##VIDEO ID:Sx10SiC1o0E## e e e Mr president president thank you so ma Madame clerk to my Council colleagues before roll call I will ask everyone to unmute so I apologize if I didn't get to you as soon as possible I am trying my best to run a clear and concise meeting for for our residents so there's no back noise so um once again everyone muted right before roll call Madam clerk just give me a second to ask everyone to unmute themselves and they sure all should be able to vote on that end so thank you um Madam clerk p uh please read the 48 hour notice Madam clerk you're muted are you hearing me now yes meeting covered by 48 hour notice notice of the time date location and agenda of the meeting was transmitted to the north Jersey Herald News the record the Arabic voice the Italian voice the P County pars Dominicana news Lisa International L special the partisan press the city post news tap into parison the weekly Bangla Patria in addition to any other publication duly requesting such notices at or about 11: a.m. on September 26 2024 such notices were posted on the bulletin board in the offices of the city clerk at City Hall I'll read the um the notice council president pursuing to the open public meetings act be advised that the municipal Council of the city of patteron has scheduled a special meeting for Monday September 30th 2024 at 5:00 p.m. to be held via WebEx Zoom or in the council chambers third floor City Hall 155 Market Street pison New Jersey for the purpose of discussing the following matters one a resolution memorializing The Life and Legacy of Barbara Lee McLoud peoples is sponsored by councilman Lis V say city council resolution 24 col 593 formal action will be taken two resolution authorizing the solicitation of bids for school 25 tennis court Renovations bid number 2.09 for the division of engineering of the Department of Public Works Public Works resolution 24 colon 594 formal action will be taken for for the public portion for those who would like to participate please call 973 321 1579 meeting ID 8326 followed by the pound sign then select meeting number two press one to listen to the meeting press three to be added to the speaker key you can also watch the live stream online at https ww.youtube.com backc back city of patteron New Jersey City Hall back live watch it on live TV at Optimum and channel number 77 or Verizon channel number 32 Mr President thank you madam clerk I would like to take the public portion first so Madam clerk will now open up the public portion uh please repeat the instructions and we will give three minutes for people to call into the public portion okay Mr President so if you wish to participate in the public portion please call 973 3211 1579 the meeting ID is 8326 which is followed by the pound sign select meeting number two then press star one to listen to the meeting or Star number three to be added to the speaker queue again 973 3211 1579 is a number you'll call to join the meeting the meeting ID number is 8326 followed by the pound sign then select meeting number two press star one to listen to the meeting star three to be added to the speaker key thank you thank you madam clerk we will um wait till 5:19 if tell any speakers then we'll do a motion to close or hear them out or motion to close if there is no speakers so thank you please be patient everyone in the meantime Mr President I may just use the opportunity to remind um everyone in the city of Patterson that the last day to register to vote for the upcoming presidential general election is on Tuesday September I'm sorry Tuesday October 15th it's from 8:30 a.m. to 900 p.m. at night so the last day to register to vote in the upcoming presidential general election is on Tuesday October 15th 2024 at 900 p.m. thank you we have one caller Mr President we'll take that caller right now I'm going to um unmute the public portion okay thank you um put them through Ryan [Music] [Music] please they're live um public if you're there please state your name and go ahead please Ryan has to unmute himself the call Ran Madam clerk does Ryan have the speaker Ryan the person is not on and can you unmute public portion please tell him to come here we're still waiting council president council president I think you have to unmute the we we sent that I can't unmute anyone I have to ask to unmute they're not on so I've been I sent that the technolog is working on it we still have we set to 519 we'll see how many speakers we have and then we'll go from there so definitely have one member of the public if you're there please St your name and go ahead please I'm not hearing come in it's muted it's muted so colleagues I can't unmute anyone's phone they have to portion is muted he who's the host I am the host but I I cannot unmute either no host could unmute colleague so we're working on it so please be U be patient with technology thank you m clerk if we um I'm going to give him two more minutes to try to get the technical difficult difficulties if not we're going to go to the items okay public portion so tell technology they have two minutes and then we'll take the items okay coun president we're good the public portion on my end is muted I cannot unmute it [Music] I can't even see the person is not even there the person may be hung up he's not there he he was down here