right yes uh now we live now uh council members good evening Patterson on behalf of the Patterson Municipal Council we welcome you to a regular meeting of May 16 at 700 p.m. the Mee is now called to order M clerk please call the role yes Mr President good evening everyone roll call for municipal Council regular meeting of Tuesday May 16 2024 at 700 p.m. councilman abdalaziz councilwoman cartton Council we welcome you to our regular councilwoman Davin present councilman Jackson councilman khik presid councilwoman Mims I am here and ready to serve thank you councilman Udin councilman VZ it feel good my vote is yes yes Mr President my yes M clerk thank you Mr President this evening's prayer has been rendered by Deacon Ernest Mack of Agape Center word is's not here but and councilman Jaxon is not here to do the flag salute either I volunte I would recommend Council men to do the prayer and the FL salute it could be Council Dava yes this reach thank you let us pray God our Father we thank you because this is a day that you have made and so we rejoice and we are glad in it from the rising of the Sun to the going down of the same your name is worthy to be praised God we thank you for for this great city of righteousness the city of Patterson we thank you that you will continue to move and grow and progress Us in the places and the and the things that you would like us to do so that we can move to the place called better we want to pray on tonight for our residents for our mayor for this Council for the administration and for everyone all the employees God we're grateful even after the election is over and the dust settles we are grateful that we can get back to business so God anoint us aresh blow a wind of your glory on this Council blow a wind of your glory on this meeting blow a Winds of your glory in this city God we need a change we need a swift move and we need things to be in the places and alignment and which you have created it to be we pray for healing for those that are sick we pray for comfort for those that are grieving we pray for strength for those that are weak we pray for Joy for those that need it and we pray for laughter for those that are in sorrow and God we thank you for this meeting on tonight cuz we know that there will be order we know that it will be blessed and we know that we will get out of here early in Jesus name amen amen me so the FL Salute by councilman Jackson who is um joining us now yeah alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stand one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all council president now let's do a let's do a moment of silence for a troop and for those that lost a loved one in our country and in our community you may be seated council members we have a total of 37 item let's get into business statement statement compliance statement of compliance yes statement of compliance cler yes statement of compliance with the open public meetings law for 2023 2024 today's meeting date is May 16 2024 the time is now 7:12 p.m. adequate notice of this meeting was compiled and disseminated in accordance with the open public meetings law in the following manner one the annual notice of regular meetings and workshop sessions of the municipal Council was compiled for the year 2023 2024 honorable July 1 2023 two a schedule of the regular meetings and workshop sessions of the municipal Council for the year 2023 2024 was duly transmitted onor about July 1 2023 to the nor Jersey Herald News the record the Arabic voice the Italian voice the P County PS Dominicana news Lisa International special the patteron press the city post news ta into patteron the weekly bangler Patria in addition to any other publication duly requesting such notices three the schedule of the regular meetings and workshop sessions of the minicipal council for the year 2023 2024 was prominently posted in the lobby of City Hall first floor in the place reserved for the announcements of this type four the schedule of the regular meetings and workshop sessions of the municipal Council for the year 2023 2024 was duly filed with the municipal clerk and five a copy of the schedule of regular meetings of the municipal Council was mailed to any person who requested and paid the fee authorized by the open public records act thank you m clerk Mr President uh may I just read this notice yes um for relocation so please be advised that due to a structural emergency in the city council chambers at 155 Market Street third floor patteron New Jersey the venue for the municipal Council regular meetings of Thursday May 16 2024 at 7 p.m. has been relocated to the cable vision Studio 77 Ellison Street parison New Jersey this was done on May 9th 2024 and it was published in The Herald and record newspaper thank you mad clerk list to payment of Bill councilwoman Dava thank you very much council president once again as I shared I want to congratulate everyone who won uh their reelection uh of the ward races um council president and to all my colleagues if you see we have a 35,1 61,63 a65 bills list um of which please be mindful that this is um also last week's bills list when we didn't have a meeting and that bills list was 28 ,6 47,48 12 if you look um the general government that's for health insurance that's 5,110 6.90 there also was a15 m66 4,751 194 for uh County taxes in addition there also was a payment to the board of education for 6, 97,000 36417 uh totaling and again as I said it was a payroll week 5,138 11754 making it a total combined of 35,1 161,00 $338 65 my motion is for payment of Bills second it was moved by Council Davila second by Council roll call Mad cler on payment of Bill yes Mr President roll call for the approval of payment of bills in the amount of 35,1 61,63 a65 councilwoman cotton Council um I'm sorry madam cook U let me pass for a minute councilwoman Davin yes councilman Jackson we have our CFO to the council president before there's a there's an item here for a Bunker Hill voucher for $9,000 without any details there any any specifications of what that payment is for Madame ba CF our CFO is I don't have any specifics council president um I don't know if our CFO has any I don't have any specifics I would have to look it up for you cman my vote is no Madam clerk thank you councilman Jackson councilman khik yes Madam clerk thank you councilwoman Ms I employees I employees deserve to get paid services that are rendered need to be paid this is what this is for my vote is yes thank you councilman VZ I apologize uh we had two bills in one it's because we had a no quar in the past but we moving forward the payment of bills as we speak so my vote is yes thank you councilman VZ councilwoman carton yes thank you councilwoman cartton Mr President thank you mad clerk the dant um you know bun Hill improvement district they've been very responsible when it comes to their budget I'm very sure that we're going to have that information um with forward uh today and please share that inform that information with the rest of the council um and also there's payment of Bill that we have included salary there and I our employee deserve to get paid with that been say my V is yes M clerk thank you Mr President the votes are six yeses one no and two absences payment of bills in the amount of 35,1 61,63 a65 is hereby adopted thank you Madame cler Madam cler we have the consent agenda which is item 5 through 19 okay all matters listed on the consent agenda are considered to be routine by the council and will be enacted by one motion the items listed under the consent agenda are numbers 5 through 19 any item may be removed from the consent agenda by the request of any council member and if so removed will be treated as a separate move move by councilwoman Dava second by councilman B and councilwoman Mims roll call M clerk on the conscent agenda roll call roll call on the consent agenda councilwoman cartton yes yes councilwoman daver yes councilman Jackson yes councilman khik yes councilwoman mes yes yes oh yes councilman valz yes Mr President my vote is yes M clerk thank you Mr President the votes are seven yeses two absences the consent agenda for items 5 through 19 is hereby adopted thank you m clerks the uh out of the consent agenda let's do item number 20 number 20 yes item number 20 is a resolution authorizing the second and final renewal contract with professional account Management LLC for the private collection of Municipal Court debt for the city of pison RFP number 2020-24 is an Administration resolution 24 304 move by council member Les second by councilwoman Davila roll call Mad clerk on item number 20 roll call on item number 20 for approval councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman daver yes councilman Jackson yes councilman yes councilwoman mes yes councilman valz uh to be a uh when we come back uh to renew this we want to know how much revenue we have brought up with this collection uh company uh to see how effective have been in in this contract that he has so my vote is yes thank you councilman delz Mr President my vote is yes M clerk thank you Mr President the votes are seven yeses two absences item number 20 is hereby adopted thank you m clerk item number 21 item number 21 is resolution authorizing change order number one for the Clinton Street Park project phase two bid number 23.13 for the city of Patterson is an Administration resolution 24 colon 305 second move by Council woman MS and second by councilman b roll call monitor discussion councilman Jackson can can we get it out line on what the change order is we have the director of public work here we got Madame as well let's start with Madame B Madame B thank you council president so as if you look at the resolution um the third wi as really talks about the changes to this um the tables the initial tables that were outlined in the bid specs did not did not include the concrete pads um to really have uh a joining seats to the tables um so we we agreed that this would be something that's not something that we want to chain tables or chairs to tables to make sure that they stay in the location um it should have been more specific in the bid specs but it is something that is allowable through purchasing law has been reviewed by the purchasing agent um and we are able to move forward with this and it is funded um through the same source of funds which is the American Rescue plan dollars so so okay so if if I'm hearing you correct Madame ba this $500,000 change order $471,000 change order is for no council president yeah ounc members if I could just point you to the third whereas it's a $23,000 change order 23,000 okay I apologize so oh I see original contract so the um this is for new concrete pads it's for it it's to upgrade the seating that the original specs included um seating that was not connected to the tables um so this would be something that would allow for the concrete pads and um the seating for the tables in the park so so this is not for new tables this is for the concrete pads to furn to house the tables correct to secure the seating to the pads to very good yeah thank you council president um come on council president may I just a minute uh council members um Council M thank you council president Madame B so in other words um the same situation happened at that luk Costello Park that the chair was not attach to the table and we are losing it so we want to prevent that in this part correct so is there anytime we could revisit uh the L costell Park and try to see because they already stole like three chairs of it and um I know it was tied only with a a metal thring um a metal thing that they have there but now they they cut the wire and they took the shair so I know residents in that area the fight District the new District that I have was requesting for sitting because they got the table but now because the table was not attached to the chairs uh we lost about three of them out our five that we had in each one so to look into the if we could go revisit that to see we could modify that to the same that we have in that Clinton Park thank you council president thank you um Council Jackson Council if there's no more question roll call on item 21 roll call on item number 21 for approval councilwoman cotton thank you um thank you madam cler um this is for Janette Thompson Park to upgrade it to make I know what happens sometimes the things are not secure it gets missing and so with that being said this is for you Janette Thompson my vote is yes yes thank you councilwoman cartton councilwoman daver not only is this for Janette Thompson this is for the First Ward my vote is yes thank you councilman Jackson yes councilman KH yes con woman memes so let me just say when it came to this park I always have to give credit to um Miss Thompson mama bug and their team that was tirelessly working um advocating pushing and then reaching I reached out to uh the mayor and Madame ba for Clinton Street Park to make sure that we could get the upgrades that were so desperately needed when change orders come through is it's exciting because it tells you that work is being done so I'm excited for for this item Madam clerk my votee is yes thank you Dr Mims councilman Val so in the past eight years I've been a DPW committee chair and I'm happy that every item that comes to DPW and also through finance that to improve our Parks um no matter if a councilman is not in the committee I take Serious uh their request so the residents at that area is going to be proud to see uh that Park and the scope of work that they put in that's going to be uh invested the right way so my vote is yes M cler thank you councilman VZ Mr President I'm looking forward to see this uh parking and Clinton Street Park renovated um and councilwoman M always say let's give flow to to people when they can smell it so I'm looking forward to see the beautiful renovation and the grand opening is going to serve beautiful in this community my vot is yes M cler thank you Mr President the votes are seven yes to absences item number 21 is hereby adopted thank you Madame clerk let's do item 22 Madame clerk item number 22 is a resolution designating Main Street from Market Street to Broadway to also be known as veterans way it's sponsored by councilwoman Dr Lisa Mims co-sponsored by the remaining council members it's a city council resolution 24 colon 306 it was moved by Council M second by council member Les discussion discussion councilwoman DAV um by any means am I um against this item um I'm in full support the only thing is I do not have the paperwork um it did not um reach us on time uh through legal we do not have it so at this time I can't vote on something that I do not have in front of me the document did not go through the legal department to the clerk so although it made the item you know I really would like for us this is something that I want to come back I'm in full support families are veteran my stepdad is 93 years old you know Korean veteran so I'm in full support but I would like to see I cannot vote on something that I do not have in front of me thank you Council Council M council president so this item was sent over a month ago to the legal department to the clerk and to the street naming committee on a memorandum and in email form um unfortunately tonight the reso was not approved but I'll let Corporation counsel explain he said we can vote on it to move it forward and then we'll come back with the paperwork but it was sent on time is just not here so Corporation councel if Corporation councel can explain what can take place tonight sure Council M mes um a Corporation Council question thank you count thank you council president uh Dr Mims is correct uh she she did send the request over to the legal department I believe on April 30th we received that