##VIDEO ID:cD5Ot_OfUtA## thank you Rafael um good evening everyone on behalf of the par Municipal Council I welcome you to the close out meeting on February 27 of February 277 December 17th mad clerk what is this about okay all right December 17 not for Brad December 17 2024 um the meeting is at 630 the me the meeting is now called to order mam clerk please call the role yes council president roll call for the municipal Council for the closeout meeting of December 17th 2024 at 7 o'clock p.m. councilman abdell aiz councilwoman cotton here councilwoman Dava present councilman Jackson councilman khik here councilwoman Mims councilman Udin councilman valz here Madame clerk council president pres mam clerk okay we have five here um four absent the close out meeting is hereby open B clerk please read the statement of compliance yes sir statement of compliance with open public meetings law 20124 to 2025 meeting date December 17 2024 6:30 p.m. adequate notice of the meeting was compiled and disseminated in accordance with the open public meetings law in the following manner one the annual notice of regular meetings and workshop sessions of the municipal Council was compiled for the year 2024 2025 5 on or about July 1st 2024 two a schedule of the regular meetings and workshop sessions of the municipal Council for the year 2024 2025 was duly transmitted on or about July 1st 2024 to the north Jersey Herald News the record the Arabic voice the Italian voice B County Post dominicano news Lisa International LEL the Patterson press the city post news tap into patteron the weekly bangler Patria in addition to any other publication duly requesting such notices three the schedule of the regular meetings and workshop sessions of the municipal Council for the year 2024 2025 was prominently posted in the lobby of City Hall first floor in the place reserved for the announcements of this type four the schedule of the regular meetings and workshop sessions of the municipal Council for the year 2024 2025 was duly filed with the municipal clerk five a copy of the schedule of regular meetings of the municipal Council was mailed to any person who requested and pay the fee authorized by the open public records act council president thank you madam clerk members of the gra city of patteron this is the close out meeting of the uh City Council of this governing body um so the next meeting will be on the 30th december30 and it will be a virtual meeting but we only have eight items on the agenda let's start with Perman of Bill Council council president I'm sorry council president we have the prayer and the flag salute being rendered by honorable councilman leis count as I say I say regular meeting my apologies even though it's a close out it's a regular meeting also as well so Council mes thank you council president and uh let us all stand let us all stand please and um and Reverend to the prayer and to the prayer we going to do tonight dear Lord first of all I want to say thank you thank you because you allow us to see the day the night and wake up again the next day with your mercy thank you Lord because you give us the strength to continue working for those that put us here in office thank you Lord because we love patteron and we want to see Patterson in the right track thank you Lord because the people that care about patteron Unite with us to move the city forward I just ask you Lord to you could bless our colleagues my colleagues those that are here and those that making the way to come here blessing wherever they at for they could get here safe but at the same time I ask you Lord that even this is a close out meeting you don't close out business and then you give us the wisdom to move forward this city and put us a sense of unity to run properly this city the way that the people demand us to run it I ask you Lord that you give wisdom to the administration that they could look at every situation in our city and they get the plan to resolve it and at the same time you give us the wisdom that we could legislate and plan and give the perfect example not only one day not only when we were praying not only when we shake hands our action every day 365 days of the year and when we are in this side that the community can receive from us the best of the best Lord have mercy with all of us please Lord hold any negative activity that could come tonight and bless us for we could move the city forward in the name of Jesus amen amen amen amen Flex Sal of country I pledge allegian to the flag of United States of America and to the Republic of which it stand one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you council president thank you m cler council member members of the public now stay please stay stand let's do a moment of silence for those that lost loved one in our community for our families for the great city of pison and for the troop of this great nation a moment of silence please thank you you may be seated thank you councila payment of bills thank you very much council president uh before I begin um the summary of dispersements I want to give my condolences to councilman McCoy for losing his brother in addition also to Mayor Jory Torres for also losing his brother and councilwoman Kon as well for losing her brother so and anyone else that I do not know of you know my condol goes out to the entire family um with that said on a happier note I'd like to wish our CFO I don't see him but I want to wish him a happy birthday um I think it's important sometimes agreeing or not disagreeing but in the moment of where you're celebrating your special day where you were B onto this Earth um I wanted to just say happy birthday to CFO Javier Silva um council members um you have a summary of dispersements in front of you uh for a total of 7,293 77978 of which if you look at General government you have 4, 653,000 $ 48848 that is for Road resur resurfacing Barbera Park and some other capital projects uh in addition you have the $120,000 uh payment uh under Public Works $2,955 71 the majority of this is for Fields um the John the John the what do you call the P the Porto John's uh so um making that a total of once again 7, 29377 7978 my motion is for payment of bills so second it was small by Council mava second by Council um discussion uh just quick I just want to yeah thank you council president I just want to also put on the floor uh the en record that uh the payment for the professionals uh that give Professional Service as a lawyers and court reporters and um you know all those that works in the two boards of planning and zoning and planning and zoning boards are the payment was dispersed today it's my understanding one of them went to pick it up the big zum and um moving forward um that is not in question anymore so um my vote is oh I haven't vote that's I just want to bring that to the floor for people thank much councilman valz Ro clerk council president um councilman Jackson can we get a a a description or a breakdown of what what exactly was the uh the issue with those payments that had been held up for so long council president uh councilwoman D so councilman Jackson um just to make you aware um as you know we don't work with the day-to-day operations um it is the administration along with the directors and it is my understanding because some people reached out to me uh that you know certain um purchase requisitions were not inputed and we cannot make any payments if there's not a purchase requisition so then there's a purchase order or did I say it backward purchase order then purchase requisition requisition and then purchase order um with that said those things were done all right submit it the proper way and that is why now um the payments are on this bills list so thank you coun Administration I'm just letting you know in terms of what came out of Finance well that's why I'm asking you because as a chair of finance and I'm well aware of what our responsibilities are and what the what the administrations are as well but if we're just bringing us forward and you know blindly voting on it I mean board members don't put forward a purchase order or am I mistaken do board members are they required to put forward uh purchase orders so secretaries I don't either um there's been a a large delay so your description may have been in accurate for one or two potentially if if any at all but we have I have a large number of people that have been reaching out to me calling me about their concerns for their their dispersements for their payroll which should be done in a timely fashion no one should be expected to work more than two weeks without being paid and some of these people have not been paid in excessive months so I mean I just think that it's fitting that we not not just as a council as a board that approves the the the spending we shouldn't just be uh blindly saying okay yes thank you but what what is the issue how do we prevent this matter from taking place moving forward what Madame ba if you care to enlighten me on what exactly was the issue and the holdup on on on these payments sure um thank you thank you council president yes this is is related to um kind of the escrow process um and the special meeting process that is handled by the board secretaries for for both of these positions and we did um have a board secretary leave they are hiring they're I think are close they've done two rounds of interviews and I think they will be onboarding someone fairly soon um so it it is it was just playing catchup um and making sure that um everything was processed properly I think one of the challenges this is not just work that that H can be paid in one total invoice for all the work that was done it has to be allocated to the different projects um or this this particular meeting so there's a little bit more clerical work that needs to go into it um and the they are getting some support from other people in the meantime and then it will be the responsibility of the division director of Planning and Zoning as well as the board secretaries as it always is that the same for the uh stenographer as well yes so all of those need to be processed by the this team that helps during those meetings and how long has this this the Naga for for the board how long has it been since the person was paid I don't know the specifics of that I do know that some of the the um the meetings were caught up to September some of them were caught up later some of them were going back to August so it it depends on the professional related to that the professional related but from what I understand there's planners there's stenographers there's attorneys so when I use the term professional it was okay so from what I understand the stenographer the professional the stenographer who had not been paid in over a year and was threatening to uh to not to no longer provide the services for the city is that accurate I I do not I do not know the specifics of that I did not think that it was you know over a year I don't understand how we go to pay a bill and we don't know how how much we owe someone or or what do we owe them for I can get you're signing Authority and so who who does the payroll who does the payroll for for these for these delinquencies all of them this it's these are done through the division of Planning and Zoning very good uh roll call M cler on payment um payment of Bill roll call for the payment of bills and an amount of 7,293 77978 councilwoman cotton yes okay councilwoman Dava yes councilman Jackson thank you madam clerk um you know this is what I'm talking about there we we lack a level of responsibility and accountability when we don't understand what the issues are I mean obviously this is a a supposed uh uh cure or fix for for a long and ongoing problem but we still don't understand in fact that the ba as you just heard her outline doesn't un doesn't know exactly what the issues were and how they are remedied or how moving forward we could prevent this thing from happening again um just based on the premise of irresponsibility Madam clerk my vot is no thank you councilman councilman Kik my vot is yes Madam clerk thank you councilwoman Mims good evening my apologies for being late so in this bills list uh 4.5 million of this bill's list is for health care costs which is the bulk of this uh bills list and there's some other items in here as well but as I always say services rendered should be paid my vote is yes thank you councilwoman councilman my vot is yes M thank you councilman VZ so just to be clear with the record 23 payments went to trans uh telegrapher or whatever whoever do that job seven payment went to one attorney 12 payment went to the other attorney and seven payment went to the planner so um the faith is that the administration you know uh work diligent and I want to thank the CFO we have a good conversation when uh this was brought up to me uh they also um expressed what was the concern the treasury Department did a great job to put all this document together uh to expedite this payments remember when we Lo when we lose some some expertise in in departments it's hard to attract new people to come in and do that work so I I I I commend the diligence of the employee that took ownership and to put all this paperwork together and to get this payment expedited as everything had to be processed with diligence in the city so Madame clerk thank you and um sorry U Madame ba thank you for taking action in this um in this item promptly and I know that uh I'm not going to say it's not going to happen again right but if it happens again I know you're going to catch up with it uh to make sure that the service is rendered the proper way so uh my vote is yes thank you councilman council president thank you mad Clerk and I appreciate that Administration is taking notice and taking action on correcting this ongoing problem of the of this board those professional deserve to get paid um you know thank you for just listening to the dialogue that we have with that being say my vot is yes P cler thank you you council president the votes are seven in favor one against one absent payment of bills is hereby adopted thank you Madame CL item number two on the agenda Madame CL thank you council president item number did you say two number two number two I'm sorry mad clerk my apologies let's go we have the director of public work that really uh needs ouncil to go before we move may I have an agenda please oh you have thank Council M have an agenda let's start with item number six we have three items from Public Work Madame clerk no I'm not going let you move I'm sorry item number six council president no l yes item number six okay item number six happy item number six is a resolution authorized an award of contract to apply landscape Technologies for the finishing and installation of a synthetic turf field at Larry Doby field for the Department of Public Works Public Works resolution 24 7 discuss it was moved by councilwoman Davila Council presid councilman Mims councilman and second by councilman valz discussion director Bill Rodriguez he rer number six director thank you um I have a question for the director is this only going to be baseball this will be only baseball only why are we uh getting away from making multi-purpose fields Doby is only baseball we only can do baseball just why in a city when we go Synthetic Turf crazy that's not multi-purpose because the the field gets so much use now with baseball teams using it we can't use it for anything else and you can still use it for multi-purpose field you can still use it for baseball it's you're the one to charge the permits so you you could give it for baseball but so say there's a game right when I say and this is why all synthetic her Fields not just this moving forward to the administration should be multi-purpose so for example when there's a day there is no baseball game and a soccer team wants to play that allows our residents to play soccer so when it's not being used for baseball right and somebody wants to play soccer someone wants to play football we can't give him that field no no right nope you think that's fair to the res that fi yes is that's Larry Doby field I believe that his uh what he did in this country for he did for Major League Baseball he deserves a Major League Baseball Field that's only baseball it is baseball but it's what I'm talking about is multi-purpose field and it's still baseball so putting four yellow line or yellow lines in the Outfield you don't think that's doing a disservice to the residents for giving you the flexibility as a director of public works when it's not being used for baseball so Larry field is a baseball field yes when it's not being used for baseball and we have people that need a field to play kids that need to play field to play we're telling them no this field should because it won't change the cost it's not a different cost you're the director you give out the permits so you could say baseball gets first dibs on this no one's using it on June 18th we can't put a soccer field there that field from March 1st to November 1st every day all day is baseball seven days you have you have East Side High School play there semi you have semipro that plays there you have Pony League that plays there you have little league that plays there you have outside teams that play there RBI that plays there that field is used every day for baseball baseballs yeah all right council president sure give us a second council members I have councilman Jackson right after councilman Jackson I have councilman BL on the am am I am I up or thank you director I one one I appreciate you for understanding the Integrity of the game and standing up for what's right I mean I I totally agree never mind the fact that lar Doby is a is a nationally recognized but putting yellow lines or things of that nature destroys the Integrity of the field one you can't fit a soccer field in that in that facility no matter how you play you can't put 100 yards well 120 yards actually for soccer on that field and um but my question to you is this so we're we're we're looking to do synthetic is that mean the infield as well we no longer keeping the clay infield no the whole field will be synthetic the entire field yes and they and they have a um we're using a new technology on that field also where the field I have in the Outfield center field will be Larry doy's number number 14 engraved into the field Larry Doby's name is will be on the side on Third basee and on first base and on the back of the home plate will have the division of Recreations um emblem in the behind the home plate okay so now that we're doing um synthetic will are we will we have one of those uh that uh portable Mound scenario as well or since it's utilized for primarily it's not softball it's not leue baseball it's all uh uh junior development and up so Major League style baseball we have the same it would have the same Mount that uh hitch stadium has the portable mounts because um U14 could play there but they don't use the same the same Mount height as um a High School varsity team it's two different heights one is 10 inches one is 8 inches so currently on on the clayfield what what what is what's done when the you 14 year olds play we have two Ms they switch them out on on the dirt field yeah we have Mounds that with the dirt fields that we had on on Doby there's a there's a mound there the um not not Dolby but uh little Dolby and big Doby let's say um uh Buckley Park there's two Mounds at Buckley Park Buckley is because it's synthetic I'm talking about currently Larry Doby field to to date has not been synthetic field it's been a grass's one dirt one so what right now we can't the 14s don't play there anything above 14s play there but now with the uh with the portable mounts you'll have the the ability to play 14 U games and under there meaning Junior J development not Junior development freshman High School eighth grade that that that uh middle school so um okay so now the other question I have on tonight's bills list I see a uh three items that says Larry Doby infield maintenance service for a sum of about a little under $30,000 yeah is this uh natural green green law that that's for a previous uh that's for the previous uh lawn care that we had before this was is taking place so that's for the contract that you guys approved earlier this year I understand yeah now moving forward what what type of uh maintenance are we looking to have to roll into our our maintenance program we have now with a company We'll add Larry Doby on to this field and it'll be one of the the tur fields that it get serviced four times a year okay and director just on on a off topic note when these fields are damaged for example I noticed on on at at rayi yes we had another car accident um what what what's the status of repair on the field and how even with this field what what is the maintenance on some unexpected damages we we have to incur cost on that yeah the D lightfield would definitely have to incur cost on us because it was uh it wasn't due to play on the field it was a car accident um we do got the the the police report we did uh file a uh Insurance claim Insurance claim we we put a quote into the um to the to the vendor to fix the field so we're just waiting on that okay all right very good thank you thank you councilman Jackson Council M council president um looking at the um the funding the 2 million is coming from the state um 1.5 is coming from State I say see the the uh Grant is 2 million from from where it's coming that from the state the one that uh we talk about Benji bringing 2 million on at the certification of funds there's two uh there's two accounts yes correct yeah so we got a total 2 million first the first account is coming from the state the second is coming from ARP right so yeah yeah mam ba second account is coming from ARP yes yeah correct so so that's the 2 million we spoke about that was going to be invested in that Park and the uh 600 sorry the 800 29 uh thousand coming from where Capital art money yes um Madam m madame ba I don't have no problem investing that money it that falls into the uh guidelines to spend that money here all right because we don't have the book right we don't have the the guidelines um I know I requested once that every time that we go to use that money to put a highlight the guideline part of it for we could be clear when we voted on it there's no oh we doing this or we not doing this and we're doing that right um but yes you answered as on on the guideline and you put on the records on the guideline to use that money for that um um uh director and and once again um I know that you look every Corners to make sure that everything goes fine and well especially when it comes to Parks we don't I don't have no doubt on that uh right now now I cannot take the uh tennis court and school 25 and turn into soccer field because it was meant for tennis court and I recall that the field of the school 25 was only met for little leagues so we cannot use multi-purpose sport there so you know I understand that you uh um are look into everything and I know the field the other field next to it has a we could do another purpose on it and probably do what councilman uh uh ad say to include other sports who practice it because it's a bigger field etc etc but this one I'm witness because I go there you know to events and I see that is always utilized for uh uh baseball um one of my my my concern is that soon as we we approve this as a dirf and it's done and the lights is on and whatever are we still going to use this company to make pance the the field uh the one that we have the contract that we have uh we going to still use that contract to maintain the field four times a year or no yeah for the for the synthetic yeah we just add this field to it so instead of you sign it for the what we do it no no the contract that's the lar dby now that'll be that'll be done that'll be done okay so saying that saying that um not only that feel Larry dorby uh when it turns into Earth uh synthetic um we are we have other parks in the city that needs to be taken care of um um and I know that um we ask the resident to take care of it too um there's other field that are less trees around and they don't get too too dirty but but east side park has a lot of trees and we want to make sure that when those those leav comes down they don't cover the whole you know you know again maintenance uh once you know look looks and the color who choose the color I did what color is it it's um not not not not blue and orange no definitely not no no it's a green it's like a major Le fi it's it's a light brown infield um green grass oh green grass lar lar nothing wrong with the orange and blue all right yeah no lar no Larry doy's nameand with me he was a Cleveland Indian council members please Council membersand Indian his the name on Larry doy is going to be red and blue on the side and the um Recreation logo is the recreation logo that you see correct so so hold on I'll send I'll send you the uh so so yes uh there's see don't don't miscommunicate I don't have no problem with blue and orange that's my campaign color so I don't have a problem with that but but for example and I I know you going to agree with me Council Council we we talking about um parks that being renovated especially playgrounds right for example playgrounds okay and this for spectrum for kids that are artistic and people that have problem colors will make a difference and if we don't choose the right colors on those playground it could be it could be bad for those kids that that have a spectrums so you know has the artistic colors are real important in in in in playground especially autistic kids etc etc and I understand that they put a beautiful color on the east side park but when you talk about kids that has autistic and they have you know disabilities and color could trigger a lot of things and them so just to keep in mind that if um if it's possible when we going to do things like that we bring some kind of professional on that area if that color is going to trigger Dam or not and it will be fitted for that Park and um and beside that I'm happy I wish we could get more money to uh renovate more parks and create more parks and keep it in mind that bring more money to Roberto Clemente thank thank you uh roll call M clerk on item number six there one more question Council councilwoman CT um on here um director you don't they don't have the list of the how many bids how many what how many bids was I mean how many specs was picked up and how many was return This was done to a local co-op it was done to a co-op Lo yeah local co-op not a national this was done through a local co-op so we were able to do this through a local co-op and what was the local co-op uh esj that's the name of it yeah okay thank you councilman roll call M clerk on item number six roll call on item number six for adoption councilman abdelaziz yes councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman deler yes councilman Jackson yes councilman colleague thank you uh Madame CL um most of most of the council colleague that wish was to have a r Center in City of Paris with the AR money as you can see some of the AR money is relocating to this project there's a timing to it as well director I would I would like you to um in future project looking to we talk about multi-purpose field looking to Pennington Park I know we could put up probably three more Fields out there the space that we that we have at um at Pennington Park we only have one soccer field we could put football field more soccer field out there we have enough space there please uh look into it my vote is yes thank you councilman councilwoman Ms wow that was interesting to know that and I know we got to use those AR dollars so I'm going to put request back on the floor when we talked about recreational centers in the past we should partner with our school district um and work with our school district to provide uh full service Community opportunities which will provides recreational opportunities throughout the city and which would save the city a lot of money where the recreational center and opportunities will be across the city and not just in one centralized location there are 54 approximately 54 buildings in this city if we work with the school district and our school board January uh we'll get uh a new board or some of the previously new but I think it'll be a great opportunity uh Madame ba to this Administration and to the C Council if we could just work with the school district and partner with them and build recreational Community opportunities that way and we will save a lot of money and that could be done um even before the year is out just by having a conversation or bringing in the board or maybe in January I think that would be a better uh proposal um it will save this city some money it will allow the city and the school to work together in Partnership and allow our students and our children not just from uh prek to high school but also those from 19 plus will have opportunities to um have recreational opportunities in the city so I'm going to put that request back on the floor again I think that would be a great way to uh save our children and our community and our families Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you Council Ms councilman Udin my vot is just thank you councilman councilman VZ uh this is a good project and and picking a little bit from Council women men's the chair agreement with the border ed was uh expired in 2016 uh 2016 I recall that uh the commissioner Cliff cleave rest in peace triy to get the board and the council together still they continue sending letters to get the board and the council together to get this uh uh uh a chair agreement you we cannot do see the city cannot do things just because they want to do it they just have to think that we had to work together with the school district to make sure because they our kids they the one using the parks they the one using the schools they the one that that are using the resources so we need to get that meeting and councilwoman um mimes early January it will be good to get this rolling because um the sense is that they say that we don't want no we want so let's get this meeting council president moving forward I we that's a real Retreat that we should do with them because um it's it's time it's time to do that um um director thank you a good plan uh I would like to see the renders uh of the whole entire park I know after uh it gets done so we could know uh what what is this is all about regarding around the light all that how we going to look okay uh saying that my vote is yes thank you councilman council president thank you man clerk um director um phenomenal phenomenal job uh being pushing for this and finally we have it in front of us I mean we're bringing East Side park back alive we finish the tennis court we have a state of the tennis court we fix the playground we have this beautiful playground that accomodate children with a special need the roller ring is totally is also renovated we resurfacing the park uh so and now we renovating um the lobby field with $2.8 million the park look beautiful I would like to encourage our resident only the third war since thisi Park is the largest park in the city of Patterson I would like to en encourage my constituent to please enjoy the park and if you see something say something we got to we investing a lot of uh tax dollar and grant money into the park but we want to make sure we protect and keep the park par in the same condition brand new the way it is now I feel excited to be the Council of the third war and we doing we making changing dramatic changing and there's other investment coming up on the pipeline also but we also uh with the uh School Board uh there's new board member uh so we're going to be working on putting the agenda together for that joint meeting with the patteron Board of Education in January and also the retreat so we have a lot of work to do by Council K my vote is yes B cler thank you council president president the votes are nine in favor item number six is hereby adopted thank you m clerk item number seven you yes item number seven resolution authorizing the award of contract to Green Valley Group Inc for the Anthony Lucas Splash Pad construction bid number 25.0 eight for the engineering division of the Department of Public Works Public Works resolution number 24 colon 746 move some move by Council women mes second by councilman last call Mad Clerk and councilman udy and Council muting also as well let the record reflect Council muting also second all right thank you for the great support um roll call cler on item number seven roll call for