38m councilman abdulaziz councilwoman cotton councilwoman daver present councilman Jackson councilman khik president here here okay thank you councilman um councilwoman Mims I'm pres Madam clerk thank you thank you councilman Udin there I saw I'm here Madam clerk thank you councilman valz was there Mr President my my president M clerk thank thank you Mr President I'll Now read the statement of compliance with the open public meetings law for 2023 2024 today's meeting date is April 2nd 2024 the time is now 6:39 p.m. adequate notice of this meeting was compiled and disseminated in accordance with the open public meetings law in the following manner one the annual notice of regular me meetings and workshop sessions of the municipal Council was compiled for the year 2023 2024 on our about July 1 2023 two a schedule of the regular meetings and workshop sessions of the municipal Council for the year 2023 2024 was duly transmitted onor about July 1 2023 to the north Jersey Herald News the record the Arabic voice the Italian voice the P County PS Dominic news Lis International Lis special the pison press the city post news tap into parison the weekly bangler Patria in addition to any other publication duly requesting such notices three the schedule of the regular meetings and workshop sessions of the municipal Council for the year 2023 2024 was prominently posted in the lobby of City Hall first floor in the place reserved for the announcements of this type four the schedule of the regular meetings and workshop sessions of the municipal Council for the year 2023 2024 was duly filed with the municipal clerk and five a copy of the schedule of regular meetings of the municipal Council was mailed to any person who requested and paid the fee authorized by the open public records act Mr President thank you madam clerk so let's start this Workshop section before we start this work uh Workshop section there's a quote from Matthew Luther King that say Darkness cannot drive out Darkness only light can do hate cannot drive out hate Only Love Can Do let's do the city let's do the people's business so we have a presentation uh council members good evening to all my great Council C before we start with payment of Bill and we have a presentation from the director of public Bo Billy Rodriguez Billy thank you council president U we have S with us uh she's going to give her presentation about the infrastructure um analysis we did that was asked for um the council few months back maybe even a year ago a year ago so she's going to present what the company came up with okay thank you cancel good evening good evening everyone I am going to go ahead and share my screen let me know when you see it yeah we can see it perfect do you see the the the PowerPoint presentation but there it was up you had it up there okay yeah you're good to go it's up there now perfect sounds good all right uh uh thank you so much for having me uh IMS basically has had the pleasure of collaborating with Patterson on this road condition assessment project and today I'll be providing a brief overview of our observations regarding Network level payment conditions in Patterson and uh and I will be having the agenda here first I'll be uh talking about our methodology the principles of payment Management in in general then uh I'll give you some examples of Pavements in different conditions throughout the city and then I'll get into the results I'll provide you an overview of what we are seeing in the CD and then I'll dig into the analysis portion and I'll leave you with some recommendations moving forward all right payement management so when it comes to payement management uh it's basically an iterative process that allows for a data driven maintenance of your roadway assets through this process we start with reviewing the city's current objectives policies and budgets then we follow a thorough assessment of payment conditions to determine current conditions and then utilizing this data before cast future conditions and we develop a payment maintenance and Rehabilitation plan finally the city conducts the plan projects and then this cycle repeats and the major goal with having a system in place is to have this feedback loop where we can learn from the data and use the data to update our objectives policies and budgets all right so here uh this is a typical pavement performance model as you can see in the curve uh Pavements start with a perfect PCI or payment condition index score of 100 right after construction and they deteriorate over time when they're still in good condition the rate of deteriation is low and you may see only about 15% drop in the condition in about 40% of their life this is about eight nine years in the beginning of the pavement life cycle but at some point when the payments are in Fair or marginal category the rate of deter really picks up up and you may suddenly see about 40% drop in only 15% of its life that is about 3 or four years and if you miss the opportunity to do some sort of a rehab activity at that time then Pavements rapidly deteriorate to poor and very poor conditions and they become a reconstruction backlog and reconstruction projects as you can imagine are significantly more expensive than rehab projects such as M and overlay and M and overlay projects on their onside are more expensive significantly more expensive than preventive maintenance work such as slay C sealing hatching those type of preventive maintenance work are inexpensive but they allow you to really extend the life of the payment as you can see in this figure I see little bumps in the PCI so if you really focus on that payment preservation when payments are still in very good and good condition you can really extend the life of the pavement and keep it in good condition for a longer time all right so that was kind of why we do these type of services why we Implement a payment management system but now I want to kind of show you the process that we followed for evaluating the road conditions throughout the network on the right side you see uh a picture of the the van that we utilize it's called Road surface tester or RSC we deployed it for this project it is equipped with 3D laser cameras that allows for a safe efficient accurate and repeatable way of collecting pavment condition data throughout uh this process we identify and classify all different distresses on the on the surface of the road as you can see on the left side alligator cracking rotting longitudinal and transfers cracking and so forth and in addition to the stresses we also capture the profile the road to determine the right quality these are a few examples of the images that we get from the van this van is semi-automated the process that we follow is semi-automatic so uh first we analyze all the images using image processing and Ai and then we manually review them we uh get unsealed cracks or open cracks we get sealed cracks concrete joints man-made objects all of those are further classified into different distress types and then after we fully analyze all of these different type of data then we follow uh industry standards specifically asmd 6433 standard to analyze those distress data we get the types severities and the quantities of different type of distresses to formulate a score from 0 to 100 it is called the surface distress index similarly we analyze also the road longitudinal profile uh following another ascm standard e926 to determine International roughness index which is a measure of right quality or how bumpy the road is whether you're going to spill your coffee or not and then we are going to aggregate all of those results into a payment condition Index this is a score from 0 to 100 it allows us to uh figure out the condition of the road on the scale of 0 to 100 and we further break down that scale into uh categor with u different names very poor poor marginal Fair good very good and excellent and as you can see uh anything that has a PCI below 40 it's typically called backlog those are your reconstruction backlogs and those are the ones that you get the highest um calls from their residents because those payments are in very poor condition they have Pooles and alligator cracking and ring all all over them all right so now let's give you some examples just just so you have an idea of what is a payment in excellent condition and so forth this is an an example from Oliver Street it's in really good condition excellent few no detectable distresses this one is in very good condition East 26 street from 7th Avenue to 6th Avenue this one has some minor longitud and transort cracking or just starting to uh show off uh this one is in good condition it has more of the type of longitudinal trans cracking that uh and you kind of need to really focus on these Pavements before they become poorer in this phase these are the great candidates for preventive maintenance work you can do some crack sealing followed by slay seal which is very inexpensive and keep this good Pavement in good condition for a longer time but if you delay that process then it gets to that fair category that then it gets to that critical portion that I said the rate of deter suddenly increases and you see more and more cracks developing in no time you see uh potol and raveling that show up on the pavement such as this example that I'm showing on New York Avenue from Atlantic Street to Main Street if this process gets delayed any further then you'll have more of those type of cracks vied cracks more structural failures in the pavement more ruding more alligator cracking but it's still when it is in marginal category it is perfect candidate candidate for a mil and overlay project you can still pay spend about 2030 per square yard and revive that payement and make it brand new but if you delay it even a few years maybe two or three years uh more then it gets to this poor category you'll have more structural failures alligator cracking and then it gets to this phase this is an indicator or much larger problem in the base in the subgrade so if the payment is in this condition you probably won't be able to bring it back to that PCI of 100 just by meeing off the surface even if you meal off the surface you'll notice the distresses are down there the base is in poor condition so you need to do more significant work to really get it to r m Dak if I may excuse me so um so if you can give us a overview of the presentation a summary of the report because I know that you present you did this presentation to the for the public work committee uh at the city council chamber but you know if you could just summarize you know the the the the so the the work that you did you know that way we could all understand and that way I could allow my Council K to ask question counc pres this is a summarized version of which um presented to the uh committee um if you can notice on the bottom it's only she only has uh eight more slides to go and that includes the U what she wants the city to do so just let it see all right thank you all right yeah and then basically this is the last example that I have from the payment conditions very poor category with a lot of raveling and distresses and that is a payment that requires a food reconstruction so those examples now can provide you with that perspective this is what we see in the city uh currently the average PC is about 55 the backlog which is those very poor and poor payments that's 30% that's one3 of almost one third of your network is is in that category that requires significant reconstruction projects but uh you also have a lot of payements in that very good and good condition that allows you to do preventive maintenance on and try to extend their life then you have U some payments in uh marginal and fair category and those are the payments that would benefit the most from me and overlay projects here is a kind of a comparison between different functional classes uh something we really like to see in cities is that at least the arterials that are used by more people are in better ship and luckily for you your primary arterial have an average PC of 70 and as you can see the major problem is in your local streets those have the lowest PCI so local streets neighborhood roads are the ones that are really in a poorer condition now uh that was the current conditions and now I want to show you what we can do with this data for some future plan so these are uh this is again that same care that I was showing that just to give you that perspective of how payments deter it and how much it it is going to cost to do that preventive maintenance keep it in good condition and then or do meal and overlay uh which is about four times more expensive and then if you delay it further it becomes a reconstruction need which is about $100 uh per square yard and it is 10 times more expensive with the those in mind these are a few model that we have run and this is basically the last slide that I have so this is the most important thing for future this is showing uh the projections in future with different fundings and I am presenting you with several what if scenarios if you want to fix everything every problem in the network you need about $89 million for the next five years that allows you to increase the PCI to 85 and basically remove all the backr in the city if you want to maintain the current conditions you you need to spend about three $3.5 million per year and that allows you to stay in that PCI of 55 56 that back of about 30 31% if you want to reduce the back hog to something that is a bit more manageable then you need to increase the budget to about 5.33 million but of course if you do nothing the network is going to decline to PC 47 and the backlog is going to grow to 42% so yeah with that I'll turn it over if you have any questions I'll be more than happy to respond excellent thank you thank you to our expert for that great presentation um council members I know there's um my Council colleag I'm going to open the floor for question uh for my Council C we have this presentation at the workshop at the uh the committee meeting uh and it was a very good presentation and I I express at on that meeting that my concern uh with the utility company that are coming into our city and opening a row once we fix it I noticed that once they do that if if that they don't fix uh the the the street with the same uh stand of quality that we do that we fix the road and and and and a couple of months later you see that a p or a sync on that section so for me that that's very concerning to me um I don't know if uh if we if we share this information with our utility company they know the standard of quality that they have to you know implement it when they when they fix our road director that I express that concern back then when we start this conversation uh and and and president I am in the meeting just let the record yes let the record reflect that councilman from this is where sit join us council members any question yeah council president council member Le um the only thing I want is and I requested it when we had the committee meeting uh that she was present to send us and forward us all the council memb that presentation that she just put at the uh at the screen the the PowerPoint um if it's possible um to send us a copy a hard copy or [Music] whatever Council yes as we said in the committee meeting um soon as she did this presentation we'll have it available for um Council the whole Council um the entire presentation including the uh each Street each Street's analysis that that they came up with correct also council president at the same note Madame ba um and moving forward um this presentation is is is gold uh for us because uh it looks at the condition that we have in our streets to make the wise decision moving forward um how we could invest the money uh in when we go to repair or resurface that we do it from the beginning to be able to get the best out of the best when they are res surfing um the city and this could to be a testament for the rer Street uh whatever could apply for River Street uh in quality uh because we want that road to uh uh hold you know uh uh the the amount of money that we spend in River Street also uh Billy director I don't know if the um if the uh your engineering or whoever is working with the River Street project are having conversation with u with um PC G and the Water Commission because we don't want to spend this money and they come and start opening opening the road because they need to put a line of gas or put a line of pipe or whatever you know we don't want to throw that money to waste all those conversations are being had especially especially when it comes off to schedule to see there could be a line on it for the schedule could be uh that they open before we go and resurface you know they be you know thank you got some any other council member council president my hand has been up so I don't know oh I'm sorry Council woman Dr Lissa and councilwoman C right after go ahead councilwoman okay so my apologies to the public if they are viewing um because I'm not on camera I am out of town but I know it was important to be at the meeting um so I have a few questions are we taking action on this item tonight because I'm not on the committee so I would like to take the time to revie you the uh presentation deck that was presented on tonight so I can have some questions and pertaining to what is being presented and then secondly how are we measuring like what are the standards that we're measuring to ensure that there is quality work being done that it's efficient and then I didn't see anything that talked about the performance evaluation review that should be taking place with all of these new um contracts so so we're not taking we're not taking any action this is Su justest a presentation counil woman that's a great question so right after this presentation we all going to get a copy of that it's going to be and we will go over I know all my Council KH we all you know advocating for different stct I have my whole list in the third war and I know my Council Kali they have their their priority as well so that's a conversation now that we're going to have with the director so we're looking forward to have that good council president Kenan yes Council uh director bil oh no council director please um but U uh councilwoman uh Lisa Mims uh yes this is uh you guys took action on this over a year ago when you asked for this uh for this study um so and full the study be given to all the council people to analyze and to present streets that you want to get done and Engineering will take this into account when in the future when we do other streets keep in mind anything that's on State on state um list can't be changed those are already go for those are already approved by the state so this is for Citywide stre forward thank thank you uh Council Council brother this just another point so that's why I asked the question director and thank you for that update um because I want to take the time to review it based on what was stated in the past so I want to take a look at it so council president just um a recommendation that before it's presented to the council that there's a full uh Workshop to not full for the entire Workshop but that is a very robust discussion on what's in those documents based on what the needs real needs of are the community thank you Council woman I I agree with you the condition of a rose that's that's one of the biggest uh priority for all uh for myself and all my Council colleag and that conversation need to happen councilwoman Kon thank you thank you council president I think I have two questions I wanted to ask um to the to the presentation did are these all the streets in the entire city of Patterson or you just pick and choose which street that it was are there could you said to do everything is 83 million over five years how many have in there we have about 155 sorry uh so we have 155 uh Center Line of roads and that's basically your network the network that you're managing say that again we have 155 streets you said 155 Center Line miles of Road they drove every street councilman the city of Pon they went okay but when she say Center Line I don't understand what you're saying that that's basically every street so because sometimes yeah so we basically call it by the center of the street right okay um my next question is um even though I mean you picked the streets that were so in your report is it going to have which streets are okay which street are not okay which street are really extremely bad which street needs to be paid are those going to be in the report yes okay and once you um now my question now to Billy the director I'm sorry um now now when they come back with the report and they show certain streets are really in dire dire dire need to get paid you're not going to put those under State contracts are you going to put them in in another category those that's that'll be up to the council administration at that point will we analyze this this U study that they did how we want to move forward with the streets St oh how oh how um because even though like if the street is put on the state contract I mean and and you said it before and I think that we need to try to work with our state reps that sometimes those streets that under State contract do not need to get paid we have other streets that's sometimes even work those streets I don't know how we can do that Billy let's try to figure out how it could be done that how how we cannot get streets paid that are not as bad as streets that are really really bad I didn't hear you director we look into just got to remember that the the the state contracts are maybe three two three years sometimes four years behind so I know they're behind that's why I said so I want to say to my Council colleagues that I mean I personally really do not like to have the street on the state contract because they're behind two or three years before your street can get paved and that's entirely too long to have to wait that long to get a street paid so I think that when he said that we have to look into something differently then that's what we going to have to do thank you coun president thank you Council woman and and director so even though so we're going to have more conversation about this presentation let's stay on top of the utility company that are coming into the city of patteron because like for example 14,000 is totally redone all the way from east side park all the way down into Madison so it go from the third war all the way down to the fourth and the fifth War so we don't want to see those utility company coming in opening the road and not fixing the road the way they supposed to do that that's been my biggest concern for the past uh since I've been here because I noticed that once they open the road it it get destroyed easily I don't know if they not using the type of material that they supposed to be using but that's really affecting the city and I know that that's a major problem so so let enger engineer our engineer has made that a priority to um hold the utility companies accountable for their work they're doing and keeping on my schedule with us so's he's been on top of that got thank you director and before uh C AB yes hold on one second can you hear me yes director um this study is going to just be for advice correct it's not going to be the list that you this administration's locked in correct yeah just advice to to advis city in which way we should go um nameing best streets to the worst streets yeah but what like what I try to say is when we do our list for repaving we're not just going to utilize this list because what I what I'm fearful of is we may say a road is not bad from when they did their study and then I don't want the administration and the council to be locked in because a year or two from now a bad storm a bad flood and that road is now no more not good anymore and and you know we could now repave it but that list is just there for advice correct this is here for advice is another tool we can use to manage our rules thank you very much thank you thank you Council M uh thank you director let's move on into payment of Bill Council council president uh councilman Jackson thank you council president director can you tell me uh what was the cost for this uh this study um M I don't I don't have it on front of I don't remember the call of it you have it yeah I would have to I if you give me a minute I can maybe try to find that hold on one second director while we're waiting for the ba to acquire the information um I noticed you said you said the engineering department is is is after um or it's overseeing those roads that need to be repaired once utility companies have uh needed to make some changes is is that being equally applied to um homeowners that need to make you know uh sewer connections or um waterline connection ctions and that also have dug into the road are are the um are the homeowners or whoever is uh uh pull the permit for the job are they being required to do curve to curve Paving as well uh yes they um they're very hard on that um councilman Jackson um as you know we have some uh some homeowners some building that that are uh City some little bit of money um but uh they going forward making sure theyve been talking with uh zoning and and Michael deuts and making sure that anybody that gets a permit following the correct process okay um and if we can if if I can get a report on on those roles that have been outlined and and the enforcement has been applied uh hearing councilman Mendes it's unfortunate that we I have we have to hear that that I mean this Council has written legislation several years ago and the fact that it's still a an ongoing concern should it speaks volumes you know especially for those who are consistently in support of of of these Endeavors and uh uh continuing um lastly I'll say this I mean just just a comment to the public I couldn't help but notice the six Bo councilman's concern now having the roads fairly evaluated you know because we have roads such as the bottom of governor and Bridge Street that's haven't that's never been paved ever I would love to see the vendor since they drove every single Road I'm hoping to get in my uh my inbox the uh the laser um evaluation of that road also of uh Clinton Street Hill that hasn't been paved in in in many years the rail ties are still in the middle of of of the road there with Cobblestone um the old Cobblestone pavement protruding from the from the black top so if if possible I would love to get a uh uh a uh a report from the vendor um that we've paid that we spent taxpayers dollars to evaluate conditions of roads that Stevie Wonder could have seen needs to be that in desperate need of of repair so um with that being said I I mean I I'll rest there I wait on Madame B uh to to um tell us what the cost of this this uh this service was thank you Council Jackson Madame do you have that information or do you need an additional time so if not we could move on with payment of bills and we could go through the agenda until you get that information and share we can councilman Jackson and the rest of the governing body yes councilman uh council president yes I'm I'm looking it up and and getting that information right now but I'm goingon to need a few more minutes okay so so we're gonna move on with the meeting and when you get that information shared with the entire governing body coun Dava payment of Bill thank you very much uh to all my colleagues um to Patterson good evening uh the summary of dispersements uh for this week is a total of 6,9 98849 uh it was a payroll week of the6 Milli 5,823 was payroll uh the additional uh in general government of $64,900 so the total of that was $982,500 n88 with 49 my motion is there's there's a motion move by Council mavila second by Council bz roll call clerk on payment of bill um you have to unmute yourself m M CL thank you okay are you hearing me now thank you so payment of bills in the amount of 6, 9,988 49 councilman abdalaziz yes councilwoman cotton councilwoman daver yes councilman Jackson thank you madam clerk to the members of the public as we close in on this upcoming election season um I cannot help but outline this is the exact reason why our community is in the in the condition is in we have a a presenter coming forward to make a presentation on an item that obviously the services have been rendered and we don't even we're not even presented with how what the cost it is the it is the habitual um conditions of this Council to be automatic yeses in the in the um deric spending and you know I just cannot continue to sit here you know and just say no and not outline you know this deric behavior and how our communities being brutally taken advantage of so