##VIDEO ID:OKN9tMYyaug## ready all Yes uh thank you thank you Rafael good evening every everyone on behalf of the pis Municipal Council I welcome you to the workshop section October 8 2024 at 6:30 p.m. the meeting is now called to order mad clerk please call the role yes council president Workshop session of October 8th 20 20 24 the time is 7 p.m. councilman abdell aiz councilwoman cotton councilwoman daver present councilman Jackson councilman khik pres councilwoman Mims I'm here and ready to serve councilman Udin councilman valz council president PR M clerk councilman valz press him uh my vote is yes B clerk president thank you yes P clerk please read the statement of compliance yes statement of compliance with the open public meetings law 20242 meeting date October 8th 2024 6:30 p.m. adequate notice that this meeting was compiled and disseminated in accordance with the open public meetings law in the following manner the annual meeting notice of regular meetings and workshop sessions of the municipal Council was compiled for the year 2024 2025 on about July 1st 2024 a schedule of the regular meetings and workshop sessions of the municipal Council for the year 2024 2025 was duly transmitted onor about July 1st 2024 to the north Jersey held news the record the Arabic voice the Italian voice T County pulse dominicano news Laisa International L espeel the Patterson press the city post news tap into Patterson the weekly Bangla Patria in addition to any other publication duly requesting such notices the schedule of the regular meetings and workshop sessions of the municipal Council for the year 2024 2025 was prominently posted in the lobby of City Hall first floor in the place reserved for the announcements of this type the schedule of the regular meetings and workshop sessions of the municipal Council for the year 2024 2025 was duly filed with the municipal clerk a copy of the schedule of regular meetings of the municipal Council was mailed to any person who requested and paid the fee authorized by the open public records act council president thank you Madame cler um members of the public and Council Cali we have 64 item on our agenda and also we have a special meeting at 8:00 so let's get into before that Council mes has a quick presentation let me uh open the floor to council mes Council mes thank you oh yeah thank you council president uh colleagues uh for the opportunity to do this presentation uh today uh this uh a special Workshop a special meeting that we have now it's being tev that's a good thing council president that the public could get engaged and what's going on in our city uh first of all I know that we we are celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month of the whole entire month but this is not part of the celebration because it heritage month I'm celebrating him because when people give ideas and when people come to me as a counsilman or come to other elector officials to oppose things in our city we take it seriously and um it's honor to me uh to present this citation to a gentlement that knows how to sing salsa that knows how to play salsa and know how to the legacy of Frankie Reed where it's supposed to be um I want to call forward my friend my brother jonito creso for his legac contribution to the city P I want to come here forward because I know we here and then we going shoot a picture of Jito creso on behalf of the city pison the mayor and receive receive Citation for your legacy and contribution to the city of pass especially with your music with your arts and your Um passion to defend the Puerto Rican Heritage and through You music that called SAA I know Frankie re uh front heaven will appreciate it uh big time and uh you live that Legacy uh moving forward so receive from the mayor City passing exitation um and also receive Municipal Council and myself councilman Alex v as president uh citation also for the same thing for legacy and contribution the city pastor and for you who don't give up what you do in Sala receive my citation a certification uh certificate for special recognition um and I recognize your passion your dedication and your uh love for Puerto Rico and Frankie ree God bless Frankie re in heaven and God bless you for his live music all the time first of all I want to say thank you to my mom proud of my mom my wife jolanda I want to say thank you to the mayor to all of your councils they love you all of Y I'm a little nervous but uh thank God my dream came true especially naming the street after Frankie Ruiz way so when I go to Florida I'm going to go to C LA and I'm going to tell her what y'all all did I think I appreciate that with all with all my heart I thank you very much I don't know words I don't know what to say but thank you all okay let's s a picture together thank you thank you next presentation I know that's a good thing that we have Council Workshop we Gove all these honies um this resolution um I want to call forward uh my friend for many years many years Prince of Eve to come for this resolution memorizing The Life and Legacy of Barbara Lee mclo peoples and she was your auntie she is your Aunt sorry your mom's sister and and I'm not going to read everything that says here because when she came and what she done and she had paav the road for a lot of people and follow us so receive this citation resolution memorizing the life of legacy of Bible Le of peoples in behalf of the Min I bring my Spanish sometimes so and let me let me give the microphone to my colleagues to miss Reeves on behalf of the state of New Jersey this is a senate and general assembly joint legisl joint legislative resolution by our soon to be congresswoman po assemblyman Benji assembly woman Shand Suter it is signed by the president of the Senate Nicholas curri and the speaker of the general assembly Craig coflin great woman great idea God bless Barbara Le McLoud Peoples Let's Get on behalf of my auntie and my parents my mother was educat my dad was military we are just actually getting into some of the history of my mom's side and it's true from my mom's side being they was the descendants of Mary McLoud bethon so but I look at Mary McLoud bethon because Mary McLoud bethon is all about history and it it serves me great honor as well as all that we are all taking part in a history that belongs to each and every one of us so I am very proud I wish my mom was still living and my auntie Barbara was still living but God has them where they need to be so saying that saying that councila want to sing a song I just want to say that is you and your family are been a blessing for the C P your family history and your history it's p history may God continue blessing you and your life your L life and L Health God bless you thank you thank you um thank you council members now let's go let's do payment of bills with councilwoman daa but before that I would like to remind the community that we get ready for our celebration Hispanic Heritage Month celebration the 25th of this month at International High School it's starting at 6 p.m. we're going to have a great program and we have a list of honores from the city of patteron um it's going to be a great program like every single year so I would like to remind the community to put that day on your calendar and enjoy the city of pison the administration the mayor and the municipal Council to celebrate the Hispanic Heritage Month um on October 25th Council woman payment of bills thank you very much uh council members we received the uh payment of bills a summary of dispersements we had Finance earlier today uh the total amount is 17 million 984 uh 69 with 20 uh just this was a payroll week in addition there is a board of education payment uh for 1 month and we also have Community Development funds we have Solid Waste kanta uh there is a refund I know that there was some emails going back and forth and so that's in this payment of bills as well uh so once again uh my motion is for payment of Bills second it was moved by councilwoman Dava second by councilwoman Ms a roll call M clerk on payment of Bill roll call on payment of bills October 8th 2024 councilman abdalaziz councilwoman cotton councilwoman davo yes um councilman K my vote is yes mam CL councilwoman Mims yes councilman valz before I vote I just want to see when um the the rooll call to vote goes through uh through the chair Madame ba if it's possible so um when we going to see a chance uh or get a chance to uh vote on the Police contract that was settled and it was is the agenda oh special meeting special meeting tonight at 8 good good so that's a good thing today so uh saying that the payment bills U my vote is yes thank you councilman is I didn't get the full agenda council president my vot is yes M clerk thank you the votes are five in favor I'm sorry four absent payment of bills passes thank you m clerk um council members we have our director uh specially here so we have police item 62 council member um so we have item 62 consent consent okay consent anybody has any questions hold on hold on hold on yes and they can and they can't go into full discussion at the what's the item 62 item 62 Council L consent I don't see any other item fir Police director thank you so very much if you have any questions I do have a doctor's appointment next Tuesday evening so I want to be here just in case if you need anything please feel free the OIC myself we will make oursel available for any of you anytime thank you so much great technology this is really going to help Patterson thank you thank you director council members if there's any question before we take from ction we could call the director send an email he's always available always accessible so so council president can we do 30 andoun yes 30 and 31 is community uh development thank you council president we had a robust discussion this is from our it was we're trying to push it in our previous meeting um this is um additional draw down funds um we were waiting to get the final piece of the reso it is here now um it was discussed uh council president I would like both of these items on consent pleas consent yes okay Madame clerk 30 and 31 it will go on consent thank you um very good council members so thank you council president I see the director director from public work is here so director Billy so um let's start from with item number 60 director you have a few item but let's start with 60 um resolution authorization solicit of a bid for the 12th Avenue basketball coure resurfacing impr consent council members hold on hold on guys discussion CC what is that item number 60 number 60 is a resolution authorizing the solicitation of a bid not for the approval for the bit for the 12 Avenue basketball Cod resurfacing consent long president I I know he I I know he's going in consent uh I I got the director in front of me uh director uh this is for the basketball court at the 11 12 12 right yes uh can you please uh take consideration also there's a basketball court with a little pair of grounding uh 16 Avenue it's been a decade for many years and uh if you could look into that little pocket park as basketball and there a little playground in there I know that in the past was with uh County space that was done but if you could take a look into that one also will be beneficial for the residents of the fifth world that like to play basketball there so um can you put that in the you do list to look into that I appreciate thank you Council pres thank you Council valz council members we moving on second reading or we moving for the next meeting on the 15th to take for my action on second reading let's continue with Public Work Director Public Work item 41 through 48 on public work um so item 41 resolution authorizing the war of contract to professional Consulting uh council members 42 through 45 consent 46 is regular hold on sorry Council council member 41 consent hold on 42 consent 42 is a resolution authorizing the second and final option and renewal contract for the disposal of solid waste council members consent consent 44 consent item 43 council member resolution second 43 consent 44 consent 45 consent 46 regular 46 is a resolution authorizing second count extension with Waste Management of New Jersey for the disposal 46 will be regular M clerk yes item 47 resolution authorizing a contra amendment to NE 48 consent consent 47 47 I want that consent uh regular please 47 as for Council Ms will go on regular item number 48 a resolution authorizing a contract with PSNS yes for the AR engineer design consent for the stairs for the east side park stair repair so that will definitely go on consent I'll be waiting for that presid council president council member um um also at the same time uh council president I would like the director to look also the steps of Oak Street side from Roberto Clemente um you know that have been incidents there and that's the path to go to school 15 on the behind of Roberto Clemente I know that we put the fence now the kids are going to use more uh that steps to look into repair those steps also thank you coun mes uh dly not also director so just uh speaking about Eide the playground the renovation of the playground Eide it's uh it's looking beautiful the color and everything I make a recommendation well I spoke with the administration they told me that you're in charge of also fixing the fence the fence is going to be repaired and also the concrete also is going to be repaired within the middle Landscaping black top hopefully by the end of this month we're going to have a brand new state of di playground at e park for our children it's been it's been closed for way too long but we getting we we're working we're on the process council president before director leaves so I have put in a request and I want to put it on record again for the bottom of Governor Street um it's a a a bigger job than just repaving so I want to put it back on the record uh the ba and the mayor is aware the lower part of Governor Street as well as North Main Street that there will be a creative project put in place to get that done ASAP um to avoid any uh catastroph fees from happen in that area also I also sent a request some months ago for uh the playground equipment in the veland a park the second Park after Amad the oh the 20th a park okay no not 20th on Vin yeah Vin and 2th is yes so that park for new playground equipment um I know he's watching um Mr Victor as you're watching I'm putting it now openly on the request I've sent an email a couple times now I want to put it on the request can we make sure that gets done sooner than later because there's some real hazards in that par council president Council uh also um Council women men remind me something uh the new playground that we put at the Roberto Clemente uh is missing the swings and some of them are gone can we replace that back yeah definitely is you know that's for kid is Spectrum you know for kids that got autistic so uh to see um um thank thank you councilman bless and and also councilman speaking back on the director the 20th and and bran avue playground not only the playground but the tables and chair you know we did a phenomenal job with the amista park and the renovation the grill it looked beautiful the table I think definitely the upgrade on 20 it have to looks it have to be similar of the uh Thea park it look fantastic and the community they're enjoying the the the grill I see the resident not only of the third War I see resident for all the area going to the into the amista park doing barbecue during the weekend it's a beautiful beautiful uh uh you know location for our community so thank you direct um we don't with Public Work Council counc I know that uh I was uh the clerk and the secretary is making notes I know the director is over there now that council president Rick Miami another thing from the park Luc Costello Park needs to be uh also replace the shair and bow it to the ground to make sure they stay there I know residents have been saying that they've been taken away or they move around uh to make sure those Shares are also bought at the same time we we spent 1.2 $1.5 million in that Park so supposed to be treated the same way the parks being treated in the city of patteron that's that's uh Luc Coello Park thank you Council mes we have item 49 Economic Development Council Dila first reading uh 49 uh Madame clerk uh this item is being sponsored by myself councilman VES and councilwoman Mims okay move we going to move it forward move it forward first reading sure um 52 52 through 54 councilwoman consent uh councilman colle yes we did have an a committee meeting um this is uh we discussed it before we expanding the solar trust and um cleaning commercial Corridor project also the fiveyear plan um it should be in consent if if otherwise 52 53 and 54 thank you councilwoman councilman colleague and I also have to uh congratulate my Council colleag that are attending two committee meeting most of the work that we're doing is behind the scenes we just finished our finance meeting with the state monitor so there's been a lot of work behind the scenes I want to say thank you to my Council C for being working extremely hard 55 council member resolution appointing Eva which is council president appointment will'll be in regular EV is not here but I know she's watching and she she will be at the next meeting 51 will be regular uh councilman 50 51 no no actually actually no no no you can put it on on consent yes sorry thank you councilman uh B 51 mad clerk will be on consent it's councilman B um uh uh resolution 50 consent okay number 56 um Regular reappointing that's a council me uh no that's counc regular Council 57 uh I don't have no problem 57 could go on consent uh this is for next Tuesday right next Tuesday you could go consent recent the recent council president I want to put on the floor now um next Tuesday I'm not going to be at the regular meeting so it's going to be a short meeting so um but we appreciate that but uh it will be on consent for uh our great leader so item 58 council member H regular regular this is item 58 resolution of the city of p in the county P New Jersey I approving the adoption of the energy saving plan oh you know I changed it could be regular a consent I'm sorry yeah oh that that's Council M consent yeah consent council members item 59 resolution honoring Angel Vladimir Council Michael Jackson regular Idol 61 um that's mayor and resolution Hing consent consent okay item number 63 resolution amend the fiscal year absolute regular item 54 resolution desting the third Saturday September on regular SP okay um Regular should be yeah what was it 63 17 what about 64 what about 64 regular regular 64 is regular 17 so item 17 council members um consent consent item 17 item number 18 resolution authorizing the use of competitor contract for solicitation consent going fast item number 19 council member consent and that's what council president we DOC number 19 yeah we do have the presentation whenever you would like related to item number 19 yes yes uh so so right after I was waiting uh because I know we have a special meeting at 8:00 so it's 7:02 uh let me finish the couple of other the item we'll move to presentation and we'll get into the special meeting 8:00 do any consent council members I you say keep 19 for a regular let the presentation to be which number Council with uh number 19 19 all right item 19 so let's um let's have item 19 on regular it's a phenomenal project item 20 consent item 21 um Regular item 21 regular that's my honor that's real oh you want to put 21 on consent so council members since we since council members since we all going to have so council president just a minute since we all going to have we're going to have those those item there are the recognition for the Hispanic Heritage Month Council M so just a recommendation they can go on consent however I will like the C uh Madam clerk if the move can be by each council person that each council person that they're honoring be the person to move those items but it can go on consent can you take note of that mad CL so that that works oh no so every item that they always go on consent well I don't have no problem with mines uh councilwoman me you could move mines I be here no no problem but that's that's a phenomenal idea Madame clerk every item could be move it will be moved by the council member that is sponsoring and all the item they will go on consent I could move it from where I'm at2 SO3 24 I could make a call MM 27 27 and 28 are regular 27 28 regular 28 27 I'm adding um Council Moten to 27 okay thank you item 29 resolution supporting the creation of the community um so not for that need to go to committee yes so let's have some discussion on this item Council M yes uh council president uh I so council president number 29 I also joined by uh the some representative from black lives matter they can also elaborate uh details if any council member has any question what is that this is regarding a pilot uh pilot program which is Grant will be awarded to um this called CBR Washington bill would be awarded to the nonprofit organization St Joseph hospital Patterson Healing Collective and block lives matter and this is regarding the Health crisis issue uh calls so I if you give me if you allow sometimes I can call brother zil thas for a little bit for at least two minutes so he can he can go just can we allow him to minutes to speak counc council members Council M has the floor continue Council M uh it was it was uh it's already it's a pilot program so they all receive Grant regardless so we have to affirm them that they can uh collaborate with our Patterson Police Department to some of the phone calls regarding mental health issu where they can uh public safy this have to go to Public Safety I I recommend that council member just a minute so council member I know there was um there was a conversation on finance and that there was a question that if the Idol went to Public Safety Committee it did not and it should to go to legal's stat so so legal and Public Safety they have to go over the item but I qu I I definitely believe that right after that we should get it into into the workshop and we could be ready to take from an action but so so definitely have to be on a Public Safety Committee yes be better through public I I definitely would love to I I would not say no but my point is since uh zil thas is here he could at least give us Insight so at least in committee we can discuss about what details about it so let him allow him two minutes to speak about it I know um so so so I I think I think that Z has you know he got a portion on the public portion now but if you want to elaborate even though so what we're going to do is we're going to send it back to Public Safety right after the discussion council president council member Council so first um so cuz sometimes things happen here on the council and then it's miscommunicated to the public right the pro let me explain the process is with this item and it may be something great but it has to go through committees when you look through this item and you go line into the line items it has to be um given like a green light through Public Safety it also has the courts are involved so statutory agency has to be involved because we can't put fees if statutory agency is not involved so that's why it has to go that's why all items have to go through committee it's not picking and choosing but that's the process and this may be something great so we're not opposing it I want to put that on record it's not being opposed but it didn't go to those committees so we bring It Forward those entities may come because for example we