##VIDEO ID:IL5VJfecmOE## we're ready we're ready when you are council president thank you thank you so very much uh Madame clerk thank we live on this meeting so uh good evening on behalf of the pis Municipal Council we welcome you to the special meeting on October 21st at 5:00 pm the Mee is now called to order mad cler please call the rooll yes Mr President roll call for minicipal Council special virtual meeting of Monday October 21st 2024 the time is now 5:17 p.m. councilman abdulaziz there I got you councilman councilwoman cotton councilwoman daver pres councilman Jackson councilman khik president thank you coun Council woman MS I am here ready to serve thank you councilman Udin I'm here Madam Clark thank you councilman VZ Carin here thank you Mr President uh president mad clerk thank you Mr President thank you m clerk can you please read the 48 hour notice M clerk yes Mr President president the meeting covered by 48 hour notice notice of the time date location and agenda of this meeting was transmitted to the north Jersey heral news the record the Arabic voice the Italian voice the P County PS Dominicana news Lisa International LL the patteron press the city post news tap into patteron the weekly bangl Patria in addition to any other publication duly requesting such notices are about 11 a.m. on October 15 2024 such notices were posted on the bulletin board in the office of the city clerk at City Hall Mr President thank you m clerk council members M cler let's start with item number one on on on the special meeting yes Mr President I'll just read the notice of the special meeting so pursuant to the open public meetings act be advised that the municipal Council of the city of patteron has scheduled a special meeting for Monday October 21st 2024 at 5:00 p.m. to be held in the council chambers well it's now been held virtually 155 Market Street patteron for the purpose of discussing the following matters resolutions one resolution to amend resolution number 23 col 271 to provide a one-year extension to Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania for Research Services for the guaranteed income program of the city of patteron RFP number 2023 D16 Administration resolution 24 colon 647 formal action will be taken number two number two resolution author in the award of contract to colonell brothers incorporated for the Great Falls pedestrian Footbridge replacement project for the historic preservation of the Department of Economic Development bid number 24.2 n Economic Development resolution 24 col 648 formal action will be taken number three resolution authorizing the award of contract to Ado Brothers Construction for the vist state Mark improvements project for the historic preservation of the development of economic development bid number 2430 Economic Development resolution 24 col 649 formal action will be taken five resolution to approve a corrective action plan in response to an audit received for the 2022 calendar year Finance resolution 24 Poland 650 formal action will be taken number five resolution authorizing the award of contract to cypra Industries Inc for The Limited interior and exterior Rehabilitation for the danfort Memorial Library Phase 2 bid number 2324 statutory agency resolution 24 col 651 formal action will be taken and resolution for the adoption of the calendar the year 2024 Municipal Budget Finance resolution 24 colon 652 formal action will be taken Mr President thank you mad clerk mad cler let the record reflect that item number four and number state will be removed from this agenda of this special meeting uh so we will take action in a future meeting about those item number four and number six now let's take action on item number one M yes Mr president item number one is resolution to amend resolution number 23 colon 271 to provide a one-year extension to Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania for Research Services for the guaranteed income program of the city of patteron RFP number 2023 D16 Administration resolution 24 callon 647 move by councilwoman AA and councilman Ms and second by Council roll call cler on item number one discussion discussion Council uh just a simple question uh the amendment in um any um increase in in in this in this deal um are they getting something different than the last one no the the amendment is just for time and not for any funding that's correct okay all right thank you thank you roll I don't know president Ryan Could you um check your uh text message I sent you a message roll call on item number one for approval councilman abdulaziz yes thank you councilwoman cotton think she's absent councilwoman Dava yes councilman colleague yes councilwoman mes yes councilman urin yes councilman Valance this guarantee income has been a blessing for the whole entire city and the people have been participating in it but coming along with this holiday coming up so uh my vote is definitely yes thank you councilman villain Mr President thank you m clerk based on my experience the University of Pennsylvania have done a excellent job you know with this program and and I'm definitely having full support of extending uh the year from 2025 to 2026 uh to this University to continue working on this program that has been great for the city of Patterson with that being said my vote is yes B CL thank you Mr President the votes are seven yeses two absences item number one is hereby adopted thank you mad cler item number two item number two is a resolution authorizing the award of contract to colonell Brothers Inc for the great WS pedestrian foot Bridge replacement project for the historic preservation of the Department of Economic Development bid number 24.2 n Economic Development resolution 24 col 648 move by C president mandz and Council M and second by councilwoman Ms and councilman Udin Rado number two roll call on item number two for approval councilman abdalaziz yes councilwoman Dava yes councilman colik yes councilwoman mes yes councilman Odin yes councilman villz this is a pedestrian bridge correct yes sir so as my understanding it's going to be a better um structure is a better for uh both sides and it's going to be a upgrade on it so my vot is yes thank you councilman I come back to councilwoman Dava yeah at this time um I didn't have that in my packet I don't know and I don't recall discussing this in our committee meeting so at this time can't support this my vote is no thank you councilwoman Dava um Mr President uh thank you mad clerk on this item we are we allocating $500,000 for the uh so uh the amount of $500 $500,000 for the renovation of the great F pedestrian bridge I really want to see this project done and I make a recommendation my Council colleague to the administration and is that every project that this Council approve when you go to other City you see the council the administration and