needless to say Madam Clerk my vote is no thank you councilman Jackson councilman khik thank you Madame clerk for the record we approved that contract to do that study I don't remember the exact cost but it came in front of the council I believe and we approved it for for them to do that study and U the service has been rendered on this payment of bills most of the money is Peril my vote is yes Madam thank you councilman KH councilwoman MS thank you madam clerk so thank you for that councilman khle I have to say that I made the request for this for the study to be done so we could get a real evaluation of all the streets in the community I'm grateful to see that it is done because we need a Vision study and a plan to put in place so that we can really evaluate by level of importance those streets Governor Street was already approved is on the state um on the state repaving list but it was already approved and there's many other streets that have been approved the weather's out about to break so some of those very streets are going to be paved um so many of us have you know advocated and fought hard and tirelessly to make sure that streets are going to be on that list and get paid and a lot more approved so I'm looking forward uh um to our DPW director while you're on please send an updated list with the schedule um as the spring and summmer about to roll in on those streets that will be repa that will be paid for this particular upcoming year Madam clerk with that being stated we're not voting on that right now we're voting on the payment of bills the majority of this bills list is to pay our employee e and I'm never gonna not want to pay them my vote is yes thank you Dr mes councilman Udin my bu yes M clerk thank you councilman councilman valz thank you Madame clerk to the members of the public we voting on The U payment of Bill Madame ba when we finish this give us the cose of that contract please uh that will benefit the whole entire city that we approve I believe in 2022 or 2023 uh my vote is yes the payment of bills thank you councilman vet councilwoman cotton thank you Madame clerk um um this is a payroll for um this is the payment of bills for the payroll um and with that being said I just want to make it clear and I tell U my the DPW director Billy Rodriguez U when we have our next Workshop you got to explain the difference between RADS getting paved on contracts and RADS getting paided with City dollars Madam clerk with that being said my vote is yes thank you councilwoman cotton Mr President thank you Manor clerk so we definitely we we voting on payment of bills and our employees deserve to get paid and also the company that provid service to our city also deserve to be to get paid on time and and I this study I support this study because the condition of the role in our city it's a major concern Citywide for all our resident and we have to be mindful we need to have a status from a professional and know like from top priority to L what needs to be done uh and and I'm looking forward to have the discussion with the entire Council uh when we get the presentation because I know we are advocating for different role I got my list from East 84 all the way through East 40 from Route 20 all the way to the top to Mana Road Broadway 11 Avenue pop road so I got my list I'm working on my list to make sure that my third word uh look impeccable um and once again I'm going to reiterate on this the administration need to put pressure on those utility company that are coming into our city and opening our road and not fixing the road the way they're supposed to be fixing if you look at it you could go around and a brand new repay rad once they opening the uh couple of months later you have a p you have a sink there and that's a problem so we have to protect our tax pay a dollar M cler my my vote is yes thank you council president the votes are eight yeses one no payment of bills in the amount of 6,998 a49 is hereby adopted thank you um councilwoman c um um um M no that was that was Council woman Dava no that that was me it was but I know I see I see your hand Council motton got are you looking at are you looking at hands now huh I'm looking at the screen yes I have to I have to take care of you I have to I have to pay attention to my Council Cali this is my job here so Madame VA thank you council president the purchase order for that vendor related to this project is7 $2,250 and so and that was correct as councilman khik had noted this was a contract that was approved by the council we went forward with the project and this is the results of the project yeah councilman Jackson could have done it for cheaper for us but oh well you should have spoke that day thank you Madame ba council members so we have le let's take care I didn't need a I didn't need a professional to come in here and tell me how big the PO and how deep you didn't you didn't you didn't stop any of them from blatantly blurting out and calling my name out and now you want to stop me from speaking IAL to tell me about how how deplorable the road conditions are in I mean and I'm sure we went back and noted on on the vote to approve got you we we're here Council uh thank you council members so let's take care of police and fire so we have let's start with police from item 24-27 we have director specially on the on on the zoom with us um the chair chairman ccom Davila item number 24 resolution authorizing C with gold type business I don't see Jerry on can we do fire because he's here okay oh Fire's here okay so let's I saw the director on the zoom uh but let's fire fire from 15 to 18 Council Dava 15 council president before go to the uh um the public fire council member yes um just to remind you that I believe we have a public portion and um to remember people what number to call thank you Council so councilwoman uh is the director um is the chief chief president all right so council members uh items 15 through 18 am I correct Chief yes okay these items went to committee um we had an extensive conversation I don't know if anyone um needs to ask anything to the chief but he is here the first one is resolution authorizing payment to Green Island resources for additional work for the EV charger project for the fire department that could go on consent I item 16 is a resolution authorizing an application to the US Department of Homeland Security DHS 2023 assistance for firefighters afg grant program so I think this should go on consent application also the acceptance is included on the on the on the on the resolution no this is just authorizing the application consent item 17 resolution authorizing the application to the US Department of Homeland Security DHS 2023 Staffing for adequate fire and emergency response that's the safer grant program consent V of the councilman item number 18 and 18 is resolution authorizing the award of contract to Striker Sales LLC medical division for the maintenance and repair services for the Lucas machines and EMS equipment contract number 04182 3-s y under the source well for the fire department council member This Is Us the award of contract any question on this item does anyone have any questions for the chief he's here on consent too if if there are no other question we could take it out of the concent agenda so police we have the director thank everyone I thank you I don't see the director I don't see the director on the line let's continue with public work I see we have the director Billy Rodriguez here with all so we have um uh so we have only uh so we have item 28 on uh Council Ms IEM 20 here for public work uh alteration endorsement um endorsement uh what is it endorsement for njde application 12 126 holding that could go to consent thank you any question council member on item 28 so item 20 will we go on consent um council president council president before we move forward council president yes councilwoman M can we get an overview on what that item is please uh director Billy yes councilwoman these are these are running applications whenever um an entity is seeking to add to our sources and have to put an application with the DP um we get these know a couple times a year um so a question so how often do we get the um stud EPA studies are they randomly done based on location or do we make requests for those studies especially in areas that may be um considered like waste areas or maybe there's some soil erosion do we make those requests all the time or is it just something this if we know this is there then we'll say something it's an application through the uh entity that's asking for permission to enter to our source system um it's it's not a study just a application to add to the S right I understand what we're doing but I'm asking the question from an E from an Environmental Protection St standpoint how often do we make those requests based on the property in our community or the landfills that have erosion or maybe toxic waste do we make those request do um those studies as well or is this just an we I mean this is an application so it has nothing to do with that I'm just saying with what we're doing we should also be using and be more efficient with our money and be more proactive with our plans to say okay let's check certain properties to test it for whatever it may be could be lead or oil spill whatever that looks like and maybe that's something that can be uh recommended to take a look at but I think it's um in our purview that we should do stuff like that so that when it comes to selling properties we don't have those issues when they when they open up the road whatever whatever they break um when they open up the road they send us a um a testing sample of whatever they tested the results of whatever they tested so we just wait until they open up the road and then we get the test result okay I'll talk offline or I'll send an email um I'll send an email and before you leave um council president I have another question so I sent an email sent an email to the ba um I forgot who else was on there but I didn't get a response so I'm G to ask it while DPW is here we approved in Vera Ames Park we approved an application for uh bleachers but the wording uh stated that we were replacing bleachers ver Park never had bleachers so should that be amended that application because the application and what we approved said that we were like re remodeling or resurfacing bleaches but there's never been bleachers in Vera Ames Park so I sent an email regarding that uh information I did look at the application and that's what it stated so um perhaps that needs to be rewarded I don't know if that's going to affect the application in of itself but for our hous perspective we may need to take a look at amending that language because there are no bleachers in ver ases Park so we're not remodeling or resurfacing bleachers if anything we need to um it needs to say well we want to put bleachers there or put benches there whatever that looks like but the wording in that application that we just approved is incorrect all right we'll take a look at it but we are adding bleaches to the to the uh basket BAS basketb Court area right and that's what I thought we were adding them but that language doesn't say adding so we definitely need to look at that I sent this to Madam ba I didn't get a response but we definitely have to look um I'll await a response and I'll Port it to you as well um director okay I I'll talk to James in the morning about that c pres thank you CC president council president he's muted council president you're on mute okay so Council mes yeah thank you council president um now that had Billy Rodriguez here uh Billy um is my understanding that uh they cannot finalize the portion of Defense because a wire or um metal wire Crossing def fence had to be involved pcng y they're already notified um waiting on uh for Drake's uh um the person that took for Bo Drake to respond but they're aware of the situation all right also can can you schedule to remove the remaining rocks and debris from that Park please the dumpster the dumpster is next to it is empty so I just need the Rocks inside the dumpster and remove the dumpster F before the they were going to do it today but they want to destroy the uh the grass that's there already so waiting for it right there all right thank you thank you thank you counc director council president uh yes councilman Jackson uh just just give me one minute I have a question of the director I want to make sure that he get it I will get back to you director I'm getting a lot of calls and I'm being I'm going around the community and I see that P Valley Water Commission they replacing the pipe but when they breaking the sidewalk they using black top to replace on the sidewalk I know that if I fix my sidewalk I cannot put black top temporary fix that's temporary that's temporary until the until the uh the base settles and then it'll come back and concrete it so so do we have do so we keeping track of all the work that they're doing Citywide because I see a lot a lot of sidewalk that they just put in black top and it's it you know looks really bad it's not it's not even even so people they could get into an accident if you could get if you get get in Conta even though it's temporary they have to do a better job you know so the way they put in the black top they just throwing a little bit of black top there and it doesn't look right and I hope that they come back and put cement because as a home owner you're not allowed to put black top on your sidewalk you have to put cement they have to do the same thing so I really hope they come back and fix all the sidewalk from our resident that they break in councilman Jackson councilman uh after councilman Jackson I can answer your question after sure yes councilwoman Jackson go ahead you got the floor go ahead councilwoman I don't mind I'll councilwoman C thank you councilman Jackson I just want you to know councilman um councilman Mendes about the Pake Valley Water they're replacing lead lines the city of P has almost 3,900 of them that needs to be replaced um they have to let the ground settle uh now if the if if the homeowners have a issue with the way they did it they can easily pick up the phone and call them and and and they will definitely come out most of the time the same day like could you're saying that maybe it's not even but once the ground settles once the dirt settle they come back and put the cement like it should be cuz no they can't put black top but they have to put something until it's settled but if one of your residents and one of your constituents have a problem councilman mandz have them to call the water company they will take right away very good very good thank you Council I just want to make sure that they come back and fix it the way it need to be fixed our sidewalk and our community need need to look nice and clean councilman Jackson very good um director uh Rodriguez can you please send me a report of your man power um conditions with uh align with your your current to your vacancies um I can't help but but to notice you know um all due respect to the fire chief he knows he's he's one of my favorites but he gets on and off no issues and we every every single councel person has a great deal of requests for you and you're doing it uh L severely understaffed um as usual so can you please make sure you send me that report I there's there's a um I guess my email Isn't functioning properly because most of the things I request from the ba never makes it to my inbox but um I'm I'm confident that um that I can depend on you to give me this this information definitely counk thank you councilman Jackson now we have the director special on the on the line Council mavila we have item 24 through 27 for police yes yes sir so uh so director item 24 resolution authorizing C with gold type business machine uh on bgen County um so for the purchase and installation of the storage device and new backup service for the police department yes that's for just to have more capacity for the you know the cameras we're getting all the different computers the car computers you know the cad system it's it's coming to a point where we need more storage and that's what the servers will do so we have all our officer that are patrolling with camera fully fully equipped but with camera well that's what it is it's an upgrade uh by you know installation of more storage a storage device so that the stuff that we store on our computers our cameras different things of that nature will go into that server I apologize let sh right no problem the council member consent if there's no other question president uh sorry councilman B councilman B uh director um council president it's it's good to uh um have a clear idea um this new backup is to back up the new uh storage for the uh Camp cameras right the cameras that the police are using backup server it's a backup server yes it'll it'll back up you know the police department's uh data that we have I got you know Council woman Council woman Council just council members uh C right after council member I'm going I'm going I'm going with the word new so new equipment new backup for the police department well we'll still have on Direct hold on director haven't finished so knowing that the uh all the state took over the police are they paying this with the $10 million that um that they they got they gave us or whatever are why we why we spending in in equipment from our budget and the state is not giving us money to cover their needs well this is our needs councilman this is the this is a community needs for St this is not the state's needs this is our needs as a yeah but as a division of they so I know it's our needs but it's for [Music] the you understand I don't know if you understand my question the state took over uh the police department right I I expect that they not taking over only for the man power they should be taking over any any expensive any that we have out there because we they should cover us also in the financial part of it because we we we budget the police yes for the needs that you say but at the same time we not we not receiving nothing from the state to cover they didn't take over the structural aspect of the department they took over the day-to-day operations of the department and are acting as a chief of police would act so the state does and the MBA could probably speak to this give money for overtime and different things that they do but this is something that we will need long after the state is gone and probably need more storage as technology expands that's what this is all about I brought the it Lieutenant uh when we had our uh public safety meeting on this and we explained um he explained Lieutenant GI avado explained why we needed that and I think he even came to the last workshop with me as I remember when we were dealing with other technology upgrades that we need this is just you know the course of doing business law enforcement firefighting you know the radio room all the different things that we do as a city Department okay thank you thank you Council H councilwoman um Davila no I just wanted to just uh just make mention of the amount of money that it was that was it okay okay no problem so so item 25 council president I have a question I have a couple questions um hi hi p a couple of questions um first question how much bandwidth will this new system hold will it be able to not just for the capacity we have is there builds out on it and if there's not builds out how much would the phase how much would it cost to phase us into more buildout do we have that information and the third question is what type of warranty is on this equipment I don't know that um that's handled by our it specialists I'm not an IT specialist in any any sense of the word so this is something that are it division or internet technology division handles and they've been dealing with this you know time and time again every once in a while we have to upgrade specific items to make sure that we're able to handle the data that is you know the police department the Radio Room the fire Department all of the things that we need to make sure that we have the data and we retain it for the retention schedules by law okay I I I don't mind it going on consent but could that information be forwarded the answers to those questions be sent um to all council members I think is important because if we don't have enough bandwidth for the capacity for what we're trying to do especially in times if we're trying to increase to or there's some uh like big concerns that happen in the community we don't want the Fallout from from that system so we can get that information that would be great if you would just uh please kindly ask the clerk to send me exactly what questions you want answered and then I will forward it to the lieutenant uh of internet technology and I will also speak with the officer in charge of bossi and I will make sure that it is forwarded to you that's very good thank you director through the ba and obviously to all of you thank you councilwoman director let's make sure that we get all the information before next Tuesday since we will take form action next Tuesday on item 24 so item 24 will stay on consent uh if we have any additional question we will remove it from the consent and we will treat it as a separate item on the regular meeting otherwise you know we keep it as a consent AG on the consent agenda if you want council president please as I said the sooner I get that request email request of you know the list of questions that you have I will forward it uh to uh lieutenant giato and have him and his staff answer it out and then forward it back through the ba but you can send it to me but please if you would list the questions exactly what you're looking to get and I will then uh handle that for you okay app we appreciate it director I don't if not I could have even uh Lieutenant gado if if necessary come at the next when the meeting is going to be held I'll I'll tell them he has to be there and that's it that'll be important thank item number 25 is a resolution authorizing the solicitation of bids for the purchase and delivery of three tactical robot system throwbot two or equal bid number 24 16 for the police department director yes uh that is you know we always are looking to use less than lethal Force especially in hostage type situations as you know we have have had to take people's lives we don't want to do that we want to use less than lethal especially when you have people in a hostage type situation these are something that you can throw into a window if somebody's barricaded and then the robot can go around and see what's going on in there so we know if somebody has a weapon if somebody's going to have a knife or if somebody has a knife to harm somebody that's in there or is holding somebody against their will it'll make it that much safer so that we don't have to use lethal force and this just gives us that technology and again when we talk about the bandwidth you want to be able to capture that and keep that we're going to have to retain that for years as per the state's retention laws uh council president correct Council mes uh director do we have those already in place or no we have look we have some devices they're kind of outdated I would say but we have devices where you could throw a telephone in and talk to somebody these are more of a device that and obviously you're going out to a bid that the specifications will show that it can you know it's like throwing a phone and a camera into a window or into an apartment and then you can steer it around from outside in your command vehicle see what's going on while it's recording be able to talk to somebody from that robot and be able to maybe talk somebody off the ledge that's going through an emotional distress you know it's a great way to avoid lethal conflicts I got you thank you thank you so uh 25 um consent council members I don't uh councilman cotton thank you um you um um director my question is you know you have it all in the same paragraph it says um authorizing solution of bid right and purchase all at the same time so when you say we going out for bed and then you're going to buy it at the same time that's what I'm trying to understand why is it we normally go out the bed and then you Pi you look at the three b or four bids or five bids whatever but have it all and why is that that's what I need to know why do you have it all together I would say that time is of the essence because look you know what we've been through um with the police department whether I'm not going to name different people that have lost their lives in the city we all know people that have um this is something that time is of the essence you know you want to get the bid when you get the proper bid you pick equipment so that we can get it into place right away because suppose something happened tonight we don't have it we need to get it you know yesterday and that's why they're putting that in there so that we can do the right thing get the equipment make sure that our people with the Special Operations that are hostage negotiating crisis intervention so that those people can immediately start utilizing that equipment to save lives when somebody's in an emotional you know crisis well let me ask you director do we have somebody already trained in in in this to do this our emergency response team members know how to use this type of equipment because we use uh you know robots you use for ordinances you know that you can go in but those you have water cannons you have all different types of uh devices that you know operate councilwoman so yes I mean will they get training in it of course they're going to have to be trained into how they use this device but they've also known how to use different types of devices for explosive ordinances we you know robots are not something that's brand new to police work these are things that have to be utilized and like I said it's more about less than lethal Force so that you can deescalate a situation rather than escalate a situation and have to breach a door and then all of a sudden you're in a in a situation where you have to use lethal Force thank you and council president if I could just clarify um it is just councilwoman cotton it is just for the solicitation of bids it says in the reso authorizing the solicitation of bids for the purchase and delivery so it's not happening at the same time but it's it is just getting the bids first thank you Madame ba uh also for those who would like to participate on the public poral can call at 973 3211 1579 and enter the meeting the meeting ID 8326 you will press start one to listen to the meeting and then after you press a start three to be added into the speaker quote into the waiting room so it's 7:46 we're going to start our P public poral and we're gonna take uh call until 8:20 from 8:00 p.m. all the way until 8:20 you could call and we will out will put you on the waiting room so you don't have to that way you don't have to wait on the and we're going to start the public portion at a APM once again the phone number is 973 3211 1579 enter the meeting ID um 8326 press the start one to listen to the meeting and press the start three to be added into the speaker into the waiting room there was a council member that asked me for the floor uh that was me oh coun Jackson excuse me I didn't hear you cor go ahead first of all first of all this item needs to go on regular please and uh it number item number 25 correct okay 25 will be on Mad clerk item 25 will be on regular okay thank you Council Jackson would you like me to have like uh the people that are going to use this device be there it's uh director if you could have the if you could have that on the zoom me on the meeting on the meeting next Tuesday because we will be voting we will take we will be taking form action on this item so I want to make sure that my Council C receive and the right the correct answer to any question that they might have uh before their vote so it will be important to have the it and the expert on the meeting okay and and the next meeting will be a zoom meeting as well it'll be a virtual so we're waiting uh for the the the administration and the expert engineer and everybody that is work working on on the chamber to let us know when we could go back that's not not my call we're waiting for the expert see I'm going to need Madam clerk if you could make a a note of this I'll need I don't know if they can use the same link that I would use I would need three links uh sent to me one for it one for um the person that would be in charge of ERT you know that would use these it'll be the same link Jerry okay thank you okay thank director we got item 26 hello I'm sorry councilman Jackson do