city council yeah good evening patteron on behalf of the municipal Council we welcome you to the regular meeting on this Municipal Council on April 23rd at 7 p.m good evening Patterson welcome to the resident of this great City uh 276 Elison Street our new new Council chamber for now until we get back into our city hall uh roll call Mad clerk yes Mr President roll call for municipal Council regular meeting of Tuesday April 23rd 2024 the time is now 7:07 p.m. councilman abdalaziz councilwoman cotton here councilwoman DAV presid councilman Jackson councilman khik I'm here Madame Clerk councilwoman Mims I'm here councilman Udin councilman valz welcome everyone my yes I'm here Mr president president M clerk yeah thank you Mr President this evening's prayer will be rendered by commissioner Corey Teague which has been followed by the flag salute led by councilman at large fored Udin not he's not here um can I have someone deputized sure Council councilwoman large Dr Lis will do on uh if Council for is not here okay there's a there's a can we bow our heads if you all can stand with me in the name of God the most gracious and the most merciful we pray tonight for direction for our city we pray tonight over our governing body the leaders that have been selected and elected by the people to do the work and The Business of the people we ask that peace will rest Rule and abide in this room tonight we ask that as the discussion goes forward about issues that are arising in the city and decisions are made that will impact the community at large we ask that you would give them Direction and that you would give them guidance and understanding about everything that is going on so that they can come to a right decision and a decision that will be a benefit to those in the room and to those throughout this city allow us all to be on one Accord tonight to operate in unity no Strife but peace tranquility and getting to the bottom of what needs to be done for the city of Patterson so that we can one day return to being the city of righteousness amen am flag of the United States of America and to the rep stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all now we have a moment of silence for our troop and for those that lost a loved one in our community thank you you may be seated Madame clerk uh will you please read the statement of compliance yes Mr President statement of compliance with the open public meetings law for 2023 2024 meeting date is April 23rd 2024 the time is now 7:11 p.m. adequate notice of this meeting was compiled and disseminated in accordance with the open public meetings law in the following manner one the annual notice of regular meetings and workshop sessions of the municipal Council was compiled for the year 2023 2024 honorable July 1 2023 two a schedule of the regular meetings and workshop sessions of the municipal Council for the year 202 3 2024 was duly transmitted onor about July 1 2023 to the north Jersey Herald News the record the Arabic voice the Italian voice the pay County PS Dominicana news Lisa International Lal the pison press the city post news tap into pison the weekly Bangla Patria in addition to any other publication dly requesting such notices three the schedule of the regular meetings and workshop sessions of the municipal Council for the year 20123 2024 was prominently posted in the lobby of City Hall first floor in the place reserved for the announcements of this type four the schedule of the regular meetings and workshop sessions of the municipal Council for the year 2023 2024 was duly filed with the municipal clerk and five a copy of the schedule of regular meetings of the municipal Council was mailed to any person who requested and paid the fee authorized by the open public records act Mr President in addition to the statement of compliance I'd like to read the following notice that was published in the newspaper earlier as well as on the um local channels and the city's website correct M CL can't hear please be advised please be advised that due to a structural emergency in the city council chambers at 55 Market Street third floor patteron New Jersey the venue for the municipal Council regular meeting of Tuesday April 23rd 2024 at 700 p.m. has been relocated to the cable vision Studio 77 Ellison Street p New Jersey that was dated April 19th 2024 and signed by council president and the unders signed Yours Truly Jaclyn Murray thank you Mr President thank you Madame clerk members of the public so we're going to start um our going we're going to start with our agenda let me just make a quick announcement at the end of the agenda we're going to have a public portion on the public portion you will have three minutes to speak you could talk you could speak about any topic but just remember you have a clock in front of you and we have one in the back after the 3 minutes I will ask you to move and let the next speaker um use the three minutes on the mic uh it's my I see that this uh room is at full capacity right now the rest of the people if we have enough chair they could stay outside and we're going to start with uh payment of bill um Council mava payment of Bill council president for what you already did call with the Roll Call she did roll call yes she did roll call I she couldn't start the meeting yeah oh okay yes council president yes madame clerk uh councilwoman Dava can you hear me out there okay very good so council president to all my colleagues um Please be aware that what I'm going to read today um is based on two payment of bills okay last week was not well actually last week was a payment uh bills but the previous wasn't so I'm just going to give you some numbers so you understand uh the general government um which includes health insurance of 4.5 million I guess I could just read it all 4,583 93,9 20168 if you move forward there's also 31 million 31.5 that were for pension we also have um about approximately 3.7 million for the sore Bill uh to P Valley um commission you okay uh about 250,000 was for PNG and that was for two months uh in addition about 700,000 uh for Social Security and Medicare making that a total of about 40 million uh7 40 million. 7 and the additional 5 million for payroll so that makes it AAL total of two payment of bills of 50, 102,800 it was moved by councilwoman Ms and Council Les no no no it was by Council by Council and Council this new places K roll call for payment of bills Council woman cotton oh she recused I didn't hear that councilwoman Dava yes thank you councilman Jackson pass councilman colleague yes madame cler councilwoman Mims so this tonight is there are two payment of bills here for last week as you know the meeting was suspended and then this week as well the uh majority of this payment of bills is to pay for our retirees we know that when you retire you want to get your check so I'm going to vote to ensure that our employees get their check and our vendors get their payment my vote is yes thank you Dr Ms councilman Udin good evening everyone um uh council president uh since so many people are here in presence I would request you to bring the public portion earlier so that everyone will have chance to uh make their voice hard with that being said uh my vote is yes to uh payment of Bill did you say yes councilman okay thank you councilman Udin councilman valz yes thank you councilman valet councilman Jackson thank you councilman Mr President my vote is yes M clerk thank you Mr President so the votes are seven yeses one recusal one absent payment of bills in the amount of 50, 102,000 83695 is hereby adopted thank you m clerk council member there's an item item number 35 uh Comm memorialized the 40 anniversary of rision Christiana we need to add this item on the agenda um4 so we have 35 and number 34 and 34 to be added on the agenda no 34 was already included no 34 is already included there's only one item item number 35 M clerk to include in the agenda yes council president item number 35 is a resolution commemorating the 40th anniversary of radio Vision Christiana is sponsored by Council vice president lisis valz council president Alex Mendes and co-sponsored by councilwoman Dr Lil Sims and councilwoman Marissa daver it's a city council resolution 24 col 289 so move second it was mov by Council councilwoman Davila and second by councilwoman Mims and council member Les to be added on the agenda to be added be added on the agenda go ahead roll call M clerk roll call um to add item number 35 to the agenda councilwoman carton yes councilwoman daver yes councilman Jackson yes councilman khik yes councilwoman Mims yes councilman urin yes councilman valz yes Mr President my vot is yes M clerk thank you the votes are eight yeses one absent item number 35 is hereby added to the municipal Council regular meeting agenda thank you madam clerk let's take care item 35 immedately okay item number 35 for approval it's a resolution again commemorating the 40th anniversary of radio Vision Christiana it's sponsored by Council vice president Lis valz and council president Alex Mendes co-sponsored by councilwoman Dr Lisa Mims and councilwoman Merit Dava city council resolution 24 col 289 it was moved by council member Les and council president Menda second by councilwoman Mims and councilwoman Davila roll call M cler on item number 35 roll call on item number 35 for approval councilwoman cotton thank you madam clerk I just want to say for um the radio station is 40 anniversary uh for the radio Vision Christianity and they're located in the fourth ward on on Broadway and they've been there for 40 years and I want to say congratulations to them for being there I've gone visit them many many times so congratulation of 40 years for being in the city of patteron radio Vision Madam cler my vote is yes thank you councilwoman cotton Council woman Davin so you know this right here I'm H how could I not support such resolution uh when um out of my 53 years 40 all right my mom used to preach in rision chisana and so you know this is very special to all the pastors that have been present past um you know I I wish you another 40 years okay to rision Christiana on your anniversary and thank you very much uh to vice president uh VES and uh council president uh for allowing you know Council men's and I as well to be part of this uh resolution commemorating 40 years uh my vote is yes thank you councilwoman daver councilman Jackson thank you Madame clerk as difficult that as it is to do business in this city someone that has shown that they've been consistent for 40 years speaks volumes and and I can attest to that so anyone who has done it so well for so long I am um more than happy to support Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilman Jackson councilman khik thank you madam clerk I want to CR conate the past and present leadership of radio Vision Christiana my vot is yes thank you councilman K Council women Ms and so since I was a little girl we used to go visit the studio and there's many times I've preached at this location um Council M valz and I Council mava Council Moten and councilman Mendes and so many others have been to their events they do an amazing tent celebration if you ever uh go your life will never be the same so make sure you visit when they have their big celebration um and when it gets warmer Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you Dr Ms councilman Udin my body thank you councilman Udin councilman valz so we celebrating as everybody say 40 year anniversary we celebrate 37 year anniversary of 2017 uh radio Vision Christian is a radio station from patteron to the world because they have preached from patteron to through the world and a lot of people uh tune in to uh listen to The Gospel um I could recall that I had in the past in 1996 95 my own show there uh preaching and orientating the people um in the aspect of Christianity so for me it means a lot thank you Council woman Davila for uh allow me to put your name and also Council woman Dava um Ms and also Council pres for allowing me to put it in the agenda tonight that was already drafted but it was all last meeting was not done but we celebrating with radio Vision Christiana uh keep on praying for us for the city of Patterson and always be the light from patteron to the world my vot is yes thank you councilman valz Mr President thank you Madame clerk congratulations to R Christiana on the 40 anniversary uh spreading the the the world of God throughout the entire War but they are here in the city of patteron 40 years it's amazing they've been impacting this community in such a phenomenal way so I hope to seeis chisti for 40 more years with that being said my vote is yes cler thank you Mr President the votes are eight yeses one absent item number 35 is hereby adopted thank you mad clerk can we do the consent agenda mad clerk yes Mr President Council president my uh Council before we do the consent agenda I would like number 11 to be removed from consent okay number 11 which is resolution motion picture for Fabian a okay Madame cler item number 11 will be removed out of the consent agenda okay thank you Council woman thank you thank you just a moment and I would love to go to see you preaching at risana you got to invite me when you go yes yes but when youe everybody understand you when you preach everybody get the message trust me so all matters listed under the consent agenda are considered to be routine by the council and will be enacted by one motion the items listed under the consent agenda are numbers 9 through 22 with the exception of item number 11 which was removed any item may be removed from the consent agenda by the request of any council member and if so removed will be treated as a separate M so move second it was moved by councilwoman Davila second by councilman bz and councilwoman M roll call M clerk on the consent agenda yes Mr President roll call on the consent agenda councilwoman carton yes councilwoman daver yes councilman Jackson yes councilman khle yes councilwoman Mims so before I vote I requested item number 11 to be removed from the consent agenda only because there's rumors that the Fabian Theater is closing and there's an item on here to renew to renew the contract for uh the motion picture theater so I want to ask some questions before voting on that item and and uh combined my vote is just for this thank you Dr Mims councilman Udin my vot is yes thank you councilman Udin councilman valz my vote is yes I yes did he answer I say yes thank you councilman Val Mr President my vote is yes M clerk thank you Mr President the votes are eight yes is one absent the consent agenda is adopted as amended thank you thank you madam clerk so let's um let's continue with item uh council member you want to take care item 11 now or take yes M cler let's do item 11 there's some question about item 11 that is being removed out of the conscent agenda just a moment counc give me a minute item number 11 is a resolution addressing renewal if a motion picture theater license for Community Theaters LLC trading as Fabian 8 cinema at 301 Main Street First Ward it's resolution number 24 I'm sorry it's a resolution 11 just a moment Mr President sure it's resolution number 24 colon 265 uh we have a motion move it was move move by councilwoman Ms second by Council let discussion councilwoman M disc so um to um to Madame ba um because this possibly should be moved to table unless we get clarity there is uh there was an article that was presented that the Fabian Theater is closing so I'm questioning why this item is on to renew the theater license if it's going to be closed so is it just rumored it's closing or it is if it's going to close and we're not sure this item um council president possibly needs to be tabled AG until that time but if Madame ba can speak to that for us that would be great discussion council president uh just a minute we have Council M on the floor uh there's a question on the floor from Madam ba and right out there we'll have Council M BL and councilman Jackson Madame ba thank you council president um I the only thing thing I can speak to is the license that's before you because it it still is owned by um The Entity that is there the Fabian 8 Cinema if you look at the the license they are the applicant um and they are the the time frame there that they described is that they have a period of request for a year renewal so it might be something that if they are looking to to sell the business that the license would continue in for the establishment um I have no other no further details other than what we see before us in terms of the license but I what I can tell you is that they paid the fee um as noted at the bottom which was filed at the beginning of the month it was the $2,200 fee um and everything as noted by the licensing department is um approved and nothing is outstanding so they're in full compliance to move forward so council president I'm okay to move forward with it I just want at Clarity and have it on the record so I'm okay they paid the fee we have it so I'm ready to move forward I agree thank you Council Council mes thank you um the item of the U license that they requesting is entertainment is right so so Madame ba the only the only thing is that um you know the type of use could be probably not there right because they talking about the trater is closing but probably is the use as a treater but probably they probably going to use a place as individual um space event and they probably going to use that for that purpose that would be good if they open three churches inside the movie theater that's that they would take the revenue from there right a lot of churches out there looking for spots and that would be a nice place to be um if they want to do that but it created a concern because they say that um the movie now longer is going to be there operating as a movie theater but they're going to be doing as probably then we need clarification even that's a private entity is a more you know we don't we don't rule on a private thing but if uh if that's the case I'm good to move forward with uh the approval of it okay thank you councilman Bess councilman Jackson I'll be brief council president only be um just clear up a few things one it's not an entertainment license submitt it is a motion picture theater license for the Community Theaters um at the Fabian 8 so I mean we not be able to be utilized for just normal day-to-day use for entertainment but um they're paying the fee even if they manage they they happen to close their doors prior to the city doesn't suffer anything and more importantly I think that the city we should be putting together a plan how to keep the only theater that we have have active in the city alive I mean to to do business in the city has been very challenging very difficult and you know we're we're cutting ribbons for businesses but we're not talking about the longevity and the issues and the problems that they have just to do business in the city um so I think this is a an opportunity for a much broader discussion you know they they've made a sizable investment in our community and it's proven that even them who are you know uh extraordinarily solvent if they're having challenges then these challenges could possibly be mirrored you know around the city so I think that uh we need to move forward with this but we also need to H have some type of conversation and how do we maintain this entity thank you council president thank you councilman Jackson so R call man clerk on item number 11 um sorry we move it already so we're ready to we're ready to vote on item 11 yes Mr President roll call on item number 11 for approval councilman abdulaziz yes councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman Davin um I'm going to be voting in the affirmative because I believe um I would like to see another theater in the city of Patterson and this could possibly depending on the entity um if they come back or if they have someone that would want to invest in a Fabian um hopefully they'll keep the name uh but with that said you know I'm in full support my vote is yes thank you councilwoman councilman Jackson thank you madam clerk I'm going to quote some someone that many of you may not may or may not know um he's a doctor as well he's a pretty famous doctor his name is Dr Dre and one of his quotes was uh when asked about how he obtained his very large home he said anyone can obtain it maintaining maintaining it and keeping it now that's the uh the intent or what should be impressive you know um as a municipality we have an obligation to our community we have an obligation to make sure that these businesses that do come in are capable of sustaining we also have an obligation to our community to make sure that the amenities and services that other communities have that we have here to only have one movie theater in in in in the uh third largest city in the state of New Jersey that's the first embarrassment but then to sit here and and and watch it close its doors because we're not doing our part with making sure that business is sustainable here is very um disappointing but with that being said Madam clerk um I'm anxious to support and I'm hoping that they uh they find find a way to sustain my vote is yes thank you councilman Jackson councilman KH my vote is yes mam thank you councilman councilwoman M so I think it's important this item was initially on consent which means one vote covers everything I thought it was important that I bring to light that there are rumors that uh the Fabian is closing and I wanted it to put be put on record that this is a Motion theater license which is good if there's another entity that's looking to have a movie theater but we should also have it as a singular item to vote on so it brings Clarity and information to the community at large a lot of times things happen it gets voted three and the community has no idea what's going on so this item now it will be on public record that the owner because that's who signed it I saw the contract the owner of C City Mall is get making sure that this contract is renewed so that if there's another entity that wants to do movie or theater um if faan does not choose to stay there someone else is able to do that and I think it's important that that is vocalized and communicated properly to the community would that being stated Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you Dr mes councilman Odin thank you Madame Clark so when it came to the newspaper that the favian is leaving the city closing the business the social media was flooded with saying sorry we need to support this since they renewed this I AR to our community members instead of going out of town movie theaters support our own movie theater only one instead of just showing them sympathy but just go and support them and I believe that with our support Fabian can last longer time in the city of Patterson with that being said my vote is yes thank you councilman Udin councilman valz hopefully when they open it again and I don't see people to from pison going to will BR and sit down the movie theater over there and support the one that we have here or go to Garden State and support that we won have the one that we have here they get upset when they say they was going to close but then I look at myself how many times I go to the movie theater and Wayne or gardien state and not support the one that I have here so it goes both hands if we got something here let's shop local let's support local that's how I see it and um instead of renting other places out the city they start renting the movie theater that we have here as a Performing Arts uh my word is yes moving forward thank you councilman vet Mr President thank you madam clerk I I truly believe on partnership uh I think that you know we have to bring all the state holder that we have in the city of patteron and a great partner like ngcc like our pison public school and have a conversation and see how can we support our the only theater that we have in the city of patteron we we we're living in a tough time uh and a lot of business are struggling uh so that's the best way to do by supporting each other helping each other and I'm definitely looking forward to see that partnership to support our the only movie The that we have in the city of pison with that being said my vot is yes Madam clerk thank you council president the votes are nine affirmative item number 11 is hereby adopted thank you Madame clerk Madame clerk we have item 23 all the way through 34 without the consent let's start with uh the non consent item and right after that we will go into public portion item number 23 Madame clerk yes Mr President item number 2 three is a resolution honoring and memorializing The Life and Legacy of Margaret Johnson is sponsored by councilwoman Ruby en coton and councilwoman Dr Lisa Mims it's a city council resolution 24 colon 277 second it was moved by Council woman Ruby and Council men and second by Council and council member roll call Madame clerk on item number 23 roll call on item 23 for approval councilman abdulaziz yes councilwoman cotton thank you madam clerk I just want to say with Margaret Johnson um we was going to celebrate her birthday but she did pass away she was the oldest living person here in the city of Patterson and I remember she lived in Dr cotton Norman cotton senior building on Rosa Parks Boulevard and I used to love the goia for her birthday because she'd love to do stratch off so I always made sure I took strats off over there with her uh if celebrating her birthday so so she's no longer here with us and I just want her family to know that I truly um go into the senior building and appreciate her um just sitting down having lunch having dinner um Madam clerk I just want to say honoring and memorializing the life of our oldest living person in the city of Patterson uh the legacy of Margaret Johnson Madame clerk my vote is yes thank you councilwoman cotton thank you so much thank you so much uh councilwoman cotton and councilwoman Mims once again uh for um honoring this beautiful soul you knew her very well some of us didn't know her as well but we did you know um were able to partake with her a few times in the senior buildings um and you know sad that she's gone but she's in heaven and to her family this is just the way that we honor her here in the city of pattersson my vote is yes thank you councilwoman daver councilman Jackson yes thank you councilman KAG yes councilwoman memes so uh Miss Margaret Johnson was at her passing 104 years old one of the things that I say all the time is that we need to give people their flowers while they can smell them and I can truly say that there were great people in this community um including myself Council M cotton I don't think we missed her birthday Pary her events um as she had them yearly and I just want to give a big shout out to miss Ora Jane Bell and Rodney Addison and so many others that really stepped in her granddaughter that stepped in made sure that she had things and was cared for um and so many things I could just talk about in detail some of the things they did for her and her later years of life it would be um grateful if we can all remember and I say this to everyone if you have a mother that's still living or father still living give them their flowers while they can smell them cuz once they're gone they cannot come back Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you Dr Ms councilman urin my vot is yes Madam KK thank you councilman urin councilman Valance I could recall that she never miss the um Brownstone celebration of of the and I danced with her there too she was happy always happy so um rest in peace and um thank you for the Legacy that she um left uh behind so my vote is yes thank you councilman valz Mr President thank you madam clerk thank you councilwoman R Council M for memorializing The Life and Legacy of Margaret Johnson phenomenal human being I remember those event at The Brownstone um you know she's one of the icon in our community my with that being said my vot is yes B clerk thank you Mr President the votes are nine affirmative votes item number 23 is hereby adopted I don't number 24 M clerk item number 24 is a resolution designating East 22nd Street between 17th and 18th Avenues to be also known as Ora Jane bellway is sponsored by councilman lisis valz councilwoman Ruby en cotton and councilwoman Dr Lisa Mims it's resolution 24278 second it was moved by councilwoman um it was moved by council member councilwoman Mims second by councilwoman K and councilwoman Dila roll call Mad clerk on item 24 roll call on item number 24 for approval councilwoman cotton thank you madam clerk um we're honoring um no we re nameing the designating the street or Jane Bell Way or Jane Bell or Jane Bell took care of Margaret Johnson yes when Margaret Johnson got sick and and and didn't she didn't want to go to the nursing home or Jane Bel who's not even related to Margaret Johnson took Margaret Johnson into her house and took care of her in her last days and let me just say about or Jane Bell or Jane bill has a food pantry 7 Day Adventist Church on Madison 11th Avenue that they do I think three times two times a week and she is truly truly truly a community person or Jan B has been around for many many many many years and it's just an honor that I've seen all the work that she has done I want to we want to recognize her for everything not only has she taken in Margaret Johnson she has taken in many people who have children here who don't take care of their mothers and fathers and Mary and or Jane Bell is the lady in the community that's taking care other people mothers and fathers but that's the love that she has for her community that's love that she has for everyone and I want to say it's an honor I thank you councilman valz and councilwoman Ms for I've known her for many many years um going to new aign church um her brother darell so with this being said or J Bell I'm glad that we able to do this for you you are still here you are still here and I want to say I congratulate you cuz you have done so much for this city so much that a lot of people don't even know because they're not out there to see what you do I'm out there to see what you do all the time but that being said Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilwoman cotton councilwoman Davin so something key that councilwoman cotton said about Miss Ora Jan Bell Community if there was one thing and that she continues to do that she Embraces all and I know V and I I remember going to her house you know we even went to the hospital check up on Marg when she she was in the hospital and you know this was a few years ago and she has always if I show you the messages she's always sending me whatsa messages prayers all right because she loves all and you know what that is so beautiful and I'm happy that I'm able to also honor her today and make sure that there is now a