request uh we did not receive confirmation from the street naming committee chair that it was approved to move forward I'm I'm receiving indications now that um the committee did not meet to approve it therefore consistent with the practice and our code uh the Law Department did not prepare the the requisite reso um however if if Council today wanted to vote to express its support for such a resolution uh we can uh Hereafter prepare a resolution put it back on the agenda um and then the council can vote to approve the actual resolution council president thank you and and and if I may counc there's been a lot of moving part um because of the election of the city council member that been out for re-election and um I know that there's been things have been delayed in term of uh uh the committee meeting um for the different committee so I definitely agree that you know we should move forward and bring the resolution back the body of the solution but I will allow Council M Ms um and Council B to make the final comment before we vote okay so I I just want to make sure that um if I'm not confusing here or probably do we have a veteran Plaza Way at the Federal Plaza or that's the Federal Plaza calls Federal Plaza FAL Federal Plaza it's not veteran way okay is that a veteran way okay I just want to make sure that got you well well understood counc coun I don't no fine we're moving forward roll call M cler yeah yes now this is this is are okay do do we don't have council president Council M can we and I know it can be done cuz we've done it many times can it be moved um to later in on the agenda we'll come back and vote on it because there we can prepare it while we're sitting here we've done it many times for other items we can do that so there isn't we can move it till later on and then we'll vote on it can we do that sure Corporation Council Council council members council members Let's uh Council m m let's also keep in mind that we're not we're not in City Hall unfortunately we don't have the computer in front of us it's going to be um if if Corporation Council believe that they could go back to City Hall and kab back no it's fine we can move forward so I will be okay to wait otherwise um so let me let me ask M Madam cler Madam cler what's your opinion if you could do it the reason why we we're we're going to take the vote in support of this resolution now and then we'll bring the document back at a later meeting okay we're going to vote okay council president just a quick go ahead go ahead Corporation Council to export right oh you going to bring it res so we are taking a vote now in support correct of the um resolution correct and when it's brought back then we'll take another vote on it so just a request on the next Workshop I would like a special meeting that it will be done at that special meeting not a problem council members not a problem so and and and just to you know we all we all have to be mindful of this kindr the situation we're not a city hall so we just try to be in person having this meeting in person because we already know what happened with virtual so we'll move forward with a special meeting to just reaffirm the vote roll call man CL on item number 22 yes Mr President roll call on item number 22 which is expressing support to be uh for the resolution to be drafted and presented at the next meeting councilwoman carton thank you madam clerk I'm trying to understand you're saying that this is just a vote for support or a vote for what did she say yes for support vote for support okay I mean I'm for Veterans Way um I grew up in a with a family of veterans my brothers were veterans my uncles my father was in World War I point of order point of order councilwoman M so just a request not to cut councilwoman cotton off if it could be moved to next workshop and we'll vote on it at the special meeting that would be much better so I'll remove my um motion on tonight um and just to request council president that this will be on the workshop as a special meeting item we'll vote on it next Tuesday all right so so we remove we will remove item 22 for a the workshop let let me remove my motion first yeah so she remove her motion I remove this is no brainer at least you know but let's remove my motion we do it formally next workshop and a special meeting okay item 22 council members table and members of the public until the next meeting um before we continue with the meeting I have a text I receive a text at the meeting it's not on TV it's only on YouTube so they they so we're not on TV we only on YouTube so so so members of the public so we're not on TV because we have some technical problem n no no council members we are on YouTube that's if we are only on YouTube we're not on channel 77 so Ryan is working to fix the problem we'll be back soon on channel 77 for now we are on YouTube only Madam clerk let's let's do item 26 Madam clerk okay Mr President item what number item number 26 okay why you why you jump council members item number 26 is a resolution under partisan code chapter 129 bazaars addressing a license for the Palestinian American Community Center to conduct a festival it's a finance resolution 24 second council member let's let's make sure that we wait until mad clerk finish reading the item into the please move she moved so so it was moved by councilwoman Dava and councilwoman Ms and second by council member Les a roll call M cler on item number 26 roll call and item number 26 for approval councilwoman conon yes councilwoman daver yes councilman Jackson yes councilman KH yes councilwoman Mims yes councilman valz yes Mr President my vot is yes cler thank you the votes are seven yeses two absences item number 26 is hereby adopted thank you madam clerk item number 27 sure item number 27 is a resolution on the partisan code chapter 129 bizar addressing a license for New Jersey Peruvian Inc to conduct a festival it's a finance resolution 24 colon 311 move second discuss it was moved by councilwoman Dava second by councilman last discussion councilwoman mes so I I just have a question I see this item before us but I know there were two groups that were here in relation to this the Peruvian parade so I'm not sure did they have a discussion um together or is this just for the one and then I also would like Corporation counsel to speak as well because we got a letter um that came from uh a Le from a uh Esquire or a law office in regards to these these this parade so I just want to get an update if it's if it's connected or similar and I mean what should we do cuz I'm not sure Corporation Council yes thank thank you council president uh for the opportunity and thank you Dr bin for that inquiry um so uh for the record um this is for a a festival um it's not for a parade additionally we did receive some correspondents uh from a firm uh regarding uh the pending dispute between certain parties uh a review of this application reveals that uh the proponents of this application are not uh a party to that dispute and the member who or the individual who's seeking this particular um uh resolution is not a party to that litigation and so given what we've reviewed including uh the Court's order in that pending dispute and the instant application we do not believe that there is a basis to not proceed at this time um Council thank you cor Council Council so if I could just um councilwoman Mims this item uh went through licensing through the clerk's office this is for bizar not for the parade um this entity submitted everything um and it went through the finance department um it went through police fire DPW um they had their meetings they have their contracts in place they've made their payments um and so that's why this application is before us you asked about the other entity the other entity did not submit any applications okay uh council president council president thank you council president council member before we before we um put this item for a vote uh yes as president I'm I'm all going over like I always do like I always do every organization that comes here to do a bazard um before I go I just want to make sure and somebody explain me why we see on the back of this paper a morning order of $100 and we don't see the payment of the police in advance and the payment of everybody in advance what do this $100 means you know um you know like I always do I do discoveries right so I just want to know why if everything is paid in advance I don't see a the check I only see a money order that says $100 oh no it's okay I got ITC $100 sorry council member just a minute council member let have the floor go ahead Council right um so so they paying only $100 to conduct a festival no no council I just I want clarification I just want to make sure that Council you ask the question so let me uh so in the past M I have seen this uh type of uh that's just for the of um applications coming in and um I just want to know if the permits based on the based on the regulation that we have or or fee payments now they're going to charge $100 for you our streets C councilman this is the president I could just a minute okay so Council mava so I'm going to answer that question and we have our DPW director here we have our fire chief you just voted on an application for the same exact thing the Palestinian bizarre license okay if you look that is the permit that you're paying that's the fee that the city has assessed in terms of the permit for the street closure it is not different we don't do different fees for different entities pertaining to a festival so that's the one thing if you look at the other application that you just approved their event is this weekend therefore police is paid everything is paid this event will be happening July 28th so in terms of all of the other things they've met their their um um approvals Through Fire they've met their approvals through the police department you see the contract here and DPW so if there's any questions maybe you address them to them or to our ba who has reviewed and the licensing department are Madame B just to be in a safe in a safe um area not bring grade area we we I I'm in support of it but in the past when we approve a bizard or Festival the director could testify on this that he says I'm not going to sign a permit into the payments of for example keeping the cleaning or or whoever is going to clean or if DPW have a sweeper if uh if we going to use Personnel DPW for the festival if we could to use police you know things like that he would not issue a permit or sign a permit into those fee are paid uh and and you you had testified this before right if you don't pay you don't get a permit now here is the first time that I see a money order for $100 that is for only for the permit of closing the blocks what about DPW work cleaning after the uh uh after the event okay who's going to cover that so so so there's a question for the director of public War we have the director of public War here council members so straight the question direct to the each director we since they're here that way he could answer us director both both those festivals have been paid I don't know why it's not um attached there but they both been paid their I don't know C took for the other department but dpw's part of it is paid so um council president so they all yeah because I didn't saw it here that's all that's so Madame ba of this Festival falls into any Festival let's call any Festival uh this any Festival falls into mou of the 60 and 40% that we approved before yes so okay so as in council president if I can uh mad if we can detail this specifics um the festival pays 100% of costs okay and for parades it's the split of the 60 40% so as you'll see details for example even under the police contracts that are listed here you see one that details full payment for the festival portion and one that details 40% for the parade portion okay so but what but what you do have here as has been noted in and the dor says that his fees have been paid but per city code you actually it's 10 days prior to the event that all fees have to be paid but you do see all of the application fees as are noted here so whether it's the festival itself through licensing or the $100 money order that you refer to for the Department of Public Works um that's why you see that before you so so last last but not least uh this is u a new Mo a new a new because I looking I'm comparing Apple orange is here I'm looking at the festival of the Palestinian and their application by checklist and bad application I don't see the names uh blacked out well the addresses I only see the names and the other one don't don't have it is this a new Norm um a new Norm that we going to have now that now they not going to disclose the address of the organization the address of the members and all that I I just want to make sure if there's a new Norm then apply for everyone but we cannot apply one thing to one people and not apply for the other this is for everyone counc that's what I'm saying who blacked it out I think in the in the past I have seen oh okay council member council president sorry please order council members Madame BL ba unless Madam Madame clerk unless unless the the organization and the members requested to blackout that's a newort they request it I don't know so everything is operable I know but right now I would like to know what's the address of the organization the members organization and exess we need to be transparent council president it should be here just a minute a man I'm I'm saying I'm not talking about only this one I'm talking about the past and moving forward if this is going to be the new Norm Norm of it then I have to oper everything to know what's going on what's presented here have to be clarified I I just you know and then she said may I say something Council Council if I may before I open the floor for Council mavila M clerk so the the document was presented to the clerk's office openly so Phyllis in her better judgment thought that she was doing protective work and blocked it out not knowing that it should not have been blocked out so that's why I'm sorry pH okay all right so okay so council president I just I I want I want us to be very Mindful and I want to thank Madam clerk for that clarification um as someone who sits in the finance um committee and councilman VES councilman Mendes and councilman Kik this application came to finance open with all of the information the names for everyone the names are on the application and through our Deputy clerk she is the one who blocked out so please The Entity the names are here who's the president who's the vice who's the the the treasurer so please let's not make it seem as though the entity blocked this information this that was clarified CC woman no that was clarified council members that was clarified ready by the cler can we proceed with this mad clerk item 27 so um roll call for item number 27 for approval councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman Dava yes councilman Jackson thank you madam clerk so just for a point of clarity uh the councilman actually has a point and from past practices we we made sure that all applicants had everything furnished in full we vote in support of this now and then moving forward if there's a a different miscalculation on the number of policemen that are utilized and things of that nature the council no longer has an opportunity to address it we address those things when the applications are submitted but um not to I'm not in against or not in support but just for a point of clarity in the past from past practices this has been the practice to make sure that everything was paid we I recall for specific um uh entities specifically yourself councilwoman Dava where's the check for the police where is the check for EMTs we've