you ask for the floor I did I I asked for the floor before and you cut me off uh so first of all um again once again I need this item to be on on regular um uh sheriff sheriff speal um the first thing is I'm I'm curious you're you're the public safety director officially so you did not come here tonight in representation of the fire department the Chief came but yet but you're here in representation of the police department we have yet to hear and I understand that that he is a state appointed and and there's a uh a notion that there's a lack of authority on the council or the administration's part but there's still a need to answer to the community and and with all due respect this item is extremely sensitive and very disrespectful we have yet we have yet to get an answer on the investigation of the death of NJ SE Brooks and here we are tonight talking about equipment that could be utilized in these critical situations well where's the training for the officers who are in charge at those moments that are that are going to be there to make the critical decisions to utilize because we had uh a relationship with a harm harm or or or violence prevention um um operation that this Police Department embraced that the Comm that this Council and the city supported funded and yet they were unable to utilize the services when naj's life was taken here we are several years away 30 rounds was let off around the corner from my house when another person was injured by gunfire on North 6 and Clinton we had a young lady um Paula who came before this Council two weeks ago to ask what's going to happen with North six and Clinton yet no answers were provided and we have you know people who are in Jeopardy of losing their lives um I understand this is a RFP to go out for but we're looking to spend additional funds additional money and yet we still haven't addressed the the the the the necessity to talk about training um uh uh the community still looking for answers when you know instead of instead of looking at the way in which the public being managed where where you know people are waking up to their their cars being stolen and if if if at all possible um Sheriff spal I need to get a report on the towing Citywide I want to know where vehicles are being told why are they what's the infractions they're being told for and I would like to see that on a map to see Citywide how the towing has has been taking place um some may say this is this is not relevant to the to the particular item but if I'm going to be voting on approving you know High Lev technology you know I need to understand how this technology is going to be utilized and how my community is being beled because at the moment I don't feel very comfortable with in the manner in which my community is being policed in fact even the way in which officers have chosen to address the public you know the night that I was out there when my vehicle was told and the officer chose to to uh address the young lady or multiple people in my community you know in a deric fashion as well as you know I you know I witnessed the young lady and her and her daughter you know having getting getting into a a severe physical conflict with officers with multiple officers there on the scene while the while while a resident is being headbutt so what are we spending this money for you know when when we when we're going to resort to the same tactics of use utilizing Force against unarmed um citizens this young lady was unarmed you had multiple officers out there that could have addressed the situation a lot better than her being you know um leaving the scene with contusions and and and and let me not you know forget to mention yet again the life the loss of life by Naji C Brooks has still yet to be answered so I'm concerned about these things director I don't know I'm Madam clerk can provide forward a list to you I know you I did send you an email but I'm making it officially while we on this official meeting that I would like to get a report on the towing as well as that event that took place at The Brownstone that uh there was a political event I want to know what police detail was utilized there at that event um and a and and a detail outline on what offices we used and how was these offices being PE okay I had I grabbed the pen so look it I I explained to you that you know you're asking for the police department from the officer in charge on the how many officers on The Brownstone with the governor and the demonstration right officers by by name if not by badge number by badge number and who and how were they paid were they were they on City time where they there was there was a third party um uh off duty job I want to see the payment to the city director director just give give us a second director because I can I hear your s let councilman Jackson finish that way you could start answering because you he asked for a number of things yeah um are you looking to have look I believe that there was an event at The Brownstone the way I understand it there was a demonstration and as a result of that demonstration there was a police response so yes those people would have been on duty that's what I believe I have told the officer in charge that you wanted to know how many officers I didn't know you wanted by badge number but I ex had made this request a while ago when you asked as as far as the um equipment I can get you um if you request uh for the robots I'm going to get I'm going to make a request in an email that the officer or the the uh commander of er who's going to use those beyond the zoom meeting hold on for the robots okay and that's pretty much okay are we good with the technology side or do we want so you want to know about the officers listen All I Can Do councilman is make the request if the state OIC refuses to answer it we can't discipline okay but director let's make so the request is made it let's wait for the respond so let's let's wait for the responding and and and and if if Caston could follow up with an email all the request and and let's let's wait for let's wait for the response so um so if now it's going to be um 8 um director you got two more item 26 and 27 before we get into the public portion we want to finish with you item 26 uh resolution authorizing the acceptance of an award for the New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety American Rescue plan ARP of 2021 Corona virus estate uh so so can you elaborate on item 26 please okay going back to councilman Jackson councilman Jackson if you would like I I spoke about this a couple times with you if you would send me an email simply requesting what you want on The Brownstone and as far as what you would like for the meeting on the robot if you would send that to me I will be more than happy to forward that and see if we can get somebody on the on the line with that and do what we have to do just for a clarification there's many people the clerk is here taking notes the ba the ba is supposed to be here taking notes my request relative to the robot is how what where's the outline on the training we again we've had uh a a a a special um violence prevention unit that was put in place that was that was endorsed by the PD and was not utilized so you outlined a great deal tonight relative to you know costed situations and volatile situations where people having mental health crisises it doesn't prevent it it the robots don't decide to to arm themselves they still have to be directed by those who are in charge so the training that's going to be implemented just buying technology without um having the presence of appropriate training doesn't suit the community well so I need to hear from whomever if it's the the the OIC or whoever it is that's going to be in charge because you know we we we've been witnessing or we've been victimized by a lot of this stuff we still haven't had an answer on on naj's death my cousin who was murdered Mary Taylor who was murdered there was an officer in Pursuit and someone made a made a a an executive call to call off that that that Pursuit and her and the people who who was who was responsible for her murder had escaped so again we're not talking about equipment we're not talking about apparatuses that the police department is deficient of or end has we're talking about executive decisions now the first when n's when nii lost his life this OIC was not here it was not in charge but when Mary Taylor's life was taken it was under his directive that we called off this Pursuit and we and we lost uh uh four five or six uh people responsible for her death so I don't feel comfortable with voting on on behalf of anything you know without understanding having a clear understanding of order of operations again so it's relative to the towing I had a shooting in my neighborhood the other night 30 rounds let off someone was struck multiple people in in in the area being shot on various nights um you know and and these calls are being made we don't have any answers on the solving of these crimes who's committing these crimes um just say you know stating some numbers without you know uh uh outlining all of this the scenarios that's taking place is not fair to the Community we keep spending money and we don't understand how it's being implemented why is there a toe ring being launched against the public when crime rate is so high when the violent crime rate is so high so I know that's a lot director I'm I'm confident Madam clerk can forward it if not I will get a recording of this this meeting forward that to you as well as I would have it um uh uh reduplicated via an email email but you know I have some great grave concerns and um you know any of these items that's coming forward I'm curious of why the person in charge of the PD hasn't come before this Council to outline some of these concerns council members it's 8 o'clock so we're going to start public portion I make the announcement that public portion will start at 8 o' so for the members of the public that wish to participate on the public portion the number to call is 973 3211 1579 and enter the meeting ID 88326 press the star one to listen to the meeting and press the star three to be added into the waiting room uh mad clerk so we're going to start taking call uh from now from 8:00 all the way until 8:20 at 8:20 we will stop um getting call so let us know if we have any um any speaker um on on Q so Mr President there is one speaker and in queue right now okay very good very good so so let's wait let's wait one more minute director so so we have the director let's give uh let's give an additional minutes mad clerk until maybe we could get two or three speaker um so director item 26 I already read into the record so council member if there's any question on this item uh it could go on consent it's a resolution authorizing the acceptance of the the award from the New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety America rescue plan A RP for the 2021 Corona virus State Discovery um fund so if there's any question that we go consent M clerk item 27 is a resolution authorizing the participation with the state of New Jersey in the Station House adjustment Resource Center administered by the Department of Human Service County of Pate County of the patteron station housing adjustment program um if there's no any question council member item 27 council president just quickly president H councilwoman um Council and write after the councilwoman Mims okay council president um I understand that we receiving number 26 ass award from the New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety and the amount is [Music] $276,900 going to be for gunshot detection technology or we going to use this uh or you have a plan to use it for cameras and other things for the for the S well he disappear on me now director no he's in the director's in go ahead shutting off here I got it on a timer hold on got you Hadad say it again I'm sorry about that but the light what was the question um C we accepting the grand of [Music] $276,900 yeah correct and CH pot okay is my understanding that uh the because high-rise building are coming into patteron uh is making it difficult to identify the gunshot spot the spotters around when they charge Board of that money for the uh shot spotter The Gunshot detection system how how how many we have right now in in the whole entire city I don't have the exact number there's we have numerous should we be disclosing I'm sorry uh council president should we be disclosing that no I I think the director saw if you could just if you could send an email to council Council woman Council woman one thing is disclosing how many we have and the different disclosing where are they so we know they're all over the city we need to know how many we have there's some voice there I I would just say you want to know how I'm not saying I'm not saying to disclose this in front of your house or the address I'm saying how many we have okay director I will make that request and send it that's gonna be Lieutenant gado again okay I have councilman mes give us a second Council mes yes I was talking I was so maybe there's a question for 26 but I want to have a overiew overview done of item number 27 yes we we we are in item 26 uh so we're moving out into item 27 right in a minute Madame B sure I just wanted to note um this is the the notation on the resolution also says this part of this is upgrading the AG surveillance cameras in particular areas integrating the camera footage and the alpr data into the shot spotter system so those are those you know license plate readers that we've made some investments in um and being able to kind of evaluate the overall impact of the project so that's all kind of under and and how this grant is going to be used that was easy thank thank you thank you director so uh so item 26 will go on consent if there's any of this additional question um please um let's make the request early before we voting on Tuesday so item 27 director resolution authorizing the participation with the state of New Jersey in the um in the Station House of adjustment Resource Center uh so can you elaborate on item 27 director that's what we do we've been doing it for forever that's Station House adjustment where juvenile works with our juveniles that commit crimes it's a Station House adjustment program we've been doing it with the state forever and that's pretty much you know where we deal with troubled youth and that's called the Station House adjustment program beautiful uh coun councilwoman mes so um director so is this somewhat of a like a replacement for the Juvenile Detention Center or one of the options no this is this is not a replacement for the juvenile detention center like all of our communities have the Station House adjustment program you know Bergen County Wayne everybody has a with the juvenile division and that's how they deal with the juvenil that are troubled youths that get in trouble they have a Station House adjustment so that they don't get you know if it's it's not a a violent crime the Station House adjustment program is to deal with the troubled youths that go through the the justice system it's an adjustment program we've been doing this forever thank you for the update director thank you council member 27 go on consent council president there's one more item for police that's labeled as Finance but um I just want to note that it actually is a police grant that we it Madam ba that's number 38 okay before you go to 38 um Madame VA um I needed council president I need to ask yes um for number um the the the Station House adjustment uh is it is it in the juvenile detention in the in the in the complex um Jerry director handle Station House adjustment is the juvenile division handles it's right there inside 111 yeah out 111 it's a program and the station is handled by our juvenile detectives and our juvenile officers so in other words when I when I try to read this it says that um um a actually um actually is for is for one year January now to December 31st right um and it's actually really for um is it overtime money no this is this is the Station House adjustment program understand that J I hear I hear what you're saying so what does the 81,000 cover us I will get hold on one second let me get Lieutenant yeah I I do believe it's it's an overtime program right that's for overtime money yeah if you look at the whereas on the resolution it okay I understand that because sometimes I know it takes a little bit more time when you have a situation with with a juvenile um all right Jerry I have the answer thank you thank you thank you councilwoman um so item item number 38 uh is a finance related with Public Work Madame ba it's a resolution authorizing participation with the state of New Jersey in a safe security Community program um yes so this is thank you council president this is another um Grant application it's authorizing the Grant application this is funded this is something that we also get annually um it's something funded through through the New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety um so it it's something that it would be um supplementing the salary of nine police officers so as we apply we would be getting about $150,000 so we applied and we will get the acceptance immediately so um I'm not sure I I think it is like an an annual allocation so that's why we have an exact amount um and then we would get funded in the state fiscal year okay this is a ground program council members let record ref council president you public works safy okay it uh yeah thank you counc so item number 38 should go on consent is a ground which is a great news uh Madame clerk how many speaker do we have on the public portion let's start with the first speaker okay one second director thank you so we finish with Public Safety uh Council mes welcome before to the clerk uh Madame ba you stated to cover nine police officer are they going to be nine new police officers yeah all right Council councilman valz this is um it's supplementing the salary of nine police officers as part of this safe and secure program so it's not in addition to the ones that we have on our to okay all right president give us a second council members I make the announcement that we're going to start public por 8:00 we already have five speaker let's start with the first Speaker let's be time just uh councilman Jackson can you please uh yourself or have the clerk or someone re announced the calling number people are texting asking asking members members of the community let me repeat the phone number to call for those who would like to participate on the public portion can call that 97 3 3211 1579 and enter the meeting ID 8326 you could press star one to listen to the meeting and Press Start three to be added into the speaker waiting room so we start taking call at 8:01 we're going to finish at 8:21 it's 812 so let's start with the first speak make sure council president you announc that the system is set up for three minutes minute automatically will be they will be off the line and then will I we get on please let's let's call the first Speaker mad clerk yes they're setting up they're being set up counc president thank you mad clerk thank you um um so speaker please go ahead and state your name for record go ahead please hello hello can yeah you can hear hear me yes this is Assad oor in the third award uh thank you uh uh Madam clerk um I want to this wasn't the purpose of my call uh but I want to say that this meeting um was not uh I'm I'm someone who's spent 20 years in government and I went online and I went to where the agenda should be and where the meeting should be noticed and where the detail should be of how to join this meeting and there are no details on either the city's web page or the specific city council web page or the Facebook page uh or the YouTube page um uh there are no details of the agenda for this meeting or the or the call-in number or the timing uh or even how to access the meeting for anyone who's not normally accustomed to such meetings uh which in my knowledge violates the spirit or the meaning of the open public meetings act uh Mr council president I I hope you would uh Rectify this situation and it explains why as councilman Jackson just explained there's only a handful people on this call um and why other people who uh may want to participate don't know how to participate uh and many others are simply shut out and gave up um and uh that is a situation in the city of Patterson where the residents are not heard from uh where time after time uh uh this Council goes on voluminous detail about many things but does not actually hear from and listen to the resident concerns I am calling because of the ordinance that was had second reading today regarding short term rentals uh in east side park and other parts of the city uh I have been uh as I've been going door too I have been hearing from many residents who are upset at the number of Party houses the number of other uh uh residences that are being abused and used simply uh to create disturbances simply to create parties and they are disrespecting the city of Patterson and we allow it to happen now this ordinance I'm glad that there is an effort to try to curve this unfortunately the ordinance is simply a piece of paper because the ordinance as it's proposed would say that uh a a owner had to stay in the house while uh renting the house now this could help mitigate the issue uh that we're facing unfortunately there's no way to enforce this because the city of Patterson doesn't enforce the rules it already has it is time that we start enforcing the rules we have that we hire more Court enforcement and that we actually uh actually keep people to account Airbnb and others will not hold their renters to account we know that the city of Patterson must hold people to account and it is time that the rules are actually followed it is time the rules are enforced it is time that the residents of this city are respected and it is time that this Council changes the way it does business next speaker man clerk just a moment Mr President can you put the next speaker on please Ryan they're making the connection Mr President thank you m cler in the meantime for those who would like to participate in the public portion you may call 973 3211 1579 enter meeting ID 8326 press star one if you just want to listen to the meeting and star three to be added to the speaker key thank you council president meanwhile the speaker comes up uh council president is is good to clarify the speaker go ahead please I'm sorry counc councilman go ahead please please state your name for the record go ahead hello yes Richard strowman six Wards 22 Morton Street I'm calling in reference to the excessive ticketing and towing I just re received the ticket on my car Saturday and it was about 2:00 in the morning my neighbors told me I was getting ticket I went out to see what it was about the police had already left but I videoed and showed where I was parked and there's no way in the world I was illegally parked and I need to know how to fight this ticket because I'm not going to pay it and also we have Mor street is like three blocks if you come down Mor street it's like the city dump three blocks I've been here for almost three years and it's been the same way there needs to be something done about that when I walk to my car I'm worried about getting diseases and speak PES garbage everything it has to be changed thank you thank you let man cler not six board council members Port let CL yes the person is been connected council president thank you counc president when you get a chance yeah C of five because we in a workshop Workshop never been televised and the reason we doing this is because there's a public portion on it and we need to have the community participate public portion not because of the the workshops have been televised before um or whatever so you know U this is not the regular Norm the reason we here pleas that councilman of the laiz into the meeting H councilman the mon um no council give me one second um Madame clerk give me one sec um so we have the next speaker um next speaker go ahead please and state your name good evening can you guys hear me yes we're hearing you all right perfect good evening my name is AB bet candidate for the sixth W city council I'm glad that the incumbent could actually join us as usual he's not available during the public portion I'd like to begin just by telling a little bit about myself I'm a blue collar worker I work for New Jersey Transit I'm an electrician the reason I'm running for the city council is to represent the people the people need a voice we don't need a puppet we don't need somebody that's gonna show up late leave early and then the council president has to adjourn the meeting and the city business can't continue it is unfortunate that we are in a financial the financial status that the city is in if the fifth W and the sixth W candidates come together and they collaborate and spend and contribute as much as they did for their campaign signs I'm sure that the city could put that money into good use the the political playground that the city of Patterson has is ridiculous I mean it should be professionalism comes first Integrity is everything that we have the games that are played is I mean if I knew about this earlier it would have been a whole different situation favoritism is unbelievable it's if one hand washes the other it shouldn't work that way we as residents we pay taxes we should all be represented no matter what I shouldn't be told by my council person because I'm running against him to not give him a call or don't call him during elections if I need anything my trash is not picked up who should I call do I reach out to any of the council at large I mean I would like an answer for that I mean we not this isn't a popular you call me I take care of it this is not a popularity contest this I mean we're GNA stick up signs and make the city look like it's uh high school over again and see who's going to win prom queen prom queen and prom King anybody could play that game let's let's run on the facts the residents need to choose who's going to properly represent them we should stay professional we should have integrity and hold our moral and ethical values at a high esteem once again my name is abet deata I'm running for six W city council I ask everybody vote 2A on May 14 thank you very much gracias nice the next council president you are on mute thank you councilwoman I was say h councilman D is back at the meeting he was out so Ryan fix the problem okay so M clerk so it's 8:22 we stop taking call and we're gonna take care all the call that we have on the waiting room so we have a caller on right now council president yes good evening caller please go ahead please say your name for the record yes this is Mr Price can you guys hear me yes yes um first the first thing I want to mention to you guys is the ordinance that the uh director is talking about tonight um I'm really unsure of the ordinance because just as the other gentleman said can't see any agenda online so it's hard to remember what you guys are talking about but because we have so much Discord with our Police Department with the director as well as with what's what's going on with the officer in charge as well as if we segue into what councilman Jackson said I don't see how anyone could vote for this tonight we need all of the professionals that are going to be involved with this if it's going to be robots or whatever it's going to be those professionals that can speak to every question that was asked they need to be at the table not the director we need professionals there if we're going to spend our money I need you guys to start being more accountable when you're spending our money and we need to make good decisions so that when there is a problem I don't want to see people pointing the finger and Running Scared trying to figure out who's responsible when we have the right person at the table to give us answers then we're going to have the person that we're going to go back to when we have problems with the system secondly I'd like to mention to councilman ABD Deliz last week I called into the city council meeting Deliz as well as councilman Dava abdelaziz you mentioned for me to reach back out to your secretary that's not professional I send you an email you have my email address you know what it's about I paid for your salary and I PID for your Aid how dare you you go back to the email and you look at the email it has my telephone number on there I shouldn't have to give you any more information and neither should I have to come back and reach back out to you how about if I told you to call me when you don't get your paycheck and say let's talk about