talk about loud noise right we talk about the they go and give a ticket it goes to court the ticket is thrown out you got to make sure that these items have teeth to them so that's why it's important to go through committee I'm sure committee it may not have an issue a minute that's fine council president so I'm going to I'm going to request brother uh zil thas to wait for the public por to make sure that he have chance to elaborate on these item so that whoever in the committee they would know they would have the clear uh idea that what the resolution is about uh I say Corporation Council reach out to the administrator I feel that he got kind of green light that is is uh okay to move forward but again I'd love to uh go with the uh Committee of course and I would definitely request you to just cover this if you need additional time I believe that council president will would allow you to speak if you need to go over to three minutes uh thank you Council M during the public portion we're going to hear from the leader from black life matter s is here so one publicos arrive M clerk I don't we'll go back to councilman Jackson so just for a point of clarity this item obviously made it to the workshop agenda therefore and if an item makes it to the workshop agenda it warrants a discussion now maybe some it may be of the opinion of some council members that it is required for it to go forward to committee but the council is the committee we're the committee of the whole and if it made it to a workshop agenda where the public is made partial to the discussion I don't understand why we continue to try to make miate the process and remove the public from the light of the discussion these discussions has taken place in the in the in the confined closed backdoor private discussions you know the the community may have some input on these items as well so as it as the council so so may see fit for it to go before a committee some of the items or some of the concerns of the community if it's addressed now during the discussion of a workshop then then those items will be con considered additionally through the committee process as well but but constantly doing this the council person works hard obviously members of the community come forward and say listen this is something that we're interested in they get it it makes it to the workshop agenda where it should be discussed in his entirety discussed in full and it's automatically pushed to the side people saying oh we can't have a discussion on this because this has to go before a committee that's not the the uh the the the the the process in which it's outlined within our Charter if the item makes it to to a to Workshop it's entitled to a discussion therefore if there's members of the community just like when you have you know members of the administration come forward and have discussion on items I'm going just say this this to the public because obviously certain members of the council don't don't understand this clearly people who work for the city don't are not endowed with with any more power insight and or authority than the public in fact we answer to the public our concerns should be answered to the public if the public is here and members of the public have an item that they want to see make it to the agenda their concern should not be brushed aside we shouldn't be saying oh we only need to have private discussions in committee if it's here we should have a full discussion and workshop we should talk about the item we should consider the item if the item is not going to be moved forward then that's something else but not not having a discussion is not being responsible as as a council member council president council president um both uh yes I will definitely open the floor to councilwoman Mims and then right after councilwoman Davila uh councilwoman so let me just say this because first and foremost bringing forth an item is a great thing we don't we don't come against that but if you're directing departments to or if there's something new and a department is involved you have to give rights of Passage and meet with those department heads you can't just come to a workshop and say this is what we're doing the department heads are not present that are involved in this particular item they're not here that's why you have it in the committee because the department heads are in those particular committee meetings that is the process it's nothing against this particular item this is the process for all things we just had a committee meeting at 5:00 we've been here since 5:00 going over things that are on this agenda tonight and possibly for next week as what the process is it's nothing different most of us do attend committee meetings and we are present and we do this every single week multiple times a week we have different committees we understand the process it is nothing against this particular entity so I want to put that on record cuz I know sometimes it goes from here to 10 Buck two and that is not the truth thank this item just needs to be um giving the green light from the entities that's saying we're going to do fees we need to make sure the court systems are give me a second I have the Flor coun has the floor right after that this this item we go back to the committee and we're going to have the opportunity to have the discussion on the workshop thank you very much uh council president and and to the community all right there is a process for all these items the fact that it's on the agenda and they did not go through the different committees there's no behind back room deals or anything like that is that Council women said and stated the directors of the different departments are at these meetings so we nobody saying we're not going to have the discussion we are going to have the discussion committee first it'll come back for workshop for the community to come forward okay our next Workshop of November but right now this item is not going to be discussed today because it's being moved back to committee and then it'll come back for Workshop in November thank you thank you Council woman dly notice um mad clerk let's continue with our president council president councilman thank you council president uh I don't mind to go to the committee that's 100% correct but just know this uh not every functionalities can be written to the resolution for clarification to our committee members whoever in the committee I believe that one of the representation should clarify for example the whether finances involved or not what's the court matters how is this going to be happen I believe not to wait for the that's that's only request not to wait for the public portion to come allow the rep one of the representative who is in presence can let him allow him to speak at least for 2 minutes so that the committee members would have Insight that what's the resolution about because from this writing you may not clarify or 100% understood that how the functionality is going to work I I absolutely agree so whoever in the committee they can see the record so allow him to speak for two minutes no no council Council M trust me and believe me that our leader from black life matter told must know the process of this Council way she know this the process of this council with no problem uh this Pro this this uh legislation and got the police involved and different entity that have to be present with the healthy discussion right after that we bring it to the committee that's a process that's a simple process we don't have the police involved so we're not stopping this but let's follow the process that's all we need to do in order for us to move effectively in order for us to move on the right direction so with that being said if you allow me to continue with the meeting because we have a very good presentation that we have to do and we have a special meeting at 8:00 that we voting on a extremely important item uh that in related with the police department which is the contract all right but clerc president councilman Jackson thank you council president so to the public for a point of clarity I will post this week our city code in which it outlined the process this is the process that has been selected by the council president and various council members but it is not the process the process is very clear says that any council member can place an item on the workshop agenda which at which time that if that item is on the workshop agenda sh it shall move forward to the regular meeting agenda it speaks nothing of the committee process now even in with with that being said nobody's negating or trying to overstep the desire for it to go to committee but here's the thing even as a member of the public you all have the right to write a piece of legislation that you want to present to the council and those those items don't have to be discussed in fact you're privy if some let's say if a member of the public wants to attend a public a public uh safety committee meeting you can do that as well we've invited members of the public in there but what we're doing now is mitigate The public's input if the public is uh is subscribing a piece of legislation that they would like to see the council address not allowing the public to have first opportunity to have a discussion on it the the members of those committees the members of the uh the administration work for the public it's not let's decide in committee what we want to outline and what we want to lay out for the members of the public no it doesn't it doesn't go that way and what we've done is we've mitigated the process with inclusion of the public so to point out the fact that this is the process our process is written there's a written bylaw nowhere in the bylaw doesn't say anything about a requirement for an item to make committee in fact in fact these items that you see are often voted on they bypass the committee process all the time but they're very selective through the chair on which items they want to force to go to committee so I want to put that on record because if there's an item that the public will like to see spoken about spoken about within a a workshop the public should be granted access or be granted the ability to to address the concerns that they have but I I'll rest it there obviously you're going to you know the process has been derailed but that's just for the public Public's clarification all right thank you my Madame clerk before item 32 and I want just I just want to make this comment to the community what the community really appreciate and I know and I will put this on record is that before we take formal action on any item because we are the governing body I know that the community and the responsible people this community will appreciate that every item go and be better by the legal department Finance by Public Safety if got the police involved they will appreciate that uh so let's leave it that item 32 M clerk um resolution authorization water contract um council members item 32 consent that's the annual order um regular business normal business we went over to now um just second council member item 33 resolution authorizing contract consent for the tax sell item 34 resolution address the in license to uh Santana consent resolution if there no question resolution addressing renewal down hall there a 35 consent council members 36 there's no question consent 37 council president um council member um colle item 36 I think the owner is here as well is it representative for item 36 yes from item 36 from Cova NOA is it renewal why what's the problem with this one how you guys doing cman I've been criticized for that all you ask the pass council president I'm looking at all the paperworks everything seem okay also call report as well um 37 sorry 36 I it's in the second world Union Avenue I don't have any issue so um you could go onent thank you all right it 30C president if I may uh sir please the the reason for your call to be here all right um is to make sure and understand that you continue being a friendly neighbor all right and making sure the councilman who represents the second ward and I as well as other two members that are at large all right we want you to continue having your business making sure that everything is done correctly so that's the reason why you're here today the council doesn't have any issues and I don't think anyone here it does as well thank you I just want council president councilman so um meet you I know you're there so so in other words uh sir sir I know you're excited uh but can you come over here thank you so are you going to continue being a good neighbor as they say right yes so um we get we get reports of call of service under that address 176 Union Avenue yes um just we got more than 30 40 call of service on 176 Union Avenue and then are um domestic they are sof fights Etc just keep on being a good neighbor okay thank you appreciate it thank you all right council members item number 37 resolution renewal of coin operator for the following consent um yep 38 39 40 38 39 39 consent number 40 um dcil consent 40 we went through public work from 41 through 48 council members so now let's uh Madame ba um we have a presentation this time yes did you move all the first reading forward so I was leaving it don't so I think yeah second reading are going and first reading are going Madam clerk he said first and second reading yeah first and second first and second reading we good with first second first reading yes um and you have the note for all the different item that we have now let's move with the presentation ba council president councilman uh colleague item number 13 can I get a um breakdown on first reading item number 13 we discussed that in finance and uh this did not go through any of the Committees neither uh and it's an amendment to an ordinance uh and there's fees involved and so this item uh council president as you were aware you were removing this item to go back to committee and finance as well DPW and finance correct CL cor flet item 13 will go back to um Public Work committee and finance committee and then we're going to have it back for the November Workshop thank you um anab we have uh thank you council president we have Ed Boose our Innovation officer with us who has uh helped coordinate this project working with uh Public Safety as well as DPW and the administration and he will walk you through um what the I I think there was an issue with the um the resolution I don't see it in your packets but I think Harry I think Harry brought it up with the certification of funds but we can we can uh look again if if we don't have it um but the presentation details all all of the specifics about um the project so Ed go ahead hi council members thank you very much this was discussed during uh finance committee oh okay this was discussed in finance committee safety and DPW so uh many of you this have seen this already so this is the first phase of our Citywide camera project uh this is going to be funded by with American Rescue plan funds uh the important thing to know about that is that if we don't encumber this by the end of the year we have to give it back so uh um okay so the objectives here are to address dumping uh Park safety and Street safety in in that priority order so as far as the strategy goes we're going to develop deliver technology introduce Synergy process and accountability and I'm going to go into each of those things um as far as The Dumping as that priority go we realize that dumping is is is a real issue in this city and it's something that we take very very seriously we think that camera are going to be instrumental to that uh also DPW has asked us to put cameras in the park uh which we've we've done they've all of the locations that they've that we've cited are the ones that they have provided to us as well as what DPW as well as what police has given in some cases so the cameras that we have to choose have to have the right capabilities right so it's very important that we understand that that they have to have the ability to tell the operator that look at this camera don't look at that other camera right some cities have like a city like city of Hartford which is a little smaller than us has 1,500 cameras right now our police department has 80 and DPW has about 23 okay so we are like way behind that but if we were to add hundreds of cameras on without the ability for the camera to tell the operator look at this camera don't look at that camera we could never hire enough eyeballs to keep track of all of those cameras we could never act proactively as we see something happening right it would always be somebody reporting a crime and let's see if we caught it on tape and we don't want to be in that situation so we're very much looking at the the uh the camera's capabilities as well as what I'm talking about there is that artificial intelligence is basically saying hey there's nobody in this camera don't bother looking at it you know there's three people in this camera maybe you should look at it so that's but we're not using any facial recognition I want to make that very very clear why not Synergy so what we're enabl to do is PD will be able to access DPW cameras yes before you move forward yes why not why not what why aren't we using facial recognition uh facial recognition is very problematic for many people uh so a matter of fact there are some companies that won't even consider using it so at this time you know it's it's not on the table so what is the problematic some people feel that there's a problem with false identification right uh and really what the problem is is more that sometimes the people that are relying upon facial recognition are just doing that they're not they're they're not using their human intelligence to say well the computer might have said that it's that person but I can tell with my own eyes that it's not that person and that person has an has an alibi for where they are so that's that's the background why some people have shied away from uh facial recognition the Attorney General's office in New Jersey allows it under some very very strict uh requirements uh and we are not there at this point also as far as technology goes we would have to buy another software package that would reside on the server something that's very expensive and we're just not at that point to to even consider that right now okay all right uh so anyway PD will be able to access DPW cameras that's not something they've been able to do which is kind of crazy if they caught somebody on one of their cameras they actually had to physically walk over to DPW headquarters and spend hours reviewing DPW camera footage and that's just not tenable uh PD will DPW will be able to access PD cameras on a selective basis and DPW and PD will coordinate to criminally prosecute uh dumpers which is not something that's always been pursued so but there's got to be a process because cameras by themselves are not going to solve this problem and accountability is key we have to change the culture we have to make it known that dumping in our city is not going to be permitted so just a little bit more um technology I mentioned that already as far as uh no facial recognitions and the camera will alert the operator C enes cross Department accessibility police will have access to DPW cameras DPW will have access to select PD cameras there's going to be a daily weakless weekly and quarterly process DPW will monitor cameras each morning to detect dumping they will investigate dumping using DPW cameras and police cameras and they will institute penalties civil penalties which are $2,500 for the first dumping 10,000 for the second we have the ability to actually seize vehicles and apply 90 days uh community service and we would have them actually clean up dump sites during those 90 days and PDS will pursue dumping uh you know cases criminally so we're going to the full extent of all of the tools accessible to us and monthly dpwm PD will issue a name and Shame Report we have to like make that available to the papers and on social media like these are the people that we caught dumping in our Parks so that it becomes known to the community that this is not acceptable here council president will that be on the city's website as well yeah we we do plan on putting it on the city's website and eventually we hope also in cases where we caught dumpers on camera but we can't identify them actually say to the Public's like does anybody know who this is okay so we really have to engage the public and then quarterly uh we're going to assess where we put these mobile cameras because some of the cameras will be fixed but some of the cameras will be mobile like we bought some cameras that you simply strap to the pole and you can move it around very easily and that way the dumpers don't get to know oh there's a camera here and there's no camera there the cameras are moving around so they're not going to be able to figure out you know where they're safe to dump and then they'll stop coming here to dump and that'll be on a quarterly basis and again the name and Shame Report is part of the accountability and the 90 D community service will be to spend cleaning up uh dump s sites so a little Justice there the these are the steps where we are right now we're at passing the uh the resolution uh this is how the the funding breaks down it's actually in your presentations there so you could see that there and uh these are the parks that are going to be covered and just I included uh two more slides here just like an can we go back to the slide sure sure um Madame ba I don't see bear track Park on this slide and it was one of the first Parks which one was asking Bear Track Park bear track Park okay the Anthony Lucas park it was one of the first parks that actually pushed to get cameras in it so that needs to be a priority okay again this is just phase one so absolutely well it needs to be in phase one I don't want to say phase two three I want it on phase one okay um is that a um that again I have to look again we're trying to get encumbered by the end of the year we'll review and then we'll council members let's wait to the end of the presentation because I know there's going to be a few question you could just go through the presentation finish and then we come back to the question absolutely answering yeah she was answering yes I I noted that we'll review and then we'll be able to take it back to you because we'll look at some of the initial locations for the mobile ones as well and and see what we can do okay um while they're reviewing I don't want mobile so I'm saying it on record it you don't want them to be Mobile in I I want the same way they're allocating the cameras there okay okay council members now let's wait for the end of the presentation yeah because I know there's got to be more question attached to the location he's almost done with the presentation this is an example of synergy so this is Roberto Clemente Park we could see that Police Department had asked for a camera at the purple location and DPW you know we had used software to figure out where should we put the cameras at what height what lenses how far can it see we really went very detailed using the software and doing this we could see that DPW and PD were trying to cover the same area but if we had allowed them to do this independently they would not have been able to share each other's cameras so somebody could have been coming into Roberto Clemente park at the entrance walk through the parks and they would have disappeared from police's View and appeared in dpw's View and there would be no coordination and that's not going to happen