##VIDEO ID:RKKVh0rNcrw## thank you the council members so we about to start a meeting uh good evening everyone on behalf of the Paris Municipal Council we welcome you to the meeting on October 15 2024 at 7:00 p.m. the meeting is now called to order at please call the roll president roll call for municipal Council regular meeting of Tuesday October 15 2024 it's scheduled for 7 pm councilman abdulaziz presid councilwoman cartton here councilwoman daver presid councilman Jackson here councilman colleague councilwoman Mims I'm here and ready to serve thank you councilman urin I'm here M councilman VZ Mr President I'm here M C thank you Mr President Mr President this evening's prayer has been rendered by um Deacon phis Riley Deputy city clerk of the city of patteron which has been followed by the flag salute led by The Honorable council president Alex Mendes may we all stand at this time father God I just want to make a declaration this morning this a this evening that this is the day that you have made and I'm going to rejoice and I'm going to be glad in it because everything that shouldn't have happened today happened but Lord God I will remain confident that I will see the goodness of you in the land of the living oh God so we thank you Lord God and we invite you into our presence on tonight oh God we pray oh God that you will orchestrate this meeting in the name of Jesus Christ you will speak through the mouths of the people that hold this day so God and you will make the decisions in their heart oh God and they will speak it forth as you declare it to their hearts in the name of Jesus Christ I thank you Lord God for the people that are assembled here on today oh God and I pray oh God that you would bless them going in and bless them coming out in the name of Jesus oh God so we ask you this in Jesus name amen amen unes please stay stand now let's do a moment of silence for those that lost a loved one in our community and for a Troth moment of silence please thank you you may be seated before we start with our agenda tonight we have a presentation by Council large Dr lisin councilwoman thank you council president and though here in the city of patteron It's Always uh a privilege and an honor to be able to recognize people from the great city of Patterson that are doing great things so on tonight I want to really really allow Patterson those that are watching now and later and anytime you see him in the community you see him on Facebook if you do a ride share with him or just to get some of his uh nutritional advice body building training as he's a coach in the great City from the first water Patterson we want to give a great big shout out to none other than our first W 2024 wrestling bodybuilder Championship Mr America Mr Rodney Addison if you will please come up if you will come forward and so you know when you know in life we always say things like I want to be like this person when I grow up I ain't G to even lie I don't want to be like that when I grow up but maybe a little more toned that you know you know what I want to do so congratulations um I wanted to do something really special and thank you to uh Lorenzo he created this beautiful plaque with different forms of him um when he was doing his competition and I'm really proud that you have put Pat yet once again on the map congratulations Mr America 2024 many tried many many um went against you but at the end you are victorious you've always been our Mr America but now Patterson is aware and so is the whole world congratulations wow thank you Pon so for me what me Mr America stands uh symbolizes is is more than just being someone who flexes on stage I wanted to be able to transcend it from the stage into the community seat so what I'll be doing with my title because this is a very impactful title for those who do not know Mr America is the original bodybuilding competition in the country every other thing every other competition came after it um so with that notoriety that comes with the title I will be reaching out to the various natural organization natural bodybuild organizations to start creating a fund to use that fund to create more educational and recreational programming starting right here in the city of Patterson also the Mr America organization they have pilot programs where they will put funding towards creating uh Wellness facilities for police officers and for firefighters and for the public so I'll be talking with the um the trademark holder of Mr America to start that process in the spring um yeah Wooh and right before we have another presentation I want to make this public acknowledgement to Mayor Andre seya we should have a tick or take parade in honor of Mr America in the city of Patterson let's put it together for him sometimes even if he don't want it we're going to do it anyway and if we need to include other people that's been doing some great things let's have a ticket tape parade for all of our great athletes and great people that have done great things in the city of Patterson and you'll be the one to lead the charge all right Andre say I hope you're watching councilwoman cotton thank you Council woman I just want to say I am excited about Rodney Addison and what he has done for our city but I always say sometimes we forget who helps him get there and I want to say to you Nikia this is for you because as he was training you was training oh yeah when he was eating you was eating so you was doing everything to help him to get to where he had to get to and I want to recognize you for being with him helping him to get to be Mr America 2024 and Thea this is for you sweetheart okay that's for you because it's so important we recognize council member the second the other half it's so important I love you guys all right Valen where look at that look at that look at that [Music] I got it drop her doing that's council president thank you council president thank you very much so um council president I need to do the statement of compliance statement of compliance the statement of comp comp yes um councilman Jackson let's do the statement of compliance right after the statement of compliance we get into business go ahead man cler statement of compliance at the open public meetings law for 2024 2025 today's meeting date is October 15 2024 the time is now 7:40 p.m. adequate notice of this meeting was compiled and disseminated in accordance with the open public meetings law in the following manner one the annual notice of regular meetings and workshop sessions of the municipal Council was compiled for the year 2024 2025 on our about July 1 2024 two a schedule of the regular meetings and workshop sessions of the municipal Council for the year 20124 2025 was duly transmitted on our July 1 2024 to the nor Jersey Herald News the record the Arabic voice the Italian voice the P County PS Dominican news Lis International L special the Paran press the city post news tap inter pison the weekly bangler Patria in addition to any other publication duly requesting such notices three the schedule of the regular meetings and workshop sessions of the municipal Council for the year 2024 2025 was prominently posted in the lobby of City Hall first floor in the place reserved for the announcements of this type four the schedule of the regular meetings and workshop sessions of the municipal Council for the year 2024 2025 was duly filed with the municipal clerk and five a copy of the schedule of regular meetings of the municipal Council was mailed to any person who requested and paid the fee authorized by the open public records act Mr President thank you m cler counc president Council Jackson brother Addison before you leave before you leave the room uh I wanted to make sure I give you some words of encouragement first of all what I want to do is congratulate you not just you but your entire team your family your mom your your your uh significant other and I'm I'm I want to say that we're proud of you for doing what you've done on the world stage despite of despite your community offering a large amount of support you you made it on a large scale and and and unfortunately it's a reflection of what all of our young people have to go through despite not having a recreation center for our children despite not having paid coaches despite not having facilities for you to train at despite not having you know um uh health and wellness facilities now we know you're doing it as a professional but as a youngster coming up you had to tread your own way you had to make your own way you had to find out about these things and despite the lack of support from your city you you've done what what we always do you you continue to shine and I'm I'm enormously proud of you I'm thankful for the phone call that you br you gave to me this this uh week to to and to inform me about your win and I I encourage you and what I'm most proud about and this is to the community as the the young man the brother just won on a national platform his focus is still back on patteron his his acceptance speech of the recognition is to say what he can utilize his platform to provide back to young people back into the community of patteron and if and if that example was being led by those of us in positions who've been chosen to be in positions to lead just imagine what condition our community would be in we wouldn't be fighting these these streets so hard with young people losing their lives so I mean H has go go off to you well beyond your accomplishment of the M Mr America uh uh accomplishment but yet what you've done despite the support from the community the lack of support from the community and what you continue to do how you continue to be a role model in your success brother I'm proud of you and your family and and what the great job your mom has done and bringing you up brother and I appreciate you yes yes thank you brother thank you thank you guys ja and definitely brother Addison once again Mr America congratulations you know keep being that role model and and example for the children in our community so thank you thank you so very much outstanding work thank you thank you um now that um let's do payment of Bill councila thank you council president and council members you have in front of you pay bills of the on the amount of 17 m94 55622 um in the general government out of the 4,881 $881,000 three I want to apologize to you guys right now I am not feeling well at all I have the worst stomach a so I want to apologize so let me just repeat it again uh the general government in the amount of 4 million 88139 74 of that amount 4.5 million is for health insurance in addition to that there was another Board of Education payment made of 6,351 n199 in addition also this was a AAL week of 5,144 59221 making that a total of 17 m945 5622 cents my motion is for payment of Bills second it was SM by Council Council D second by councilwoman M discussion discussion council do yes council president chair um on the second page with statutory uh funds are is there a possibility for me to get an outline of what reserve for general ledger is supposed to mean reserve for general ledger councilman those are all the Departments that are [Music] from in the last page from 99 9913 to 9915 and the last page page uh the page before last two of three you see 401 9913 9914 9915 that's all that those are the categories for reserve for general ledger they are um refund payments um 5% County taxes due to the county added and amended bills due to the county okay I'll go through that on page uh one of two line item 9929 2831 the first one there under the description says food you tell me what that's for page one of two G g224 9929 2831 right under office equipment lease youth lunch is the next one underneath two underneath as a matter of fact what is that one for uh their lunches for a grant for a grant program what Grant what Grant progr uh I believe it's the senior citizens but I can look it up for you I believe it's senior citizens though so Mr I was just handed a document that outlines some restrictions just trying to understand the parody and this document that I was handed under the uh the M item number four food entertainment prohibited expenditures and reimbursements for any Municipal funds of food meals or other food meals required by contracts in effect in on this date of this memorandum entertainment and receptions are prohibited so what exact that's through the city budget through grants it's prohibited but not through the city budget we're not allowed to buy food through the city budget councilman I'm sorry we're not allowed to buy fruit through the city budget so anything that's four or three is the city budget the grand programs have their own rules understood all right thank you C Jackson roll call cler on payment of bills yes Mr President roll call of payment of bills and the amount of 17 million 94,5 5622 councilman abdalaziz yes coun councilwoman Dava yes councilman Jackson thank you madam clerk um you know under normal circumstances I would probably vote no against the budget uh approval just based on how poorly we've been managing um you know our expenditures and just in light of the mayor's recent uh state of the city address and my questioning to the uh GTD committee as well as I extend extended that to the uh to the ba on what item one item that they have supported that has saved the city money made the city money made the community safer or helped the community be cleaner we're consistently spending money this is like giving your child a credit card where they could just continue to spend money recklessly and there's no return on the on the uh expenditures so I cannot and and then to listen to some of the uh rhetoric that was spewed during the state of the city address and and just in in clear conscious cannot vote in favor of of this of continue to to recklessly spend money this way Madam clerk my vote is no thank you councilman Jackson councilwoman Mims my vote is yes thank you Dr Mims councilman Udin my vote is yes Madam clerk thank you Mr President my vote is yes Madam clerk thank you Mr President so the votes are five yeses one no three absences payment of bills in the amount of 17 m945 56 22 cents is hereby adopted uh thank you Madame clerk mam clerk let's do quick the consent agenda which is uh we have item 9 through 47 of the concern agenda n yes all matters listed under the consent agenda are considered to be routine by the council and will be enacted by one motion the items listed under the consent agenda are numbers 9 through 47 any item may be removed from the consent agenda by the request of any council member and if so removed will be treated as a separate mov it was mov byoun mov by councilwoman Dava second by councilwoman M and councilman uhud cler discuss Council so just a reminder um Madam Clerk the honor yeah uh Madam clerk just just a reminder from uh last week's Workshop all the items that are Hispanic Heritage Month honores uh it will be moved by the particular council person who is honoring that okay thank you so I just want to put that on record thank you council president thank you Council Ms a roll call M clerk on the consent agenda roll call and um the consent agenda councilman ABD wait I would like to pull something off consent agenda please Council M um I would like to take 28 off and vote it separately please so Madame clerk let the record reflect that Council of the is taking item number 20 out of the concent agenda it will be8 28 28 28 out of the councilman I think we should put uh 29 separate to 29 as well 29 as well 28 and 29 and yeah all right m clerk so the conscent agenda is item number 9- 47 taking out item number 28 and 29 yes Mr President thank you roll call on the consent agenda amended to remove items 28 and 29 Council councilman abdulaziz yes councilwoman Davin yes councilman Jackson yes councilwoman mes congratulations to all of the Hispanic heritage MTH honores looking forward to celebrating you on January 25th my vote is yes thank you councilman Udin yes Mr President my V is yes mad clerk thank you so the votes are six yeses three absences the consent agenda is hereby adopted as amend amended thank you mad CL mad cler let's do item number two on second reading number two yes number two on second item number two item number two is second reading ordinance public hearing is required its ordinance vacation vacating a portion of Cumberland Avenue south of Toto Avenue and extending to River Terrace where the said portion has not been utilized as a public roadway it's sponsored by councilwoman Dr Lisa Mims Public Works resolution 24-39 so moved second moved by councilwoman MIM second by councilwoman Dava and Council ABD rooll call man clerk on um well public heting is now open members of the public that wish to speak on item number two on second reading see and now move to close see now move to close on second reading by councilman Ms and second by councilman Ro cl to close the public hearing on item number two roll call close public hearing on item number two councilman abdalaziz yes councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman daver so this item right here has been in the works for many many years I'm going to say at least three four years so relax let me let me let me I have my two minutes and I'm very happy to see that finally because this did come to us and it was removed okay so I'm very happy that this is moving forward my vote is yes to close the public hearing on item number two thank you councilwoman Dava councilman Jackson yes thank you councilwoman mes yes councilman Udin yes Mr President my vot is yes M clerk thank you the votes are s yes is two absences public hearing and item number two is hereby closed thank you m cler roll call Madame clerk to adopt item number two on second reading roll call on item number two for approval councilman abdalaziz yes councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman daver yes councilman Jackson yes councilwoman mes so before I vote and I'm sure um council president after this vote is uh complete that we'll let him give some words of thanks I just want to thank um the owner of this establishment I know he's been working on this for a long time I actually went to the uh property with DPW and our Engineers to see what the concerns and issues were and um this is the type of stuff that should be done when you talk about vacating it's right next to the cemetery there's no street it's just a a concrete there's nothing there it should have been done a long time ago so I just want to apologize not sure what happened in the past but I'm glad that we got it done um and I'm happy at this point it's approved my vote is yes thank you Dr Mims councilman Udin my vote is yes Madam clerk thank you councilman Udin Mr President my V is yes Madam clerk thank you council president so the votes are seven yeses two absences item number two is hereby adopted thank you mad clerk on the item of the non-c concern agenda we have item 48 through 58 but we have uh the owner of the establishment located on this section and I would like to open the mic for a few minutes for for two minutes welcome did you say 48 Council I just uh thank you council president yes and thank you to all council members uh yeah it's been a little bit of a journey but we're here and I appreciate the council seeing the vision uh the company was started in 1885 so marks 19 139 years that we've been that the company's been in business my parents purchased the establishment in 1976 and so we've been doing the same thing all along providing memorials to those who lose lose their loved ones in the city of Patterson um we've always kept that road and as the councilwoman mens mentioned at the September 17th meeting it's a very very narrow road and I want to give a big heartfall thank you to councilwoman mens for bringing this forth uh to the count governing body I I know there's always a lot on your plate I uh I'm a councilman from Little Fall so I understand the hard work that you do and all the different items that come before you and the research that you have to do but this road um I think my parent my late parents are smiling it was something that should have been done quite a while ago um so I'm very happy to the governing body for passing it thank you very much congratulations thank you so very much so Madame cler let's go on the non-consent agenda uh let's start with number 48 yes Mr President item number 48 is a resolution authorizing the award of contract with ccti Technologies for the purchase installation and maintenance of cameras and software through the city of Piston's Administration resolution 24 call thank you it was mov by Council woman Davila councilman abdulaziz and Council M second by Council and council president Mendes discussion discussion Council M um if our DPW director can come to the microphone I believe these are the cameras for the illegal dumping correct so last week at the workshop I I just have a few questions Andor concerns yes one I made the request because they had a list of parks that they were looking at and I noticed be track Park was not there Tyrone Collins Park was not there have those Parks been added after my request last week um beer track has been added Tyrone Collins uh we will add it okay so I just want to D Leon record as as long as those parks are added but I also want to make sure that after this item uh is possibly approved on tonight that there'll be an assessment done based on the cameras that will be installed so that we can see that based on what we have now what is the workload how it has increased versus what will happen after we install these cameras to um catch the perpetrators definitely thank you that's all I have council president thank you councilwoman uh Mims councilman abdes director um this says also maintenance we have current cameras in some areas are not working is this contract going to fix those cameras um it'll change out uh the format of the cameras the cameras are stay the hardware inside of them would change so so the reason I asked and and I a little discouraged and I don't know if this falls on DPW or should be a public safety thing right so on 23rd AV we we put a camera there a couple years ago 23rd and East by Route 80 there's a lot of dumping along yeah that's not a DPW camera that's that's a police camera no so where there is a camera right so I'm not I just stay