it before time for you to get paid again I need you to be professional but just as the other gentleman said as well we need elected officials to start being responsible that's what we need thank you have a good night thank you thank you next speaker M cler uh the speaker has been keyed up council president I think that one thing that I want to mention is that Mrs for last please your name for the record I I said that my name is Darlene moris thank you um can you hear me I'm hearing you now can you hear me okay great uh I just wanted to mention that for the last year or so people have been coming forth with so many complaints so many things that need to be answered and not one time has the mayor come in that at least address the concerns of the constituency in addition to that the fact that the house the home of the city is falling apart is indicative of the entire city you have garbage you have crime you have people getting ticketed uh illegally their cars being told garbage all over the street you you're trying to hire robots to listen to gunshots which is a clear ation in my mind that the things are falling apart and everybody's just talking about well we're going to do this we're going to do that when are things when are we going to see the results of stuff when are we going to see the effects that's making a positive change in the city it's time out to stop playing games just like everybody's just running around kissing whoever's behind that's necessary to get things that they want to better their own lives but you're in charge of a lot of people and a lot of people lives and you need to think about it that way you need to think about the responsibility that you have towards and the thing that gets me is that this if everybody claims they believe in the Bible Well the Bible certainly indicates to whom much is given much is required and as you do unto the least of these mind you've done it unto me and the thing is is that you will pay for the things that you've done the stealing that you did the lying that you did the conniving that you did it's time to stand up but when it hits your family when it's hurting your family is when you're going to really feel a pain I would ask that somebody the council get together and ask the mayor to come in address the fact that the house is falling apart figuratively and literally and help the people in their times of need this is ridiculous you should not have to beg this hard and then be ignored somebody needs to take the responsibility and stand up and get things done tonight thank you next speaker man cler speaker has been K up um council president yes how many more speakers do we have how many more Ryan how many just one more I'm told there's one more waiting can you hear me yes I'm hearing you go ahead speaker please take your name for the record Madison Avenue yeah uh my name is Albert mgar here in Madison Avenue Fourth Ward um I've just been hearing a lot of complaints about the parking spots seems like a pretty simple solution why not just Mark the city's parking spot parking spots no more illegal Towing you can clearly see where the parking spots are you know if somebody's out of line and you know whatever they get it uh as far as the garbage like uh I know the city uh said that they were going to send out this massive uh Flyers information I've yet to receive any I see my neighbors always just putting uh big furniture outside know I have no problem dragging it to where my where like my area is and calling up the DPW to come pick it up but I just can't afford the $50 every single time I I'd have to call them up for them to come pick it up and I can't fit it in my car to go drop it off uh in my street the recycling didn't get picked up uh again supposed to be picked up today it wasn't picked up I don't know what's up with that whatever uh the cameras uh I just have a quick question how long are the camera recordings like held over like in the servers or whatever cuz uh it just seems kind of dystopian or Oran uh to just have cameras everywhere always say seeing what people are doing there's just no more sense of privacy anymore uh just just one of my concerns uh but yeah that's all I got I think there um Mr President we have one more caller yes we got the last call let's go yes sir yes good evening this is Deborah Hannibal Patterson good evening good evening council members council president Madame Clerk and the administration I have great news to share this evening vote411.org is live if you're interested in seeing who's running in your W you can go to vote411.org and click on find out what's on your ballot type in your address you'll see the candidates and the ward and their answers to five questions and it will help you to know find out what's important to them you can use that site vote411.org to register to vote you can use it to check to see if you're registered also pole workers are needed I I have some concerns about what I saw tonight um about the pavement project uh I think some things there should be a definitive answer uh I saw councilman khik uh say that this was something that had been voted for in the past but I someone said earlier that they've been in government and I've been in government too for a number of years and what I've seen is the disorganization of this Administration that there should be a backup people shouldn't have to remember when you're having a presentation uh at at a meeting the backup should be there you should be able to flip and see oh yeah we voted on this on such and such a time and I don't know if the the ba who had um voted well authorized a 48% increase for herself and she uh increased her staff how this information is not at the tip of her finger when we're spending uh hundreds of thousands of dollars for her staff not to be able to just have that information at the fingertips is simply embarrassing it's embarrassing for the money that we're spending and you can't get answers and that is all that I have for tonight so thank you you're muted counil president you're muted thank you Madame clerk that was the last speaker of the night can I have a motion to close the public portion I'll move move by Council mavila second second byoun council president several members of the public have stated they still on hold including Miss uh m Michelle bias who's trying to get through um mad CL said that there's nobody I I request I mention multiple time in the beginning that we're gonna start in call all the way from 8 to 8:20 um so everybody calls so I'm M clerk she just confirmed that there was nobody in the room perhaps they're there but they're not following the instructions because Ryan is not seeing those people so we have no more um um speakers in the public portion right now council president due to the um Antiquity of the system because it is pretty much old let me let me repat those that are waiting in the system let because uh let me repeat the the but before you do that council president they would have to retract their motion I'm sorry they would have to retract their motion thank you Council Davila and Council so can you with drop your motion to to allow the people that are on the waiting um on the line on on the meeting ID process start three to be added on the on the on the waiting room I would trct I retract okay and I just said I retract rctk thank you Cava so members of the public for those that that would like to participate on the public portion please call the 973 3211 1579 and enter the meeting ID 8326 press the star one to listen to the meeting and press the start three to be added into the speaker room um so Ryan gonna let them in so right after we they're not coming in um Ryan is saying council president there are two people there but they're just listening they're not pressing to be they took the car out the last time she went to vehicle and she registered the car to get it out of the need to councilman valz you need to be muted okay I mute coun so mad clerk they say that they don't want to they don't want to be added so they I think they're just listening rather than entering start to be added yes and we mention multiple time but if they don't want to be added so there was a motion on the floor by councilman Davila and second by councilman K roll call M to finish close a public portion roll call to close a public portion of the municipal Council Workshop of Tuesday April 2nd 2024 councilman abdulaziz thank you um Madam Clerk and I'm going to be very brief on my closing remarks um so you hear to the six World residence you hear the politics and the political games are going to be played right now to my opponent I will go Toe to Toe with anyone when it comes to consist constituency services and being responsive as especially we'll take the as this meeting is going on I'm dealing with constitu concerns and flooding so I want to thank the director for addressing a flood situation that was actually on your block so your neighbors called me to get it done and and and fix that that problem um so you know you could always reach out to me if there's issue in the six Ward please contact my secretary um you know I've always been responsive I have over 5 five requests that you've given to me in the four years or six years I've been on the council that we've always rectified as as soon as a month before you uh submitted petitions you contacted me for an issue and I connected with the proper department heads I will continue doing that I will continue as Darlene moris says we are getting things done in the six Ward that's my my campaign slogan and that's what we're going to do day in and day out um my I am responsive I am going to get the job done and please six w presidents I am truly honored and humbled by the amount of support that you are showing me every single day I wake up with new text messages saying councilman we want a lawn sign on your location we will not apologize for that because I've been working my tail off to make sure I'm there for my residents the ones that agree with me and the ones that disagree with me know that I respond to them there's a reason that many six W residents don't come to the council meetings to address their concerns because we solve their concerns before it comes to the council just like yourself you just started come to the council meetings because all your requests got done when you used to text me now you picked up petitions to run and now the sky's falling down I have all those text messages and I can't wait until we debate and show you the things we've got done personally for you when you lived in South Patterson and we'll continue doing it please contact my secretary and I will um address any concerns that impacts the six Ward um so six Ward residents I'm out and about I'm G to be knocking on your door I'm gonna pound the pavement I'm gonna work hard every single day we're going to be out there to address uh the needs and I look forward to continue getting things done in the Sixth Ward the park uh to the 300 plus people that showed up to our Easter egg hunt School 25 field was amazing kids were playing on it we had our Easter egg all Neighbors From the sixth W came together to celebrate and the kids loved it and we're going to continue doing things for the six Ward um so I'll see you out on the campaign Trail I will not apologize for the amount of support that my my residents are showing with their signs that that want to support me I'm sorry to my Council opponent we just ordered a second batch because the first batch is gone so you're going to see more all right we're going to you're going to see more because there's more people that want some so with that being said I'm here we got some issues to to address in the Sixth Ward right now that I'm going to a neighbor's house in a constituent's house I will be in the meeting council president if you need me I'm over here so thank you madam clerk uh my vote is yes thank you councilman abdulaziz councilwoman cotton thank you madam clerk I just want to um say a few things um I know uh that our meeting is virtual um and I want to say to council president um um I'm talking about actor that called in hassad um this stuff got to be put on the on the on the on the computer it got to be put on the network it got to be put on the website it was I mean whatever wait a minute it was um Miss philis posted it um I'm just going by what they said that's it it's election season and you can respond you know you said that it was posted this saying that it wasn't okay we just have to make sure that it that that it that it's posted on there and I also want to say to the the person that called about the recycling your recycling is the same day as my recycling mine didn't get picked up today either uh what I find sometimes is that they do have a lot and I know if you leave it out there they'll come the next day to pick up the recycle so if you can please just leave it there also for bug pickup there is no fee um you just have to make an appointment um to have the the um to have your buck pick up um I had said to many people I get many many calls uh and and most of the calls now are coming from um for tenant landlord I say to um to to tenants that they must they must must must go over to to the tenant landlord court which is on Hamilton Street you have to personally go there and request to see a judge or you can file a motion to be able to see a judge um and and because what I find now sometimes is that landlords or not even all the time landlords it could be some of the tenants um um the only one that can evict you is the judge the only one that can pad lock your door is a judge from the order from the sheriff department so please you know um and then we have our rent level lady Janelle moette her she's at the health and human services so please people you must go over there to see her also for Mr Price I you know I get your emails I do my best to answer some of the questions um some of the concerns that you have and and um what I just want to say too that sometimes we need to be um consistent this week we do this and next week we got to do the same thing we can't switch up um to doing different things for each different week also I heard um de Hannibal um yes you can go to 411 vote411.org you will see the candidates that are running for office you'll see their their bio or their history or the questions that they will answer but you also I just want to say too that um there's many things that's happening in our community um that we need to uh kind pay close attention to what I say if you do not understand something I always said my line is always open you know I can show you or steer you into the right direction I may not have all the answers but what I do my best is to try to find out the answers for you what I find is that um people um there's certain things um that we have so many other programs sometimes going on in our city um first- time home buyers um making sure that you have Rena insurance so making sure you have homeowners insurance there's so many things that that we need to to get done but I know um I called a lady today I I was away my nephew got married in Florida I was down there visiting him it was really nice uh and when I did call the lady back she said um Council MCC is going to call you back so I'm happy that you know and I do my best to call people because the calls come in um this if if there things that you're not sure about you know we can you know you just find out there's so many PE there's so many levels of government that we have and I say we have many levels of government we got the federal we got the state we got the county we got all of the people has a c role for all of us to do things so that being said um I'm going to say another speech after I close out the meeting but we should be almost finished Madam everyone council president Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilwoman cotton councilwoman Dava so I'll start off by the first Speaker Mr outar um I actually went into the Patterson website and the last agenda that was was put was 326 I then went to another area as well there is uh it says city council meeting Workshop the date but there is no agenda all right so I am looking at it here all right so um we definitely have to um when we are saying that we're posting things we have to actually make sure that we're going to the correct places I just checked the two places where it should be and it's not there so if that agenda was um posted can you please let me know where viral area Okay um like I said I just checked so councilwoman cotton to what you just said it isn't on there okay um and and it's true a lot of times you know and and I believe that you know this is something that you know we've discussed in the past about you know maintaining you know our website current you know maintaining these agendas you know making sure that the links are working you know doing test before the meeting to make sure or you know days before when we on Fridays get our agenda um maybe that's something that you know should should be done more regularly to check um to everyone um I'm not going to say much I'm not feeling well I'm trying to stay till the end of the meeting um but I'll just leave it at that my votee is yes thank you councilwoman daver councilman Jackson councilman Jackson councilman colleague yes to close the public hearing Madame clerk thank you councilman colleague councilwoman MS thank you madam Kirk so first of all I'll do what I always do thank all the public for the opportunity to call in there were many issues and before I get into the uh some of the issues or concerns that were requested I am going to put to the administration on the floor that by our next Workshop council president that they look into that they look into getting a new system for virtual meetings we know that there was a circumstance which was beyond our control that took place in the chamber where the ceiling portion of the back of the ceiling collapsed so for um safety as a priority we are meeting virtually so I would like to put that request into the administration that we update our system because the sound is horrible people cannot hear um us on there it's it's a lag time and then the unfortunate piece is not being able to allow the public um to come in because of what ever is happening with them not being aware or not knowing the process I do agree with councilwoman Dava I did the same thing I looked on the website and it is not there normally Workshop agendas are never published until the Friday right before the voting session but because we're in this this situation where we're meeting virtually uh the website needs to identify that the meeting is not in the council chambers that it is virtual the Fallen detail information should be posted there as well um and people should be alerted to uh the city council website but our website should be more updated to all of the requests I heard it stated uh in regards and I know council president will say but the Airbnb is already being resolved uh we already approved it on first Workshop um and it's moving to second workshop and what to the second workshop and then 20 days after that will be in effect and fully enforced uh through uh the administration but that is already being worked on council president and sponsor and he graciously allowed me to be a co-sponsor with him on that item I am a 24e resident of the Third Ward and you're right many people have complained but you have to um craft the language through legal and the different departments Public Safety and it has to go through committee process and all of that has been done so I just wanted to put that on the record that that's something already in the works um almost ready for approval um to all the other people that called in with different concerns Madame ba please let's continue to respond to uh the request Andor concerns and council president if you will allow the ba to respond to them right after we close public portion that would make it more efficient so we don't have residents call to say that their concern was not requested to uh someone that called to say well who can help me um as a councilman at Large you can always feel free to reach out to me my number is 973 92195 7 or you can call my secretary at 973 321250 I represent the entire city you can feel free you don't have to reach out just to your ward council person you can reach out to any one of us I do want to reiterate I am not on camera on tonight I am um away but I thought that the meeting was still very important and that's why I'm in the meeting tonight Madam clerk thank you for the opportunity thank you council president my vote is yes thank you Dr mes councilman Udin thank you madam Clark good evening Patterson those are watching us live those who joined us um hopefully next meeting or soon we can go back to in person and uh see you face to face and you can have access to ask us more questions uh and not having the technical issu that that many of you are exper experienced today especially uh so many members from the public texted that they were in the uh meeting but they could not get into it uh maybe the instruction was not cleared or they were not able to follow whatever the case but we want to see more accessible meetings in the future uh one of the uh item that I believe two of the um public mentioned and Al I got so many text messages that regarding the uh arbnb which is second reading uh agenda and some of the concern came that what's the different between the third word and other section of Patterson I think that we need to actually speak more details into about it and we have to think about what's going to what's the negative impact if we have the year pnb who's going to enforce the codes right now we we have so many ordinances out there but we are lacking an enforcement how can I enforce the codes how we could you know uh deal with the parking situation that we have that you know currently our residents sharing their concern we have to and also who's getting the if if they bot the rules who's getting the ticket whether the people who come from the outside or the the owner of the uh Airbnb so I think many things are not clear CED on the ordinance that we came up with I think we need more in depth details discussion into it and uh also whatever the um uh the uh enforcement or violation fees is just says the maximum amount it does not say what the minimum would be it could be 0 too uh so I think I think uh people are concerned and I think we need more discussion about it and again uh we can just come up with another new things but we have to make sure that we have enough uh police officers enough inspectors to uh make sure that they en Force the codes uh with that being said um again uh those who joined here um uh just know this Mr Price you sent so many emails I try to reach back to you and whoever uh call me text me I I try to reach back to you as soon as possible again you can have my phone number you can call me directly anytime and I I truly uh appreciate when you call me and and also educate me or share your concern and that's how I feel that I can serve you well when I hear back from you uh with that being said my P is yes to close the public person thank you councilman urin councilman valz I don't see him on he's still there I'm looking councilman valz he's there uh yes I'm here um sorry um I was making sure that I put my notes together uh Council uh Madam clerk thank you for for this opportunity to close this meeting but you know there was a gentleman at call and regarding uh and he spoke about the toying of vehicles I was taking care of call or somebody was getting call out to at this time and um he spoke about Morton Street and Madison Street and uh he just got confused that he say it's the sixth word that is in the fifth War I'm proud to be the councilman in that area councilwoman Dava and also the director is still here I don't know the director DPW qu test that I have pictures before and after every time I go through there and I see things and I call DPW and they claim block by block any dumping anything that in the streets even that they even take care of sidewalks that belongs to private owners I have before and after pictures of the diligent work that I'm been doing in the area I'm not responsible of the conduct of residents that comes and do things when they want to but I'm there to address all the issues that Morton Madison Beast Street there the neighbors knows me and they see the hard work that I do in the area to maintain it clean and um regarding the toy uh that's a police matter um he announced that he was getting giv giving address this issue about um illegal parking blocking driveways and all that stuff that's a Police Issue um we understand that the city is also over crowd I have gotten up at one o'clock last time I I got out of the meeting almost two o'clock when I was in the chamber and I had to run outside because I was say I got 99.9% of neighbors that get along with me only one start calling the cops at 1:00 in the morning 2 o'clock in the morning and they in body cam saying that if they told councilman Jackson car they had to call to councilman valet car and I got permission from the church to park where I'm at but that's retaliation that's harassment um but hey I'm not going to take it there it's an election season um I take it as it is and I could show anyone uh the amount of tickets that probably I get in front of my house when I have my car there because that 1% of the person that live in my block is instructed by one first W individual that start calling that person to start harassing me and all that stuff but I don't start PL I don't start fighting with the police like anybody else does I do what I have to do um but yes uh to Mr Richard I you spoke to me this morning and um and I advise you to uh send me the pictures and I receive it about 6:30 in the afternoon but the workers of the city are home resting at that time but I will take care of it tomorrow like I always do take care uh the cleaning is in the fifth W um regarding the ticket as you know we cannot get involved uh if the ticket is an issue I advise him that he has the right to go to the court and ple not guilty and explain to the judge and the judge probably will understand the situation uh the situation that he really have is uh Madame ba that he's a handicap and the building that he live is charging $175 for a parking space to be able to park inside so that's another issues that we had to deal with uh with um owners of of buildings around but hey I cannot rule on private properties everybody knows that um uh there was a individual that called uh from another W and started pointing out uh the beautiful signs that I have in my word u so I have yes 100 signs 4 by4 uh installed in private property I have another 100 signs installed 2x4 with my beautiful picture and saying I going to get reelected um in another 100 houses and also I have tomorrow I receive another shipment of another 200 signs uh people don't say that vote don't signs but we will send the message who is doing the true and real leadership in the fifth world so it's not my fault and the councilman the six fault that people run a race without money and without a plan to run a race hey I'm running my race I'm doing a clean race and I'm putting my message out there that the fifth war is in progress mode like always going to be from my leadership on Mr priz uh stated uh and I just want to clear this like also Ruby K did we answered the emails the text that he sent us in that case I always be responsible of any any text message or um email that I receive no matter is my word or not and thank you for the caller that called from South Jersey to address the issue of Patterson um now I could say that we are uh in progress mode in the City Pass council president you know I understand that uh we are in a in a in a workshop uh section through Zoom meeting uh we don't take action um on the U agenda today we're not doing voting on it and the reason we are in Zoom is because there's a public portion and we're given the opportunity to the residents to uh at least uh listen to the workshop and also at the same time the opportunity of uh Express their self that's a freedom of speech that's the Public Act of um law and then and and we doing what we have to do I would recommend if uh the administration uh say that the cham is going to take long to uh to repair uh to make suitable to talk to the border ed or to any um institution that could allow us use their Auditorium uh to uh do our meetings I know way back um in the 90 90 something the the city the city had the same issue uh with the chambers and they use I think the P County uh college to uh do their meetings for a while um just a point of reference because every night meanwhile we be in Zoom we could