the council you see a plaque on every project I really want to remind Administration to please start this initiative in the city patteron important project like this Council approve get that plaque I don't if my Council K agree with all the name of the council member that support the project or the or the members of the municipal Council administration because it's important it's definitely important my vot is yes thank you Mr President so the votes are six yeses one no two absences item number two is hereby adopted thank you madam clerk item number three item number three is a resolution awarding the award of contract to a dhama Brothers Construction for the Vista State Park improvements project for the historic preservation of the Department of Economic Development bid number 2430 Economic Development resolution 24 Poland 649 move second it was moved by Council second by Council I for discuss council president ladies first and then right after counes it's not about ladies first is I asked for the floor first um we got to support our female for that once again in my packet again we did not I did not receive I don't know if everyone else had in their packets but I did not receive this item so I don't have all the details to it so okay all have item have it discussion I I do know that um there was a email sent around um I believe from sopia that um has the has the items in the zip file have you did you receive that give her one give her one Soph bringing some to you Council woman D yeah there email to us yeah it wasn't in the packet council president May sure Council um council president this goes to I know Jo Franco is not in the U on the zoom um it was beneficial that he be there but if Madame ba could give us a a this a contract amount of money that we could to spend in this contract and the scope of work please I actually I I do know that director delini is here and I think she has been working with John Franco on this director are you yeah I'm here so good evening everyone so this relates to uh a contract for the Vista Park improvements um the project it has met our um city procurement policies and that the bids were opened on October 11th it did go before uh the workshop um prior to that um a total of eight bids were submitted for review we had an outside engineering firm review and analyze each of the bids um Suburban Consulting Engineers is the one that actually reviewed and scored and ranked them after their evaluation they made the recommendation that Ado Brothers um was the most was the lowest as well as the most responsible bidder their bid actually came in at 26% lower than what the engineering firm um initially thought that the the cost would would come in at um so their estimate was about 3.4 million Ado's um contract was for 2.9 a little over $2.9 million um they've demonstrated um considerable experience with similar projects even within the city um including other Parks and Recreation projects so the outside entity uh made the recommendation that that the city move forward with Ado Brothers for this direct director may I please uh so you say it's 2.9 Million project that's what their contract that was what their bid um that was what their bid price came in at was 2. and and uh and and director what we could include the scope of work what that do 2 point me uh $2.9 million will reflect in the in that in that site so I don't have the initial the full scope of work in front of me just hang on one second um I can share that via email following this um uh no because because I I I feel more comfortable that we put on a record where that 0.29 million would go in scope of work uh if this is not time sensitive then we could table it to have that discussion because it's to 2.9 Million um into into a even at the St approv and and and you know it's a blessing but we need to know what we getting for 2.9 Million not in studies I don't want to hear that going on studies and it's not going to be a real scope of work in that field well there's a there's a full Park plan that relates to the roll out of this particular project and I'm just looking to see if I can pull up the scope of work right now in my emails just give me a second thank you so before before before anybody jump in and meanwhile she get that uh that information um also I would like to know what will be the full the full total of of be able to when we cut ribbon on that Park Visa Park what will be the total on the U um on the renovation of that site or whatever because that's a lot of work is have to be done there I don't think 2.9 Million will cover everything if the scope of work is not available now so we we cannot Mash apple with potatoes you know what I'm saying or oranges um make sure that we we do the right thing you know I'm not saying I'm against it I just want to know um what is the scope of work what that 2.9 means in in in in the scope of work in that place thank you Council B councilwoman yeah council president just just to reflect that this item came up to the city clerk's office at 4:30 today yes okay I I saw him coming we didn't have it and I'm looking at here I don't see I mean I see certifications of funds I see the amount that is correct counc thank you just just a minute Council M if you look if you look at it the third where as the first um um the first uh um uh amount is $1 million the second um is comitting at 1.4 million and the third one 548 975 which is give us a total of 2,948 975 that is a total project to be completed uh to the director but for what but for what exactly so so and that's what I'm so I have it here that's where I'm going director yeah I can run through quick go ahead yeah so the so the engineering team will create a detailed construction document um but the park amenities will include a gated entrance from Jasper Street onside parking toilet facility shaded picnic and Grilling area age appropriate playground equipment um lawn areas for free play paved Loop Pathways for walking and jogging a formal Overlook area toward the city of Patterson and Beyond bent seating and lighting throughout the park a sensory Meadow area for quiet nature observation interpretive signing uh signage as well as an information kiosk outdoor exercise size equipment shade structure and a small Amphitheater for performances that's what's included council president Council my mes so I I just want to put on the record I I think it's unfair to us as council members that we don't have the detail information that it should have been sent in our packet so we could have time to review it um I don't think it's time sensitive that it has to be approved tonight I think this should be moved to the next meeting which gives us time to look over that information therefore if we have any questions and or concerns we are able to discuss it whether it's in committee and or Workshop but for it to be on tonight