with me one second there is a camera that doesn't work anymore constant dumping constant DPW there it's cat and mouse so my resident sends me the video so I pass there every morning to go to work I went to work in the morning nothing there I come back dumping contact my residents I said somebody this is this happened within 6:00 in the morning to 5 I get the footage I see the guy we get the van so then I send it they told me is the resident prepared to go testify in court that's the same thing they my residents are not going to go testifying court but but but but this is where it should be a law enforcement matter so if a resident hey I have a legal drugs dealer selling in my house do does the police department say are you going to come in court and testify at Newark police when people dump the police department are the ones charging them with illegal dumping they put their picture on the Newark police department page saying these are the dumpers that's why no one's saying a word I have the video the car the van the company I think this shouldn't be a DPW Enforcement issue when you have thousands of dollars of illegal dumping right we're not talking about throwing a Wendy's bag on in littering right that's where we have to to come together and look I don't know if it's a criminal matter legal department um it's legal it could be a joint effort because I'm not I know my Council colleagues residents are not going to go testify in front of Court postponements they did us a favor giving us a footage we should investigate it and maybe the police department because I know for a fact well what's it saying hey U anonymous tips textas anonymous tips let's this I have the video and my said listen I'm not going to court I'm just trying to help out the city because the guy unloaded a van oh a van of construction debris so legal I know this the city of Newark if you go on there the Patterson PD page they catch a illegal dumper they actually put them on blast and a $110,000 fine thank you thank you counc and director um I know I have a few council members that want to speak but this is extremely important for us we've been waiting for this uh for all those cameras so we have a million dollar that we're going to invest on camera and as you know illegal dumping is just out of control in the city of pison but let me continue with councilwoman Davila councilwoman so I just wanted to kind of like on the same know as councilman abdulaziz I had the same exact issue this was in the first Ward and uh the constituent whose home is across from where the illegal dumping was came home from work and recorded it exact same thing a van just lots of debris lots of construction uh um waste going onto the street into a certain property out right outside and um so she sends it to me and then I go ahead and I send it and the same exact thing are they ready to testify and I contacted the young lady back and I say she goes absolutely not I've been living in this Ward for many many years I'm bu my own business it's a shame that I'm reporting something and that I'm being told now that then I would have to show my face on she goes absolutely not and so you know to that note um councilman abdulaziz I totally agree as well I mean there there should be no reason just like when you have dial a text you know text tip you should be doing the same thing for this type of illegal um activity director thank you not's going to say she there speaking to me like it's my issue it's not my issue that's another issue sure but director listen I I I think that I and I asked those question in the beginning of the workshop are those camera will be connected with the Patterson Police Department yes is the patteron police department will be monitoring those camera yes okay the idea is we got to be clear nobody wants to report nobody here nobody wants to get in trouble people take picture they put on Facebook but if we pretending a resident to go and and and speak you know and and throw somebody in the court under the bus because they dumping it's not going to happen now what I'm expecting and I asked this question are the are we ready with the internet to make sure that those camera are going to be 24/7 out there in those area the answer was yes what I'm expecting to see is that those camera catching the people that are illegally dumping in the city and Prosecuting those people that's what we want we don't need people to start you know oh take send me the picture can you come to court no that's not what we want we investing 1 million do on those we have 70 camera if I'm not mistaken so in those 70 camera we're expecting to see those camera and those location we're spending millions of dollars and people they're not respecting the city because we're not enforcing now we amend the legislation the maximum fine is $10,000 for those people that are illegally coming into the city of p and dumping garbage and minimum 2500 so the the the the ticket is not the problem the problem is the lack of enforcement and and we hope that we resolve the problem with this thank you council president council president councilman Dean all right thank you council president uh dor so we had a long discussion on this item in committee as well um I want Comm Community to know that uh as uh you have mentioned in the presentation about last week that the both Patterson Police Department and DPW is going to have access to these cameras and you are going to get signals automatic that nobody has to monitor continuously but you'll get signaled as if someone does any illegal activities now I want to make sure that you know the communication cooperation between these two department does not delay the process also Community needs to know if anything happens that's a report should be published the gentleman was here last week in the presentation he spoke about the publicizing and illegal activities if they catch anybody anything happens they will promote this from their their uh social media whatever uh method they have used so I definitely would uh like to see certain things happening we don't want to just wait and ask DPW or Patterson Police Department was the update after three four months we want to hear update every single month is what happened if nothing happens nothing happens if something happened we need to know what happened on certain neighborhood certain area the seven uh the locations that were uh selected as one uh the most dumping areas and that's why we have seven cameras those are station there permanently we want to see that whether that brought any change so I would like to see the uh report coming every month from both DPW and police department so with that being said of course we would love to support this we are very excited because this is Million Dollar uh you know uh investment to it if if we don't get positive uh response from those kind of investment then there's no point of investing so I'm very hopeful very optimistic to see something uh great happening and dumping situation that's ongoing should be stopped thank you coun councilman Jackson thank you council president director I had a list of questions that I asked the gentleman last week apparently he was afraid to show up he has you in his place um were were you the were you the young were you the person who sourced all of the uh equipment for this no um Ed boie Ed boy yes what what is Mr boy's title uh initiative or or chief Innovation officer Innovation officer Innovation officer okay um did he leave you with any any answers to any of the questions that I asked him last last week no the making model of the camera no I don't I don't know if he left with Harry wouldn't come to me yes C pres sure just just a minute um so you want to answer that question Mr Harry was email email was sent out on Friday 11 October 11 28 p.m. with information that you requested come that's the email there yes can I have it please I apologize I had surgery on Thursday so I may have missed that email on Friday um it's right there sir it's very good sure and I and I'll wait to continue to to um to speak sure sure I'll let councilman Jackson review the email so now let's move to councilwoman coton and right after yeah thank you council president um I just just want to re um um councilman Udin and I was in the DPW committee meeting and we have requested that the legal department that we want the F to be starting at 10,000 ain't no 2,500 10,000 period And I think that we have to put a resolution together or something together saying that first you get caught no more negotiation $10,000 right off the bat the only problem that I find that we may have here in the city is that when they don't show up in court um then there's there's a a warrant but the problem is nobody's going to look for them so we got to have somebody we still got to put a department together I know we do have it so they can go you not showing up for court then we going to go look for you and we got to find somebody even if we only put two or three people in there once we start picking up people and locking them up then then then they'll they'll start thinking about it but uh Corporation Council I know that we have requested that we wanted something that it starts at 10,000 period no 2500 starting at 10,000 right off the bat thank you council president thank you councilwoman count um do we have councilwoman Ms I believe so if not we're ready uh to vote on this item IEM number 48 uh roll call man cler on item 48 we're not we're not ready oh councilman Jackson let's go back to councilman Jackson so you good okay so right after Council no no I'm okay all right go ahead coun woman so I apologize I have um my pipe burst in my basement and the guys are doing an emergency repair so that's why you see me on my phone they're almost done with the work so I might have to step out just to do a FaceTime to make sure everything is working with my furnace um in my house um I have a a request with the fines because last week Council uh Council Mott and I agreed that was what I stated last week that the fines need to be increased but my concern is that when we go out to enforce it gets adjudicated in court so I'm putting it back on the record as I did last week that there needs to be a statutory committee meeting with the chief judge and those that are responsible so that there can be communication that goes out to the judges because it's not enough for us to have cameras and force and give tickets and then they go to court and it's thrown out because you know that's a big piece of what's happening in the city so I would like to make sure and I'm putting it on record again that St committee has this this meeting in place with our chief judge and those that are in charge and responsible to communicate this to the judges that are on the bench that Patterson means business I also want to put a request out that there's immediate signage that is out with the with the fines on the sign so that people are very much aware of what the offenses and penalties are and um if this is approved on tonight I'll make sure it's posted on social media but we should have a zero tolerance policy in the city of Patterson when it comes comes to dumping thank you council president thank you councilwoman Mims uh um so we're going back to councilman Jackson yes so Patterson and I'm only talking to the residents of Patterson the director please by all means you know I have nothing but the utmost respect for you and I'm glad that you made it clear that you're not the person that sourced this that this Innovation officer sourc this and it's very simple when you when when somebody takes you in the back alley and puts a gun to your back and says empty your pockets when you come out of the alley the chances of having anything left in your pockets is slim to none we have a million doll budget here of which some of these items were being classified as being as costing in upwards of 17,000 to $21,000 when you do a quick Google search on the model numbers the most expensive camera is $2,000 you have one camera here that has the exact description that's 3 $99 now we know that this is going through a third party contractor of which he said he spoke about and didn't understand um you know who it was going to be but how how do you allow yourselves to be charged if you come to my house and tell me you're going to install 20 cameras and you're going to charge me $100,000 and I I ask you which cameras you're going to install and it only cost $100 each or $1,000 each 20 time 100 time 1,000 is 20,000 where's 100,000 let's just say by laws of business let's say the cost of goods is a third so all right 33 33 and a half per. so even if we we we did the math on that it's still several hundred thou we could put cameras in every single corner of the city but this is what we're doing we allow people to come forward and they present these Grand plans with price tags that's attached to it that's absurd and we act as if we don't understand the value of a dollar this is this is how this city is losing we did the same thing at hinchcliff Stadium where we allowed them to take $110 million they created six jobs for $110 million and now while the paper posted today 500 days after the restaurant still not open yet because they can't steal any more money money now director I and I appreciate because this these burdens are often placed on your on your plate where they have these bright ideas they spend City uh taxpayers dollars and then they put it in your hands to manage they bring you forward as the face of it and absolutely we trust you but this gentleman should have been here tonight to to discuss where's the cost going to be but watch this Council irresponsible responsibly vote to approve a million dollar worth of cameras where it was like 17 cameras that or a very small number most some a lot of the a large part of the number was was repairs on existing cameras so again patteron if you're wondering why the community is in the position it's in this is a prime example it's a very simple question which he he he was reluctant to bring forward the information and I'll make this available to anybody in the audience if you want to know the model numbers you can look it up for yourselves it's not very hard to do just like I explained to council members when we voted in Fifth Avenue to allow them to build those terrible subpar apartments for 1400 14 $415,000 per unit when the average market rate is $75,000 a unit council president just a minute councilwoman I'm not finished I I can continue 55 cameras no no still the C okay so uh uh here we are and for for members of the public this coming Monday or the third Monday of the month there'll be another vote on it where we're allowing another developer at sy's court to bill us over $400,000 per unit to do a repair to do a repair and they're not even going to completely gut those apartments out $400,000 per unit do you understand what that is apparently we don't understand the value of money here $110,000 million $110 million to redo hen Stadium which I said it then one Pake did there for for $15 million so um this council's responsibility is to be the fiary responsible arm to Monitor and oversight on the uh on the administration and everybody seen this council president who used to be in opposition now all of a sudden they're holding hands while they cutting ribbons together this is where your money's going Patterson this is the example of how you're being taken to the cleaners and if you're not smart enough as voters to open up your eyes on this misappropriation of dollars and this this poor choice of spending then you're just as stupid as some of these people that's going to vote in favor of this C president ju just a minute just a minute Council woman D you next but let me just be clear in one let me be clear on one topic you see how I open the M for everybody when we have an item that that is a healthy discussion on an item that that matters to us first of all I'm not holding hands on nobody the mayor are nobody I'm just here to do the right thing and when I see a project that is correct that is right I'm in full support and that are something been doing I don't see call I don't see people I'm I'm here to work with everybody for the city of P so that's that's what I'm doing right now so I don't need to get into that but director the question that I have where's Mr baly here why he's not here because he's the one president just a minute councilwoman you're next no it's not about being next council president ioun have the floor can you allow me to ask a question council president I wanted to just tell you that last week the ba stated that Mr B would not be here that's fine councilwoman let me finish my question we have the director in front of us and I will open the mic to the rest of my now director this no no director no this is my question director and honestly I I know the job just give me a minute I know the job that you doing as a director of the Department of Public Work phenomenal you're on top of the staff but technology is not your expertise and correct me if I'm wrong right right you should not be so we're spending $1 million on camera you should not be the person here in front of that I'm not here for this understand so but you the one in the front so there's there's supposed to be somebody responsible and I understand that when we purchase in CA camera is not what it cost it's the system it's the system that Gathering that information so so so Harry so I'm going to just I just have a quick question Harry because you know why sometime you have council member here saying that we are so irresponsible that we throwing money throughout the wind that we're doing this we those question need counil president I should have the right to make a statement and I'm going to tell you why no no no I'm going to tell you what council president I've been waiting I'm going to tell you right now everyone out here there is there is someone who is assigned as the purchasing agent nobody has referred to a purchasing agent who is a person who's liced the procurement process councilwoman I have the floor no no councilwoman Dava I have the floor and I allow every council member one their time when you ask for the floor I respectively open the floor be but you're going to wait after after I finished no after I finish you net you sit and wait after I finished you net so the question that I have har is for you is very disturbing to me because very often time this is we used to this you have council member that they come out and they drop out numbers about how much the camera how much the equipment cost now I'm I'm going to open the FL to Harry and if we don't have the right answer about how much the system is going to cost how much the camera going to cost and the and the statement that Council M Jackson is making we will move this item to the next Workshop that's what we're going to do so I'll open the floor to Harry if any other council member wants to speak but I think that we should we we should move this item for the next workshop and have a discussion have a clear number about how much each camera cost and how much a system is costing it's a million dollar that we have and that the responsible thing to do Harry please let them know your title and what you do please president council president Council just a just a point of order just a point of order yeah members there was a presentation in the workshop you were leading the charge so I'm confused as to why you're asking for the numbers in the presentation you know why Council because that number is on record you have a council member saying over here that those camera doesn't cut that much that this so he put He making an statement that it's righted to make so I want to open the floor to have it on the floor to Har Sur that's a what but I I don't he's sitting in the capacity as the the acting ba because she's not and he didn't do the presentation and he didn't do the presentation it's not fair to him to bring but he has the information council president counc purchasing agent he the Pres the presentation that W that that um was last week he gave a hard copy to every single council member right the numbers are there the numbers were there and it was discussed in committee also now if you really need to review and go back you can just take a look at the presentation all the numbers are there there was discussing council members the committee as well council members he's on Harry yeah okay no yeah Harry go ahead Harry council president yes council members yes it's on I wasn't here last week but I know it's a document a draft document about all the specific spefic locations of the 77 cameras also the software the maintenance the software are the different type of cameras they going to be used for this the locations how many cameras how many camera for the police how many camera for the DPW with a price attach and that goes in two pages with the it goes all the way to to the end describing everything every single location with the price assigned at the phase one of this project and the the questions were asked about the model counil councilman Jackson mention it and the that information was was received and give it I give it as part of the tonight's meeting and the for example um say location 11 used to mention one MH okay okay he's talking location 11 heide Park okay okay council president let's finish after that we we'll be waiting for i' rather him i' would rather him not say the locations loc we don't need to that he doesn't want to say the location council members Harry just once you conclude we come back council members why Harry conclude councilwoman I know you asked for the floor back done my my job as a purchasing agent mention before was to look at the company CC ccti and verify that the number contract number and everything were correct which I did I do every single contract that the city does the project itself was managed for Mr The Innovation officer Mr BOS he came to me at the end to make sure that the company had the proper she have contract number to provide the contract thank you Harry thank you council members the reason why I asked Harry just to intervene president you said after he spoke that I would speak okay coun you got theor thank you very much so once again you know I want to apologize for the Outburst but at the same time it's it's it's very it's insulting