##VIDEO ID:Pv76ZODukqc## hey there back fast okay than thank you ra good evening patteron uh on behalf of the municipal Council we welcome you to our Municipal council meeting um this September 17 at 7 p.m. the meeting is now called to order Madame clerk please call the rooll yes council president roll call for the regular meeting of September 17th 20 2024 7:00 p.m. councilman abdell aiz councilwoman cotton here councilwoman Davila present councilman Jackson councilman khik here councilwoman Mims here councilman here and ready to serve councilman valz councilman Mendes council president Mendes my yes M clerk here council president we have rendering the prayer tonight The Honorable councilwoman Dr Lisa man followed with the flag salute led by The Honorable council president Alex Mendes may we all stand to our feet for the prayer let us pray can we bow our heads and close our eyes God our Father we thank you because this is a day that that you have made and so we rejoice and we are glad in it from the rising of the Sun to the going down of the same your name is worthy to be praised God we thank you that as we come to this meeting on tonight we pray according to 1 Corinthians 14:10 that everything that is done is done decently and in order we pray for our city we pray for the mayor we pray for this Administration we pray for the council we pray for the residents we pray for our students we pray for this city we come against senseless violence we come against senseless attacks we come against any hatred of any type or any kind and we pray for peace in this city we pray for joy in this city we pray for love in this city we pray for Unity in this city God we pray that you will be glorified in this city so God as we come together tonight to do the business of the city let all Minds be on one Accord let all Minds be clear that we will move this city forward in jesus' name this is our prayer amen amen United States of America and to the rep for which it stands nation under God indivisible with the liberty and justice for all now we're going to do a moment of silence for those that lost a Lov one in our community and for our troop and for the great city of Pon a moment of silence please you may be seated thank [Music] you B clerk please read the statement of compliance yes council president statement of compliance with the open public meetings law 2024 25 September 17 2024 7 p.m. adequate notice of this meeting was compiled and disseminated in accordance with the open public meetings law in the following manner one the annual notice of regular meetings and workshop sessions of the municipal Council was compiled for the year 20242 on or about July 1st 2024 two a schedule of the regular meetings and workshop sessions of the municipal Council for the year 2024 2025 was duly transmitted on about July 1st 2024 to the north Jersey Herold news the record the Arabic voice the Italian voice the B County pulse dominicano news Laisa International elel the patteron press the city post news tap into patteron the weekly bangal Patria in addition to any other publication duly requesting such notices three the schedule of of the regular meetings and workshop sessions of the municipal Council for the year 2024 2025 was prominently posted in the lobby of City Hall first floor in the place reserved for the announcements of this type the schedule of the regular meetings and workshop sessions of the municipal Council for the year 2024 2025 was duly filed with the municipal clerk five a copy of the schedule of regular meetings of the municipal Council was mailed to any person who requested and paid the fee authorized R about the open public meetings act council president thank you Madame clerk we will now do payment of Bill councilwoman Davila thank you very much council president good evening ladies and gentlemen good evening Patterson to my colleagues uh we have a payment of bills for the amount of 7,715 11041 uh this was a payroll week so the majority of that 7 million was for payroll was 5,443 $139 42 uh the remaining of that majority payment uh was fulfill so second my motion is for payment of Bills second thank you there was um move by councilwoman Dava second by councilwoman Ms and councilwoman Les roll call M clerk on payment of bills and councilwoman cotton roll call for the payment of bills in the amount of 7, 71510 41 councilman abdell aiz councilwoman Ruby cotton yes um thank you madam clerk I still do not see the um item here that we've been looking for for ceasefire is still not on this payment of bills thank you Madame clerk my vote is yes thank you councilwoman Dava yes councilman Jackson councilman khik yes councilwoman Mims yes councilman Udin councilman valz yes council president during the committee meeting of finance committee meeting we went over this bill list so my vote is yes M clerk thank you council president thank you mad clerk now the votes the votes the votes are six in favor four absent the payment of bills is hereby adopted thank you m clerk we have a very extensive agenda with a71 item so let's St let's start with item number four on second reading Madam clerk item number what was that number I'm sorry four second reading item number four on second reading correct item number four and second reading ordinance amending chapter 373 of the code of the city of Patterson to regulate service provider contracts and project labor agreements sponsored by councilwoman Dr Lisa Mims council president Alex Mendes councilwoman Marissa Davila councilwoman Ruby n cotton councilman MD Ford Udin councilman Lewis VZ and co-sponsored by councilman Allah Al Abdel aiz so moved so move so move move by councilwoman M councilwoman Davila council president Mendes Council woman uh second by Council mcon and Council mes the public hearing is now open for item number four members of the public to which you speak on this item CN no move to close council president C move to close by councilwoman Mims and councilwoman uh and second by Council M Davila roll call M clerk to close a public hearing on item number four roll call to close the public hearing on item number four councilman abdell aiz councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman Dava yes councilman khle yes madame clerk councilwoman Mims yes councilman Udin councilman valz before I vote is it possible that we could get a setad of a lot of baits in this microphone we put a little treble put the volume up I can't really hear or listen what they saying but my vote is yes thank you councilman um council president a vot is yes to close the public hearing the votes are six and favor three absent second reading ordinance number four is hereby adopted so a roll call now when item number four we need to do a roll call uh oh I'm sorry roll call call for item number four on second reading councilman councilwoman cotton thank you madam clerk I just want to say this item that we're voting on now is for our labor agreement I am so happy that we're putting this together um we're going to train some uh in the labor force for Tradesmen so this is absolutely wonderful item I want to thank all my council members for for us putting this together um it's going to show and train some of our young people to be Tradesmen in our city here with that being said Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councelor woman councilwoman Dava so I as well I'm very happy um you know when thank you oh thank you so much for because I could barely hear I just want to say that you know councilwoman cotton and I you know along with um the other members of the um DPW committee met with the group and let me tell you as soon as we were done we were like you have four absolute yeses and the committee and so I'm happy that it's before us I am a union person I'm all about Labor I'm all about keeping it in Patterson all right and the fact that we know that many of the employees uh that will be able to benefit from this are from Patterson I'm very happy for this I'm in full support thank you thank you thank you congratulations my vote is a yes your vote councilwoman I okay thank you councilman colleague thank you Madame clerk I'm happy to see this item on the agenda I want to thank the administration specifically the chief of staff for bringing this ordinance to the committee then to the council I want to thank you and my vote is yes thank you councilman councilwoman Mims so first and foremost in 2018 and 20122 you guys endorsed me twice and one of the things we talked about was the commitment to the request was during those times of endorsement was that we will put in place some private labor agreements myself and you also endorsed mayor Andre seya both we have lots of pictures and we appreciate that and the purpose for it was number one to ensure that Patterson residents are able to get jobs whether they're electricians plumbers Carpenters pipe Setters you name it all of these people that are in Patterson they're getting paid from Newark and other municipalities and that was one of the conversations that was had back in 2018 I'm really glad that the administration pulled this together it went through our DPW committee um and it is now here um as he already stated to me promises made Promises Kept my vote is absolutely [Applause] yes thank you councilwoman councilman VZ so everybody knows I was raised in a city that has all the way around unions and union labors contracts etc etc so I'm a pro pro Union and um we are happy in this side we are happy you are happy this is good news but moving forward the implementation of it is that was going to make it great the result of it at the end is why we say we did a good job so I know the administration did a great job in trying to put this together us a legislator to move it forward now moving forward we have to make sure that it's implemented the right way and the right participation of every every unit member is notable in this ordinance to granted it moving forward and see everybody faces happy so saying that my vote is yes thank you councilman bless councilman Jackson we're voting on second reading ordinance number four thank you madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilman Jackson council president thank you m clerk uh this legislation means uh the opportunity for better pay job in the community Community opportunity for training for job training and I would like to thank members of the union for that meeting that first meeting with the committee we have a very extensive discussion and since then we agreed to support this project all the way to the end and this is the end and my vote is absolutely yes thank you Madame [Applause] cler thank you council president the votes are seven in favor two absent he did he just voted okay thank you the votes are seven in favor two absent item number four on second reading is hereby adopted yep council president can we take a quick ah I you think I was going to be able to do council president just point of order can we take a quick photo with the labor there is a request for a quick photo with the members of the union and I definitely I would grant that request to the council woman if so some of the member that could come in the front we will go around and we'll take a quick photo absolutely yes why not spe everybody we going getall got everybody be your camera consent roll call sheet the consent agenda roll call sheet [Applause] got it thank you you're welcome yeah we got it got it let's commit back to live by by 12 Madame B we live by 12 by midnight oh awesome yeah council members um let's continue with the agenda now we have another item on second reading council president uh yes I would like to correct um the roll call on the payment of bills it was six in favor and three absent six in favor three absent thank you thank you uh Madam clerk hi G that's what happens when you g that's what happens when you live thank you um let's go let's go cons B clerk now let's do item number one on second reading item number one on second reading yes reads ordinance of the city of Patterson and the County of pic state of New Jersey fully unconditionally and irrevocably securing the payment of the principle of an interest on revenue bonds W Street Parking Garage project and any notes issued in anticipation thereof and an amount not to exceed $50 million to be issued by the parking authority in the city of Patterson for the purpose of providing additional security thereof and determining certain other matters in connection there with economic development ordinance number 24- it was moved by councilwoman Davila Council Council woman Mims councilman bz second by council president Mendes public hearing is the in councilwoman c as well public hearing is now open members of the public speak on this item C move to close see no move to close by moving um uh you you you say everybody that move it but I didn't hear who you say second I second oh okay good all right so there was a motion on the floor to close a public hearing on this item number one it was removed by councilwoman Ms second by Council woman Davila roll call man clerk to close the public hearing on item number one roll call to close the public hearing on item number one councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman Davila yes councilman Jackson yes councilman kague yes councilwoman Mims yes councilman valz yes council president my vot is yes M cler the votes are seven in favor three absent two four I'm sorry two absent okay item number one on second reading is here by I'm sorry is he by no the hearing I'm sorry this is the hearing sorry about that that's okay no problem M clerk now let's do a roll call on item number one on second reading for adoption M clerk roll call on item number one for second reading councilwoman cotton thank you madam clerk I just want to say that um this is an excellent project that we got it moveed Forward U for our city it will tremendously tremendously help um with that being said Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilwoman councilwoman Dava we've had numerous discussions we've had Finance meetings discussions Workshop first reading and we're here now in second reading for adoption thank you so much Tony to for your entire team Mr Pettis who's the executive director director thank you for your leadership huh no we're voting we're already closed public he okay it's okay um just thank you all right uh I'm in full support and um I will say no more but my vote is yes councilman Jackson my vote is yes councilman KH my vote is yes councilwoman Mims Mr Tony Perez when the city needed you and the parking authority you were there for us when the city was in financial crisis with our bond rating you were there for us at this point it's time for us to step up for the parking authority one thing about the parking authority you pay your bills you handle your debt and you make a lot of revenue for this community I stand in and salute of the great work that you've always done and tonight is a testament of us paying it forward to stand as a somewhat of a co-signer for this great work that you'll continue to do in the great city of Patterson with that being said my vote is yes thank you councilwoman councilman VES thank you madam clerk we have have deep deep discussion regarding this site you know let me highlight there's going to be 100 uh uh 750 spaces parking garage fa City including approximately 2500 to 2700 square feet of ground floor commercial retail capacity this is one of our jurry sites that will bring and enhance the quality of life of the area it will give the residents and visitors all those that use the train station in patteron a site to a mirror and um as I going to take this note from the mayor a chair vision is a chair Victory but it comes working together and we have worked together to make this possible director you are Visionary your vision is not only a short one it's a extended one with your team because this is a we thing so congratulation and my vote is yes thank you councilman council president thank you mad clerk the parking authority has been a great partner for for the city of pisu under the leadership of our director Tony Perez and yes when when we need the parking Authority parking authority was there for the city of patteron that project it will impact the whole area it will bring a major change on that area we have a very extensive discussion at the committee meeting at the workshop and I'm very pleased to support this item with that being sa my vote is yes B clerk thank you council president the votes are seven the votes are seven in favor two absent item number one on second reading is hereby adopted congratulations thank you say parking spot Tony thank you director Madame clerk now let's move to item number 59 59 yes council president um I need to tell Madame clerk to add your name on the resolution Madame clerk I'm sorry add councilman president um Alex Mendes and I would like to be added as well councilwoman cotton okay and that councilwoman M too please as co-sponsors yeah okay oh I you know I believe in sponsoring we all in one everybody's a sponsor I mean I don't do I don't do the co-sponsor stuff we sponsored okay I like that okay item number 59 resolution appointing Dolores Bradley as a tenet representative to the Patterson Housing Authority sponsored by councilwoman Ruby n cotton council president Alex Mendes councilwoman Lisa Mims and co-sponsored by councilman Le valz City cor correct the Record She said um sponsored sponsored by councilman Lis VZ resolution number 24 colon 580 city council move it second second second it was moved by councilwoman Ruby cutton second by council president Mendes councilwoman Mims and councilman VES roll call Mad clerk on item number 59 roll call on item number 59 councilwoman cotton thank you madam clerk I just want to say that this has been a long time coming um it's been years um and it's not because I know the LA I've known her probably for the last over 10 years but she is such a community person she's a volunteering person she goes to all the Housing Development or the senior housing um delivering food uh let me just say that when we were uh in the pandemic uh and I was able God bless me to be able to deliver food to four senior housing twice a week and I know I could call on dores to help me whether it was Dr cotton whether it was Nathan Barnett uh I was able to call her and then you know what people some sometimes forget that all the problems and things that happen to us when we had that world Water Crisis here when we had that storm that um hurt that damaged our Reservoir where we were getting drinking water from she helped out when I called the pon Housing Authority I called my pison Police Department I called my Pon fire department that I needed to get water to those senior buildings I needed to get water to those seniors that couldn't get out and I can call on people to help me get all that stuff delivered um doing that boil water crisis so it's an honor this is about someone who wants to do the work it's about somebody who got it in their heart to do things it's about someone who cares about the community it's about someone who wants wants to work and help everyone out there and it's an honor and I thank God for theor is coming into my life to help me too also but not only me but helping our entire city of Patterson she helps everyone in all our housing units and besides the housing unit she does it with that being said Madam clerk it's an honor with that being said my vote is yes yes thank you councilwoman cotton councilwoman Dava I don't think I've had the pleasure of meeting Dolores maybe I have where is she um she's in okay but I have to say this if councilwoman cotton uh has put your name forth and just mentioned just a little bit of what you do then I'm in full support my vote is yes thank you councilwoman councilman Jackson thank you madam clerk you um people don't necessarily understand the importance of the role of uh commissioners and having someone there who understands it who's lived it who understands the nuances the treatment and what the expectation should be is priceless and uh uh this is well overdue it's is a a great um pick Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilman Jackson councilman cleck congratulation my vote is yes thank you councilman Council mman Mims so Miss Bradley you have done so much for this great city of Patterson one of the things that happens and we we all know it well there's sometimes processes and then there's extra things that happen to get things done I'm glad that uh Council M cotton recommended Dolores for this opportunity Dolores you've always been an advocate you have fought for everybody grandparents parents children housing anytime they needed you you were there but I think it's really important even on the housing board as uh Paula leads the charge as the chair you have to have people that are on one Accord working in collaboration to help the residents there's a lot of issues in our community and I'm grateful that we have people that really care about the tenants that have been a tenant because the only way you can care about tenants is that you've been a tenant or you are a tenant and I think it's very important when we're pointing these people to these opportunities that we appoint people that are living breathing and operating in the vein of which they will serve deles Bradley you have helped a couple of us a lot and I'm sure you'll continue to help us a lot we love you you deserve this it's long time it's a long time coming and well overdue I know you'll do a great job very great job and we'll be calling you but I know you'll do the right thing by the residents congratulations Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilwoman councilman valz thank you madam Madame clerk um so I got to say the the way I always beless say it this is the first appointment this council is not political motivated it's not political motivated it's one of the appointment that when we look into it as a body as a whole as a council to make sure that the person is is not political motivated that is coming to do the job and one of the things that it sticks out and in the conversation I was on board on this appointment from the beginning from the beginning um I spoke to councilwoman cotton and I say I'm on board I'm going to support it I responded to an nwcp uh um email saying uh demonstrating my support not flip-flopping from the beginning going straight what it is uh um when we appoint people we had to look to people that really have the compassion to serve of those housing residents housing residents they have the passion the passion to get things done to get things done and have the wisdom to help others no matter where they come from not nationality not color and no flag and I think the low race brly is going to do that job well fine thank you for your service from now and from before and moving forward and I know with the president of the Housing Authority board and their colleagues you're going to do a great job and represent Patterson fair enough so saying that my vote is yes yes thank you councilman valz council president U thank you Madame clerk I've been observing does Bradley for quite some time and and I really want to say that you are a people person you're not only have the qualification that it takes to have this position but you are a people person you love people and you care about the community so there's no other better candidate than you to have this position because I know that you will fight for the best interest of our resident here in the city of patteron and that's the reason why uh you are in this in this agenda and I put a process in place we open the process and we all agree that you are the qualified one to do this job you love our community and your job is is been imped you care about everybody you don't see color you're just out there fighting for the community and I'm looking forward to see you performing on this new position with that being said my vote is yes M CL thank you thank you council president the votes are seven in favor two absent resolution number 59 is hereby adopted council president thank you council president thank you madam clerk council president uh can you just let us say a few words please real quick thank you Council m Bradley want to say a coule a few words Miss Bradley you want oh I I will open the mic for Miss Bradley if you want to say a few words you're more than welcome to and she's over here hello okay hello and I would like to thank you city council people for nominating me thank you I'm going to continue to do what I do as I've been doing for the last 10 years years is taking care of my residence and my building and around other communities of housing authorities and I'm going to continue and make everybody proud like I always been doing all right thank you Miss cotton thank you thank you Council woman thank you all the commission thank you all thank every last one of you thank you thank you really quick I just want to thank the council as well this has been um I've been on the board now for four years I've been a council president for three and trying to get that seat fill has is meaning so much to us um uh one we have needed somebody that is in the buildings that work daytoday uh with the tenants that can be a voice it as much as we sit there and we may have you know give access it's nothing like living in it every day so I am looking forward to having uh uh Miss Bradley on the board with us and fighting a good fight and continuing to do the work so thank you all so much thank you're welcome thank you thank you um M clerk now we will do the consent agenda consent agenda all matters listed under the consent agenda are considered to be routined by the council and will be enacted by one motion the items listed under the consent agenda are numbers 17 through 50 any item may be removed from the consent agenda by the request of any council member and if so removed will be treated as a separate matter so move move by council president Mendes councilwoman Davila second by councilwoman Ms and councilman Lis avz roll call M cler on the consent agenda roll call on the consent agenda items 17 through 50 councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman Dava yes councilman Jackson yes councilman khle yes councilwoman Mims so if he is watching um from f Fusion Lounge this at this point the vote has been approved but I just want him to know that your license has been approved thank you for coming out and standing and support and there's many other license and renewals and coin operated that are listed on the cons agenda as well my vote is yes Madam clerk thank you councilwoman councilman VZ as councilwoman men stated uh one of the item that was uh a little bit of controversial conversation last week uh uh was not a controversial I always like to have that communication with the business owners in the fifth W and I think he's going to do a great job quality life for me is a must especially when it comes up to entertainment license and show license so saying that uh for the entire consent agenda my vote is yes thank you councilman valz councilman Mendes uh thank you uh Madam clerk on this coner agenda we have the lighting for the tennis court AA Park the ring the resurfacing of the Ring also at Eide Park is is is here and also we have multiple Road throughout the third war that is been that we've been voting on on this conent agenda so with that being say and also multiple license entertainment license like a fusion lounge and all the licenses so I'm very pleased to support this um consent agenda my vote is yes madame cler thank you council president items number 177 through 50 on the consent agenda are hereby adopted thank thank you Comm clerk we will now um take the public portion members of the public we're going to start the public portion now you have 3 minutes to speak on the mic and express you your concern into to this Council and also to the administration I would respectfully ask after you three minutes to move and allow the next speaker to use their three minutes uh let's be respectful with the with this Council and also with the administration we want to hear from you um and we're just going to try to address the issue at the end of the public portion with that being said mad clerk let's call the first speaker on the public portion okay thank you council president uh the first speaker on the public portion is Dave Gilmore be Dave good evening members good evening public friends and foes I haven't been here in a while and that's been purposeful because of the pending litigation that I have and I really don't want to put people in the awkward situations those that have uh a lot to lose in standing with this Administration for uh what they did to me but I came here tonight because I got a phone call that uh one of the people of whom has been picketing my office for what they say is um targeting Andor unfair Administration related to tickets for not having permits I won't call the person's name today you know who they are you can look on Facebook on my page or whatever but let me explain something to you if you don't get permits you're going to get tickets that's the bottom line you're not targeted you target yourself at the end of the day my office is responsible for ensuring the public safety from the UCC and or tickets to preserve the public safety you're not targeted you just did didn't do what you were supposed to do and you can Pro protest as much as you want you can call me all the names you want you can do all of those things that you're saying and doing but it does not relieve you from your responsibility to comply it's about public safety and that's my job it's my job whether you like it or not that's my job I don't do this job to be liked I don't give a damn if you like me I'm here to protect the public illegal basements work that's not sanctioned no permits whatever you're going to get tickets so this particular person he he the coward that he is left but he got $24,000 worth of fines today today that's the bottom line you got to comply so at the end of the day let's talk about compliance illegal basements work not sanctioned no permits we're coming after you if it's your job to cheat it's our job to catch you I don't care if you like me or not not then now there have been other people that don't like what I do as well and they conspired to the highest levels to get rid of me but I'm back with avengeance back with avengeance and sooner or later we're going to get to Second District federal court where the oal uh uh judge said in a 4-day trial that they conspired to get rid of me but I'm back I want you to know that and you can kick the can down the road as long as you want until there's no more road but you're going to have to deal with the fact that you have to pay me for what you did I'm reinstated I didn't get all of the authority that I was supposed to get coming back because the conspiracy continues the person that accused me is still there promoted moved to a private office and at the end of the day the the connection fees are not being collected and people are moving into these apartments and things without the collection fees after waving the waving the fees how do you wave the fees and move it into into the developers apartment you know there's something wrong with that so at so we have to look at what's being done and what the what the uh DCA monitor is supposed to be doing and is not doing to ensure that the fiscal responsibilities are met the fiduciaries of those PE particular people at DCA are not being met thank you Dave okay so let's let's just understand that there's a responsibility to ensure that we collect the funds before we start talking about DCA and sending us money where's the money that we're supposed to collect thank you there's a lot more but I don't have the time to talk about it next speaker M clerk the next speaker is Princess Reeves please state your name good evening I'd like to take the time out because I have been in absence for a very long time and I think I explained myself the last time I was here due to a truck hitting me and I just had surgery this year so am on my still on my my role of healing but I like to say when I come before our Council because it's you guys that stands in place that represents us we provide the concerns and there is many rather small or large we just want to be on that level where we can agree to disagree and that that's where we should all be I come as I repeated of telling you the concerns of the trash we still have outou of Towners that's using 19 Highway 19 they come into our city they dump their garbage and then they go around on to come off a chy street onto van hon and then they leave out so why are we tolerating this when we should not that leaves the stain that leaves the germs that leaves the needles too that we're seeing repeatedly seeing again on our rols so something needs to be done someone needs to take a stand get up wash this town down and as the second concern because I do have many but I'm not going to share all tonight but as we say you see something you say something I remember Mr Gilmore first put that statement out there okay I utilized myself cell phone and there are some of our council members that can agree with me because some of them has taken the initiative and gone out and went and take care of those concerns so we're almost out of this year we have an election that's coming up we have to go before people needs to learn how to vote and when you vote know what you're voting for and who you're voting for we can no longer sit back and say that we're voting for a friend when a friend is not doing their jobs you know so I'm going to just I'm going to end it there there's a lot of you council members I have AO respect and I say many blessings unto you thank you thank you next speaker Madame clerk the next speaker is Ernest Rucker please state your name Mr Rucker I am back and I'm back tonight and I'm looking at this Council and I looked at the last council meeting when marijuana came up and I heard all of the excuses on legal marijuana but yet but yet you have smoke shops and every war selling laced marijuana to our children but you were talking about safety where the hell did safy come out your mouths nothing is being done sixth W all through the ward and the kelman is not here but I'm going to say this and he has said nothing about the legal shops that's opening up our kids are dying and getting very sick from the marijuana sold Underground you have a situation where something came to you legal and for the last almost two years you've been debating something and acting like you have a choice in the matter you don't you don't you've been talking about this issue and the lawsuits are coming I'm ashamed that we can't sit as a council and come up with with a plan to make sure the three individuals that got their license and letters that are spending money every day that are legal that will be controlled but yet we just had a raid on Washington and Broadway that shut down and another one opened up in the same spot we had a a raid across the street from the police headquarters they took out pounds of marijuana and that reopened but yet you cannot come together and look at this from a realistic point of view this is not religion this is not your personal feelings shut down the smoke shops and come up with an ordinance a decent ordinance and make sure that we control marijuana the corre the correct way I agree with that you can you if you smoke it you're smoke it if you don't you don't but it has nothing to do with your personal beliefs this is about regulating this is about protecting those people that spent thousands of dollars to come in here giving this city $30,000 just to operate $30,000 paying leases at 12 and $15,000 a month but the illegal shops are able to operate with impunity where is your conscience in this situation we're talking about 1,000 ft 200 ft liquor stores people live on top of them they're next to schools Parks you're not saying anything about regulating them you're not advocating to regulate them what you're doing is closing your eyes to the reality and and council president I'm just going to go over a little bit I'm asking your permission when are we going to act responsible on this situation when are we going to look at this from a realistic point of view and this is supposed to this whole legislation was to protect those individuals in our community black and brown people that have gone to jail for marijuana giving them an opportunity to finally get some funds like everybody else is getting but no I looked at this last night I went you went from 200t to 1,000 ft where the hell in patteron are you going to operate a th000 ft that was on that end the Spectrum I'm if it's 100t or dollar feet it's ridiculous that you have not come up with the legislation or ordinance to correct this situation and it it's obvious you don't care about the money that this city is going to pay out with this lawsuits that are coming up I'm going to close in closing I want to say I have not come to this meeting for a reason the chaos the ridiculous that goes on here first amendment I haven't come here because to sit here and spend hours in this Chambers and nothing gets done I refuse to do it but I am back unlike most people I am coming with a vengeance and I will see you at your next televised meeting and I want to make sure everybody's voting on that 6 minutes for the public since you cut your meetings down in half thank you thank you and next speaker M cler next the next speaker is Tom Kelly he left Tom Kelly left next speaker the next speaker is Damian Barrett hi Mr President good evening Pastor my name is