for vote and it just came to the clerk's office at 4:30 I think it's a little disrespectful disrespectful to the city council ccil CW mes I totally agree with you and I the reason why I measured the exact amount of money that we're going to spend on this park is because we we need to have a scope of work and design that will go and also the equipment that will go in the on the part so I definitely agree with my counil KH this is not time sensitive we should have a discussion at the workshop and a beautiful presentation $2.9 million deserve a nice presentation about what we're going to do on that beautiful area right next to the stadium so so I definitely uh Council K if we if we definitely agree on this item number three we could move for the next Workshop so so before I remove my motion um I just want to say huh my MO so Cil yeah so before I remove my motion U I want to put something on the floor council president as you know it's to $2.9 million we have spent in other Parks small Parks $1.7 million you imagine uh the scope of work is bigger and 2.9 Million I'm afraid that they G to come and change in order that the money was not enough and all that stuff so we should have a detail was the brand was was the mat the next on the next shop director we need the detail and a mold presentation for each council members about how we gonna allocate those those 2.9 Million 48975 I don't know I may council president so this was so the initial scope of work was was provided to council during the workshop committee when the initial RFP was out so it was approved with the scope of work included in that initial RFP that went out October 11th if I'm able to share my screen I can actually show you a rendering of what this concept is going to look like it has been posted on the city's website for quite some time as well I I am council president I am not comfortable tonight please with it and I want us to improve Parts but we need to have time to go over and review it this is not a workshop or we can do those um previews or and or discussion it should be a very I agree with councilwoman mens yes totally totally agree director uh so get that get all that information ready for our next workshop and we're got to have a very very healthy discussion in order for us to make a smart decision we all agree we're not against the park that's a beautiful area that need to be you know renovated but well let's do it the right way and with all the information so I I had to remove right yes uh let M clerk let that record reflect that cess REM before before before before iove before I remove I say uh thank you for for listen to me I I remove my my motion thank you item number five on the uh on on the special meeting Madam CL item number five is a resolution authorizing the award of contract to cypra Industries Incorporated for limited interior and interor Rehabilitation for the danfort Memorial Library Phase 2 bid number 23.24% go ahead M I didn't hear you I was first with Dava we made the motion together CL let the record reflect that this item number five was moved by councilwoman Dava and Council M and second by Council discussion councils thank you council president U um also uh um Madame ba um I know this is library dandor library um and this is the interior phase two renovation of the library uh this is going to be including I want to know the amount if it's going to include the whole entire uh inside of the elaborate or is only the going to be the the the um the the the room on the bottom that just want to know it's interior and exterior it doesn't say anything 383,000 councilman Valas it say interior it says the resolution says that it's interior and exterior 383,000 Madame Mi this coming from Capital um yes it's a it's a combination of uh I think some of their grant funding related to this and capital how much is the gr how much Grand they using I do not know I don't have any details on this so I I don't know I thought their Library director either would have been on or would have previewed this in committee um because this is a a resolution coming from him unforunately I don't have the specifics if this is something put on Workshop as well then we can do that council president no no wait I haven't finished I haven't finished um go I feel uh thank you thank you council president um I I don't have a problem when it comes out to um one of our oldest oldest also building that we have in the city before you know it fall apart you know we need to take action and to make sure that we preserve it um but that's the problem when we have uh the type of meeting in a hurry and uh trying to prove this amount of money towards whatever we have to do because as you know Zoom do not give us the opportunity to have everything at hand but I'm okay because I know that way back um we approved the repair of I believe the um the elevators and I believe the some exterior of it on the top um you know I'm I'm okay with it though so I I I hear Council uh the people's councilman councilman valz and I do agree to an extent however I don't see a specific scope of work attached to his resolution and that's my concern there's no detail it's saying limited interior and exterior and I'm pushing for this to be shifted as well until we get the scope of work we can't just want to approve 30 and I'm looking at the amount 33,000 83 not to exceed 383,000 and it does not give the scope of work as to what is getting done we know the library needs a lot of work and this is where as a council we're able to you know extend or utilize our legislative arm to assist in these capacities and with that being stated um it doesn't look like it's time sensitive and I think this ISS to shifted so we can get a great gain a greater understanding so I know previously the director has come to our meeting to talk about things that are needed and lack of resources and I want to make sure that what this item is providing is something that they need but I don't want to do it in a rush because we may miss something so council president I think I'm just one person but I would like to see the scope of work before I vote on B is the director aware about this uh item that is on the agenda for a special meeting today correct guessing he was I didn't specifically ask him about it okay but I know we all got copies of the agenda moving forward when we have item like this we want the director to be also in the meeting whether it's Zoom whether the director signed off on the resolution so he processed it going forward so I'm I'm guessing because I mean this item is important we really want to invest on our in our library it's a old building it's a building that is fully apart because really old so we got to keep up with the the renovation Improvement but at the same time I agree with M Ms we need to see the scope of work and we need to see where the where the dollar