to the person who is hired who is licensed who has who has a who does all of the procurement process he's sitting as an acting ba right now and he was not part of the presentation last week granted the councilman to my left councilman Jackson did ask questions he did he didn't want to listen to what the gentleman was saying we didn't have procurement here right but he is the person so when I say it's insulting he goes through a process you just can't give a contract there's a whole process it goes through different committees it went through DPW it went through Finance it came to Workshop a present ation when does was done and questions were answered you got the sitting purchasing agent here he is the person who goes over and reviews every contract he's licensed to do this so he just say something he just looked online and just looked for the model and he looked at just one piece of the cost which is the equipment piece he didn't talk about all the additional things the installments and the software and all of the additional things that that has to do with so all I'm saying is listen I'm not saying that he's wrong with what he just stated but I I take offense to say that we're stupid if we support something when we sat in the different committees and we got our answer our questions answered and you got an email that you did not read you just got it right now but you also had the presentation last week and so I'm just saying don't call me stupid because I'm not stupid I sit in every committee meeting I come to workshops I come stick to regular meetings whatever it is because I'm about patteron first but I just wanted to make that statement council president because we have someone here who's the person that is the sitting purchasing agent who does our procurement for us and who sits down with a different committee members thank you very I mean directors thank you thank you thank you councilwoman and and council members listen it's important when you hear the the the comment that a councilman is making about the we're stupid because we're about to vote on the program that that doesn't cause hurry is been it's been as a purchasing Agency for many years in the city his reputation is all the way on the top not not at the local level at the state level and National level I trust the work and his work ethic once we get in this project is because it's been V by the purching agent he have done altitude diligence now for the public there's what there was a presentation it's it was at the last meeting is a workshop that was televised look at the presentation but it's important because you have people that they sitting in this day saying that they robbing the city we allowing that to happen without s cler roll call this President council president I think I think we have former discussion I have the right to a second rebuttal okay I de it first aming I I councilman asked for the floor Council right after councilman councilman Jackson and please let's Mo thank you council president so my my concern is that the numbers that we are speaking about whether we are paying too much or too low like are we really expert on these things that's my question to ourselves what if we really ask question every single things we purchase then we should ask question to every single every single thing not only these cameras I'm talking about part particularly now council president I'm not I'm not blaming any council members what I'm saying is when council members you you were you were just talking just addressing councilman Jackson saying that he asked for this councilman asked for many things you do definitely not you address everything my point is that when uh it's not that I'm supporting or not supporting this not the point our point is the effectiveness of the things that we are bringing here that that should be the concentration when you're talking about whether we are paying too much or too low many things we are purchasing every every single Council meetings we are we are spending money somewhere do you really say or how do you verify that this we are paying too much or too low for this if that happens I think we should testify or ask questions about every single things we purchase that that's all my stand so again uh you know every council members have their uh right to ask as many questions definitely and I I definitely respect that uh but again uh if we ask questions like this we should ask questions for every single items we purchase for the city of patters that's all my St thank you uh Council Ming uh councilman Jackson right after that we be B thank you beautiful so for a point of clarity and this is all for all of those of you who actually are concerned what my Council colleague to the left had just said that if we're going to be so critical of this item we should be equally critical of every item and I'm here to test that I am I'm always critical of every item that we're spending in fact to my councilman's uh dismay that is our job I I understand and I respect and appreciate you do coffee and Dunkin Donuts and things of that nature that's above and beyond but the councilman's job is to be financially responsible on the spending of the community's dollars our job is is the balancing portion of fauler to hold the administration accountable that means if we gave somebody a $50,000 raise that they're not that that they're not living up to we're supposed to be accountable for that as well so this and and for a point of clarity and I need everyone here to be please understand not at one time did I say call anyone stupid what I said that if you're going to support this is it is absolutely a foolish in my quote words stupid to do because we was given a presentation and that presentation included software it included maintenance but what it does have is a line item for a camera that I asked specifically for the make and model number of of which it says seven cameras are being purchased for the Department of DPW in the amount of $7,923 and 27 now when I looked up all of the model numbers because if you're at home follow with me 360° camera Park PPD that's uh the one on the bottom that's actually one of the least expensive cameras and that one is model number axis 8 x i q61 100-e if you look that up on any of these circular that sell this kind of equipment you'll see a completed fully housed camera system and it's listed for under $2,000 I rounded it up and said it was like $1,800 $1,900 so I just said 2,000 if you and and that was the absolute most expensive camera on the list the next one mobile setup says $3600 for five of them again at 2,000 meaning $1,900 being the most expensive if you take a million dollar and you divide it by 2,000 you could purchase 500 cameras but this system here we're purchasing 67 so if you're talking about me not being responsible or not scrutin I scrutinize everything when I told you that it was a misappropriation to spend $110 million on hens Stadium I sat here and begged everybody and I talked about and I broke it down I did a presentation how cities like Jersey City forc the developers to build 20% of their project and I showed them so to now sit here and say that I'm just making up numbers and then put the onus on Harry Mr syalis did not Source this information yes he's the purchasing he doesn't have the capacity to to go back and look if if we're paying a professional who claim to be and I asked him clearly what's his experience what is his level of experience he in CCTV zero but he's the guy that we're paying but they say we're not paying him because he's getting paid through a Bloomberg Grant who by the way the mayor takes a flight to New Mexico with to tell on how well of a job they're doing with the homeless and just go right outside to guy left the building and ignored all the homeless people sleeping outside so if you're not going to scrutinize this stuff then why are you a council person why did you run for election this is the your job to scrutinize the spending but but now but now but but now council president wants to say that if this is true then we'll pull it you the one sat in committee while she's saying I didn't read my email yeah I was under the knife having surgery on Thursday recovering it doesn't take me to sit in a in a a a committee meeting just to figure out we getting take it to the cleaners this is it we're getting we're getting beat over the head and and and and people all you got to do is go through every single line item and this is what's happening in this city this is why we're losing right we're overpaying for every damn thing that we're all the services that we're not getting and this is what it is so for me if you're if you're offended because I said that if you take this kind of action that is stupid just like right now now as hinu stadium is getting ready to be abandoned when everybody I didn't know just like you said I didn't know about the trailer park I said the same thing then we shouldn't pay 1.4 million for a trailer but Jackson don't let me live it down I sh I will not let you live this down I will not let you live every single inappropriate expense that you take on you allow the public to take on by having an uninformed uneducated guest and you think people just because they come before us and tell us something we're just supposed to believe it you could do that to somebody else but you can't sell me that you know I'm not going for the used carsman sales pitch we you guys want to move forward you do it all the time but guess what I'll be one one against as usual yes councilwoman cotton yeah thank you I just want to say to Harry um and I hear councilman Jackson um pricing the cameras and the cameras that are being priced is not to be installed it's not to be the the hardware that you got to go look for it's not the um you got to save it for 60 days um the equipment that needs to save it I want to say to you Harry I'm asking you when when you went and priced these carer because I understand I can buy a foret for $10 but the guy going to charge me 30 to put it in you know what I mean so I can understand that that's what it's going to be because I can't put foret in my foret so I want to say to you Harry um um I hear what councilman Jackson is saying the course of each camera but what about the cost to install all this stuff what about the cost of the software what about the cost to put all this together so that it can connect from the police department to the DPW Department to to to uh barckley Street where it's at so everybody can be connected who went and looked at the price of the cameras and this is with the installation and the software that got to go with it for you to store this equipment tell me who did all of that counc pres to the chair yes Mr Harry the answer to the question is Mr Ed Bose okay he no counc council members council members let's let's be respectful councilwoman out for the floor please let's be respectful councilwoman please continue my question is you know I can know what a camera C but I got to have somebody to put it in Mr Bose is perhe headed the project and when he was close to the end he contact me to make sure that the company he was offering the product had a contract like I you show you under the Hun County so that was the moment they when the information that received from Mr Ed BOS I prepared the resolution knowingly that the contract number the company had it was a valid number that was the only part members of the public please that was the only time that please Hey listen no no no mad CL roll call this item please please roll call me members of the public please respectfully if you allow us to conduct the meeting RAR just okay I want to end the saying that when I receive information provided by Mr Bose I prepar the resolution like I do in every contract make sure that the VOR and pile had a contract they allow them to do the job that's it thank you Harry roll call Mad clerk roll call on item number 48 for approval cons consan cotton yes thank you Madame clerk um um I want to say that we've been waiting quite some time and one of the questions that come up that uh and I I remember it came up in the police department we rent um we rent cars for our Undercovers and you had counsil people who want to know what kind of car we was renting and they're saying to us you know we can't tell you what cars are undercovered cars in the streets and so you got you got we also had counsil people want to know where you going to put some of these cameras You' be surprised that you can't do it so we need these cameras we got so many spots we're killing our DPW people I understand a lot of spots Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilwoman cotton councilwoman Davin so once again you know um our DPW director does processes and brings to committee recommendations he does research he does recommendations bring contracts but they go through a procurement process which is the same thing that the other director did we had a good meeting in in um with the police department regarding these cameras um I was satisfied with the information that I S some that I can't share um everyone knows that AI is the big thing now right and that's very expensive and these Cameros will have that as well um and so you know with what I said before I'll stand with what I'm saying now I support this wholeheartedly my vote is yes and I just want you to say I I have a lot of respect for you and the work that you do Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilwoman daver councilman Jackson thank you madam clerk um first to the public I don't have to tell Mr seales that I have a great deal of respect for him our relationship lets me know that he has a mutual respect for me as he knows that I have for him he clearly said he did not prepare this he clear clearly said he simply verified whether or not the vendor was qualified to receive bid if you round up the 77 cameras that we're going to get and you push that number up to 100 that would make this bill at the cost of the most expensive camera the bill would be $200,000 so that does that mean you allow a vendor to hit you in the head for $800,000 to do installation do you take your car to the tire shop for a $100 tire and allow the guy to charge you $2,000 to change a tire like it doesn't make any sense now relative relative to the vetting process and bear with me please this is a letter that I did receive in my email I did receive this letter in my email and I did read this email while I was you know recovering from surgery like everything else I would like to express the engineering Department's frustration with the city council's decision on making a change on the ordinance app amending patteron code section 40731 without going through the proper channels for discussion or approval I would ask the city council if they knew the procedure for for the project reviewed prior to this discussion something tells me if they did they wouldn't care because the support here looking to gain from making this change as we know there was no meeting with DPW director or City's engineer regarding this change which would totally affect the engineering Department's review process we know the developer put the battery in the backs of council people to push this change through our conversations with the administration we know the developer plainly said there's nothing anyone can do about this change because I have eight out of nine council members guaranteed voting yes in other words he understands who has the power to make changes in the city specifically to I'm not going to name any Council people there's Council people named here because I don't want anybody to make any accusation that I'm calling them something I didn't write this letter by the way thank you for having the city's best the city of Patterson's back on this issue for spearheading this without proper discussion with the DPW director and especially the engineering department by telling the developers they can pay the SE fees prior to them getting their certification of occupancy is meaningless it holds no weight the building will be occupied before the paint dries right now as we speak 90% of new buildings are operating without proper Coos and the other 10% of new buildings go through the proper procedure to obtain cosos because these 10% come to the engineering office looking for closed out letters that Community improvements is asking for if you think the unpaid sewer fees list we prepared is ridiculous now wait until the change takes effect the one thing we had to stand on without the developers was to hold the release until they paid the sewer fees now if you're going to sit here and make accusations about me formulating something indifference of I'm sitting here every single day fighting on behalf of the community while people are writing these letters this letter was given to every single council person while the item is written on the agenda tonight that we're talking about so it was in everybody's email now if you're going to question me out there voters please by all means go ahead and do but what I'm giving you is facts I'm giving you the information you can look this stuff up for yourselves we're being taken to the cleaners we're spending way too much money for services that's not being provided and you can go down the line I'm not going to do what they're willing to do I'm not doing that and if you want to continue to support somebody that's going to lie to you and tell you that they're doing the best services for you while they're sticking you in the back with a short with a Long Blade knife then you continue to do that but I'm not going to do that and if you're going to sit here and justify this please by all means vote in the affirmative do what you're going to do I'm going to still take the stance that I take consistently Madam clerk my vote is hell no thank you cman Jackson [Applause] and so for this particular item so I want to say first and foremost that we have we are in desperate need of a plan to clean our city our streets are filthy you know the bulk process was a fiasco there was a promise made I was not here for that vote but there was a promise made through the administration that they will bring bulk back bulk is going to come back you'll vote on it we just need your vote vote for um for the garbage pickup renewal contract if you vote I promise in September that's going to be on the agenda that did not happen it is October but what really saddens me about this and I I agree we need a we need something done for the illegal dumping but here are my concerns one why is it that all year we Patterson has been complaining has been all over social media all the dumping everywhere we've made phone calls and it's continuous in certain areas has been there repeated time and time again people are even leaving boats in in our community was there a true needs-based assessment done in relation to where these cameras should be versus only a few selected pars the answer is no was there a cost benefit analysis done to identify the needs of what we need done and what what we're being we're paying out of pocket was that done and was there other options available to say let's look at the procurement process to see if there's other bids haven't seen it next why is it that the DPW director engineer was not the lead on these projects why was it the chief Innovation off officer when for example our DPW director lives in the city of Patterson knows the city of Patterson has come through the ranks of DPW did not lead this charge and we allow someone else to lead the charge and they're giving us this inform inform which is not going to benefit the residents for these reasons one $1 million we can do a whole bunch with a million dollars in the city of Patterson we can pave some of the streets that are not paved we can clean the streets that are not clean we can hire some more employees to get the job done we can take the a million dollars and use it for something else and take a million out of the budget to to we could take a million dollars out of our budget for things that we could use a million dollar from American Rescue plan and give more money to our employees and their salary we should be meeting with before things like this happen the statutory agency I should not even ask you to meet with statutory agency you know in the past that we've had issues and concerns where we our inspectors have went out and they have ticketed they've been to court and the tickets were adjudicated means they were removed or they were not enforced so are we just kicking the can down the road again without a rail plan for the city of Patterson I would say the answer is yes Patterson you placed me here to vote for you and I am no longer going to be in a place where I know it took 77 days before the funds run out that they come up with an idea let's just put it towards illegal dumping let's just make sure cameras are there with no real plan of monitoring with no real plan of how the tickets will be allocated with no real plan that you spoke to the judges or the chief judge to make sure that judges are aware of what's about to happen so with that being said I can tell once again there's no real plan for the city The Dumping will continue the filth will continue in the city of Patterson and guess what Patterson you will be once again Bamboozled so with that being stated I cannot support this item because those answers have not been um their answers have not been clear and transparent to the community and Patterson you deserve better there is we have elections that are coming up and I need you to start paying attention there's going to be a whole bunch of stuff that going to start jamming down we got to get this done we got to get it done and it's going to be a part of the campaign I got this done I got some cameras in those spots and guess what they're still going to dump there because when they dump there nothing's going to happen after they dump oh look I got this done I slammed this down we got 77 days and you're gonna see this agenda filled with stuff that is not going to have any enforcement behind it and Patterson we're going to be up to our neck and filth and trash we've been look and I talk from a place of living here all my life enough already and so Patterson I cannot support this item Billy I apologize for them overlooking and disrespecting you you don't have