item number seven councilwoman Abdel aiz yes councilwoman cotton councilwoman Dava so I'm not so ready to say yes no I'm not I have to to keep it real I've had as a councilwoman at large I have had people reach out to me that they're not really um in support of having um this uh Splash Pad okay um wow neighboring homes businesses and um I'm sorry so you know at this time you know as much as I care about our children and having there certain areas where if the constituents are not in favor it then you know I'm going to just I'm going to abstain from this vote thank you abstain okay abstain councilman Jackson yeah my part thank you um and just I we got kind of rush through it I just uh just for a point of clarity director the funds from this to $500,000 is this uh art money as well yeah same yeah yes it's our money yes yeah so my my disappointment is slightly different I mean um and and I hats off because I guess this is the first project that the council actually influenced from over 60 plus million dollars of of art money um where it's it's we're in a rush to spend this now because we've irresponsibly you allocated these dollars that should have done a a much better job in helping our communi especially those that suffered through um uh the conditions of covid uh but yet again you know um as a last ditched effort without any you know strong plan and I do understand this is something that's been getting requested for quite some time but it's still irresponsible nonetheless um my vote is no Madam clerk thank you councilman councilman KH um I must agree with councilman Jackson on on his point of view but but we have no other option right um we must allocate the money by end of the year otherwise we'll lose that money um it should have been better planned we could have used this money for um other projects not only this money the previous one that we uh we uh that we approved as well but we we don't have the administ should leave me with no other choice basically so I must support it uh I guess my vote is yes M thank you councilman councilwoman men so to the viewing public this is not anything new we've been working on this for a year and a half um personally I have knocked on doors we've talked to the residents the residents requested water there's no water flow in that Park not just for the Youth but not even a water fountain for the residents in that particular community um and so I'm really glad that we finally got to this point we went through the procurement process and and I want to commend um Billy and Harry that it came under bid so we saved uh money on this project and I know this the kids in that particular students in that area they'll be very happy so after this vote on tonight I will follow up with the residents in that that Ward um that council president is the councilman of and I will follow up and I know some of the youth and their families are watching I told them it was on for vote tonight so I just want to say to you this is something that you made a request for I worked with DPW very heavily on it and um to those children that are in that community and to even uh School 18 and the new uh Charter School uh that is looking forward to this my vote is yes thank you councilwoman councilman nton so we had regarding art money we had a lot of discussion in this chamber uh Recreation Center all the um uh Town Hall meetings we had people are excited about Recreation Center it did not take place however we have to use money uh properly and I think um at least we're using it giving the children the opportunity to uh Recreation opportunity I say and I I I believe this uh uh Splash Pad is going to be an addition to Lucas Park and um completely in support we had in-depth discussion in the committee I believe twice we had disc discussion and finally it came to the uh meeting so I'm in full support my vote is yes thank you councilman councilman Bellis yes I am taking advice from my attorney vot is yes so that's what we have in front of us um the requests the wish list of some people the request of rest um the request but I never saw nobody going doing a town hall meeting and say this is what I want this is not I want so you know I'm not saying I'm putting in doubts of the concern of that it was brought to C Davila or to anybody in this side uh I I did I did I did got to to ask the director how many feet how many square feet and I believe it's going to be a big big big big amount of the park is going to take place here um yeah East 23rd side only yeah um while while we want to we want to make sure that you know the the the splash park is not used 345 days a year right so we I know but I that's what I'm saying uh it's not used 345 days uh 365 days of the year um and it's going to take almost half of the park according to no I didn't say I said said it's going to take the whole corner of the the 23rd half side not the whole half the on the back on the back oh with the three4 in the house all that stuff oh okay okay see what I what I what I what I agree is that having a splash park or or equipment there we avoid to have those kids open fire hydrant in the streets okay uh it will avoid uh those kids who open fire hydrant and then have accidents you know and and then you're going to be sorry the other side is going to be full of people then um saying that the money is here that's the plan that they have it for um no matter it's the third fourth fifth sixth W or whatever the money is destinated for that and the needs was met so my vot is yes thank you councilman M council president Madam Clerk council president may I reconsider my vote real quick before you vote U my vote is no okay thank you councilman council president thank you madam cler thank you I I think the um I'm very familiar with the area I'm the third world councilman and that's a few blocks away from my house and also our director leave close by also as well and my C Council Mims is my constituent it is my neighbor also as well so I'm extremely familiar I pass by there and also Council MAV is my constition also as well and I pass by that Park in the morning and the afternoon and a night let me be real the problem that we have with that Park director is that and I'm before this is my request before my council president yes councilwoman so um in understanding and my apologies I need to reconsider my vote because understanding that an abstention is a yes and I have to as I spoke about the constituents and I'm talking at least over 5050 homes okay um I have to rec I Ved so Madame councilwoman I need to I need to say no okay my vote is no okay so let the reflect that matter that Council mava uh reconsider her vote now going back to my going back to my minutes before I vote director the major problem that we have on that block is not it's not that we allocating a splash path on the on on the park that's not it's not it will not the problem that we have on that Park is that if that Park is open 24/7 and it's bringing a lot of bad element into the area the park need to be closed at night it need to be open in the morning the park is closed at night you have people that don't leave even in pison and they using that corner to hang out and to do all different councilman C just a minute and they using that Park to do a lot of illegal activities the the community they're concerned about that we just allocated we renovate the park the park we have the playground it look nice but we have to take care of the park a little better I need to make sure that we're going to close that park at night and that Park is going to open in the morning if we pay attention to the park and and and get me involved in that let me know who is the person that we got to assigned we've be doing extremely well with e side park I passed by EA Park every day at 10:00 to see if my Park is closed and guess what East Side park is closed every day I I don't go home before I pass by East Side park and at night east side park is closed let's do the same thing with this park it's a beautiful neighborhood the Riverside section was a great neighborhood all working family that live there very quiet but we got to make sure that we keep our our community the way it is now and by allocating this Splash Pad it's not going to destroy our community it's not going to damage the neighborhood let's be real now what will happen is that during the summer and even now because we're not paying attention to Park we bring a lot of bad elements and and they're not using the park they're not playing they're using the park to do other things that in the morning when I stop by I see what they doing so we need your help with that holding everybody accountable to keep that area safe so with that being said to my constituent in the third war this not this is not going to bring uh it's not going to damage our community but we got to do more because we already have problem on that part because of what happening now without being say my V is yes P clerk thank you councel president six in favor three against item number seven is hereby adopted council president counc minut councilman no I just want to say that um I I hear what you're saying council president about um having um the Department of Public Works make sure the parks is open and closed but you know I mean take the idea that how we did with Barber Park we in the community opens and Clos and keep it maintain and and it's still same thing can happen councilwoman members you know the community has to get involved with the park toour and I know that you will do that have them to get involved with making sure you know I sat in Barber Park no you're not coming in here doing all kind of crazy stuff I sat in the park a lot of us the G's family um Charles Adams a Anthony Glover a bunch of us Victoria quiny we sat in that Park to make sure no you're not coming up in here doing thing you going to do what you want and it's about the community you guys absolutely counil M councilman it's about the community come on we got to come together you know I think about if I may I think about when we started the re-entry program everybody deserve a second chance you can't sit here and say nobody don't deserve a second chance and when we was able to get the re-entry in the fourth W of mcgomery Street everybody thought it was so bad it was so bad people deserve a second chance and it wasn't nothing what people were spreading the bad rumors about what it was going to look like it didn't look like nothing what everybody was trying to say it was going to look like and it turned out to be great thank you I needed to say that council president thank you councilwoman C Council M so I'll be very quick so let me put this on the record because sometimes things are stated but I want to make this clear and director Rodriguez can attest to this before my advocacy for that Park that bar Park was used for gang initiations there was a lot of drug uh infestation there a lot of people hanging out kids could not play they afraid for their lives in that Park I advocated with this Administration and worked tirelessly for years to get that Park upgraded from where it was and we have pictures and I've been working with the residents the whole time the first step was to get it worked on one of the trees fell on a house from that Park and damaged the house they're watching they they've been texting me they really appreciate for those that approved it the tree fell on the house Direct knows it we went in did our due diligence we even partnered with the county to come to help us to borrow the equipment to cut down the trees to make sure it was safe we removed the tree got it fixed worked with the uh residents through our legal department and then we got a um a gate we renovated it this is not just for a splash pad we have to level the ground in that playground because there's levels that are not um together and there's other things that will happen as a result of this I work with the residents all the time we have a committee and a team that works with that Park they're watching that live right there in the neighborhood they come out every time as a matter of fact when we did this park there were no swings it was the young man that lives right next door who they that tree fell on their house that advocated for swings in the park and we got swings put in the park as a result and we named him the Ambassador for the park and I want to thank the county uh Pate County Commissioners they surpr and blessed him with a wonderful bike and a helmet so we've been consistently in communication with all the residents I walked my team has walked we've knocked on door we gave out flyers they are so happy and if you want to see my I could like screenshot my messages of all the residents that have texted me on tonight so I don't know who is saying they didn't want it but I have been out there myself not anyone else I personally have went out there and this is not a uh toe project this has been going on for for for years for years we've been working on this project um and I want to thank you director for your due diligence I want to thank the engineer and all those that worked on it even to our late congressman pascrell who was who lived in the Third Ward when we did the ribbon cutting he was thankful because he said that Park was in a disarray for at least 20 to 30 years if you go back to the tape you will see his commentary and maybe I'll post it on tomorrow but thank you so much council president but I'm glad that this park is taken back for the the children and for the community thank you Council thank you um brief uh uh councilman Jackson thank you so I just want to be clear and director I always appreciate the work and labor that you guys are putting forward um you know for me everything here is it boils down to the the what we are the community is not receiving $500,000 is an enormous amount of money and I you know fortunately when I um put together the program to redo Buckley Park I met with the vendor I have an itemized listing so after this this thing is done if we can get the the the a list of all the items that's going to be put here so you want me to give you a little bit on it sure well where with a SPL that Park alone doesn't have any utilities at all so this project includes bringing electricity into the park bringing soore bringing water uh leveling the ground where the splash pad is going to go having a Ada comp uh compliance uh walkway and ramp into the uh Waterway so that that's all included with this price and also before the water park became uh the project we were thinking about putting a basketball court this is this start this is one of the original projects when we got the art mondy this is one of the original projects that we thought about but at first it was a basketball court and the community said no we don't want basketball court that's that's going to bring problem so it turned into a splash pattern this where we're at now thank you totally understanding that that director and appreciating that but again as a third largest city in the state of New Jersey and being responsible if we did the due diligence to build capacity of your department as right now I got I'm getting calls from from from a a resident at 466 12th Avenue who weeks ago put in a complaint or or a request for a bulk where we understand I understand totally that your um your department is deficient when it comes to being uh uh fairly manned and let's not even get into the fair level of compensation but when I get out my car this this just this evening on the side alley and I'm going to do a live video after I leave here and look at all the trash and the stench of urine when we have 60 plus million dollars and how we're you know the only thing that this mayor can really put a claim on is the fact that he's redoing parks and and and the other side of it is where the children and the people in our community $500,000 is a lot of money just to to bring in power bring in utilities people build six family houses for approximately $500,000 and the fact that we're just doing a splash pad much to the to the shrin of the $500,000 uh small little um uh the concession stand that was at commonfield we're paying way too much money for these items and you know to be be quite Frank and which has absolutely nothing to do with you director you're here saving the day because they haven't been able to find anything else to do with this money so here you come saving the day yet again to find another project and as you said this was a request that was done to begin with had it been sourced better we probably would have saved a a whole lot more money $500,000 is a great deal of money I keep saying it we are poorly managing the revenue so when this Council who has the responsibility of being Fiscal Agent the fiscal monitor of the city and we're watching this this uh uh you know poor spending and voting in the affirmative I mean I have to stand firm on it's not about the splash pad I'm I'm great I'm hoping that the community gets to enjoy it within this to the fullest but the fact that we're overspending we could build 10 possibly four or five splash pads for this amount of money but I I mean I appreciate the work you do but I wanted to um as everyone else is doing put that on record as well thank you you council president council president um I don't uh councilwoman C I'm saying um I hear um if you look at the resolution there were three companies that returned bids and actually Green Valley was the lowest bid look at what those other companies wanted to do that Splash Pack Green Valley was the lowest bid and Green Valley so I'm saying I mean you looking at because if you even went with the the third company which was almost 700,000 they wanted for so you know you got to look at the bids and when they come in I don't know how many picked up but three did return three bid did return thank you m clerk item number a do oh item number eight resolution authorizing the award of contract to Green Valley Group Inc for school 25 tennis court Renovations bid number 25.9 for the engineering division of the Department of Public Works Public Works resolution number 24 colon 747 second was mooved by Council mava second by councilman ABD and councilman Ms rooll call clerk on item number eight me council president and councilman my apologies councilman I didn't hear you roll call M cler on it number item number seven councilman abdalaziz number eight eight number eight coun before we to roll call um before uh let's let's open discussion for a minute councilman Jackson uh are we is this identical is this money coming from the same Source uh yeah most of yeah once again I just don't have anything else to do with it while people are being evicted and all kinds of other things are taking place so I appreciate it thank you um roll call M cler roll call for item number eight councilman Abdel aiz pass councilman cotton yes councilwoman Dava yes councilman Jackson thank you madam clerk I mean I'm I'm happy that these items are being done but yet again um I stand firm on the amount of money we're spending where the money's um coming from and uh you know um a lack of responsibility not just on the administration but I have to hold this Council directly responsible because you know we we we've done a very poor job we've had little to no input on on how this money is being um impacting our community Madame clerk my vote is no thank you councilman councilman khle yes Madam clerk councilwoman Mims yes councilman Udin yes Council MZ this item I read an article read an article that disturb me a little bit because I I even asked the mayor why we started backwards what why we started backwards I know he's backwards means we we approve we approve uh the go out and bid we approved the money to go to this tennis court but then I was not aware that the Board of Education never was aware the conversation was done there right but you know they approve it and um they approve it knowing that probably the the board education don't have the money to to spend in that tennis court and um saying that you know it needs to be renovated but this is one the thing is uh um councilman of the is proud to always talk about that tennis court uh he when he used to wear his shorts and little socks and played tennis there when he was a kid uh it's a tennis court my vote is yes thank you councilman coun councilman abdell aiz thank you madam clerk I want to first thank the board of education for approving this and allowing the city to come in and do the do the repairs at the end of the day I always tell there's two separate entities we serve the same constituency right our residents go to school 25 they're serviced by the school district but at the end of the day that is the hub for the Sixth Ward when it comes to Parks right we don't have many green spaces Parkland in the six Ward so when you go into the lake view section it's planned pretty well that area in the center of the lake view section there's Park area with a school and these tennis courts are dilapidated unsafe and ALS also you know not a safe haven for for the kids also not as not it's an eyesore for the neighborhood and if you've been to that area it's a very well maintained neighborhood where the residents take care of their areas and when you take care of your lawn or your house and you look across the street and the school has broken fences a a court that's dilapidated this is a good sign I'm happy um people came to their census and didn't let politics get in a way for improving a facility that's much needed I don't think and listen the school district is not in the right Financial State to worry about tennis courts when they need to worry about the academics the books and everything like that so we'll take it from here to assist and I want to thank the school board members that saw that and and supported this and my Council colleagues that supported here my vote is yes thank thank you councilman council president thank you mad CL just very brief I I just I'm very happy to see that the city the and also our scooters to get into an agreement to make this happen uh it's a six war and that tennis court that destroys delapidated remind me the east side park that is called I see kids now even from out of town coming into piso to utilize the tennis score and I see my neighbor my third world resident senior playing tennis early in the morning the same things is going to happen at school by uh six War by school 25 when we investing in a park um the value of the property goes up our communities get better and it's definitely more choice to for our community to play sports but that being say my vote is yes P cler thank you council president the votes are eight in favor one against item number eight is hereby adopted thank you m item number two good night good night director CC president mad uh councilman do we have to do can can we please we got we do the if the directors are here can we we we only have four item and the director here so correct so we it's a very it's only four item councilwoman item number two in a row Council Council Callis a 743 after the four item we open the public portion after the after we finish we open the public portion item number two man item number two resolution authorizing use of the competitive Contracting process to solicit proposals for addiction wraparound Services RFP number 20 25-15 for the real fixed program in the office of the mayor Administration resolution number 24 741 move number item number two is move by council mavila do we have a second second second by Council M Ms any discussion Council discuss discussion councilman Jacks we get an outline on what exactly we um absolutely M ba mad ba sure um I could provide you the the final bid as their um the team is finalizing that I'm working with the purchasing division this this resolution um is to approve the use of competitive Contracting but the services that are are provided the reason why you would use competitive Contracting for something is um as an exception to bidding so we can't just do a bid and have a lowest bid like as we saw with some of the park ones that were just proposed here because we want to include experience um and so it's price and other factors and you either do that through an RFP that's a professional service or something that's a clear exception to bidding or you use competitive Contracting and so for the services they're looking for it's going to be a lot of the work that the social workers are doing now as part of the real fix program so that includes everything for some of that Outreach um Street Outreach in the community um it's going to be doing the actual processing of connecting um an individual um in the community to services to and that's whether to the actual medication whether that's to wraparound services that are related to that so this is a way for the real fix program to ramp up it's going to be funded through the real fix grant that we have through Bloomberg philanthropies and they are looking for people um for service providers and so that could be nonprofit service providers or so on in this community who then can be successful with this level of Street Outreach and Community Support council president so is there an increase in the in the in in the budget and from the initial launch of the real fix program no it's we have a total of a million dollars that we are using for both our internal staff and our outside vendors related to this so that's um including the you know uh the drive the ride share services that that we provide this service some of the technology related to the the hotline um all of that is related to this and is funded by this million dollars so did this go out to bid to begin with when we first launched the real fix program no because they have been piloting it now with the internal staff and that's where they've had the success of about 500 clients up until this point and now this would be something for the beginning next year so that they could ramp up and serve more people so the same budget as last year last year we ran it internally and by the way just for a point of clarity I'll put it place on record I've been getting an enormous amount of calls from people who have been providing services for the real fix and have not been timely paid um drivers and things of that nature so but my question is I don't see an outline or a breakdown of when you when you talk about the million dollars and how exact exactly um is the plan to be allocated and or how was it how was it how was the money dispersed for the last um uh uh year or so for utilizing it internally so is this gentleman who now came before us to become an expert in in surveillance cameras is he no longer going to be the head of this program or how was he paid how was the money dispersed prior and how is it being planned to be dispersed this time I can ask him for a report on the breakdown of what was used so far um for the internal Staffing which is uh we now have three staff or four staff members who are um working exclusively on real fix at Boose Innovation officer is still the head of the Innovation team and is still um running this program while he's also involved in other things throughout the city um again none of this is being his salary is paid for separately through private philanthropy he's not a city employee um and these all of these individuals and this program has all been funded through the Bloomberg philanthropy is 1 million I'm just curious does his salary is his so he doesn't receive a city check no he does not he's actually an employee of P County Community College okay and um so how many employees do we have working for the past year under this program that was being paid directly from this grant so we have two full-time people who have been working for most of the year and we have two recent hires um one who is full-time one who is part-time those full-time employees were they paid six figures uh no I I would have to look and see their base salary is not they have worked a lot of overtime in relation to this in part because they were the ones answering the calls at all hours of the day and night um so I I would look it's doubt it's doubtful but I would have to look and see yeah if I can please get a full um report on the expenditures for for this uh for the million dollars for last year and as well I I mean I guess this is going through for a vote now but I would love to see the breakdown um proposed spending for this moving forward so and and actually council president this is just to allow us to go out for the procurement process then we would come back in front of the council to award the bid and so they will put together all these details of it you'll have the financials of what this um procurement comes back with but then we'll provide the other details as well I understand what it's doing Madam madam but in a normal process I'm sorry I just wanted to make sure the community knew that they're two steps not we haven't used competitive Contracting a lot in Patterson so that's why I wanted to make sure I was explaining um kind of the the process for this I understand but normally there's a bid specification and bid specs would outline what portion of the grant or how much exactly we're planning to allocate for outreach because their their their perspective locals who may not be able to fulfill all of the services here there's there's companies that do Outreach that go out and and reach the community and feed the community they don't have the capacity to do a ride share program there's there's companies obviously that do ride share they don't have the capacity to do a um uh an Outreach aspect of this so I would I would expect that before we get to this point that a bid spec will be laid out to say okay amongst the million dollars we have 20% Which is going to be uh you know 200,000 plus dollars allocated directly towards ride share we have 30% allocated towards Outreach we have you know so it it's just to you know put out a generalized request with no specifics doesn't necessarily mean that we're going to get productivity and or especially because our local what this really does from my perspective is it kind of boxes out our local agencies because our local agencies they you know they're smaller they don't have the the the staff to really go in and delve into a grant it should be broken down into segments more Biz manageable pieces so that you know um companies like uh uh Ronda uh Roberts who does a shower program she can say hey uh you know we can we can run the um this the the showering aspect of it you have um you know Kelly various companies or or or entities locally that are that should be included in this discussion but doing it on a broad scale like this in my for my opinion doesn't necessarily uh um you know let these these agencies know that they could be included in this as well not only that but what what is the uh the relationship between whoever the contact person is and these various um entities I know T joiners she deals a lot with some of the Outreach um programs but I don't I haven't heard and and as a matter of fact I have residents from helden calling me saying hey who's doing Outreach I have care packages that we want to give away and anyway that's my perspective and uh part of the reason why I will not be able to support this because council president council president sure thank you um I believe that I have uh Council and right after Council M coton you have any I I just wanted to clar before pass Council um as our our qpa would say um we can't put any details on what budget is available for anything because that really goes around the procurement process you need to have a fair and open process and everyone needs to actually bid on what they think a a service would be worth to them and that's um that's why you do that you can't you know kind of you know say oh this is how much money we have because then everybody will bid for that um you know if you tell them how much money correct understood Council Val so Madam Madam ba through the chair so the four positions that um that is in that office free fix they are employees from the uh P County commit college no they are city employees but they're Grant funded through this the Bloomberg Grant okay yeah so they don't get a check with the city of Patterson they do oh they do but yes they're city employees yeah but some we it's fun just like other grant funding that you know the Whole Health Department is you know a big chunk of the health department is funded by gr before that you say they don't get a city check no that's just our Innovation officer is employ correct so between the what is the budget between salary and do they get benefits yes they get benefits and it's not coming from that million dollars it is coming from