designation that will be called Aura Jane Bell Way my vote is yes thank you councilwoman daver councilman Jackson thank you madam clerk this is an acknowledgement very well deserved um I went over there to volunteer one day and she ran circles around me she was taking care of hundreds of people making sure that everyone was served at the pantry and uh with that being said Madame clerk my vote is yes thank you councilman Jackson councilman khik my vote is yes Madam clerk thank you councilman councilwoman M so I've known Aura Jane Bell all of my life she's always been a servant of God and a GI to the community this is great councilman valz that you would think to do this and I I have to continue to say it it's no good after people are gone and we want to buy flowers and put them at the casket or near the coffin you have to show people that you love them while they are alive or Jane Bell if you go by 7 Day Adventist Church at any given day I think it's two or three times a week you will see the line wrapped around the corner it's not that other people are doing it she's up in age I call her one of our seasoned Warriors in the community she's out there herself packing bags doing all these things and I think it's so important and we should always look at people like Ora Jane Bell like people in our family that sometimes people may not ever recognize but when you go through these streets where these names are sometime it's good to identify the history and the person behind the name that was designated in the city of Patterson Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you Dr Mims councilman urin this is a very well-fitting honor I believe and with having said my V justment I'm CL thank you um councilman Udin councilman valz thank you colleagues for uh those beautiful words in one aspect the other everybody had an experience with her um thinking everything that we have said today you guys have said today and it brings me something in my mind when you start serving your home I know that you start serving with perfect serving to the people in the community okay and everybody in the block on each 22nd and 18th Avenue and 17th Avenue knows who she is whoever don't know her or her house don't live in pison but she have sent that message from in out serving home first and then the public and serving the lord with it so congratulation my vote is yes thank you councilman valz councilman abdalaziz yes okay thank you councilman um M Mr President thank you madam clerk Council KH thank you so very much for bringing this resolution into this Council because she definitely deserve it our James Bell thank you thank you so very much for all what you have done for this community and the way you impact the life of the resident of this great City uh with your great work and your contribution my vot is yes M clerk thank thank you Mr President the votes are nine affirmative um itm number 24 is hereby adopted thank you m clerk item number 25 item number 25 is a resolution honoring and memorizing The Life and Legacy of Rachel Martinez mcneel is sponsored by councilwoman Dr Lisa Mims and co-sponsored by councilwoman Ruby n carton City Council resol 24 calling 279 so moved move it Council it was moved by councilwoman Lis and councilwoman Ruby Kon second by councilman and councilwoman Mara Dava and councilman as well roll call cler on item 25 roll call on item 25 for approval councilman abdalaziz yes councilwoman cotton thank you madam Clerk I just want to say to everyone TV Land um and I want to um send my condolences out to the Martinez family but this one really is a hard one um this young lady got hit by a car in the city of forsake and he didn't even stop he didn't even stop to see what was wrong with her he didn't even stop he just left they finally was able to track him down so and and um Rachel mcneel have always been such a good a good Community person she lived in the city of Pake but she was always here in Patterson too so I always said the city of Pake and patteron we're sister cities uh and and you know we help each other out but for for I just want to say to the Martinez family to everyone there to her her families that she have him and Patterson here um we're going to miss her and I just want to give you my condolences but I thank you Council M that we were able to put this together because it was such a sad way to get hit and don't even stop don't even see if you're okay don't don't just left her there Madam clerk my vote is just on IM moralizing Life and Legacy of Rachel mcneel thank you madam cler thank you councilwoman cotton councilwoman DAV so some people um may may think and say because sometimes you read it in social media or people say there's so many people that pass away people that get hit people that get run down and they don't get celebrated right or honored okay but there are individuals right that become part of a family and that family works with others and even as elected officials I can personally say that I didn't know her the way my colleagues may have but I do know her brother and just by his writings and what he says Teddy Martinez adored his sister and the fact that he's been a community leader working out here I mean he has a story to tell all right and his sister loved him and his other sisters as well and so you know how can I not when my colleagues say we need to recognize this individual although she's passed on you know and I'm very sorry to Teddy and your entire family um for the passing and you know what happened to your sister and with that said you know my vote is yes thank you councilwoman daver councilman Jackson thank you madam clerk my heartfelt condolences go out to brother Teddy Martinez and his entire family and his tragic loss of life madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilman Jackson councilman khik yes thank you councilman councilwoman Mims so I want to give uh condolences to Teddy Denise her sons and the entire family many people you may have heard the story but did not know about her Rachel and I were friends we met through Teddy there was a situation where her son she reached out to me everyone knows I work in education so it's been about maybe the last 8 to 10 years that we've talked probably every other day especially when it came to situations with her with her son this is very tragic she was always in Patterson helping doing great things in the community and on this particular night she was walking from her house to work and she was hit by a driver and they left the scene of the accident and she lost her life we have to always remember that in life you meet people people through life I saw another person on Facebook on Sunday with their spouse and I saw today the Heartbreak signs make sure I'm going to keep saying it if you have to text it while you're sitting here send and I love you send a heart to your loved ones and sometimes and I want to say this because I feel it in my heart sometimes when we're doing these items people say they talk too long they should not have to say say all the stuff just vote and move on but what if it was your family member you will want someone to say something nice about them or to remember them for the Legacy and the things that they left here on this Earth I'm never going to stop talking when it comes to celebrating people alive and or dead because you never know when your turn is coming Madam clerk this is for Rachel and her family my vote is yes thank you Dr Mims councilman Udin thank you madam clerk so um again first of all may you rest in peace uh brother Teddy I met him last Saturday as to all express my condolences but one thing should Express right here that the where she she was killed that you say by the careless driver and I like to address this almost every day there is an accident happening one of the recent accident that I saw I sent the videos to the police department uh on the towa Avenue there eight one driver was speeding like a highway and hit eight to nine Cars one of the security guard was supposed always he stand in front of the mosque mid Adam on to Avenue luckily he was sitting inside his car if he would be standing he would be dead by now I sent that these videos to the police department to take a look and this is not just one incident incident happening everywhere and because of this we lost his history from our community with that being said I want to make sure that the uh codes are enforced the drivers they follow the rules um again uh brother Teddy and your family we sincerely express our condolences and uh May the sister mcneel be in peace thank you my body justment thank you councilman Udin councilman valz um I had to take a deep breath you know um I had to take a deep breath because um flashback comes I know was an accident is rest in peace uh my my my vote is yes thank you councilman valz Mr President thank you m clerk uh let me just express my deepest condoles to Teddy and his entire family and well State Council in this difficult time when family go to through difficult time like this this support is extremely important for them uh and that's what we're doing this this governing body is in support of people and leaders in this community that lose their L one in this way so with that being said my vote is yes M CL thank you Mr President the votes are nine in the affirmative item number 25 is hereby adopted Council M moons yes it was stated um that it was Rachel Martinez mcneel it should be Rachel mcil no Martin no martinz yes it's on the here but in the just for the res so just make sure that when we print it counc thank you yes thank you Council yeah I just want to take this opportunity Madame ba you know um we we memorizing The Life and Legacy of this young girl that's you know I call it young everybody right but we know that please when when when all those grants comes in especially when it's pedestrian safety please let's try to expedite you know I know let's try to expedite because as councilman uh Udin stated you know we need to make sure that all Corners are clear we have to make sure uh crosswalks are are are painted we need to make sure all the signs um even that this not happen in pis but you know um that we are making sure that pedestrian safety is met in the city of patteron and and raise the voice out there for others that needs to be careful out there I just want to make sure that sure thank you Council mes Madam clerk item number 26 yes Mr President item number 26 is a resolution renaming Clinton Street Park as Janette Thompson Park it's sponsored by councilman Michael Jackson it's a city council resolution 24 colon 280 may I have a second discussion discussion move by councilman Jackson second by councilman rby count discussion it was m and Jackson it was moved by councilman Jackson and councilman Ms second by councilman Ruby C we have discussion Council abiz um council president I'm just looking for the item here Corporation Council is it in here or does anyone have 26 here yeah here was this going to be on the original workshop last week council president no no as you as we yeah the the workshop was cancelled I can but was it on the original agenda for the workshop no no no that's not that's council members is my understanding UHC goes to Madam cler just a minute just a minute um go ahead council member go ahead Madam clerk this item right here so I know there was a workshop we had we that agenda I received I reviewed right and and then this was put on the council agenda for this meeting it wasn't on the workshop correct it was not on the original Workshop but because the meeting was cancelled and the request came in I reached out to council president and he agreed to add it to the meeting agenda so I don't have an issue with this so usually we have a workshop we get that agenda I review it and I see if I have any questions or whatnot then I received a new agenda with this them on so this was not on council president this was not on the original workshop and you added it on here M um like I said I don't know this person I would and if if they're here they're great I don't have an issue with this I know that is this the park that they just did the groundbreaking today yes Clint Street Park thank you council president councilman Jackson thank you council president rather entertaining first of all those of us who are in our community I don't care where you come from if you don't know Miss Janette Thompson and you don't know the city of Patterson Miss Janette Thompson symbolizes what Patterson is and she has worked tireless tirelessly not just for this park but for the entire Community she's been a partner with councilwoman Ames for many many years in fact she's dedicated herself now and um um committing to to take care of councilwoman ases in her moments of need as well but more importantly council president and Council colleagues and members of the public which is extremely disappointing that there's a an issue raised about an item for a council person adding an item prior to the workshop meeting which we all entitled but tonight we voted an item on the agenda that would had no did not reach the uh Workshop no one had an issue with it but this item uh someone seems to find an A matter or an issue with this item that a actually would have been discussed had the councilman made it to the meeting the workshop last week but um with that being said I don't want to um uh stain this item this is very very welld deserved and it should not have even been questioned um the the person in which we're um we're iron ing is well worth it and um Madam clerk I'm I'm hopeful and excited to move forward thank you thank you Mr President should I continue with the roll call you go ahead um any other council members uh council president uh council president Council Bless and right after that then we'll go into roll call it's a blessing so let's move forward where's Jette Thompson she's let us speak after you know right after we vote let's take from action and then right after that roll call Mad clerk on item number 26 yes Mr President roll call on item number 26 for approval councilman abdelaziz thank you madam clerk I usually don't entertain some of the rhetoric that comes from some Council colleagues I have every single right to question my council president and the Madam clerk on the process of how this made it to the agenda that has nothing to do with the person um from here some of my colleagues now they show me um the picture I've had seen Miss Thompson and I have no issue and then I saw today that she was the one speaking at the groundbreaking um and I commend her and I my vote is yes and I support it thank you councilman abdulaziz councilwoman cotton thank you madam clerk I just want to say to Miss Thompson she's out there please stand up so we can all see you Miss Thompson and I just want to say to I've known her probably over about 40 years there you go she's been she's been Advocate she been working uh Janette and I along with councilwoman as um doing the Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner she's she's with along with councilwoman Ames with the fourth W liance she just been involved and I think that this part it took 15 years a it wasn't last week it wasn't a week before it wasn't a year before this has been a long long Hall and you know what Janette I'm happy that we're here you here to see this getting done you know it's good when you can see things getting done after so so many years and it was an honor to be there today we did do the ground breaking ceremony for Clinton Street Park and I can't wait until it get finished it's going to have an Ampitheater it's going to be all of that but miss Janette Thompson this is for you of all your years of hard work this is for you and I recognize all your hard work so this is for you and I'm happy that I'm a counsel woman sitting here who I've been friends with for 40 years to see something name after her congratulations congratulations congratulations Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilwoman cartton councilwoman Davin so so Miss Thompson um I as well am an honored to be able to see you right and recognize today all the hard work that you've done for many years um for one I'm happy that we were able to allot the monies that are appropriate to fix the park because we don't want a park that's not fixed with the name cuz that's an embar harrassment right and you know I've been one of those individuals along with other of my colleagues who we fought to make sure and we created um the friends of Patterson parks and through that entity um with the guide of the ba um we've been able to obtain additional monies um that do not have to come from the city budget all right so I'm happy uh honored and um as councilwoman says giving your flowers while you're alive feels really good so congratulations Janette my vote is yes thank you councilwoman councilman Jackson thank you madam clerk um first of all this is extremely welld deserved when you talk about a selfless or unselfish person um Miss Janette um symbolizes that I recall her working extremely hard she was extreme very very concerned about the park renaming for Council woman woman Ames and she took it very personal she was making sure that the park got renamed after Mrs Ames and um you know and she fought diligently for this one but she never mentioned anything about um herself she never talked about herself this is always about the community at large always about her habitat homeowners association so um um I know uh some may wonder why is because because you know I I I write my own legislation here I don't send it to Legal so if I was inspired and I I made every attempt to make sure that it was a surprise but there's no getting anything past Miss Janette she called me a couple nights ago Michael why didn't you tell me I said I was hoping that it would be a surprise but needless to say this is very very well deserved and I can't wait to drive past this park every day and see your name you know your name on that Park not just um for the next year but forever to be memorialized with your name on it and symbolize all the hard work that you did in the first word and I'm very appreciative of the work that you've done thank you very much very well deserve Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilman Jackson councilman khik thank you Madame clerk thank you for all you do for the community uh m m uh Madame Thompson congratulation my vote is yes thank you councilman khle councilwoman Ms so what can we say about Miss Janette Thompson she's been a mother to us all she's been an advisor she's been a counselor she's been a Advocate and a fighter starting from the fourth wward then going right to the First Ward doing the same thing everyone knows Miss Janette Thompson everybody she takes care of our Queen of the fourth Vera Ames she's always at jump start with Jamie Bland she's always every that you need her she she's there you know how it says you have to be in it to win it that means she's winning all the time so I want to put this on the record to our Administration there's still some dollars that are needed to com Madame ba uh uh CFO there's still some dollars in the mayor who's watching there's still some funds that are needed to finish this park so I would like us to look into the arc dollars to see what that balance is to make sure because we can vote Yes on naming the park but if there's no money to finish the work is going to be a Half Baked Park I want to make sure the park is finished so there is not that much left let's look into our dollars and put the rest of that money so we put our money where our vots are tonight and make sure that Park gets what it deserves I also want to put it on the record there will be an Amphitheater playground all this stuff it would be really nice if we can put all the Warriors of the First Ward and imprint their names on the bricks of the amphitheater get a collage of all those names and on the bricks I as they used to cuz people that are from the first they understand and know used to walk up and down those steps right who's first W in here oh it's not that okay the original first war people know if you go there and look at where the groundbreaking was today you will see there are steps that people used to travel to come down from Temple and come all the way down so they didn't have to go all the way around so I lived in a first for a while so I kind of know the history but just go to the park if you don't know it go and look at where they're working and you will see the steps that are still there and still solid but that I think that's a great idea it also will be some way to bring some history to the park but if we put all the first world Warriors names and grades on that Amphitheater that will take it to another place Madam uh clerk um for Miss Janette Thompson she already knows how I feel about her here's a part of your flowers because this not a full bouquet but it's a part of it I'm giving it to you while you can smell them my vote is yes thank you Dr Mims cman Udin thank you Madam Clark uh Miss Janette Thompson I had opportunity to meet her multiple times in different occasions I didn't know her name before I became the council member but I saw her everywhere in community uh activities not only in first St in different parts of the C Patterson and she's a selfless dedicated community members and I think this is very welld deserved recognition acknowledgement and I think this is going to not just encouraging you but many others community members to give back back to the community with that being said M Janette this is very well deserved we love to spend our time at the uh Janette Thompson Park that being said my fa is yes to uh to this item thank you councilman Udin you need to you V councilman Val all right Jette Thompson soft spoken person strong voice okay okay um I recall when we went to uh the inauguration of the the field next to it you came up to me and say don't forget about that Park and I was looking at it and say you know it's true we're going to get to it and we getting to it I want to thank the administration because I believe this is the 10 plus Park that we have renovate uh huh yes correct and and um and this is this is what it's all about you know it's not politics it's making sure that all our Parks get fixed and making sure that we put the names a lot of parks got names and those people are not alive they don't have even grandchildren here or whatever but our kids could say and pass through there in your case that's under my grandmother's name that is under my mother's name you know the name is there because the Legacy is there the work that you have done with the community not only with one particular Community because you call it blind you work for everyone in the city and that's a good message to send today that we want to move our city forward we need to be colorblind and serve no matter where you come from what flag you have and make sure that the community surrounding the area gets benefit out of it so congratulation God bless you and give you health so you could continue serving us the community my vot is yes thank you councilman Valance Mr President thank you thank you Madame clerk um you know so Council KH I'm a very I'm a very fair person we're supposed to have the discussion last week we couldn't have the meeting there was no quotum but um this is in the agenda for taking for my action today and I'm excited I'm very excited because maybe Miss Jette Thompson doesn't remember this but when I start getting involved in the community you was the first person that I met you was the first person that I start getting involved and may God continue blessing you you are a remarkable leader in our community you don't you don't stop giving back to the community you're always working you always ready to serve the resident of this great City and that's what we need we have to continue acknowledging that type of leadership and you have it God bless you God bless your family uh hopefully you will be able to sit at the park with your name on and I'm excited to say yes about this so without that being say Madam clerk my Bo is yes let's celebrate live thank you thank you Mr President and I would like to call you to the podium Miss Janette if you could come to the podium to address you know the resident of the great C patter V yes right after the vote so the votes are nine in the affirmative item number 26 renaming Clinton Street Park as Janet Thompson Park is hereby adopted thank you thank you council president let's hear let's hear for a minute for from Miss Janette Thompson if you if she could come to the podium oh um I I I don't know what to say and I'm usually not speechless because I'm very a and why mohamed's friend okay but two days ago when I found out about this I was I was just so up and down and this morning at the groundbreaking of the Clinton Street park now Janette Thompson par this is this is so great I feel right now it's like okay I'm going to wake up in the morning and I'm it's going to be like whatever but uh you got guys don't know it's been a long hard journey a long hard journey but sometimes you you know you think people are not looking at what you're doing and tonight hearing all of you say all the things that I've done in the for w first word fifth word habitat sending kids to Disney Thanksgiving dinners all those things that I've done over the last 40 plus years but today and tonight just just just I I I really don't have the words to say to thank all of the council members for supporting me not just for this part but for all that I have done for the city of Patterson been here for 76 years born here and still here and I have no intentions of leaving until okay so thank you thank you one and all please [Applause] council president uh council member C Council M council president uh thank you council president as you know this we are relocating a new place but still so many of our community members came here to make their voice hard I request one more time to uh bring the public portion so that we will counc councilman ding I hear you so we have a few more item just we we're going by item 27 we're going to be brief on the next on the rest of the item then we're going to do public portion right after that we have to get into a executive section Council memb so let's continue let's be brief and let's move with item 27 right after that after we finish with those item we go into the secutive section I think we could be quick with this item 27 mad clerk yes Mr President item 27 is a resolution approving settlement of tax appeals on block 5 5704 and 5705 various slots also known as 212 d238 gy Avenue owned by leodis of gy LLC is finance resolution 24 colon 2 81 so move second move by councilwoman Dava second by councilwoman Ms roll call on item 27 roll call on item 27 for approval councilman abdulaziz yes councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman daver yes councilman Jackson I I'll speak on the next one Madam cler my vote is yes thank you councilman Jackson councilman khik yes councilwoman Ms yes councilman Udin yes yes Madam CL Mr President my vote is yes mad clerk thank you the votes are eight yeses one absent item number 27 is hereby adopted thank you item number 28 item 28 is a resolution approving settlement of tax appeals on block 3712 lot 28 also known as 18-56 Godwin Street owned by Cold arms preservation urban renewal LP its Finance resolution 24 col 282 move move move by council mavila do we have a second we need a second second second by Council discussion on item number 29 so I just need some clarity this particular property I remember they came before us for a tax abatement so I'm trying to gain understanding what this appeal is for so um our CFO can give some explanation there a tax appeal for um year 202 4 um the appeal was it's from 13,570 to 11,500 um we don't have a tax rate yet so an estimate of what the savings would be in taxes is about 115,000 but again that's an estimate because we don't have a tax rate for 2024 yet the appeal would just be for 2024 so what was the process for this appeal how did they get it and the reason why I'm asking because when you go into council president yes um when you go into your the agenda that we received and I'm going to make this request for all tax appeals we should get a copy of that settlement so that we can see that information it's not attached that's why I'm asking I do see the reso but there's no attachment as to where it came from so that's why I'm getting Clarity before I vote council president may this is a legal question cooperation councel thank you council president thank you Dr M for that inquiry uh so first and foremost we normally have uh confidential settlement memorandums associated with these documents um we normally have confidential settlement memorandums associated with these items uh I've spoken with Madam clerk uh to ensure that going forward uh Council receives these um either uh before the meeting or or at the meeting uh so please excuse that um essentially this is the uh ongoing conversation we've been having about the city's Equalization ratio and the need to uh at some point do uh a reassessment uh we've had that conversation in finance committee and um I'm happy to have that conversation further with the council I don't know if it's prudent to have it at this point but for this particular uh appeal uh the previous tax assess assessments are defensible but for this particular year given the equalization ratio that uh applies currently and the spreading of taxes across all uh residents and properties uh the Law Department felt that this uh settlement was appropriate at this time so council president just a minute council members councilwoman M so and I may be alone but PRI if I don't see that information it's hard for me to make a vote in in the affirmative or the negative we should get those doc and be able to review them before taking a vote council president and I know there's other discussions so I'm going to request that it be taed until the next Workshop I would like to see the details because if we can't stabilize the taxes for all the residents why are we trying to do something in particular for this one so council president I know others want to speak but I'm going to put a motion on the floor to table this item until the next Workshop I would like to see even if it was discussed in finance every council member should see it before we vote thank you president sure thank you Council M Ms I have three council members I have there's a we going to do this there's a motion on the floor council members second there's a motion on the floor by council members to table this item second by councilman Dava and councilman uh BL let's go through the let's go through the motion and motion to table Madame clerk yes yes motion to table item number 28 um councilman abdulaziz thank you madam clerk so so I'm happy that this is going to be tabled but I'm going