to respond I'm I'mma speak for you disrespect and and and not allowing you to take the lead and having someone on the outside do what you've always done for this community Patterson I'm V for you my vote is no councilman urin thank you Dr Ms councilman Odin thank you Madame Clark uh Patterson so the city of Patterson is very welcoming uh for illegal activities to take place as you know this every single day we get calls from our residents we see on the social media postings about the dumpings we take care of and repeat the same actions multiple times the same locations that we use like almost every other week we have to report to the DPW that about dumping issue for the lacking of no surveillance there we cannot or not able to catch the illegal whoever does the illegal activities now we are waiting for the cameras my part as the chair of the DPW I can say that I sat down with both the gentleman who presented last week and the DPW uh director my questions regarding the DPW cameras and the Patterson Police dep Department cameras I asked both of them director was there I asked question how come he selected seven spot seven station cameras and that answer came from the deput director that he and uh from the last uh few years or uh few months call regard of regarding the dumping issues these seven spots are selected as regular dumping areas there are some some of the cameras that can be removed mobile that can be stationed in different location based on the needs and also both patteron police department and DPW has access to it I also ask question whether someone needs to be there to monitor cuz what happen is sometimes we get call or we see there's uh you know a trust somewhere then we have to report then Police Department or DPW has to go over the cameras to find out who did this or not the answer was no nobody needs to report them the cameras are going to Signal them automatic if that happens in anywhere and that said is my my answers my questions why am I saying this because that continuous dumping issue should be stopped now also I asked the question that how would you know that something happened something got someone got caught and last week also they presented here they mentioned that there are going to be a name name or shame uh you know uh presentation from the social media if anybody does that we're going to post them on the social media to make sure that no one dare to repeat or do certain things again in our city now how would you stop this if we do not part Chase cameras yes we may have ideas we may have great ideas on the on the on the floor which may be that I recorded something I posted on the social media why don't you take action on it yes we did that uh many times why did it happen because the person who recorded has to show up to the court to uh you know for testimonial does it really happens not really so what's the what's the agend what's what's the strategy you can take we have to make sure that the cameras are effective and both patteron police department and DPW work together to make sure that no dumper coming here we cannot be any more welcoming for the criminals and and I believe that if DPW and Patterson Police Department without asking questions if they report to us every month that nothing happened this month it looks like we are pretty successful if they say okay something happened we caught them or uh the areas that we posted the cameras nothing happened those are yes but they found other other locations then we have to remove we have to rotate or relocate the cameras that are mobile or uh can be removed now this is what we can expect from them my point is we cannot stop purchasing or stop uh moving forward and uh DPW director I really uh thank you because I asked this question we we had a meeting about 3 four hours meeting uh with the committee and it's not really just we came here and the presentation I'm satisfied with this there's multiple communication between uh regarding this matter and I definitely believe that this is going to uh help us if they they keep their word whatever they said this is on the record so uh director I I I expect that uh this is going to be very effective if both patteron police department and DPW work together and as as it was stated that how you are going to monitor and also uh you know implement the uh regulations or the ordinance that we have uh on our on our um in our city and I believe that we can we can catch or we can stop dumping in our city with that being said my vot is yes M clar thank you councilman urin cman app cman we're voting on item number 48 for approval Madam clerk yes I know which item we're voting on so before I vote to the residents of the city of Patterson at the end of the day we have a major major major issue when it comes to Legal dumping and at the end of the day this council is tasked for supporting initiatives that are going to solve problems right this is illegal dumping is not an issue that impacts one specific Ward if there's a common thing it's from Ward one to w six dumping occurs day in and day out um and one of the things that helps illegal dumping is cctvs right these cameras and when you could bring this here we could dissect the cost we could dissect the product we could say where it's buying we could get better this is is too much that's not too much at the end of the day you want to you pay for what you get right we're getting 77 cameras approximately $12,000 per camera and the camera this is where you have I know this for a fact because in my profession we have many cameras the software is where it costs the most go on your Apple iPhone and try to purchase cloud services sometimes a cloud service is the cloud service is more important than the actual product let's take our body cams for example the body cams we purchased for the police department are cheaper than the software that we have to have because we have to store them for opras for court cases and whatnot so when you're looking at yeah I get it you want to look at $2,000 right that's one aspect of it that's one aspect you need the wiring you need the labor you need the pieces you need replacement pieces you need maintenance you need a the the company and that's the best part of this the maintenance of cameras because guess what when we purchased cameras before we never said who's going to maintain them that's why none of the cameras in the city are working the police department bought hundreds of cameras you see them go drive around Patterson right now you'll see them on the polls they're not working because you know why we can't maintain them so you this company is also maintaining the cameras that are gonna help us solve the illegal dumping the same illegal dumping that each council member has received emails on Tex on and and so forth I will be gladly to debate and stand toe-to-toe with any Resident now when they call me councilman what are you doing for this illegal dumping on 23rd Avenue I just support an initiative to purchase 77 cameras to be our eyes and ears to try to catch these bad people cowards that are dumping so I'm doing my job I will gladly vote Yes on this to get the job done Madame clerk my vote is yes thank you thank you councilman abdulaziz council president Mendes thank you um thank you um thank you counc Council Cali before I vote uh council member let me remind that we have a a en close section to take for an action in another meeting and I'm going to try to do public portion right after this to move on right after this vote but let me just explain to the community one thing Patterson I know I know we have our community is smart the only the only insatisfaction that I have tonight and I'm and I feel I feel really bad I'm very upset I'm very disappointed at this project and the reason why it's extremely disappoined at the administration is because we don't have an expert in technology in front of us to debate this we're spending $1 million and let me be clear my question were answered I was concerned about the internet are we going to have a good internet to make sure that those cameras are on 24/7 the answer was yes is the police department going to be monitoring those camera 24/7 at the Central police station the answer was yes so we got to have police officer looking at those camera and those location that people are dumping every day those are my two question the next question was the matter of the camera and the technical support as well the answer was yes all my answer were you know was I'm satisfied with a project the reason why I'm upset is but is because Administration should have an expert to debate with people some council member that they add and they talk and talk and talk because talk is cheap all that camera cost $200 everybody knows that the software is what cost most of the money B camera on the police department you know how we have to spend a huge amount of money on the software that run those camera to gather the information to be able to use those camera when we need it now with that being said what I'm requesting is Mr airboss that he's the one running this program I'm expecting to see on detail so I know the listening I want to see those answer about the software and how much it cost because I know that I'm making the right decision by voting yes on this legal dumping is out of control pison I have to call the director every single day to 20th Avenue River Street Sixth Avenue by the track 8th Avenue and people calling me every single day councel what we're going to do and I understand that the main reason why illegal dumping is out of control is because the bulk situation that we cannot control it that's the conversation that we need to have I spoke with Administration and they're getting ready to go out for a bit on the bulk pickup because we need to correct the problem but at the same time we have $1 million here to buy 77 Camera Plus the software the installation and the maintenance to make sure that the police department monitor those camera and see who is the one that dumping in the city of pison and that's what we voting on and my vote is yes M yes mad cler thank you Mr President the votes are five yeses two NOS two absences item number 48 is hereby adopted than director now that we have you there so we have thank you I appreciate it we have public word uh director so Public Work item 55 55 item 55 but CL let's do item 55 on public work yes yes we have those two item for you director what item number 55 is a resolution authorizing a second contract extension with Waste Management of New Jersey Inc for the disposal of recycled corrugated cardboard and comingled materials bid number 22-31 for a period of three months for the Department of Public Works Public Works resolution 24 64 move by councilwoman second by councilman of councilwoman D councilman abiz roll call M cler on item 55 roll call on item number 55 for approval councilman abdal yes councilwoman cartton yes councilwoman Dava yes councilman Jackson yes councilwoman Mims yes councilman Odin yes Mr President by yes B clerk thank you the votes are seven yeses two absences item number 48 is hereby adopted thank you man CL item 56 yes item number 56 is a resolution authorizing a contract amendment to negli Engineering Associates for the qualification proposals for the design and construction Administration for the 21st Avenue streetscaping RFP number 2022 d29 for the division of engineering of the Department of Public Works Public Works resolution 24 call move by councilwoman Dava second by councilwoman M and councilman roer 56c no and second by Council my apologies Council speak a little louder Council roll call M on item 56 roll call and item number 56 for approval councilman abdal liiz yeah this is a long time coming I'm glad to see it uh director hopefully by Springtime this whole project will be done we've been working on this for a couple years this is a grant that came in from the state of New Jersey that I advocated uh very very hard with the administration down in Trenton this is going to unify the street SC in 21st AV from um Madison a down past Boys and Girls Club and hopefully we start get this done and go on to the other side of 21st half so I'm very happy to support this my vote is yes thank you thank you councilman abdulaziz councilwoman cotton thank you madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilwoman cotton councilwoman daver my vote is yes thank you councilwoman Dava councilman Jackson yes thank you councilman Jackson Council RS yes thank you Dr Mims councilman Udin yes Madam clerk thank you councilman Udin Mr President my V is yes M clerk thank you Mr President the votes are seven yeses two absences item number 56 is hereby adopted president before director Rodriguez leave please uh councilwoman uh Kon I know no no I just wanted um um I on the on the consent agenda we we had the I want to let everyone know that we had uh we going out to bid for the 12th Avenue playground yes um we still haven't been able to decide yet about the back part of it on gwin Avenue uh about trying to put a playground area there but the basketball court on 12th Avenue is going out for bid hopefully when is the deadline uh director for the bid to be back oh that got fact do you have any idea any I just want you to know what there um a few people had called me about 12th Avenue playground so we are going out the bed I just text um I just want to find out now and I'll talk with you later Billy director about the playground in the back part on gowin Avenue street side okay thank you director you got it um thank you um collect let's do item 49 yes Mr President 49 yes 49 down we have a few item before public portion item 49 it's a resolution to amend the calendar year 2024 49 I'm sorry 4 49 is being removed out of out of the uh out of the asper or um VA and here's capacity Harry let's do item 52 yeah so we're going 50 going down M CLI let's do item 50 yes 51 item number por item 50 man clerk yes C woman item number 50 is a resolution celebrating 30 years of Ministry for Apostle Derek etan it's sponsored by councilwoman Dr Lisa Mims and councilwoman Ruby and cotton city council resolution 24 colon 638 so moves second it was moved by Council Mims second by councilwoman C and Council roll call M cler on it 50 I know I roll call on item number 54 approval councilman abdalaziz yes councilwoman CT I just want to say for Apostle um he's been U he's he will be celebrating 30 years in Ministry um uh edin and so I'm saying congratulations of being 30 years in the in the ministry uh Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilwoman cotton councilwoman Davin yes thank you councilman Jackson yes thank you councilwoman Ms congratulations Apostle ET my vote is yes thank you councilwoman Ms councilman Udin yes thank you councilman Mr President thank you congratulation my vote is yes Madam clerk thank you Mr President the votes are seven yeses two absence two absences item number 50 is hereby adopted and CC frame that in purple I'm sorry purple item number 51 mad cler item number 51 is a resolution celebrating Apostle Joel D Rudolph for 40 years of faithful pastoral leadership it's sponsored by Dr Lisa Mims and councilwoman Ruby and cartton so move mve by councilwoman Mims second by councilwoman Ruby cutton discussion discussion councilwoman Ms I'm Miss Apostle Jo D Rudolph senior oh Jo D rol s thank you thank you council president sure thank you roll call M clerk roll call and item number 51 as amended we should read resolution celebrating Apostle Joel D Rudolph Senor for 40 years of faithful pastoral leadership it's sponsored by councilwoman Dr Lisa Mims and councilwoman Ruby an cotton city council resolution 24 calling 639 councilman abdulaziz yes councilwoman cotton thank you madam clerk I just want to say congratulations to aposta Rudolph celebrating 40 Years of in the ministry so uh Fellowship um van hton street they're very Community person actually once a week they do a full Pantry um they have always partnership with me in Barbara Park uh Christmas and Thanksgiving so I want to say congratulations 40 years of being in the ministry with that being said Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilwoman cotton councilwoman daver uh congratulations my vote is yes thank you councilwoman Davin councilman Jackson yes thank you you councilman Jackson councilwoman Mims so I met Apostle J D Rudolph Senor he was my uh pastor and spiritual father when he came to pison in 1981 I want to commend the great work he has done and is doing his church is the Christian Fellowship Center um which is on 359 Van hton Street they will be celebrating him at the end of the month for 40 years of faithful leadership and commitment to the city I want to commend him and the staff and the church for the great work they've done over the course of the years to help our great city of Patterson Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you Dr Ms counil council president my vot is yes Madam clerk thank you council president item 52 Madame clerk item 52 that's right no let me announce let's go may I just announce the votes the votes are six yeses three absences item number 51 is hereby adopted item number 532 52 52 I'm sorry item number 52 is a resolution appointing Eva razac to the board of directors to the patteron task force for Community Action is sponsored by council president Alex Mendes city council resolution 24 Fallen six second move by council president Mendes second by councilwoman Davila councilwoman Mims and Council woman C and councilman roll call Mad clerk on item 52 roll call on item 5 52 for approval councilman abdalaziz so I'll bad lead off over here AA so I'm going to give you a fun fact the six ward council person is the only council person out of this entire board that does not get an appointment to the the task force it was done in the 80s that is true Tom Rooney gave it up and he does not get it I saw the resolution in the emails so so you got to keep a knife right you're going to be our eyes and ears a I got and I know you're going to do a great job my vote is yes she's not she thank you she's not even in thank you councilman abdulaziz councilwoman cotton yeah uh thank you congratulation Eva on being appointed to the p and task force board congratulations Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilwoman cotton woman DAV so I'm I'm happy that you know I get to speak right um on a different level of knowing who Ava rayac really is um someone who loves children who loves community and I know that personally because she was someone that when my son was very young okay uh out of aha she was a person that took care of him um and she knew then that he was special and and um she always he was kind of a very lonely you know on the side person and she would always go up to him and let him know you know Miss razac has you and and let me tell you he's going to be 26 years old all right and this is something that she's been doing for years uh Patterson Public Schools lost someone great but guess what she's doing better things and she's part of the community and now she's going to be part of this task force I know you're going to do a wonderful job these words come from the heart okay um we can agree to disagree on things and that's okay even in Las Familia but at the end of the day there's much love and respect and anyone that loves my child anyone that loves my child has my love and respect and support so with that said my vote is happily yes thank you councilwoman Dava councilman Jackson yes thank you councilman Jackson councilwoman Mims congratulations Queen welld deserved my vote is yes thank you Dr mes councilman urin commissioner rosak uh really because you already got vot you got five votes already five plus I believe so again this is very well-deserved position uh you are a strong uh Community leader that's how I see you and I believe that uh council president got the right person for this right job and uh yeah so again uh congratulations from now I to make sure that I use your title commissioner iar razak and I love your last name by the way that's Bali last name you carrying for many many years and uh and definitely I'm so happy for you congrats thank you thank you councilman Udin Mr President thank you Madame clerk uh Eva you know it's definitely a a blessing to have you as one of my constituent the third war you are Advocate you advocate for everybody you're the captain of that block you you're everywhere helping your neighbor because of you we put a signs it's that that say do not enter on your block uh we put the speed limit sign every time you call me with request we get it done because you're helping me to do a better job as a councilman of the third war if I will have 10 Eva around third war in the city of patteron it'll be incredible because you speak up and together we work great I'm very sure that you going that you're going to do a phenomenal job uh you know as my commissioner at the patteron task for congratulation we got to do the swe informally here and with that being said my vote is yes thank you Mr President the votes are seven yeses two absences item number 52 is hereby adopted yeah thank you H so let's move to item 53 uh M clerk item number 53 is a resolution reappointing April J Lampley to the board of directors the patteron task force for Community Action is sponsored by councilwoman Ruby and carton city council resolution 24 col 641 second move it second move by councilwoman Kon second by councilwoman Mims and councilwoman roll call Mad CLK on item 53 roll call on item number 53 for approval councilman abdalaziz yes thank you councilman councilwoman cotton thank you madam cler I want to say to you Eva U my is coming on there her name is April Lampley uh to the p and task force and I know that you would love April Lampley so I know you do but she's really good and so her name is April lley um congratulations to my person to the task force board Madame clerk my vot is yes thank you councilwoman cotton councilwoman Dava we're on item 53 right item 53 yes so councilwoman we are reappointing right right reappointing she ain't coming there she is there already so which is great I'm in full support my vote is yes thank you councilwoman daver councilman Jackson yes thank you councilman Jackson councilwoman Mims great job commissioner Lampley good to see you back my vote is yes thank you Dr Ms councilman Udin