that million dollars so roughly between salary and benefit roughly how much you think of year I would have to I really would have to can you give me that yeah yeah can you give me that I can provide a report on buet details yeah you could give me that detail because you know talking about a million dollars that's nothing million dollars could disappear like that in in other things how how how do officers Ed to supply their resources um before doing this this is this is a whole new program that started just because we run won the grant so these employees didn't work for the city prior to that okay we hired them to no no I'm talking about uh you're talking about proposal to uh go out and bid or whatever proposal it was it was just the social workers themselves and there were really only two at the time um who were they're following this process throughout for each individual but that also limits the amount of people that they can serve so now they're this is hope we're hoping that we will be able to scale the program that now we will have more Outreach more people will learn about the opportuni and talking and talking about outsources also alour say also um service and some of the biggest piece of the service that the time the the thing that takes the most amount of time is that a lot of the people who are you know trying to get over their drug addiction they also might not have a Social Security card they might not have a copy of their birth certificate they lost their driver's license years ago or it expired and it's helping them get all of of those things in order so that then they can also apply for benefits that might be related that they can get and then eventually things like Social Security that they then they can apply for housing and that it actually leads them to on the path the success it's not just about giving them you know the subach zone and and helping control the urges related to the opioid addiction it's actually making sure that it's sustainable long term our social workers have been doing all of that and they've been doing that successfully 500 people since spring of 2023 but there's so M much more need out there and the more we can have people help with those Services help with the street Outreach people who know the community and in fact that I I think it's going to be the the local groups who have a leg up in this process because they can make the case that our experience matters and that's why you want to use a process like comp Contracting yeah last but not least you stated that uh so far the office has served 500 people yes um based on your data yes uh and and probably that data could tell us that they allowe poning or they just coming from other cities it's a it's a combination combination yes but they have to be here in Patterson now so some people might have been in Patterson for a few years some people might have been lifelong patter and somebody might have just been here you know over the past year and how you prove residency of them here it it's if you're here in Patterson at the time you're you are considered a resident no but they had to that's similar and and you know the director of Health and Human Services can talk to that too whenever we do the point in time count that's you know kind of the criteria that is used for if you're considered a poonian or not you might have grown up in Wayne become addicted to to opioids ended up in Patterson you are considered a pattersonan at this time all right thank you thank you guys much I finished fast you don't I did finish Fast um okay let me just say um actually this is like our third year um um this is our third year doing um real fix or quick fix right um but you know what I just want to say now um is it the third year no we launched in Spring of 2023 prior to that we yeah prior to that it was another it was another program prior to that I forgot what the name of that program was where um he was the director um no true no it wasn't that one but um I just want to say that when this program really originally got started um I had I had said to um one of our police dep Department person is is over it too I don't want to say his name but and I said to him until you actually uh get the people on the ground to be part of this it's really not you're not going to do nothing so then I think last year you finally finally listened to what I said is that you have to get the community group like tier one um the guy named John ja uh Hummer beginners didn't I think apply but and I did reach out to some of the community groups to say in order to you can apply to be part of this program because someone has to be out there to and and and and getting them to to get them to get to get right so when they did that when they got the the community organizations and nonprofits to come in that's when you started seeing the numbers go up because we now have the people on the ground people working on week hands people working on Saturday and Sundays people U trying to get them in then I see them every day because they go to 125 Ellison Street and they come in they come in and out in and out you know and and he's trying his best to get them the services and when they do come I know they don't have nothing they got no ID they got nothing so you got to start all you got you actually starting from scratch because they have nothing to to to even go get a job first of all you got to get clean you got to get recovery you got to get clean in order to get clean then you got to then you're able to say go work you're able to do that so I'm happy that they took my advice when I said you got to get the ground Roots You Got to get the ground people who lives here who got those nonprofits here who can go out in the streets who know them and and they can come in and help them so this is our third year and we're trying to get more Pro more people now but but the people on the ground they got to apply once once we get this um competitive whatever cont but the the the the nonprofits who are here has to apply and I know I reached out to a few of them that all right please you can go down there see what it's about see if you want to apply for it so this is our third year we're going into our fourth year so council president I just want let you know that that first year ID but it started it started working after I made the comment about ground people people living here who can go out in the street I see them on Broadway but I see them there four um I see them there by good sheeper I see them I'm I'm downtown every day I see them they're going in 125 I see them I see them coming in and out in and out um so thank you counc Madame ba please yes and and that is um a connected program which I think is what you're referred to the opioid Response Team the ort which is funding through the police department but you're absolutely right that's what I think this team has learned from that experience the the real success comes from the local community groups thank you m we only have four more five more quick item uh item roll call Mon item number two please roll call for item number two for adoption councilman abdell aiz yes councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman daver yes councilman Jackson thank you madam clerk so it's just amazing to me the effort I mean the sales pitch that we get for everything every single item here when I come off Route 80 I don't see the numbers of tents reducing I see the number of tents growing when I'm at uh uh uh at a hensu stadium um whatever outing for the 100 players and I got guys that's coming up to me saying hey like I I live in the Third Ward and I have um tents now in in in my neighborhood so councilman um Mendes his name is Mr Kenny eatman I'm sure you know him well if you don't I'll give you his information but he's now complaining about the tents that are lining up across the street from his home this entire city has become intense city right outside there's people who are sleep soon as we leave out how are you you're the signing Authority for the city you're the top attorney you're the the the lead Corporation counsel for the city and every single decision maker that sits on his Council has to leave this building and look at people sleeping on cardboard boxes those of us that need to take the stairs to get out you can't because there's a someone sleeping in front of the staircase we're allocating millions of dollars for people to to to to earn a handsome check I don't care where the money comes from there is a responsibility to those that we we we outline to do work now very quickly and I'll be as brief as possible this item says the scope of services are available for review in the office for the purchasing agent so you know we're still not having an understanding to the agencies that's available in our community to render these services and yet this Council will vote on an incomplete item where we don't even understand the scope of services so we're just here as we normally do give a blank check sure it's mean oh it's not from the taxpayers no problem and we just allow it to go through while the responsibility of care and services to our community continues to be unmet and if if and if I'm mistaken then why are we not seeing a reduction some people say oh well they don't want the services do they not want these same services in other municipalities that's not growing at the at the rate that we're growing in anyway I I hate to be the one to complaining or bring the the the the facts to the to the to the table but Madam clerk I cannot support this in good Consciousness my vote is no thank you councilman councilman CLE thank you Madame clerk we need more services like this we need more funding from the state as well so we could have a uh we so we could have not have those tents out there they're the one who trying to help these people if somebody don't want to get help what can they do but there are help out there these people go out there to try to help them so I need we need more funding we need more more puts on the ground uh my vote is definitely yes to support this councilman councilwoman Ms so I just want to put on record before I vote I just want to commend I remember with the real fix program there were some concerns and I know councilwoman cotton and different ones from this Council made some recommendations to Mr BS and to his team in regards to some things that would really help them um connect with those that are um going through tough times in our community and one of the things they did with these wraparound programs they connected with Partnerships with individuals such as um Dr Moody Ruby's Vision James Johansson um and so many others that we can name like all of them and all of them are working because they know the community they're out there all the time and this particular item is to continue those community on the ground partners with the boots on the ground work they're doing to connect with those people that possibly unfortunately those that are in charge like The Innovation officer and others may not have been able to get the same opportunity so I want to commend all of them I'm I don't want to quote all of you but you know all of you that are connected to real fix that are paronian and are tied heavily to this community I want to commend the work that you've been doing um and this work will continue with this particular item so I'm looking forward to um this as it moves uh forward um and it expands for others to be partners my vote is yes thank you councilwoman councilman Udin my vote is yes mam thank you councilman bz um you know I hear people out there if we save one lie we did it we did a lot if we save one life we save a we save we save one life we did a lot but let me let me let me keep it clear cman and Council woman not everybody that is in the tent not all of them are addicted not all of them are addicted I know some of them are homeless because they don't have a place place to live they don't have money to pay rent they got evicted and they had to go under the bridge not all of them are addicted I know some people that they roll up the tents and they go to work and come back and open the tent to sleep in the street we got veterans out there in tents they're not addicted so don't confuse one thing with the other there's Addiction in our street and we could know who are they you know if you go marus Street and other Street you see the same individual in the same traffic light acing for money you know they are in addiction and I asked him go to real fix they go help you out there and I don't want to say what they say after that but um but if the money is here for that and they have to prove that it's going to be working it's not up to me to tell them if it working not they have to to prove that we put the resources there's a mental health uh social mental health problem out there and so we have to put the money where supposed to be because we need to move this program forward but they have they the want have to prove that it's working based on the Madame ba we have 500 approximately 500 people that being served and that is a plus for approve my vote with this my vote is yes thank you councilman council president thank you mad clerk um I mean with this item this is a very um uh it's very concerning the perception and what in the reality of the city of pison because um the homeless situation in the city is just out of control we have to be honest we have to admit it we have a serious problem we have people from all over the state of New Jersey coming into the city of patteron let's be honest and that a lot of those people they're not even from our community and they're coming here looking for help looking to get rehabilitated and they ended up into the street and they become our problem um I met with u Mr boso the the person that running this program based on the data they sh positive number and and yes I mean one life that we could save is you know it's definitely a blessing but we all have to come together we got to get all those local entity those local non for-profits involved in this problem because they are the one those local entity they know where the problem is they know who is who in our community and we all have to come to together to fight this battle because this a real it's a real problem we doing we making out we improving a lot of different Parks we investing millions of dollars in our community but when we have visited that come here they see people in tend you know camping in the street it's a problem the perception it's a reality thing so but it's a problem that we're going to have to address it but all everybody all know known for profit people are providing services in our community also as well everybody we all have to sit on the table to fight this bottle um I feel very pleased with director R he's been going above and beyond um you know his effort and his relationship throughout the state to serve the community but there's a lot of work to be done a lot of work to be done you know you got out there we don't need to put video on we see that we see them every day some of them they're not drug addicts some of them they yes they legitimate homeless they don't have any place to go but what do we do are we are going to allow them to just stay there in the street or we're going to find a way to address and get some help for those people in needed that's the question and the conversation have to take place with all of us included my vot is yes M clerk thank you councilor president the votes are eight in favor one against item number two is hereby adopted very brief item number three man clerk item number three resolution honoring the distinguished career and contribution of Judge Miguel DEA carera sponsored by councilman Lewis valz city council resolution number 24 colon 742 so move second it was moved by Council by Council Council before we move forward uh please add a councilwoman U Marissa DAV sponsor and um and um moving forward the remaining Council if they want to wish to be co-sponsored they could do so thank you noce CL coor roll call on item number three let me as a co-sponsor you are pleas entire oh entire thank you I truly appreciate coor okay everybody uh whoever wish to be co-sponsor okay so I have Udin yeah you could and who else uh whoever want to be co-sponsor could do so you had to say in the record um Doo is the person that wants to be co-sponsored item number three please on roll call you can state it on the record just um put it on the record Madame cler will take note roll call M CL and item number three I'm sorry yes I co-sponsor yeah the item is sponsored by councilman lisis VZ and councilwoman Marissa Davila co-sponsored by councilman Udin and councilwoman M very good okay roll call for item number three councilman abdell aiz yes councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman I just want to uh thank judge DEA carera for his time with our city uh you know I've known him for many years he's a man of Honor a man of integrity um he also swore me in my second term and I'm sadden that he's going to leave but I'm happy also because you know it's time for him to enjoy you know retirement uh so with that said congratulations my vote is yes thank you councilman Jackson thank you madam clerk one uh I want to render uh congratulations for anyone who sustained but more importantly um you know my disappointment is this this seems as if this is what the uh the council is now embodies you know our best performances comes about when we honor and and show um congratulations to people who have uh obviously are welld deserving but just in light of that last uh item we we we uh we just approve for $2 million we could build a permanent homeless shelter in the city for2 million doar we could have built for far less I mean you can this you know the the amount of buildings that's going up in our community is and we still have yet and somebody else commented about the high rents yes because this Council has been so irresponsible in allowing developers to overdevelop no um um rent uh uh restrictions and the number of calls that I get on a daily basis from people getting ready to lose their housing while the best performances that we could come up with is honoring individuals for their hard work in labor while this Council still continues to fail the community but in light of that um not to Shadow his his his uh work Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilman counc colle thank you Madame clerk uh some of this Grand money is allocated for specific purpose specific reason with that money we cannot build a homeless shelter that money is allocated for specific reason that's one thing we have to understand and I don't want to uh take away from Judge DEA uh congratulation on your retirement my vote is yes thank you councilman councilwoman Ms judge Carrera thank you for your service your sacrifice and your time my vote is yes thank thank you councilman Udin my would adjustment thank you councilman blz you know I take the I I I got to stick with my prayer that I did today trying to use my wiom um God is good though God is good um we resolution honor reading distinguish the distinguished career career and contribution of Josh Miguel de la carera you know Josh K has impacted a lot of life out of the bench we're talking out of the bench okay at the same time I impacted life in the bench so as Council woman men always say let's get the Roses when the president is is alive and he has dedicated almost his life into this especially when he was appointed by our mayor in that time late Congressman Bill pel as a as a judge in the Municipal Court you know and you know and you have to honor those people they burn their life and going to school and giving back and listen I I think it's it's a good honor you know you know he's retiring Go andjoy Vacation travel you already did your work so m he makes a pride as a Latino and he was callor blind too uh my vote is yes at this Su thank you councilman council president yes M clerk thank you the votes are nine in favor item number three is hereby adopted thank you m clerk item number four okay item number four resolution authorizing use of the competitive contract process to solicit proposals for financial consulting services RFP number 20 25-14 for the Department of Finance Finance item resolution number 24 col 743 second move by it was moved by councilwoman Dava second by councilwoman Davila roll call col on item number four just that's what I say councilman DAV and councilman R call Mon call on item number four councilwoman abdell aiz councilwoman cotton councilwoman daver yes councilman Jackson yes councilman khle yes councilwoman Mims so before I vote Madam ba um later at some point and it doesn't even have to be here but I saw on uh on social media there was some commentary in regards to the payment that we were giv out the guarantee income payment and a lot of people are complaining that they did not get their final payment so if we can get some information and backdrop and you can send an email out that would be greatly appreciate it my vote is yes thank you councilwoman councilman Udin yes madame Clark councilman okay council president my vote is yes thank you my vote is no oh sorry okay thank you okay the votes are seven in favor one no one absent item number four is hereby adopted thank you madam clerk item number five item number five resolution don't come please item number five resolution authorizing the memorandum of understanding between the city of Patterson Department of Health and Human Services and the Salvation Army to operate a cold blue welcoming Center this is a Health and Human Services item resolution number 24 second it was M by councilwoman DAV by councilman Council and councilwoman Mims roll call number five roll call on discussion discussion councilman Jackson uh I see the director um yes director so I got multiple phone calls in fact even from some of the uh contractors that were contracted to work the um the site where obviously they still have to be paid but there was individuals that walked all the way to the new location and were turned away because this the facility the site was uh was not opened for them and it was a night when it was well in the 30 30° is there um what what what are we doing now what what is the plan and I understand and and I commend you for finding a substitute location while we were evicted from our own property but um well can you outline for us what is what what are we doing now thank you for the inquiry councilman um we we've been open every code blue night so I'm not sure if there was a miscommunication or they saw a posting that was outdated uh we did have to change location uh one night last week week but then we resolved the issue and we're able to stay uh at our current location so maybe that was the miscommunication uh but other than that we've been at 545 West Broadway so there wasn't an individual turned away I got a call ear late in the in in the morning if if you could information I will investigate they had to walk all the way over there and then they had to walk all the way back there was no I can inquire with Libra and try tomorrow if you give me the information but no one has reached out to my office they I'll it over to you so right now we currently open full till how many what's the uh the occupancy capacity we have the capacity could be well over 100 the Salvation Army has authorized not only the lower level usage but also the Sacred Space upstairs and where is this now 545 West Broadway same location yes okay a block from St Gerard's council president up towards H right okay correct any other council members council president uh uh Council mava uh so I just wanted to just add and just say thank you so much um it is upsetting to know and I know council president sent a letter which he put on record and read yes uh last meeting um regarding um the reason why we were removed from 60 Temple because you know they were going to be under construction and that didn't happen and to displace you know our cold blue Center you know was very disheartening uh so I want to thank you because it's my understanding you went all all over looking for places you know to make sure um that we can continue assisting you know during this cold weather so I just wanted to say thank you for that our council president council president um CC so um sure councilman I just want to um it's up there on Broadway um director um how do how do people they have to walk there can they call the real fix and get it ride up there what is it they don't call it real fix they call it another name r she or something to get up to 5:45 West Broadway if they are eligible for ride chair yes when you say eligible what you mean well you have to be eligible for those programs right okay so in other words because they're so used to go to Temple Street which is right there how do they get way up to ro where they got to walk I mean like so is there a number they can call or something to get up there yes so if someone is aware that someone is out there and they are in need of Sheltering okay there is a number which I will provide to all of you by email okay they have to call the Dispatch Center at the pay County Sheriff's office that is that is the official protocol for the county of Pake they must call dispatch at the sheriff's department they must say there's an individual need of Sheltering the sheriff's department is legally obligated to go out there and transport that individual okay uh councilman de um thank you council president so yeah I pretty much similar question I had that the phone numbers and also people need to know what number they should U make the phone call and also um can they just walk in and who's going to serve there can you just explain for the community members so that if anyone notice that someone need help shelter they can at least be part of this process thank you for that question councilman so the standing operating procedure for pay count is you must call 211 211 is the Port of Entry 211 takes your information put you into the system if you are experiencing long-term homelessness calling 211 and getting into the system will put you on the priority list for an emergency Choice voucher so for individuals and families who are experiencing displacement they must call 211 because that's the only way where they are going to get that emergency Choice voucher from the county of P they must call 211 if it is an individual in need of immediate assistance on the street the individuals that are you know in the Parks or in a tent then they must call The Dispatch Center at theay County Sheriff's department and it is a walk-in low barrier warming Center uh the shelters in Patterson unfortunately it's something that we've been dealing with for a while they do have a lot of barriers for entry uh this is a low barrier anyone who comes in will be serviced perfect perfect thank you thank you Council Council M before director when did you find out that you are not going to be able we are not going to be able to use the 601 Street code blue starts on November 1st we received an email a letter by email from director gorm on November 4th so three days after the codee blue season started that is unacceptable mhm November 4th so it just and you had to scamble to find a yes sir new location yes sir that's all I wanted to know president councilman um Jackson so so for a point of clarity so it started no November 1st so we actually were there occupying the space and we were evicted code blue had not been called yet so the season starts November 1st through March 31st okay and then code blue is activated by the county depending on the weather depending on the weather so which when was the first day that we actually um wedn if I'm not mistaken it was that weekend yes that weekend yes okay so now director on on another note obviously noting that we have and I've seen you in various areas servicing some of the people who are sleeping uh on the streets when we have these individuals who are are we doing some type of wellness check check is your department or who is responsible for you know doing Wellness checks on some of these PE these uh individuals sleeping in various areas and and tents outside of these buildings or we just if they make it to the warming Center that's great if they don't tough luck how what is this the situation unfortunately I don't know if there are only three cities in Pay County that are obligated by law to have a warming Center which is Clifton Pake and us I don't know that any of the other two cities have an outreach program we currently don't because we don't have the Staffing to do that and we don't have the budget to do that and it is not a requirement of the code blue act we have many organizations in the city that do go out and we thank them for that um St Joe's has a program that is funded by DCA which is called the St Joseph's path program they should be going out and doing this Outreach but but are they so I mean whether they should or not as a municipality all of those entities who are making money in our community however they're making it we should be holding them accountable for the services that they should be rendering so so we do not fund them they are funded through other sources but I've made it known to the county and they are holding them accountable uh when we see that there's a lapse in the services so I I understand we don't fund them but do we do provide the vehicle for them to be funded meaning they they put in an application saying they're servicing a population in city of patteron and however their their their um Grant applications read but um just on the last item we voted on I mean understanding what is the requirement or the the the uh the what's the call from the community councilwoman DAV at the last meeting said oh you know some people don't want the help if we know that we have a great deal of people that's sleeping outside that are refusing the assistance we should have moved some of that money for real fix for those who don't and making sure that we don't end up on the news with somebody not making through the night on one of these cuz I mean it's been cold but it hasn't really been that cold as of yet it hasn't been 10 or below zero you know when we get to those points I'm curious of how a lot of these people are going to be able to survive out there sleeping in the tent um you know off Route 19 specifically so um I I think there needs to be some kind of plan put in place whether it's uh the the collaboration with the one of the Outreach organizations but there should be some Wellness checks you know periodically when the weather drops below 30 de uh I appreciate it thank you council president thank you Ro on item number five roll call on item number five councilman abdelaziz thank you m Kirk director and Madame ba I want to give kudos to the director for leveraging his relationships his Partnerships to clean up a mess that was inherited by another agency that put put a mess on our hands and within I would say a month because you had Thanksgiving that came up and we and please thank Salvation Army for bailing us out and allowing a warm place to stay and it really shows some of these other nonprofits that didn't come to the table big nonprofits around the city that says hey we're here to do good but no one really open up their door to us so director thank you very much we're really hard on our d directors but this is what um we see when people get the job done so I commend you and you know thank God for the Salvation Army because people do need a warm place to go and we got to do better the Housing Authority can't do that that doesn't just happen where construction just starts and unfortunately hopefully next year there's more planning in this that we're not scrambling in the you know before the holidays in December for a place to get council president I know you're in the middle of rooll call but I want to thank Madame ba and the mayor for the support that they gave me and the trust they put in me to make this happen so thank you Madame ba and thank you man no excuse me director you do not interrupt me when I'm voting all right said I know you're this isn't the mayor's cabinet meeting all right we got the mic you could do that in their meeting not here right now my vote is yes thank you councilman councilwoman Coden CL I just want to say to you director Ramirez that I send a lot of people to you myself I get the phone calls I send them to you and you do everything in your power to get the services and the help that they need and I want to say thank you because I know what I sent to you on a daily daily basis so I appreciate what you do for the city of Patterson here thank you director Madame clerk my vote is