to put this on the record this right here was one of the properties that I fought hard to make sure they didn't get the abatement they had a 30-year tax abatement and at the next meeting some people on this Council voted to give them a tax Bap so I'm happy that we're back here fighting to make sure we're getting their taxes so we knocked down this abatement this Council and now my question uh Mr CFO is they lost their their bment they want their appeal to to get their tax assessment out to pay less taxes this is back on the property tax roles as a regular uh taxable property um I would like to see this because right now they're trying to get a tax decrease in 2022 2023 they paid their fair share of what the assessment was I want to know why we're going down I know the equalization thing all right sometimes with s like this let them go to Tax Court let a judge make the decision um if I don't know what the negotiations because this is this looks like it could be a backdoor way to drop their taxes they came in front of the council to renew the 30 years some Council people supported it I was firmly against it hard on this and all the other tax abatements that came in front of this Council and now they're trying to negotiate to bring down the property assessment that's no good you know what they want to go in front of a court they want to go in front of a judge and the judge says it does it then the judge says it but this is not going to be a backo way to uh reduce taxes for these big developments so my vote is yes to table councilwoman thank you for bringing that up and I'm looking for looking forward to fighting that these entities that get their 30 years and that they don't get a backo deal to reduce their taxes while the regular folks the one family homeowners two family homeowners the residents are getting the tax increases my vote is yes thank you councilman councilwoman M cotton I'm sorry thank you madam clerk I just need to say to um uh Corporation Council and um we have never you have never I've been here for over 10 years you have never bought a project back about a tax batement and you don't have the figures in there of how much we giving them back or how much we have to send back I can't understand not not that I can remember now they appeal for 22 23 the court system the the tax appeal court did not lower it the tax appeal court lowered it for 2024 I'm assuming it was the tax appeal court for the state of New Jersey that lowered it in 2024 if that's the case before you bring it back to the city council we should know what that amount would be we need to know the amount for 22 they paid amount for 23 they paid and how much they would be paying for 2024 now maybe CFO I've never seen us discuss a tax appeal with no figure in it yet we got to have a figure in there I I I can't remember us ever discussing that so uh with that being said until everything get figured out we will to make sure the court the state tax Court said nope you going to pay 13 million that's your value 2023 your value 13 million now all of a sudden 2024 oh it dropped $2 million we need to see that we actually need to see that and then how much difference it is from 22 23 24 uh with that being said Madam clerk um um we need to take this off until you can give us all the figures that we need to see thank you madam clerk my vote is to uh to remove to table thank you councilwoman cotton councilwoman daver so you know everyone has a a a take you know my colleague to the right indicated that you know he was he voted against this and that is correct well I'm going to say that I voted for it okay because I stand on what I do and my convictions and the reason I did is because I sat in the finance when then councilman Morris spoke to this entity who was purchasing ing the place and was saying listen go ahead and fix it invest in it and then you can come back you know and obviously at that point I was new fairly new and um with that said you know all I can say is this I know individuals that work that live there they're all seniors okay lowincome and they needed to live like decent individuals our seniors need to live in good housing and they invested if you go in there now when you see you see the kitchens you see the bathrooms I mean the floors I mean they really did a big investment and that is why I stood in affirmative because I believe that our senior population that most of the time is put to the side needs to be taken care of all right I do also understand that tax abatements do hurt the the the the tax payer who has the one family or two family but in this case there's an entity who I don't know came in and he made an investment in a property thinking so that's not what's here today here today is to table this right because I'm also in agreement I'm not going to vote on something without knowing but just so you all understand process I am about process these items come before the finance committee through the administration if your colleagues are not there these items you just can't sit on them you have to bring it to the council for the body to look at it and unfortunately last week because of the meeting you know it was um put on today's regular meeting but with that said I'm in full support of tabling this item till we get more information thank you my vote is yes to table thank you councilwoman daver councilman Jackson thank you madam clerk so I I have several things and uh the first thing that I'm I want to outline is if you own a home and you file for a tax appeal you don't get just to go to have a confidential meeting with the mayor and his staff and decide that he's going to reduce your taxes that does that's not how this works the way it's supposed to work is there supposed to be a value set and that value set by the market and in commercial instances that value set by the rents you collect and them just like every all of the other large scale developers has raised risen the rents AST economically so how are they seeing a reduction that's the first thing secondly um Corporation Council I'm I'm adamant this Administration this mayor members of the public pleas please pay attention this mayor because nothing happens without the mayor's consent was just getting ready to give them a two plus million doll reduction this Council voted on the item to maintain a a a property that Grace Chapel has had for over 50 years as tax exempt this Administration put that property back on back on the tax Lan line it was then sold in the tax sale because the they they were never uh uh uh served they were never served they served the actual property where the Chicken Shack that was demoed so they never got notice and that property was was was sold was foreclosed on for less than $25,000 a property that's been in their in their under their uh uh care for more than 50 years so if the administration is willing to give this entity that's making a boatload of money whatever two two plus million dollars in reduction I'm I'm I'm waiting to hear what have we done for Grace Chapel we need to re recover that property while I'm sitting in the back of the room I got served so I had someone trying to track me down he was all over the place I called the number he makes sure he comes here to serve me for Frankie fero because I went online and called him a a slum Lord so he's taking me to court right and this guy's a absolute slum Lord he has people in our community living under excruciating circumstances and I'm in agreement with councilwoman daver to an extent if there's an entity that's going to come here and provide Fair affordable and comfortable uh uh housing they did a subpar job on on on the on the uh facilities I'll give them them credit on a subpar it's nothing spectacular and they didn't they they got tax credits there was a whole bunch of items that was given to them including HUD beneficial HUD HUD money as well and now the the entire building is subsidized they got the rad uh uh program where they're getting 70% of every of all every single apartment in there subsidized at a fair market rate which is well over $2,500 per unit just two days ago today's as a matter of fact yesterday I had seniors calling me crying in tears because they were so uncomfortable I went to court and sat in court for three hours and the management from this facility didn't want me to be inside the room when with the arbitrator and I had to tell the owners you came before this counsil and you you you you received my support my vote but yet the treatment that you give to the tenants there was over 16 tenants in there being uh faced with eviction because they was they were improperly managing the office the office wasn't being managed properly they don't have 24-hour security as as as promise in their agreement with the city there's people sleeping in the stairwells people doing drugs in the stairwells this is a place where seniors supposed supposed to spend the later years of their lives in comfort and it's not that so so the fact that the administration doesn't have their finger on the post yet the mayor walked through the entire building with his candidate against me and these these seniors are living in subpar conditions and then they're being drug drugged to to to uh uh uh uh uh court facing eviction landlord tenant court facing eviction when the agreements that that was made could have easily have been made in the office there was absolutely no way I could see the incorporation Council I don't understand how this could have been a confidential if we're discussing if if we're voting on reducing someone's taxes how do that become a confidential meeting and we not be it it not be disclosed the factors on how the uh uh the value in this property is being reduced all the values of of properties have been you know ballooning and I'm going to say this last thing I want to congratulate the city of Patterson for finally having a use for this building we brought this building back for 7 plus million that if you look it was never uh uh appraised we brought this building back from another political Ally for 7 plus million doll and just recently last year a building across the street that almost the same size sold for $500,000 as properties have continued to increase this property here we bought for $7 million and it's is being assessed at 3.5 and we we're still not collecting Fair taxes on it it's the decisions that's being made right here at this day is that's costing the community well and I'm glad this item is being pulled they do not until they until my my biggest concern is the services that they're rendering to our to the members of our public until they find a way to render more suitable services to our to our residents they don't deserve to be before this Council for a reduction Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilman Jackson councilman colag thank you thank you Madame clerk uh this entity came in front of us twice for a batement personally I voted again against it since then they did some renovation they got some money from the state I'm little confused how did the value of this property went down after doing renovation that's a that's a very very big question the value should go up instead of going down um anyway we just voting on renew tbling this item we'll have more discussion near future my vote is yes to table this item thank you councilman colleag councilwoman Ms so you know sometimes as council members we get the bat Rap where people say we do absolutely nothing but tonight is clear indication of doing something I noticed this item was on the agenda I waited until tonight and I put put it on the floor because I remember when they came the The Entity came with their financial people before this Council twice let me say I voted no twice I didn't vote no because I didn't think the seniors deserved it because I go and frequent the building I have people that I know that live in that building this is why I said no one they didn't have a performer so it didn't show us what the financials would look like I questioned them and then when I asked ask them what upgrades are you going to give to our seniors right they pulled up a sheet of paper looked like they scribbled on it and Drew you know if you're like me I can't draw so they did some stick figures of a living room stick figures of so you know what I said to them and I'm sure is on tap don't insult my intelligence for our senior citizens yeah they deserve better and we're not going to allow you to come before this Council or the city and give them subpar conditions I said that if you go back on tape it is there I challenged them they were pissed with me I didn't care cuz I said you're not going to come before the councel and just put anything before us and act like you're going to do the work because what happens here when they come to the mic they make promises they don't deliver because if we support it they're not going to fully do it if you notice they did some work but it's still not what our residents deserve so that's why twice I voted no when I saw it on the agenda tonight looking for a reduction no way no how I'm a taxpayer and I know a lot of you out there are taxpayers if we vote on this and we voted to keep it here and vote it through your T taxes will go up and they will go down absolutely not they need to pay their fair share they need to take care of our residents and the upgrades we should demand them to do more upgrades to make sure our seniors and their last days of living have a great living condition this item should have never been on the agenda genda at all we shouldn't even be tbling it it should never been here they need to pay their taxes and there should be a letter in addition to my Council colleagues there should be a letter drawn up to this entity to let them know they will not get a reduction that should be even though we're table it they're not going to get a reduction Madam clerk to table this off the agenda and I hope it never comes back my vote is yes thank you Dr Ms councilman Udin thank you Madame Clark um I remember that in my first year of Council this agent this item came for tax abatement uh majority votes went against and failed now they are playing different techniques to not paying or paying lower than what they supposed to pay and I think uh before you come to the agenda is is this clarification why are they looking for um lower their taxes when the the anti city of Patterson is is paying high taxes again um I voted against I'm still voting against I think we need to table it back and if we have further discussion we need to go for any um appeal comes I think we need details to it whether uh what a processes with you know they come with CMA uh you know comparative market analysis compared to other similar or same properties that the other properties are paying less than they they are paying and if it comes that that's different story but there is no paperwork related to this so I think me to come up with uh you know bringing and and and requesting the table back and I I do support it my would is yes thank you councilman Udin councilman valz see uh when when we denied the pilot of the uh of the abatement in this case was the pilot we were strong with them and we uh confronted them when they came to the council and that's why they didn't got the pilot that they mentioned but this is the way this is the way people go around the law for example and I not going to say that the administration is giv them because there's a statue here that allowed them to give this type of tax cut in their fair market value or or um market value both whatever you want to say fair market or Market value what this is sending a message right now is that if we allow this this individual was going to sell it to another person saying your market value is this I got to sell it for millions and millions and millions dollars but your taxes is so low because I put it low for you so that's what's going to happen if this passed today the next thing you going to see is a different owner in this place to say listen I sell it with to you with a low low taxes but I got to sell it for you for the V market value and it's going to be a lot of money and um last but not least let them go to the same process of everyone in the city goes when they going to appeal their taxes go go to Hamburg tank go to the county pay the fee go in front of the judge they will sit there they will do what they have to do based on the appeal but this amount of money I'm not going to say the administration is given them the break they went based on the statute but the statue don't satisfy us in the movement that they took and and the Judgment they took I'm not saying that the department tax assess are not doing their job they're doing their job based on the statute but we're not satify of that job at this point so my vot is no oh sorry j to table I thought it was table granted yes to table thank you councilman valz but let the record reflect that what we saying here is let him go to the process of any other entity going to the tax appeal before coming up to us my vot is yesable thank you thank you councilman valz Mr President thank you madam Clerk I definitely remember this item very well and yes to all my third world resident I vote against this twice um this entity they came into the city of patteron with tax credit with another funding heal funding and other resources from the state they make some renovation and right after they came back in front of the council uh for a a batment on this property I vote against twice our our homeowner are struggling the city of Pon if you could say that one of the most difficult topics that we have and one of the uh most concerning uh problem for a resident for our homeowner are the taxes we have a lot of senior living on a fixed income getting tax increased every year we have to be mindful we have to fight back those uh baitman and also those sediment whether it's through Court they're going to have to show us document what is the reason why real estate is booming I'm telling you real estate is through the roof you got property in any Corner in the C patteron Governor street gwi street you put it on the market and it's and it's going to be on the contract within 24 hour uh that's what I do for living uh so I don't believe that this reduction is is is make any sense on this uh our homeowner they don't get any tax AB bment they don't get any break on the taxes I I've been helping so many family with tax Appeal on this year in my office free I don't charge to help the community with tax appeal and I do this every year and and and it's they going through a very difficult time we have senior in my community in our in my third war and I'm very sure in other area that they are a check away from losing their property because they live on a fixed income they can't afford it so with that being said um and I'm I'm not expecting to see this back at the council again I know the property and the number doesn't make sense to me my vote is yes M cler thank you Mr President before I announce the votes is this item tabled indefinitely yes thank you so the votes are nine votes in their ative item number 28 has been tabled indefinitely thank you m clerk very brief let's do item 32 and we going right after we go into a public portion it's getting a little late uh may I uh prise oh yes I promise you I don't want I don't want the resident to be late here I know it's uh you got to go back home to take care of the family put the kids into bed I want to make sure that all the resid go home let's do quick idem 32 just very briefly thank um and I just want to clarify a few things so first and foremost as always we we did prepare a memorandum for uh the council's review we provided that memorandum to the clerk's office uh for dissemination to council I understand it was not disseminated but that memo does exist and um it is certainly uh hopefully will be provided to council the second thing is the mayor is not involved in this resolution this is an active litigation in the tax Court in which they appealed several years um before uh a decision is made as with all tax appeals there's negotiations uh based off the merits of the appeal the strengths and the weaknesses of the city's position of the taxpayer taxpayers position all of that is memorialized in the memorandum which again was provided to the clerk's office for Council and then Council has the ultimate say as to whether or not they agree to resolve it in this way or not so this is an active litigation and then finally finally council president uh the Law Department in particular has been very vocal about the issue with the equalization ratio this is not about the value of the property uh we understand that values may fluctuate they may go up they may go down this has to do with the city's Equalization ratio and uh the law department is more than happy to have uh uh either a close section executive session one-on-one session whatever the council wants to further dwell into this to make sure that the council appreciates and understands the issue with the Equalization ratio and its fairness for our residents thank you council president for thank you cooperation Council let me just for the record let me just clarify this I definitely um I will agree with cooperation Council the mayor of the city of patteron have nothing to do with this transaction this is a core this is a core litigation this is a legal litigation in core and our job is to you know fight back and see you know what is the reason why but the the mayor is's not the one taking the decision and getting into those meetings so let me just put that into the record very brief president item 32 councilman Jackson if you allow me please let me go to item 32 because it's not it's going to item before we move forward I want to speak on this item on item 32 no the one we just finished discussing members of the public huh item 32 is in the package yes so um Council I'm sorry go go go ahead councilman Jackson Madam clerk is council president mad cler is asking for so I later this afternoon I received an email from Corporation Council that's what we discuss right let speak about this um number the last item and I will get back okay so I'm only going to comment based on Council president's uh response every single employee in this city every single employee works for the mayor Corporation counsels doesn't just take it upon himself to go into a settlement agreement and make an agreement that he finds is is adequate those decisions come from the mayor's office so to so to to make an accusation to say that the mayor has nothing to do with it that's incorrect if there's an inappropriate settlement that's made the mayor can doesn't have does not have the ability to say oh well I didn't authorize that the mayor authorizes the ba to sign off on every single action that takes place the ba being an assigning Authority who works directly for the mayor any decisions that are made comes from the mayor's office so not to give the mayor onus on this thing is is uh inappropriate and when taxpayers are being burdened with overwhelming taxes um that's not that's not uh uh responsible at all so I just wanted to make sure we're not just going to scave past that and make it seem as if this is something just had to have been done because if that's the case we'll do it for everyone but they'll do it for all of the developers but won't do it for the residents that's struggling to pay their tax bills um council president just just a minute M clerk um yes brief M clerk can you just thank you I sorry brief I would just like to reiterate what council what Corporation Council said before what councilman Jackson just said is not correct this is something that um is happens and the the whole process takes place in the Law Department in the tax assessor's office it is not something that involves the mayor's office and it is not something that involves my office it is brought by um Corporation Council to finance committees and I don't have any authority to kind of approve anything about this um it is presented directly to the council from the legal department so um I I just that needs to be very clear C president Council council members very quickly I'll wrap it very quickly yeah I mean extremely council members because I have it the room is full over 80 people that's fine this is very important it's very important very brief councilman Jackson no we can't just keep going back and forth and letting the council Jacks needs to stop council members council members extremely brief councilman Jackson go ahead right after that we go we go we go into the last item and and public portion so once again once again there is no employee in this city that works without the authorization of the mayor and she the language is very important she'll say she doesn't approve it she's absolutely right the council approves it as we just witnessed the council disapprove it but this item being presented on the agenda is presented by the administration the the City attorney Corporation Council doesn't just have the authority to put up there arbitr what whatever they decide that's a collective decision and they go into negotiations the same as they go into negotiations with other contracts and other agreements and and if it's not overseen by the ba then there's an irresponsible activity right there they're supposed to oversee all the actions that take place within the administration council president this is just incorrect we I don't want to waste any more time right right after that M so right after you right after c week it's just only one item and please let's allow the public to speak it's going to be 9 9:00 p.m. then then councilman Jacks go ahead ahead go ahead sharing just for clarity um the market value on this property did go up from 21 22 and 23 it's on the memo the market value of this property in 23 is 22 m98 400 the equalized ratio of the city is 50% 50% of 22 million is 11,500 um that's based on our equalizer ratio that's just the numbers there's that it makes sense that's why there's a settlement in place if if the council chooses not to agree to assment that's fine but they are foro 22 and 23 and agreeing for an assessment based on our equalized ratio that makes sense for 2024 that is correct and Mr Sila I I agree with you and I'm the type of person that I don't bring politic you know to this to this chamber this is a litigation it's a legal matter it's a core involv when what you going went through a settlement this is not lets me and let let me let me let me make a reduction on your property it doesn't work like that way you go to court and the judge is involed the document of the numbers are in place and right after that it come in front of the council and we decide if we approve or not so let's let's leave politics aside let's please let's do one more item item number 31 and then right after that we go into public P CL very brief item 31 yes Mr President item number 31 is a resolution authorizing in the award of contract to SMI Sunday asphal Construction Company Inc for the Overlook Drive and Cricket house resurf foring bid number 24.08.2011 [Music] for approval councilman abdalaziz yes councilwoman cotton thank you madam clerk um I need to say to the ba when are we going to do River Street when I mean I know you're going out for bid when is River Street going to get started we got to get it started please um you know you see these other streets come in after that like okay we want the contract now this Overlook Drive I know it's bad over there too cricket cricket House Road all of that but we somebody after after the road call please just tell everybody when River Street going to get started uh Madam clerk my vote is yes what did you I'm sorry councilwoman yes yeah thank you councilwoman Dava yes councilman Jackson so director I'm going to send you a uh a picture uh last week instant flat tire in a pothole on Jefferson and North Third tire cost close to $325 today on my way here pothole same pothole uh different tire um you know the cricket house and and and Overlook I mean we have roads that people need to drive down every day and we're supporting I mean I'm I'm all in favor of all the roads being being surf resurfaced but we have regular roads that need to be that need the attention M Madam clerk my vote is no thank you councilman Jackson councilman KH I'm sorry councilwoman C memes what's wrong with me tonight so let me just say AB because I've uh requested many times an assessment of all the roads and I'm sure everybody in the audience and on the day is in in the administration and our the entire building could talk about a story where there's a pothole we Face them every day however on the item that we're voting on Overlook has many times Overlook doesn't have potholes they have craters similar to River Street if you ever been on Overlook if you haven't been there it's by EAD Park I'm telling you you should just pack up your car and just carry your car up the hill cuz that time I mean the potholes they are so deep I'm telling you you can play in a whole Tree in there you can put a new island over there and you know I'm I'm grateful I know councilman Mendes is the councilman of the third war but I'm grateful to see this on there I bust my tire on Overlook many other streets we know we have issues but I'm glad to see that this is on the agenda and others are coming but we got to make sure to our director to our administ please fill the potholes please we need to do and I'm going to put on the record we need to do a shared service agreement with the county let's put that on the next Workshop agenda so that they can assist us with these the potholes and the filling cuz and I also want to get clarity because I'm hearing it's only one filler truck so if that is true we need to put that on the agenda as well and add a couple more trucks to do the potholes and hire someone to do the filming if it's only the one truck they said it's like a sanord and Sun truck I don't know if that's true it may not be but if we only have one or two we still need more we have six Wards in the community and I would like to um us to review the capital Improvement budget to see if we can get some more trucks um to fill these potholes in the city mat third W strong Madam clerk my boot is yes thank you Dr Mims councilman Udin my vote is yes Madam clerk thank you councilman so everyone knows that we in election season so everybody's campaigning Based On A P that they going to put they could no no no not you but they going to put a plant on it that this and that and we in the moon or whatever but one thing is I got to say is that those that knows me and probably director uh Billy Rodriguez CEST is that I sent a lot of pictures about it about all the Poes and and sometimes some of them are not in my ward so you know I travel through the roads here and we have noticed this I want to commend the DPW worker with the amount of resource they have they