Daman Barrett I'm a pastor Pastor serving in the Third Ward and I just want to read a little bit from The Book of John 4:39 and following says many Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman's testimony he told me all that I ever did so when the Samaritans came to him they asked him to stay with them and he stayed there two days and many more believed because of his word they said to the to the woman it is no longer because of what you said that we believe for we have heard for ourselves and we know that this is indeed the savior of the world after the two days he departed for Galilee for Jesus himself had testified that a prophet has no honor in his own Hometown so when he came to Galilee the galileans welcome him having seen all that he had done in Jerusalem at The Feast for They too had gone to the feast so he came again to canaa in Galilee where he had had made the water wine and at capernium there was an official whose son was ill when this man heard that Jesus had come from Judea to Galilee he went to him and asked him to come down and heal his son for he was at the point of death so Jesus said to him unless you see signs and wonders you will not believe the official said to him sir come down before my child dies Jesus said to him go your son will live the man believed D the word that Jesus spoke to him and went on his way as he was going down the servants met him and told him that his son was recovering so he asked them the hour when he began to get better and they said to him yesterday at the seventh hour the fever left him the father knew that was the hour when Jesus had said to him your son will live and he himself believed and all his household this was now the second sign that Jesus did when he had come from Judea to Galilee John chapter 5 after this there was a feast of the Jews and Jesus went up to Jerusalem now there is in Jerusalem by the Sheep gate a pool in AR called Bethesda which has five roof colonades in these lay a multitude of invalids blind lame and paralyzed one man was there who had been an invalid for 38 years when Jesus saw him lying there and kn knew that he had already been there a long time he said to him do you want to be healed the sick man answered him sir I have no one to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up and while I am going in another steps before me Jesus said to him get up take up your bed and walk and at once the man was healed and he took up his bed and walked thank you very much thank you Pastor next speaker M clerk the next speaker is Paula Alford good evening Council here before you this evening uh to speak about uh transitional Aid and really wanting to plant the seed this evening the spark um to have the council begin to come up with some form of plan um to take us off a transitional Aid it is very um hurtful to the homeowners we just had a a a tax increase in uh April and now we're talking about another one that will be before you for 2% based off of transitional Aid in October um I don't know about any other um homeowners but my my taxes doubled um what I used to pay is literally doubled to the to the dollar um and very just hurtful so I would just like to plant that seed I will be meeting with my uh neighborhood n the Stony Road Neighborhood Network this Friday it will be a conversation uh we already have dates on the calendar to re meet with several of the other um homeowner associations here in Patterson so that we can begin to collaborate and come up with some sort of um ask of you all um in regards to that because I never mind paying taxes I just need the services to match what I'm paying in taxes and right now my I you know I'm I I very rarely complain but I see it my streets are dirty um very dirty I'm embarrassed um and and I know other other residents of the city are embarrassed I mean we we are now having developers get their own uh uh garbage trucks you know and that's a power move I applaud it because anything that makes the city move forward in a good way in that way um I'm for it uh the second um thing I just wanted to speak about and I have the property manager here from the pison housing authority and I know I already thanked you and I'm going to let Wanda speak but we just really really wanted to thank you um looking forward to working with uh Dolores and the entire board we also have a new um a commissioner that was brought to the board um last month so we're just looking forward to moving in the right direction and how and I'll let Wanda speak thank you let speaker M [Applause] clerk the next speaker is zah I sayaa Williams Oh yes yes hello good evening good evening good evening I'm here on behalf of my daughter Zaya Williams I'll read this paper for her my name is zayia Williams I am a fourth grade student in the Patterson Art and Science Elementary Charter School fun fact about me is I love drawing and my favorite color is blue and green I am a contestant in the national America miss junior Preen pageant for the past two years I have competed at my state competition where I was awarded a trophy where I was awarded the trophies for the spirit of pageantry winner portfolio winner featured paid distinguished participant and third place photogenic runnerup these accomplishments has awarded me a spot at the Nationals in Orlando Florida where thank you where I will compete for the title of national All America miss junior pre-teen competition in this pageant I will compete for the city of Patterson that's right this November the 22nd of November to the 29th 2024 please I need your support and sponsorship to make my chance of winning this title come through my deadline for payment is October 15 this year in this competition she not only model model or show her Talent she has to do public speaking and do interviews with I don't know how many judges for this competition but the last one she has to do interview with seven judges and she has to do her talents introduce herself and do a lot so I'm here on behalf of her asking for assistance to send her to Florida to compete for patteron I don't know how many girls here in patteron is competing in this competition but this is her second year the first year she got she got um Spirit of pageantry misp personality and second place runner up for photogenic she did not go to P um Orlando that year cuz we didn't have it so she entered again and was nominated and I'm like she has to go this time cuz two chances that's good so I'm going to let her introduce herself baby introduce yourself good evening good evening this energetic 9-year-old who loves art singing and dancing in my family I'm known as the noise maker this noise maker is making her way to become your future doctor why because she is driven to take care of sick people my name is an i Williams coming to you from Patterson New Jersey all point of point of privilege point point of privilege mom for a minute point of privilege council president Mom can you come to the mic so I'm the the uh flyer the zel is not working the QR code so if you can provide a phone number to it's not on here if you could just have a number here um do you have a a guesstimate of what the cost will be for the trip for the trip the cost would be roughly $6,000 okay so just give the information to the clerk to the clerk um I'll definitely support Zia Williams Williams no no no the young lady the mom jadine Wilson what is it J jadine Wilson how do you spell it j a d e a n Wilson council president zel just second what's your zel um 97 no 347 mhm 632 7930 okay 347 632 7930 yes correct so to so it's here for the council but Patterson the mom is here her daughter has been there once Patterson please send some zels to this young lady who's a fourth grader who um won last year and is looking to win again please zel payments to the mom at 347 632 7930 I will be sending a payment to you tonight thank you thank you council president Council M uh council president thank you um sayaa sayaa uh Miss Williams Wilson Wilson Miss Wilson sorry um just for the council uh U I have a a good interview with this young lady in my office she was like two weeks looking for me and finally we had that meeting at office that's why she's here today I did a pledge of $500 to start and also I got a sponsor for her from the theil dominicano of New Jersey that work with pageants and they ready to roll so congratulation my colleagues I know they got to jump on it too congratulation and the good thing is that she is a student from patteron she is born and raised here and she's going to represent patteron the city of Madison in Florida National and I saw all the the the good things that she had the only good bad thing is that we cannot get the uh community service program on it because she's two minor but right now we starting in a good path and um congratulations so keep us updated on that and congratulations to you thank you thank you um next speaker M cler all right the next speaker is Elvis dorham just want to say congratulation to the young um the young little girl that's from patteron New Jersey this is what I was talking about for years we got a lot of time to into young people in this city no Performing Art Center this is the third largest city in the state of New Jersey Administration you see this right we got so many young people thr LA City in the state of New Jersey with no Performing Art Center building building no Recreation Center building no major hotel and we live right 25,000 people is listening and guess what I don't need y' city council y'all don't have to listen cuz got I got people out there and I'm going take my time like some people did third largest city in the state of New Jersey the rent is going up but nobody is building jobs Administration can please respect me I respect y'all nobody is not building jobs we need jobs the rent is going up so bring the jobs $22 hour $18 hour 30 $30 an hour jobs also want to say this I just want to say thank you to my Council woman the best one of the best Council womans in the triay area councilwoman Ruby cotton want to say thank you also want to say thank you to councilman khif for supporting my gospel Summer Jam and other Council people that has supported me in the past like Marissa Daria council president Adis Mendes I just want to say thank you I'm going to remember the ones that support me because some big things is about to happen with my music production okay it's a old saying you scratch my bat I scratch your bat if you don't scratch my bat the heck rck you I don't need you I also want to say I was born and raised in this city I do a lot for this city I never talk bad about this city I promote this city I don't even I don't even get paid for it that's because I love my city you could go to my YouTube channel P NJ good news my YouTube channel py NJ good news to everyone that's out there 25,000 people that's watching on TV God knows how many people watch on YouTube if you want to know anything that's going on in the city of P new Jersey you can ask ccel woman will be C about my Facebook page go on my Facebook page Elvis good news d r h a m okay like I like I'm G say I'm G say this again I'm not here to kiss nobody behind you don't have to support me I'mma still love you but guess what when the time come when my production get out there on a hotter level I'mma know who's who I also want to say this we got mus musical other musical events that's going to be coming into the city of Patterson New Jersey I will be working side by side with these promoters and these musical events these musical concerts is coming to the fourth War coming to the first war and coming to the fifth War I want y'all to stay on my Facebook page Elvis good news d h m that's my Facebook page God bless and good night council president chill chill chill you know you didn't watch nobody else man I'll let you make the I respect you okay are you doing a good job thank you like I said my Facebook page my Facebook page is Elvis good news d h m and my YouTube channel pattery NJ good news God bless you and good night thank thank you alv is always promoting patteron next speaker M clerk next speaker is arrol Carr good evening good evening commissioner it's quite a while I've not um been with you so I just want to greet um council members I'm here tonight as a representative of the Pats and Library board and um for the past couple of years we have been having a serious problem in terms of funding we have had discussions with the administration but we have never really happen to get ahead it always seems like because we function and we have been functioning it always seemed like we can do what we have been always been doing but it comes to a point now where we cannot do what we normally have done over the many years we have reached the point where if nothing changes then we will have to take Serious action by reducing or closing some of our branches it's just that fiscally we just are not able to do it now Library Services a very very critical important service to any City just like the police prein just like the fire station just like um your hospitals just like having your your parts the library is just as important and we need to take the same interest into the service as we do with the other um institutions now we're asking and we are here tonight because we are not sure that the council is aware of the strain that we are presently experiencing and we just want to bring it to your attention and also to the attention of the the public at large that we need your cooperation we need for you to see the importance of the service and do whatever you can do to make sure that we do not diminish the service any further but try to at least to maintain it where it's at or help us to improve it now the service is required to function with a certain amount of Staffing over this past fiscal year the state has reduced her funding $882,000 why because we were operating below the required amount of um employees so we we we are losing all around we are losing all around so we are asking and you know um I know money is tight you know it's not going to fall from the sky but we need to have a serious discussion with the council with the administration to make sure that we can create something to stabilize our library service because the wor thing we can do is to start closing some of our branches thank you all right thank you commissioner point of order council president very quickly uh just for a point of clarity while you're there councilman Jackson can you just specify as there was a budget that I saw recently where the city where our contribution to the library was cut 100% can you clarify if that's fact or not I I I'm not sure it was cut 100% where the city's where the city's where our contribution was zero and the money that came from the state that you guys are receiving is that correct no no that's not correct that's not correct what is happening is that by law we are given a certain amount of um money from the taxpayers to operate the library service however the employees of the library service The Fringe Benefits is paid by the the the um the city what is happening whenever our millage increases from from the state which is required by law the monies that we normally get from this from the city what the city does if we are increased by say $500,000 the city reduced their um appropriation To Us by maybe 300,000 I'm just using these numbers so so the every time we get increased there is a withdrawal of resources from us by the city so we are stayed so to speak in the same situation when there's a lot of you know things happening we don't have a capital budget things break we just can't fix it we can't repair anything because of some of these issues council president thank you council members just council members uh commissioner we are in in the process of public portion I know there's a few more speaker so let me go through the public portion so we're going to do the closing after the closing you're going to have comment from my Council Cali but also I'm going to open the floor to the administration uh and and and doing my uh closing remark I will give you information we met and and I'm looking forward to have that meeting with the administration we have to be creative and we got to support the library but let's just finish the PO Port C pres and we make a comment council president u i I know I just tocil ask me for the floor very brief Council just briefly um and to me I think the administration needs to address it I know you want the council but I think it's an Administration to address it but when it comes that point Madame ba could you just talk about the total amount the of budget that the library currently has we have some huge constraints as you know we've talked about in our finance committee so it's going to be a struggle for all departments all the department to ensure that this city continues to run and progress we continue to talk about tax increase pces how they've doubled and all that and if we give out additional funds even though departments deserve them and need them we would have to get them on the back of the taxpayers so I want Madame ba to address that yes because budget hearings are going to be coming up um within a month um and that's going to be very critical because at that point the community will begin to hear where we are financially financially what's needed to sustain and what's needed to move forward and that way you can understand why we cannot or we would love to but we cannot so I would love Madame ba to address that and talk about that because we have to be realistic in the times we're in library Recreation are very important to our youth to this community and so is DPW and all these other departments but we have to say to oursel how how many more times can we strain the backs of our taxpayers If we're honest about that we have to even though we're being creative and realistic we have to find other ways and means to bring in that Revenue cuz we can't say increase my budget a million2 million $3 million and then the taxpayers are being gentrified they don't have a place to live because now their taxes went up $600 because you wanted to get two or three more million so Madame ba I'm giving it um I would like you to address that and then in October to the community there will be a budget hearing which will be announced please come out or listen because it's going to be important for you to hear especially our taxpayers you talk about your taxes doubling and increasing and you will begin to hear why that happened so if we wanted to maintain or stabilize we have to begin to work out and create some some you know have some Creative Solutions for that but Madame ba I would love to hear from her because it was brought up last last week that 100% of your budget was removed and I called Madame ba immediately and she said that was not true because if 100% is removed you would be shut down you would not be able to operate so I I just I couldn't believe that so immedate after Madam ba will tell you her and uh CFO I called them to find out that that was not factual and I did talk to director as well but I would love to hear from Madame ba to give us some clarity on what's happening with the library thank you Council yeah council president uh to the uh gentleman in front of us uh uh let me know what day in the week we could have a uh Municipal service statutory meeting to get some facts and to then have a conversation to to get the other facts of what's going on because the last thing we want is to send a a message out there that's not happening and then spread around as a director as the board we could have that meeting in statutary committee and get some facts and and numbers to see how we could work this out with the administration moving forward uh in another note council president uh the reason I interject a minute for for for the floor is uh to the audience that is here um I receive a text and I got to read it uh I will support the entire $6,000 tomorrow I will make a check because I cannot sell this mess has come from Marie Florio that will support this young lady to go to Miami Florida to do her thing when I had the conversation when I had the conversation with this young lady uh in my office I said it clear I don't have money but I have faith and this is faith in action congratulation tomorrow that check is going to be in your hands amen thank you Council valz um m madame ba since I have the director the commissioner here before we move I know we have a few more speak council members after the VA we're going to continue with the public portion will you be able to uh can you address the the the library director and the commission on this matter yes I and and the library director and I met recently on this topic um because it is something that is we do recognize it's a challenge as councilwoman MIM says we uh would love to be supporting the library and other departments uh with increases to be able to um to be able to continue to provide the services that our residents deserve um we've had this conversation in particular about looking at the 2024 budget and the 2025 budget and looking at the continued increases that we have um when we have a increase in in What's called the millage or the library tax how that is able to then be turned over to the library and what we're anticipating for for next year um so right now we do have um close it's about $4 million that we are anticipating we will be getting from the library tax um for next year for the library but we are budgeting 4.6 million dollar for so that the city is contributing to that that 600,000 in addition to the library tax um there are vacancies in the budget and and sometimes it's a challenge of you know filling those positions in order to have um everything open but it is or everything filled and and all the the branches open in that that capacity but as we have said to everybody I know that the director wasn't able to be at our cabinet meeting yesterday but as I said to our entire all of our departments for 2025 we are freezing everybody's budget um we are already anticipating a $4.3 million increase to our uh state health benefits line budget wise um for the entire city and that just has to be absorbed somehow with everything else that we're working on so every Department not just the library every single department is going to have to do this this year of um holding tight and I know there there was a a question earlier about transitional Aid you know our our taxes that 2% taxes gives us about $3 million a year our transitional Aid gave us $27 million this year um and there there isn't another source of Revenue that we have right now that's able to help us provide more to the library and us to provide more to our public works department and us to provide more um to Recreation programming and so it it is a challenge that we are going to be facing for 2025 I do want to address that um the capital budget issue though we have been really working with the library um on our request for supplemental ta over the three years that we had it all always included an allocation for the library um and we also had uh extra cdbg funds that if funds got returned we were able the the director was able to um apply for those funds and we have other Capital funds going uh through that process um we did not as a city we did not bond for any Capital funding this year it is likely that we're going to be doing that again next year and we always include you know our our facility buildings that our library buildings in those uh request that we we put out to departments um thank you Madame ba so um so we're going to do we're going to continue with the public portion um thank you commissioner thank you director next speaker mad clerk our next speaker is Billy pre [Laughter] I do a little bit of everything good evening good evening everyone um my name is Billy pree and I wanted to address the city of Patterson this year you have the opportunity to select your next congressman and there's a few things that I wanted to bring to the um attention of the people of the city of Patterson when we had our primary I was elected to represent the Republican party with 11,500 votes the late Congressman was elected to represent the Democratic party and unfortunately with his untimely passing there was a rushed process where they had to select the next candidate very similar to what was done with the presidential pick at this point for the Democratic party Cala Harris both candidates were unfortunately hands selected where many people in the city did not have an opportunity to vote no one across the district for the most part had the opportunity to vote except for select delegates and I have no ISS with that because I understand the the problem with trying to get the election done in a quick manner the issue that I have was when the county chairs made the decision for you and hand selected Me Nelly Poe before anyone else had the opportunity to choose you had two great candidates that have represented our community for quite some time and I think we would have had a fantastic debate I think they would have actually accepted the debate as well too you had candidates in shyva Sumpter and Benji Wimberly two candidates who I think would be just as good for the district and if you guys remember before Congressman pascrell left to Washington and he got elected in 1997 Nelly po was also hand selected to represent the party for assembly the issue that I have with that is if if we're if this is supposed to be the party of democracy I think the people should have the opportunity to make the decision on who they want to choose now I've offered multiple times even New Jersey Globe has reached out multiple times to Nelly po office they've reached out to me we have a debate scheduled for October 1st I have emphatically accepted that NBC News has reached out Nelly Poe has not responded PBS has reached out Nelly Poe has not responded we've even reached out to the NAACP with Pastor Clayton and I told him that I am open to doing an open Forum even an open Forum because I think we should have the opportunity to ask questions of one another after all this is a democracy but if she denies it I've even been asked recently by a member of the League of Women Voters and I know you're going to have home field advantage but I've got no problem accepting that as well too I have plans to fix our school system bring trade programs back into our into our high schools Institute term limits and put the issues that are on the people's minds first I've come up here multiple times and many of you are aware of what I stand for the question is what does this hand selected candidate actually stand for we don't know what her policies are we don't know what she wants to do and she's avoiding Democratic discussion if everyone in here do you guys agree with me if you're going to vote for somebody you should know what they stand for right and the people aren't getting that so October 1st we have an opportunity to do a debate it's going to be live streamed all over social media it'll be picked up by C-SPAN I think everybody should have the opportunity to have their voices heard and I'll give a accomodation to Camala Harris for at least stepping up and speaking and putting her positions up forward Nelly po you have the opportunity to do the same don't let the people down that you've represented for 27 years thank you thank you next speaker man Clerk next speaker is Sebastian Maha Sebastian Maha Council good evening it uh feels good to be back in front of this podium in front of the city of Patterson and our Representatives um although I do miss our original venue of the city council chambers so my first question is can we get an update on the status on the repairs of city council chambers if the public could be made aware because as much as we love this studio our home is the city council chambers okay secondly I want to I want to speak on the the the horrendous event that occurred at Pennington field the disrespect towards our students to towards our community towards Unis Samba and the Kennedy soccer team to burn the middle of a soccer field is is it it saddens me and it angers me and I hope that you are that the law is applied to you and you are publicly shamed and embarrassed and that the field is fixed so however that needs to get done whether through Insurance where the community come together private entities public entities whatever needs to get done so that field gets repaired immediately should get done also I wanted to speak about a story I read on the New York Post with a Mr Rolando Basquez um who although he is an unhoused individual um who currently lives in Roberto Clemente Park in our Fifth Ward he took it upon himself to start cleaning up that Park even though he is was considered what people some call homeless some people call unhoused he took it upon himself to lead by example irregardless of his living conditions to start picking up trash and cleaning on his environment this opens up to me in my eyes a larger conversation that it's our responsibility not just dpws not just the council members to clean up after ourselves and clean up our community if everybody would take time to clean up in front of their home we would have a cleaner City by next week so I look I I look at this individual at this man with respect honor and dignity and as an example that we should be following in his footsteps this mentality of doing for self and not waiting for the government to give you a handout it's what's really going to empower the city of Patterson we can't depend on Big Daddy government to take care of our problems take our destiny in our own hands and I promise you we will have a better cleaner safer City we cannot continue to throw prop of money at our problems and expecting that to be the solution we have to start focusing on civic education leading by example and teaching one another what it means to be civilized what it means to treat each other with respect and have pride in where we live in because if cleanliness is Next to Godliness where are we right now I ask all of us including myself to start viewing things as a community things happen we might have issues with one another but a clean City affects all of us having leaders that lead by example sets the tone that's why I am endorsing once again Corey Lewis Teague for the Patterson School Board for his years of dedication and selfless service and I am also endorsing Billy pre for our ninth congressional district to represent us in Washington for his tenacity and his willingness to engage in diplomatic conversation shows his constituents that he will do the same in Washington thank you for your time thank you next speaker M clerk the next speaker is the Winford Harrison with the green good evening everyone um good evening I'm standing in in and you coming with me yeah so basically everybody that's involved and cease fire could you please stand um in 2022 we signed an agreement um for a grant and we had filled our obligations and they even extended and we have filled our obligations and every time it's time for us to receive our funding um it's always additional issues um something has to be signed you didn't meet this criteria where's the attendance sheets etc etc I can't give you no more than what you ask for and every time she um Tate join ask for this information we do have it copies was sent to her to councilman councilwoman Ruby Kon and it's unfair that we are the only entity of of ceasefire operation ceasefire patteron we do not get paid for what we do this was a grant that was done in 2022 $122,000 y'all know that's not a lot of money but what little bit of it is we should receive it she also wrote herself uh receipt saying that she's supposed to get paid $7,400 today J so in the process I I don't know Madam ba did she get paid our money or are we getting paid our money or what's going on with ceasefire money short and sweet we just want our money at the workshop it was spoken about um us not being on the budget or on the finance report for ceasefire and there at that time there was something about looking for the resolution that was given out in 201 22 for us to get that Grant I want to know if that was pulled because that was the conversation at the workshop and um you spoke to miss ba about it uh Ruby spoke about it and also Alex mentioned the fact that there was a resolution 2022 giving ceasefire some operating money because that's all it is because we're out there in the street talking with people about the serious of gun violence and we are the only ceasefire organization in the state of New Jersey the the grant was for the um opioid for the opioid response team we have did our part pertaining ort at every event we were supposed to have a EMT a EMS a social worker not one of those events that we have done and here's a copy Miss Francis next so so I'll I'll continue to talk for my three minutes these are all the events that we have done with the receips next speaker Miss Francis is the next speaker yes so I am so all these events we have done in reference to ort opio response team so we have not received our money and we just like would really appreciate I don't know maybe if the council could get involved to let us know where our money at Madam ba and to Joiner thank you so I know the next speaker is uh Francis Harrison so um mad clerk let's start with the next speaker then three minutes with thean speaker is Francis Harrison yes that TW my name is Francis Harrison and as you know I'm a community activist but I'm also a part of ceasefire and we have been out here in the streets with we did the ort training three times three times we've been out in the street soliciting and talking to people we've done our walks we've done everything that we are supposed to do required to do based on the um the money that was supposed to come towards us but prior to getting this grant that we haven't gotten a dime of it we were still doing it we've been doing it for years so we're here again asking where is ceas fires money and why hasn't it been let go okay so I don't know who's supposed to look at the resolution to see what it was about but it's still not coming up on the finance records also um for the ort that they have people coming from all the way from Atlantic City to do opio response and we right here we are able to do what they are doing and they actually have came here and work with us and we actually showed them where they need really need to be in the areas of the city of Patterson and people relate to us because we out there in the street it's not like we go out there try to you know make people do anything it's just that not only we cease fire we art so we combined our entity so we just really need to know what do we need to do who we need to see because it's it expired and we've been working for the money council president thank you uh Council M uh uh very brief I mean cire is a very important Organization for us here in the city of Patterson we all know that c fire doing an amazing job in the community reaching out to the community and doing the work right there um so Madame ba so before we continue I know we have a few more speaker and we have a very extensive agenda still so um can you elaborate on this Mame and right after that I don't want you to leave without doing a sidebar CFO so um after last week's meeting and after I um councilman councilwoman um Cott cotton talked to me I reached out to T and T um told me that they're still missing information and that she had reached out to you um so if maybe we can set up a meeting where you guys meet and then the missing information can be given but until the missing information for the gr not given she can't she can't pay it but that's what we were saying every time it's always something more that she want and we have everything that she asked for um she has copies of everything it even got down to the point she said oh you didn't sign the paper and we was sorry Winnie sorry Winnie but today in terms of Jana I'm sorry in terms of her every time we try to re put in our reports to her there's something needed as of today she was supposed to have a meeting with Winnie and she completely forgot about it Council so we're going to meet with her and the finance director and try to find out what is is the finalizes thing that will be corrected so we'll make sure that through the administration and both Party come together tomorrow to see what is needed what need to be signed in order for the process to continue so we'll make sure we'll follow up in Council mes also will be on top of that councilwoman M so just a request if you can send me copies of that as well it's already been stated um CFO Madame ba if a immediate meeting can be um held with uh ceasefire and TAA possibly an email sent even tonight to find out what items she's stating that are missing so that we can make sure that it's in this paperwork and document and there can be an expedited process to provide them the check so we can do that possibly tonight send an email to get a list of whatever they're stating possibly is missing that way we can do a check versus to checklist what they have versus what is being stated and then we can expedite expedite the process but I'm looking for this to happen sooner than later possibly tomorrow if you can make copies and scan it to me tonight I'll be on top of it first thing in the morning thank thank you FR thank you next speak M clerk wait a second let me say something because I've been working on this for quite some time and I spoke to Tate and she said that you would be in the next payment of bills and that was two months ago that was two months ago now I told them when opio came into the city three this they're in their third year the first