my vote is yes Madam clerk thank you councilman Udin Mr President congratulation my vote is yes madame clerk thank you Mr President the votes are seven yeses two absences item number 53 is is hereby adopted thank you Madame clerk item 54 Madame clerk yes counil am item number item number 54 is a resolution designating the third Saturday in every September as family fellowship walk it's sponsored by councilman Michael Jackson City Council resolution 24 colon 642 second second it was it was moved by councilman Jackson second by Council Ms and councilwoman Davila roll call man clerk on item 50 on it 54 discussion discussion Council M so I just have a question because it's in our packet as a draft I don't see anything it wasn't signed by legal they didn't put it in res form Corporation have the sign res you have it okay yeah I just want to make sure cuz we don't have that we just have the draft but we're we're okay as long as we have it signed 54 she has it we don't have that okay oh yeah we signed it and sent it up okay thank you it was signed today so okay I just want to make sure because it's not in the packet thank you council president no problem call cler roll call on item 54 for approval coun AB yes councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman Davin yes councilman Jackson thank you madam clerk this item is just acknowledging the hard work and commitment by Pastor Sevilla and the entire kaapa organization and what they do to try to um uh mitigate violence in our community and doing a peace walk my vote is yes Madam clerk thank you councilman Jackson councilwoman Mims yes thank you Dr Mims councilman urin so I I definitely have to acknowledge the hard work of kalapa and especially Reverend uh uh hasia that we participated lot Fellowship walk and I thank councilman Jackson for putting this together and recognizing this particular Saturday the third Saturday of September to walk as a family fellowship walk and again uh uh this is this is absolutely my honor to support the hard work for the entire organization and all the rever uh that work for this organization my body yes M thank you councilman urin Mr President uh thank you um mad clerk um definitely Pastor seev has been doing an amazing job in the community for many many years um so he's involved advocating for people helping the community not only praying for our city but supporting the community with action so with that being said my vote is yes thank you Mr President the votes are seven yeses two absences I item number 54 is hereby adopted thank you m CL we have item 28 29 out of the consent agenda let's take take care those two item let's start with item 28 Madam clerk yes Mr President item number 28 after this item number 28 is a resolution authorizing the solicitation of bids for the purchase delivery and maintenance of solar powered trust receptacles bid number 25.10 for the U program of the Department of Economic Development move move by Council second by Council Ms roll call Mon on item 28 roll call on item number 28 for approval councilman AB solicitation of bids my vot is yes thank you councilman councilman woman cartton yes councilwoman Davin um for the record this is just a resolution for solicitation of bids my vote is yes thank you councilwoman councilman Jackson yes thank you councilwoman mes so just for the record 28 and 29 were on consent it could have been voted on a long time ago and now we're just going through it it should have been voted before my vote is yes thank you Dr Mims councilman Udin so before I before I vote um uh I was in support of removing this item from consent agend agenda because I had some question to the director of uh euz and I asked these questions and I got the answers but again I didn't get the opportunity to ask uh in front of public uh no you cannot answer any question now because they're voting so uh as he as he stated that's all I can I can tell you for the record that uh $276,000 left for Us's uh uh you know uh account uh to purchase more solar uh trash can so if we approve this item today we are going to move forward to purchasing more trash and that that this is what I was told so again um I didn't get a chance to ask a question I lucky you but um my vote is yes M thank you councilman Udin Mr President uh thank you uh mad clct my vot is yes thank you Mr President the votes are seven yeses two absences item number 28 thank you members of the public we're about to start public portion if you don't have your name on the list add your name on the list you will have three minutes to address the council mam CL do item 29 yes Mr President item number 29 is a resolution authorizing the solicitation of bids for the clean community clean commercial corridors project bid number 2511 for the U program of the Department of Economic Development it's uh may I have a sponsor please motion it was mov by Council M second by Council roll call clerk on item 29 roll call on item 29 for approval councilman abdalaziz yes councilwoman carton Madame clerk my vote is yes thank you councilwoman councilwoman Davin yes councilman Jackson yes councilwoman M yes councilman yes Mr President uh thank you m CL before my vote this is a clear example of democracy any council member could request an item to be removed from the conscent agenda because they might have some question and I always grant that to any council members to make sure that they make a smart decision uh while they voted so with that me said my vote is yes M clerk thank you Mr President the votes are seven yeses two absences item number 29 is hereby adopted yes me me now now members of the public members of the public now we're going to start a public portion you have 3 minutes to address the Council on a respectfully way and the administration as well after 3 minute I would respectfully ask you to move and allow the next person speak because we have also a secary section right after the meeting we we have a secretary session with a legal with a legal team that is here to discuss a legal matter and we will be back at the meeting on the voting section so let me call the first Speaker M cler how many speaker we have 20 Mr President so we have 20 20 20 speaker M okay 20 speaker so let's call the first Speaker M cler first speaker is Miss Eva L razac um M go is Eva I'm sorry who's the first Speaker man cler Eva El razac Eva okay Eva go ahead Eva no because he has to leave oh you have to leave okay what's what's his name m CL are you Don Graham sir yes Mr TR how are you gr yes Don Graham Graham like the cracker yeah um I was I was requested to appear tonight uh for a gentleman who is in who is in absentee Mr alares he wish to address the situation in terms of the $50,000 increase in a certain position within the city he also wish to address the city attorney's money that he will receive as an increase in addition to the $6,000 increase that each council person will receive for payment for their AIDS um okay all right the concern is about a $50,000 increase in salary for a person who is not here the business administrator in addition he questions the City attorney getting the same $50,000 increase all right the council people here are getting $225,000 to hire a Aid okay in addition they're getting another $6,000 as a pay increase all right with that said let me add one thing as a trained accountant the fiscal responsibility which is called fiduciary responsibility is not being maintained I learned a long time ago the way you steal money is you hide it in the books certain amount of money that is relocated miscellaneously is being misappropriated the city is in trouble I walk past the P County Jail it's being torn down this city doesn't have a viable tax base because there are no large corporate entities in this city that pay the city okay all the construction being done is the majority of rental property which the people who live in that property don't pay taxes so if you don't get the taxes from the owners that's more money that's being taken from the city okay thank thank you next speaker M clerk Miss Eva l razac okay ready hi good evening everyone good evening first of all I want to say thank you for um Mr Mendes for you really appointing me and trusting me to be a commissioner um I know that Eva razac can say this that wherever I get appointed I'm going to do my job correctly honestly and professionaly I wanted to say also that um something that was being said before with the garbage recently I was coming down um 17 half and there was a young man from New York with a Yoo truck a no a rider truck a 22t rider truck and he was taking out boxes and dumping them and I got out the car and I let them know I called the cops but it took them a while for them to get there and they had left so The Dumping in the cities is really looking bad but here it is I thank each and every one of you ladies and gentlemen for appointing me also for commissioner I would swear solemnly swear to do my duty in the best of my capacity and for all my constituents out here sitting here I am here to serve you in whichever way I can without no no limitations so once again thank you for trusting me my city thank you for having me here I'm very honored to be here I will continue to fight for all of us and to continue to do the right thing Mr Mendes once again thank you for trusting me thank you for believing in me and you damn right about being the third war leader I'm the mayor in that block poy and no but it's they call me and they ask for help so we all help that's right because Miss Eevee doesn't die taking nothing I just want to leave the Legacy and Patterson that I was a hardworking dedicated person who cared about everyone in my town thank you God bless everyone and may we continue to stick with each other no fighting no arguing lots of love and thank you everyone who's out here rooting for me too thank you so much we love you more thank you thank you and so everybody that's watching Remember row a all the way and not only that we have a Puerto Rican woman who's running is a woman let's get all women out there to do our jobs thank you she right there you go boo boo cuz we all got there you go mama I feel you I get it so we all got to stick together and we all got to work together because when we elect these officials they know what time it is we elect them so they have to listen and I know they listen so once again I'm going to do this I tip off my hat and I'm I'm going to cry when I get home because I feel honored that I am in a position that I can help more cuz yes I'm not in the school system but thank you for knowledging who I am and thank you my queen for telling me I'm a queen and thank you guys for acknowledging because it's good to be acknowledged for what you do in this city love you love you love you too let's speak M clerk Darlene Morris [Music] okay uh good evening my name is Darlene moris although I don't currently reside in Patterson I was born and bred in Patterson and I am a lifelong paronian having run my own business koi jacala for seven years and spent many years working within the school district I feel that my perspective is valuable especially since my input has been sought after more times than one would ever expect I'm here not only to share my thoughts but also to propose Solutions and actively engage in making them a reality however I have noticed that when concerns are raised to the council they often seem to be no answers or resolutions provided when Mike Jackson attempts to highlight certain challenges he has frequently met with this state yet many of his claims as reported in the news appear to be valid consider these issues the Art Factory libes which reportedly owes the city nearly $100,000 the budget overrun on the stadium ongoing garbage collection code enforcement cards being towed people being uncomfortable the homeless as I walked in smell the smell of urine all the way up to this door the city hall um roof we're here because of the uh breakdown in City Hall I wonder why others haven't addressed these pressing matters with the same fervor if Mike is misrepresenting facts then let's expose the misinformation and clarify the truth some may criticize his approach but remember Saul offered David his armor yet David knew it wouldn't lead him to Victory it often feels like people want to demand compliance without taking action themselves it seems to it seems that to succeed today not just in pisan you must become well adjusted to Injustice and desensitized to the injustices of the status quo become a parrot in somebody else's cage ultimately conforming to the narrow definition of success that benefits only the few the decline of Patterson is evident and we need voices to speak the truth unfort Ely it feels like the leadership is leading patodi to the promised land of nowhere as someone who is free myself as I am free and I have nothing let me clarify that I have nothing to gain other than the progress of my community that I was born in I will continue to speak my truth and I I I will speak for The Voice re voices regardless to who thinks I should or not in addition to that I just want to add I know there's numerous people that live it that do not live in patteron that contribute to patteron I am not the only one I know people that have come here wrote business plans for people contributed money contributed their time and they're still doing it so in my opinion you don't have to live in patteron to be concerned you don't have to live in Patterson to work for people in patteron to get answers for their businesses you don't have to do that all you have to do is care and love the community that you were born in thank [Applause] you Miss Deborah hanal thank you m CL speaker good evening Council Madame clerk Deputy clerk to the administration I want to say hello to Mr vales so nice to see you uh I know uh earlier anybody that has had an opportunity to work with you know that you're excellent so it was nothing personal I appreciate when a council person digs into the numbers because we need somebody to to get to the bottom of things last week during the presentation there were many questions answered asked and I don't know know that they've been answered even for the public we have a right to know what the answers were so what happens is is that we come here we ask questions we don't get an answer back we hear the questions we don't know if this is a good idea but it's been voted on and we have to accept it that's that's how it happens now I look uh back through to May 2021 the issue of illegal dumping was brought up then and the council uh suggested then $10,000 so nothing happens it's just like we just play in a circle I wanted to talk about today being the deadline to register to vote but it's we waited so late to get to the public portion that is closed so nobody can go now um so please if you want to register online you can go to vote 411.org uh and I still just am very concerned about the audit being late for 2021 the audit for 2022 that has downgraded our credit rating for Moody Patterson was one of 37 local governments around the country that their credit rating was downgraded so that's 37 in the whole country and one of two municipalities in the state of New Jersey there are 564 municipalities so the ba said that the reason why that happened was the dog ate my homework what she said was was because of covid as if Co was not a global pandemic how how can you be sit and collect $50,000 and give that as your response I expect a little bit more creativity we have Mr saala sitting here not only did she give herself $50,000 rais but she hired another full-time person and somebody that was a part-time made that a full-time so that's just money just going out of the window we're getting less and paying more and I'm going to take a little extra time because we saw I'm going to wrap it up I'm going to wrap it up but today's paper when I say the hits just keep on coming the hits just keep on coming if you see today's paper the sewer fees aren't being collected so we already had in September two people come there was a business owner who wasn't getting paid there was a grant person who wasn't getting paid so that says that we're not paying our bills and then today we learned that we're not even collecting money that is due to us and I've come here a several times and I've written to the the payroll supervisor the pension fund supervisor to say that monies that were deducted from my pay in August 2022 those were pension monies that should have been sent to Trenton have not been sent to Trenton now we all know that is not right and I see legal legal no that's not legal you cannot take money let's say if it was child support if I had a child support payroll deduction come out of my pay and you're holding my money there's a problem we are sounding the alarm when we come up here we want you to be fiscally responsible we want you to ask the questions how much are these cameras costing you just said hold this uh issue about the solar powered I haven't seen one of these trash cans but I know junk when I see junk I've only seen it on social media but that's some junk and I don't know why we're trying to buy more junk when you can buy a plastic trash can I've lived in other municipalities and they have bought some big containers we to even come here at night it's a it's filthy than this is Patterson that I love love and I I hate What's Happening Here it hurts my heart and I I mean I don't have this kind of time I have church activities I have community activities I go work with children in the school to teach them about the importance of voting and this hurts my heart I want somebody to care that's all we want and if you're not examining these these if you're not examining these invoices and stuff that is being presented before you then why are you there so please people go vote because people are making decisions for us and they don't care about us they don't care this I seen a lady out there that's probably old enough to be my grandmother almost in this in this Alleyway that makes no sense next speaker M next speaker is Mr Victor MB follow the money follow the money together Mr President members of the council thank you thank you for the space good evening um I to my surprise I saw item number 47 on the agenda for the bid for the 12th Avenue Park um and it brings me great pleasure to see you there because um we worked to get this done for the last 6 months um however having said that my organization Dominican American political force sent out a letter about the park back in September and we never got a reply from nobody under the city council the mayor did respond and it is on the agenda and we are very pleased to see it um having said that uh once that bit is done we would like the community to collaborate as to the new look of that Park on 12th Avenue on the fourth War um the other issue that I would like to address it is the issue of the garbage in the city of Patterson um often times my organization again Dominican American political force we go around the city taking photographs of the dumpings of the garbage are is and even the flower pots right outside City Hall are filled with garbage um you know people stand on the bus stops I walk a lot through the city I'm a walker and right outside the city hall people on the bus stops next to filth and garbage you know and that something I mean I don't know if I'm the only one who sees this see and it is a i sword that needs to be addressed yes I know we putting all these money into these camera systems my God but we cannot even clean flower pots so it is something that has to address and we can start small we can start just cleaning the area of City Hall and expand from there basic cleaning that we can do we have the Personnel we have the volunteers we have school that these kids can volunteer I mean the question becomes do we really want to do it because our home our homes are are clean we clean our homes why can't we just clean the F the pl well good me members of the public we're going do Republic portion please it is it is vital it is vital that we take care of this and lastly all I want to say is this we have a duty you have a duty to really take on these issues the the the the Personnel is there reach out to us listen let's get together and get this C cleaned because if we don't no matter how many cameras we have it's it's very simple we got 77 cameras 77 spaces we'll find other 77 that do not have cameras so it is vital that we get together together as people as a city and try to tackle these issues thank you next speaker M clerk Erica pla eraz good evening um my name is Erica Plaza most of you that know me and have worked with me I am on Plaza that's how they call me I am one of the candidates for um pison Board of Ed I'm running I do want to say to the public that I am running because I care I know everybody that's here today they're here because they care about patteron I am a student from scho two I'm proud TOA for proud to be from patteron and I acknowledge everybody thinking about our kids our our kids that are we need to empower them and that's what I want to do as a woman as Latina and all the cultes that I love because I say I'm afro Latina for those that don't know so I am a AF Latina and I'm very proud of my roots and I'm going to work towards everybody I do not see no color I'm a person that I keep it real and I speak my mind and I will continue to speak my mind so thank you everybody I am five J please vote November 5th I really need everybody's support I need the community to come out and vote please you need to come out and vote this is the only way we are going to make a difference for our students in our future our future doctors lawyers mechanic and even future Mayors so please help me thank you very much appreciate it thank you next speaker M cler next speaker David Gilmore together okay good evening Dave Gilmore Patterson I want to speak fast cuz it's three minutes a killer I came here from the hospital in the hospital today cuz I care I care and I want you to know VA hospital cuz I'm a veteran and I want to remind you you on my federal lawsuit for denying me my right to speak deny me again deny me one more time so we can amend the case for the fifth time for the six years that we're P pushing this federal case forward matter of fact you owe my lawyer $100,000 and the case that first case is over