yes thank you councilwoman councilwoman Dava oper ready thank you my vote is yes thank you coun Jackson this is the last item one more no before the last one that I was going to say I'm out of here director great job my vot is yes thank you councilman councilman K yes Madam councilwoman Mims so great job director but I do want to put on the record if you look at the temperature the way the county works with with the warming the center is if the temperature is 32° below but if you look at the temperature the temperature was in the 50s and 70s it did not start dropping until the beginning of December so in actuality the homeless shelter was not really in in in function until December so if you take a look I'm always doing my due diligence to make sure but if you look at the calendar every day is noted the temperature it was in the 50s in the 70s even some days in the 80s in the month of November per the calendar for patteron New Jersey so I want to put that on record so the shelter they really didn't use it CU you can't utilize it per the County's uh process and procedures until it's below 32 degrees Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you Council counc Manon oh thank you Madame Clark so we are in winter season and we see on our streets even the place you're sitting in if you just get off get up from the door you will see people sleeping on the stre Street and this is a time we need a shelter place we need a place to people to warm themselves so I think this is this is a correct moment uh director I know it's a very short time you got and I I I commend that in the near future I think we have to think about shelter of our own and also think about how we can minimize the homelessness in our streets this is very important so my dep vot is respectfully yes thank you councilman uh councilman VZ director I hope it's the first and last time that you interrupt Al the laiz this is the first time he say the whole meeting he's about to leave wait wait wait wait okay u in in a serious note director the director um I know you uh command the administration to give you the U uh the trust and uh Good Will that you put this in place and the support of councilman councilman counil members counc and councilman Ruby K uh this is real important as Council woman men stated if you look at the temperatures from November to now it's only about two days that we had a cold blue two days in a row right but if we going to think of the Box this should be turned into and everybody could use it when it's 90° 80 Dees 0 degrees below zero as a homeless shelter too homeless shelter and um and I hope uh the administration could could give you also that that that power and tool to uh go and sit down with them and you know what this could be a homeless shelter too you know um and probably and put resources there for them at the same time and not just giving shelter um saying that but we talking about cold blue is close to uh downtown it's close to everyone so um U my my vot is yes thank you councilman uh colleague thank you councilman council president thank you m clerk I definitely um and director you hear uh the sentiment from the council you've been doing an outstanding job because I was fully aware that this was your effort um getting the location using um your connection to have a uh warming Center otherwise the third L of city in the city of New Jersey will not have a warming Center because as we hear from you the housing department they remove us November 4 from 6 Temple to which is unacceptable every independent agency it has to be the right partner for the city of pison and we all here to serve our community to serve our constituents to serve those people in need and what they did was it was unacceptable I'm not going to stay quiet about this it's really sour and very uh it just it's very concerning to me the action that they taking um the situation with our homeless population that need a place to stay is there we cannot we cannot you know just turn around and not look at it yes councilman Jackson said it the best at the end of the night go outside and you'll see people sleeping outside we need shelter we need shelter we need those agency that are here in the city of Pon to get in the room and work with all of us to correct this problem because it's all of us problem and there's a lot of red tape with some agency in order for them to take care and help somebody I don't want to say I don't want to say name I just want to say that there's people in need in this community and if you think that it's okay to have a people Camping sleeping in the street and and not getting the help that they need and at the same time we have agency in the city of pison that that's their job it's our responsibility to come together and help those people that's that's our job and and I believe that that's the reason why we all here for so with that being said uh my vote is yes thank you council president the votes are nine in favor item number five is hereby adopted thank you council members and say that he states that this is the last item before public portion it's almost Christmas and let's do the last item item number one on first reading item number one is a first reading ordinance no public hearing required it's an ordinance amending chapter 195 of the Patterson New Jersey Code camping on public property Health and Human Services so move second discussion discussion discussion moved by councila council president m by Council discussion and councilman no I did not absolutely not second discussion discussion Council but last second discussion I have councilman Udin and I have councilman bless and who else I I didn't move it Council de all right thank you council president so um I didn't move director this is this is from your department I believe he said you didn't this was a request from various council members it is coming through my Department yes so I I believe you you're you're going to State your stand on this that what do you think would happen but my point is that uh without providing without providing shelter just just do the wrap up on this that those who are sleeping on the public places they will be fine $2,000 90 days of imprisonment and or um 90 days of community services am I correct that is what States um it is an opportunity though I may add this was crafted looking at other city ordinances you know since the Supreme Court decided a few months back that this was legal to do okay awesome thank you um we keep getting inquiries from all of you from the community about these tents popping up all over the city we don't have a mechanism to hold these people accountable there are a lot of people on the streets of the city that are really vagrant they're not really homeless right and you know there's a school of thought out there that they're doing this to make all of us look bad you know there are groups purposely Distributing certain tents for people to just Camp up in different public areas to make all of us look bad so we need to have something in the book so that the police department DPW and my department can have some level of enforcement so uh director I'm 100% agreed what you have stated and I personally want to see that our streets are clear from the homelessness that's a 100% agreed Let me Give an example what the resolution that we the um we we approved today body guarding this shelter during the cold uh cold blue time so this is let's say the capacity of 100 100 people there right at this moment now we do not have real shelter in our city to cover the individuals on the street do we we do not have a city run shelter but we do have many shelters in the city so there are shelter beds right now at certain agencies that are about 40 to 50% empty tonight there are beds in the city individuals just don't want to conform to the rules of some of these shelters so we do have beds there are people who choose to be on the street of this city every single night so my next question is for example if we go for enforcement tonight with that ordinance can we place all the individuals right now on the street do we have enough space for everyone that that are sleeping at this point on the street according to the pit count of last year right we only have about 70 Street Homeless in the city of Patterson 7076 so yes we will have capacity all right so I just want to keep in that very before we go for voting now we don't want to hear from the individuals that I am fined I'm imprisoned because of sleeping on the street but we we we look for services but CD failed to provide services that that that's whole my stent so a lot of these services councilmen are provided by other governmental entities we make the referrals on the city level but the responsibility lies with the County Human Services with the Board of Social Services and with other County and state agencies so you know people H we provide them the support that they may need to apply to these Services it that's not really the case that they didn't get any assistance you know there there there's a process and you know as you recall you all authorized the community Court initiative that the administration Corporation Council worked so hard on this is an opportunity to get some of these people through Community Corp into services and permanent housing look person Al I I I I I'm I'm talking about myself I personally support that because the other municipalities our neighbors are throwing their stuff on our shoulder that that's happening I do agree my point is we we have to consider the our City's people the same time absolutely we don't want to throw them um on the water suddenly if we are prepared if we have enough shelter for our people I 100% agree we don't want to welcome uh the new problems from our neighbors we don't want to do that that 100% to your point councilman the reason why we have so many individuals on our streets is because we don't have something like this in the books got it you know when Ed boie was doing his research for real fix one of the first things that every single individual interviewed on the streets confessed to them was we're in Patterson because the police don't harass us we don't get questioned they don't check if we have warrants you know this will enable us and the police and all the other entities involved to do a little bit of that not to harass people but to make sure that they are doing what they need to do to get off the streets now this is my last question I'm sorry for asking them any question I didn't not speak I saved the time to ask question at the end so we came to so the last question is to enforce this regulation uh do the police department or the individuals who enforce have to have mental health issue experts or anyone can do that well we'll make sure that they have um Crisis Intervention tra tra training I'm sorry um there are a lot of County entities and other nonprofits that do provide that our most of our police are trained already in Crisis Intervention um we can make sure they're all trained I have a call to community policing tomorrow and we are going to talk about this and how we're going to enforce it uh because community policing does want to step up and assist with this sounds great all right thank you uh DOR council president Council Les you hitting the nail that's a new Ione Council there a new one that's a new one you're just H in a nail and uh the other day I asked council president please the other day I asked uh the mayor why we started backwards in the situation of the um tennis court and the border at and you just sit in the nail how are you going to have a conversation with PD after this is approved when you have to have the conversation first to see if they are able by law to enforce it um hold on hold on because let me let me say let me say it this way I have called police to let them know that Roberto Clemente has two camping tents and they say we what you want me you know what you wanted to do because is a DPW issue that Park belongs to DPW right so where the police is going to stand to enforce it when even the ordinance says it don't say who's going to enforce it okay the ordinance says it don't even say police is going to enforce it is is is the ordinance is good it looks good right but who's going to enforce it you cannot send a DPW inspector to a park because what's going to happen is that that guy is going to get aggravated he's going to get mad move me if you want you could get slapped spit whatever the scenario let's let's live the real scenarios the real scenarios now now here here I go I'm a I'm a law enforcer I'm going by the ordinance uh a tcop is a municipal ordinance and probably the police has some kind of General guideline attorney general guidelines that say you can't do that right now we we we put we put in place an ordinance to not uh to not sell gas to uh the bikes uh to confiscate them or whatever and the Attorney General said you cannot pursue you cannot chase you canot do this you can do this so it was a f so feel good ordinance that we did we did even a press conference in the gas station and we got more Muppets and my motorcycle all over because the police cannot hold on the police cannot enforce it because the the state General guidelin say you cannot Chase right that's an example right now here we go here comes police tell you you cannot be in the sidewalk they already got it in the book obstruction the sidewalk you could apply obstruction a sidewalk if a person is laying down on the sidewalk the police could go and say you're ready obstructing the sidewalk you had to move but now here comes me as police officer and say listen you cannot be in the sidewalk you cannot be camping and he move down the road there was not no alternative to help that person that person goes walk the the tracks the train comes and kill him and the last person I heard no police officer from moving from a sidewalk and he walked to the track and got killed there was no option to help him in that moment so we we chasing people around we chasing people around and chasing people around and we not giving the right solution and I gave a right solution when we was approving on number five the cold blue sounds good because we use it one month or 35 days or whatever happens if it two days is cold but that place should be used as a homeless shelter all year round and then get on Art money get some grants to support that right to support that shelter and I think that I think that the the the the residents and the people that um are seeing this this this type of camping thing uh to appreciate that comes with Resources Director director and and and and I know it bothers us right seeing a camping site and we see it in Route 19 uh but you know one day I call for about that camping thing and you know what they say that that that's belong to the state the state had to do something or that have to do something you told the individual you told the individual Under The Trestle of Route 80 we told the city ay we told the city city we got three camping sites under the route 80 uh exit by um R not railroad um the classic used to be there or whatever and I called the no that's the state property they the one had to come down state t had to come down the one on brieze Street uh Spring Street under the the the the route 80 no that's the state property they need to go there and do that so who we going to pass the buck right and and right now this is a good initiative if there was a plan in place for them and director you just stated we referred them we refer them but what about the people that we refer they're not going to do nothing they're not going to do nothing if they want to do something with those homeless and those people in camping we don't need this we don't need this they should go out there get the resources get a place get you know not moving around you can move in around every day but if you tell her listen this is the help that we going to give you I I have encountered those individuals and say what I could do to help you to stay out of this site I say I need a job I need a house I need this I need that and I tell them go over here go over there I say I already went there I already went there um and they come empty-handed and I'm not saying that the office don't try to do what they have to do because I refer a lot of cases to this office and they do what they have to do but the problem is that director comes and refer them to those those individual that get the Grant from us and they they say they don't have no funding all right they don't have no funding so let's be realistic let's be realistic so uh councilman uh Mendes I know you're going to repeat what I'm saying but uh you know I'm not I'm not planning to repeat what you're saying coun coun I just have a few other Council Cali U just to Flo councilman do I say that you don't have the floor huh do I say that you don't have the floor no but you interrupting me no I'm not interrupting I'm trying to juste you want to say just try to wrap her up to open it for to three more CLE Kali that I have because this the last item that's that's what I want to say so so last but not least wrapping up and trying to stay where it my prayer I think this is uh we still have missing missing missing things here missing um you know language on this I think should be go back to um uh Public Safety Committee and uh have the police intake on it and then come back with everything because as you notice um on on Section e chapter 23 215 195 D1 disorderly conduct say same a same B same C same E I want to know what that same is you know so probably we we're missing something here I want to see the whole the whole chapter and this to see what it's saying it's not because you adding but the the enforcement now look at this $2,000 fine for a person for this disorder 2000 fine you imagine they probably died with a heart attack you know $2,000 fine they cannot even find a place to sleep and eat or whatever and they just find him $2,000 fine I I think they should go back I don't know if agree uh to go back to Public Safety too and then come with a complete complete um ordinance how they going to enforce it how they what the police opinion will be because I don't think the the the inspectors are going to do this council president sure council member just just a minutes uh and and I would respectfully council member as to um just just be brief when you coming you know there's no need to spend like 10 15 minutes I don't wi discussion but let me let me just say this I know have U I have uh councilwoman um mes I have councilman adeliz and I have councilman so um so and councilman Jackson do apologize he was the first one but director um coun councilman councilman just I need the director attention for a minute uh you you hear no I I just let me let me talk because um um um director was very you know uh he say V council member I have a conversation with Corporation Council month and month ago and I have a conversation with the director and I make this request I'll put it like that it's put plain simple I put my name on what on the thing that I bringing a month ago I me I made with Corporation Council he met with director he said listen this is going to be I said listen I'll put my name on let the committee go over and now it's here in the city of Patterson any person from the state of New Jersey any person from the state of New Jersey could come here and up a t in front of City Hall by the health department downstair that you could video everybody and nobody will touch them nobody will touch them I'm very sure that the committee did the work as Council M stated that they have a conversation with Captain Mary now this is a legitimate concern we don't know who we have in the street of pison sleeping in the street of pison this is not about homeless any criminal throughout throughout the state of New Jersey or out of state they could come here and play like they are homeless and they could just go under the bridge open a town and they stay there for many years nobody will bother them that have to stop that really destroying our community the director mentioned 70 SE homeless throughout the city of pison we have empty let's say that a little bit more there's empty with shelter here that they not on the table there's entity that their job and their responsibility is to provide services for those homeless and for those people in need let's call them those people that out there I don't see everybody in the table the city is the one holding and carrying that responsibility the health department with the director running around that need to stop those entity they getting a lot of funding I'm not here to mention name but the reason why this is on the table and I'm in full support of this is because we need to call every entity and sit on the table that really destroying our city how is possible that what happened in patteron it doesn't happen in Clifton it doesn't happen in hel it doesn't happen in Pro park it doesn't happen in pade in the city of pade you could go to Hon listen if I open a little town in in on hton I will be there for a minute in in a minute there will be three or four police officer what are you doing here you need help let me take you to the hospital you need help let me take you to a shelter what are we doing here we letting stay in the street uninary defecating asking for money pay handling and now we're not doing anything about it what are we doing what are we doing by fixing Parks resurfacing a road try to clean our city where we have people coming from all over the state and we allow everybody to open a t in the middle of the street in the corner in front of City Hall and we're not doing anything about it how's that sounds I cannot allow my son to get the bus in front of city hall because I don't feel safe how that sounds that need to stop and this legislation it's on first reading and if we really want to do the right thing we will put politics aside let's move on first reading let's meet with police let's continue working with the director and you will see that we got to get things done now we don't have nothing on the table to enforce that you are on point you know brother Church boy my my favorite one now anybody could come to Paris from the state of New Jersey and open a to right there I'm inviting everybody when we live here go on the corner you see how many people are sleeping there what are we doing nothing about it oh we can't do nothing about it because they refuse to get help guess what if you are in the city of piso and we and we want to provide you the help if you're not you better move out of my town you better leave the street because we have entity that are providing services and you refuse to take it something have to be done council president we're not perfect but we're moving on the right direction and I'm invite everybody to just look at look outside in front of the in front of this building and you'll see how many homeless we have and people sleeping there and nobody doing anything about it council president so let me open the floor council members I have I have three I have councilman Jackson Council M and Council and and then we're ready to vote councilman Jackson well first let me applaud council president F first let me applaud council president for a magnificent performance all of a sudden he uh he's finding a moral compass I guess but anyway this is an answer to the failure the most ridiculous thing that I heard tonight and and and director by all means please you know everybody takes shots at you every once in a while I'm not doing that I am but I'm not uh but but but because I know it didn't come from you cuz I'm I'm sure you would never come up with something like this but that people are sleeping intense to make us look bad like I I mean I'm going to leave my my comfortable bed and my my trailer wherever I was wherever I was staying and I'm going to go get a tent so I can make patteron look bad guess what we don't patteron doesn't need help in looking bad that's Patterson we don't need help looking bad all you got to do is watch a council meeting and see some of the the craziness that we vote for right now this is an answer to a bigger problem to a failure because even on the previous item right the council president has so much disdain for this developer royan now I sat here and I begged every council member I said this guy is walking away with $40 million in developers fees council president said I voted yes for it I voted again for it and letting this guy walk out of here while all the those residents are down there getting receiving notices for eviction a few years ago I had to come before this Council and then go before the Housing Authority board and beg the councils for support which I never got when a resident from the Housing Authority was illegally evicted I had to go spend my own time and money to hire an attorney to get to to go and challenge the Housing Authority CU this this woman was sleeping in her car while she had a daughter going to school at Tech and she was illegally targeted and illegally evicted you want you want to go through the list of the people that's being illegally evicted I had to write another letter because the city our Corporation Council is busy doing other things showing up at feedings and things of that nature when resident call because they're being illegally evicted for the astronomical amounts of rent that that call is not being answered then I take it upon myself I write the legislation to stop people from receiving mon L fees of $2 $300 for illegal parking fees and I get nothing but roadblocks I wanted to say Council coun Corporation counsel I'm I'm very pleased to see you come back I was getting a little concerned after last week's meeting and you stormed out of here all upset and he got all belligerent yet again disrupt all belligerent stormed out of here early you have to listen to me you work for me you work for me your your responsibility your responsibility is to work for the council exactly and again when he stormed out of here all with a hissy fit because because he you know why I was late you know why I was late because the irresponsibility of your office with all the homeless people sleeping downstairs and me and me having to take my own initiative to write my own legislation which he failed yet again to provide a true legal reasoning behind why he didn't support it he just didn't want to support it and he came up with some rhetoric that was not supported by nothing legal his his his his answer was not supported by one state statute by one city code why One Federal uh uh Corporation Council please earn noted the Quorum sir you can ask for the microphone the you can ask for the microphone the same way that I have council members council members again Council Council counc if this if this was a if this was a debate he would be defin MERS council president council members Community he stole a $50,000 stole $50,000 incre councilman KH point of order what is your point of order point of order is are discussing item number one this conversation has nothing to do with item number one that's the point of thank you Council council members you could stay on item number one which is the last item before we open the floor to for public poral I'll deeply appreciate it council members after at the end of the meeting I will open the floor for you to express your concern no we're not doing that no that's fine councilman V went on for an extensive period of time then you you you said something about it and then you came on and went on for extensive period of time and now that I'm pointing out the facts I think everyone's everyone's most tonight go Brothers get rough away coun reest my request is to stay on item number one because that's said discussion that we having before we vot on it that's all council president I know that it's very difficult for you sometimes to understand the relevancy it's time okay if you if you just if you just stop interrupting me sir I know it's difficult at times for you to understand the relevancy but when we have homeless people right who are impacted by astronomical rents that are impacted by additional fees such as illegal parking which we already have in the books that's that's being failed to be enforced by the by the administration it's not irrelevant here we are getting ready to implement fines fees and jail time for people who are sleeping on the street various reasonings and I'm pointing out to you on various different occasions where I had no support not only from this Council but from the office of Corporation counsil from people being illegally targeted illegally evicted the same as we were from the warming Center everyone finds issu with that but how is it not accurate when somebody's being charged $300 additional on top of a $2,000 rent for parking when that's illegal that's going to that could potentially cause someone else to be homeless so here we are now looking to do the same thing that we're doing all the time with targeting the residents instead of being instead of being a a uh you know know committed to making sure that people don't take advantage of our community the way royan has a guy walking out of here with $40 million in developers fees and then he decides to evict us from the warming center now we have issue with that so it is definitely relevant definitely relevant how do we bring forward legislation with a clear conscious and I I'm assuming this was reviewed by Corporation council's office as well to instead of looking at the root of the problem and how are we going to make sure that we don't have individuals sleeping on the streets let's enforce and Implement further discourse to their lives by shooting at a $2,000 fine and jail time in their way that's our answer that's our answer for for for the conditions in this community where the rents have become out of control they skyrocketed you know in other municipalities that have similar circumstances let's take nor for example we Raz did he made a number of different homeowners he made homeowners he he kicked these same developers out of his community when our community not only do we roll out the red carpet for him we let them screw over our public and then want to say it's irrelevant while Corporation Council failed to answer the questions last week stormed out of here like a a school a school child sweating you do your job man do your job I don't have to sweat you I don't have to sweat you listen I don't have to sweat you listen I didn't show up I don't show up at your high school for for yours when you're being honored I don't show up how am I sweating you how am I sweating you how am I sweating yes and I wrote the legislation I wrote and I wrote it it's not wrong where where's the legal bearing CC president Council counc where was the legal bearing hey I said and after you removing the word compel where was the legal bearing council president Council council member Les council president council member Les you should open your mic you should open your mic so the public can hear you open your mic so that could be on just Corporation Council we have a point of order by councilman let's try to get back on track on the discussion councilman the so council president I try council president point of order you're next C be very brief no no there's order there's there's order I am next what is your point of order okay continue wa be patient normally you stole them out of here council members Council Council so okay Len counc I have a point I'll explain it everybody Council Council Ms I'm not going to discuss this item this is a parliamentary procedure that I'm calling a point of order go ahead we wait so so council president we have it back and forth of a discussion that's on a different resolution I would ask you to give the councilman Jackson the amount of time left for him to have the floor and then hand the floor off to council with Mims so we could get to a vote so let's gain control of this and let's move forward the floor should be handed off and we should continue to vote thank you councilman abdulaziz that's what we tried to do so councilman Jackson right after we have councilman Ms so councilman Jackson let's add three more minutes for you to have your discussion and then right after that Council M minut and then we'll be ready for a vote and and open the public portion for our constitu listen it's very fitting it's very fitting CL can you have the got the clock for three minutes for councilman Jackson I don't need a clock I'm wrapping it now I'm wrapping it up now thank you counc it's very fitting I mean cap councilman abdell aiz has been walking behind giving council president instructions for the for the entire his entire tenure as president so it's cool he can continue