anymore because they're all going to all the cameras are going to be on the same platform so and this is an example of uh Vera ases Park same thing the purple the purple location is where the police had asked for a location and the red locations are where we had identified for Park purposes we should have them now it's all as if it's one system all in one system M so so the blue the I'm sorry the blue the blue the blue the blue was uh DPW dpw's and the U and the purple were police I see one red the one that was in red we we took that out of the plan because it was determined that it wasn't necessary it was too far down into the park so that's it thank you I know the council member there's a few question I know have councilman colleague have Council women M uh but I I just got a quick question before before we start can you ask for the record how much is the total amount of funding that we have for this project uh $1 million okay so $1 million how um how many cameras in total are we going to be able to purchase that's second question the third question is um how many mobile camera are we going to be able to purchase and how many um camera the fix camera how many fix and how many mobile camera we're going to be able to buy with that million dollar that we have right you have to go to R so that's on the budget page so I'll read that and the last question just for the record if you could go back to that because it's important this information for the community and and it's my understanding that all those camera they will be fully monitored live by the police department uh the the police department will be monitoring cameras live and uh there'll be artificial intelligence to help them do so uh you know that yes but the answer is yes yes they're monit monitor by the police department so yeah they don't have an eye on every single camera at every single minute because the artificial intelligence is telling them look at this camera nothing going on on this camera so I just want to be clear on that point how many camera are we going to be able to buy how many fix and how many M right so in total they're going to be 77 cameras so they're going to be P for DPW there are seven and this is on the budget page there are seven fixed stationary cameras these are at dumping locations at DPW said these dumping locations are just so attractive they're never going to change you might as you should have a fixed camera at that location we have another nine mobile cameras these are very lightweight and cheap cameras and so this is a bit of an experiment because if these work out well we can buy a lot more of these cheap cameras okay so and again we could just strap them from one pole strap them to another pole at our will then we're looking to buy 51 cameras for DPW in the park and 10 cameras for police on the streets and we're seeking to repair 22 DPW cameras that are currently not functioning too well and 12 police cameras that are also not functioning too well so we've allotted some budget to debug those we think that some of those Solutions might be very simple like changing a SIM card or something like that counc President thank you thank you very much I have councilman colle councilman Ms and councilman bis um I I just want to know how did you come up with those locations the locations were provided to me by police and DPW uh then what we did is that we used uh you know so they would say let's cover this park let's cover this intersection then what we used we used this uh software that we've never used before and we actually chose you you could actually see through Google Earth you could say I'm going to pick this pole I'm going to have it at this elevation and from that elevation I'm going to be able to see at this angle this way far down the park and if I buy this new lens I could see even farther and by that you know we covered all of the angles on where it was optimal to place these cameras that's what I wanted to know thank you councilman K councilwoman Mims so my question um is similar but more in depth was there a need-based assessment done to identify the particular areas because when I looked at the list that you posted it it looks like Parks dumping is not just happening in Parks you're right so I'm I'm not sure if that's a a true assessment of what the real need is in the community and I don't want us to waste a million dollarss by putting cameras in an area number one where there's not high dumping happening right that's number one number two we need to do a needs-based assessment before money is attached to this because it just doesn't make sense you put a camera in the park they're dumping three blocks down the camera is not catching it so absolutely I would like to know the range of of the lens of the camera I don't know if it can capture that in addition to this needs based assessment the other question I have is WiFi accessibility is it available in all these areas because in times past that was something DPW one of the ration reasons they said they could not put it everywhere because there was not WIFI accessibility and then I would like to know in the uh scope of work what is the bandwidth or the capacity of what those cameras can um maintain okay so let me let me Capt cover those one by one as far as The Dumping locations DPW had cited where dumping was a problem because they were getting dumping reports they were cleaning up places regularly uh they provided those locations to me saying I need you to cover these locations those locations are covered I did not put them in the presentation because we do not want to publicize where dumping cameras are correct again we have mobile dumping cameras and we we seek the input of city council to say hey I know that this is now become a dumping location can you put one of those mobile cameras there that was the purpose of the mobile before you go on I just want to address that what you just said even if you don't give it to the public the city council deserves to see it cuz if if you're saying this was given to you we don't have it whatever and I apologize I wasn't in the meeting on on Friday um because I had something else but I want to see that list I can certainly the community every day and if that list does not include these specific areas then we need to do a modification to that list well I can certainly provide you with that list and obviously the mobile camera locations we can cover any of the locations that you think that we should have covered but absolutely I can deliver that to you okay and then the additional um and then you had a question about Wi-Fi so actually that that's something that's near and dear to my heart I also wanted to deliver free Wi-Fi uh we actually had a fiber company give us a price on experimenting in Eastside Park to put fiber in the park that bid by itself came to $850,000 park just east side park that blew the budget now now I'm not pointing at you sir just to let you know we have not given up on that we actually there is a a a company called signify that has a solution that they use um lighting fixtures and through the waves of light they could actually create a Communication web and we're going to experiment with hopefully if they grant us their uh to use their technology for 6 months we're going to experiment in one of our parks and bringing free Wi-Fi by doing LightWave transmission rather than radio wave transmission is supposed to be much more cost effective and so we haven't given up on the Wi-Fi the bandwidth is is we're required to keep camera footage for 30 days and we have the capacity for that okay um I just have one one last question so you said it's going to be monitored by the police department what is it 247 monitoring the police department and AI what does that look like I would love to hear the coverage so again so the uh the police department you know DPW is monitoring uh cameras for dumping right so every morning they come and they say has there been dumping they say yes there's been dumping then they look over the footage from the prior day they say okay I see The Dumping vehicle and then they say oh you know what I can't see the license plate because the guy covered it up because he knew a dumping camera was there but then he took it off when he left and so he's been riding on the streets of the city not thinking that the PD cameras can pick him up and so that's why with the artificial intelligence we can track that and we can more easily identifying that dumping vehicle uh police is going to be monitoring cameras for Crime obviously uh you know they have their plans for their uh Command Center but really anybody in the police department that's granted access through their through their police screen they don't need to be in a command center so I know police has spoken to me about they are going to be monitoring cameras uh so yeah that's that's the plan so last my last piece is not a um question but actually a request if this is a possibility of working it may or may not work um I think two things need to happen one on November's agenda we need to hire more inspectors cuz what good would it be to have this in place and have no one to issue tickets and there needs to be enforcement and secondly we need to increase fines like I mean we've increased them here but I think they need to be even higher um and I think that needs to be a November agenda as well council president um and I'll be looking to sponsor with who else wants to sponsor with me but two things more inspectors and um big ticket fines because if this is gonna work we can't just have cameras we're catching people and then they're getting like $1,000 ticket or 2,000 no they need to get minimum $10,000 tickets and maybe if you hit them with a big ticket they'll stop dumping in our community because that's what happens helden Prospect Park Clifton you ride around they're not doing it there so we have to stop this this mindset of anything goes in Patterson we got to hit them in their pocket and we got to catch them so Madame B okay two requests one we need to get some inspectors attached to this and then council president on November's agenda we need to make sure that we increase those fines I'm willing to work with a Corporation Council to make that happen thank you Council woman M quite honestly I don't think that the the the amount of for the fine is the problem because the find the maximum amount was $10,000 and the minimum the minimum is $2,500 the problem is that we don't have enough inspector that's a legitimate problem not not enough inspector and we and we don't have cameras waiting for that million dollar forever now it's here we want to make sure that those camera have good internet and that we're going to be able to catch those people that are coming into the city of P of don't dumping I think that that will be the focus council member BL thank you council president U you know the inspector are doing the job Community Improvement is doing the job inspectors and DP do doing the job the problem we have is that when they go to court a lot of those fight tickets don't go nowhere we had to uh send that message that to take the court system had to take Serious that the job that the inspector do out there is taken seriously when they go in front of the judge and sometimes they get good lawyers out there just to look at technical thing and they throw out the tickets so and they come and repeat again and repeat again do the same thing I caught a guy from Pake vehicle not register license from Pake dumping in East 26 and 18 Avenue cop responded right away truck got tall and he was saying that he loved Patterson and I say I love it too but with action so people love Patterson don't do that in Patterson and if you see that black truck like uh uh Mr um what this it Church man used to say I used to have a Night Rider now I got a truck Rider around so be careful um Mr Ed yes sir um I I understand that you have 7even fixed camera stationary uh nine mobile and setup that you could move around the city and the house spot where they dumping and the other one they are regular dumper sites um 51 camera that will go into the parks um you estimated a million dollar in this project estimated right we actually got quotes that that brought us to that number okay where's the fundings coming from American Rescue plan funds America rescue plan so America rescue plan the fund is going to go the fund is already set for American Rescue plan Ed Bosley is a million dollar who's who's going to participate in this RFP in this contract uh CCT TI how you how you went do you send this to uh to uh to a proposal solation bit these are these uh both of these um contract both these vendors have state contracts and they also million dollar excuse me huh they both have state through the coop they yeah they they both aren't in the coop they're both in the state Cooperative we get we get bids from from two of the contractors that we normally use are they local excuse me are they local uh I I mean they're in northern Jersey I'm not sure exactly what town they the uh question how long you took took you to do this plan how long o um I had the location since July and I started meeting with the camera companies we actually went out to their Innovation Center to see what what cameras were available what they were capable of they demonstrated their software for us then we took it back then we started doing the site planning with the software July yeah you well I mean but that's that's when I started I mean obviously DPW and PD were col locations before also you in charge of the real fix correct okay if I give you a million dollar right now yes how we could work less than a month with those individual that out there with uh with uh homeless squarters and all those people back here sleeping and the one under the bridge how we could work with that because it's good to cameras but now the city the residents of patteron are fed entire of of of businesses blockage by squatters and homeless people asking for money you say real fix to get it all day around uh uh you know orating everywhere sleeping over there py tell them to move they come back we refer individuals to your office one came back you know that gentleman that was the Roberto Clemente Park I went there and tell them where to get help and I sent them to real fix you know what what they told me what he told me today they don't work with people that do not use drugs they what that they the the the requirement to help him it was to use drugs the individual I don't even know what that means okay that means sir that if I'm a drug addict I go to your place you help me yeah so you don't understand that oh I get that okay so this individual is not a user yes this is an individual need help to get a shelter to get an apartment to get a job and and to do something proactive and he was turn around with the statement if you're not an addict addicted individual use drug we can help you what kind of real fix is this that is not correct what we do is that's correct I'm going to bring you to the office what I'm saying is that when I like to get challenged ladies don't don't stop me because when we dealing with homeless squatters and people with drug activities out there and all that stuff you know who they look at at the council they're not looking at you boss he boss they look at us they say what are you guys doing and we send people to real fix we send people to the real agency and they come back without the help my question is if I give you a you say you work in this plan in this plan right since July and we in October that's why I got that's your job and I give you a million dollar can you give me 10 out of the at least the park uh right here in the post office and and get him a job and real fix because let me tell you something well a million dollar you could do a lot trying to get those people out of drugs and all that stuff how many how many no because let me tell you something let me say let me say this let me say this don't stop me please council members council member let Council let's council member let finish don't interrupt council member right after that councilman D is been waiting the reason is I'm amazed how he could do a plan from July a million dollar from American Rescue plan okay and still we have six years how many years you've been working with us five five years that he been working all this program to bring all this addicted out of the streets homeless out of the homeless position and do that how many million dollars we spend on your job sir none none no Grand yes so it's money SP you spend money no matter what it's money no Mone money it's Grand specifically for me it's money specifically I like your plan I like your plan I like your plan what I what I'm trying to what I'm trying to yeah but what I what I'm trying to bring forward Ed that your plan is good I like the cameras I mentioned it before everything that you doing with the cameras is a plan it but it's $1 million you going to spend on it but mean while go outside go outside this front of this building behind this building the alley you're going to see a bunch of uh uh squatters and homeless individual that need your assistance I know I see them every morning I walk over and I offer them my health morning I had half hour you walk every morning you see them at least at least in a month at of 10 nine should be rehab well we've already gotten over I'm a little bit more one more Council councilman Udin uh and and council members I I I hear you council member loud and clear well council president council president last but not least I count I count the cameras council president last but not least council president I counted the cameras yes that I had in Roberto Clemente I hope my statement do not take at least five of them councilman has the floor councilman right after that councilman BL well one is going to be a track Park I'm telling you right now I like the thank you council president I think I think we should work on the safe havens plan for the homelessness and drug addicts so let's let's hope for this but again um thank you for showing up to the uh DPW committee meetings and we had thorough conversation uh my question was in the DPW committee that why did you decide seven uh fixed dumping cameras the DPW director answer that they um confirmed their seven uh sites uh that most of the dumping takes place those are seven sites where they don't currently have cameras right where dumping is taking place that they know on a routine basis okay that's that's one thing second thing that I wanted to clarify sir to the uh community members and the council members regarding the maintenance that we are uh spending about 90,000 if I'm not wrong for the year and what are what this is going to be covered by so if you can elaborate on this item please right so that's going to be worked out in the contract but right now it looks like it's going to be labor and materials labors and materials and materials that's for one year two years 45,000 for per year for two years two years yeah okay UHC counc pres councilman Jackson thank you council president so back to the budget page for the first line for 17 let's just say $18,000 per camera m do you have the make and model of those cameras that's that's that's being uh listed here yeah we have it for each location what we did was we took a look to see so all of the Camas are at least 300 well all of the fixed cameras are at least 360 degree view mean that they actually have those 360 view are actually Four cameras in one they have a camera that pointed in each each of the four directions uh they've been customized as far as we picked out the lenses saying that okay well this we have a very clear shot all the way down the street I want a lens where I can zoom way all as far out as I can see so we've customized the choice of cameras and lenses at each location and some of the locations we've also added onto it a pan tilt zoom camera so that's one that spins around and can really focus in on an individual item very precisely so some of them are pan tilt Zoom cameras uh and uh those are basically the two models uh with the exception of um the fixed location cameras those are single focus cameras CU you're looking at the lot where they where they dump the trash and so you don't need a 360 Dee camera it doesn't give you as clear a picture uh so we chose a single U lens camera for the fixed locations and then the the mobile cameras they are they they they are communicate by modem and they also have zooming capability and they capture a very good photograph and they're solar powered and battery powered which is all of that together is what makes them very mobile so we were very conscious about about our selection of cameras probably more so than than we've ever been well even down in the bottom it says 360 PTC PTZ that means panel Zoom so we I didn't ask you the question wasn't what's the functionality the question was for the Top Line first the the cameras that's going to cost this $18,000 per unit was the make model and potentially serial number of those of the items that we're purchasing I mean okay the the make is AIS axis is the Premier maker of cameras uh they're owned by Canon uh so the it's a single lens camera I don't I do have the M right no if you look it up it's axis axis that's the top that's the top brand cameras used by axis and so yes I do have the model numbers of each camera I won't have the the serial number on each camera until the camera's delivered so what's the model number uh I don't have the model number written down in front of me I can give you those not a problem but those were selected we actually consulted with access and the uh and the third party integrator to to choose the best cameras for the each location this particular item is it going to have specialized lenses on it item as well uh yes some of the some of the locations will have specialized lenses because there's like a site I'm not asking in generality okay now I'm asking specifics M you give me a price here for $188,000 right I'm asking for the make the model and any uh uh uh uh modifications that might be specific to this this price if there's going to be a lens that's included I'm ask I would like to know the make model of the lens as well and and the cap Capa capabilities of the lens is it a uh 24 mm lens is it a 32 mm lens a 5.2 M lens whatever I would like to get a specific breakdown of the cost for that for those items make model on each specific item you can do the same for uh uh for the camera that's going to cost 1,300 yeah we only buying so make Mo make a model for each each and every item as well as the the uh panel Zoom yeah not a problem sir so uh second question you said that um DPW and uh PD will have 24-hour access yes to to the cameras so I was just in um in the DPW headquarters we we had three cameras that was on and it was it was outlined to me that we don't have the capacity in within the city to to have these cameras online M and apparently the count not not using the the hardware that the DPW has now has nothing that that's why we're adding we're adding uh a server at DPW that's going to have the capacity to store all of that footage uh there's also a uh a what they call a network video recorder that's on the poll at each camera cluster and it's also recording it as backup and that helps uh eliminate the problem with any latency so yes it's not just the cameras there's servers there's software there's licenses what about um connectivity connectivity uh this this is priced out as fiber uh cuz we got from FC we're very included in this quote it it we don't need to run the fiber we got from FCC where the fiber locations are