year they didn't use Community people and it didn't work you got to go on the streets and be boot on the ground if you ain't boots on the ground this stuff is not going to work so you had to get people like ceasefire tier one you have to get them involved because if you don't they're the one who's going out on Godwin Avenue on 12th Avenue and all that to talk to them to try to get them into a program this should not be taking so long thank this should not be taking so long to get paid because you are the ones that the people going to talk to council president all those people in the world you want but they not talking to them you can't go on Governor street with a suit and tie on and think they going to talk to you council president be realistic about it un understood Council M thank you uh councilman Jackson asked for the floor um counc I only have one question Miss Harrison do you have a copy of the billing report I have copies of everything the billing report so I'm asking yes can you give the clerk copy of the billing report um could she make copy sure not not here we don't I would meet her in the office at 9:00 tomorrow I can take a photograph of it and and and and that's that's a easy a simple scan copy if you have copies of the billing I like to get it and get a cop okay all right so I just just wanted to say CU U um to Madame ba this item this is under police am I correct okay we haven't we haven't had a discussion about this in in the Public Safety Committee no it's not it's not public safy councilwoman councilwoman councilwoman I have the floor councilwoman Captain I know you're excited about this topic but let let councilwoman Dava finish and right after that I want to say is go ahead if it's under the police department it is under Public Safety okay in addition also Finance so as councilwoman mim's already said councilwoman Cotton's been working this for a while now I'm involved as well as the chair of Public Safety and I'll be reaching out to see what's going on and whatever we can do to assist you we will do that okay council president thank you very much if if I can just add a breaking news um T is on her way thank thank you council president T is on her way she's been watching so if you want to sit stay put maybe we could sort this out here tonight we it out tonight let's let's see if BR copies okay thank the director's coming great thank you uh next speaker M clerk the next speaker is G Greer good evening uh I like that red G good evening D well you thank my sister for this she brought this back from her trip real quick I'm here to say thank you thank you thank you uh on behalf of uh Barbara's Park Association I'm sorry occupi barbar's Park we are excited for the children uh but there's some minor things that that still needed for Barbers Park uh I remember having a sidebar uh with the ba years ago where we we was having issues with a water fountain and me and her met in the hallway she said you going to get a water fountain and we got a water fountain and that was a brand new water fountain that that we got and I just want to say thank you for that and now we received another brand new water fountain they got like three different levels and the children love it but uh I sent this to the Patterson Plus app I'm still confused how you spend $1.2 million and you don't get trash cans I'm I'm very confused about that I was told that some trash cans are going to be ordered but in the meantime and this is no exaggeration since that park opened they had to be over 3,000 3,000 children in that partk since that Park open and and we happy and excited about it but you only got two trash cans first you had one and you know what shout out to DPW because I see those guys in the truck and I stop them be like yo man I need a garbage can I need this I need that and you know they went and found the garbage can so we have two but after spending $1.2 million there's some nice trash cans you have in the real inad Park that you just did over I think those type of trash cans would would look nice in Barbers Park I really do uh the other thing the fence and I sent this to the Patterson Plus app as well you guys whoever reviewed that can take a look at it the the original fence on Broadway side is still broke I mean I'm sorry on Fair Street uh the gate that's open and closed where you allow vehicles to come in that like every night when we lock in this park we have to like lift this fence up and drag it and that shouldn't be after $1.2 million it really shouldn't be but other than that I must say uh the park is beautiful I had some little girl walk up to me she said mister I said yeah she said this park is beautiful I had a family to come in here who never came in Barbers park because they was afraid they was actually having a cookout in the park over the weekend and they said thank you I mean they even offered me burgers off the grill and you know so we have to stay on top of this park I want to shout out the community members that make sure this Park is open and closed every night uh I read a very disturbing article concerning the Fifth Ward uh riberto kente Park how you spent all this money in this park and according to the article I I wish the councilman was here I said this week I want to go visit and someone spoke about it earlier there's a gentleman that's in the park that take it upon himself to clean this park uh one day I want to go join him and you know maybe have lunch in the park with them give them a hand because you need people in the community like that gentleman is doing over there in the Fifth Ward uh council president I heard the Bell so on that note I'm going to uh I'm going to step away but I just want to say thank you to everyone that awarded that money for Barb's Park and just know that there's a couple more parks in the fourth W that need some attention 12 F playground uh Vera Ames Community Park uh let's do all the parks in the city of pass on that note I know those garbage skins going to be there now this week thank you thank you brother G it's always a pleasure to have you here next speaker mad Clark the next speaker is Joyce Clark Jo where hi everybody my name is Joyce Clark I live on East 33rd Street in patteron good evening and I have at least three problems number one uh can speak a little Clos to the mic number one one we have a lot of pooses that have not been addressed we keep calling nobody once in a while they may come and Patch It Up by the time they get back downtown they already back open we I myself have been on that block 41 years that street has never been paid right something is really wrong with that because all the streets around us have been paid my other problem is is we have a young man that's using our block as a garage to work on cars and he have three vans that are always parked there it's not fair to the people that's paying the taxes it's not fair to the people that live there he doesn't live on that block and he don't get tickets for them being parked there MH that I have noticed that he don't ever when they street cleaning he don't get tickets what about us that been paying tickets because we didn't get up on time that those two are my major concern what was that street oh yeah are you guys getting ready to change our street name is 33rd no well why why was it the the color of the sign has changed the sign on 19th is now gold almost all of 33rd is marked off so I'm trying to figure if you moving us without telling us no I I I'll definitely follow up and I will do I would love to do a sideb bar because they not they only 19th Street itself is gold on 33rd they not only Park in those van they doing mechanic outside throwing oil in the floor it's disgraceful what they doing and the problem that and he works on other people cars they bring them there he works on the cars thank you and they don't get any ticket and those van they park there all the time when the cleaning street cleaning passing by they don't get ticket I need to find out what is the problem first of all those commercial vehicle overnight they shouldn't be parked they should not be parked there overnight and not even during the day you canot use City street to conduct the business and that's what they doing there but I'm on top of that I report it and I'll do a follow up with you okay I appreciate it thank you thank you so very much council president um just anybody okay thank you I said what I came this council president ma'am ma'am can I get her phone number you Council Ms yes so I I just want to uh cuz you didn't just address um your issue was not just the mechanics you also talked about um the streets the potholes you also addressed the gold marking so we have to identify actually what's going on with the gold markings what that is about there are some streets in the third W that are that are on the list tonight to be voted upon for Paving in the Third Ward if it is not on the list and we have not approved it we can definitely Advocate to make sure that we're just not filling the pothole but it actually gets repaid all right I just wanted to address all your issues it wasn't just one I want to make sure that you understand that we here thank you for coming out and we have a list on the on the agenda today we have a Liz Ro in the third war that we voting on we already voted on to be pave and we've been advocating for his33 and 20 also as well that is in really bad shape council president yes presid uh question regarding the sign yeah council president regarding the sign you say you live in East 33rd between what 19 oh that's Jamaican way no no that's Jamaican way no no that's not no no that's not I'll I'll follow up with you we'll do a side all right you just want to check the sign about the sign but the P the van illegally parking outside the mechanic that needs to be addressed that need to be addressed and we working on that God bless you thank you let's call the next speaker Madam clerk the next speaker I can't make out the first name but the last name is haraldo haraldo haraldo yes Heraldo famia Heraldo what's the first name haraldo haraldo that's the last name last name there you go it's h haralo okay uh oh Hector okay yeah Hector Council I got you I got youor good evening so so he came to give us a complaint Slater Slater so he came to have to have a complaint leave 156 there's a lot of people under the bridge and a lot of garbage I have C in a multiple time and nobody nobody going and clean it up they drink they use drana use weak they have kids that live around there and they have to see all of that see the school three very is very close by that area so so that's so the those people that live under the bridge using drug you know and doing all kind of Il legal activity garbage everywhere he called multiple time nobody going and clean it up and they were waiting for school number three to be fixed and exactly that is supposed to fix so Alo he called the public work for number the number from public work okay later you got that address 156 later yeah 156 later so so so I want to say council president council president just a second seora now can you do Council M can you do a sidebar let me finish I hold on I could do the sidebar but what she say she said in public and you translate a little bit more okay Street thank let go next speaker M clerk council president councilman KH thank you councilor president um I think from next meeting I'm requesting our constituent Services director to be here so we if we if any of our resident come with the issues he should be able to handle it thank you I appreciate it councilman colleague and I been Tred to be when when a council members ask for the floor doing the public portion I try to honor that request but at the same time we need to understand that we cannot address every members of the public to come in because we're never going to finish our agenda that's the reason why a council member should do a sidebar have a conversation with that constituent so let's move forward with the next speaker mad cler the next speaker is Carmen Chavez I agree with you Carmen Chavez oh she already spoke okay thank you the next speaker is palanco that's the last poano last name poano name he left okay last speaker is Shantel Jackson last speaker okay are they all okay yes they spoke oh Chantel yes how are you how are you good evening yes I came straight off work yep wanted to yes you're welcome so my name is Shantel Jackson and I wanted to address the noise issue by Third a and East 25th I got it I think okay speak a little close to the mic CH how CL I wanted to address the noise issue on Third Avenue in East 25th I'm a nurse as you can see I work 12 hour shifts sometimes 14 God hopes I go home at night right I cannot sleep I can't function I can't if I can't function I can't take care of the people in our community that need us I call the police over and over and over and over and if they come they clear them out maybe and then they come right back yeah and I've noticed that there's a difference because I've lived on different areas of P County right why is it that I come home 10:30 at night and the police are directly across the street from about 20 men drinking and smoking on the corner to where I had to go drive up to the police and I said hey are you staying the whole night and the young lady was like oh I know you wish I was and I said yeah because I've been calling for two months almost every weekend and this happens every weekend that and I love all people I take care I'm a nurse I take care of everybody equally the Spanish people come with the big speakers on top of the car and I'm talking about the house is shaking how am I supposed to take care of people at work I can't sleep and I'm tired of calling the police why are you chilling across the street from people drinking and smoking so when I said to her I can't believe that you're right here with two other officers on third a blocked off by where the mechanic shop is and please continue and these 20 25 men female young hispanic drinking and smoking she's like Oh I thought they lived here I'm sorry there's only about three houses in that little that little area and I'm one of them how many people you going do you think live in those two houses honestly so she goes over and she talks in Spanish to them and I understand Spanish I'm bilingual oh you know the neighbors complaining y'all got to go I was trying to let y'all chill and I'm paying taxes excuse me so when y'all chill you let them chill we can't sleep I go to work I can't function then here comes the complaints about the nurses and doctors who oh they're too slow oh where's my nurse oh I'm I'm tired of calling the police the other night I called they played music from 12:41 a.m. until 7:03 a.m. that was the day before yesterday there's condoms there's bottles there's empty garbage there's there's McDonald's rappers all over the street and it's still there and my question is what what can be done because obviously calling the police two two and a half months straight there needs to be a different solution council president um just uh Council um I definitely agree with you um those none of those people live around there I'm very I'm very aware about the situation I've been there 1:00 in the morning 2:00 in the morning calling the police from that section there uh so I know we're going to continue with the public portion if I could get you information through Omar and um make sure you get my number that we our conversation uh brief woman Men Please council president you tell me brief but you spoke for like five minutes so I totally agree because what happens is people are calling last week in the last week's council meeting I asked for a report on what should be the process for loud music because when residents are calling people are not showing up and then they're calling council members I get at least 52 100 calls every weekend per night not in the total per night and sometimes go out there Madame ba we need a report from OIC in regards to uh loud music the calls that go in call attention uh call detail report on the calls that come in and the response time to those calls that are going out they're not just playing loud music all night because it's happening from about 11: at night till 6:00 in the morning or 4: in the morning they have big woofer speakers on the ground in front of their house I had a call myself counselman cotton I actually went to the location on 114 King Street and I was shocked to see this huge boom box of like three levels of speakers maybe six inches wide out on the sidewalk it was shaking the neighbors's home so we need to get a report Madame ba from our OIC even if he has if someone has to come and represent in our Public Safety Committee councilwoman Dava that could be a conversation but to the public at large because they said there's a a team that's operating and doing it the public needs to understand what is the process cuz when they're calling it needs to be done and to the community at large respect your neighbors thank you we got we just got one more speaker members of the public uh just one more speaker to go back into the agenda the speaker is not on the ground it's on top of a car it's like a little hatchback Honda Civic can't catch a like and thank and thank you thank you for coming council president councilman Jackson before the last speaker so and I'm sorry you had to go through this uh uh young lady if if you um if you look at my Facebook page the other day I'm out here in 7:30 in the morning while people are breaking the law every single day police officers that are allowing for illegal road closures this Council has yet to St a take a Firm Stance we have yet to come together and write a letter to the attorney general about our dissatisfaction with how our Police Department is being run because you're absolutely correct that's not isolated to your block I'm getting phone calls 100 times a week on noise complaints 2 three hours before police responses are taken over this councel is where you come to address your concerns and we have done absolutely nothing to hold the Attorney General's appointed officer who's running our Police Department how he sees fit you'll see multiple three or four officers to your point on a corner just sitting there light on while illegal activities are taking place in the meantime to uh Miss Clark back there if you lived in the First Ward they would be Towing those cars because selectively they're choosing which places to tow cars while they're riding through our through our neighborhoods at 3:00 in the morning someone like yourself who's a professional who's a professional who has a job to go to people are waking up in the morning with their car that that was confiscated or stolen by the police department so please I will I need to get your information as well because I have been on this on the on the uh uh State appointed officer in charge consistently about his his lack of concern or the lack of police response in these current in those kinds of conditions counc M Mendes Council M Mendes just just a clarification here clar let let let's not send the wrong message uh there's something that is called quality of life units in the city of Patterson uh there's something that's called color service um reports if you have any issues that you have reported before by address uh the department of police has a Cola service lck and I could testify that the amount of police um taking care of quality life on the city of Patterson is not a lot officer out there but they take care the quality of life I seen I'm being witnessed let's not send the wrong information Police Department not doing the job they are doing the job we need more cops is we need more cops we under cops we only have less than 400 cops and you imagine how the 400 is split on the whole 24 hours right so and and let me say this there's a priority of Cs domestic violence robbery etc etc the the minimum comes loud music while we have to educate our residents is that there's an ordin in place that between 12: noon until 8:30 you cannot have this blasting music and if during the day is coming nonsense or bothers your neighbor you could call anytime anytime so but they they cannot say they show you cannot say they not showing up members they didn't show up ago so council president counc you got to WP it up because I have the last speaker and I app say I cannot say they don't show up because soon as you call the dispatcher log in your call in a cast system and the call had to be clear by the police showing up or having a call from dispatch don't up appreciate it mad cler let's call the first the next speaker the last speaker they not showing up I got proof that they show up thank you what's the next speaker M clerk Deborah Hannibal last speaker last speaker thank you council members we have the last speaker with 3 minutes right after the after this we go back into the agenda we have a lot of a lot of item to take care good evening Deborah Hannibal hi Miss Patterson resident taxpayer greetings council president council members uh Madam clerk abdalaziz glad you could join us councilman M clerk this time and to the administration first I want to say to that today is National voter registration day so if you have not registered to vote there is still time to do so the deadline to register is October 15th so please register uh there's information to check your status so for this election I would say check your status to make sure you're registered uh for firsttime voters there's a huge push if you have never voted before to register to vote so the concerns are many here so and oh I wanted to say go to vote411.org and you can get information I was also asked to share that we're in desperate need of pole workers so the rate is $21.33 per hour to work during the um what is that early early election and then $300 on Election Day that sounds like good money um uh there was something that I noticed here tonight uh there was something brought up about constituent services and when Horatio McCoy was the constituent Services person he was here at every meeting when Dela Mcall fiser was the chief of staff she was here pretty much every meeting so I just see some discrepancies I'm just saying the Optics so it would be great to have have someone from con constituent Services here uh let's see what else um I get noise complaints too and I'm not on the counsil but people call me because they they say they're calling the police and that they're being told to call their council person and because people see me at Council meetings they're thinking I have all of your numbers on speed di which I do not uh and I do want to say thank you to the Patterson Police because when there is an issue I'm going to call the Patterson Police that's who I'm going to call if there's any danger that's who I'm going to call and I do think that there's an issue with them not being paid you have to pay people if you want to attract and retain good workers you have to give them a decent wage and we need to do that um I'm concerned about an article that I read in July I don't know if it's been discussed here but that the Patterson audits were late so it resulted in delays in uh some monies to the health department like the the AIDS Grant HIV grants I don't know if that's been rectified but it seems like there are a lot of um money issues here that we didn't pay the Retro to the police and I contacted the division of pensions and benefits I'm kind of hesitant to speak about this personally but I found out that the Retro money that was taken from my paycheck in August 2022 I'm going to say that again the money was taken from my check in August 2022 and it has not been received as of today I checked today again as of today so almost two 2 years later money that was withheld from my pay that's supposed to be sent to Trenton is not there thank you missra thank you motion to close public portion move so move move by Council mavila second by Council roll call by clerk to close the public portion one second roll call to close the public portion Council Mone councilman abdelaziz abdelaziz I'm sorry councilwoman Dava yes councilman Jackson thank you madam clerk yeah Miss Clark if you can because I know you guys want to take off you can make sure I um you leave me your your phone number um because this is uh this is becoming very habitual it's very disappointing I please and I hope I can gra gather um your attention because uh you know here is where people come to voice their their concerns here's where people come to uh to let the the the government know and understand that you're unsatisfied with the services that's being rendered but if you pay close attention to what's happening here it's the council that's turning we have a responsibility we're turning a blind eye on how these things are taking place if we don't know that potholes have overrunning our city then why are you even holding a position if we can't see the garbage over running our city and the poor job that's being done for as far as garbage collection why are you even holding holding a position the the sentiment is we're moving the city forward yeah there's a a quality of life unit but guess what you're still waiting two three four hours for police response when things have taking place and this quality of life unit that they supposedly have has not improved on police on on core response and furthermore furthermore when you look at the the the miss when I'm being told by the the head of the police department councilman we got to enforce the laws and you're being very selective on how and where you're enforcing these laws so in the first word I'm Waking Up 2 or 3:00 2 3:00 in the morning while my residents cars are being told we're talking about hardworking professionals that are going to work that have to take their kids to school in the morning their cars are being told in the we hours of the morning while gunshots are be running ringing off because the night that you was you got guys that I was there if you go back and watch my live the officer said oh there was six shots that was just fired but he couldn't leave because I asked for a supervisor so they're selectively enforcing laws in different places this Council has not taken a position on that I've been the only one standing solo on how our police practices are taking place the attorney general has has dropped the ball I'll tell you one even further if you look at when you do come to the council to have your concern answered there's an act that takes place oh Madam B we have to do and your concerns never get answered example Mr Gilmore who is a who is an employee of the city head of the department has a legitimate lawsuit pending against the city where the law department for the city has failed to answer and he's not the that's not the only case that I've heard this on they have failed to answer to the lawsuit so we're going to pay out all this money he said here and he told us about all the illegal activity that was taking place it went on death ears the counselor doesn't hear him if you go back and watch the the the uh the the film from tonight as his time is R running down he's coming here giving us some serious concerns about what's taking place council president doesn't call upon the administration to follow up on those on those those accusations he automatically rushes him off the clock before the the timer even clicked the zero he start okay okay thank thank you very much Mr Gilmore thank you rushing him off the clock this is why these these these concerns are not being answered to there's supposed to be a measure of balance here we're supposed to be holding the administration accountable for things that's not taking place okay I'm sorry they won't let I'll talk to you offline CU they're not going to allow the the the back and forth but listen something else took place today and uh um princess before I get into that princess you're absolutely correct and I I I've written many measures that have come that have not been coming before this council tonight they have one on the the one to extend your your your talk period to six minutes we've reduced our meetings so now you have less time to come here and consult with the with with with the council so one of the things that princip talked about was this was The Dumping that's taking place on um on on Route 19 I wrote a measure I did all the research wrote multiple um uh ordinances to be adopted and the council president continues to hold them off the one is which that will grant whomever because the council we approved this $10,000 fine we haven't issued it one time why because we don't know we can't catch dumpers the administration hasn't made it a priority to catch these people dumping so even when we do catch dumpers the police department catches them and they they let them go they don't get charged so what did I do I I put forward a measure so that if anyone in the public is witnessing witnessed to and Records an infraction of somebody dumping they will be entitled to get get gather 50% of that fine for some reason or another the council president seems doesn't feel fit that this item should make it to the agenda but just think about this if you're a potential dumper and I know that 200,000 people who have a cell phone would have the potential recording me dumping what's the likelihood that I'm going to continue to just dump freely it's not going to happen but here they know they're not going to say anything they're not going to catch me because I'mma do it in the we hours of the night and you know we just continue to continue we continue to allow ourselves to take losses I'm going to tell you one last loss and I don't want to uh prolong this but somebody talked about the uh transitional Aid and that's getting off of it and what the city has now have have to um continue to to uh uh ask for the state support just yesterday the Housing Authority approved the measure to give a developer it's only half they broke it up in Parts but it's $130 million for them to go into Christopher Columbus and a facility that Christopher hope which is the OC CCP a facility that that they have been managing for the last 20 years that they've allowed to go deric that is falling apart they have done poor maintenance they have neglected this this space we're going to allow them to recapture $131 million $130 million that $15 plus million of that is going to be a developers fee right $130 million to rehab 315 units please please play pay close attention 130 million to rehab not build from ground up rehab 315 units I just returned from a flight this morning from Miami while I was in Miami I couldn't help but observe this beautiful building took a picture of it Google will tell you just the name of the building everything it's used for it's called the Elser hotel and you can look it up yourself the Elsa Hotel the Elsa hotel has 714 units of which 646 of those units are luxury apartments that just over the last year they sold and made over $80 million they built this building for $175 million so do a comparison they built from ground up 714 units for 175 million we're allowing an outside developer to come in rehab 315 units for 130 million they have 527 parking spaces this developer here is not providing providing any parking spaces in fact the ones that he does he's charging residents $200 plus dollars a month to use those parking spaces a 49 Story Tower for $175 million and I've been telling the counsil this and look on death ears they'll pay attention to doing other things I gave the example of this the building is Shack built in in nework on marara Highway you guys probably Dr drive past it 777 mcarter 370 units 225 parking spaces $19 million here we're rehabbing for $415,000 per unit that is three times the national rate that a developer comes in here and gets free money this is not his money he's putting up this is patteron money vouchers that come to patteron that this council is responsible for overseeing so when you talk about getting a city off transitional Aid and you're making decisions like this when you allow developers to come in here and build subpar subpar uh uh facilities you said you live over on Third Avenue so I'm sure you live close to the new development that went that took place on Fifth AV right how many people do you know that's over there complaining about the poor conditions already it's not even a year old and the facilities are falling apart that project another $100 million project that the same developer walked away with 20 plus million in developers fee now I'm going to say this last thing all you got to do it's very simple go to your phones and just Google Jersey City makes developer build schools you'll see all these things that come up where Jersey city has found a way to have new development it will come to a new 50,000 foot Public School from PK to 5 for students they for developer nix's $310 million development project because Jersey City forces developer to include a school in the program future 16 story building Liberty Harbor North house a newly approved site plan well-known developer Peter Marco calls for a newly montau school on the grounds of the of this development Jersey City approves Two Towers with school expansion develop developer to develop to develop uh a new Public School nj.com the school for prek kindergarten the first grade students will be a part of $350 million development project all you have to do is is just Google it Patterson is losing because we have people making poor decisions and that includes the the the uh the voters you have to start making making better choices and I'll say this lastly as we we we we direct the importance of what we do and how we spend our money and brother uh car Carr I need to sit with you and get more clarity from from what I understand our contribution to the library was from 1.2 to $1.5 million and I'm not sure what fiscal year I got to go back and look at the budget that was sent to me but from that one year to another we did not disperse a million dollars of that contribution now if that's incorrect and I I'm going to get get the uh documentation but I'm tired of people trying to play down you can't improve a city if you're not willing to invest in the youth you cannot do it while we and I and and although I do applaud the effort in the uh uh by Mrs Florio but it just shows that the municipality can is failing to provide so where now people who are making them who who doing the development have to we have to sit there and wait for them to decide that they're going to do something for our children is he going to do that for every single child in this community no it's our responsibility to do that and if we're allowing developers to rake the city over the coast to leave out of this community with 15 $20 million in developers fees on that documentation there was a request for that developer to to to uh contribute back to the recreation center at 60 Temple and he said said no he told the city no and go check the vote from last night at the patteron Housing Authority it was a unanimous yes vote a unanimous yes vote now you see what Jersey City is doing well you heard what I'm telling you now you can research it yourself they're making their developers build schools they're making their developers contribute back into their Community here the developers are making the money they're leaving out laughing at laughing to the bank and then when they're tasked to maintain those properties over the last 20 years look at the deric conditions that they left um the residents of Christopher hoping anyway I'm hoping that this doesn't go on death ears obviously here is not really being received well but to the members of the public to the voters pay attention your road are in the poorest condition that they that they that they've ever been in this mayor this Administration has been given more money than any other past administration from from transitional Aid just this year alone our our TA money was increased another several million do because of the relationships but how is that going back into your into into the community and listen although Elvis and I we got a beef going on right now right and people may laugh at him you can't because he's saying he's asking those questions he's saying how many jobs have you created this Administration half an hour but yet never mind the facts that are just spewed off on how we allowing for the money to leak out of our community they're worried about how long I'm talking but but dispute anything that I'm talking about how many jobs have we created under this under this Administration if you look at the presidential election all they talking about well we're going to create another x amount of jobs when you have government the job for government is to provide for the community that's what provide uh uh economic opportunities what what have we provided to you guys increased rents lower quality living conditions poor police response dirty streets potholes all over the city what if what have you gotten out of this Administration and this Council I'm asking you the question then the director comes to the podium and outlines that someone is blatantly breaking the law and nobody wants to hear from it no one is asking ask the ba to answer the questions of what's happening with enforcement no we're not doing that anyway uh Madam clerk my vot is yes thank you councilman um all right Council woman MS so as I do every week I want to uh thank the public that comes out in person and the public that watches um because you could be doing anything with your time watching TV cooking a gourmet meal popping popcorn reading a book crocheting knitting or whatever you want to do but you take the time out with us um as we come to the meeting one thing