##VIDEO ID:u-PO-b8Mhps## um just let us know council members before we start um thank you may I have a motion to close the public portion of the last Workshop section so moved second it was moved by Council women Ms and second by councilman colleague roll call to close the public portion of the workshop last week yes Mr President roll call to close to formally close the workshop session of Tuesday December 3r 2024 councilman abdulaziz councilwoman Kon councilwoman councilwoman C I just want to make sure Council uh Corporation councel um Corporation councel right we have to close I understand that but I wasn't here that's what and that's what I want to make sure that it's okay I understand that that's all I'm just wait for Corporation Council I'm going I'm formally closing the workshop session of Tuesday December 3rd 2024 we weren't here so we my question is we were not here is it okay Corporation counsel that we can vote to close the work public portion from last meeting Madam clerk yes yes okay I didn't see you say anything that's why uh my vote is yes thank you councilwoman cotton councilwoman Davin as I was not here I'm going to stain from this vote thank you councilman colleague yes councilwoman MIM yes councilman urin is absent councilman valz I was in here but I vote no thank you and Mr President was my V is yes M clerk thank you Mr President so the votes are five in the affirmative the um Workshop session of Tuesday December 3rd is hereby formally closed thank you m CL may have a motion to close the workshop of the last week second move by councilwoman Dava that wasn't here but second by Council Ms roll call by cler to close the workshop section of last week roll call to close the workshop session of Tuesday December 3rd 2024 councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman Dava yes councilman khle yes councilwoman Mims yes councilman VZ I wish we could raise the tape but no oh oh my vote is no I wasn't here your vot is I vote no I wasn't here you weren't here okay thank you Mr President I vot yes B clerk thank you the votes are five yeses one no uh four absent es I'm sorry three absences the workshop session of Tuesday December 3rd 2024 is hereby formally closed thank you madam cler good evening patteron now we as uh once we finish the process of closing the workshop uh meeting last week we are ready to start our next meeting which is today December the 10th so good evening everyone on behalf of the pis Municipal Council and welcome you to the regular meeting on Tuesday December 10 at 7:00 p.m. the meeting is now call to order M clerk please call the roll yes Mr President roll call for municipal Council regular meeting of Tuesday December 10th 2024 the meeting time is scheduled for 7 p.m. councilman abdulaziz councilwoman cartton yes cwom DAV I'm sorry here DAV councilwoman DAV present councilman Jackson councilman khik here oh sorry councilwoman Mims here councilman Udin councilman valz president M clerk thank you Mr President Mr president president mad clerk thank you Mr President so the votes are seven um present to absences the municipal Council regular meeting of Tuesday December 10th is now opened nobody was sitting there statement of compliance can I have the folder Council Mr President this evening's prayer will be rendered by Miss princess Reeves which has been followed by the flag salute led by The Honorable fifth world councilman leis VZ princess re would everyone please stand let us bow our head please giving honor to God as we come before this evening meetings father let it be a blessful meeting let those things that are righteous in your eyes be blessed and be given with the right correction let us Let each family that's here in presence and the ones that's on their way bless them in their health in their home in their traveling so father I ask that you put upon an anointing in this place let us all as we leave this season as 2024 4 and we transition into 2025 let us do the corrections provide the provision that is needed for all the people no matter what race or color we are here to honor you so let us all be in agreement on the same Accord father we ask this in your name amen amen and amen amen to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible for liberty and justice for all please remain stand now let's do a moment of silence for those that lost a loved one in our community and also for our troops you may be seated thank you m clerk please read the statement of compliance yes Mr President statement of compliance for the open public meetings law for 2024 2025 today's meeting date is December 10th 20 24 scheduled time is 7:00 p.m. adequate notice of this meeting was compiled and disseminated in accordance with open public meetings law in the following manner one the annual notice of regular meetings and workshop sessions of the municipal Council was compiled for the year 2024 2025 onor about July 1 2024 two a schedule of the regular meetings on workship sessions of the municipal Council for the year 2024 2025 was duly transmitted on about July 1 2024 to the nor Jersey Herald News the record the Arabic voice the Italian voice the P County puls Dominicana News theis International Lal the pison press the city post news tap into patteron the weekly bangal Patria in addition to any other publication duly requesting such notices three the schedule of the regular meetings and workshop sessions of the municipal Council for the year 2024 2025 was prominently posted in the lobby of City Hall first floor in the place reserved for the announcements of this type four the schedule of the regular meetings and workshop sessions of the municipal Council for the year 2024 2025 was duly filed with the municipal clerk and five a copy of the schedule of the regular meetings of the municipal Council was mailed to any person who requested and paid the fee authorized by the open public records act Mr President president thank you Madame clerk um members of the public good evening before we start this meeting uh if you wish to speak on the public portion there's a list um don't forget to add your name on the list you will have three minutes to address the council and the administration respectfully to my Council call it's great to see my Council C all back in this meeting Let's uh keep the decorum that this meeting deserve let's let's be respectful to each other and let's use the two time the the two-minute window in each voting section that way could address any concern about each legislation I will be voting that will help us to be more effective and be focused on the agenda and at the end of the meeting we could speak about any matter that we might want to address Administration or the public when with that being say uh payment of Bill councilwoman Dava thank you very much council president good evening Patterson to everyone to my colleagues uh we have before us a summary of dispersements um there was a uh two payments to the board of education for a total of 12 m738 3984 uh it was a payroll week so that's 5,559 411019 in addition there were statutory expenditures there was uh some uh workers comp uh in addition there was also some um Solid Waste payments making that a total of 21, 910,000 3 $13.36 my motion is for payment of Bills second it move by councilwoman DAV and second by councilman council president and council member Les discussion council member Les thank you council president um you know about two years ago uh there was a lot of discrepancy between the council and the administration and U going back and forth with this payment of bills and I requested to through the chair CFO I questioned that day uh Madame ba uh if it's possible to have a separate set of uh payment of Bill well and the reason I asked because everybody was questioning why the payroll was in the payment of Bill and the general payment of bills on the other one and the request was to see if the administration could do a little deling work on it and present a payroll one and a other expenses bill in a separate same bill but in the separate form of action that we could vote in one and not vote in the other one or whatever happens that don't means that we're not going to vote U on positive because service have been rented just to be a little bit uh probably more transparent some people will not vote uh for a whole complete Bill and um and use the statement that we are only voting because the payroll is there just to be you know uh more more um more efficient into the payment of Bill to see if we could separate a responsibility of a payroll in a bill and have the other expenses in another type of bill for make a smart uh vote on it and moving forward that's only the request I requested two years ago if it's possible moving forward that we could present it uh that way uh it will be more healthy for the entire community and also healthy for us that we could also have the chance to vote uh up and down whatever it is um that's my request two years ago so I'm bringing it back uh at this time U council president thank you thank you dly noce Council M Le uh roll call Mad clerk on payment of bills yes Mr President roll call and payment of bills in the amount of 21, 911, 31336 councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman Dava uh my responsibility uh in terms of payment of bills is to make sure that I either support or don't support payment of bills so um I would disagree that we have to have payroll separate as it is part of uh the summary of dispersements um in addition if there's something in this um payment of bills I can say that I'm in support of and can say that I don't support a certain um um item and I could put that on the record so Madam Clerk at this time uh um my vote is yes for payment of bills for 21, 910,000 and 36 Cents thank you thank you councilwoman daver councilman Jackson thank you madam clerk well it's easy to say that when you're not being responsible but when you have $21 million in expenses hidden within is all kinds of uh uh occurrences that can take place that you can't possibly responsibly vote on and and having it voted as a collective it's impossible and then you have those well I would definitely be responsible and paying the uh employees with they yeah of course but what about all of the rest of the money that we're allowing to be squandered the responsibility as my Council colleague just talked about the resp responsibility the responsible thing to do is just to vote up or down that's not what the council's job is with the responsibility of the council is to be financially responsible prudent on how the money is spent we have close to a billion dollars that comes into this community every year 300 close to 300 of million of that is this municiple budget and as I got out my car it was rats that ran past asked me this Council has dropped the ball on his responsibilities all all together I've been you know talking about this for the past 10 years we are supposed to be sitting as a board of health but yet they utilize they weaponized the health department to Target businesses while we have rats running around in the city in in such an abundance you can't possibly think that you can vote on $21 million in the collective and not scrutinize the job of the council is to go through this budget line by line every every single uh pay per every single time we vote on it to be responsible to exclude certain things all you have to do is watch when people like councilman Morris and councilman um uh McCoy was here and you at least you had three people that being that was being responsible but each and every time you would see items being pulled from the agenda here you have council members working on behalf of the of the administration and sure we're going to funnel and push everything through and I'm going to be responsible whether or not it it's it's it's pointing the light at payroll or not because obviously for all of you city employees who are concerned about your payroll you have nothing to worry about trust me we have a bunch of people that's going to just lay down and vote Yes but I'm not going to do it I'm going to be responsible and taking a stance and holding the administration accountable even if I have to do it alone Madam clerk my vote is no thank you councilman Jackson councilman khik thank you Madame clerk $2,910 911, 31336 the expenditure everything is listed in this package right here if I have any question about any line item I could question them I could goote yes or no on it but saying that is hidden is not listed it's totally wrong information whole amount is listed line by Page by Page and details who is the uh payment made to what is for everything is listed here so but making a broad statement is hidden is not listed I think it is not correct and also when cilman Morris uh councilman McCoy was here I I served with with them for a couple of years mhm we did the payments of Bill same way as we are doing today and at the budget line item when budget comes up any of us could question a line item on the budget we could request the administration to to to get rid of the line item or you not supporting the line item so there's process in place but Broly I cannot or I urge my Council colleague not to make a statement making it seem like we're doing something wrong here I don't think there's anything wrong here and if we feel like any of this line item or I don't agree with I could vote no but I do agree with it this service has been rendered we are obligated to pay my vote is yes thank you councilman khik Dr Mims so um perfectly stated councilman khik but I'll go even deeper um the winter wonderland for example that many people drove through by ESI Park the payment is in this payment of bills ESI Park where people have complained about the work that's being done is in this park $700,000 of Road resurfacing is in this payment of bills and the list could go on and on and on different people that some of us respect and we know they do great work their names are outlined community policing Lieutenant Sharon e has written and found a grant for a lot of the uh events the uh conference that they had just recently um and I think it was International High School where we had Erica Campbell there those payment of bills are in here so when it's stated that it's hidden or it's corrupt it's not true I admonish any person this it sits up there or you can go online the other piece is every Friday this comes home in our packet outside of those that serve on the finance committee you have an opportunity from Friday until Workshop Tuesday and or this week to say these items I don't agree let's pull them and we'll vote on them separately I have not seen that take place we know it can happen and I heard it stated last week someone made the com commentary but at any week you can say I would like items four six on page two whatever those pages are you can have them voted on separately that is our purview as council members and all of you watch the same meeting that is not being stated there's no way I'm going to vote as a whole for things that I know that are needed our children deserve their education if you have children in the public schools their payments are in here you want those teachers to show up in the classrooms correct you want to make sure that your teach even if you don't agree with everything that goes on in the school you want them to get paid so they could come to work Patterson do like we do read the document just like you if you go to work you want to get paid and that's what this list does it pays people for the work they do we're not trying to hide anything and as a matter of fact anybody in the public that want my list you can have it because I read it very detailed so if you want it uh my secretary is there you can take this and see for yourself my vote Madam clerk is yes thank you Dr Ms councilman valz uh before I vote I just want to know if there's uh no and and and this is the thing okay there's a payment of bill for and and the page and the page is simple it's uh page number number four out of four at the last matter of fact it's could be that last page and and the name that I see here I don't know if the same is what kind of serve it is is under the CFO is not here but um if Madam clerk mad Madam ba could say CBR 2024 36131 15-15 and is under the four category you know uh and the name trigger me a little bit Frankie fero no no no you know they could they could they could they so so so this is the thing right uh and this is what we we want to avoid and the reason I asked a payment of bill with the payroll on one side and the other one with other expenses because if this is the name that is tied up with uh a lot of violations 200 and something got it is is the same person Frankin fero something like that is the same person so let's exercise the power that we have so Madam um legal or or Finance here can I remove this item into more investigation why we we paying them why we paying them why council members council members just please why we paying them you got to give them Robert rules of orders she's in the middle of roll no that you just said it whoever whoever could but it has to be done at the point of discussion you cannot do it in the middle of roll call at this point it's time to vote and close out the vote okay so I'm going to do it this way I I will vote on the um on the payment of bills but I want to vote no on this payment of Bill to further information all right so Madam Madame Madame ba if this is fito Frankie the same guy that got fined $200,000 or more for violations in the city of um Co and now we pay him back 8,000 and change I don't know what's the reason you know I want to know why yeah okay yeah all right so my my my vote is yes and no to this item that I just saw here okay so Val is conditional yes Mr President thank you thank you Madame clerk uh council members um first of all it's that is not impossible to do separation of payment of bills let's let's let's that let's start with that right it's something that is not impossible there uh if we want to separate payment of Bill it could come in the same document two document different one for payment of Bill one for the other provided but let me let me just share something with with with the with the with my constituents and my Council colleag one of the thing that really has been giving a bad name to the city of pison is the time that this city wait to pay those company that provide service to the city of pison honestly I know about company that they don't want to deal with p no more because it takes so long for the city to pay those entity that it's really it put them in a difficult position financially so with that being said my recommendation to my Council KH go through the list if there's any item that doesn't have any supported documentation and you need additional information ask the administration and if you see that if you if you if you know that he doing something wrong or you or you find out that they doing something wrong expose the administration and everybody else we got the document this is a public document uh and it's is open to the public so anybody have access to the payment of Bill and the administration have supported document for any any dollar that we pay on this item uh and it's been voting the same way for many years but like I said there's not for me I I I don't I don't mind could be separate could be all together but at the same time my my advice is to just look at it before the meeting before the workshop and ask all the question ask for all the document because Administration they have all the supportting documentation that we pay for they should have my vote is yes Madam clerk thank you Mr President Madam clerk yes I'd like to reconsider my vote please yes councilman Jack and this is legitimate I will definitely change my vote ladies and gentlemen in the second page of the bills list there's over100 $1 million in what's called statutory funds it's bulk together in three different uh payments and because my Council colleagues are so well-versed and they've read it if one of them could tell me what is the $800,000 for I will change my vote to a yes right now councilwoman M says she's read read the document thoroughly accuse me of not being vers well versed in it councilman valz just had a question about the $8,000 being paid to Charlie fero nobody in the council can answer that question here's a million dollars in expenses council president you want to enlight me can you can you tell me what the million forid not Solid Waste doesn't say Sal can you tell me what the million dollars is for but yet my Council colleagues sit here so well versed and here's a million dollars in expenses and they over there looking over at the ba to give them a hint cheat to give them a cheat sheet in class I would change my vote right now if any one of you can tell me what the million dollars is for counc tell them council members here coun three different item Council M I said a portion portion of it a portion of it coun you're the chair you're the chair of Finance tell counc Jackson Every meeting tell me what the $800,000 is for councilman Jackson you already voted no ask for the floor again you're voting the same way and I just told you I just told you you don't like the answer sorry that you don't like the answer I answered your question 00,000 Sal I already answered your question I already answered your question again avoiding the question members of the public what look what I'm showing you a million dollar in expenses $1 million can you imagine what's in the $21 million Bill thank you thank you council members Madame ba to me in favor bring tow all the documentation that support that $1 million exactly send it to what do you know about you just yes you know about it what do you know about it you don't know what what thee point of order no thank you Council please submit that submit submit that a specific detail of payment of Bill to the counc responsible council member the is there the million information that the council is asking is there but we got whole bills will provide it to you Madame will provide it to you mad cler call vot no he already vote no I'm going to announce the yeah please thank you so the votes and payment of bills and the amount of 21, 910,000 36 six in the affirmative one now two absent payment of bills in the amount of 21, 910,000 3336 is hereby adopted thank you mad cler council members now we have mad cler we have ID number 2 to 28 please remove item number 10 and let's treat item number 10 as a separate item on the consent agenda just a minute just a minute council member I have councilwoman Ruby and councilwoman me councilwoman Ru council president uh remove number nine and remove number 14 from consent so number nine and number 14 make sure you got make sure you get your question ready for number n number I ain't got no questions I don't want to consent I don't have no questions I do not want on consent wait a minute thank you no no I'm sorry Council woman Council won n and 14 out of the consent so um just counc just a point point of reference as previously stated where you see council members that are sponsoring please make sure they move those items yeah that's what you said that's correct dly noticed I know do a phenomenal job doing that so if you havec you know now that just a minute council member council president now that you removing before she read a statement about removing any any item on the conscent agenda um I I think I was going to remove it after she read the statement that any councilman could remove and doing a separate no question is she had to read it first before we remove items so that's the parliamentarian uh uh yeah after she read it I would like to remove seven and8 okay all right so I'll just so s and8 Council no problem okay all matters listed under the consent agenda are considered to be routined by the council and will be enacted by one motion the items the items listed under the consent agenda are numbers 2 through 28 any item may be removed from the consent agenda by the request of any council member and if so removed will be treated as a separate move second it was um move by Council M second by Council D so I remove seven and eight for separate number 11 needs to be removed okay number 11 so Madam clerk let the record reflect that we're removing item number 10 number nine number 14 number seven number eight number 11 and number five from C uh to remove to vote separate wait a minute what happened now what what are the items we're saying remove so council member just a minute I have multiple requests item number 10 number nine number 14 number seven number eight number 11 and number five number n number 10 what I I'm trying to hear I didn't hear you can you start from 7 8 council member no we're going to start the same way I received a request number 10 Madam clerk number nine number 14 number seven number eight number 11 and number five why is why is number 11 being removed uh get a request from councilman Jackson he wants to uh treat a number 11 as a separate matter correct coun Jack the item for 14 as well 14 is already out okay so M we have 10 914 7 8 11 and 5 and so let's vote on our consent agenda and let's treat those item right after the consent agenda can we do number 11 next for Casey and Z please thank you we're going go ahead M roll call and the consent agenda roll call and consent agenda as amended councilman councilwoman carton yes councilwoman Dava yes councilman Jackson thank you madam cler you know it's rather amazing and uh disappointing as well not really disappointing it's actually expected but resolution and support of State Bill 4250 to assembly Bill 4236 and I'm sure these are phenomenal bills I'm sure they're going to benefit the patteron residents as as as best as possible more than two months ago I wrote a resolution in support of an existing zoning ordinance for all of you residents who are being charged for parking who are being targeted by developers who have been given a a green light to overdevelop in our community who are illegally charging you for parking for some reason or another this item simply has not been able to make it to the agenda and you know what I got Council uh uh and I'm sure you we're in roll call you you can answer me later Corporation counsel the level of disappointment is gone to a new high I'm a I'm a sitting council person your responsibility is to answer to my concerns when I'm answering to the constituent's concerns you failed to give a legal uh uh reasoning behind why s is REM I wrote the legislation seven is remove you're telling you didn't you didn't write me an email you didn't put it you didn't tell me what the what the issues were simply denying the fact when there's thousands of people in this community being charged illegally you know I I I I I render a certain Corporation Council please by all means by all means cor president councel thank you are we in discussion are we in the vot thank you council president I'll be very brief um contrary to the statements that were made we did review the item um Not only was the item legally defective it was factually defective so we's the please don't interrupt me I didn't interrupt you make a blank don't interrupt me and I'll get to it let the people hear let the people hear yeah so it was legally defective and factually defective on Friday the 6th I wrote an email to councilman Jackson and I CC the entire Council on it right everyone received it yes we did okay and I added Madam Clerk to it as well as well as the administration I outlined the deficiencies both the legal and the factual deficiencies in the legislation that he drafted I took it a step further I then took the liberty of amending what he wrote so it would pass both legal muster and factual muster and said that here's a revised version of it and I sent it to all of council including councilman Jackson and said this is a version that would pass and I'd be and I'd be willing to sign off on it I did not receive a satisfactory response to that councilman Jackson responded by saying he'll change one word in the entire document but he still wants legal to sign off on it I cannot and will not sign off on something that is both legally defective and factually insufficient and that's all I have to say on the matter everyone received the email everyone received the uh revised document and I will not respond further on this thank coration Council thank you we Ro call Jackson that to respond so um let's beautiful respectfully and I'm gracious that the uh Corporation Council would bless us with such a uh indefini explanation notice not one time did he outline what was illegal