in the city and and so we'll be hooking up to that but but according to the the DPW official we don't have fiber here in the city that the county has fiber which they're not giving us access to so therefore once our cameras are up for a certain period of time they're no longer accessible because the city does not have fiber the city doesn't own the fiber the internet service providers like Optimum Verizon and so on they do own the fiber you know you know there is a monthly fee you know a $50 per month fee to send transmission over the fiber $50 $50 a month about approximately for for this yeah but we can't put that we can't put that in the American Rescue plan funds it's just they don't allow us to do it that way so so the $45,000 a year who is is that being paid to uh ctci the same company that's installing the cameras so a third party vendor CT yeah we always do this through third party integrators they're the ones that have the expertise okay and um how many years of experience have you had with um video surveillance uh with video surveillance I wouldn't say that I had a terrible amount but I used to be in charge of uh technology integration at Xerox and I work with Palo Alta Research Center in California so my whole job was about investigating new technologies and determining their capabilities and commercializing them so I have a lot of experience within your portfolio of your resume yes have is there any other municipality that you provided the service for that we can go and and see what how how the performance is doing for for that municip that I any other municipality that I've done it for I'm only speaking to the person Podium so you've never done this before no I'm I'm the chief techn I'm I'm the chief in office for the city of patteron not any other city but you my full 5 years I'm sure your your professional career has to consist of some something else I mean your yeah I told you I work I work for Xerox as vice president of innovation at Xerox I worked with research and development with commercializing new technologies and so yes that makes me a very quick study in bringing these things live very good so not to say to negate anything that Council M Les was talking about but you are the the the the brain child the genius behind the real fix program yes I don't want to take all credit and since the real fix program has has is it its Inception not only has it not gotten better but the problem with the homeless has gotten worse okay that could not be more incorrect okay the real program has served over 420 individuals have gotten into treatment for every the statistics show that for every two people you get into treatment you save one life a third of those people are homeless of those homeless people 30% of them have gotten into permanent housing not temporary housing not shelter permanent housing and those are only the ones that stay in touch with us the ones that reunite with family we don't know cuz they reunite with family they don't tell us that they've gotten house so absolutely wholeheartedly incorrect so first of all I I I got a I'm sorry I take that personally but we're saving lives here and when you when you attack the Integrity of a program that can save hundreds of lives not just in this city but across the C the state and across the country I have to take exception to that I'm sorry okay but you pushed a button there I'm sorry but what you don't have to do is become unprofessional I I think I State professional the second thing is people are commenting from the public on how it's being difficult already ready to hear and you just brought yourself closer because apparently I struck a nerve but if the real fix program was so um uh successful I wouldn't have had to cross five or six people outside this building this is a city this is a municipal building all you got to do is go right outside they to accept the help they have to accept help I cannot put them in handcuffs and put them into treatment they have to accept help so again so again council members once we're not getting off track we're talking about the the gentleman's professional experience of him bringing forward another experiment let let me let me remind you Madame ba those phenomenal garbage cans that we spent almost a million dollars on that you responsible for and all of The Great Brain Brain Trust ideas that come to the council if you want my my support it requ requ Ires my scrutiny and if you don't welcome my scrutiny then that's tough because that's what I'm here for how are we going to take on another experiment to spend a million dollars from a gentleman that has absolutely no experience with this he's the one who came up with the sites for the cameras he's going to tell us that he went on Google council president council members councilman Jackson has the floor and we have a very special meeting ipn with our Police Department uh so we just a great meaning so but let let Council uh councilman Jackson finish his point once again a person who has absolutely no experience no expertise in this area we're going to just spend off a million dollars he's telling us he went to Google to look at the locations for the for the sites him much like the ba don't don't even understand where these dump sites are he's never been to these dump sites he doesn't understand the the problems councilman if you could refrain and please be professional I think you need to be professional as well he said it many time he had a meeting with thep do I have the floor coun KH coun do have the floor let him finish that way we could get into our special meeting councilman Council of course go ahead counc so to the members of the public we're going to spend now a million dollars of of money that obviously they just can't figure out how to spend it we had another proposal that came before us the other day in which I shot a bunch of hoes in where the people came to give a a a quote and didn't know what kind of equipment was going to be installed so here we are again he's presenting a he has a a budget proposal and doesn't know the make model of the of the cameras $117,000 per per unit $118,000 per unit and he then he he attests that he goes on the Google to pick out the sites of where the cameras would be I presented a a a a proposal just a few weeks ago that we Empower our community it wouldn't cost us a million dollars to allow members of the public to record people dumping and report it where they could get half of the fine this Council would not support that this will eliminate dumping this is not going to eliminate dumping this is not going to eliminate dumping just like the real fix program did not me reduce or minimize the the conditions of the homeless population sir I I see firsthand why because my mother's the director of nursing at straight and AR she also runs an outreach program where she goes out to Walgreens every single day I've never seen you there these people are out there every day running to her car for food for personal uh items and she's out there dealing with this population right outside we have 10 people out just about outside sleeping in front of this building every single day urinating on the side of the building defecating on the side of the building and you're over here talking to about the 37 people that you was able to get into permanent housing now I respect it because every one person is a positive but for us spending this kind of money and what's being spent on on on those programs just to save a handful of people that's not having an impact on our community no see and I and and I and I laugh at your response you know why because you don't have to live here you don't live here you come here collect a check you come here and get paid and leave out while we have to sit here and be subjected to the conditions so when I ask you when I have questions for you I expect you to be able to answer here you are telling me a camera that's going to cost $18,000 and you don't have the making model of camera you're right I do have the making mod I should be able to look up right now the making model that you're proposing that we that we're that we're that we're purchasing um so can I do it now can CU cuz Google is amazing thing just like you can find sites I could find making model of the price range of the camera that you're talking that you're proposing that we purchase so for the 17 cameras that we're purchasing for $188,000 do you have a making model on that so I can look it up sir I do but I can't give it to you right now I don't have it with me all right so I'll I'll wait for your respon so so so so just my last uh request Council Council C at 8:00 P.M and there's a council member that leaving this uh meeting and uh by 8:20 just a minute and so we're going to start our special meeting because we have our special meeting and it's the contract to be approved by our Police Department so we're going to start special meeting ra start getting ready for that my request for you is make sure you send model and all the details and answer all the question before our next meeting this item is going to be on regular uh so so you got to get more question expecting to see you and as you see the level of frustration of this governing body I I want to thank my Council C for the question because the situation that we going through in the city of p is different difficult the homeless situation in the city of pison is out of control and and and that's how we feel because we are the one that get the call so last but not least counc coun president change Council MERS council president I'm not going to be here next week and uh and I just want to ask a request to Mr Ed bossy if it's possible Mr Ed bossy yes um I going to read this statement they just sent me this and and and tell me if it's if it's if it's if it's match what what what the city of pisan employees are going through and I'm going to read you this they just sent me this $1 million in camera pay monthly fee for the cameras then we will need to upgrade the software and then hire someone meanwhile the bathroom dep probable and no cafeteria in the city hall not even power Wass to clean the surrounding of the city hall after the homeless that's the statement that they sent me now saying that just say that CCC president I'm not going toate I'm not going to debate this last but not least back so we coming back for you there's two things that I have noticed 8 president there's two things I have noticed workshops are Workshop to discuss what we have in front of us to at least if we are satisfied we talk Less on a regular meeting okay now so we're coming back conversation now I'm not going to be here at the regular meeting next week I will recommend Mr Ed bossy and your nice beautiful plan because I know it's good and it's going to be beneficial for all of us for The Dumping for the parks or whatever but I will recommend we have a high qualified High qualified security department at the city hall okay you should use you should use their employees to wash those cameras 24/7 so it's a is a recommendation okay so what we're going to do stay around we're going to start our special meeting and if if my Council C has more question they're going to be able to ask those question but now we start our special meeting which is a very important meeting we have our Police Department contract mad clerk we suspending a workshop at this time to start our special meeting council president Council I'm not I'm I'm not asking you any questions resp just 812 and we have our Police Department here no I I understand council president what I'm trying to say is that anybody coming in here to present any item I'm not talking about him any anybody who we are to talk about an and talk personal level about the efficiency of their as an employee of the city we can't we can't do that that's not professionalism that's what I'm trying to say we are trying to attack everyone in personal level which is not right if we are not satisfied with anybody any employee we can reach out to the administration we can make our voice hard but someone came here to present something and we try to tar in personal level which is not right it does not sounds great sounds good than that's all I want to sayk I understand everyone has their personal level but I'm to myself if I show up here to present something and if I'm attacked like this this a disrespect council members we suspend now we suspend talk I I want to talk about this gentleman this is my second time I saw him in person I have no personal relationship with him but this is disrespect to attack some money personal I guess ra we coming back with this conversation Council KH we only have one item please suspend the workshop we we only have one item and we're coming back with this great dialogue Council klege just call your question because we're going to come back with this dialogue so let us know motion to suspend the workshop move by Council woman second by counil men's --------- ##VIDEO ID:C4pSWCjX4oo## thank you thank you ra thank you council members and members of the public and viewers at home we back from the executive section and we're ready to pay formal action only we Police Department yeah record item number two is resolution approving a new agreement with Patterson Police Lo PBA local one police resolution number 24 colon 59 it was mve by councilman Davila council president Mendes and Council woman M second by councilman khle roll call man and clerk on item number one on the special meeting roll call on item number two item number two item number two um Council councilman abdelaziz thank you madam clerk so I'm very very happy we're here with this item now we're taking action it's a very very long time coming that our Patterson police officers get what they deserve a fair contract that's going to pay them for the hard work that they do day in and day out um I know many Patterson police officers that live in the city uh work in the city and have to work a second job just to make ends meet because uh their contract wasn't approved there wasn't um a fair wage for them think about the hard work they do every single day when we call them they're coming to to dangerous situations I'm happy that the PBA president is here today uh Madame ba before I vote one one thing I do want to for the administration to know it shouldn't take this long right I know this this contract is actually for 3 years prior that's going to expire that you guys are in negotiations now the new one should be coming and enough of the delays of working without a contract a lot of my residents that are Patterson police officers and I'm going to say were Patterson police officers these are pattersoni that left the Patterson Police Department many of them live in the Sixth Ward still live in the Sixth Ward and they tell me da when I see them I had to leave I had to leave because you guys weren't paying me enough to be here I can't pay my rent I can't buy a house and that's what we want we always say people don't want to they they take our money they leave we have patter sonian that still live in the city that work for Anglewood that work for hackin sack that work in Bergen County and left because they didn't have a fair contract so I'm happy Mr President I'm going on record your men and women work hard day in and day out I hope the next contract I know you told me you guys me negotiations it gets done immediately so the the men and women in Patterson Police Department know that we have their back so I proudly will bat off uh bat lead off right here council president and my vote is yes thank you thank you councilman abdelaziz councilwoman DAV thank you just a second councilwoman Rafael I I just I just got a text at the um meeting it's not on channel 77 Noy H I don't want to have to I don't want to have to repeat so we we just hold this go ahead thank you so much coun for for your statement I totally didto everything that you just stated uh I'm very happy to know that9 officers voted yes for this contract 22 against this is a fair contract and you know I I always say that you can't please everyone but I'm happy to know that this contract is before us uh 5 years is a long time waiting um you know we went over uh the changes and you know the fact that 199 of the men and women voted yes for this you know I'm going to stand by it and I am also going to support it thank you so much to the president uh for being here today uh and for everyone uh after my vote I do have to uh leave so Madam clerk thank you my vote is yes thank you councilwoman councilman Jackson yeah thank you madam clerk thank you so first of all let me let me make this extremely clear to all the men and women of the Patterson Police Department fire department all the city employees I mean one I totally appreciate and respect and I do I'm in full agreement that the police dep Department the men and women of the police department are grossly underpay and this contract is a wonderful contract it's beautiful I think when it when relative to the officers um it's well well overdue but the part that concerns me the most is the financial responsibility of this contract we're talking about uh steps and where um many officers will receive substantial increases and I ask one simple question what is the 5-year projection because this year everybody knows that the city made a request for a little under $30 million in fact our transitional aid from the state has been increased and I agree I think the state should pay for the city's expenses on taking care of everybody else's problems but at the moment that's not the case so what was said to me was we did not do a 5-year projection I say so what year projections did we do a Oney year and it's going to cost us an additional $3 million but each and every year those incremental steps is a substantial amount of increase to where you have to at least be responsible to say how much is this going to cost me over the next 10year period and then how are we going to get to that space how do we generate those funds we don't have a we don't have a clue on how we're going to do it in fact the CFO said to me is we can't afford this which is a is a huge concern that's a detriment like how long are we going to play this this charade before the city's actually shut down so I'm just going to recap on some of the the uh uh interactions that have taken place first of all let's not fail to uh to note that this Administration we lost control over the police department for poor management from the administration we also now have lost control over the building subco department where the state has come in and taken that over for poor management as well of which a substantial amount of um of funds that was you know uh uh was no just was irresponsibly uncollected where there was uh members of the public members of the administration coming here to the Post week after week to tell us that these were the infractions let's talk about some of the decisions that was made we the very first step that this Administration took is changing us from being self-insured to the state insurance policy has saved us money the first year after that it has cost us a great deal of money each and every year the next step was we implemented a sewer tax on the on the residents which then cost the residents more money we can't point out not one cubic mile or one linear mile of sewage that has been repaired we've collected I think a a little under $12 million a year from the public on this sewer tax now again although this contract may be feasible how long can the city sustain it and then what happens to us when we can no longer afford to pay for it those are the questions that need to be asked I mean yeah we want to pay everybody I mean I think everybody in this city is is underpaid when I look at a at a at a grown man who has a family to take care of a grown person because it could be a man or woman working for DPW making $31,000 a year and then the fire department when you do a comparison on on uh uh job per job when you look at the Cs for service that the fire department is responding to and they're not paid relative or equivalent to a a a a a a surrounding City or or a mirroring City like New York or Jersey City it's the same it's all relative this is going to start a Snowball Effect and I'm going tell you I'm going tell you right now I'm not going to not support it I'm not looking forward the police officers pulling me over saying that I didn't want to support their contract but it doesn't mean that this is not responsible in fact if you're a police officer and you live in the city of patteron because we know the the large majority of the offic offers don't live in the city so they don't really it doesn't really have an impact on them it's not affecting their their tax uh uh uh uh situation at at at home and you know and furthermore the other concern because we're now increasing what I did not hear in the plan and maybe because council members was rushing to get this out maybe to as the union president comes forward because I just sat in a meeting with the head of the the police department the three head the three top people in the police department I met with some residents in in in the city and they said that we're short close to more than a 100 officers so was that addressed in this contract are we now going to hire the shortages of officers and if we're increasing the pay and already can't afford it how do we then go out and and and hire add 100 new officers lastly I'll say this we know we've been patteron has been targeted we've been targeted all over and I'm hoping that the union president can answer this question we've been training people training people I didn't see Inc Corporation counsel correct me if I'm wrong if it's if it was included or not but I saw the fact that you won't be able to utilize the PTO um until you graduate from the from the academy but what are the residents assurances that after we continue to train and put people through this Academy that they're not just going to leave the department within a year and go work for another dep Department that may pay more or may not pay more but won't put their lives at risk because there's not so much uh gun violence going on in the city so although I think there's some there's some huge aspects of this contract that uh uh might speak well especially to the members of the police department that that are well deserving of it this is probably the absolute most irresponsible action taken by this Council since I've sat here it is the most irresponsible for the council whose primary role is to be fiscally the fiscal monitor to be fiduciary fiscally fiduciary to the to the taxpayers to vote on an item without having a a projection model for the next 5 years the next 10 years how does it impact the city how does it impact the finances of the city because that's where the council is supposed to lend its expertise the mayor goes out and spends the money that we allow for him to spend and this is given an allowance of which we don't have an answer on how it's going to impact the city and I'm concerned I'm very concerned about it I I don't think it's responsible at all to vote on an item yes I'm happy guys are going to make make more money but how is it going to in in fact impact the city's bottom line um listen I'm uh I'm abstaining Madam clerk thank you thank you councilman Jackson councilman colleague thank you um Madame clerk abstain is a yes vote for clarification responsibly no I'm I'm just I'm just clarifying abstain is an yes okay thank you so you think I need education on it I don't think so it's double standard I've been hearing from his mouth he just calling me out that's why I'm speaking