that I have committed myself to do and I'm going to take the stand as we sit here as a council body legislative body arm of this city in order to get things done from this side you need five votes now sometimes it's a challenge but you have to learn to work together to be able to get the items done you might have a great idea but if four other people don't see it as great it doesn't move there's some items that require six votes you may have another great idea but if five other people don't see it it does not move we have to learn how to work together even if you don't like or District Council Members council members council members we are in the middle of uh closing the public portion um Council m just e even if we don't agree on things to bash your Council colleagues or to say State they we don't do anything or where the reason why the city is in the place it's at is not true we as the council and I'm sure I'll speak for myself but I'm sure other council members can speak for themselves when it comes to the concerns of the community we all live here it's not like we live in another town or we live out of the country and we travel here we live in this city so we understand the The Strife the the battles and everything that goes on that's why on this side we sit and advocate for streets to be paved River Street has been out for a long time this Council has approved it the work is starting River Street covers three Wards tonight's agenda we have many people that are contractors electrical Plumbing all type of contractors this C came together worked together tonight we approved private labor agreement to ensure that Patterson workers will get opportunities to get jobs in the community this council did that not and we could talk about a lot of other stuff that the council has done but I just want to say as we move through this agenda we still have 31 items left on the agenda that has to get done on tonight because things are important we have some of our directors that are here they've been here since early this morning and they sit through the meetings on tonight cuz they want to get a response and an answer and I think it's important that they get to hear from everybody for me as I told someone today I was out in the community and I told them I don't need to take my take my stand and a political posture in this Council seat to make myself feel important that I do so many great things when I'm not doing it that's why I make sure I read my documents everyone gets their agenda packet on Fridays everybody you have to read your packet you have to attend committee meetings so you can Advocate and fight for the things that really benefit the community sitting here and fighting at on the day of the vote it's not going to accomplish anything there's so many things that process and we go through prior to the meeting if you participate in those things committee meetings Workshop meetings reaching out to the administration talking to your Council colleagues things will get done and that's how we get it done Madam clerk I don't want to go into a lot of the people have come on tonight there's many concerns Madame ba she's not here she's behind her chair oh M oh Madam be so um please all of the issues that were addressed on tonight please adhere to them but I want to say this last week we talked about cannabis and I'm gonna say it again because some people may not watched last week but last week the language changed where they were trying to book cannabis anywhere near your house M it started off 300 ft to 200 ft to no foot right by your house so if you're okay with us saying as a councel to put it there let me know because I know you don't agree with that so we voted against that or we stood against that because that's not right it was 200 feet from schools churches synagogues worship facilities I work in the school every day with students I did not support that and let me say this in closing before I get my vote rise has been in operation for some years rise has made approximately Patterson listen they have made approximately $50 million rise they have three different licenses rise has made approximately $50 million you know how much Patterson has got $1 million I'm say that again I know it would be quiet here and I hope the public is listening rise has made approximately 50 million dollar and we have only gotten a million so who's wrong are we wrong for saying no I don't want to BU my house it needs to be increased the state has to work on that where the 2% is increased we're only getting a million dollars these people are getting rich and they don't live here for the most part they don't live here so we have to take a St now people choose to go with it that's their choice but I'm going to say take a stand for the residents especially the children of this community and here's the final piece the black and brown Community were locked up for cannabis some of them are still fighting to get their records expunged they're still fighting to get their credit together it's a three-step process to full expungement and some of those people their lives have been in shambles and now we want to say let's just open it up give it to this person that person what about those people that were directly impacted that's my soap box I'm going to stand on it you don't like what I said put me on Facebook and I'mma come on Facebook and let everybody know $50 million went to the person that's making the money from off the backs of of all the people that's coming Patterson and throughout and Patterson only got a million dollars now I know that 50 million to 1 million I think I'll win every time my vote is going to always stand with the community a million dollar to 50 sh shame shame shame we need to get a channel on Patterson shame on cannabis Madam clerk my vote is yes to close the public question M councilman VES thank you Ma thank you Madame Madame clerk you know I was looking at Google and I was looking at the Jersey City new properties 25 stories new development the Waterfront you go the the state park all the re Redevelopment that's going on in Jersey City but something that trigger me uh one of the um developers Bergen and laf portfolio that have five dven rental properties in Jersey City and the statement that he says is none of this will have been possible without the leadership of the mayor fup and his administration who have Champion development that's one thing the second one that that that that rais attraction in the com on this article that just came about 24 hours ago says Waterman the city council president this is city council president council president added for a project like this to happen you need partnership the government cannot do it alone so this is the great thing that we have in our city in Jersey City in Newark and any other cities that we cannot do it by ourself we need developers we need people that are interested to build our city if you look 30 years ago patteron it was a ghost town now you see Patterson you see diversity you see restaurant you see new development the the amount of fires on this time is less than before because new construction have bring uh safety into Community we have areas that was we have more than 250 abandoned property in the fifth W abandoned it came back to life bring it on if you want to invest in the city of patteron Bring it on I will cooperate for that Redevelopment to happen in our city and sometimes we in this side had to understand the Redevelopment Zone that was created by the state of New Jersey why because a lot of this areas was unfortunately um decaded or abandoned and Etc some people like to see city abandoned I will not like to see City my my city abandoned so anything that comes good to our city we will receive it um and and and and and we we could all testify and every word have being changes in the fourth W in the fifth W in the first W Third Ward second all the way around the city you know H how my city will progress is the way I pr my city if I come here and say my city is the worst one people going to think it's the worst one nobody's going to come and invest now if we say we got room for improvement we got room to do better we got room to work together we got room to do this and do that people will say let's invest in Patterson look at the great force it's moving forward and it's in the fifth W thank you this the best word um Madame ba um I know you have uh put note on and um make note notes on every concern that uh had come I know you will address accordingly um there is um issue with street cleaning we all know that uh to try to address especially in h 29 Street uh Mr Price is always sent an email regarding uh um police um issues uh we know what we on on Staffing we could have this conversation with OIC to see we could put a a a zero tolerance plan out there um loud music issue let me let me let me say this about loud music I received a call right I received a call about two hours ago somebody invited me to a party in a patio with a ban and the first thing I ask what time is it they say they're going to start at 7:30 to all the way down 11:00 you know what I say I will go at 7:00 and leave at 7:15 right there's an ordinance in place me as a councilman I had to tell my resident there's an ordinance in place and we had to follow that but if I go into a party and I'm and they could to invite me you know what the first thing they why they inviting you for when the police come they say the councilman was there so I'd rather not go I say Enjoy your party and good luck but I will not contribute on that and it's true Madam Madam uh uh counil mov large it gets it we get frustrated when we get the calls and they they say the consan say they haven't come but when they guarantee me that they going to respond and they they went there etc etc what I will ask is the call of service for the address to see how many tickets they issue how many how many tickets they issue after the call you know but we could we could find out that's easy to find out based on the address that you call for without putting you on the spot right um and and and that's and that's it and that's one of the things that we had to look into I just want to say thank you to Marie Florio for her donation to this young lady uh that don't means that we have to stop uh donating you know this is expensive she needs to cover other expenses over there so I encourage my colleagues to do the same what to give what the heart um the the heart say to give um there's a gentleman that came here Mr pamphlet what's his name uh oh Bill PR he came here and say that um about the Democratic party choosing etc etc uh people had to understand that every party has bylaws and we had to follow those bylaws and we as County committee what we had to do what we had to do to make sure that the party bring the best candidate or the person that they as go represented uh Madame ba uh can you do me a favor uh the property the property um that the the lady came the gentleman came here talking about 156 later is the property behind the properties of City Patterson is the state property uh the last time we went there we went with uh heavy equipment we clean our lawn the brid uh the you know you remember that right but I guess the homeless are still bringing stuff and put it in there and it's creating a d it's 19 I think Route 19 behind you Jersey old Jersey Street uh to see if you could send a email to the state to see if they could do the same thing then and clean that back again the way it was before uh saying that um Madam um clerk yes sir uh my vote is yes to close this public thank you councilman valz councilman abdelaziz he voted did I I did not you did all right councilman what did you say council members were under uh closing the public p uh counc M have you counc MC M go ahead he didn't okay let me just say to everyone out there that um you know I know basically what I do and I can say for a most of my colleagues up here all of them our phones are constantly ringing they're constantly you know for to say that I'm not a good counsil woman and the calls I get and I try to lead them to the right place because I know how it feels to be switched from phone to phone to phone and you don't know who to talk to you know don't know who going to do this and and who's not going to do this so it it it's for for anyone to say that that we as colleagues up here do not answer our that's not true and I can just say that you know when when we look at different things and we may disagree and I always said to my colleagues you know we don't have to agree and but you know at the end of the night you still know how to say good night even if we don't agree you know how to still say good night okay you don't hold nothing against a colleagues because they don't vote the way that you um think that they should Vote or or they vote with how they feel or what they think is good for the community and there's so much stuff happening and let me tell you I know that there was talk at one time to my people out there listening um um with the calls that we get uh with the noise with the addicts sitting on properties with the with the drinking uh you can't go to bed till 4:00 I as a counsil woman live in a hot spot I'm off of 10th Avenue on East 27th Street so I know what it is let me tell you something I have eight hot spots in the fourth ward and everybody is closed before by 10:00 except for smoke shops they will stay open because the hours are to midnight and they will stay open to midnight and I can say that you know we have to come up and I'm going say Corporation counsel if you can we got to come up with something because people and they're hanging around the hotpots so they're there half the half the night they're there so uh Corporation councel we got to figure out what we can do um you know especially with the smoke shop you know they're selling stuff out of there you know some what what what bothers me with the smoke shops is that kids can go in there and buy soda a bag potato chips they shouldn't be allowed to go in no smoke shop but that but they're in there and so we want to say and I just want to say too with like I know councilwoman Ms had talked about it even though we really got $2 million but that's not on us the state of New Jersey the Cannabis the state of New Jersey and we done said it many times to our state representative that it needs to be increased you have to increase and what happened when when they voted for when they voted for uh Recreation marijuana um they were supposed to put something in place to help all those that was arrested back in the day for Ken for marijuana that hasn't even been done yet and they really need to work do their best to try to get that done for everyone so with that being said I just want to say that you know my line is always open I know most all my colleagues lines are open to to to you know to get calls and what what we have to do and um I I don't I don't want to keep I don't want to talk long longer because we still got a lot of things that we need to do but there's some things that falls in place in front of us that some sometimes the state has to has to control you know I State let's work on getting those people that was arrested for marijuana let's work on getting those people um expunged so they can get get this stuff off their record they can get a better job they can get you know what my understanding now is that uh with Recreation marijuana that they not even allowed to test you when you go for a job no more the only time they test you if if something happens like save you in a car accident or there's a accident at the job then they'll send you to the hospital to be tested then once you're tested and you find that your test for marijuana then you lose your job but with that being said um there's so much that that that we could do but this I mean the cause that I know we all get and you know and the thing is like I'm going to still guide you to the right place I'm going to do my best to guide you to the right spot you know I people out there don't let these landlords tell you you got to be out the only one that can throw you out people out there is a judge if you ain't got a court order you don't have to move a judge is the only one that can make you vacate your your your prop your your your residence or whatever so people are listening sometimes and they're not understanding and I say to people if you don't understand try to reach out to someone to um figure out how to go and I can tell you one thing Madame clerk uh lady you know what when people don't know something you know where they send them to to Madam clerk's office they get all kind of calls for all different stuff that ain't got nothing to do with what they do but then they now have to guide them to the right place and I said I appreciate you guys Madam clerk our secretary because sometimes I'm happy to be sitting in the office and I can say this is where they need to go this is the department they need to talk to this is who they need to go see so with that being said um we have a lot more left on the agenda um I don't want to go through but I do want to say thank you to my Council colleagues U for my recommendation for dores Bradley to be attendance commissioner under the Patterson house Authority I want to say thank you to my Council colleague she's a hard worker and you have to look at people who you know is going to do the work it's always easy just to throw a name but if the name don't know what to do then what good is the name so we need to make sure that we put people in the right place where they need to be and I know this and with that being said this is my guy over here okay with that being said Madam cler I'm sorry I appreciate you ladies I really do because I see what you guys really go through to get just to get can you IM look at all this get this together for me you see all of this this is a lot to get together for a meeting with that being said Madam clerk my boot is yes thank you Council woman moton councilman khle thank you Madame clerk I don't like repeating the what other Council colleagues says Okay um it's been almost more than 45 minutes just closing the public portion every week same issue only we could move the city forward and solve the issue is taking action on the items on the agenda every week same issue issues repeat one after another and you know people get tired of it um Madame Madame be I asked before we should have our constituent service director here every council meeting and take the all the issues and he should reach out to every department and make sure it gets solved and I'm requesting also every council meeting we like to get a report on it as well what was the issue was it solved or not I have been reporting on the apps I mean if it said it has been acknowledged but there's no action has been taken and with the garbage issue I'm I'm tired of it I'm exhausted I get phone call every day that's the only issue I have in in in my area second world area garbage garbage Garb it's filthy is filthy um saying that my vote is yes to close the public portion Madam thank you councilman colleag council president thank you m clerk I will try to be brief and right after that I think that uh everybody use a good amount of time speaking about the issues I hope that we could concentrate on the item that we have on the agenda straightforward after I finish so I just want to say that uh you know uh Miss Clark I've been on top of that issue and I call the police I'm sorry I call the police most of the time and we're going to stay on top of east2 um East Second Avenue and East 25th Third Avenue and East 33rd also as well I I I report that the problem that is happening on East 33rd mon Madame ba um and I I I need to know why we're not addressing uh those commercial vehicle that we H Park on e33rd and they should be ticket and toy people they not they just live in those vehicle there they do a mechanic in the third war and also I understand that e33rd need to be resurfacing I'm advocating for e33rd 20th Avenue also as well but since I know that we making progress and you have to sit here and advocate for your War uh there's a list of r that we already voted on to be fixed in the third war and it's East 34 from Route 20 to Mana row east3 5th from Route 20 to Mana row east3 6 from 11 11th Avenue to Route 20 attention to my third W residence East 37 from Route 20 to Bro East 38 from Route 20 to Bro East 39 from Route 20 to Bradway East 40 from Route 20 to 11th Avenue and Linda Road from East 33rd to Port R now mentioning that we already are on the River Street is on the construction also as well yes we're making progress also on the concent agenda to my thir residents the lighting at Eide park has been a concern we already voted on to make sure that we put lighting around the park around the tennis court and the ring also uh is going to be Reef surfacing also as well so those are some of the move that we some of the decision that are affecting the third war on a positive way you need to advocate for your work you need to advocate for the community and that's the re that's the reason why I'm here to make sure that we have a better Community we're not perfect um you know the lack of service is a problem that we need to address but we must have to work to together I'm excited that we finally going to have our contract for the police department in it it's been signed already it's my understanding that is going back to the state but because of that we're going to have a lot of new police officer from other town that they they want to come back to our city I know we are under the mow when it comes to our Police Department we must work together to help our police department and to work collectively to bring safety into our community if you see something say something call the different department uh I know dumping it's been a problem I've been in communication with the VA because we have $1 million to buy cameras to put those cameras in those specific location I asked the VA we had a meeting and I'm on top of that I know dumping is a problem uh and also the bulk collection uh we still have people that they not calling they're not scheduling um that's one of the problem that I have in my area and and in some of the area I request a um um the DPW to put a package together to go out for a bit I'm looking forward to have that discussion on the next Workshop what are we doing with a bul situation we have to clean our city but we must work together to make our city better and yes we do making progress with that being said if you need to get in touch with me you could reach out to me at my cell phone number 973 9301 1436 um that's my personal number Council president Alex Mendes with that being sa Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you council president the votes are eight in favor one absent the public portion is close closed thank you Madame clerk so we have some item on second uh reading so um let's take uh item number two on second reading Madame clerk item number two on second reading yes Capital ordinance providing for various sewer utility improvements buying in the city of Patterson in the county of Pake state of New Jersey and appropriating $6,600 6 million $6,000 therefore from Grant proceeds received pursuant to the the federal American Rescue plan to pay the cost thereof Finance ordinance number 24-33 so move move by Council Dava second by councilman bless public hearing is now open for item number two on second reading see move to close see now move to close by councilman D second by councilwoman DAV and councilwoman Ms roll call M clerk to close the public hearing on item number two roll call to close the public hearing on item number two councilman abdell aiz yes councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman DAV yes councilman Jackson yes councilman khik yes councilwoman Mims yes councilman valz yes council president my vote is yes votes are eight in favor one absent um thank you close the public portion to close the um second reading ordin this um go ahead I'm sorry um a roll call M cler on item number two roll call on item number two uh councilwoman councilman abdelaziz yes councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman daver yes councilman Jackson just another example of throwing money at a issue that we have no idea what the issue is really about there's no reports on the conditions of these sewers and what we're spending Madam clerk my vote is no thank you councilman councilman cleck yes Madam clerk councilwoman Mims yes councilman valz when you see them Improvement in the city that's why we getting this money towards it into the Improvement of the city my vote is yes thank you councilman council president my vote is yes M clerk thank you council president okay the votes are six in favor one absent one no second reading ordinance is hereby adopted thank you m clerk item number three on second reading item number three on second reading Capital ordinance providing for improvements yes I'm sorry it's seven yeses seven yeses one no one absent okay I don't know why I checked off six okay seven yeses one no and one absent where lady at second reading item number three capital ordinance provided for improvements to various roadways in and for the city of Patterson and the county of P state of New Jersey appropriating $820,000 20,40 which one is that okay hold on $820,000 $820,000 40 $40 correct therefore from Grant proceeds received pursuant to the New Jersey Department of Transportation fiscal year 2023 Municipal aid program to pay for the cost thereof this a finance item ordinance number 24-34 so move second move by councilwoman Davila second by councilman bz and councilwoman Mims public hearing uh public hearing is now open members of the public to wish to speak on it to close second see no move to close by Council mes and second by Council mava roll call M clerk to close the public he CL the public hearing councilman abdalaziz yes councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman daver yes councilman Jackson yes councilman khik yes councilwoman Mims yes councilman VZ yes council president my V is yes P clerk thank you the votes are eight in favor one absent the public hearing on item number three is closed roll call M cler on item number three item number three councilwoman councilman abdelaziz yes councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman Dava yes councilman Jackson yes councilman khik yes councilwoman Mims yes councilman valz this is a grant we received we could now use it for car Avenue North fth Street and East 37th Street that needs Improvement my vote is yes thank you councilman council president I vot is yes B clerk thank you the votes are eight in favor one absent ordinance number three is here byop thank you madam clerk now Madame clerk we have item number five which is repealing handicap and item number six which is repealing handicap as well let's do it let's do item number five and stit together okay item number five uh ordinance repeal and establishment of handicapped parking spaces on County Roads 714 East 18th Street 52 Lafayette Street 3:15 Madison Avenue 155 Helen Avenue 669 Broadway 410 Madison Avenue 6 Belmont Avenue 245 totoa Avenue Public Works ordinance number 24-36 he's going do the second reading so move now we're going to do F SE one one is County Madam clerk we're going to do F then continue with number six we do public hearing together and we'll be voting together okay we could do yeah we could do that second reading ordinance item number six ordinance repealing establishment of handicap parking spaces at various locations Public Works item 24-37 814 East 22nd Street 180 Walnut Street 67 Monclair Avenue 404 East 30th Street 420 East 26 Street 7 merca Street 698 East 28th Street 17 Penington Street 351 Toto Avenue 96 lion Street 94 Bloomfield Avenue 163 Sheridan Avenue 124 Madison Street 231 19th Avenue 869 East 24th Street 144 North North 9th Street 19 Quinn AV Quinn Street 656 East 24th Street 2117 Patterson Avenue 398 Sussex Street 144 Liberty Street 10 courland Street 208 Cy Street 132 Jasper street4 Beach Street 833 East 19th Street 360 17th Avenue 338 20th Avenue 3621 17th Avenue 287 East 27th Street 18 North York Street 46 17th Avenue 650 East 25th Street 9 Park Avenue 814 East 19th Street 25-27 Cliff Street 128 East 27th Street 173-185 Sherman Avenue 73 22nd Avenue 927 East 27th Street 126 16th Avenue and 185 Rosa Parks Boulevard thank you m clerk now public hearing is now open for number I'm sorry move it was moved by Council BL second by councilwoman Davila and um members of the Public Public hearing is now open for item number five and six if any member of the public wish to speak see no move to close by councilman DAV second by councilman roll call M clerk five six yes roll call uh councilman abdelaziz councilwoman cotton councilwoman daver yes councilman Jackson yes councilman KH yes councilwoman Mims yes councilman valz yes councilman council president Mendes yes the votes are eight in favor one absent uh the public hearing public hearing is closed um thank you mad clerk now uh uh roll call on item five and six for approval roll call on item number six five and I'm sorry I didn't read the other one five and six five and six okay yes uh councilman abdelaziz yes Council cotton yes Council M dava Please be aware that 5 and six is an ordinance repealing handicap parking spaces my vote is yes yes councilman Jackson councilman Jackson my vote is yes Jackson oh yes okay thank you councilman khle yes councilwoman Mims yes councilman VZ yes council president my vot is yes m cler thank you council president the votes are eight in favor one absent ordinance number six and seven five and six five and six and six okay five and six are hereby adopted on second reading thank you m cler now we we're moving into first reading council member so let's start with item number eight on second reading council member item number eight why number seven item number eight on first reading I'm sorry first reading yeah on first reading Council memb so we have a a few first reading item let's start with number eight M cler item number eight on first reading ordinance amending section 5-20 of the Patterson code to increase the time limit for speakers at the public portion from 3 minutes to 6 minutes sponsored by councilman Michael Jackson City Council [Music] move I second it move by Council M Jackson second by Council Ruby CT roll call by the clerk on item number eight on first reading roll call on item number eight on first reading a city council item councilman abdell aiz no councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman Dava before I vote and say the reason why I'm voting the way I'm voting we need to understand that the council president has the authority to extend anyone's time if you already see what's going on a public portion was almost two hours and we're still here and we're going to be here for a while because we still have more items and so it's not that I'm not supporting the public absolutely the public should come here and speak we just can't and I cannot support six minutes just today would have been instead of two hours four 20 it would have been almost four hours of public portion so with that said at this time I cannot support 6 minutes the council president has the authority to extend anyone's time my vote is no thank you councilwoman um councilman Jackson um I'm a pass Madam clerk councilman colleague very well said Council Davila my vote is no councilwoman Mims so in actuality to the public the public speaks for 10 minutes they come to the microphone they have three minutes the president allows them to speak whether they ask for it or not he just allows them to roll on I've timed them 10 minutes 8 minutes so you really don't need a law on the books to say six minutes they speak for six minutes anyway just watch the meetings the public comes to the mic the timer goes on 3 minute the Bell goes off they even acknowledge the Bell they say we saw the Bell but I'm going to talk anyway so I don't see why we need a law in place the residents already speak for six minutes s minutes I even Ed some people 10 and 12 minutes that they're speaking so I'm not going to support putting a legislation in place when it's already being it's happening without a law so unless we enforce that law there no need to put a law please my vote is no thank you councilwoman councilman VZ you know I want to see if I could get convinced I want to pass please to pass you going to pass okay Council I pass thank thank you madam clerk so it it's absolutely hilarious um the council president does not have the authority it's the council that has the authority the council president does not have any arbitrary more or unilateral authority to to to render or offer is the council as a body in fact I spoke to a council person today I said why what what happened why are we here oh council president made a decision he did this is not how government works the public being informed at the last minute and then the council president being selective on who he wants to allow to speak longer than other people that's not how government is supposed to work if if someone is coming there and they have something that the council president doesn't like to like like like with they're saying he's going to oh rushing him off the clock I can't wait till Mr olivaris gets back here to tear him up because soon as he starts speaking he starts sweating he's writing all over the place see the the the deal with this with this this item is the fact that the council had elected to reduce our meetings therefore the public who normally comes to address the council has less time to address their concerns but but if you ask many of the council members sitting here we talking about how how well the city is doing and how F how far forward the city's been moving but it's obvious all you got to do is walk around the city and the results are right here many many of the council members don't even understand it its role as being the fiscal responsible body as we continuously this things that that just get get passed or just go on and happen in this Council doesn't bother to have over on doesn't care to have oversight on how we pay former employees to work in the finance department as consultants because the people that's there now can't handle their roles but we allowing for that those things to continue to happen while we cut a million dollars from Li from the library budget and we don't think about how these things are relevant because when people come to the microphone to discuss these matters their time is truncated but listen I'll put these measures forward and it's not for me uh and and obviously the public will have an opportunity to see who votes how and and where people support what and say oh we don't need that because you talk anyway no I don't want to be truncated because I'm not saying the things that the council president likes to hear I want to be able to speak and utilize my First Amendment right to speak freely and not have to worry about my time being cut and also have the time to address and in fact if there wasn't so many any concerns people wouldn't wouldn't bother they'll they'll be giving up their time but anyway my vote is yes Madam clerk I appreciate the time thank you thank you councilman Jackson uh who are we missing um who we missing councilman valz thank you Madame clerk you know one of the reason we sweep back here is because those legs are so strong is like a heat on top of us that's one thing second you know I have noticed that people come to the podent and request through the chair more time and the council president granted that and some people come and sometime when council president had to put a point order or try to uh P control and what's going on because whatever comes from there is slandering attacking and no facts let's be honest so if that's the what councilman Jackson want if he could talk every time that somebody comes and speaks six minutes he could speak 20 on top of it to to deliver the message people could deliver the Messes in three minutes and and council president and anybody that have sit in this chair as council president I have noticed that they given a necessary time when they request through the chair more time the the Quorum is there council president said that the Cor in the council he's doing a great job on that we are trying to co cooperate to stay focused in the two minutes or the three minutes from the public to move forward the city agenda and a lot of things that is brought up to to to the podium are not necessary City agenda is facts that probably people are bringing that other people bring with wrong facts but we want to make sure the public get the participation they are getting that participation and now that council president has um um also ordered to televise Workshop so uh that's another opportunity that people could come and and bring their concern uh the reason I I let this come to the um to to the vote is because for the past month councilman Jackson was trying to bring it forward and and he always was trying to say that it was taken out of the agenda taking agenda now is taking to the reality and the reality is the people had the chance to talk to us any time the people had the chance to talk for three minutes and the people could get the answer uh immediately if the concern are from this side if the concern are from Administration administration had the due diligence to do what they have to do now that councilman khue is rushing me my vote is yes h no sorry no no no no yes to khue no to this what did you say was your vote no I say no I say yes KH no to don't with this thank you you're welcome thank you