about it not one time did even in his written explanation yet he's talking over me as he asked me not to speak over him he t within his explanation he talked about the word compel and I acknowledged the word compel was a strong word I'm willing to in fact I I had no issue with this draft I don't care who writes it the issue here is the residents that's being illegally targeted and charged for parking but what he did was he added into the legislation a non-factual component saying that the council wants to compel or I'm sorry wants to strongly convince the administration to ask the planning board not to approve and I said to him in the email which I will publish that email to date there has not been one item that has been approved by either planning board or zoning board to charge for parking this part of it is irrelevant I asked for that to be removed I did not ask for the draft to remain the same and change one word I I can I can actually publish the email that I sent to him he did not respond and saying he didn't outline what is illegal about it when you're when you're talking about something is illegal you're backing that up with factual cont context of a state statute a law a local ordinance or something to support your argument just because you got a nice suit on and you have a degree on your wall doesn't mean I'm going to believe you telling me something is illegal and that's what's going on here so what so what I'm speaking I have the I have the I have the privilege to speak about whatever is relevant and what's relevant here is how the residents are being mistreated that's how that's how when the residents are paying when we just go through a bills list blindly and they pay for a lawsuit to members of the uh to to the uh uh uh to the administration because of poor treatment and poor legal advice because the the Law Department should be advising the Council on what to do to protect the Public's best interest now I mean even if we took a poll in this room if you're a resident in this city and be being charge for parking and and driving through neighborhoods that that these large buildings have gone up and they're taking up all of the street level parking because the buildings are not providing the parking for free as they're supposed to is that not a relevant issue to the public but we want to scarf right past these things over two months but yet this legislation to support a bill has managed to make it to this wasn't even on the on the workshop agenda you was on the workshop Council Please wrap it up so okay I'll wrap it up council president I'm very curious and when you speak I would like for I would like to get some clarity where do you stand on the residents that have been illegally charged Corporation councils failed to render a decision we have a a lawful ordinance already on the books that says clearly these developers land owners shall not charge for parking and they are in fact charging for parking so when it comes to the issue of things that are relevant to our residents I'm curious of where you stand but anyway Madam clerk on the uh consent agenda my vote is yes and I'm looking forward to Corporation Council answer on what is exactly the the legality or illegality that he's pointing out of the of the document he should he in fact we coun corporate uh council president allow him to allow him to do a presentation to discredit me show that I don't know what I'm talking about let him presentation teach the public about how my document was illegal come back to you let's colle please I'm sure he can do a dissertation thank you Madame clerk we have some great items on this concent agenda for example item number three that agreement between njcdc and CIO Patterson to assist in the funding of improvement of Westside Park we're getting $1 million through njcdc some Grand money there some there are many great items in there but we be bickering about I don't even know where this who is charging illegally to the to the tenants nobody called me I even hear from one person all and if we have it already in the book as part cman Jackson planning board when the or or zoning board when they uh approv this project they put it in the resolution as a this parking comes with with with the with the apartments so what's the point of making this circus here making this uh uh bringing an ordinance in front of the council if we have it in the book already is nothing if nothing a circuit I think that's that's what and it is not even on the agenda when it comes on the agenda we discuss it when is on the agenda and if anybody charging illegally I would like the community to come in front of the council and point out this developer in this building that's what they're doing or report it to the proper Authority let them go out and find those people I think that's that's the solution not to come up with some ordinances and make a circus that's that's exactly what it is beside that I see some gentlemen sitting there from um I think item number four anyway um my my my my vote is yes for this concern agenda thank you thank you councilman colleague Dr Mims um I'm not going to even go there but item 11 it was uh there was commentary that was stated to that item that item refers to and council president I would like to vote on that one next uh zel Thomas and the hilling collective Casey Melvin they have been down here week after week about this particular item the way the item was originally written was not correct it was in this item is in regards to a Senate bill and assembly bill that was approved so the Way It Was Written previously ly was trying to put something of in place without having the correct parameters around it this item is to resolve it very easy clearcut I know Casey you're you're um watching and I apologize I thought this would be oh he's here Casey Casey's not here um so Casey I apologize that it was removed and then we got to vote on it separately I thought it would be something very easy and clearcut in the consent agenda but we will vote on it next but Casey and zel as you're watching the item has been resolved and we'll be voting on it next there's some other items on here um for example cibil um Don't Make Me Over very famous lived here in the great city of Patterson uh we will be uh uh she's been here uh consistently doing concerts here in the great city of Patterson on um in as a part of the East Side neighborhood association when they did jazz in the park and so many other things and so people that done great work and their legacies in our community we cannot forget them so Cil as you're watching I want to say congratulations Madame clerk there's so many other things on here that I want to go into full detail my vote is yes thank you Dr Ms councilman valz uh consider agenda right correct yes sir yes it's like um you know I promise myself not to speak a lot but you know when when when things come forward it comes highlight things so uh corporate Council thank you for the email a clarification about the world compel the well compel means obligate Force as I know I was born in Puerto Rico but raised in New York and every time I SAR in the flag it say justice for all and we always live in a free country and uh when I read the word compel obligate or Force it throw me we were turning this Council into a dictatorship we cannot enforce we cannot make laws to regulate your private business as your private business and the issue of parking and tenant and landlords is a landlord and tenant obligation to see what they met or not comment when they ran an apartment there is so in there is U um viruses uh there's a lot of things that goes through other boards that is not our fault that people probably when they sit down with the landlord's in tenant they don't speak clearly before they go and rent to that apartment I think I have in the fifth world the most highrise buildings the most 46 new construction in the past 2016 and I haven't have complaints about people uh renting and they don't have a parking that's a that is a a Rong information and whoever complain they could call to a councilman that is in the fifth war that his name is Louis VZ could get you the facts instead of calling cilman and create uh not factual situation and create all this negativ around the city and when it's not happening right uh that's a landlord and tenant uh um uh matter uh before they move in they sign leases uh they know where they move into to I even told the people that come to move to the city of patteron if you want to know if your area is good visit during the night if you want to know if it's uh hot spot or not go through the night you will see what you going to see and um and you get what you get right um and I I told everyone if you want to live in a nice decent world that have everything food everything and everything is there everybody included come to the fifth War 46 new construction proud to see a lot of abandoned property back to the tax rades and uh seeing new people to come in to the patteron um and saying that you know that's a landlord and tenant uh agreement and I believe that we should move forward and not try to create wor and turn into this counil into dictatorship because we not in dictatorship on it so my vot is yes and this um concent agenda thank you councilman valz Mr Mr President thank you Madame clerk um Council Khali I would like to just remind you to please uh respectfully let's use the two-minute uh time the two minute on the voting section that will help us to be more effective there's no need in every legislation for council member to talk for 10 15 minutes it's not it's not effective it's not helping us to go anywhere please let's stick within the 2 minutes it's going to help us to be more effective and I'm effective it's going to start by me Council M Jackson has been accusing me of not putting those item on the and I allowed Corporation Council to speak that way the public could see that councilman Jackson he been insulting me and doing all kind of thing because he think that it's me I'm not here to stop any Council Khali I wish that I could work more with councilman Jackson I'm here open to all my a council Khali to work collectively I'm not going to be able to get nothing done by myself or any council member this is the governing body and the reason why those Idol are not on the agenda is because Corporation Council cannot sign on and I would never put nothing on the agenda that is not being authorized by legal he is the one that protect us now at the last week meeting there was a big discussion about this I want to say thank you director Billy Rodriguez and the engineer for the phenomenal presentation I love her Patterson resident each council member have this the Westside Park huge project that cost $8 million I was bashed because I was supporting this project now I want you to look at it and I request this presentation to be on TV because this is a phenomenal project that's going to change the whole community on that section and this is what we talking about moving the seity on the right direction now we got to have to stay on the job making sure that they do what they have to do here so with that being said I'm satisfied about my decision in this Council my vote is yes Madam clerk thank you Mr President the votes are seven yeses two absences the consent agenda is hereby adopted as amended council president thank you council members council member let just minutes uh I know that there was a multiple item council member we remove fr the agenda it was 5 7 8 9 10 11 and 14 let's go on that order because some of you move it out of the consent agenda for a specific reason so allow me to take care all those item that way we could have that discussion we continue with agenda Council mes yeah it's quickly council president I know that uh after I finish uh making my statement before voting you made the statement to try to stay in the two minutes and don't talk a lot whatever when you need to tell somebody don't spoke don't do it General because I got to think you're doing this because me I I I'm the last one I'm the last one to speak if you think that somebody is speaking more than they SP tone directly you speaking a lot try to stay into do two minutes I'm taking time my own time that I'm meeting I'm talking and I'm less than two minutes so I just want to keep that clear thank you Council council members know who's the one spending most of the time I just don't want to men your name let's do it unanimously council members let's work together item number five M clerk that was moving out of the concent agenda yes council president item number five is a resolution acknowledging contents and effects of memorandum of understanding between the state of New Jersey and the City of patteron for transitional Aid in the calendar year 2024 including any applicable supplements it's an Administration resolution 2471 so move move by councilwoman DAV second by councilwoman bz councilwoman C councilwoman Mims a RCT on item number five discussion discussion councilman Jackson thank you council president Madame ba so I could not help but notice that there's a now a uh well there's a there's a substantial amount of transitional Aid is this ex is is this uh consistent what was received last year last year was thank you council president this is $2 million more than what was received last year it's 27 million total out of and last year was 25 but we have been talking about that all year because that's what we applied for with our transitional aid application that's what we had as an amount when we introduced the budget we had to only introduce the 25 we amended the budget it was 27 so we've been you've been talking about that 27 for no I'm well aware I'm just trying to help the public become aware of it as well because uh you know in years past when we were receiving 25 it was a consistent Threat by the um state that we had to reduce our burden and I can't help but to notice that you know on top of all of the um uh uh covid spending the cares act spending we still needed a substantial increase so what is the plan now to reduce our dependency on state a for next year Well a as we continue to you know ask the council to look at at other sources of revenue the administration continues to cut expenses um we are going to continue to have a relationship with the state there is no doubt that until especially a lot of the uh tax incentives around development in the city that are part of the Garden State growth Zone by the New Jersey legislature until those start to kick in 10 years 20 years 30 years from now depending on um the attacks that's what's going to that's what continues to grow our rateable base it's not something that a short-term issue that's why the transitional aid program exists thank you C Jackson roll call man on item number five yes Mr President roll call on item number five for approval Cil woman um cotton thank you madam clerk I just want to um for everyone at home that's watching and everyone out there um this is a memorandum understanding uh in order for us to get the 27 million we have to sign off that we accept the 27 million so don't sign off then we won't get the 27 million that's the bottom line now they increased it two um 2 million more this year but uh it's like me having agreement with you um if I say okay I'm going give you this then you going to have to sign off that we have we agreed to try to do our best to do to bring our tax R up what what we can get it up to and I know Madam ba and uh have and um and Administration has been bringing in different items that for us to try to increase our tax Bas um maybe we're raising some of the fees but in order for us to get this 27 million we got to sign off you may not want to sign off then you don't sign off then this is what it is madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilwoman cotton councilwoman Davin in addition to uh what councilwoman cotton just stated about theou with the state of New Jersey um in order for us to also receive the 27 million we have to also have some skin in the game okay and that's why there's a 2% tax levy that is required so when people you know constituents call us up oh I just saw you know my tax bill it went x amount um it is a very minimal amount now when you look at the increase in the school board tax that actually is a higher amount all right so um with that said and understanding um that if we do not support this um um we will not get our monies okay and at the end of the day I have to make sure because I don't know anyone in here who is a taxpayer who owns a home that you're okay with us saying no to those $27 million just think about what your tax bill will look like then so you know with that said Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilwoman daver councilman Jackson thank you madam clerk just very surprising it's like it's very selective but uh what we failed to mention is that the $2 million increase that we required is potentially has a great deal to do with the millions of dollars and uncollected fees that we still have chasing that this Council recently voted to allow for those fees to not not be collected before all of these projects that the ba is referring to the next 10 to 20 to 30 years is going to that's still not pay paying taxation then what we also have to be concerned about those projects like royan projects where our res presid are being grossly mistreated and yet he continues to come back to the table for a further tax reduction um you know obviously the uh the transitional Aid is is uh apparently um uh necessary because of the consistent um poor choices on spending but hey we are where we are and you know she's just amused by it's it's it's funny like you know the see the the the the issue here her or the mayor would not be able to travel around this city without armed protection and that's the that's the that's the problem so they don't they don't have the the the the the opportunity to drive through certain parts of the community to see how bad it's getting like even if you just simply travel outside of the city on Route 19 you see that the Tent City there has grown exponentially I'm getting calls consistently not just from the first or fifth Wards According to some of the councilmen but even in the six and the Third Ward in fact there's a I I'll show you the text council president from a resident of the Third Ward telling me that he has more tents on his block now but we're laughing at the fact that we have millions of dollars hundreds of millions of dollars that's being poorly allocated poorly poorly spent you miss and if you think that what's happening let brother brother keys let me give you the example right the kids of Youth in our community specifically from Kennedy High School used to walk down the street to the stadium and have a home we shorty took us in right which was now stolen from us which was stolen Kennedy doesn't even have a have the name on the field see they don't even understand that it's a laughing matter to her because when you understand what the children in our Community are going through when everything from them is being stolen when we allocate hundreds of millions of dollars 110 to be specific and we still haven't outlined where the money went where's the money we still haven't as we still haven't gotten those answers but they laugh you know callously I just got a text the other day three homicides within 20 minutes I mean I'm sorry three three robberies within 20 minutes and you think the city's getting better you're going to put a flag on the fact on the work that you're doing saying that this community is getting better I mean we have residents of the Third Ward Miss Harrison is your is is your neighborhood getting better is your neighborhood getting better I I would I would venture for anyone to come to the microphone and say thank you Madame ba thank you Council you guys are doing such a phenomenal job my neighborhood is safer my streets are cleaner and my tax pay my tax dollars are not being squandered but we laugh at it because you don't understand it and I said on day one when she gave the example of her and her family renting a renting a beach house when people in this community have to rent apartments to survive share the rental on an apartment to survive but they all breathing hard you can continue to breathe hard all you want to no one no one no one has the power to stop me and all I all I'm asking you is just negate what I'm saying don't just make a blanket statement oh it it's not legal it doesn't meet the legal clar explain to me like I'm a fifth grader why isn't it legal they can't do that explain to me how this the $2 million that we're now going to be expecting is going to make things better what it's going to do is allow them to continue to De Dey off this money to potential friend to potential campaign donors and while the community still continues to be in the same situation as him Madam clerk my vote is no thank you councilman Jackson councilman khik thank you Madame clerk this m Mo you is not new C of patteron been on transitional aid for years I don't recall when we are off transition transitional Aid and some of the council member make it seem like y this is wow this is something new this is the worst thing ever happened to City of pison come on people and and I mean we do have a lot of things to do in city of pison we do everybody agree with it everybody agree with we do need a cleaner Street we do need police presence but where is the means of getting all these things done is coming from we still are a transitional age City without getting this money from the state we will not be able to balance our budget I think we should thank the the state for giving us this money otherwise our uh means of Revenue meaning we have to increase the taxes it's going to double up whatever we paying is going to double up probably triple up thank you Madame clerk my vote is yes on thank you councilman KH Dr Mims so we've been on transitional aid for decades A decade is 10 years we've been on it for almost three decades this is nothing new our city um is in a deficit it's been in a deficit for over 30 years it just didn't get in a deficit this is a process that goes on every year in the past we've asked for even way more money than we have now they're working to trim it down of course health care costs go up very high so you have to cover the cost so that our employees can receive health care and so many other things that happen lawsuits and different things that we have to cover the cost this is beyond our control this item number five that we're voting on I you know Pat and I get that sometimes there's conversation that need to be had this one is a no-brainer this is just saying that you acknowledge the the um the information outlined in the agreement that you're going to receive this money when we started with the taxes it was 3.2% this Council and his due diligence working with this Administration we made it remain at the flat agreement of 2% now you have a choice you can listen to those Council people that are making sure it stays at a flat rate to get the money or if you want it to increase then you go the other way but anyone especially if you're seeking to go to a higher office this should be something that you should understand and know especially if you want to sit on the second floor and work to get money from the state of New Jersey this is a no-brainer it should not have taken us long to vote for it is is just to say that we agree with the memorandum of understanding very clear-cut very simple I don't know why we take these long Journeys just to say we agree the I know you're watching and I hear it all the time that it's an embarrassment to what they see that happens in Patterson that what is going on I I just don't understand and stay I'm I'm beginning to agree with you these items should not take this long this item is just to say we understand and we agree we also stand um on the side of our residents that we will not increase your taxes from 2 to 3.2% we know that there's a struggle we're trying to make sure it stays within that agreement and that's what we're voting for that's why my vote will be yes Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you Dr Ms cman bz as councilwoman stated this is no brainer we've been uh for the past eight years I've been sitting here we've been dealing withou it's been more than 30 years and we always go over them and when I go over them I I always try to read the last page on it this is a use a book an instruction listen you get 27 $30 million or whatever this is the instructions uh the rules that you have to follow to be able to manage those those transitional aid but the clue is that the last page and number 12 of fiscal responsibility say fiscal Trend analysis to establish budget and Levy stability and it says here the city should prepare a fiscal Trend analysis by June 30 2025 and a fiscal recovery plan by December 31 2025 showing the specific steps the city will take to alleviate the need for ta you know what that means right they blessing us they give us instruction how to move forward as a municipality and they hoping that we are sustainable and that we could be fiscal responsible to move forward with with our TA and um listen January 1st is around the corner the federal government had changed we have to pray that they look us with eyes of of Mercy when those funds had to be distributed because that guy up there decided to say you know pay county is one color we probably don't get the funds in the federal level that we need you know what I mean the guy that says going to make America great again so we had to keep our eyes open making sure that we spend and um wisely and make sure the memorandum understanding is um fulfilled uh to their capacity um Madame ba um I see you running around the city and driving around the city without a security detail your mother live in the Third Ward and I don't think you need to call any PD to travel our streets and last but not least ladies and gentlemen I moved to patteron 36 years ago I moved from the Bronx New York Patterson for me is a great City and have come alone if you look at take a picture from 2010 2016 and where we are start right now if patteron was a worse City in the state of New Jersey we w't have the diversity that we have and I love Patterson trust me with all my heart so Patterson is great whoever want to come invest come we had the same problem any other City have you want to see problems go to Trent right behind the the the State House my word is yes to this thank you councilman bz Mr President wow um well the city's been we've been lucky that we're getting $27 million to balance a budget I believe that uh now our job is to come together and work collectively to find additional Revenue to the city to create additional Revenue to the city that have to be our job moving forward um I definitely believe that some people they really want things to go wrong in the city of Patterson because that would give them reason to talk about and blah blah blah blah blah that's honestly that's the reality because we should not be having the the conversation we should be about listen let's come together on the next committee meeting or the next Workshop let's be creative and let's put those item on the agenda and let's have the discussion with Administration about those item that really are going to bring real Revenue to the city that have to be a discussion about the condition of the city we all know that we we don't have to repeating what happened in our city we all we live in this city and we go into the struggle of our need but on top of that the there's a lot of decision that we making that will put the city on the right track and this is one of them my vote is yes mad clerk thank you Mr president votes are six yes is one no two absences item number five is hereby adopted thank you Madame clerk let's move to item number six Madame clerk no seven I'm sorry s m CL let's put all the item that with out of the concern agenda item number seven item number seven is a resolution honoring Pastor Juan Ramon ganti Santi for 35 years of in Ministry so move it's move second go ahead read it to the record just finish man so this has been sponsored by councilman councilwoman it should be councilman Lou valz it TS to be return that's okay was it was M by councilman valz second by Council Ms and councilwoman Ro Clerk and councilman D Ro cler and seven roll call and item number seven for approval councilwoman cotton here oh she's not here councilwoman Davin yes councilman Jackson yes councilman yes yes Dr M that's councilman valz Mr President my V is