I've been hearing from his mou for years since he' been here Patterson employees every department is under paid this is about time we bring a reasonable contract on the table hopefully in future we don't lose our police officers because of they are underpaid they are living the city of patteron working in Clifton or other cities hopefully this is a this is this is a standard um contract if you compared to other municipalities it's going to be similar the pay is almost same as the other city so we keep hopefully in future we keep our own officer in CIO patteron so we don't have like 100 officers short of 100 officers and as you can see other council member mentions 92 to 22 officer approved this contract so this our Administration so who am I to say no on it my vote is Yes Man cler I think it is the responsibility things to do other council member always talk about giving paray raises to every Department out there at the same time when contract come in front of you you want to bash them no I'm not going to play double standard my vote is yes Madam CL thank you councilman colleag councilwoman Ms so to the public that that's present and viewing we as council members we are not in negotiations we have never been a part of being a part of the ne negotiation process for any Union contracts however after the negotiation comes forward I've made the request in the past to make sure that the ratification process with their vote is attached to uh the information so that we will know and understand based on some past concerns what the members voted for because your union leaders can negotiate with the administration but I want to see if the actual Department agrees first and foremost 60% of our Patterson police officers are Patterson residents that's number one true number two the vote was 192 yes 22 no 89% of our patteron police officers they agreed to these changes for example some people are going from $51,000 to $70,000 we have a lot of officers which you may or may not be aware that have left the city of Patterson and went to other towns and made a lot more money and they're willing to come back and we need um our officers back to protect and serve this community as you and I both know there's a lot of concerns going on in the community and we need to have officers present um and that are paid I I commend the union of the police department for um doing their due diligence and working tirelessly with the administration countless days hours has been a long time coming um in regards to uh this contract being solidified and then I want to commend the members of the patteron police department for coming together listening to their Union leadership and agreeing and voting in favor majority in favor 89% in favor of the changes that are made I stand and support full support of our Patterson Police Department I applaud and commend the Patterson Police Union and the members of the police force you deserve this and I want to make sure you get it and you get it immediately my vote is absolutely yes thank you councilwoman Mims councilman Udin thank you madam clerk to the hardworking men and women of the patteron police department I believe that this a very well-deserved contract that we are going to offer you as a member of teachers union I know how painful it is to work under expired uh contract or a contract where the wages are not meeting the uh needs and I you say our Patterson police officers were one of the most underpaid professionals and I think with that changes not only Patterson Police Department is winning Patterson is winning as you notice we pay for paid for so many of the officers for the emies but right after they started their job they leave Patterson they leave Patterson because they get better offer to other municipalities when they are not dealing with real business as they have to deal deal with here in Patterson as they're working in other municipalities there are so many mun municipalities that they have to just deal with quality of life issues but we have real issues in our city so I believe that with that changes Patterson Police Department can win at the same time Patterson will win I believe that after the graduation from the academies our police officers will make the decision to stay longer period of time in city of Patterson and start here in our city and uh this is my expectation we want to meet the needs of our people as of now uh our PBA uh is here in presence just know this the every time we call to the police department for any issue you know that our response rate is very frustration level we definitely have to improve that and I believe that with that contract we can meet the needs that we have and also we can get the police officers on time so I definitely in 100% support of this and uh I believe that Patterson uh the residents will get proper treatment from our department and uh with that being said let patteron to win together patteron Police Department to win together Meg I salute you for everything you do for every day so my vote is absolutely yes M thank you councilman uden councilman BL almost cry for that too U so first of all first of all um I want to send my condolence to the family of Bobby Smith past president of PBA pass away served since 1970 all the way down to 2003 uh Bobby Smith uh those that know him he was a fighter also for those men and wom of the the Patterson Police Department so my content goes to to the Smith family um we are going to approve a contract as Council men stated that we don't sit and negotiators a table but I have to give credit you know I police officers first of all we have to understand as a legislator that we need more police officers we working with less than 306 Patrols in the city of Patterson we need more police officers the amount of calls that dispatchers receive for any type of calls is not enough of officer that we have and they still go out there knowing that there was not a contract approved yet and they do it with passion and compassion knowing that they took the oath to protect and serve in our city so approving this contract though means that they're not going to continue doing the job they've been doing the job with the limited resources that they have received or the resources that they receive they put it in practice so out of 306 members that have the police as Patrol and in PBA local one 192 voted in positive 22 negative leave 92 individual that did not respond they had the resp responsibility to respond but the majority of them say you know what let's take this because before we lose more cops before we lose men and woman so the police department um we need to to accept this the negotiation of the Administration thank you for understanding their side and also the other side of the president of pbaa local one not for now I had to also give uh kudos to the past president Alex Cruz that worked hard to make sure that the negotiation was smoothly and making sure that the uh the amendment woman was well represented but Angel gimenez the the the actual president he was he was positive that he was going to make this happen not probably how he wanted but he he understood that um there's better this than nothing you know and um um I interact with a lot of officers out there the first thing they say why you guys are holding our contract why are you guys holding our contract we never saw the contract we never saw uh the agreement and today we saw the highlights of it and who could testify if it's good or not for them is them is them we are an officer that is going to get raised on the level that probably they could be uh proud of that race you know and comparing comparing the money that our officer receives comparing for the city that are surrounded us it's still short they still short but they're going to do it with love knowing that this another contract that probably is going to expire and um and they are negotiation on that um saying that thank you to the man and woman from the police department to not to not um feel discouraged of anything that we do here and um I don't need the president here I don't need the representative here to to say that I always going to support the man and woman of the police department the city pison because they meanwhile we areep sleeping meanwhile we are vacation we meanwhile we are doing other things they are here and uh protecting us and serving us and the anoun is to say that uh you to live in town if you dedicate 12 13 hours in our city you live in town because those 12 13 hours or 15 hours that you are here in our city you're taking time of your family you taking time of of other things to dedicate at to your service in the city of Paris so saying that uh to not prolong it more um because council president had to speak um congratulation and my vote is yes to this contract thank you councilman VES um council president uh thank you madam clerk today this is a very very special meeting and this is a historical meeting for the city of Pon this meeting is extremely important the decision that we making today is going to impact our Police Department in a tremendous way on a positive way I'm always been a strong supporter from our pison police department and all the pass and prent Union now with our president Angel himz and the reason why I'm being a strong supporter of our Police Department is because I truly know and believe that patteron has one of the best police department in the state of New Jersey and in the whole United States we have police office that even though with the salid that they start they stay in pison knowing that they struggling because they cannot leave on their own with the salid that they used to make here before this contract the reason why we have under 100 police officer ass short in the city of pison is because with this salary they they've been forced to choose and go to another municipality to get paid a little bit more to be able to put food on the table and they still putting their life on the line in the city of patteron protecting and serving our community every single day kudos to our Police Department I'm excited about this today because I already know that there's police officer that they are working in other municipality and they now are ready and applying back into pison to come back to work in the city of pison that means a lot to us police officers that already know the municipality and acquired uh municipality no they want to come back to the city police officers that have been born and raised in the city of pison and they want to serve our community so I'm excited about this I want to congratulate the union president all the members because we have 192 member that vot in support of this contract that means Salam almost majority every time I meet with the Madame VA and the and the state my first question to the state and the VA was like what happened with our Police contract what happened with the contract because I know that this is important without safety we're not going to be able to move pis in the right direction every time we have an emergency we call 911 and we expecting a police officer to show up in our house and to help us with our need with our emergency that's the reason why I'm in full support I'm excited to support this project and we have the responsibility to find a way to bring more Revenue because we need more police officer every time I call the radio room because a loud music or any other emergency the the answer of the dispatches is that they have over 25 and 30 call for service waiting on the line we have police officer they start their ship and they don't take one minute break and they go from one job to another job to another job because we don't have enough manow we going we're expecting to fix this with this because I'm excited to see the wrenches between year one and year nine and it's incredible so um kudos to our Union our police department and let's make it happen with that being said my vot is Yes Man clerk thank you council president the votes are eight in favor one absent resolution number two is hereby adopted thank you m now we're going to open the public portion members of the public to which you speak on the public portion you have 3 minutes I'm going to respectfully ask you to stay with you you three minutes um and right after that please allow the next speaker to use the three minutes effectively let me remind you all to keep the deoro in this room that let's be respectful to your Council Kali to the administration and to everyone in this room so I'm about to be without quotum because a council there's a council member that need to step out but I I know we're going to finish our public portion before we continue we have to close how many how many um we have to close president my I've been an waiting special meeting the special meeting I'm been uh uh the special meeting has a public portion I'm sorry what I'm going to do M ba M I'm sorry councilman Jackson just me m CL what I'm going to do is that within the special meeting I'm going to address all the public portion yeah most of them they're uh they all signing president councilman Jackson as a matter of process council president if we continue as a special meeting we must maintain quum because we're in a voting session if we're not in a voting session we can continue to address the public but if we continue with the public portion within a voting session and we do not have Quorum then we cannot continue the meeting absolutely doly notice councilman just three council member that left and and uh but we definitely we're going to continue with the public portion on the special meeting man how many me how many members of the commity Pres once again I don't think you understood we currently have quum we have if one of the council members leave before the before the public portion is over we must immed they not leaving before the public portion we got six we got six we got six people we got six members we have six members of the council if Council would men leave because she have an emergency we still have five so we ready to get not she respects the public she's not leaving exactly so with that being said let's call the first Speaker Madam clerk first speaker is director Dave Gilmore Mr Dave question before I start if the you're combining the meetings do I get six minutes no three minutes good question good question so I'm getting cheated then out of three minutes you you you get you got three Mr Dave Big Dave you got three minutes council president point of clarity we are Mr Gilmore is correct council president if he speaks now he is entitled all o to the public portion of the workshop meeting which is required by Statute so yes Mr Gilmore you will be entitled Mr day big day you got three minutes so please use use your three minute watch Mr day go ahead you can't get a ruling from the illegal Department we we always been generous with you Mr Dave you said three minutes don't be generous with me listen because first of all I'm tired of being nice let me preface my statement tonight with that because at got the mic on can't hear me I'm tired of being nice no more nice guy when I was the D when I first started as director I had 35 people under me at $78,000 per year but people are getting $50,000 raises and this and that whatever and at the end of the day when I exposed the Art Factory my raise was held since 2019 I have not received my uh increase from 2019 other than Union increases $7,500 raise never got it I'm I'm tired of being nice uh I want you to know that I've been threatened and I filed a police report by uh uh one of the contractors that continues to come in and protest at my office he has now escalated to threats oh wow to uh one of his disgruntled employees came to my office and was seeking police assistance for having been assaulted by him uh and and and and we called the police they came took the taped message of what he said in terms of of destroying me and or my car you know I don't know if I was going to be in it when they destroyed it or whatever they were planning to do but it's there's a police report they also said that they were going to put the bullet behind the the the the ear of the zoning officer for uh the violations that he received as well for not getting for getting tickets so I've made these uh complaints or I made the report and I I expect something to be done about it at the end of the day uh we need to we need to uh look at and come up with a plan and I'm putting this in squarely in the lap of you legislators to develop the difference between the city licenses and the state licenses for contractors and or Home Improvement operators when you you violate the city ordinance and you have a City License you should be revoked or suspended for operating in the city now not with not withstanding that doesn't have anything to do with the state license we have no control over the state license in in UCC and the DCA but we have control over the city license if you violate the city uh in terms of illegal illegal work then you should be barred from doing work in the city you up to you to come with how much time or how much fines or this and that whatever but there's no consequences right now some of these developers and and and folk are doing work and they they take uh the job with the premise of getting the permits for the owner it's a lie some of these owners have no idea that they need to get permits or whatever those permit costs are and they're expedited through the process without having the proper permits we need to separate bate the owner from the the owner from from the contractor charge and and hold the contractor accountable on his City License City License is over only $100 but if you if you don't have one you can't work so I think that that needs to be looked at and brought forward from you guys last lastly my uh First Amendment rights were violated I'm here tonight cloaked in the First Amendment having been reinstated sepa uh concerned employee protection act as well but most importantly covered in the blood thank you thank you thank you Dave next speaker Madame clerk that's a big day all right I'm sorry n speaking yes sir I'm here it is sorry next speaker is uh Mr Elvis dorm one two y yeah yeah Mr Elis dorm that's fourth War patteron New Jersey thank you um this came up here to talk about the downtown area it's a lot of um garbage need to be clean we got the holidays is coming up and we need policing in the downtown area um that's one of that's one of the things I'm going to bring to your attention also want to say thank you to um councilman for of the fifth War Lewis valad always in the downtown area um looking and seeing what's the issue and he all always visiting the um the retail stores eating at the restaurant supporting the downtown area and um councilman theque um you can can I pronounce your name for nothing in the world uddi and councilman at laws um a good ofine know how to pronounce I just want to say thank you for um always having your meetings in the doka donuts in the downtown area I really appreciate the meetings you have talking to the people um in the community um just want y'all to know that I'm coming to the first war what's up Mike Jackson councilman hope you get better soon don't don't know what happened I know you too old to play football but I hope you get better soon I'll be praying for you um Elvis dorm Outreach music production presents Christian Mania Sunday November 3rd 2024 doors open at 3:00 p.m. the event starts at 4:00 it's going to be at New Generation Kingdom of power Ministry on 170 North Main Street patteron New Jersey where the pastor is Pastor Thomas Purry is the pastor and the dean for this year is fighting temptation you know every one of us is fighting sometime some type of Temptation and I have four speakers y'all for more information you can contact me at 862 823 3895 862 823 3895 five also want to say to the people that's watching on TV and YouTube um my YouTube channel is pattery NJ good news that's my YouTube channel you can see all the events everything the resturants on my YouTube channel I'm the real media of py py NJ good news and my Facebook is Elvis good news d h m okay y'all can hear me this mic is okay right my Facebook is Elvis good news d h a my YouTube channel pisy NJ good news I am the face of pison New Jersey acknowledge me peace thank you thank you Elvis next speaker thank you Elvis for always supporting and promoting patteron brother Linda Moa good evening good evening Council good evening city council I come before you today hold on I come before you today with gratitude and urgency first I'd like to thank you for your service recognizing that your roles are a true calling councilman Jackson I particularly appreciate your efforts in addressing the issues affecting my family my tenants and neighbors as I stand before you I I'm reminding remed that A House Divided cannot stand our nation and our city need God-fearing Leaders with genuine reverence for the Lord as Psalms 33:12 States blessed is the nation whose God is Lord I'd like to emphasize the importance of Integrity accountability and compassion in leadership as Leaders you have a profound impact in our community's well-being I urge you to recall the oath you took and the responsibility that comes with it with utmost respect I must highlight areas requiring improve movement our City's complexity can sometimes lead to inefficiencies I have heard concerns from community members and even some City officials about potential discrepancies in resources allocation and decision-making processes I have also personally experienced the consequences of questionable decision-making and potential corruption within our City's governance this has led to unnecessary hardships for my family to address these concern and enhance our City's Foundation I propose we conduct regular Audits and investigations Implement whistleblower protection policies strengthen transparency measures enhance accountability protocols and develop community-driven initiatives key areas of concerns accountability and transparency en ensure funds benefit our community community development support local organizations who are aiding homelessness uh those struggling with addiction and other health issues educational programs Banning processed meals in our schools and pushing for real nutritional food senior care and City the city's quality of water economic growth focus on local government devel focus on local development before attracting outside interests notable Investments such as the stadium must yield Tang tangible benefits when we can when can we express expect recreational centers to support our community and local aiding organizations that result in a win-win our roads are in this dis disrepair and our water system needs attention I acknowledge progress this the city has made though I firmly believe we must reassess priorities only in unity can we create a better Patterson we first must Foster responsible stewardship and transparency recognizing the trust placed in department leaders where they are empowered to excel in their roles I leave you with these four scriptural references Proverbs 282 when the righteous Thrive the people Rejoice but when the wicked rule the people grown um 1 Timothy 3 3 I'll just mention the verses 1 Timothy 3: 2-7 which touches on the qualities of the of leaders uh Titus 1: 7-9 is the characters of the leaders and Psalms 78 verse 72 which touches on the leader's heart thank you so much for your time thank you let speak cler yes the next speaker is Mr Eddie Olivares pleas good evening all um before I speak of the uh what I came here to say I want to congratulate you guys on your contract I am glad you know I've often said that if