to do that but yet again I'm going to point out the the gross failures of this Council to hold various entities that are making a boatload of money on our community kicking our people in the face every day and here we are yet again looking to kick more people who is down in the face this is not this is not a not not a an item to help the residents of the city of Patterson this is an item to try to make the mayor look good so we could clean up rid the streets of these people that he's failing and all the people who are being evicted all throughout the community instead of going after the Rogue landlords these these deric slum Lords that's having people living under these excruciating conditions and and putting Staffing these departments so they could go and do proper inspections on lead on poor poorly constructed uh facilities and things of that nature let's go out here to the streets pick up these people and then hit them with a fine for $2,000 so we can slap them in county jail for a little while that's a great U publicity stunt you guys continue to carry on with the nonsense I'm out of here Council M um so the concerns I have and I think um councilman baz hit it on the head so I just want to read just some points of this item it says uh this is a new ordinance that says no person may sleep on public sidewalks streets Alleyways under any Bridge train stations or any public own property as a matter of public safety any person violate in this particular section that was read may be fined up to $2,000 impr prisoned for up to 90 days or by a period of of community service for not more than 90 days or any comination thereof here's my concern and I think valz valz you deserve um probably extra pay for tonight because I think your point you were right on point one this should have been duel it should have been Health and Human Services and in our Public Safety Committee that it should have been discussed both I think the uh police should get some weighin because the big issue that we have and I appreciate what council president stated but the issue we have in our city is enforcement we can create as many laws as we want we can amend many laws as we want but if there is no enforcement we're just pushing paper but the problem so the real issue with this and let me tell you a lot of those individuals that are coming in that you see sleeping or in the Alleyways a lot of those individuals not all but a lot of them they come into our community cuz we're the county seat for social services so they come in for turning point they're at straight and narrow they go to these different programs and the problem is which I've been saying for years there's no exit plan so they come in from different towns and then as long as they're here per state law they stay here for 24 hours they are now considered a resident of the city of P patter so any resources that we have anything they need in our social services they get that and it takes away from the people that live here that's one issue that's why we need to have an exit plan that would be bigger to me it would have more teeth than this particular item you say these people are coming in within 24 hours you get your treatment it's over by 3:00 there's a van waiting whether you live in white Wayne wherever you live there's a van waiting and we return these people back to their communities same way they bring them here with their suitcase they drop it in the corner they stay here and then they able to get their dope for $3 a bag they don't want to go to these homeless centers as much as we have them and we talk about them they don't want to say there because they don't want to abide by the rules so when they tell them you have to be in at a certain time 8:00 7 o'clock they say we don't want to stay in there because we want to S all night cuz we could take a cup go to your car and we make $400 a day by standing there and getting money to keep going on through the process that's a problem secondly where are these people going to get the money from that means they'll be at more of your cars more of the windows with their cups out asking for more money because there's no way they could pay $22,000 and here's the biggest thing and that's why um and I just a text because I want OIC and the captain I wanted them to watch here's the biggest thing there's something called criminal Bell reform law criminal Bell reform law which is now in place if you get locked up for situations such as this sleep on alley sleeping on camping out with a tent you are let out within 24 hours based on your own recognizance so there's no way this can be enforced criminal bar is a state law state law law always trumps local so I'm not understanding how there's no way we can Implement I mean we could pass it but it's not going to be enforced because it can't it can't Trump state if these people get first of all there's an issue cuz say you go and you go to the person and say get up move you could do that now the T day the DPW every day he left I'm sure uh Billy if you're watching or any DPW worker every morning we call and many of you have called they go out they clean up the area hour later two hours later it's back there right every day this happens so it's not that you can't move it it's just that they go and find when we walk in this building 77 Ellison Street I heard the guy ask the question how long are you going to be there because that's where I sleep so here and here and they take his box they move it he comes with a brand new box every day this is unfortunate because it's a sickness but to me the better the better approach is if we had a strategy it's called the exit strategy plan in place working with the county and all of these entities that are providing these meth treatments and certain treatments to them we have a program in place to say you're from y you're from XYZ the van is here and you're going home and that's it once we do that they'll go back but the other communities that of the people that are here when you do the research of the people that are living here that have been here over 24 hours you'll find that their towns have put a put a law in place in their towns that they're not accepting it so we take it because the money rolls in if the money was rolling into their town for these treatment centers they would be there as well so they're not just haphazardly here they're coming for the treatment programs you got to somebody always says follow the money it is a fact they come in 24 hours and if you don't believe me Google it I'm not a lawyer but I know this is what the process is this item and it's great I you know I don't know who gave it you say you didn't write it but whoever but I appreciate it but two things one Public Safety should be included on this that has to be a conversation and they're watching and they I know they agree because they know state law it's not we're not going to be able to enforce it you cannot there's no way you're going to say I'm locking you up because you was laying on the street you want to be there for 90 days criminal barel form says you're out within 24 hours some people are out in two hours one hour based on their own recognizance so I I I mean I get it they want to do it but I have to go by the laws of the state is going to Trump this even if it gets approved is not going to go anywhere so I just want to put that on I'm not done I'm not done I'm not done right I have I'm not need to speak yes yes you will I'm not done and so I'm just putting it on the record I appreciate these things but the other piece is um when it comes to these type of things enforcement is the issue we call every day it was very sad today to receive calls as the students were um on a fire Dill um at Alexander Hamilton they were walking through and some of the students almost fell over some of the boxes that are out there and some of the stuff that is left by some of these same individuals so I am asking uh Madame ba I gave it to uh director that we get that Trestle under by Alexander Hamilton as one of the areas cleaned up um just to see that video today that was sent to me um yes was very disturbing um but I just would like us and I'm going to put this request in place we need to have a Exit Plan for those people that are coming into our community getting these treatments we don't mind them coming in they need to be treated but they need to go home Patterson cannot be their domicile and then it becomes our issue and our concern so we have to put that in place and I would rather see that type of legislation come forward with some exit plans to get those people back to their various residents thank you I'll CL for myself before councilwoman uh I have councilwoman councilman and then we and then roll call after after the two my two we got um I just want to say to Corporation Council I'm sorry I know you asked for the floor after the two Council remember you were next and then we uh now who's next you're next counc oh okay I just want to say you know I see the resolutions um that you want um public property um and the issue is and you know it that they're not going to they're not going to move them I call all the time about the railroad tracks like constantly I call you director about the railroad tracks They got tents up there uh and and you know the railroad track they're not going to call the police they're not they're not calling to say remove them so we're saying we want to do this for public for City owned property of removing them from the from the property but I just want to say also uh and I hear councilwoman Ms I have constantly been saying since I've been here straight and narrow keeps getting money and they got No Exit Plan No Exit Plan you stay there for two weeks you can walk right out the door just walk right on out and of course they ain't got no van to put them in and take them where they came from but they just so it's not the city that makes the Exit Plan it's those programs that makes the exit plan when they come here they have to be able to you know no no you don't want to stay here no no we not let you see them walking down the street with their suitcase rolling their suitcase is with them like they're like it's unbelievable until we kind of I think the city has to kind of force something with straight and narrow they're the they're the main ones here the straight and narrow they're the main ones when you have other organizations like the shelters they do their best to make sure those guys stay there and I think we have one family shelter uh we have a shelter over here on Circle Avenue we also have the shelter over here in Oasis I'm not sure they yeah they have one too but to me the the railroad tracks with the homeless with the tents we got to do something I think this is it's just not enough it's just not enough and I say we got to have the conversation you know let me understand that and let me let everyone know out there we have inspectors that we can't even send out to expect nothing because we have to send a police officer with them you know that we had to send a police office with inspectors to ins because they get their the people are very violent now I mean people living in homes are very violent and they cannot go there on their own and they'll say in a minute I'm not going if I don't have a police head discort I'm not going so we got to look at all that um director but I think that this needs to get more stuff in it that we need to make sure if we put it in place that it's going to get done thank you uh councilman deles thank you so council president I am to the public try to be a voice of reason on what we have in front of us this body all nine of us definitely understands we have an issue with people homeless vagrants whatnot that are in public areas these are public problems they're in Parks they're by schools areas that we see in front of City Hall in front of this meeting public areas now we ask ourselves how do we help these people first and we have our director of Human Services and I know each one of these council members has tried helping a person and they refuse the help right I I remember the person out here one of the staffers tried to get them into a shelter on a cold blue and the lady was in her late 70s said I don't want to go to shelter give me a bus ticket to Harlem or whatnot whatever was said but as a city we hear these complaints people come into our city and just take over just take over drop a tent drop a a sleeping bag a pillow make yourself comfortable on a new playground that we invest money on and then we say how do we fix this then we say there's no teeth to what's in the books regardless of what's going on we have to have something that we could hold people accountable for something we don't want them doing no one wants anyone sitting in public are sleeping in public in front of your sidewalk in front of a school so there has to be a law that tells them hey if you don't take this help and that's what I hope director before there's any enforcement we're offering them help that that this got to go hand inand with help and there's there's choices now but one choice is going to be that you can't stay here and that's what this ordinance does is it perfect no to my colleague from the first ward he raved about mayor Baraka the city of Newark I just searched them have an ordinance similar to this 30 days in jail but so so Council councilwoman I'm not looking counc council members Council has the floor I heard last speak before we vote counil with MIM says they're out there we took an oath for office to legislate we can't go out there and confiscate and put in the laws my job is to say here's the law now you enforce it you want to run for mayor and execute and enforce that's on all you guys but right now council president I'm confident that this should go for a vote so when my residents tell me there's people in front of the school when I'm going there I could say give me the concern we have an ordinance in place and now these individuals from outside our area many of them outside of our area come in here so now I looked in Wayne Wayne has one right that's why they're not sleeping in the parks in Wayne that's why they're not sleeping in the parks in Clifton because they have ordinances in the book so thank you Council R call CL on number one council president council president we should I I would close in this council members I would ask the council president put this up for a vote so now we happening now please make a comment on after legation thank you council president before Council I request council president we're going to vote counc let me let me let me see if you could answer this question for me you council president okay if you could answer no no if you could answer for me you could convince me if you could answer I'm not honestly no no no hold on because you hold on I'm notc look at look there was an ordinance here the city of par the last item Council tell you with facts no no NOA we can have that discussion after president if you could answer this question for me as a leader of the council you could convince me we have an ordinance here way back that fail because they was prohibiting people to feed public and homeless out there it fell okay the churches came here and say you can through that thank you now second you can answer that council president look at the scenario that we called the police to move somebody that camping and they move in front there and they go to another place and the police had to be called again to move it from there when the police have to do more more more crime deterent you know let's be honest if you could answer me that question I would definitely I would definitely answer that question um before my vote Council C uh members of the public I want you to answer it now council president no I definitely will but right after that after my answer mad CL has 10 10 public speaker now the answer to the first question about people that are coming into the city and fitting the humblest and I'm very honest this is my personal opinion pison is the only city that you could have any person Listen to listen to the resident of the great city of P this is the only city that you could come from any place open a tent and start serving food do we know what those people are Ser no let me finish C I'm just this my it's my humble opinion and I'm not and we could go back and forth point of order council president so so so I will answer stay tuned M cler Rong on this item I Wrong call I stay tuned I will give my answer on my on my doing my do my vote okay number one on first reading councilman abdell aiz that yes sorry coming out brother sorry thank you and before I vote I'll be remissed if I didn't express my heartful gratitude to Corporation Council you have always been professional when you draft this and overseas and you have guided this Council to follow the law some people don't like following the law that's true right some people don't want to draft and May and things that they give us are illegal I want to commend you for continuing to keep this Council on track and and regardless of what what people say I will take your guidance your legal opinion and guidance before anyone else on this Council so I just want to put that on on the record keep up the good work Corporation counsel CU what I've learned when people don't want to follow certain rules they try to defame and say different things so my vote is yes thank you councilman councilwoman coton thank you madam clerk um I just want to say also that um I it needs some more stuff in here I I mean I I it's too much it's just not enough um I really need to hear I wish our public safety director was here or even our OIC person was here to say how we going to do this if I pick up the phone and somebody is sleeping in Barbera Park are they going to come are they going to come I can't even get them I can't get them off the railroad track I can't get them off the railroad track and they no I'm just saying no I mean and they do come but sometimes they're so overloaded the our Police Department is so overloaded with with calls calls and calls that I just don't see how um and you and and you said you you spoke with them I'm not I'm not sure if you did I don't I didn't even see this so for now I can't I I just can't for now on this one my vote is no thank you councilwoman councilwoman daver I get more calls from that ra track I Broadway it is beyond you know and and and all of my colleagues you know they have the reasons but I can tell you and I can open my phone the amount of people that call text post it on social media tag us okay something has to be done I've spoken to the previous OIC I've spoken to the current oh I see I've spoken to the director I have the floor Council woman counc talking about that I sat down I had a meeting this is not what I'm saying I'm saying when I make a phone call and I have second word constituents calling me up and sending me pictures right now I have the floor and everybody's speaking and I'm quiet when everybody's talking so I have residents calling me up from the Third Ward you should see I live in Parky terrrace the amount of people that call me about the situation of the the young man that camps right on the corner of Edward and and Route 20 numerous phone calls something has to be done so I appreciate I appreciate that this went through Health and Human Services this came to us the committee I read it this is why I said you know what I bust it was gone cuz I didn't read it I'm sorry I wasn't there I wasn't I didn't see it okay I want to thank Corporation Council as well I am sure right because one of the things that I was told when I called about the situation with now tents popping up in Westside Park I was told by police and DPW both said Marissa we really don't have enough although there is an ordinance in place about you know uh uh you know our parks and public uh um um places but we need more so I believe that this is the more that we need and yes we can come back and we can move forward and add other things but some just got to give we can't constantly complain and say yeah I understand yeah I did this that situation that happened this morning G Greer contact me directly he didn't tag me anywhere he called me contacted me directly and what did I do I sent it to Billy Rodriguez our director our deputy director our super everyone I sent it to them something's got to give we got to do something about this and we're not so I don't understand how we can we councilwoman I have the floor I give you the respect I have the floor okay and so all I'm saying is I'm supporting this I think that it is necessary and we talk about other municipalities and I know for a fact that when we do stuff we look at other municipalities that are like us right the three largest and so you know I'm in support of this and I'm voting yes on this first reading thank you councilwoman councilman Jackson thank you Madame clerk this is uh it's uh it's pretty funny it's amazing how how the perspective changes you know various on certain instances and I personally cannot thank Corporation counsel for a measure such as this in fact there was a a a a tax lean certificate that was purged by this Council when that tax lean certificate was illegally foreclosed on by a long upstanding Church in this community Grace Chapel Corporation Council failed to respond failed uh I I would love to see the data on this Community Court thing um director Ramirez I I asked the Corporation Council to provide it but I'm sure much like the data the ba is saying she she provides me with uh I'm sure that'll be something else they'll say they provide but they can easily post it publicly you know where's the data that we hired this because we don't pay him he doesn't get paid he gets paid from a grant but as there there's a data specialist where's the data on the necessity of these or or the lack of um compliance by these people sleeping on the on the streets if they're saying that you know people don't want to be compliant and things of that nature and while councilman abdalaziz talks about how the city of norc has an ordinance such as this what they also have is a mayor that's making sure that his community is not being mistreated by people making millions of dollars on their community so but let's talk about professionalism let's talk about professionalism because I'll acknowledge maybe I'm a bit rash but every single time I address Madame ba and she and I have had a very adversarial relationship it is always by Madame ba it is extremely professional every time I address the corporation counsel here's a a gentleman that's supposed to be a professional telling me stop sweating me like we in the street but yet I bring measures forward that's not for Mike Jackson because he they we we know that they ignored all of the issues that had to pertain to Mike Jackson how was illegally targeted as well but I bring measures forward to protect the public by the thousands of residents which I'm going to make an effort to bring here I'm going to make an effort to get them to come here that are being illegally targeted by things that's already on the books but yet and still I get yo stop sweating me how professional is that when have has anyone ever heard me say to anybody yo yo my man st stop sweating me yo I've never never have I packed my bags and stormed out of here like a like a a six sixth grade school child never I'm here every single day I don't miss a meeting oh I'm tardy I missed the the flag salute I beg your pardon but I'm here every night arming myself to fight on behalf of the public against people who are also supposed to be here fighting on their behalf and one thing you could say about councilman Jackson oh I've never flip-flopped never changed my position you've heard many people tonight including council president talk about the homel every single night I'm mentioning this this situation on the side of the building I've often brought to the council the legality of the fact of legality that this council is supposed to sit as a board of health and holding the health director and the health well not the Health and Human Services director but the health director accountable for the for the rat population and things of that nature thank you but yet while members of our public continue to be ignored on on the vagrancy and and slum Lord activities we choose to Target them now although I do agree that this is a necessity but until there's a full service plan in place on how the progression of certain things are going to take place I can't support this because the Administration has proven that they are not responsible when it comes to to not unfairly targeting cuz we know the people that's going to get targeted it's the residents and and primarily the black and brown people let me just say the black people because the number of people that I have that are reaching out to me that are being illegally evicted is alarming and this is where Corporation council's office should be coming in part in place protecting the residents but they take an adversarial position against residents and then back and support all the legislation that comes out of that office I challenge anybody to tell me one piece of legislation that's come out of that office that's been a benefit to the public we had a we had a long conversation in front of City Hall one day we stopped some people walking he talks about the the uh uh uh Community Court where's the data how many people that's helped where's the data prove me wrong yep there it is let me let me let me place this back on record one more time brother Keys just so so you can make noted this the report that I'm looking for is the $110 million all the money a list of where the money came from how much did the developer put in the project how much came from wherever it came from and then where was it spent how many cubic yards of concrete was used there how much did the turf cost I went through my emails checking where's this where's this report she's claiming she sent me there is no such report and listen here's another thing this is what I've learned right when somebody says something that's UNC incorrect there's no need for me to mumble under my breath and talk about some how untrue things are you don't have to dispute an idiot his own words will will will will will do the damage there and if they're claiming that I'm such an idiot why is every single person every single time I'm saying something trying to overs speak breaking decorum can't hold their silence packing their bags leaving out early I'm out of here hey Madam clerk I I I can't do this my vote is no thank you councilman councilman KH thank thank you Madame clerk um we are amending a ordinance that we have it in the book already and this what I've been hearing is is out of this world like we just going to go out there grab these people arrest them and put them in in in jail something he said we could they could be fine up to $2,000 they're going to get a ticket at least at least our police officers or they have they have something to go approach them now they cannot do anything and this similar ordinance Newark has it Newark fighting the same issues as we are this is nothing else and we go beyond the what we voting on on the ordinance and start talking about other stuff which has nothing relevant about this ordinance for example 110 uh million expenses on um on the stadium we did not build the stadium the city of patteron we just gave them the tax credit the Builder where's the proof the the Builder where the proof for you we all voted on the tax credit so so and and and you you know who build the build the stadium call them up ask them ask them for it you went you want buy them get it from them we don't have it we don't have it I'm speaking know so I'm speaking I'm not I'm speaking the fact I'm speaking the fact don't call me foolishness council president he doesn't have the mic he doesn't have the floor no cops okay it doesn't matter the cops here or not I'll ask him to C if he speak back to me I ask you to remove him from the from the chambers Mr I respectfully I respectfully I will ask you respectfully to just allow the councilman to close to vote okay I respectfully ask you to be silent you will have you will have your three minutes report continue all right thank you um so we we are just amending this ordinance my vot is definitely yes we have to start somewhere if you don't vote Yes for it don't complain about the vagrance and and the stuff you see out there in city of patter oh wow thank you councilman councilwoman Ms so I'm not going to vote Yes and I'm I am going to complain cuz my thing is this has been going on for years so all of a sudden now we're saying we're going to change the law right this has been going on since six years five years so now I mean it has increased right so all of a sudden now on December the 17th this item there was no workshop and then regular it was just placed here so no real able to dive in into it deeply and toact or to change and so I'm going to put it on record that number one I'm still going to call because as an elected official when I make the phone call they should respond or they're supposed to respond that's number one but number two this is not going to be enforced I'm I'm going to say it the thing we should put in place is an exit plan when people are coming there's other towns people that I know I've spoken to municipalities not just locally but in other states that's what they have in place for their turnaround programs they have an exit plan when people come in from other towns they have Vans they're labeled and they take them back we spoke about that some time ago even with director uh Jerry I mentioned it in the past still has not been put in place that would that would be something that will really be enforced and that's something that would be tangible we have no data where's the data to prove like okay we have 50 homeless da da da this is the demographic they're Patterson whatever cuz some of these people that we're talking about are are pattersoni they are people's uncles and aunts and you know so we have to show some level of compassion as well for these individuals and my thing is I don't think it's going to clean it up we call every day you ride right on the railroad tracks there's tents people sleeping on the railroad tracks the train is blowing and bonking and bonking and they're standing right on the sideline waving to the train conductor and they're not moving at all so I don't see how this is going to and I'm going to say this on record Patterson for me look I'm a realist this is not going to help it's not going to help move people off of the alleys and off of your porches and off these people they've been here for a long time they are considered residents within 24 hours of being here and it it's territorial now now they're going to be very aggressive I remember there was a time where someone tried to address one of these um individuals to move and they hit one of the passord in the head with a a flower pot it's some serious stuff going on and now we're going to put our police officers in this type of Jeopardy for some other situations to arise because now we're addressing people that are uh in these uh situations and I understand something has to be done but the real fix and we have a real fix program the real fix should be the exit plan if we put the exit plan in place I guarantee majority of these issues would would be resolved cuz that's what's happening they're coming in a lot of them for different situations and some of them fell on Hard Times like it happens you know and then what is the alternative if you do this what is the plan because we take them from one place what is the plan do we have social service programs do we have a treatment program do we have um housing available to say we have eight 80 apartment so if this is what you want to do here's a job do we have anything in place wrap around to show these individuals another alternative or another source no we do not this is saying we see you camping out we see you out there and look in Newark I'mma be taking a train uh tomorrow when you go to Newark they are camped out whether there's something a place or not I take the train all the time and I'm going to be taking it tomorrow night they're out there they're there so it's not like oh we're following other Patterson God bless you but this is not going to help those people are out there and until this is enforced until there's an exit plan to send a lot of these people that are here that don't live here back to their places you know it it's not going to be resolved and you know I appreciate the effort that was put forth and it may even get approved but Mims is not sold and Mims is