still try to get into those potholes that we have but I will recommend to the administration to sit down with uh our director of um DBW and to see if they could assign an emergency contract to a company that could assist them to cover those potholes um and also thinking about that you know the weather having really break you know it make it difficult you could go out and and try to cover some poth holes and the next day is raining you know for two three days so the weather is not helping us um saying this an emergency contract with an individual company you know could come in and and get critical Poes out there the other day I was traveling River Street and it was a big it was a there was a big line of cars behind me and the the funny part is that I had my campaign um signed in my car if I had to run Bay on P they probably not g to vote for me because I'm my sign out they thinking I'm the councilman in that area but um you know this is needed Overlook dry was in a plan to do it the rest of the third world and the people that visit East Side park was always requesting um um to pave uh resurface this area um hopefully um Madame ba Madame ba if it's possible when they do this because we have an ordinance already approved for the humps or speed humps that they could add the speed humps in the new resurface and not come back and add it to see if they could put this at the scope of work and then we kill two birds in one shot saying this I support this my vote is yes thank you councilman VZ councilman khik we are voting on item number 31 for approval thank thank you Madame clerk this is to fix the cricket house resurfacing yes the road resurfacing the road um there's a t 20 Cricket World Cup coming to United States this summer yeah hopefully we could have a um practice match probably East Side park or something Madame be listening Speak to the administration make you could bring a team or two to have a practice in City of Paris my vote is yes madame CL thank you cman kague Mr President thank you Madame cler we continue moving forward and making progress in the third war over Luke Avenue wasn't hasn't been fixed in over 30 years now we're going to get it done finally the resident of overlooke Avenue they will be very happy they pay a lot of taxes in that section of the historical area of the park of Eide Park and also the cricket uh field also the cricket House Road is going to be fixed to all the team that play cricket in the east side park and also the resident that visit East Side park now that we have that that we have a state-ofthe-art East Side park totally reone uh all the road the tennis court I'm very I'm very excited um to support this uh resolution and that's that's the way we're making progress that's the way we're moving the city forward uh last but not least uh only uh only the director and I know the conversation that we having about P for the record to all my resident of the third war 20th Avenue from BR all the way to Route 20 the director knows about it he's aware Fourth Avenue all the P there the director have the information E 33rd e32 every single day he knows director I'm addressing that with you we have a conversation you told me that this week going to have a patching truck in the third war I'm extreme I'm looking forward to see that and if you need additional resource come to come in front of the council because we know that we listen we need to provide service to our community and and and we have to find a way to get this done as soon as possible whether it's uh getting into partnership with the county or getting an outside company that help the public work to fix those p and fix the role but we got to get it done and we got to get it done before the summer start and and and that's what I'm looking forward so for the record all my resident in the third war I'm advocating for all those p and finally we got to get Overlook and the cricket House Road done with that being said Madam cler my vote is yes thank you Mr President the votes are eight yeses one no item number 31 is hereby adopted how many speaker do we have in the list B clerk 25 25 okay so before I call the next speaker as we all know you have the agenda on you uh on your hands item number 32 is um the allocation of $9.7 million to fix River Street unfortunately we're not going to be able to take action on River Street today patteron because there's some legal matter that need to be addressed as uh Corporation council's president but we have the funding and today we're supposed to take action I have a little party in in in my in my in my house because of that because we're going to fix River Street finally so but we got to wait a little bit so Corporation Council can you elaborate brief to the community why we're not taking action on River Street of the $9.7 million that we had ready uh to pay that company to fix River Street yes thank you council president and um you know I certainly share your disappointment and I know several council members have expressed disappointment as well as the administration as well so uh late today uh the uh one of the unsuccessful biders filed the legal challenge uh contesting the award to the successful bidder um out of an abundance of caution the judge decided to pause the awarding of this bid until the judge can review The Challenge hear the parties and make a decision uh the judge according to his calendar was looking to make this decision uh months away but we were able to successfully convince uh the judge that this was of utmost importance to the council to the administration and to the city and so the judge set a hearing date uh a few weeks from now uh in the middle of April and at that time we expect the judge to resolve this dispute and uh give direction as to whether or not this award can proceed or uh some other outcome C president thank you C pres council president I have a question to corporate Council B uh corporate Council to the chair uh so you say a couple weeks um two weeks three weeks uh can you give us because the community is going to ask us uh they don't watch this meeting more likely and and the subject uh we talk about so did did you put an emergency motion to dismiss that or is going to be in a regular calendar from the court knowing that the court is always back up backed up uh can you at least uh give me if it if it's uh less than a month three weeks or whatever thank you thank no I haven't finished based on his question I might answer yeah can you answer me if it's two weeks three weeks so I could or you put an emergency motion to dismiss that um you know they council president May thank you so uh the judge set a hearing date of uh May 22nd which uh is pretty expeditious given the Court's existing calendar and other matters that the court has to hear and again the court wanted to push it out further than that but we impressed upon the court how important this was to uh the city so I I will I will plead the judge to go to River Street and try to make a smart decision and move it forward all right thank council members going into a listen this conversation no no it's not finished I just need to say and I'm looking at the resolution and I know what the prices were to be and I want to say to the director of Public Works I need to look at um the the whole bid press because I'm looking at these numbers there's no way they can fix River Street for these numbers okay and I need to be able to sit down and talk with you bil because I look I I i' be around enough engineers and contracts to understand what stuff cost at this there's no way for originally what they said going to cause for a river I understood councilwoman we're going to have we're going to have enough time to have a conversation before we get into court let's call the first Speaker Madam clerk we cannot get involved in the PE process no yes Mr President the first speaker is Virginia Vaga Velasco Vasco okay hi evening good evening uh dear uh C members my name is Virginia Velasco so I don't know when you want to start my time name and address you got three minutes in front of you so name and address what's your name and address um my I have a house here in Patterson in Patterson 161 s Street Patterson but I reside in the city of Clifton 52 Jefferson Street thank you good go ahead okay we here we here I'm here um to talk about the Peruan parade Inc which is an organization that have been represented in the perubian community for about 38 years years that have been doing the parade together with the festival and it's the only organization that has representing us the Peruvian in the peran community in the city of patteron so since I have arrived here 30 years ago in this great beautiful country it has been a source of Pride for me to see this beautiful parade year after year J thanks to the Peruvian parade Inc uh this Peruan par ink was um first originated by Mr G Mo cigari who just passed away so we hope that because he's dead the parade and the festival doesn't die with him meaning the organization that I represent as part of the Peruvian par Corporation so um I will ask you council members to put this into vote uh because there's another organization that has opened uh A New Path for peruvians which I'm happy for them but just because of the Legacy that the Peruan parade Inc has I believe that um it will be un unjust for us as the As peruvians and I believe that we should remember and be grateful to an organization that have represented us for 30 year years uh with this say um I will say that it is and will continue to live on in our hearts and memories of all peruvians and I believe that all peruvians in New Jersey all respect and gratitude to its founder Mr GMO cigari who had the wonderful vision of giving us a little piece of our beautiful pero in Patterson so will that say I would say give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and just try to give us the opportunity as Peruvian parade incorporation to listen to what we need what we want we want uh the parade we want the festival as we have been doing it for 38 years and I believe because of seniority and Legacy and history we deserve that so we just want you as council members to listen to us to give us the opportunity of our boys that's all I have to say thank you so much thank you thank you next speaker man CL next next speaker is Mr Hector Castillo that's a really difficult act to follow but I'm here tonight my name is Dr Hector Castillo thousand Madison Avenue I've been a physician here for 40 years and you know I feel really proud of you guys you're really professionals with this meeting really really professionals and I I salute you this is a great Council chamber I'm here tonight why am I here tonight I I was a a physician Superior Court P County calls me it's Dr Cas we want to speak to you uh okay you honor what do everyone we being the you're imp partial we want you to follow up and we want to Appo you director of the PPI the Peruvian par Incorporated so Frank Soo calls me he goes this is March the 17th please take over this parade because otherwise the 38 years of History are going to end this is a 503 the purpose is a parade a festival and cultural activities that's it nonprofit they gave me on the 17th they okay but they didn't give me the documentation until March the 29 perfect under director of the PPI Peru and Incorporated I go and get the permits because I want to do the festival and I want to do a parade and in order to do that you go and apply I go to I go to the office of Del MCO and I go miss m I'm the president of PPI please can I have an application and she goes are you in the group are you in the group we already gave you the permit are you in the [Music] group I go which group or the other group with Mara I I go no no no no no we public portion council members please so I go no no and the original PPI so let me apply which she did on the 2nd of April I did apply I pay my fees and I waited for the second and third portions in order to finish the application on April 17 I go to her office and I go lady I've been waiting 15 days already what's what's happening and she goes here's your application and here's your money with don't want your application and I go uh why because you're never going to get this application you never going to get approved I go but isn't this a decision of the entire Council because this is a parade and it's also a festival and she goes well that's not my problem she again she went tried to give him a money back I go no I'm not taking my money back can I continue two more minutes please just yeah wrap it up do perfect then I go I'm not taking my deposit at all and then I go why is it that I do not get the application done so she goes well the provement parade owns the city $14,600 and I go you never told me that and the superior court judge told me that all the deps that were incur but the PPI The Proven parade in 23 were already paid that's from the superior court now we go to Mr Silva and Mr Silva yes they own 14,600 I bring a certified check and I gave it to Mr Silva's office okay so then I go now that he got paid what is the problem now my question is who approves this festivals Dash parades thank you this is a public partion doctor so you're going to get respond at the end of the meeting okay thank you let's speak man clerk yes Mr President next speaker Mr Elvis [Applause] Duran Mr Mr Elvis Mr Elvis dorm fourth War born and raised um before I get started with my announcements just want to say I support all the entertainment in the city of patteron New Jersey I'm behind the peren fible andwe 150% you need my help I'm here entertainment just want to say thanks to councilwoman at LS Lisa Mims for no us that the city of pison New Jersey need a hotel we got a lot of entertainment coming back to the city of pison this year a lot of africanamerican entertainment on B concert going to be at hisc Stadium gospel concert his hisc stadium and at other places in the city of patteron New Jersey also want to acknowledge um councilwoman Marissa Dario always supporting my production and my brother Chef David banister councilwoman will be coton thank you for all your support for my music production councel Alis mandez thank you for all your support both of y'all came to the um black history celebration and y'all supported 150% thank you and that um I appreciate it my production we we we going we going we going somewhere y'all and we're about to do some big things Elvis dorm Outreach music productions presents y'all listen Elvis dorm birthday celebration and 28 years as a promoter a gospel promoter in the tri state area Sunday May 19th 2024 the concert will start at 4 o'clock p.m. and it's going to be at New Generation Kingdom a power Ministry 170 North Main Street patteron New Jersey where the pastor of that building is Pastor Thomas Purry special guest singer one of the best singers in the world Ashley Marley of Patterson New Jersey will be live in concer at my celebration also special guest singer do tears there of Trenton New Jersey so I want everyone from patteron New Jersey all with pay County councilwoman councilman the mayor office I want y'all to be there because it's my celebration I do a lot for this city I love my city I'm going say the address again it's Sunday May 19th 2024 it's my celebration my birthday celebration and my anniversary celebration Sunday May 19th at 4:00 p.m. is free at 1 170 North Main Street 170 North Main Street patteron New Jersey God bless you and peace thank you Elvis next speaker mad clerk next speaker Miss L Williams L Williams she's coming here she's here is here hello hello hello she's right here good evening L Williams again praise break I am going to McDonald Gospel Fest I representing pay County May the 11 I am going to be on the stage I am so excited I need your support the city behind me I am under lne Williams dollar sign cash app um you can reach me at L LW in Christ I am part of P County I love my city there is some good stuff coming out of the city and let's concentrate and support on the good things that is coming out of the city of Patterson and this uh County of Pake so please please please I need your support May the 11th I am um I have tickets for the gospel Fess it's in my second year I'm super excited again I am representing Pate County thank thank you thank you so very much next speaker Madam clerk next speaker is Jimmy Smith hello good evening I'm Jimmy Smith good evening Smith muner coach at Kennedy High School how you doing M Ms I'm here on behalf of Miss Ruby cotton what we do what we do is we host tournaments at mcgomery Park When Miss Ames was running the park and now with Miss cotton we want to give back to the youth keep it safe do one day drills one day basic fundamental drills to give back to our kids whether we get volunteers to help out with donations with water shirts hat we we get referees through Patterson wck so it's not a hard thing but I've been talking to miss Ken she's been there for me giving me advice helping me out whenever I call her she answers if it's not today next week or email but it happens and I truly appreciate that congratulations Miss Thon and uh ver Ames and I'll be getting back to you Miss Miss K thank you thank you coach next speaker M clerk G Thompson she spoke already I I believe she left princess Reeves princess Reed is yes she's here good evening as always I always ask that my council members and audience please pardon me I've been hurt and I'm just waiting for my surgery I too was hit by a unauthorized he should never be given a li a license to drive and I was hit terribly by a truck and we're not talking about the little trucks we're talk about those big old commercial trucks so I'm lucky to be alive so when I hear the comments of the young lady Rachel I tell you this is a young lady that her heart spoke before she spoke and I she would be dear missed she's very loving she had a spirit just like her mother so I do when hearing the comments from our Council councilwoman Ruby cotton matter of fact all the comments that came before this um po before this evening it was very very um worthy you have to excuse me like I said I'm going through a lot of things right now but I'm also here on behalf of Mrs Janette Thomas it is time dly that as women we need to start receiving our flowers in our living I remember Mrs Thompson she has gave so much back to this community 45 years working at the post office and that doesn't even count the other various areas that she has been the glue the glue to keep that particular organization as well as her co-workers together so as we give an homage to her yes well overdue and I'm very thankful that you guys noticed and took and and begin to pay that homage to a hardworking woman I mean sometimes and and please pardon me you guys but if it wasn't for us you wouldn't be here so so I say thank you for recognizing Mrs Janette Thomas Miss Janette Thomas let's give you another Applause D come on okay um I don't know if I should wait until you call my name CU I definitely am next okay so I wait thank you um next speaker m cler next speaker is C Ms I have here but since you're there I guess you can go yes oh okay go okay so um good good evening uh ladies and gentlemen uh on tonight my name is Jamie Bland and I in my humble voice I I really um I pray that uh God keeps his hands on the teddy Martinez family on behalf of um The Jump Start program I just wanted to make sure sure that um we thank you on behalf of the National Action Network I wanted to make sure that we thank you thank you thank you and um um uh Michael Jackson uh it was one time we had words and I said oh you know what I'm I ain't even going to never say nothing to him again but God is in the air and I think with by you nominating her and everybody back backing you on this on this night was The Godly thing to do now miss Janette not only has she been fighting for years but she has the true Spirit of a servant so everything that happened today was in God's time um Miss Janette I just wanted to let you guys know and I know she's going to get me but she told me earlier and she text we have a group text with of 20 and 15 she got on both group texts and said don't come don't say nothing today I don't know cuz I don't think I'm I'm going to be able to they're going to put my name on you know uh they're not going to name this park after me and her spirit was kind of low but when I tell you when God stepped in the building and he came through you m I ain't going to lie about that it was a beautiful thing and I know that everybody knows her and I and I commend you all for stepping up to a historian of the city of Patterson that stays out the way she's only in the way when she need to be and so people like that I just want to tell you a secret really quickly Miss Janette has been the director of the Jump program since 2015 and never never ever ever would take a dime of pay is that a servant and I she does payroll but never so you did the right thing for the right person and I just wanted to say thank you and may God continue to come through you guys with the hum ity in you because if you work with the humanity in you there won't be any arguing if you work together in conjunction with The Godly spirit in you cuz we all have it we were born with it once we get older that's when we decide to stray other ways okay but there is a Humanity in everyone and I suggest to continue to use it cuz it looks good on you thank you and God bless next's speak M clerk seils I did not complete my three minutes so I'm going to yes I let her go cuz she needed to say that you sh half of a minute I just want to say as we are all here together tonight as we sit back and we watch these programs let us take time out to listen to ourself go into that bathroom and begin to have that discussion with self so that way you can understand if we don't come together we cannot make Improvement we cannot set aside so we need to look in that mirror and see exactly what we are saying from our vocal part of us because yes we are all in this together I don't care what direction we're coming from but we have to fix this Township together together thank thank you thank you so very much next speaker Madame clerk next speaker is Joseph Hart hello peoples I'm here for a few things number one or Jan Bell she's like family to my family I used to go be subing at Venice back in 70s and living in fitfat projects but I'm not you know I congratulate people that doing what they doing but you guys are parked on a good Street right now cuz I take transit buses and when they make that turn on Ellen hist street it's like people don't give a crap the same thing with all these cats with these motorbikes and stuff almost got hit with one and they Park where they ain't supposed to park at they need more law enforce more tickets that's how the city could get money that's why I that's what I'm going to say right now I this might get another chance I'll be back again good night thank you Mr hars next speaker M clerk next speaker is C Mills good evening Council good evening uh my name is Charles Mills lived in Patterson my whole life this is my Father Charles Mills not a joke we're here with a friend of ours Chris in the back um so first I just want to say thank you because I've been finding my footing in my community the past 5 years and the way I found that those past five years is as a coach serving the children um I coach for the wild cats and we use Westside Park totell oval it's been a long time coming it's being redone thank you I love that um I've learned that for the most part people in this city mean well uh I got a small sample size in the last five years but I'm going to go ahead and give them the credit uh I find that the issue is we all have different Visions for how we want the city to be ran or how we want it to look um I think the challenge is in connecting those Visions into one plan that we can execute together uh the bridge between those two things is communication so I'm up here like I said first to thank you guys and secondly just to give a shout out to councilwoman cotton I mean you're talking about somebody who answers their phone every time you're talking about somebody who gets back to you every time you're talking about somebody who whether it's yes or whether it's no you're going to get an answer um I'd love for all of us to take from that example uh I hope to be spending more time with the council in coming years that I've dealing with the community and the children and hopefully growing that into something else um but I really I really really if she is any indication of what you guys stand for thank you I appreciate you okay thanks thank you coach next's I was going to take a little bit of his time sure you still have one minute left uh one minute left all right I'm gonna fire this at you I I never come to these meetings before I applaud the professionalism you have and I I can see the the the emotion that you guys share even even when it com to bantering back and forth cuz you you want to stand for something that you stand on so I appreciate that and I've been in this city for 60 years so you know a little longer than him yes but you're a little younger yeah a little bit but um and I also coach with him so I've been coaching for about 25 30 years and uh it's about giving back to the city and and for me that's my best way to give back as a coach I mean I I know what I know about that and that's safe safe base for me so thank you again everyone have a good night thank you thank you next speaker Madam cler Kendall hold a he can good evening uh my name is a Khan I'm a second World Council candidate for upcoming election uh tonight I'm here uh on a previous debate we had a some dialogue and our councilman said that uh he operated a nonprofit uh organization from this uh call help center in Union Avenue but as we know our councilman not everybody knows about this let's put little share light in it you know after last election he hasn't paid rent for that place for over two years the owner of the building had to take him to the court literally Vic him from there now there is a current business owner who's trying to get in there to open a bakery it's a mix his Zone business Zone but he cannot get a permit because councilman sign is there so he approached me a few time and I told him listen at least take the sign off probably because one of the reason you not get in that after that councilman been uh abusing his power lately he's been uh using njcdc uh uh Youth Center for his personal campaign headquarter he have a one event after another event there telling people that uh then I approach uh njcdc and they say oh it was for a certain Community event when there is a engagement event going on similar issue going on in even on our Stadium he's been allocating that again and again for one of after other event my question is the was when you in a place of power and you're abusing the system for your personal benefit especially with youth center or our Stadium today we have a perubian organization here who has been hosting a parade for last 38 years and a festival and in the past we had a similar issue with Bangladeshi Festival whenever a councilman khik present we don't have no problem on the street you don't need a officer it could be a two officer there or something or he use the stadium but when somebody else comes in we got to spend $20,000 on a security to get that permit now we got a perubian organization here there was another one created by konen Davila and she's out there they're telling that's our family member the current president stop lying stop lying council member let's be mindful when the permit was you address me I'm going to address you back council members we're going to have the time to speak on the closing on the public session let's be mindful when when you are abusing your power council members please please council members this needs to change this is one of the main reason I'm running because this is what's going on in our city and it's time for change thank you thank you next speak man Clark next speak is melan Melanie seula melie councilor president as she's on her way to the podium I mean I would implore you to maintain I mean people have the right to come to the podium and say whatever they want to say yes they do they have the right the right to speak counc part of any organization council member let's respect we are in public P you're going to address me by name address council members council members please let's let's not take time away from the public we're in public portion let's be respectful no I hear you councilman no it's not point of order we have a pi next speaker I'm not giving you the floor next speaker next speaker I'm not giving you the floor you let everybody else speak theor speak on top of res let be respectful and I call I call the council woman attention I call the ction we here to hear from you good good evening my name is uh melain suula I am resided in the city of Loi New Jersey but my organization Sama Peru which I started in October 2023 is based out of P because I am a p born and raised I am here because I want to see Unity as a young leader that I am starting to be in the Peruvian Community I would like to see the oran organizations to get together and to come out to be one I'm only 39 years old and I respect I know some of you and I respect most everything that you guys are doing you guys have opened up my eyes and a lot of things that you guys have talked about today but I truly do think that the Peruvian Community needs to see Unity the reason why I opened up my organization because I saw this Unity as a young leader and as the new generation of Peruvian Americans even peruvians we would like to go ahead and see the unity for that so I ask you guys as leaders of the community of Patterson to please come together and try for to come to a decision for everyone to be one we're all Latinos we're all Americans We Are All One race so again I like I said before I'm a little nervous but but this is a tradition that has been going on for so many years I am still an active member of the Peruvian parade I respect the organization I respect New Jersey peruvians I respect any other organization that decides to come to do a difference because that's what we're trying to do is we're trying to do a difference so I ask you guys to please listen to both organizations see what they have to say and let's get together I know my organization we are starting a tradition in the city of Pake which I am very proud of and I want to continue to do that but at the end the city of Patterson is where the Peruvian Community has started so again thank you for your time may you guys have a blessed night thank you thank you I I think we should stand up for this young lady just a point of privilege council president we need to stand up for this 39y old woman that's coming to bring peace to a situation that could be chaotic I agree with her that