I had a magic one the people of patteron the police department will get an increase the teachers will get an increase these fools in front of me they will get a decrease the $50,000 you got gone over there 50,000 gone but you guys deserve it and I congratulate you anyway um you know uh Madame ba I am here once again to ask for I'm asking and all I need is a yes or no answer don't give me a non answer like you did with the 4 million dollar I have not I'm not done talking about that because I have never gotten an answer from any of you but I want to know with uh the race that City officials got I want to know if Mr Jackson is receiving the $6,000 raise I think it was $6,000 uh in the Latino Community right now I am discussing with a lot of people um most of them supporters of Mr Mendes uh who voted no on the $6,000 but it's taking it we call that dual morality so if Mr Jackson is receiving the $6,000 he is practicing dual morality and we want to know yes or no uh please don't make me come to your office 10 times a day just give me the answer I need to know if Mr Jackson is collecting the $6,000 I will close with this I mean I I'm keeping a light today but you know um Mr Mendes said something about that he appreciates about the community well I am going to tell him what it is that we appreciate in the community we would appreciate if you guys stop being petty uh and and I'm talking especially to Mr Mendes he's over there playing with his phone but anyway I am talking specifically to him and when I say pettry what I mean by Petty is your job is not to decide what goes on the agenda or not Mr Jackson has uh presented to you guys uh a proposal to bring back the once a week and you're going to be hard pressed to find anybody in pison that would opposed that uh but it has not made it into the agenda you guys are responsible for for making sure whether he bring us on the agenda you guys are responsible for that stop being petted that's what I mean by that um he also suggested that we increase the to stop it stop being pett anyway uh also with the uh 6 minutes um that he introduced another piece of legislation increase it six minutes it hasn't made it to the agenda you see what he does everybody else can speak except me anyway guys just stop being petty stop being petty guys next speaker is Mr Allan Jefferson I'm sorry Alan Jefferson uh Allan Jefferson uh Prospect Park New Jersey uh I'm a old poni uh I grew up in the Alabama projects uh was a New Jersey Bank shorty won the championship but I didn't go to the World Series I was livid my mom told me she said Allan you'll get another chance I'm 73 years old okay I got three kids I got eight grandkids it hasn't come to pass but I'm still fighting you see these two ladies over here these two these three people excuse me these three one lady and two girls where is the help for the young people that's what I'm talking about okay because I got a spot in the S City mall and even though I don't make no money okay I still come there every day and I give away gifts okay because I love kids and I sit here and I hear all this commotion amongst everybody about oh I got to go here I got to go there okay what about the city the city done went to pot P pot now I'm upset because I got hit by a Jitney bus and the guy didn't have no license registration insurance and he kept going I had to run him down at 73 with a pacemaker a stint and a hernia okay where who's in charge of uh the taxis and the Jitney buses now now I'm I'm not mad at you okay I come to vent okay I'm get away from M but see I got a voice okay now my point is this okay where is the responsibility because I don't see it and I've lived here for 60 years and I mean it's atrocious I can't even walk up Hen Avenue without climbing over the H the at the bottom then I Come Around the Corner a presidential bouevard 28 was it 280 the factory the garbage is piled up as high as that curtain okay it's been sitting there every day I come through there every day for the whole summer and it's still there right now I'm not saying that uh people ain't working okay they're not trying but what I'm saying is what where are we going we got to do better okay we got to do a whole lot especially for the kids cuz they see it every day and it's depressing have a good thank you next speaker man cler okay I have another Eddie olivaris but I I think that's a someone oh no he don't have a twin no is there you already spoke to you no okay no Reverend Kevin Greenwood I'm sorry who's the next speaker re Kevin Greenwood Reverend Mr Kevin yeah Reverend Kevin green he's back there good evening good evening Kevin Greenwood 16 ring for court Patterson I came here today and excited uh thinking I was going to see history today in Patterson grew up in Patterson CCP building 3 medock Street and when I saw the resolution I thought that you guys were going to sign or or approve I I was excited to see what was going to happen but I don't understand the disconnect of not passing this so accepting it because this money in these funds have already been approved by Murphy Governor Murphy has already approved 100 plus million dollars for these uh community-led uh crisis teams so I'll just read what I had prepared so I want to tell you what this resolution does this resolution is a key step in ensuring that the community crises response team ccrs which have already been approved and funded by the state can start their important work in Patterson the ccrt pro uh program was created to provide passionate non-p police correspond uh responses to crisis like mental health emergencies substance abuse issues or other situations which help is needed instead of relying on police these teams will consist of trained um professionals like mental health workers social workers and other care providers although the program has already been approved and funded it hasn't been implemented yet the the resolution helps clear the way for these teams to begin their important work by ensuring the city council officially supports the programs and removes any barriers that might stop the team from uh operating effectively in communities so I want to make three key points real quick so the keys are this bill would support non-p police crisis response the resolution shows that the city council stands behind the idea that crisis like mental health or addiction issues should be met with care not punishment the community crisis response teams are designed to support with compassion and support rather than law enforcement it clears barriers for implementation even though the state has already approved I'll say that again the state has already approved no money is coming out of the city the state has already approved approved and funded these programs the resolution is necessary to ensure that there are no obstacles preventing the teams from starting their work it shows the city's commitment to making sure the program can operate without delay and the last one what it does it helps our families get the care they need whether whether you're black latino Arabic Asian indigenous or a newcomer we all want our families to receive the right care when they are in crisis these resolutions help make that a REI relying by ensuring these crisis response teams are reliable are available to meet the needs and for everyday pisoni thank you next speaker man clerk next speaker is Reverend Beverly Pearson I'm sorry Mr zel Thomas I'm sorry um all right good evening everybody hope everyone can hear me I'll try to speak into the microphone but um again like it was already iterated I'm very disappointed that this wasn't being able to put to a vote today um I'm very confused about why was not um put to a vote and hopefully Corporation um counsil you can clarify cuz before um councilwoman um left there was talking about there's fees involved in this and this is why has to go to a finance committee I'm not sure if she even looked at the resolution because it's just a resolution it's not an ordinance it's not asking the city for money it's not asking the city for anything other than your support of this program it's just like if there's a resolution in support of me opening a community center or a new store and the city wants to say like we support this initiative that's all it is it's a show of support from the city Council that you believe that people deserve care and people deserve um um patience when they're going through a mental health crisis um this upcoming Saturday I'm going to a visual in um in Fort Lee for a young woman named Victoria Lee who was um killed by police officers um After experiencing a mental health crisis and the brother he had called 911 a second time to try to cancel the police from coming because he knew that you know there may be some antagonism and he didn't want his um sister to be um killed by police but there was informed that you know the police will have to come anyway and we know what the the outcome of that was because there is no Alternatives unfortunately in our state when someone is dealing with the Mental Health crisis or substance use crisis but like um Pastor Greenwood had mentioned that um the Naji seab Brooks and um Andrew Washington bill was passed was supported by our assembly man an assembly woman it was signed into law by Governor Murphy um the pilot Was Won by um organizations in Trenton Nork Hudson County and in Pay County so this program is going to be coming into Patterson Nork Trenton and other places and we want to make sure that we have the the city support I know on an individual level um Council people will support us but we want that be done by um on as a body and that's what we're looking for uh we know that we have your individual support I know we have Community Support we have over 500 signatures from community members here in Patterson who also support this so I would really love for you to support it as well and not hold this up any further so thank you thank you um in corporation house I would love you be able to answer that for me thank you thank you next speak cler Reverend Beverly Pearson good evening good while I [Music] appreciate councilman Jackson's attempt to clarify how things are done here I'd like to know how I may obtain a copy of the policies and procedures um uh outlining um how our city council operates including how items become a part of your agenda thank you m speaker sorry next speaker is um M Deborah Hannibal good evening Council evening uh to Madam clerk God bless you Deputy clerk uh to the administration I'm here tonight to remind you that there is still time to register to vote the deadline is October 15th if you want to register can you hear me yeah we you can go to vote411.org you pole workers are also needed pole workers are being paid $21.43 an hour to work during early voting and $300 on Election Day early voting begins on October 26 okay so now I'm coming to you as Deborah Hannibal taxpayer resident of Patterson I saw this um camera talk that we heard tonight this was like a Deja Vu because I heard this talk in 20 uh 2020 or 2021 at 60 Temple Street during the mayor's town hall meeting and we asked there was a shooting and we asked if the cameras could be placed in the hot spot areas cuz I know where they are I grew up up here those issues those places are still the same places if I know the police know and this is the same old story and then now tonight we're going to say that we're going to use American Rescue dollars what dollars were we using before when you go to the city's website and look for information about the American Rescue P plan it is still under construction still under construction when will there be information on the website the last time I was here at this meeting I came here to raise a concern about the late submission of the 2021 audit and I was rough rushed away from the mic I was you know my time was [Music] up uh and you know I took it I also shared that night that monies were withheld from my paycheck in August 2022 monies were withheld from my paycheck in August 2022 to be submitted to pensions the New Jersey Division of Pensions and benefits I checked and those monies were not sent to Trenton now this to me is a serious issue so I talked about that about a month ago there was somebody here complaining about Grant monies there was a vendor here complaining that they hadn't been paid councel you have a fiduciary responsibility to the residents of this city you're not only the legislative body you have a fiscal a financial responsibility somebody has to watch the money every time that you approve the budget every time that you approve the bills list you co-sign sign the incompetence and an ineptness of this Administration some would go as far as to say that you are complicit there already been two takeovers of government agencies in this city now if my mother was here before you and she's a North Carolina North Carolian Carolinian that's where she was born and she would ask you do you have to eat the whole cow and know you're eating beef there is a fiscal problem here with the monies now every time and I've said it before a wrong a wrong a broken clock is right at least twice a day now councilman Jackson had a concern and I'm in support of the police uh getting their raises I support that and I've stood here and said that before but if we don't know how much it's going to cost somebody's got to be in charge of that we need to know how much money is being allocated for that everything that we do here oh we got to come back we got to change order now I went to Pate County Tech and I wasn't really in the beginning we had a exploratory shop so I had an opportunity to explore and we were taught measure twice cut once we don't measure twice here we allow people to come here and they are unprepared presenting things that cost us money and to add insult to injury and and and I think was in this week's paper we asked for six minutes that failed and I heard somebody on the council said that when T like extra time is needed and extra time is needed so I'm going to yes and I I you just to W and wrong here when the ba gets a $50,000 raise and we don't know where that money came from but we we spent it for everything else that is done here we pay more and we get less now most recently Patterson was one of 37 local governments around the country I'm going to say that again 37 local governments around the country not the state that the credit rating group put on review due to insufficient information on their finances Moody's ratings affect the interest rates that local governments get when they borrow money thank you m h so New Jersey New Jersey has 556 or 564 municipalities now Patterson has the dubious distinction of being of one of 37 governments 37 towns in the whole country that is on this Moody's poor ratings list so that's going to cost us more and we keep getting less collect it is liter this is a quote from the ba it's literally just an timing issue business administrator Kathleen long said about the delinquent 2022 audit cuz I talked to you last month about the 2021 respectfully and she said that the covid-19 pandemic knocked Patterson off schedule so how did it knock Patterson off schedule and there were another 562 M municipalities in New Jersey that were not affected by the pandemic make it make sense do you have to eat a whole cow to know you're eating beef thank you Miss Hannibal thank you then next speaker and members of the public so after the three minute I extend the courtesy that way the person could wrap you know the point and let's go the next speaker the next speaker is Mr Joel keys but council president next was we're in the public portion your statement when I present minutes was that when need and by the way and by the way 90% 95% of the resident they come in right after the 3 minute they wrap it up the community is being very effective on the three minutes to say she got over six minutes and I reset the clock for her we're in the public portion you just callously no you irresponsible you you like you love chaos you such irresponsible that's what you deserve you just disrespect no I'm not I'm not I respect her I gave heres of the public the time to speak on the public por I respect courtes if we going to take the resident time council president if we going to take the resident's time to argue over here we taking the time to Res next speaker next speaker thank you Mr J Keys thank you Joe keys that need to be sa patteron I'm campaigning for Mike Jackson for mayor just a old speech but it's part of the campaign so I'm going say it mental block mental block is defined as an inability to recall some specific thing or perform some mental action the thing we need to recall is the true character of councilman Mike Jackson based on his conscious deeds and the mental action we need to perform is to reject the attempted brainwashing minations of the present Administration and the local press my African-American brothers and sisters and all other members of the p Community if you have the mental block concerning councilman Mike Jackson that Malcolm X will describe in the following quote then this is an opportunity for us to exact revenge on the perpetrators of that diabolical fraud that was intended to deceive us and attempt to further divide and conquer the African American community and the pisan community at large let's Unite and vote for councilman Mike Jackson for mayor during the next mayor election Malcolm X asserts quote it's very dangerous for you and me to form the habit of believing anything completely about anyone or any situation when we only have the press as our source of information it's always better if you don't want to be completely in the dark to read it but don't come to a conclusion until you have an opportunity to do some personal firsthand investigating for yourself and if you're ever going to hold a position of leadership along which which goes a great deal of responsibility my advice to you would be just that to be very careful about letting others create images for you always examine for yourself if the Press is able to project someone in the image of an extremist no matter what the person says or does from then on it is considered by the public as an act of extremism no matter how good it is because it's done by this person who has been projected as an extremist no matter how good it is or how positive it is or how constructive it is the people who have been misled by the Press have a mental block and the Press knows this unquote an excellent example of this mental block phenomenon was in 1953 when John forer dullis was the Secretary of State and his brother Allan Dulles was the head of the CIA they conducted several operations they referred to as psychological warfare in which they demonized political leaders in countries where their people love them to specific examples were yakobo arbin in Guatemala and Muhammad mosad day and Iran the dullas brothers overthrew the administrations of these great leaders by successfully engendering a mental block in the minds of their supporters the president Administration failed to overthrow councilman Jackson in the last election because his supporters repelled the mental block and we're going to the next we got to call that action he run more speakers close by councilman second by Council council president Mendes roll call to close por cler motion to close the public portion councilman abdell aiz yes councilman Jackson thank you madam Clerk and council president if you may um uh allow the ba an opportunity I guess Once We R Madam B I would definitely appreciate it because I've been accused of uh doing many things but I try to maintain you know um my integrity and if I don't do anything I don't like to be accused of it but can you please specify when you get an opportunity whether or not I had in fact taken a uh a pay increase when you and other council members and other members of the administration took one I'd appreciate that that could be done today um so I would like to address my young brother next to me Al he's he tell often how he is the the founding uh uh member of the GTD committee the get things done committee and tonight you seen a lot of GTD a lot of getting getting things done and I only have one question for you brother Al if you can help me just point out one thing just one all I need is one I don't need all the amazing because I mean you guys do a lot of amazing things at GTD but just one one thing that has saved the community money that has made the community money that has made the community safer that has made the community cleaner just four items one thing that the GTD committee has done that has made the community money that has saved the community money that made it cleaner and made it safer because when I recant or recount a lot of the actions that I've taken lot of the votes that I've taken in Reverend Pearson I will make sure you get that that information in writing um when I recount a lot of the things that I that I don't support I have to go back and and you know because most of the time you'll hear them periodically oh councilman Jackson was right on this but there's a there's a long list of items you know not as embarrassing as the trailer park that we paid $1.4 million for that's now being utilized for ked's locker room right but the fact of the stadium the stadium how $110 million was spent it didn't create no employment opportunities I think maybe three to four jobs locally for a short period of time if you look now the there's a scam where the developer is still making money there was a scam with the concession stand that was given to a former member of the administration who then turned around and opened up a historic restaurant that closed within a 30-day period right so how about this building that was purchased by the PRC that we are paying rent for PRC being entity that's owned by the city uh uh how about the building on East Railroad Avenue in his Ward that today to this day if you go in there the business incubator equipment is still there we still was over $40 million with the PRC that is unaccounted for we haven't gotten any reports on we haven't gotten any reports on the stadium whatsoever we don't know how many yards of concrete was poured we don't know anything I just got an anonymous email from someone who is a partner at the stadium who's now talking about how derel it is and how much money is being stolen and how they use the cheapest material that that that he couldn't get the major league baseball teams to come and practice there because the facilities and the uh the turf that was used was so cheap that they refused to participate how about this Mr Joe Keys prior to when when when you were my idol when I learned how to throw a football thanks to people like you and when I had an opportunity to go on and play division one football and I had an opportunity to earn a small check to play football and Inspire many other people including my brother who played in the Rose Bowl played in at Ohio State I practic every single day walking to the stadium how about this stadium that we used to own is no longer owned by us and Kennedy High School is still practicing at Buckley Park they got a walk from from Kennedy High School and those members I had a member of the community call me says his son that goes to school at Rosa Parks has to get his own way to Buckley and we don't provide any means of transportation for him to get there and get home while by the way we're watching robberies take place in broad daylight while the young people who should be getting influenced and should be on somebody's playing field is covering their faces with masks robbing businesses in the in the light of day