yes M clerk thank you the votes are six yeses three absences item number seven is hereby adopted thank you m CL item number eight item number eight is a resolution honoring that was in I'm sorry that was not removed councilman yes it is was removed by um it was removed one yeah I'm sorry let me get myself together here item item number eight is a resolution honoring Anna Villa Longo for the years of service and dedication to the community is sponsored by councilman Louis pz co-sponsored by the remaining members of the municipal Council so move second by Council second by councilwoman M and councilwoman Dava roll call M cler on item number eight roll call on item number eight for approval councilwoman Dava so um it gives me great pleasure and it's an honor to vote on this item I've known Miss via Longo now for over 30 years I worked very closely at the college with her husband may he rest in peace um I'm sadden to see her go but I am happy that um we are able to give her her honor while she's living um she is a dedicated uh woman uh a DED she was was a dedicated wife a mother uh and someone that has served our city with dignity and I'm saddened once again to see her goal but understanding that you know she's going to be doing some great things so with that said my vote is yes thank you councilwoman daver councilman Jackson yes councilman khik yes Dr Mims before I vote I just before I vote I just I know that people make these requests but I'm really not understanding why these items are not just on consent you can still speak in regards to the items but all of these items should be on consent with the request that I made two months ago that the items are still moved by the individuals that sponsor so I'm going to put that back on the request because if you want to speak in regards to those items or people that you want to acknowledge you can still do that but I think it just wastes The public's time and it elongates the meeting to kind of pull them and have to talk about them individually when there's some more important business and the public is waiting to speak so I'm just going to put that back on the record my vote is yes thank you Dr Ms councilman valz well yes I take it easy now after after I hear all those speeches you know I had to say yes yes yes mad clerk by the way um before you say thank you yes everybody knows who van vongo so is in the resolution uh we wish her well um and she retired and she did a great job and a silenced job but she did her work my vote is yes thank you councilman valz councilman abdal aiz number eight coun voting on item number eight oh absolutely that's why I rushed here just for Annaville along Longo she's a star war six World resident many many years and uh she served the city of Patterson in a great capacity so and enjoy my vote is yes thank you councilman abdulaziz Mr President thank you mad clerk councilman M I want to say thank you again for reiterate I didn't like yeah are you I'm sorry councilwoman she was out she was out she's back councilwoman sorry thank you I just want to say uh with Anna we go back in the 90s um um she was revolved with um the pass and education fund we was part of the school board I was never on a school Bo but we were part of the school system and U working with the parents and she's has always always always been a Community minded person that always been good with that being said uh we honor you for your years of dedication of service to our community and you which you have done and you still are doing Madam cler my vote is yes thank you councilwoman cotton Mr President thank you mad cler I was saying that councilwoman Mims thank you you put it you you know you make a suggestion two weeks ago uh all those item council member that are honoring members of the the community they could definitely be the concern agenda and they will be moved and sponsored by the person that is sponsoring the legislation that will help us to be more effective and getting into business directly yeah the sponsor is the sponsor it could definitely well we we'll go back with legal I think Madam clerk we spoke about that we did that before speak so so M so technically legally it's not correct okay legally it's not correct okay so if it's not correct so we'll do it the same way we're doing my V is yes right you can move a motion in absent right if they here it's different yes okay if if the person that I have the the the the sponsor the resolution is pres is do yes and they move the motion yeah that's correct my V item number eight thank you Mr President the votes are eight yeses one absent item number eight is hereby adopted thank you item number nine Madam clerk yes item number nine just yeah you have it so close I don't have it no item number nine is a resolution honoring and commending David kosart Jr for his integrity and dedicated work to the patteron school district students and Community it's sponsored by councilwoman Ruby and cotton and co-sponsored by councilwoman Dr Lisa Mims second it was moved by councilwoman rby Kon and second by councilwoman Ms and councilwoman Dava roll call cler on item number nine roll call on item number nine for approval councilman abdulaziz yes councilwoman cartton thank you Madame clerk I just want to say that we're doing this resolution for our assistant superintendent David Kart who has been part of the community for the last 30 years he was born in patter uh I just want to I know I as I said before I've been a part of the school district just volunteering um for for all our children because I always say I don't have to birth you to be my child because we have to look at the 30,000 kids that in the school district that we need to do and we need to help and I can truly say that David Kosar has been that he's been doing it for 30 years and I just want to recognize him for his commitment that he has made to the city of P his commitment that he has made to the Board of Education he has commitment he has made to here to the city of Patterson Madame clerk with that being said my vote is yes thank you councilwoman cotton councilwoman Davin and councilwoman cotton summed it Su summed it all committed my vote is yes thank you councilwoman daver councilman Jackson thank you madam clerk so Madam clerk I will commit my time to come to your office and all those wonderful books you have in your office of Robert Rules of Order I'll bring a highlighter and I will highlight light the portion that it speaks directly about any council member has the right and privilege to remove any item from the consent agenda as they see fit they don't need to ask any other council member for permission they don't need to ask anyone if it's okay any council member who I I could I could come with a highlighter Madam clerk the other thing is I want to point out to the public last week's meeting started at 6:30 the public portion was held at 7 o'clock there was no one in here people was rushing to get get here when they got here a little late they were denied the opportunity to speak even though the council had not fully voted on closing the public portion and what happens is when you guys show up the public portion is stalled with the hope that some of you might get tired and go home especially you Mr Gilmore they know you get tired early but uh with that being said congratulations to Mr Kart my my vote is yes thank you councilman Jackson councilman KH he's a true gentleman very well deserved my vote is yes Madam thank you councilman K Dr Mims um before I vote I would um like to request to corporation councel that it says honoring assistant superintendent David Kart not just David Kart but if we can add his title for his name on this resolution congratulations Wells deserved thank you for all the work that you've done for our youth uh whether at elementary or High School level it is very much appreciated thank you assistant superintendent my voted yes thank you Dr Mims councilman villz um I was going to ask councilwoman um Ken and uh I did to uh I did to also co-sponsor it and the reason why you know one thing is knowing people by name but the different is knowing people by their action and when they dedicate theel to the school district with students you could see the GI but when you see them inolved with the community they are colorblind they work with everyone and this is a gentleman that Works everyone especially East High high school student parents and all over the district I see him working with uh with with multiple communities and making sure that uh the school district uh run smoothly and also any uh aspect of the community is is well met so Mr kak Dr kak uh congratulation and thank you for your service to the community and to the community of our school district my word is yes on and thank you for add me as a CO thank you councilman valz Mr President well congratulations David Kar phenomenal human being he's dedicated his life to serve our Paton school district and the resident of the city of Paton he's not he was not only available Monday through Friday he was available Saturday son also Council M uh dedicating his life to serve our community my vote is yes M clerk thank you Mr President the votes are eight yeses one absent item number nine is hereby adopted item number 10 10 thank you number nine is sponsored by Council it's moved by councilwoman Ruby and cotton and second by Dr Lisa Mims oh sponsor it's sponsored by councilwoman Ruby and cotton and co-sponsored by councilwoman Dr lilisa Mims okay so you want it to be amended to be sponsored by dat sponsored by the entire Council Council yes and then co-sponsored by the remaining of the council you say right yeah yeah okay thank you Council um M clerk let's move to item number 10 yes counc item number 10 is is a resolution honoring councilwoman Marissa Dava no for 30 years of service at the pay County Community College pccc it sponsored by councilwoman Ruby n cotton and councilwoman Dr Lisa so moved don't move second no you can't move it Al it has to be moved by the people that sponsored it I want to be on as a sponsor also yeah I requested to be a sponsor also council members please council member have to be M finish you have to be sponsored by whether Council rubby Council list me and it could be co-sponsored by the remaining Council if we agree on that are we agree yes thank you okay Madame cler please okay so it's SP it's moved by councilwoman rubian Carton and Dr Lis SES it's okay if um Council second by all remaining members of the council it was more more by Council woman Ruby and councilwoman M and second by councilman khag and councilman ABD mad clerk alanar added a sponsors please thank you thank you Doctor roll call for approval of item number 10 councilman abdalaziz thank you madam clerk so I'm going to speak not the not the council in merad Dava I'm speak about the merad Dava that works at pay County Community College and want to congratulate you on your 30 years of service she started working there at 15 so she's 45 now um and I mean this when you serve in the city of Patterson people oh you cross many paths and you meet many people and you don't know how many people when they find out hey you know if I'm a councilman I represent the city they like oh I know a council person and I said what I don't know their name but she helped me at PCC I'm telling you hundreds of people in the six War throughout the city that she had a positive impact at PCC opening up the door for them that in to a higher education she's that first face that some people that don't know how to sign up for college don't know um what pathway they want to take it take politics aside when you put 30 years in higher education that's a tremendous tremendous tremendous accomplishment and C um Marissa councilwoman more importantly for your public service at PCC cuz it you you that's where you started you're here now but 30 years there God bless bless you and I wish you much more success at PCC my vote is yes thank you councilman abdulaziz councilwoman cotton thank you madam clerk thank you um this is a resolution um honoring councilwoman Marissa daver for her 30 years of service at P County Community College and councilman uh councilman out said it that you'll be surprised when people um that she has helped many many people and when they do see you they do say thank you for helping me fill out my foster report thank you for helping me figure out what classes I need to take thank you for guiding me into the right direction thank you for turning me steering me to the right person and I want to say to the councilwoman that for 30 years not too many people can say they've been somewhere for 30 years and to and you made that commitment to being at the college and I can say you've been here sitting with me for 10 years and we've been together here for 10 years on the city council but you have made that commitment to and I say education uh and what we have to do is is is tell our children and our young people the importance of Education the importance of maybe not even going to college but just taking a trade um what they're looking for now they're not looking for moppers and sweepers they're looking for people with with some kind of paperwork behind their name they're looking for someone that that can um know it you know no technology no different things so you you steered them into the right directions and I want to say congratulations on your 30 years congratulations sitting and we've been sitting next to each other I would probably say 10 years I don't think nobody going on 11 years that we've been sitting side by side so I want to say congratulations you still got many you I ain't going to say many more but you can't go out yet but you'll be there for our children you'll be there for our community you'll be there for everyone I want to say congratulation again Madam clerk with that being said my vote is yes thank you councilwoman cotton Council woman I'll skip you for now because the accolades are being centered around you right now so i' let councilman Jackson I was going to say if I can pass and vote Yes I let them I let them speak and then you can respond Madam clerk the accolades stopping there and um councilwoman K and how you let Al he has done no work he doesn't show up to work he shows up late you just let him get on your legislation like he did something jealous it's this it's that lick over um anyway if there's one item that I desperately would like to vote no against it would be this one but uh I have to acknowledge I've called her many occasions and she has helped a tremendous amount of people and um it's going to pain me greatly but uh I will I will um yield and render my support Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilman Jackson councilman Kik thank you madam clerk 30 years it's time to retire Council woman I know I I know you are you have a great heart you you are a helping person um like councilman K and councilman Al said many people I know many people um from second world many immigrants when they come to this country they want to get a higher education first place they go to is County College yes and for the people around here in C Patterson when the immigrants come in they want to get a higher education they go to PCC and first person they see is councilwoman Dava yep thank you for your service councilwoman I hope you retire soon and enjoy rest of your uh we're looking forward to your retirement my vote is yes mam thank you councilman khle Dr Mims so as an alumni of pccc I just want to say uh Council mava thank you for your service and your advocacy many times when people come out out of high school they don't have the um funds or the capacity to go onto a four-year college so P County community colleges college has been the stop for many of us including myself so to have you work there for 30 years it speaks volumes many people have come past your your office have stopped in you've assisted and helped them and 30 years speaks volumes of someone that has consistency and they have Trail the way for other people I heard councilman khag say say time to retire he must have a job or something waiting for you so just a little plug for councilman khik but my vote is yes Madam clerk thank you Dr Mims councilman valz so I don't want to repeat myself ladies and gentlemen I don't want to repeat why my colleagues just say that everybody knows uh the uh uh the gem of council woman uh Marissa Dava in the community service through the college uh through uh the service uh that she rendered there here don't say retirement says honoring her 30 years of service and that's a good thing because you know she fit in a lot of position I see her like a next uh a legislator uh assembly woman I don't know something like that uh moving forward I I'm not saying that I'm you know but hey that's that's my statement all that but uh councilwoman uh Dava councilwoman D we go way way back uh Hispanic Center um you know um C program uh that's the community aspect and uh when you love a community and when you love what you do and no matter where you at you going to do it with the same passion and compassion to serve the community um we have good days and we have bad days uh the important thing that I wish every day we had to honor each other for we could hear a good word from each other that's why we want to see every day in this Council that we sit here not when we had to honor somebody is that we sit here as a collective their body and work for the benefit of the community we got good days and bad days and we humans but when it comes up to this Chambers and um and this side of the road uh we need to make sure that uh what we say here the action speak by itself after the cameras are off when the microphones are off and uh when we will have a resolution in front of us to honor anyone in the city council you know why I want to hear the great words too when I'm alive not when I'm buried that's right because when I'm bu everybody say good things about you but now councilwoman Dava and when I say I mean it you're hypocrita and a hypocrite what you see here you see it every day God bless you God give you health God give you strength to continue and God give you the will that you will have in your heart to fulfill with the community God bless you my vote is yes thank you councilman VZ Mr President I give to you so that thank you m clerk it's definitely a blessing when you dedicate your life to serve the community and most importantly to impact the life of the Youth of the resident of this city and some of M mentioned before when you get into the city of Patterson you you want to pursue a higher education you want to educate yourself to be able to provide a better lifestyle for your family and the first place you go is to our community college that's the first place you go to educate yourself and learn an ability to to be able to uh have a job and I want to say uh uh councilwoman congratulation may God continue blessing you uh because that's a reason why we're here we're here to just help others and be able to open the door for others I'm here because somebody gave me the opportunity somebody opened the door for me to for me to be here uh and and happening with everybody in in life so you've been open many doors to the resident of this great city of pis so congratulation let's celebrate let's celebrate big to stady Year my V is J B Clerk thank you Mr President um before I allow councilwoman Dava to speak I just personally want to congratulate you as well as a past student of PCC and as a recipient of many scholarships there I just want to say thank you for your leadership and your guidance for guiding me through the hurdles that I encountered while there is a student thank you very much thank you Madame Clerk and to my colleagues um it's it's interesting right when you can speak about others right but when it comes to yourself you know and and councilman valis actually was the first person to approach me and and say to me Hey listen because in in July uh 5th is when I turned 30 years at the college and um he requested my resume in BIO and um I was working on some stuff and then councilwoman cotton calls me and she's like you know what Marissa we need to do this we need to do this for you and at that time you know I submitted it um but as I was writing it you know I didn't realize that in so many years I've touched so many lives sometimes people say why did you stay or why are you still in one place and I believe that this job was given to me by God this job my mom prayed on it may she rest in peace when I graduated college I'm a first generation student all right I am the youngest of four and the first to go to college and it it was very difficult uh going away to college and dorming the dorming life financial aid and so forth and I remember when I graduated my eof director said we have an opening and we want you to stay and um I was there for about 11 months and my mom kept praying and praying and praying she says you are not staying in West LA Branch you are coming back to where you were born and raised this is where you need to serve and I remember her praying and she goes you're going to have the job that you want here in our city and that's exactly what happened the director of eof at momth University came up to me and she says there's a job at pay County Community College that you should apply for and so I've been up the ranks I started as a recruiter bilingual counselor went back to school got a master's and went forward and um became the assistant director of admissions and a few years ago I was given the opportunity to be the coordinator of the Pake academic center for admissions and financial aid services and you know the why um I've helped thousands of people not just in the city of Patterson but the entire entire pay County in addition overseas students that I would bring from overseas uh to be able to get a student visa to study at pay County College who today I had a student from 24 years ago come to me embrace me and say thank you so much for everything that you did I am now a citizen I'm a business owner I have contract with to state of New Jersey thank you thank you thank you I got an email a few months ago about a gentleman who said Thank you thank you for convincing my mom to convince me because I didn't want to go to pay County College I was scared I was undocumented I graduated from and I won't say the school but here in Patterson and long story short that email came in and he said I want to thank you I found you I found you I am now a um I am a marine I am a US citizen I serve this country and I receive my doctorate degree thank you so much for helping me and that's just some of the few and you know councilman Jackson you know he was making jokes up here but he knows there's never been a chance or an opportunity that if there is someone out there he's called for others he's never called for himself he's called for others I always say present I'm there whatever it it is it isn't about you know political things are one thing personal or another but when it comes to my job and my dedication to what I've been doing for the last 30 years I'm thankful to God because I am 30 years there now soon you know um who knows what's going to happen um I won't lie I've applied for another position um people are saying you're not going nowhere you're not going it's within the college right and I said this I had my interview my second interview and I said if I'm the chosen one so be but if not I'm going to continue working and serving what I've been doing the last 30 years I will continue to do so so thank you to my colleagues thank you councilwoman cotton councilwoman Mims and you know to all the council members because this honestly truly is something that you know I'm going to take you know with me and I want to thank you because like councilman Vel and councilwoman Mims always talks about you know giving flowers you know while a lot live so you can smell them this is something that is an honor to me so God bless you all and thank you and it's funny but I'm going to vote yes thank you thank you councilwoman Dava votes are eight yeses one absent item number 10 is here by adoped thank you Madame clerk um we have two more item before we get into the public portion item number 11 Madame clerk item number 11 is a resolution in support of Senate bill number 4250 and assembly bill number 5236 is sponsored by councilwoman Dr lenisa Mims councilwoman Ru valz councilman MD Ford oudin and council president Alex Mendes so moved second move by councilwoman Mims and second by councilman l v r councilwoman Ruby c as well roll call M on it 11 roll call on item number 11 for approval councilman abdulaziz yes oh yes councilwoman cotton thank you madam clerk um this resolution is supporting the Senate bill number 4250 and assembly Bill 5236 we voted on many items to voting on supporting bills um from the state level um sometime on the federal level but this is just the item that we're supporting this bill these two Senate bills and assembly bill with that being said Madam clerk my V is yes thank you councilwoman cotton councilwoman daver yes thank you councilman Jackson yes councilman khle yes councilwoman Mims I just want to say um to um all the entities that are involved in this this is a part of Crisis Intervention this was on the assembly in the senate floor when it comes to uh responses for crisis um situations in the community it was uh pass and both for the Senate and the assembly floor this has been before us zel Thomas and Casey have been here many times I sent an email to correct the way that it was written so that we could get it through because it's really showing our support of what was done on the state level with that being stated Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you Dr Mims councilman valz when this came to uh to vote the last past week it was removed not because we didn't want to support it it was because we had to analyze every word every every every culture or whereas is here and um even I had conversation with Kelly U Mr um Thomas and Mr uh Melvin also um you know Council woman men took the action to correct it even that we had conversation that's that's working together we noticed something we talk to Legal we talked to them completion of it uh woman Council woman men corrected it and uh we go still support anything that come from the state that is especially this grant funded uh and um making sure that the community um take the benefit of it as I spoke to also with uh Mr Thomas if they get and they got the wed money to be invested in the community as the plan and the rules uh of the bill uh assembly so um my vote is yes on this and U uh my heart goes to the family have lost a life uh the city Paris and in the State uh my word is yes thank you councilman valet Mr President thank you m clerk um this is a clear example that we want things done the right way thank you Council M for correcting um um this legislation which is definitely in support of this governing body I know there's a lot of stakeholder in our community that are involved in this and with that being said my vot is Yes man cler thank you Mr President the votes are eight yeses one absent item number 11 is hereby adopted thank you m clerk item number 14 item number 14 is also a resolution honoring shadia green for becoming the who the I'm sorry WBO women's super middleweight world champion it's sponsored by councilwoman Ruby n cotton and councilwoman Dr lilisa Mims second was Mo by councilen Rob and second by Council women mens roll call M on item 14 roll call on item number 14 for approval councilwoman cotton thank you madam clerk I just want to say congratulations to shadra Green I've known shadra green since she was the little one playing basketball first um uh we my niece played basketball for Grace Chapel um bapt Grace Chapel church and um she was always active in playing the sports um you know I remember back in the day some people may not remember but we had what we call youth the youth games where where we sent kids to parts of the country I remember kids going to California I remember kids going to Alabama I remember kids going and they had basketball they had uh track and field um they had football um they had bowling my little Candace was a bowler on the bowling team so I know s green for such a long time she's phenomenal I was so happy when I saw that she won the WBO super middleweight Championship um I'm going to introduce her to some other you got in the United States of America we only got one boxing organization in the United States the only one we have is called the ibf which is the international boxing Federation the other ones are