councilman council president council president I I I I must have to say that I really like I really like the way counil M Jackson pay so much attention about me if I'm sweating if I'm hot if I'm cool if I got water if I don't have water I don't know but he paying close attention about how I look which is fine I appreciate that with you like it or not I appreciate that you know I yes I I must say and if you have cologne or I don't have cologne he he he pay attention about all of that but I definitely want to say that I don't agree people don't come to the mic and speak anyway that's not true if you see um people like ceasefire they came with a legitimate concern a secy I extend the time that's a problem that need to be addressed but we got a few members of the community that they come here to attack all the council Cali to attack the administration and I would not allow that now everybody is free to come to the council and use the three minute but you have three minutes and I'll be clear I will continue enforcing that law as long as i' become I've been here at the seat I will continue enforcing those three minutes so a few members of the public they came in and they spoke for a little longer but they came with a very legitimate concern that need to be addressed and we need to hear that this is the house of the people we here to listen to the community but this type of legislation is just to disrupt this governing body body the functioning the way we functioning we here to work and pay attention to the community and if you see this uh agenda 70 plus Idol there's a lot of great things for the community and this is the job that we're supposed to do here if you ask me we should not be making any other comment we should be paying attention to this um you know uh this this this is the Bible for every Tuesday you know our agenda but some you know council member they choose to speak about everything else and talk about the same thing over and over in every meeting and now for the members of the public my I strongly advise you if you have a problem with public War we have our great DPW director Billy Rodriguez he's here why you don't address him we have most of the time Library director Joel ramire from Health and Human Services they are here and I encourage every person that has a problem you could call me you could call you coun k you could call the director we are here to serve the community but most importantly we are here to get the job done and it's to get agenda done with that being say my vote is no Madam clerk thank you council president the votes are two in favor six against one absent item number eight fails mad now item number seven Madame clerk on first reading let's go on the order item number eight I'm sorry seven reads ordinance amending chapter 22 of the Patterson code to be entitled filming permits Administration so move move by Council second by councilwoman Davila roll call Mad cler on item number seven discussion for a minute discussion Council mes um Madame ba uh do you took my recommendation to increase it almost like nework no council president I actually have um a chief of staff here who works um on the filming issue with um Delan McCall and so if he might be able to come to the microphone and talk a little bit about um how they how they decided on the amounts yes here good evening you turn it on turn turn your M no right here all right yes cool good evening good evening so so what's a question sorry there's the fees are in the package but you have a a question from Council mes just for the record I recommended in a in a workshop to put the fee at the same fee that new has definitely yeah uh I do recall that uh so if you and everyone else in the council agree I believe that we can make an amendment to that we did Amendment on on the workshop right and it's supposed to be amendment in the floor today for that so I want to do an amendment on the floor uh to put the fee as the Newark has it right now nework has it 500 of basic filing permit and th expedited permits do we have an outline of new works yeah right and behind pack it's behind council president coun Council um Council mava so I I'm not speaking for the administration I want to speak upon what we discussed in finance okay and so as a chair of Finance when this item was being discussed the reason for those Amounts is so we can be a little more competitive than the other town so when norc was looked at and other uh municipalities were looked at the Administration felt that in order to be competitive then we would increase but not to the same amount as uh norc so I just wanted to say that um if this Council chooses that they want to increase and you know be the same as norc you know this Council will decide on that but I just wanted to let it be known the reason why those numbers I did a Mot is a motion on the floor to increase it for nor there's a motion on the floor can you give us a second Council yeah you know we're in discussion CC so so um but what is your motion the motion is to put the same fee that nor has to put that to the it says okay nor has uh $500 for basic filing permit a do expedited permits and the other one is daily filment permit for for fee at of A500 so that is the fee that they have right now we have right now we only have the fee that they presented us is um 5750 so uh Council so there's there's a motion on the floor do we have a second council president I uh so we're in the middle of you want to retract your motion that director because there's a motion on the floor I need to know if I have a second I'll second it there's a motion on the floor um move by Council M and second by Council m to add to you know make the same fee of filming from patteron as Newar to make the same the fee the same uh there's a motion on the floor right I just want to clarify the motion um specifically the amendment because I know that the last uh supplemental document there was a little bit of an error uh on the nework daily permitting fee it's in the last outdated one it's at $2,000 per day it's in fact ,500 which is what we are proposing uh that's why that's why so if we understand that there's a motion on the floor by by Council M second council president I no I understand that council president Council because we're in discussion so are you saying uh chief that the the amounts are the same so the only thing that the amendment would change is the expedited fee because currently so it's not the other fees so what fees are similar to nor which ones the currently it's the basic permit fee and the daily permitting fee that we are proposing that is similar to nework so what is not the expedited fee it's at $750 right now 1,000 no no no no let's not confuse it hold on Council Members we have we have our permits right now okay is our permit right now is 200 this is easy the permits right now is from from from 300 to 750 no what uh just to clarify it's that's what I'm saying you say 300 and we put in 500 on the um on the basic filming and uh instead of 750 we put in a thousand to expedite permits okay that's what we put in in the ordinance in the daily filing fee you have um will be 1500 up to 750 so we put in a of, 1500 up front on daily on front right so okay not 750 up to, 1500 no no no so just to clarify again uh the basic permit fee we are proposing an increase to $500 council president I would like to retract my second please counc I would like to retract my second please okay let the record reflect that c what is the permit right now trct motion it's 300 and we're proposing to increase it to 500 but it's not saying it here sir it isn't there president um councilman Jackson what have we collected last year to date in these fees for uh I do not have that information on a hand I can definitely Circle back and provide you with that information M I don't have a total amount either have a b part okay you got no because I I um Miss McCall is the one who processes all the payments so I I don't know that money is being utilized for what it goes into the general budget yep and we don't know how much the uh council president I'm retracting my motion I I got the fee updated thank you Council mes for retracting the motion that means that uh so moving forward with this item but we if there's no other question mad Madam Madame ba uh make sure you um provide the the um the request from Council M Jackson about the the total amount that we been collected from our Council pres so roll um council members good so just a final point of discussion so my point is and I understand that increasing fees helps with whatever Revenue gaps we have but my prayer is that with the money that's received we can do better and the quality of service that is provided to the residents of this community we have to make sure that that happens with the the garbage the pickup the Lo the littering The Dumping the all all the stuff that's happening that if this if this fee if these fees are being voted on and approved tonight that that money be allocated to ensure that goes to those quality of life issues that our residents are complaining about thank you council president uh thank you uh so roll call M cler on this item roll call on item number seven on first reading councilman abdell aiz first reading yes councilwoman cotton no no did they did if I can they did with drw and you're saying that we're charging 500 more on them no so we were just increasing the basic permit fee from 300 to 500 and the expedited fee the expedited permit fee right uh to 750 and the daily permitting fee or filming fee I should say to 1500 um let me just say you don't have no kind of figures from none of them years like 21 and 22 and 23 you ain't got no figures nothing from none of them some years like how you don't we just Javier was just able to look up it's from from January of this year we have $36,250 January to now mhm yes from January to now I'm about to be okay correct okay okay all right all right this is first reading um just try you know to have those figures if you can next time before the second reading next month problem thank you uh Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilwoman C councilwoman dava councilwoman Dava councilwoman Dava Council M Dava oh yes yes okay um councilman Jackson yes thank you councilman khik yes councilwoman Mims so it's a first reading um I would like to see the dollar amounts of what we've received in the past from all the movies that's provided I know that in the past we talked about the movies and there being some level of allocation to the patteron parks friends of patteron parks um I would like to see those allocations of what that was not that I'm against this at this point but I'm going to vote no because we don't have that information before us and I think it's prevalent to us moving forward so I'm going to vote no on tonight but please have that information readily available for a second reading my vote is no Madam clerk thank you councilwoman councilman um another thing that we had to look into it the board education increase the insurance policy from 3 million from from from 1 million2 million to 3 million2 million for use of any property in the schools they had to put a higher uh policy uh to cover the any kind of event if we could looking to increasing also the requirement of policy because if something happens I know that probably not going to have the amount of money and they don't want we don't want to see liability against the city so if you look if you could look into insurance or permits okay uh to increase the policy on it that they had to surrender would be good to be covered just in case something happens saying that uh I'm I'm satisfied with it because they you know they satisfied what I was looking for um my vot is is yet for the first reading okay thank you councilman council president U thank you mad clerk um one of thing that I would like to see with this um um legislation is uh from January until until now we collect 7 37,000 and change is my understanding I would like to see this money not going into the general account but more into our children to support filming music art and find a way to reallocate this funding it would be nice uh Madame ba to just not get this little you know um whatever we make out of um filming into the J account this will motivate other the kids to get into filming music art they will be important we got even I elaborate director here so we're speaking about funding and being created can you imagine that the money from filming we uh you know through the library uh director and the budget we could reallocate some of the funding for filming music art it'll be amazing so that's the conversation that I would like to have I'm definitely going to support this but I'm going to put a lot of pressure into this now make to make sure that this money doesn't go into the J account but more into some area like the library to encourage our children into film and music or um you know um you know other attractive activity for our children uh my vote is yes Madam clerk thank you council president the votes are seven in favor one against one absent first reading ordinances is adopted on first reading second reading will be held at the regular meeting of October 15th 2024 thank you mad clerk item number nine mad clerk um on first read item number nine first reading that's item number nine on first reading refunding Bond ordinance of the city of Patterson and the county of P state of New Jersey the city authorizing the issuance of not to exceed $2,750,000 aggregate principal amount of General obligation refunding Bonds on the city to undertake an energy Savings approvement Program and appropriating the proceeds thereof the finance item so move move by council mavila do we have a second second second by councilman Val discussion disc discussion councilman of um colleague no I think this one has to do Madame give me the over rview of uh item number nine sure and uh on on page number five Project funding and revenue sources can you break down that page for me as well yeah so um I actually have the some of the gentlemen from ABM are here and they have provided I believe um some packets that are maybe in front of you um so I would ask that maybe they they come up to the podium this is something that we have been talking about the infrastructure um upgrades that we need and using this tool to do so um that's called The Energy savings Improvement plan um and they can talk through we scaled this down from our last conversation we were using uh we were going to be doing a project uh of or using about 7.2 million of of ARP funds um now we're using two uh million of ARP funds but we have other um the supplemental funding from our supplemental ta as well as the bond which is what actually number nine is so I'll I'll let these guys talk a little bit about what the project looks like okay um okay so number nine is the bonding amount correct correct so that's the bonding amount but that this money is going to go into the project of I thought the I was taken off uh it was removed and they bought REM they didn't they didn't bring it to I wasn't here at the last Workshop maybe it wasn't there it wasn't on Workshop they brought it back tonight it wasn't on Workshop it was on the the workshop agenda last week yes and we were talking that but what what we did is we didn't have the final amount so we said that we were going to be that we send the items home on Friday so instead of 7 point some something million now it's going to be 5551 million for those uh improvements uh correct okay and where is this 1.15 million coming from that's supplemental transitional Aid that we received from the state of New Jersey for um specific projects including part of the renovations around the health building and part of the roof repairs at Riverside vets so that's that amount part of Health building uh renovation it is going towards this overall project correct but where is this money actual money money coming from overall just the transitional Aid amount is not allocated to anything you could use it for General no you have to use it for the specific projects that we've that we requested so we have 1.15 and from our ARP fund we're using 2 million correct and we bonding 2.7 million correct coun council president um thank you um I'm I'm sorry just Council m on on that note your next um but Madame be can you elaborate a little bit more just just on the same on line of thought that councilman colleague in question has the 2.7 million there's a bond that we taking how do we planning to pay this money I understand that we planning to pay that with a saving correct and you elaborate correct so each year um the city is saving money and then we are going to be using that money to pay Down The Debt Service of this Bond so that is going to be reallocated directly to cover it correct to offset this day correct okay Council mment so just to um add to that if the savings does not equate that means that ABM would have to write a check to the city correct that's correct I just want you on record I want the community to hear this so so originally to the public and then I'll have some points to the public this was a seven .4 million project right Council has some concerns we it it didn't move forward so it reduced from 7.4 now we're down to 2.75 correct. 5.6 yes but 2.75 is the Energy savings Improvement plan dollars the correct the bonding side right is the bonding side savings amounts through the state program called The Energy savings Improvement plan correct okay so the AR dollar amount is $2 million correct okay the supplemental funding we had a conversation regarding a 1.150 which alarmed me because you said to me I said where's the funding coming from and you said you were told veterans and the behavioral health which was connected to the health department so the the Riverside vets Community Center and the Board of Health Billing bus so the Riverside vet and the Board of Health building Health builds so from those actual projects itself so I I'll defer I might wait I I just want Clarity because that that doesn't make sense this is saying supplemental funding from New Jersey yeah it's so it's supplemental ta each year well we had for three years we requested certain projects that the state gave us an extra one year was $8 million another year was like $10 million we used that to buy police cars for example we had different requests for different departments we had a request that we put in for the health building and we had a request for the Riverside vets building the total amount that we got from that was was the 1.15 but it doesn't cost it doesn't cover the total amount of the projects that are needed there so this is helping us this project the whole esep is helping us cover the remainder so just to put on the record now the the allocation difference now it will not be on the back of the taxpayers correct that is correct okay um the ARP dollar amount is no longer 7.4 it has been reduced to $2 million correct that is correct okay um the list has Council no no oh so in the new adjusted list there's only a few items that were pretty much removed or not included but there's still a robust list that was presented to this Council um a lot of times it's not about not supporting is about making sure that it's cost effective and that the taxpayers are not B taxed at a high high interest rate or for the most part we won't be sitting here by the time that Bond would have came back for it to be paid back to the to the community so I'm I'm happy to know that there has been some due diligence done to make sure that our concerns and our voices were heard to ensure that we have uh our buildings up to cold and that it's safe so with that being said I'm counc president I'm ready for the vote thank you and I and I have to and I have to and I have to commend the council I have to congratulate all my Council C because they they went down hard and you guys on the last meeting but guess what they asked tough question and and because before it was 7.4 million directly from our our our money from the state now look at now it's totally different what we have in front of us since this is something that we could vote and relay on uh so we ask the questions I think we're ready for a vote council president councilwoman uh C let me just um oh thank you um council president I just want to say that when I'm looking at this um spreadsheet that you prepared for us the green is what you actually going to be working on correct the ones in the green correct now everybody know we've been sitting in the Riverside vet and that thing been blowing do y'all know what been blowing we should have been on the roof but it's it's in the back of the pool wherever is at and it's blowing and it's cold and our seniors are in there and it's awful that big hole they got in the wall that's blowing which should be our top but I see we got four buildings yes Riverside vet that's very important because that's our seniors there no I just want to make the audience aware of what's happening when our seniors are sitting in Riverside vet from 10:00 to 2:00 this thing is blowing air in there and it should be on top of the uh roof but it's it's right there it's making all kind of noise and so we got DPW we got the Board of Health which we already know the Board of Health needed um that air conditioned hbac unit so when I'm looking at the green I'll just say to my colleagues everything in the green is what they going to be working on thank you thank you gentlemen thank you that will be fixed we um councilman Jackson so just for a point of clarity these items have to come back before us once they go out for a third party bid that is correct for the various portions of the project yep um roll call clerk on item number nine roll call on item number nine Council for first reading councilwoman abdelaziz yes councilwoman Cod yes councilwoman Dava yes councilman Jackson yes councilman khik uh I would like to get an updated list of the improvements uh what has been uh deleted and uh it might be the packet that you have that you received on Friday okay okay and um this we do need Improvement on those buildings and my uh for first reading my vot is yes thank you councilman councilwoman Mims let me think about it so thank you for answering my pointed questions and me being able to drill and to make sure as you know and understand that we have to make sure as we're sitting on this side that is is not about what we want to do but it's really about the safety and the priority of not just the residents but the employees of the city they are working in those buildings and the facilities people visit those facilities and we have to make sure everybody is safe with that being stated my next life I might be on one of your head head CFOs in the build company but my vote is just thank you councilwoman Mims councilwoman VZ uh one thing I get say if if any anything that was presented here was not the facts then probably it will vote no but a lot of things that have been presented here is things that had hit the headline news in the city of patteron like the uh the closing of the Board of Health and and and that's one of the cases that hit the headlines but there was other inance that was closed because there was no heat or it was closed it was no AC the situation with the city Chambers uh uh the roof falling and H the headline news and other times the boiler was not working it closed the city was called to to call the situation and the other things that the seniors deserve better so everything that have been submitted to us is facts that we need to take action on it and the city and the city through the council hire you guys to make the analyst and the audit to make this possible and in the and the and what happened oh so the the city make the first step to hire you guys to make sure the audit the analysis and the assessment was what the what the really the city needs now the actions come forward and uh and hopefully moving forward the residents of patteron will not see all this building back in the headline news in a negative way that they will see it in a positive way uh um moving forward so saying that my first in the first reading my vote is yes if anything change probably not my what is yes thank you councilman valz council president thank you mad clerk I want to commend the council at the last meeting we asked a lot of tough question um that helped ABM to come back with the different proposal and a different way of to finance this project so now you got my support one of the thing I'm going to say that we're going to follow follow up I know you have to come back uh for a bidding process we have to approve those bid uh so we're going to be in communication we're going to follow up we're definitely going to see those building in a better condition better shape uh so with that being said my vote is yes M thank you council president the votes are eight in favor none against one absent item number nine is adopted on first reading second reading will be held at the regular meeting of October 15th 2024 thank you Madame clerk item number 10 madame CL thank you you're welcome item number 10 on first reading ordinance vacating a portion of Cumberland Avenue south of towa Avenue and extending to River Terrace where the said portion has not been utilized as a public roadway sponsored by councilwoman Dr Lisa mim's Public Works move by counil councilwoman Mar council president I'm sorry move by Council Mims second by DAV second and councilman Ms are moving correct also council president I I discussion I'm sorry for discussion coun the counc so um I'm happy to see this item I have been for quite some time working uh with the council president of Little Falls who is the owner of sca's monuments um over on uh TOA AV and um this item has been to us I know it was removed by the administration there was some stuff going on back and forth so councilwoman I'm very happy to see this item here um interestingly as a um sponsor I'd like to be added to that as it's something that I have been working on with him and I know you as well so I'd like to uh add myself to that and to finally say to Mr scoa that finally after so many years finally it's going to get done and I don't think anyone here if you've gone there and you've seen I know uh uh director Rodriguez you know because I know this has been discussions back and forth um but I'm happy that it's here now it's getting done and I'm in full support so thank you very much uh council president president I'm coun president I was I'm sorry councilman bz and councilman Jackson so I'll go so I'm glad that this came I have numerous emails sent when this was on the U and director Billy is aware of it um councilman colleag was re aware of this situation I was said the sitting chairman of DPW um numerous numerous email was sent back and legal is aware of the communication to expedite this uh also councilwoman I would like to be sponsor on this please okay as we had the conversation before off record to thank you Council U ounc and I have councilman Jackson and Council M council president thank you so I noticed there there's a report from a surveyor here that's um um certifying some of the information was there a traffic study done yes where's the traffic study uh it should be attached if it's not we can make sure it's for the next meeting it was approved by the board it was approved uh two years ago approved by whom by the zoning board the director here the director the traffic the traffic study was done when huncha was still here h two years ago um we uh director we we went happen I mean I don't need it at the moment but you have a you have we'll get it find it no problem all right thank you all Council so perfect said councilwoman Dava so when um I was reached out in regards to this item it had been in a it has been a stal mate for about two years so I went to the location I want to commend uh director Billy the engineer cuz I went to see like what's holding it up but I wanted to make sure that all council members cuz sometime when vacate comes up there's a lot of questions but when you go there this is It's the cemetery it's just a strip and it's the business there's nothing there you can't drive anything through it unless you G drive a tombstone through there there nothing there so when he reached out I had them meet me meet me there oh yes and it was a no-brainer so we got we're pushing it for it to get it done it's nothing to be put there this is a no-brain I wanted to make sure that there were good pictures there so everybody could see it um and I'm sure he's watching he's out of the country but he's watching this is a no-brainer I mean I know others may want to speak but council president I'm ready to vote uh thank you uh councilman KH thank you um this is this is it is in the second world it is not by a residential area and no public use that um small little strip there is a dead end basically the dead end middle of nowhere and also this item been you know we keep talking about kicking can down the street that's what's been happening for last last two years but she got it done I give you I give you all the powers thank you I give you all the director is there I I probably emailed him I don't know how many times when uh councilwoman valz was the DPW chair he received my email too so power to you councilwoman thank you and let's vote all right roll this is you heard that councilman this is this is about time GT I've been a part of the I'm a found founding member I'm a founding member Council roll call on item number 10 roll call on item number 10 for first reading councilman abdell aiz yes number 10 councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman daver yes councilman Jackson yes councilman khik yes councilwoman Mims I'm a quote Council Flavio Rivera he said no matter how it start off it's who gets it done councilman abdalaziz I've always been a part of the GTD crew now it's officially on record my vote is yes Madam clerk thank you councilwoman um councilman valz I want to say thank you to the uh to the legal department to take their time to draft hold on to draft it to bring it here let me say this this was not stuck nowhere that was only only to draft the ordinance on it okay only draft the ordinance and and once again if you look at the all the emails sent to am abushi regarding to draft the audience to bring it here so who you going to blame who you going to blame nobody so is here I want to say thank you to uh councilwoman um Lisa Min to sponsor something that we don't have nothing to do with it because it's the board it's the board that approve it but one thing I have to say yeah one thing I have to say is uh the owner the owner of this place have been maintaining cutting the grass maintaining it and um and and having communication with the cemetery to see if they want it they don't want it and um they be maintaining it's fair enough that uh and the good thing is going back to the tax roles is a councilwoman is going back to the tax roles um I don't know council members we're in a voting section uh council members so we have so yes thank you my vote is yes thank you councilman council president my vote is yes M clerk thank you council president the votes are eight in favor none against one absent item number 10 is adopted on first reading second reading will be held at the regular meeting of October 15c pres sorry council member we only have five more on on first reading the gentlemen back there they want to leave because they want to see director so director FL SM Council Cali promised me that we're going to finish this agenda of first reading so let's let's let's go to so we have the non consent so we have non I'm going to start with item 51 on the noncon agenda list Madame clerk let's start down the line please what we have 51 yes item 51 on the non consent okay item number 51 resolution authorizing Award of contractor DSi Medical Services Inc for alcohol and drug testing for employees and pre-employment of the city of Patterson RFP number number 202 24-8 Administration resolution number 24 57 move by Council second by councilwoman Davila roll call M cler on item 51 let me ask um who is this Administration discussion Council coton let me ask you something um I know this is uh the drug testing and U pre-employment uh is it pre pre-appointment um uh physical or something is it a physical drug testing okay what drugs are you testing I um because my my understanding that you you cannot test for marijuana no more I think it's I think you can test for Coke but I don't think you can test for marijuana I'm just saying everybody every job I know they're not testing for marijana no more unless something happens can nobody can't answer I don't know exactly um what number is that c but I think it tests for more than marijuana no no that's what I'm saying but you really not sure it's overall it's it's a general it's a drug test yeah so it's not just marijuana but I'm saying I know there's employees out there now that don't test for marijuana anymore unless something happens and they do text that's all I'm asking yeah okay you know Billy 72 I know you could you you got you got to send people to be there's about there's about 12 categories on the list so when we get it back marijuana is one of them we can't hold it against the employees no longer okay what is this for now we talking about thank you yes a roll call cler on item 51 roll call on item number 51 why they call the director forward for that councilman abdell aiz councilwoman cotton councilwoman Dava yes councilman Jackson yes councilman colleague yes councilwoman Mims so before I vote we previously um we voted on consent agenda and I didn't realize that in the consent agenda that my Splash Pad is in there and I don't know is it too late that um I want to remove it it's late we already we already voted well then I'm going to make a request that I be a part of the move of that item for bear track park or my name could be added on there as a sponsor okay cler council members clerk one second let that record reflect that we adding uh Council Ms at the second motion of the um of the conscent agenda okay okay thank you uh for item 51 my vote is yes okay thank you councilwoman um councilman valz uh about about three years ago I include I I requested to include the council into drug testing and all that stuff I don't know if we could qualify on that true yeah no we're in a vote go ahead about three years ago I requested to include the council in drug testing and um but you know I don't know it never happened but my vote is yes on this okay she want um she wants to be added all right Madam we are in vote I voted yes okay thank you thank you coun council president uh my vote is yes madame clerk thank you the votes [Music] are eight in favor one absent item number 51 is hereby adopted um thank you thank you madam clerk um there's I know director Fleming from the library he here here for two item two item 70 M let do item 70 70 yeah 70 item number 70 resolution honoring L pada on 40 years of service to the Patterson free public library and the city of Patterson sponsored by councilwoman Dr Lisa Mims council president Alex Mendes councilman MD Ford Udin and councilman Lewis VZ statutory agency resolution number 24 colon 591 so second moved by councilwoman Mims councilman council president are are you not listening now no I'm I'm listening Council councilman council president mtis and Council Davila um second um and and if you could speak council member a little Clos to the mic so time it's hard for you know so roll call M cler on item 70 roll call on item number 70 um for adoption uh councilman abdell aiz yes councilwoman cotton l p 40 years yes councilwoman Dava I want to congratulate Lou bosada on 40 years of service I mean so many years that shows your dedication and especially for our children because who visits our libraries most our children young adults and so I want to congratulate you um sorry that it took 40 years for this but congratulations my vote is yes thank you councilwoman councilman Jackson yes councilman khik okay councilwoman Mims um before I vote item number 39 and the consent agenda is still listed as Clinton Street park it should be the Janette as Thompson Park so just can we just make sure it's um corrected before we print it um so that could be given to her in the frame my vote is yes and congratulations thank you councilwoman M um councilman valz my vot is yes I will do my comment at the last one council president um thank you madam clerk um U I just want to take time to congratulate L pada for giving 40 year of your life to the great city of pison my vote is yes thank you councilman the votes are seven in favor two absent 71 item number 20 item number 70 hereby adopted thank you mad clerk item 71 right resolution item number 71 resolution honoring Thomasina Duncan on her retirement from the pon free public library and dedication to the city of Patterson sponsored by councilwoman Lisa Mims and council president Alex MZ statutory agency resolution number 24 592 move council president yeah move by councilman bz councilwoman Mims council president Mendes and second by councilwoman Davila council president Council both resolution came in petition through the chair tary agency by the director and I submitted it to um with the instruction to Legal that both resolution I will sponsor it and I don't see me in the 71 one I don't know how that happens but I would like to be included in the 71 to at dly notice councilman bless mad clerk let the record reflect that councilman bless has to be also a sponsored on 71 um uh on item 71 roll call council members mad clerk on item 71 council1 um Madame clerk let let also the record reflect that council is