion councilman Jackson thank you council president so as we're paying bills and paying salaries it's just amazing to me that we have people who can do uh who are contracted to work on behalf of the city and in excess of two years can go by before they're um before they're compensated for their work Madame ba has been brought to my attention yet again we addressed this once before that the stenographer for the board of adjustments has not been paid in a matter of two years um before we vote on his bills list council president obviously this bills just consist of payroll and things of that nature you know it's derel for us to to uh sit here pay people including people who have gotten substantial pay increase es such as the ba and people who who are at who are doing honest days work are are not being paid council president um Council Dava um councilman Jackson I know that you addressed the ba U but I do want to make you aware that uh that conversation uh was had in finance uh as you were probably addressed we were as well the council president myself and probably all the members of the council um it is not factual that they have not gotten paid for two years all right uh but I'm not going to discuss here you know in detail what that Finance meeting entailed but I will say this um that they are currently working uh they had a meeting today and I think Madame ba you should share you know the meeting and what transpired and how uh professionals will be getting paid hopefully I believe once they get the in the information that is needed and inputed um they should be getting paid very shortly but in terms of those two years um we have addressed and financed uh numerous times the issues about the professional uh staff members not being paid uh and that was addressed and I know that there's been some uh back and forth in terms of proving you know through a cancelled check and I'm sure that the administration will do what they need to do to provide that information but in terms of the current uh that is being worked on and Madam ba if you can please um from what I understand the young lady submitted a letter letter of resignation because she hasn't been paid so I mean I although it's uh admirable for you to make an attempt but you this Council we're not the responsible party for making sure employees get paid we should allow the people who who are uh responsible for it to answer it's not you know I don't ask questions on my behalf I mean these these things just for the Public's edification so the public can understand that uh what's happening within the uh the function dysfunction of the administration so if if this person has in fact been getting paid and you're saying that it's it's not accurate then why did they submit a letter of resignation and their cause for it is because they have not been paid Madam B council president yes thank you um this is something that again payments need to uh originate at the div and Department level um to process bills and payments and we do know that there uh with with staff changes um there wasn't as much um training and carryover of responsibilities it is something that is being addressed and it is something that um you know all numerous teams are being used to facilitate this so for example there's been an additional training session just this morning to remind uh the department level people how to process some of these these payments so that they can continue while they're also learning um you know maybe some nuances of the system related specifically to the planning and zoning board meetings but the professionals should be paid it should be a pretty standard process just like all uh vendor bills are paid at that department level and it is something that um the department is putting attention to it now thank you council president thank you madam counc president if I may just for a point clarification Madame ba I I I know this Council approve some signs back uh for a specific um Department to handle payroll who's handling payroll now and which department is it going through so uh council president this is not a this is not a payroll issue payroll is an internal employee issue this is um all um professionals are paid through as purchase owners and vendors through um Planning and Zoning division um which is the the normal process especially related to Escrow but I'm specifically asking but that that doesn't payroll is under Finance but that's not related to what we're talking about right now I didn't realize I was restricted or or constrained what I can ask questions about is is it could be a different question or it could be some but simply the simple question is where's payroll being handled now and is employee payroll is through the finance department all of these concerns that are being addressed right now is through the division of planning and zoning thank you counc member roll call cler on payment of Bill yes Mr President roll call and payment of bills in the amount of 9,454 38680 council councilwoman carton yes councilwoman davum yes councilman Jackson no council KH yes councilwoman Mims so one thing I always believe is that when people do work they deserve to get paid so one uh the big portion of our vote on tonight is for our employees so we sit here even as the legislative body as elected officials and we are getting paid so that's why we have to make sure not for us but for the employees of the city we have approximately I don't know what the number of us LW the account at this point Point 14500 people majority Patterson people that this is their payment this is their check so I am not going to stand in the way of get them getting checks we also have some great non for-profits and some great work that's going on in the city 1.3 million of this this uh payment of bills on tonight is to make sure that we have some of those nonr profits to get their payment um I always recommend the information is right in front of you for those that are here in person and those that want to get it online they can and request an OP a request but we have to support when people do work Patterson employees you deserve to get paid and all the other entities that are on here are all services that have been paid I will always support our payment of bills unless there's a discrepancy I will ask for it to be removed but outside of that this is payment of bills and people need to get their paycheck my vote is yes thank you Dr Ms councilman valz thank you councilwoman a large Dr liisa m that's the process that we know that we always use if we don't agree in something payment the bill we remove it in Workshop or or or in a regular meeting uh just for discussion further and get the facts of whatever we pay you know uh in my case as a councilman for the past eight years we get complaints from left and right but the good thing is that some of us we get the complaints we make the call to get facts and to be sure that and guarantee that those facts is aligned with the truth to be able to work towards that Madame ba thank you because as you're aware I call F CFO and we had a conversation yesterday and that's the facts the what Madame ba explained today is the real deal that's what's happening and um they guarantee us that the next payment Bill everything is going to be set up everything will be okay and they're going to get pay whoever Professional Service that is involved that's the facts but you imagine that we put that payment a bill today they voted no anyway so they don't want you to get paid at least we voted to get paid this payment of Bill my vote is yes and a payment of Bill thank you councilman valz Mr President uh thank you m clerk this uh payment of Bill was discussed of the finance committee we start our finance committee meeting at 6:00 finish a little bit before 7 and uh yes we have a very a good discussion with Madame ba and the staff about the this board there was uh Staffing changing on the staff uh lack of data entry and that's been corrected so moving forward they will definitely get paid and as some of my mentioned before we have nonprofit payment and our employe that need to get paid without being said my vote is yes madame clerk thank you Mr President the votes are six in the affirmative one no two absences payment of bills in the amount of 9,454 38680 is hereby adopted thank you mad Clerk and we do is um now the conscent jenda M clerk will be item 10 from 41 yes Mr President 41 all matters listed under the consent agenda are considered to be routined by the council and will be enacted by one motion the items listed on the consent agenda are numbered 10 10 through 41 any item may be removed from the consent agenda by the request of any council member and if so removed will be treated as a separate item so move second discussion council president can can we move item 19 the item yeah 19 to vote separate um if any council member want to co-sponsor it I will appreciate um I will let yes so item number M clerk let the record reflect that item number 19 will be treated as a separate item will be and and it was and it was moved by councilwoman Davila second by councilwoman Mims and councilman bz discussion Council discussion so um as previously stated I have several items on here that are sponsored um by myself with other council members even though it's moved by uh certain Council people I would like those particular items to uh reflect that I these individuals are the sponsor on these items to our Madam clerk so for in the consent agenda that it will be identified for my the items that I'm a part of the sponsorship that it will be uh identified as such that we move those items okay council president do you need the numbers of those items the items that you're removing give me those so not REM Council woman 15 16ct that before yes we have 15 16 17 18 correct um council president 15 16 17 18 um let the record reflect that councilwoman uh Dr Lis will be co-sponsoring 19 when we get to it thank you Council thank you um Al also um Madame clerk also let that record ref Madam clerk item 3551 are being pulled from the agenda I just want to play I just want to make sure that we have it on the on record item 3551 they're out of the agenda for tonight uh 3551 for the engine so roll call M clerk on the concent agenda what did he say yes Mr President roll call you have for move it in a second why is it removed roll call on the consent agenda as amended I council president my apologies um councilwoman C also second the consent agenda uh Madame clerk let the rec also that concern agenda is been second by Council Council M Council BL and Council counc move by councila Council BL U um you know I get a little bit concerned when things is um this discussing workshop and it's moved to uh a vote today and um and there's no explanation why they move in this resolution to table it item number item number 3551 that's the information that I have from minia that is being remove uh but we have a committee and DPW should be discussed by email why they removing what's the problem because it's a war contract yeah so let's let's do roll call and we get back to the come back to that discussion roll call M clerk on the consent agenda roll call on the consent agenda is amended councilwoman cartton yes councilwoman DAV yes councilman Jackson councilman KH yes councilwoman M um so I want to um there's some uh great items in here but I I want to acknowledge um in this particular item that we're voting on to uh Pastor lagard if you're watching his uh yearly winter Wonderland Honore list Vanessa Renee Thompson congratulations Alvina Johnson the owner of John Jax restaurant jar Grayson um Raa Nero congratulations to all of those honores um you will receive this information you will receive your uh plaques at the uh celebration my vote is yes thank you Dr Mims councilman valz I just want to highlight number 12 resolution authorizing application to and accept a fund from the nin Jersey Department of Community Affair recreational the opportunity for individuals with disability Grant we need that we need to uh cover those individual that are are less unfortunate um saying that congratulations to everyone again in honoring uh and thank you for Council woman cotton and Council woman U men to allow me to be co-sponsor and those honores also um my vote is yes in this uh consent agenda thank you councilman bz Mr President thank you madam Clerk and and I on the consent agenda also item number 34 it's uh we're allocating 1,897 57 on the resurface and project in uh different Road throughout the city of patteron which is very important so without being say my vote is yes M clerk thank you Mr President the votes are seven yeses two absences the consent agenda is hereby adopted as amended thank you m cler Council so um I know we just voted on that but I would like to put on the record um as far as the lower portion of Governor Street um we have paav Governor street but there's consistently I've been advocating for the lower portion of Governor Street which requires concrete work so um council president if we can get an update on record because a lot of residents are asking and complaining that it's not paav then once again Madame ba if you you could just give an update not just on the lower part of Governor street but on North Main I know that was on the list but there's some concrete work that needs to be done there because the railroad tracks are coming up as well as West Railway app so if we could just thank you thank you uh thank you Council that's a very good point and since we have the engineer can you briefly address uh that concern uh Madam well I I requested Madame ba because C he raised his hand it look like he's very knowledgeable with the topic but either into Madame ba so well council president the reason why I said Madame ba because we got to make sure the money is there which I understand I want that on record and then if he wants to State that's fine I just want the view and public to know what is happening you know because it should have been a part of the original plan you can't just pave three qus of a a road and leave the other portion so I'm I want it to be duly noted once again it's been months what is going on so M can speak to it and the engineer right after that because we just approved some uh surfacing of roles I want to put that on the record for the public because that's the first war thank you I'd like to see the engineer very active Madame ba thank you council president and councilwoman Mims yes uh this is an this is an item that we are going to be addressing through um a swapping of streets from the old Bond so since we're not using the River Street um from that Old Bond it freed up some funding that now we are our um assistant engineer is working on the design work that's required for some of these concrete streets and that's something that we've never been able to do as part of our regular dot projects so we're going to be coming in front of the council with some ordinance changes in order to delineate these roads as the ones that are going to be approved with this funding source and then we're going to be able to once the design work is done going to be able to go out to bid and do the construction of those concrete roads so council president counc so with that stated I'm going to make a request because we know an ordinance takes two readings and then we have to wait so I'm going to ask after the first reading that at the special uh there will be a special meeting on the second reading that it would be rushed and ex accelerated that we don't have to wait that additional time because we know that will take until almost February since we're only um having two one voting meeting a session so I would like to make sure that it's on December's agenda and then January we're moving forward so it can um take place thank you Madame ba and council president thank you Council me members of the public now um so we're going to start the public portion you have three minutes to address this the council uh please just just a minute council member um uh please we would like to ask everyone in the room be respectful you have three minutes to address the council at 8:00 we have a a executive section uh that we're going to have to just uh have a dialogue with a lawyer I want to make sure that we do public portion now to make sure that uh the public address the community the council and the cityor P before we uh start with the uh executive close C before we call the before we call the First Council um D and so no the only thing that I just wanted to add to what you just said um there is no rush with this just at 8:00 it'll be an executive session where everyone's going to have to leave and then you're going to be standing outside so that's why in finance he discussed that he would want to hear the public before beginning the um the special we got to hear the public so it council president it 19 was removed from the consent very um quick to honor someone can we just do that item and then go right into public portion a very quick item to it's G to be 7:37 we got to start public portion now to be a to be on point at 8:00 first Speaker clerk on public portion first first speaker is G GRE guess it was meant to be because when I came in slot number one was still open when it was like 10 names out there I guess nobody never want to be the first speaker real quick councilwoman I want to thank you for uh having that dialogue with the ba about Governor street because I was here I want to say two or three meetings ago and you guys assured me that the L in the governor Street will get done I'm driving through Governor Street and people are calling me yelling at me like why the street isn't done I was like well in the meeting they told me it was going to get done and it wasn't done and what really disturbs me is that I would love to take you guys on the tour of the city because I still don't think you guys understand Governor Street I appreciate the residents appreciate Governor Street being paved from the section it was but the lower end is the worst part that has been like that like I said since I was born it has never been paid and I'm seeing councilmen and I'm seeing the mayor on Facebook posting roads that recently got paid that really didn't need to be paid more than Governor street so I don't understand like I said before you guys I understand you fighting for your ward but it's about doing the right thing for the city of Patterson uh we need to we need to hire someone who who's more skilled than all of us to analyze these roads and we need to say well this road is number one this road is number two not W not I wish our was here because I think Al got the most roads done in his Ward like come on now Governor Street has never been paided now what I really came down here to talk about is 265 Hammerton a there was a fire there two days ago our fire department responded swiftly putting the fire out before it can spread what they noticed was that there was a number of individuals living in this vacant building so they called Patterson PD came swiftly Patterson PD took on about six people in custody and what broke my heart is when they brought the woman out in the todler in the stroller if you go on my Facebook page you'll see that's why I said today I need all of you guys email address because I'm going to try something different uh me and uh Marissa had a a a very nice conversation at uh I think Louis you putting together a fundraiser so what I want to do I want to email you guys directly when I have issues in