will be allocated to have a clear understanding so I totally agree um so let's move this em for the next Workshop council members if we all agree see let's remove let's remove the motion or perhaps if we can get the scope of work and if whatever date if it's prior to the next meeting it can be add to the meeting when you're going to be approving the budget so if you want to do that as well but we need to see the scope of work for that particular item no problem remove M remove the motion for item number five let's move item number five together president councilwoman Dava was the first move so I remove my motion along councilwoman Mims and Council Val thank you thank youed thank you um council president this is so we had only five items on the agenda three of two of them are removed um because of this situation now we call for a special meeting and this is what we we are we are expecting right now every single items comes to the special meeting at least committee members needs to know the details it cannot just come straight to the special meeting and everything and none none of them is there from the administration to answer any related question what's the point of holding this special meeting okay I'm sorry counil the director of the library director I'm not I'm not just talking about him juste I understand I will open the floor for you for Council Members the director of library is will be joining us in the meeting so we will be able to ask those question about the scope of work and every detail and if we satisfy with the with the information we'll be able to move forward with this item uh I I don't C Miss CC pres so I was speaking right here okay soad director can join we can ask him question that's but so joining is not going to solve it we need it so my point is that we should have the detailed information in advance the committee members should whoever is sitting in the committee should know the details before it comes to the special meeting since a special meeting these items were not on the workshop session so this is the only way we would know from our committee members and also details should be on the paper written or and someone should be there as well answering the question but I don't think attending him and asking question is going to satisfy us I don't think I don't I'm it's not going to satisfy myself I'm I'm talking about I agree with you I agree with you Council um holding a special meeting is kind of not not making sense when we are not fully ready for thank you I agree with you Council M Council uh director Fleming so we having a discussion about item number five council president Council councilman colleague it's probably time sensitive that's why it's in the special meeting uh maybe director could explain that's the reason why I want I want to hear from director Fleming about item number five director um you know this item we don't have the scope of work we allocating uh the amount not to exct 300 83,000 for my Cali including me we don't have the any scope of work in front of us can you elaborate on this and and how time sensitive this is oh yes good afternoon all how you guys doing um this is the actual phase two of the the main library um uh Capital program it is the re the um the ren of the um the renovation of the children space and some other critical issues uh needed for the um for the coordinat and the uh the roof repairs um the the reason why this is on a special um meeting now is that it was slated to get onto the last agenda um the last um uh Council agenda but for some reason I think there was an issue with uh a an additional piece that um that uh uh Harry had to get um it is a time-sensitive manner um being that the the council only meets once a month and we're actually trying to uh to finalize and close off this is part of a construction uh project council president Council M so I'm not remembering this being in the finance committee I mean maybe I stand corrected uh Finance chair I don't remember seeing this in finance this is um the library is it can no no no it's I'm talking about to the finance committee in our finance committee and I understand you're saying it's time sensitive director my what I'm saying is even though it is time sensitive based on the need of what trying to do the process still has to be done through the council these particular items is dealing with money and pH to a bidding process that has to go through our particular committees and I'm not seeing that that took place if the council choose to go ahead that's fine but there is going to be another special meeting that will take place prior to the November's meeting to do the budget and that was my request to make sure it's there so we can get an outline of what what the scope of work is and that gives time for Finance to review it in our committee I I have can I talk I have a question or can I director yeah U this um the library falls under the statutory agencies and this was uh this did go through the statutory agency committee it didn't go through Finance though so it goes to statutory but there's a dollar amount in the in the bid that has to be vetted and finan well councilwoman we usually don't do a lot of the library items in finance um if it's something that you would like us I the director can send us you know some of the background information and we can share that with the finance committee members as well um I I would think that you tended to statutary that she belongs to on the statutary agent the U um committee uh but before we go to approve this uh director please send it to us send it to theary I wasn't done Sor yes sorry so uh Madame ba anything that has an award of a contract renewal of contract where dollars and cents are attached even though the library is under statutory agencies should always go to finance Finance deals with the dollars and the sent so this has money attached and it's outlin in the reso this also needs to go to finance I'm not sure if you haven't done it in the past but this should be a process going forward that anything council president with dollars and cents even if it's just for review it should be in the finance committee well just just one council president if I could just continue Madam yeah just on that everything to a certain extent every contract that comes before you is a financial item so Health and Human Services Awards contracts all the time that don't come through Finance Economic Development Community Development for that matter you know the action plans around uh and contracts around that um I understand understand your your point of that you know we want to make sure that we're reviewing that the finance committee has an understanding of things but the all you know it would be a lot of items coming in front of finance that really are being reviewed in in the all the other committees that have proper