always in the past made sure that we've held these uh entities accountable before they've gotten Council approval and regardless of how long down the line the uh uh event may have been so with that being said I mean there's a lot of things that are happening tonight that have been um un customarily done you know just uh other items that have to go before street name committee some items don't have to go before certain committees I mean it's just a matter of practice um so the council councilman to the left is is correct but either way Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilman Jackson councilman KH I see all the paperworks in in order um Police contract DPW contract Insurance all the paperworks in order my vote is yes thank you councilman K councilwoman M so let me just bring some clarity because I don't want Mis it to be miscommunicated or anyone to feel that I'm against any entity my point of question was only because there was a a big discussion a couple weeks ago in regards to uh the parade and now it's a festival whatever the situation is and then we received the letter from a lawyer so I wanted to be um clear on our end as legisl the legislative body and protecting us through our legal Corporation Council to make sure before we vote on this that we're legally protected with that being stated um I'm never against entertainment or festivals I think they're wonderful and our city needs healing we need things like this in our community with that being St that my vote is yes thank you Dr mes councilman valz like I always say this is a test for the broadcast system because in the future I am I am for the future and and this is what I'm doing at this point so for the past eight years we see a a a practice a norm approval things so if I see uh this kind of uh courtesy when I decide to put a committee together to bring the Puerto Rican parade I will have I will have the same um um courtesy right everybody wants a Puerto Rican parade who don't want a Puerto Rican p and Patterson come on come on SO and there saying saying that um last week and coun M stated last week this not not last week past meetings this was full of people point than us like we our four that we was not going to move forward was something that the only thing that we only approve is the Bazar and festivals right so I was looking here I see the contract the police it says here that minimum that minimum they should have 80 police officers for that Festival eight uh it says here numbers of Officer required for parade but they don't have a parade it's 160 and 80 for festival I did the math between this application saying that they will have an estimated 6,000 people I did a math it's only 60 cops hopefully the contract reflect from 60 to 80 because we need to be fair across the board and let me tell let me say this to my friends and family from the Peruan community we love the peruvians and we love to see the diversity in our city but when it comes up to parade Festival we are colorblind we need to approve Things based on the documents that they put in front of us I'm satisfied that this organization had put forward everything before anybody but in order you know and still anybody out there that want to challenge this we only approving the festival no parisee we had a good discussion with Corporation Council and finance how this application should be presented in the future at the title in the resolution to avoid any confusion I will be at the festival if they play with order I hope that this new organization leave behind a a good reputation that we don't have to be in social media uh like in the past so let's raise and be part of a parison and diversity we have Peru Chay my word is yes thank you councilman valz Mr President council member let me remind you that we only have 37 item let's concentrate on the item let's be quick and effective that way we could do the public portion and we could finish as quick as possible from this meeting so we just have item 26 was a resolution for a Bazaar license for the Palestinian American that's not a prey item 27 is a resolution for a Bazaar license for this organization proving in we're not approving parade let's have that clear I check all the document everything everything is in order everything has been approved by all the department that's the only thing that we're here for to approve Bazaar now pray would I been say my V is Yes Man CL thank you Mr President the votes are seven yeses two absences item number 27 is hereby adopted continue an order M clerk item 23 council president Council Ruby I just want to say that our defitely clerk um did what she thought was best because we did have a very sensitive item in our agenda and and and she did not want it to leave it out so everybody can just look at it you get your packet up Friday if you saw something was wrong you could have called her on Monday or Tuesday or Wednesday to see why is this like this that's all you had to do yeah thank you let me say deputy clerk Phyllis righ I phis yeah I understand what I understand what she was understand what you were doing you was you was being very cautious very cautious of what you were doing and I understand that because everybody had three days they had actually five days to figure it out what was wrong and the only thing they needed to do was call you or call the clerk's office thank you council members and I definitely uh I have a lot of respect and and for our Deputy clerk uh Miss philis and how professional she is uh she's definitely a very professional on everything that she do I have very a lot of confidence on that item 23 council president we give Grace she just got promoted let's give her some Grace yes item 23 item number 23 or item number 23 is a resolution honoring rashan Davis as a recipient of the VFW public service award is sponsored by councilwoman Ruby n cotton city council resolution 24 colon 307 second move by councilwoman Ruby C second by councilwoman Davila councilwoman Mims and council member Les uh council president if you may before we thank you before we continue on I'm going to add councilwoman DAV and councilwoman MS uh honoring uh our Patterson Finance as a sponsor as well yes as co-sponsor or sponsor co-sponsor Co thank you m clerk let the record reflect that Council M and Council mava will be um co-sponsor as well of this legislation M roll call on item number 23 yes Mr President roll call on item number 23 as amended councilwoman cotton thank you madam clerk I just want to say this is a special award for our Patterson Finance R Sean Davis uh he's recipiant of the public service award with the VFW he has been in the US Navy he has been a community person for over 25 years he has been our Patterson Fin and fire department for the last 12 years so this was an honor this is being done by the state of New Jersey the BFW by the state of New Jersey and I think it's a great honor that they recognize him uh with the VFW here Madame clerk congratulations rashan Davis I'm proud I'm happy you're our Patterson finest we got our chief and Alex in the back but it's important that um they recognize you throughout the entire State they could have picked anybody but they picked a paronian to represent the award for the entire State they picked a pisoni congratulations ran Davis Madame clerk my vote is yes thank you councilwoman cotton councilwoman Davin uh I want to thank councilwoman cotton uh for adding me as a co-sponsor um to this resolution um how beautiful it is when um you don't need to speak on the things that you do your work shows and others recognize and so you know congratulations to you congratulations for your years of service as a US Navy veteran um I know you're a proud father um you know you're a brother I know that you've had some losses and you know for us to be able to recognize what you the work that you've been doing for so many years you know and as one of our firefighters our finest all right um and our bravest because you know you are fine and you are brave um you know with that said I just want to say congratulations rashan Davis my vote is yes thank you councilwoman DAV councilman Jackson I think enough was said I want to I'm going to let let him enjoy that that last part of that comment while he can mam cler my V is yes thank you councilman Jackson councilman khik yes Madam cler thank you councilman councilwoman Ms to my bro bro who's Patterson's bravest uh roson well deserved keep up the great work we appreciate everything you do not just as a firefighter but a part of being um the public affairs director for the Brony organization my vote is yes madam thank you Dr Ms cman valz to Mr rashan D Mr rashan Davis um thank you for being a gentleman a gentleman in all words so my vote is yes thank you councilman VZ Mr President thank you madam clerk without a doubt we have the best fire departments in the state of New Jersey they make us proud every day putting their life on the line and rashan Davis keep making us proud congratulation my vot is yes thank you Mr President the votes are seven yeses two absences item number 23 is hereby adopted thank you m clerk item number 24 item number 24 is a resolution to amend resolution number 22 colon 384 authorizing budget revision number two to the 2022 2023 annual action plan to amend the haa budget funding Community Development resolution 2 4 col 308 so move second move by Council second by Council M roll call M clerk on item 24 roll call on item number 24 for approval councilwoman carton I'm yes thank you councilman Jackson yes councilman Kik yes councilwoman Mims yes councilman VZ director you know what you're doing my votee is yes thank you Mr President my vote is yes so the votes are six yeses three absences item number 24 is hereby adopted thank you madam clerk item number 25 item number 25 is a resolution amending resolution 20 colon 364 authorizing budget revision number three to the 2019 2020 oneye annual action plan to the US Department of Housing and Urban Development to amend the hwa covid-19 Care Care Act funding its Community Development resolution 24 309 so move second move by Council second by Council Ms roll call clerk on item number 25 roll call and item number 25 for adoption councilwoman councilman Jackson councilman Jackson there only $100 yes thank you councilman colleague yes Council woman memes we felt you needed a good gift tonight director my vote is yes thank you councilman valz director I stated that you know what you're doing but your staff also to know what they do in profess yeah I know I know I know so congratulation I know you guys do a great job in there and look into everything the site my word is yes thank you councilman VZ don't leave yet Mr President finally director director you're not going to wait for my vote I director I just want to say that you you're doing a phenomenal job you that you have a great team just keep doing what you're doing Serving the community serving the people those program that you will have is help that are helping the community tremendously so job well done with that been say my vot is yes M cler thank you Mr President Joel don't get jealous Joel the votes are five yeses for absences item number 25 is hereby adopted thank you Madame clerk item number 29 29 sorry sorry 28 item number 28 is a resolution authorizing the award of contract under competitive Contracting to coronis health RCM LLC for the EMS third party billing RFP number 20 202 24-11 for the Fire Department fire resolution 24 312 second move by Council mavila second by Council Les and Council mes roll call M clerk on item number 28 roll call on item number 28 for approval councilwoman cotton she's councilwoman Davin yes councilman Jackson yes councilman khik yes councilwoman Mims yes councilman valz mad ba I know this is a third body billing company but I know the revenue come through it also I want uh how many Revenue came in through this billing company that process they do um when they process things see how much money we get every time every year contract my word is yes thank you councilman VZ councilwoman coton we are voting for approval of item number 28 it's Award of contract under competitive contct this for the fact we always I can't hear her she need to turn I think your mic you turn your microphone aians are not able to pay they don't go after them like the other cities that they have to collect from so with that being said my vote is yes thank you councilwoman cotton Mr President my vote is yes M clerk about thank you Mr President the votes are seven yeses two absences item number 28 is is hereby adopted thank you madam clerk item number 29 item number 29 is a resolution authorizing the solicitation of bids for the purchase and delivery of up to three ambulances bid number 2417 for the Fire Department fire resolution 24 31 second some move thank you um it was moved by council member Le council president Mendes Council D and second by Council MS roll call Madam clerk on item number 29 roll call on item number 29 for approval councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman dava Please note this is for solicitation of bids my vote is yes thank you councilman Jackson yes councilman KH yes councilwoman mes yes councilman V based on my experience they expensive my vote is yes Mr President thank you madam clerk um we definitely are in really need of those three ambulance we've been using the same ambulance since KOB uh we've been just repairing the ambulance that we have the engine and just going after repair after repair so we're looking forward to have those three new ambulance I know how busy the fire department is so without being say my vot is yes M clerk thank you m Mr President the votes are seven yeses two absences item number 29 is hereby adopted thank you madam clerk item number 30 item number 30 is a resolution ratifying an emergency contract with patwood roofing company for new Roofing and metal work at the communications building for the fire department it's a fire resolution 24 call 314 so move move by Council Davila do we have a second second second Council Ms roll call M cler on item number 30 roll call on item number 30 for approval councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman daver yes councilman Jackson yes councilman KH yes councilwoman Ms yes councilman valz yes did you say yes you say yes yes Mr President my vot is yes P clerk thank you the votes are seven yes it's two absences item number 30 is hereby adopted thank you m clerk item number 31 item number 31 is a resolution approving settlement of tax appeals on block 4202 Lot 4 also known as 398-406 Broadway it's owned by Rosa Park Senior Apartments LLC it's a law resolution 24 colon 315 so move second move by Council second by Council disc discussion Council so with this particular item um Madame ba could you give an explanation to uh the general public this is a tax appeal for Roses parks in your apartment was this an item that they went through the tax Appel process could you explain what this item is about please thank thank you council president and councilwoman Mims I'm going to allow the Corporation Council to go into detail for this okay uh council president may I yes court pres Council please thank you and thank you Dr Mims for that inquiry uh so this uh does resolve a pending tax appeal that's pending in court um as a confidential memo lays out which was uh provided to council um this uh appeal was filed uh challenging the assessment it went through the court process uh given the city's current Equalization ratio which we had discussed uh previously um the city deemed it prudent to settle this tax appeal along the line suggested um and as a result a tax appeal I believe for the year 2021 will be withdrawn and going forward it will be assessed at the agreed upon rate so