the city of Patterson and I want to see how that work if it works that'll be fine if it don't work then you know it's going back on social media but anyway it broke my heart to see him pushing this todler out I mean this house is boarded up in the front but it's wide open in the back and it's going to be a b it's going to be a bad fire there even the fire marshal came out yesterday and you know he took his notes but the fire marshal can only do so much I guess they recommend it back to the city for you guys to send somebody out and board it up but this is bad there's so much garbage back there it's unbelievable like whoever owned this house should be incarcerated it it it ain't such thing as they can't find them if they can't councilwoman if they can't find them then we need to go in there and board this up like tonight and we need and we need to put a lean on this property uh we need to put out a bench War for this person's the rest because it's crazy how you just walk away from a property and I understand those and and what pissed me off today the same people that the police took in custody and handcuffs and drove away that was back in their house today I called the police at 11:00 I was on my way to the mayor's press conference at 11:00 police never came don't you know what tonight on my way to this meeting guess who called me Patterson PD asked me do I still need a officer wow at 7 o' at 7 o' I said no I don't need them now cuz I'm not there but you can go to 265 Hamilton AB go through the alleyway go in back door and I'm sure you're going to find them there and these guys that's back there they're they're bad guys because they're stealing from everybody on the Block they're going in everybody's backyard stealing from folks I personally had a conversation with them today and told them don't want to see you over here no more but I know they there right now but my main thing is we need to get there I hope and if somebody can follow up and see what happened with the baby because that broke my heart thank you thank you next speaker man cler miss Patricia mcneel okay get your time Patricia mcnell resident homeowner city of patteron I want to share with everyone this picture my my grandmother she died like 40 years ago um she live we lived in Selma Alabama she never got a TS to vote anyone that did not vote shame on you okay I'm here tonight I was I'm here about this sewer thing but I don't know if I'm going to be here when you vote on it um but I do have a concern churches are under attack and I have said this no one is looking out for the churches the developers are targeting and I I don't have no nothing I'm not calling anyone name they may be targeting churches and taking over the second thing I want to to speak on and no one's out there helping them but yet still people PR and saying they go to church religions I believe in God but no one is out there really helping these churches that are struggling to keep their stuff that these developers are taking from them I haven't and this is happening this lady don't this woman don't come before you and speak unless I know what I'm talking about um the next thing I need to know we have several junkyards that are popping up in neighborhoods residential neighborhoods and I need to know how I did opras on them I can't get any information because there not any information and when you report it to community Improvement they uh don't have no record of them and Zoning don't have no record so how are all these in the First Ward how are all these car shop junkyards popping up R in neighborhoods where people paying house notes rents very high rents and they're all over in the First Ward I have the locations but it's not my I I don't get paid to go around reporting all that I just need to know who is approving that it has to be the city council and I watch the city council meeting all the time I have more stuff but thank you next speaker M clerk next speaker is Miss Cameo black good evening everyone I had to I never come with a speech but I had to rewrite this paper 10 times before I got it right because of these two babies I knew they would be here I usually come here I usually curse but for y'all too I did this one for so I'mma start off good evening everyone I previously decided never to attend another city of patteron council Mee and due to over the years of me coming here numerous Mee and seeking help voicing my complaints concerns and only to have them fall on death ears our city is in tremendous trouble due to high crimes drug mental health homeless issues I felt I needed to be amongst the residents of patteron trying to Aid them with some type of healing process and if all we can do is pray together I thought that would be tremendous help so I was overjoyed when I noticed the council president approaching the candle light that we was having we was praying as he approached us I never knew what it meant when people said if you talk about God the devil will flee my God and that's exactly what the council president did he ran away council president I also want you to know the Bible says watch as we pray and we was watching as you rean away that was very rude and very disrespectful I get it though I really get it but I also want you to know that it didn't go unnoticed as the council president that show me exactly who you are as a person I thought you wanted change but I was wrong shame on you and as always I would like to thank Ruby cotton for always being at every function and supporting everyone God bless everyone and y'all have a blessed night and that's it next speaker man next speaker Mr Cory teag good evening members of the council I wanted to come out here tonight I made the announcement last night at the board Workshop uh tomorrow um a Joint Commission on civil rights is going to meet and they're supposed to be having a meeting to discuss uh the disparities with um the shortage of special education teachers as you know uh during the pandemic a lot of Educators um either quit or because all of the teaching went into remote a lot of the teachers did not return and this crisis even transcends Patterson as a matter of fact the overall enrollment of special education students has ballooned to over 7.3 million so that basically constitutes almost 15% of all students and so they want to find out the disparities there and what can be done because we have a very short window we all know what happened on uh November 5th and we all know that come January um Urban centers like Patterson are going to have to fight for every single dollar that comes into the district for special education there's no need for us to kid ourselves the Trump Administration is going to make sure that we're going to have to fight for every dollar let's not even play with it we know that's what's coming so we are going to have to make sure as as a community and as parents if you have a child in the district with special needs I really need to reach out to you I really need to speak to you like ASAP we need to get some things in place before January and we need to make sure that the parents unify even if we have to go to Trenton go to DC whatever we have to do to fight for our children because I'm telling you come January you know that saying closed mouths don't get fed any City or School District that doesn't speak up and fight for what they need in their district is not going to get it I can guarantee you we're going into some Uncharted territories we've been here before but I have a feeling this time is going to be 10 times more aggressive so I am pleading with the parents if you have a child in the district who is on the Spectrum if you have a child in the district who receives any type of Occupational Physical Therapy uh Speech Therapy language therapy please reach out to me so that we can organize and get our group together and do what we need to do put everything aside and let's get it done because I'm telling you come January everything is going to change in terms of the Department of Education there's even been talk of dismantling the United States Department of Education and putting all of the decisions in the local state departments which could also be a catastrophe so before January comes in reach out to me my number is 201 956 9429 get in touch with me ASAP thank you thank you Cor thank you next speaker M CL next speaker Mr Akim Dunham the name Mr thank you thank you madam clerk I'm going to pass along my three minutes um excuse me there's not I mean the person that is next need to speak or have so we call the clerk's office before we before we uh began and it said it was up to the council president right well you should said that no thank you thank you next speaker man clerk Mr Eddie Oles oh don't what I didn't have anything to say I put my name down so that my three minutes can be passed along to another Resident who had more to say do you do you understand now I understood I wasn't clear what was the rational for you add your name on the list but you now you don't have anything to say I know we only have three minutes got it and I know the council body voted no on having six minutes and so sometimes people have more to say and need more time I I understood I understood back to the m so members of the public and and I do apologize at 8:00 we have a a a special and close section no no just just a minute come here yeah if you need to address those no you come here get on the mic so so those those those lawyer they get they getting paid by sitting there and waiting for us to finish that's the reason why 8:00 I tried to start the special meeting just go ahead before we move forward all right last week when I came here I said to you I'm a bring it now I I took you to the side with it now I have to come forward with it 412 Market Street where last week you told me that was PS and that was out there and I told you every night after 8:00 they start working it's not PSC and G if I need you to physically and I need everybody else once again somebody kid is going to die all they have you said it's cement right you see where they dug up the cement you know what I'm talking about that barber shop right there I I went around the block no you need to get out the car out that new blue truck that nice car you got that I seen you I seen you with the nice new truck going around the block I need you to get out your car and physically walk the block like we walk it if you walk it it's only I can show you the pictures it's only one piece of wood there God forbid if somebody fought through and like I keep saying I can't stress it enough every time somebody H hurt die or something I'm so tired of the city my condolences kicking out money at the end of the day these are people kids fathers we can't bring these people back we need to prevent this so I'm going to ask you one more time can you please check it out because that's a accident waiting it to happen it's not psng I can show you the aspire tags of the Mexicans sorry to say it like that that's coming I have the plate number I have the expired registration and something needs to be done correct immediately pleas uh council president quickly uh quickly quickly because she quickly we're not going to argue Cal down we should get this after you realize that I'm still on fire the same courtesy council president is council president I'm going to expect the same courtesy I'm trying to address her councilman uh cler can you stop the clock stop the clock for a minute no I don't need no more time he going to listen I just want to make sure I just want to make sure council member let just give me a second council members once again I just want to make sure wait I want you to know it's not what you saying it's how you saying stuff since you've been up here you've been being smart and you starting to work on my nerves so can you please just let Belair say what he got to say cuz I'm still on fire with you for how you did last night so please I just need you mute right now so so counc corre as you know we address everybody at the end of the public portion pleas address and then we yes correct quickly so so it's 4:15 I think 4:14 um Market Street next be after the going to the park after the liquid store right the one that the bar before the liquor store it's before if after the liqu store if you coming up Market Street it's before that correct yes it's before the liquid store after the park yes they have a construction permit and they just fixing the so it's okay after 8:00 every night they come and do this and leave that that's the per they I'm not we we don't have inspector during the night if I see them I say listen you have to startop you can't do construction based on the ordinance okay okay if I see them but they are have construction permit to fix the plate that goes you know those plate that goes into basement in front of the storefront they are fixing that but if I see them working after eight or you see them working after eight and I'm around I I don't have no problem them the order state that you cannot do construction out to five and another thing this new cab station we got on Market Street the what the new cab station that we have are you aware that we have a new Cas cab station gas station cab capap tax oh you have an office and Madam clerk honor a permit to have a office not a taxi stand okay so that needs attention too they're taking up all the parks they're blocking the walkway me I can't get past it's a it's a catastrophe over there it's a catastrophe all of this needs I don't know how everybody else is seeing stuff and it's just falling on once again deaf ears and enough is enough you got you got my number call me when you see those violations come on man look no I'm not a man see this is where we go left I'm a man man oh okay I I've we're going to get it I'm not going to do this right here with you right now but I need you to like start looking into this stuff please because I will do I'm telling somebody going to get hurt I will do so it's an accident waiting to happen I will do so thank you that's it all right why you laughing m i see your work Miss Black peace and love Miss Black Peace Love let let's speak M clerk she got coun Mr good evening all um last week when I was here I presented this uh council members of the council with a bit of a challenge and I said that I would give up the salary um the the ba question my integrity and so um I presented you with a bit of a challenge and I said listen I will give up my salary in exchange you give up the rise that you gave yourselves the $50,000 you gave yourselves the council members gave themselves $6,000 uh um and so but I have heard nothing from you uh cricket so I would like to know how you feel about that let's show the people of pison how much we care let's use that money for something that is important uh and so but again we're going to hear crickets uh M Mr Mendes in fact voted um against the measor so my guess is he was coerced into taking the uh the $6,000 but uh Alex now you get a redo now you can present a a resolution to resend that race he's he's playing with his not pack making up little faces um anyway uh Mr VZ uh said that the the what you Ed uh to gauge that race it's a comparison to other cities no that's I'm not wrong that's exactly what you said and so um just be quiet and listen be quiet sir be quiet and listen that's what I said canot disrespect me sir and so he says that you compare it to other municipalities and based on that you gave her a race to match kind of match whatever they they're they're they're making there but you didn't say let's compare the cities you know it's just the salaries yeah let's give it raas the in salary but not not the city no and so you know anybody with h you know the the intelligence of a force Gump would say to Madame ba when she comes to uh to you guys for a race you say to her we don't have the money and even if I mean it it's unconscionable that we have so many problems here in the city and you guys are giving yourself races and stuff like that so the answer should be if you think you're not making enough what you do is update your resume send it to the private sector see if they will have you for the kind of money that we're paying you but I want to close with this um I don't know how many times Alex has said that you know the reason that people criticize this city is that or all the fights over here in the council time is up and the answer is speak CL you know all the people talk here for 5 10 minutes and but you guys good night what what what you say is that it's because of the fights and the councel that's not the reason the reason is the crime listen to me it's the crime it's the drugs it's the shootings it's the prostitution those are the things that people criticize let speak don't care less about what you fight about fo elv the name Elvis Duran oh the church boy Mr my church man I just want to know what he's doing to make a difference thank you good evening I came in peace tonight amen amen say it again my name is Elvis dorm fourth War patteron New Jersey okay um just want to say thank you to some people that's in the community always looking out for the the youth and the community Mr KC y'all know who KC is all right he always have his annual Christmas celebration I believe it's him and his oranization believe the city don't give no funds but we do have a separate budget for events in the city of I want to bring that out there also I want to say thank you to Sharon Easter and the patteron police department always doing a annual Christmas event Halloween event and Christmas event also miss Nancy Grill G Grill and the whole Barber Park organization and also to miss CIA black she always doing her annual Youth Event patteron New Jersey we got to look at that this is the third largest city of New Jersey with no Community centor Building no vacation centor building and these people is doing what they need to do also I want to talk about the Art Factory Art Factory is coming up November 22nd right so to the ones that's going to be begging on the Art Factory with that big money I'm give you some ideas we need a hotel hotel that could create jobs cu the off is right there by the national park we need a hotel and a Performing Art Center some of y'all say why Performing Art Center we got so many entertainment we got singers we got the 2024 McDonald gospel Prof when to live in patteron New Jersey we got hip-hop artist hip-hop artists Jazz we got Spanish singing We got re this is the third largest city in New Jersey with no Performing Art Center the Art Factory that's a perfect place to put a Performing Art Center a hotel and a recreation center that place is big like a m feel me also patteron needs lowincome Apartments the rent is too dog on high in this city seem like FL getting everything nobody can't buy nothing and I'm talking to the administration y'all already know me okay we need low income 2025 is coming up y'all also now I'm getting into the downtown area the holidays is coming up we need walking policing in the downtown area walking policing in the downtown area please give me walking policing only for the month of December that's it the whole month of December so people could come here from out of state and spend their money and shop and park in our nice parking lots and parking garages also I want to say thank you to to the people always supporting the downtown area um my Council woman from the fourth War councilwoman Ruby cartton [Music] councilwoman at LGE Marissa Daria I seen her shopping inside C City Mall