both entities should come together outside of the council meet together and then bring it back where it's a unified parade that you do it as one because when it comes to doing parades we all participate it should be something that we all celebrate we want to learn your history and embrace the different culture i I say to you young lady just stand thank you for coming and the leaders of both organizations take heed to that message both come together privately forget the council come back to us later come together as both entities combine it and do it as a whole we're better together all the infighting all that stuff it'll stop if you come together and show that you can do it in solidarity and one it'll be bigger it'll be better and guess what it won't cost you as much individually come together and take that advice I'm going stand up for myself thank you councilwoman um so next speaker Madame clerk next speaker is Miss Cameo black black good evening everyone good evening well D gota everybody is only one person here but okay I'm here for several reasons first let me start off by saying um when you call the patteron Police Department it's disgusting they don't pick up the phone or either they pick and choose who they want to help I've been coming here for over a year talking about Mr valz breaking and abusing his power people is ready to stand up they sick of him um got shasan running against him he's paying people to take his signs down he had somebody run up on him last week some gang beger drug dealer is at a church it's out of hand um as the tapes are rolling it's to the point the Attorney General is here if you're here do your job valet has to go Udin I'm surprised that you you sending you endorsing him sending money to Suzanne and real for him I'm surprised that you I don't don't say you didn't it's the proof is in important baby I got the endorsements it's disgusting like the other lady said it's time for us to start sticking together this city is in distress it's bigger than potholes it's kids out here buying weed dying off a fit all people getting shot but we not talking about that it's sad the kids that go to school they coming home we got to help our kids because there's so many kids out here that's dying then a person like me take money out of my pocket don't ask the city Never for Nothing try to feed the Homeless try to help the kids every time I go out of my way only thing I get is Patterson Police Val called the cops I'mma put this on the record I'm Cameo black as y'all know I'm not scared of the cops I'm not scared of nobody I don't have warrants as long as I live by God and I walk by God I don't have no reason to be scared Al I'm proud of you tonight with the tie cuz I told you the next time I catch you with a t-shirt I'm coming for you so kudos to you but y'all need to get it together all of y'all up here on the phone texting people talking it's it's real out here it's serious the first war the potholes everywhere got goddamn potholes I'm sick of seeing on Facebook potholes poth holes poth holes what about the crackheads what about the kids what about the fit or how many funerals we going to how many going in the dirt all these gold funding Pages I'm sick of it I've been here for 43 years Blood Sweat and Tears every time I come and do something what I get harassment Why by the same counsilman I'm ready to go to jail he harassed me H so much it's either jail or mental health counseling which one do I do I know who backing him everybody's backing him but at the same time the corruption is out of control we tired so y'all going to rock with us rock with us if y'all going to be on the corruption stay away from me I'm sick of it and Ms and cotton Jackson thank y'all for always supporting me mar you starting to come around too Mendes I've been told you get it together brother get it together KH and Al I don't know Udin I'm done with you too that's speak M cler Louis Uno good evening good evening even council member good evening council members please wear the public portion my name is Lis hon president of P for more than 45 years I live 8 uh 14 Bing I just mov in up here because the organization which I love since the day number one because I'm the confounder pr together with Mr Kar we form the Peru emper I brought the idea from New York I used to live in New York when I came here with the idea to form the Peru EMP here today we have serious problems money missing bad handling things like that but always the same people around always the same corrupted people around we trying to get rid of these people but only the community of the Peruvian have the power to do that and I'm here because it's there two organizations now what is that ambition what is that destruction no we have one ex president here which is the only one who left Super Rabbit in the Peru he seeing he is seeing the situation is going bad he decide to come in and say I want to be the president again but then we have a problem with the Jorge and the beginning was ER capella then we have uh uh George filco they intervene with the master master is taking the orders Master is giving the orders to everybody no matter who and master who is not Peruvian then now we have what we have two people two professionals running each other why we don't need that we have someone who already present papers and got the permits according to what I know the permits are already in progress I have another Pro another uh professional here which is also trying to run he says he is not he's not a Peruvian because he doesn't have a DA the an ification that peran have what we want to do is unify the peruvians stop fighting stop destroying ourself we were very strong community in the past now we are weak we want to get back again to what we were before I know some of the council members I respect M Miss Dila I respect Alex Miss um Mr KH khalip I can talk for the other ones as B also because I was not involved really but I thank you very much for this opportunity but that's the situation thank you son next speaker man Clark next speaker is Abed tatha Abed tatha it's coming good evening good evening how are you guys doing today it took over two hours for the public portion to start I'd like to just draw the council's attention to the rules of procedure governing conduct of the council meeting so first will be prayer second will be Pledge of Allegiance third will be the roll call and then fourth will be hearing of the citizens so we don't have to wait here till we hours of the night while we got family at home i' like to also bring it to the attention that it's been 200 days since the massacre Gaza has started and as a Palestinian living in the sixth w we the community in the Sixth Ward is suffering and we need another statement or another resolution going out to the Congress to show support that we need a ceasefire and the ceas fire now we can't keep sitting on our hands not doing anything we Colts arm arms tax um the tax appeal got shot down so IID like to any one any single person on the council could make a motion tonight to repeal to repeal the act from 2013 whenever the city council opted in to the Garden State growth zone I'm pretty sure everybody's familiar with that and if you're not then that's a major issue because overdevelopment is just overcrowding our city our schools are deteriorating as you see 90% of our kids failed math why is that that's because there's a average of 27 students with only one teacher parents work two three jobs they can't sit at home helping their kids with homework it has to start in the school and then whenever there's need a little tutoring they could provide a little assistance but otherwise by the time they get home they're just getting the kids ready to go to bed putting food in their mouth and then everybody goes to sleep so we need to take that that's part of our quality of life not just our roads need to get paved not just we need more parks quity of Life includes a lot of issues and that is our students is education is number one issue in the Patterson and it's always been that for such a long time my name is abet the please vote 2A on May 14th we're going to put patteron first and the only way we could do that is together thank you next speaker mad cler next speaker is Assad actor council president uh council members thank you uh um glad we could have this meeting in in person good evening uh council president you know that you and I are both running uh you're running for re-election and I'm running the Third Ward along with former councilman McCoy and he's often brought up the charges that are against you and uh I've often said that you deserve your day in court uh when it comes to the allegations that uh uh uh that are against you but that doesn't mean that those allegations don't exist and that doesn't mean that we have to allow our full trust in you and your team which is also under indictment for electoral Charges going back four years now I spend my time campaigning a lot of other candidates spend their time putting up sign and that's their right but I spend my time knocking doors and I knock doors and I see your materials I see councel McCoy's materials I don't touch them they're on the door you don't touch them I respect that and we all we're all campaigning on the same territory we're all campaigning with the same voters and we have to have respect and I think we've had respect and I've tried to be respectful to you while we debate the issues however I uncovered something very disturbing uh on my walk this weekend uh in the east side Park neighborhood knocking doors uh I discovered that your people or I I don't know for you yourself but I did I did uh witness your campaign workers and I didn't want to confront them I didn't want to videotape them but I did take photos afterwards your campaign workers are stuffing mailboxes with your materials they're stuffing mailboxes with your materials now the first day I ever knocked on doors I was about 20 years old the first rule they told you is don't touch people's mailboxes it's not just a violation of their personal property it is a crime it is a federal crime related to touching people's mail and that would be bad enough if you were any other candidate in Patterson with all due respect you were under indictment for a possible stealing of people's vote by mails and getting into their mailboxes so I have to tell you it's deeply troubling and that's why my campaign is sent a letter to the attorney general to The Postal Service um and to other authorities including the clerk about this Behavior I have to tell you councilman it's bad enough that Donald Trump is out there talking about Patterson and and and voter corruption it's bad enough that people in this city don't have faith in they're elected officials it's bad enough that our vote count keeps going lower and lower because people are so beaten down that they are tired and they don't even believe their vote matters it is embarrassing and bad and it's time that we stop dividing ourselves amongst different communities that's bad enough I know a low vote count benefits certain people but it's time we put an end to that and I have to tell you council president Mendes keep your hands out of people's mailboxes it's a simple request thank you good speaker Madam clerk next speaker is Danielle Mahia hello uh my name is Daniel Mahia and again I am the CEO of Silk City 1 uh so today I just wanted to basically first of all um I wanted to give out uh hand sanitizers that I've been uh giving out to the businesses in hopes of promoting the QR code in the city uh again Silk City 1 is a website that I plan to integrate within the city of Patterson to start uh uh which would provide the people three options the first option is any city jobs that are available second option is City events which would be divided events by people and events for businesses council president please speaker speaking sorry s um sorry um just continue so the second option it would be events uh for people by people and uh events I'm sorry is that I uh lost my my train of thought uh so again um Silk City 1 is a QR code that I plan to integrate on every door with the goal of giving the people three options first option is uh city jobs that are available whether it's governmental or uh jobs provided by businesses second option is City events which would be divided in two sections uh which is events by the people and events by businesses every two weeks I would select the uh different types of businesses that would give a discount for a specific day where those who uh look to shop would be able to try out a new company uh you know when it comes to food or uh objects material provided and well the third option it would be for the city elects where everyone who's elected by the people would present thems uh you know thanking the the people and uh explaining what's their Vision based on the position that they're in uh there would also be a a moreabout which would give a background story of who you are based on what you've mentioned and you know family and close friends have mentioned Silk City 1 then there would be a checklist of things which the people uh would be uh you know there would be a checklist of things which the the people would tell Silk City one of what needs to be fixed if the uh council memb is not doing their job with the law of recall referendum uh I consider it as the stock market with 51% uh votes you're could be you could be voted out of your position uh but again at the moment I'm just trying to you know give out the free hand sanitizers and I've spoken with uh the uh the assistant for the superintendent so hopefully we will have a mockup uh I'm sorry two more seconds this it's just basically a mockup uh vote where I would select on every w three schools uh that you would be able to talk and give your view and debate with whoever is competing in your ward and yeah that's about it thank you next speaker man clerk next speaker is Miss Chanel Fields Miss Chanel fields okay she's outside Nick oh she's right there oh good evening Council good evening everybody uh Marissa I'm just going to say this wherever she is she has to practice the decorum she's asking for us to have that's all I have on that um tonight I stand before you as a messenger of democracy and a diligence Steward of our Collective voices in this upcoming election we must make it a priority to vote we as a community hold in our hands the power to shape the course of this City's future we can no longer allow ourselves to just be Spectators we must become active participants in creating a positive narrative for our city voting is not merely a right it is a sacred Duty entrusted To Us by those who came before us and sacrifice so much to ensure our freedom voting is the Cornerstone of our political system voting is the foundation upon which our government stands when we cast our ballots we actually breathe life into the principles and Liberty equality and justice that we believe in it is important because our voices do matter each voice each V is a personal Declaration of our hopes our dreams our aspirations for us and our families and our community of which we wish to see when it comes to voting we must refuse to be silent in the face of Injustice inequality and oppression voting is our privilege to those of us who have children please vote and consider the unheard voices of your children who yearn for the opportunity to have a say in their governance and to have a voice in the decisions that affect their Futures we owe it to them and to ourselves to exercise this right with the utmost diligence and responsibility in this pivotal moment in history our city stands at a Crossroads we are facing pressing CH pressing challenges that demand bold Solutions and decisive actions from Council Members with Integrity our issue stems from everything from economic inequality racial Injustice overcrowded parking all the way up to affordable housing these issues before us are as complex as they are Urgent so let us not succumb to despair or fear that our vote doesn't matter when in fact we are stronger together let us instead embrace the power that lies within each and every one of us we have the power to affect change we have the power to shape the future we have the power to build more just uh more than just an equitable City for generations to come I know the stakes are high and at the moment of this C could not be more critical the future of our city hangs in the balance but together with our voices raised and our ballots cast there is nothing that we cannot achieve so let us go forth together from this place and get inspired vote on May 14th I'm inors and Michael Jackson of the first war because a vote for Michael Jackson is a vote for us thank you and good night let speak M cler next speaker is Alfredo abrao alred okay Alfredo good evening to everyone good evening my English is not too good but uh enough to say what I want to say uh the Mr Mayor say uh too many times Pon have everything new grow up Pon we have a nice Stadium we have a nice fall but the city is a chaos the city is dirad the city Pon city is looking like a condom and the wor time is the the most dirad city in the area a clim to Mr uh L B he's a a cilman he's a member of the cilman fir World o Main Avenue it's terrible it's dirad Mr lburg Markus Street the people sell food in the street make a p in the street where are you Mr Paris I think that's your J something I live it ah PR like a 10 years ago it's beautiful place to live nice place to work around with my my kids but now change it people doesn't care at all dad I told to Mr Kiki personally I show the pictures I call the city I call the Spector nobody nobody care it's still serious the neighborhood have to clean up the other people house because if the other people house dirad my house is dirad too so I better clean up their house which is not fair that's why we have a leadership Mr Alex Mendes when he want to be when he was a candidate he promised us clim City but he's still in the power he forgot us so we need they clean up doesn't work we have a nice building if the city is there I ask you please as a p we need to clean up the city the Main Street no nice store not going to come how we going to come I have a question to to L B it's nothing personal first of all I don't not you but uh you can work with your kids for the main street or Market Street Market Street you have a bar people make a fe make a pit over there it's embarrassed it's very close to the city so I ask you please clean up the city that's your job please and know the last thing I want to talk up to about the Peruan as Peruvian Mr Dr Teo Dr Castillo please working for the Peruvian parade the Peruan parade have 30 years old no matter who take care but the Peruan people want to per 30 years old we're not going get it down those please work together uh thank you Madame ba just take note um just take note about the clean is of the city that's an administrated job we have put all the resources to the administration to make that happen next speaker Madam uh cler yes Mr President the next speaker is Alan David [Applause] Jefferson see uh good evening um I wanted to talk about some other things but I'm GNA talk about some real movers and shakers tonight uh Janette Thompson that's not here okay uh I grew up with her back in the Alabama Avenue projects during the 50s and the 60s I played with her brother on a League team we won 20 games and we're still undefeated 1962 we got plenty plent of movers and shakers that young lady that just came to the mic from Pake I lived in Pake for from 2020 to 2023 okay I'm a V8 era veteran and she's a m she's a Shaker we all got to work together if we don't work together it's going to be total chaos I hope I hope that our children and our grandkids and our kids are able to have a place to go to Theater events basketball baseball soccer it was there when I was a young man that was a long time ago I'm 73 now I'm old broke down okay struggling but God is good because I'm still here and I'm still shaking now it's time to donate and that's what I'm going to do plenty of buildings plenty of houses but the investors and the developers are moving us out especially my people okay everybody else talking about their people I'm talking about my people okay seniors children schools churches we got to open them doors okay cuz if we don't ain't nobody going to be here the air is messed up the land is messed up the sea is messed up and God is angry he's angry all you got to do is just look around at all the stuff that's going on I hear some people laughing but I'm not joking I'm serious I'm a God-fearing man and I Fear God I don't fear no man but we need to come together and P patteron is one of the greatest cities in this nation when you go back we had everything okay now we're looks like we're going downhill schools are dilapidated okay tax tax tax that's all I hear okay we need to change and we need to change now before it's too late God bless and to the kids you don't work you don't eat you don't vote you don't count and if you get in trouble you're done have a good evening thank you next speaker M clerk Mr President there are no more speakers motion to close move to close second move to close by council member last second by Council mava roll call clerk to close the public portion president I know I saw other speakers come to the to the request they were here before public portion closed we denying them the opportunity to speak how many did they sign it ask mam CL did they sign in they didn't did they sign in so we got two speaker that want to speak okay so I have this young lady and has come in the mic one one one after the other council president just just a point out good evening to all of you representatives from pouncil Member members of the public just democracy get in front of the line just space president I agree that you have the lady speak because she's been waiting since early way before we had the meeting but somebody that came in just recently and walk in and want to speak I think they should be waiting here I'm talking the lady should speak C and I agree no no the lady was the lady was here from the beginning counc alting to councilman to the young other young man uh listen I'm just opening mic very brief if you want to take a minute just open the mic I'm just going to I'm just going to finish this public portion peacefully members of the public we done with 21 speakers so there's one more let's welcome one more and right after that we close the public portion and we start conducting City business so let me remove my motion to close it that was a motion on the floor thanks to all of you representative good evening each one of you ladies too gentlemen thank you I am Peruvian I live in the United States 23 years and since I arrived the parades were beautiful we're running for Peruvian parade institution but I believe that all institutions have the right to present a parade every year I believe 38 38 years of tradition are awesome but I believe that every time you guys give us the city we need to leave it clean we need to respect your city we need to respect your permits we need to respect the peace that you give us to bring our culture this year we have Dr Teo that is introducing the parade as well as another doctor in the community Dr Castillo I believe 38 years of tradition can be also followed by new institutions that can run the parade together because we are 700,000 peruvians in the the American society I believe the unity is going to start when we respect the values when you respect when we as a community respect the clean of the city we respect your laws and especially when we respect you guys giving us permits that's what I want to say thank you for everything thank you we appreciate you thank you thank you council president I would like to thank you and the rest of the council body for allowing me the opportunity to speak this evening as a candidate for the fifth War Council seat one thing I will say if given the opportunity to serve the residents of the Fifth Ward in that seat right there one thing I will not do is use the power invested in me by the Constitution of this great country to shut down my political opponents and not give them the right to speak that's first and foremost secondly I think it's only appropriate being that Earth day was yesterday that I present to the city of Patterson and to the residents of the Fifth Ward a platform which focuses on our environment we have great examples in the city of Patterson like deakon Willie Davis who is struggling sadly to maintain his community garden afloat so I suggest you all to go to Green Acre community and donate because this man has given his Bloods and twe and tears to the city of Patterson and he is struggling I would love to see more Community Gardens throughout our community because I understand the positive impact that it has on our youth on our seniors and our community as a whole I also look forward to taking strides and to taking more environmentally conscious decisions as a governing body in order for us to save money reuse things like tires and reduce our environmental footprint on this Earth which we will not get another I don't care how much money you make how much effort you put into whatever Endeavor you're trying to do any political office you're trying to seek we will not get a better Earth we will not get another one so I think it's time to reinvent the wheel and elect candidates into office that have the environment in mind and will bring new ideas to the table if we keep doing the same things we're going to keep getting the same results all you have to do is take a look at where we've been and ask yourselves is this where I want to continue going there is your decision also why are we bullying Jerry pass Jerry Jerry spia for putting up his signs early when the councilman of the fifth forward did the same thing and when I let the administration know they forward the information off and nothing happened so let's be fair across the board thank you motion to close so move move by Council Dava second second by councilman Ms roll call cl to close the public portion roll roll call to close the public portion of the municipal Council regular meeting of Tuesday April 23rd 2024 Council abdulaziz thank you madam clerk so you have to like election season and the candidate that came up here from the Sixth Ward I like to you know hit him with facts he wants an amendment on the floor to make a motion to get out of the Garden State growth Zone tax extension this is what you call amateurs this is the first level of government these are the Johnny come lats that come in don't live in Patterson for a couple you know they just moved in here four years they come to the council meeting I'll gladly teach you what government's about you've had my number you've never brought this up when I fought that abatement and saved the taxpayers dollars that now the colleagues are saying we shouldn't have this appeal you were nowhere to be found I don't even know if you lived in Patterson at that time Ed local government 101 state law supersedes local law you should learn that you should learn that so when the state extended the Garden State growth tax program in Trenton and our governor signed that bill that supersedes it we can't opt out but good idea I sent that to the administration right away when the governor signed it I said hey could we opt out before this gets renewed they said no there is no opt out check the bill Google it it says on the bottom this is enacted for any municipality that passed the the the 2013 version of opting in so it's an extension for that good talking point but the six W residents are not naive and they're not stupid they know what's going on so I'll educate you on that and when you talk about Board of Education I commend you to talk about the education but you were nowhere to be found at the budget hearings in the Board of Education there's government I'll educate you there too schools are under the direct authority of the Board of Education six World residents don't be fooled you want to talk about an advocate for the children I'll send you the meetings of the Board of Education take that passion not just during political time all right and those are the facts ladies and gentlemen and I will gladly and I can't wait till May 3rd comes when I debate you because because I am passionate about the six Ward I'm passionate about the city you can follow the people that want to tell you no facts I'll give you the facts I just highlighted it to you I've asked the administration they'll tell you that I was the first one to say hey give me a resolution to opt out before the governor signs this extension and there is none so Madam uh clerk I'm going to be very behaved tonight and just State the facts so I always do my vote is yes thank you councilman abdulaziz councilwoman cotton thank you madam clerk I just want to um say a few pointers um um that was said during the um public portion you know um I had a couple of gentlemen comes up here uh and talk about coaching and and and doing for the community and and helping out and it's so very important um to to I say to community members even if you do not have children in the school system please support our schools please support our high schools our Sports please support Kennedy High School Esau High School those things are so important M my daughter's a a softball head softball coach uh for johnf KY high school and I'm going to put it out there she is the first female and first black female to be a head coach and here it is 2024 for Kennedy High School cuz she played for softball but she played in the 1980 uh 1990 for Kennedy High School so it's important for us to support all of that and I'm happy that they came out here tonight to to say that I just want to say to Elvis too that you were here um talking you're always here Elvis talking about the community and what's going on you really kind of keep us informed of what's Happening um I also want to say to um princess Reed and Jamie Bland um and thank you councilman Jackson for Janette Thompson um Park on Clinton Street but I also belong with Janette Thompson and Jamie Bland with National Action Network and that's with Reverend Al Sharpton I'm also part of um I just attend her meetings but I'm with National Action Network and those are they have uh uh jumpstart does a community um peace with the children back 25 years ago when I said to Jamie BL I was very involved at Esau high school with different activities and what I noticed was that the School System 25 years ago was Target targeting special needs children if you went into the basement you knew that you were a special need child and the kids in the building on the first second and third floor knew that if you went into the basement that you were special back then they call him Special Ed I don't call it special ed I just call it special