council president thank you for the explanation I'm fine council president thank you Corporation Council council member Les so in in in this case this one is not that the one that the previous one that we had they never went to court this one went to court council president may I Corporation Council thank you um all of these settlements actually are in the tax court and pending appeals and presented for your review and approval of no I I understand it I just want to make sure that we put on the record when CO's arm came here they did an administrated tax reduction in the property right this one went to the court council president pres Council um Council mes thank you for that inquiry um frankly I I don't have a recollection as to whether or not the status of the the one that you're referring to I can only affirm that this one uh is in fact in court but I can confirm uh the status of the other one for you okay um thank you council president councilman Jackson is is there an outline on uh because and I apologize I didn't have an opportunity to uh to thoroughly look over is there an outline on what what the uh the outcome is theal numbers are this was handed out here yeah yeah on everyone St I know you got a lot of people but if you want to take a moment and and review that that's fine if you have any questions we don't have it I gave it to you don't so so um Corporation Council just so I'm clear the um relative to Equalization their their assessment is now coming in lower you have no I don't have extra copy I have this working you want to use that one he's he's going back well you said we you said I should have the same document right the assessment reassessment for 31 yeah 31 no yeah yeah that's the docent right here to tell you what the current assessment is yeah it's at the ratio and then this is what the settlement number is so they're giving up the 2021 appeal and then going forward 22 and3 with assessment yeah but I'm trying to understand like how are these Okay so I I I'll wait I'll wait Corporation counsel because um understanding that they went to appe to court they're they're attesting here that they're foregoing their appeal and this settlement is actually been negotiated so who's who negotiated the settlement on our behalf thank you for that question councilman Jackson so the there are several years that they appealed for years 21 22 and 23 as a part of the negotiated agreement uh they're waving the appeal for 2021 but the city is settling the appeals for year 22 and 23 that was negotiated through the Law Department we have a tax attorney on staff who deals exclusively with these matters in conjunction with our experts who uh we utilize uh once we negotiate these settlements in principle we always present it to the council for their review and final approval okay so so within this package was was you know missing and I didn't have council president handed over his I didn't have this document So within this package what's not being um considered is on what basis these uh the uh negotiations cuz it's not an appeal they actually essentially could have lost the appeal but they're being granted for a reduction and it's being based upon what like all I'm trying to understand is is the method in which it's being done because that way I can tell taxpayers who own one and two family houses that they should just go to the legal department and be able to negotiate a different uh uh uh assessment value on their taxes so what I'm what I'm curious about is indicative actual market value was outside the corridor under the New Jersey chapter 123 and the reason I'm asking this because I had an opportunity to sit down with the owners of uh coamps who's claiming that there's an substantial loss but when we actually do the numbers they're they're seeing a substantial profit so on what basis was this um tax reduction it's not an appeal it's a tax reduction more or less on what basis was it granted were we looking at their p&l are we looking at you know vacancy rate or uh have they done a a a an enormous amount of um improvements upgrades what exactly is are we what exactly are we factoring in when this you know within your office when these organizations these Grand scale you know buildings come to your office what it what is what is being considered when we giving them this tax reduction U council president may I sure Corporation councel May yes sir okay thank you uh thank you councilman Jackson for that inquiry so first and foremost uh uh as the memorandum indicates uh they did file complaints with the tax court so this is a pending appeal if residents uh do not decide to go to that through that process then it wouldn't involve the law department they can certainly go to the tax assessor and and have those discussions but this was filed with the tax Court um as we've previously stated councilman uh the problem here is the equalization ratio upon which everyone is taxed uh property taxes are based upon uh the city has not done a a a revaluation of all properties and given that there's no rolling uh revaluation the equalization ratio starts to drop and that usually forms a basis upon which someone can follow a complaint with the tax court and seek a reduction based off what the city's Equalization ratio is I'm happy to have a further conversation with you I know we've had some conversations in the finance committee about this particular issue and how it's reoccurring and as the city's Equalization ratio continues to decline meaning that uh property tax may not be spread fairly and equally across the board the city council can expect more and more of these appeals to come before it okay but again it doesn't outline where the there there it lacks an equalization you have you have an entity that is profitable they have a number of residents however many residents that there are and their their property generally is valued based upon the uh uh the solvency or you know the revenue that is generating so there is none of that here we're not showing how many units they have what is the amount of rents that they're collecting monthly what's the what's their expenditures relative to taking care of the residents that live in their building we're you know we're granting that on what because normally in the past every 10 years the city would do the the reassessment now what we've done as of recently and I'm not sure uh you know if we've kept up with it but every year there's a 10% ratio which we we're supposed to be been doing and evaluation which would then bring us to the 10 10year margin but even if we weren't it doesn't require even in the past we did it every 10 years so we hired a firm come in and do an assessment and or we should have been doing is hiring Personnel that's going to go out and do the uh the the the due diligence just granting we're going to have more entities coming before us saying that they're they're deserving of it a reduction in taxes and they're not rendering any additional services and or the're in fact what I'm what I'm trying to get to is relative to Equalization a lot of these units once they have a vacancy they're raising their their rents so these are the same facilities that's charging our residents astronomical amounts in rents and we're not collecting on on the uh on the backside so I just need more clarity on what exactly when we talk about Equalization you know I don't see it being a reduction I see it I see is the market has increased rents have increased uh uh the only thing that's been decreased is is inventory people are people calling me every day looking for apartments so they've had no is there has there been a vacancy um you know uh up uptick in their facilities have they had to you know go out and render additional support services or anything like that I don't understand how these entities are making a claim that they're not they're not making money councilman Jackson uh just very briefly council president and right out the council your points are well taken uh councilman Jackson uh specifically here what I will say is that again the years appealed uh are 21 22 and 23 they're foregoing the 21 appeal but you're right there's different ways that you can assess value so sometimes in the case when the property hasn't traded hands for years and years and years each side retains their experts and then those sides presented in court and sometimes there's a resolution sometimes the court rules another way that you can uh assess valuation before you apply the equalization rate to that value is recent sales so in this particular situation this property traded hands at an arms length transactions for 3.5 million I believe in 2020 and that is the customary practice to determine what a real buyer what the real market value Val is for a property what someone is willing to pay for on an open sale and so that's the basis upon which this particular settlement was achieved that they got the property value of 3.5 million based off a recent comp sale and then they applied the equalization ratio to that to arrive what the tax lawyer and the Law Department believes and I concur with him is a reasonable settlement of this particular matter council president just one one last uh line of questioning how how many units in this facility 50 I think it's 50 in here council president mayor yes go ahead um go Council yeah Council councilman Jackson it says that um it has 50 units in and and the claim is that it just changed stand for how much no uh the memo says that uh it traded hands in I believe or it was sold at Arms link transaction on October 1 2020 and the tax appeal years that are being resolved currently are 21 22 and 23 no no you just stated a number in which this this this uh facility was supposed to have changed hands for how much and an arm arms length transaction for how much uh 3.5 million 50 units for 3.5 million wow we sold an empty lot for 3 million 50 units for 3.5 million even let's just say if we did just a simple math equation and generalize it at $150,000 per unit sure and everybody should should be able to understand that $150,000 per unit is very low but at $150,000 a unit that's $7.5 million we're going to take and and where's the due diligence on who the transaction was from I mean we know these entities form a new Corporation and do a supposed arms length transaction to create um a a cloud and in value but and formally when and I and I see councilman McCoy in the in the in the audience and I'm not sure if some of the other council members recall this but as a commercial property owner I used to get uh forms from the city that required you to report your your your your revenue generated and that was specifically for these these um entities or the buildings that was in the downtown district because for many years they were they they received a courtesy tax reduction because the facilities were not occupied upstairs but if you're collecting rents and we're talking about people coming to bring forward a uh tax appeal we should understand exactly how much revenue they're generating just the fact that they made a claim that this building sold for 3.5 million this building we're in we we bought it for 7 million so a 50 unit building I'm hoping that people understand that what we're talking about here 50 units for $3.5 million that's that's not council president may I very very briefly please Council right after this council member this item will be table but I have Council M before this this item we will table this item to have more discussion at the workshop um by honestly the reality the fact of the matter is a lot of those entities they Tak advantage of the loople that we have which is the we have done the reassessment Citywide and there's a Lo there so we have to have more discussion on this item but it will be tabled right after councilman MS go ahead corpor Council okay thank you and again councilman Jackson's points are well taken I will say that in addition in this situation in addition to the property uh trading at arsling transaction for 3.5 million the city did retain its own expert um that performed uh a market value uh for the settlement purposes and the city's appraisal expert performed a market value analysis using the income approach and using that using that approach uh including income expenses and vacancy they can confirmed that the value was approximately $3.5 billion uh dollars so we're more than happy to table this and have a further discussion councilman Jackson I invite you to my office that's right and we're happy to uh answer any of the questions that any of the other council members thank you Corporation Council Council so um first um I think items like this before it comes to the agenda there needs to be um it needs to come before us in Workshop so we can gain full understanding of what what these what what they're trying to accomplish because I want the if if one or two ENT entities are going to um receive benefits we should put it to the public so the taxpayers can receive some benefits especially with the increase of taxes that consistently happens whether it's byou or that we have to increase school board but if this is a way that the entities can find a way to have um some kind of type of equity or sustainability in their tax Bas then this council president I'm remove my motion my second I did on this item but I also would like to see this on the workshop as a discussion before any other Ines are put on the agenda that is just my request counc one second council member councilwoman Ruby C okay thank you um I just want Corporation Council um you said that they went down to Tax Court and what did the tax Court said that we should negotiate it or the tax Court said that they had the right to for reduction now this building here is a HUD building and the rent can't go but so high cuz most of the tenants in the building pay a percentage of their income which is 30% but my question to you is did the C did the tax Court say to the city of Patterson um the property is worth 3.5 million um did they win in Tax Court or the tax Court said to us um you need to go back and negotiate I'm not sure which one it was now this building they cannot charge 1,800 they cannot charge uh and the and the question is is that because of the because of um the HUD is unfair to me in certain parts of this country cuz certain zip codes get higher rent money than certain other zip codes so I find that zip code 075 you know her doesn't pay out that much more money but I my question to you and and I can understand that this is a 50 unit this is a HUD building it was I'm not sure what happened with the previous owner I um but you I want to know did did the state court said to you to say to the city um we you need to go negotiate the price of the the reduction that's what I think and I think that they need to and and I can understand what um that they they need to understand like how much money um that they were receiving um and how much expenses that that they were putting out I think that that's going to need to be put in record too how much how much they receiving how much their expense but this is not a building where they can charge you $2,000 they can't president because HUD has a cap when you ever get HUD funding they have a cap on how much you can charge for rent they have a cap so not true can you bring that information back for the next meeting thank you council president I'll remove my motion thank thank you councilwoman D for remove your motion counc BL you ready yeah yeah before I remove my motion I just want to uh keep this clear colleagues I keep it in mind since 2022 we have a exis in other words counc excuse me let the record reflect that the M was moved by councila and Council moveed by Council okay council president will you allow me to make my statement yeah so so if the