spending that big money eating that um Nashville hot chicken um councilman of the fifth War LS vas councilman of the third world Aris mandez councilman um RT UD d i n coun councilman at lws he he always have his meetings and doka donuts in the downtown area and councilman khif just want to say thank y'all and Council woman at laws Luc men downtown patteron New Jersey today shopping and on spend the time at the parking authority I just um want to say thank you um hey I'm trying to show you respect trying to give you props no come on come on now okay I I don't have to do this but I'm doing this okay yeah but but thank you thank you um I also want to say anybody that want to know what's coming up in the city of patteron I am the real media I am the face acknowledge me my Facebook my Facebook page is Elvis good news d h m my Facebook Elvis good news d r h a m my YouTube channel is pisy NJ good news py NJ good news on YouTube okay and to the ones one the last remember it was a time I was I was a big supporter it was a time I used to walk side by side with you so remember what goes to on comes to on Election is coming up some of y'all running familiar okay and I am the face of the black community and the Spanish Community God bless you good night thank you next speaker M clerk next victor herbz very much uh good evening members of the council viewers and uh the public in general uh there are a couple of things I would like to address um one of them there was a recent article on the patteron Press that's that's titled feds hold back 2.2 million from patteron Community Development Fund so that's an issue that I would like to get some answers from the city or from the members of the council as to what's happening obviously the article spoke about the the city's failure to spend those funds so I would like um some answers as to that uh the other matter I would like to discuss or at least address um I want of uh perhaps not mention any names but this week I had the opportunity to meet with two of the council members here um one was for a public space that we needed and it was promptly addressed and I would like to say thank you to the council person um on that matter the other one um the other council person called me uh with regarding a tenant in the city of Patterson that was getting evicted the following day and as an attorney that person reached out to me we went to court and we were able to resolve it in a timely fashion and the point being is that when community and the council works together we get uh positive results so I want to just give a shout out and they know who they are um lastly uh just something that I had to vent is about the general election that took place last week um you know and as an attorney he just dawned on me that if I were to have 35 felonies Federal felonies I would not see the day of light there will be no bail there will be nothing so that's a issue that I wanted to address and the the funny part of it is the president did not do one day in jail that is sickening to me as an attorney um but the point being is that I realized as a Civic lesson um I realized that if you're white have money and influence you could get you could get away with a lot and today with the Pledge of Allegiance when he ends Justice for All My Lord um I don't know what the justice is in that particular instance however I think the other issue that goes for us as a general Republic is the issue of voting we need to be we need to be very careful how we vote in the upcoming election in the city of Patterson and that is a is an issue that it should not be done down the race line I'm Dominican so I vote Dominican I'm black so I vote black I'm this so I vote this no we need to be very Vigilant as to the issues the candidates are presenting and then hold them accountable so um I just needed to address that thank you very much next speaker man CLK Mr zel Thomas all right good evening um I'm came in here to address the um resolution for a community Le non-car response to community crisis for those who you who were aware that I came last month um our team had collected over 500 signatures um from Patterson residents um throughout the city who are in support of this type of initiative in Patterson for those of you who are not aware it's a different alternative to just having police respond to someone going through a mental health crisis or going through a substance use crisis many times um when the police um arrives to that type of situation the person becomes either more aggravated or sometimes um violence ensues and we wanted to prevent that type of violence from happening whether it's um harm coming to the officer or harm coming to the resident by having like a mental health professional or a community person there or EMT being able to respond to someone in their most vulnerable um moment so what this um resolution is doing is just saying that the city of Patterson is in support of initiatives like this and Embraces um these types of Alternatives from being in the city and any other Alternatives that will make the city safer for all of our residents we should all be willing to explore different things that make all of us safe especially our most vulnerable especially those who are going through a mental health crisis or substance use crisis so hopefully everyone uh had Tak a chance to look at that resolution and will be in support of it today thank you thank you s Miss P clerk Miss syvia far good evening everyone hello to everyone in p siia Farrar um I reside in the city of patteron in Brook slope which is a co-op and there are certain Co-op rules that govern our community and also I'm sure govern uh those who are sitting here on Council when a council person takes upon himself to benefit use a situation to their own gratification as to uh employ people of their families to neate themselves financially uh that's illegal and in your uh ethics it says in in a representative form of government it is essential that a the conduct of the public official and employees shall hold the respect and confidence of the people public officials must therefore avoid conduct which is in violation of their public trust or in which creates a justifi impression among the public that which such trust is being violated now while a I personally experienced some of this myself now when the flood was occurring down on River Street am uh EMS our mayor and red Closs FEMA were all down there trying to fish people out of the war at the fire department uh our council person First Ward was knocking on the doors in Brook slopes trying to get signatures for his candidacy our lerus first Ward councilman has uh his family employed by Brook slope to do landscaping his family was in Brook slope as Mike Jackson's uh home repair whatever they call himself working on apartments and even came into my unit to ask me because I said well you know I brought up about my washing machine well I could do that I'm like well of course you know nobody's licensed I'm not going to let anybody do electrical work in my house without a license of course but such things are happening now how can you sit on the city council and gratify yourself financially off of a unit that you're supposed to be quotequote protecting I promised Miss Jordan join her before she left here and those who were in attendance that I would protect Brook slopes from all predators because every Management Group that came through Brook slope because the board did not know any better or because they participated has stolen from Brook slope and what was happening with the Landscaping they were coming every week stirring dust there was no grass to be cut every week you don't cut grass every week anywhere and now they have the audacity to try tried to get a bid to come back into Brooks loope again because one of the board members is relative self- profess relatives to miss councilman Mike Jackson so they're trying to get back in Brook slope again and when I took this landscaping company before the judge and asked the young man three different times judge Jacobs what is his relationship to Mike D he refused to answer clamp down would not refuse but we do know that they are a relative so you know he takes them all over the pth he's trying to get little contracts they only had one contract which was Brook slope and they abused us they stole from us wow on a weekly basis and now you have the audacity to try to get them back in Brooks L again it's not going to happen it's not going to happen and tell your family member to get off me cuz that ain't going to happen either so that's all I have to say about you're in violation of the city's trust Brook slope's trust you pretend to be all working all for Brooks but it's all for your benefit wow and I want to make that clear to everyone here and I did address it I asked for an investigation on it I don't know who's supposed to be checking him but he's not for us Brook St pay attention I keep telling you there no more than what I've been telling you all through the years when you found out the board was stealing then everybody's oh well you knew it all on people were living up there rent free that was on the board they paid a dime got their family throughout Brook slope wow illegal activity on a daily stealing on a daily do whatever the heck they want to do on a daily wow yes I'm speaking with you directly I don't come through the back door wow I'm in the front door I didn't call for you but you came for me so here I am understanding wow not steal from Brook slope let's speak let's speaker M CL council president you allow councilman inz and you can indefinitely allow this Madam can we please where's the where's the City attorney I mean you should report it directly to the attorney so they could be an investigation trust me everybody up here on this day would love to see me in cuffs and whatever information you just passed was totally incorrect can I can I have the floor and speak Cil Members First of all council members council members council member last or address one of the members of the community I'm going to allow him to address it and then we're going to continue the public P show go ahead have I don't have no family members I don't have no family members that do landscaping I don't have no family members that that's doing work up there listen take your complaint to the chief of police I will escort you there whatever information you need from me Michael Jackson home repair what are you talking about you know how many Michael Jacksons there are in this city alone I don't have a business that that that do any home repair thank you all right so let's continue you came to my home and questioned me about the what happened in the trial how did you know what was said in the trial what are you talking about I don't know about any I don't know about any Tri what I know is you had you've had a picture of Andre say on your door for years you nevered me and now you coming up here making a false accusation report it to the city report give you the number to the attorney general I'll go down there with you everything you're saying is incorrect everything you're saying is incorrect 8:00 we have AAL meeting wow I just wanted to make it public public knowledge Miss Linda Mo counc president council president let her finish let her finish Miss Linda Mo my God CC members please members of the public minutes as soon as we finish we waiting for the lawyers to have executive SE so EMP here they're already here and they getting paid with taxpayer dollars we get paid too oh okay thank you good evening City Council Members I stand before you today as a concerned citizen single mother and a victim of corruption in Patterson I'm here to expose the unjust practices of prominent developer Florio and seek Fair compensation and resolution I purchased the property from Florio unaware of the Hidden cost and Corruption that would follow despite repeated attempts floron has neglected to provide necessary documentation and leaving me with thousands of dollars of losses and damages the building and zoning department issued summonses for an illegal dwelling contradicting florio's claim and official records Florio failed to provide CCO documentation variance letters hindering dismissal of summonses a c official acknowledged knowing Florio and his tactics the prosecutor himself advised against stirring the pot when I wanted to go to trial pre uh I sought resolution through civil means scheduling meetings with Florio and the mayor without much success florio's actions have cost me thousands of dollars sign significant emotional distress forced me to hire additional attorneys resulted in unnecessary property taxes on illegal three family family my demands are complete resolution Fair compensation for damages and losses acknowledgement of corruption and accountability compensation for illegally collected property taxes as Citizens we deserve transparency and Justice I will not tolerate any more corruption and I will pursue Federal intervention if necessary because I have names of those City officials which is more than one that have stated with me or they have shared with me about their awareness of corruption in this entire town choosing to care and pressing leaders to be Godly leaders we must expose corruption and Safeguard our moral compass leadership is on honoring role of service not self-service I question what I question what happened to our values where there is no counsel the people fail but in the multitude of counselors there is safety Proverbs 11:14 for God has given us a SP not a spirit of fear but a of power and of love and of sound mind 2 Timothy 1:7 thank you next speaker M clerk Mr Joel keys on the mic Joe Keys Patterson in 1968 HR Brown said the Republicans serve the interests of the Republican party and the Democrats serve the interests of the democratic party which leaves no one to serve the interests of the people especially poor people to bring democracy to pison movement means the people people organized and mobilized as a United Force to serve the interests of the people during an interview in 1998 a Peter belly affirmed quote Malcolm X believed in independent political action I mean you would never hear Brother Malcolm do like some folks do today they can give you absolutely devastatingly accurate analysis of the flaws of the democratic party and then you say well what do we do about it and they say join the Republican party I mean it's like a joke and I tell them I say man black folks were members of the Republican party for 71 years from 1865 to 1936 then they became Democrats from 1936 to now so you've given both parties sufficiently long periods of time to do something and you see what's happening Common Sense tells you now to do something else set up something that's independent and brother Malcolm believed in independent political action I think he would have been involved in the political process but I think he would have been very instrumental in forming an independent black Le political party unquote the late great political analyst Glenn Ford referred to Democrats and Republicans as corporate Democrats and corporate Republicans who were representatives of the corporate imperialist party in this process political lobbyists who are corporate lawyers represent various corporations and they give money to corporate Democrats and corporate Republicans in this favor for favor racket the lobbyist secure Congressional votes from corporate Congress members in favor of their clients the various corporations many of these corporate Democrats and corporate Republicans are stakeholders in these corporations Malcolm X said quote you got Governors Over States and Senators who were grinning your face like they're your best friend and got interest in Africa and go there and I know because I've seen them there unquote the Civil Rights Movement is the best model for what the bring democracy to patteron movement hopes to achieve tennis Guru Nick baller was asked if he ever thought he would achieve the kind of success he did and he said said quote if I had thought about it it would have never happened I just go and do I don't worry about success or failure if I surround myself with good people then it improves my chances for Success unquote that is the same philosophy I subscribe to while attempting this endeavor thank you brother hopefully the good people I need to surround myself to achieve success will hear the message and he the call thank you next speaker M clerk Miss Paula Alf for paa good evening Patterson good evening Council thank you for the three minutes I'm here today as the co-founder of the Stony Road Neighborhood Network I have some of the members here with me we are here about one of the items on the agenda about a redevelop velopment in the um on the Danforth Avenue in Nagle Street um for a proposed 40 unit building that is wanting to come to our community it is something that we do not want we do not need Redevelopment in the Stony Road neighborhood if you go through the area of Stony Road very little blight very little abandoned homes what you will find are families one family mostly one family homes people raising their uh children we are a real Community we pl together uh we call each other on the phone um when items like this come up and we want to just impose upon you I don't know if you've rolled through Stony Road um lately I ask you to please do so before you would ever vote to about Redevelopment in our area because if you ride through Stony Road you're going to see a quiet neighborhood of families you're not going to see blight you're not going to see an area that needs Redevelopment so I'm not quite sure where that even came from that you will even be considering Redevelopment in an area that totally does not need it um uh I think that we have shown in the past that if we do go in that direction we will be very Vigilant we will fight and we will win so just here to implore that um you want to say anything I'm just concerned because um we just had something approved in September C close to the mic hiam we just had something approved in September and Nel Street where they want to do this resoning it's a school right there it's a two um two-way street and it's very narrow very narrow should really be a one it should be a narrow it should be in K knows he's our councilman you know it's very narrow okay all right so that's our concern we don't want this in our community we don't want in our neighborhood and we're here to express that to vote against it and we're only three tonight because we just found out about this at about about 12:00 we just I said we we just found out about it at 12:00 our association just found out about it at 12:00 today from an article that was written yesterday trust it would have been about 50 to 60 more of us because we are strong units so just ask you to please uh consider that in your vote thank you thank you next speaker M clerk Mr Michael price Michael Michael price that's it last one good afternoon yeah good evening Mr Price good afternoon uh council president before I I wait members of the public please sh thank you before I start I would I would like to First say we should get this mic fixed I paid for this mic it's the wrong kind of mic and it's not made for people like me let's get this mic fix this has been going on for years it's ridiculous but I also would like to ask for some Grace while I talk to you guys because several other people came here and they talked to you guys and they were allowed some Grace