he's H up Madam clerk let's take um let's hold public portion while people wait once we get it once they get the technical difficulties settled we will go back to public portion could we take item number one Madam clerk yes Mr President item number one is a resolution memorializing the life and the legacy of barbar McLoud people unmute yourself Madam clerk are you hearing I don't know why it keeps moving yes go ahead so item number one is a resolution memorializing The Life and Legacy of Barber Lee McLoud peoples it's a city council resolution number 24 colon 593 it's sponsored by councilman leis VZ second second moved by councilman VZ seconded by councilwoman Mims and councilwoman Dava roll call Madam clerk roll call and item number one for approval councilwoman daver yes councilman khik yes Madam CL thank you councilwoman Ms yes councilman urin yes Madam Clark thank you councilman VZ yes van CL Mr president yes Madam clerk thank you the votes are six yeses three absences item number one is hereby adopted Madam clerk please take item number two yes Mr President item number two is a resolution authorizing the solicitation of bids for school number 25 tennis court Renovations bid number 2.09 for the division of engineering of the Department of Public Works it's a public works resolution 24 colon 594 second moved by councilwoman Dava seconded by councilman valz zudin and Mims roll call Madam clerk roll call and item number two for approval councilwoman daver great job great job for the school 25 and the sixth W residents my vote is yes thank you councilwoman councilman Jack councilman Jack says not there councilman khik yes madame clerk councilwoman Mims anytime we add a recreational opportunities for the kids as the one for the city my vote is yes thank you councilman urin my vote is yes M thank you councilman valz two things before I vote uh first of all um after my vote I going to be logging out I'm in a ceremonial uh event at the consulate so I got to log out and second um every Improvement Parks tennis court and I know not speaking on behalf of the councilman I know he probably going to say this but is for all residents of Patterson to utilize so congratulation councilman Adel aiz for your goal to improving that Park not from now way back too and the administration to put in the money where the community needs it uh thank you Madame M and and and director Bell my word is yes in this sign thank you um councilman VZ Mr President thank you madam clerk um this these T courts have been uh definitely needed need of an upgrade I'm very excited for the residents of the city of Patterson and six W residents that they will have top-notch facilities that they could uh go and utilize to to play tennis and and and have something to call home that's that they could take pride in so my vote is yes Madam uh CL CL thank you thank you Mr President the votes are six yeses three absences item number two is hereby adopted that's it for the agenda thank you madam clerk um how many speakers do we have we have two speakers so far I want to thank my Council colleagues if you saw I allowed you guys to unmute yourselves on this so right now Ryan or whoever technology is you have the ability to unmute yourself so how many speakers we have and we could get the public portion so I would like to open up public portion Madam clerk okay council president so far we have um two speakers put to speaker number one speaker number one if you're there please go ahead and state your name hi this is Shay Brown are you able to hear me yes we do Miss Brown please say your name and address oh great um my name is Shay Brown I live at 123 East 24th Street in Patterson New Jersey unit number one continue Miss Brown you U you have three minutes and it may hang up so please go quick it's not us hanging up it's Zoom I gotcha I got you I live on East 24th Street off of fifth AB every weekend and many times midweek included there are multiple people who gather on East 25th Street between 2 and third without a street permit they set up an actual speaker there are cars motorcycles four-wheelers you name it they make sure the sound is at the maximum level the latest I've heard the music um is until 7:30 a.m. if you search for for my number in the Patterson Police um dispatch you will see how many times I call it's insane um the the cops sometimes come sometimes Sheriff sometimes they don't come but I don't understand how this a legal Gathering I've been dealing with this for years this didn't just happen this year and it's not just me calling the quality of life in Patterson is really disappointing I'm a taxpayer I pay over $6,000 on taxes my home is only 900 square feet and I don't understand I can't get my street paid um I can't get you know police to constantly um come over here and um you know look make sure we have some some qual some some I'm sorry I'm just upset um to actually have constant police presence over here and it's every weekend they were here till 5:21 this morning I had to get up um get in my car I have children who have to deal with this and complain about this get in my car I send videos to the mayor to Jerry spel and councilman Mendes constantly they can show you I have all my texts the morning after you should see how many beer cans bottles red cups that they leave no one cleans