motion was removed I understand that but let me keep in mind to my colleagues and we could count we could go to the records a lot of people from Brooklyn are coming to P purchase buildings here okay and you going see all this tax appeal all that stuff because they know that purchase the building in one price and they they know they increasing rent left and right so keep in mind on that that's another subject but I just want to make sure that this individual is not coming from from from New York buying buildings and and then increasing rent down the road thank you councilman Jackson and also council president last but not least uh Madame ba this is subject that when we when we in Workshop if you could have the tax appeal uh uh not the tax appeal the tax assessor uh director to come forward to the workshop and explain us sometime some process because it's good for us thank you councilman Jackson thank you council president I'll be extremely brief so here you have it's very simple you don't need to be a rocket scientist to understand this stuff just put pick up your device it's not the 1930s we have access to information 48 Chadwick Street and some of you lucky individuals can take part in this and be owners today 48 Chadwick Street 9unit apartment building $3.8 million sign sale on the market right now 630 Main Street four Family House $900,000 165 bar Clay Street Patterson New Jersey 07503 42 unit $7.5 million where are we getting this Equalization rates from I mean the market has hasn't tanked in Patterson in fact it's more vibrant than it's ever been you can't even find a place to buy uh 12- 56 River Road oh this is this is in fairon 10 units $4.75 million 44.7 um 55 Main Street bankruptcy auction this is a not even built site they don't have a price for that you can just bid on it but I mean this is down the line you you got uh New Life Auto Body well that doesn't have the any unit count but anyway we we have to stop selling ourselves short we're letting people come in here take advantage of us and then they don't even treat the the the the the residents properly they go in there they don't do any repairs they let the properties go deric for years and years on end they come f for a tax appeal and then they'll come back and get tax credits just so they can put a developers fee in their prop in their pockets for 4 $30 million I mean we're being taken advantage of I mean this is this is extremely irresponsible but I'll rest it there counc president thank you Council as I mentioned the in the beginning um you know those entity they Tak advantage of all the loophole that we have right here because of the reassessment hasn't been done in the city of patteron um in in my and I have right now on the contract three unit for $825,000 three units here in the city of patteron and you talking about 50 unit for $3.5 million that does say make sense so um council members we're going to have this table this item is going to be table and we're going to have discussion on the next Workshop so Madame clerk let's move on to item number 32 is it um council president is it tabled indefinitely it is it's tabled we're going to have it only we're going to have it for discussion only at the next Workshop just for discussion only council members thank you thank you uh Mr President so item number 32 is a resolution authorizing the award of contract to bend sha schaer Recreation Inc on the Educational Services Commission of New Jersey Coop 65 mcees ccps bid number ESC NJ 2021-2022 for the purchase and installation of playground equipment for East Side park for the Department of Public Works it's a public works resolution 24 col 3 Council finish it was move by council president Mendes second by councilwoman councilwoman Ms and councilman valz roll call M CL on item 32 yes Mr President roll call on item number 32 councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman Davin yes councilman Jackson yes councilman khik yes councilwoman Ms I am so glad we're getting new playground equipment at East Side park let's clap it up for this item finally broken swings slides cracked that's Patterson here you go my vote is yes thank you um Dr M councilman VZ I want to commend uh councilman Mendes and councilwoman uh lizin and also counc Marissa and also also the DPW committee chair okay because we work together to make sure our Parks improve in the city and director thank you for taking our concern and request uh deeply for your department and your engineering department and all the above for the work that you do for the park so my vot is yes thank you councilman VZ Mr President thank you we continue moving the third world forward I want to thanks all my Council k for the great support on this item uh definitely um so we have a brand new going to have a brand new playground at e side park for our children to make sure that they enjoy very soon we're going to have a groundbreaking and you will see so we're moving the city forward we're moving the third world forward continue making progress with that being said mad clerk my vote is yes thank you Mr President the votes are seven yeses two absences item number 32 is hereby adopted thank you m clerk item number 33 item number 33 is a resolution authorizing Award of contract to ATT Sports Inc for resurfacing of the track at patteron Barley Stadium under Educational Services Commission of New Jersey cop 65 MC ccps bid number ESC NJ 22 22 23- 47 for Department of Public Works Public Works resolution 24 colon 317 it was moved by councilwoman Dava and council member Les and second by councilwoman Ms discussion discussion councilwoman Ms so I just have a quick question is this um is this Stadium fil is it owned by the city or is it the school district go ahead right here City it's owned by the city yes okay that's my question thank you roll call M cler on item 33 roll call on item number 33 councilwoman cartton yes councilwoman Davin yes councilman Jackson yes yes councilman khik yes councilwoman Mims This is another win for our children my vote is yes councilman definitely is uh School 15 East Side High School and other events that the city could host there uh you know uh we don't need to go every time to Henley Stadium we got a field next to my house so I'm I'm happy to see that the progress that we have been doing there so my vote is yes thank you Mr President my vot is yes M clerk thank you the votes are seven yeses two absences item number 33 is hereby adopted thank you mad clerk item number 34 item number 34 is resolution authorizing the award of contract to Smith Sunday as for old Construction Company Inc for the Board of Health and City Hall parking lots improvements and resurfacing bid number 24.09 for the engineering division of the Department of Public Works Public Works Public Works resolution 24 calling 31 it was removed by council member Les councilwoman DAV and second by councilwoman Ms roll call on item 34 roll call on it item number 34 councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman Dava finally M finally the Board of Health parking lot will be improved and fixed my vote is yes councilman Jackson yes councilman khik yes councilwoman Mims councilman abdell aiz is not here tonight but I just think everybody's a part of the get it done committee so GTD getting it done my B thank you councilman VZ that's a good thing having a DPW committee that works uh director thank you for listening to our voice especially to the employees of the Board of Health and the customers that and clientele that goes their conss uh and also to the city um the city um parking lot that we have uh behind the city hall our secretary use it and um and and is is is coming along um if any Offa is left please let's use it to cover some Pooles around the city just kidding my just kidding my vote is yes thank you councilman valet Mr President thank you madam clerk I know the director of uh ge her is very happy I mean and the community as well the health department uh building has been used for so many for all the resident of the great city of Patterson and that building is in total uh the parking lot is in total disrepair so this is definitely needed and this is the best way to move our city forward with that being said my vote is yes mam clerk thank you Mr President the votes are seven yeses two absences item number 34 is hereby adopted thank you m cler item number 36 35 um sorry 35 item number 35 is a resolution authorized an award of contract to Smith Sunday asphalt Construction Company Inc for Road resurfacing of portions of Manchester Avenue and William Street bid number 24.15 for the engineering division of the Department of Public Works Public Works resolution 24 Call 319 move by councilman Shah KH and second by Council Dava and Council Ms as well roll call item roll call on item number 35 councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman DAV yes councilman Jackson yes councilman khif yes councilwoman memes I'm glad I supported you councilman colleag my vote is yes yes councilman valz um I just want to keep uh on the record councilman colleague that Madame ba I st it before we have almost a year that we approve speed humps in our city as an ordinance if this scope will work and is required by um traffic engineering that speed hump should be installed at the same time they resurf in it it will save us money it will save us time and then we don't have to come back and and try to comply with the ordinance speed Hub if this roles are Merit because accent studies or whatever says that reducing uh those kind of uh accident requires PM we already have the ordinance in place let's install it and let's get it moving and then we don't have to go back to it uh that's just a little personal thing for councilman KH because sometime they come back after they resurface a pway and we want to prevent any accident or pesan accident here my word is yes on this thank you councilman valz Mr President thank you madam clerk my vote is yes thank you Mr President the votes are seven yeses two absence is item number 35 is hereby adopted it 36 mad clerk item number 36 is a resolution addressing renewal of an entertainment show license for morza Enterprises LLC trading as Zona Urbana Fusion Cantina 58-60 Ellison Street first W Finance resolution 24 colon 320 mov it was moved by councilman and council president Mendes second by Council Ms DAV well yes do let the record reflect for Madam clerk this is in the fifth word sorry this is in the fifth Bo so it was for the record yeah for the record it was moved by Council mes council president Mendes Council M mad Clerk and second by Council Davila roll call Mad cler on item 36 roll call on item number 36 as amended let the record reflect that 58-60 Ellison street is in the Fifth Ward so the resolution will have to be redone roll call and item number 36 councilwoman cotton oh sorry councilwoman Davin yes councilman Jackson yes councilman khik yes CL councilwoman mes well I'm going to say thank you for your l s my vote is yes councilman Bess good place as um when the world was redistrict was from Prosper Park all the way down to the Great Falls that that falls in the fifth War new District 510 so my vote is yesk I got a landslide Mr President we got we have to continue supporting our local business my vot is yes M CL thank you Mr President the vot or six yes it's three absences item number 36 is hereby adopted thank you madam clerk item number 37 item number 37 is a resolution addressing renewal of a downa license for moranda Enterprises LLC trading as Zona Urbana Fusion canina 58-60 Allison Street Fifth Ward thank you finance resolution 24 call in 3 2 1ve it was moved by Council woman Dava council member Les and second by councilwoman Mims and council president Mendes roll call by cler item 37 roll call on item number 37 councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman daver yes councilman Jackson yes councilman KH yes councilwoman mes thank you for your chaa my boy is just councilman VZ council president if I may I ask your request that before you leave tonight to sign the original because they need this license tomorrow uh to make sure that they get it before in an event they have Saturday please uh my vote is yes thank you councilman valz Mr President thank you thank you Council mes I sign all the resolution before I leave the building in every meeting so but we have to definitely continue supporting local business um the economy is tough and as a coun as a members of the this community as an elected official is our responsibility to be there when a business needed and to make sure that they operated within the law without the license so um in place so with that being say my vote is yes B cler thank you Mr President the votes are seven yeses two absences item number 37 is adopted as amended thank you it has to be amended remember fifth order it has to be amended exactly so so M clerk so we have there's two item that we're going to have together on second reading which is item number one establish a handicap and item number four on second reading um establish a handicap so let's do item one and four together on second reading uh and public hearing for both yes sir item number one is a second reading ordinance public hearing is required it's an ordinance establishing parking spaces at various locations and counter roads 117 Marshall Street 485 Market Street 626 Madison Avenue 91 Halen Avenue Southside 304 Toto Avenue Southside 71 Marshall Street East Side 333 Toto Avenue North side and 84 Grand Street South side item number four is also a second reading ordinance establishing handicap parking spaces at various locations on Cedar Road 271 Spring Street North Side 359 Trenton Avenue souths side Buffalo Avenue side 947 East 27 Street East Side 533 East 533 21st Avenue North side 331 28 Avenue North Side 864 East 24 Street West Side 829 East 22nd Street East Side 155 16th Avenue North Side 740 East 26 Street West Side 468 Allison Street Southside 666 East 22nd Street West Side 237 12th Avenue North Side 257 12th Avenue North Side that's 13 193 fton Street North Side 445 East 26 Street East Side 145 4th Avenue Northside 110 Redwood Avenue North Side 171 Sheridan Avenue Southside 149 rer Avenue Southside 31 ryer Avenue Southside 179 Edmund Avenue Southside 177 Carlile Avenue North Side 70 Plum Street West Side 65 Bloomfield Avenue wests side 242 Sussex Street wests side 102 jenesy Avenue Southside 82 Jesy Avenue Southside 204 23rd Avenue Southside 9 row Street East Side 79 17th Avenue North Side 87 Jasper Street Southside 16 Barnet Place North Side 122 Maple Street Southside 149 Walnut Street North Side 42 Manchester Avenue East Side 60 Garrison Street Southside 132 Jasper Street East Side 16 Redwood Avenue East Side 61 Redwood Avenue West Side 124 Sheridan Avenue East Side 32 James Street Southside 267 Edmund Avenue West Side 92 North Fourth Street Southside so moved it was moved by Council woman MS second by Council Ry K roll call public hearing is now open for item number one and four those that we that we should speak on this uh two item see move to close second see no move to close by Council mes second by Council M and Council Council mava Ro call clerk to close the public hearing on item number one and four roll call to close public hearing and item numbers one and four councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman Dava yes councilman Jackson yes councilman khik yes councilwoman Mims yes councilman valz yes Mr President uh yes M clerk so the votes are seven yeses two absences public hearing and items number one and four is now closed thank you mad clerk let's do item two and three on second reading we have to roll call sorry roll call Item one and four my apologies roll call on items one and four for approval councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman Dava yes councilman Jackson yes councilman khag yes councilwoman mes yes yes councilman valz yes Mr President my vote is yes mad clerk so the votes are seven yeses two absences items one and four are hereby adopted thank you m clerk let's do item two and three mad clerk together they both repealing establishing handicap items two and three the first one item number two is a second reading ordinance public hearing is required it's ordinance repealing establishment of handicap parking spaces on counter roads the addresses are 329 gy Avenue and 93 spr Spruce Street item number three is also a second reading ordinance repealing establishment of handicap parking spaces at various locations 440 East 33rd Street 924th Avenue 300 Pacific Street 576 East 24th Street 126 albian Avenue 572 East 21st Street 493 towa Avenue 259 Pacific Street 452 East 42nd Street 311 19th Avenue 118 East 32nd Street 87 North fth Street it's Public Works ordinance 24- 028 move second it was moved by councilman Davila second by councilman bz and councilman Mims um toll here is now open for item two and three those to wish to speak on this item we come to the mic Now CNN move to close close move to close by Council mavila and second by council member bless and councilwoman Mims roll call man clerk on item number two and number three roll call and items two and three for approval councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman Dava yes councilman Jackson yes councilman khik yes councilwoman Ms yes councilman yes Mr President yes to close the Public Public hearing on item two and three now roll call clerk for the final approval on item two and three roll call for approval of items two and three councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman daver yes councilman Jackson yes councilman khik yes councilwoman mes so not only am I excited to vote on this item this will conclude the agenda for all of the items tonight great job council president my vote is yes thank you councilwoman Dr mes councilman valz Delight my voice is yes thank you councilman VZ Mr President my vote is yes M clerk thank you the votes are seven yeses to absences items number two and three are hereby adopted thank you mam clerk members of the public we finished with the 30 37 item that we had on the agenda now members of the public we're going to open the public portion you have a clock in front of you they have three minutes when you're going to start with your three minute at the end of your three minute I'm going to respectfully will ask you to move out of the mic and allow the next speaker to use his three minutes so with that being said let's be respectful and let's be mindful of the time so the clock is in front of you with that being say m clerk let's call the first speakers yes Mr President very okay have a few 10 you have 10 speaker first Speaker M first speaker is Miss Eva razac Eva yeah good evening everyone good evening um well two things I really wanted to express my condolence to the mayor for losing his Mommy cuz that is a very hard pill to swallow so mayor I am so sorry for you losing your mommy but I saw a picture of her she's so beautiful she looked like Barbara Str and I got to say that also um happy Mom's Day for the ladies and for the Dominicans that are coming up happy Mom's Day um I I wanted to discuss something but I got to talk to Mr Billy um regarding some issues on that war so Mr Billy called and said that they were going to take care of it so on that behalf I just wanted to say that also I wanted to mention this um probably I get myself caught up in trouble but I'm going to be honest on this um I wanted to say congratulations to all those who have won even though that there's still some I guess votes that are still being counted but I wanted to say this to whoever whoever votes are settled in that they are the winners let's embrace the others that never that didn't make it and and and I guess Embrace each other and use the ideas that we all had because if you come to look at it everyone wants the best for our Wards and for our people our residents that being said um also I wanted to tell all the all the people that came out to vote and those who didn't come out to vote that you're still being counted and your your needs are going to be met because I pray to God that everyone who comes out to be a winner does what they need to do for their Awards also if I didn't hear wrong Mr Mendes is there going to be a speed bump I know they mentioned it for the fifth W but is there going to be a speed bump in our block yes sure I I will answer you EV at the at the end of the public portion I will get back to you okay okay yes well thank you so much and that's what I really wanted to say and and let's continue to work together and share each other and love each other and respect each other and honor each other because at the end ladies and gentlemen whatever doesn't whatever we do in darkness comes to light and we need this city to move forward and feel comfortable and just loving each other and thank you so much I really appreciate mayor once again sorry for your loss because MRIs I need you to know something if my daddy would have been alive it was it would be his birthday tomorrow so that being said I know it's a hard pill to swallow so thank you everyone God bless and all my residents I love you guys I really mean that thank you take care thank you thank you thank you Eva let's pick M Clerk the next speaker is Mr Eddie Oles yes hi good evening everyone if it's not running um the first thing I'd like to do is I did something that I usually don't I don't really use a phone but anyway um the first thing I'd like to do is congratulate everyone including Mr Jackson I know there's talk about you know vote by males in my opinion the only way that you could lose is if if if they cheat with the votes by mail but I want to congratulate everyone on your win everyone um it was a pleasure working on your campaign to see what seemed like uh an unsurmountable um task and and you did it you did it with with the the the whole Administration against you and I know for a lot of resources against you and Against All Odds you won and I congratulate you it was a pleasure working with you now um I I I am going to have to take a different approach than my my dear friend AA because she wants uh us to hold hands and Kumbaya I'm afraid it's not possible um you know once again I have to tell you I don't know how many times I I heard councilman khik and councilman vales talk about moving the uh the city forward and lately I've heard a lot about parks and it is nice for our children to have safe spaces where they can they can play it is it is good I mean there's nothing wrong with that but I am here to tell you that until you guys do something about crime the move the the city is not moving forward until you do something about the trash we're not moving forward until you do something about the drug problem the city is not moving forward until you do something about the killings of our children the city is not moving forward so I hope that I can stop coming here and saying to you guys and I've said this many many many times I was working um uh when we started this this whole campaign I started working with uh your opponent fa Santana through a group that is called dominican-american uh political force and many times I said you know and I was thinking about running against you but I decided not to because that organization they wanted to support me and support her and I was thinking clash it's completely the complete opposite the way she thinks and the way I think and no you cannot tell me that you know this this looks like you want to be with with God and the devil at the same time and so I decided not to run but I hope because I said many times and with this I will conclude I said many times to them you know and I know that a lot of you will feel you know feel offended when I say that but I used to tell them what is it why do you need F eight of you are with the administration what is it that you want to do with nine clouds that you cannot do with Please wrap it up commissioner so uh bottom line is I hope I can stop coming here and saying that I hope that we do move the move the city forward lowering crime trash drug problem killings I mean I can go on and on and on so pleasee that's how you move the city forward next speaker mad clerk Elvis durh be my fa the time members of the par please may Mr Elvis Dam council president city council just want y'all to know that um we got work to do the election is over and to everyone that um that had ran congratulations even the candidates that I ain't say lost but got another season that's coming in the near future um it's time for to work together this is the third largest city in New Jersey we don't have too much to show for no hotels no Performing Art Center it's time for us to work together you want to build this city let's come together to the peran um Festival committee I'm behind y 150% I'm behind every Community that's doing entertainment my number is 862 823 3895 I'll give youall my number when I'm finished Saturday June 15 just want y'all didn't know I had to drag myself here um I'm not myself today but y'all continue to pray for me um this ain't myself but Saturday June 15 2024 is the celebration of African Community amen 900 a.m. Saturday June 15 at 9:00 a.m. at the Underground Railroad 1225 Broadway patteron New Jersey 9:00 a.m. until 9:50 a.m. and then it will be the African Heritage parade Saturday June 15 same day at 10:00 a.m. starting from the M Temple 224 Broadway patteron New Jersey anybody that would like to be in the parade you see everybody in the black community say it's time to build right well let's build this parade be in it you could call Miss aah 862 823 5483 okay we need people to be in the parade so our parade could be successful um also Jun celebration Saturday june5 2024 12:00 p.m. to 700 p.m. at e side park 8:00 p.m. I mean East sou Park 8 Broadway starts at 12 P p.m. to 700 p.m. and the Grand Marshall is the queen of pisy ver a the M Grand Marshal is Teddy Martinez Jr right and the duty Grand Marshal is V Freeman Freeman better known as Big v okay so y'all got the announcements from me um my birthday celebration is coming up y'all um Sunday May 19th right here in parison New Jersey 170 North Main Street at 4:00 p.m. I'm asking everyone please come out and support me you know I do a lot for this city I'm doing this birthday celebration gospel concert so I could be able to go to South Carolina okay anybody that love to give me donation y'all got my number to the people in on on TB land my number is 862 823 3895 my celebration will be in patteron Sunday May 19th and it's going to Fe feature in Ashley Marley of pison New Jersey Dominique tale of Trenton New Jersey and it's going to be at 170 North Main Street pison New Jersey and I'm looking for y'all to support so me and my music production could go to South Carolina to talk to new Benes to come to p and also to do this new video okay I need y support God bless y'all God bless you Alvis next speaker mad K Alexander green Mr Green good evening ladies and gentlemen GRE how are you I'm known also as the white wolf for those that do not know and those that do know thank you and our commen you and I'm commending those that's got your seats let's get busy you know it's that time the year now you know what you got to do and if you need my assistance you know where I'll be right here in patteron I'm considered this all City not just one Ward or two Wards I mean the whole city is home and that's how everybody should look at it even though you represent your own Ward but still in all we're products of our community so uh I'm here to let y'all know and inform you that there will be a super Gospel Fest 2024 Saturday TW uh June 22nd 2024 starts at 400 p.m. doors open at 3:30 and this is at betham AMA church that's 2-4 Auburn Street Patterson New Jersey featuring concerts is Sever artists including myself so if you can appear this is on a Saturday please come forward if you cannot pass the word on I mean because like the more the marry you the better the community more Unity more strength what time indicated what time uh the times for the show it starts at 400 p.m. doors open at 3:30 and I'll repeat the address again it's at 2-4 Auburn Street which actually two blocks away from where I live so when you talk about crime in the city of patteron I live in the fire but yet and still you don't have to be a part of it you can fight against it by standing up and talking about it if you set at home and complain about it you're not going to get nothing done you know so as y'all see I'm one of one of the few just like yall individuals are too so if y'all need my help in any kind of way I'm not even going to take up a full 3 minutes come see the white wolf all right love y'all thank you brother let's speak about next speaker martiel hes council president council members my name is martiel guas I am the President of the B TR of the New Jersey Peruan Inc I am with Dr T close to the mic Dr president of the New Year's superan s first of all we want to thank you for approving our project and we also want to invite you to share with us the festivities uh Mr Bellis let me tell you something you should be proud of all Departments of the C parison they are involving in approving the permits they were very helpful professional and very strict in demanding that everything was fulfilled in the way they supposed to be done they will not issue anything unless everything was complied with so you should be assure that they are doing their job being a very good job okay now in the name of the organization New Jersey peruvians I went to greet to the Council of city of patteron and also tell that we love democracy we follow all the rules we feel all the application in the right time and we want to say thank you in the name of the Peruan Community thank you thank you thank you next speaker M cler next speaker is Miss Ilia vaina it's always an honor to be in front of you uh my name is um commissioner Ilia via for the parison task force and I say this first because I want to thank you for your vote of confidence when you vote for me to put me in the parison tax Force War I really appreciate that but I'm not only here for that I'm here as Ilia Vian NOA a community activist I think that a lot of people knows me that I've been very active in the community but I'm here as the co-chair and field service person for the Lis Bess effort I want to thanks everybody in the fif word that came out to vote and put out their voice on who of the candidates where were there they wanted to select to be the representative to the community at large that help us to bring that it was not only an effort from us but it was a Citywide effort believe me that have paid off to every candidate Council my friends which I consider your friend that are here that came back I really congratulate you but also I have somebody that is very special to me to the city clerk her staff that worked so tiess yesterday to get these efforts together I think that at this time the city and the V is spoken if they if they vote for you to be here is because they trust you and they want you back so we could complain anything we want but the voters already went out and choose who they want to be the representatives okay and we have to respect the voter's opinion and right to be I'm here I will have my effort I will always work for each one of you on your independent campaigns but today I'm here because I want to thank everybody that helped us to bring councilman Lis bis back not only on the feif but a Citywide effort thank you congratulations Madame business administrator thank you so much for your