based on that clock so I need that tonight I won't tell any lies but I'm going to call some names okay my list is long but it doesn't matter that it's long because it's going to be on the record you got a stenographer over there they're going to get it I want you to get this list and get yourselves prepared to respond to these questions by next week because most Council meetings the public comes here we address our concerns and they're never all addressed you pick and choose the ones that you desire to to address and the other ones they just fall on deatha ears I'm a taxpayer so technically you can call me Bill payer that's who I am I pay the taxes all the council members here except for councilman Jackson voted for cutting the the meetings down by 50% so you can get more done I want to see the documentation on what you've gotten done over the last four months that you wouldn't have gotten done had you had meetings twice a month and had the regular meetings the way they were scheduled when you voted and you elected to take this seat knowing how many meetings there were okay we have a right to question you about everything so you should not take it personal at all some of you guys here I know some of you I don't know but I don't need to because when we're talking about business business I have a right to ask you questions the problems come up when I don't ask and I don't force you to reduce documentation that's how we got here where we are today changing when we collect sewer fees I've heard several council members talk about changing when we should collect sewer fees I've spoken to several of you on the phone about it nobody produced any documentation to support your position you guys are pro development none of you are looking out for me as taxpayer when I bought my house here 20 years ago nothing is the same and I mean there's not one positive thing that I've seen in this city since I purchased my house not one and now you guys are looking to look out for the developers hey wait a minute I'm a black man in front of you okay I'm G tell you what the rules are when the black people begin to figure out what's going on you know what you do you change the rules so now when I get to the point where my house is almost paid for another year or so you're going to change the rules and focus on making illegal apartments in basements I live on a block that has all Cape cods but guess what you can't find a park on my street now you know why some of my neighbors have illegal Apartments why why are we doing that there's no ratables coming to me there's none coming to the city because you guys can't enforce any rules to the business administrator I send an email asking about the sewer collection fees and I wanted to know about the when where why and how you didn't respond to my email it's not cool you took a $50 pay increase but you can't respond to a simple email I don't care if you don't have an answer for me say I don't know that's always acceptable also to Al Marissa and Shaheen you guys talk about responsiveness I sent all of you guys an email last week not one of you responded and councilman khik you had the nerby tell councilman Jackson you should read your email no you should read your email and start being more responsive to the public when we come here it's a waste of time like it's a waste of my time to come here I have to come to the city council meeting you give me immediately three minutes to give you guys a grade on a report card why when I came here today there's a sign outside I saw a sign outside for the Dominican consulate uh a permit parking space what what are you talking about why why and do me one more favor please stop I repeat stop with the street namings and stop with the flag racing stop it like come on I mean why don't I mean you I mean you guys are a great body I'm going to give you a chance to do something great how about you write an ordinance and we change every street name in Patterson one time just change them to whatever you want you know why it means nothing to me as a taxpayer when you name a Street behind a group or organization I've been paying my taxes give me a second councilman I've been paying my taxes for 20 years over 20 years you know what I get for it an additional tax bill that's what I get for it and you guys keep Street naming and you're raising Flags I don't I don't care about a flag ra I don't care you know why it means nothing it falls on death ears because you guys keep going out when I call you you don't answer doer you don't answer any your voicemails guess what all the voicemails are either full or they're not set up what kind of business is this can you imagine now if your paycheck was based on that voicemail working it would work you guys don't answer the phones you don't respond to emails but I constantly see you at photo op s everywhere everywhere you guys you just got to get your face on the camera why why and the public has to come here to address you now guess what if you talk to me I wouldn't need to come down here to address you I didn't have to have to address councilwoman Mims I didn't have to address Jackson I didn't have to address cotton valz you know why they take my calls even when they know I don't have anything good to say I tell them in the very beginning I'm not calling you to give you a pat on the back I'm not but you you don't take my I called you last week coun please it up council president do me a favor get your council members in check okay first what you're not going to do to me in public is tell me that you've taken my calls I called you last week I called you when's the last time you took a call from me um hold on hold on hold on when I ask a question the time Mr when is the last time you took a call from I extend the time you don't know you can't prove it you can't prove it thank you Mr Price show it to me show it to me now miss miss you can't do it anyway in close thank you Mr Price I appreciate it I extended time you're the last speaker and we go into a second I just want to say one more thing councilman this is the last thing I going to say I promise yeah has any of you guys looked at the Patterson Plus app I don't know who's managing that app I don't know what they're doing and trust me I didn't script this the people behind me I didn't tell them anything I didn't talk to them at all but this app is ridiculous I can go on and post something every day every single day and you get the runaround we're going to check it we're going to check it we're going to check it the crazy thing is you people know nothing about technology the app has the status on there you can't change the status to close when I'm the one that opened it and I know the issue still exists I'm I'm looking at it you can't do that yeah but nobody's managing the app nobody's managing this city we don't know what's going on and we need you guys to get it together and fix it thank you Mr together and fix it thank you and I took your call we spend half an hour the phone you did take my call me for call cof yes have a personal debate for one hour motion to close uh public Portion by Council DAV by Council Council roll call Madam clerk roll call call to close a public portion of the municipal Council regular meeting of November 14th 2024 councilman abdulaziz thank you madam clerk I'm going to use my two minutes real quick to give an update about some things that are going on in the the six Ward uh residents please be advised and be aware that many many roads are going to be are going to be closed because they are milling and repaving many roads in the lake view section in South Patterson I want to thank the administration for trying to get it they're getting it done the engineers here uh before the winner season because if they didn't get it done by the end of this week or next week uh these roads will not be repaved um so there isn't convenience please bear with the administration the construction company hopefully by midweek next week all these roads um in the lake view section and South Patterson section will be repaved so please please be patient and I know many of you have been texting me with when your Road's complete your satisfaction you know there are residents are satisfied with some of the things are getting done and I I'm gladly have the text messages to show so my vote is yes Madam clerk thank you thank you councilman abdulaziz councilwoman cartton thank you madam clerk I just want to address uh a few of the speakers that was here um to Roger um the report was sent over several times um to community Improvement I got the email back again um that they are going to go to 265 um and it it was sad that little baby came out of that house that they were um you know they boarded up they break they break the door down they boarded up they break the door the only one that can do that is community um Department of Public Works and they send it over but I just want you to know Roger that um I'm staying on top of it to make sure that besides the door being broken all the debris that's in the back to me all that debris causes rodents and they're running all up and down the street and and it's not safe for the house houses that are right next to it so I will um Roger stay on top of that 265 Hamilton um CU you saw me there the other day when I drove by um I'm thinking it's on the other side of the street but I I see where it's at also um Patricia McNeil you know you're right people you showed a picture of your mom or your grandom and know she could not vote and for those who did not vote shame on you shame on you we get ready to get in for a rough ride shame on you when St when thing going to start to happen I'm not sure what's going to happen I got to try to stay as positive as possible because I'm not sure what's in store for us um I just want to say also to um Cory T you talked about special needs I know what it is to go to Trenton 7:30 in the morning so I think that parents have to start getting back to going down there and forcing their hands forcing a board egg um State Board of Education because right now there's such a I used to ask my son every day when he came from school uh was your teacher in um did you have a sub today because what you try to do parents you have to look at teachers you got to look at how they're absent you got to look at I don't want my child in a class where the teachers out every other week because then you're not going to learn so I say to parents please do your best to be more involved and come and I can say to you um Cameo you are there for the kids and I want to say to Corey there's such a special needs right now now that the the border ed has just an apartment of just a department just for homeless children uh they have three to four workers just for homeless children that they have to try their best to get them to school every morning and then get them back to where they living and they could be in Wayne they could be in Fairfield they could be in Teena but they have to get them to school they got to get them back and to make sure that they're taken care of I just also want to say to um you know there's just so much stuff that's happening and for Elvis you be trying you put everything out there for everybody but for and it's pretty good because there's a lot of good stuff I know I'm I'm looking forward to my Eric McKenzie gospel concert that's going to be Saturday U November 16th at pre Temple you know if you're not doing anything come out and you really would enjoyed it you would love it um I just want to say too I didn't hear about um um um zel Thomas the the I didn't even hear about that one but the the $2.4 million they sent him no that was Victor that sent the back to the Community Development um I also want to say to um you know what I find that we have to do our best to um Keys you know what you have spoken I know what it is I was a sheer crer I know what it is to work sun up to sun down that's why I can go as a counsil woman I can work day in in and day out cuzz I'm so used to it I'm used to crawling on my knees and picking cotton I know what it is to put in tobacco I know what it is to clam the barn up there so you know I just want to say and I think of some of us I know how it feels but we still looked out for each other and I know some people would say I still have a heart for the people you got to have it because you never know when you look at them what they've gone through what has happened to them what they had to deal with in life in general just being here and you know and and my daughter's a teacher at Kennedy she's not a teacher she's special at there's so many kids here that that that are are living in toxic homes they're living in fad home and so coming to school is about the best thing for them and so when they come to school they need somebody who cares about them they need somebody who loved them my daughter don't mind having the students who don't want to eat in the cafeteria to eat lunch with her that's all they want they need somebody to say you know we care about you we got to be able to do that so I'm not going to um uh Michael price I do return your call I do talk to you uh but um you know I and my thing is that even if we disagree but I'm going to answer your call I'm going to call you back I'm going to call you back now nobody can't dare say and you can nobody can't say if you call me today I'll call you either today or I call you tomorrow or I call you next day but I do return calls I do return calls and I can say that so but we need more to do and I don't know about that patter in app either but we need to figure out um what's going wrong with that that things are not getting that should be answered that not getting answered with that being said I need some more stuff to say but we need to go to our special meeting um Madam clerk my vot is yes thank you councilwoman cotton councilwoman daver so we do have to go into a special so I can't address everyone that spoke today but I'm going to say this I don't know who likes for someone to come and start yelling in their face and thinks that they're going to get a good reaction okay or to call someone a liar when you can show proof with a phone with text messages timestamps when you return people's calls or their text messages all right so it it saddens me because the last phone call that was made to me yes that is correct I was not able to answer but my God to say that you never get approached that's wrong but with that said that's all I'm going to say about that the proof is on the phone that's all I'm going to say so um to everyone else you know um I understand a lot of the concerns you know um I appreciate people coming putting forward you know what their concerns are something nice to say that's good if you don't have nothing El to say that's okay as well that's your freedom of speech you're able to come here I just need you to know as I've approached many of you many of you know me you have a direct connect to me my personal cell phone not the city my personal cell phone okay and for those that do don't know if you're calling the city phone and it's full I don't have a phone I've been waiting for a few months okay so with that said you know I'm just going to leave it at that I'm not going to address anyone else um my vote is yes to close the uh public portion thank you councilwoman daver councilman Jackson thank you madam clerk uh today's a record first person I've ever had come to the podium cont uh uh in opposition of me that way which is great as I I mean brother price I answer everyone's phone call in fact I got on the elevator with Miss Ferrar and she failed to mention anything about some concerns that she had about what I was doing let me be clear I don't have any family members in fact I I don't have I wish I had a family member that that did long so so I have my own grass cut but I don't have any family members who have who owns a a landscaping company which some of you used to see I uh purchased a lawn mower and weed whackers and chainsaws we used to go around it with this uh the Mike Jackson rap residence assistance program where I paid people to work I paid guys to cut grass to blow the leaves I never ever if you could find somebody that says that I took a dime from anybody in doing such I we did the the the Health Center on Clinton Clinton in North Main I left the van in the parking lot which was locked up somebody jumped the fence broke into the van stole all the equipment and I have not replaced it in fact the van is now sitting in my driveway on Clinton Street you can go check the driver side windows still broken I don't have have a family member who does long work I don't know where you got that information from but is incorrect uh brother Greer see if if we were um if we were concerned about the neglect that we get from these land owners we would force them to place their home addresses and their phone numbers on the property cards you go to uh to to tax uh Division and you at you you trying to inquire who owns the property you can't find it out they got the the property address listed so you send a certified letter to to the property owners when they're getting when they should be getting cited for not properly taking care of their their land they can't nobody can get in contact with them they're not they don't have the numbers there because you know they're not even uh um concerned with uh uh uh what what they're not even concerned with holding those people accountable they're more concerned with holding the residents accountable for things directly now miss Patricia mcneel you're absolutely correct the property unheld in I was stolen from the church then across the street now from um from across the street from down up the street you see that illegal Car Lot is there those trucks are being parked illegally it doesn't fit to the zoning uh requirements of the neighborhood it's been addressed with the city attorney he's allowing it it's on death years the Administration has not issued in fact they're fighting against the Personnel the City personnel like Mr Dave Gilmore that's trying to do the right thing that's no surprise that's been going on for how long when the Art Factory had 160 tickets written they go into the courts and have those tickets arbitrarily um uh abated uh brother obas uh Victor obas I'm I'm extremely appreciative I mean the condescending attitude I mean what I'm if if anything that I'm saying is incorrect and is not true then place it on record and I'll provide the uh the necessary documentation the the property that was formerly owned by the church that we're still fighting I'm I'm I'm helping with acquiring attorney was there's a a a a tax sales certificate that was purged by this Council has been acknowledged by The Corporation Council so what they're talking about I I have no idea about trying to negate with the facts but brother obas yeah I'm extremely appreciative thank you for um helping me with this young lady because obviously this municipality the Administration has no concern for the neglect and the poor treatment to tenants and residents within the city the alarming rate in which people are being evicted with absorbent rents at $2,200 at $2,300 in fully subsidized apartment complexes you know I had the I had the the the pleasure of spending the E evening earlier today with this young lady a single mother two daughters her daughters a a straight A students one in high school one in grammar school this this young mother she she she spent one one year in high school at East Side she wound