needs so that's when I decided that Jamie we have such talented young people in our community and that's how she started the jump start production and training and I said to the school district you can't separate children you should not separate children cuz we all have different needs and we all do things differently you have to bring us all together bring children all together things that we need to get done and it's so important and I said I hear mik kelman over here hman Al alaz he's right here Al you know what sometimes people don't understand how government works they really don't because I know many times and I said to us and I said to my Council colleagues and some of them are not here but when when they put mandates on us or mandates on the cities or mandates on the county or mandates on the state you don't follow them and see what happens some people think nothing will happen but something will happen you know we look at all different items and we have to look at everything of of what's happening and there's so many different things that we need but what I said that I think some of us has forgotten what has happened here in the city of Patterson and I'm never going to forget Hurricane Sandy I'm never going to forget the pandemic because all these people who wants to run for office where were you at when all these people in our city was looking for help where where were you at when them seniors couldn't get no money out the bank where were you at when they needed food where were you at when everybody needed something and sometimes they just want to talk to somebody where were you at and you you have to know that the facts are very important you if you have not been around if you have not seen the struggle and we are supposed to help each other to get to the next level and I find my role is to show you if I can guide you to the federal government if I can guide you to the the County government if I can guide you to the to the city government I'm going to guide you cuz the more I learn the more I can teach you the more our people I can reach out to the more I can tell you I can send you to the right person I know what it feels like to be talking and you get switched from phone to phone to phone to phone and you can't get to the right person you don't know who's going to help you people still not and I said it I'm going to say it again 700,000 people state of New Jersey still have not gotten their unemployment money 700,000 I would think 30,000 of them in city of Patterson and here it is three years later and they're still waiting because the the bureaucracy sometimes is so much that they can't get nobody's answered the phone we got to get back into the building we got to get back into where we need so it's so important until you understand and until this phone and I know my phone it's all night 40,000 and I want and I'm telling people I don't read 40,000 resolution I don't read 10,000 ordinance I done pass out 14,000 business card so that's why my number is out there for everybody who wants to reach me because you know I say to people they don't answer their phone cuz they don't recognize the number well why you need to recognize the number they calling you cuz they looking for help they looking for an answer they looking for something they need something they need you to help them be on board with them because there's so many things that we hear but you know what that and you try to make people understand and right now I say to people Google the state of New Jersey state of New Jersey for jobs they probably got 20,000 jobs out there I know they do the county you know Google some of these states these entities the county the state even the city they're out there Google it and you'll see but the thing to me is that I'm here to help you to show you and also to make laws I'm a legislator but you got to be a community first before you do anything if you don't have the heart for the people and you don't have the love for the people you're not going to be able to do this job and I can tell you right now you're not going to be able to do this because the people needs to hear you they want to reach out and touch you and they want to talk to you you walking down the street they you stop them they stop you how you don't talk to people when they stop you how how do you do not talk to people and they're telling you something Madam clerk you know this some other stuff but I have my clothes but I know I've been in this City over 65 years I've lived in the fourth word all my life I thank you for listening Madam clerk my counsil colleagues it's about working together regard is it's about working together we ain't going to get it done with a i it going to be a we and that's how we get it done thank you madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilwoman cotton councilwoman Davin I approve that message so do I so uh once again good evening to everyone um I won't be addressing all 25 individuals that spoke here today although you are all important all right because if not if I continue we're going to be here till tomorrow all right but I want to first if my colleagues here wrote any heard anything today is that my Peruvian Community talked about Unity I'm going to start with Mimi seula and I'm going to talk about facts not like Dr Castillo that came here to accuse me of something which is not true I'm going to talk facts all right I want to honor the Legacy okay honor that we are honoring him very soon as well as seor Kari someone who I love I loved his continue to love his family and loved him dearly but let's talk facts all right no one has taken action on any application to start off there was an entity that came in that is New Jersey peruvians and they went through a process because the city it's about a process they started their process in January and they did it based on last year's conversations about what went on with the other entity of which I was a member of Peruan parade in 2022 my colleagues and SE Garcia GMO Garcia being the president who was removed all right with his family members his wife when everything happened they came and it was about the people Unity it was not about Peruan parade Inc it was about the Peruvian community and it is I with them together we were able to move forward raise the money that was necessary to make sure that we also you know what the respectful seor Garcia because of what they did to him removing him so let us not talk about me dividing me it's about unity in the community and it's specifically we're talking Peruvian parade right now because I'm not just Peruvian I'm not just Puerto Rican I'm not just American I am United Nations that's who I am and those that truly know me and know my work for over 30 years in the community know the work that I do but let's bring it back to facts when Aya Khan who's running for second ward shame on him for speaking and saying lies that I am part of the institution I am not a member of that institution I was a member of Peruvian parade Inc absolutely I was look up the records so bringing it back to facts the fact that an entity went ahead how do I how do I know about this I'm the chairwoman of Finance I sit down with the ba we have to go over a lot of things and there's an application that started as I said in January their time stamp with a with dates of February March April them going through their process M when she told me she was creating an organization I said that is wonderful I even attended their first event a Tricky Tray and I continue to support whatever she does because if there's one thing that young lady has given me since she's met me is respect there's never ever not been any respect and that's why I respect her as much as I also respect her family as well but bringing it back to facts this is not a about dividing but this is about what's doing right there's an application that's already complete that's been given to the administration that went through licensing that paid their fees and is in review to bring to the workshop because that's how it happens it comes to workshop guess when our Workshop is it's May 7th so these lies about it's been approved we do not approve the parade the parade application that was already done that's the city they did all their permits DPW police fire this entity approves the license for the festival and that application none of them have seen except finance committee okay and that was just today and you know why because we're not supposed to see the application till it's complete till it goes through the proper entities till it goes to licensing till it goes to direct Dela so I can not believe that my director told Dr Castillo that I had already approved this because that is a lie but they want to create this thing they want to create okay chaos by going on live calling tundo making up these lies all right but the facts are the facts you want to see them Oprah Oprah members of the I will bring it back they can say whatever cuz I'm going to ignore because you know what to me to me me it's about what I heard today and it's about Unity right so guess what the New Jersey peruvians tried to reach out to Peruvian parade he went on social media and on TV to call them corrupt and that he would never join forces is that Community or is that for another political gain because on the same note that he indicated that he's now chosen by the courts he also said that he was running for congress on the Republican side and that he was running because Bill pascol is corrupt and he needs to be taken out of there that's all on social media please go back and look at it I'm not making things up every year I have to go and it's a shame because I love my my Peruvian Community I love when they come it doesn't matter who it is I've never had an issue with Dr Castillo you know what's so sad that he said and may He rest in peace sheriff bernick in the repass we were sitting together and he said what happened with Peruvian raid and I said oh my God I just can't believe it and then I said there still they've bound checks oh my god really he knew it but yet he went on alive and said Peruan parade doesn't owe anything to the city of Patterson numerous numerous phone calls okay and Communications to The Entity that was in charge and I have to say he was not the head he was not it was another entity who was not from here and this is why they didn't care about Patterson that entity that was here those two individuals that ran that parade last year under Peruan parade did not care about our community in the city of Patterson and you all here are witnesses go back to the tapes and how the community came to say how dare okay the Peruvian parade leave the city the way it did and that was embarrassing because you know what Peruvian perama Peru New Jersey peruvians we are all peruvians and to me when one looks bad we all look bad so with that said I just spoke facts I just spoke facts on May 7th the application that has been completed with all signed signatures okay that is what's coming to the council for a review the other application on April 2nd so when he talked about oh April 16 on April 2nd he came to pick up an application he filled it out he made a check and he left it no supporting documents whatsoever no police no fire no DPW absolutely nothing but yet he says he's being denied he's being denied so let us not lie to the community let us be real if you wanted to really really join forces you would have said as Dro he left Peruan parade with a $50,000 plus Surplus and under his Direction along with others that I much so respect as I respect you too Dr Castillo but I do not and I will not tolerate for you to have called me garbage on social media yes you did and with that said I'm going I am going to vote now because there is no rebuttal here there is no rebuttal I have the flooor and you do not I have the floor I have the floor but I just spoke right now the public please I just spoke facts members of the public please I just spoke with that said my Council woman CT spoke and I'm speaking as well all right so with that said I just want to say this all right I am thankful for everyone that came here today and I I continue to say this today what I heard it was about Community but I do have to correct people when they speak lies you will not lie on me absolutely not unequivocally not Oprah the records and you will see the dates thank you very much my vote is yes to close cman [Applause] Jackson right okay all the time so um [Music] so I I don't know about um I'm still waiting for the heckling Stop members of the community if you if you're planning to leave the chamber please just move quietly because we we closing we're in a closing on the public portal please so for I I I'll touch on this subject first one one of the things that's extremely disappointing is the uh uh the manner in which people many people I'm going to say the administration as well but there's a there's a a a level of dissension that's created members of the public if you leave in this chamber please there's a there's a uh um a level of dissension that's created by the way in which they choose to work with the public because I know it's been I I've gotten the same exact phone calls from the African-American parade committee on which a date and which they've been holding for a long number of years has been taken from them it should have been an encouragement when an application came in to say no we're going to you know encourage the various groups to work together and come to a consensus but you know um um certain people have different agendas that's being carried out being supported by people that they continuously support what I can't speak on the on on the issues or the matters that took place but what I can speak upon is the level of respect that I have for Dr castigo and how much time he spent in this community serviceing this community still serviceing this community and for him to come forward with the claim that is uh false you know it it it um you know you know that doesn't represent the person that I that I know so if he had an issue if he has an issue that issue should be fairly addressed he shouldn't be forced to come to the podium in the public portion it should have been addressed well before this point especially if um if if if there was a certified check that was covering any losses but it just speaks to the level of disrespect that some people have for those in our community who have served for such a long period of time we love you so long as you support us we endure you so long as you're not speaking against us but the moment you choose to have a feeling of indifference all of a sudden now you're the enemy and that's that's been the uh uh uh the tale all along you know when we talk about responsibilities and things of that nature and I'm move off that topic because uh talking about the young man from the 6th you know I'm going to do my research which I haven't had an opportunity to do yet because we have gotten poor uh legal advice many occasions from this um on this de so the councilman of the Sixth Ward I've invested my own money in the Sixth Ward for 191 units that's been illegally uh produced over there that's now being challenged in court that many of the residents in the six Bo had came forward and contributed to for 191 units and even if you take 1.5 young per uh children in each from each apartment that's close to 300 children and what schools are they going to go to so to make a claim that we don't vote on the school's budget we definitely have an impact because the decisions that's made Citywide the the decisions that's made by this Council impact the schools when we're overwhelming just just like all of my residents in the first W that's being targeted and illegally told because they're two feet I got a quick story I have a resident on the corner of of of North 7th and Temple Street she was issued a a handicap sign with her license plates on it the sign was po post placed in in in the space that it was she came and got her car ticketed and Tow from her handicap space and the claim was it was too close to the crosswalk the city is the one who put the put the sign up but see common practices now we have people being targeted and when we look at the overcrowding of our communities and all of these decisions is being made the same people that voted in the affirmative to extend the Redevelopment zone for further over over uh uh development these are the people claiming that we have no no say in this but I I I beg to differ we have the right to to to to choose which programs we want to part participate in and if we're not doing so but yet the mayor is running around gallivanting with the same uh commissioner that he appointed to the planning board that has voted in the affirmative on every single one of these projects so the overdevelopment is clear and we saw tonight many of you witnessed tonight where the administration then came forward and issuing a a a tax reduction for a large scale developer but how many of you homeowners or renters are seeing reductions all the illegal evictions that's taking place all the illegal evictions that's taking place but because of the rents that's being exorbitantly uh uh uh High that's being raised at this time where landlords are saying we want you out of the premises because we're moving in but just for them to raise the rent by 50% but this Council has taken no action to protect his residents none so for an organization to put in 38 years of loyal commitment to this community and I understand yes I I I I I would agree that there was there was a major um ball that was dropped last year but that doesn't speak to the history of how this organization has been conducting them and for them not to have the respect of saying well there's another organization that does this we we want to make sure that you guys can equally come to the table it's just it's just very disappointing it causes the dissension we say we claim we want people to come together but yet we we put we put them in positions to to to battle against each other and that's disappointing but again that's poor leadership that's poor leadership because if you were a leader of the city you would have said that you would have said listen let's let's let's sit down and and and collaborate or make sure that there's no one excluded from the process if you were a leader in that Community you would have you would have you would have LED that charge but we sit here and we we we force each other to fight against each other just as we're doing within the African American uh Community as well so it's identical a parade that's been been ongoing for quite some time and listen I haven't been the the biggest fan of that parade as well but the fact is that those people that group of people have committed themselves and have done it year after year when nobody else had chosen to do it and now that is been built to a certain status and or not somebody else wants to jump in and what does the the administration do it puts them against each other but I mean I don't expect anything different it's it's basically what's been happening all the time and uh uh you know it's disappointed to see I'll say this on closing Dr Castillo I mean you've you've chosen to support other candidates in different times and and we've had this differences of agreement but it never would would would negate the amount of respect that I have for you so to you know cuz I trust me I could tell you emphatically I don't lie especially on on this on this on this day is I've never they can't challenge one vote not one I made a commitment because I asked for a favor to step away from a vote just to not have a taking it after hearing all the nonsense I had to come I couldn't I couldn't hold myself I had to come out and put all of the non sense the shame because we don't know who it is we don't know what it what's going to happen there everybody knows what it is everyone knew was going to happen there and these are the common practices and I'll just say this last piece if you out here believe that our community that the city of patteron is doing well we've moved it Forward we've the city of Patterson is in a good condition I have people on Facebook sending me messages of garbage dump on 18th Avenue on in in the sixth world all over the city of Patterson it's out of control it's out of control but if you listen to all the people who are responsible for making the key decisions to change the community they're celebrating the great job that that we're doing last week we was asked in a forum to grade our efforts some council members say oh well I think we're doing great I sit on the counsel I said we're failing we're failing miserably we're failing this community miserably and for people like brother Allan and and and many of you that have been here for years there was another uh gentleman who who sat in from the per Peruvian Community saying how he's been here for so many years if you can attest that this that the city is better now than it was then I will resign I'll resign right now because my presence is no longer needed with that being said Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilman Jackson councilman colleag thank you Madame clerk some people like to entertain the nonsense okay read the email from Friday 8:54 uh I think 8:54 a.m. I think C memes requested all the documents all the details council members all the details what happening with the parade is a copy everything is there from bounce check to everything is there I'm not going to entertain that but it is a I hope the community come together and I love going to perubian parade and let's enjoy hopefully whoever does it let's enjoy the parade this this year it's a election season some people need education on how local government runs and some people will come in front of you out of jealousy and envy and they will straight up lie in front of everybody to make thems look better my my opponent I'm not talking to you councilman Jackson I'm not talking to you second word candidate came in he's talked about I did not pay somebody's rent for 2 years oh man you go to court within 3 months you out so that's a lie my health center is run remotely now I'm holding somebody permit who am I to hold somebody's permit they have a process you go to the department and you get the get the permit done so that's a lie another lie is that I use njcdc uh for Community event for my campaign game he was in those events too so that's a lie he I use hinley Stadium I think he should know better he probably should call the GM at the stadium if he wants to do a event he will let him call me I will arrange the meeting if you want to do a event at the stadium I arrange the meeting with the GM and you could book it pay the fees and have a event there I hosted another lie I hosted couple of events go check I paid for my own pocket to host those event another one with the permits council members you guys are here the application for festival comes every year in front of us if if if the process is done properly with the insurance Police contract and DPW cont we vote on it before the the before the application is is is uh completed we put a hold we table it or we move it to the next meeting that's the process so he trying to say some of the event that I'm trying to like I I denied it another lie let me tell you a fact he want to be a legislator he want to be a lawm maker he's right now he living in a illegal apartment that's a fact I even mentioned that before but he want to be lawmaker also another another fact there's a very honorable commissioner chairperson Geral T txon of board of adjustment he passed away may he rest in peace he sued against him saying that he was a racist person and he got paid aaya Khan got paid like 10 or $20,000 from the city 4 something, for I'm sorry probably 40 something, that's a fact I got a lot of other things to do he started this this lies and I'm going to put him in his place his election season but anyway um we're closing the public person I just Lo lost lost thought you know I mean I'm running against I be reelected in May May 14th and my my my ballot position is 1 a and thank you my vote uh my vote is yes to close the public portion and you could whatever I said you could fact check it anytime thank you thank you councilman councilwoman M so um first let me do what I do every meeting I want to thank the public that is watching and the public that has come out whether to express um concern issues to acknowledge or to uh celebrate people that sit on this side or in the community but just some people that just chose to come and listen I I applaud you cuz I know taking the time away and sacrificing from your family and your life is really important so I want to put it on record tonight I was and I normally am never on my phone to that degree but my son is home sick and I feel bad that I'm sitting here and I'm not there so I may have to leave shortly because that's why I keep going out checking on him and I am going to use my my phone to make sure because I'm sitting here um and I'm going to make sure my son is sick cuz my family is a priority so I'm going to put that on the record tonight there were many things that were talked about a lot of things that were talked about but I would I want to say this before the parade comes to this entity I'm saying to Dr casilio the doctor the group whoever's the two groups I want you guys to meet I see my good friend yo Garcia great person I want you to meet I know applications have been turned in and all that don't worry about that I want you two to come together meet and then do an application together because if you're doing it to celebrate the Peruvian Community there should not be divide right there shouldn't be I'm here you're there there should be a way cuz we can disag we can agree to be we can disagree to be agree to be disagreeable right that's the quote so you may not like something or maybe something happened that's okay but you come behind the scenes privately you rationalize you reason together and you come together because it's all about the community we want to celebrate with you I don't want to celebrate this one's arguing with this side no because we don't know any of that we want before it comes to this Council and I'm saying to you I know a lot of of the people that are here I totally agree with the young lady the 39 year old lady that came up and I'm saying to the ones that I really have don't know personally but I've seen you before have a conversation have a meeting don't have none of us involved you have the meeting with each other make your apologies whatever you need to do make amends see I see she's shaking hands already make amends with each other come together and have this meeting and when the application comes before us there's no bad blood there's no issues nobody has the big eye and little you you're doing it and the entire Community can come together in peace and solidarity so I'm saying that council president let's make sure give them time we don't need to rush it till May 7th if you don't have it together by then have a meeting call each other when we leave tonight and say let's meet tomorrow or Thursday or Friday you come together you put it together and get it done because it to me is sad when you have an entity that has been here for 38 years 38 years they've been doing this parade we've been a part of it we've been to the Galla we've been to the we've been everywhere to come and now we have a different group come together if you're doing it to celebrate your your ethnicity if you're doing it to celebrate to bring the people together and to allow everybody else to embrace a culture show us all that you can work as one don't let anybody divide you cuz division is easily easily attained but Unity is harder show everybody no matter who the detractors may or may not be show them that you're better together show them that you can come together for the benefit of the community Patterson has a lot of issues a lot of violence I agree the streets are filthy everything people talk about is true potholes you can name we have a myriad of things but one thing that we always say the parades are spectacular prove the doub is wrong come together and get it done and you'll see how wonderful it's going to be that shuts down all the chaos all the extra talking and then it proves to us that you wanted to do it to celebrate your ethnicity and your community so that's my point the next thing is it is definitely election season I am not running for election mhm I'm putting that on the record I got two more years and if I decide to run or not whatever's going to happen in two years because I tell people you don't know what's going to happen in two days that's right some people are dying and leaving here and not even present so people be making plans for two years and look I saw someone on Sunday and just today I saw on Facebook they heartbreak the person died from Sunday till today and they were full of life so we have to be so careful how we plan for two years out I'm G to do this in two years I'm going to do this in five years you don't know what you're going to do tomorrow let's make peace and UniFi today while we can a lot of people come and I'm going say this Tonight is the last televised meeting before the election tonight was the last televised meeting before the election cu the next meeting is not till May the 7th and it's a workshop so I always tell people if you're running this is a great platform it's free you don't have to pay for it you come you speak to as Elvis says 25,000 people that's right for free but tonight was the last opportunity for you to do it because May 7th is not televised so for me if you're running and I'm going to say it again do your homework I don't care look I don't have issues with people running I do have issues when people don't do their homework and then they point fingers at counsel people is not our responsibility it goes on the administration or the attacking attacking the person you're running against does not make you look better I'm speaking speaking from experience when I ran uh for a ward seat at one time I did that and I learned the lesson so now I tell every candidate stop attacking people when you attack that tells me you have no platform it shows me that you have nothing to talk about show the community how you would be a better candidate than the person that's sitting here show them what you're going to do different when Miss Janette Thompson called me for Clinton Street Park I went straight to Madame ba to the mayor and advocated did I not Madame ba advocated for Clinton Street Park a lot of parks not just in in fourth third But First Ward cobs Park Tyrone C I went lesser Titus emails were prove it I went to them and I tell people all the time they may not ever come to my house for dinner but as long as we sit here as council members you have to work with the administration you