it up and what it's a disappointing thing this morning I stayed out there till the cops came the cops came they they just went drove off the cop didn't give any any summonses no tickets this is why they keep coming back what is going to to be done this has been a problem for years East 25th Street between second and third something has to be done this makes no sense and they don't live over here thank you thank you Miss Brown Madame clerk next speaker okay um can you put through the next speaker speaker if you're there please go ahead state your name on the record hello yes my name is John cucho can you hear me yes we can hear you John please uh stay your name um an address for the record and you have three minutes and you will be kicked off of zoom in three minutes not our rule so please be quick okay uh John kucho I live on bernon Avenue near School 25 and I'm I'm calling to talk about school 25 my concern uh is that if we get a fancy or or if we get a new tennis court will that end up restricting access to the tennis court currently the tennis court is used by uh residents uh to play tennis occasionally but more often to play soccer with sneakers you can play two games in there at one time uh using the net as a not using it the net is a is a divider between the games you know it's a sideline and also sometimes people set up a volleyball situation in there and those two things in particular soccer and volleyball are the most popular activities uh in the area where people spontaneously go down you're usually teenagers uh and they play and I'm concerned that when we get a and the tennis court is a smooth surface it's got cracks and creases all over it but it's a smooth surface and people use it and some people even roller skate on it it's smooth uh if we get a new Surface are we going to end up with less activity uh even if we don't if we get a lot of tennis in there that's wonderful but uh and I'm nothing against that it's good thing but the soccer is a good thing too and so is uh the volleyball and it'd be a shame if what is now an Open tennis court the park itself gets locked a lot the overall Park but the gates to go inside the tennis court are open it's an open space you just walk through and if you know I'd be afraid that that's going to get locked up and it's going to be one step forward and several steps backwards by actually shutting down what's actually going on over there now especially uh when weather gets wetter and colder people use that tennis court a lot to play soccer and volleyball as I say I talked to Billy Rodriguez and he said that you know he he understood and and that he was not intending to lock it up the probably be a gate though now I think the gates are actually off I just open all the time I I don't think the gate is even on anymore I I was walking in there last night I didn't even I didn't even I didn't even look but uh you know he said he didn't he didn't intend to to shut it down pad lock people out and those are 10 foot fences that people would have to scale to get in but unless he had to and and I just would like there to be some sensitivity to this issue going for his time is up council president s so Mr Cario it's the uh settings that we have on Zoom after three minutes it'll just end it Madame clerk any more speakers there there are no more speakers council president I get a motion moved by councilwoman M second by Council mine roll call Madam clerk roll call to close a public portion of the municipal Council virtual special meeting councilwoman daver yes councilman khik councilman colleag yes madame clerk thank you councilman councilman men is councilwoman Ms yes thank you madam clerk soim Miss Brown there is definitely a concern in that area um I'm uh I don't know if the ba is on or Corporation Council but something uh definitely needs to be done I can for the video as well um regarding all the trash that was left in that area um and we have this Council has increased the fines so there are fines that are very heavy that should be issued to these perpetrators and a lot of them don't even live in Patterson so there needs to be more enforcement not just in that area but Citywide there's a lot of um issues uh during the course of the weekend from Friday all the way through Monday morning with the loud music so Miss Brown um we will definitely make sure the administration looks into that and then for Mr kucho you're absolutely correct um with your commentary and is much needed to be added to what was done on today uh thank you Patterson good night uh Council colleag my vote is yes thank you Dr Ms councilman Udin so um those who joined us in public portion thank you so very much for making your voice hard but I want to mention about uh the situation the block was program the block party overnight especially on the weekends it's a regular issue it's just not the third word but in every single War there you know parties going on even last night I called for one of the resident from Warren Street call me there is a um Power uh mechanic shop and they close their shop and the the front uh and backyard having a big parties like about 100 people gathered I'm talking about last night Sunday night so this an ongoing issue I call police as well residents were calling after two hours police showed up so by the time police showed