to be attack left and right why we doing this why we doing that but some people don't understand why we doing it so saying that um we have a nice beautiful meeting um closing the public potion my vot is yes thank you councilman valet councilman Jackson thank you madam clerk um can you hear me now yes I'm hearing you sir very good not sure what happened before the council president got butt and happy over there as he normally does in these Zoom meetings um but I as I was beginning to say I'll start from near the end and come forward because as Miss Deborah Hannibal was expressing her concern um who again was was who's a a Bonafide resident of the city of Patterson a former director who is outed for a nonresident who has used a fictitious address and has done a number of different um illegal you know uh actions you know in difference of the position you know her voice is is heard loud and clear and to her point the uh uh the previous Business Administration bus business administrator is is so greatly missed um and I'm I'm I will take a moment to apologize to the former ba um Madam Senator po because without all of the uh uh staff that the current ba has there's never been a time where the ba wasn't duly equipped with a answer to a question especially a fiscal um question that that any council member had had so that's that's to be pointed out you know she as as Miss hanal talked about miss the current ba has given herself a 50% increase and pay she has a a highly uh expended staff at her fingertips and yet we come here and still get you know I don't know we'll have to get that to you next time but needless to say um I want to point out to the the gentleman the first caller from the six from the from the Third Ward um your concerns are are are are heard and it's it's clear the council president has an obligation and again you know my my uh my my concern is that these faults will be placed upon the clerk and you know she can't do everything she's in the in the office in fact one one one week last week uh I think it was a Tuesday when our um meeting was was again going to be uh broadcast virtually and because the the staff and the clerk's office is expected to stay to the we hours of in the night when her and the assistant was coming in late in the afternoon we had one person in the clerk's office and the council's office I apologize one person doing a job for council members but we we we've restricted um the the clerk to do her job in hiring appropriate staff so that some of these concerns can be can be addressed you know if you you look at why some of these items are sneak slip sneaking slipping through the cracks you know um people are are are forced to car car the torch in in in positions where in the past it was handled by a much more robust staff so wanted to point that out um and the gentleman in on the board of the fifth and the and the sixth wherever he is you know your concerns are heard loud and clear um you know as you can see it's very disappointing when I ride around this the this this city and to uh uh the the the candidate in the six as well I I I concur when I ride around the city and and and Council candidates incumbents have the audacity to hang a sign near and over an area that's that's riddled with garbage it's just indicative of what the expectations are from the the uh people who are put in place to make these decisions you know when these members Council Members Night in and Night Out talking about how forward moving the city forward I'm wondering forward to where it's going forward to a to a dump site because this is the level of of lack the lack of accountability that has been placed on this Administration by these members these council members that have been duly elected to hold um the council accountable uh brother price I hear you loud and clear um your your voice is always respected and appreciated um I I urge you to come continue to come forward because the moment you start speaking many of these many of them who are committing these acts of uh of failure they start shaking because they they they they cannot stand the the level of truth that you're administering um Miss Tobias I apologize as you can see there's always a rush to rush through the public portion because people don't want to hear from the public and um I you know I caution many of you because those of you who do have uh find it necessary to call my name out I I I would hope that um other council members won't start accusing you of being paid by me to bring items forward I don't have to call anyone about any council member um and and if you're parking illegally and you got you've gotten a number of tickets that's that's that's fine nobody I don't I don't go out of my way in fact I take calls from constituents that talk about the the dereli behavior and uh you know listen I'm man enough when they told my vehicle I didn't have an issue with it the reason that I had an issue or I had took arm or or took a position of indifference with the police officer is because he chose to speak down to my constituency that's what I'm here for I'm here to defend my constituency and I will do it and I don't make any apologies for it I will fight that's right you're absolutely correct I will fight with whomever on behalf of my constituency when they are right and they're being mistreated and the fact of the matter is many of the many of the members of our public are being grossly um mistreated not only by you know people in official positions that roam the streets but by people who s sit in these positions who ignore their cries for um Fair Equitable treatment or should I say the quality of life that we're that we're not um uh receiving I won't elongate this any further Madam clerk I always respect and appreciate the work that you do and um please when you get a moment Madam clerk can you send me a list of all those vacancies that you have in your office because it's very disheartening to hear when um the concerns is especially when the administration failed to um maintain the chambers uh properly which by the way to the members of the public don't be surprised if this virtual last through the election season because from from my perspective that uh whatever took place in the chambers was was definitely planned and um um you know I I'm I'm never surprised at the things that happen around here so Madam clerk when you get into opportunity please send me a list of all the vacancies you have in your department both the city council's office and the clerk's office because it's disappointing to hear when um the shortage on staff uh uh when when council members are being extremely demanding on your office and with that being said I appreciate the time my vote is yes oh thank you councilman Jackson Mr President you're muted okay yes thank you m cler so let me let me take this quick moment to thanks all the resident of the great city of patteron for connecting to this virtual meeting and for participating on the public portion um and first of all let me just address some of the speaker uh the the reason why the agenda is not publish is not on the website because as we know the agenda that the clerk Department publish is the one that that is on the regular meeting when we are ready to take formal action on that agenda that's when we publish that agenda we are here because of the we cannot use the chamber on the workshop through zoom and we televising the meeting to make sure the community understand and get informed of the item that we have the discussion about it that's the only reason why I trust my clerk and the department and she know that she got my full support I was one of the as council president I lead that push to make sure that she get her Deputy clerk our Deputy clerk is in place and she and she know that I'm in full support that she get the stuff that she needed but cler so let's have that conversation with the administration to make sure that you get that uh so and you know you got my support and I've been supporting you from the day one because I trust the work that you do but it's election season now let me answer also to the first the first call that we have I'm a responsible legislator and also I'm a resp a responsible councilman that is out there 247 listening to the concern of my community and for many many years their third war the historical area of the third war is been suffering with people that purchase the buy those property and converting those property into a business into catering home through Airbnb I put a legislation that is not a that is not a piece of paper it's a legislation that went through legal it went through the committee with the director it went through the workshop and now we're getting ready to vote on a second reading I did that because as a counil of the third War I take the concern very seriously about my constituents I've been knocking on door I've been visiting them and I took the time to go through the whole process with this legislation and legislation is drafted on the way that will stop people from buying property in the third war on the east side area and converting those property into catering hall uh houses to do parties so that's going to stop that's going to end it and and is that a piece of paper because the only way that you're going to be able to have somebody in your house is that is if the property is only occupied and you live on that property and you would like to have a college student in your house or any person for a couple of days you will be able to do that but not Airbnb not business in the third war and I've done that because I'm listening to my concern and this has been going out for years and years and nobody took action I took action and the legislation is getting is ready is getting ready to be approved and that's what I do action is speak louder than War I'm out there listening to the concern of my resident and this is the way I work so I'm very pleased to let all my third resident that live on the east side area and I would like to take take this this time to than Kamp McDow that he was very instrmental on this on this legislation we always have dialogue and and and about the way that we're supposed to be moving and all the leaders in the third world Francis Harris or my my Council a so I have a team that work with me and I work with them I'm listening to them their concern and that's the reason why I've been effective and we could be and we could move on with all the legislation that that I approve I want to move my city forward and that's the reason why I'm I'm putting all the effort on this uh so thank you to all the arested in that call also uh let me it's very important the process last week we have 21 speaker because they follow the process uh we have to continue repeating the process but clerk let's leave the information on the website on on channel 7 77 the phone number the meeting ID and the process the star one and star three to be added on the on the on the zoom meeting uh because we don't know when we're going to be here I'm ready to go back to the chamber as soon as we get the okay uh so but moving forward we're not we're not perfect there's a lot of Challenger in the city of patteron and we have to continue fighting for our community I'm here to work with all my Council Kali and to make sure and to work with Administration make sure and put pressure to make sure that they provide quality service for our community um keep fighting to make sure that we have a clean City and a safe City uh that's that's those are two the of the major challenges that we have in our community and and make sure that we provide the thefor to enforce the law also as well that we have in the book that's key for that legislation for the rbnb legislation I have a conversation with da Gilmore he's waiting for I have a conversation with the director and before Tuesday before we take action I'm GNA have a meeting with the director and with a gilo to make sure that they jump on top of this issue immediately 21 day after getting to effect and to councilman Odin the reason why it's in the third war is because it's affecting my constituents I'm not I'm not going to do this legislation Citywide if any council member have the problem they have you know they they could definitely put the item on the floor and they could uh fix a problem in the community but I'm working for my third world resident and that's what I've been doing and I'm looking forward to uh continue to do that after May 14 where they elect me as their counselman for one more term uh in closing let me say thank you thank you to all my third world res and for the great support uh it's an amazing support that I'm getting from all my constituent so and my phone is open 973 9301 436 you know I'm a phone call away and I'm looking forward to continue serving the community uh also director we'll start picking up uh leave again so please let's stay on top of the recycling please uh the back of lead that I have that I have uh I'm sending uh to um director Billy Rodriguez uh supervisor cman Jack uh M Michael Jackson from DPW I'm sending them fun uh direct picture the adders where we have um U A B that need to be picked up a backup lead that need to be picked up so we working um together to make sure that we clean that we clean my third war and we clean the city of Patterson as well but if you have any question please reach out to me I put my cell phone number out there once again thanks to Mr Price and all the people that participa on this great public portion we not be say man CL my Bo is yes thank you council president the votes are nine affirmative votes public portion of the Municipal Council Workshop of Tuesday April 2nd is hereby closed president council president before we went into public portion I had requested that um you take the Health and Human Services um we can pleas yes that's what we going into so Health and Human Service but before that Madame ba I would like to open the floor for Madame ba if you have any comment Madame ba about the public portion or any additional comment before we continue with the agenda uh council president thank you um I think most of the items were already addressed by some of the council people so I do just want to reiterate that we did have at least the the the information on the virtual meeting and and the ability to call in I know there was a request about um needing a new system for virtual meetings but the if we can just have the users continue to improve on on their use of the one that we have it is you know kind of a uh a new system it it's not an Antiquated system but it it does require for the the users to kind of make the appropriate choice so that they can be included um in the conversation um I I think a lot of the the commentary tonight was again more commentary than questions that that I can answer um like councilwoman cotton said this is not something that we're requiring the $50 for the bulk pickup but we are encouraging people to to again schedule it CU then that streamlines um and make sure that that our trucks are going to the correct places um I don't need to address anything related to you know some people who again kind of personally you know mention me it's it's it is hilarious to me though that this is something that keeps getting brought up and it was something that two and a half years ago um I think people need to kind of move on and and stop thinking about me in their lives um I do want to mention what um the councilman Jackson was talking about with the clerk's office there are only there's actually one vacancy and one potential up coming vacancy both of those have been approved uh For Hire by DCA and those job postings are actually listed on the city website right now so if people want to go to apply for a job there are numerous jobs that are listed there and that includes the two in the clerk's office um as a reminder to the to the council and to to councilman Jackson when um the city created the council Aid positions and got approval from DCA to do so um that sort stopped the additional hiring of outside of that to uh within the clerk and the council's office so um I know councilman Jackson has two you know Council AIDs that that he utilizes though again those are you know the the folks that could be used by him and you know I know other council members use their aids to address constituent concerns um but we do we are hiring for the two positions that are available within the clerk and council's office um and again I I I can't believe I have to to say this but um when the councilman said whatever happened in the chambers was already planned um that's just kind of a ridiculous statement and I want to to make sure that everybody knows um this is something that we um it's a it's a more complex issue than just a leak in a roof it was related to a rooftop unit and an AC unit that we were you know that that we continue to try to improve and as part of our energy energy savings plan now it is something that we're going to have to address outside of that plan but it is a complicated issue especially since it's a historic building um but we will so you know that that is the reason why this this meeting is virtual um and we will kind of keep as as the teams are moving forward and getting more information and presenting us with the potential um a solution to the the unit on the Roof then we will be able to schedule the timeline for the return to Chambers thank you council president thank you Madame ba for um you know just to bring that back you know because it's um thank God nobody was inside the chamber with that incident happen because somebody will be dead at this time you know because of what happened at the chember and speaking about about legislation we have to poting for the clerk Department let's keep a mind speaking about legislation I submit the I introduce a legislation and is approve it making to make sure that every person that live in Pon get the first opportunity to be interviewed now that we're speaking about legislation so and that should be applied for the cler Department any person that appli from Patterson have to get first it will get first priority it will be first on the line to to be interview for that position and that was the legislation that I introduced and it's been approved so mad CL has our full support um so but you know what it's um action speak louder than word let's move on um Health and Human Service councilman uh deis I have director Joel Ramirez on the phone we on the it 19 to 23 yes uh there's also a first reading ordinance uh for Health and Human Service I want to make sure the health of councilwoman davil is all right do you need a fan in the office cuz she's on the committee with me I want to make sure she's all right UE with the meeting director you want to go over your items I just care about my committee members yes thank you Council director let's start with item 19 resolution author in the W Contra to St Joseph Regional Medical Center for Medical Service in connection with the treatment of tuberculosis yes as you know we are we do have a tuberculosis Clinic it's a regional Hub uh it is funded by the Department of Health uh on with their tuberculosis control program uh it is a standard contract that we've had with St Joe's for more than 15 20 years thank you consent all right so item number 20 director yes item number 20 is the rehab of or Renovations of the second floor of the division of Health as you all may remember it is part of the $1.6 million grant that we got uh it includes flooring lighting electrical work upgrades to the bathrooms all on the second floor and if you've had an opportunity to go to the division of Health lately and seen the first floor it looks really really good and the employees are very happy and it was all Grand funded so item 21 resolution authorized in the city of patteron to apply for AC seed ground fund for p counting as well as to allocate meing fund to prevention of alcohol and substantial abuse yes this is for the map program the municipal Alliance for prevention uh drug and alcoholism uh it is a grant funded from the county of Pake the matching funds come from Recreation uh they pay for the students who do the summer camp work and for field trips so the matching funds on the application comes from Recreation beautiful consent consent so item 22 resolution authorizing accepting of the ground for 2024 WIC senior Farmer Market nutrition program yes every summer for many many years now we provide seniors with vouchers to be able to get fresh fruit from local markets uh $25 to $50 um and all they have to do is contact the division of Senior Services uh at fifth AV at Riverside vets or come to my office office at 125 um Ellison Street and we will help them with the application and they will get their voucher immediately and director they they utilize that at the farmers market in Patterson all of the participating vendors and mo most of the farmers market um vendors do participate it's through the New Jersey Wick program all right so a lot of Patterson yes yes and and we we actually will transport the seniors in our van to Market also beautiful cons uh director before before we consent I have a question I know in order for our seniors to receive it you said they have to do the application is it possible that we can do is it possible that is it possible that we can do a mobile assist program where we go to the senior buildings for those seniors that are not a part of that and do it on site yes hild make sure yep Hilda and Diane do that every year as well um can you send the number of how many seniors are participating is it full participation or if it's suon if it's not full then I also want to see this because you're saying they do it so I want to see how often it's done to make sure that all of our seniors are being are able to receive these Services yes so this only happens over the summer every year uh I will get the numbers uh from Hilda in terms of how many seniors we got uh last year to participate okay I would like to item on regular uh 22 we we'll go on regular B clerk yes Mr President thank you so the last item direct is 23 resolution authorized to the applying and accepting of family core and State Community Partnership ground from the P County Youth Services Commission for the Youth Services transitional specialist program and the evening reporting wellness program this item again a grant that we've been receiving for over 20 years from the county of pic and it Our Youth Services Bureau at 60 Temple Street so it's a grant that should go and consent council member if there's no thank you director thank you this is only the those item that we have from Health and Human Service um I do have a first reading ordinance also C first reading yes so we have number ordinance creating patteron C chapter 379 entitled to Resource distribution director yes so legal has been working on this for a while many of you have requested that we put together a permit process for people who want to feed individuals um displaced individuals in the city of Patterson uh this ordinance addresses that need um currently in the ordinance there is no fee for this permit but what this allows us to do from the city's end is to control who comes to the city to feed on the streets where the food is coming from uh in order to avoid food illness outbreaks in the city uh as well as individuals who want to have emergency or popup um food pantries and distribution of um toiletries and things of that nature uh which do create a nuisance for some neighbors and leave behind a lot of garbage as well I know the library uh the Sid downtown and many other entities have complained that individuals come up they just open up the back of a truck uh and they start giving out things and then garbage is Left Behind so this addresses this uh issue Newark did this two years ago um and it's working very well for them thank you that should go well council president H councilwoman mes I'm sorry so um just a question um when was the last time when there was an event schedule and and we went out or sent inspectors out to test the temperature of the food how often do we do that because that should be a part of the process I don't know if it's in the L language um but that should be a part like if they're going to have to go through a permit process we should also talk about uh the internal uh process that we should already have in place to go out and test the temperature of the food to make sure that no one is receiving um you know spoiled food tasted food so if that's not in the language uh council president that should be a part of uh it should be a part of that language if it's not already there so council president if I can just answer the councilwoman Dr Mims so we would follow standard procedure for um public health law so if there is a permit we will go out there and the um rhs's will follow state law in terms of food handling processes so but director when was the last time you guys went out there I've seen many events and I haven't seen I haven't seen testers when was the last event can you name like I personally don't issue the permit so I would have to research the last event but every event that is licensed we go out there because that's part of the process we spot check the vendors to make sure that the vendors are legitimately who they say they are we check to see they are the ones who possess the Safe Serve license or certificate uh that they have the food handling um process in place that they have the sink to wash their hands so the division of health does do the spot checks for all of these events so can you send me over the last the course of the last two years all of the events that were scheduled with all of the uh what was done to check it temperature check safe SE certification uh whether they had gloves on or not I would like to see that because I've been to many events and I haven't seen I haven't seen that in place so I would like to see you know a a roster or register to show what has been taking place over the last two years I will request that report from Dr pad for you thank you council president yes uh councilwoman C I think what's happening is that they're not getting permits that they're not getting permits people are feeding people all over the city nobody's getting no permits so if I don't know that you got no permit I can't check nothing because you didn't come down and get no permit we don't have weakend inspectors to see who's out there doing this and who's out there doing that we don't have the people in place and I just want to say to you um director I know people are not getting permits but everybody who sells anything on the street aren't they supposed to have a permit whether it's pushing the ice cream cart whether it's selling the cell phone covers on the corner whether it's am I wrong aren't they supposed to have a permit you are correct and and and now now I know I've been to New York City I've been around Madison Square Garden and and and and I remember back in the day if you did not have a permit They confiscated everything you had you know uh but right now we got people walking up and down these streets Selling Stuff unbelievable selling things and we got nobody to check to see if they got a permit and the permits are not really that expensive I'm not quite sure what about ice cream card how much a permit ice cream cart give me one second my eyes are I'm just saying you know we got to get we got to get more inspectors into um we just got to get more inspectors in here um Madam ba because this people just and and they're not pisoni they're coming from other cities they're coming from New York they're coming from Jersey City they're coming from West New York they're coming and they know that CU we got nobody in here checking nothing and they're coming yeah Council a food vending food vending permit is about $150 for ice cream uh push cart so they're they're considered a mobile oh that's food vendor yes I just want to bring that to your attention because I'm not sure um um director that we need to director you need to try to put something together on how we can get this more more in line and more enforced you know when holidays come I feel bad for our Flores that have to pay for licenses correct Valentine's Day come Easter they overpower EMP powered the Flores that we have in our city that do pay a license to have to be a floor shop and you got people setting up shop all over the place all over the corner taking all the business away and they got no permit director no per I agree I agree those those got to do it I mean they would have to go to maranne and Licensing but yes we do have permits for that as well and council president if you just allow me I just want to thank Corporation councel and his team for helping us do this research and for putting this