up she didn't finish she went to job corpse put herself through college got her Bachelor her Associates and her bachelor's degree and she's struggling like crazy she lost she had a job at well she had she had a very good wellp paying job she lost her job had to start collecting um unemployment and the the land owners are taking advantage of her and just showed up at a house not posting no notice on the door not doing what they're supposed to do was required by the court giving her ample time to to understand what what circumstances she's facing they show up there with a with a a constable and new locks to change the locks in the doors this is how our resid are being treated so I do appreciate you and I will be speaking with you because in the meantime these same Rogue landlords are are illegally charging for parking and this Council this council president the item that I wrote he decided to remove it because oh it needs to go through the process but yet you saw in last week's meeting two directors come to the podium while another council person tried to call the director a liar she stood her ground said no you no that's not correct I never saw the item in fact myself and the other director came to the council to request for it to be removed not only did they not remove it they they moved it later on in the evening in the in the quiet of the dark to get the support the fifth vote which councilman oudin now claims he doesn't want to support it but he was the decid and vote the day that the item was moved on the first reading so pay attention to what's happening people they're playing a game up here supporting something one day then the next day coming up with All Kinds of Kinds of excuses the director came to the podium and said she never saw the item but my item gets removed my item by the way helps the residents who are illegally being uh uh targeted and charged for parking that have been pay being charged for parking for well over 20 plus years and it says clearly on his zoning ordinance that land owners are not capable of charging for parking unless certain requirements are met and not one of them have met those requirements and that's definitely facts brother price I know it may feel daunting I know sometimes it may feel uh as if the task is too heavy or your your concerns are going on on death ears but trust me it's not a waste of time because every time someone like yourself comes up here before the at the podium all you're doing is is properly informing the public on what's not taking place here so can please continue to do what you're doing brother Thomas I respect appreciate you man thank you for coming just a point of a Clarity to a note to you while you're here the chatter of why was that item that you came in support of put on the agenda again because certain members requested for it to be removed and they already uh uh trying to figure out if it's going to be removed again because see here doing the right thing is not what the agenda is it's more so about who's doing it who sponsored it who's benefiting from it and as you saw if you guys watching Council meetings in the last couple of weeks you have council members working on behalf of the developers carrying their water carrying their water and then what's more what's more it's not even it's not even a surprise anymore what's more concerning is how the council president has become such a water boy for the mayor the same mayor that went on a public in in the public paper called him a criminal now they are Kumbaya as he's it's like a football game Mr Mayor you thirsty you thirsty squirting a water bottle in his mouth but the mayor's got his neck back and this guy is carrying doing doing doing his his bidding all the things before not one item and now all of a sudden we got a water boy as a council president it's it's amazing it's amazing and so miss Farrar if it's something that you would like to address with me you have my phone number if it's take a p please take a photograph please take a photograph of this TR truck that says Michael Jackson Landscaping Company take a photograph of the people who are doing the work over there and you know the the the the attorneys here he would love he would love to see me drug out of here in handcuffs trust me they'll do the they'll do the the the due diligence for you and I can give you the Attorney General's number I can give you the prosecutor's number I have nothing to do I've never taken a dime from anybody up there in fact it's it's amazing 240 units and you're the only one here today talking about I'm the person that's that's doing something incorrect up there in fact I pushed for your for the the pilot um um extension while various members up here saying it was stupid no no talking about how it you book soap is not worthy of a pilot extension that's a lie so I I I'm really curious where you got your information from you know I know you a part of that water boy staff as well but uh anyway Madam clerk Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you thank you councilman Jackson councilman CLE thank you Madame clerk councilman Jackson need to mind your business I'm a elected council person like him so you need to keep my name what I'm doing um out of your mouth obviously I'm doing something right that's why I'm in your mind I never mentioned your name but you know your you know you know what you're saying you feeling you feeling that water Bo syndrome as well you you know what you're saying you run the second one you mention only name I mentioned was a probably probably name I mention was you should keep everyone's name out of your mouth simple is that you were a elected person you are one vote one vote one vote make me that's it every meeting every I'm speaking you guys had a time you guys spoke make me you guys um all of us are elected person just like you just like you you got elected with 700 something vote I triple that number I triple that number I triple that number also um I want to thank Paula alfor chair for coming tonight I spoke about that item on last Workshop me I'm totally against even doing a study this resolution is supporting uh giving our zoning board to do a study that section of Stony Road section of patteron it doesn't need Redevelopment is a beautiful section Carly Avenue just got repay Coldwell Avenue top of the Coldwell Avenue got repaved as well we have one and two family beautiful owner occupi I mentioned that before almost every house is owner occupied the owners living in the house that's why the section of city of patteron is is beautiful and um like I said in in last week meeting I don't think it doesn't even make any sense for even giving zoning board to do a study honey basically we're saying if you own a three lot in city of patteron you could do a study and build a five stories building anywhere in Syria patteron for us voting yes on that item I think do the same thing if you want at three lots in city of Patterson do a study in with zoning board and build a five story high building that's basically what I'm saying um also I want to thank everyone for coming tonight to close the public portion my vote is yes Madam clerk thank you councilman khle councilwoman Ms so to the public that is present and those that are watching I always have to commend you for taking time out of your busy schedule for being here last week I was not here I was on vacation a much needed one but I am back and ready to serve to all of the uh individuals that spoke at public portion there were many um Madame ba and to uh Corporation Council there was a process where it was stated that when the public comes in the following Meeting those questions and the responses will be here and available for the residents um we need to not just have it here there needs to be a process where it could be posted on our website as well because if if people have taken time out of their schedule to come and ask questions they deserve a response and or an answer there were many things that were said and I don't want to go into everything but G I'm going to take a look at your video I I made a point of reference not to view anything on vacation for a change but I will take a look at that in the morning to see what's there and make sure we have inspectors um when it comes to uh the junkyards this city council is not approving those popup junkyards I have reported many of them they're not just in one section of the city they're popping up everywhere but this council is not approving them sometimes we don't even know they're there until someone calls or we're riding through a street and we see that they've taken a residential lot or property and they've made it into a car lot junkyard location and or whatever some of this stuff happens in the middle of the night you wake up in the morning something is there so that is not this Council approving it that is people taking matters into their own hands um I also want to say for uh School Board congratulations to hacton neeves uh new newly elected commissioner uh Henry Rosado and as well commissioner Corey T I've had the awesome privilege of serving with Cory fatigue in the past on the Patterson School Board Corey has always been an advocate and an activist for our children and for their families so I am very confident that our children will be um in great hands to uh I spoke to Miss Black in regards to her uh visual I wasn't here but from now on I told her make sure I'm aware and if I'm not present that I'll make sure there is rep representation um I want to say in regards to the item that councilman khik just spoke about I absolutely agree with you I am not going I am not supporting it first and foremost as a former planning board member and someone who is certified in land use laws it is not in the purview of the city council to shift the master plan agreement every 10 years the master plan agreement is is done and reviewed and we're able to change it um amended remove or anything that is the time when these type of situations occur and then what happens is sometimes they play with words and say it's only a study we're just doing a study to see we don't need to do a study to see that people want to build five stories on a property we don't need a study for that we know that's what they want to do so the trick is we vote on a study it goes to planning board you know the planning board is going to approve it next you know you have five stories so that's almost a manipulation of the master plan agreement we have to know know and understand our purview as city council legislators it is not within our purview to change or manipulate the master plan that is not our purview that violates the L use laws I'm saying it openly now and when it comes to vote I will not be supporting it and I will be putting it on the record and I agree with you chairwoman Paula Alfred that if it does get approved you can take it to court and you're going to win and they're going to knock it down we cannot go against land use laws even if it's a of supportive need even if it's for whatever the plan is we're doing a study it is a violation I'm putting it on the record it's a violation so when that item comes and it it's approved you take it the next day it will be um it will be um obliterated it will be removed because we cannot do it that is not our purview and I know other people make other comments but going to land use laws it is clearly identified we are not supposed to do that that so what they're saying really is we're avoiding the board of adjustments who makes these plans right we are not going to them so we're going to go to the council you approve a study we go straight to the planning board it's approve this five story goes in a clearly residential neighborhood that's not how the process flows so we have to be careful that we stay within the confines of our particular um our ordinances and land use laws that are in place for us to follow in closing on next tu Tuesday the 19th at school 21 we will be having a Thanksgiving giveaway bags of love we have 600 and almost 60 students in our building for the last three years we have done a phenomenal job of giving out bags of food and um whether it's been turkeys or uh chicken or whatever it's been to our families and we will be doing that this Tuesday as long as you're a parent of school 21 we will be there um on Tuesday at 12:00 first come first serve basis um and then there's so many other announcements that I announc at the end but you know one thing that i' I learned or I realize on vacation two things one life is short and so as much as we can criticize judge or even try to um discredit anyone we have to always take a look in the man man or the woman in the mirror and say to What fault have I played Victor thank you for your AIS kiss I love the way you're stepping up um and Cameo you already know how I feel about you my niece but we have to make sure that we understand that two words that are spoken out cannot be retracted two years right some people are doing things for two years from now they want to be the mayor or I'm putting a slate together to not counsel people off two years in politics is a lifetime I'mma say that again two years in and politics is a lifetime you can not be here you could be relocate something can happen where whatever the case is planning out two years and galvanizing people to discredit or to attack people every single day it does not speak to the person's character that you're intimidated by because that's why you're doing it it speaks to the character of the people that are behind it so you have to be careful two years from now now Anything Can Happen by tomorrow by the next month or whatever if you're focusing on what's going to happen in two years shame on you and I quote the scripture we need to care about today because tomorrow has its own cares of its own let's keep moving forward even if it's just in your own life if you wake up every morning bitter you wake up every morning with hatred and Malice in your heart you got to question yourself if you wake up and you know you're in a place where you can't speak good about anything that's going on even in your city that's a problem the fact that we have air to breathe should be enough for you to say it's a great day the fact that you're able to see out of your eyes is enough to say is a great day and to our children I've been an educator um through the patteron Public District for a very very long time I've been an advocate for our children our students and Cory te can attest when it comes to our students I do not play so when it comes to what our children need and what's needed for the best interest I work in the schools every single day I don't have to make it up I don't have to act I every day this is what I do I live and breed what happens with children I'm a mom and a grandmother my own but I fight for everybody's kid not just in my school but across the city and all other cities people call me from all over the state asking questions and concerns and I saw um in closing um I watched the meeting and it was just sad to say to you Mom to hear your children to hear of them hearing gunshots which we hear a lot in predominantly the first fourth and fifth all the time where we're hearing gunshots or we know victims of people that were shot and or killed in in our city and it's very sad or having to do plans to say what do we do if an active shooter is in the building like just the thought of practicing just in case something happens or having to get down or hide in a closet or hide under a chair or covering your body covering children with your own body to protect them and not even save yourself so I get it um and my heart goes out to your children that have been impacted by that and I would recommend since they are school age children that you go to perform care it's a very great resource where it provides uh free counseling to our students in the city of Patterson but if you go to perform care reach out to them they do virtual and inperson counseling for anyone um and I normally know the number but it's a 877 number if you go up perform Care New Jersey it'll pop right up and to anyone that's dealing with any of these traumatic experiences here in the city of Patterson or abroad please reach out and and Google perform Care New Jersey and use that as a resource because one traumatic experience or one one even sound of a gunshot will impact your children for the rest of your life so make sure you do that Madam Clerk as always I am here to do the city's business not to argue with anybody I am not going back and forth um and I I want to put it on record that I don't wish demise of anyone I don't want nobody to go to jail or get in trouble like I don't even laugh at those things because it's very serious so I am here to serve Madam Clerk and it's glad that you are back and feeling better I'm glad to see you on my niece Crystal looks amazing my vote is just to close close the public portion thank you Dr Mims councilman Udin yes thank you madam Clark good evening Patterson good evening those who are here in the chamber so um Commissioners from Patterson Board of Education and two of the Commissioners elect here in this chamber as of now and uh uh commissioner you are a strong voice for the special education when you were in the uh Board of Education and we saw that one thing I I want to share my experience and that experience can feed to many of the parents in and uh you know in in in Patterson my daughter is going to Patterson public school number 27 pre 3 so at school number 27 and all the elementary school that starts at 8:20 and they end at 3:00 my schedule at jeffk high school starts at 8:15 in the morning and ends at uh 3:20 so in the beginning of 10 minutes and at the end about half an hour I'm spending another PR schools money for to a daycare to uh to take care of my daughter in the beginning of the school at the end of the school just half an hour half an hour another 5600 hours it just just for the scheduling so I think we have to have an uniformed timing for the all the schools since we many of our Educators live in this city in city of Patterson and we want to see our children attending patteron Public School System the money I'm spending to the take care just to cover the beginning and ending of the day I could send my daughter to a a private school but I don't want to see that I want to make sure that my daughter is attending public schools and I care about public school system as an educator as an elected official as a resident of the city of patteron so again I I want to see your voice on this and uh your fellow Commissioners in the Patterson Board of Education and and this is the example that I shared I believe that this example fit for many of our residents uh because of of the timing issue and there is no beginning and after school care not even 10 minutes I I went to the school and I said can you open the door just 5 minutes or 10 minutes before so that I can go to my school cuz only 3 four minutes different from to school number 27 to Jeff only 3 four minutes driving distance right it's right there and I leave only two blocks from the School Number 27 I live on Lexington AB so you know that I leave next to the house but still I'm paying additional payment to a daycare just to cover just to be with my daughter uh in the morning 20 minutes and after school 30 minutes so that's the that's the experience and I I'm this is my daughter first time attending public school so I'm I'm not just educator but also a guardian uh of