in Puerto Rico the WBO the other one WBC is in Mexico but we have one here in the United States and the one that we have in the United States is in the state of New Jersey Jersy is in the City of Springfield so I happen to still know them because my husband Eddie was a a referee so he belonged to ibf international boxing Federation so I'm going to do my best to introduce her to the rating in each organization gentlemen and ladies have what they call rating chair where they rate the fighters and they look at your tapes and they see how you should be placed but I'm going to do my best so I can introduce you chener green I am so proud of you I want to introduce you to the ibf uh boxing Federation too so this way hopefully that you will be able to get raided once you raided that's how you get fights that's how you able to get higher and you able to get higher you're able to get higher so shener green you have made the city of patteron so proud we are so proud of you for you winning the WBO we are so proud because I know what it feels like to be somewhere in an arena and you in the ring and then you're there when you see someone from the city of pon or from the state of New Jersey winning a championship winning a champ being a champ of a city with that being say congratulation shener green we love you and I can see you going further and further and further I would love to see you with all three titles at the same time and I think it can happen thank you thank you madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilwoman cotton councilman Jackson thank you madam Clerk and Miss green I am enormously proud of you as well probably not for the same reasons I'm enormously proud of your accomplishments because you have um beat all the odds you've done what many from here have not been able to do with the such a lack of support from your community when it comes to youth programming and youth sports you've managed to do to do to to Break um uh many barriers and beat all the odds and yet in your success they want to hold you up we want to hold you up and offer you the key to the city but there's thousands and and and and in which you represent and this is part part of the reason why I am extremely proud of you because in spite of all of the obstacles and everything that you have to endure and face and growing up in this city you've done an an enormous job and we've had many of others have done the same thing as Kendall is you know who was a champion there many people and yet you know Patterson we continue to fail our youth so in spite of us failing the youth um you've done what you've done and you definitely need to and deserve to be acknowledged and um you know and I and I um I'm hoping that you uh you don't forget the struggle and what you you had to endure Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilman Jackson councilman C thank you Madame clerk I don't know her personally but I'm proud of her cuz she's a ponan um and her fight wasn't fixed you you are you are outright the champion uh congratulation my vote is yes thank you councilman colleague Dr Ms thank you Bess for councilman Bess for telling me I could take my time so are you giving me about 30 minutes okay I'll take it uh so uh t shja she comes from good stock she has an amazing family she's Patterson um born and bred she's been here all of her life the thing that amazes me is when we have people that are here that go through the um process of doing great things even though they come I call it the grit like people that are really from Patterson have stayed here and you know I have issue with anyone that leaves Patterson but there are some people that have been born and raised here and they've stayed here through the process there's a different type of git for that because that means you worked it you stayed and there's a different passion for that's just what I believe and shja the day you were getting the key to the city I saw your family there I was working in the schools and I couldn't um see it so what I did was I took it and I showed it to a couple of students to encourage them because sometimes students don't believe that they can go farther than where they are within their limits of where they live their environment their situation so I took it as a learn learning learning module um to some of the students in my school to show them she's from Patterson she knows what two-piece and biscuits are like if you from the streets you know what that mean so you know do uppercuts and you know and and blows so they were so excited to see number one that she was a female they were really excited that she was a female and then to know that she won you know the championship they were really excited about that so congratulations shadia not just on this resolution but also receiving the the key to the city and I'm sure there's many more things to come I'm looking forward to even greater things that you'll do in the days the years um and even in a decade so keep up the great work keep making Patterson great keeping us on the map and if you need us we're there and please invite um councilor mcot and myself and the others invite us to one of your your bouts like I don't want to sit in front I don't want to see the blood spewing but invite us and we want to come and show up and kind of represent to make sure you they see some Patterson people we'll even wear a t-shirt we'll buy it oursel and sit in the audience and represent you madam clerk my vote is just thank you for my 30 minutes councilman Val thank you Dr Ms councilman valz I am in a councilman of opportunity inclusivity I take the other time right good so this is what really make us proud every day when people born and raised in Patterson they leave they come back they put the name of Patterson in in in the map that's that's why we had to praise you know like like right now and I got to mention this one too and and I got to honor him you know this this young kid uh from um International High School uh white magic middleweight Bel you know and he's the son of our friend and and M Santiago he just won this belt this past week and and and we had have to encourage them to keep on doing good we have youth in our future is here is in our city walks up and down in our city you know my my kids live out of town they live in Florida but when they think they think about Patterson too you know so that's that's living the legacy of what Patterson have give you know and U congratulation um is a female and I'm happy for that um I don't want to be in the ring with her so you know so congratulation um I would like to go to one of the sport event um I don't want to see council members in the Rings but congratulation congratulation my vote is yes thank you councilman valz Mr President thank you madam cler I definitely uh before my vote I just want to say congratulations to Mrs Green you make us proud you make pison proud you are the the real uh role model for this generation and for future generation to come just uh just congratulation we cannot thank you enough for your hard work your dedication and your commitment to sport because you're putting patter on the map the right way uh with that being said congratulation vote my vot is yes M clerk thank you Mr President the votes are six yeses three absences item number 14 is hereby adopted thank you m clerk now members of the public we have 11 speakers please you have 3 minutes to address the Council and the administration respectfully after the 3 minutes I will ask you to just uh Council presid finish your statement and allow the next speaker to use the the the three minutes Council mes um I I know you want the public to speak but we have a director he's been here since 6:00 in the morning and there's only three items and they're not that difficult I I I I know I know consuming but I see I see three children in in in the audium I know they have to bring to school tomorrow there's only 11 speakers I know we could go to finish I wasn't finished with my request go ahead my request is in the future if there are directors in the audience we have to make sure that we look through the agenda and identify them earlier on even if other items have to wait so the public can speak but director sitting in the audience and they have to be back at work at 6:00 in the morning we have to make sure you know if you know we we look at that not saying that the public I'm saying that's okay they speak now I'm not having an issue with that but just in the future just scan the audience if they are directors let's try to bring them up as the reason why uh councilwoman the reason why this is happening is because we took a lot of item out of the consent agenda and put it back into a regular and it took all this time to go through those item so I will I will open the public portion right now I'm M cler let's call the first Speaker first speaker is Leia Mora good evening mic is on can you turn down the mic yes okay uh I might need an extra minute good evening good evening honorable council members I'm compelled to address a pressing concern affecting our community noise pollution I have personally experienced the detrimental effects of of excessive noise on my academic performance cognitive function and overall wellbeing according to the World Health Organization noise pollution is a significant environmental stressor that can lead to sleep disturbance cardiovascular disease and cognitive impairment in patteron the constant barrage of noise from car stereos and Street activity has become a norm disturbing the peaceful environment the residents deserve as stated in article 25 of the universal Declaration of Human Rights everyone has the right to to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family the excessive noise pollution in our city directly infringes upon this fundamental human right compromising the health well-being and quality of life for residents particularly vulnerable populations such as children the elderly and those with disabilities and health problems the consequences of noise pollution are far-reaching and have a profound impact on the community for instance sleep deprivation 45% of adolescence in grades 6 through 12 experience insufficient sleep leading to decreased academic performance increased risk risk of depression and poor overall health academic performance a study by the national sleep Foundation found that teenagers who received adequate sleep performed better academically and had improved cognitive function mental health chronic noise exposure has been linked to increased symptoms of anxiety and other mental health issues in adolescence but what's even more alarming in the long-term consequent consequence es of chronic sleep deprivation and poor academic performance when students don't get enough sleep our grades suffer and we become more likely to drop out of school and when we drop out we're more likely to pick up a street lifestyle which can lead to a lifetime of struggles and hardship this is not just a hypothetical scenario it's a harsh reality that many students in urban areas face every day and it's not just the students who suffer it's also their families their communities and our city as a whole my friend friends and I just want to feel safe and have a decent Life as we deserve we deserve to live in a community where we can Thrive learn and grow without the constant Stress and Anxiety caused by noise pollution furthermore the constant noise pollution in our city can exasperate health issues for our elderly and people with dis with health problems these individuals often require more rest and peaceful environment to manage their health conditions the constant noise pollution in our city can lead to decreased qual quality of life for these vulnerable populations we can no longer afford to be ignorant to these facts and problems as a community we must acknowledge the severity of noise pollution and its impacts on our daily lives we must recognize that this is not just a quality of life issue but a fundamental humans right issue this Falls squarely on your shoulders our leaders who are responsible and accountable for ensuring that our laws and regulations protect the well-being and quality of life of all res residents I urge you to take immediate action to address this issue to address the issue I urge you to strengthen noise ordinance to to ensure that excessive noise is addressed enhance Community engagement and education on the importance of noise reduction and sleep increase enforcement and accountability measures to ensure compliance with noise regulations As Leaders you have a responsibility to safeguard our well-being safety and qual quality of life I implore you to prioritize our needs and create more create a more responsible and accountable Society we need a government that puts residents first not special interest or Corrupt Practices thank you thank you next speaker M cler Mr David B Gilmore good evening Council good evening congratulations young lady you did very well very well on a positive note I'd like to continue along those same lines as she brought some uh information forward I would like to take you through a process and uh hopefully hopefully somebody will be brave enough to come forward and or work with me and or others to implement my suggestion that suggestion being that as as you well know I do code enforcement so we have contractors and we have owners and we have people that trying to do work and we we have a plague of uh unsanctioned work unauthorized work going on in the city it happens everywhere all the time we catch some of them some of them we don't but the problem is that the when we do catch them we find the owner and a lot of times the owner of the property is doesn't know that that there's a problem they uh hire these contract unscrupulous contractors who then take the money to get the permit and don't get the permit and then wind up getting caught as well and then the owner has to pay thousands sometimes tens of thousands of dollars in fines uh contractors and Home Improvement operators come to the community Improvement office building department and they'll come and get and paid $100 for the uh license the City License basically it's to show that they have insurance and that they're registered in the city that has nothing to do with the state license that's regulated by DCA uh in the end uh when they get caught the owner gets to F they continue to go on to the next project and continue to violate I submit to you as legislators that you come up with a plan to find the contractor we' let the contractors get away and they continue to do what they do there has to be a methodology from which to find the contractor and or the OWN there cuz all of them aren't all of them aren't innocent some of them are in cahoots with these people but when you get caught you get caught that's it some of them want to come down and protest in front of their office or or threaten people and this and that whatever no you got to pay and you should also be subject to upon multiple violations lose your City License you can't operate in patteron take your state license that you've already got from the state we're not going to impact that we have no jurisdiction over the state license go someplace else you can't work in Patterson it's a privilege not a right so I I would submit to you that we really need to sit down as you have already uh uh lobed us to try to legalize basement and addicts or let's talk about going after uh unscrupulous contractors that are going out working and putting these owners in Jeopardy and or are jeopardizing our Public Safety in the community by the this work that they're doing that's not sanctioned I thank you thank you next speaker Mr Elvis Duren Mr Elvis dorm fourth War pison New Jersey just came up here to talk about the downtown area of the city of patteron New Jersey the holiday season is here and this is the last council meeting for 2024 before I get started just wanted to say Merry Christmas to everybody in the city of patteron New Jersey and in the P County area and have a blessed happy New Year 2025 um downtown patteron New Jersey will be having free parking on the streets starting Friday December 20th 2024 I want to welcome everybody to come and do your shopping downtown patteron New Jersey and at Center City Mall on 301 Main Street downtown patteron New Jersey I also want to say to the ba and to the council at LGE Marissa Daria um we need police present in the downtown area um I would like to see police presence starting tomorrow in the downtown area we got people shopping in the downtown area from Pennsylvania from New York even from north New Jersey and because we have cheaper prices and we got our parking area is very reasonable than new so people come here and Shop Believe It or Not P Pat pison people most of Pon people do not shop downtown but we got a lot of people from out of state and out of town and from other cities shop downtown patteron and but I want to encourage patteron PE patteron people please shop downtown patteron if you want jobs to come here we need foot traffic you got if you got Grand grandkids that's about to graduate you want them to work here you want them to stay here we need foot traffic so Ben Buist could come here because ain't no major buit ain't going to come here then they don't see no foot traffic so we need patteron people along with everybody else to shop downtown Patterson New Jersey but at the same time Council city council everybody City Council and the ba and the mayor we need to make sure they safe that's important safely and um the council for the first war and the council for the fifth War councilman Mike Jackson first war councilman leis valad on the fifth War we need the downtown that safe we need everybody to work side by side together I know y' don't get along but um no y' don't get along but at the same time the people is suffering we need we need y'all to make the downtown that a lot more cleaner especially on the fifth War side and the first war side over there um um councilman Mike Jackson M councilman I see you on your phone that's very disrespectful no I never disrespect you but on Lower Main Street need to be clean it's a lot of garbage but it's okay um you on your phone I um since I'm the media I could take a picture to so people could so people can see it so nobody won't think that I'm lying your suppor is can see it because if it was for me um you won't be in that seat I supported you I never disrespect you and I won't never disrespect you but you dis you just disrespect me but I'm telling you right now your world is dirty in the downtown area and we need to work together no matter how you don't like me or not we need to work together to clean the downtown every year so more businesss could come here so people like me could get jobs you good your pocket is good your bread is butter it's a lot of people out here sare rent is high okay okay we need jobs so it take the downtown pis is the Heart of the City and y'all need to pay more attention every council person up here the fifth War the first war and the council at losts that mean y'all responsible the downtown every year okay and um we need we need more um what do you call it representative in the downtown area and police president that's all I want to say um have a merry Christmas happy New Year and don't forget Friday December 20th 2024 it will be free parking in the downtown area into app the New Years free parking on the streets not the parking lot not the parking garage but the streets you won't have to put money in the meter okay so come and do your shopping I would love to see the council down top meeting and greeting with the people okay this is y City we vote y' in there so come on I want to see y in the restaurants okay coun councilwoman Marissa Daria Ru um councel Ruby Ruby carton I see y I see y' all the time um Lis BL I see you all the time in the restaurant eating you know but I want to see more of everyone I don't have no problem with nobody but the people we want to see you we pay taxes we live here okay thank you Elvis okay God bless you next speaker mad clerk Miss forgot to say happy birthday to me December 19 you're going to be around happy birthday Council woman Marissa Daria happy birthday Council woman Lisa M Y have a blessed birthday and enjoy thank you thank you all next speaker man cler miss princess Reeves s princess the princess it's been a long evening but i' like to start off by saying let us bring in our next year in a very merry way and keep every one of us because even though we come to this this um meeting we bring our concerns so at the time that we're bringing expressing our concerns we like everyone to take time out address whatever whatever the issue may be I'd like to start off by saying yes in this Township we do have some things that needs to be worked on and we can't keep on dismissing it no more because is affecting a lot of the residents that are in this town yes we do have good parts that's in this town we do have good stories I listened to some of the resolution that was put before this Council I I clap I give my clap you know to honor them so I have to say as a mom as a grandma I get forth I gave back my my parents arrived here in this city of patteron in 1962 I was not born here but I sure was raised here so I took from the lesson plan that they handed out to me and passed it on to my children so each one of my children went to different high schools and academies my nurse Natalie she came from Kennedy then there was um Danielle that's my military daughter she is now a staff sergeant for United States Army now she is a is a process of us so like I say even as the mother and a grandmother we're bringing forth the good things I I look at brandy brandy is a top agent for afflac insurance company but she also brought into the franchise her product is bricks for kids she BR that back here to the city of Patterson so during the summertime yes she's giving back all of my children give back to our Township so if they're giving back and not just my children but a lot of children that are out here within this community from all walks of Trail we have to do better we sit here we have our neighborhood meetings when we talked about the transition of these programs let's let's go for the top the drug program where is the exit plan and we've been asking this for years we don't want them to constantly be as they finish their process of their program they're coming back out to the streets I'm sorry for the president can I just express my time and concern they're coming back in the street in the meanwhile as they coming out into the street they're they're attacking they're robbing okay I have a I have a large concern because I take that time out of my life as being a sister from the international Mason e Stars we fed this weekend we fed those homeless so how do that makes us feel we're feeding and they're attacking not all of them but a large of them we have every vagant from every other Township that comes into our city when is somebody going to say stop know and and just take care of the problem we can no longer keep fighting this same battle constantly over and over again and as you know as they said you see something you say something so I decid to really use my cell phone yes I have to charge it a lot now because somebody decid that they wanted to bring a urine medical urine cup into our town that's why I said you got to watch Route 19 because they come down they drop off whatever they want to drop off house supplies medical supplies and they just drop it on the corner and they keep on moving and get back on to 19 so when and when is someone going to stand up and stop this we can no longer allow it to continue to go on what innocent child have to give up their life before somebody makes the right decision thank you thank you Mr prin oh and I do want to say in a very calm note Merry Christmas thank you Merry Christmas to you as well and to miss Marissa we have another meeting on the 17 congratulations come to our last and happy birthday to our two Council persons thank you thank you next speaker M CL pleas please members of the public can stick within the three minutes we have 11 more speaker and we have more item on the agenda please let's stick with it the 3 minutes please stop you're the I'm the only one you're going to make stick to the minutes everybody else can speak for as long as they want the time is running good good evening patteron uh you know I wanted to start over with something that that lisis b said I mean he's he's grateful uh for this city with all the mess that we have here and he is grateful I don't blame you there are not very many cities where you can get away with what you get away over here not not only you in good company over there in that in that Council just wanted to say that uh I wanted to mention the transitional Aid Dr Ms brought it up almost 30 years on transitional Aid it's a long time but he speaks volume of the deficiency of bodies like this you guys we elect you and we expect that at some point we will be able to turn the city around around and make it phys uh fiscally uh uh uh responsible enough so that we can get off the transitional a so you have failed miserably I say I say I a body you have failed um I I came here because I wanted to talk about an article that I read uh today with three robberies in in 30 minutes three robberies in 30 minutes that's a lot uh and the article goes on to say that the robberies have gone up by 14.2% up to uh this time uh last year it is a shame I mean uh people like our councilman KH keep on talking about mov moving the city forward we spend more money every year the taxes go up more money are spent and the city gets worse and you guys have failed miserably oh you're pointing at Alex he's he's he's he's logic responsible you're right he you're right absolutely correct but anyway listen bottom line is that at some point you have to admit that you guys have failed the people of P you have failed the city is not better I hear Alex and a great city a city where kids die on the streets is not a great City city that is dirty as filthy as our city is not a great City it can be but we count on people like you we elect people like you to make it a great City once again you have failed us I mean you you you you look at me I say I it's a child a fiveyear old a 5-year-old would have figured out already that you were doing something wrong you guys are doing something wrong you know when I was when I was thinking about running and uh I met with with the people that that were going to run in the in the fourth W and the one question that I asked uh because I decided that I was not going to run and I was going to support someone else and the question that I asked is when you get to the council if you get to the council what are you going to do say as soon as I heard them say that oh I'm going to work with the that's it I'm not supporting you you cannot work with these guys they're running the city down so you going to join them you be CL oh I could do a hell of a next speaker mad cler Joel ke J that's why you ran Mike w't let him speak I want to hear him speak he's going to speak he's entitled to speak he not anybody else want members of the public members of the public we are listen we are there's a process member members of the public so we are under the process of public portion there's more speaker let's let's be used let's use our time effectively so welcome and you got you three minutes council president it's not he cannot speak he had to ask the president if he could speak Council let's continue with the people that we have at the list please okay we already have we have all we have 10 more speakers on the list can we be respectful for those people 10 more so welcome it's double standards it happened many times you got no you got your name on the list go ahead all right Joe Keys patteron mil sat Tong said quote war is politics with guns and politics is war without guns unquote as members of the patteron city council you are all infantry which means you are on the front lines moreover this is what you all signed up for at the July 16 2024 meeting Mr Price told council president Mendes quote I know the relationship between you and councilman Jackson isn't the best I think it's good because in a democracy you're not supposed to agree on everything unquote at the same meeting former councilman Bill McCoy said quote the notion that if someone disagrees with you or chastise es you that they're being disrespectful it's not true it's democracy it's not always pretty but it allows us to express ourselves and we should never