not I I'm not going to fool the patteron residents this is not going to work I'm telling you right now it's not it's not going to work and so Patterson I'm supporting you do we want these individuals redirected and you know assisted and help because that's what I really want I want them to be assisted and helped more than saying you know lock you up for 90 days or you gonna get community service what who's going to provide the community service what are they going to do like those are not outlined and there's no data attached so Madam clerk um this may pass it or whatever but I cannot support it because I know it's not going to be enforced we have situations now where we call people are calling for uh assistance and it takes two three and four hours for someone to show up the other night one of the young ladies who comes with her daughters she called me like 3 4:00 in the morning and the police line was down I tried for like an hour until I text um you know our leaders to let them know that the police lines were down so I don't know how many people lost translation in that hour but you couldn't even get through to the police station so I support you know all of our people that do their work in this community but this is going to be an extra burden and I believe it's going to be a situation that's going to rise out of it for our Pon police department and there needs to be a real plan that have you know to to move them out and I think an exit plan is the answer Madam clerk my vote is now thank you councilwoman Council Manon thank you Madame Clark so um in the very beginning of the discussion I I I asked um a few question to our director to make sure that before we approve we have to make sure that we have enough resources available in our community to serve the people who are sleeping on our streets now the fact is we cannot just always say these people are just on the street because they don't have a home to to leave this is not the only case there are other factors also involved if you just mention about black and brown Community um if you take take a look at the uh numbers of the people on the street many of them you can it can it can say they are not from patteron easily can say that now how are you going to stop him coming to Patterson if you take a look at our neighbor uh neighbor municipalities we don't see these individuals on their streets because we are so welcoming we are we open the door for them to live on our streets now how can you stop him now I I definitely agree that we have to provide shelter for the people those who do not have a home to leave but at the same time we have to discourage the other municipalities not to send their problems on our shoulders so I believe we have to we have to move certain ways at the same we to think about adding more shelter locations safe havens for the people those are sleeping on our streets and we can we can think about can we have a shelter place where we can also educate them prepare them to live on their on their own feet that's what we have to think about in long run but at the same time yes we cannot bring and welcome problems from neighbor towns so again it does not really the way where we stating it that the the homeless people on the street it will be um charged will be fine $2,000 90 days imprisonment that's not true it's up to $2,000 it could be $5 too or no dollar too just up to there's no minimum in it when it says 90 days is again up to and and also the uh Community Services I'm talking about my personal experience I'm talking from the second word where we don't see many uh homelessness but on Sheridon Avenue right next to the record from the library there is a homeless person I call 211 multiple times I call police multiple times he comes back like two three days he comes back this the same location people are especially the kids are scared of getting out of the home cuz he used to place his uh you know uh tent just just on the driveways so this is one of the experience I'm trying to share so this is not the only thing this is some Drive I think councilman khik knows about what I'm talking about this is just a cross from the drywash um you know this is someone's drive he block every every every other day I I I call police three times police taken taken him in front of me three times comes back the same spot so the the the problem is the problem is we cannot just uh you know think about what's the enforcement would be as a legislative body enforcement is not in our hand we can provide a law unless see how the executive branch of the government execute this law that's that's my hope now again um I love to see that we have a safe havens we have a shelter place we have a place where we we train people to uh you know live on their own feet and find a job for them I think we need that in the near future but again cannot ignore the fact that I you know uh the people who are coming to our city because they feel this is a safe place no one will find us we can do whatever we want so with that being said I believe that this is the right movement with this uh in know ordinance and my my vote is yes to this thank you councilman councilman bz think about it no I don't have to think about it I don't know if all those stat was negative against the ordin and then you vote Yes I don't understand but that's okay I I don't I don't I don't I can't picture that in my mind but nobody influen no no no nobody influ you got no it's it's let's be honest let's be honest if I going to talk negative I I see this wrong I this wrong I this wrong I see this council members you're good you're good you're good you're doing good Council members let me talk facts here let me let me bring some facts here in 2017 there was a real plan what's the plan Patterson listen up I don't have short memory that's from the I have I don't have short memory that's why I going to read from the newspaper because I remember the challenges in that time patteron weight plan for homeless shelter a prominent City developer is looking to move ahead with a controversial plan to convert two apartments building in one Patterson most notorious Stree into a family shelter for 198 women and children okay the developer and everybody knows who it is Charles Florio say that about half of the 32 appointment and Auburn Street arm are curing vacant and they're converting this structure into housing for homeless families will improve the neighborhood and look at this not only that Florio say he will provide 24 hours supervision and security at the site he said he is working in corporation with a several Community groups including be Bethel a church which is two blocks away on Auburn Street that is a plan in place for shelter but they let it go the mayor in that time say it looks like good it's a good idea if they vetted the right way if they vetted the right way and they put the plan in the right place it will work but the zoning and planning say no so he back out he said okay let me do now profit and then do nice to beautiful construction there that was a plan that was brought to the city to address the homeless situation in the city and they throw it away now still I don't get convinced first of all there was ordinance that fell here when they brought up to feeding people in the street and the churches came up and they say how you could prohibit me to feed people out there so that fa because there was not there was not a plan in place how to that how to put that in work they just wrote an ordinance and let's prohibit this and it fell still I not convinced that at this time we call PD for a block driveway and an amount of call that comes for critical situation that cause false where on the bottom because there's murders there's robberies there's other things so the police are tied up in critical crime situation in the city now you're going to call the police to move a person is blocking the sidewalk there's already a a a a statue or a ordinance to say that you cannot block the sidewalk is already there now you're going to call the police to move somebody from that sidewalk here comes the police and say you need to move because still his holdes on the discretion of the police to give a ticket or not is a discretion of that so here comes the police sir uding you need to move on that sidewalk here come Judy say I'm sorry I don't have no place to go the police says okay please move out of the sidewalk somebody came and complained that you there you didn't say thank you officer and he moved to the other two blocks to the sidewalk Here Comes Here Comes the same councilman here comes the same councilman Louis valz Louis valz calls dispatch and say officer dispatch I sent PD to move Udin out of the sidewalk now Udin is in the other sidewalk he had to type on the College Center type that consum of valet call for that same individual to remove him we tighten up the officer for petty offenses now the the law is in the books already right but here comes again officer needs to comply with that call that came to the cast system because not they not complying with the law to respond to call Here Comes go again to Mr juding sir we just move you from over there now you here now you here the offic will come a babysitter of this individual he getting more security than anybody out there change your vote now now that's one thing we tiing up the police in Petty pening M uh situation that are really the police are we under Staffing right now they they they still haven't got the Retro uh the other contract is already du um and we are losing cops now where is the state legislator on this this is a federal problem a national problem where is the state on this where is the state this is a state problem where is the county if it's going to triggle down it had to triggle State a federal state and County and then give us the tool to work on that so ladies and and gentlemen today are the homeless and they don't have a plan tomorrow they're going to go after the Immigrant community that you cannot be here you cannot be here you cannot be here you cannot be here you be here and you know what's going to happen this is going to get a cows here saying that I'm not saying that it looks good but the table only had one leg on this ordinance it had to be real teeth on it and real Solution on it IT director I know for experience that we have referred you people to your office and you refering to other agency and they come back saying that they don't have the resources so they end back to our streets if they had the resources then they will alleviate the situation saying that let's bring a real plan oh by the way councilman KH the city don't need is Orin is you know what's going to happen the mayor is going to blame the council yeah that we pass his ordinance but L I'm going give you an offering okay and then we going to look at the buy guys here we could have look at the bad guys here that we don't care about the homelet we don't care about this we don't care about this we don't care about this we don't need this let the major do an executive order order the police to do what he have to do clean out the street my vot is no president thank you madam clerk thank you and I definitely um so so so so I will allow my Council KH thank you so thank you councilman KH please allow me to now pison um stay tuned public portion was coming we're the legislative branch we're not a law enforcement Branch we're not the administration now all of the sun it's okay for people to build tent in the street and coming into the city of Pon and allocate theel any place right now our downtown area is out of control people cannot even come and chop a shop at downtown because we have people sleeping in different section harassing customers urinating defecating in downtown and not only downtown in different section of the city of p and the sad part is that there is services available for those individual we hear from director remid who is a person that really wants to congratulate him for his dedication to his position there's 76 homeless based on their on on their data but they also have we have enough bed with those nonprofit those entity that are in the city of paron to provide those bed for those uh homeless and people that are sleeping in the street but they refuse it because it's easy for them to stay in the street stay in the community Community pan handling H and doing all the necessary out the industry that really destroying our community it really destroying our neighborhood and I want I want to say thank you to my Council KH that vote Yes on this the director uh in the beginning he didn't say that I got I I request Corporation Council to bring this because there's a lot of entity in the city of pison they they not fighting our fight against the problem that we're facing they are in our community they getting resources but they not putting the work our taxpayer are the one that are suffering because the property value is going all the way down to the drain the property value in our community when you have homeless around you cornering that you don't feel safe to receive a package in your house because it will go away in a minute that really destroy destroy our neighborhood left and right we got people from all over the state coming into the city of pison because we don't do nothing about it in Pro Park when any City in P County even in P you go and you put a tan on a corner you will have a law enforcement in a minute telling you you have to move you don't have a house we have a shelter for you you need medical attention council member respectfully I'm speaking you don't have a shelter we have a shelter for you you need medical attention we will take you to the doctor but you would not sleep in the street in the city of pison it's okay you know know I it's a shame when I come into this building I feel sorry for a taxpayer our home our paronian that coming into our meeting when you go in the morning you could make the video councilman Jackson you were going to see a bunch of people sleeping there do you think that they want to go to the shelter at 545 West bro no they don't want to go because they feel comfortable and we're not doing nothing about it with this legislation we don't try to lock anybody this leg with this legislation the intent is to let every non for-profit entity that should be providing Services listen you need to help us to fix this problem and we need to take those people that are out there in the street sleeping on the street in a horrible condition we have to provide the services that they deserve we have bed we have shelter what do you need medical attention you have real fix if you are addicted to drug we got those help but they refuse to take the help because it's easy to stay in a corner for two hour get 50 $60 you know buy your thing sleep and go out get some food it's it's easy for them but it's destroying the city of pison it's a shame when I invite people to the city of pison they ask me council president why you have so many people sleeping everywhere in the street what is the answer that I have for that and I have that conversation in multiple occasion to the administration and I've been telling the administration listen you have to do something about it I don't fight with Administration here on on on this on on the days this is not my job but I fight with the VA with the mayor with Corporation Council every single day I request in multiple occasion this legislation to be here to my Corporation Council and he did the job director R did his job now all of the son oh it's okay poor people they could sleep in front of your house they could build a 10 on you black it doesn't matter they're poor Patterson the reality is that those individuals they need help and they coming from over all over the state of New Jersey and we are the legislative body and it's our responsibility to put a legislation in place to make sure that the police department enforce it and to make sure that those entity also enforcement trust me believe me if we put this in place and we bring those entity to the table we will start fixing the problem that we have in the city of P because we will let those people that are coming from moris toown Atlantic City exis County because they cannot do it in their Town hard held them they cannot do that they cannot go and park in front of the stop sign or or traffic light and ask for money not in hell though so why should why we need to allow this in Patterson if they cannot do it anywhere else in P County why we have to do it we fa in a resident by saying oh it's okay if you're not voting on things like this you know you cannot speak for both sides of your mouth and all I'm going to say is patteron I want to say thank you to my Council K that support for this I'm really open to have a conversation with our chief of police and with all those entity because our director he need help we as a city we need help and those entities they getting a lot of funding but God they got to do the work enough is enough to have hundreds of people sleeping everywhere and every corner and we have to go and chase them around it doesn't work like that with that being said my vote is Jessica hey mad clerk in closing before my vote do I do a council C asked me a question one of the council member about people coming into the city and serving food let me speak about let me speak about that I'm very open and closing this is the only state this is the only place in the state of New Jersey that any person could come in and open up we're not saying that you don't need to fill the homeless the director is willing to work with all those entity but we need to make sure who is in the city we need to organize the city of parisle we cannot open the city for the entire state of New Jersey who wants to come here here and open a table and start feeding people we don't even know what they feeding what they giving to our resident to our homeless population we don't know so with that being said let's move forward in the right direction my vote is yes thank you council president the votes are five in favor for against first item number one passes on first reading second reading will be held at the regular meeting of January 21st 2025 thank you m clerk now let's open the public portion let's call the the first Speaker let me remind all our Rafael just um thank you thank you because I want to make sure I want to talk to the the the patteron resident and everybody here so this is the last meeting um members of the public the last meeting before Christmas uh December 30 we're going to have a meeting is going to be virtual there's a few item before the end of the year that we're going to address it's going to be virtual but you still going to be able to connect with us also as well but if you want to wish a Merry Christmas to the great city of you have 3 minutes um to address the council to address the municipality and let me call the first Speaker first speaker is Joseph Hart okay okay with all this techn ology stuff but you got to be born of pison I took a lot of crap as a kid growing up I was the quiet type so and it's like the way I can you know I see that all the time with some of these cat that's homeless and whatnot some of them on drugs whatever some of them don't drink alcohol and some of them are out town but don't forget the ones that's illegals don't forget the on that whatever might be terrorist too I think Patterson need more law enforcement I mean I wish I could have got into that I lost my job in 29 years when that Co came out so my mind ain't been right ever since I get help and if you can't if you can't don't want the help they ain't gon to want it I don't drink anymore but I'm still hurting so anybody comes up in my face now I'm ready I am not a fighter but this King will all right set up every time go never had to use yet I'm going tell you some other things why I came here I never thought I would be here cuz I used to watch you guys on TV back in the days you had the guy the one eye on Patterson graes was a good May for Patterson you know he was a good man cuz he would ride down up in the hoods I mean when I used to have a car and drink I used to like sit in my car drink my beer and what n there's gra he was he make sure he roll in the hoods and plus I grew up in fifth that's where I grew up at but it's just that what what up what I don't like in patteron now this is my city and I love my City used to be a time when Christmas time come go downtown shop downtown to me it's all crap all the garbage the boxes all this stuff it used to be a time I'm like this garbage is garbage why not just take the whole damn thing won't be y place but I ain't a kid I ain't the guy that grew up in a white picket fence and all that I'm from the hoods and the other thing would need to be stopped like I said need more law enforcement force that $55 fine I'm say $55 fine with on Ellison Street all the buses that got a make I ain't talking about mini bus I talking about the I take trans and they got to make that turn somebody get hurt one day you know it's it's stupid That's supposed for for emergency for law enforcement whatever they they try to like make them move out of there too and I got one more thing that really pissing me off right now what these guys do they got permits for license with these damn mini bikes where is the sidewalk I thought that supposed to be for the pedestrians and stop sign but you know it ain't that way but they that need be enforced all right all well I'll see you guys again thank you thank you Merry Christmas next speaker mad clerk next the next speaker is cameo black good evening every everyone good evening um I came here I'm sure y'all aware of what's going on on Saturday I want to appreciate the ones that have reached out to me for the council and that's supporting it the ones that haven't I appreciate if y'all will come forward this is um the end of the year y'all screaming about the homeless but I'm doing this on behalf of the homeless because it's Christmas a lot of them don't have families they don't have nowhere to go so that's my way of trying to get back to them if y'all want to help y'all can if not it's still going to be done but I'm just asking if y'all can to reach out um all I'm asking from each council person is $20 a piece so we can serve the whole Community um on the menu it will be fish fried chicken rice and beans and some other stuff that we have going on um so if y'all can if y'all don't want to donate the money I appreciate if y'all do go out y'all can buy the stuff y'all can reach out to me and ask me what El that we need but this is a movement that I want to do and I feel like we need to do for the homeless and that's it I know y'all thought I was coming up here to come crazy but no it's my birthday month and 44 looks good on me I gave my life to God so I'm working on myself so I'm asking y'all to work with me and that's it and everybody Merry Christmas happy birthday to you I don't know if you'll be around and that's all I came for but I appreciate if everyone reach out to me it has been five that reached out so it's a couple of yall left that I'm waiting for to reach out to me and that's it and have a blessed night thank you thank you um Merry Christmas and I got my I got my contribution to here all right next speaker mad clerk the next speaker is Corey Teague commissioner Corey teag good evening members of the council so I'm here tonight for a couple reasons first I want to wish everyone a very happy holiday and I just want you all to be safe out there and make sure that you guys are doing what you need to do to stay safe I heard the conversations tonight um I I have my opinions about it I'm out here all the time filming as well um my biggest concern and I shared it with the council is um who in the world's going to pay those fees and uh in case you all didn't remember the county jail has been torn down so where they going to go and when they're done with whatever the sentence or whatever the charge is they're going to be put right back out on the same streets so again that's another just Band-Aid approach and I understand they're saying something has to be done but yeah but let's do the right thing let's get these legislators into this chamber well this is the you know acting chamber um instead of just taking pictures with them during the holiday events let's actually sit down with them and say look Patterson is the county seat all the social services run through Patterson for p County right so that means the county is benefiting the state is benefiting the federal government is benefiting but Patterson is being kind of left in the dark so we have to get our legislators on the table and say look we need some help from our legislators we need you guys to actually do something to help us formulate a plan to get folks off the street without just is putting them in jail because incriminating someone for being poor is ridiculous I don't care where they're from but incriminating somebody for being homeless or incriminating someone for having financial difficulty is just humanly wrong that's just wrong I don't care and there far as people saying whether it's laws and ordinances guess what slavery was a law there were laws on the books that didn't allow women to read and be educated there were laws on the book so don't tell me about laws because there's plenty of laws that were no good Dr King said there was there comes a time when you have to go against unjust laws and trying to criminalize homeless people for being homeless is wrong that's wrong Point Blank um another thing as we go into 2025 I need to clarify some things because I was very disturbed to hear from the Bengali community that uh councilman uden has been going around saying that he was the main reason why I won the votes in the Bengali Community that's a lie bro and you know it who said that it was a lie yeah so that's it was a lie and you know it family families that I have spoken to I have the mic me I have the mic commissioner I have the mic let the commissioner go with the 3 minute he got 4 minutes left families you approached certain households with names but my name never came up so there's no way you're going to be able to tell me I know who was on the ground working for me and it's a shame that I can't even congratulate them publicly for fear of their retaliation I a worry about me but um I want to protect them so I can't even really talk about the people who really was on the ground with me every single day but it was not councilman uden that's a fact I need to make sure that that's put out there have a good night I'll open the FL the end it's only nice not more speaking um next speaker next speaker is Elvis dorham yes it's it's on L just two speak a little close to the mic it's on okay um my name is Elvis dorm from the fourth War um City Council the mayor Administration y'all need to stop playing games stop playing games couple years ago the state of New Jersey the government had gave pison money to build hom shutters where that money at stop playing games I'm G let you know this you already know the feds was here what two weeks ago I got pictures they here they still here right now they monitoring this council meeting stop games because you know what going to happen the fed's going to come in here very soon they coming they going to force the state to take over ain't goingon to be no city council ain't gonna be no mayor stop playing games another day 20125 about to come here this rent is so dog on high in this city we need lowincome Apartments you that's number that's number two number three the youth you my parts that's all good but guess what it's cold we need buildings Community Center buildings Recreation Center buildings performer Art Center remember this is the third largest city in New Jersey stop the bucat okay because all y'all doing is playing games everybody everybody around New Jersey say this is the circus oh when the circus coming on okay now let me go to my announcements downtown Patterson New Jersey it's the holiday season come and do your shop in downtown Patterson in at Center City Mall 301 Main Street downtown patteron New Jersey also on Friday starting Friday December 20th into January 2nd 2025 it's going to be free parking on the streets of downtown only on the streets the meters you have to put no money in the meters n but guess what if you don't if you can't find no parking you could also still park in the parking lot in the parking garage for a reasonable price we got good parking come and do your shopping downtown Pon do not please do not go to goddess state mall bring that money to downtown patteron New Jersey spend your time downtown I'm looking forward to see the city council downtown patteron New Jersey shopping meeting and greeting with the people okay also if you want some good souit this witer season this cold season right want some good homemade down home good suit contact Chef David Bannister 201650 7576 if you want some good soup okay and another thing before I before I leave watch my YouTube channel my YouTube channel my YouTube channel is py n j good news my YouTube channel is py NJ good news my Facebook is Elvis good news d h m want to find out the good news all the news or the up upgraded news about the city of pattery go on my Facebook page my Facebook is Elvis good news d h m you can also go on my YouTube channel P say NJ good news God bless you yall have a merry Christmas and a happy blessed New Year peace merry Merry Christmas my brother thank you next speaker man cler next speaker is Ronda Alon good good evening good evening good morning are you guys able to hear me yes it's it's on speak a little Clos to the I am a resident of Patterson I was born here as was my parent um as my grandmother and grandfather raised 10 children here and out of all of the displays I saw tonight I I want to take the time to thank both Lisa Ms at uh councilman at large and Ruby cotton because my situation is dire you Mr Jackson I never seen you before but you hit it on the head the rent in Patterson is ridiculous it's ridiculous for years years people could have moved out that made money and moved into other areas but some of us stayed here because we actually had the city at heart my family is a family that we had to blend we found a large enough house to blend a couple of family members we had a conversation about the rent being way too high and we ended up in a house that was seven bedrooms and a finished attic however the house was owned by Hassan Amari I called Hassan air exactly you hit it on the head if we came as a family and decided that we were going to combat the high rent and came up with the solution there's no way this man should have we are homeless there's 11 of us we are homeless for the holidays thank you Patterson all the arguing and displaying and the toddler Behavior thank you Council thank you guys for causing me to be able to rent from somebody as horrible as this man I called the health department when you told me I called the the the building department she had to call the fire department they came and they said this house is a fire hazard they said they turned off half of my Breakers to keep the house from burning down I asked this man to fix it in August my house caught fire December the 3D leaving me and 11 people homeless for the holidays and you guys are up here fighting like toddlers he's right you didn't protect us what is your job can anybody um you're the president what is your job what is this council's job because I'm a citizen of Patterson I was born here my children were born here I don't deserve to be treated like this I don't deserve to be homeless it was no way this man should have rented this house to me and I did the investigation myself the person before me when I got there my house had no meter on the house you know what that indicates and what I was told by PSC and they are the only ones that can take the meter off the house the meters belong to them he knew his house is not electrically sound they took the meter the young lady that I met the young lady that rented the house before me they took the meter off for her family and when she moved in the house there was no meter so you know what that tells me there was no rental certificate now I'm talking serious matter I y'all just spent a million dollars painting a freaking yard you just spent all this money on all this stuff and my kids don't have nowhere to eat on Christmas y'all think that that's I don't know what this mean that's that's that's it yeah y'all think this Fair do you think it's fair that a family of people decided that we were going to stay in Patterson anyway get a large enough house coexist in the house peacefully so we can remain parisians we're all in shelter now they were here but