children you know in Patterson so um come to the point that where we are um talking about the item number second reading item number three and last meeting we had a few hours of debate here in the chamber about s our connection fee I understand that this is about not about the amount is uh you know changing or anything it's just about timing or collecting um s connection fee as of now we collect s connection fee before the permit if that happens today if we get approved in the second reading the the part the uh sore connection fee will be collected uh at the time that the uh you know whoever owns the property get the seal now first reading I supported it and after the first reading I sit down with the PW committee I mentioned that I brought them to have the clear idea about it last meeting I welcom them in the chamber to make sure that they clarify their stand and I want to to make sure that everyone has enough knowledge based on that I I will make my decision and also I believe that my fellow council members will make the decision but it's not my job to convince someone who's going to vote vote in which direction it's not my it's not my job to convince them my job was as a DPW chairman to host a meeting to make sure that we all have clear idea that what's the impact would be if that that approved today and after this I was speaking against it I have no idea one of the council members bringing my name back have no idea I don't want to entertain here but Patterson knows that I'm accessible to you for any anything you need um so again I the last week the DPW representation was here because I brought them here in the chamber to answer any question we have regarding the uh item number 42 about non personal call mental health issue uh I have no idea where council members got the um news that which is going to be removed when we brought it and I I don't know someone can clarify me on this when this item was in one of the workshops about month and a half ago um the Public Safety Committee said that was not discussed in the Public Safety Committee once it's discussed so I don't know I'm that's what I'm trying to express to the people that was not discussed in the uh Public Safety Committee respectfully we were we removed this item from the workshop about month and a half ago this item came back to the workshop last week who brought it back it was it was on the agenda what what does it mean to me is that was discussed in the Public Safety Committee it was not so it was not then why was it there why are we entertaining why we are entertaining this item and bringing the representation here it's not people's fault it's not my fault as a sponsor I don't want to I don't want to see the same nonsense that we repeated month and a half ago if you don't vote vote against vote against vote in favor vote in favor let let people to know where is our standing my point is I cannot as a sponsor to see this is this is coming here and you are saying it was not discussed it was not discussed month and a half ago that's so it was removed and I I gave my agreement okay that's fine let have the discussion it came to the last Workshop session it's not that we skipped the workshop session we just brought it to the regular meeting suddenly that did not happen it was in the last meeting we all saw this council president asked me whether we want consent or non-consent the reason I said noncent cuz I want to make sure that if we have additional question the representation from the black lives matter or Healing Collective or St Joseph hospital they will be here to answer your questions if you have but I don't want to see them sitting here and you are telling them or we did not discuss I don't want to hear that council president let the I my strong stand is I don't want this item to be removed I want this item to be voted whether voted down or up doesn't matter but should be voted um that's not it about uh the nonconstant item uh two of them were was removed and some some of the residents are texting uh me as well regarding uh item number 35 which is um uh uh Railway Road uh um CSO and also regarding the Westside Park so I spoke to James and uh Madame be Madame be will clarify uh for the resent of the city of Patterson about these two items why they were removed uh and we are expecting to see this back in the next council meeting with having said Patterson um uh just know this uh we are sometimes we love to entertain people sometimes like to take get attention from the people that's that's what we try to do but you know who's doing what again I'm employed by you and I I'm trying to serve you I'm not 100% correct but here my my heart and soul is for the city of Patterson and that's my all only goal thank you so much and have a I'm not oh I'm I'm not closing yet my vote is yes to close the public person thank you councilman urin councilman valz I saying good night all right so there um thank you councilman for that coffee um Madam ba uh there's a big concern regarding uh Mr G Greer uh about the abandoned property not being bought up um about two years ago we have a bought up crew in the city of Patterson they used to go out report all those board um those houses abandoned and they used to board it up um if it's possible that you could look into DPW again uh that b up crew especially now in Winter because people go into this abandoned property they could light and they want to get heat they turn anything up and they could burn any house those house especially in the fifth war and all the wars they too close and instead of one house getting burned or the whole block will get burned down so can you look into see we could have that b up crew back in place uh for this type of uh calls especially when it comes up to um and and and just keep in mind resident this is not free that they getting a border up free they put a lean into the property and before they sell that property they have to pay those leans so and um I recall that was a $2,000 um lean to the property even if there one window so look into that bo bo up crew um especially they was on on call when P PD had to do a search into a property and they knew that they have to boat up the property uh and they called DP at that time and they bought up the properties um um let me say this um you know when it's up when it's up to us the council and to defend the FI base of the city we do so we do so we we get items that we see like uh for example you remember Council woman lava when we saw those house um those churches uh getting uh uh tax lean and we pull them all out and we didn't even vote into they don't correct those yeah you remember councilwoman and uh we pull it out because that when they give us the list of the tax sales uh certificate we see property nonprofits we see churches we see a lot of people that we know and um that are nonprofit and we have to put a hold to clarify that list until we move forward to put it back into agenda um to a vote for tax sell um but yes we do that we defend uh Fai based uh organization and uh we stand with them you know and we encourage uh the faith based pastors uh evangelists Min Minister missionaries to go out and do some some work with us and to see we could save more people and the church could get filled and then uh you know it would be nice too right both ways goes both ways um I don't know had uh MIT olivaris did not say nothing that I could answer back uh Miss Camel black I will take care uh that situation that you told me about um the taxi office they supposed to be no cars parking Market Street for delivery because it's not a taxi stand it's not a taxi stand they have an operation of office only a base um and I believe it has a CEO for that but to have right Madam clerk yes sir yes you have a COO for that but to have a taxi stand uh on Market Street is not acceptable and we're not going to allow it way way back in 2012 we had one um mark street with a Quantum Madison Street the guy move his office from there to another place and the parking situation was res sawed because the sign was pulled off but that was way before me being counseling but I took action on the situation but we will look into that I will send a a a a a a call to Patterson PD to make sure that any cap uh not in the lot they're supposed to be to uh to enforce because if they come to solicit a license for cap they they put an address of storage of where those Vehicles going to be Park 24 hours every day and operate FR air so if they overnight parking and taking residents parking especially in the fifth W that you know that we don't have a lot of parking um to address it accordingly uh with a complaint um Madame MOA um you know I I she I know she left I know she's still here Mora uh just I just wan to I just want to because meanwhile you speaking I try to get some some some facts they provide you with certificate occupancy they provide you with a green card no hold on ma'am hold on they provide you the fire inspection tax approval for three families hold on ma'am I I I like I listen to you and I get facts all right um not because a individual from Community Improvement say that he's illegal means that he's right so ma U Madame ba uh corporational Council uh sometimes personal opinion and in a in a function in the community Improvement office could turn into a legal uh um a legal uh how you how you call this a legal legal to the city because a personal opinion of something that's being processed in the city the right way it cannot be happening and then they take the the the the weakest mind of the council to promote that that we all doing everything wrong in the city of patteron and it's not fair it's my understanding the person said if you're not if you don't agree uh with the sell that he have gave you he will purchas you back the house give you 10% more than you pay and and close the deal and everything so I just want to let you know that um one thing I got to say and I going to be straight up you know I was raised in the Bronx right born in Puerto Rico nice beautiful island but I was raised in the Bronx I I I say this and I going to say it without remorse I am happy that the fifth W is the Redevelopment Zone Zone if you go to state Redevelopment law and that we apply here in the City Pass I'm happy I had when I took office I 2016 I had almost 250 property abandoned it was a squad of places G Greer knows about this um the board had made decision that probably is not likable but if you go if you go to the sectors of pison the fifth w or fourth W or in the first war have been redeveloped Zone you're going to see a difference you agreed or don't agreed this places have been redevelop redeveloped and we see the differ in our community all right it's not up to the council to enforce every ordinance the city passing that's why we got inspectors that's we got taxes inspector that's why we police they are the one to reinforce the ordinance and State law I'm happy with the r Redevelopment I'm Pro and I going to say it like this I am Pro Redevelopment I Am pro to people that want to come invest in our city I am PR to those developer that also nonprofit organization from the city of Patterson knock their doors for ask for donation for football team baseball team and all of the above okay I don't agree when some people just slam attack developers and they don't look at what those developer do outside for our community our community and I could mention every developer in the City Pass not only one every developer that when we knock their doors for somebody that uh their house burned down and they have to relocate them I knock the door and they say tell them to come to my office I will put them I replace them in the apartment I could knock doors they and and councilman here have gone even councilman Jackson in their times okay asking developer to help him to a football team and they come forward and does it now everybody's a bad guy now all the developer are wrong now you know what I'm saying so you know you cannot eat from this table and then criticize while you eat that's right last but not least that's right and and and let me say loud and clear you cannot eat from this table from G eat from this table drink the from this cup he's saying e members pleas and then come and criticize it right it's not it's not fair for no one it's not fair for No One um Corporal Council thank you because I miss you for the last last meeting thank you for being here today I know you was dealing with City business but I know you could agree with me and this council is going to agree with me what I going to say whoever has legal issues in this side of the fence you know what I do I don't talk about it out there when people start asking me do you read newspaper I say just pray do you saw what came out in newspaper just pray you know what I do when I know that my colleagues are in some kind of difficulty I pray for them and you know what the second prayer I do give them wisdom and have mercy with them but to say tonight that we are are waiting for people to come out of handcuff and accuse our Corporation counsel that he's uh you know will make a party or whatever if you get out listen that's your business that's your problem we pray for you and hope the law applies accordingly but you cannot come here and start appointing people when you have four finger pointing at you you cannot do that you cannot say let's let's do good business in patteron when their own personal business are failures come on come on we have to stop that and I'm tired let let me say this I'm tired we are the governor body we are the people to be here together working for you guys if Mr oliv come to that Podium and bring concept to work together to curfew the crime to curfew and keep uh keep our city clean we will sit down with him and we do it we will do it I have a yes and no with people and when I finish uh the yes and no I sit down and say list work together I understand we need to work together so we need to move our city forward that's what I going to say tonight ladies and gentlemen if you pray whoever you pray for let's pray together in your way in my way our way will'll be moving the city for G G thank you because I know you don't need to send me an email you have my phone number all right Mr Price I just had two Miss call from you one was an election day and we was busy with the election and the E of this past month I was in a doctor appointment I told you I was going to call you back but you know I was not doing good okay but keep on calling me I don't I I I take care of your calls too uh Madam clerk thank you for coming back I know you was under the weather so my vote is yes CL Mr President wow okay so um members of the public just let me use two minutes to address some of the members of this great city of Patterson that came to speak in front of this Council I just want to say thank you brother G I know you've been mentioned many times but you know we love you uh you're always out there taking picture addressing problem that happen in the community and that's what we need uh Camille black I I do apologize if I went to an event I I try to be everywhere my schedule is kind of it's difficult Francy knows that I wake up at 6 o'clock in the morning by 7 I'm in the road and I try to be everywhere if I if I miss that event or I left early I don't know what happen but let's let's have that conversation you know my my ha is in the city I love you and you know I'm a phone call way Mr surprise you know we have a good conversation I'm looking forward to have that coffee and have one hour debate with you I love your passion and I don't get upset when people come in front of the council you know a lot of you guys when you come in front of the council with concern that address to address this Council you know what I do I open the mic and I and I stand the time because you you came to speak with the council about legitimate concern some people they come here just to destroy and and and call people and I'm not up to that and my Council Cali and they know that you know under no circumstances I try to block my Council Kali to put an item on the agenda or block anybody I love to work with all of them we even with Council Jackson I love to work with everybody and just speaking about Council M Jackson he write a legislation he does he doesn't allow legal and pay attention P he doesn't allow legal to review it and he's expecting for us to take firal action on item the legal hasn't look at it as a council president it's my responsibility I'm not stopping anybody but it's my responsibility to make sure that whatever we vote on legal have to sign out on that because it's a legal document and very often time no he doesn't follow and he's part of the legal committee he doesn't attend to no committee meeting he's part of the legal committee and he never bring a legislation signed by the committee brother T brother commissioner T just keep fighting for her children uh more parent have to get involved and go to Trent to just keep doing a phenomenal job once again congratulation on your reelection you just keep doing the job so going back to this council member there's a process in place piso how you expecting us to take a former action on a matter that haven't been better through legal and he he do that very often time and I assigned him to Legal Committee just because of that you want to work it's hard for him to work with my Council KH for his Council KH and yes Council I mayor say and I we went to to toe it was an ugly fight I finished second on the race on the race for Mayo it was one of the last one did just you know say that for a minute so so I finished second on the race second highest vet but let me speak C let just give me a minute just give me a minute listen I love the city of pis and I could do this all the time I love this city now they he calling me the water boy give me a minute he calling me I love that title because when I became the councilman of the third war the third war is a better place because Alex M is a councilman of the third war East Side park totally renovated East 37 has been fixing over 40 years it's done we fixing River Street now it's getting better he calling me the water boy right the engineer is here Madame B is here and the mayor knows that I've been pushing to make sure that we fix the road P are out of control in the city on this agenda patteron let's talk about policy government good government we investing 1 million 8 59,4 63 almost $2 million on to resurfacing a lot of the road I've been pushing for that me as council president I've been pushing he knows that and the mayor knows that it's getting better do you know that he Council M Jackson he's the Council of the first war and he doesn't know that we fixing 1 2 3 4 5 6 seven a row all in the first war so but when they started consortion to go there do my live video and take picture because that wasn't C Jackson that was me that was fighting now for the record and all my counil Khali Colonia Avenue from chamber Avenue to Christian Place s Ro from Colonia Avenue to Colonia Avenue you know uh brem Ro Colonia Avenue so King rooll from Colonia Avenue to the dead end ston street from nor main to hosan Street Fon street from patteron Street to Straight Street North Main from Helton Avenue to B Avenue and Cat Avenue all in the first world now to my third world resident those Road hasn't been fixed in over 40 years now to my third one because I'm the I'm the water boy so for you now we're going to fix East 34 from Route 20 to Mana Road East 35th from Route 20 