jurisdiction over a lot of those programming in those projects so Madam I was not clear Madam ba so let me let me clarify I'm not saying when we're doing contracts for the opioid or uh a um HIV or all those programs I'm not talking about that this particular item is awarding a contract to a certain entity to do interior and exterior Rehabilitation on the library this is totally separate from some of the Health and Human Services items that come forward this deals with contracts this does with it deals with the bidding process which is attached this should go to finance I'm not sure why this would not I'm not saying all the other stuff because some of that stuff doesn't need to go but this particular item should definitely be reviewed and finance council president may I please uh you finished Council amendments yes thank you council president I got have Council M Les right after Council yeah I I I understand I quite 150% what councilwoman mins is saying and I think she hit in the in the nail uh let me say why she's sending it to consideration to review is taking money from Grant and also taking money for Capital so we don't want to short the capital budget knowing that we probably need that money for other things uh should be reviewed also because Madam be I don't know you're using Capital money on it so um everything has belongs to Capital money should be going through V at Le Finance they could know how many we using on Capital uh beside beside the grant that's going to be falling into it so I think there a Rec ation because it's Capital money you know and and um um when the director started speaking he said that it was a capital project EA didn't say is a grant and capital so it creates a a a a question mark if it's total capital or or 80% is capital and Grant is only 20% so uh I don't have a problem to vet it through uh statutary uh before even the next meeting if we going to table it for the next meeting uh I don't have no problem with that I don't think it's uh uh something time sensitive I see it uh we GNA have a next meeting I believe next week uh from that point on our director you could call us uh even in Zoom or whatever we could do so clarify this because um between Capital money and grant money we want to make sure what is the chair of of of the Grant and what is the share of the capital money um and also um in the past uh we always ask for before and after uh you know because um it's good to know that you stated that we going to repair roof I remember that we approve money to repair roof and repair uh the some some type of structure in the outside of the library so we don't want to revisit the same thing again and again and then uh where is the bond to guarantee that the pro the the the repair are going to be solid and then we don't have to come back again and again and the other thing is we want to make sure that if we approve this contractor ppw is not doing half of the work okay that's another thing um um that when it comes up to um to uh repair a cosmetic of the library I understand the uh je uh room is real important for me uh for me is real important for many years and you know my sentiment uh moving forward that you love the last library and we also want to see the library not to fall in decade knowing that that's a historic building's let's move quick counc last thank you council president the reason I want to speak that uh time because of the time sensitive items we are here hosting the special meeting that do we understand but this is not an excuse to bypass all the step that needed to be taken in advance that's all I want to bring uh to Administration attention we cannot just use the term it's a time sensitive and bypass all these steps and uh you know just this is not about just one item I'm talking about any any items that come to comes to this special meeting should have taken all these steps and not expecting that item is taken or removed from this special meeting when because of this in a few items this meeting is po it so again I think Administration needs to be more uh you know punctual and uh and and uh you know follow through all the step that needed to be uh taken in advance other otherwise we have we can host multiple special meetings and half of the items will be removed and that happened previously this is not the first time that happened understood thank you coun coun woman the C D so I understand what council woman Ms you know was stating you know um she is she is I'm sorry on on the finance committee as well but I know that you sit in statutory agency correct I don't think statutory but I know I'm definitely on I I don't think I'm about sagittary okay so I am a personal you know we've been doing this for years um I don't think that that item the library items need to go to final as long as they're vetted correctly in its appropriate committee and it's I don't have a problem with that right the only issue that I see is not having when we're having a meeting especially a special meeting that we don't have the backup paperwork that's where I stand with that you know I didn't support it's not that I'm not against Vista but guess what item's not even in my packet and so you know I can't I couldn't support it and with this item you know it doesn't need some of these items do not need to go to finance because they're bet in its appropriate committee and then it comes through a workshop I understand this is a phase two um if the council doesn't want to take action today then you know I mean if I don't have the support to move forward then it is what it is but I just needed to just make that statement thank you thank you both motion has been removed for this item so let's let's move this item into the next meeting uh C president C president before you C Les yeah I just want to make sure don't confuse Capital project with capital money and ARP money I just want to make sure they're not listen we understand we we both we we all in the same page at this time all we want as a as a governing body is the right thing which is the scope of work specifically about what's going to be done on the project and what portion of money is coming out of what area so that's something that is needed for us to make a smart a smart decision we're not asking for more we're also asking for the information to be uh disseminated way before the meeting in order for us to digest it and be able to move fast and quick with this meeting knowing that we're doing the right thing so director thank you for being with us can I get some clarity please so basically um there you guys didn't get the information or you didn't have the backing can you clarify exactly why just information outside of not going uh scope of work is we always receive well we package so this meeting tonight is a special meeting so we have like a skeleton of the item but for example this is the resolution