together uh because we we really need to get a a hold of all these individuals feeding people on the streets in Patterson council president thank you yes Council M just just a minute let me ask something yeah and I just wanted to bring that attention you know about um I mean I mean because I get the when the holidays come I'm the I get the calls from the from the Flor shops and everything how if they're right next to their door and they're selling flowers and they selling balloons and they selling they their customers they can't make no money cuz they're taking the business so we need to council I mean director please you got to figure out something what what we have to do to get Madam ba that's when we need to respect us when especially when these holidays come I know supposed to make money I understand that but you know do it the right way like everybody else if I got to pay to have a license then let me pay to have a license then I wouldn't mind doing that thank you director uh your next couna let me ask I have have a request for you director Ramirez about those all those licenses you know uh job is is very difficult right now people are looking for job and the job market is is really tough right now now the request that I have I would like to draft the legislation to make sure that all those license uh uh to give ponan the first chance priority for those licensing we have people from New York from everywhere like a chimy truck license in New York cost $10,000 is it's very expensive here how much is the license for a chimy truck director 350 350 $350 in New York is $10,000 that you have to pay in order for you to have the license so I would I would like to draft I know I have Corporation Council Mr abushi to draft a legislation to make sure that those license get uh the priority number one is for patonia for pison Resident uh and you know so that's the least we could do right now because we have people from every everywhere uh any other Town coming into pison applying for those licensing paying a minimum fees and doing business in our city and then at the end of the night they go back home they not even they not even they not even live in patteron uh so so that's something I would like to see it um director and Corporation Council so um if we could work on that I would deeply appreciate to give pisonia the first chance to get one of those license uh so Council mes so council president I believe this ordinance is is addressing more likely those that come and open a table and in the park want to distribute food um and um all those nonprofit organization that had the good will because the Good Will um come out of the churches and start doing uh the will of giving out food this what will address it will address um that um it's it real important that this take place because listen I know what I cook here in my house and we consume it right but just imagine somebody that comes from Wayne decide to feed the Homeless that food already went under temperature come and feed those individuals because of Goodwill but here comes that person get a full poison you know and and and who they going to go after you know and and I think that this is a a good a good ordinance that we need to put things in order because a lot of people just come to pis and do whatever they want the reason that we have and and Madame ba take notice of this the reason we have and since I'm being councilman at that area now by rule 19 those individual with tents over there is because there's people coming from we New Jersey to give him food and then they only not give him food they drop it there and leave all the mess around and leave I spoke to the gentleman I say sir do you have a church and he says yes why you don't take them to your church give them housing give them a good place to stay meanwhile they want to get rehab or whatever no we come here to the knes and you know and and and I L people don't understand that situation we have in that they think that we not dressing it's like it's like the lady in the bus shelter in marry Street in Maine all the resources went out to her multiple times even St jokes and everything now they removed the boss shelter okay she brought somebody brought a tent for her somebody that want to do a Goodwill brought a tent her nail it to the ground and say you could stay here but meanwhile people criticize that we're not taking action or nothing like that so this will address that um you know the libility of of people coming in here and and and and doing all this stuff without permits without the proper documentation uh the third party liability uh insurance or whatever you know it's going to end that somebody's going to sue us saying if the city if the city allows it then we could become liable so this would put in place U things that have been out of order regarding the situation of of Distributing food I had a I had a in committee meeting we spoke about the ordinance in the park you know nobody should be doing this type of activities inside a park they I had a individual dropping boxes at the Roberto Clemente Park I had to stay there for hours to see who was doing it because they was dropping the boxes all over the park people take whatever they want and they leave the mess in the park finally we find the place the individual and I and and I was great enough to find a nice place for him he could do his program see I didn't I didn't attack the situation I resolved the situation at the same time uh everyone that goes in the city of Patterson to sell ice cream or whatever that's in place already they go to the bo of hell they need to inspect their car they need to get the license and it's in place already what I'm what I'm a little bit trouble is that there's a lot of food trucks mainly they're all in the Fifth Ward I guess because the population of of the fifth W more Latino that they like to have uh that that that kind of food of food trucks but if if if director um ramir couldn't bring back uh because I know Donna Ivy and her term removed the adop feet from from the ordinance um and and and one after the other to regulate that because I have food trucks that are are creating a little bit problem with other food trucks uh food trucks and and and creating a quality life that nobody wants in the city the the the ordinance is clear coun counc president hold on we Workshop the ordinance is clear that food truck mainly is to buy food and leave put in the bag and go home the the the ordinance is there anybody that is gathering I had a guy announcing that summer is is coming soon that they got music food and parking for them in the middle of the street and and and I saw the video it was out of hand the police had a respond so quality life start from there is in the books and uh we want to make sure that we orientate our community the right proper way thank you C let council member please I know we're in the workshop but let's continue with the agenda I know director we finished counc council president council president I raised hand I Council yes thank you council president uh since the topic of the street Benders came and I like to uh get the attention from um director Ramirez even from the last years I sent a few emails uh regarding especially the downtown area when the businesses the traditional Market losing business because of the street banders in every single special occasion whether Valentine's Easter any special occasions the street venders come in front of whatever business let's say this a flower or balloons they just stand in front of those locations to make sure they catch attention of those buyers so what happen is traditional Market is losing business there they are it's not just they are holding a um uh you know license from the city they cannot make this that's a clear part and we are not enforcing that when I'm talking about downtown I'm trying to say that it it just right next to the community Improvement this is it's right there these inspectors can see from wherever they work from so we need enforcement on this it's just yes of course we have to make sure that all the vendor selling products on the street has to have carry the uh license that's true but at the same time the econom make stations and it's it's not it's not because we encouraging them to make money yeah that's fine but point is traditional Market where they're putting uh you know paying taxes paying high rents and they are losing business that's why we are we we we we that's what we are noticing that so many businesses closing shutting down their businesses because they are not making profit so I think that's code enforcement is important at the same time uh uh director I sent email to uh commissioner Orlando Cruz I believe one or two emails I I CED uh Madame ba I sent email to community Improvement to especially for the downtown area um and other parts of City definitely definitely that you know out of control C council president if I if I just may for 10 seconds so yes councilman I I completely agree because we see it we only issue the licenses or the permits in terms of where they stand or where they go to sell their items when it's the food items that we license because Flowers teddy bears balloons that's like that's the peder's license that's out of Licensing and MaryAnn's in charge of that I'm not sure if she has an inspector but we when we get complaints we do send an rhs out to the downtown area it's difficult sometimes because when we try to shut them down we haven't had the police response or other departments who may need to come and like take the card or throw away the food so that that's a challenge when it's food for us but we do go out there and we try now it is my understanding that the ordinance does not allow for anything to be sold in downtown on Maine between Maine and Ward and and Maine and Broadway so that again that's an enforcement of of a different department we wouldn't enforce that uh but but I do agree with you it is out of control and and and it is difficult for the business owners to deal with that right outside their door we try to enforce everything we can from the health perspective but where they stand and where they sell it that that's out of our control so what I'm trying to uh say director that uh even I'm talking about last conversation I had it's like you know everyone's blaming each other there's no ending coming it's uh when we trying to address this it's not just as a council member I'm just speaking is that is the voice of so many people who may not show up to the council meetings but they are suffering so I think regardless whoever needs to uh address this or come up with this regardless that's you or someone else that should be taken care of I mean that's that's that's important otherwise we have to see more State vendors hookers without license or with license selling pro products making stance and that stance if you go to downtown even tomorrow you will see that stance out there and that's that's not allowed and again what I'm saying downtown is is right next to the City Hall actually the community Improvement department they can just come walk in and then then issue tickets so I think that important to address otherwise the traditional Market we have to see more losing businesses in the near future so again thank you director again uh I'm going to send emails I think again I I gave up actually last year I said multiples but this year I said okay I don't hear anything any response like everyone is just giving giving direction from here to there and there's no ending coming so that's why I kind of gave up from last few months I don't really address this this issue anymore so I I thank you and again if I see any food vendors and of course I'm I'm going to go back to downtown area and I'll I'll send start sending emails and pictures to you thank you director you're muted council president council president his council president you're muted council president you're un mute thank you okay thank you thank you uh I see councilman jaakson his hands on yes thank you very much council president um director first um it's very disappointing I'm not sure if we if if we as a as a as a body and as a responsible party municipality are are hearing some of the comments that we ourselves are giv um council members that is saying well anything goes patteron um uh directors that say uh well here we we realize it is out of control I mean it it is not the responsibility of the public to gain or maintain control it's actually the responsibility of the administration of the municipality and we have we're failing the community when people could come along and and and and just give away food and leave garbage behind any serving of food should require some some form of Licensing some form of uh uh permitting and inspection this goes on every single day they move from Broadway now they're they're on that Route 19 Corridor they're across the street from tent Village and you know every Sunday or whatever they they're out there with a speaker um giving a sermon and giving out food we don't know where this food is being prepared we don't know I mean they may have good intentions but we have you know entities that are in place that are supposed to provide the service such as Eva's Village who we give a great deal of money to the YMCA uh uh um uh straight and narrow all of these nonprofit agencies we have three over 350 plus nonprofit agencies that are in place that should be licensed that should be regulated that should you know be required to uphold a certain standard um also relative to um you know certain licenses with council president talked about you know charging or even the discussion of charging a vendor $10,000 patteron is not New York City I know a lot of people think it may think it is as we're importing you know a great deal of people from the Bronx and overcrowding our community but the fact of the matter is you know in in Manhattan in New York City although there may be some people who are experiencing hardships they're mixed in with other people who have fair and liable wages you know we have a very few people only the people at the top of the chain who are e who are have who are endowed with Fair liable wages so when we look at certain circumstances like the movie theater closing you know I said this back in 2014 when I ventured to run for office for the first time luckily the owners of the of the mall had such Deep Pockets but as it's proven now they no longer want to fit the bill for uh failing ENT Enterprises because people don't have that kind of Revenue to support these Endeavors so instead of you know creating an environment of enforcement and making it more difficult we just try to give out as many as you want you know at a certain point there was a time where you could not get any more food licenses in the city and now you know you have food trucks that's pulling up next door to restaurants restaurant that have brick and mortar they have expenses they have um um uh uh employees they also have expenses to the city and we're allowing for all these other entities and other people to come out and just vend on the street there's no way you you can just take your pick on any Street Corner Valentine's Day Easter you got people you know sitting on the corner selling flowers while you know you have vendors that's that's trying desperately to sell their businesses because they they just can't afford to do it any longer but no one wants to buy their business because in patteron you don't need a license the only people that are targeted by the health officer is our legitimate businesses and those that are on the street doing doing uh uh corrupt activity they're not targeted the same those who you know of I I.E an example the Art Factory they're not targeted the same so it's not until this city this Council members of this Council possibly until a new regime comes in um new a group of new elected officials that care about the city truly and want to see the the community treated fairly holding people to a level of accountability and not just you know taking a quick payment to extend um Redevelopment zones and things of that nature it's all relative we're giving the city away we're allowing for our city to be um pimped and manipulated to the level in which it just can't sustain it any longer businesses are closing every day here we're talking about raising fees you know I I had a a food vendor talk who owns a legitimate truck been in business for quite some time and the and the fees that we' reassessed there's no real legitimate reason why there's no assessment on profitability whether or not the businesses are being able to sustain and make money so instead of them vending here legitimately that people are choosing to do it illegitimately without a license and then there's no enforcement so we're making the good guys pay while the bad guys continue to get away with murder anyway I appreciate the time counc counc Council council member before I think all my Council call listen to me very clear what I mentioned when I put the example between New York the only reason why I mention New York is because they license in New York for a CH trck cost $10,000 and here $350 and I mentioned this because I strong I have I truly believe that those licenses should be for patteron R because of the business are tough right now the econom is tough we have to give the opportunity to our patteron resident to be able to have one of those license whether chimy truck whether ice cream license that's the only reason why it's not my intention I'm not talking about increasing fees to none of those license but I know all my Council K and the resident of the city of patteron understood my point my point once again is to make sure that the first requirement with when people go to the border of Health to apply for licenses that you have to be Patterson resident to protect our patteron resident from you know being able to get one of those license that's the goal and that should be the goal of this governing body allow people to find job and different way of leaving people that live in our community so once again that's that was the only topic the reason why uh I I bring this to the subject to New York but I know my Council Khali understood me said one Council Council Les yeah it's loud and clear um eight council members in this in this body understand that we want to move the city forward in the right direction um unfortunately some people had restaurant closed that could put the put the shimi trucks in their place and and recover that Revenue but um at this time you know you said it before let's stay in the agenda let's stay on focus and what we talking about but you know going back and forth is not going to take nowhere uh what's the next item thank you Council so council member so director um um um so we finished with Health and Human Service we already first reading item number seven and number eight we move to Second reading which is establishing commercial Council mavila I'm sorry um director Ramirez um we did number six yes so we're going to move forward with number six forward with number six because this is the reason am I correct correct whole discussion that we're having this is the reason why this ordinance is in place thank you Council woman we're moving forward so item number seven and number eight we're moving forward which is the loading zone on a portion of 21st Avenue between gnlm for Janella mbake is a we're good with that you're that's a six Ward you're good to move that forward that's good to move that and number item number eight is a loading s for AMD distribution you can move that that's in the fifth War we always work together already move we're good and uh so item number nine Administration resolution authorizing the war Contra to Shi for the purchase and installation of configuration um Madame ba can you elaborate in this that's for Ryan Yes council president yes this is um something that is kind of a a backup um again it's it's some it equipment that Our IT director put forward the total if you see on the resolution is 86323 correct any question council members no council president Council D with item 10 which is a Raffa license consent and then the finance items just give me a sec so item number nine will go on consent so we move into item 10 is um application for raffle license that should go on consent right 11 item 11 on regular also um as um I would like to add councilman Mims as co-sponsor of this uh resolution council president and myself yes and councilman DAV as a co-sponsor of the resolution andoun thank you thank you council president which one council president I'm sorry go ahead Council mes I can't hear you council president is that item number 11 resolution honor Chief John DEA for his 51 years of tenure and the and the longer Service employee in the city of pison that's that's correct Council presid I would like to be sponsor of the T time because we work together a lot when it comes up to the dog and all that stuff around so counil president council president can you and I had a me Council just a second Council no I was just saying can we leave it since he's a third W resident can you leave it to the third w i i got two cosponsor which is Council DAV and counc mes sorry oh can I get a co-sponsor too let's add counil co-sponsor mad listen we will add you to the progress of the third world no problem C oh you don't want to minute so it number item number 12 Finance Kai requested it that's why Kai we have to get them we have to get the names yeah so item number 12 go consent um item 13 consent okay those are licens item number 14 consent okay so umel it item number 29 uh so item this regular a minute council member I got councilwoman Davila and right after council member Council Davila so uh uh council president item 30 um the request was put in for councilman abdulaziz to be the sponsor and I am the co-sponsor so I think there was a uh mistake with that um yes so C let the record reflect I'll be sponsoring that um okay thank you I don't know gooun shouldn't other Educators be included in that absolutely you want to come on come on yes he principal anybody else wanna actually actually I'm I'm gonna stop asking you know mean council members council members I mean you should the rest of the council members you know council president you guys you guys GNA let me finish Cil has the floor I am open to allowing any of my colleagues not just to come on as a co-sponsor my colleagues who come on with me as a sponsor also thank you coun can you add me as a sponsor that's the fifth word absolutely thank you council president to councilman abdulaziz I just want to say thank you very much as somebody that's been part of the union now for 30 years all right I really thank you um I think that there was a mistake with the when I sent the email in on your behalf I think that's the reason why I was probably confused so you want to keep me as sponsor I'll be just fine president but it should be you so thank you so you could me as a sponsor Council Council yeah um I spoke to councilman uh uh um Shaheen khik and he was going to put me as sponsor for the number 29 to counc colle not on uh he told me to let him know when he was going to talk about this but I guess he's that but you could take my word yeah uh yes um and and also myself as a CP as a as so y so Council and myself yes at item 29 let the record that also councilman and myself will be adding sponsor so we continue with number1 31 resolution before we go council president I have a question for item number 30 It Is co-sponsored by councilwoman Dava or sponsored will that be sponsored by councilwoman DAV as well so it's sponsored by councilman abdulaziz and councilwoman Davila sponsored by councilwoman Mims oudin cotton and vas councilman Al said that he will allow councilman to be sponsored so I said will be sponsored too right so why Co sponsor the councilwoman council president Council put this as as I like to get things done and unify everybody to a vision a number Madam clerk for this item I will be sponsored by me councilman Dava councilman cotton councilman Mims councilman valz and councilman Udin and council president you want to be on yes president Mendes Shah khik would you like to be on he's not he's he left I'll I'll even extend the Olive Branch to my good friend the councilman of the First Ward would you like to be on as a sponsor Council M Jackson absolutely not so eight eight sponsors Madam clerk okay thank you thank you councilman uh so council members item 31 it's it's a that she going consent as a a renewable license consent thank you um 32 we have an issue councilman resolution Council it says resolution renaming Straight Street that's not what that's the agenda I have that's not it so Corporation Council the resolution renaming 21st staff between Madison AV and East 19 to also be known as Francisco and subit away we already have one just Francisco but I want to amend the one that we have to include Elsa everyone knows Elsa um you know years ago and you look at the sign they're a dynamic du and every time you drive by um you know they're always joint shoulder toh shoulder and and I may be a little emotional right now thinking of the chief Francisco because during my campaign he would be side by side with me yelling at me calling me right now but they were a dynamic du on 21st stff at the sign it's Miss canp I'll be we should be added on that one too coun made the same block the the Francisco way the same yes the same one we're just going to add and make a whole the family I you know that this is definitely something that the sign if you know the Manas it was always them to on 21st St pushing and pushing and pushing Elsa's U uh radar and influence is Citywide but their base their base is 21st St so that's what this resolution is anyone that wants a co-sponsor with me please add on I know all of you guys have a relationship uh but it is long overdue speaking to the family um that sign is missing the dyn to be on me too I will be on too I you guys for the sponsor you have councilman Dava councilman councilman Ms councilman and myself cotton and cotton as well can you ask Jackson he want to be part of it I'll ask my good friend from the First Ward if you like to be on also he he he's listening um so councilman Jackson answer so council president go ahead councilman Jackson the question is if you like to be added into one of the resolution number 32 no I understand I heard uh what the request was um and I'll take this moment my my to to to acknowledge the challenges and the difficulties in this community and doing business as I'm standing in my establishment that is illegally closed which my uh counterpart in the fifth W so ugly council president We're not gonna do this on the item me recognize one of my constituent first of all I was asked the question I was asked ask a question council president council president as elected council person have yes or no answer minute just a minute Council bz councilman Jacks I'll open the floor for you in a minute item number 32 so it's a regular M cler and actually council president item 32 yes can we move past item 32 and not and go well don't skip past my item wait a minute item number 32 is my item correct no it's mine oh 33 okay sorry it 32 councilman de is already done taking contr meeting coun thank you for not allowing Grant standing council president I'm sorry I said Thank you for taking control of the meeting and now allow thank you thank you I appreciate it I don't number 33 so now that we have cons um M this is your ID um and I'm adding you as a co-sponsor uh Miss Foxworth is a longtime resident of the third W council president so I would like a co-sponsor on this item thank you it'll be honor to be a co-sponsor of that item and I want it on regular on regular and and that will be item number 33 will be on regular council member we just have uh four more item to finish the agenda you mind if I sponsor with you with Mendes I've known the Foxworth for really a long time uh her daughter um um I think I can't think of Tanya TAA I'm I'm just asking a question that's all I'm sorry I didn't hear my I lost connection for a minute I I didn't hear I didn't hear what was stated oh no no can I be co-sponsor with councilman Mendes on that one thank you excellent excellent thank you council president um Council DAV yes items 34 and 35 I didn't realize but we have director Delaney and um deputy director as well uh rivo so if we can take 34 and 35 now which is economic development it's lifting of deed restrictions yes council president Council C Ms and I mean even if she's gonna do a detail I think both items should be on regular yes anytime you releasing de restriction abely that is correct and also to the director if she could add if there's any additional information that