muzzle that unquote one of my favorite quotes since I heard it is that if you have two wise men who agree on everything one is useless I mentioned those statements because I didn't appreciate the following comments I heard two meetings ago from several council members and I will quote each statement that gave me concerns they gave me concerns because I believe that Miles say Tong statement politics is war without guns is tenable councilman khik said quote councilman Jackson needs to mind his business I'm an elected council person like him so you need to keep my name and what I'm doing out of your mouth you should keep everyone's name out of your mouth unquote woman men said quote if you wake up every morning bitter you wake up every morning with hatred and Malice in your heart you got to question yourself amen if you wake up and you know you're in a place where you can't speak good about anything that's going on even in your city that's a problem unquote councilman Val said quote if my dog is watching the meeting and he's upside down the people watching at home are saying what the hell is going on there it's embarrassing unquote finally council president Mendes said quote why do we have to beat each other why do we argue back and forth pointing fingers at each other it's sad unquote if politics is war without guns then those statements are contradictory they indicate ego defense mechanisms reactions to the war politics of councilman Jackson I conclude with a question which is more problematic for your constituents to witness their representatives engaged in virent confrontations because politics is war without guns or to hear them crying and complaining looking for a way out of the war like a coward the question is rhetorical I have another rhetorical question if a council member is not receptive to criticism does that mean they are not accountable for their action thank you thank you for quoting my quote Best speaker M clerk Francis Harrison my good evening Francis Harrison uh season's greetings I have several items that I wanted to address first of all let me congratulate Marissa davalor for her 30 years as an educator I thought I would come down today by this being almost the end of the year of 2024 so when we go into 2025 we hope that we're not continually kicking things down the kicking the can down the road the one thing that keeps coming up okay is bill paying we are not really concerned about whether or not we are concerned about employees getting paid that is not the issue but there are many other items in the bill pay that has been spoken about over and over and over again about being pulled out okay think about it I'm sure as MIM put up the list I'm sure there are some things on there we talk forever about the garbage company till we got a new one that seems to be worse than the one we had before that never came out of never came out of a bill we continue to pay them every month even when they weren't doing their job so bill paying needs to have some critical thinking some critical changes and just because something is on the books does not mean that it cannot be changed the other thing is quality of life we have all these photo ops about all these incentives that we're doing we're doing commercial parking we're doing double parking you're taking these pictures the enforcement is still lacking we have to call in every single weekend or every night in the Third Ward about commercial parking so that means that nobody is watching the shop because it's the same truck all the time or the a different trucks or the same area they move from one street to another and when it's called in my neighbors down on 42nd Street and 20th a there's a truck Parks like it's his own parking lot when they call it in within 10 minutes of them calling in this man is coming out moving that truck what does that tell you okay lack of enforcement okay the last two months there's been robberies we just read about the three robberies one of them was the Exon station on Route 20 it was an armed robbery then they went from 20th uh a and and um the gling Boulevard they went down to Maine 17th and 38th Street arm robbery my neighbor had her cataly converter taken out of her small Jetta the other night anybody with a small car Honda Jetta tried to park your car on an incline they can't get to it if it's on an incline um another neighbor further down the block had their van taken right out of their driveway they just recovered it out in New York so things are bad people people it's bad and it's the holiday season and you have to be diligent you have to pay attention to what's going on just one other thing cease fire since February we had have been asking about getting paid we will be into another year and ceasefire has not been given their payment for the work that we did each time that we come before you it was over three months ago when we spoke to um the council about it and each time that we bring the paperwork to the lady that we're supposed to bring it to she doesn't respond to us but she responds to you once we tell you that we haven't heard from her again which is what has happened tonight uh um Winter Wonderland this is a community event it's starts on December the 19th in East Side our park it is a community event that means that it's for everybody there is on the website on Facebook there is a volunteer website for anybody who wants to be a part of it please come out and enjoy it it goes from the 19th to the 22nd the 22nd is a Sunday Santa will be there there will be toys hot chocolate the whole nine but understand it is a community event and volunteers and participation is much needed thank you and happy holiday thank you next speaker M clerk yes Mr President M Deborah hble good evening Council good evening hi hi madam clerk it's good to see you thank you Deputy acting Deputy the administration congratulations to councilwoman Dava 30 years of dedicated service so we are so appreciative so last week the meeting was so rudely ended when we lacked a quarrel one of the council persons that was elected VP uh decided to leave I noticed he was here momentarily and now he's gone again so we're paying him and he can't stay a whole meeting he typically cannot stay seated a whole meeting I don't know if anybody else noticed but I notice and if you see something say something and uh you know I had it wrong last week but that just meant that we have more time to look for people to run that are willing to come to actually attempt to move the city forward so there are going to be openings and I may even get ready that's something that I never wanted to do I never even wanted to stand in in front of a crowd and speak but because I've seen so much it has forced me into this position uh some areas of concern is the DCA monitor I've worked someplace where there was a state monitor the state monitor attended the meetings there be when you have somebody in this position for like seven years the relationship they're not watching the store because the audit that we received that saids that we're not following generally accepted accounting purposes somebody needs to be fired I don't know if it's the state monitor or if it's somebody else seated in this room but when something like that happens to the third largest city some heads roll I don't know what's happening and you know it's a shared responsibility counil because I I have I had a copy of the bills list tonight and I can see that it's separated there are two columns there's payroll and then there are other expenditures so there is no reason to sign a blank check and approve this bills list some of the stuff we can't approve we're paying somebody $200 an hour to do QuickBooks that's something that I learned how to do in high school so we're paying somebody $200 an hour so annualized that's over $300,000 So when you say to me uh it was a staffing shortage there was a staffing shortage here when I worked here and guess who did the work they I was told that the division director that the department had had to get that done so don't tell me that we didn't know we didn't know for two years and you still have people coming up here saying they didn't get paid no that is unacceptable it's unacceptable and I'm not Chris Rock but it's not funny when you want to get applauded for something you shouldn't be excited about when you say I got more transitional Aid than I got last time my mother would say h you better get out of here with that because that says to me that I'mma use Bible on you and you can look it up when you go home 1 Corinthians 3:2 and we're going to do Hebrews 5:13 to14 when we talk about moving we need to be weaned off of state aid so we're not ready yet after decades to go to solid food we're still on milk we're still on the breast we can't get solid food come on come on somebody needs to be embarrassed last week I was just outraged I was outraged and I still am outraged because when you talking about move the city forward that's some bull if you're not doing it somebody that can't just do simple accounting and pay bills and collect Revenue how did it benefit the the residents to delay the sewer connection fees how did I benefit how did I benefit I grew up here and thank you Leah for speaking tonight our children are being traumatized I grew up here and I lived on Grand MAV and it was considered a rough area then I never heard a gunshot until I came back here now when I grew up here I never heard that I could go to bed at night and I know you want me to end and I will end but there's so much to be concerned about they're election workers did they get paid were they on the bills list tonight the people that work the polls yeah some of them did get paid some of them did get paid thank you Miss Han yeah so thank you but $200 an hour come on so there needs to be a foer for the $63 million for the American Rescue plan because the city of Patterson residents may be on We may be held respons responsible for that you saw in Newark they had to pay back $33,000 for having a fun day $63 million can we afford it next speaker merry Christmas happy Hanukkah all of that but we need to pay attention stop signing the blank check speak artura gares Jeffrey Davis I don't know yila Davis speaker mad clerk there's only one speaker who is here and his name clerk the speaker that are on the list are we finished with the list yes we are now members of the public on the 7 we have a next meeting then the person that is here signning we're going to continue that's going to be the first person on the next meeting so motion to close the public portion wait a minute wait a minute by coun by you're saying that this gentleman is going to be the first person on the neck on it so we're going to continue so the first person I we're going to continue on just can't man there was a motion to close can't you can't make this move by council president roll call to CL move by council president council president does not move orders yes it was a motion on the floor it was a mtion on the floor moved by counsil men absolutely horrendous he's very selective he picks and chooses whoever he want to speak Council hisc of order point of order council president if I may point of order point of order and and and we all know the the procedure we all we've been here for years for years you have to be here when the list is on um the um Podium okay once it's taken then they it can be addressed to council president so council president I'm just going to politely ask let the gentleman speak for 3 minutes this is not the normal wait wait wait no no no listen I understand Council womankind and it is true I'm not saying that this is correct what I'm saying in the past it has happened but what it's going to create is a longer discuss question council president I'm asking if you can at least let the gentleman speak this is not the way we do business if you want to be here you get on the list I'm just asking so we can please okay complete and move on to finish our agenda if you can please allow please have him read his name and address into the councilwoman now now councilwoman let me let and let me just let me express myself to my Council call members of the public I understand that you wanted to Mo us to move forward and allow the to speak to use a stream minut just to avoid confrontation now let me say this in many of the city like new our largest city you even have to call before the meeting and put your name on the list in order for you to speak I'm trying to run a professional meeting I'm trying to conduct an effective meeting that help all of us now we start the public portion about Closs to 9:00 I want to make sure and I reiterate I repeat myself if you here you want to speak on the public portion please add your name on the list as you know being extremely Fair my resident I want everybody to speak this is the people's house but at the same time you have to put order on this meeting at the end of the night at 9:47 you cannot allow more people to keep getting into the list because we have members of the public let me finish Mr oliv you let me I'm not addressing you I'm not addressing you otherwise officer please help me out the officer can please please help me out no you just sit down or or wait for me to but you cannot ENT this is the a very disrespectful way that we cannot conduct meeting now moving forward moving forward on the next meeting you here we start public portion around 8:30 8:45 and I repeat every time add your name on the list after 8:45 respectfully I cannot allow more people to be in because we have to finish at 12:00 by midnight council member wants to leave because they have to work at the next day I try to be affected that's all I want now for the last time I want you to use a three minute please take your name name and add for record and and just say use to Tre me effectively thank you I thank you very much and um I apologize for being late it's not my custom of do of my way of doing things however I am here to speak for the voiceless I'm not here on behalf of myself I am here on behalf of the homeless people of this city two blocks from my home where I live they found a homeless man dead for three days and we live in a great City couple of days later I spoke to another homeless man and he says Victor I brought on some tea that night it was cold as hell I brought on some tea gave it to his girlfriend in a in a cardboard home and he says to me I didn't want to tell you this is a couple of days later I was already Blue from the overdose and we live in a great City now I'm going to give you my definition of greatness for based on my experience I have trael the world I've been to Israel I've been to Egypt I've been to South Africa where I studied I've been I I've been in Europe I live in great places here in this in the state of New Jersey I know greatness I've seen greatness I lived greatness I also grew up in New York City in the 80s during the uh Giuliani era the crack epidemic I know slums I know slums I know what it's like to have my friend shot and kill right next to me so no we do not by my definition this is not a great City I am not from Patterson I I haven't lived the the 20 the 30 years that that most of you have respectfully but for me to listen in the way we live in a great City where young men are being killed and mugged and and all kinds and people and students are being sexually ass in our schools and has been reported for years and nobody knows anything about it that is not greatness that is not greatness Michael Jordan is greatness and we know why that's greatness so I I would ask respectfully that our homeless people be giving a lot more attention and look we have over 700 nonprofit organization for what I'm be told in the city of Patterson over 700 700 that's what what I've been told 400 churches oh well what number would that be chch 500 300 so let's so I'm going to stick with my number 700 if we will divide 700 by Ward that's about 116 nonprofit per war where are they when we have homeless people just dying for days in a cardboard box that's what's happening here that's my reality and sure that's their reality so I ask I ask that every night when you go to bed just think about someone outside your window that's what I do so we either going to have to come together and I don't mean no disrespect for anybody here miss AA Congratulations by the way that's what I meant to say I'm not here to disrespect anybody here but I understand that we have to do better I every level especially with those who don't have a voice I can speak for myself they can speak for themselves but those people in the street they cannot speak for themselves I've taken people from those streets and put them in hospitals when not a single damn DME to my pocket from anybody okay so we have to do better when we have 700 nonprofit organ every church should have the doors open why not every single church should have their doors open every night that's what a 501 C3 supposed to do and we know what the word says for I was hungry and you gave me to eat I was thirsty and you gave me to drink I was without without h h a blanket and you and you clothed me I was a Wanderer and you took me in that's what the book says I was sick and you looked after me I was in jail and you came to see me those are the values that we have to instill in this city ladies and gentlemen so I ask again and I conclude I give you and I thank you Alex for giving me the the the word um and I conclude by saying we have to do better please take heat especially in the winter time when now the cold weather is approaching it's raining outside and these people have nowhere to go nowhere to sleep and nothing to eat thank you motion to close MO move by councilwoman Dava second by Council roll call clerk to close the public portion yes Mr President roll call to close the public portion of the regular meeting of Tuesday December 10 2024 councilwoman cotton councilwoman Dava so um's his look there was there was a lot said today but I I need to actually just just make a statement you know in terms of and stay on the homelessness and I know that our Department of Health and Human Services our director out there our opio team is out there they're out there the piece that some people don't understand is some of those individuals do not want help they do not want to be in shelters they do not want to follow rules they resisted okay and so it seems as though the city isn't doing anything that is not true true okay and the unfortunate thing is um I I don't remember who who made the statement about you know coming to Route 19 right out of 19 and you know dropping off stuff and then getting on you know that's enabling okay and then what it creates is the bigger camps I've had constituents call me about the second ward and Westside Park where they're starting to put their tents mind you we don't allow constituents to be in in in the Parks after certain times yet we have not been able to remove them and so the part of me as as someone who who grew up in the faith is oh my God you know you feel compelled but we have shelters for individuals they do not want the help that person that you approached that you gave that tea to they do tell them do you know that there's shelters so so what what so what I want it's it's not for you to answer but just for you just to think about you know there's one of many all of us past I live in the third world there's an area where there's this gentleman and constantly and we try our best I mean I talk to the man I say Hey listen you can't be here do you know that you can go XYZ and I mentioned the places I mentioned listen there is help out there for you go to 125 since you I tell them no no no I'm not going nobody's putting any rules so so I just want to mention that out here I don't know if there's not one person on this day is here on this Council that does not care about the homeless population all right and I can tell you this because my father was homeless my father didn't want help my father wanted to do drugs and drink and do everything under the sun okay and it is only when he accepted that he needed that help that then he was able to get that help and thanks to and thanks to so many other programs he died a clean and saved man but you have to want it none of us can make anyone want something you yourself have to you can assist but I know there's plenty people here that can tell you the same that I'm saying and I'm going to leave it at that Madame ba Madam clerk please put this on the notes we need to do something about second ward and Westside Park where the tents are starting to pop up we can't have that we can cannot allow it we cannot allow it anymore um my vote is yes to close the public portion thank you councilwoman daver cman Jackson well I guess the second ward is more special than all the rest of it we can't allow it in a second but right in the entry of patteron we got Tent City growing and getting bigger and but we can't allow it in a second brother obas let me say this respect is something that's that's inconsequential doesn't cost us anything and one of the things that I think many of the people who hold elected positions locally don't understand is that the slightest bit of respect doesn't cost you anything but it's the people that you actually are here for so I don't care if it's you and you happen to be an attorney and you happen to be a you know a person that's willing to give yourself if any constituent comes to the to the to the to the council chambers and wishes to express themselves the level of disrespect that we show them by denying them an opportunity so council members could come whenever they please they can leave whenever they please you can hold you can announce a meeting is going to be at one time start another time you can say public portion is going to be at 8 and then you make people wait till 11 you kick them out you dis you you you um disrespect them by disregarding their personal lives people taking time out to come here they're not you guys are not being paid there's a concern the level of disrespect by saying no when countless times depending on who it is and what they want to say you open the microphone for them we've all witnessed it so I'm going to sit here and I'mma lean on it and I'm going continue to point this out the level of disrespect that was shown to you tonight is beyond reprehensible it it is it is insane but you know the disappointing part is it's not just to you it's to everybody on that side some somehow these people think because they want an election that they become kings and queens and they get to you know dictate over the the peasantry we're here working on your behalf so that that that's a major deal now relative to your concern with the homelessness we've seen it grow and as people are making excuses oh they don't want the help do they not want the help in Wayne do they not want the help in helden do they not want the help in TOA do they not want the help in nor because norc is seeing a reduction not only in their homeless population but their crime violent crimes and everything because they understand the population they understand the people that they're catering to so when we talk about the things that you know they don't want well how about the people that's playing their radios loud at 12 2 3:00 in the morning when Mrs MOA has to be up in her children are being disturbed of their their sleep and their quality of life do they not want to turn down the radios as well do the people that's doing hand to hand you know uh uh combat out in the street selling drugs and things of that nature do they just not want to not do it there has to be some rules does do those those people that you see riding three to a motorcycle now three to a moped as if we're in some foreign land do they just not want to do that too but there's no no accountability so relative to the homeless right we used to service them in these times of of cold and harsh weathers now we no longer we the city owned property we've been evicted from while the develop ER continues to make a whole ton of a boatload of money he's NE he's disallowing us to utilize a facility that's been utilized for t for for decades as we continue to get transitional Aid they pushed it up to up West Broadway and now two people showed up where we used to get a crowd of 120 two people showed up on one of the coldest nights that we had already but where's the report on that see there's a responsibility the administration is supposed to come here and Report to the council what is going on but no they're masking it well how great the city is and you're right man this city is as worst as ever been it is the worst that's ever been with with that saying right I want to applaud the Mora family and young Miss Mora Leah let me tell you something at this young age you were better equipped to sit on this side than many the people that's sitting here the way you articulated yourself tonight the way you uh uh talked about your concerns and the way you express your you know your concerns for the ills that you have to deal with while people laughing at the conditions here you're more equipped to sit here than many of these people believe that believe that I look forward to a day when yourself and people like you are in these leadership roles because the people that are here now have no clue on why they supposed to be here when a young young woman has to come to the podium and talk about how her quality of life is diminished how she has to witness these crimes that's taking place and the person the the highest signing Authority in the city is laughing over the conditions that's happening here you know there's a problem you know there's a problem I'm speaking and she should you remain silent as possible so with Mr olivaris you know talk about preference or treatment When anybody gets an extension gracefully and and they want to you know cut his microphone but he's absolutely right to say a 5-year-old could figure it out better this young lady just displayed so much more uh uh uh decorum and her level of intellect that on this side people and and they try to make it make a uh make it make it as if it's it's a racial thing as if you're trying to say well uh a language barrier there's an obligation to be able to to clearly get your point across right and she showed more level of of of of uh uh I don't even want to say experience she showed more capacity than I'm than I sit next to every single night hat goes off to you and she's homeschooled in an environment where if we can't acknowledge that it's is it is a very very tough circumstances over there and then we are failing we don't even understand our own Community they don't understand this community but you know what they do they show up at the Masonic to give out free turkeys and give out free meals and show up all over the place at you know when these ribbon cuttings are taking place acting as if they're doing something acting keyw word m Harrison I hate to make this an acknowledgement to you but all of those incidents that you spoke about were all in the Third Ward and we it's all over City I'm just absolutely correct you're absolutely correct and I'm not I'm not negating that what I'm saying is for those up here who are delusional who think it's just isolated to one space you're talking about all these things that took place in what's supposed to be the best part of our community right where where where the largest homes are where the highest taxpayers are and you have all of this activity three incidents that she spoke about can just imagine what's taking place where these deric landlords are being allowed to overbuild and then overburden their their residents our residents by charging them you know callously for parking and overcharging them for rent illegal evictions and and I and I continue Miss Hannibal keep doing what you're doing and I I think you know the pressure is going to you know as as a good an old saying says pressure bust pipes but um people rushing off and not giving any answers and ad ba I definitely going to make another request that's possibly going to get unanswered I got a call from a gentleman who was a former employee of the city who's been working the campaigns where by the way for those you don't know the ba decided to stick her nose in something that has she had the Ba's position had nothing to do with the clerk is paid directly back from the county and it has nothing to do with city employees and this gentleman is being taxed on his payroll on his check for um uh uh working the PO as if he was still on payroll so he's being taxed differently than somebody else that worked the poll and Madam