closed a year ago I paid $40,000 I want my money or $100,000 000 I want my damn money now back to uh this uh situation with the permit fees fire me again cuz I Am The Whistleblower on the permit fees out of my office the illegal activities of the people that work in that office pushing cosos and permits forward without the receipt of the fees the fees come through the sewage sewer division this thing here that you got here you want to change the law but you got to go back to the state the state says who how this thing is processed not the city not the city and then you had it for economic development it's not an economic development issue it's a a DPW issue so whoever did this names I won't I won't embarrass nobody you embarrass yourself putting putting stuff on here at the end of the day it's illegal to change it without going to the state you can't do that and who's it benefiting changing the permit fees or the uh sewage connection fees from from pre permit to pre uh uh uh uh Co develop it's for the developers developers have too much influence you know I'm not mad at the developers yeah they have a job to do but it's the community residents that approve it why no parking overcrowding uh overcrowding the schools we can't support all this development and no taxes on these developments for 30 years what are you doing something's wrong here I'm not accusing nobody of nothing but I'm not stupid other people were called stupid earlier I'm not stupid I'm not one of them so I see things for what they are it's clear to me what's going on so I'm here on my own valtion I work for uh Tiffany uh Delaney formerly the of of currently the director of Economic Development thank God she's there and got rid of all racist Mike Powell firing blind people when firing me uh for some sexual uh uh accusations that were unfounded and found to be in conspiracy with others to fire me fire me again for telling the truth I I wrapped myself in the First Amendment I'm a veteran Vietnam aret and I don't stand up there and and give uh false testimony to Pledge of Allegiance like a lot of people do I don't do that I served okay and at the end of the day fire me again if you want to we'll just amend we'll just amend the case again thank you let's pick cler [Applause] twindle Prater good afternoon my name is twindle Prader and I would just like to share how my quiet life has been interrupted by an illegal business by my neighbor two weeks ago um a fleet of gypsy buses um began to trickle down down my street I called my councilman no intervention um my neighbor decided that she was going to start renting out her vacant property with grass and soil to a bunch of buses um called the patteron police they said to me that uh it's her property she can do what she want to I went to the inspector on excuse me sir I went to the inspector's office they came out they put a ticket on her door but evidently she is so comfortable running this illegal business that it is in full effect every day what what happens is that the drivers of these buses they come down my little Street which is a dead end Street they um take the buses out and they Park their cars on on this like I said grass soil diesel buses so we're talking about contamination some of these buses are backed in so close to one of my neighbors property that I know in the morning when they start these buses up toxins fumes are going into their houses some of the neighbors said the noise from the buses from backing up be be beep beep is so much noise that it's just the quality of our life has just gone to a minimum if you ride down Webster Avenue right now you will see a a fleet of buses parked on the street and on her property and I just want to know what is going to be done because if I'm bringing this issue to you that means we need help on Webster Avenue and how comfortable can you be doing illegal business in patteron I'm just people have illegal businesses in the city and they are comfortable running these businesses even with the inspectors coming out giving a warning there's been no effort for her to cease so that goes to show you how comfortable people are running illegal businesses in this city they just figure hey give me a warning I'm still going to continue to do what I want to do and I my quality of life I want a a nice quality of life it's patteron but so what this is where I live this is the city that I take pride in and you just can't do what you feel like doing so I'm bringing this issue and I need help from you guys got Webster Avenue and and another thing I'm sorry I'm sorry one more thing I'mma Be Quick a 114 Webster Avenue if you ride up there now you'll see a 100 Gypsy buses parked on the on the the the so grass toxins Gypsy buses jyy school what they're not they're school buses and those little white buses and another thing the dumping on Nagle Street second ward call the counselman no intervention okay thank you we appreciate your information um let's speak man clerk Elvis Duren Mr Elvis dorm fourth W patteron New Jersey y'all can hear me yep okay before I get before I get into my event just want to say to the public that the Art Factory is closed down for good and I have a plan for y'all p in New Jersey need a community center Recreation Center we need a Performing Art Center for the Youth for people that could sing rap even for these professional singers to come into town or to the city we also need a hotel and that one building could provide all that at the Art Factory mot okay not a prostitute Mo Motel someone say we need a professional Hotel okay and this Art Factory could could deliver this because I believe when they was open they had some they had a hotel in there and they had they had apartments in there so it's no excuse we have a building now bring it bring the Performing Art Center bring the hotel bring the recreation center building all that could be in one building okay job that's it's going to create a lot of jobs y'all more job less problems now I can get into my event Elvis dorm Outreach music productions coming to the first war Elvis dorm Outreach music productions presents Christian Mania Christian Mania 2024 Sunday November 3rd 2024 doors open at 3:00 p.m. this event will start on time at 4:00 p.m. it's going to be at New Generation Kingdom of power Ministry 170 North Main Street 170 North Main Street in patteron New Jersey where the pastor is Pastor Thomas Purry at this event I'm going to have four speakers each speaker got each speaker got 10 minutes and one of the speakers is my blood brother we got the same Mama Chef David banister Minister Chef David banister will be speaking at this event for more information you can call me at 862 823 3895 this is a free world donation event everyone is invited to come to this event okay um y'all can hear me right okay everyone is invited to come to this event this event is going to be so amazing um also I want to um promote my YouTube channel my YouTube channel is py NJ good news you can find so many great things that's going on in this city py NJ good news on YouTube I also have a Facebook page my Facebook page got got the information got more information than any other media in this city my Facebook page is Elvis good news d h m my Facebook page Elvis good news d r h a m my YouTube patteron NJ good news God bless you and good name thank you Alis next speaker M cler next speaker is cameel black Cameo black she's not there oh yes she's downstairs Cory teag no no she's coming oh she's coming oh she was on lawence [Music] good evening I'm here um oh the thing fell up um valz ain't here but I'm coming to make y'all we on Friday on marketting Su Street they started getting initiation unfortunately one of the kids that was coming out of east side he just got punched in the mouth uh his mouth was leaking I made Captain Murray inil is aware of it then like 2 o' that morning Saturday morning they did a robbery but the people that they tried to Rob beat the out of them I know everybody don't heard about it but then this morning 8:30 kids going to school they got to run because of the gang initiation then this afternoon I had to physically go downstairs on one foot I have pictures of the cops standing outside chilling with the guys like it's nothing if the police is out there to protect and serve but they chilling with the people what is the point of the police being in who do we reach out to and then I talk to certain people it's like oh they don't care how many more kids have to get killed how many more kids do we have to bury when is it going to stop when is it going to end everybody come up here everybody sit here fighting about the biz and all this other excuse my language but these kids life is in danger kids is dying every single day how many more kids do we have to burn how many everybody calling my phone talk about votes I don't give a who win I'm on one foot since I've been on this foot I talked to two people Ruby C Mike Jackson I appreciate y'all for reaching out to me everybody always calling about votes and about this and about that don't call me I'm not voting for nobody I don't care who went at the end of the day it's about these kids if if you don't care about the kids and we not talking about kids don't call me cuz I'm sick of it and everybody always say oh don't go speak up for this person don't go speak up for that person then you look like the bad guy if I'mma look like the bad guy so be it cuz I'mma stand 10 toes down for these kids like I keep telling yall every year it's about to be the sixth year that I go in my pocket and go and give something for these kids it's the same people that help me it takes a village to raise these kids there a lot of parents y'all know that these kids don't get the treatment at home they out here in these streets looking for it if you see them help them out reach out to them I don't care black white Spanish whatever color it is everybody is starting to make everything a race issue I don't give a damn what color the kid is if you see him in distress help them if y'all see somebody chasing them like I said I seen a kid getting chased today with a knife 30 PE 30 kids I got the footage chasing one kid the kid the cop sat in the car and did absolutely nothing so I went downstairs and had to go to the car and ask them what's up y'all how can I see this out my third floor window but y'all can't see this right here in y'all face enough is enough and like I said Mendes don't do it don't do it Mendes don't do it cuz if it was one of y'all you going to do the same thing not to sound racist but that boy by SE Town y'all bust y' ass to get him back to Dr start doing the same thing for our black kids cuz I'm tired of it let's let's pick Let's good evening Corey teag 65 Prince Street I was out there today and I happen to see that as well but I I just want to say a couple of things first thing is leadership or is not so much about being in charge but it's about taking care of the people that you've been entrusted to be in charge of that's what leadership is about now children are in school between six to 10 hours a day and I'll explain why depending on whether they have an after school program Boys and Girls Club and what have you but the time that they're not in school impacts the time that they're in school and that's one of the biggest problems I have because we have this attitude that if it doesn't happen on school property or it doesn't take place on school grounds that we shouldn't be concerned about it these are our children whether they're in school or whether they're on the corner so the kind of leadership that I have brought is not even to lead but it's to actually assist the community so yes I am running this year for a position on the school board not to be in charge of anything but to actually be one of the voices up there that care I have a 15-year-old nonverbal autistic son who I've been fighting for every year of his life and I'm going to take that same passion and continue to fight for all the children in the district I've been doing it for years and I'm going to continue to do it no matter what come no matter what may happen health issues that have happened in the past all I'm asking is that you guys consider me as one of your choices I'm 3j on the ballot you guys know what I'm bringing to the table as far as the cameras I got to touch on this real quick look I have hundreds of hours of footage of illegal dumping and I in charge the city of dime it's free y'all can just go up there and grab it the DPW director spoke to me we're going to meet I might even have to testify in court that that's my footage that I took that way we can take these people to court so no matter how many cameras they put in the street just know Cory te's camera will be there too and whatever's on my page you guys can grab that for free it's free of charge and it's actual footage I'm not it's not AI generated I'm standing there watching them dump the stuff out of the truck onto the sidewalk the last video we posted I think it got what 20 or 30,000 views so it's not a problem of people seeing it it's a problem of of actually taking action now we want the community to step forward but a lot of times the community is waiting to see the leadership step forward one of the only people that I've seen well you know I ain't gonna go there I'm I'm I'll put it like this as a community and as a city council and as a Schoolboard we all need to get together because when you take away the school board you take away the city council we're all Patterson residents so one day we all need to just get together put our title aside and say we're Patterson that's right and start working on voting for a new mayor that's right that's what we got to do at what point do we get tired and say enough is enough at what point do we get tired and say enough is enough if you continue to do the same things you will continue to get the same results you cannot fix the problems with the same thinking that created them thank you commission we already know that the one Patterson theme was a hoax now it's time for us to do something about it let's speaker M cler Nella V Samuels Nella V Samuels excuse me Mendes can I ask that you have some manners because I have bipolar and I will switch have manners have manners don't cut me off if I'm not finished have manners that's all I ask okay I'm here to represent tier one chosen generation we're having a Gala on the 26th of October 2024 between 1 and 5 the reason why I came to be a PR person and volunteer representation because tier one chosen generation has helped me out a lot and I've seen where they help the community as far as drugs alcohol and mental health we're actually making a difference making a change we go out there and we do harm reduction and I see where mayor SE has put a lot of funding into um tier one chosen generation and he's allocating those monies in the proper way um the gala is to give back to the people who have donated to tier one as you know monies funds so he's giving plaqu and whatever and it's going to be a um it's going to be I'm sorry I got blank it's going to be a show and everything and a dinner at The Brownstone on the 26th I can give you Dr Moody's number I have tickets the tickets are $100 and Dr Moody's number is 203 947 7416 if I give you a ticket um it's $100 and you zel the money directly to Dr Moody thank you let's pick M clerk next speaker Michael Idol good evening everybody my name is Mikael LEL and I live at 463 PR I have no shame to tell him where I am where I live well what's going on in this city is a lot of times I don't agree in how Mike Jackson puts it but I have to start agreeing with what's going on what he's saying because if you look if you drive around the city of patteron and you spend all that money on cameras a couple weeks ago a couple months ago somebody got caught by the dog pound the license plate was there the person's face was there the model of the truck as far as I know nothing happened the way it used to be was mayor Graves used to go to your house and pick you up har you remember that when Graves used to go to your house and pick you up he was a 24hour 7-Day a week mayor and there was no cell phone he had two telephones in his car and if something happened he turned his ass right around and came back here because he remembers that this is where it all started right here the other thing is that we have so much with the illegal dumping is going on we need to start holding Property Owners accountable because I come home on Broadway I come down Route four from from pamis area every day and every single week by by on Broadway there's an apartment building and next to it a dead empty lot and every single week There's sofas and tables and garbage it has to be coming from the apartment building you cannot tell me that somebody is driving around driving around the same exact spot the same exact every single week so we need to start holding those people accountable and then also too is what's going on in the city is I don't know about the patteron app the patteron plus but a lot of things get closed and they're not even rectified it's sad when I have to drive around the city of patteron at 4:30 in the morning take pictures and then send it to the mayor's cell phone at 5 6 o'clock in the morning because this this is not the way the city should operate the other thing is too is that we need to bring back the bulk garbage because it doesn't matter if you schedule it it doesn't get picked up one of my wife's friends lives on Union a 508 Union a and she has it she has to put out bulk garbage so she called them she doesn't know how to do computer and and and all that stuff she called them they said that you have to do it on the app that you have to schedule why can't you just call and say okay we put your name down and get it we need to start going back to basics because a lot of people don't have to use the phone like that so if we go back to basics where's the street cleaners down by broad Broadway Lower Broadway from Masonic temple to the Board of Health is not seeing street sweeper in months if not years why then we also have to stop the best way to do is the sewer fees is you have to collect them before the work gets done because if you don't get it now you a your ass ain't going to get it that simple all the illegal building that's going on we need to hire somebody from this to watch the city and watch all the sale all the houses that are for sale Tom faldo's house was listed it was bought by a flipper it was turned around I'm wrapping it up it was turned around it's $429 prant have they made a basement apartment out of there they're charging $1,500 a month so now how does it what's the process when you buy a house does the inspectors go back right away or we need to change that we need to go back three or four months down the road and that's where you'll find your illegal Apartments thank you thank you next speaker mad clerk M Chanel Fields good evening um before my time is started I was instructed and requested by the family of Mary Taylor for her time cuz it's after my time but before my time even starts um the family requested a moment of silence because we did have a visual tonight in front of City Hall so if we can have a moment of silence for Mary Taylor Justice for Mary Taylor Justice for Mary Taylor Justice for Mary Taylor good evening as I stand United here together on today not just in memory of Mary Taylor but I also stand on behalf of those we've lost to gun violence in a call for justice that is long overdue we need Justice we deserve justice and we need um Peace um but we can only have peace um yeah we need find the room before we continue the meeting so no problem coming you can continue continue we need Justice we deserve justice and we need peace but we can only have peace when justice has been served we cannot continue to look the other way the family of Mary Taylor and these victims have endured daily unimaginable pain pain so gut-wrenching that its grief extends far beyond the loss of losing a loved one precious memories and rotation as they linger in the forefronts of each of our our minds are continuously affected every life connected to her has been shattered and with this kind of pain it can only be sued with Justice we are calling on our judicial leaders and our system to Aid us and getting on track to receive closure for the broken loved ones who remain behind let us know that Mary Taylor's life mattered you see Justice is not only about holding individuals accountable it stretches wide and far reaching into space of order to ultimately restore a sense of balance while simultaneously instilling some dignity back into those left behind without the accountability of Justice families are left in limbo not only grappling with grief but left conflicted due to the void of absence of so many answers not provided and lack of responsibility and force we we must continue to raise our voices for those whose lives have been since been silenced by gun violence Mary tayor family deserves the truth they desperately need and deserve to heal now is the time to ensure that their suffering is met with action we cannot continue to cower we cannot back down we must stand together Community to consistently create a future where Justice is not an anomaly but the rule follow through thank you let speak clerk kenet Rosado good evening Council good evening City and residents um my name is Kenny Rosado and I am honored to stand before you as candidate for the Patterson Board of Education as a proud product of school 3 and a graduate of dbas high school I know firsthand the importance of quality education and the role it plays in shape in our future I am a proud homeowner taxpayer dedicated father and a business owner in this city who has had the privilege of serving our community uh my experiences as a parent and entrepreneur have deepened my commitment to ensuring that every child in this city has access to education resources and support they need to succeed I am running for the Board of Education because I believe that our children deserve the best and I am committed to working tily to improve our schools I am one J on the ballot and together we can build a brighter future for all patteron students thank you thank you let speak mon cler next speaker Alan d Jefferson uh no justice no peace uh I want to give honor to uh one of Patterson's