##VIDEO ID:ISTKfnkpO40## ra thank you Rafa good evening pis on behalf of the municipal Council we welcome you to our Especial meeting SCH scheduling at 8:00 p.m. it is 8:15 the meeting is now called to order mad cler please call the road okay I'm sorry councilwoman davam yes councilman Jackson yes councilman KH here councilwoman Mims yes councilman Udin yes councilman valz council president yes M clerk we have seven in favor two absent the meeting is now open thank you m clerk please read the 48h hour NOS meeting covered by 48 hour notice notice of the time date location and agenda of this meeting was transmitted to the north Jersey Herald News the record the Arabic voice the Italian voice the B County Post Domin count News laeta International lpal the patteron press the city post news tap into Patterson the weekly Ang Patria in addition to any other publication duly requested such notices at or about 11:00 a.m. on October the 2 2024 such notices were posted on the bulletin board in the offices of the city clerk at City Hall council president thank you mad clerk mad clerk let's get into the uh first item of this special meeting okay okay I'll read the um the notice pursuant to the open public meetings act be advised that the municipal Council of the city of patters has scheduled a special meeting for Tuesday October 8th 2024 at 8:00 p.m. to be held in the council chambers 155 Market Street third floor City Hall Patterson New Jersey for the purpose of discussing the following matters resolution authorizing an executive session to address a new agreement with patteron police PBA Local 1 resolution number 24 colon 595 is the police matter formal action will be taken executive session executive or closed session in or joining the city council chambers 155 Market Street to discuss resolution authorizing a new agreement with Patterson Police PBA local number one no formal action will be taken number two resolution approving a new agreement with Patterson Police PBA local number one resolution number 24 596 formal action will be taken so move move was moved by Council mavila council president Council Mims um so now we're getting into a security and close section council presc president council president just a minute councilman Mims um I just would like to um request if um the ladies myself and Council from Dava could be added as sponsors on this resolution there's no there's no that's fine no sponsor to be sponsors Council myself councilwoman Dava and uh Council uh president thank you um council members we're going into a security section now so members of the public so right now we're going to go into a security and close section Council presid after we finish so we're going to get allow everybody back into the room to take formal action on this matter and right after that we're going to go into the public portion just stay before before we go into SEC section oh god um is there any reason is there any reason council president is any is there any reason we going to disc discuss executive section close section the contract of the PBA local one and agreement with the city of passing and we only have a resolution piece of paper we don't have the whole entire contract to discuss okay yeah so so so M question uh yeah council president Council Council a question coun um we are going to approve or discuss after after discussion we could approve but a resolution authorizing the second section the contract and we don't have the entire contract to examinate the whole contract by itself and we only have a resolution paper I have for you um the highlights and the changes that we'll discuss in execu okay so so coun so so there's some Chang that will be discussed on the executive section councilman Jackson so what he just said was he had some highlights of the changes I want a whole contract but obviously even from the context the this contract had expired in 2019 therefore it was in place well before this Administration was in place and I can't understand how this is going to be responsible of the council to be voted on on on highlighted items that's going to be verbally pointed out by whether it's the administration or not we should have the entire contract to review this is something that's very important you look at this contract and the duration of this contract it's going to be something that's going to be an extensive period of time you know furthermore I want to just put place this on record very very inconsiderate and how this entire thing was managed the police department they are employees of the city they should have come in after we finished everything after we addressed the members of the public the young lady who comes here consistently with her children we're going to now ask them to leave the chambers while we sit in executive session discuss only highlights we're not going to review the entire context of the of the contract so they can then get tired and not come back in the public portion should have been addressed and you know I'm going just say this last thing just in response of uh uh councilman and Dean and councilwoman I'm not sure like listen I know you're in the rush to go you guys already managed to cut our meetings down only one time a month now people still not showing up up people in the rush to go I mean this is incredible you know we're rushing why are you addressing me I haven't said absolutely anything because you over here on my side you continue to everything you're saying is going right in my ear you're rushing m to the council president you're let you got to leave I haven't open my mouth you said it like a dozen times already that you have to leave how do you didn't open your mouth council members please so again just to just to respond to councilman um uh uh oudin that was this the the the the most asinine response as to say that the people who are employed by this municipality that we don't have the right to question their level of professionalism by questioning somebody's level of professionalism is not a personal attack and if anyone feels as if questioning their experience their uh uh uh professionalism their input on their or the requirement of their job if that's a personal attack then you shouldn't be working in this place where the 200,000 plus residents require you to come here and do a job that you're being paid for because every single day I mean listen I've only had a few jobs right but as a professional athlete that was getting paid I'm getting scrutinized not only by the fans the coaches my teammates and if you're not performing guess what you go to the bench that's right I have the right to