up the part is over or or sometimes they hear someone showed up they just cancel uh the party so this is this is an ongoing issue then we need proper solution for this uh and uh I thank you for uh joining here and I believe that P police department will take that in consideration my V yes to close the Poli thank you councilman Erin councilman Valance did he jump off he he left okay AB Mr President thank you uh Madam clerk uh Miss Brown um like Council mudin said these um pop up parties with the cars and then the loudspeakers occur throughout the city and Madame ba something that we need to look at years ago uh we used to have quality of life units that only reported to these areas right when people called they went there so if there was a shooting they weren't they were overtime based they were police that were not added or taken from Patrol um I know we're spending a a lot of money that we're receiving from the from Trenton for overtime some of that money needs to be addressing some of these quality of life issues right um not just um the hotpots we need to look at areas that like Miss Brown said I have many um uh in the Sixth Ward uh 22nd nav um in East 32nd Street what happens is you take these people from the hotpots and they're they're moving along to different parts of the city so please Madame ba when you're in the meeting with with uh police brass see if we can use some of that overtime money that that we're getting from Trenton to go after these quality of life uh patrols I know the quality of life units are not what they were from 2018 that I I pushed that with our former Chief and and and it worked many residents when they called it in they weren't put on the queue after um all these other calls they were they had these special units that just went after these quality of life issues Mr carlucho the park at um School 25 will always be the public unless it's a permit that is held by a city recreational team or a nonprofit um I agree with you Madden ba we should reach out to the school district now that we're spending money on this they need to make it accessible um we need it open um every day to the public the school district closes it on the weekends it's locked and and then the public doesn't have access because school's not in session they don't have a custodian our DPW needs to have access to that our DPW needs to open it up our DPW needs to close it especially if the city is now putting money into their into their facilities my vote is yes Madam clerk thank you thank you Mr President the votes are five yeses four absences public portion of the virtual special meeting is now closed can I get a motion to close the meeting moved by Council mava seconded by Council mine roll call Madam clerk president very quickly if I may I would request that councilwoman Dr M please send me to video and the location as well as uh councilman didn't send me any video locations that you have as well that uh we can add it to our enforcement efforts along with the police department but we've been going after hotspots and and night life action uh we can certainly add these locations on to the list for extra Focus attention when it comes to prosecution thank you thank you Corporation counil absolutely they'll send you they'll send you the videos and then you could discuss that during Workshop uh we have a motion a second roll call Madam clerk to close the meeting yes Mr President roll call to adjourn the municipal Council virtual special meeting of Monday September 30th 2024 councilwoman Dava yes councilman khik yes madame clerk councilwoman Mims to Patterson just a few announcements uh there is on tomorrow tomorrow assembly Wy is hosting an event for um soon to be congresswoman uh Senator po at Hench Stadium please come out to this event it will be from 5: to 8 um in the uh museum at HFF Stadium um this Saturday we as the daughter of the elk just make an announcement our 100th anniversary dinner dances this Saturday um at uh Michelle Milan banquet if you would like a ticket please see me tickets are $100 we will be C celebrating 100 years October the 22nd National Council of negro women it will be our yearly Jazz lunch in you like tickets to that event those tickets are $90 please see myself and or uh Council Moten reach out to us and let us know uh thank you Patterson for all you do thank you to the residents that called in um and thank thank you for a very short and brief meeting Madam Clerk and to everyone else good night see you next week thank you my V you thank you Dr Mims councilman urin uh thank you Madame clerk my bu yes thank you councilman Erin Mr President thank you madam clerk so this is my first meeting being the council president run the meeting and it was virtually I want to thank my Council colleagues for cooperating and making this uh a smooth process so I appreciate it I think the public was it was clear to them unlike all virtual meetings so thank you all um and Madam clerk thank you technology for assisting on this so I appreciate everyone cooperating and then following through on some of the new rules we put in place for virtual meetings Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you Mr President the votes are five yeses four absences the virtual special meeting of the council is hereby adjourned everyone good good evening for