finest police officers Officer Gilchrist can we get a moment of silence may you rest in peace Brother uh I didn't come here tonight to uh I came here an as an angry black man okay but I got to be humble tonight I'm going to get away from this mic CU you can hear me okay number one okay um the dumper okay we everybody knows the problem okay we see it the cameras are there they're taking the pictures okay now we need to take some action okay we we done all the Talking let's some action okay we can start from City Hall for City Hall is a mces okay now I say this okay he you can't okay now okay this is what we do okay uh we get the kids involved okay because idle time is the devil's time okay volunteers okay uh we see the garbage we see everything we need to have our homeowners and the people that are responsible for these properties to make sure that they clean them up period and if they don't find them now you say uh I'm going to talk about uh the park new rber to clementy park we're talking about all this money for a guy that came here last week okay I sat here till 12 1:00 okay now I'm going to say this okay I don't care how many cameras you got you need foot soldiers number one number two state local and Patterson Police foot soldiers if you got to get the reserves get the reserves okay because I don't care how many cameras you got you got dead spots okay and dead spots you can't you ain't gonna get nothing so all I'm saying is is that I did security for the IRS for the Patterson Board of Education caught cancer beat it at 74 original pison Alabama Avenue okay now don't tell me I don't know I'll bait I'll debate anybody here anybody okay after the election okay and I heard one guy said you need to we need to go back to school well I want you to come and debate me and we can do it right on TV okay and I'll run you up out of here you know who I'm talking about next speaker M clerk Joseph Hart Joseph Hart I'm here for a few things cuz it seemed like the city of Patterson especially the downtown the downtown section of Patterson it's not the same when I was a kid it used to be beautiful it's all crap to me all of it people don't care where they park at they don't they drive up on the sidewalk I like to see more law enforcement give out them tickets cuz a long time ago there used to be a officer nobody like him but he get your ticket out quick didn't tell you that's right they need some more of him back and buy the Chase Bank and all that and now these guys with these motorbikes and whatnot I you know I try to keep a cool temper but I almost got hit by two of them why are they riding on the street and why I take the transit buses every day and it's like all the mini buses and all these cabs we got and the Ubers they don't give a damn where they park at or how they Park yep and the transit buses have a hard time especially on Ellis Street and all Main Street all of them you got people that just double Park they they blocked the fire hydrants and that's wrong you know I'm disabled right now I used to drive too but we patteron what it's lost it's lost respect there's no more respect from people I could talk about the hoods and all that I Bor the hoods and all that stuff but I'm not here for that because I got to walk every day to the bus stop or wherever else I'm going and it's just not right they they got the merchandise on the sidewalks on both sides where are handicap disabled people poos to walk cuz I'm you know if I be in a wheelchair or something and then cars want parked like that I'm G cut right through the damn thing I ain't GNA care cuz they ain't supposed to be parked there anyway and they should get big fines I see that fine for $55 make it $255 they won't park there no more that's all I got to say right now I'll be back next speaker M CL Abed Al Bet the 178 Michigan have good evening good evening so I'm here the residents have a lot more pressing issues than what I have I contacted the city trying to find the Traffic Engineers who follow the proper protocol to get a speed hump on Michigan Avenue this issue happened I called about a month ago and they said that they would reach out to the councilman the councilman is inaccessible to me I can't he blocked my number on there so he never called me back they also said that they're going to forward it to the councilman's at large no I don't Li you want to see no the city clerk secretary the Council secretary said she's going to email my councilman as well as the three councilman's at large and I should receive a response to see what's the process never heard nothing back for a month listen I got two four I have four children I have two kids under uh two kids that are one years old a 5-year-old and and a three-year-old everybody races up and down Michigan Avenue I'm sure this happens all in the rest of the city it's not just the isolated case but I got to watch out for my children and the children in my neighborhood Michigan a is supposed to get paved past spring according to my councilman but it never happened so hopefully next year but it before it gets paved I want to try to get a speed hump installed so can I get information about that what's the process I know that we have to get but it says you have to contact you have to send an email to the traffic engineer according to the code section 4293 under Section f it says send an email to the traffic engineer and but we the city has no traffic engineer and if you call up city hall or the Traffic Division DPW uh city clerk as well as the city council office it's just a revolving Circle everybody trans you to the next person and nobody has answers so they said they don't yeah we don't have a so you so there's nobody to email stay stay stay here you that process portion we'll get back so that ordinance or resolution is flawed we'll get back to you at the end of the public portion I appreciate that another thing is I mean you guys every single person unanimously voted for a ceasefire in Gaza for the G side and you guys are going to start shaking your heads yes you guys did Udin drafted it but then your guys are enabling the enablers enabling the enablers for the genocide who vice president Harris did she come out say anything Nelly Po got a endorsement by APAC yeah I saw you deleted my Cami Facebook it doesn't matter I'll come right here on live TV and I'll tell everybody you endorsed Nelly po that's enabling the genocide so where do you stand don't a hypocrite either you're a genocider or you're not so pick pick a side thank you let's speak man clerk Joel Keys Jr council members where yeah um let's pick on oh Jo there good evening good evening Joe Keys Patterson you look sharp today man yes oh than I got on my school closed I ain't changed today sir thank you I want to explain further what I mean when I say we want to bring democracy to patteron the political system in the United States is a democracy and the opposite of democracy is Corporate imperialism if I claim that we need to bring democracy to patteron it is clear that corporate imperialism is is ruling the day in patteron and everywhere else in the United States I was reading war against all Puerto Ricans a story about Pedro albizo compus the leader of the Puerto Rican nationalist party who led the Puerto Rican Revolution for Independence upon reading the following statement quote throughout Central America the rigs National Bank was suspected of laundering money for right-wing dictators bribing legislators destabilizing populist regimes and financing military cools disguised as revolutions on behalf of the United Fruit Company unquote I immediately researched the United Fruit Company because the name was familiar it led me to John forer Dulles and his brother Allan Dulles consequently I purchased three books the brothers John forer dullas Allan Dulles and their secret world war the devil's chess board Allan Dulles the CIA and the rise of America's Secret government and dullas a biography of Eleanor Allen and John forer dullas and their family Network the Dulles Brothers changed the game of corporate imperialism they started out as corporate lawyers on Wall Street at Cromwell and Sullivan two of their clients were the J Henry scha banking corporation a financial agent for the Anglo Iranian Oil Company in Iran where Muhammad mosad day was the Prime Minister in Gualala where jacobo arbin was the president they represented the United Fruit Company they lost their clients bids to gain ownership of vast real estate containing raw materials producing tremendous wealth in each country a few years later John forer Dulles became Secretary of State and Allen became the head of the CIA their first order of business was to exact revenge on our Ben and mosad day by overthrowing their respective governments and giving the coveted land to their clients the J Henry schroer banking corporation and the United Fruit Company they effectively changed the game of corporate imperialism and has only gotten stronger since councilman Mike Jackson is a combination of Pedro alzo compus and Malcolm X and we are campaigning for him to be the next mayor because he represents the social justice activism that to bring democracy to patteron movement demands of each Community member he has been steadfast and fighting against the corporate imperialist actions of this present Administration as they continue to rob the city blind next speaker Madame clerk there are no more speakers Mr motion to close motion to close public portion so moved move by councilman D second by councilman M roll call M clerk to close a public portion roll call to close a public portion of the municipal Council regular meeting of Tuesday October 15 2024 councilman abdulaziz thank you madam Clerk and I'm not going to be long Council councilman so we had a six W resident that came here talking to me about Michigan Evans speed H humps the elections were over you came here when the elections were here you spoke you went MIA now you come back with an issue I saw you numerous times at our neighborhood association meeting you didn't come up to me talk to me ain't about speed humps you have my AIDS number you didn't go and call him about speed humps you did not call City Hall because my colleagues that are councel at large didn't receive an email you are a constituent you want to come here and address it just be honest say the issue and I'll address it for you the residents know I get things done hence in the election you learned it the hard way when they delivered an overwhelming Victory but don't come here and lie you saw me at three neighborhood association meetings you want me you want me to call the members of the neighborhood association not once that you came up to me and said to me hey we would like a speed hump I'm here to get things done regardless you could call me I'll give you the number you could call 551 266 0245 you wanted you could email me the The Madam clerk I'm not going to put this on I'm not going to allow him to come say that he told cuz I received all the emails from your your staff and to show this is not just me none of my csel our large colleagues received this email so stop just stop you want to get things done I'll teach you how to get things done if you want to work hand in hand there's a way there's a way to work hand in hand all right so so listen listen listen listen see respect listen respectfully respectfully this what Happ it's not a debate the counil address his concerns go ahead C I'm addressing his concerns but it's not fair to the to the um to the women that work in that office because we always receive their emails and we're not going to allow you to use them as political pawns don't get upset right this is what happens right elections are over you saw what we did to you and the results prove it that the resident 6 War don't play these games so you saw me three times you saw me three times you didn't address it I will uh follow up with you I have my Aid reach out to you regarding the speed humps um we'll follow the ordinance and you're right Michigan AV is going to get done um hopefully and the fall the um and while I'm at it council president Illinois a will be repaved on October 30th if you've been driving around the Sixth Ward you'll see that they're doing all the roads as we speak Dakota jenesy nickach but you've been MIA right you're not making your videos anymore drive around the Sixth Ward you will see that they are actually repaving the the the roads go to go to Main and genesy right now you'll see that the construction vehicles are there doing the handicap accessible um uh Corners right now so thank you for highlighting that your road will be repaved I will follow up with you I have an email address any concerns you have please please email me don't be afraid to come up to me and speak to me in public elections are over you know we could work together you want to do it the right way don't use the city clerk's secretaries as some political thing that you told them and they said they email and blame them for not getting emails all right so Madam clerk Oh but before I finish there are very very important elections coming up and in the Sixth Ward everyone has ways to advocate for their the what they feel is important to them and in the six Harry you're a resident you received my my messages and my emails we must go out and exercise our right to vote right and on November 5th I'm urging everyone to go vote row many partners on the row Democratic ticket that help me get things done in this city and more importantly don't forget the Schoolboard candidates six W residents the Schoolboard candidates are are very instrumental what your tax bill is going to look like in the next year or so right look at the tax increases that have come up they've come from the school board and I'm standing strongly and firmly behind number one on the ballot keny Rosado and number two on the ballot Hector Nez that are going to represent all children the taxpayers and hopefully for better schools if you could see every single year the last year new people came on the the school board they've been starting to decrease the uh started bring the tax increase lower and lower we can't sustain what's happening in the school district at this time so please don't forget rway and one two on on line J thank you my vote is yes thank you councilman abdalaziz councilwoman CT Madam clerk I just want to make it clear with councilman out next to me that the reason why you know they was here for 25 years and they did not raise taxes like they should have had during those 25 years so they threw it back in our lab and now we had to do what we needed to do so 25 years you took over our school system and you see what we got nothing nothing so I just want to say I want to close to I just want to say to I want to answer to some of the people that were there Chanel you know um um there's a lot you know I I feel for the parents or grandmothers who who lost their child to violence uh I think I think we need to do more than what we can to to help them to to to to get through this um there's so much stuff that is happening um but you know people have question I talk about like um with Cameo black with my son graduated Eau High School in 2003 and back in two in 1999 we had to go get our kids to cross Market Street in 2003 and here you talking about 21 years later they still got the problem over there but you know we have parents that we all work together so how many I can fit in my car how many can fit in my husband's car how many can fit in my daughter's car we took kids home we didn't let children walk home we make sure we got there I hear coaches now they be I hear coaches like they dropping kids off all around the city and they get home and and somebody's at the house with a car ain't worried about coming to pick up a kid from practice ain't worried about coming back and pick up a kid so Community we got to step in and just help each other out you know I always say we must learn how to help each other I just want to say also when someone had said I believe that um um um I know I think it was that lady that's talked about the the Jitney buses called Community Improvement director David Gilmore he knows that that's a illegal to part cars on grass that you got to have a pave lot um I want to say to Elvis Elvis is always advocating for for this city and and and showing us different activity that's going on and we have to do what we can to you know engage with each other for that 12th Avenue playground I ever since I met with the young the gentleman there I can't think of what his name is but um and and Not only was him but there was other people before him so at least now I can see that we're going out for bid for the 12th Avenue playground that we're going to get um we're going out for bid and hopefully that we can also put a playground on the um gwin Avenue side um I just also want to say to tier one they are having their Gala on October 26 um Dr Moody's U with the tier one chosen generation has been doing a lot in our city also I want to say too that um uh The Dumping uh I can say um when the contract came back that they was not going to include dumping I knew that that wasn't going to be a problem because I went to a convention and I met five garbage contractors and none of them include none of them include buck in their in their rate in their quotes so everything you it's very difficult now to find a company who wants to pick up bulck along with garbage there's very few companies out there as a matter of fact it might be only one in New Jersey now that want to do that but that is a major problem uh and what is his only thing it's doing is making our DB W people work even harder and harder for that but I do want to say to um um um I'm going to close with this um with my school board candidates I'm going to um I've known Erica Plaza for more than 20 years she's been involved with the schools it's not like she just got started she been involved you know and sometimes I say sometimes you do it at the right time or whatever reason it is and I still blame the state you was here 25 years you didn't do what you needed to do and then all of a sudden you drop it in our lap again and now we got to go we got to foot the bill and so I say Erica Plaza has been involved for many years um Cory T has been involved for many years uh he knows about the special needs kids and that was a major issue 25 years ago also with Thea redond she's be she's been involved sometimes sometimes people think that it's everybody else's but when you I remember when the state came amen you stay here all this time you didn't do what you needed to do and then all of a sudden here it is yours again and then okay what you going to do now but what else I'm going to do now I got to raise some taxes you gave me no choice but at least we got to get some of the things back let me tell you something there's a lot of things going on in our school system and I want to say to parents you got to start going to the board of AD meeting and what I've learned I went to Convention National Council negro women this past week and it says community let me tell you you got to get to know everybody who's holding office all the way from the president you may not know the president but at least you know your US senators at least you know your us congressmen then you come on down to the governor then you come on down to your state senator then you come on down to your State Assembly people then you come on down to your county people then you come on down to your city council people then you come on down to the board of and people you got to get to know all of them because all of them play a different role in our lives that affects all of us all of them have a different role that they play and I know one thing and I'm going to end with this myit second Council woman you good okay good you you need help and I'm going end with this and I'm telling you this is my choice for president of the United States I have a pocketbook right here see oh that's beautiful she going to be the next number 47 of the United States of America Carmela haris our vice president isn't this beautiful she's going to lead our country everyone thank you Madame clerk I had to throw this in here my vote is yes thank you councilwoman cotton councilman Jackson thank you madam clerk um well to the members of the public I mean there's a lot that was said today um a few highlights I want to go um to uh some of the things that Miss Hannibal was talking about U she's absolutely correct um the alarm has been sounding for quite some time we witnessed even today you know the examples and she laid out she did a great job laying out a lot of the examples of how the misappropriation of dollars no matter what kind of community you have I mean you can't run a City without properly um you know um budgeting and expending the uh the money that that you do have and it's clear that patteron has been has done a very poor job in the bed you're absolutely correct there is no way this Council this Administration will ever figure out how to put speed humps on roads where you're right with your children um you know and everyone else else's children in this community should be S safe but the fact of the matter is we pay too much for services and I I showed you that tonight I gave you an example when everyone came after me with the exception of one and gave you excuse after excuse of why we should give this company this outlandish amount of money so the examples are here they're clear and if we're not watching and being fiscally responsible which patteron has done a very very poor job in doing so I mean just look at tonight's attendance you know council members voted in favor of change reducing the meetings still not to show up they don't show up to the tonight's meeting that means they miss one the one month one meeting per month that we have now you have a skeleton crew people are leaving early you know I never really paid close attention to and maybe that's the that's the fault to council process back years ago but I know when I did turn it on it was a full Council chamber there arguing people like Rooney who was well in his 60s was was there 1:00 in the morning 12:00 in the morning you know making sure that they they watched after the um the city's budget and even even this recent tenure of council members they were you know older gentlemen