y'all took so long half of them are in shelters they had to be home at 9:00 the other half are in Elizabeth me and my two daughters who don't have any Social Services uh uh accounts we're homeless and I'm so sorry that you're about to put them people in jail for sleeping in the tent cuz that's where I was going last night I've been here all my life I was going to sleep in one of them tents you want to know why they not going down cuz the rent is too damn High that's why they're out there yeah not everybody out they got an issue it was about to be me and my kids I'm sorry counsel I don't know what your job is but somebody got to do something better than this my kids last year because of this man my kids had Christmas in the kitchen we had to convince them that Santa Claus said he was going to be tired when he got to Patterson and he was going to need some food out the refrigerator we had to convince him that he needed the ice machine on the refrigerator because we didn't have any pipes when we moved in the house he put down the covers for the pipes and when I went to turn on the heat where there was no pipes I called the health department that was in December of 2023 at that point something went wrong here guys something really went wrong here when the health department came to my house and saw that there was no piping somebody should look for the rental certificate and at that point somebody should have came to our rescue we are not politicians we are citizens of the city of patteron this city was great at one point how did we get here to let this one person I'm not the only house I'm not the only house I'm not the only family what's wrong with you y you spent a half a million dollars painting a football field or whatever y'all painted and y'all couldn't spend money to make sure this man doesn't have the ability to rent anymore in the city I have a one-year-old child that was almost burnt up because they have to take him to court in another M municipality because he plays legal games you think that's fair to us we're not politicians we're not lawyers we're not doctors we are citizens that voted you guys into office somebody got to do something better than this you guys look beautiful today I love your red jacket I love that outfit I have no clue what I had on because they gave me 15 minutes to go in and get what I needed to get I stand here for myself around the Austin I stand here for Michael l i stand here for tines Williams I stand here for shica Perez I stand here for Jordan Austin I stand here for Eugene Austin I stand here for Kor Austin I stand here for Oceano Perez Basquez I stand here for Kina buts I stand here for shant Harris I stand here for Avon Thorne I stand here for Ali Hall and y'all sit here and fight and pay half a million dollars to paint a ground they tore down to P County jail because it wasn't fit for criminals my babies ain't criminals and that house was not fit I called you guys in August and said hey something's going on with my electrical in the house and because he's playing these legal games my case has not been Hur yet I called him when he turned off my water from a previous tenant and guess what I'm so sorry I hope you guys enjoy your Christmas but my family will not there are days that we don't see each other because we're spread out some of us are in Elizabeth some of us are in Newark some of us had to had to Bunk in with a friend and a dog me and my daughter were contemplating sleeping in our car and you paid half a million dollars to paint a field but y'all can't get you are the you are the attorney on record for the city get him go after him for endangering the welfare of a minor I had four miners in my house he didn't get a rental certificate PS andg took the meter I surmise to you he knew the house was not rentable before he rented me the unit please this none of this is fair to us this is the holiday we're not drug addicts we're not criminals as a matter of fact I the last time I came before the council I came with a youth group that I created myself because there was nothing in the city I took them all the way to the gospel effects on my dime I found funding I bought the uniforms and you think I deserve this I could have moved to Bergen County easily but I decided to stay at this point I'm disappointed I'm disappointed that you can't do something I'm disappointed that you guys are paying half a million dollars to paint the ground and there was no emergency housing for a family of 11 yeah we a large family we rented a large house this was not right I'm disappointed and I am Ronda Austin shyv Sumpter I am Ronda Austin Benji Wimberly I'm Ronda Austin to the Ninth District I'm Ronda Austin to Mickey I'm Ronda Austin I'm the one that has been pounding the pavement to United Way I'm Ronda Austin that's me to the the office of Cory Booker I'm round to Austin if mayor Pasquel was still here to you think I would not have been able to get in touch with his office to have him come and deal with something in Patterson with one te I'm disappointed I'm angry this is not right he shouldn't be able to play these legal games he's a legal bully he has abuse of power issue possibly a Napoleon complex because of his height but this here should not have happened you guys need to do something about it and you need to do something about it now thank you thank you um um M clerk if you could take her information please M clerk make sure you make sure you take her information if you could provide you full information to Corporation Council in the U and in the property look at the address of the property as well cooperation Council we take note of that also immediately we need to follow up on that next speaker M CL wow next speaker is Eddie Olivares good evening Patterson boy where do we start on the day like today where do we start but I I I guess you're right doesn't really matter but I want to start with um this is not what I was going to talk about but Lou in his prayer said that he's asking for Unity and I ask myself what is it that you guys need the eight of you I I exclude C MJ he's always against the measures that you present but what is it that you guys need you're in bed with the mayor you have the ba you have the city attorney there's eight of you you can pass anything you present this counc with anything what is it that you need9 you keep on complaining you want Unity Unity for what you're United it's all of you what is it that you guys need you should go home and ask yourselves you know for once say to yourself well you know I I'm going to ponder about that question what is it that I need it's idiotic some of the stuff that you guys say is idiotic colleag saying well why don't you ask the Builder to give you the information we can't get it out of them we cannot beat these people the information out of these people it's idiotic to say stuff like that and it's angry you hear Miss Aon she's angry she's angry with you guys because you guys are running the city down I mean I didn't come here to talk about that I came here for other things but uh you know and you ask yourself why I'm going to give you the answer the reason you guys cannot fix the city because you can pass any legislation is because you are so intent on pleasing the administration that you don't hold them accountable that's your only job at times I feel as if I should bring crayons and paper and for that night I'm going to see you Mr Jackson you're going to have to watch them you know just sit them on the floor watch them play with crayon you're a bunch of children some of you have been here for over a decade you have been here for years and years and years and we don't see this getting better it's getting worse you guys are an embarrassment you embarrass us you know with this your thing with the illegal parking you know that that uh these developers are charging the people of patteron for uh for uh parking spots and the the attorney you know uh Mr Mendes I am keeping track of time some of the people you know someone spoke for 4 minutes another people spoke for three 3 minutes and 45 seconds um Miss spoke fores abely so I am going to wrap up but I'm going to keep track time from now on but anyway the last thing to say is with the the legal charging of the of the parking you know the only thing you guys as a Cel you too instead of playing look you're not even paying attention you guys were of fools the only thing you guys have to do is is there a law that prohibits that no but look at you bunch of children you guys that's the only thing you have to do is there a law that the charging of those parkings law what you do isfor it Jordan Al thank let the only people that I feel sorry for from from from from sorry who's the next speaker man clerk from the clerk I feel sorry for them tayia Williams tayia Williams thank you next speaker M clerk ke Jo Keys let's Pi thank you um Joe keys patteron I had to edit my speech so I took out the compliments it started with compliments for the council but I have to edit it down to three minutes so no compliments uh I wrote The Following critique because I have seen too great a consistency of the ego defense mechanisms projection and projecting narcissism at the last meeting councilman Jackson was being factious when he said to the council president quote it was a fantastic read that you made of the letter that your wife wrote but young lady read her letter much better than you did unquote the point is a comparison between how the young lady read her letter and how council president read his there was no disrespect toward Council president's wife's effort in writing her letter nonetheless council members Mendes khik and valz exhibited the following definition of projection and projecting narcissism d distorting councilman Jackson's point quote the projected narcissist perceives everything as a personal attack whether real or imagined the projected narcissist is very defensive and then very offensive projection is the ultimate put down through projection the projecting party demotes and degrades his projective Target as he enhances his own self-perception and self-image for the projecting party reprehensible social behavior belongs always to the other the threat always comes from the other this leaves the projecting party with a puritanical sense of ethical superiority and innocence unquote I want to highlight ethical superiority and innocence because this is the most frustrating and happens with too much consistency the following quotes are examples of council members Mendes khik and valz exhibiting projection and projecting narcissism regarding councilman Jackson's statement councilman Mendes said quote listen don't bring my family into this don't cross the line I know you don't have respect for nobody I know you don't have respect for even your family do not cross the line you will never be mayor of this city this city deserves much better than you trust me unquote referring to councilman Jackson councilman khik said quote he speaks volumes about his character attacking somebody's family member mentioning family name why you bringing somebody's family in man come on it speaks volumes about your character your upbringing as well unquote also referring to councilman Jackson councilman Val said quote it's disrespectful and this happens every other month if you got something against me politically go after me right but to go after our family listen councilman Mendes councilwoman Ms councilwoman Dava councilman abdulaziz and myself don't bring family into politics we keep them from it it's disrespectful it's a disgrace unquote total Distortion of reality it is the first and most prolific characteristic of this Council thank you next speaker cler brother council president I don't think we have any more speak motion to close close it second Mo it was motion to close by councilman Jackson second by councilman Udin roll call to close a public portion roll call to close a public portion councilman Jackson so Miss Austin um I'm not sure if you're related to Ronnie Austin he was a very very good friend of mine as well um terribly sorry to hear what you're going through and sadly you're not the only one like this is this is a a crisis that's going on in our city like I said earlier a few years ago a young lady came to the council Podium every night she slept in her car for over a year and a half while the Patterson Housing Authority who is supposed to help people with their living conditions illegally evicted this woman and you know what what's incredible is when when people like yourself finally make it to the podium and express your conditions all of a sudden everybody's compassionate but I mean the moral compass of people to do absolutely nothing I wrote a piece of legislation to help residents not be illegally targeted and our City attorney has done everything in his power to derail and keep this legislation off the books as a matter of fact it was only a simple resolution to support a a law that's already in place that his office him personally should be the person that's diligent on this if if I brought it to his attention he should be saying something like councilman Jackson you know what you have a very great point there's a lot of people who are being taken advantage of but that's not what he's doing he carries the water of the administration just like many of my other Council colleagues have done here and watch our people be uh uh uh lose their public lose their housing mistreated and this is a con consistent U occurrence how about council members tonight talking about well uh we're going to approve this and then later on they're going to come back and say well it's the same scenario with all the other items that we move and then the first thing they do if they they sit here and praise the the administration oh Madam ba you're doing a fantastic job just ride around the city talk about the fantastic job that's being done it is absolutely hideous in the city and people are being mistreated the value of property has skyrocketed because Patterson has become a hug for slum Lords why because they know there is no rules here there's no rules so rental certificate the director from from Community improvements consistently comes here and what is his phrase the illegal Department that's what he calls it but they want to Target me while he's very unprofessional yo homie you why you trying to play me this is this is how this is how the Professionals in our community act and conduct themselves you know what I'm saying uh uh uh brother keys while you know people like ourselves we laid down Blood Sweat and Tears in this community and watch people be you know callously mistreated and you know I I'm curious to see what what measures they would then now take because there's countless landlords I had I I get called out of my ward all the time Amy Jacobs on Broadway when this slum Lord over there had them living in excruciating conditions you know what I got to do I got to go there and do a live video to embarrass them because they're not doing anything to hold anybody accountable sitting there with a callous look while you was talking to ba has no concern cuz her children don't have to experience that you know the example she got upset with me the very first example she made before she was the ba she made an example talking about how families would love to share the beach home a beach house like a summer beach home and I said to her that's a very poor example here because our families are sharing Apartments families in this community got to worry about are they sharing a home sharing a an apartment how many adults they have living in a two-bedroom apartment because they can't afford the rents and and got upset with me because I said she has no connection or can't relate to the community but yet when you come to the podium you can hear a pin drop and everybody want to go down the line oh wow but yet every measure that we take as Mr olivaris points out is a direct impact on you and people like you when the countless thousands of residents in the towers are being illegally charged for parking right around the entire Community people paying extra $2 $300 on top of paying $2,100 no rent control the rent leveling board that this Council put in place the E legal department has done all in their power to block their their their commitment to the community I'm getting calls from Commissioners say you know what I don't even want to do this no more this is a game we playing because the legal department is running block for these landlords and and guess what I'm here every single night I'm ready to go toe-to-toe with anybody however but I'm always professional I don't pack my bags and leave out in it with a hissy fit no I'm sitting here doing the work for the people I don't leave early when public portion comes about you can say whatever you want to say my resume which I was being requested last week speaks for herself speaks for herself I'm sorry but you know in past practices the past Council you would be but this current Council has adopted new practices and new um regulations to prevent the public from being being able to speak freely limiting you to three minutes while people go on all the time about different things that have nothing to do with us just go back go back and watch tonight's meeting watch all the measures that are voted against about the the inappropriate spending yeah the the the the money that came from K act here you are a victim of potentially covid because of the conditions that the SE city's been in that money $68 million you know what other communities did they took some of that money and made it available for people like yourself and your family become a homeowner so you don't have to worry about being mistreated and taken advantage of by a slum Lord you know but this but these are the practices while people man you got to measure your moral compass that's what I'm going tell you people coming around play you know claiming as they're spiritual or Godlike but yet we have people suffering in our community this is real and I'm getting these calls every single day why cuz they know I'm going to fight on your behalf now there's a a a a longtime ponan she works with me very closely um I'm not her name is Miss Morris she text me this evening to let me know to tell you that you and your children can definitely come to her home and stay with her as long before you are ever everever uh uh sleeping on the street someplace and we will do all in our power and I'm sure everybody's going to line up tonight and and you know do the best do their best to take care of you because you came to that microphone and did did it the way you did but don't put all your stock in that because tomorrow I'm going to connect you with Miss Miss Gina Johnson and she's going to tell you exactly how they how she was treated she's going to tell you how many these same council members was sitting right here how she how her her her her calls went on death ears as well I'm going to put you with it with it at least a half a dozen people that the same conditions happen to and this is what's happening in in our community while we have people acting this is this is this is really a great acting class you can come here and and and get some tips on how you know how to become an actor cuz people here could put on a great acting uh a bit with that being said Madam clerk I I apologize for being elongated but sometimes it's necessary around here most all the time it's necessary and uh uh my vote is yes thank you thank you councilman um councilman colleague than thank you um Madame clerk so we we we all of us act it seem like you are the only one who be acting with the false information pointing at Madame be pointing finger at all of us all the time I'm I'm sorry for what's going on with you ma'am but I feel like it's a civil matter like no no what I'm saying is the way no no what what what what I what I feel like we understand roll right now give aate councilman Jackson please keep you could keep talking as usually you give out the misinformation you know what I mean yeah you're fighting for the community fighting for the people what have you accomplished a lot a lot nothing nothing I don't don't got his job back when he speak the floor how about for chief he asked the question he called me to he called me to task he asked me a question directly but I didn't ask him a question I didn't address him he asked me what I accomplish how about the corrupt former fire chief it wasn't for me he would still be here stealing money from the community respect go down the line tell him not to ask me a question address whenever he speaks he point at us and as soon as you say something against him oh he ites you yeah you you ask me questions no like I said I said what I I said I said what I said I said what I said I said what I said well I said what I said what you accomplished I did I accomplished iied to take that Accolade and and and Crown I I need yeah yeah go ask the people in the second world they will tell you what I have accomplished you know that's right that's why people love me out there undefeated you barely won you barely won you know that I on youc Council Members all your Co the mayor I seen the elect reports I took all I can respectful won by one vote believe me if I my people out there in the first one knock you out you still knocked I said I stayed out of the first that's why you got reelected if I put my step if I put my feet on this on the first word against you you would have been gone you know it you you know it I didn't I should have you're right you're right you know it you know it all right let's you know it you know it that's a fact anyway ma'am I'm sorry what's going on with you but it's what I said is what I mean it's I'm not going to try to butter you up with anything or nothing like that and as a councilman I don't have authority to go tell somebody please give them artment right away I'm I'm just I'm just saying some people make it seem like they will make it happen you see who can make it happen for you you will see there's a process only there are help out there you know it probably you will go get help there help out there people will help you anything I could do I I'll take my your number from The Corporation Council I'll give you a call tomorrow man anything I could do I'll do and mark my word the people who know me out there they know me out there my action and speaks itself I'm not going to come here and and and and just attack people try to make it seem like everybody's bad out there everybody in here has a family everybody Madame be Corporation councel Mr Keys everybody has a family last week what happened he mentioned his wife it's not only that incident Mr Keys it's not only that inent yeah I mean throughout the throughout like throughout throughout the year I mean he got up to hate council members and God police officers what else soor please any I'll give you a call tomorrow Ma'am and um my vot is yes to close the public person Madame cler thank you I'm writing his accomplished councilwoman Ms so I'll start um as I always do with meetings I want to thank th those that come in person and those that watch um our meetings when I left last week's meeting few days later I was in one of the restaurants in the city of patteron and one of our seniors she looked up she realized that it was me and she said to me she said I want to commend you and uh Council motton because they are familiar with us from from that Ward they said we want to commend you because the things that people say at the mic and how they attack the council is embarrassing she said I'm saying as a Elder women woman from this community and someone who's been here all of my life she said it's embarrassing how when for example I'm speaking there's a sidebar or when people come to the microphone because they take sides with certain individuals that eight of us are clowns and we are idiots and no one does anything but one person which is not true Miss Austin knows and I'm sure miss Austin I'm going to tell you before it happens they're going to try to call you and be like don't listen to Ms and all that thank God you've know me for for a long time that these people that will try to do that cuz that's what people do and really what's happening is because these people are running for other offices and they're trying to get people to work with them to take people out or I want this one gone and that one gone but I'm so grateful that number one first and foremost the people of Patterson are not fooled all the arguing and the yelling and screaming they will never vote for someone to be elevated to a higher office a small pack but big it will never happen in the city of Patterson it's not going to happen people that watch these meetings I'm telling you I every when I'm around the state people watch these meetings and they call in embarrassment and disgrace tonight for example we had eight items on the agenda eight nothing to heavy areas where we're improving and putting What in in in a park with there's no running outlets right for for our cameras to work there we've been talking about cameras there's no Outlet there's no running water the ground is unlevel and children have fell in the park and we voted on that particular Park to level it out and to put some water and splash pad for the entertainment all these items take ex elongated time periods why I don't know when we talk about we want what's best for the city we want to do what's good for the city but then eight items in we're now at 11:00 at night I think it's embarrassing and then to to make it worse we're still sitting here there's been many times where we've sat here and if we don't have a quarum there's not five people you can't even go to the bathroom we have to ask or beg I got to go to the bathroom could you get somebody I got to go to the bathroom I got to go cuz people are gone and I tell people all you got to do is watch the meetings don't get in a in a in a clutch where people bring you to a meeting and say you have a lot voice and you have a loud voice so I want you to come to the mic and blast off on in the on the people that's here and I think as an employee of the city when you're an employee of the city you have to be very careful when you're coming and attacking other employees because we're employees of the city even though we're voted by the people Miss Austin your situation you know I've been helping you from for a while this situation is in court and you know and as much as we can Corporation counsel um please like talk to our chief judge and make sure that this situation you know is handled to the fullest extent of the law as it can based on the books because something has to be done because she's been a community Improvement she's been to the health departments I've been helping her since July August she's been there the complaints have been placed if you go through the record you'll see them and Community improvements she's been through the process and now to be in the situation where your family is is just unacceptable I sent some messages out while we're sitting here trying to identify some emergency placement options which they do have things that are available and then I'll reach out to you I'll be um leaving um tomorrow night for vacation but even if I have to deal with it while I'm away I'm gonna and you know I don't even have to tell you you already know before these people tell you Ms ain't gonna do nothing which is not a that is not even in the definitive of Mims everybody know you call me she's going to get it done except for that small pocket Patterson I want to apologize to you because we sit here we handle the city's business and if you watch I want you to start doing this watch who comes to public portion take down the names of who comes to public portion and then listen to what they're talking about well all the issues in this city we have 158,00 people in the city I know the number because I was on paake census committee County census committee and you don't see other people you know why cuz they know our phone numbers cuz our numbers are public they know how to reach out to our secretaries they know how to call us or email us or inbox us on social media and say this is my situation could have get resolved because those people really want help some people and I'm not saying everybody some people come to try to disparage discredit or to bring people down or to make them look like they are absolutely nothing to the rest of the community there is is impossible we sit here week by week whether you like what's being done or not we approved many things that are happening in the city so when I hear people say they're not doing nothing you you guys are are in a circus you're a clown it's it's it's laughable but then I think it's really embarrassing even last week when someone's wife I think it was uh Council um president when when you start talking about people's family members even if you want to say something about somebody that's fine but and I don't even agree with that fully cuz we're not here for that but when you when you attack people's family members that are not here they're not elected to me you owe that those individuals apologies you need to apologize to those individuals for attacking people's family members I don't care if it's something you felt didn't feel or whatever the the the why wife the children all that stuff there was a time all of that was off limits we have to learn how to take care of the business of the city and stop using this as a Romper Room experience cuz that's not what it is it's not a romper it's not a brother she said a lot of stress she trying to is not a Romper Room experience address her to solution Miss Austin I love you don't allow a whole bunch of people to call you and talk about all the negative oh let me tell you what they didn't do the council the stuff you're referring to is not even in the council's purview the administration is there that's why Corporation got up that is there in their purview we can send messages as you saw I directed to Corporation Council he is on it they're going to work on it he just want to make I don't want to go into major cases they're winning there was a time we weren't winning any cases and now we're winning cases and I want to commend Corporation counsel for that they're winning these cases because we're taking active approaches towards these situations um and so uh gentlemen gentlemen Gentlemen genten please members of the public please and I'm not talking bull crap because I wasn't referring to you it was mentioned on this day as someone attacked someone's wife I didn't say nobody in the audience it did happen it wasn't you members of the public pleas we are I'm evening someone on this did it to a fell member but but this not a back and forth we just we just try to close a public poral please we is not a back and forth that's not gave his wife credit I gave his wife credit for well document that lady deserve that right now bro are you going to get a housing for her with that no right good night night good night good night jerk M jerky listen respectfully brother respectfully let us finish Patterson this is exactly what I'm talking about either we're here to come to help to do what's right by the city and the residents or we're here for another agenda and we have to stop it there is a decorum it is in our books there's a level of decorum that is required in the council chambers you supposed to have three minutes when you come to the microphone after three minutes that's over that's not followed people go I know it's three minutes they hear the Bell I'm going to talk anyway they keep talking and talking then we put the law was put forth give them six minutes you don't have to give them six minutes because they take 12 they sit and talk as long as they want and then they sit and go well I'mma say and then when they don't get to talk out a mic they sit in the chair and still talk from the chair there has to be a level of decorum we come in God bless Madame ba Corporation counsel it and our Deputy Clerk and um our secretaries they've been at work since 7 and 8:00 this morning sometimes 6 and they're still here tonight they didn't get a break they didn't get to go home and sometime we don't even eat we're sitting here so Patterson please start taking a look at it the agenda is not Patterson the agenda is not Solutions the agenda is not trying to help things get better the agenda is make me look good and the other eight council members look bad that's what the agenda is and if you go back and watch the tape week after week after week you will see it go look at the voting record look how people have voted and see what they voted for people are voting no for stuff