you what that we should receive before we take formal action on this item on Tuesday it'll be deeply appreciated for all the council members absolutely council president don't number 36 councilman Udin uh it's GNA go uh sorry uh consent uh you want item 36 and consent thank you thank you councilman the item number 37 Council M Le C president uh thank you for allowing me to put this on the Mr Bill Presley uh passed away this past Saturday uh it's sad I always paying attention to his health good friend of mine good friend of the people of the 6 War I and also from DPW he always was a fighter uh for 20 Avenue and uh State Street all the way around the governor Tower Mr prisley is going to be Miss um he was a good advocator for the senior a fighter for them and um thank you for allowing me uh to put this uh uh resolution to name uh 20 Avenue uh between State and um Martin Street uh knows as William williiam prin Ley way uh I just want to clear the record uh that I received an email late in the afternoon yesterday at night uh but this was under the work early early in the morning so I just wna it's good to think that people think separate but we are on the same same agenda I know that she used to talk about Al a lot he used to talk about Al a lot Marissa Marissa it was like for him was like I like Marissa like you know but he never spoke well he never spoke about mems come on hold on hold on I was gonna say this he never spoke bad about the a council members at all he was always saying let's stay United let's do the work and he always care about the city so William Presley William Bill Presley we call him bill but I know he was because William he was a veteran of the United State um army and also a good fighter uh when it came up to the seniors of the governor Tower so um thank you for allowing me to put this in the agenda and um I will be calling anyone that want to participate and anyone that want to be co-sponsor or sponsor could do co-sponsor councilman valis let refle council president um and I would like to co-sponsor as well and I just want to put it on the record that Mr Priestley was friends to all of us it wasn't just a few Council people he was a friend to all of us and was one of the people that gave access into Governor towers and had been to our council meeting several times regarding so many issues that's why that's why I was clear I was clear that he was fan of eight council members I understand that it was an amazing human being yeah yes so I would so so we have councilwoman Davila councilwoman Mims as a corresponsal and also myself as a corresponsal I would like to pull out because that he used to run that Ward before before being back on the remember that that that that section of Governor Tower was under Maria Magda was the fifth War then turned back to the six came back again to the real leadership of the fifth War bill bill bill always said he uh missed the sixth War you know he always want to redistrict back but he thought I was a councel in that section too so you know at large should get priority on all those agendas just know this so thank you cast that's on regular counil members we finish reflect that I will I also include uh um councilman urin into it I heard him in the back that he say he want to be co-sponsor um and and we always always stepping everybody else but I I heard his little you know the voice in the back got you so let the record reflect that councilman also will be a co-sponsor council member we finished this this agenda can I have a motion to by council member and second by councilwoman Mara Davila H roll call M cler to close the workshop meeting yes Mr President roll call before before roll call council president what about 3 34 and 30 34 and 35 regular yeah 34 35 they both Economic Development they both go on regular right but question was I'm sorry to B you know just stop in the middle what was is there any specific deed restrictions aligned to 31 prop parties here um so so this a Corporation Council if you want to elaborate this because I know that that we releasing differed by the city against those property sold by you do so so it's U it's economic development but it's also a legal matter so if you want to elaborate on this ask before we close the meeting absolutely thank you council president and thank you councilman mine for that inquiry so generally speaking uh when properties are auctioned off by the city they usually have restrictions attached that are memorialized in the deed those restrictions can uh vary uh from a requirement to rehabilitate the property to tear something down to build on it and once those conditions are met um the holder of those properties and deeds come back to council through Economic Development it's verified that the restrictions and the Deeds or conditions have been met and then it's within the council's purview to then remove those deed restrictions and proceed right thank you than Corporation Council council members thank you so very much for being at this great Workshop we make tremendous progress we fin agenda second second on the floor there a motion and second on the floor got to take that motion second counc president I will give you the time during the CL the I'm not looking for time council president councilman oud an opportunity to address an item and you're not you're going to deny me to as a parliamentarian second FL what is the item that you want to address councilman Jackson council president you promised that you that we were gonna address the is the matter with Jessica Amarante the officer motion the floor that's a legal matter Cil members there's a motion on the floor and second I just got to answer to the to the to councilman Jackson the situation with ENT council president members I'll do that doing my the closing remind let's roll call roll call to ajour Municipal Council Workshop session of April 2nd 2024 councilman abilities thank you madam clerk so six W resident um as the spring starts coming along you're going to be seeing me out there going door to door looking forward to hearing your concerns but I want to put something on the on the record for the people at home watching in Madden ba uh please send me an email if I'm mistaken the road resurfacing program should be up and running in the spring when the weather breaks so residents on Dakota Street are your scheduled to be repaved in the spring Wabash Avenue from Kentucky to uh Florida have your scheduled to be repaved in the spring Goan street from Main Street all the way down to the Charter SCH so many this affects many City residents that go to that Charter High School right on Goan in West Railway your scheduled to be repaved in the spring U Elizabeth Street from Maine to gav definitely needed your schedule to be repaved in the spring Atlantic Street repaved in the spring Illinois a Nick bachav and Jenice AV all supposed to be repaved in the next couple weeks in the springtime so please bear with those Crews I know some of you have been reaching out to me we for to get on the list and in the summer we have Florida a Michigan a and Timothy Street so it's a very U long list of Roads a lot of construction just know that there's going to be some disruptions with crws but as I told you in I'm meeting going door too um and speaking to you I'd rather have the cruise there with an inconvenience for a week to get a rad re surface um so please be on the lookout for that and I look forward to hearing your concerns um as we go door too every single day um and as I've always been doing so Madam clerk you have a good night council president good job taking control of this meeting and keeping us on track at at 10:17 you know not allowing uh the bickering and Grand standing to go on so good job council president I know U people come after you but you're doing an excellent job my vote is yes thank you thank you councilman abdalaziz councilwoman cottony Madam cler I just want I have a couple questions that it was B up I heard in a meeting um um and the first one is when did they started picking up leaves again today today now I mean there was no notice sent out about leaves are getting picked up today was there a notice sent out Madam ba was there a notice sent out by leaves getting picked up starting today council president if you'll happen is that you know when I say Madam VA when you you need to I mean be consistent like okay councilman Mendes know leaves got pick up today I didn't know leaves got pick up today because I know there's bags of leaves all over that needs to be picked up so I'm just saying how did it yeah councilwoman cotton I can double check and see if there was a notice that was put out but I do know that it's something that's in the ordinance that as of April 1st the leave pickup starts again as part of of recycling um but I can see if there there was an additional notice put out right well you know what they said it's in the ordinance but anyhow also I want to just um um send my condolences out to um um the lady who's the oldest living person in our city has passed away I want to give a special shout out to or Jane Bell who took Miss Margaret Johnson in her home uh Miss margar Johnson did not want to go into the hospital or to a Hospice place and I want to thank Miss or Jane B she's not she's not related to Margaret Johnson but she took her in into her home for her last days and I would like to um um I believe she was 104 I'm not quite sure but I want to send my condolences out I wasn't able to attend the funeral because I was away but I just want to say to someone like or J Bell who took someone in in her house who's not a family member um to me that is absolutely wonderful for what she did for Miss Margaret Johnson who did not want want to who did not want to um go into a hospice go into a hospital sometimes you know you're more you you feel better when you're at home and you're around family members uh also I just want to say too that um um for for for items that um um that are coming up that I'm getting calls for tennis and uh tennis and landlords and um I encourage you to call me because I can steer you into the right directions on where you need to go uh what I find is that sometimes people are putting out paperwork that is not correct uh I will hook you up I would connect you to the person that you need to talk to when you have a tenants problem or when you have a landlord's problem also I've been getting quite a few calls for um and I really need to find out and I'm not quite sure for um items um with the judicial system um um some people are feeling um they're not being treated right for from the judges and uh I just um I have found out who you may who you need to see to do f a complaint against a Judicial person in in our court system also I just want to say to you that um we do have streets to that's going to award that's going to be paid and I you know out but the main streets that we have is right now is Governor Street Summer Street and Montgomery Street those are major blocks that has been bad and needs to and that are being repaid I also want to let you know that I have opened my campaign headquarters um you're welcome to stop by every day um someone will be in there if you would like to speak with me I would be in there um and my headquarters is located on Bradway and Auburn Street uh is the Islamic Center is radical street from the library uh I also want to say to to everyone out there um there's many things that I think that that we can do um to to help each other and to show each other the directions of on how we can help each other and how we can do for each other and I just want to say too for for um just if you can if you can and we must as much as we can so with that being said my campaign headquarters is open I'm running for my reelection of the fourth W as I say I have always been dedicated committed and accessible and it's just a you know you can reach out to me I'm I get many people that reach out to me and and and and I have to say this um I never say I I don't speak to people just from the fourth w because how do I speak to just people from the fourth W when I have an event I don't say only fourth W residents I said the entire city are welcome to come to any event that I have you want to call me I'm not going to I'll refer you to your ward I but I'll let you know but the whole city is our city you know we have to stop being territorial so much and say we're going to take care of the entire city Madam clerk with that being said stop by my headquarters uh it's it's 2:41 Broadway uh I'm there it's going to be open every day from here on out um and you can reach me at 973 851 0571 uh and I'll repeat the number again 2973 851 0571 with that being said Madam clerk I just want to if I may council president um can I put a resolution up for marget Johnson she's was our oldest person living in the city of Patterson and um and um I'm happy that councilman VZ did honor or Jane Bell I'm doing the black history month program because she is truly truly a special lady she do the food at the 7day Adventist Church two times a month and I'm telling you people think uh and the lives are almost back to 10th Avenue and it's on 11th thank you Council Council for recognizing or Jane B because what she did for Margaret Johnson it just outstanding um to have this lady come and she put her in her house to stay with her for her last days here on Earth and I just say thank you for doing that that being said clerk my vote is yes thank you have a good night Madam clerk Madam VA just do that information for me if you can all council members great night thank you Council woman C there orders God bless you all have a great night thank you councilwoman Dava second W alert second W alert okay okay coming close to you soon um we're going to have Carlile paved yes we've been working on that for quite a few years with councilman khle as well as um the rest of Cumberland a Manchester a um and Mountain AV so that's just coming to the second war just know that you know councilman khle and I have been working very closely and I can tell you I actually started with Carla back in 2014 so I'm very happy uh for the constituency uh that has called me numerous times and that I went and knocked on their doors and I said it's getting done and then it was removed um but with that said we're just happy uh that you know we are able to continue the progress in the second ward um you know we're out there knocking on doors with councilman colle and let me tell you the progress is being shown so um with that said you know councilwoman cotton I do understand you say in terms of you know the city you got three at large that we represent all Wards and we get it right that it does come some sometimes it does become a little territorial um but you know when someone is passionate about their word that's good you know understanding what you're saying I know how much you love the fourth ward you are a present Council woman um you go above and beyond in the fourth ward I mean you know sometimes I say to myself you know you got to have have this heart you know to do what you do Council woman in the fourth ward all right um but I do get it it does become somewhat Territorial and let me not even talk about councilman you know action um councilman VES all right a for Action um you know and to all my colleagues listen at the end of the day everyone becomes passionate about something you got to respect it you know uh councilman of of the Sixth Ward the uh president of GTD the chair all right um at the end of the day you know it it becomes a joke but it is a reality it's about getting things done and you know um I'm looking forward you know to May 14th it's it's it's it's going to be interesting but I'm looking forward you know to May 14th uh but with that said to my colleagues I hope that you enjoyed your weekend um Easter was beautiful um you know with the family and church and you know we definitely always it's good to go to the house of the Lord um so with that said uh I know councilman abdelaziz I told you my apologies for not being at your event I mean I had a lot of constituents that called me up to say how you went above and beyond and how beautiful School 25 looked um and the children were so happy you know find finding them gold eggs so uh keep doing you know the great work that you continue to do in the Sixth Ward uh to my Council colleague Mims I hope you're enjoying yourself on your vacation it's always good to go and uh renew and come back right to the city that we love um so thank you to all the directors that were here today Madame clerk you know to our Deputy clerk um to council president Madame ba in corporation councel to all I just want to say good night I made it to the end I was going to suffocate and pass out over here um but with that said um Madam clerk my vote is yes to close thank you councilwoman Dava councilman Jackson thank you madam clerk what an interesting evening and to uh let me answer to councilman abdelaziz for all of his uh congratulations to the president for uh stopping me from gr standing listen when we got to go on for hours and hours while people are are are uh putting in a big just put my name on it put my name on it you never never ever hear councilman Jackson doing that even when it is an item that I wrote myself which by the way uh never mind I'll let that rest but um you know I am here in my in my uh uh election headquarters my campaign headquarters in a in a business that's being illegally targeted by this Administration to cons to to make sure they keep me closed so I wanted to make sure I put myself on screen here let me do a little quick walk around because I you know I I have been the person to to make an investment in my community I've actually come to bearing uh uh contributions in a in a multi-million dollar establishment if I will while other council members are making it their business who by the way have nothing to show for who have made no contribution to this community who continuously steal from this community um while they aid this Administration on keeping me close by the way for this item this is what I was cited for this this small sink to the members of the public this sink right here which I have not had in the 22 years of business that I've been in because all of my prep goes on in a state-of-the-art kitchen just four feet away from the bar but I was cited because this uh paper towel dispenser was empty by the way right after Co in which I was was not open for about two years another item on this on the uh item list was this refrigerator door didn't open properly as you you can see it opens properly but these are the items in which the health officer found it necessary to site me on behalf of this Administration and some of these Rogue uh council members who want to take shots at me talking about my business that's lost yes I am in illegal battle in which I did not have to sell the $22,000 convection oven to fight which I'm also fighting a legal battle for the illegal 190 units that was added to the six Ward which six Ward councilmen seems to conveniently ignore I don't need to sit here every night and talk about oh please add my name to the to to an item you know what's what's very embarrassing is Bill prezley didn't like the councilman of the Fifth Ward at all in fact he's supporting he was supporting Sebastian Mahia against the councilman but I know the councilman feels very relieved because of Mr Bill PR Presley's untimely passing which is unfortunate cuz he called me daily so to say that he supported eight all he did was talk negatively about the councilman of the Fifth Ward so I'm very you know it's it's it's just it's a laughable matter what I'm asking you members of the public please wake up please wake up because this election is very indicative on the future of our city and how and which the city's going to uh be able to continue and yeah guess what for me I definitely will consider vacating selling my business and leaving this community if it continues to move in the direction that is moving we have absolute ignorance if you listen to these meetings you know exactly why our communities in this in this in in the position it's in but listen I give credit what credit is due I have to say when you have a person who doesn't even have a high school diploma is making critical decisions on Multi hundreds of millions of dollars and you wondering why millions of dollars are being squandered I give credit what credit is due council president I give you the the great deal of credit yes you're carrying the water of everyone else you let everybody go on and then it's the moment councilman Jackson wants to come through with the hard facts you want to utilize your endowed what you believe to be his power to to muffle my microphone but notice no one from the public no one comes for me they don't come for me because they know exactly what's going on if you think these people that here that are here within our community are stupid you're in for a root Awakening here I am trying to advocate for a young patteron homegrown Dominican woman that was treated unfairly so the GTD committee let me tell you some of the things that I got done when firefighter hunt was illegally fired it was councilman Jackson that carried the torch night in and night out like a goddamn Pitbull who refuses to let up because none of these council members wanted to support it when the Rogue Fire Chief came and lied and said this man was ineligible to hold the EMT license I refused to let up and what happened I guess the GTD crew got it done because he came back to work and that same Rogue fire chief who then had his fire his father's vehicle illegally worked on in the in the uh uh in the firefighters motorpool he then vacated as well why because councilman Jackson was on his ass as I will continue to be on every single one of these people's asses for Mis for mistreating our community yes so and I can continue to go on and on but I'm not going to do that because the public understands they know here I am yet again advocating for another young lady who was mistreated and council president she's from she she's from a community you claim to represent born and raised in patteron maybe that's probably what the problem was she wasn't born in Dr so nobody wants to stand up for her she was illegally targeted in in in in the the officer who came forward lied to us yet again just like Captain Campanella lied when and and and Lieutenant Pearl lied when it came to Javon McCrae and and uh uh and all the other officers that was being passed over but yet this Council sat on his on his hands and nobody nobody's pledge to say hey I want to get that done I want to make sure a young lady from our community is not illegally targeted or illegally mistreated but here it is Jessica who gave 22 years of her life 23 as a matter of fact who worked in the clerk's office who then went on the road and was targeted by a criminal and had to take on a man and was was unfortunately beat on the street who has spinal fluid leaking knee injury shoulder surgery this Council turned his back on her and let this let the members of this Administration convince us that she should not be entitled to a full pension so every single one of you that voted in the affirmative on this you should be ashamed of yourselves and and members of the community especially employees make note of that make note of when you are when you're the one with the Target on your back who's going to be standing there to support you when you're being told that councilman Jackson doesn't like police officers he doesn't like uh anybody that's non-african-american let's see who's going to be the support you when you're being mistreated when Deborah Hannibal was treat was mistreated and the ba stepped out of line councilman Jackson was right there to put his foot right on her to say you're not going to do that to her and there's people that will attest to that as well so councilman Jackson has been the only one standing here eight toes down if you think that I'm I'm feeling some kind of way because you're saying eight listen I've put on my campaign literature in the past and now eight in favor and one against cuz all of you people just line up for this Administration and let me tell you something I've never seen a bigger pancake than this council president for the person who was starching against all of this stuff that's going on now you're just lining up and just bending over for the mayor you should be ashamed of yourself carrying the water you won't even allow you allow everybody else to speak but the moment I have something to say you're running block for the m and that's why he let you hold his scissors at his ribbon cuting now so I give credit you went from being uh uh all of the above now you're you're in you're in you're in good Grace with this Administration you get to carry the scissors now and all everything else man I'm proud of you look at you look look at yourself you got look at all those accolades you have behind your wall back there I I got I must say I'm I'm extremely proud of you you've done it and and uh I got to give you credit but let me give some real credit while I'm doing while I'm doing that shout out to the Patterson uh Science and Technology girls softball team of which my daughter was acknowledged from Max Preps as as going three for four a home run a double and a single three rbi's three runs in their opening day they went 0 and 15 last year and today and yesterday they won their their game opener 14 to four where the game had to be stopped and my daughter Mary also had a great a great hit the young lady uh Sai had a had a great uh triple that brought in a bunch of runs shout out to the Twins and shout out to coach Leroy for doing a fantastic job and everybody over at science and technology for helping these young ladies see these are the types of things that should be showcased that we should be talking about but instead you know we got people here who are more interested in robbing the community I will grab my popcorn and listen to the Fiasco as it finishes but to the members of the public come on down here and if you're interested on who I'm supporting and though all of those of you who are calling me saying counil M Jackson whoever you're supporting I'm supporting well let me tell you something I'm supporting Frank filipelli in the second ward because Frank filipelli is true and real he is the real deal over in the second ward I am supporting uh Sebastian Mahia in the Fifth Ward because that is who uh uh Bill prezley wanted to wanted to roll with and yes I'm skipping over to the six and I'm going to support my man uh uh uh AED in the Sixth Ward because all of the BS that's being spewed out over there by the GTD committee that's stealing all of the street from the rest of the community needs to come to a stop needs to come to an end we don't need to have no little weasel in the office over there anymore and th those are my picks for right now I'll give the rest when you come on down to the count to to Jacksonville to come get your sign for the front of your house I'll be much obliged to to Aid you in that and and we will be returning for all of those of you continue to call ask me why I'm Clos is because the mayor and his and his uh culprits on this Council have made it their mission not just to put close me but to put me out of business when you have a mayor of the city that his objective and his agenda is to put business business owners out of business 22 years I've been here and people are are are trying to pass that kind of judgment there's not one the some of the council members that are talking about this don't even have a pot to piss in they're renting half price rents from developers in order to give up those votes so I'll let you guys rest to the members of the public have a good night I see you here May 14th let's finally see our city make a real change have a good night M clerk my vote is yes thank you councilman Jackson councilman khik thank you abson councilwoman Mims thank you madam clerk so I am so excited we're actually on Spring Break um for all Educators and our student but um I took a much needed break but I knew tonight was really important to be a part of this council meeting to come on and to do the work of the city when it comes to coming to our City Council meetings and and working through the progression of or lack thereof it's always a hard challenge because you're faced with uh the community and the things that are needed which vary based on WS or just different circumstances people are looking for different things but it's also difficult when you're coming to a council meeting your goal is to come in to do the city's work um and then sometimes it's difficult because number one we're here for long longer periods of time than we need to