while we have organizations that have dedicated themselves Church organizations uh Community organizations that have dedicated themselves to come down here and present opportunities that they could provide you know the same kinds of vehicles for our community and we sit here and pull it off the agenda because we have some ulterior motives so every single item that I stood against I was right on every single item when it came to the the the the self-emp self-insured item I voted against that item and during that time I had got spotlighted as being the uh the lap dog of the of the ba because when this mayor came in I did not want to just be Mis disgruntled I supported some of the items that they had to begin with like the sewer when the ba was then the uh um the chief of staff and she gave the very poor example and I started then by saying if you're going to give an example to this kind of community about sharing a beach house a summer beach home I said members of our community are sharing Apartments it was so insensitive but she took a shot she went out and she took pen to paper wrote a an article about me at the uh uh within the um one of the uh Publications I guess because I went to HBCU I wasn't supposed to be able to formalize my thoughts in writing and once I wrote back there was never any other ever any other commentary and writing placed about me in the paper again you know so I'm I'mma task you with that young brother please tell me what items have you guys supported that has made us money that has saved us money that has made the community safer and made the community cleaning now on this item for the uh police salaries y I'm I'm I'm I'm extremely happy but guess what this is deja vu to your point Miss Hannibal because I recall cuz this Administration already knows there it's outgoing the mayor says he's not running again he thought somebody was going to hand him a congressional seat how delusional was that right but now he's saying he's not running he's going to have no other choice he's going to run again he'll never win another election anywhere by the terrible job that he's doing but this the same outgoing commitment that was made prior to Jeff Jones becoming mayor and remember when Jeff Jones became mayor what was the biggest thing that happened to him he was forced to cut 130 police officers and if you're going to go into this thing we're we're going to give out these phenomenal raises to make everybody happy listen I'm I'm all for it but where is the council and the administration on finding the money to give him to to make these erases here we are now spending another million dollars as we spent all this money on these garbage cans that don't work right now we're going to spend another million on cameras to put more money in the hands of another third- party contractor see that's where where leadership really comes about where you where you not only can can say how you spend the money cuz as a her quote in the paper of saying that this Administration was was sideline whatever the I'm I'm paraphrase cuz I don't want to be say I misquoted whatever it was that said that they was uh uh hiccup by Co it was Co that's giving them all this extra money that they're spending first it was 60 million and then whatever it was and we still have not gotten a report on this spending so to your point that the website is not up this Council I've been the only one saying listen show me the money show me where we spent this money at where's the and we have and and and we coming up with all these great ideas and we don't have any reports on the spending none whatsoever this Administration has had more money to spend than any other Administration in the past and and and and then here we are here we're doing this right we're going around cutting ribbons forget the parks how about the businesses we're cutting ribbons on celebrating business opening but we don't say nothing when these businesses are closing because there's they to find out there's no Revenue in the city for them to sustain their business the Mr G's thing where's the where's the article on on the record-breaking time I gave him a year I said it would be a year when I saw all those employees there and I saw the lack of experience on learning knowing how to run a restaurant I I gave a year 6 months I mean I'm sorry 30 days one month one month and it was closed I mean of course she's giggling she's getting $50,000 extra and and with no with no repercussions on job performance inflation never touched them okay so check out the stab check out the jab right so my restaurant has been open for 24 years 24 years I've been providing employment for people who roll from under the door across the street 24 years I've been I've been highlighted in multiple National Publications I've been called by national figures like Kevin Hart to come to my establishment to do something and this Administration took aim to close my business now even if it was a position of opposition even if I'm still a business owner in the city the May and now even the ba as you watch the scar fetman laugh at it right took personal Vendetta and aim to make sure that my place was closed and shut down so now when I file a lawsuit against the city because the the the uh Corporation counsel told me there was there was in writing that he wrote a a a recommendation that what was being done to my business was was wrong and it should not have been done I still haven't received that but yet she's taking she's celebrating the fact that my business is closed after 24 years of me providing job opportunities for people and providing a means for my family she's celebrating that do you understand how devilish and how callous that is because even in the midst of it why would I celebrate somebody's family's demise but by the way my business will reopen I assure you that I assure you of that because while she sell celebrates that you know what I'm saying I'm not going to allow that to pull me down I'm not celebrating I'm pointing out the fact that I'm pointing out the fact that throughout in despite your corruptive hand in it because here they are right let me let me put this on the table I'mma put this on the table and I'll close this but nobody else spoke so I mean I'mma use up that time I right I I said you didn't so I took your time so let me put Let me let me put this on the record let me put this on the record and brother Keys brother Keys playay pay attention and I doubt anybody else to contest this see the deal that was cut for Mr G a former member of the administration cut a deal so that a business owner who owns a large scale business who has inherited a business was able to potentially open a cannabis site they own a license and they bought a site right up the street from the DPW place that does not that falls outside of the barriers of where they're permitted to open a cannabis site so the tradeoff was they would this this business owner would purchase the building at Mr G's well overvalue at $800,000 do all the construction and turn over the keys to the this member of this Administration while they finagle the deal to get him Li get his license cleared for cannabis so they couldn't make that happen he walked in and saw how how how poorly the business was being ran and shut it down within 30 days now that's the facts now if there if she's talking about there not being a corruptive hand involved in all of this stuff she's a liar but anyway I digress I mean I'm just here I'm just a source of information man I mean go on public record in fact madam before you go on before before you go on to discredit anything that I've said and provide the facts and the information that so so so the owner who owns the building he doesn't have a cannabis license before us the owner who owns the building does he have a cannabis license coming before this Administration okay you don't want to answer that cuz that's fact well what you can answer is am I receiving the $6,000 I I'll wait for you to answer or not and council president you guys can go ahead and and continue to squander um the city and brother Al you can I'm I'm looking forward to that answer to the question thank you madam clerk my my my vote is yes thank you councilman Jackson he's lost for words he's for Words council president I voted yes already continue continue on carry on cler I mean help us help us out clerk councilwoman help us to leave Clos as me so to the public that that that's here and that those that are watching and all those that are sending me text messages I feel your pain those that are saying is really sad to watch to to look and to listen to what's happening in the council meetings a meeting that could have been um should have been done a long time ago a meeting that does not have a lot of things on the agenda that are filled with things that will help our community we get our packets on Friday which we're supposed to do our due diligence and look and read them we also have committee assignments and that's something I think the community take a look at who's on the Committees not just this time but look throughout the course of the years who's been the chair who's on these committees and then ask for the attendance record for the Committees you'll be very shocked because we sit here and we get blamed oh I'm the only one doing something we let me tell you I get I left my house at 7 this morning to go to work right after work I went straight from there we have finance committee meeting at 5:00 I've not been home yet and I'm still here tonight handling City business there's some people that don't even go to committee meetings yeah they don't participate that's where the real work is done and Comm meetings it's nothing against any any person that comes there is clear processes everyone on this Council knows you have an item if you want to memorialize the life or the legacy of someone that does not need to go through a committee but when you want to bring forth an item whether it's legal Public Safety or whatever no one really on this dat will say I'm not going to support or what whatever they're not going to do that just bring it to the committee everyone knows the process that way and I've said it so many times over that way it doesn't have to come here and then it's a big thing in front of the public and you know what's sad for me when you're giving the true information to the public some people no matter how true you tell them they're not going to believe you because some people just choose to believe what they want to believe it's a fact if you look through the agenda the majority of these items have been vetted through committee they didn't just come here we sit in the Committees I'm on several committees we sit in committees payment of bills 5:00 one day we were um Finance meeting for 5 hours before we got here five hours vetting through items and documents Patterson do your homework do your research my vote is yes I'm going home I need to go and get something to eat and see my family good night everybody right thank you councilman uh councilwoman Ms councilman Udin all right good evening Patterson those who are here in this chamber uh thank you for joining us those who are watching us live on TV YouTube uh thank you for watching us and uh just noce we are still in special meeting and in the special meeting we have approved a fair contract for patter and police department and I believe that with that contract we can facinate or keep our police officers in our city and increase the number over the time so um but even though we you know uh last many years our police officers we getting paid uh you last 10 comparing to other municipalities still we have dedicated police officers serving in the city for many many years and many of the officers are going above and beyond their job requirements and I would like to publicly give shout out to police officer Matthew McCoy this son of former councilman from thirard W Bill McCoy for his job done last Saturday night I because I was in the I I had to take my daughter to the ER at the St Joseph in Patterson around 3:00 in the morning and I I said it in the in the in my social media as well and there was a girl from from uh the city of Patterson she's attending she's a high school senior at JFK High School she and her family was in an accident but the family was taken to the hospital by the ambulances but there was no space that's why she was advised or her family was advised to taking her to the hospital since she was less injured or than other members of the family but when she appeared to the ER the staff were ignoring to believe or not believing the fact that she was she came from an accident and Matt I say if officer m is not there I say she had to wait like other members that are waiting there so I have to just commend him for the job done cuz he was not supposed to do that he was outside when he saw me walking around he just came up then he said he what what happened when he heard it he went inside he spoke to the head of the nurse she denied first second time I was calling 911 three four times no response even 911 around 3:00 in the morning but I us say he did his part and we have officers like him in our department I salute him for the job done the young man um it was incredible and I say on behalf of the family we we we are so proud of him uh let me get back to the resolution and many of the community members uh brother Zill Thomas is still here uh the resolution we're talking about supporting the creation of uh Community non U uh uh uh a non-coral First Response system which is uh uh Grant funded uh approved and I am requesting our uh Madame Clark to uh forward this to the Public Safety Committee please and I like to see this uh coming to the next Council Workshop session who is the chair who for how long all right please send it to the committee because if one of the memb is not present does not mean the agenda is going to be delayed the committee members definitely going to meet for other reasons so they should review this item before the next Workshop session and between this Workshop to other Workshop about a month difference so I believe this is enough time for them to review if they have any question they can call me they can call Corporation councel or they can call zel Thomas but that this item I want to see in the next Council Workshop uh without any other excuses uh to uh to present here in the council what other things I need to touch B on all right so uh again uh Mr Nel thank you for advocating and showing up to the JFK High School and I believe that you guys went to the other other schools as well to encourage our teenagers uh to register for vote and I would say doesn't matter how many people registered on side or not at least our students who are ready or who are who's supposed to be registered they at least know this is their responsibilities so it means a lot to advocating and this Civic knowledge is not part of our curriculum anymore you know that is it's just a part you know uh whenever we want to mention we do that so the way you presented the other day I us say that was that was great at least they were asking us questions afterward that when should we uh register why do we have to or why is it important to vote so I I really uh commend that for uh doing this uh Community just know this that coming here every Tuesday not every Tuesday some Tuesdays I say and um getting your attention by speaking this is not this is not what only our jobs so being in the community you know very well who you find in person inperson calls you know your council members many of the words I am at large I try I know I'm not I'm not perfect but one thing I can say that if people call me at 4:00 in the morning I response the call that's always I can say that now many of the C many of the resident there do not know about their W council members but we are very good at entertaining here just know this we need to do our job we have to do better than what we are but again the way we portray sometimes are not professional to me I mean uh viously I I it's not that I'm favoring anybody the gentleman was here speaking about the cameras cameras are in need we need the cameras you know about the Pennington Park situation someone got inside burned it but there was no camera we need if we had a camera there we we can we can catch those whoever did the crime we need the cameras now someone came to present such a great I feel this a great idea we may not take it or may take it but I I feel that we should at least stay on the agenda and listen to or ask question on the item that is presented so what happen is when we are speaking about something else we are not focusing on the item that should be discussed here because we are going to vote in the next work next regular meeting so that's what happens most of the cases I believe that we should stay on the agenda ask in depth questions uh if we have any personal level or um uh efficiency of any employee of course the question should be should be asked and but not not not when we get them someone just come here and we just uh take the opportunity to attack I I don't I don't see it is affecting you know is something effective uh to move forward like this so that's all I stood it's not really I'm favoring any employees I have no personal connection with anybody so just Patterson um again uh thank you for the opportunity to serving you uh I am always available to serve you just just know this I'm a public servant I'm not a politician I work at Patterson Public Schools I work here in the city I had a part-time job job at ragar University to leave go to go outside the town I left this because I don't have time to go out of town I'm here anytime you need me call me uh zel Thomas again thank you for me for the opportunity to uh sponsor this resolution and I'm I'm actually after this resolution I'm going to work on the second resolution that's uh in our hand so uh Patterson uh I hope Patterson move forward with everyone's assistance uh with that being said my vote is yes to close the public portion thank you councilman uden councilman vas thank you Mr Udin I am a community servant and also a politician and uh because to be here you had to be a politician oh man you love it you have to let's be honest but but but we are um a community and servant first before politician right uh every item that we have uh we had to fight it with a tone of politician without offending nobody right good all right so first of all I want to commend the two young ladies that have been here since early in the afternoon to be and um yes I I want to commend them yes listen I I know that um you know I know you guys pray pray for us right and those prayer goes up there the most sincere prayers are yours thank you thank you for being here I knowledge that you know um ma'am you did a great a great presentation great request uh we all the council um in some form and action we do the same some people do it one way way other people will do it other ways I always try to put the happy camper on this situation here but everybody I understand that every issue are important for us in the city Miss Hannibal you know I I respect the public portion you know and um that's the freed of speech that you have um and I take notes of everything that you say um and then try to work with the facts you know try to work with the facts uh when I interject before regarding my colleague and um and I hope everybody understand this if I go to interrupt a speaker that the time is up and I go to take a five minutes arguing with my colleague then I give I should give that time to you right so that's why I interject why because time is up but then I going to take time to argue with my colleagues the time that I supposed to give to the community to speak so I could see it that way for myself they could agree or disagree that's the way I am um I I want to send my condolence to uh uh the um you understand I want to send my condence to the Richmond family um in the passing of her mother Joan uh Joan Richmond mother passed away she was a long resling of the fifth War great supporter of myself and and the work that I was doing in the fifth War used to visit her in the hospital and give some joy to her every time she used to see me going to the hospital saying my counsilman because so you know being sitting here is one thing and when you out there you all compassion and passion what's going on with the community so uh my condence to Richmond family um I know her viewing is going to be this next Friday and ruo is going to be Saturday um I draft a letter that with the help of my the secretary debit clerk is going to be reading at the uh the event because I'm not going to be able to attend I'm going to be out of the country uh but my condence goes to the entire family also I want I I had the opportunity to uh visit the parents of Angel Vladimir Javier Roso this is the 18yearold kid that um past um tragedy died in this motorcyle accident Madison Avenue you know um I made myself Express um myself um how I feel with this situation with the Muppets bicycle motorcycle illegal Riders out there and um and I send a message to the police department to the attorney general that they have to take the Handcuff of my police officer that they could apply the law the right way without risking life and I know they are professionals out there they know how to do it so just giveing the the key to take the Handcuff off and make sure that our police officer could bring uh pedestrian safety and making sure that the life of others are are preserved because we cannot lose more youth in in those bikes you had to see 200 bikes right in the middle of the street uh uh motorcycles scooters and and you know we had to create ordinance and I going to create an ordinance restricting uh and and and Madame ba uh or Corporation Council um just to to give you a a a little search to help me here um a lot of downtowns um stores are selling gas motorcycles gas and they acting like dealers uh they selling it in a an amount of money you know that is served but to check it they have the permits to sell gas motorcycles from downtown stores I think if they are gas they have to be a dealer license like a motor vehicle license because they are gas and they are they being houses in those stores in downtown if it's possible uh the inspectors could go look into it too uh because those motorcycle are gas are they are inside are stores and I believe that a safety hazard if one of those motorcycle turns in fire or or or explode because they got gas in inside is a problem and not not only lenium batteries I'm talking about gas motorcycles that um I house in in this type of stores and if they have the proper document from the state to sell it because we should start from there if they don't have that then that's a way to to go into it and and try to let them know that they need to write permit to do that um that will be a start to try to uh curve the illegal sales of those bikes at just same time um to the residents of the fifth W uh Roberto Clemente fence uh finally got install all the way around the park okay um I'm taking initiative I got the key I'm taking initiative to close the park at nighttime and open it at 7:30 in the morning for student could go back and forth to their schools like School Roberto Clement new Roberto Clemente eai High School and school 15 it was good the part was empty all last night came back this morning people were saying thank you the kids had the gate open they went back and forth to the school and um and the and the park was was safe and secure and I'm happy that I going to get these cameras and Roberto Clemente because it will bring more Safety