clerk if I can get a report please on that I'm sure you're you're if you're not aware I'll get the gentleman's name but I got a phone call from someone who's stating that he's being unfairly taxed at a different rate that everybody else that works the the the the elections and he's being told from payroll um something that should they should not even have a hand in and I do know that the and and I'm not sure if it was ever resolved because we never got a report your um your your payroll that you submitted was altered and changed by the the ba so I want to get a report on that by the next meeting and um listen um with that being said well then then speak the truth yeah listen the microph you got a microphone it it let the world know what the truth is let the world know let them know that you don't do as that this gentleman talked about you took a $50,000 pay increase you never go out there and give up any money from your pay your your your uh paycheck to support the the deric conditions going on over here how about the rats and things let's just go right outside I mean we can just walk right outside and she's not being account this is like a little kid that just doesn't want to be accountable for their actions you are the highest Authority in the in the entire city you're the signing Authority here so you to to your to your uh assessment the city's performing well is that what you're trying to tell me is that what you're trying to say you had to I mean I'm not the only one not one person has been able to come here from the public and say wow Madam ba you're doing a fantastic job wow the city the city's in the best condition I was on the verge of voting but she couldn't keep her mouth closed and you you you couldn't keep you couldn't control her you know waitting for your v c I know patiently wait sir you'll be all right you know because what you did tonight was very disrespectful to your to your own um you know fellow uh countrymen there brother person who's come into this community wants to be a fair and Equitable contributor and you sit here you give other people you know the grace and you know just let us know what is your what is the criteria like does people have do people have to be of certain caliber what is the criteria for you to allow certain people the extended period of time and then some people you do not I'm just curious I just want to know I will answer you after your vote okay please I hope you I hope you can hope you don't forget no I'm not I have I have a write down oh perfectly Madam cler my vote is yes thank you counil counc Jackson councilwoman Mims so as I always stay off to the public that is present and those that are watching thank you for taking the time out making a sacrifice uh Patterson you know what's really sad because I see the comments that are on social media I hear hear from people all over the state in regards to how embarrassing the council meetings are and I just want to put this on the record tonight there were only 33 items on the agenda 26 were on consent meaning they were lumped together in one vote they're done payment of bills this meeting should have been over by at least 8:00 8:30 the latest it is now 9:12 9:58 is I I have the floor now you have the floor it's my turn it is now 9:58 and it's not that we want to rush but there's a process we have a process in place where it is outlined you have three minutes to speak that's not followed it goes Way Beyond the three minutes you go Way Beyond and then when you're told not to speak you continue to speak and say I know it's three minutes but I'm going to keep speaking and then there's all these other process that just are not followed items that are not on the agenda they they um they take over things that are on the agenda and then comments are made like you're not doing the city's business it's not true every time we come to the council we're voting on City business whether you are you like it you don't like it there are people in the community that want this done it's not our fault that people are being shot in the city of Patterson it's the perpetrators is those people that are choosing to pick up guns and go after whoever they're after it is therefore it's not City Council Members we're not in those areas we're not in those situation we don't even know they're happening it is not our fault that robberies are taking place it's not our fault that they're robbing stores with the same complaints you get we get them as well sometimes we don't even know they're happening until the newspaper tells us and then we're on top of it let me tell you about the filthy streets I agree with you the streets are filthy but let me tell you the piece that we miss do we have to do better with the things we have to do in place as far as from the administration side absolutely but let me talk about the people in Patterson or those that visit that go into the pizzeria buy a slice of pizza and drop the bag on the ground let's talk about the people that buy the McDonald's or Burger King and drop the whole bag outside of their car or they're eating a banana and they drop the peeling outside on the ground we've watched it we've seen it DPW goes out they Clan clean within an hour it's not even 24 hours within an hour it is clean downtown Patterson when you ride out of here at night the business owners properly they secure their garbage if you go through at night you'll see it it's properly secured then you have the vagrants and those that are not predominantly from this community they go and they go through and ravage the stuff out and it's all over the ground and then people take pictures they don't take the before pictures when it's secure when the business owners I put it out and place it neatly they go out after the fact and then they talk I'm sorry but I'm not going to live in a city that I don't feel is great do we have issues here absolutely but I believe Patterson is a great City I've been born here I've lived here all my life if I didn't believe it was great I would not be here do we have issues are there things that need to be worked on absolutely that's why you have some of these items on the agenda we by week by week or month by month to make sure we're doing things to help residents complain they call us we go into committee meetings we have conversations as a council we vote on things that's going to improve this community garbage we have the old and I heard it stated that we should not we should vote no on the waste contract if you vote no your garbage is not going to be picked up you can't vote no I mean you need your garbage picked up so I hear some of the things that are being stated but we have to make sure and to Leah I I I really applaud your speech you're very articulate and I pray that a lot of our young people will have the same courage you have to come out and speak and articulate the way you've done CU some people public speaking is a very a very serious issue for them but I commend you I commend all the speakers and Joel thank you for always acknowledging my quote because excuse me excuse me council members please council members councilman Jackson councilman Abes we roll call please um and I I just want to say that I don't look free publicity is great marketing so every time you mention my name you're you're hiking up my publicity so I appreciate that Joel continue to to call my name out I love it because it is true if you wake up every morning with bitterness hatred Envy jealous malice and strife there is something something eternally wrong though no it's not contradictory it is not it is not contradictory it I am talking you have the floor and I stay quiet it is not contradictory because if you everything out of your mouth spews Venom nobody does anything great but you you're in a bubble there's always somebody doing something great without there's always someone that's doing something great where you you like it you don't like it and sometimes you you don't know you don't even oh well when you come when you send for me I'm coming so when you come back Mr Keys I'll be ready for you cuz I hold the master key so come on back I'll be waiting for you that's let's come come on back come on back it Mr Keys and I don't mind anytime you want to come back I'm sitting here waiting cuz I sit in my seat all night so anytime anytime you want to come I'm waiting for you I walk out by myself and I come in by myself so anytime you want to come back I'm here but Patterson we are here we sacrifice I feel bad for the secretaries who get up and come to work at 8:00 in the morning and have to sit here or till midnight and when we all leave they still have to take all of this stuff back to City Hall put it together and then they go home after we've argued and yelled and screamed and all types of stuff and I want to say this to the fake person that emailed and said oh some people they you know they they point out names and it was a fake person that people you know and for me I don't have to bring or send or or ask anyone to come to the mic to pontificate on my behalf at all you will never see nobody come here on behalf of councilwoman Ms to point their finger or tell anybody on this Council off or call them names or anything because Patterson knows what councilwoman Mims does and I would never have to do that because I need to go to a higher office or go in a different position it's never going to happen it's never going to happen if you can't get along with the council how are you going to get anything done everything requires coming together and voting in in in a unified fashion Patterson I know some people I've talked to you and you said you refuse to watch these meetings and I get it because after I leave I watch it and it is disgraceful and it's embarrassing because what you hear sometimes on the mic is not true of what's happening on this Council it is absolutely not true items that are on this we sit here this comes in our packet we come here to finance committee we sit here we go to by nail things we don't agree we talk to Madame ba I'm texting what is this amount what happens here and then there was a comment I I want to address this there was a comment made about the fees that are unpaid we got an update I would say 90% of that is paid but we keep talking about the millions that are old that is not a true statement but if people would read their agenda if they would read their emails and communicate correct information to the public the public portion it would be a lower number because a lot of stuff that's being given out is is not actual factual because the unpaid fees all of us have received it 90% are paid so I'm telling the 90 and the low percent that's not is very low and those people are making payments Miss Francis we we in the Francis you know the rules you're legislative you know the rules you know the rules Mama um and so we have to make sure and I don't mind I tell people criticism is one thing but not speaking the truth is a totally different things or coming to attack people on the behalf of something someone told you or someone said totally different instances we are not here for that we all have families as a matter of fact in an hour and 53 minutes my son will be turning 22 years old and I I am sure I will not be sitting here at midnight we only have a few items left Madam clerk I apologize to you to our secretary and every even the police office officers that you have to sit here and and go through this this th this every week it it's just embarrassing and it should not be it should not be so Madame ba they keep doing what you're doing keep doing what you're doing look you know we have had our concerns and we talk about it now privately but just keep pushing cuz I just believe there's a time and a place for everything and attacking people and publicly disgracing them and stuff they have their family members and their children that watch and stuff like that I just think it's embarrassing we have to do better as a whole so when when you spoke I was quiet I'm I'm sorry I'm sorry councilman I'm councilman Jackson can you come back to your chat you you you you speak for 30 minutes then you are no I'm not a dictator but be respectful to your Council Cali but you know come back to you see be respectful you Council C or you could just go go in the hallway if you want to socialize and please be respectful look what he say he could do he could do whatever he want that's what we have at the council with this with this gentlemen in closing in closing Patterson I'll say this I'm not worried about who wants to run against me for any office you can run there's only going to be a winner that's right so you run all you want I'll see you and I'll be sitting right back in the seat Patterson let's keep doing what we're doing Mims is not worried about anybody running at all there were 10 people running last election and I won I am not worried about who who's going to run run run I want you to run show show me your show me your best effort and let's see what you can do show me what you can do I I got some I know how to do the wom bat on people I know how to do the wom bat look I've been in this for 10 years now I ain't afraid of nobody running God bless you amen amen H please amen that's that's who I am amen and I'm waiting so when you're ready sign your petition and let's go and we'll see who'll be getting to the Finish Line me or them and I know I'll be here Madam clerk we'll be here Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you Dr Mims councilman valz I'll go back down I'll come back to you uh thank you Patterson U so let me let me address my CS when everybody comes here they they they all my CS so uh I try to address it um the mother of Liah MOA leam MOA leam um I I like what she brought up I don't want to expose that she is where she's studying or whatever because you know um if it's possible that my colleagues because I'm the last one councilman adeles was out there come out here please ow ow Please We're Not Kids I'm I'm sorry counc so so councilman councilman I I when When the Roll Call start to close the public portion everybody in this side start listening to the end somehow when it goes to the middle down everybody lose control and they have their own meetings and then we can address the public but I going to give you a solution Ma ma' I going to give you a solution um I heard that I listening to her statements and and and and what she was saying and everything was as of quality of life okay uh you have my number uh text me the address for we could assign pison police to give extra attention hold on ma'am ma'am I don't know what they did before I'm telling you the solution right because we could come to the podium we don't have no solution then you go out empty-handed we could assign extra 10 pention and if there is any kind of activity we without exposing yourself you could address that send it to me and I will address it with PD formal email and then see to see how it progress and see how U uh it goes forward in that part um uh that's what we need an address and make sure coun uh Mr Gilmore uh spoke about code enforcement uh one of the things that I would recommend to uh the administration is to to see if we could do some kind of tutorial videos that we could put on on the channel 77 advising U residents hey if you're going to contract uh um in any individual to do work this is what you have to ask make sure they register tutorial little small tutorial for residents that they could get this information and probably they get uh uh educated instead of picking up anybody from the street make sure they licensed make sure they this you know tutorial informational is a good things to to have um for for for the resident patteron um uh Mr Elvis dorham spoke about having more presence the police in downtown area um I could I could attest that downtown uh is receiving a lot presence from the patteron police especially from uh War Street all the way down to Broadway and um and from Ellison U Prospect Street all all the way down to uh Church Street walking Patrol uh traffic um enforcement I have seen it we see the detail the record speak by itself of the amount of violation and um and toll card they have done so the police have been doing the job in downtown district I just want to advise the people that downtown uh is divided by two five and the first W I am in the great fall downtown district okay so from Prospect all the way down to the Great Falls that is the fifth War I go up and down and I could see that that section of the ward is being taken care but that don't means that it worries me anything that borders the fifth W so that's why you see me all over the city and I give the thanks to the Lord I had the time and luxury to do that so um I'm okay and that aspect uh I I I heard I I listened to Mr olivar today he he did something great today I don't know if you catch it but I catch it he said that we we all failures that includes councilman Jackson because we all we are failures so that's a good thing um but he his a so I had to mention that he said that we are failures so uh we all in that boat for him uh Mr rbias um councilwoman dula stated right uh there's resistance uh um I deal with homeless I deal with people asking money in the streets um you could see and straight Street Market by the plaza you could see a lady on Straight Street and some um Market in summer they already know my car they know and they just walk away and then come back patteron police reive calls from me saying that there's panhandler in the street they could go address a move you know they could address and say you had to do this but uh they come back you know and it's called a free will thing right I could do whatever I want and you know we cannot babysit every every aspect of the city because I could lose my position as a councilman if I address it the way some probably uh Community wants to address it and they have their own rights too so uh we are compassion we passion we want we don't want to see this in our streets but this is a national a national problem you know we talk about patteron let's go to New York let's go to little cities around this the Patterson area you could see it probably worse okay and let's remind that the are we are the county seat okay and you going to see a lot of this issues here in the county seat because they come to get service and when those office close at 5:00 they don't have nowhere to go and sometime they don't want to go to the places that we have assign especially when the cold weather Etc ETA um Madame ba uh I I just wanna I just want to see if it's possible I received a letter uh from the patteron vetal council Mr vaner uh requesting that uh the Patterson veteran Council uh and Mr Vier is the president of it to be involv in the process of the grant uh that they receive uh to fix uh to upgrade the park that they be part of it um and um and to keep him involved uh not just because they announce it or whatever I there's a grant that they receive but they want to be involved in the process last but not least uh also to see the administration could sit down with the pon uh veteran Council uh to plan the banners the banners that we named uh hero yeah correct um to make sure that everybody's inclusive and we honor the right uh uh people the right person and and extend it to to the our veterans in the city of patteron uh last but not least I just want to say that um that um I apologize the community because I had a definite fact thank you Council woman men and councilman um U um chahen and councilman Mendes for excuse me for the last meeting um you know it's hard to when you lose a family member in this times of um of needs right but we are here I want to invite the the well I could say that in the next minute closeup out but uh regarding regarding downtown cleanliness we would talk to the administration to make sure that we work together to make sure that and it's working communication is working uh we having communication with business owners um and we have to do what we have to do now uh um M director is here director from DPW director DPW uh director DPW oh he got Okay so I want to say this and it's the last thing I want to say tonight when the temperature are below 35 we don't have street cleaning please it the machine works with water right so and blower so it's going to get froze we don't have street cleaning DPW will announce when they going to suspend the street cleaning but meanwhile that happens please you have sidewalks if you're going to clean your sidewalk don't throw it to the curve if you throw it to the curve clean the curve help us a little bit our city is your city and then we create that plan between the city and the responsibility of us as a residents let's clean our front stores let's clean our front yard let's clean our sidewalks and you will see that this city will be cleaner we will be cleaner so saying that uh Madam clerk I'm happy to see you uh saying that my vote is yes to close the public portion and at least and at least I finish before 11 minutes thank you councilman bad councilman ABD aiz thank you madam clerk I'm gonna be very very I'm GNA be very very very very brief but councilman Jackson thank you for telling me how great of a football player uh Mr Corporation Council I want to put a resolution congratulating councilman Mike Jackson for being the top 100 Thanksgiving football players so I want to give him his roses so he could smell them but um I I'll say so but six W residence this is our last meeting I do want to put this out there we are going to be doing our Christmas eve Santa visiting the Sixth Ward so I know um six Ward residents are very very happy to see that I know they've been emailing me texting me um the route will not change we will start in South Patterson approximately 3 4:00 then we'll head to uh Lake View section around 6:00 and then we'll go to People's Park section around 8:00 uh listen out for the sirens um and the and the lights and music um it's a great event I'm happy we'll be able to partner up with um yeah people in the 20th that will see it on on the fifth a uh but we are bringing it back this year once again hopefully the weather is good and it's not snowing that's the only thing we get very very concerned it's on Christmas Eve Christmas Eve we do it on Christmas Eve um and that's is Tuesday this Tuesday December 24th Council I just know it's Christmas Eve so if um you're out on the sixth award please wave to us it's a one of my favorite events of the year for the residents of the six W Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you thank you councilman abdulaziz councilwoman CT thank you madam clerk I just um as I was sitting here tonight and I was listening to all the speakers um the young lady that came first you know she's really good and there's so many activities that we have in the public school system with clubs with um I I have a friend her daughter's is in the mck club where they do trials you know um and and and and I she would be perfect so perfect and and I just want you to maybe look into putting her in um um places where she can speak cuz she's really good and what I find is that um I'm a big believer of public schools too um but sometimes you I find that um parents have to be involved with them cuz what I find is that um more parents are involved when it's in grammar schools and then when they get to high school they're not there no more I think they think the children can manage the self but you got to remember your kids need you all the way through my daughter was in college and I remember being involved with her in college in South Carolina state in Orangeburg so you know I can see she's really good let's try to get her involved with stuff and I know and but I want to also that you need to also I I every day four five six time a day I'm sending messages to our Police Department for different items for different areas for different things um I would do my best I would say try to I would do a meeting with you to because I know that concern over there I got 92 cow street right there they out all night long how do you stay out all night long you know we talk about hot spots I live in a hot spot I know what it is to be up to 4: or 5:00 in the morning and then you still have to try to go to work so we got to do our best we got to work on it we got to we got to work on it work on the neighborhoods and work to to make sure you know to say so we can have the quality of life um you know also I just want to say I'm trying to go as fast as I can um with um some of them talk about the homeless let me tell you something I have sat on the corners I have sat in the park I have sat in D 211 one and and and when you're able to get them somewhere they must be able to follow the rules you can't come in there and make up your own rules or you can't come in there and bring in what you want so and there are there's some that um there was a gentleman and what I find is that um I don't need to tell everybody what I'm doing for somebody I I'm not going to tell nobody you know I helped this guy on the corner on Patterson Street and on no Godwin Street and and Bridge Street or I help somebody over here on 12th Avenue and Governor I mean I don't need to tell nobody when I'm doing something for somebody um and and and and and councilwoman Davin said it we all get phone calls we all we get phone calls I was just away for two weeks but I'm still going to take calls I say to people I don't say to you what Ward you in that's not right for me to say what Ward you in if you're calling me and if I can maybe refer it to the council person but if I can do my best to help that's what that's what you're supposed to do you know I think that people sometimes think that you know we're here for you don't say that don't say that we're not here for you councilwoman MERS and I have gone to scenes we have gone to scenes and we have seen what scenes look like and it's devastating you know and and for the community I think the people need to understand that um some things was happening now to to families we got a lot of grandparents raising grandchildren they can't control these children those grandparents are 80 90 years old and they're trying to control these 13 and 14 and 15 year old and they cannot they cannot and and and and then they have their house all in uproar you know you have a kid going to school because he got a brother who's 77 te who's playing the music all night long and he can't go to sleep so as soon as he get in school he's sleeping that's because he's tired he is tired and so there's so many things that I think we as a community we as elected official I know I do and I know everybody sitting up here do we respond for someone to say that we don't respond they don't call me they ain't calling nobody up here they just thinking what they want to think I know the kind of calls I get I know if I can help them if I can't help them I know people don't want me to say you know what I help you I help you no I'm not going to do that I'm not going to do that so we have to do our best to to help people and to guide them to the right place and you know I'm getting more calls now than ever about Judges or or or not siding with tenants and I say to them you have to call the state because we as Council people we as Council people cannot tell judges what to do and I think that sometimes people think that we can tell people we cannot I remember when I tried to talk to judges they say as a council person you cannot do that but I did was able to talk to some of them but there's so many things that we that we have to do that we need to but I just want to say when for for for for someone that say we're not doing our job they ain't talking to me cuz I know what I do I get calls all night long and I refer to them and I just want to say you know people probably don't realize that we have a new oicc we have a new officer in charge here in the city now do your best to go down there to see him too explain to him what's going on talk to him because there and he's a good guy he's been in this city for 35 years 40 years he's a community person so he's really he he he's there to help us but to say and um you know I think that what's happening is that and Miss Francis Harris said it it's all over the city it's all over it's all over the city everybody parking wrong everybody commercial vehicles parking everywhere I I'll go home tonight and I'll go down a block and they say you know cars double parking like they live in New York you know 10 cars deep in a block somebody got to go to work at 6 o'clock in the morning they can't even get go to work because somebody's on double Park