for your item it just has the whereas one two three four five well it has the first page and the bid it does not identify the scope of work or any of the specifications to the project and we don't have that normally that information will be be provided we will vet it through workshop and then we will move it forward they add it as a special item without having any information and as Council people we have to make sure we cover ourselves right because this is something that was added they want us to do it but we don't have the data so it has nothing you director well we are gonna ask you director to make sure we get the scope of work because there will potentially be a meeting on next week and perhaps it could be added there but that information Madam clerk director so that the all council members are on the same page when it comes to what you're looking to do because it's not clear in the it's not clear in the resolution what the scope of work is thank I see your hands right okay thank you thank you director uh M cler council members GNA have a motion to close this especially meeting portion we have to announce the public portion yes we have that because it's a public meeting yes so um for those who would like to participate and the public portion of this meeting they can call 973 3211 1579 and enter meeting ID 8326 press star one to listen to the meeting and press star three to be added to the speaker key we have one um caller I am told for the public portion Mr President thank you m CL so let's bring that person that is on the on the waiting uh room and let's keep it open to see if we get other members of the community that wants to join us on this meeting on the publicly por cler yes sir added to the speaker key we have one um caller I am told you go ahead speaker you may go ahead state your name even whatever this is Deborah Hannibal good evening welcome good evening Council so I have I also am concerned and share the same concern as others uh I'm just confused as to why this information uh was not presented even on last Tuesday can you hear me yes we goear you and then there was an item it looks was it removed regarding the [Music] audit hello so for item number four resolution to approve a corrective action plan in response to an audit received for the 2022 calendar year was that discussed tonight or did I miss it no it wasn't discussed item number four and item number six are removed from the agenda they will be discussed on the next meeting probably in the next Workshop meeting is there a meeting tomorrow a budget meeting uh there's a budget hearing tomorrow that is correct are these special meetings advertised on channel 77 yes they are okay because we watched for about a half an hour prior to the start of the meeting and we did not see any advertisement it's not there we didn't see [Music] itable hello hello yes yes please continue I'm just confused um do we have anyone in the city that knows what's going on I know uh I believe that Corey was at the meeting in September I don't know if this was the same item it just seems as if every time there's something for the library which is so key to our community uh I don't understand why that's just not she said she didn't see it [Music] um just not able to just go through I don't you know we shouldn't get this push back that is a storehouse of knowledge uh it makes no sense to me and that this is not something that's new it just seems that if certain directors ask for something to be done there's a slow train and then some things like uh I know there was some information shared uh yesterday on social media that when I left three minutes are up sorry three minutes are up yeah okay yes yes me members of the public um try to use the three minute wisely uh so you know so try to use a three minute and we will we will respond at the end of the public portion because at at the end of the three minute uh you will be out of the out of the line uh with the council so and the next Pier will take his three minutes so please use the three minute wisely but missable man we're GNA wait a little a little bit longer so to see um let's wait for a couple more minutes to see if we if we have any other speaker we'll do Mr President okay said wait for so I'll repeat the um number in the meantime for those who would like to participate in the public portion you may call 973 3211 1579 and enter meeting ID 8326 press star one to listen to the meeting and press star three to be added to the speaker key again 973 3211 1579 enter me meeting ID 8326 press star one to listen to the meeting press star three to be added to the speaker key thank you Madame clerk council president CC we have another speaker on the line yeah just clarify the the speaker that the system will not down the end at the end of the public P let's get the next speaker the speakers that we not knocking the call down we have any speakers uh Ryan is saying there's someone on the line but it's not adding to the queue so I'm not sure what's the technical problem there can you repeat the the process Buton click just to make sure that every understand we for those who would like to participate in the public portion of this special virtual meeting you may call 973 3211 1579 enter meeting ID 8326 press star one to listen to the meeting press star three to be added to the speaker key again 973 3211 1579 is a number to call to participate in the public portion of this special meeting the meeting ID is 8326 press star one if you just want to listen to the meeting press star three to be added to the speaker key thank you very much wait a couple of minutes council members to see if we have we have two people um lining up Mr President sure let let's bring the let's bring the next one as soon as uh as long as they are ready okay sir Deborah Hannibal please state your name and go ahead speaker taxpayer so I'm saying I'll try to I I'm very very tired my best friend of almost 50 years passed away yesterday but I still think it's so important to be engaged in these ongoings here with the council I am just so upset and disappointed with how our taxpayer money is being spent we called it to order this special meeting for for items and half of them had to be tabled because insufficient data was provided so that we can't even make a decision so that's that's a waste of everybody's time look at everybody's salary and then when I looked on the website this information was dated October 15th so that was the night of the the actual last uh council meeting so some things in this city it just kind of looks like it's um done by Design uh like where I it it's almost like the Keystone Cops episode I I just I'm just so when I tell you I am disappointed in how the third largest city is being run someone needs to know to make a change DCA whoever the monitor is needs to change they're not the proper people are