second item 71 also as well Council m sponsor and also Council woman C second the item on as well second she's second to the item okay thank you I'm a second and so it's councilwoman yes exactly I have you and then three three move Council councilwoman council president M and two second it got itoll call roll call on item number 71 councilman abdell aiz yes councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman daver yes councilman Jackson yes coun Council KH yes councilwoman Mims uh thomasena you've done an amazing job we're going to miss you but you've done great work just to the director can you send me a text on what colors they like so when we frame it it is color the mat is in their favorite color all right Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilwoman mens councilman Val so councilwoman uh cotton and the ums in another District you know when we talk about library and we talk about the previous honory that we did uh we had to uh set a day for that the one that we um passed but she was not available um C council members uh council members we we can't even hear what council m is saying that can you can I know that's him he need to shut up just just turn the mic off council members please SOC so when we when we council members Hallelujah Council okay so so when when you know I'm blessed to be the chair of a satary and the council woman men also is blessed because we see things that probably other people don't see right especially with statutary agency uh Library um courts Museum and parking authority but this one when we speak about a library all you guys going to re uh uh is going to agree with me this was the second home of Kevin Milford and Elvis Milford Kevin Milford was my stepson and this was his second home second home and um the director couldest that um and everything that comes from those employee I had to honor because they took time for them and this is the second home for a lot of our students second home for our kids are are don't have no places to go that parents has two jobs three jobs don't have the time probably to dedicate to them this is the second home that's why I I call for that meeting to tatary agency with the library to get some facts to improve or whatever we could do to lobby for that second home of a lot of kids from Patterson so I commend lose and also tomasen for dedicating their time with passion and compassion for the kids of the city p and especially what they did for Kevin Milford in the time time that he was using that as a second home saying that thank you for the service and let's continue doing the great job that the library is join my vote is yes thank you councilman valz council president thank thank you m congratulation to Masina my vote is yes thank you council president the votes are eight in favor one absent resolution number 71 is hereby adopted thank you thank cor yes thank you very much um these employees have already been acknowledged by the library we had celebrations for them but thank you for acknowledging them on a public setting uh when you give uh 40 years or 39 years of service to a city it's remarkable um the person Mr Mr valet the person um is Mna chalice the young lady that you honored earlier this summer um so I'm grateful for that um and thank you but um I'd like to address the Council on some things that happened earlier because I came for I came for this tonight council members we have Council council members I have the director director goad I came I came tonight to to to be here to represent my staff um and also we have something else on the um on the uh on the agenda that passed on consent that I'd like to touch on too um so going to I I don't come here too often but I want to get some of your time um I've worked for uh the city of Patterson for about 7even years um I got about 20 years of experience working in public libraries working in academic libraries I do a lot of work on a county level I do a lot of work on the state level and on a national level and every place I go I represent Patterson right so when I and some of these programs and initiatives that I bring to different libraries Across the Nation I also want to bring back to the city of Patterson but we have to be able to think about creative ways I understand there's budget crunches I understand that there's there's other issues at at stake but we have to really sit down right I don't I don't always get three three three uh bodies of government in the building the um the administration the uh city council I have board representation but these are some important conversations that we need to have when we talk about investment in our cities we talk about our our children we can't we we can't cut Corners when comes to that that's right you know I don't talk much I I I'm a very shy person but it comes at a point in time that I have to represent for the people that I work for and every day I'm in the I'm in the streets I'm on the front lines our team are work the the library we're working so hard to try to find creative ways of bringing dollars to the city of trying to bring programs initiatives all different types of programs I have a lot trust me I have a lot of initiatives I have a lot of ideas I try to do anything from you know shared services you know trying to leverage Partnerships as much as we can but we're going to be able we're going to need the support of of of of the of the administration we're going to need some support of the city council we have to sit down and think about creative ways creative ways share stor Shar Services uh with different departments share services with cities share services with the school district right mixed use facilities being able to to to to utilize already existing spaces so that we can make libraries work but we have to seriously seriously have conversations I know that there's some conversations and meetings that we're having I know the budget's coming up and everything like that but we really have to think about the investment in our city we have a city on a verge of revitalization right but you have to match that revitalization with the with with investing in the future because because all the uh all of the um infrastructure all of the the the new designs the parks the playground everything who's going to be able to run those and the next 10 15 years we got to think about what we do my role Your Role the the the administration's role the board's role and making sure that our our our libraries and our are just represented at the table um that being said there was an item on consent that um number 50 that was on a consent agenda thank you for voting on that that's bring a a million dollar Grant a grant fund to outs to out outfit a existing space in a Housing Authority community center right and so we're going to be able to take that do those dollars and outfit it but if we don't have the support or the Staffing we can't we can't accept that money that's right so we have to really really sit down think about creative ways that we can we can represent and we can we can put things to the table find some money to to be able to leverage so that we can actually provide services to our public Liv um I I want to thank you director for just being here supporting your staff but I also want to thank you for the outstanding job that you doing with the mobile Library I'm so impressed you reaching out our children you going out to all the different communities with the mobile library and it's so excited when I see those kids that they get in there and they could grab a book and open it and read it it's amazing uh and speaking about budget I already make a request and it's about the funding that that we getting from filming I know from January until now here that we got we have 37,000 that money should be allocated to the library so I'm making a formal request for us to allocate those funding from move uh from filming directly into the library to support all those program that you have it's on the floor it's a request that I made it before and I'm just reiterating that so in support of the job that you're doing so I want to say thank you don't forget council president that um he also opened a satellite library at your on third war third we have to we have to talk about that and also don't forget that his birthday was this past week okay thank you happy birthday director so there's a conversation and I'm inviting the director Madame BF for us to meet and have that meeting have the dialogue and see how can we come together you know I'm very excited about our mobile Library about the stateof the library that we have in a Heritage Place I want to make sure that we get that done the right way and our children receive that benefit so I want to say thank you for being here okay thank you very much thank you matter let's item 61 thank you um director don't forget to send me the colors oh the colors employees okay let's get these items send us the item number 61 resolution authorizing the solicitation of bids for the Patterson Vista State Park improvements project bid number 2430 for the division of historic preservation of the Department of Economic Development Economic Development resolution number 24 colon 5 82 so move second move by Council second by councilman Ms roll call on item 61 roll call on item number 61 for adoption councilman abdell aiz yes councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman Dava oh she's not here okay councilman councilman Jackson no councilman Kik is not here okay um councilwoman Mims yes councilman VES I want to see this moving quickly because when you go up to the mountain in Garett mountains and you look down and you see the the the the stadium and you see the stadium you see the new development of departments and you see that the area is improving but you see a blank a spot there that you want to see reconstruct that people can stand there and say we have a mountain to see over patteron so my my vote is yes thank you councilman council president my vote is yes clerk thank you council president the votes are five in favor one against three absent item number 61 is here by adopted thank you m cler item see2 can you bring out item number 62 resolution of the city of Patterson in the county of P state of New Jersey making application to the local Finance board as applicable pursuant to a njsa 4 a colon 3-1 EQ and previous approvals by said board and B 9 JSA 4A col 2-51 and njsa 40a col 2-55 Finance item resolution number 24583 so moved second move by Council Ms second by Council roll call cler on item 62 roll call on item number 62 for adoption councilman abdell aiz yes councilwoman cotton councilwoman daver oh she's not here I'm sorry she's coming okay um councilman Jackson no coun I wait councilwoman Mims This is the item for uh the local Finance board it goes in conjunction with the parking authority item Tony Perez has been a blessing to the city and I definitely cannot um stand in the way of of being on the other side of not supporting him my vote is yes thank you councilwoman um see councilman khik I'm sorry councilman valz this is 62 yes oh listen if we approve the other one we need to have the other leg to make it sure that it move forward so this is the other leg at the table the other leg of the table right so um my vot is yes thank you councilman councilwoman DAV my vote is yes for item 62 Council and colleague my vote is yes as well Madam CL council president by V is yes M clerk the votes are seven in favor one against one absent counc item number 62 is hereby adopted uh so let the record reflect the item 63 is out of the agenda let's move to item 64 wow he did move it 63 63 um 64 63 is removed it's been removed yes 64 M clerk 64 item number 64 resolution authorizing a contract Amendment for the qualification SL proposals for the design and permitting for the recreation center needs study for division of engineering of the Department of Public Works Public Work item resolution number 2485 so move move by councilwoman um uh second by councilman b roll call M clerk on item 64 roll call on item number 64 councilman abdelaziz yes councilwoman cutton pass you say yes pass pass oh pass um councilwoman Dava yes councilman Jackson yes councilman khik yes councilwoman Ms so for me I I personally I I don't agree with uh uh one recreational center in the city I believe that there should be multiple or possibly recreational centers in every Ward I want to commend the six Ward who's building their own recreational center with their own dollars and so for me to be in a position to allocate funding uh for proposal design to look for one Rec Center I would do a disservice to our youth and our community for one our youth if I work in education every day I'm a mom and a grandmother if anyone knows anything about the youth of this community they cannot even go from Street to Street or even up the hill it's beyond up the hill down the hill it's beyond that now was you can't be across the street from each other so I'm just not understanding the uh understanding just looking into one recreational center um that's tied to the police department how is that going to benefit the other thing I want to put on record is a recommendation or request that when we're doing anything with Recreation with the recreational centers we should make sure that we have the director uh recreational director involved assemblyman Benji wimbley he is the director of wreck what happened you turned the lights off no please it's too no but you can't see darker in the screen no it's too you got to turn the TV on turn it on now turn the light on turn the light this guy want to go home I would like to see that I don't know where this is going to go tonight it may even be approved but for me not having the uh director of recreation and assembly man benj wmy who's been doing that for decades in addition to not being concerned about all the Youth of the community where we could partner with the schools and do all those things that's just my stand Madam clerk my vote is no thank you councilwoman um councilman vales so in this item I took the chance and opportunity to have a conversation with the ba in the beginning is how how you draw a picture it's how you draw a picture and when and when the picture was draw it it was say that is going to be in the same building the police the same building the police the police are going to be walking through there and all that stuff it's not that it's not that the the Acres that have the police department is is is a is a goalmine that it could do a lot of stuff in there now a lot of stuff in there now I brought my concern to the administration they will noted and um there was line what I we thinking about we killing we killing two birds in one shot with this study a new headquarters adjusting to a recreation center in the beginning everybody was saying it was in the same building same building same building it's not going to be in the same building and the study is to put together what people took from those forums and put it in a place that is going to be beneficial to to the whole entire city regarding how the kids going to get there a lot of people exaggerate I don't want no kid walking from third world all the way down downtown and this and that we spoke to Madame ba Madame ba came also agree with the idea ofou understanding uh with the school district whatever for transportation or whatever what to make a safe cordor so so but this is a this is a step up um I think that we killing two birds in one shot we will put a new police department that everybody is complaining about and also we will we will put a recreation center and please take out of your mind it's going to be in the same building let the project move forward in the study move forward the right way and then when the scope of work comes in when the dollar amount comes in then we could start uh probably debating where we getting the money the funding and and and to move it forward to complete as we want and deserve saying that I'm not going to get in the middle of something that going to be progress okay and at least we started with something when the City come out her the pending fund the state and some of us try to create revenues right now we had to deal with this and um moving forward I will give the blessing making sure that it's right moving forward my vote is yes thank you councilman um council president uh thank you madam clerk even though that this is the beginning of council president I'm sorry have to get back to councilwoman coton she passed she voted she passed okay okay that's no you have to vote there you know the thing is that you um the price I think that it went up but I had said before that for that area um I mean as always I mean we we we do studies we do studies we do studies um you know I remember back in the day um when my kids was in school they had a program called Camp became cus where what they did was they were fifth graders and they were sent up to Camp up to Camp became cus and what they try to do is that um send different schools to the camp you know what if we got to if we got to do a study why we can't get a study that we may have to buy property or something to to build a recreation center um I wanted them to go to the YW on YW I'm talking the YW uh YWCA you know um the study nothing can go down there and that's my belief nothing to me cannot go there I don't see how they can build we need $100 million somebody going to have to get on a vision plan and figure out how we going to come up with a recreation center down there um I I know they saying they want the police department and the recreation center to be together but we got to start looking in other areas even if we got to buy property or whatever we can't and I know that you're looking at the property that we already have it's not going to work I mean you may think that it's going to work but when it you know they're going to come back with a plan of a a a police department a recreation center going to cost us $200 million they got to come up with something I wanted them to go to the YWCA is between the fourth and the fifth W I'm not putting no more money in for a plan my vote is no thank you councilwoman coton um council president um thank you m clerk I mean council members I I think director even though this is the design uh work on this project I'm excited about this project because if if we look at this piece of property where we have the police headquarter it's one of the largest property that the city owns and it's right in the middle of the first by the first W of fourth four and the fifth War this new Rec Center it will impact those that three were in more need of recreation so I'm definitely looking forward to support that and even further our Police Headquarters totally is destroyed so our police department they need a new building and this is the opportunity to combine this project brand new building building for our police department and also a state-ofthe-art recreation center for our community we cannot thinking about having a rec center in every war because it's almost impossible at this time due to the financial situation that we're going through but being creative we could definitely utilize our school building we have a school in every every war of the city of patteron and definitely that agreement with the school to utilize those School building the the basketball court and those facility for our children that's what we need to also work on uh so with that being said I'm excited for this my vote is yes thank you council president council president the votes are six in favor two against one absent item number 64 is hereby adopted 65 M clerk item 65 no 66 that was 65 yes no council member5 65 council member this item the item that we passed was 64 I don't 65 yeah I'm sorry 65 sorry director you look good up there thank you item number 65 is a resolution authorizing the solicitation of bids for the arp2 road resurfacing program bid number 25.5 for the division of engineering of the Department of Public Works per Public Works item res resolution number 24 colon 586 move move move by councilwoman Davila council president Mendes councilwoman Mims council member bz and second by councilwoman Ruby C roll call M clerk on item 65 B didn't move it he moov I hear he move on I'm sorry I'm sorry council president I didn't get all of that councilwoman Dava councilman Mendes Council Dava council president Mendes councilman Ms and councilman and second by Council woman of the fourth W and former mayor of the great city of patteron Ruby cotton thank you roll call yes roll call on item number 65 councilman abdell aiz uh before I vote I haven't said much none of these roads are my ward but let me finish um I do organize Saturday morning walks during the campaign season yes and I walked this area in the First Ward Colonial Al Salem Road Plymouth Road C Road and all of them were complaining about the conditions of the roads and I'm actually glad we're going to be walking there again in the next couple weeks that when we knock on these doors we could tell the residents that they're going to be repaving these roads and um Senator po assemblywoman something was with me that time I think councilwoman davo we we met on that island um we met on that island right over there we all we knocked that knocked on the doors over there and they all compl played so I'm very very happy and satisfied that these roads are getting repaved it's not um Council manager were there that time well sorry when we were going door to door that um and I know the third ward has a lot I see a lot of roads in the third W so I'm very happy but this is particularly because I went into that neighborhood and I knocked on doors when people say we don't get out of the Sixth Ward I'm very happy that these roads are on the administration and the mayor was also knocking on doors that day so um councilman Jackson a lot of roads in your ward yeah repaved and I I I actually um I am supporting it happily so my vote is yes thank you councilman ABD Del aiz Council woman cotton yes there's all the streets first third councilwoman cotton yes yes I said yes councilwoman Dava as a third ward resident and a homeowner for 21 years in the First Ward I am happy to say and as your councilwoman at large I happy to support this item uh my vote is yes thank you councilwoman councilman Jackson oh hush Al should have included when you was knocking in the First Ward against me for the for my reelection unsuccessfully along with your fellow uh cohorts for November election yeah sure it was sure it was same way he got he got his his ass kick anyway my vote is yes Madam cler thank you councilman councilman kle thank you Madame clerk my word border the first word I see all these streets actually two blocks with from my house two three blocks the colonial AB Avenue section right of Chamberlin Avenue almost every street around there getting done um and um I see almost this is the ARP second Road resurfacing project so everything is in the second word I do have a street in the first word Dixon Avenue the dead end um and I'm gladly supporting this item my vote is yes madame thank you councilman councilwoman Mims I got the L yeah the wrong list so this is what happens when you're council at large you can advocate for any water of the city and I just want to say to the administration thank you for pushing these streets forward these streets were in uh you know they they were in a huge disarray so to all the residents of these streets things are getting done and we're moving the city forward I know sometime s sarcastically you hear people say I don't see it moving forward but if your street gets paved something is moving forward so progression and in the voice of Camala Harris we will not go back my vote is yes thank you councilwoman councilman VES even that I don't see any Street here from the fifth word but as a resident of the fifth W and a councilman of the fifth W that travels all the way around the city I'm happy that taking poth holes uh director we approve east 21 between 20 Avenue all the way to Park Avenue when we're going out and fix it we already approved that please give me an update on that east 21 between Park Avenue and 20 and also 17 Avenue from Madison to Rosa Parks saying that I'm happy that we are collaborating working together to see all our RADS I guess this will answer one of the street at East 33rd Street one of the ladies was talking about so my vote is yes thank you councilman council president thank you madam clerk I I um want I remember when I was elect I gave the administration a list of world that need to be fix in the third war a very extensive list and I've been working with Administration we have a very the conversation I would like to thank the administration for pay attention to those road that hasn't been fixed in over 40 years and to my third world resident East 34 between Route 20 Manor R East 35th between Route 20 Manor Road E 36 between 11 Route 20 is 37 uh between the 65 that's the item that we voted on um East 37 between Route 20 and Broadway East 38 between Route 20 and Broadway East 39 between route 20 and bro is 40 that has been fixing over 40 years between Route 20 and BR and Ling the RO between e and po BR they will getting ready to be to be done with this uh so with that being said my vote is yes madame clerk thank you thank you council president the votes are a favor one absent item number 65 is hereby adopted council president council president council president just quick quick6 come on hold on hold on because this this is important two years ago we did a press conference about River Street and we're doing the same thing today it's going to get repaid we going to hold on hold on hold on here say resolution authorized solicitation bit we have to be clear that this not going to be approved today and tomorrow they're going to pave it okay because what happened in River Street two years ago that we announced that 24 then is get delayed because things happen so this is not going to get paav before R Street was delayed because of legal issues not not because of the legal the legal the legal bottle we no no no hold on hold on you took the first step councilman this is the first step to repay yes that's what I'm saying First Step then Award of contract but you have to take a the first step to finish a project this is going to get paid tomorrow it's called the procurement process we're going do it on 66 and right after 69 because they all connected let's do item item number 66 and the one after that9 66 and after that 69 69 we're like all over the place okay item number 66 is a resolution authorizing the solicitation of bids for the Redevelopment of the new Public Safety Dispatch Center at 163-177 Pennsylvania Avenue bid number 25-7 for the division of engineering of Department of Public Works Public Works resolution 24 5 so mov move by councila counc council members so I hear councilman DAV Council Dava councilman D councilwoman Ms and councilman and it's second by councilwoman Ruby roll call roll call M clerk on item 66 okay who second I'm sorry it was moved by Council DAV Council councilwoman Ms Council and second by councilwoman C okay good all right roll roll call on item number 66 councilman abdell aiz yeah so before I vote this is important to invest um in this Dispatch Center for our First Responders uh we need a state are third largest city this is also going to house OEM also um this is one of the dilapidated buildings in my ward that the city owns in in a area that um has seen tremendous progress a very busy industrial um area so I I spoke to our fire fire chief our our um this Dispatch Center could be a hub for p County if we do it right so I ready to see this take the first step I understand we're SL going out for bids let's do it right let's make this uh an area that that the city's going to be able to probably provide services throughout uh pay County because we are that's what uh dispatch centors do and the better Communications all of our public uh safety and First Responders have could probably will um assist in on come on excuse me I spoke for four minutes here this is son of my word is very very important that's right so I will not allow people to tell me hurry up when I hear that done for 45 minutes ramble so director please no hiccups here this building has been an ey Source since 2014 so let's get this project done to the administration please put this on your priority list so my vote is yes thank you councilman councilwoman cotton thank you uh Madam clerk I just want to say this has been a long time coming we going up a bit um I don't know if anybody ever idea watch 911 but when you when I watch 911 I don't know if it still come on or not but you see the state of the art they're sitting in this room I've gone to different police station and part of this country and you see that their dispatch is absolutely wonderful you can follow the cars you can follow the ambulance you can follow everything and this is what I'm hoping that that you know you got somebody on on the phone with a life death situation and they need to know how far away is the amulance how far away is the police officer how far away is stuff so I'm looking forward to I can't wait to see when the bid comes back um as councilman uh Al Al said since 2014 we've been waiting for this this is long time du thank you director Madame clerk my vote is yes thank you councilwoman C councilwoman daver so I took a tour of um this place with councilman Jackson I want to thank you for reminding me that I needed to be there uh the chief and his administration was there with him um and you know I I really liked what I saw in terms of the plans uh for the future for our Dispatch Center um how great it is to house them all together police Fire EMS uh even um moving our TV studio to the basement I mean these employees of ours are going to have a state-ofthe-art building where they're going to have relaxed time because just like you know they're taking these calls they're hearing what's going on you know they also need some mental health rest and so they're going to have you know a space for them to just you know if they're working long hours and they need a break they can pull aside um I'm just very happy I'm very happy for this and you know I'm looking forward you know to to um seeing when these bids come back that we can also support it so congratulations on this first step my vote is yes thank you councilwoman Dava councilman Jackson thank you Madame Clerk and um glad you referenced that councilwoman because uh to move this studio this TV studio which is responsible for public access in the city there and why is that because apparently now we're paying the same entity that had control over that building several $1,000 which you know um just not disappointing not surprising at all the councilman of the 6 who's not concerned about doing a tour through the building and the hundreds of thousands of the millions of dollars that was squand it over there with all that equipment that's there and there's no no uh information on it Madame ba I asked for a report on the expenditure report for that as well as the acquisition of that building and how it transpired I still haven't gotten any of that information you know fortunately I have faith in the current chief as the last Chief was just beating the city over the head with all of the uh nonsense that was going on that was just being blindly approved and everybody was happy to just continue to go along and get along for that as well but um you know based on my my faith in the current chief chief of of the end of the corruption era I'm willing to support this but there's still a lot of things in the past Madame ba when when should I expect to get the reports back from everything T that took place over there all the equipment that was there and what's going on why are we paying rent here when that was something that wasn't um you know uh widely known I mean I'm normally the last to know things around here anyway but um Madam clerk my vote is yes and if you please send cor have someone send correspondence to the Ba's office relative to my request that I've been continu continually making since uh she's been in that seat thank you you're welcome thank you Council uh councilman Jackson councilman C thank you Madame CL hopefully this time around there's no waste of money there this project get completed and um my vote is yes M thank you councilman colle councilwoman Mims with the stress of the work that our dispatchers do with all of the complaints and all the concerns that come through and all the systems Cad and be to be able to hand handle the bandwidth for the capacity of the call volumes that come through to make sure that our Public Safety team whether it's police or fire get correct information one they need to be commended for the work they are doing they also need to be commended for being in the other facility which um is definitely not up to cold so I'm looking forward to this and I'm happy to support our police and fire department and our dispatchers my vote is yes thank you councilwoman Mims councilman bz uh that's why that's why I um in one aspect of support the study of the the headquarters Recreation because at the same time that will give us the sense that dis Patcher had to be moved from that building from the headquarters and put it in a decent place that they could have an environment that they could take calls without no problem or heat problem or coal problem and they could have a lunchroom they could have uh they could have she did it unconscious that's what happened but listen I could make my comments I don't I don't I don't I don't okay I don't need to interrupt in your comments but I know I know that we we friends we friends but um but this is we need this and uh as Council say we the third largest city in the state we have surrounding towns that probably need our assistant with 911 calls and make it happen so my vote is yes on this thank you councilman valz council president my vote is yes M clerk thank you the votes are eight in favor one uh absent item number 66 is hereby adopted thank you madam cler let's do item 69 that is connected with um item 66 item number 69 is a resolution authorized and a contract Amendment for architectural and engineering design services for the proposed Communication Center at 163-177 Pennsylvania Avenue for the division of engineering of Department of Public Works public Works item resolution number 24 move by Council woman M finally C last and C woman uh Davila second by councilwoman of the fourth War Ruby wasn't wasn't I it was second by councilwoman Dava move by councilwoman m and b second by Council DAV cler roll call roll callif item number 69 councilman abdell aiz thank you madam clerk um I'm not going to talk about this again but I just want the residents to know that this this building was in the works before I was on the council and actually half half of the other council members so we're cleaning up and trying to get this done don't even put that out there don't even say it out that's right see I just want to make it clear to the residents of the city of Patterson and these are facts there was a failed business incubator project you was the C that was approved in and proposed in 2015 the planning board approved it 2015 and it try to work its way down so some of the equipment that you hear that was uh purchased for this incubator was approved by prior Council I can't speak about it I wasn't here on this Council any residents um some of the people talking about this equipment was on the council and um I would ask who voted on those purchases um for that equipment Madam ba so my my vote is yes thank you you got a lot of nerve you know what I mean you what of us sat here second council members we're in the voting section c you know like with fail projects and you Council people going to sit up here and say like they was wasn't sitting here because forare a project you know what everything come to us it looks like a good project it's not I mean when it fails it fails don't say that it's council members who vote on project and we thinking that may them brought this project to us we thinking it's a good project and it's not and it don't happen so now don't sit there and say it's council members fault when the project that was brought to us did not make it that is not feel right for you to say stuff like that and I just want to put that on record but my my my but I need you know I need to understand director um this is an increase for the the person who did the contract the drawings for the an amendment for the it's an amendment yes so what what is he what is the increase for uh the scope of work uh um then doing uh utility surveys um ground surveys additional site civil grading drainage Engineering Services um the parking Bay uh the parking lot these are all Engineering Services they doing for that okay okay all right thank you director we want to make sure like you know we're hoping that this project um move forward that we get whatever we get everything that we need we want to see the state of art um 911 call center um that that's what we're looking for it's been a long time coming and we need to have that because like I said people are constantly uh they're calling the 911 so we need to have the state of the art um Madam clerk with that being said my vote is yes thank you councilwoman cotton councilwoman daver so it's it's sad when you know you have a colleague or colleagues calling out on other members you know what a good leader is accepting that sometimes you know what you're not always right y right sometimes you think that you're doing the right thing and you vote a certain way there's one project that I tell