and I always say um get in touch you know I reached out to the department to our OIC um they will love to talk with you they would love to talk to you I think that people sometimes think that they do not but they do they will talk to you I I I talk to them all the time but they do and you know what you let everybody you a I ain't see no tapping I don't want to hear no tapping because everybody don't went forever but like U um uh but you know it's um and I think that I just want to say to you Kathleen long i ba um what happens I find is sometimes you don't like the answer but that is the answer you may not like how it goes but that's the answer and I just want to say to you ba Madam ba you you gave a nice answer um to Mr Price you may not like the answer but that's the answer and so it is what it is and so I just want to say also that you know it's a people say you supposed to sit up here and work with everybody how you going to be a councel person and not get along with nobody you got to work with people to get things done and whoever wants to become the mayor you saw what happened with President Obama don't have no five council members up here that can be on your side because you won't get anything done it's about working together we may not agree with certain things but it's still about working together and I just want to say that um you said the 700 um uh nonprofits which include churches I would think that we have 30 nonprofits that are not churches maybe the co has ruined a lot of churches they're not open no more they're not I work with the tax assessor office they're not responding to the paperwork sometimes of approving that they're nonprofits so we don't have 700 nonprofits they might think that but I don't see us having you could just ride around there's about 500 churches that's that's we still don't have 500 churches I can no they not oh I can get the information from the Taxas office cuz we got storefront churches we got regular churches that's what storefronts I'm telling you I mean I will find out out but there's an item on the agenda that you've been talking about with me and that's 12th Avenue playground it's on the agenda and so I'm happy to see that is on the agenda tonight right and so with that being said I appreciate you all out there um yes I know um but we do we do care we got we as Council people sitting here do care we care we listen and we do our best to solve problems we do our best to solve issues we do our best and we work with department heads and if you can't work with the Department like me calling Billy Rodriguez director DPW I see you want somebody that's going to answer their phone you got to answer their phon them directors have to they don't have to but if you got a relationship with them they will answer their phones thank you with that being said Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilwoman CT councilman K thank you Madame clerk my vote is yes thank you councilman KH Mr President wow Mr President thank thank you thank you Council thank mad clerk thank you mad clerk uh C council members I I will definitely try to be brief um because yesterday um I'm sorry council members uh and it's important that we that we I mean that we evaluate oursel what are we doing here and and I want to I will try to be as brief as possible last week councilman khik just give pay attention for a minute can you come back to your seat just give me two minute please come back to you see my job as as council president my Council colleag my lovely Council colleague my job as a council president is not to try to block and stop you from just continue expressing yourself but my job if we all collectively if we work together and we follow the too many rules all every council member we definitely could be more effective and the community they will appreciate it now the problem that I have in the city of pis with all my with all my heart this is my humble opinion people here they don't want to follow rules and Direction and I truly believe that if you want to be a leader you need to learn how to follow rules and Direction on the public portion they know the one members of the public they come here they know that you have three minutes and I express myself and I let them know you have three minutes use your three minutes effectively not attacking people just making you point across request information be effective in those three minutes but they don't do that but they want to speak for five six seven minutes knowing that they have 3 minutes they they purposely break the break the because they want to have confrontation with me with the council president and I try to refuse call a law enforcement to remove any member of the public on this day but that's going to change I'm going to start taking that alternative since people don't want to follow rules we in order for us to have a organized City and a effective Community we need to follow the rules and regulation members of the public we try to be respectful some of my Council KH the closing the public portion like Council M today and you have members of the public interrupting her when they came in and spoke for 6 seven minutes you understand the dynamic of the community that definitely need to stop we're not going anywhere and there's a lot of people that lie on this Council a lot of people let me give you one example at the last Workshop I was criticized because I kept item 31 on the agenda which is the Westside Park one of the largest park in the the city of Patterson that is going to be renovated with $8 million I was criticized by councilman Jackson he asked so many question today we have a beautiful presentation and he haven't asked one question he doesn't care now he need to know he want to make sure that there's things going wrong in the city in order for him to complain Patterson you need to understand the dynamic of people like the councilman of the first war and maybe some other people but he need to know that there's be things doing wrong look at the beautiful presentation I made the request to make sure that we have this presentation on TV now what is your question I request formally a person in charge of this project because we're going to have hold that person accountable things like that when he talk about the feast that's a lie and it's concern me when you try to when you pre being pre from to lie now look at the different leadership between councilman men and councilman Jackson councilman Jackson was criticized to help the the uh the patteron Housing Authority he was screaming because he want things to go wrong in order for him to have a a excuse or something to talk about it I'm all about action I've been very upset about the housing authority and those that knows me know that I've been supporting the pison Housing Authority it was heartbreaking for me when I find out the reality of c0 Temple 3 everybody that limited city of Pon knows that c0 Temple Street is being used as a warming Center for a homeless for over two decades everybody knows that location is easy for people to walk there in this cold weather the homeless population that we have in the city of Paro we all know that it's out of control councilwoman C please give me a minute so the homeless the homeless population that we have in the city of Paro we all know that is out of control everybody's coming into the city of Paro we cannot help everybody around the state of New Jersey but they're here now it's even worse the only reason why we have a warming Center it was because director George R use his connection to get 545 West Broadway a Salvation Army which is at the border of the city and it's that affected for people to walk all the way up there now if it will be for that we would not have a warming Center the third largest city in the state of New Jersey if you are a independent entity you need to be the right partner for the cidor pisu under my watch I will not allow that to happen I'm sorry I sent this letter to the director and I please allow me to read this letter I send that letter to the director to the administration and its public and I say as council president and third world councilman of the city of P patteron I'm expressing my concern in learning that 60 Temple Street in patteron New Jersey 07522 will no longer be available to the public for core blue this location has been available to the city homeless individual for years and I believe that is unfair of the housing authority to deny access to the individuals who are in need of shelter as we are approaching in the winter season the winter will get colder and we as a community need a early and accessible shelter for warming our community the new location 545 West Broadway Patterson New Jersey 07522 is not easily accessible for all Community as is in the border of heldo I was informed that the reason behind the the decision is due to a construction taking place at City Temple Street I have discovered that the construction is not longer in place at the moment if this is true the homeless individual should be alloc should be allow access to 6 Temple Street in the building for cobl the construction should take place move on in the in the warming in the summer or any point in time it could be the Housing Authority or any entity if you are in the city of pison you serveing the same community that we're serving I need an explanation and the community need an explanation what I find out was that that consruction is not taking place anytime soon and there's nothing happening there I send a letter and we have to work together patteron the city is not in city is not perfect councilman shahin khik and I will spend hours having conversation about the ball pickup situation that is out of control is still out of control people are not calling they're not scheduling The Dumping in our community the garbage I spent hours having conversation with the director and with the uh the um Juan from recycling we only have three truck out there members of the council for recycling well we need seven trucks to cover the route those are the legitimate problem that we have I spent hours with Madam ba with Council on finance but we don't have that fight here in public that's not the reason why we're here I'm mention you all those problem because we spend hours but when we come here we pay attention to the agenda and we try to do the right thing in closing to the young student Leah thank you s you you are a definitely a a your leadership is incredible are you early age you you know you definitely you hear you hear right on you know a quality of life issues is a problem in our community we have a chief of police that's he's out there we need more police more police officer in the street I'm making those call the the comment of Francis Harrison make at the public portion I've been calling the city I'm call I've been calling City Hall I've been calling the police for overnight truck parking parking overnight I do that every single day every day in my Council College they do the same so we are fully aware about the problem that affecting our community we're not going to be able to fix the city a one just like this but if we work together we will get it done with being say my vote is yes M cler thank you Mr President the votes are eight yes is one absent public potion is hereby closed thank you Council C we only have five item and we could definitely go quick let's start on 299 29 29 item number 29 is a resolution adopting management and use agreement mua for Vista properties is an Administration resolution 24 736 move by council member last second by councilwoman D and Council M roll call M CL on item 29 yes roll call on item 29 for approval councilman abdalaziz yes councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman Dava yes councilman Jackson councilman colleag yes I know but I'll come back to him Dr m yes Madam clerk thank you councilman Jackson Dr Mims yes councilman valz uh council president I just to I don't know if it's my package but um we only had the management and use agreement form but we don't have the resolution to uh to have the vote stamp onto it um uh legal that's what it mean we only have this but that's everything there yeah we didn't get number okay all right I just going by my folder that's why uh but it's already drafted right okay thank you council president thank you for the diligent work um that you do legal um my vote is yes thank you councilman valz Mr President my vote is yes M clerk thank you Mr President the votes are eight yeses one absent item number 29 is hereby adopted um Madam clerk item number 30 item number 30 is a resolution authorizing correction of erronous assessment on block 7302 Lot 4 AKA 111-117 Pennsylvania Avenue owned by 6130 Washington Street realy Corporation it's a law resolution 24 call 737 so move second move by councilwoman Council last second by councilwoman Davila roll call on it number 30 roll call on item number 30 for approval councilman abdulaziz councilwoman cartton yes councilwoman Dava yes councilman Jackson abstain yes councilman khik yes Dr Mims yes councilman valz yes Mr President my vote is yes mad clerk thank you the votes are six yeses one exstension one absent item number 30 is hereby adopted item 31 Madam clerk item number 31 is a resolution authorizing Award of contract to Flanagan construct Contracting Group Inc for Westside Park renovation bid number 24.05 for the engineering division of the Department of Public Works Public Works resolution 24 call move by councilman of the second warah andoun and councils and councilwoman second by councilman roll call cler on item 31 roll call and item number 31 for approval councilman abdulaziz yes councilwoman cartton yes councilwoman Dava councilman colleag I can't wait my vote is yes councilman Jack thank you madam clerk just to address a few concerns um so earlier today I get a a text from a coach who uh has who sponsors himself and you know obviously goes around and raises money and things of that nature for a program that has well over 250 plus kids in which this park is their home and he called and he text me because he had some concerns and if this thing was so widely broadcasted and shared here's a coach who has been in that Park since my son played there he's 23 years old now and you know so so for council president to make that statement earlier about me having concerns this guy is a lifelong resident of city of Patterson he's a police officer in another Community comes he still lives here he dedicates his time here he gives up he coaches the Wildcats bill which you I know you know much about not only do they coach football and have a huge cheerlead um um uh uh program they also transferred it transferred most of the those efforts over to softball these are people that are giving to this community on a daily basis on a daily basis so when somebody questions my concern about how I didn't hear something this this is somebody from the community you want to see the text message but obviously you don't care about that so you know I raise these concerns because the community cares about them I I don't listen you guys can spend all this money and do do what you want to do irresponsibly that has nothing to do with me I'm not going to do that but when the community has concerns I'm definitely going to make sure those concerns are brought to the Forefront um lastly I mean it it was a fantastic read that you made of the letter that your wife wrote but the young lady read that letter much better than than you did now she factual that's factual so when you want to take Jabs at me listen I'm I'm here for it all day trust me listen don't bring my family don't bring my family into this don't don't cross a line don't cross a line I you have no respect list I know youat I you don't respect threat to me do not cross the line proceed do not cross the line just I'm just going to I'm going to tell you you want to make just pay attention what I'm telling you do not cross the line that's it listen let's keep going again whenever you want to make threats to me I'm sitting right next to you I'm not I'm not making speaking I'm been speaking about City business City business I'm not bringing family into this matter be respectful don't cross the line so yet again be respectful I didn't disturb talking about I didn't distur you when anything about me I didn't I didn't I didn't interrupt you you would never be mayor of this great city of P never you would never be mayor of this city of P this city deserve better this city deserve much better than you trust me listen trust me and believe me and I don't I don't I don't hate nobody I wish I could work close with you you have a seror problem please continue please pleas please continue let me explain something to you please continue if the residents want the city to be repaired they will definitely support me before they support you and secondly no Twice against you if you was the mayor the last one I've been beat you for a 3,000 vote on top of that please come on I'm sorry counc member I'm my apologies was the mayor of this city it would be far worse than what it is now the laughing stock that we have now do you know what this place would be if you were the mayor this we would be on national news all the time and you'll be dancing and cutting ribbons all the time so I don't I don't know what you're talking about but I tell you what yeah you you're right you have a very consistent base that you had that's diminishing greatly you have people that was here that was former supporters of yours that no longer supporting you and those numbers are building and by the way well we see how you paying out with those charges that you're still dealing with but anyway uh my vote is yes thank you councilman Jackson councilman khik wow wow thank you Madame clerk I think the coach will be very happy when he see the design of what's going on in the park I see the coach um I I see him uh PR in with his kids there's no light we have the portable light there when he's going to see this this this uh architect of the lighting and the football field I think coach will be very happy so Community will be very happy like the otherwise what councilman saying he speaks volum about his character when he speaks attacking somebody's family bringing mentioning family name yes what why you bringing somebody's family in man come on man you speak volum about it speaks volum about your character your upbringing as well he speak Bali that's all you spoke about Coach you talk about Coach don't know coach will be very happy I would love to see the coach and give him the design of the of the field you know I mean coach is concerned he's going to get bumped off the field he's concerned he's going to lose his practice field the same way that the same way that that are we are talking about the concerns I'm speaking I'm speaking you should look at the design it's clearly is a is a football field over there in the design you're talking about bumping well Buckfield Buckfield is football play there now before used to be socker only you know what are you bringing you always trying to bring the conflict between the community football imigrant play soccer that's what you to fact is that's what he love to do being the conflict conflict conflict he always talk about Stadium Kennedy doesn't have a name on it or the Kennedy or our school school board don't have they don't have time to they don't have any schedule it's already in the contract they have like 180 days they could play any day days of those 180 days the school board has other 180 days is like City and and the and the contractor or whoever has the has the stadium you don't even know believe me I know believe me I know you keep asking Madame be for the expens of the of the of the um of the stadium has she given it yet she doesn't have you know it is the private entity go call the people who build it go get it from them it's not the city city did not build the stadium is outside third party entity you know it that's the fact but you I don't even know how many times you said it money come from what city city city not the city we gave tax credit not the city Madam I will open a mic at the end of the voting please get your fact entertain right coun just report I I'll open I'll open a for for you Madame after after we finish this guy is something else and he always try to divide that's what I've been seeing since I've been here with the sports or anything football against soccer the second death some people playing merang is the issue for him playing the music out there merang and bachata last week he spoke about he's tired of hearing it is is a problem with the quality of life I love hearing the music in my neighborhood man I think you need to check yourself he he need to he need to check himself uh my vote is yes to yes for the this I got off the track good for your park that's thank you west side park he going to look beautiful it's going to look better than what it is now I welcome everyone to join on the weekend in at west side park when it's completely renovated yes 36 different items no 26 different sites of the park will be renovated my vote is yes madame clerk thank you councilman K Dr Ms you know why I'm excited about this project I remember when there were conversations about giving this park away and I was very strongly against that because I believe that what we own we should keep and preserve so I'm really happy to see that that point was taken and then we identified funds through rants non for-profits and we've come together with approximately $8 million to renovate this much needed Park we still will own the park and I'm so glad because I believe that's what we should have done Patterson you know while we're sitting here and I get it sometimes things go to the left but we have to be able to work together and not be disrespectful Madam clerk Westside Park needs to be renovated uh the other Parks have gotten their overhaul I'll be be at The ribon Cutting I'm looking forward to take one of the boat rides that will be a part of these upgrades along the river Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you Dr Mims councilman valz residence of patteron you probably could agree what's going on here is embarrassing when City business have to be mixed with personal belief and and slandering and um mocking and um bullying I try to stay away from that um I see the payment uh where the money's coming from is more grant money and um and um some average of2 or3 million uh come from from capital ARP money crazy the only debate I could have is not tonight is with the residents when they see the park the completion of it and they see it and I could debate them that we spend the money in the right way that's my my only debate I'm not here to debate with my colleagues about is the park is going to look good or whatever I want to commend the engineering department that met with the uh the planners or the you know you know because the engineer Department put their heart in that Park and and councilwoman men mentioned than God we didn't give that Park away to the county right and the east side park e also people have people have uh U short memory but we don't you know we defend what is ours you know and and when I say when I say that it's going to look good listen this is an a this is not something that that's to debate this is a blessing it's going to be a blessing and I invite anyone listen even the life Fishers and everything the benches the field the light you know and and let me correct the record is not $8 million spend on it you know it's 9 something million dollars with alternative one alternative two so no based on the paper I have here based on this paper is um 9673 was reduced but based on this is it is what it is and and no it was reduced weight look but it's okay it's going to be oh I know alternative one alternative two I understand that but it could go up but at least the money is there and and and and it's based on grants and ARP money listen that's the jury of the city of Patterson um I see people complaining about how much money we spend on our Parks but you know who's using it we are we are and our children and our children and also the residents of pison had to take care of it too can't leave everything to the administration to take care of it and and we just going to destroy it and we advocate for the community look eight years ago how our part looks used to look thanks God for the trip that Council woman did uh uh Council woman um Mims and and and and also the administration to move forward to the vision of the city of patteron uh moving forward the Westside Park and other Parks um um and and more Improvement is going to come with the help of DPW director the engineering department for is uh for Roberto Clemente Park you know we spoke I did a I did a uh an assessment with the engineering uh the gentleman sitting here I forgot his name now but I did an assessment in eai um Roberto Clemente Park and you know things take time and also takes money so residents of Patterson let's look at the positive of everything that we do in the city those that choose to vote different we are going to prove them different and I going to say it again those that vote in the negative we going to prove them different because we love our city and we want to see the city moving forward and it's a real real true and real great City council president is your time but is disrespectful and this has happened every other month or whatever if you got something against me in political uh political go after me right but to go after our family we listen councilman meant this councilman me Council me councilman daa councilman Adel aiz and myself don't bring family into politics we keep him away from it is disrespectful you bring my family to a statement because you don't have no other jab to do talk about my dog he be happy talk about your dog yeah talk about my dog he will be happy but um not about families and and this is disgrace that's why what kids takes home that's why you see a lot of violence out there that's why you see a war deating and still the administration is working towards that Ward and than for councilwoman at at large advocate for the aring of the first war and councilwoman Dava and councilman Udin that advocated as a large for that Ward First Ward and I going to mention if they don't Advocate something don't get done I did a resolution and and CC woman um contestant in DPW he didn't asked me for permission to put in the committee for DPW I say the councilman wants it go ahead because it's a resident need and we did the change it in the first war that's working towards the residence of Patterson and let me clarify a statement earlier downtown is not the heart of patteron the Fifth Ward is the heart of patteron we are in the middle of the entire city so saying that Madam clerk you going to enjoy that Park too my vote is yes thank VZ Mr President um thank you madam clerk I think that it will be important for me to make a quick statement before my vote um you know everybody knows what what's going on with the situation that has been out it's been going out for close to Five Years on my case I've been waiting patiently and I will when the time will come I will clear my name and I will continue serving this community serving this C patteron because that's what I love to do now let me remind um the person that sit right next to me that I've been winning three election already with the same s under the same circumstances and I've be the highest vator in those three election big time I know how to do my work I work I go up there and I humbly say that God bless me every single day in term of as a business I'm way a better business owner than him I don't own any long in the city of patteron I don't own I'm been running a clear business career for over 20 years and I I love to serve the city of Patterson and I don't get mad for him to mention my family member my wife I just it's sad it's sad that that he take that route but I understand he doesn't respect nobody he doesn't know what respect means so I wish him all the best even he wishing me to something bad happened to me nothing's going to happen Jesus is with me and on Jesus name I will be okay but uh but it's really sad I'm just going to leave it at that my vote is yes thank you Mr President the votes are eight the affirmative one absent item number 31 is hereby adopted thank you m clerk let's do item 32 item number 32 is a resolution authorizing Award of a contract to land Associates in to provide the design and construction documents for the renovation and addition to the building at 125-133 Ellison Street for the division of engineering