be to you want uh as me as a mom and a grandmother you want your children to watch the meetings but it's almost embarrassing to see what's happening in the meetings because people are being disparaged or defamed and so many other things so I I'm going to end it a little differently on tonight um to say to all of my Council colleagues I pray that you continue to um do great things and you walk in health and and success I pray for our community that our community will continue to unify it is election time and you can hear it and see it as we're going through all of the voting session on tonight and all the activity um and it's not going to stop it's just going to increase until May 14th is over and then it'll be another election and another election but Patterson let's continue building and not battling there's so many people that are sick have passed on um too many to even call on tonight I want to shout out um Miss Margaret Johnson um I want to shout out Rodney Addison um for going in and taking up a lot of personal time to go in to do some of the um cleaning and and household and all of those things in addition to miss origy uh Bell but I have to shout out Rodney Addison and I hope he's watching because I want to say I appreciate you from the phone call that we had and all the stuff that you did that no one will ever talk about and probably don't even know about but I want to say it publicly to you I've said it privately but I want to say publicly to you thank you for what you did sacrificially for Miss Margaret Johnson and for others in the community that we don't know about but specifically for her she was a matriarch of our community um I believe she was one of the oldest uh oldest living individuals in our community um and even the Committees that honored her she was um with us on the parade and on our floats and all different things so let's continue praying for those that are sick and shut in to miss Roni white I have you on my prayers and to uh all the issues going on with the senseless violence those uh that were killed and are shot and or stabbed or whatever the issues are let's keep praying for one another because love is better than hate Madam clerk thank you for all you do secretaries Madame ba Corporation counsel and everybody else that's on the cor Ryan and team um it's time to go to bed um so I can go to sleep next to my grandbaby Patterson let's keep doing the work my vote is yes Madam cler thank you Dr Mims councilman Udin thank you madam Clark thank you uh Patterson those who joined us those who are watching us live and this is Workshop session definitely we did not vote but you had an opportunity to see us live and I think uh you know the I think it would be better if we could go to the live for every single meetings so let's see what happens in the future um again Patterson as you uh many of you are concerned about uh picking up trash and uh and other items um you can have an app downloaded since everyone these days have an Android phone or smartphone you can have an app called recycle coach if you have that it's all the recycle notifications um trash collection including leaps every all the notification you can see whatever zip code you can use so I think that's the one option you can use to make sure that you get notification of the all the uh trash Collections and and uh also street cleaning comes to this app as well um and use Patterson plus when you uh want to address something whether PS missing signage or street lights use Patterson Plus app and where we can and everyone can see your uh notification your concern and that's how I think we can address many things that's that's uh that we may not be able to uh address on time uh again um as a consum at large I always try to respond to you all and you can call me anytime on my cell phone number 973 5828 one95 from any part of the city of Patterson and again to sit down with you every Sunday I go to different parts of the city just keep eyes on my Facebook page at where I'm meeting my constituents and addressing your concern um thank you Patterson election season I'm not seasonal I'm always out there regardless I'm I'm not up for election but I hope whatever result comes in on May 14th election that brings positive change to the year patteron but that being said my V is yes to close the public portion thank you councilman urin councilman valz thank you madam clerk uh so long night I thought we was going to finish early but it's not um um councilwoman Marissa forgot to mention also the $4.9 million that we reive to improve Westside Park and other surrounding area from the second world uh that's a uh also a goal for the second world councilman um just want to say this you know I'm running a clean election and to use somebody that work a lot in the Community like Bill prisley you know to attack me that that show you how low a person could go this person bill prisley passed away Saturday the family is mour and and he he uses name to try to attack me I know the relation that I have with my seniors in 20 Avenue Governor Towers so I'm not worri about his opinion I'm worried about the work I've been doing and when the seniors request for me I'm there not in election time only always and the residents and the governor Tower could see and a test I I look for a b shelter for them I put a new light to they could press the button and cross um clear the corners for safety P safety in the area and more work is going to get done in the area for our seniors in the fifth War you know last time I checked the books um I have a headquarters 436 on Main Street everyone is welcome to come in front of the headquarters in the bathroom on top of the bathroom there's a nice beautiful CEO that says that's the headquarters I don't know how people could operate headquarters from a restaurant that's another violation of the ordinance so hey it that's leadership I don't know but nobody closed restaurant and I had to say this uh cloud and clear nobody closed restaurant in the city of patteron no mayor no council if the restaurant is closed go to the federal court and find out why talk to the landlord of that place and you'll find out why so I'm not here to defend nobody business but I'm praying that respon responsible owner that want to run a proper restaurant come into the fifth war and make that section probably not punching people around and uh threatening people around and making people feel bad putting trailers in behind of a another restaurant and all that stuff about breaking or ordinance all the way around if that's leadership I don't know but it is what it is is I just want to say to those individual that um have been damaging my signs around thank you because the people call me back and they say they're G to vote for me you know sign don't vote people vote the signs are there because they remind people who is their councilman and who's going to run for re-election um you know I don't feel bad if you do that I still have funds in my campaign that I could buy more signs and put all over the city um just to make a point of clarification we was in a close SE meeting regarding the officer in question and this councilman that you see here talking about it never open his mouth to defend her in that moment never say nothing he just went along but now this is a personal and legal matter after we made the decision based on the evidence on that they put in front of us we made the vote on it as an attorney the attorney choose not to come what we could do move forward what is presented for to us but he don't say the real facts of it you know once again we have not deny and Council presidents here all my colleagues is here those that was sitting in that chamber for the close section meeting we never deny this officer her retirement uh um benefits never matter of fact she could go to civil service and fight for her um for her retirement benefit we never and once again we never deny her retirement benefit so that's a wrong fact I wish that people could opra while we discussed there and you see what we discussed there and some of them those individual that want to be attorney now in this Council uh you know it's going to be a shame what they trying to do divide the community and try to put more uh community and the rebel side so uh election is around the corner like everybody knows um I'm in a line of 4 a four action four more years uh third term the Trinity of being blessed so and I got to continue working when I knocked out those when I knock those doors out there they know they know who they G to vo in back again in the office C LZ I have done my job I'm GNA continue doing my job Madame ba you know I I commend you you know um it have been eight I could say six years taking beat heat uh without facts you know and and it's sad what people had to hear out there I never saw a council meeting uh council meeting this way that the profanity the language is is a low level and and it's sad for those viewers out there especially for our kids that are watching and say that then that's I leader you know and then we ask ourselves was why why is this a lot of violence in in that section of the city why there's a lot of violence in school you know we ask ourselves why you know look at the actions of of this of this individual so uh let's let's stay focused let's continue what we have to do uh Council woman men stay safe out there in your vacation you know uh return back home safe uh to my colleagues you know let's keep on doing the work you know tomorrow people that are watching this meeting knows what we doing for the benefit of our city Mr Aman abushi congratulation thank you for the good work that you did representing the city in the um in the um legation about roselli and the city also uh the other part of the uh uh Park uh I believe was the Barber Park I believe was um yes thank you for representing and and making sure that taxpayer money um was preserved in any decision so um you know I don't want to I don't want to prolong it no more um I want to ask council president Al aiz I would like to uh bring forward a a a resolution uh to rename um 18 Avenue between uh East 2 and East 22 uh rename as as Oro Jane Bell way you know she been living there for decades and uh she always give back to the community a lot so uh and I will ask counil woman kind to join me as Co sponsor on it and Castle woman men's uh on it because I know that we work a lot with uh sister Jame or Bell so saying that I will move forward in that in a future um just remind me c of woman kind I know you will uh but Madam cler thank you because I know you're doing a great job with this election I know it's hard to keep up with all those uh timeline that we have uh in place uh just please remind uh the whole entire body uh regarding the issue of uh the early voting and the change of s and the and the change of site for all the councilmen uh be aware of of the conversation that we had today regarding that uh God bless you all uh we pray for everyone and we pray for the unity in the family and um and before and before you go to bed I'm in my home right now and I always say the only part I don't like from the from the zoom meeting is that I had to bring this home so I had to just contaminate the air prey and you know and all stuff I understand why Ruby stay in the office M stay in the office but I I if this continue as a zoom I probably G to go to the office because my wife even my dog don't deserve this negative atmosphere that comes sometimes and I not GNA say sometime always from the counselman of the first word because it's not necessary Neary I got to go direct from him and if that's moving forward the city look at his word we need a change there and I pray and I pray that the change come on May 14 with f Santana thank you God bless you uh and my vote is yes to close this meeting thank you councilman VZ uh Mr President um thank you Madame clerk so uh this is the end of this Workshop section let me take this quick moment to thank all my col for being here with me Madame clerk thank you the staff it Ryan Madame ba thank you for being on this meeting we finish the agenda let me just definitely address um since I took the position as a council president and consider myself being a very fair person I never stop anybody from expressing thes and at the end of the meeting with Council M Jackson tried to use the floor to speak about Jessica marante I I stop him because he know that he cannot have this uh conversation on this platform in public he know he he knows that uh as a council president I'm here to keep the theor and to do what is right for our resident for the city of pison the situation with Jessica morante we went into a executive section with the piso Police Department she had the opportunity uh to be present with her lawyer I don't know what what was the reason why she was not pres she was served uh she got a cifi letter to be at uh on the discussion with the council members on a sec section because it's a person that matter I'm I'm always willing to uh go over different cases and I'm and my door is open my door is open to uh have a conversation with her and talk to uh and bring the meeting back again and see what was missing because uh the fat are fat so they she she got the retirement benefit uh but if there's something that we need to address with her my doors are open she got her lawyer she could contact me directly and I'll be more than happy to bring the chief of police and everybody and sit on the table and go overhead her case one more time I'm here to serve the community and that's wrong I'm not here to serve one ethnic group I'm here to serve the 54 plus ethnicity that we have in the city of patteron those that note me know that my first that my number one religion is people I love people I love to take care of the resident it doesn't matter uh where you from what color for me I just love to take care of my pisonia and speaking of that I submit back then in legislation to make sure that every position that we Post in the city of Patterson to make sure that patteron Resident get the first opportunity for an interview not everybody else not outside Pon resident that legislation was in place I introduced it and today I make a request to make sure where we draft a resolution I'll be the sponsor of that resolution to make sure that those license that we have available in the city of patteron to do business in the city of patteron um get ready for patteron Resident to give priority to our Patterson resident to apply for those license and start a business in the city of patteron that's our job that's my responsibility as a legislator as council president as third world councilman and that's what I've been doing uh we here uh early today that the resolution for um the um to the situation for the Airbnb to stop the Airbnb in our historical area in the city of Patterson it will come to the end uh next Tuesday we we're ready to vote on second reading on this legislation to stop those people that buying those property and turning those property into business in the third world disrupting the community affecting the quality of life of our resident and the reason why I draft this legislation I mean talk is cheap it's easy to talk this prob this problem has been going out for more over 10 15 years and we know a few location I came I became the councilman and the legislation is done and it's ready to be approved action speak louder than word and that's what was going to happen right after we approved this legislation next week God willing with a great support of all my Council CI um director gim will be ready to go after those uh location that we already know where they are and the people that disrupting the quality of life of a resident on the third war so resident of the third war your counsilman is ready to approve this legislation to stop the situation with the Airbnb and and and and the quality of life uh problem that we have in the third world so that's what I'm going to continue doing Serving the community and as I mentioned before we're not ready but we got to work together to make things better in the city of piso I'm constantly remind Administration that we have to stay on top of the recycling to be on time to have the amount of people the menow that we need to pick up the recycling on time and not leaving garbage out there let's uh to be on top of roselli I've been educating all my third world resident with a ball pick up I feel pleased and I want to thank all my uh resident my constituents they all got my flyer knowing what to do if you have furniture if you have bow pickup that you have to get into www Patterson nj.gov garbage collection uh I got the the flyer I put the flyer in all the door around the third war and my constituent there weakness of that I'm here to work I'm I'm All About action and you see me out there I'm not I'm not a councilman that is sitting behind the desk I'm out there serving the people serving the community every morning I drive around the third War I take picture I send a picture to the DPW director uh to Mel Jackson at the public work and they getting back to me and that's what we doing I could say that the third war is one of the cleanest war in the city of piso if you want to go to a clean and a nice neighborhood go to to the third war let's sit down on bran Avenue our brand new renovated park with table grill exercise machine that's what I love I love my third war it's beautiful it's nice and the third war is better because councilman Alice Mand is the councilman of the third War I don't stop working and I and I want to thank all the staff employees director because in order for you to get things done you have to work with people you have to work with our clerk with our Corporation counsel with a VA and and and Jackson he mentioned that oh what happened in the past everybody knows my record my tri record I run against the administrator mayor and I finish second highest B get it but I'm not here I'm not I'm not using this to campaign I'm not running from mayor I'm here to work with the administration to get the job done I'm not here to block the administration can you imagine if we block a a project like the renovation of the health department that you vote against can you imagine that that building was foing apart we renovating the building and the building look beautiful that's our job we're not here to play politics we're here to work for the people and to get things done for the community that's our responsibility and that's what I'm doing right now I'm not woring my hat that the last election the past is the past I'm here to approve what is right and fight against what is wrong and I'm a very fair person and I've been proving so once again thank you to all my C and I I I I try not to end negative on this but I want to say this my headquarter grand opening will be the 13 April 13 it's a mistake it's not this Saturday it's the following Saturday my headquarters on Park c33 I put my Barner I went waiting for inspection and all that to be done and they already damaged my banner they went to the headquarter and slash my banner they took the picture away from me from one side um and I sto by I just put some tape and I'm I'm I was you know why I was laughing because it's sad how people you know how how much hate we have in the community um sign don't vote uh but it's sad I speak a lot about value about other people some of my opponent um so I'm going to keep going moving forward when they go low I go high if you see my literature is all about positive because in the third War I could show what I have done in the third war you could go to Riv side section or you could go to the east side section and Alex M that have done the work for all my constituents in the third war it's clean we're fixing the road we're fixing all the park beautiful like e side park am Park Riverside baseball field so it is it's a big the difference is too big it's a bit it's day and night differ since I became your councilman in the tur world so my opponent or whoever's uh slashing my banner you could keep doing that um I'm not paying attention to that I got the support of the people ready I'm opening my headquarter on the 13 of April Patterson thank you to all my thir World resident I'm one a on the ballots Alex Mendes I prove that I'm serving the community and I'm I already have my platform my agenda ready for the next four year with all the r that need to be fixed with everything but I will do that for later I will leave that for later I'm all about working may God continue blessing the city of pison may God continue blessing the people that work in this great City and there's enough hate out there if you believe that you're gonna get something by throwing H and and and talking about other people I think that that's the wrong approach if we want to accomplish something we have we must work together must work together Council woman do Lista means uh enjoy your vacation you look fantastic on that picture I love it my Council woman Ruby Kon thank you so very much all my Council K thank you uh for tonight's Workshop I'm looking forward to see you at the next regular meeting um might it's might be vure um we know we don't know until when but we will be patient we have to continue doing City business God bless you all my V is yes madame cler oh my mad CL I'm sorry Madame before the recycling coach app Patterson residing please download the app please please download the app uh the only reason why I know that um um the leave are ready to be picked up today is because I'm always on top of public work at 8 o'clock in the morning because I drive around early when I see garbage out there I take picture and I send it to the to the public work director to Michael Jackson of public work and they give me that information and it's on the app please download the recycling coach app that way you could know when the B pickup will be that way you could schedu in the B pickup and the um the recycling schedule is going to be there and any additional information we have to clean our city and at the end please to the resident of the city of Pon clean the front of your house please the weather is getting better please go outside clean beautify your house you know put some flour in front of your house to our business owner in the morning early in the morning let's take pride of our city go outside clean the front of your business in the morning in the afternoon and at night let's make sure that the front of your establishment is clean let's make sure that the front of your house it's clean it's our responsibility also to keep our neighborhood clean uh with that being said my vot is yes and I will turn it to Madame be before we close the meeting Madame B thank thank you council president I I just want to uh bring up you know at the end there with councilman Jackson and having the opportunity that he had to speak for such a long period of time um and where he he consistently spouts mistruths and I think it's going to be really important for all of us as we're in this virtual environment to respect the fact that that times this is going to have to be countered and it might not be exactly um you know part and and consistent with what we do in council chambers but I the Council continues to hide behind opportunities where we cannot respond with facts and you know there's a perfect example tonight and and he he said something there at the end about the former Personnel director and how he stood up for her and and and I want to just put on record the former Personnel director resigned from the city of Patterson tonight he used the phrase she was ousted that again these are two opposite things and this is not the first time he used phrases like illegally targeted um illegal actions doing illegal things he said council members were stealing I mean th this is all in the portion of one evening that he just continued to use these phrases without any facts without any details and we need as a a collective body here to be comfortable calling that out and being able to say when a lie is a lie and when a truth is a truth and you can have an opinion on things there there is there is somebody that the actions of and the actions of a bully are the ones who just continue to say what they want and believe that they are Untouchable and aren't called out by facts and I appreciate the fact that you gave me this opportunity to even just correct a couple of those things that were said earlier this evening that are just wrong and we need to be able to do that even in this environment because that the actions that you know that that he's talking about the mayor illegally targeting his business and trying to bankrupt his business he's doing it perfectly well by himself the mayor is not spending any of his time and effort on the councilman's business so you know these are the type of things that get become very dangerous we see this on a national level when lies are allowed to spread and Tumble and become big snowballs going down a hill and I just want to make sure that we're in when we're in this virtual environment we're recognizing that and we're taking the time to stop and to say no that's not correct councilman because again we're allowed to have different opinions about how things are done but when we're using terminology like illegal and calling people illegal like he did tonight and you know our current Personnel director he said something is doing illegal things this is called slander and we need to make sure that we're protecting the city against it post her address that posted on her post address everybody knows she's married council president yes MBA everybody knows she's married to somebody Dy councilman Jackson you're you're completely out of line you're completely out of line it is not appropriate for you to be talking about this why is he muting me if I'm lying I'm muting you because you don't have the floor you like to disrespect so many people you know because you don't have the floor and we just Tred to correct me what I'm saying no no no listen let her post let post that is being done by our staff is illegal you use terms like illegal please stop please stop she's not a bona is not it doesn't matter not illegal no it is not's not a Bonaire resident please stop a bona the person in the position left the person in the position left call the yes council president before I close the meeting Madam I would like to read address my vote no it's not read address I'm closing the if she did not call if she did not call for the vote address not of your Authority she's the parliamentarian you don't even know before I call the vote council president I just like to bring awareness to the early voting dates um the county of Pake is um forging ahead with the early voting and for the city of pison municipal election the two locations for early voting will be the patteron fire department at 300 mbri Avenue and the Heritage Center at Alexander Hamilton um 685 East 34th Street dates for early voting are Friday May 10th 2024 from 10: to 8:00 p.m. Saturday May 11th 2024 from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 P.M and on Sunday May 12th 2024 from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. again the two locations will be the partisan fire department at 300 McBride Avenue and the Heritage Center at Alexander Hamilton 685 East 34th Street in Patterson Mr President the votes for I'm sorry go ahead go ahead the votes for um to adjourn the municipal Council Workshop session are eight yet is one absent the municipal Council Workshop session of Tuesday April 2nd 2024 is hereby adjourned good night everyone thank you m cler Patterson God bless you all and let me remind patteron this is what I'm proud we finished our agenda and this is our job this is our job our job is not to bring chaos into the city of Pon it's our job and it's very sad that we have to finish that Mee it's very sad that we have I have to mute Council M Jackson because he doesn't know how to respect and he like to bring the Coral at any point in time and and I I recommend that mad ba MBA look for legal advice because he's bringing serious allegation against against her it's that not you got a lawyer sitting right not acceptable brother I'm the only one getting muted but this guy not acceptable brother very it's very sad so good night patteron God bless you all and and in closing Madame ba Jesse Cante this is the best example of the chaos that coun M Jackson like to bring to the city he know that we cannot have this discussion here in this platform he already knows but then he used that as a t you said you was bringing it back up for a vote you said you were bringing it back up for no one said that councilman Jackson you said that council president so BR back forward let's pray for our city support your people even support thank you