work and thank you so much blessed to here Patterson and have a good night I love you guys do this but I do want to also say to Ilia V NOA you know truly our condolences for the L of no I wanted to address her now I'm leav counc president thank you thank you thank you so much speak cler Keith Watson congratulations congratulations keep Watson P council members congratulations to all you guys who went out fought Fierce I mean it was a battle but guess what you came on top and looking at the same faces and it had to be a reason why the people put you back here and the faul ACT is not a act a form of government that is easily managed but you guys make it look easy you guys are working with the administration and every time I hear the mayor said that there was 1200 boarded up house and now it's 200 it makes me feel good to live in that City to see that actually there's home going back on the market okay now Alex Mendes is the third W councilman and as the lady said I think right now all of the complaints should be stopped all of the argument about what happened 2020 should be over the people spoke and I have to give credit to uh Madame clerk also who was in the city hall and the crowd was up on top of her and she did as much as she can do and I have to give you the credit and but there's one thing I really want to address in what happen in the in the the the election we can't have city cops like Matthew McCoy running around from polls to poll confronting campaign workers and talking loud about uh why is people going around supporting and voting for criminal that's not something you do at at at the PO you a city officer and you're you're accountable to these councel persons so I'm saying to my counsel please keep the office of the account and he should be home worried about his negligent to letting the prisoner escape I mean negligent is is simple just mean careless simple mean you're not taking proper care of something he was entrusted to do and what I'm saying here to the administration and the council please keep these city cops whoever it is under control and you can't have a city cop just out there just going after a council person going after a council person knowing that a council person actually sits in the position that sit on the comee where you know to take care of your your paycheck and I have to give credit to my dear Dr m a council woman to step up to the plate even when the odds against her and put her face beside Alex Mendes face that said I endorse him I mean that shows me that her word was ly when I spoke to her and and you know and I asked her you know if she could I mean she said there's no problem she could and she stood by her word you know and and for somebody to do that just a few minutes and I congratulate you also to stand by Alex Mendes not because of the person but the work that has been done in the ward and you told me that and a lot of Voters let me know that they're actually voting for Alex because they see the progress to see the work that is being done so let's stop the complaining and and and just let's move the third W forward Alex Mendes congratulation again sir thank you let speaker man clerk next speaker is Mr Abed tabat good evening I bet the battle 178 Michigan AV and ID like to begin by congratulating all the incumbents on winning their seat again um it was a great campaign listen my first time great experience great experience but today the city business continues so we could see our congratulate you guys and pass on the time but we need answers we still need answers first for council president public portion I feel should be in the beginning of the meeting because there's items that the residents want to speak about but after you already voted on it now it's pointless about speaking about it for example uh what was that Pat for the roofing company for the communication building for the fire department patwood Roofing is there going to be a project engineer on that project are we going to is there are they going to supervise the work what kind of material they're using where's stuff like that same thing whenever it comes to road repaving we have to understand what kind of asphalt are they using second thing would be the progress for the office of emergency management as I discussed in the Forum there was $13 million allocated 7 million for the kitchen incubator project and 6 million for the office of mergency management that is from taxpayer money where is that money and people like speaking about we get grants so it doesn't cost the taxpayers is nothing people don't understand grants come from the federal government the federal government collects your taxes it's not coming from the sky the money so either way you look at it the taxpayers are paying for this so grants are great yeah but it's coming out of whenever you get the money that's coming out of your paycheck that's the grant funding um we could also speak about where's the funds Coming For Speed bumps we're Paving roads Illinois AV is supposed to get paid M Michigan a is supposed to get paved this spring summer um we have schools School 25 it falls right in between both roads we have a big issue with speeding I spoke with a constituent out there a resident a neighbor she lost three pets because cars keep flying down the roads we need speed bumps if we can't if there's no funding for that then what's the point of drafting resolution also one more thing the credit rating was upgraded from ba1 to baa3 listen it's like going from a 500 fical score to a 550 what we went up one step over 9 years that's not a that's nothing to be proud of why didn't we go up to the a category for our City's moving forward and we we have such a high credit rating it's not a 800 credit score people so don't get fooled thank you let's beg M clerk councilman William Bill McCoy good evening ladies and gentlemen folks in the audience to council members let me first say a congrat ulations to all of our legitimate winners of the ward elections knowing that the numbers are still being being tallied and tonight I just wanted to stop by to say that I'm I'm indeed a long-term resident of the Third Ward represented that Ward for a long time in office and out of office and that public service doesn't require a title I've been doing that the last four years and we continue to do so want to give a special thanks to those that worked on my campaign that did a great job and to the 860 residents voters that cast a vote of confidence for honesty integrity and Trust we support voter participation and we believe the voters are always right in their judgment and so we encourage them to go out and cast their ballot as they ought to let me say also a great principle is that um the right to vote is a sacred one one that everybody's entrusted and should be protected and that every single person I have a absolute right to endorse whomever they choose to endorse and nobody should question that nobody should uh feel compelled to defend that but on the other hand there's an ethical question and a question of the day with regards to the assemblyman wimbley whose face and likeness was placed on a flyer that went into folks's home saying that he had endorsed the council president nobody should hijack somebody's likeness or name and the question of the day whether we choose to to answer it or not the question of the day is did assemblyman Wimberly endorse your campaign and give you the right to display its likeness to possibly influence others to vote for you on a on ethical basis and so we will ask that that question be be answered whether now or in the future because we can't build a house on Sand we can't build a community on lies and deceit and if we want to lead we have to lead with honesty and integrity ladies and gentlemen thank you for the opportunity to speak you have a great night and look forward to seeing you as we move through the city of patteron I'm not going anywhere I'm a resident I'm going to be active you're going to hear my voice we're going to dissect some of the things that went on and have that conversation real talk with The Real McCoy God bless you and good night let speaker M clerk next speaker is Del shander Feld Shand good evening to everybody in their respective places some of you I know personally from the community and speaking with you and passing helping me with my children some of you I know some of your family members but regardless of what the election happened and congratulations good evening I want to start out by saying people opt for Passive aggression because they want to fake their polished images a quote from unknown then I'm GNA follow that up with a quote two of them actually from Albert Einstein the most important human endeavor is the striving for Morality In our actions our innerbalance and even our existence depend on it only Mor Morality In our actions can give Beauty and dignity to life and I'll close out with a last quote the foundation of morality should not be made dependent on men nor tie to any Authority less doubt about the myth or about the legitimacy of the authority in Peril the foundation of sound judgment in action Albert Einstein I want to bring a a couple key points and then I want to say something first I think and I spoke to you about this Alex I think that we should be honoring our veterans more I go to other cities and I see banners put up I am also a veteran OE oif and I serve this country I've lived in Patterson since 2010 and me and other veterans who have served and been across seas and come home uh in the medic chair and other chairs deserve to be seen and heard um I want to know why is Florio being allowed to capitalize patteron under three names that I know of jcm property management floral management as well as an Nia management I want to know why is passive aggressive racism being allowed here it is the demise of the city we need education across the board calling on calling the cops on law abiding citizens is wrong especially when everything is fine and they people were on your side until they figured out who you really were um and the last thing black and Latino businesses are being forced closed at an alarming rate we should be helping each other to make a difference as opposed to to coming to ahead per se for monetary gain or for favors um the final thing I want to touch on is the other day and I'mma close my phone on that note I volunteered okay and I volunteer I've been volunteering my service now for about a year I'm in college I've taken 18 credits and pass the semester my end game is to become a lawyer and so I've been giving my time back in different ways throughout this community I've been quiet I've sat back I've watched the injustices and unethical practices of certain individuals take place and I can no longer be quiet there's no reason why I am at a voting pole sitting down supporting not just the person that my friend was supporting but everybody across the board in my military mindset to make sure nothing crazy goes down because if you don't know military we want to Ru the f I know I'm long with it so I'm going to make it short other people were shorter so I'm hoping I can get Grace with a couple more seconds I witnessed and I have video proof that there was conduct misconduct on Mr Lewis Val's portion I don't know if he agreed with it I don't know if he knew but he was there and present and um I was also threatened walking from my daughter's school back to the site where he had someone inside that was volunteering with his campaign and physically walking someone inside inside the booth I witnessed it with my own eyes and my friend had video the only reason why I was involved in the situation is there's no reason why a man should stand up to a woman in any capacity I'm not going to allow it I don't care who you are and what the situation is um she had the cops called on her there was a harassment Char charge that was trying to be filed but the long story uh short is this is that if we're going to be voters and you're going to be officials do it with the morality and ethics that are needed don't do it for publicity to shake hands and kiss babies do it for the right reasons to actually make a change hear your citizens and do it ethically with morals and integrity as you took your oath let's speak M cler yes there are no more speakers motion to close move to close move to close by Council B second second by councilwoman Mims roll call M clerk roll call to close a public portion of the C Municipal Council regular meeting of Thursday May 16 2024 councilwoman cartton thank you madam clerk I just want to make a few comments um um with some of the speakers um has spoke about uh we all won our election uh it's about working together I want to say that Eva has spoken that um you know there is we talk about crime we talk about uh things that are going on uh in the community um sometimes I I I don't understand how we can get a grip on certain things um I was in an emergency room last night and it was so I think that our people out out our parents are are not watching their children so I happened to be in an emergency room last night and a young lady young girl who got jumped by seven girls sent her to the hospital with her ankle and you and I hear people say what do we do like how do we how do we stop that you know and I think that probably having to put um um say to the parents I always say to people and where I live if you see my child doing something they shouldn't be doing I need you to tell me I don't need you to I'm not going to condone my my child doing something wrong and and and I always say I love nosy neighbors cuz I ain't doing nothing wrong at my house that I'm doing but something is happening with our young people especially in our and I and I feel how parents are feeling now they are so afraid for their children they're so afraid of them going to school they just so afraid because they're not sure what's going to happen um I don't believe her ankle was broke but I I know she was in there and I just want to say too that this um you know there some things that we need to do and I hear about um the candidate that ran against al um you know and I understand what project management mean I understand what I don't know what black top look like I know what it look like but I don't know what it what what's good and I know that we don't use the same as state of New Jersey I know we don't use the same as a county of stake but for I mean and we need to kind of understand that and I know every project we should have should have a project manager someone there watching it making sure that they do what they need to do but sometimes I I find that it's not always happening and there's so much that um that I think that of of helping each other uh in the community um um with the young lady you know I I it was my election I got called on three times and my people did not do anything they didn't do anything you know you have to follow I said follow the rules we put it for Challengers but you know what time you go into some of these um you go inside some of these polling sites and you got people in there that shouldn't be in there if you don't have a challenger you should not be in there if you're not voting they allow candidates to come in but you just can't walk around if you don't have a badge if you don't have the Challenger badge you don't have certain things so and and and you find that certain things happen and it shouldn't be happening but you know there's um you know I look at um different items and different things that we do um here here in the city here um of trying to get uh even like now we have the rent control board and the rent control board is back and it's I think it's going to be a big help to some of these um some of these um um people who against landlords against