but everybody stay they were professionals councilman Morris councilman uh McCoy I mean we and and they led the charge as the senior people there and everybody stayed and did their part now we reduced the meetings and council members don't even want to show up the meetings but anyway I'm not going to sit here and labor for a long period of time time on the obvious if you feel as if this if if the current state of the city is going in the right direction I mean please the state of the city address was an embarrassment it was an embarrassment and lies that we we should not have uh uh sold it with the the owners of of the of the property was just issued a $30,000 fine because everyone believes that anything goes in patteron that's the rule of thumb people come here hey you better to sue the city you're going to make the money because anything goes in in patteron and uh anyway I'll just be sitting here raming Madam clerk my vote is yes thanks councilman Jackson councilwoman Mims so to the public present and or watching I just want to say thank you for your sacrifice in your time of coming out voicing your opinions and giving uh recommendations Andor solutions to the issues in our community there were so many concerns um I know my good friend Mr Harry savales has uh written down the concerns um to our hope our officer in charge is watching for 114 Webster app with the illegal business that's taking place if not I will be sending this request over and so many other items that were addressed Cameo black I was not aware of your uh of your situation until today when I saw you um and so I will continue to pray for you um in your recovery process um as well as the issue on 508 Union app that Michael atel addressed um to our ba let's just ensure that 508 Union AB get some special attention with both process um Justice from Mary Teller and to all of those that have been impacted by senseless acts of violence whether it's been gunshots stabbings um and all the things that are going on in in our community to um Mr B I don't want to say your name wrong from the six W so this is what this is the process for um or it's supposed to be the process for getting um speed bumps or speed humps you have to go to 800 Broadway DPW to get the packet there's a packet you take that packet you fill it out you have to get it signed by every resident on on that block if you get one person that says no it does not get approved get all that done you submit it to our clerk's office or to our secretary's office it is sent and is reviewed through our DPW committee from that point we move it forward so that it could get done that's the process I just want to make sure you're aware and I also made sure you have my cell phone number so if you have any issues I don't know what happened in Translation but I never got the email request but you have my personal sell so make sure just reach out to me I'm more than happy to give you that information um I don't have any concerns with that and if you need me to ride by or take pictures just let me know that's what I do as councilwoman at large um also I I just want to put on record uh to root vote row a from the top of the ticket down I had the awesome opportunity to serve as a New Jersey Delegate for the kamla Harris and Tim Walts campaign to ensure they were on the ballot and so we're moving from the ballot to the victory line so make sure you vote Andy Kim Senator congresswoman Nelly Po and then County Commissioner Sandy lazara John Bartlett and my classmate and E Side High School's two-time drum major rney D'Or for accting commissioner for myself I'm a mom grandmother former School Board member and I work in the schools every day with the children so when I hear people say I care for children you don't care for children you know it it kind of almost makes me chuckle because I'm in the schools every single day with the students every day there's not a day that goes by I'm not there today I had a meeting with some students students that were not even a part of Patterson Public Schools but because they reached out I chose to assist Patterson when I was on the school board it was during the time of local it was under State control and we fought hard to bring back under the qac on Consortium to make sure that we would get back local control and I'm glad I was a part of that but I did um make sure that we fought for things like music and art and you know it's an autonomous process through the principles whether it's in a building or not in the building but those things were fought for Teacher vacancies that's not just in patteron it's across parents everyone whether you have a student in the district or not you have to vote for people that's going to fight for your children that is going to sit and advocate for things that you may not be aware that's going on they sit they vote for new programs in the school they vote for transportation facility issues and so forth and so on so I want to endorse three people that I know for a certainty is going to advocate for children Corey Teague nikima Redman and Erica Plaza make sure you vote 345 is on the back of the ballot for those that are doing vote by Mel and you're watching make sure you vote tres quatro cinko for your children paa noos v t quoo paulos it is important that you vote for your students for your for your students your children and other people's children because if you don't have people sitting on that board I have I was on the board so I can I'm I'm the only one oh uh Council and president was on as well but I served on school board for three years so I know exactly what happens on the school board I know what needs to be done how it needs to be done because I sered there and I'm I'm saying to the public please vote 3j 4J 5j for your kids your kids deserve it because we have a lot of vacancies in our in our buildings in our schools we have um programs and stuff that needs to continue let's vote for people that will fight for all children not based on uh anything outside of but for children in and of their s 3j 4J 5j um got someone there huh we don't have a call I think they're I think they're gone home so we may have to so before he leaves I just want to say Patterson because it looks like the meeting will shut down um yeah they went home they said good night so Patterson I appreciate you let's continue to move this city forward let's continue to fight for things on the best interest of the people my vote is yes thank you Dr Ms councilman urin so we just have so so yeah no huh legal can we do the second session with even without we have yeah we have to councilman can you stay Council can you stay for the secret section okay did you say pain he in can you call Al was Al can you call no we're going to wait for him to come back no he's outside we got to do the right thing so Council woman thank you um we the public members of the public unfortunately just members of the public just a minute uh zo in so they can see huh he's coming no Corporation Council council president uh councilman abdulaziz is uh will be returning he said approximately five minutes okay so when he returns I'm leaving uh can can I still speak I can speak but we still don't have a quum so council members so what we could do they could keep they could keep you know just closing make a comment coun right after that we'll address you can't because you don't have a quum no we're not taking any form action you still cannot do it you don't have a quum we not taking any Corporation Council we cannot we are not going to vote but can we speak at saving time we have no quum council woman M so Council B clerk so check that and uh wa five minutes and definitely Council minutes by speak no I'm leaving I'm not P just just a minute cler take a five minute break all right Patterson I'll be back to you in five minutes we're g to take we're taking five minute break members of the public we're taking five minute break break so until we get back on track to close a public portion it's not oh so it's it's not being removed I hear that somebody --------- ##VIDEO ID:XqBoXUBrEUA## to discuss the following pending litigation Brett the the Alexandro versus city of patteron city of P fire department Jose Joy Torres Michael posterino Kevin Hancock The Institute of forensic psychology it's a law resolution 24 col 65 formal action will be taken it was M by Council woman MS second by council president roll callman clerk so let me read the settlement resolution as well so the settlement resolution is a resolution authorizing settlement of pending litigation claim in the matter of Brett D alesandro versus city of patteron city of patteron fire department Jose Joy Torres Michael posterino Kevin Hancock The Institute of forensic psychology law resolution 24646 so moved move by Council Ms second second by councilman roll call Mad clerk on the executive side item which is item number 57 roll call on item number 57 resolution into executive for executive session councilman abdulaziz yes councilwoman cotton councilwoman Mims yes councilman Udin yes Mr President my vote is yes M cler thank you the votes are five yeses four absences resolution for executive session is hereby approved thank you council member we only have two more item and and we done for the with the meeting for tonight IEM number 49 um Madame clerk item number 49 which is still on the agenda okay just a moment what is no no item number is being removed and we'll be uh we already I don't I don't number three item three is being removed it's out um yeah so we'll be treated we will have discussion on the workshop item 49 Madame clerk we have item 49 number a um and with that we will finish in the meeting number 49 mad clerk number 58 council president is a settlement resolution resolution authorizing settlement sorry mad clerk I'm read item 58 you item 58 then 49 then number a and then we good I'm sorry go ahead resolution authorized in settlement of pending litigation claim in the matter of Brett D Alexandro versus city of patteron City of Paris fire department Jose Joy Torres Michael posterino Kevin Hancock The Institute of forensic psychology it's a law resolution 24646 so moved move by Council M mes second second by councilman Udin roll call on the setlement on number 58 roll call on item number 58 for approval councilman abdalaziz yes councilwoman cotton councilwoman Mims yes councilman Udin yes Mr President my V is yes M clerk thank you the votes are five yeses four absences item number 58 is hereby adopted thank you m clerk item 49 item number 49 is a resolution to amend the calendar year 2024 budget which has been approved but not yet adopted it's an Administration resolution 24 call 637 move by Council mes second second by Council Udin roll call M clerk on item 49 roll call on item number 49 for approval councilman abdalaziz Council woman C Council woman mes yes yes yes Madam clerk councilman Udin yes Mr President my V is yes madame clerk thank you the votes are five yeses four absences item number 49 is hereby adopted thank you m item number a on first reading item number eight item number eight is a first reading ordinance no public hearing is required it's an ordinance amending patteron code section 47-31 subsection H subsection one addressing sewer connection feeds to move the time of payment from pre permit to pre certificate of occupancy is sponsored by councilwoman mariss Dava councilman lisis VZ and councilwoman Dr Lisa Mims it's an economic um development ordinance may I have a motion please so moved byc discussion second before legal in the beginning of the meeting there was a discussion from a um director Public Work Director they have some concerned about this legislation we I asked legal I spoke with legal and legal explained to me that everything is on the right place with this legislation we're not go going over the state we're not superseding the the state legislation with this and I want to open the floor to Legal that way he could comment on that uh before before we voted on first reading because we're going to have a second reading a workshop that we're going to be able to have more discussion and a second reading also as well but I want to open the floor to Legal uh on this item Corporation Council also counil president that uh Economic Development uh director was here and I just that was a friendly question to her that why is she here for she said she's here for this item and there's so many question I think uh she wanted to request to remove it I I'm not putting it this for record that a personal level conversation so if it is yes that that is correct counc so what we're going to do is we're going to have it there's going to be this is only on first reading so we're going to be able to have discussion and me meeting with our economic development director and Public Work Director to go over and see they're concerned you know how can we do it I spoke with then and I spoke with legal when legal it's perfectly fine Ben David draft this legislation and the reason why I I say you want to let's let's let's wait for until I have a conversation with Le with because everything here in this council is been done by the book we're not going around we have a legal department that they are the one that authorize the things that we doing um so I I I will open the U Flor to Legal uh thank you council president and so this particular ordinance references the relevant statute which is njsa 48 colon 26 a-11 which deals with uh sewer uh connection fees the statute does not uh State when those uh connection fees must be paid and so according to the statute that's left and deferred up to the municipality and in this case obviously it's within council's purview I understand that the director of Economic Development also uh had some uh comments on this as it uh the director of DPW so council's well within its rights to proceed and then maybe have meetings with the uh economic development director and DPW director between now and and the second reading um or or take whatever Action Council deems appropriate but from from legals perspective uh there is no impediment with Council deciding when to collect uh the connection Fe okay so and the question that I have Corporation councel we're not reducing any fees we're not taking away any fees we're just uh we're just voting um to support on the time that they collect the fee is that correct that's correct this this doesn't um actually deal with how much is being paid it deals when uh the fee is collected and the statute that I referenced actually deals with the structure of payments in terms of what is allowed to be charged um but again it doesn't deal with the timing and it's within this Council and the admin administration's perview as to when is set the timing of that collection of fees okay so council member this item is only a first reading we're going to have multiple discussion with both director we're going to be able to get back on the table and have a conversation but for now I definitely believe that we can move on first reading with this Idol and once again the reason why I wait to have a conversation with legal was because I want to make sure that we have a green light by legal on everything we do roll call man clerk on item number eight on first reading roll call on item number eight first reading councilman abdulaziz councilwoman cartton I could um I'm taking advice from my legal Corporation counsel amen abushi thank you madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilwoman cotton councilwoman Mims based on the legal expertise and um commentary from our Corporation Council um I stand in support of this item my vote is yes thank you Dr M councilman Udin thank you madam CL so for the record again um this is just a first reading um but I definitely have questions to the director of the department I want to see the effectiveness of it um I'm supporting it again I want to see the director presence in the second reading um otherwise I cannot support uh without having fully understanding on it my vote is yes for now thank you councilman urin Mr President I'll thank you m clerk so once again um we're moving forward with this item on second reading and it's important that we do things the right way so a lot of people like to speak about a lot of thing and speculate and say things and send the wrong message out there we're not here to do that we're here to do the right thing for the city my V is yes P cler thank you Mr President the votes are five yeses four absences item number eight is hereby adopted on first reading public hearing and second reading will be in Tuesday um this is wrong just give me a minute Tuesday November 14 2024 at the regular meeting starting at 700 p.m. thank you Madame clerk so to close of this time out Madame clerk U motion to close we will move there's a few item second reading we'll move to the next meeting there's a motion to close by councilman and second by councilman ra ra call M cler to close our public meeting ra call to close a regular meeting of Tuesday October 1524 councilman abdalaziz yes councilwoman cotton my vote is yes thank you councilman conoman Mims Patterson let's continue to pray for our our students and our youth um against all the um the uprising of incidents that are occurring across our Community please pray for our families so many people in our community have lost their loved ones I want to um lift up even though we honored Rodney Addison on today want to pray for him and the loss of his aunt who passed away earlier today um and so many others that are grieving in our community my prayers and condolences are with you as well and congratulations to all those people that are celebrating birthdays and anniversaries in the month of October and to all the re engagements congratulations and baby arrivals and all those things um okay you got it okay councilman oudin is off the hook lately what's going on so good um thank you to um Madame ba and everyone God bless you and have a oh and a special shout out to my my granddaughter she turned 8 years old Ashanti Grandma loves you I know she's watching the meeting and weeks prior to two weeks prior my grand baby U Malia turned one God bless you my vote is yes Madam clerk good to see you back and glad to know that you're feeling better thank you my vote is yes thank you Dr Mims cman UD all right good night Patterson my V is yes thank you councilman Udin Mr President thankk thank you Madame Clerk and I will please allow me to take two minute because November 5th we have a extremely important election and you vote is you vote and if you don't vote if you don't vote you don't don't count uh so we all have to get involved but before that I'm all about solution you hear a lot of people that they coming in front of this Podium and some members of the council that they like they love to bash everything but we're not getting anything done by bashing any project that Administration was put it on the table and let me be clear we approved $1 million to buy cameras because dumping is out of control in the city of patteron it's horrible what's happening in the city of pis there's a law in play that I introduce with maximum $1,000 the minimum 2500 my question was about the police department yes the police department will be monitoring those camera to make sure that we could catch those people that are dumping garbage in our community that's what we've been doing also I understand that the ball pickup has been a problem and this was my recommendation to the administration while we're waiting for a quote to come in or to go out for a bit we have to change the system our patteron resident especially like senior they they don't know how to get online how to schedule the B pickup and this was my recommendation take the scheduling away and set a fits sched for everybody the same way we have recycling for a bul pickup I'm going to continue having conversation with Administration to resolve the problem there's a lot of problem in our community also we have to enforce the law that we have in the book we have a lot of people using our street to do business to do mechanic uh business on residential area with without permit the administration have to hold those people accountable we have to bring Law and Order in our community and in the city of patteron please that's something that affecting a lot of people patteron police we have a lot of commercial truck parking overnight in the city of patteron it's against a LW to park those commercial vehicle around the city of patteron they taking parking away from the resident and it's been it's been incredible it's been a huge problem so those demand are on the table and I would like to encourage Administration to enforce the law that we have in the book speed bomb thank you consum Ms is that impossible I wrote the legislation of the speed bomb and there's a process in place if the con from the state War has a problem call councilman abdal aiz and he will help you to get to get that done also uh last but not least uh happy birthday to my son Daniel Mendes today he turning 16 years old may God bless you may God continue blessing you my son he's a great kid and that's been a big blessing for me to have my beautiful son so once again Patterson last but not least the playground at East Side park the Department of Public Work and the company that is building the playground they've been doing a phenomenal job very soon we will have the day in the time for the grand opening for the rerecording of the playground Patterson let's keep working let's keep moving the city on the right direction with that being said my vot is yes thank you Madame clerk thank you coun Cali and and uh listen the last selection uh and for the school board Hector n KY rosar and akima Ritman those Sumer three candidate on this election to school board and from the top as our president of the United States camela Harris we have Nelly Paul the first Latina ever to be in Congress let's May shua Andy King for Senator and we have the best candidate for Reserve Department thas Adamo pison on third world resident also our free Haller Ronnie deor Sandy L and John Barley great candidate we know who they are November the 5th make sure you go out and vote don't and stay home God bless you Patterson have a good night thank you Mr President the votes my vot is yes the votes are five yeses four absences the meeting is hereby adjourned