that is it just doesn't make sense it should be yes you're voting no I'm paying employees you vote no I'm paying yourself that's ludicrous you can't tell me I'm for the employees of the city and then I know vote no to pay them that's crazy that just doesn't make sense so p I apologize to you last week I want to put it on the record Corporation counsel I need an incident report I fell last week at the end of the meeting and I need to do an incident report and it needs to be on file and on record that I fell in this this building last week and I want to make sure it's duly noted and recorded and to um to uh Madame ba incorporation councel so it's funny councilman Jackson that I fell see this is a type of that you would laugh that somebody fell that this is the type of stuff we deal with and you want to be the mayor please it ain't gonna never happen you need sue the city no I no I don't have to sue the city you said you want to record so I can Su theity I don't want to be like you and take out a loan from the city and don't pay it back that's fact that's fact now that's a fact I'm sorry I'm sorry Patterson Patterson it's time for us to enjoy our holiday season enjoy your family Patterson keep all the children and their families in prayer we have a lot of situations where a lot of children and P families are going through a lot during this holiday season I want to lift up Mr cook Mrs cook and um and the passing of their daughter I'm also want to lift up the community health center and um and Stephen and the family and the passing of one of our passing icons Dr Mary Gartner who passed on uh today and so many others that have passed for names we know to call and those we don't we want to lift everybody up Patterson I am here to do the work of the city I don't have time for the other stuff because life is short people are P dying they are sick and things are going on and if we're not here to do the city's business we have to question why are we here in the first place Madame clerk my vote is yes thank you councilwoman Council manin thank you Madame clerk good evening Patterson those who are those were here those are watching us live um first of all one thing I'd like to state that that we every Saturday try to create a suus here and and Tuesday's meeting should be should be agenda based aend agenda focused but we always try to navigate in different Direction One Thing Patterson should know that before any agenda come to the council for voting we committee sit down we discuss multiple times any adjustment needed we make the changes and then we bring here in front of in front of the council for voting now every time we we notice that like same things same uh repeat ition and takes takes takes hours after hours and and this what happens every Tuesday just voting on the agendas of every Tuesday is not our only work serving you constituent service reaching out to you learn about you and and and this is also our our uh you know uh work now some of the I'm not saying what some of the council members you know very well that who are the council members you you find reachable to you that that's I don't have to explain but unfortunately just for eight items which might not take more than an hour it took like four five hours we we just sitting here for nothing if I say this is a productive meaning it is not one of the uh you know uh regular person who mentioned that we are just supporting everything me comes up with this is totally wrong one of the major things I would say the administration wanted the Canabis licenses retail licenses which Su strongly against it stopped because we felt that this communities uh you know supportive it might come some Revenue but it will it might bring more problems than just money but if we just say we are just supporting we are supporting the things that supporting the city of patters today we we uh voted for three uh DPW items like three Parks renovation if we just say this is nothing we need more um housing problems other yes we do hous have housing problems housing problems is is a national problem at this point it's it's a straight problem but this particular money cannot be used for everywhere that's everything has kind of categorized stuff to be have done so the story we try to create to get your attention uh I I I believe you understand that and that your vote ex says exactly the same thing my one of the uh uh commissioner from patteron Bo of Board of Education commissioner Cory t i do respect him and I feel that he's one of the strongest Bo in the Patterson Board of Education and I I commend that every Tuesday he comes here in the council chamber make his voice hard he left he actually blamed me that I am uh lying in the community that I supported him and he just left I am just putting on the record and I believe that he's going to answer the questions in the next meeting did I ever sit down with him before the election did I ever sit down with him after the election did I ever tell him that I'll support him if I would supported him he was the first person who know that I'm supporting him then why would I tell the other people that I supported him I would not lie for anything that I did not do I did not support you you were a strong voice but I I just stayed quiet people may support it may not support it I did not I was not against you I was not in favor of you that was my stand it's clear stand it's for the record but why would I have to lie that because of me you were elected you're elected because people voted for you my man is not going to take you anywhere where that those who are elected they reached out to the people and people voted them people felt that they are the person they are going to represent our children in Patterson Board of Education and I congratulate all three of them I did it before on my social media I did here in the council chamber and I'm doing it again today I'm not against anybody but point is why would I have to lie that I supported you I never did all right so again um Patterson uh we are uh this is the last meeting of the year we have one special meeting uh again I'm reachable to you I try every council members I cannot blame my Council colleagues that they are not doing their jobs everyone has their own Strate strategy of working I do uh Sunday coffee and conversation that's my one of the strategy I reach out to the people Saturday I come to the council chamber my team makes appointment with people from 1: to 3:00 p.m. every Saturday I come to my chamber sit down and meet people that's my strategy other council members have their own strategy to reach out to people I cannot tell them they are not doing their jobs I every council member is doing job for the people and if you think they are not serving you you are going to response accordingly but it is wrong that putting my Council colleagues down that they are not doing their jobs again with that being said Patterson I'm always reachable to you my cell phone number is 973 5828 one95 my vote is yes to close the public motion thank you councilman councilman bz thank you Madame clerk uh first of all Ronda um we hear you loud and clear loud and clear and I think that U the time that uh at all the meeting today and the public portion that happened today you was the most important today you are and you are the most important today um and I know that um Commissioners from the Housing Authority are watching this meeting I know that the director hermer Goram also watched this meeting and Umma Goram you get a phone call from me tomorrow is this case I want to talk in particular um there's counil members here a council member that they uh they they don't talk they work they don't talk they work okay and um we're going to make it happen I had a lady three month in a hotel with two kids and I don't like to brag what we do but finally she got her section8 but step to follow you know so putting God first because we could be legislator we could do things good but if God don't put the grace in what we do we know canot open doors I don't have money I only got a nice beautiful suit nice side and a nice hair but God put me the grace to open the doors out there and I'm a happy camper everybody knows me some people say I do jokes and this and that but I take Serious things like your case is serious that landlord I cannot speak a lot because he got me in court too all right but that gentleman that you see over there uh the the the gentleman Mr Amy abushi that corpor Council that gentleman that when you say wake up stand up he's been standing up against the Injustice of this individual against tenants the thing that you don't see it you are one of the cases but there are few cases and of course because there a sometime is a conflict interest they need to move it to another city but this gentleman here I attest that he's not going to let this go with the balance of justice that he's doing the right thing for you and the right thing for those individuals that had rented those places without the co without this rental certificate especially from that individual that even his father is not aware of the crooked things that he's doing okay so um saying that I know that God will open the doors for you and I know that he will open the doors for us for we could help you and uh you could take that to the bank um you know corage Council if you get to know him trust me we know him those individual that eight council members are here knows how he works and not because he's here topnotch and he knows how to talk to people and work towards your needs uh you know we lost another pillar of the community Dr Garwin to uh I believe Thursday is going to be something from 12: to 2 let's show respect to that community and respect to the U Patterson Health Center we have lost a lot of people this past week man it's like wow um Billy Rodriguez um relative um Jose Joy Rodriguez uh city worker Cancer Sucks oh sorry did I say that word sorry you know sorry for that I apolog I don't speak like that in public but it does so let's pray for those that going through uh Health situation and um uh hardship in the city of P L ma'am I don't need to mention the compliments of any council member here just look at the word just look at their word look at the word read the high level crime in the area things don't get done you know how it get done because a council members care about patteron and vote for projects for that Ward and you could look at the difference you know why let me keep my mouth shut but we here to work towards you towards those individual that they don't have a somebody to represent in the right way we got a council member here that we don't have borders to serve because here says councilman is the fifth word but I take the word fifth I'm a councilman and my colleague knows that we work together when it comes out to issues of the city today I was in the first Ward they call me they vandalize a store they rip off the ATM machine I was there to see if I could get solution for them because I'm a counsilman that represent the fifth W but could go a little bit further to represent others when they don't have representation so we're going to work for that towards your situation just pray that God opens the doors for we could help you it takes time but we going to make it happen with the help of council woman mince Ruby Ken and my other colleagues that want to join in to this little by little we're not going to get we're not going to take credit we as a team of eight are going to work for it okay ladies and gentlemen this next Saturday I will have my toy drive um at 94 Park Avenue uh everybody's walking from 3:00 to um 5:00 and then I we go around with my flow um spreading the spirit of the holiday is is well yeah I forgot to talk about it and to the city employees tomorrow uh city employees tomorrow uh councilman Louis valz is hosting a a afterwork party for the city employees and community that want come down and have fun no Politics on it I invite the mayor I invite the VA I invite everyone because it's celebrating the Gratitude of having the city employees working for us trying to maintain the city clean and giving back to the community with the capacity that they have so I invite all my colleague even if councilman Jackson want to come in he could come in the only thing I know we're not going to fight there we're going to celebrate but we going to have fun um saying that um Mr abushi U you know the case already this is another testimony that you could take to court we could you could opro this and use it as evidence against this landlord because you did it in a public portion setting public portion act and that don't lie more than paper Okay Madam CLA thank you I promis myself we will to get out here 45 minutes but not 45 minutes when but at least uh we did what we had to do council president thank you for allowing me this minutes uh my voice that's to call uh councilman cotton thank you madam clerk I just want to um speak on a few items that that was said here um I just want to say to um Cameo black she's always um doing things in the community um feeding and helping kids and um she watches kids go to school with no coat on and no no gloves no hats so I just want to say I commend you Cameo for always um caring about the community caring about the area she's the right by each side high school so she cares I just want to commend you for that um also for um Elvis Elvis is always U pushing the downtown I got to say that about Elvis he's um he's a promoter he pushes he he he wants to see the city Thrive he wants to see that and he always encouraged everyone to come down to the patters and since it's free parking from December 20th through January 2nd of 2025 um also I want to say that you know we all get many calls and we all don't always blast out what we do who we help who we send people to but I just want to say to you and when you mentioned Rhonda I remember remember Hamilton Avenue in Summer Street and it was sad that the guy got killed there he someone killed him he was on that corner always selling something but actually he let you use that basement when you had the kids with the dancing and he let you use the basement so we had so many good people here that did good many good things and a lot of people just don't know who they are but we knew who they they were and what they did and I remember when I did talk to you and I did send the fire department right there he went but that's about relationships he got there in like no time literally no time but that's about having good working relationship with people that you can request them to do something because we getting a call from constituents and we need them to go see about what's going on with our constituents and I can say and I said it to you and remember in Corporation Council you know we we talk about things that can can can make a difference um I can remember maybe eight years ago where and I'm not sure if we can do something like this but where we have to force when the house was condemned landlords was forced to put you up they were forced to put you up and then if the city had to pay for it then the city went after them so I just need you to do your best to help her to figure out cuz I said I have no idea who he is councilman valet said he does but I don't know who he is but something got dropped and we got to figure out now how to fix that drop we have to figure out how to fix it that it don't happen and it keeps happening and over that your building the house that you live in is no longer habitable to live in and then what happens to you we have to figure it out Corporation counsel I know you you are and you know they was talking about I mean I I ask him for advice all the time cuz I'm not a lawyer and I tell people I'm not an engineer I'm not those Specialties and you got to go to them to ask them what do you think I met with two Engineers today on a a issue that I needed to go over in the Bunker Hill section I had to bring my Engineers CU I don't know so I know that he's going to be working I want to commend you to Corporation counsel because every one that I send or every time I ask you you are there you are there for me you give me the answers you tell me what to tell someone or what do they need to go do cuz we're not here we're not all experts sitting up here so we have to rely on our in our Corporation councel you know we have to rely on our ba we have to rely on our CFO cuz I ain't got all them degrees to know it all and so you read it and you see it and so we you ask for help and I can say that I've gone to him many times uh and and because people let me tell you and I know you have legal aid is so overburdened that they just can't get to all the cases of the calls that they're getting and you and Council woman men said it these ladies been here since this morning it's like you know and I know you're tired and I appreciate you my Dey cler I appreciate you you my secretary Dietra I appreciate you uh Phyllis Riley I appreciate you because you've been here I saw you this afternoon too but you've been here and it's it's tiome but I know that Ronda I know we back in the day I call it back in the day where you had those kids on some Hamilton AV Summer Street in that basement teaching them how to dance doing uh uh gospel work and doing different stuff for you have been out here in our community and I know I can get our Corporation counsel to do what we need to do to help you get your situation done and I just want to say that you know I do want to send out and I know that he will um do that but I just want to send out my condolences to um Mr Benny cook and his wife Miss Benny cook for the loss of their daughter and I also want to put out the um for Dr Mary Garner I remember Dr Mary Garner 40 years ago she passed away and I just want to say I followed her I always tell people sometimes you just follow people you just follow them you ain't just you know you see how they operate you see how they do it she was always a good person always a community person I know being at the health center for over 30 years over 30 years at that Health Center pison Community Health Center so I just want to send my condolences out to the family um for that so and I want to say to you out there in TV Land for those that are watching I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas um we should be back here before New Year's I'm not sure but and if I'm not wishing everyone a Happy New Year's all my council members wishing you all my staff here my Deputy clerk my secretary Dietra and Phil is Happy New Year especially to my BA and you know and and and and sometimes when and I come to you and I'll say you I think it should be done this way and and you do it you try to do you do it that way you put it in you see how it works and and and I like that real fix it's people don't think it's working but it's working you know and we had to figure out something else but my CFO also my uh my uh Corporation counsel but to you all out there I want to wish you all TV Land I want to say marry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all and you know I just um I will be leaving back out again and um I know that um you know sometimes people say you know they talk about God and they talk about you know but I always say God said sit and I will send you the answer that's all you got to do I will send it to you you got to take your mind and see what it is and for this year this is the first time in many many years that I was not here for Thanksgiving I was not here for many years and I decided that I was going to go visit South Carolina I probably put 2500 miles on that rent car and I had the opportunity to spend a a week with my brother and he was not sick I get home on Monday night and he dies two days later and I can say that God sent me to South Carolina he sent me down there to be with my brother and now I have to go back tomorrow but I thank God and that's all you have to say I thank you God for putting something in my mind for me to do something to go see him to go visit all my families I was all over South Carolina all over the place I had the opportunity to visit Congressman Clyburn and so representing the sixth district so you all out there follow the steps follow faith when you follow Faith you see good things are going to happen you get many blessings and when you get the blessing you can share your blessings you can share your blessings when you get your blessings so with that being said to everyone everyone council members I appreciate you all um thank you and um okay I'll say I know but I just needed to get that Madam clerk yes my vote is yes thank you council president thank you Madame clerk um um let me just um U Miss Randa um um we we definitely we're not only going to be praying for you we'll follow up with our great Corporation Council I have a lot of faith in truth in our great Corporation Council he he work every day to protect the city and to help us to help this governing body um you know despite what you hear he's the one that keep us on track and check making sure that everything that we approved here is legally incorrect under the under under the law um you know so so I have trust and I know that he will follow up I was very concerned about your situation because this is a big violation this is a serious violation removing the meat of a property means that BNC cut the electricity he put it back on that's something very serious that's the reason why he doesn't have a r rental certificate so we will follow up on your case with that being said council members and resident of the great city of pison let's keep the family of our former mayor Joy Torres on prayer his uh brother Samy to her pass away um also former councilman McCoy brother lo you know pass away Wesley McCoy let's keep the McCoy family in our prayer um also Benny cook daughter uh NRA cook my brother Benny cook I'm so sorry for your loss I couldn't be at your funeral I was I was out of town but I I will suspend everything I was not I was not aware and it's really sad is this is a big loss let's keep all those family in our prayer and know Council woman Captain you lost a a a family you lost a brother um so we'll keep you in our prayer let's pray for our city let's pray for the city of patteron it's Christmas it's holiday let's hug somebody let's let's you know help those people in need in our community Madame cler my vote is yes thank you council president the votes are seven in favor two absent um the public portion is closed move to close move to close by council member L second by councilman Jackson roll call to Close Our close out meeting uh Madame clerk roll call to close a close out meeting of December 17th 2024 Council we need another vote councilman uh Council woman cotton I'm sorry my votee is yes Madam clerk happy Merry Christmas to everyone out there and Happy New Year's God bless you be safe my vote is yes Madam clerk thank you madam clerk Miss Austin um we we will talk the impression is of what has been depicted is what you've gotten of me then I'm sure you'll get what you're looking for from the other council members but just an effort I will not allow somebody to sit here and slander me first first of all I've never borrowed money from the city of Patterson never the agency which is not the city of Patterson is called the Patterson Restoration Corporation which my business approximately 14 years ago borrowed $140,000 from them which was illegally held for me for quite some time which put my business at a very in a very poor position that agency had over $40 million 40 Mill million that is squandered of which has been wasted at the business incubator that this mayor has had a hand on that now is being converted and yet I have asked the be the same ba for the reports on the spending of the 40 million everyone seems to put a focus on the 140,000 that was illegally targeted to towards me which the former director told me who do I think I am why do I why should he give me his money I didn't go see the mayor the mayor at that time sent notice to him had I not been so young because I was in my 20s when I opened my business in fact I did a $1.4 million expansion of which only $140,000 which was pennies and people trying to depict as if I had stole money from the city that's the reason I'm sitting in the seat right now because I was a regular citizen I was illegally targeted and my business was put in D in the rest so I decided I was going to run for office and vote against all of this misappropriation of which the $40 million ask some of the council members where's that $40 million at especially those who are making this claim that I have taken or stolen money from the city but I digress and and all of this is you know it's it's all been written and it's been documented count countless occasions with me asking for proof on expenditures you go through the through the building right now there's hundreds and thousands of dollars of equipment that's there that's wasted with no accountability the council's job is to do exactly what you talked about to be accountable on the spending to make sure that the administration is not just rogely spending all kinds of money I mean have we seen that level of accountability I I don't think I don't think so but I only wanted to say that and I apologize Madam cler because I know it's getting late but I'm not going to sit there and somebody to make a false statement of me borrow money from the city and not paying it back that is not true Patterson Restoration Corporation which is pretty much a defunct uh entity now squandered $40 million this Council didn't have lack the oversight and we don't even know where the money is madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilman councilwoman Mims Patterson I want to say U merry Christmas happy Hanukkah happy holidays um and happy New Year to all of you uh we will have one more meeting I'm I'm not sure if I will be able to be there I will be uh leaving um to go out of town to uh take care of a loved one who is sick um and so I want to um put that on the record but I just want to say and happy birthday and happy anniversary to those that are celebrating as you know my birthday is on the 27th but I just want to say to Patterson at large for those that are grieving your loved ones those have lost loved ones even not recently but in the past and you're going through that process and those individuals that are sick I want to say that even in the midst of all life's trials and struggles trust God even in the midst of your circumstances and all the things that could literally have you almost lose your mind and want to throw in the towel continue to trust God because he's still in control and he's going to do it I know sometimes we hear you know hear it stated uh they used um they're talking spiritual they're doing whatever but my hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness and I dare not trust the sweetest frame that Holy lean on Jesus name and it's on Christ the solid rock that I stand and when times in our forefathers and times pass when they could say nothing or utter anything it was their faith and it was God that brought them through and we are here because of the prayers of the effectual the effectual first prayer of the righteous and it has availed much to allow us to be here and to continue on so Patterson at large I love you thank you for always supporting um all the things that we're doing and we have a few more uh things that will be going on tomorrow and then I'll be leaving to go out of town happy uh birthday to councilwoman Davila I won't be able to make her birthday party but I will definitely make sure um I send her a gift but I will uh be away to um Deputy clerk in the absence of Madam clerk uh secretary Dedra Madame ba Corporation counsel CFO to our it crew and um our police officers our security gu we never get to say thank you to you um and we need to make sure we have police here and and to hermalinda our stenographer um and U Madame ba please no one was here tonight but let's make sure police are present when we're leaving uh cuz uh it's dark outside when we get out those door doors is dark and that's why I always caution what's said at the microphone and here because when you're saying all this stuff people will come and wait for people outside those doors and to attack people or wait in their driveways myself and Council woman M coton have went home and people have waited for us in our driveways and sometimes it's stuff that's said right here at the mic that opens up a can of worms and put people in a dangerous position so we have to be careful of what we say and what we do because those are some of the scenarios and situations that are happening right here in the city of Patterson um with that being said good night everyone God bless you my vote is yes thank you councilwoman Council Manon all right thank you Patterson thank you for the opportunity to serving you I wish you all happy holidays see you virtually on the 30th by V is yes thank you councilman newon Council MZ Patterson I know it have been a a good year and a rough year we have been in a yes and a no but we have moved the city forward at our own capacity Madame ba Administration CFO amen bushie enjoy your family councilman Council woman's staff City staff employees enjoy your family tomorrow is not promised tomorrow is not promised hug your kids hug your family tell them how much you love them and enjoy the holidays or Christmas or whatever you want to call it but enjoy it go to a church reunite with your family and set new goals in your life for tomorrow could have a better future for all of us saying that Madame clerk my word is yes to close this meeting good night thank you councilman council president thank you mad uh thank you Madame clerk uh we just finalized in this the last meeting this is the last time that we're going to be together on this 2024 uh let me start with the administration you know Corporation Council M MBA you know uh Silva you owe me a second round Silva you know don't run away a detect director at Rafael gonal and the all the I the IT department and Melinda it's it's always been a pleasure to work of you Madame clerk to our secretary so um may God continue blessing you and your family enjoy this Christmas with your loved one at home enjoy life is sure let's uh laugh let's enjoy this every single day and let's enjoy our family to my Council K to all of you my eight council members uh Merry Christmas and also enjoy your family enjoy your loved one let's not take life so serious uh I was hoping to have this meeting in ad door you know to the meeting in a different capacity this time but you know what we finish the agenda and we approve a lot of important item uh you know to miss Randa praying we're behind your back we're behind you back there's a lot more positive thing that happen in the city that the negative one but the negative one we got to work together we got to pray and we got to fight back those battle that are affecting our community today I wouldn't make this announcement whicher Wonderland start on the 19th at the East side park are grad to renovated East Side park I mentioned before I start with a tennis court I continue with a playground the roller ring the resurfacing of the park everything is done the park is brand new it's beautiful today we approved $2.8 million for the baseball field one of the most busy baseball field is getting ready to be done and there's all the project in the pipeline this night the night we're going to start we're going to have a great time with the grand opening of winter wonder line I would like to encourage all the wrestling of the great seas patteron to visit East Side park uh enjoy the light uh of the park and you will see how beautiful the park looks look it's been a blessing for me to serve the city and I always say this I came to the city of patteron with nothing and I got really blessed me in this city I could definitely wake up every morning I could wake up every morning and put food at the table uh through my business and through all the things that I do to my family I have a beautiful family they all healthy and I thank God every single day for that I thank God for being so blessed in my life and I would like to encourage you know the resident of the city of patteron to just don't take your family for granted your life could change from one moment to another you could lose a loved one in a minute so take advantage and love your family love your neighbor and let's treat each other like a family because that's who we are in the city of pison Merry Christmas my V is thank you council president the votes are six six in favor three absent the closeout meeting of December 17 2024 is hereby adjourned good night Patterson and