you that every time and councilman Jackson has reminded me many times all right about that project that I voted yes for thinking that it was going to be a state-ofthe-art um what do we call it incor no I'm talking about Buckley so what I want to say is a good leader a good leader okay not the park but the was it what do we what do we call it thank you you the facility have the facility trailer trer okay anyway um but on a serious note a good leader can say you know what I was wrong and you know what we just have to do a better job and like councilwoman C and said there are times right that we're looking at it we're sitting down we're reading we're doing committee meetings and we think that it is something good that is being presented by the administration okay that was a failed project as well all right we're here now we're making it better and my vote is yes thank you councilwoman thank you councilman Jackson thank you uh Madam clerk listen I'm not here to point fingers at that I mean I mean this it it you'll be very hard pressed to find success stories where the residents are feeling um the results of that because I can go down the list the trailer park was only one of many I mean stadium is another one the million dollars that we were uh getting ready to spend for the um lead removal at at Great Falls the purchase of this building for $7 million it was well over market rate that was all a part of that and while councilman abdulaziz is not sitting is trying to pass the buck after after the mayor got elected to to to Mayor and he took over they they was doing tours you know talking about the business incubator incubator together he was promoting it alongside the mayor now all of a sudden he's trying to pass the buck to say that oh that was approved Pro PRM but he was over there doing tours of the building and I was screaming bloody Mur murder the entire time even when Ruben gz was here making those uh uh purchases on all that equipment so the business incubator was a failed uh uh concept to begin with and when the mayor was a council person he was Cheerleading it and and then the six4 new six World councilman came on carrying the Water Act now he wants to he wants to pass the buck so um you know none of these these projects that all spent a great deal of money that was over $40 million still not accounted for that the ba is still trying not to relink give up those those reports on $110 million at hens Stadium didn't didn't create any any jobs um while I have residents in the in in in the uh senior citizens building um complaining about the unfair practices and of uh selective enforcement because when Tech played East Side P County shiff Department which Al he claims he has all these these great relationships with the p County Sheriff's Department had 100 officers up there but then the very next day it was a fight that broke out at the soccer game and the residents all had to be subjected to that so I mean we could sit here all day and point fingers at at failures and uh as he lends a quick vote and then exits the building you know we're still dealing with the same circumstances so but you know yet again I I I feel I do feel optimistic we have some better leadership that do have the that do take the city first as the Director has been doing for quite some time um so I mean although I'm inclined to to uh uh vote in favor of this I'm still looking for and requesting once again for the reports on this expenditures for the uh uh the business incubator the the the acquisition of the property and while we at it since we in in a report generous report giving mood how about the reports on expenditures for Hench Cliff stadium that still had never been supplied um anyway my vote is yes Madam clerk thank you thank you councilman Jackson um councilman colle thank you um Madame clerk uh let me piggy back right on councilman Jackson uh madame for the incubator I am requesting also for the expenditure there is city project city1 projects correct so it should be available unlike the stadium you gave us uh the stadium is a private entity so we don't have the expenditure for this for for for is a private development thank you thank you uh um but for the incubator project I think we should we be able to get that uh report on that one Madame B council president if I can respond um for for this project I have already made a request to director Delaney roll call because it wait wait we're in the middle we in the middle of roll call at if you anyway you you you have my point if you can please provide us with that my my my vote is yes madame clerk please thank you Council M councilwoman Mims it's 11:54 do we know where our children are my vote is yes councilwoman Ms thank you so so counc yeah thank you so council president it's it's not fair to hear statements and in a roll call and more than five minutes six seven minute requesting doing this and making statement and then the ba don't have the chance to answer back you know I hope she making all the notes but the incubator it was not her ter she was not here right you wasn't here it was a past administration so okay that's fair enough to ask report but to you know right now we don't have a egg a chicken and incubator now we good to have a communic communication rule you know be happy we don't have a egg and a chicken incubator now we going to have a communication room that adiz is proud and we're going to make him proud of because now the C that around could even have a Dropbox for calls anywhere make it easy for them but yes let's let's move this forward this is a building as is it needs is needed for the for the residents and also for the employee of the city of Patterson and uh just uh my vot is yes thank you councilman thank you so much just think that I'm getting bullied from this side that's why council president thank you um thank you m u m clerk I I definitely I'm in full support of this project when we have an emergency the first person that you hear is um that you call 911 you get the dispatcher they need to be able to work in a in a good environment and a good facility uh in order for them to be effective on their job they already go through a lot a lot of stress it's not it's not easy so the least that we could do is provide a facility a state of the facility for them and I have a lot of faith in our chief Alejandro Alisa our fire chief that is doing an amazing job in the fire department so with that being said my vote is yes M thank you council president the votes are eight in favor one absent item number 69 is hereby adopted thank you we got 67 mad clerk coun we got two it then we go to 67 67 yeah really quick yes item number 67 is a resolution authorizing Award of contracts to various vendor for request of qualifications for architectural and Engineering Services for the division of engineering of the Department of Public Works RFP number4 move by Cil woman M and second by Council man sh Ro cler On Em 67 excuse me he didn't speak so loud huh huh it was me it was him I need to ask I need to I by council with M and SEC and in second by Council and councilman colleag R cler director I need to ask the council president um um director discussion Council there's um 24 engineered firms on here we you is 24 is that the right number doesn't mean that they're all going to get I know I'm asking them a question is that 24 I I counted it yeah that's everybody that's on here is going to be that's the pool huh that's the pool that we could pick from but let me ask you another question director yes um when um did did you did you send out something for these engineering firms to apply do you know how many on here are with the um uh what they call that Minority list did you check the minority list I'm not sure but I I'll get that can you please check the minority list because I know the only one I know here that's on the minority list that I'm looking at now is Suburban consultant they're run by women mhm so can you do that for me what you're looking for yes thank you thank you councilwoman roll call M cler on item 67 roll call on item number 67 Council councilwoman apply my vot is yes Madam CL thank you councilwoman councilwoman daver yes councilman Jackson so just so I'm clear this was the services that we previously brought in house because we used to have an outside engineer firm correct boed in house this is for services that um um let's say we have like we're doing that with the um 911 Center we instead of going out to to bid to get putting out RFP RFP to get um Engineering Services we have this pool that we picked from three or five the we scored them and then we solicit it with those with those groups it cuts down it cuts down the bidding time my vote is yes thank you thank councilman Jackson councilman khik this is basically emergency code if you need something real quick no no it's for stuff that um our in-house Department can't do bigger projects okay stuff like that thank you my vot is yes Madam thank you councilman the councilwoman Mims as someone with an engineering background and project management experience this is something that we definitely need and I'm excited to see it we talked about a couple years ago in regards to um bringing things inhouse but I think it's also important when we don't have the capacity to do the work that we have experts on board just to the public at large when we have these opportunities please apply because we have to follow the procurement process we cannot just add you to a list why is the mouse going crazy oh he has the mouse uh make sure that the proc they're following the procurement process appropriately Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilwoman Mims councilman VES yes thank you there you go wow council president Mendes come on Mendes come on you vote Yes [Laughter] too thank you the votes are seven in favor two absent item number 67 is adopted council president council president real quick if I may it's 12 o'clock midnight it's my oldest daughter's birthday today happy birthday Ashley I love you thank you we can continue oh that's so special happy birthday so next week so in October we got to keep you here till 12 o00 again no no no it's all good item number 68 is a resolution authorizing a contract Amendment for the purchase delivery and installation of a new rooftop air conditioning unit at City Hall for the Department of Public Works yes that was nice see andoun second by I I just have a question something's wrong with you yes discussion sure are we installing a HB system in the third floor in in where in third floor this is for third floor correct this is for the council chambers only council chambers yes how about the uh other offices no this is this is contain chers thank you nothing no they there was a open shaft correct yeah this is this this is the amendment to the add the duck work that we talked about last week uh the additional duck work we had to do yeah okay I was I wasn't here council president anyway thank you roll call council president uh council president councilman Council so this is for the AC unit only no this is going to be uh AC and heat and heat yes oh nice so we don't have to depend from those valves on the bottom no okay only for the council chamber all right so when we could go back then well you vote and then we could talk about that okay we could talk another day another day no we could talk about that after this uh after the vote thank you councilman Jackson so um this unit is how much the I don't have the the unit I think it's 160 the 1603 on this just just the amendment part if I don't have the maybe it's not here 160,000 yeah it's the UN is going to do heat as well yes prev one didn't right I can't hear you mate previous one did not no no okay um um all right very good 160 um question uh director quick question what the uh what did this 160,000 cover the the amendment is the amendment is for 63,000 this covers the duck work that has to be added to in between the uh the floating cying and the actual cying got this uh roll call Mon cler on item 68 roll call on item number 68 councilwoman cotton yes yes you got it thank you councilwoman councilwoman daver my vot is yes councilman Jackson yes councilman khik yes councilwoman Ms so now that we're uh doing the work of the rooftop and the air duct system we need to make sure that we um put a new rug in there possibly some new chairs and in the uh city council chambers the rug should be done first and new curtains we should have new clocks and the clock should always be operational just going to put that on the record that those clocks are working because you know what happens it's like six o'clock all the time Madame clerk my vote is yes thank you councilwoman Ms councilman Valas we all that request we never going to go back to the chambers my vote is yes thank you counc you're not complaining council president uh my vote is yes M cler thank you the the votes are I'm sorry seven seven in favor two absent item number 68 is adopted thank you m cler item number 60 council president want me to give you update on the council chambers real quick before I leave yes please yes I'm sorry thank thank you thank you director please and we need we need an estimated timeing time window more or less when we going back to the chamber all right so tomorrow morning we'll have a crane at City Hall it'll be there tomorrow and Thursday removing the unit off the the the building um back at Ellison Street will be blocked off tomorrow and maybe Thursday also they'll be remove the unit and they'll cover the um the opening that the unit sits on right now as far as the chamber goes um we looked at the chambers with uh John Franco we believe that the death are there could be repaired um cuz they restained there they're they're still in good condition we looked at them the rug we're going to stretch the rug we're going to keep the rug we're going to uh get it commercially cleaned there's ISS if we take up you got to remember if we take up that floor we might have issues that floor underneath has Leon Leoni uh roll out that was there before and if we take that up we might have issues that's why the rug was put down in the beginning the FL and we're going to leave that coll on the ba office we're going to restain restain the uh restain the the uh the corporate the no restain the um the barrier that that holds between the council and and the public sorry Council woman so if we're not going to council president we're not going to replace the carpet are we going to do a full deep cleaning of the carpet the carp commercial company into to to commercially clean the carpet that's there and then stretch it pull it the right way what about wooden floors I just said we take up that floor we would have to take up everything that's underneath there that's I mean if we're doing the work we might as well do the work like so if we could get some G no way we get back in this year if you do that there's no way yeah we got to make sure it's um but I think the floor the floor outside the floor outside is in good condition if I'm not now director those chair the public they all need to be replace it the chairs we're going to we're going to as soon as uh we get a few chairs and um different type chairs we'll give it to the council you guys pick one we'll order the same one for the whole Council um the clock is yeah we need we need better chairs look no the chairs the it I'm getting both I'm getting quotes for new desk and I'm getting quotes for repaired the desk that are there now okay and our opinion when we were there we don't think that the desk are in back um director director you say new desk what do you mean by what the the um the cubicles yeah what you said our area where we the okay that was damaged huh no that was damaged I that we didn't no Dage there some chips that we can resand down and restain the only thing that's that's bad is the endcaps with where you keep the closets and we can repair those Count Council president okay Council so there needs to be a need list and a wish list if some things are not needed they should be on the wish list but the things that are dire need we should be looking into those items for example I know we talk about the rug is absolutely filthy yeah I don't know if deep cleaning is going to be the answer we need to check into that and get some um guesstimates on what that looks like chairs there some of them are broken so that's a definite on the needs list then there's some other items that could be wish list but if we have money that is left over to be allocated we can utilize and get it all done at the same time we're out of the chambers as it is we might as well get it fixed the right way so we come back in the public can see something that that's bright and energized all right okay thank you family thank you thank you director just one one more last thing we uh we are changing out the the lighting that's there that square lighting that's there will be removed um we don't need that we don't use it we're going to be putting in uh all new LED lights and new spotlights for the count so that you guys could be seeing so what about the cameras the new cameras for them um you got to talk to that crew over there yeah new cameras new TVs new monitors new sound bite got a new CER system yeah you actually wish list okay uh director so thank you so we move to item number 60 mad clerk item number 60 yes item number 60 is a resolution of need in support of the application of Hudson Blue 24 LLC to the New Jersey Economic Development Authority in connection with the development of an affordable housing project in the city of Patterson Economic Development resolution number 2 let her finish she needs to put MERS wait mad Clerk's finish reading the idol into the re we have the number so it was moved by coun m and councilman B and second by Council Davila roll call cler on item number 60 discussion discussion councilman jaction can we get can I get some background information on this item please background information on item number 60 uh Madame B um I know director Delaney was you know presented this um as part of her package I do not have I'm just going to pull up the reso that's in docuware this is the this is the Veterans project this council members okay um council president uh this a minute yeah yes so there there is if you see it's it's the 24 and a half Van hton Street project um and there's details in your docuware on kind of the the backup regard in it so there's like a big package of information um council president counc president councilman Jackson have the floor right after I will move uh to my to to all of you guys what is that blue onyx this is blue Onyx project yes this is the old beach project the old beach all right very good all right um um I think brief councilman and Council C Council uh councilman um um that's what I was to say too I speak roll call man cler on item number 16 very well roll call on item number 60 yes councilwoman cotton my vote is yes Madam clerk thank you councilwoman councilwoman Dava yes councilman Jackson thank you madam clerk here's another example of what's being proposed as uh affordable housing where it's totally not unaffordable another group that's coming in to make uh uh money off the community with the council just laying down without laying without outlining requirements here's a letter of need that is that is required for this group to have and there's no outline all the things I talked about earlier how other municipalities that are very responsible that make sure that there's contributions here they're showing us on you know this page here of projects that are done in other communities but yet we're not they're not these other communities are being a lot more resp responsible on what they're requiring for these developers to bring back to the community ma Madam clerk my vote is absolutely no okay thank you councilman Jackson councilman khik okay my vote is yes Madam cler thank you councilman colleague councilwoman Ms so I want to say to people like rosan Davis Dave Gilmore um Miss Kofi and to the veterans of our very great Community there's always been talk about building affordable veteran housing opportunities in the great city of Patterson I'm really excited about this project that we're um voting for a support a letter of support in need I'm looking forward to having this this apartment portable apartment um building or complex come to fruition for those people that are in need especially our veterans who have served sacrificed um through Blood Sweat and Tears on behalf of others or people like myself and others and I'm just grateful that we have a project like this we've talked about veteran projects here's one right before us for a letter of support and I'm definitely going to support it and I will be shouting it from the rafters all over social media that we're moving forward with a letter of support for a veterans housing affordable project in the city of Patterson thank you Daryl Owen and all of you that are part of this who on it can I finish my I'm can I fin thank you I'm telling when you're talking up here it's just it's not them they know who they are when they read it and find out later they'll come back Madam clerk veteran affordable housing definitely need in our community Community Kudos my vote is yes thank you councilwoman Ms councilman Val it's my understanding that the veteran project is across from the new P grandparents and raising grandchildren project as in the lot the parking authority has this one is the one on the corner of v h the the where the blue onyx was that they did they did the beach total different this one this one is the one that we need to rehab the other one is a new construction now this one had been an Isa this is the one next to to the um so so so right C woman minut I'm not I'm not debating with you who is I just say that the project veteran from the other side is totally different this one this one is affordable housing it don't say nothing for veterans okay let's be clear it don't say nothing for veterans it says affordable housing the one for veterans is the other side where the housing project is at so this is not tied up with the other one just don't you know perception um this is needed this is long long overdue if you look at the renderings of this project is going to be is going to be uh beneficial for the resident especially is in the Fifth Ward so my vote is yes on this thank you councilman blz Council council president thank thank you Madame clerk um Madame clerk I I and I'm I'm going to say this I mean on on resolution number 60 uh we're proposing the construction of 87 87 unit and the rehabilitation of another 80 for a total of about 167 unit for affordable housing I always in full support of affordable housing now more than ever sometime um our resident complain about the rent but this is there's nothing we could do when it comes to the market rate rent that we see in the city of p and and other city like hackin they're like double the amount that what people paying here but now affordable housing is the way to go to help our community be able to live in a decent apartment uh paying a pride that they could definitely afford her based on their income so with that being said my vot is yes mam clerk thank you council president the votes are what is this six in favor one against two absent item number 60 is hereby adopted thank you mad clerk let to item 52 Madame Clerk with the item 51 already we have three more yeah we did on the non consent we going on that order I'm sorry council president um no we did 62 we did 51 now we're going 52 we're going in order time item 52 going down 52 okay I don't want you to leave 50 52 can we pleas Council council members we got we going on the non consent agenda let's go on the audit it's not a lot uh we could go through this very quick and easy with no problem item 52 Madame cler I'm I'm looking for a council president I'm 15 already 15 I don't see I don't item number 52 is a resolution authorizing the contract with Edmunds gvtech for annual software maintenance Ser uh Support Services related to mcsj Software System for the division of Information Technology Administration resolution number 24 colon 573 second M by councilwoman Davila second by councilwoman Mims roll call Madam clerk on item 52 roll call on item number 52 councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman Dava yes councilman Jackson counc councilman leag yes madame clerk councilwoman Ms yes councilman yes council president yes Madam clerk the items are the roll call is I'm sorry the votes are seven in favor two absent item number 52 is hereby adopted thank you m clerk item 53 item number 53 one second please item number 53 is a resolution to rename Market Street between Memorial Drive and Church Street in honor of Glo GMO way okay thank you sponsored by councilwoman Marissa Dava co-sponsored by councilwoman Dr Lisa Mims and councilwoman Ruby n cotton resolution number 24574 city council so move move by councilwoman Davila second by councilwoman Mims and councilwoman cotton roll call man cler on item 53 roll call on item number 53 councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman daver so I do have to say a few words um when uh Mr cigary passed away and anyone that knows he was a Christian calary or the mayor's Chief of Staff previous Chief of Staff um his grandfather uh I've known the family for many many years and I knew Mr galagar who was a founding member of Peruvian parade uh unfortunately he died um a few months ago and um it was very sad uh he lived and owned property on the Market Street section uh between church and Memorial Drive and so I was having a conversation with Mr cigary Christian and and the family got together and they had a request and you know it is being honored today um Mr cigary and I you know had our moments uh he was very strong and uh he was very political and um he like to do things right and so I am happy that although he's no longer with us that we are able to do this you know on his behalf so with that said my vote is yes on today's res res olution to rename Market Street a portion of it between Memorial Drive and Church Street in honor of gel M my vote is yes thank you councilwoman D councilman jack is not here councilman my V ISS mad clerk thank you councilman K councilwoman M yes and I Dido everything that Council M daah has already stated Christian cigary when I met him some years ago and then I met his dad his dad is was a very wise man but very very strongly opinionated on what needs to be done and if it wasn't done he would make sure he let you know how it needs to be done and how to get it done so I appreciated his wisdom his words of um support always and to Christian if you're watching or you'll watch this later um you knew your dad was a true man and a legend in our community um Madame clerk my vote is yes thank you C councilman Val said yes counc council president Mendes I thank you m cler have the the honor to uh have him as a friend he was a great phenomenal human being that came from Peru one of the first immigrant I believe that came from Peru into the great SE pison the calari dasta I was call then uh phenomenal family um Patterson um that been in Patterson for many years so congratulations to the family and Mr KAG maybe G KAG may you rest in peace my vote is yes mad clerk thank you the votes are six in favor three absent item number 53 is hereby adopted thank you M Clark item 54 okay item 54 item 54 is a resolution declaring an opposition to the heritage foundation's project 2025 sponsored by councilwoman Dr Lisa Mims co-sponsored by councilwoman Ruby n cotton and councilwoman Marissa Davila city council resolution number 24 colon 575 second it was moved by councilwoman uh Dr Lissa men second by councilwoman DAV and councilwoman Ruby cotton roll call M clerk on item 54 54 roll call on item number 54 um councilwoman cotton thank you Madame clerk I just want to say to the public um this is a resolution that's sponsored by councilwoman Dr Mims and co-sponsor by um the two women councilwoman C and councilwoman dava and what we're we're doing here is that we're opposing um um The Heritage Foundation project 225 2025 the posing because um once you I would like for everyone to try to read up on it but this project is eliminating so many benefits that we need for our people and for the community that is going to be can you imagine um limiting the amount of people that can get um snap or uh food stamps as you would call it uh eliminated Medicaid um and where most people really need to have Medicaid there's so many things that that that that this heritage project 225 wants to get rid of and let me just say uh councilwoman Ms we have to expose and we have to let everybody know the community needs to know what is in store for them if this get through um Madame clerk thank you councilwoman M councilwoman Dava Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilwoman cotton councilwoman Dava I did everything that councilwoman C has stated I'm in full support my vote is yes thank you councilwoman Dava councilman khik my vote is yes Madam clerk councilwoman Mims so let me just talk about a few things that is proposed in this presidential election by the candidate that is proposing this uh Banning of contraceptives raising the retirement age cutting Social Security and Medicare ending the Affordable Care Act raising prescription drug drug plans ending climate protections deregulating big businesses and the oil industry condemning single mothers while promoting only transitional families telling women what to do with their bodies I stand in total opposition to this declaration and plan for project 2025 and I openly declare and decree that we shall not and will not go back and this candidate with this plan he needs to go back my vote is yes thank you councilwoman Ms councilman vales project 2025 is the anti living room or call it before dictator this is a way to go to dictatorship worse than Russia the plan that he was trying to put in place here and then he deny it though too so you know and and the residents of of pay County and the world need understand that Trump is not good for No One Trump is not good for no one and um taking the rights of Voters and and taking the rights of 800,000 childrens or more you know going back to the 30s and the 40s is not good for no one in the world so that's why I encourage the youth seniors everyone go out and vote go and vote let's bring Camala and that will and sorry sorry cameela CA C camela came Kamala all right I'm sorry for my bilingual accent I have Camala Cala okay so now we going to take an hour let's do the right thing let's take this serious because as I said he pronounced there's a an anti-immigrant Fe fever fever out there calling us immigrant that we we we eat cats and dogs you know this is incredible never seen this in a nation never seen this in the United States and if you don't see this I don't want to be here to see it um my vote is yes thank you councilman bis council president thank you m clerk election has consequences don't ever forget November 5th we have our responsibility to go out ca Harris for president let's go let's move forward let's not go back my vote is yes on this item mam clerk thank you the votes are six in favor three absent item number 54 is hereby adopted okay item 55 Madam clerk item number 55 is a resolution designating East 24th Street between Broadway and 14th Avenue as riff Road sponsored by councilwoman Marissa Davila co-sponsored by councilwoman Ruby n cotton and councilwoman Dr Lisa Ms city council item resolution number 24 colon 576 so mov moved mve by Council Dila second by Council woman MS and councilwoman C item number 55 councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman Dava so this is real personal to me wow School riff the group riff you know I went to school with them I graduated with them I've known them for 35 years they are Patterson they were referred to them boys from Isa high school then boys from Lean on Me we were in the movie together um I'm proud of them thank you skip I know Skip you you were a big instrument in making sure that we did this and I'm happy to be a sponsor with my colleagues of being co-sponsors um I can say so much I can't wait to plan you know the reen naming and in addition handing them their resolution so we'll definitely you know set a good date for that my vote is yes thank you councilwoman Dava um councilman Jackson counc my vot is yes madame councilman colleague um thank you councilman VES I'm sorry Council Ms very S I just felt like singing that this all happened the East Side my alamada uh East Side the orange and blue once to go always a ghost uh to riff one of them are my family members thank you for setting the pace I think myself councilwoman Dava we were in the movie of Leen Oni they gave us extras at that time where you would come to the come and be in the auditorium or different parts and they would pay you for doing that and this has went from Patterson Park AV East Side High School viral to Morgan Freeman all over the world riff this is long time coming congratulations um on the great work that you've done you are patient and I'm glad to see that this is moving forward Madame clerk my vote is yes thank you Council woman council president so evidence I'm sorry councilman yeah thank you appreciate I just want to say that every the good s starts in the fifth War as everybody knows East Side Park Avenue now going to Broadway and and 14 Avenue thank you Council woman Dava um my vote is yes the vote is yes yes yes council president thank you sir my vote is yes M cler thank you the votes are six in favor three absent item number 55 is adopted yes 12 thank you man item 56 item 56 okay 56 we're going to we just have a few more is6 uh non consent then right after that we go on we go to First reading and it's 56 huh 56 56 56 you said 15 56 no I don't 56 56 all right don't confuse our cler bless you counc item number 56 is a resolution designated 9th Avenue between East 28th and East 29th to also be known as Congressman William Bill pas Jr way sponsored by council president Alex Mendes co-sponsored by councilwoman Marissa Davila councilman Lewis VZ and councilwoman Dr Lisa Ms city council idem resolution number 24 col 577 sove moved moved by council president Mendes second by councilwoman Ms councilwoman Davila and councilwoman K well and council member roll call it call item number 56 councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman we got to go we got to get finished yes oh councilman khik yes councilwoman M well I'm sorry Congressman Bill palel has been my neighbor all of my life I grew up on East 24th between 9th and 10th half and he lived on 20 um between on 9th between East 28th and 29th and I am currently still his neighbor to this point in my life he's been my neighbor all of my life but I want to say and Shout out the fact that I was selected and nominated and then selected twice to be a New Jersey Delegate for the kamla Harris delegation where we were able to nominate her so that she could become the Democratic nominee for the 47th president of the United States of America and the selection was done my nomination came from Congressman Bill pasel Jr I want to say to him which I've said to him while he was alive I'm glad I was able to give him his flowers while he can smell them and was able to even send a message even before um he took his last breath to him and to his son Billy III this is welld deserved and I cannot wait to celebrate um him for this work police and fire uh Department let's make sure they're invited because he did a lot for them and the Patterson public schools because we have 11 full service Community Schools because of Congressman Bill pascarel Jr my vote is J M thank you councilwoman Mims councilman villis so Congressman Bill PCR he was our mayor assemblyman and congressman and he was the only one that gave me a congressional name the great the great great Louis valz nobody got that every time he used to see me the great great great Louis valet so good memories and that was a congressional name and and and mayor Andrew knows that about that um say that you know rest in peace let's keep on praying for the family for his wife and um all the above my my vote is yes thank you councilman v as council president thank thank you madam Clerk and Congressman Pascal I really want to thank you I know you're in heaven we want to thank you for all the job that you did for our city you was a fight in Washington DC you was a full-time Fighter advocating for a police department for a fire department bringing GRS out to the Great Falls to improve the city of patteron you never left patteron there was a person that is a mayor in Dominican Republic and when I leave my house I have to pass by a house every morning to take Route 20 to get my coffee and and that mayor asked me who leave there if that's the congressman Pascal house and he had the opportunity to see the congressman getting on his car that Sunday morning uh driving on his own he was a patteron and he was a fighter he always fight for Patterson with one t i want to say uh thank you to his family for uh you know just allowing him to dedicate his life to serve this nation to serve the United States of America but also to serve the city of Patterson because he is Patterson and he never left Patterson with that being said my vote is yes M cler thank you council president the votes are six in favor three absent item number 56 is adopted thank you corpor item number 57 okay 58 No 5 57 this is 56 57 item number 57 is a resolution honoring and memorializing The Life and Legacy of Congressman William Bill pascarel Jr sponsored by council president Alex Mendes co-sponsored by