not in place to really move the city forward this is not run like a business it's sad I I think I've been to church meetings and little Community organizations that are run better it doesn't make sense to me and then when there something for the library every single time it's a delay I mean what do you want someone to stand on their head if people would you know you you hire good people and then you won't let them do their job and then there's sometimes you just hire people who are just straight incompetent I mean I've seen when um the economic development director Michael Powell was there there was something that was pushed through everybody approved it's like oh we have to pay it I still have a record of that and they had Billy stand up there like it was his item it was not even his item but it was the economic director and that was over $50,000 that should not have been approved and the council happily approved it we've seen that happen time and time again and I I'm sorry for the people that are not able to get through I know there are other people that want to get through and express their concerns people talk to me all the time about how disappointed and how this is the worst shape that the city has ever been in council president council president you have to unmute yes Council um council president and I'm just going to say this I think that it is unfair um I understand that there's a three minute and it cuts you off so it's none of us cutting anyone off and that you know individuals calling that they want to make their statements but we also have to be fair we don't allow that in the council meetings where you have be able to go back on the line and speak again so I think that we have to be mindful of that all right um because you know that sets a presidence okay yeah well well well understood counil M I don't know if they recognizes in the number when people call multiple time do we have any other speaker on the line no Mr President we have no more speakers more speaker can I have a to close second motion to close move by Council DAV and second by Council M roll cl to close a public potion roll call to close a public portion of the municipal Council special virtual meeting of Monday October 2 1st 2024 councilman abdulaziz he's still there celebrating his birthday counc oh oh thanks councilman councilwoman Dava yes councilman colleague councilman colleague I said yes madame clerk thank you councilman councilwoman Ms yes Madam CL thank you councilman urin yes Madam CLK councilman valz yes Madam clerk Mr President yes mad clerk thank you the votes are seven yeses two absences public portion of the special virtual meeting is hereby closed move to close move to close by councilwoman Ms and second by councilwoman D Ro clerk to close this special meeting roll call to adjourn the municipal Council special virtual meeting of Monday October 21st 2024 councilman abdulaziz yes councilwoman dava so just for the record I know that we had um a speaker uh who called in uh twice you know to make her Point how disappointed you know uh she was pertaining to the action that the council took to remove the library item um just putting on record that just like all others this was not the only item that was pulled I do agree that we need to do a better job in terms of if we're calling a special meeting and there items that they need to have all the proper documentation um you know it gives us an opportunity to review um and to make better judgment um and so not having those documents so this was in any no means of we're not in support of we're in full support of our director um it's just unfortunate that the information uh was not fully provided therefore making this item along with others also removed all right so it should be coming back um once again like I said you know we are in full support um the other unfortunate thing is the director did not sign in he signed in when we were already done and have removed our motions and so I would put on record please when you have items pressing items at that please make sure to be in the meetings uh in a timely fashion therefore when the council start speaking and have concerns that you are able to address them at an early matter so you know with that said thank you uh Patterson uh have um a good evening my vote is yes to close the special meeting thank you councilwoman Dava councilman colle good night everyone my vote is yes thank you councilman colleag councilwoman Mims thank you madam clerk so I'll go a little bit farther I just would like to make the request if items are truly not time sensitive to we should not be scheduling speci special meetings in the first place there items that were on there items that could have been a part of the meeting when we do the budget or and or um anything after that I didn't see anything that was time sensitive to call an emergency meeting on tonight um I'm present I I'm glad it was virtual because um as it's already stated sometimes you schedule things because um other things are going on because you know that there's not no meeting schedule however we have to make sure that all of the items when we get our packets every piece of information is attached I personally don't have any issues with any of the directors I want their work to get done but I can't support an item when we don't have the scope of work or the details so on one end the community will say to us well you don't know what you're voting for then the other time they'll say we you know whatever so I just want to make sure on the scope of work it wasn't just the one item there were a few items that were removed what happened she got disconnected C was having problem from the beginning of the let's [Music] um yeah let's give a few minutes give a few minutes so you could continue and then go back to C Ms if if that's possible but CL could we go to councilman urin in the meantime yeah yes sure Udin you may do your um closing remarks sir yeah thank you Madame Clark so uh as my previous Council colleagues mentioned about uh how people uh you know sometimes blaming that why these items are pulled up and we I I used say that we are more uh uh you know frustrated because we had to remove two of the items out of five and this not the reason we are here we joined the meeting for we scheduled we had other things scheduled but we are here here to make sure that we move forward with these items but we cannot stay on the dark side or we cannot have incomplete information uh and and vote for something uh the reason we did not vote or remove the items because we want complete understanding that we are supporting the items that support Patterson so again um what happened previously I don't know but I want to make sure that I completely understand what's happening uh without understanding our full comprehension and uh and having full uh information from the