to Mana Road east3 6 from 11th Avenue to Route 20 East 37 from Route 20 to Broadway East 38 from Route 20 to Broadway East 39 from Route 20 to Broadway East 40 from from Route 22 BR and lean the road from East 33rd to Port Road we just finished with East 37 we fixing donon Avenue and we got and we're fixing 13 Avenue that's what I call a effective legislator that is sitting here to do the people's work I'm not here to play politics during the election time if I decide to run for whatever I want to run in the future I know how to win an election I know how to go out there and greet the people I love people that's what I love but you want to come to talk about politic come and talk about politic with me I'm getting things done I don't care what you say you could call me the water boy all the time now I don't help postp personal Grudge if I run against you whatever you do it's you that's you you know you you you you're going to be responsible for your action I don't do negative campaign but right after the election G I'll give you a hug and I say you know what let's work for the city par I don't care who's the mayor I don't care who's who I work with everybody the mayor's on your say I'm pushing for him to get the park done all the RADS done because that's my job as a legislator and I'm going to continue doing that that's the only way that we're going to fix the city of par so come to me ja I encourage you to switch around a little bit because people know this no stop the nonsensing get the job done sit down with legal work with the you Canali to get things done with that being said my vote is yes M CL thank you Mr that sound like a mayor spe the votes are n in the affirmative public portion of the municipal Council regular meeting is hereby closed thank you members of the public we we going into a executive section we apologize to the to the viewer at home so we have to take us on person matter stop the meeting counc President can I just put one one request in I don't speak much during this council meeting I think we have one or two items that people came here specifically for could we vote on those items like the Stony Road um the the uh number 42 just real quick I think the lawyers could wait and let's promise Council people don't talk before you vote just vote and then we'll go from there you can forget it so we should take those two items we have people here instead of emptying it out and then making them way at home let's just vote for those items two items real quick thank you do noce so Madam clerk let's take your item 47 before we get into executive section yes Mr President item 47 is a resolution of the city of patteron County of B New Jersey authorizing and directing the planning board to conduct a preliminary investigation to determine whether a certain property located at 6369 danfort Avenue which property is identified as block 5010 Lot 24 and 128-130 Nagle Street which property is identified as block 5010 Lot 23 as shown on the official tax map of the city of Fon within the city constitutes a non condemnation area in need of in need of Redevelopment pursuant to the local Redevelopment and Housing law njsa 4A col 12a D1 to 89 Economic Development resolution 24 colon 696 motion may I have a motion for item 47 if there's a motion may I have a motion for 47 no motion no motion so item 47 fa for the lack of motion so we're not taking from action um it failed there's no motion thank you um yes council president uh just a minute Council Jackson so people power second item so the second item was item number 19 um Madame clerk let's let's let's let's go with item 19 uh brief and item item number 19 is a resolution honoring niik a Jonas for 21 years of military service oh counc before can we wait because that's councilman um bz valz and he's not in the room so we can wait until he comes back let's not take his item all right so that that's going council president so um so um yeah item 42 you yes so I'm Sor the people sure just just a minute I uh Mr uh Brother s I know that and um brother Kelsey I know you guys came from item 42 it looked like it was a legitimate mistake I spoke with the chair of Public Safety it was just def a legitimate mistake at the last meeting there was a lot of item that we pulling out for a different agenda and the police department they all want to be involved in the conversation it's not that we blocking this but it was a mistake and it has nothing to do with C it had it was nothing to do with counil on myself it was a legitimate mistake that that item is still is on the agenda today when councilwoman DAV have to sit down with the police department and committee and the committee just to have a just to have a dialogue because they want to be part of the conversation so we're not blocking everything and we do apologize for you guys just to be here waiting for uh but it's going to be at the next meeting they they just want to be part of the conversation right so they just want to be part of the conversation soed to tell you C president council president I tried to tell you council president Council thank you council president so this is this is also uh bothering me council president because it's not that I requested again to bring this item back when it came to the workshop session about month and a half ago I when I agreed that I was not discussed I said okay that's fine put it back it came back last last week it's not that because I put it there it's not like this it was added to the agenda what does that mean is is already discussed and it's move is is ready to move forward I reached out to the I reached out to the people who's behind this resolution it's just a grant money that's already granted to uh granted already we just need our support and it's a pilot program to see how it works if Police Department get called and it is regarding the mental health issue Police Department is going to involve the professionals absolutely not and they are going to to see whether that elevate the situation and this is a this is a pilot program to see how it works now just a resolution we are spending it's not just spending time but think about the effort that the population is giving behind it Casey and his wife Queen they're super busy people here they came here before this resolution to speak Casey Melvin is an educator of the city of Patterson he has so many other businesses to deal with he's sitting here for hours right before we get here we were we were in a meeting together zeli and myself were in a meeting with the community community about an hour just before we get here but we all all are kind of they all are busy it's not just we council members are busy we brought them here because they want to make their voice hard if we have additional question they can answer the question we need to say we need to apologize for our mistakes and we have to expedite any items come to the council we cannot just bring them here and tell them there was the excuses council president ask for the floor pres okay thank thank you very much council president so you know there are individuals on this Council right if you want to get things done you should speak to your council members right there is a process there's a process I am the chair of Public Safety have the vice chair counil woman Mims council president and councilwoman cotton this did not go through the committee all I'm saying is I want to read more about it in committee this is the process it goes so when a council member has something that it they send it to its appropriate committee the committee discuss it and it brings it here it comes to the council for a workshop and there's discussions and presentations done there and on the regular is when we take action okay so all I am saying this is going to go back to commit comme we will discuss it and it will bring and it will I am not addressing you right now I have the floor and I am just going to say right now as the chair that item is being pulled thank you very much council president council president council president council president council president Council council president thank you council president thank councilman thank you council president uh council president thank you uh Mr Kevin Kevin Marvin Marvin Casey uh um keev um Casey I call him Casey um g no um Casey and Sally Thomas um last time last time is what B up I had a conversation with um with Mr Thomas and um I recommend that I was I was reading all of it and I recommend that to have a meeting with public safety director spal and the committee and that was way back I don't know I don't sit in that committee no longer right they remove me from there but I recommend that the conversation to bring you guys to committee and discuss it and then bring it back into us you know there's some worrying there that needs to be fixed there's something that we could add more to it that support it if we go to the proper Channel and U and I said councilman councilman I said if it to bring it to committee but not to committee by itself with you guys sit with the committee and explain it from A to Z and then move it forward that's what I asked the last time uh is here I don't know if that meeting happened I don't know if you guys meet with committee and the public safety director if it hasen't happen I would encourage the the chair of Public Safety to reach to you guys and sit together and then after it's discussed with you guys in there not just them with you guys because you guys are the one writing the resolution then come to an agreement and then release it from committee and then we could take action on it that's my recommendation and then nobody had to say we didn't H you we didn't put this on the table and this and that because right now there's two groups committee and you guys but those two groups had to come together in committee and discuss it and then release it from there to bring it to us that's the process had to be done Council but yes I apologize on behalf of councilman councilman Udin to bring you to bring you here without discussion Council wa wait wait wait no no wait wait point of order no no no council you someone is apologizing on myal of what council I have councilman Ms councilman Jackson and then you please before before we go Council yes so for what you said we have to apiz this was that's the misunderstanding I don't want anybody to portray in the wrong way council members members coun Council I I'll just say this this was stated previously I am making the request now on the floor that this is one thing Public Safety Committee meets all the time so I'm putting that request now that this item is given to the committee so that we can get the input from our Public Safety officers and it also should be an invitation to those Community groups that are involved in this particular item so that there can be a gain of understanding of what what this actually is about right because the item that we have before us it doesn't really give the nuts and bolts so does this require additional um work from our dispatch Department do we need to involve the unions of dispatch to say if this is a a grant crisis situation we have to reach out to certain entities how does that look when it comes to our Dispatch Center all of that stuff that is beyond our control but I'm going to put it on the record we have it here before us um that this goes to the Public Safety Committee our next meeting so that this item is not you know where it is today because if it didn't go to committee it shouldn't have been I don't know how it got back here without committee and I I you know know it should have been on committee prior to from the last time it was stated so I'm putting that on the record this should go to committee we meet almost every week every week we meet Public Safety so there's no excuse tonight we've heard it it need to go to public safety and then it should be on for uh the next meeting unless there's a special meeting that comes up before that we can go ahead and based on whatever the input and the approvals are that we can move this forward thank you Council M and so next we have Council and Council and also we have our Workshop is December the 3rd and the regular meeting December the 10 by December the 3rd it's going to be on it's going to be here and it's going to be disc we already going to we we will meet before December the 3D have the discussion so you know when it's going to be the item is going to be here councilman Jackson right after that Council this is uh his item I don't mind Ying to him um Council after that Council thank you counc thank you council president yes so I want to clarify something it's not that I skip the C uh committees and just brought it back again I want the community and the people on the behalf to know this this item was presented about a month ago that was removed because the committee wants to review this item when this item was brought back to the agenda last week I did not request to bring it back before we have the discussion it was brought back to the agenda how did did come who you going blame that's my question blame now my Council colleague Val said I brought you here I brought you here because this is on the agenda last week was it was on the agenda and it's coming to the regular meeting today so I definitely need to bring the people who is behind it and I did my part I did not expect that the committee did not sit down how do I know I'm not in the committee that was item was brought back to the agenda it means that that was discussed already and whoever brought back without having consultation with the committee someone needs to be responsible for this because we cannot play game like this with the community that's all my stand I don't know that's all my stand I'm not saying anything I never break the law that I don't I don't skip the process that's not my stand never the process was going to the committee meeting and when it was brought back last week my assumption was it was already discussed and committee is satisfied to move it forward and they put it back council president council president that's that's what I'm talking about if you just portray like this so council member just brought the community here without consultation why do I have to consult I did not request again I was just waiting for the committee to give a pass and it will come back and it came back last week thank you thank you Council uh councilman colleague and councilman right after thank you council president what do you mean um I gave say you want to talk I said him I think the council member we need to stop playing we need to stop playing games everyone knows the process for us to put any item on the workshop you need to go to the committee he was in the workshop before he even went to the committee so we need to stop informing the constituent the wrong thing everyone knows the process but they still will do what they're going to do to create some kind of CAS out there I put item on the agenda I make sure he goes through a BC do whatever he needs to go through this item never went through the process the first time it came in it didn't go to the committee somebody put it on the agenda so we all of us know exactly what's going on so stop playing games people um and and I another thing I want to mention I see our Corporation Council signature too on on this on this resolution so did he check that did he go to the committee or not or did he B it no I'm ask I need to know that answer as well in this item 42 I see the corporation council's signature in here thank you um council president I just need to I'm reading the resolution and I'm trying to figure out um and I know it's it's about applying for a grant now so why did he need a resolution support right that's what you need you need a resolution for the support because most of the time when you applying for a grant you got to have a resolution supporting support that's so you don't need the support for the police and the fire Department how not because but I don't know why not because if if somebody calls and has a crisis who's going to how how are you going to know that it's a crisis if you don't get a call from somewhere else if you don't get a call from the police department that there's a crisis going on in someone's house how would you know if you don't get a call from the police department or the fire department or the EMT or whatever that's what I'm trying um and so that's what that's what the question right um so why would not why would not the police what is that bill why would they not council members council members counc have the floor right after no but I'm saying I hear what you're saying it was a bill passed in the state already U for this so you don't need no help from the police or fire department need they need it they need it counc okay council president I know what the problem I hear you're saying you already got got go through they go to SEC understand you got the grant you need the paperwork thank you Council um councilman Jackson so this is why it's very important for members of the community to pay close attention to what people are talking about what they're doing cuz the amount of lies and rhetoric that's spread amongst this council is a poison that's killing our community the police department has already came forward and vowed to support these organizations and their efforts they don't need to be in a meeting to revisit whether or not they're going to support them this is an additional source or you know a reclaim of of of what they're requesting for the council support but pay close attention pay close attention to brother K if you already know so now that the meetings are once a month it it delays things every fur even further but three months ago the night before the day before a council meeting the administration brought up some items never went to committee never was reviewed by Council they forced it and created a special meeting for these items this guy right here created a special meeting for the mayor for the mayor to get his item through say my name again the water boy uh uh uh it's very clear okay now listen to what council M Dava says if you want to get something through you need to go know who you bringing bringing the item to this this video tape we go back to the tape now now now at last week's meeting as a matter of fact the item is coming forward tonight she clearly said it doesn't matter and and I'm and I'm paraphrasing this wasn't the exact word but the exact words is it's the council's prerogative to approve it because two directors came forward and said it did not go to committee we did not approve it and they pushed the item through anyway councilman KH said it was in your package the director sat right there and said this was not in my package in fact you wasn't even there councilwoman daver was the only one there and we sat there went through this and this and this one he called her basically called her a liar but that item I said what I said but that item don't mention was on the agenda don't don't don't mention my name I got the floor I the floor coun president keep my name out of your mom I'm not your keep keep your name out of my council members I said what I said no let him finish let him finish let him finish basically let him finish basic go ahead councilman finish go ahead go ahead go ahead make me it's very clear of my make me what do me make you you can't it's impossible you don't even you can't fathom to be able to Jackson stay focused in your of council members councilman Jackson finish