ask someone what's their level of expertise and how they have been performing for him to put that on a public record just shows that he has no idea of what the requirement of this job is and secondly for us to be trying to rush through this process this is an embarrassment this is how we continuously sign poor agreements because the council doesn't take time I don't want to be told the highlights I want to take the document home I want to be able to read it I want to make sure that what I'm voting on and signing off on is appropriate for the for my community but that's just me so council president just quickly councilwoman M this has nothing to do with that but I'm um to it I've gotten 15 messages that the public is saying that when we're speaking it's garble so they cannot hear us at all so so can you just check they speak they're speaking so when on do it the public portion please don't get too close to the mic because they cannot they're not going to be able to hear your at home if we get close I I got your request I just gave it to them thank thank you councilman M so now I want to put a motion on the on the secretary section because what I hear is is a lot of great thing about this Contra the union is Happy the union president is excited the union president is here the entire police department is in full support I even hear that we have police officer from all the municipality that they getting ready to come back to piso after this contract that's the reason why I'm waiting for because they Union they've been going back and forth on arbitration with Administration and they're excited they're ready to go so a motion to get into executive close section move by Council mavila second second by Council M roll Comm clerk to get into exec or close and close section roll call to go into executive session councilwoman Dava yes councilman Jackson yes councilman KH yes councilwoman ma' so I just want a um just put on record I know that we're making a motion to do that but the memorandum I've read it the members have voted on it so I I don't want to go into executive session I think I'm ready to vote it's very clearcut the the union was very clear on what they decided they have a unanimous vote I've never seen the union vote unanimously for everything they requested so at this point I want to make a motion on the floor that we don't need an executive session that we can go right into the vote that's my motion second um can we vote the voting section your vot is yes councilor say yes no no you could you know what we no no we we voting on a motion to get into executive and close secutive right and I just made a motion it'll be in and out so can we vote without going in second s my vote my vote is now for what to go to Executive she don't want to V to ex okay so she just want to vote so let's Contin v h council president before we do those vote legal we we publish uh a second section to be complied to be compliance on that notice do we have to go to a second session no I just asked them sure you can use my to be compliance can I use your thank you councilman VES for that inquiry um so you do not have to go into the executive session the purpose of the executive session is to review the changes um to the extent that you haven't reviewed it already ask any questions and then exit executive session going into executive session is not a prerequisite to vote on the contract if you're comfortable with uh taking that approach so in other words council president if we go straight to vote we could discuss this in public yes you you could certainly discuss the changes um in public in public council president uh council president really quick if you wanted to ask me uh questions there are certain privileged information that I may not be able to answer publicly council president Council MAV as the chair of Public Safety um and understanding that councilman Jackson has requested because he does not have all the information and the changes we should go it can be a short executive session we have here the public who you know we're going to have public portion next it'll be short so we can go in and out all right at least councilman Jackson will be able to hear what those changes are I am happy I know what those changes are as I say in public safety and finally you to know that it was ratified and in unison you know you have everyone voted for this contract you know I'm not going to stand in the way but I believe that we should give councilman Jackson okay the right to hear what those changes are so we can go in and out well he should read his email counc council members please Council what what you want me to do vote for what to go to Executive oh I vot I vote know let's let's discuss this in public whatever it comes out whatever the he he Co answer he answer whatever he can answer answer that's it we adult we adult we understand this counc president council members council president ask council is my give me to V to at least councilman Jackson the opportunity to hear what those changes are council members council members let me just just allow me to uh express myself before my vote the reason why we advertised to get into executive section I know we all excited about this Contra I've been back and forth with a union president members of the Union I know how excited the police department is and how long they've been waiting for this contract to be signed they've been waiting for years and years for this contract to be signed in order for us to pay what needs to be paid to our Police Department to bring more manpower into the city of Paro that's what's all about it we should not we should not have this back and forth this is all positive why are we getting things so difficult in order for us to conduct City business if there say secr section on it's going to be quick but there there's some sensitive in information they might with that we might not be able to discuss it in public and this is the right time and appropriate time for us to have the discussion and right after that we go into the public and we could allow the public uh know what they need to be know about the contract and move on but this is so positive and our patteron Police Department been waiting for years for this new contract so with that being said to get into executive section to have a quick discussion and go back and voted my vote is just to go into a secret section okay okay the votes the votes are three in favor two against two absent we go into executive section members to the this going to be brief after this we're going Rafael turn it off turn it off right after this we're going