and Security to the park um last but not least council president uh there's two items I spoke to uh Mr Sy Thomas I gave you the list we we spoke um on sidebar there's some missing wear ass that we support this resolution 100% is the statement that the Reverend and you guys brought up that it should be aware ass that the governor of the state of New Jersey approved funding for this type of programs so uh should be in the resolution I spoke to him um I recommend that he will be sitting in the Committees uh for now nobody could have excuse that they didn't heard nothing S Thomas should be invited and the individuals should be invited to the committee and express they s a committee now we got four individual committees now they don't have no excuse uh to bring it to uh the workshop or the regular to a vote a resolution resolution memorizing an action resolution is memorizing an action or acting taken up up of something that was approved and I think if it if behind it is a good deal on it I think it should be supported like any other things as I say last item that I have and I going to read it to the record and I going to have one of my secretary to uh send it to uh engineering DPW and it says Madame ba uh if you see that you are Tagg on it just so you can know Petition of change of Martin Street and sa Street the residents of Governor's p p and Tow senior housing are requesting the change of state street from a two-way to an oneway Street going north between cheson Street and 20 Avenue as the as the street is extremely narrow and impossible to safety pass with two-way traffic another request is to change the current direction of Martin Street from north to south between 20 Avenue and Cedar Street this changes will allow the senior to safety make a left onto 20 Avenue and traffic light and cross the street when the traffic light is there thank you for your consideration in this matter ACC commenting our request will increase the safety of the 565 seniors that live in the governor tower patteron towers and and with this letter request there's 100 uh 209 signature that I told them to sign as a petition to try to make it official I will have the secretary to send a email to DPW uh the engineering department Traffic Division and also tag me and tag Madame ba for have a an idea of what we want looking for okay so councilman um Mendes thank you uh council president sorry there's other things I was spoken today but I don't want to delay anymore uh no council woman had to go and um as I said I P attention everything they say I'm the last speaker so I try not to repeat myself so say that uh my vote is yes to close the public thank you Council Mendes council president thank you m clerk um my vot is yes thank you uh council president yes okay um so the roll call motion to close motion to close by Council M okay okay second by council president Mendes to close um close the special meeting or for the meeting can I just make one remember I have one announcement that I need to make for Westside Park sure okay um so the city of Patterson is nearing the end the Finish Line with procurement around um Westside Park so in the next few weeks you know just as a recap we had worked with DCA to utilize pre the pre-qualification process to ensure some experienced highly qualified biders it's out to bid right now um and and we worked with the Office of the State Controller to finalize all the bid documentation there were five pre-qualified biders we're opening bids on October 29th and we'll be coming to the council shortly thereafter to award the bids but I also wanted to just note that in preparation for site construction a tree inventory and evaluation of the 480 trees located throughout Westside Park was performed by a certified Arborist a large number of trees were identified as either dead or dying and as as a result the city plans to remove 74 trees as part of the construction project to ensure Public Safety all healthy trees on site are being preserved and will be planting 255 new trees throughout the park the city has also updated its environmental impact assessment to include this information thank you council president thank you uh RC president mad B I think you forgot can you please include whether can you confirm and or deny whether or not uh I I I was under the impression it was only abdelaziz and myself that did not take a raise but I was just informed by Mr abdulaziz councilman abdelaziz that he in fact has begun to receive that raise as well is does my check include that that with me unknowingly do I not is this something that I'm not aware of I so council president I you let me know um um it's um it's to call Madame B I don't know he asking me a question you whether you decide if you answer or no if you not if you decide not to answer I'm ready to close the Mee it was more to close by Council M and council president Council M if you're not we're ready to close the meeting it's so disrespectful that we finished our agenda at 7:45 council president why you going on answer yes or no all she got to do is answer yes or add one bit of information you know what go ahead Madame you got the floor I mean there's plenty of things I could address tonight that councilman Jackson said and I'm not going to councilman abdil Z I promise um there everyone knows that they mistruths we've stated it repeatedly councilman Jackson will say show me where the mistruths are and I say them and he doesn't believe it but so on um the the point was brought up about his salary in relation to I think hypocrisy about maybe taking a a salary increase but voting no um councilman Jackson does not have an increase to his salary but he also voted no on a council Aid and so but we are spending $225,000 on the council Aid who is Mr olivaris who comes to the microphone and is asking these questions so I you know if we're if we're all about ask putting people on the spot about transparency that should be on the public record as well thank you that's him thank you thank you roll call now that was a slam dunk tonight W hey he was at this Stadium M CL mad CL have plenty of things to say I didn't take I didn't go through any other information we could do that another I'm not taking the race too Madam Clark ba guys got roll call Madam president meeting of October 8 council president before Chief say that yes uh hold on before you say that it's important for you Madame ba saying that saying that that you say about the AIDS we need to put a we need to check the policy if they are paid by taxpayer money counc don't leave don't leave they pay they pay they pay uh out they paid they get paid by taxpayer money the aid that we had legislative Aid and they get paid by taxpayer money they should be a set rule uh having those AIDS come in here and uh slander us and and attacking us because one thing is bringing the concern of the community and another thing is that the same Aid is attacking us and and and beling us as councilmen as government official and they get paid and they are aid from the counsilman because you never see my Aid coming here and attacking no one because they know the rules of a uh a legislator aid and there's a policy for that so you know uh Corporation Council can you look into that because this had to be a set rule if there's a policy on it they consider employees of the City in one acent or other and and and coming over here bringing a concern or whatever is one thing but to come here you a liar you stealing you're corrupt you're doing this and this is coming from taxpayer money from a legislator Aid that is hired by thank you Corporation Council please look into that roll call M cler we're roll call councilman Jackson thank you madam clerk well I would just urge my Council colleagues it's very simple read in fact Mr fcal used to hand it out all the time it's called called the Constitution and it's called the First Amendment right Mr olivaris I don't interject or try to depict what he's capable of saying when he comes to the microphone nor do I try to influence it that he is trust me he I I only I'd only surround myself with Wolves not with sheep I don't want anybody around me that has to take my opinion and carry my my lighter my torch and yes the ba is correct but without wanted to confirm was that I do not receive a salary yes the initial years I did not take an aid but once I realize that they are only taking the money and spending it on themselves on their $50,000 pay increases I said I will make an employment opportunity available to members of the public and prior to Mr olivaris I have had multiple AIDS multiple AIDS I mean uh Miss Thompson Miss White uh uh Mr black as a matter of fact uh Mr Mr Holmes so I've had multiple AIDS Mr olivaris and I came across each other in a in a matter of a diff dis dis of a disagreement I don't I didn't I don't pay him to support me he's been a supporter of Mike Jackson well before he was my Aid I just you know what if he's willing to work and he's willing to do some of the Comm City's business I don't see it uh uh robbery with him being paid to do some of the business but that does not mean that he has to truncate and or modify his personal opinion and perspective so I do welcome the ba to show me she could come here and say but where is the report that I'm requesting she has yet to file any of these reports that's being requested where's the expenditure report on HFF Stadium How about if she confirms and or denies whether or not the owner of Mr G's restaurant has a cannabis license before the administration for a request for a a letter of of of approval How about if they confirm or deny that so there's nothing that I State here that's not true but anyway I will digress and I leave it for the public to to make that discernment you know it's amazing but by the way uh you know I think the council should stand in solidarity against the the Attorney General's decision because see these are the things and and and I'm only addressing the public because obviously people here don't don't really see it as a as a a matter of concern because while the attorney general has are making these these arbitrary regulations our community continues to suffer my cousin Mary who we all know was gunned down and the Administration callously has a lack of concern for it she was murdered on on ven hton Street and while the police officer was in feet or you know a short distance of of of catching the uh uh the the people who committed that crime they were called off the chase so we never know we still we still we still don't have closure while they celebrate the demise and failure of my business and celebrate the conditions of our community while we walk outside and people who work here could just ignore the fact that we have people sleeping on the steps of this building and they they upset by me pointing these things out my cousin who was murdered that murder has not been has not been solved and yet this attorney general's uh conditions are not allowing or putting a stop to the illegal bikes that's ride being driven all over our community we had another young man who lost his life last week on Madison Avenue that was mowed down on a motorcycle and his family can't even afford to pay for funeral services so councilman Mendes and and and I see you know you have your AIDS unfortunately these young man who lost his life was is of Dominican descent the family is looking to raise money is $9,000 plus dollars just for the funeral services they're looking to send the body back to to your your um Beloved Country and the fact that the we're not standing against this attorney general's actions to put a a end to some of these crimes going in our in our going on in our consistently in our community is is a problem but with that being said I appreciate the ba at least being forthcoming about me not receiving a salary so all those people that's on that chat talking about you know I I I you know I speak out of both sides of my face there you have it Madam Madam clerk phenomenal job I appreciate you guys regardless of what takes place here um my vote is yes Madam cler I'm sorry council members before once we close we got to close the workshop so please stay for a minute so we close this special meeting and we have to close the workshop no I confirm what uh I confirmed and it wasn't done CL the work so we just you know we did not close the workshop all right so let's continue the yeah please let's continue all right um councilwoman Mims we have to we have to really pray for this city for many reasons one because the work that gets done and I'm not saying that there're not issues because there are issues Andor concerns across the board but the stuff that happens and is said and is communicated and and is not totally true really is is problematic because when things are being stated and said and they're not fully true it causes a a a divisiveness in the community and to the people that either are watching or that sit and come to these Chambers you sacrifice your time by either watching at home or coming here and then a lot of times people don't want to hear hear what it is and you know personally for myself I always tell people just pull the records you may not want to hear what I'm saying but everything that's being stated is not always true now if you choose to listen to the empty rhetoric or listen to that information that's really on you not you got to do your research you have to research there are some things that are that have been approved that are great for the community there's other stuff that was not great or other stuff that's still needed we have to hold the administration accountable we have to attend committee meetings we have to be in a workshop we have to be here when it comes time to vote we have to be here we stay here all night the agenda was done at 7:40 tonight it is now 11:00 we're still here because of additional talking elongated conversation which was just totally just to me not even necessary items that were not on the agenda we were talking about stuff from here to to the North Pole which wasn't even here we got to stick to the agenda Corporation Council if he's still here by next week I will be putting together the outline so that we can make sure Workshop is when it's a longer time longer meeting but regular it should not be that way and by next week Corporation councel if you're Corporation counsel by next week I will send that how it should look and we should see that starting next week but we can vote we' went through the whole process and we can we can move forward Patterson let's keep praying for our city pray for our youth there's a lot that's going on pray for all the families that's been impacted by the senseless gun violence stabbings the robberies that are going on there's a lot of stuff that's going on in the community and we keep majoring over the minor stuff and there's some major stuff but we have to really pray our kids are in a situation when I got out of my car tonight there was a woman with her son sitting on the ground hungry she she said she had to get back to the hotel I walk down here and you know it's dangerous it's dark out there I walk from City Hall down here so I can make sure I go to the pizza store to feed that young that young son of hers and get them back on the bus there's a lot of issues in the city let's focus on the issues and bring Solutions not add fuel to the fire that is the only way things are going to get resolved um I Heard it said that item for Public Safety Committee um Public Safety and what other other committee it needs to go to let's make sure that we do that so we're not misc commmun processes to the community making people believe that we don't support stuff that's not the truth we got to make sure we follow the process so whatever it is department heads are fully aware of what's happening because it is their job to enforce we're just the legislative branch the administration make sure their department has enforced these items that's why it has to go through committee and that's the process Madame clerk um my secretary Madame ba it Corporation counsel our police officers everybody good night after I leave here I got to go pick my no I'm out I'm that's it you have no Quorum that's not my fault um I I I was here since 5 o'clock so Patterson council members is leaving I have to pick up my son from work in 15 minutes um I've sat here all night long and stayed through this process um my vote is uh yes to close um and I will be leaving right after thank you councilwoman Ms councilman Udin thank you Madame Clark we are closing the uh special meeting my vote is yes thank you councilman councilman VZ I guess uh people watching our meeting I Reed a here a text here is the actual fact it says the real fix program led by the panach chief Innovation officer Ed boss and his team had exceed expectation his first year our performing State measure in success contrary to claims is focused in on Intervention and prevention care individual battling sust abuse many of who are not homeless blaming real fix for the City homeless issue are some City Council Members suggested it both me leading and ignorant a program actual impact let me say this I never blame real fix what I say is that a real fix is here why we have more homeless out there why we have more situation in our city regarding panhandled on all individuality here I just say that and I because I brought up a experience that I brought up today with one of the individual that I sent to real fix came back with a statement saying that he didn't get service because he was not a user now I have to clear this because the mayor sent me something of a Facebook post I'm not going to retract what I said so the real fix is here I understand they doing hard but I want to see more Improvement in in the individual out there um councilman Jackson stated about the young man about he needs money for the funeral I I'm working on that and I know that we're going to take uh that body to the Dominican Republic today I was in Trenton working with the paperwork to transport that body uh to Dominican Republic I don't need to uh um tell my colleague what to do if they know how to serve right council president when the of the community so saying that good night have peace and anybody has something my phone number is 2011 496 8082 have a good night thank you councilman valz council president so so before my vote uh we we we're just going to vote to close the workshop about the young man that lost his life on Madison Avenue since the incident happened I've been in contact with the family I've been working with the family just going to mention that because it's been brought into this um council meeting on a multiple occas uh we've been pray for the family uh being with the family in a multiple occasion we have a a meeting where the incident happened we pray right there with Mom and the dad and a lot of members of the community so so we're working on that there's some people from the public and also council member that they tried to disrupt the meeting going to say just going to take a minute some council members and some people from the community that they tried to disrupt this meeting since I became council president here before I was a council president public portion was out of control we've been very effective controlling the public and making sure that people use their time effectively right after 3 minutes they wrap it up and they move on there's only a few people one or two that they try to extend their time as a courtesy when there's an important matter I extend the time and I've been doing that we be having control what is unacceptable is that now it's 11 o'clock we finish our agenda 7:40 and there's council member that they feel that they could talk for hours and hour when you come in front of the podium and I tell you to wrap it up because your 3 minutes is over and you go over your minute you're disrespecting yourself there's a process in place in this chamber and since I became council president I'm doing what I have to do and there's an item there's an agenda but some Council they refuse to concentrate on the agenda if we concentrate on the negative thing that happened in pison we will never going to leave this room but if we concentrate on the positive and the thing that we have to do on the agenda we could make progress there was say there's $1 million for camera that wouldve been waiting forever and we try to crucify the process we all have to get engaged to get that done and to make sure that we bring safety into our community our Police Department waiting for years for that contract it's in front of us and there's chaos in order for us to vote on the contract for the first time we're going to have police officer coming back from all the municipality because we took form action on that contract that's the reason why I'm here I'm not here to play politic I I do the politic outside I know how to serve I know how to help my community everybody not only in the third war in the entire city of patteron know Alex mandz and know the Alex MZ cell phone number is 973930 1436 I don't sit in this a to play politics it is a shame that we have to wait we finished our agenda at 7:40 and we have and it's almost 11:00 and I have some council member that they are at the door because we about to have no quotum that's what is a shame and I want the public I want the people that vote I want the voters to see the action of the of their council member that they elect that's what I would like to encourage all my resident to see who they voting for and how useful and how effective they use their time here and outside I don't need to play politic I know how to win an election when I go out there I'm here to do a job all I want to communities to just look at look at the the way you Council C the people that you elect of are acting in this chamber in this day that's all I'm going to ask the public in another note in another great note to all my resident in the third war the playground at East Side park is it's it's beautiful it's getting it's going to get done soon so I was there looking at the construction there's been a problem with the fence I spoke with public work and the administration the fence is going to be done as well and the conquer is going to be done as well so I'm excited about that to see that happen we closing the park thank you to our public work and our parison Police Department that every night around 9:30 10:00 there's a police unit to close East Side park and it's everything is been under control I'm excited to announce a lot of my resident that live between 11th Avenue and Route 20 a lot of those Road they haven't been fixed we already approved that batch of road from East 330 all the way through East 40 we getting R to repave we getting ready to repay all those rols so we're going to continue working and serving the community that's what been I've been elected for and I'm excited to do so every work I wake up every day I wake up early in the morning to work and run my business and in the afternoon also taking care of my community and I'm I coming in here to serve the city of P so my vote is yes B cler thank you council president the votes are six in favor three abson the special meeting of October 8th 2024 is hereby adjourned motion to close the workshop by councilwoman M second by Council pres Mendes roll call man cler to close the Workshop close the workshop session of October 8th 2024 AB um councilman Jackson yes councilman Mims yes councilman Udin councilman VZ my vote is yes council president pay attention P good night my vote is yes thank you very much the workshop session of October 8 2024 is hereby adjourned good night Patterson