we we maybe if you can control the no no no we got controlling just finish your statement goad I'm working on it how you working on so while you working on it let me say I have the floor C President we are Le the lawyers waiting FL President we have a second session 8:00 listen you guys are the ones who brought this up but just finish you guys are the ones who brought it up no but you go ahead so yet again because whatever disdain they have for oudin and him bringing this item forward she knew she if she's the chair of Public Safety and she has such a concern and she meets and she goes to committee meetings and she reads her agend why she ain't bring the item for it why why didn't she if she had some concerns about the item why didn't she bring it to the committee and address those concerns but see but but what's Happening Here is more Shenanigans see see this is because Council doesn't even understand his role while we don't while we don't monitor only one understand no no no no just just the least amount of votes I was the most contested I had the ba I had the council president I had the mayor I had the chairman they spent $100,000 on that girl I spent $6,000 and I kicked her ass while all of these people were supporting her why they all knocking on doors knocking on doors well listen councilman uh Mendes won an election by one vote and he had nobody with councilman uh uh McCoy and his and his sons working they all ran a campaign against me she spent five times the amount I spent and they trying to discredit the 30 votes listen listen listen listen when when when when you get knocked out a knockout is a knockout it is what it is so back to the purview of the council we don't monitor we don't monitor the spending we'd rather be out there cutting ribbons on streets he named eight streets there's a thousand streets in the first W alone eight streets got paved and he's over here celebrating cheerleading with his pom poms and his water to feed the mayor water as his has to fulfill his role as the water boy now he works Water Commission I'm not finished council president finish I will wrap it up be patient be patient I got all these PE these hecklers talking over top me it's hard for me to concentrate so again yet again Brothers Thomas the reason I said it is because they having a conversation right over right over here that item wasn't and that item needing it I wasn't hiding it that item needs to get pull woman but but yet the item where all the developers are going to benefit they pushed that one through it didn't go to committee didn't have consensus both of the directors both of the directors was right here and said the item did not go to committee the director of Economic Development was here and said the item did not go to committee so her excuse was the same committee members that serve on economic development are on the finance committee but the ones that's on finance is only the ba and those three council members not true imagine if we put a resolution that say that again listen I'm going rest here I'm not going to it just you don't hear me you don't hear me talking over them when they're talking they get ruffled they can't even sit still in their seats they got to talk over me because this fire is on their tail pipes no it's it's not listen fire is on their tail pipes listen the director sat right here we could I could pull it up right now on the for on the other YouTube video the director sat right and call councilman khik a liar because he tried to say that the item was there he wasn't even at the committee meeting so so again the item didn't get addressed in committee but they push it through and it's on the agenda tonight before no no no I got to respond to this somebody who don't show up in any committee meeting Ed committee specifically I don't you're right I don't show because those are private those are private discussions I'd rather have didn't even miss I'd rather have a discussion in public but yet I've never missed one Council me I had surgery the other day the next day point of order council members point of order okay point of order is I have the point of order Council the public we getting we getting no no you done you finished now now Z you want me to tell you what me tell you what the chief of police pay attention let me read the text that the chief of police said priv convers approve it we're not against December we have the workshop we're going to have a discussion and December the 10 is going to be a regular meeting we got to take from an action that's what that's what once again for the record you know the problem that Council M Jackson has done you know what it's seral he care less about what we do in the council now when the chief of police telling us it will be Reckless for you guys to take action without having a conversation all we want is to have a dialogue at the put the agenda together the agenda together brother Thomas he makes he's going to sit here and say that the chief of police he's going to say the chief of police said it Reckless why did he put it on the agenda why didn't he call you motioned who motioned it motion was M by Council d by councilman ABD and councilman KH do we have to vote yeah we have to vote get get president she needs to read the item into roll call to suspend the regular meeting um councilman abdulaziz yes councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman daver yes councilman Jackson listen no so before I vote I'm tell you madam clerk Madam Clerk is going to be every time vote you have to say something go ahead Listen People Hey listen listen listen we let's be responsible let's be responsible so the so the council president whose only role is to coordinate the agenda he put this item on the agenda and now he says that the chief of police no that's fine which chief of police he he just called you on your cell phone he just brought it up tonight I guess the chief of police is sitting on my right hand side cuz she's the one who whispered over to him this item needs to get removed thank you I like that type he's the guy who made the agenda but he's busy cheerleading and carrying water water like these water bottles man I'mma bring I'mma bring some football water bottles here next week because Joe I mean you you understand coming off the field and having somebody fresh on the sideline to put to give you a good cold drink of water that's this is what's going on here so he says the chief of police said it would be Reckless and irresponsible for us to vote on it but he put it on the agenda for tonight's vote and then my item who he says never got reviewed by legal I did all the legal research the attorney was sitting here last week I sent it to them it didn't get reviewed but he pulled it off the agenda this is the kind of stuff that we talking talking about patteron this is what we this is what we have to work with here a a a a cheerleading squad and water boy water M cler my vote is no you're vot councilman come on hurry up man we need to drink water thank you Madame clerk this is a serious matter here people very serious is to somebody's a joke yes calling people names and what not the decision that we make here affect our all of us our everyday life I'm not here to call anyone names since I've been a councilman I look at the agenda I made my own decision what is best for the community you could go back and look at my record voting even appointing a mayor in CIO Patterson as well look at the voting this some of this council member is like a joke we making decision for each and every one of you the millions of dollar every council meeting we have the whole agenda left and what are we beckering about basically nothing it's very sad many time I thought about quitting I swear is it worth it but at the same time I do have a fight in me I don't need this counil position or Council job or anything anything like that I don't believe me maybe I would one day I would is is it's it's you know you know when I feel like it when people like you come here talk about like what are you talking about now I'm talking about something serious something serious the decision we made here affect our daily lives I'm not against it I don't but we all of us know what to do we have whole agenda left but we've been beckering about basically that's my my word is yes to um cancel that suspend thank you councilman colleague Dr mes Patterson I said it before and I'll say it again pray for us oh yeah lot because some of us we leave our houses 6:00 in the morning and as you see it is now 10:12 and we still have the bulk of the agenda left even after the special meeting that has not been done and so I understand that sometimes you may disagree with your colleagues or whatever ever but I think when it gets to the point of the name calling or the pointing fingers and yelling and screaming and all that I think it takes the meetings to a different place like even now there's a a discourse going on to my right councilman coun right in the middle of a meeting council members you know Patterson like it's shameful it it's really it's really sad that we we come we sit and um and I didn't address it but I think Mr price question the work that's being done I need people to request through Oprah all of the items that we do approve and we do get done there's a lot of work that gets done and I do apologize that that item did not go through the proper channels where it should have went to Public Safety we talked about it at that meeting I was not here last week I was on vacation but it should have went through that process and we would not be here so I pray now that it's open is on the record that now Public Safety Committee will get it so it can be vetted properly through the police department they made me fine and that that's what it is but we have to get their sign off whether they're a part of it not a part it's just the process of the council nothing against the uh the pro not for Prophet I think all of you are doing excellent work and you know I always support all of you but I just think when we don't do what's right for through process then sometime people take Jabs or they miscommunicate to the community like we have personal issues with items it's not against the item in particular it's just that when we get items or someone's looking to do something you have to make sure that the people that will be responsible for oversight or allocation of work that they are part of it like for example this is a grant I think it's great that you will have people that will be a part of the crisis because you know we had a situation with our dear brother rest in peace n GC Brooks and others and this is a way to prevent this from happening and I totally understand that in in the future and I think it's great but we should definitely make sure with not just this item but any item that that goes on that we we do our due diligence so Patterson marn looks so good right now my vote is yes to close this this session thank you Dr mes councilman Udin thank you madam so for the record I want to repeat one more time that how this item was brought here when um the organizations reached out to me uh we worked with Corporation Council to make sure that it legally approved the C Brook Washington bill and he went through all the he he put everything together and after this when it was brought to the initial Workshop session our understanding was that we don't need to go go through any committee that was our initial understanding this is why we put it on the agenda about month and half ago with my request in the meeting the Public Safety Committee members promised that they will discuss this item in the committee and after this they will bring it back this item was brought back last week I did not request to anybody to bring it back again when it came to the agenda my understanding was that it was discussed to the committee and that's why it is here even when council president asked me whether I want his consent or non-consent I said non-consent because I wanted you who are behind it to speak if you need to or answer any question if council members need clarification and here we are today and now today we are promised that we were talking about that we did not discuss the same council members are here we covering different kind of committees it's not the committee members are not in presence committee members are here we can take and talk about it whenever maybe anytime you want to but again for the record I uh Madame Clark I don't want what committee wants or when they are going to discuss that's totally their perview I'm just leaving it like this but on my behalf please CC me on the email send this agenda everyone has it but still send this item to the Public Safety Committee I I gave you the phone numbers of zel Thomas and Casey Melvin if anybody has any question or they want to see these individuals involved or if you want to see someone from St Joseph hospital we can bring everyone to the committee and clarify it and bring it back we don't want to do circus here and and fight back and forth of the item that's is that is not in certain level so um uh I think I think this is how we should move forward I don't want to really fight back and forth but um individuals thank you so much for everything you do thank you for your time I have nothing else to say I I stood on my part and again um what else I can do otherwise I'm saying sorry for your for your time but again you you are the voice of our community and I commend that um my vote is yes to close the um suspend this suspend the session thank you councilman Udin councilman bz once again thanks God that this is going to start in zero to get the right facts have the communication sit everyone in the table um Thomas S thank you for sending me the uh the bill that was passed on the state level and the recommendation of the bills it's like four or five pages on it um how to obtain a grant how to put it to work well committee members and everything that whoever takes that Grant had to create their own program that's what it says there I send that to legal for he could evaluate the bill and then whatever which you have in this resolution could be matched through legal and through Public Safety to come to a consensus that the purpose is for the right purpose of the program that is created through that funding we're not against of uh of of giving those benefit to those that are in need I I read the uh your purpose I once again there's somewh in there that could triggle other things right but if with the bill and analyze it through legal put it together with the committee and come forward us is a resolution and those that don't understand what the resolution is is I support whatever you guys doing support of the Bill if it was to be passed in that moment okay but the bill already passed the funding was allocated you guys got the grant okay now what your intention is to build a program with those $2 million or whatever money you got okay to invest it in the community but to do a resolution to enforce that is totally different it's not going to enforce a resolution is not going to enforce nothing it's a memorizing resolution is memorizing your Goodwill ordinance is to implement uh with enforcement right now I gave it to corporate Council corporate council is going to evaluate that bill you guys are going to get ready to sit down in committee and bring something that do not distract uh anyone out there with the benefit with the money and the people are going to take the benefit out of it now I just asked I just asked because there was a argument here everybody was talking at the same time I asked my wife how's my dog is doing washing meeting and she sent me a picture he's upside down he's upside down because it's ridiculous listen if my dog is watching the meeting is upside down the people watching at home is say what the hell is going on there it's embarrassing listen let me let me say this council president and I'm going to say it loud and clear I thought myself that having one meeting a month it was going to resolve a lot of arguments and complaint and you know fighting in the council now I'm lost because we don't see each other only once a month and now we have to expect to get to community once a month or twice with a workshop and in a regular meeting this scenario this scenario because because what we have discussed now is so petty just to have a conversation with them and get a resolution to move forward periods more fights God Bless America God bless pis Madam clerk my vot is yes thank you councilman valz Mr President well I think that let me let me just say uh brother Kelsey um you're very respectful you you're very respectful leader in the community we like you we love you the the city of Patterson love you you're doing an outstanding job in the community um I feel bad that you guys went through this back and forth it's just unacceptable and and look at the amount of time that they spent the item it was a simple discussion the chief of police request the item to be back to have a conversation you will be part of the dialogue zel Thomas as well why we have to beating each other why we have this back and forth and is that about me you look at how the amount of time that all the council members took having the discussion about the same situation point the finger each other it's s so on no December the 3rd there's a workshop December the 10 there's a regular meeting so we have we hope to have that a legislation right here and we're going to have a dialogue councilman Davila will have it on the committee we will sit down and we will stay in touch so and that's the best thing to resolve this matter so with that being said my vot is yes M cler thank you Mr President the votes are nine in the affirmative the regular meeting is now suspended now we'll now segue before you before you leave B clerk can you please read the the two item into the record which is item 57 56 and 57 to go into a secret section before we before we uh just stop you know the transmission the live uh yes Mr President so our resolutions for executive sessions are item number 56 it's a resolution authorizing a municipal Council executive or closed session in or joining the city council chambers in this regard the studio Chambers at um Ellison Street to discuss pending litigation in the matter of sarus Del Rosario versus city of patteron law resolution 24 colon 705 and item number 57 is a resolution authorizing a municip Council executive or close session in or are joining the studio Chambers at 133 Ellison Street Council Members to discuss pending litigation council members in the matter of Carolina Hernandez I'm sorry members of the public please can I'm sorry continue mad Clark in the matter of Carolina Hernandez versus city of patteron law resolution 24 colon 706 formal action will be taken executive sessions the executive or closed session in or are joining this Chambers at 133 Ellison Street to discuss pending litigation in the matter of sarus Del Rosario versus city of patteron no formal action will be taken and executive or Clos session in or are joining the city council chambers here at 1:33 Street to discuss pending litigation in the matter of kolina Hernandez versus the city of patteron no formal action will be taken Mr President thank you mad clerk now the council may now proceed with the discussion on the secutive section members of the public uh thank you for file we're going to stop our regular meeting right now and we're get into a secutive section thank you