of the Department of Public Works Public Works resolution 24 call 739 by Council second by councilman councilman and councilman M roll call M col item 32 roll call and item number 32 for approval councilman abdulaziz yes ccom cotton cwom cotton councilwoman Davin yes cman Jackson had a six minute dissertation to put on just this is just for you Al Madam clerk my vot is yes thank you councilman Jackson councilwoman M yes councilman valz um before I vote um director after we vote I know it's going to pass um I'm I'm pleased with it the analysis but there's some kind of renovation going on this is part of the study or the sign only okay but the scope of work comes after okay uh my vote is yes uh I'm pleased with it if we start doing this in all buildings um in the city of patteron our buildings are historic they need help they need to get fixed we need to do what we have to do my vot is yes thank you I got it thank you councilman valz Mr President my vote is yes M cler thank you Mr President the vote are eight yeses two absences item number 32 is hereby adoped thank you m clerk item 33 item 33 is a resolution authorizes the award of contract to D and L Paving Contractors Inc for the 12th Avenue basketball court resurfacing and improvements bid number 25.12 for the engineering division of the Department of Public Works Public Works resolution 24 call 740 so move move by council member Le um second second by Council woman Davila um clerk yes it is councilwoman yeah but if you pay attention to what's going on I'm sorry council president I'm sorry yes yes only not that we're not doing it but I mentioned to Madame Deputy clerk at the cabinet meeting yesterday that we need to pull this off number 33 because it's a it's a timing issue this is going to give us some flexibility as we award The Dispatch Center that when it comes back with bids on the 18th we're going to award all of these this is one of the ones that we might be able to pay with cdbg funds if our Dispatch Center bid is higher than we want we have the money either in ARP or in cdbg to cover this why wait so so it's going to be so I it was we asked the deputy clerk to okay so council member no just a minute counc count just a minute director's here so director just just a minute before before my Council colle removed the mo it was It was supposed to be removed before the meeting it was still on when I seen it on just now that's why I was walking up to the uh to the ba to ask her why it wasn't removed is it 33 33 yes 33 yes I removed my second and and Council mes you remove your M as because explanation Madame B Madame can you reiterate exactly yeah so need to do item number one so we can fund this project with either ARP dollars or c BG do we just recently found out we cannot fund the dispatch Communication Center with cdbg doll so now we're waiting to see exactly how much the what the bid is going to come back at that's not the question the question is when is this coming back so we're opening the bid for the Dispatch Center in a in a week and a day on December 18th okay so we if we are going to use ARP dollars this will come back on December 30th okay if we're going to use cdbg dollars it'll come back back early in the new year after we officially apply for those cdbg dollars that was going to go to dispatch which we did apply for but now we might have to swap but this will happen it will be funded by one of those two so Council woman uh before um council president before I remove my motion Madame ba so you you you just stated you just stated that um we cannot do our our money for the communication room but G I'm I'm sorry cdbg or ar so for this project you can use either okay but for the communication for the Communication Center we're we're able to use ARP and some of our supplemental T yes that's that's was in that was in the the the book of instruction of that use of the money now Madame ba um I no it's not removed I hav't removed my motion but now that this part this park uh 12 Avenue is not a new item this is way back that had been in the in the in the works you know talking to to to now it's coming to completion now this is a all item Council counc council members councilwoman I'll come back to you Council councilwoman understand understand my statement we've been lobbying for this type of small pocket park for the longest okay that's what I'm trying to say this is not coming because this individuals or this individual is moving councilwoman C in councilwoman just just a minute go ahead Council why I want to clarify the record because whatever is put out there is that because a special group went out and did a cleanup but that's what I'm saying can I finish please my statement what I'm saying is this is being in the works for years that we had the money now and identifi the money now it's moving forward what I request Madam ba if if it's possible um Billy the same time they was speaking about this uh 12 Avenue basketball court I know you could recall if there was kind of money to fix 16 Avenue basketball court that is smaller than this one right we're looking into that please that's what I'm talking about so to the resident that always advocating for parks and and and and and things we on the works on that so thank you director thank you uh engineering department for sing on those small parts thanc um now I will remove my motion Council MC so you good okay so uh item council members item item 33 is out of the agenda let's do item number one first reading that's the last item on the on the agenda council president Council um before DP PW leaves um it has been brought to my attention that the contract for DPW was ratified on November the 18th Madam clerk I'm not sure if that's correct but if it is correct um I'm not sure but I'm asking or requesting if it is true that that item be brought forward possibly for December 17th's meeting so that we can vote on it so these employees could get some retro pay especially right before Christmas thank you I'm not sure if that's true but I just want to put it on the counc president yes um there are always two parts of the process so the union votes to ratify then we submit after that vote to DCA for for approval we have to do a cost out that gets filed with perk all these sort of details that has been given to DCA it's on their plate right now and um you know we'll as soon as we get the final as they have a chance to review it then we'll be able to bring it to council so forc I I'm sorry council members Council the flo thank you for the clarification Madam B I want to put that on the record cuz sometimes things are being stated or or requested so I want to put it on the record what the process is that's why I made the the point so the first part of the process has been done we're waiting on the other part to be finalized and then we will move forward thank you Madam C president police brief we have only one more item yes it's a point because she bring she bring a a point topic Madame ba we approved the police uh contract about two months ago is still in the dca's approval or no no that that's that's already done so it's already in process salaries have been changed what about the check the second the salaries have been changed okay and now there's a a period of time from July to the when the salary was changed that will be getting a a retro check can they they get that retro check before the end of the year No it it would not be before Christmas at this point in time at this point in time we're we we have to look at the payrolls that are left okay and we have to process and we're going to have to do transfer so it'll after that thank you council members I don't know why I asked a question Administration the administration is the one I'm asking she's the one supposed to answer I understand counc B but we got we got one more item after that so we could use the closing to address them because I know the VA have to talk about a few topic that okay she definitely have to go on so let's go to item number one on first reading council members number one mad cler no coun ordinance no public hearing is required it's an ordinance updating chapter 433 of the patteron code entitled storm water control to comply with the current njd standards it's a public works first reading Ordinance do we have a motion so move move move by Council MAV second by Council and Council M my apologies uh roll call M clerk on first reading on item number one roll call and item number one first reading ordinance councilman abdalaziz councilwoman Kon yes yes councilwoman Dava sorry yes councilman Jackson had a good time yes ma'am thank you you councilwoman Ms so before I leave I want to say happy birthday to councilwoman Davila on the 19th and my birthday is on the 27th of December happy birthday to myself but I want to give a special shout out to my son his birthday is uh tomorrow my youngest will be 22 years old um I'll see you in a few minutes so I can give hugs and kisses at midnight exactly um to the Patterson um I am leaving the meeting at this point if you are a student at school 21 this Saturday I want to thank uh Sheriff Ado and his community um policing staff of the sheriff's department uh they will we will be doing a Christmas toy drive at my school for our prek to fourth grade students on this Saturday you have to have a ticket um showing that you are a student at our school and then next week we will do our fifth to eighth graders so um I'll be looking forward to the parade of life lights and all the activities with Santa Claus and elves on this Saturday um and a big shout out to all the great work that's being done there's many um events going on I look forward to celebrating please I don't leave I'll be looking forward to celebrating where Pastor lar for went to Wonderland on Sunday and so many others uh to Patterson thank you so much for watching please please please continue to keep moving forward being in unity and peace and love there's so many people loved ones have passed away please send out your condolences and send up prayers for those that are sick and are shut in my vote is yes God bless you and have a good night thank you Dr Ms councilman valz before you leave Council woman men uh give a hug and blessing to your son birthday right okay um we pray for your family too um what we doing voting yes that's it what item number one oh I thought we going to yes thank you councilman valet Mr President my vote is yes M clerk thank you Mr President so the votes are seven yeses two absences item number one is hereby Mo to close thank you madam CL motion to close it was Mo it was council member just uh just a minute before we call Madame ba request the floor to address a few item from the public portion Madame ba I I thank council president thank you um I did just I know there was a question um regarding the sewer connection fees and the percentage and and as um councilwoman MIM said um there out of the uh $7 million there is 84% is collected it's almost 5.9 million and it's only 16% that's not so I did want to make sure that that these facts are presented on the record um and I know you know we had we had some uh some Chuckles tonight um I you know councilman Jackson likes to talk about how I I'm laughing but I am um you know pointing out that a lot of it is related to uh lies and mistruths that he tells even tonight sitting next to Council Dava who who was trying to point out on the bills list his answer his question he refused to to let her um to respond to that and continually says prove me wrong but one thing that is not a laughy matter is most certainly um the vote tonight on our mou with with DCA I would like to thank all the council people who voted in the affirmative and who were responsible because if we did not have that mou in place we would not be able to get the $27 million wire to us this week that that we need that would we would need a 20% tax increase 20 the 2% and then an additional 18% to cover $27 million that is quite possibly one of the most irresponsible votes I have ever seen on this Council and I just wanted to make sure that it was very clear to the public what the implications would be if you do not vote in support of anou 20% I I do not want to pay a 20% tax increase so I want to thank and so that is most certainly not a laughing matter and I want to thank the council for taking their job so seriously that we are able to continue to move this city forward thank you Madame clerk U Madame be there was a motion on the floor by Council and councilwoman M Dava R call clerk to close this great meeting December the 10 of 2024 roll call to adjourn the municipal Council regular meeting of Tuesday December 10 2024 councilman abdalaziz thank you madam clerk I really try to keep everyone on Pace to close this meeting good but Madame ba sometimes I appreciate the information but now this is going to be a prolonged uh closing um you know it's it's the holiday we need to be more Co more uh oh yeah good friendly with each other I spent a good time speaking to my colleague councilman Jackson and I was hoping that we're going to end this meeting in a good way but that's why I'm very very very happy that my name starts with a and I vote first cuz I guess for the I won't be here for the spectacular so my vote is yes spectacular okay woman coton come on CL I just want to say I want to I'm not g to um speak long but I do want to wish everyone a happy holidays we do have a couple more meetings after this but actually this is our last U meeting for the year but we do have two more scheduled the 17th is a close out we also have the December 30th I believe um so I want to wish you all uh happy holidays that's coming up um I just want to say um congratulations to my son I have not said it I have said it but my son um made the top 100 football players in e sign history 100 years he was year number 2002 uh and I want to say congratulations to my son El cotton III uh on being selected is in top 100 also um later um before the Christmas uh holiday gets here I will be doing my um toy giveaway I'm not quite sure what day is but um I will keep everyone posted on when I would do the toy giveaway it would be year number six or seventh I'm not sure but I will be doing that I also want to say to you all out there for watching thank you for watching thank you with your concerns please continue to call us um for for any type of information that you may need or you can guide I can we're able to guide you somewhere I do want to say um happy birthday that's coming up to my Council colleagues councilwoman Marissa daver happy birthday coming up December 19th and happy birthday to councilwoman at large Dr Lisa Mims which is December the 27th that's coming up but to all my Council colleagues I want to wish you all a happy holidays and to our Madame ba Kathleen long and Corporation counselor Amy abushi to my Madam clerk um Sophie my Madam clerk Jackie Murray and my friend my secet not my SEC but she's really like my secretary she all of ours but to um Sophia Alexander and to you all out there to our police office I appreciate you guys um being here with us at night um so when you know but with that being said happy holidays and I done said it before but I'm only a phone call away you can call me at any time um Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilwoman CT councilwoman Davin yes um so I just want to start once again by thanking my colleagues uh for today's recognition and my 30 years of service um you know to Patterson for all the the birthday wishes um you know I I do not like celebrating before but you know I'll start accepting the happy birthdays early uh I'm looking forward to December 19th as I'm going to be having uh a birthday celebration so thank you for all of those that have agreed to attend and and share my special day uh to all of you uh to my colleagues uh to Madame clerk to Sophia to Madame ba our CFO who's under the weather I wish him well as he also has a birthday coming up on Tuesday December 17th and uh Corporation councel as well um to you know our it Department to Raphael um to our police officers to everyone you know I'm wishing you a beautiful and safe holiday and I know that there's another meeting we'll have some virtual and end of the year December 30th meeting but you know just in case I just want to you know wish you all to Patterson thank you um it's almost 11:30 uh Do You Know Where Your Children Are Do You Know Where Your Children Are and with that said also Patterson let's turn our lights on all right uh and I say that because Madame ba there's a lot of places where there's a lot of lights that are out and especially during the around the downtown area so we really have to you know look into that uh also with you know if there's City own they need to be looked at by DPW and if not psng has to be addressed uh and lastly please address the situation in the second ward in Westside Park with the tents going up I continue to get numerous phone calls from constituents in that area um and I'm sure you passed by it because you live very close all right so um uh with that said good night my vote is yes Madam CL thank you councilwoman DAV Jackson thank you madam clerk so first of all to begin with I want to remind people I think one of my most irresponsible votes Madame ba was supporting the uh conversion from um self-insured to the state plan which then cost us an additional several million dollars a year that was a suggestion by you you was the one who sales pitched it please I didn't say anything when you were talking and it was multiple items in fact Jay Raman of Patterson times used to call me uh the former Ba's uh lap guy because I supported almost everything that you guys brought forward in fact Marissa daver used to sit here and I used to have to convince her that vaugh was a solid guy am I lying I'm all about factual context and truth I don't ever sit here and do something on behalf of myself I sat here and supported almost every item that you guys brought forward despite this poor sales pitch that you gave with the example of a family sharing uh uh a beach house and I still supported it I still supported it now you're going to try to tell me that uh it's a it's an irresponsible vote Yes because to have a 2% increase when the sales pitch was by us doing those things making those changes that you suggested that we would start reducing our dependency on transitional Aid I can go back and find the videos when you was selling us on the city reducing it dependenc but the irresponsible spending that you to do the irresponsible spending that you continue to do has earned us a $2 million increase so now after this mayor who's going to leave who's going to depart who will never win another elected position because he's so unfavorable at this point within the city he's going to you guys are going to leave us with a deficit that we're not going to get approve from the state moving forward they're not going to continue to just give us a open checkbook that's what we need to be concerned about and the only other thing that I want to talk about is listen council president first of all let me explain something to you and you know this we have been we've been uh uh uh cohorts on many occasions I don't need to talk negatively about your family I don't do that I wouldn't talk negatively about your children I wouldn't talk negatively about your wife I respect your wife I simply by saying that she wrote the letter that you read if that's an insult then listen you're a little too tender and uh that's not somebody talking about oh don't be talk talking about my family and then don't make any threats that you can't fulfill cuz I'm here for for everything I'm here for it all but what I'm going to do is I'm going to keep it factual I'm going to keep it truthful if you don't like it then that's tough I don't s i don't sit here and complain about you guys I get eight individuals plus the administration taking shots at me every night when do I ever complain I don't ever a complain I'm okay with it you can say whatever you want to say you could take Jabs you can send the health inspector after my business you could do all those kinds of things I'm going to be here every single night still throwing punches still fighting on behalf of my community cuz that's what I'm doing that's what I'm doing somebody called me out and make a reference of when I'm sitting here advocating for myself I don't do that I don't do that and making a a a a claim about how you the top vote getter and all this other stuff Andre was the lowest vote getter many times and so is Joey Torres and guess what he became the mayor and and unfortunately unfortunately look what that has proven but guess what the city's watching these song and dance these Pony dances now residents see what's going on people are waking up people are getting tired of being mistreated okay so fine then then fine guess what if they don't vote for me guess what am I going to go off crying in the middle of the night someplace no absolutely not absolutely not but I will say this Corporation counsel brother you are by far the absolute most disappointing scenario situation that that I have to acknowledge to today because the effort that I make is not for myself it's in defense of people who are being brutally mistreated I get phone calls every single night by families who are talking about they getting evicted I this is I can play the text message and have Siri read read about the illegal evictions that's taking place every single night but yet people that are being targeted that's being charged $300 additional in parking I never talk when anybody else talks they just can't hold their water he never talk my coun C councilwoman we try we try to close this meeting please please and I will definitely respectfully ask Jackson to be brief when your closing statement I'm trying to be as brief as possible Council but I'm being I'm being uh so rudely interrupted I tried I tried to hold the quot on my Council woman Davila is out there almost on the way councilman M have to leave I'm respectfully asking you to be brief on your statement before you vote all right stay tuned Pon yeah I'm I'm trying my best to be diligent but anyway um uh the the I I'll look forward to your email outlining the state statute the statute that you you never outlined where you never outlined you never outlined where it's where is it when when when when did you send it to me he read of course of course of course I read my emails I sent you a reply I sent you a reply to my email today I sent you a a reply to my to that email I sent you I sent you a reply SC who I don't need to scare you scar Corporation counsel you keep coming back and forth when are you going to send me I sent it to you in the entire Council on the how is asking you how is asking you no no listen I will not move on I will continue to Badger you Ando the work on behalf what is it Li so listen why don't you put what's illegal about it what's illegal about it what's illegal about it C uh Corporation counsel please thank you no no Corporation councel need to speak because councilman Jackson being he being accusing me of blocking his item he doesn't do he doesn't follow process are you okay yes wa a minute minut okay you got and council president this is the pattern he says you didn't send me a reports we say this is we email this to you this is what councilman Jackson does every single meeting he says prove me wrong show me how I'm wrong and then we say this is how you're wrong and he continues council president I'll be very brief I'll be very brief dear councilman Jackson this week I was provided a copy of your proposed document to quote compound enforcement of the zoning Provisions related to rental or leasing of parking spaces in residential districts based on the law Department's review I respectfully advise that there are two aspects of the proposed resolution that would need to be changed for the purpose of legal approval first the proposed text seeks to quote compel enforcement of the cited zoning Court provision however as a matter of separation of powers the council cannot directly compel an act by the administration just as a council cannot compel a municipal court judge to rule a certain way on any given case and just as the administration cannot compel the council to vote a certain way On Any Given resolution two the proposed text includes a large number of Highly specific statements of facts and to provide legal approval in Reliance on those statements that you came up with there would need to be some way of verifying again your statements that you came up with in light of the above the document as you wrote it cannot be approved by the Law Department instead in order to assist you further we have drafted the attached for your consideration okay very good um very good so all right so so members of the public as you see he States a broad statement on statements that I made Council pres point of order point of order council president we already discussed the item we already Prov it in the floor we en closing statement meeting I age you I agree with you th% this this was this was going to happen councilman Jackson please allow us to finish and close the public portion I am if I'm trying no you're not trying you're not trying I'm addressing you're not trying trust me I have two Council K Council woman MS almost got into an accident in the chamber Council woman have to leave and you're still planning to talk for 30 minutes you're not trying corpor Council on his way out because of you because of you we need to could made a false statement made a false comment and you're trying to defend his false comment I'm not going toow him to a fact I'm not going to allow him to walk out that that he yes he sent it to me he sent it to you and you blame me because I don't want to put right on the agenda here's my rep responsible Mr abushi although notwithstanding the inclusion of the word comp order order c not then dismiss the meting the meeting no we not dismiss the meeting mad clerk can we continue with ra call Mad cler M Council can we continue mad clerk with raw call can we continue where'sa whatman Jackson I'm I'm trying my where out you come back to I'm trying my best I'm not finished no no this is ridiculous uh council president m madame ba the city attorneys is blat mad cler we we're going to I'll I'll save this material to the next meeting now we breaking the quot this is what happened last week because of councilman Jackson we couldn't close the workshop because you find any way to hijack the meeting I find Corporation Council was very clear to you he an email he sent you an email no no find be truthful you're such a liar he sent an email have email that I that I answered back to because could tell me what part of that did he explain that is a is is a direct conflict with the state stat okay all I'm saying do you understand how the law you understand how the law Works no the is not on the president do you understand how the law Works listen the item is not on the agenda he stated something was unlawful no no just he stated something was unw is not on the agenda so what we're going to do we finished we finished business finished agenda agenda if we can yeah we finish the agenda thank you members of the community thank you embarrassing this is the second meeting that because of councilman Jackson We hasn't be able to close a meeting that's you're not working on behalf of the community you're not working on behalf of the city I know how to you are a disaster CH brother you are a disaster look what happened with councilman men she almost she got into an accident here councilwoman D left a lot of things that's my fault you are you have serious problem the fact that the fact that we're holding our all I'm asking all I'm asking all I'm asking is to that's my fault close the meeting and members of the public because this individual is a second meeting it's a second meeting that we haven't aever to close M he's ABS mad CL my vote is yes okay my vote is yes my vote is yes go ahead a minut Please Mr President my vote is yes patteron thank you finally the votes are seven yeses two absences the meeting of Tuesday December 10th 2024 is here by journ thank you thank you Madame cler let's pray for the city of pisel it's Christmas happy holiday for all the resident of the great city of pel stay tuned resident of the third war the park on BR AV 20 is on the way to be voted to be to be fixed and renovated let's pray for the city of padon and let's pray for this individual without being say God bless you P have a good night mad ba mad clerk thank you God bless you m Chas thank you