councilwoman Ruby in Cotton city council resolution number 24578 mes second mm move by counc President mes second by Council M Council Dava and Council and councilwoman Rubik and council president and the workshop we added to the U we ask to be added in the resolution of the memorizing as a co-sponsor uh yes the there was a request U Madame clerk to add you know my um um councilwoman uh Ms councilwoman Davila council member and council member as a co-sponsor 57 please okay thank you so much much roll call M cler on item 57 okay roll call on item number 57 councilwoman cotton say anything to the last time but let me just say that um Congressman uh willor Bill pasel Jr um my big Eddie was his um Chief of Staff deputy mayor uh when he was mayor back in 1994 I can't remember exactly what year but um I actually um um live two blocks from him now I've been there for almost 40 years so you know one thing I can say about our congressman is that he fought hard for us the city of Patterson even for the ninth congressional district but he he he was able to to send a lot of money down to our city um especially the fight he had for the historic district U making that national park for us that was really a fight for him and um but he got it done so to his family as they said before you you know your father had a life I remember when he was a school board member I remember when he was an assemblyman I remember when he was a mayor I remember when he was a congressman so he helped he had four different hats that he he served under and he did a excellent well job and everything that he did that being said Madam clerk he's going to be dearly missed and I want to say to his family we here in the city of P love our bill p well with that being said Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilwoman cotton um councilwoman daver we will always love yeah we will always love our Congressman may he continue to rest in peace and we will continue to love and honor his family my vote is yes hello um thank you councilwoman Dava Council my vote is yes madame CLK thank you councilwoman May yes in this resolution we memorizes his life and his legacy but let's please please continue his legacy let's continue his legacy my vote is yes thank you cman um council president thank you m clerk every time you see a police officer in the city of Patterson every time you see a firefighter don't ever forget our Congressman Bill Pascal he was a fighter to bring a funding to our for our Police Department our far department and he died Like A Champion fighting for our community um that's that's our Congressman Bill PC may you rest in peace my vote is yes M clerk thank you council president the votes are six in favor three absent item number 57 is hereby adopted 58 58 and council president I would like to um amend you said am yes um item number 56 the item 56 is supposed to be from East 27 to East 29 but mad clerk she notice that she'll fix that it's to Black supposed to so so so uh because in in the in the body of the res our law we could definitely stand that for our law say that we got two blocks two block that's what we do it's always two block but this is one block it's supposed to be it's supposed to be from it's supposed to be from East 28 east27 to e29 what was other block that we did two block no there's always Council woman there's always two block so this only with that all exactly based on the reest B based the request was to block so doesn't make any change two blocks okay okay from 2 there always two block if one if a person wants one block 27 to his 29 a 27 to 29 need to go back and change some of these blocks because I didn't know it was too council members oh my God yeah let's do it on 58 M clerk on 58 no 20 27 to 29 council president 27th and 9th is where where a man lost his life because the with a four-way traffic so I'm going to designate that street at at later point with that family member so we can do 28 let 28 to M Bou let's do those two block 28 or going all the way down to mclan Boulevard there's two blocks there I don't 2 29th 28th exactly it as is 28 to mlan Boulevard oh to mlan Boulevard correct okay item 58 okay item number 58 is a resolution celebrating the 25th anniversary of the immigration an American citizenship organization IAC and scholarship award ceremony and is sponsored by councilwoman Marissa D Dava and co-sponsored by councilwoman Ruby in coton counc Moun and council president okay and Council can you add me toah add everybody we allowe immigrants okay just the ones that are here I have it be sponsored by councilwoman Dava co-sponsored by councilwoman cotton Mims and B council president and councilman Kik okay okay thank and Udin 58 thank you no only the on that are here not who did you say she said only the you want voting on or no the only the one's here he's not there no he's not here I said here so he's not here the council members that are here as a CO sponsor okay thank you Madame clerk roll call Madame clerk on item 58 okay where is item 58 where's my roll call sheet at the college all right I'm sorry sorry madam clerk U my vote is yes no wait a minute okay I'm TR I'm moving it you're moving it item number 58 Council woman C she started to read it Council woman Dev and second I'm sorry I said I moved okay and Council woman in second okay and well it's moved by councilwoman Davila second by councilwoman Ruby K and it's been a sponsored by a Ms and it's been sponsored by councilwoman DAV and Co sponsored by councilwoman of the fourth world Ruby C council president Mendes councilman shahim khik councilwoman Ms and councilman B we are your second okay second by Council woman second by Council woman Mims Council woman Ruby C council president mes Council counc we good okay roll call mon clear roll call on item number 58 councilwoman coton yes coun councilwoman Dava so I definitely have to say something about this organization because this organization I've been working with them I've been at the college for 30 years and I've been working with them for all all of the years that they've been in existence and you know they do so much great work free work at that okay um through immigration American um citizenship and so many other things and um I'm just happy that you know they reached out to me and they're like hey you know we're going to be having you know our 25th you know year anniversary we're going to be celebrating and also giving back and giving out scholarships and so they reached out to the college through the president's office and got that all done and I said why not give them the recognition they moved from Pake because they started in Pake to Patterson and they're located in 301 Main Street in Center City mall and like I said every year they you know I attend their functions I've been a panelist and you know I'm just happy that I'm able to be here to um honor them so with that said um it is pronounced yako all right which is the immigration and American citizenship organization in yako all right so my vote is yes thank you councilwoman DEA councilman colleague my vote is yes madame clerk thank you councilwoman M so I I definitely agree I'm an alumni of pay County Community College um and they are doing an amazing amazing job um I responded to the email I will definitely be at this event I'm looking forward to it when we do great work like this to make sure that people that come into our country get a great opportunity and are able to call our country their home is a blessing for us and for their families my vote is yes thank you councilman valz as councilwoman D stated today in 3014 301 Main Street second floor I believe it is right y second floor um at this time crucial times of immigration and situation please visit them I know there's a lot of resources out there and anything that had to be with immigration I will always support Council woman dava Please keep me posted when the celebration is to for our go 10 um and my vote is yes thank you um council president next meeting yes um thank you m clerk uh yako job well done in our community they being you know supporting our community with something so important like immigration and their service so with that being said my vot is yes cler thank you ccil president the votes are six in favor three absent item number 58 is hereby adopted thank you m item 11 on first reading Madam clerk item number 11 no we we going to 72 in a minute yes item 11 man clerk so we just have a few item first reading council members item number 11 first reading ordinance vacating the last block length of Stout Street from hosman Street to Presidential Boulevard Public Works move second move by Council move by Council mes second by councilwoman Mims uh roll cler roll call on item number 11 on first reading councilwoman cutton yes councilwoman Deva I guess I should have said discussion but you know I know it's late but I don't know who put this forth and why so right now I'm just going to say no what to this no no okay no it's not mine councilman khle yeah this is an old item this is real old well for f for first reading I'll support it but uh before our final reading can we have some more attachment like map of this of the block which is uh we vacating and I was I wasn't here at the workshop hopefully you was the discussed um my vote is yes for the first reading thank you councilwoman mims in addition to the map for this particular item can we include the traffic study and the approval and the sign off for this particular item uh Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilman VES uh I know corporate Council this is one of the old items way way back that was approved by uh zoning that was table and and it's been lingering almost two years old same same situation and um and I recall that we table it because councilwoman um Ruby kind had a situation where a bun Hill and it I no no but way back way back there was a problem with a vacating street in the in the fourth War by The Bunker Hill and all that package was together with this one we table all of them now we we visitting and we getting approved my vot is yes yes that supposed to be that be waiting for long vote councilman yes yeah okay thank you council president thank you council president the votes are five in favor one against three absent item number 11 is adopted on first reading regular meeting will be be held at the regular meeting of um October 15 2024 finish okay what happened we did repealing one is repelling and is establisher both of them ordinance repealing establishment both of them 12 12 and 14 yes okay first reading ordinance uh item number 12 ordinance repeal and establishment excuse me of handicap parking spaces on County Roads 888 Madison Avenue 6113 Madison Avenue 1250 Madison Avenue 6:15 Madison Avenue 859 Madison Avenue 786 East 18th Street 64 Marshall Street 252 pnis Avenue 93 Park Avenue and ordinance uh number 14 first reading ordinance ordinance repealing establishment of handicap parking spaces at various locations 55 caral Avenue 179 East 24th Street 76 Highland Street 87 Bloomfield Avenue 734 East 22nd Street 79 Caldwell Avenue 116 East Main Street 21 Hemlock Street 4 English Place 133 North Third Street 306 Pacific Street 433 11th Avenue 343 15th Avenue 382 6th Avenue 102 Coral Street 409 Crosby Avenue 1035 East 35th Street 1051 East 24th Street 110-112 Highland Street 111 Mill Street 283 20th Avenue 110 East 17th Street 5133 East 22nd Avenue 82 Mercer Street 105 nor 4th Street 250 van hton Street 371 East 26th Street 117 17th Avenue 349 East 27th Street 1093 East 22nd Street 151 Beach Street 291 Pennsylvania Avenue 81 North 1st Street 149 albian Avenue 7113 East 27th Street 27 Patterson Avenue 792 East 19th Street 467 East 40th Street 458 East 34th Street 371 East 26th Street 262 East 22nd Street 68 nicobar Avenue 94 Bloomfield Avenue 681 East 27th Street so moved move by councilwoman Mims and second by councilwoman Davila roll call M Clark roll call on items uh 12 and 14 for first reading councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman daver yes councilman KH yes councilwoman Ms yes councilman VES yes councilman Mendes um my vote is yes P clerk thank you the votes are six in favor three absent items number 17 um I'm sorry 12 and 14 have been adopted on first reading second reading will be held at the regular meeting of October 15 202 thank you m clerk now item number 13 which is establishing okay 15 or [Music] what a lot of fun item number 13 for first reading ordinance establishing handicap parking spaces at various locations on Rose 91 22nd Avenue North Side 366 East 21st Street West Side 379 nicara Avenue North Side 990 East 19th Street wests side 466 East 31 East 31st Street West Side 522 Broadway Southside 182 Walnut Street Southside 92 Jasper Street East Side 30 34 12th Avenue Southside 9 Thomas Street North Side 35 Trenton Avenue East Side 395 towa Avenue Norths side 123 Wayne Avenue wests side 45 Elizabeth Street North Side 572 East 33rd Street wests side 122 Dixon Avenue Southside 26 Penington Street wests side 143 North 2nd Street North Side 220 East 21st Street wests side 412 East 31st Street West Side 22 Sheridan Avenue East Side 112 Maple Street Southside 121 Nagel Avenue East Side 422 Sussex Street Southside 172 Mill Street wests side 135 17th Avenue North Side 453 East 23rd Street East Side 18 Jane Street East Side 455 21st Avenue North Side 503 East 31st Street East Side 603 East 24 Street East Side 81 Highland Street East Side 125 Marian Street wests side 205 Cy Street wests side 162 Ryon Avenue East side 320 Sussex Street Southside 336 Atlantic Street Southside 10:15 East 24th Street East Side and um West Side there's a add dress missing here uh let me see hold on please5 one second come back to that one 6:30 East 23rd Street wests side 87 Highland Street wests side 179 Sheridan Avenue Westside 60 Manchester Avenue East Side 188 etman Avenue East Side 16 9 Mill Street East Side 81 Chestnut Street East Side 921 East 19th Street East Side 303 East 31st Street East Side 703 East 24th Street East Side 739 East 24th Street East side 320 East 28 Street West Side um 284 Hamilton Avenue Southside 119 Godwin Avenue North Side 128 Sherman Avenue East Side 47 Cliff Street North Side 146 Patterson Avenue East Side 280 23rd Street Southside 525 21st Street 21st Avenue North Side 233 16th Avenue North Side 457 12th Avenue East Side East 30 East 30th Street side and um the last one is 14 Lewis Street West Side so moved it was moved by councilwoman Mims and second by councilwoman Davila roll call M cler on item number 13 on first reading roll call on item number 13 for first reading councilwoman cotton councilwoman daver councilman KH yes councilwoman Mims yes councilman valz yes council president my vote is yes M clerk okay we have votes are six in favor three absent item number 13 is here by adopted on first reading second reading will be held at the regular meeting of October 15 2024 thank you m cler item number 1515 item number 155 correct 15 yes B has been patiently waiting for this item and 72 and then we done item number item number 15 is an ordinance established and always stop controll at the intersection of Ellison Street and Rosa Parks Boulevard public works so move second second move by councilman bless a second by councilwoman Mims and councilwoman and councilwoman D and councilwoman Mims roll call man cler on item number 15 roll call on item number 15 for first reading councilwoman cotton thank you councilwoman daver I want I down this block almost every day that's right and and they and listen they do not respect the the stop sign so you have the rideway going down on Ellison Street and you know the Rosa Parks has the stop signs and it is so dangerous you don't know how many times you know a car has you know thank God I kind of like drive slow you know Driving Miss Daisy I see you um well you follow me right no but on a serious note I think this this is something that is needed hopefully people will respect it because they don't respect the stop signs on the uh Rosa Park Side uh so I'm happy that it's on here I'm in full support my vote is yes 15 you know what I don't I don't know where the paper is this item is sponsored by councilman valz lisis valz because I got to tell you why I'm got to tell you why okay council members we got we got two more item to happily finish this agenda let's let's St on track on track roll call on item number 15 councilwoman cotton you said yes right councilwoman daver yes councilman K I thought they voted already uh I think it's my turn my vote is yes madame clerk councilwoman Ms yes councilman valz and in in in a years I'm here I understand when people were sponsored thing is because they do the footwork they get the concern of the residents and they do the traffic studies and they see the amount of times the resident had to repair fences for cars that don't have insurance and they had to repair the fence okay and then and then Council woman do you know how many accidents have been in that section so no no but I'm just telling you know we working together on we working together matter of fact Madam Madam Madame council president put also Council um Ruby K co-sponsor of it yeah yeah I vote Yes council president and you take the cred in favor my vot is yes V cler thank you the the votes are six in favor three absent Council um item number 15 is adopted on first reading second reading will be held at the regular meeting of October 15th 2024 item number 16 M cler no we not voting on no just we got to we got to vote we're not stay2 no no 16 16 16 that's it we didn't do that's good M CL I 16 item coun item 16 M CL number 16 is a public hearing on the Cy 2024 budget public hearing on the Cy 2024 Municipal budget introduction approved at the regular meeting held on May 28th 2024 is a finance item resolution number 24- 537 move move by councilwoman davo by councilman Bas roll call clerk on it it's a public hearing on uh right here have public hearing on the budget calendar year 2024 uh let me open a mic to Madame ba so we real real briefly before we open the the public portion or the public hearing it all of this is this is a a technical procedure that happens every year when you introduce a budget then you have a public hearing if you don't have any amendments you're able to move right to adoption we will have an amendment because we have additional transitional Aid the CFO is finalizing the budget with that Amendment and any other potential amendments after working with the state we're looking forward to having the adoption of the budget we are hoping that it will be if we can request as part of a special meeting on the October 8th um Workshop night then we will be able to adopt the budget that night we will know by October 1st if we're able to do the appropriate notice for the amendment in time so we will we will know by the 1 if we can adopt on the 8th or else we'll have to adopt on the 15th this is just a public hearing on the introduced budget it is so that's the the notice that was published um and so it it actually has the old numbers around transitional Aid um and a higher tax uh more than the 2% tax but in the adopted budget it will be the 2% tax levy and uh the additional money from transition CC president as a president yes uh Council me Council so Madame Madame to the chair so uh you stated if there's no changes um then we move forward but if there a some substantial changes and benefit and cuts or whatever you going to discuss it with us yes I mean at this point in time the the main um amendments and and I can have the CFO jump in the main amendment is is the acceptance the additional transitional Aid um but there might be some other ones I don't know if there's an example oh grants in particular if we get any last be added the budget but but no changes at all on the budget right only to not from introduce which we which we did earlier yes which we did in May for your explanation 72 Council the last ID of this meeting I guess we if we could just officially I'm sorry my mic was off my mic was off item s we didn't do the council president you have to read it into the record m madame Madame Madame clerk I think it's just opening okay opening public hearing council members to close item number 72 council president no we got it open move to close by Council second by councilman colle R call to close the public hearing on item 16 on item 16 we just closing public hearing close the public hearing go ahead we have five call five minute break we have five we got five go ahead byebye I want okay councilwoman cotton to close the public hearing on item number 16 thank thank you madam clerk my vote is yes councilwoman cotton I mean Dev yes yes councilman KH yes councilwoman Ms yes councilman valz yes council president yes okay thank you um cler now item 72 no that's a close the public hearing yes that's it yes because we're not council members we're not taking any form of action all right it's time just a hearing it's time so 72 72 resolution commemorating September 15 2024 through October 15 2024 as Hispanic Heritage Month in the city of Patterson sponsored by all members of the municipal Council 24593 second second all right mve by councilwoman Davila council president M councilwoman M and Council valz second by councilwoman Ruby C and councilwoman shaheim KH from the second war are you going to do a commit councilwoman cotton thank you madam cler I just want to say that we're going to be celebrating his uh um hispan Heritage Month um we have to make sure council president and and councilman mava and counc valz and councilman Jackson to set up the date when we going to do honoring our honores for uh hispania heritage month I'm looking forward to it myself with that being said Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilwoman C councilwoman DAV the United States of these Americas what's so beautiful is our diversity and you know this month we're celebrating although um I'm a proud Latina 36 days of the year all right but to at least have you know a month where we are able to celebrate the different cultures uh within the Latino Community you know makes me very proud um and as um Dr baral gave me a t-shirt once that said unapologetically Latina all right so I just want to say that I'm proud and thank you councilwoman kind because you're always during all of our events Council Mims as well councilman colle um who are not from the Latino Community but come in support because that's what is so great about the city of Patterson uh so with that said the only thing that I am going to say is I don't see the theme here for this month which should have been part of of the body but with that said my vote is yes thank you Council mava councilman K I'm very much part of the Lati coun and I'm very much part of the Latino Community second word we have we have I am very much part of Latino Community um so if you look at the uh uh percentage what in the second world we have over 60 60% Latino Community lives in Syria in the second world and this heritage month already started on last Sunday with Mexican flag Laing let's continue my vote is yes thank you councilman colleague councilwoman mens to my brother to my brothers and sisters of the Hispanic Community as you already know we're better together thank you for all of your support we all have come through the struggle and we all fight together and when one wins we all win I'm happy to celebrate I'm looking forward to uh selecting my Honore Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilman um M council president no council I'm sorry I I know you want me to be president but I'm coun in the fifth W so quiet of I am I I am proud of those have paav the Road Council woman M I am proud of those that have paved the road for us to be here to call ourselves Latinos I'm proud to be born in the Caribbean in Puerto Rico and raised in New York but I always going to be Hispanic Latino supporting everyone no matter where you came from um and and even that we started even that we started uh um the the month with this Mexican flag but let's not forget that we raised the guala flag first and that is a pre celebration uh KH my brother from Puerto Rico over there is trying to make a point okay uh my vote my my vote is yes that thank you council president I'll thank you madam clerk from September 15 to October 15 we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month in the United States the diversity we celebrate diversity we celebrate Unity we celebrate culture and I'm looking forward to this celebration this year um so uh council members uh let's have a great her Hispanic heritage mon program I believe that um the 11 of next month it will be a good and appropriate day so let's um tomorrow M clerk let's talk about the day and also Council of mavila we're going to need the we're going to need the college uh to celebrate the Hispanic Heritage Month since our Council chamber is not ready I believe that the uh College will be appropriate I was spoke I spoke with uh our Deputy clerk Miss Philips uh to reach out C president are we creating a committee yes or you going to take own show no no we we have to but let let's choose the venue first and the P County Community College it will be the right venue to do it and if it's available for the 11 of next month please don't do that uh so so we I will be out of the country so what we going to do so we're going to we what you want to do as a body we will agree on the time but the college once we get once we get the cage for the from the P Community College we will set the time and we will choose our honor and we're going to have a nice nice program okay so with that being said my vote is yes M clerk will they allow food the votes are six in favor three absent item number 72 is hereby adopted yeah too small it so there's no more item council members we successfully finish agenda a motion to close by councilwoman Davila second by councilwoman Mims R call Mad clerk to finish the agenda the meeting of September 17th roll call to adjourn the meeting of September 17 2024 councilwoman cotton thank you madam cler I just want to say a few things but I just want to say thank you for everyone who supported my Ed C fourth annual golf outing I want to appreciate everyone that came out and support me all my people who sponsored me and donated but I just want to say one thing to my Corporation counsel amen abushi I want to say I truly appreciate you for everything that every no matter um I got kind of upset with one of your uh uh Corporation one of your attorneys but that was fine but I just want to say to you amen I appreciate you I appreciate how you put everything together I appreciate you I come downstairs and you help me out um you help me with helping people with sometime with legal advice that I don't know where where to go and you tell me where I need to send someone to to to go to to to to that department and also want to say to my Madam ba I did get the letter from the um um uh the guy from the public service so he's going to look into that so I appreciate you that because they did respond right away I want to say my CFO you know I'm always calling you for something or doing something but I appreciate you and I just want you to know that you know when you working with people you have the apartment heads and you have people that you need to call um and and and get advice because people call me for advice and I don't have an answer and I need to get an answer from you from you so when I can get the answer from you then I can share my answer that you gave me to to to the constituents out there so it takes all of us to share what we learn all the time we must learn that we must share what we learned and I just want to say thank you to Corporation counselor am Bushi to Kathleen long thank you to CFO um thank you for everything Madam clerk um everyone out there if you need to reach out to me for anything there's so much that's going on I'm I'm not going to go long but I just want to say to you all please continue to watch uh as they always say if you see something say something don't let people keep doing things they should not be doing um with that being said God bless you all out out there Madam clerk I appreciate you madam clerk I appreciate you Dietra thank you I appreciate you ladies with that being said and of course I got to say my Raphael from the uh it and uh and uh uh oh Ryan and where's my stenographer um thank you stenographer you here and we don't even see you back there some sometimes I love you all thank you my Council colleagues have a good week Madam Clerk my boot is yes thank you councilwoman C councilwoman Dava so today it's 1:16 in the morning it is I have to be up at 6:00 a.m. me too but I want to say headache and all that today we got work done I'm very happy that this Council came together and that understands how important it is to have the shared Vision to have shared Victory so with that said um 7 72 items not bad council president not bad for it being 72 items and to all of you and you know phis I just want to say I'm proud of you I'm not going to be saying that I miss you but I know you're still there for me I know you're still there for me but I want you to know I know this is your first meeting as Deputy Mayor Deputy Mayor Deputy clerk all right and as an acting clerk today and let me tell you with time everything's going to be good okay so you know God bless you um to Calvary celebrating 145 years of anniversary councilwoman coton I want to thank you for putting our ad together through Phyllis beautiful work done okay uh I'm looking forward to making a donation I won't be able to be there um as I have another commitment but you know congratulations you know to my beloved Reverend Lasser and to the entire Calvary family Madame ba work is getting done Mr CFO Corporation Council you got some stuff for me that I need very soon schar what is it uh Stand and Deliver okay Raphael Ryan to all of you to our police officers I'm looking forward to tomorrow all right so with that said to my colleagues have a good night my vote is yes to close thank you councilwoman Dava councilman khik thank you Madame Clerk yes we did get the work done but Council colleague I just want your one second of 1 minute of undivided attention we could be more effective you know after 12:00 we are falling we are getting off the truck honestly I am getting off the truck I'm falling asleep see ra rapael is uh um nding his head he agree with me many of these item could be on consent what we could do is put them on consent and highlight them when we vote we could highlight the items that we want to highlight instead of we voting on individually the reason we putting on non consent because we want to highlight that item correct but if we put it on consent and when you vote on it you probably take a minute or two more Whatever item I want to highlight I will highlight it on the on on the voting when I speak on the voting I think we'll be way more effective and we C we probably cut almost an hour think about it just a suggestion I know we don't have to do it uh good night everyone my vote is yes we could have we could have a lot of item and consent you know night before we highlighted whatever want to highlight we highlight thank you councilwoman M so I'm not going to get upset with my Council colleague because he gave me a big Kudos today councilman colleag and I appreciate that but I was going to make a different recommendation um when you look at other municipalities like Newark Jersey City other municipalities even through the school district the way they the way they combine the items is totally different I'm going to send those recommendations to Corporation councel when it comes to like Public Work items they could be lumped into one where they can be itemized and we vote them on them in a clip if someone here chooses to say take them out separately we can do that but these items could be lumped together and you can say items A1 through seven or public words we vote is over that's good e Economic Development items blah blah blah the the workshop is where whatever directors um whatever items pertain to a particular department head they should be here to give those answers on the day of the regular voting they could be lumped together and I'm looking for October so we can start that in October which makes it easier councilman colleague than even what you said about consent that way we're we're voting in in just one combin pile for each department and we can get out of here it's 1:30 in the morning we did get a lot of work done but we could be more effective more efficient and we can do things more in an excellent way so I will be sending that that outline uh via email so that in October that we can be out of here by 9:00 in the evening Madam uh you did a great job tonight Madame Deputy clerk um DJ you did a great job I saw those papers you were trying to find the numbers and but you did a good job coming on to our police officers thank you for not falling asleep on us keeping your hands on the safety clip we appreciate that Madame ba uh CFO herlinda it my Council colleagues and to my favorite Corporation councel my well I don't know he was I'm I'm G leave that alone but I'm be nice because his dad is my favorite so I'm be nice to him but um to everyone Patterson at large let's continue to be safe this Saturday pay County NJ links we are a newly formed chapter of the links Incorporated we will be having our first coming out event which is called the late summer glow it is sold out at the West Mount Country Club it is this Saturday um at 12:30 I'm looking forward to this experience I know Council one cotton is going to be there at the table um and then there's so many other events we have National Council of negro women October 26 we have um the El dinner dance which is on October the 5th if you need any tickets please reach out to me or for for these events we have tickets for sale please Council councilman valz especially my brother over here I need to see you at these events so to the public at large thank you for all you do and a big shout out to Floral management you bought your own garbage truck I want to give you a shout out because you understand the quality of life and how to clean up this community and I commend you for making sure that you get a garbage truck to clean those buildings in your area shout big shout out congratulations and and everyone good night Madame clerk my vote is yes thank you councilwoman um council president um first of all thank you thank you first of all I want to say continue thanking Marie Florio for the uh donation to the young girl um she was happy to hear the news um everything they they do they give back to the community I could test that um I want to invite to the community to uh the stream rename Frankie reway papad laara uh it's going to be the next 28 September 28 2024 12 noon uh Summer Street it's going to be big uh son is coming from Florida family members people that know Frankie Reed was a papa Las salsa the father of the salsa and um born and raised in Patterson and and we going to be there celebrating his memory and his legacy um with all this good ideas that they gave how to cut the meeting and and I commend councilman khik councilwoman um councilwoman the Mims and also all the councilmen that was here agreed that we should cut the meeting I I agree to the not the meeting the time and the agenda whatever it is so we could increase 10 10 minutes to the public [Music] portion let's go bz let's go Rafael thank you for your hard work I know you've been doing this not only here outside represented the city and putting those video informative of out there to the administration let's move forward uh we did a great day today um um trying to move the city forward and making sure that everything is is in this folder excess of plane to the community for they don't have no doubt and ignore the wrong facts that they trying to bring sometime to detain the progress of the city passor Madam uh clerk thank you um concern about my clerk um hope she's doing good and to the to the employees and to patteron police I got you back thank you resident P God bless you all my vote is yes thank you so much council president president Melinda um you too thank you thank you Madame cler Council KH I just want to say thank you for uh just work really hard alongside with me to finish this agenda we finished 72 item we make a lot of progress today to all my third world resident a large list of Ro uh being ready to we start the process for the resurfacing of those Ro eai Park the lighting on on the tennis court so there's a lot of project on the pipeline for my third war for the entire city of P if we work together we could accomplish a lot one of the one of the reason why we have a lot of item out of the concent agenda is because I give the credit and the courtesy to some council members because they want those item out of the consent agenda if it will be for me we will have a lot more item on the consent agenda Madame ba thank you uh all right Silva it's red and red I see you guys you know uh exactly like you got a Christmas Spirits Corporation Council thank you Madame Clerk thank you our Deputy CL pH thank you for the outstanding job our secretary uh our Police Department thank you for being here with us also make sure don't leave mad clerk on alone so Council Cali once again thank you let's keep doing the work Rafael thank you so very much thank you for the light on top of us we look a little better now with it's an incubator with that being said my vot is yes good night P thank you council president the votes are six in favor three absent it's hot hey Rafael the regular meeting of October 17 2024 is hereby adjourned thank you good night