Departments I don't think we should move any of the items uh forward so that that should be our stand uh the uh Administration should be more as I mentioned earlier that should be more punctual uh because every time uh special meetings uh we host because this is time sensitive yes in a sense however I cannot come uh and show up to the meeting with incomplete information so with that being said um I I believe that in the future we're going to have more equipped more prepared and uh my vote is yes to close the public special Mee today I am back on yes Dr Mims you may go ahead so I apologize my computer glitched out so just to re restate very briefly um make sure Administration all the information we need to have to properly be prepared for these meetings since this is not a workshop it's a special that we have those items so that we can have a a a very good discussion and support Andor uh request that things be table remov whatever that looks like after discussion but that's through request that I'm placing on the floor don't have any issues with any of our directors we have been very uh conscious of all the needs of all of our department heads community at large and we're making sure we try to get it done that's why we came on tonight for the meeting but without the documentation it's hard to support or it's hard to move forward without to support anything Madam clerk with that being stated thank you so much everybody that's on my vote is yes good night everybody thank you Dr Mims councilman VZ I'm here um I don't know is U Mr Aman abushi is um still here um um council president uh thank you Mr Bushi and Madame ba um I understand that um it's my understanding that we approve an Administration allow us to have uh legislator a or Commissioners that assists us in our duties every day in in the city of pison paid by taxpayers you know I have three um other council member have four you know and that's good for all of us um my concern is coming that um I was not here in the last council meeting and I was uh and as everybody knows took a week off well deserve one um but we having uh legisl a going in social media and calling my colleague stupid and people that being paid by the city of Patterson taxpayer calling us words in in different aspect in social media free and and using the word freed of speech but when you talking about an employee that is taxpayer money you know there had to be a code of conduct and there had to be a policy in place uh this individual is going out of hand uh I will have uh I will have the proof to Mr Bushi for he could draft a letter uh to this individual to decease stoping decease you know uh because he's getting out of hand and uh I I'm not going to be in the in the in the in the chambers accepting no insult uh especially when it comes up to the way that we work and the way that we legate and if we doing the right way uh this individual are getting paid to do the city work about any other councilman have to do so um I requested on the floor last time uh Mr abushi and Madame ba to see where we could put a uh not a stops and know a a a a a things in order with that because I said it before n of my Aid comes to the chamber to belittle any councilman they respect him in and out of the chamber so um that's how they got instructed so uh I want to follow up that for the next meeting uh if it's possible I could get that in written and I also advise all those legislative AIDS you know to be general you know and not say that we picking somebody or whatever uh to put the house in order in that side because if it was one of us trust me they will preach us or they will remove us from office um saying that uh council president uh I know that we are always trying to work with the administration um and and try to move the city agenda uh some items as you know was it's uh one one one leg missing out of the table but it it's it's healthy to move it on the on the aspect of of of being safe and secure so I know that 4:30 in the afternoon it's a Joe Franco I was there at the office at Ruby was there uh when he arrived with all this paperwork rushing it to the uh to The Madam Clerk and um I was witness and Ruby were witness on that so um saying that council president thank you uh my vote is yes to close this special meeting thank you councilman Vance Mr President uh thank you Madame clerk uh so council members uh you know the two item out of the agenda will remove a send it back for the lack of uh additional information additional for the lack of a scope of work and more information in term of the full project and that was item number three the Vista Park construction uh project for the park and number five the uh the the the construction of the library uh and you know what and this is the right thing to do some um it's very concerning for me when I hear people from the community um thinking that when we send an item back to the to the workshop is because we have a personal uh something personal something going out with that with that with the director and that's not the case I like to see my C Kali asking those additional question that need to be asked and if you don't feel comfortable because you need additional information you're entitled to say you know what let's move this and let's get all the information to make the smart decision and the Rend the decision that will help the city patter that's the right thing to do that's the right thing when it come to talk about government but yes and another note on yes there there's some you know individuals that are working as on the capacity of council a that they going out there um you know very inappropriate I mean insulting council members and it's really sad that they are part of the uh employees of the city and something definitely have to be done I'm going to leave that on the hands of the legal department and see how can we uh address the situation for me I always ask about information and and from the council perspective from the Administration we have to be transparency because people they start putting information out there that I not that they're not true but because we don't go out there and and and rebottle and confront things um some members of the community believe that that's the the right information that they are that they are absolutely correct and that that's not the case but we finish our special meeting uh Council KH thank you for join us on this special meeting I'm looking forward to see you tomorrow at the um budget hearing at 77 Allis Street B was a great pleasure to see you I'm members of administration abushi I'm looking forward to see you tomorrow my V is yes but cler thank you Mr President the votes are seven yeses two absences the special virtual meeting of to uh Monday October 21st 2024 is hereby adjourned good night good evening everyone good night everybody good night good night see you tomorrow