don't have to agree with them you don't have to be a puppet you don't have to yes vote but to get stuff done you got to kind find the way like I'm telling the Peruvian Community you got to find a way to come together we got to build and not battle everybody don't need to know your dirty laundry everybody don't need need to know that there's issues and I don't like you so what we need to get something done so that's what I want I may have to leave council president I'm so I'm putting it on the record because my son is not responding to my text messages and I'm concerned and I may have to leave out but and closing is about 20 days out for the election now you have the power to vote you don't have to keep talking go to the polls everybody in your house take them to the poll take your neighbors to the poll do your research identify don't listen to anybody telling you oh my Council colleagues they do nothing we do something every week we come here if it's nothing but to sit here at 3 o'clock in the morning we do something we vote on payment of bills we vote on items that are that mean a lot to the community and to Residents we cut a ribbon on Clinton Street Park that had been depriva and if you look across leer Titus was in worse shape than Clinton Street Park and all that barara Park we just did bear track is getting a splash pack and the list goes on and on so don't believe we're not doing anything here can we do more absolutely but to say we're not doing anything is not the truth we got to work together and if we're going to work together we got to build and not battle and we have to stop disrespecting our Council colleagues and everybody even the public we may not always agree to it but let's work in unity peace and Harmony tomorrow is not promised and you may look at me and be like what is she talking about but next week when somebody passes away you're going to be like that lady was telling me you got to send notes of love and appreciation to everybody no matter what you think or feel about them Madam Clerk and uh secretary our police officers that do their due diligence CFO ba Corporation councel all my colleagues uh technology Orinda and everybody if I'm not if I go to leave early I'm just putting on the record now directors and all that are here uh let's keep building and not battling because we don't know when our turn is coming when we will not be able to speak ever again because we're being buried that's true Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you Dr Mims councilman Udin thank you madam Clark good evening everyone those who are here in the chamber and those who are watching us live on YouTube um Patterson May 14th is election day that's very true and what you have to do is as council members are speaking the candidates are coming make sure that you go out and vote that's important if you really want change go vote for change if you think you are satisfied with the services that you are getting that's fine if not go and prove that by participating in election one thing I at the very beginning council president I to uh call for your attention if we cannot tolerate people's criticism then write down at the door then do not criticize the council members just speak in our favor because we cannot disrespect anyone anyone whether public council members we have to as first we we the leaders have to follow the deam then we have to expect from the people let's come to the point that when it came about uh one of the gentlemen named Alfredo regarding dirty streets sidewalks we can't ignore this we can't our daily experience is not good at all you cannot just say oh we are we are progressing yes in some some point as an example hinchliff stadium is a great addition to the city Patterson I do agree 100% but you know what's the side effect the people live around they know the crisis of the traffic they know the parking crisis what's the Strategic solution we have that's what we have to speak about how can we make our seet cleaner that's the solution we need at this point we cannot just show we going doing this doing this but everyday experience of the people in the city of patteron is going down day by day we have to acknowledge this and I as a part of this Council chamber council members I do agree this yes we have to do better than what we are doing today let's come to the community that are here regarding the perubian parade first of all we definitely want both groups to come together work together and we love to celebrate together that 100% one thing is very disturbing which is someone picked up the application that's why application cannot give away why is this I mean was a lie was a truth that's that's different story but why someone cannot get an application to apply for I don't see any council members involvement to any application not be expected and if Community can you proove that I believe that whoever the council member aligned to it has direct interest involved I think should recuse from voting on these items I definitely want both both groups to come together whatever the problems between you guys I think sit down and solve this problem and so that we all can celebrate together Community just know this dividing you some of the politicians take opportunity and we we I have seen this in my own Community which is divided by some of the leaders you know why because they take benefit out of it when community in two parts one part will come to me anyway way whether I serve you or not and that's that's how it's working in every single Community that's a division is created by some of us patteron once you come together you will expect better leaders you will find changes and you will see the same people are working harder to keep their seat for the next next time and when you are divided we take opportunity and do nothing and still we confirm our seat right here Patterson we need to start better if we say that we are satisfied with the current Services then we we are speaking lie if we say we are moving forward that's another lie too we are not moving forward we are not moving forward at all drive around and you see the cars are parked at the corner who's who's issuing tickets not nobody every day there's an accident every day because of this think about our streets right now cleanliness is it really think about every day even today I sent send pictures from Redwood Avenue to DPW that trust were not picked up I'm not blaming thep they are working hard they are working hard but this is not the priority of the administrator administration at all we are just looking for this the bigger project like H that come to the news but we have to understand the daily experience of the people in the city of patteron we have to think about our kids in the city of patteron that are going to our school system over covered schools classes are they getting the services not really I'm a classroom teacher I know how hard it is it cannot you can put 30 students and you expect better education in the classroom it's impossible it's not hard it's impossible so we I definitely agree that we are not satisfied we have to do better jobs but Community you have to stand together I'm talking of both peran peran groups when you are divided one of us us some of us taking opportunity from your division don't let that happen when it's happening the same leaders sitting here not doing their job but still they are permanent on the seat and one time we feel that this is given by or this is we achieve forever one we understand that if I do not do my job I'll lose my job tomorrow then you will see how hard work I I'll I'll give put back when I'm giving $47,000 salary from this city council you know what I think so many people out there working 40 hours per day 40 hours per week and not making the half of this money and if this is the case then I have to work 80 hours per week because of this money that's how we have to think and when when it will come when you guys will come together so please don't make the division among yourselves that's my request to every single Community out there CU making the division people taking opportunity every single Community the community I belong I know the division and the division is keeping some people stronger so Community if you want to make yourself stronger come together whatever reason whatever the case solve it among yourselves but again I'm saying at the end the Quorum should come from this side not from the other side first this side first if we cannot take people's criticism then write down at the door that don't criti besides us just speak on our favor write it down there so everyone will come in expectation that everyone will encourage and praise all the council members you are doing great job that nobody will criticize us who will come to critize just tell them not to come to the chamber we don't want anybody in the community to be dis disrespected in any way with that being said my vote is yes to close the public portion thank you councilman urin councilman valz uh first of all thank you for your patience to be here tonight um as you notice when I hear facts I get serious when I hear lies I smile that's my body language and um you know I heard a lot of speakers coming in front of us so let me St from the Peruan parade or the Peruan Community 30 years of existence I heard that today Legacy of a um a organization that started this way back when Mr galgary was alive got rest his soul and what he contribute to the community way way way back probably a lot of individual idual that are here tonight was not in that time when he was here few of them that paved the roads for other peruvians to come to pison and those that still coming because there's a lot of Peruvian coming through the borders and we had to serve them if you look at the priority right now immigration a lot of them are coming and we have to serve them no matter the status that they have in the UN United States or in this city we still have to serve them um the law sometime is blind that's why you see Lady law with a bandage in their in their eyes right because it's blind but has a balance to make sure that Justice is served um I Heard a back and forth um argument and I got up and and I leave because when we speak about Unity Unity had to be from the heart out and whatever we speak had to be in action that we are united for anything that we do in our city I going to put this example this is my thought and I go to say it like I always say it with true and real for many years I recall the last Puerto Rican parade in the city of patteron I recall the last parade of the Puerto Rican community in Patterson for many years since that point until now every day that we have a Puerto Rican flag raising everybody got up and said the parade is coming the parade is coming the organization say the parade is coming soon we going to have a parade even the celebration of the 50e anniversary of the Puerto Rican Community they said if the Puerto Rican flag uh raising is a is a total success then is a mark the president of a good parade coming I am Puerto Rican and I'm still waiting for the parade now now those individual people from the community says counil of Les why you don't come and bring the parade why you don't organize a group and bring the parade and I said to them I cannot do that because there is an organization that have been here for 50 years and I cannot BMP bump them and make a parade you understand what I'm coming from now that's my thought that's the way I think right so if I want to divide my community to Porto Rican Community I come and get nine members from the community that's being asking for the parade get them together and disrespect the one is in place and say you're not doing a parade I'm doing it without talking to them without communicating with them so I come and create an organization and do a parade that's a wrong start I supposed to meet with the parade that is in in in Incorporated for 50 years and say listen are you doing a parade if they say no can you give me the opportunity to bring a parade in even if is under your name I will bring the parade in everything that's happening here you know what's the main factor of the problem is communication and ego who's going to be first and who's going to be last communication we talk about Unity you know how people goes and perform Unity see those that are in leadership have to use a wise decision to say let's sit on the table in the table and talk and let's get the real people that want to move the culture of any parades of any identity in the table on the table or whatever you want to say on the floor or whatever sit down and talk let's talk this out and then from the both groups you get a united front and do it together do it together because you know who's suffering the local Peruvian community and the International Community that say what a mess Patterson have let's set aside who was first and who was second let's have the two group together as professional you guys are I respect you Dr Castillo I respect you uh Dr T you guys are professional you guys study forensic medicine you guys study inside out this is a simple problem that could be resolved W with the most kind words and you know what I want to see really I don't want to see mentioning Council who was involved who took the application who went downstair with a check who didn't win over there I want to see that on the 28th of July the whole Community come together and raise the flag with proud councilwoman please council members please we closing the public portion please now my recommendation is the same way Court put mediators if they put a negative mediator there they going to kill each other and both groups are going to kill each other if they put a mediator that don't understand what's happening but if they put a mediator between the two boards or the group and come with a solution this could be avoided don't try to celebrate after everybody is going that way or that way because it's not going to be a good celebration but if you guys sit down and speak together and say you know what meanwhile this is getting order let's get together with one parade with one organization join the money for one event and then next next year do a general election and let the people decide who's going to be the president of the original parade and then get real people that are phisical responsible to run this organization now I'm reading and discovering every time they speak I'm recovering Dr Castillo stated here I don't guess he's going to lie because as in recording in the courts that he was called in to manage the original Peruan parade Inc my thought is the judge could have a decision and say Mr Castillo come over here I just want to inform you that you're not going to be the administrator of this organization and now in dis solving the organization then a 100 organization could be created a 100 application could come in and then the administration is the one to approve or not and the next thing I would recommend that if we the council do not approve parade that the resolution reads Festival only because what problem we have here is that the Dominican parade title is Dominican uh parade and Festival of New Jersey Peruvian parade and Festival organization it comes only in one title and we only approve in one part of that application is the festival you understand what I'm saying so think about this think about this Dr T think about this Dr Castillo probably somebody some people are from Lima and some people are from the coast and probably the language is different and the energy probably is different and probably the communication is different but think about that here in this room right now are 12 or probably 10 individuals and I believe there's more Peruvian in the tri state area that want to see a parade conducted the proper way and without no fights United for all peruvians that's how I see it don't don't call me to say support me if you're not going to follow at least the wisdom to be united we want to see listen we have a lot of situation the city a lot of situation in the city that we need to work but the same time we want to work with a little situation that comes in front of us that is that was exposed tonight last but not least about parades there was a mayor that forced the Dominican parade to go into the federal court and the federal court rules on favor of that parade and that cost us money when they had to go to the federal court because is a it's a federal issue you know why it's expression it's free speech a parade is Free PE but let's try to do it the right way um I love both organization I love everyone but if you're going to call me for something let's sit down the table I I spoke to counil president about this issue to see if we want to be the mediator but we're not going to sit in the table with people yes no yes no yes no no we want to sit with people in the table that says this is why we coming out with a positive idea and all this and and and and I think that that we could do a great job moving forward ladies and gentlemen you know I was not going to talk about politics because we in election time but I could ask right now when this individual came to the podium and started attacking me because my political signs there's a ordinance that was repealed by the judge in the pay County court because there was a lawsuit regarding somebody that was putting or carrying a sign and they put it in their private property and the and the judge ordered the city to strike out of the ordinance about signs that was posted in private property so because I know about legislation and because I know how to read them and understand them that's why you saw my signs early before 30 days of election because all of them are in private property and took my time to call the owners of those property and they gave me the green light to put it up and I say it's only up to election you know what they say no leave it all year round you're doing a great job that's free of speech when I put a sign in a private property of course they've been damaging the signs but that don't bother me that bothers the people damaging the sign the people that knows I'm doing a great job in the fifth War get more upset get more votes because you are damaging my sign see so they are in private property and they could to stay there after the election probably they want to have it there all year round they could have it reminding them I'm the councilman of the fifth word and I know some people clap but sometime probably they clap because they don't know what they talking about but then I have to explain what you clap I don't know but hey I forgot we are in a movie studio and everybody claps right the other thing CLE president you know if you look at technology rubber Burn Tires cannot be placed in our roads especially when snow rain salt wear and tear all that stuff that's good for Parks inside a park a playground but not for our roads we spent $70,000 just in case uh the individual don't read $70,000 to do an analysis to 180 streets in our city how to repair them with good technology and save taxpayer money but they don't know they sound great but when you come to experience experience cannot be improvised there's a gentleman came here talking about marcet stre it looks filthy Main Street looks filthy I that don't belongs in the first W and sorry in the fifth word that in the first war but if I had to take care of something I would do so my colleague knows we are teamwork in this in this um work that we do as a councilman somebody spoke about repealing uh councilman ad probably spoke uh heard him repealing the 2013 ordinance we cannot do that that was a state mandate mandate the state mandate us to adopt that ordinance to create a Redevelopment plan for City like us that had a lot of abandoned property etc etc I'm not going to go all night regarding the schools and all those things but I want to say this councilman Louis VZ true and real leadership the people's councilman is going to be sitting here on May 15 because I believe and the people that out there and some of my colleagues coest that I'm being doing my job God bless you come out and vote 4 a for Action four more years Louis valz time to go to sleep thank you God bless you oh my good night Madam clerk thank you my vote is yes thank you councilman valz Mr President thank you uh I know the you know the the closing of public portion it took like three and a half hours Lord Jesus help me council members no no I can I C can I can you allow me to just speak for three minutes minutes since I I I you know some of my C and I'm not trying to stop anybody because but I'm waiting I know my Council woman at large need to go her son's home but I'm hoping that I'm hoping that the rest of the council my Council KY stay here until the end of the meeting because they spoke for an hour 40 minute 30 minutes and at the end everybody wants to go home please allow me a few minutes to speak yes every you know it's late I want to go home but they like to talk for hour I see that on that's disrespectful when you talk for 40 30 an hour it it disrespectful for everybody you lose the train of thought I mean we're not affected when we do that we're not effective but listen I I know that I don't even I don't even know what to say about the perubian paray about you know the leaders that that are that are here but I just going to say that I see so many great and remarkable leaders in our community from the perubian community Dr Castillo uh uh guilo Garcia and Dr Tor I mean you guys are a tremendous leader and I remember when I came here to the city of pison many many years ago you were the facing of the and the leaders of the Peruvian community and it's my really hope that I mean Peruvian parade almost 40 years it's it's an in tion that it's a name brand for the Peruan Community but I really hope that you all come together I really hope that that that we get the perubian community United all of you know how how how how much I love the the parade the festival and how much I enjoy it and I walk every year from Pake to pison with my Peruvian community and and I really hope to see this I really hope to see this I mean we getting more and more Peruvian getting into the state of New Jersey into the city of pison and pison has the larger Peruvian population not only in the state of New Jersey but I believe in in the whole United States so so there's a there's a lot of responsibility with that and the leaders are the one that have that responsibility to keep that Community United sometime yes we have to put the Eagles aside we do sometime you have to work with people that you might don't want to work with but that's that come with the job that really comes with the responsibility as a leader when you a leader you work and you things that you might don't want do it with people but you do it for the community you do it to keep the community United and that's what I hope to see we haven't approved anything in this Council I haven't se anything I haven't seen no parade no Festival we haven't see anything but just by the fact that I see those leader I see you guys here at this time is because there's a big concern in the Peruvian community and when we decide to have the conversation about this parade and the festival I hope that we get the whole community United respecting that organization and respecting all of you because you guys are a great leader in our community that's all I'm going to say and and once again patteron it's election season yes and we have another joury cem L into the third war another Johnny Kem into the third world my opponent I don't even want to mention his name he came here he moved into the third world maybe a couple of years ago nobody know who he is and he you know he got all the solution for the problem to the third war he came I don't even know why he came to but he came to just attack and talk about the same thing that they been talking about for over for over four years I would say now and to talk about some of my volunteer I want to take this time to thank all the volunteer and all the community for the great support and also people that don't live in the third world I'm sorry I'm getting CAU from everywhere because I've been running a large for a very long time and some people that live in different War they believe that they could vote for me but no I'm only running for the third war and we continue making progress in the third war my opponent he going around putting signs in people without permission I see supporter calling me telling me Alice who is this person I don't even know who is this guy I've been in pison all my life and I don't know who is the guy go around bran Avenue bran Avenue is 33rd you see my sign and you see his sign in front of my sign in in in this in the street not in not in not in private property in the street so look around he put him also sign in the yard with people without permission I'm getting called that's what he's doing what a shame shame of you listen you know my sign they look great they're beautiful they are on private property they're the nicest sign I got to say that but they are all in private property and I run out of sign and I have to make more because I have a list of people that live in the third world and even people that that they're not living in the third world requesting sign from Alex Mendes you know why is that it's because I I'm done the job I've been in the third world for over 20 years I'm real in the third world I'm not walking around I'm just doing the work every single day and the third war is a better word because Alex Mendes is the councilman of the third war for the last 20 years you have a council member that was sleeping in this chair and I still remember the picture in the video when I became the councilman of the third world for the first time ever you have a councilman that put together town hall meeting during the pandemic I used to meet virtual my constituent after the pandemic in person taking care of the need of the resident of the third world and that's what I've been doing since the day one I'm proud to walk around East Side park and see my East Side park beautiful seeing people from out of town coming into East Side park to play tennis I feel proud about that I feel proud to go around amista Park and see people walking around doing exercise you go to the Riverside section beautiful baseball field totally renovated beautiful Academy The Fifth Avenue compx that I'm getting so many push back that I B yes I feel proud it's one of the most and beautiful development in the city of Pon the Fifth Avenue complex we have Senior Living on a beautiful and a decent unit and we have family living on an affordable apartment and that's what I'm looking forward to continue I could collaborate with the administration every 247 because it's not about me and I will continue to do that it's about the resident of the city of pison when you take this position to play Politics the community is going to start suffering and I'm not going and I'm not getting into that and I will tell you I cannot wait for May 14 because by far I'm the best candidate it's the person I was here spent 20 years doing nothing only helping his family I'm here and I could do this job for free I don't need the paycheck for this Council position thank God doing very well in the private sector thank God I could put foot on the table but I care about the city my opponent he always say oh I'm tired I'm I'm not tired I love to see your pison and I will tell you pison this is one of the greatest seity in the state of New Jersey we have one of the best history on the state of New Jersey we just have to continue working together to address the problem that are affecting our community you have to vote for people that are willing to sit on the table to get the job done and let me just give you a clear example everybody know that councilman Jackson and I people say that we don't get a loan I have no problem with councilman Jackson I have no problem at all I could work with any Council Cali last Friday he called M clerk because he wanted to see the renaming of the jenet Thompson part in the agenda you know what I did I did my homework let me go back he did he never called me because you know but he could call me he knows I he got an open L to reach out to me anytime he want he didn't approach me you know what he did he called the clerk when I need something from my Council College you know what I do you know what I do I call councilman M if I knew her I call councilman Shaheen councilman ad councilman of the councilman councilman any on my Council Cali he didn't reach out to me he reached out to the clerk but you know what I did I did my homework and I and I say she deserve it and I'm going to fight for it and that's going to be on the agenda that's what you do when you are a real leader you don't take personal you don't take this personal you do what is right for the people and one person told me are you sure you're going to put that on the agenda who bring that into the agenda and I say yes it's on the agenda and and we're going to have the discussion and we're going to vote on because she deserve it that's the way I work and that's the leadership that we need in the city of pis we don't need people who going to come here and play politic with this position we need people that really care about this city and we continue moving the third war forward W Aven is going to be redone the Creek Place three is going to be redone as well and I'm continue advocating Madame clerk with Billy for all the pth that we have on 20th Avenue from briland to the Highway East 33rd is 34 4th Avenue Billy knows and I'm expecting to see action on that so with that being said May 14 Alex mendes8 let's get the job done in the third war in the city my V is Yes Man CL MZ you got 13 minutes thank you Mr President fair enough fair enough vot are nine in the affirmative public portion is hereby closed thank you council members now we have a secret section that we really have to do it uh no so I'm sorry director um rire stay here we're going to go 29 we're going to do we're going to we're going to do item 29 then right after that we go into a secet section there's a simple item that we have to take care so see Madame clerk let's go through all the item Corporation Council I think that we got time so we have a few more item 29 um yes all all the way on to 34 and then first and second reading and then we go into a secutive section and that right after that wait I go yes let the record reflect that councilman Ms have to leave the meeting so she have a family matter that need to be addressed that she need to take care okay please don't go number 29 I number 9 item number 29 is a resolution authorizing the city of patteron to enter into a public health shared services agreement with Bloomingdale Clifton Pake Ringwood Wayne and the county of pay so move second roll call was moved by councilman Bess uh and second by councilman D discussion councilman Jackson obviously we haven't we didn't have a workshop so director if you can you please uh outline what services are we going to be rendering to these surrounding towns sure council president yes if I may director please thank you councilman Jackson so we're providing tuberculosis control services you know we have tuberculosis Clinic we're the only one in the area that has one we receive grants from the state to provide these services but for the towns that do not have this who must have this service we are going to provide it for a fee for their residents and we've we've done this for many many years in the past council president a fee a fee so so on top of the the grants that we receed from the state there will be an additional fee assessed for them to these Contracting towns yes okay so one of my concerns director and I um have no issue with support in this but obviously you know my mother was been a nurse for a lengthy period of time used to have to weigh on weigh in on many of the nurses there because it would turn away patteron people and she and her expression was they would have a limit of how many patteron people they would see per day and not turn away outside people they would say how many uh uh whether or not there was four or seven however many patteron people they was they would see on a day daily basis and still keep the requirement to seeing outside people so uh uh that's that's a concern that I have and I'm sure that that's something that you probably have gotten under control but um but as a professional in the medical field who had to express to um nurses who work there that it's inappropriate to talk in a certain uh uh manner about the the the uh the people in which he service you know these things need to be addressed before we start delving into servicing other communities and our own communities not being serviced properly but I'll give you the confidence in moving this thing forward thank you Council council president just a minute uh yes uh Council mess so um you know this is a service that we given to surrounding towns right correct uh what is the method to use uh based on who get charged 500 and who gets charged 12,000 what's the method you use we went back historically to see the average usage for these towns and then based on that yes based on that yes okay so in other words um if I could to put for example a medical um visit in a regular office you go based on on the average um charge they do in a medical office if they have to go the cost of materials was considered the cost of the salaries of the nurses and the staff that we pay to staff the clinic yes all that was considered considered okay it can this be can this be uh as aou be increased in the future of course this is only for one year so every year we'll be able to reassess that yeah take in consideration because um as you know needles everything goes up every year so you know that service come a little bit more expensive in the medical field thank you thank you president Council mccon I think um director um when you bring this item up next time that you should put down actually how much they are paying us or it's in here is it so it's already in here how much we're getting paid how much how many residents that we're taking from each city is that should be in there too how many residents are coming from Bloomfield Pake Richwood Wayne okay thank you director roll call thank you roll call M clerk this item roll call in item number 29 for approval councilman abdulaziz yes councilwoman cotton yes councilman Jackson yes councilman khik yes councilman urin yes councilman valz yes Mr President is yes M clerk thank you sir the votes are seven yeses two absences item number 29 is adopted item number 30 Madame clerk item number 30 is a resolution authorizing Award of contract to JCW Inc doing business as natural Green Lawn Care for infield maintenance services for Larry Doby Fields number one and number two for the Department of Public Works Public Works resolution 24 call 284 it was moved by councilman second by councilman abdalaziz roll call cler roll call on item number 30 for approval councilman abdulaziz yes Council C councilwoman cartton pass Madam clerk thank you cman Jackson yes councilman khik yes councilman Udin yes councilman valz I could to vote Yes but um Madame ba um when you get a chance how much this contract was last year um and this one I just want to know because I see it went up a little bit based on the 32 weeks my vote is yes thank you councilman valz councilwoman cartton Madame cler my vote is yes thank you councilwoman Mr President i v is yes M clerk thank you Mr President the votes are seven yeses two absences item number 30 is hereby adopted thank you item number 33 M cler item number 33 is a resolution approving memorandum of understanding between the New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety and the department of p and sorry the city of patteron for a certain State recommended patteron police pending it's an Administration resolution 24 call 28 discussion move it was moved by Council M do we have a second no two May second second by council president discussion Council M council president we haven't discussed this really really really in the um in the workshop right not work I know yes council members if council members if I met uh Council Bless you are absolutely correct yesterday I mean the last Tuesday we couldn't have a workshop because of the lack of quotum council member since we have a secutive section this is not time sensitive we should table this yes correct how this it's time sensitive why uh if I could speak coun please yes um thank you we actually did uh review this in um finance committee um this is the third of three mlus which we have received from uh the Attorney General's office this one is um as it details it it's for about 228 million it is specifically for strategic initiatives and for training um the OIC is waiting to utilize this funding um it and they really are uh asking us to to move on this as quickly as we can it is exactly the same language that we have approved the last two times legal head the legal department has been really diligent to protect the city's interests um and we now have this template set up that is essentially just uh continuing the process each year in order to get funding from the state so let's do this council president if may I so last two times was a patteron chief running the police this Madame this is why I want to Second mad yeah M be is respectful recommended for me I think I don't know probably my my colleagues could understand this but the OIC only got one year in patteron and if this is important for him he should come to a workshop and tell us how important it is for him to come and we approve this why last time we was going to approve a robot and they say he said that the counil could voted up and down whatever is but he was not in other words coming in here to explain this right so now we have something a memoranda understanding between the police the attorney general and the city he he should give us at least an explanation at that memor understanding OIC should come in front of us and explain us this memor and understanding and that's why I want him to come to a workshop and explain it if his time sensitive for him he could wait because this was stamped today 42324 so for me it was today and and he went to the workshop and he went nowhere I would like to CD OIC to explain what is his intention to have a memorandum understanding especially he says that the state took over only the operation of the police now he wants us to bless something that he's going to be managing you know and I need to understand why he want to move forward with this memo understanding ounc president thank you uh councilman Council if if I may the the just just a second I'm going to read this part and I'm going to ask I go after you go ahead yeah thank you council president so reviewing this and just like my colleagues um I think we should move on this expeditiously because some of the things that I see are some of the things that I want in the Sixth Ward and and I'm sure my colle throughout the city this is 2.2 million 2.28 million that the state is giv us and this money is going to be utilized for strategic initiatives the expansion of the public safety hotspot initiative to reduce violent crime that's a lot on what we see on Broadway with the police that they need to pay the big thing for me is when I met with the OIC bullet point number three he was going to make Community coordination officers like officers that were that would work with that we could contact with initiatives in our Ward right that's Community Focus Outreach outside of normal working hour so I get a constituent complaint about loud music at 11:30 there's a designated officer that is assigned to my ward or your ward I think they want to get going with this hopefully before the summer time that it's starting to get warm out and all that so this is the state's money I think this memorandum of understanding is hey you we're going to give you the money you guys got to spend this money on these initiatives or whatnot this is what we're going to use it on got it I've been waiting for that bullet point number three the community coordination officers he's said that that'll be assigned per Ward when I met with him I will ask more feedback but the hotspot initiative I know my colleague in the fourth W and I know other areas have seen more officers out on the street the overtime so I think we should vote on this CC president just a minut just a minute Council mes I think you know if we go into the um the first on the on the detail we go back on the body of the resolution the first we asked just for um just for the public it say the first where ask is in order to help maintain the continue of police operation and support enhance police safety initiative patteron Police Department request supplement of funding from LPS to address overtime calls related to strategic initiative and trade and professional development over time so this is key and and um I definitely saw um 2.2 million so that's um I'm I'm going support this but the question that I have for president president I just have a question C just I will get back to you just a minute so the the on the on the body of the resolution we have a the the day from January 1 2024 to June 30 2024 does that means that that we have to spend that money between now in June the 2.2 um 80 million 2, 280,000 so the time window is from January 1st 2024 to June 30 2024 and that's question number one and number two if you already have spent some of that money so council president yes um the way that these have all these worked the other two prior times is that they set the time periods of when they're utilizing the money and then if we don't if the city doesn't spend it all during that period of time it goes back into the pot and then they reallocate it for us um so my guess is that this might have something to do with the state's fiscal year um since that's the time frame that this is covering um and then they will do a supplemental one after that which would potentially reallocate money so so so in another word for a better clarification to the public it means that if we don't to spend the two .2 um the $2,280 th000 on by June 30 when you say it's going back to the pack that means it's going back to the state yes so there's potential that it would go back to the state without it returning to us and they would we would have to do the supplemental one after that and and Council C that's that's my fear my concern every time we have funding from the state if here C president where it says here if we don't take action this in this day they go to that were yeah we have to spend the money by June 30 2024 now 31st council members I will get back to you I'll open the floor to you council members back okay but my fear is council members that June is kind of the beginning of the summer in June is when things start and May June then then you have July August September that's when we really need a overtime um m madame ba um that's what we're going to have we need more menow out there so so we have the time window is only until June 30 to to to approve this funding council members last no no no that's okay it's money for the police for operation daily to make sure that the summer is safe that the quarters are safe that the Broadway is clear that uh we have an officer that is going to communicate with us just in case off duty but let's talk about how many office are leaving the city of patteron because the contract is not finalized well how many let's talk how many how many of this officers are being uh burden uh with with with the amount of work and and the reduce of office in the city of patteron is not is not here and we we we work we wear them out we wearing them out let's talk about that too they waiting for a contract they waiting for and a lot of them are leaving only I heard about five individual left this last week and good guys good guys let's talk about the real issue of the police department let's talk about the real issue Police Department let me say this we used to get funding before from the state or whatever and still we had to spend it in our street with our police officer but the real issues of the police they didn't want to talk about that we on Staffing the pay is the worst in the state of New Jersey and we have police officers to leaving the city of pism because they cannot afford where they live because the money is not enough so it's time to take action for a real issue and lift the morale of the police and that's not me even talking about the treatment that our officer get inhouse without nobody knowing it thank you and we still don't have the to say let's bring the OIC here to address us as a governing body he became beautiful talking to us individually but since when you don't talk to him since when you don't sit down and talk to the OIC since when what are you talking about tell to come to the governor body and tell us how the operation really is going council president councilman Jackson thank you council president so that's the whole point of the Attorney General taking it over he doesn't answer to us he doesn't have to answer to us he doesn't he's not required to if uh we didn't lose the police department then we would probably still have that kind of oversight but we do not n um Madame ba just one question this um this this money that they're requesting is it a part of the 10 million that was allocated by the state or is this coming out of uh our budget no this is not out of our budget this is this my guess is part of the 10 million that was allocated but it is State funding from the Department of Law and Public Safety so so regardless if it's out of the 10 or a different bucket it has nothing to do with our our budget correct and why are we talking about this we should be moving moving for a vote what we doing councilor president um if I may this money that's been given to us in in addition to has nothing to do with it they don't have to answer so I mean I don't even understand why this com for us it should should already should require our approval Council mot oh I just want to say I think that um because they put it for June 30th that because um um the state um is on fiscal year they're on fiscal year they're not on calendar year like we are they're budget ends June 30th and their new budget starts July 1st so I can see why when they give us something it's going to be to June 30th and hopefully that when July 1 come again because they don't settle their budgets until like May of the following year and then they start budget process all over again yes council members roll I'm just explaining to the constituents that state of New Jersey and the City of Pon are not on the same calendar we calendar they're fiscal thank you this item roll call on item number 33 for approval councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman Dava yes councilman Jackson yes councilman K yes councilman Udin yes cman valz I have mixed feeling on this because we need the money to for their operation but at the same time I have mixed feeling because our officers are leaving the city of patteron because they don't have a fair contract but they going to come to us to get approved and they still waiting for a contract for four or five years five years and you think that's fair I don't think it's fair I don't think it's fair it's nice to report to the State the numbers but meanwhile the morale of the police is still down my voice is yes on this because we need the money for the operation the show thank you councilman council president thank you madam Clerk and definitely this is a two 1, 280,000 for um that we have to spend um we have until June 30 2024 to cover over time to put books on the ground and which is great definitely is money from the state um and it has nothing to do with the situation that we have with our police department but I believe that it's very important to uh just make a comment in support of our Police Department because we losing so many great and good police officer patteron resident uh you know police officer born and raised in the city of Patterson that love this city and I we love to stay in the city of pis we not and they not stay because of the payment that we have in the city city of pison and I have this I I I I I make this comment a while go and until we don't address this situation we're going to continue losing police officer the payment we we we can compete with the municipality in term of uh the compensation that all the municipality are giving to our police officer they're putting their life in the line and the starting with the starting salary they cannot pay the the the rent the market rate rent that we have in the city of pison they you got to have maybe one or two people working or three in the in the house in order for police officers to be able to put food on the table and go out every day and put their life on the line to protect and serve our community that's that's a reality and now that we have the OIC here and we have the state we must have the time we got to take the time to say let's sit down and if they really wants to fix the city of Pon we need resources because quite honestly uh everybody talk about taxes I'm going to tell you our patteron resident the homeowner they can't afford one more tax increase so with being sayate um just my vote is yes thank you Mr President the votes are seven yeses two absences item number 33 is hereby adopted thank you Madame clerk item number 34 item number 34 is a resolution designating Hamilton Street between Ward Street and Grand Street to be also known as Ruben Hurricane Carter and John Arnold Artis way is sponsored by councilman Michael Jackson and co-sponsored by councilwoman Ruby n coton and councilwoman Dr Lisa Mims city council resolution 24 Call 288 discussion oh do we have a motion council president just a minute it was already council member just council member just a minute so the motion on the floor just a minute Council M it was moved by councilman Jackson do we have a second second by councilman Ruby K just a quick explanation before you take floor councilman Jackson This legislation was approved in January and we all vot in favor there was only one person absent and it was councilman that was AB we all vote in favor which this is just an amendment on this resolution an amendment to add the S all the members of the family no no but just to have the you know just to make sure that read the body should realize it looks like it's a new em okay but it's uh but just this the voting record for Council Khali the only person that was absent was sudin every body else vote in favor a vote in favor and this is just an amendment council president very council president it should then read resolution amending did I not just say that and and and the thing is that that's a confusing Council mentioned that and correct that she could correct that on the roll call councilman Jackson roll call on item number 34 council members roll call on item number 34 as amended councilwoman cotton thank you madam clerk we are adding John armor artist way to the Ruben Hurricane Carter and John honor honor artist way we're just adding Mr artist name to it with that being said Madam CL my vote is yes thank you councilwoman councilwoman daver I voted the last time in affirmative and I will continue to support this item with its Amendment my vote is yes thank you cman Jackson thank you madam clerk um after the the the last uh reading the family members from um um John artist reached out to me and was upset that they weren't included um rightfully so in fact uh he's a family member of um Robert artist yeah as well and it took a uh just a short moment for um the the nephew to get some of the information for him to me and uh it's not just the title there's a few few lines in the body that was authored as well but um it's the same basic premise same resolution Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilman Jackson councilman colle my vote is yes Madam Clark thank you councilman K councilman Udin thank you madam Clark first time I did not get a chance and that's why I think came back so I'm taking this opportunity so of course vote in favor my vote is yes thank you councilman councilman another clarification being met um I know that councilman adeliz uh the other last time I spoke to him regarding the statue of Ruin AR and Carter it would be also nice to loveby for another statue to put it together right because um the street is going to be named after both of them um this is a good thing and um this will put the people on on the on the map my vote is yes thank you councilman valz Mr President my vote is yes M cler thank you Mr President the votes are seven yeses two absences item number 34 is hereby adopted thank you mad clerk let's do our second reading MAD cler we have one only two second reading let's do the first one yes the first second reading ordinance is ordinance establishing a commercial loading zone on a portion of 24 First Avenue for ganel modern Bakery Company it's a public works ordinance 242 so move second move by councilman Bess second by councilman Udin uh public hearing is now open for item number one members of the public that wish you speak on this item see no one move to close see no move to close by councilman bless second by councilman roll Comm clerk to close a public hearing on item number one roll call to close a public hearing on item number one councilwoman cartton okay what council hey it's 12:00 wow what number we are Madam uh this is item number one second reading ordinance uh yes Council woman Dava yes councilman Jackson yes councilman khik yes councilman Udin yes councilman valz yes Mr President I want is yes Madam clerk you so the votes are seven yeses two absences public hearing and item number one is hereby closed um a r roll call cler on item number one roll call on item number one for approval no councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman daver yes councilman Jackson yes yes councilman khik yes councilman Udin yes councilman VZ yes Mr President my vote is yes madame clerk so the votes are seven yeses two absences item number one is hereby adopted thank you Madame clerk item number two item number two is also a second reading ordinance establishing a commercial loading zone for m and d Distribution Incorporated on a portion of do Street Public Works ordinance 24-02 move second move by Council M Davila second by council member by councilman valz it's not wrong it was mov by councilman well it was mve by councilman Davila and councilman Val and second by councilman right uh roll call council members and who else want to second no it's is not open figh number two one move to close see okay um there's only go ahead man good how many of and that y app I do every time man that's right man I do my diligent work you can't have the public come down here chance to get up and come to the and then if I come out leave my house to come sit down here I deserve answer that night now I shouldn't have to wait and come back because what if I can't come back to the next to the next you guys need to f j y think in to I see you that mean it's a problem think about it if I see you all the time that's a problem you you should be doing that behind this meeting was terrible hours ands you cannot ask the to talk for minutes and then each and every one of you talk for 15 30 minutes it's our responsibility to vote for you all to represent us we should not have to come down here to make you guys represent us to make you hear us you come to listen our we come down here and we got to wait to get to the next meeting and listen to you all of you said the same thing redundant redundant redundant it's ridiculous I will go and I guarantee I go to our high school and get our high school kids to run my coun meeting and they will do a better job you you should be shame of yourself you ask things of the and say to the and turn around less than 10 minutes and do the same thing you just criticize the don't disrespect me don't go over the minutes you turn around and do it you go back and look at the me and look at yourself y none of Y act like leaders this is not leadership I would want my kids to follow you all can't get through the business of the city before midnight on a good day you took longer talking forun then the took the GI to you and Y think that doing a good job who on account give a [Music] a see now move to close to Public public hearing item number are we okay roll call cler on item number two roll call on the to close a public hearing and item number two councilwoman cotton yes Madam cler councilwoman Davin yes councilman Jackson yes councilman khik yes councilman Udin yes councilman valet yes Mr President my vote is yes so the votes are seven yeses two absences public hearing and item number two is is now closed roll call M cler on item number two roll call on item number two for approval councilwoman cotton yes Madam clerk councilwoman Davin yes councilman Jackson this is first for you thank you madam clerk before I vote m carer t your mic wasn't on the whole time you're going to have to come back to the mic and do that all again so the public can hear you so the public can hear you at home they people t saying that your mic wasn't on but um anyway Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilman Jackson councilman KH I vote is yes Madam clerk thank you councilman Udin yes councilman Valance I just want to let know the community that there two ordinance of about loading zone was vetted through committee and also this this councilman visit the sites to make sure that it's needed in the area so I do my diligent work to make sure that whatever is implemented through the committee and through the community request is met the needs of the community so my vote is yes thank you councilman valz Mr President my what is yes M clerk thank you Mr President the votes are seven yes is two absences item number two is hereby adopted thank you madam clerk on first reading MAD clerk we we will do um three and four together since an is an ordinance repealing establishment handicap parking space on County Road yes what number six yes sir just repealing so item number three is a first reading ordinance no public hearing is required it's an ordinance repealing establishment of handicapped parking spaces on County Roads the street address is 329 gy Avenue and 93 Spruce Street ordinance um item number four is also a first reading ordinance it's also an ordinance repealing establishment of handicap parking spaces at varous locations 440 East 33rd Street 92 4th Avenue 300 Pacific Street 576 East 24th Street 126 albian Avenue 272 East 21st Street 493 Toto Avenue 259 Pacific Street 452 East 42nd Street 31/1 19th Avenue 118 East 32nd Street and 8 7 North fth Street I have a motion who's Mo move by councilman colleague second by Council mavila and councilman roll call man cler on item three and four on first reading roll call on items number three and four and first reading councilwoman C yes councilwoman Davin Please be aware that items three and four are for repealing establish handicap parking spaces throughout the city of patteron and County vote my vote is yes councilman Jackson yes councilman K yes councilman urin my V is yes MK councilman Mr President uh thank you mad clerk my vot is yes thank you Mr President the votes are six yeses three absences item number four is adopted and first reading second reading and public hearing will be at the regular meeting of May 16th 2024 thank you mad clerk we have item five in six and those are established in handicap let's do it together yes item number five is a first reading ordinance establishing handicap parking spaces at various locations and counter roads um and the second one is also a first reading ordinance establishing handicap parking spaces at various locations on City roads I have a motion second so move move by councilwoman Davida second by councilman councilman Ruby C and councilman as well uh roll call M cler on item five and six roll call on items five and six councilwoman C yes councilwoman Dava yes councilman Jackson yes councilman khik yes councilman Udin yes Mr President my V is yes M clerk the votes are six yeses three absences items number five and six are hereby approved on first reading second reading will be at the public and second reading and public hearing will be at the regular meeting of May 16th 2024 thank you so very much uh now we have only one item on the agenda and but that item for that item we have to go into a secutive section so we will suspend in the regular meeting at this time we will go into a secet section and we will come back to take formal action in a minute it's only one item and it will be brief uh so I have to read the resolution to go yes um mad CL have to read the resolution into the record before we get into a secret section so resolution um authorizing a municipal Council executive or close session in or joining the city council chambers while we are in the studio at 77 um Ellison Street to discuss pending litigation in matter of Rosa Rodriguez versus city of patteron it's an Administration resolution 24261 may I have a motion please do I have a motion second also move move by councilman Odin second second by councilman Davila roll call um to a sec section on this item councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman Davin yes councilman Jackson yes councilman khik yes councilman Udin yes Mr President my vot is yes so the votes are six yeses three absences I resolution number seven is hereby adopted we are now in executive sessions thank you members of the public we will come back in a minute right after we take care of this item we'll we'll get him back here to take from action on this