tenants I think they're going to have more power than they think they're going to have because you know if a landlord comes and they have hardship okay then they can go before the board but what I find too is that um people shouldn't get angry with people when they don't like support certain people okay I've been in this city a long time I remember our first black candidate running for mayor in this city was John Bell that was back in 1975 John Bell John Bell 1975 my husband and I worked on the campaign you know so we have to like do more to um but what makes me think about is our children now is that how do we um uh get them to be more involved how we get them to be understanding with each other other and I say to parents uh all the time that you have to I always say parents your child is first no matter what you got to make sure they stay on the right track you do your best to make sure they stay on the right track so I just wanted to um you know um share I mean some of that and U I look at and you're right project manager should be on every site if we got 10 projects we should have 10 project manager or we should have it should be that way cuz then that that's how you know when when everything is going to be done the right way I have some more to say but what I'll do is I'll wait until I close out I want to say congratulations to everyone who on their reelection um but I have more to say and I'll wait to we get to the closing remarks thank you madam clerk my vote is yes thank you Council woman cotton councilman Jackson thank you madam Clerk um first let me start by saying it's shameful that you had to experience that um it's just amazing the sequences of events that we have witnessed over the last say 50 years through my lifetime you know there was a time when they would um tell people that you couldn't vote at this site the next site you had to vote at was six miles away they walked six miles no you couldn't vote at this site the freedoms that many have sacrificed for has been um uh is being abused what I witness at those early voting poll sites was disgusting it was it was really bad man for me to get calls from residents and saying that they're fearful to go to a pole because of the hostility and then for to hear you say that a woman is being um uh physically threatened or harassed by a man of any stature for that nature it just it just goes to to show you that um they'll go to any length any length while we have a lot of other people in the community that would just say you know what I'm not voting I don't care it don't you know I ain't doing I don't do that it's uh it's crazy because people who are newly Meed to the to the process or the or the right to um take it so serious that they're willing to you know fight cause chaos and then those who have been who have uh uh their fam's members have laid down these sacrifices have chosen to to not to be involved but uh on the other note with you being a um uh representative of our Armed Forces military vet natives that has made sacrifices for us I commend you for that and take my hat off to you I did write a piece of legislation that was to outline certain segments of the community with exactly what you talked about Flags which bear the names and likenesses of those military veterans for whatever reason couldn't get this Council to support it maybe I'll pass it over to you and let you write it because those members of the public I'm I don't know if you're aware but you guys have the privilege and right to write present legislation to the council as well but uh but yes um I have a son act an active duty right now he's overseas in the Navy um and uh there's been many sacrifices for people then to also have that right to act in discourse but the enforcement is so selective that if uh a certain population was to do that it will be handled with a different measure and that's where we have to find you know um some kind of resolution because it's not it's not Equitable and it's not not Equitable unfortunately to the to to those who have made the most sacrifices just being completely honest but um definitely will share my my contact information with you for any future um necessity um brothered I take my hat off to you man you you you ran a very respectful and and and um uh equality race and yes you're you're you're totally correct there there there's there's there's a lack of oversight of Many Many Items the incubator is one of many but it's a big one because you know I've been screaming about this bloody murder for quite some time the taxpayers dollars that have been squandered for for an assumption of over 30 30 to $40 million and uh you know even now when we look at the um the uh Aid that was given to the to the city for Co I'm waiting to get a an itemized list of what all this money was spent spent on because it's been it's been a great deal of money well over $100 million and um so there there is a necessity for more um um oversight on spending and um responsible spending if you will if you just witnessed this other item before us how people who are not from here could come forward and say you know make an assertion that their property is worth a fraction of what it's worth and what they're actually collecting so we have to be more responsible from that aspect lastly IID like to um congratulate everyone as well I mean regardless of my personal feelings people have put themselves in the line they won their perspective elections however they want it and uh you know I don't do some of the things that that some people people have talked about in fact I don't um pay people or and or solicit people to stand outside in front of polling sites and intimidate or harass and or encourage however it wants to be described and yes there was a great deal of money that was spent against me as it always is and continues to be but you know I stand firm I'm I'm what I'm committed to do and uh I don't waver I believe what I do is respect respectable and it can be respected on all levels and uh I appreciate all of those who came out to support me for my re-election and um uh uh yeah we celebrate but you know the job is not done our city is definitely not moving forward as in the words of one of the previous speakers when you when you look at the community and look at how we've been overrun with garbage and crime um uh uh just to to mention a few Madame be if anybody wants to take note 57 Art Street uh I'm sorry 57 is not the correct number but the matter has been reported in multiple occasions we had a landlord just basically come and take over his tenants apartment she had a a an ongoing lease he recently purchased the property she had a lease for four bedrooms three bathrooms a garage he came and commandeered her space told her mind her business is his property he could do whatever he wants to he had had a a a new electric meter added to the property without a cutting card without permits I don't know how he got that one off but added a new electric meter took over her space if you want to see the see this see the uh results of it I posted it on my page she had a beautiful staircase going to her basement where her laundry room was um took the laundry room from her never renegotiated her lease just went in there started doing construction illegally locked the door the the the house has been posted with both uh yellow cards and red cards he took them down he continues to do work there because he understands that the rule here is anything goes in the city of Patterson so while her daughter was then forced to go to the laundry over the weekend because her laundry room was commandeered she's drove past an active uh uh uh uh shooting on Clinton and North First excited that she wasn't a victim to the shooting she her car wasn't struck but she continued to move on quickly went around the corner only to be struck by a police vehicle going down the wrong way on Garfield Avenue which the video shows that her car was almost it was a parked car that stopped her car from being from from flipping over so the cause and effect something that we learned very early cause and effect the young lady's laundry room was illegally commandeered forcing her to to the laundry room on her travels back from the laundry from from the uh laundry mat her car was struck by a police vehicle going down the wrong way on the one way I mean if we if we're not talking we're talking about you know things that are just constantly being deric and overlooked I mean that's that's just an example lastly I'll say this uh Corporation counsil I've sent multiple requests I've sent emails I've made it plainly clear in in the public forum the property at um on the corner of North Maine and helden Avenue formerly owned by Grace Chapel which was owned by them for well over 50 years this Council voted that this property would remain as non-t taxable it was then converted to a taxable parcel and they were never properly noticed in fact this property was just listed on a list of by the DCA as uh uh suspect properties because the the the amount that it was sold for is sold in a tax sale for $24 ,000 of which the church could have definitely have paid if they were properly noticed the developer or whoever purchased it then turned around a day later sold it for $200,000 I'm asking for you your attention on this matter once again this property property should have never been sold this Council voted for that property we purge the taxes in the past voted for it to continue on as a nonprofit uh uh parcel and it was it was stolen this this matter needs to be addressed as quickly as possible please I'm I asking yet again for your attention I know that the the the church has reached out to you and you know the mayor's office I don't understand W this this this this African-American church has been in this community for over 100 years they have been stewards of this community and for them for for them to be treated this in this fashion is is very disappointing so please if you let me know what exactly you need from me I've spoken to the previous Corporation counsel who can affirm that this council's vote that we took during that time was a legal vote and it was voted to be non not non- taxable so if we can I can get an answer or some assistance what's going to happen here before the city is is is is um you know brought up on taken has further legal action taken against it I would appreciate it my yeah of course I do you don't you don't recall voting on that you don't recall voting on it yes I yes okay no V council members roll call M Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilman Jackson councilman khik thank you madam clerk I guess we're making our our closing remarks um I want to thank the residents of the second world when everything get done will be over 4,000 constituents the voter participated in this last municipal election we take pride in part participating in the election in the second world at the same time I was disgusted by the some of the comments and the live videos you were shared on uh social media on early voting Day by mcpride at polling site people have right to be out there Beyond 105 100 ft of the polling site to support whoever whatever who ever candidate they want to support some of the candidates call these people animals on live video on social media it is it is very disturbing they're one of the most racist people I think out there second one Community take pride in voting as you can see look at the vo turnout and people have spoken I want to thank everyone from the second word who has participated in the last election I am looking forward to working with everyone I'm a I'm a solution person guy I'm not going to complain about everything out there we do have a lot of work to do in city of harison but I think the city is more moving in the right direction come up with the solution stop complaining if you look at the stats of the crime rate from last year I think it's going down we we might not agree we do have a situation with the garbage and b b u pickup I think we need to Hur we need to work and make a better plan with the administration and DPW that's the only complaint that throughout my campaign that's the only com only complaint that I heard from the resident of the second word about cleaner Street I think the administration with the council colleagues and the DPW Department we need to sit down and make a better plan so our city could be cleaner also I think it's getting better to be a safer City I could would probably say second word is one of the safest word in city of patteron Statewide I think uh six word got got me by 0.1% or something like that um like that but people out there feel safe when you go to Union app when you go to u to app you see in the afternoon group of people walking there I mean they're doing their afternoon Works in near future they will have a total renovation of Westside Park it will be beautiful I'm looking forward to working with the community and moving the second word forward I think I think every word is I'm looking to work with everyone for every word I know even though I represent second word you know I'm going to talk about my word but at the same time any council member you have any project in your world you know I have been supporting of everything that comes in the council and I'm looking forward to working with each and everyone of you thank you and my vote is yes to close the public hearing and also I made the comments for my closing remarks as well so I'm done good night everyone thank you councilman colleag Dr mes so first and foremost um I want to say happy Mother's Day to all of the mothers Guardians aunties um sisters so many people and also those that are living and those that are deceased I know sometimes it's hard during Mother's Day when people have lost their loved ones so one of the things I truly believe is that you give people their flowers while they can smell them um and I'm going to continue to say that because life is so short that we have to do that um there were uh 11 speakers on tonight I believe was the number of speakers that we have and I'll do a brief overview for all of them but before I do that I want to commend those uh Council me members that are already leading the charge in the election but also I want to put to the public I call it the 7-Day miracle there's always this window time window when there are some other uh votes that are have they can still come in because they're postmarked by election day so you we really have until Tuesday of next week and then the certification but when you're doing your elections as someone who has who is a 10year veteran and I've been elected three times I always tell and I can tell those that know strategy that are way in the lead that you got to bake a a huge lead so that you can celebrate early because you can celebrate when you have a huge lead and we we talk about that all the time and most people that know strategy and really know how to operate campaigns they're fully aware that that is the process process and or the strategy when you're doing that so there is a window of time um and the election is not certified the final votes or the some of the provisionals and some of the um vbm numbers will be are still coming in um and possibly by Tuesday there will be a count they will call council members or they can designate someone to come 2 401 Grand Street where there are four people that will count two are democratic two are Republic this has always been the process and then they will count right in front of you um and if there's any errors they will go through those as well um and then that's why the process takes a little longer because if there's errors they have to give it and process it and reach out to those people to get some clarification and then once all of that is done they certify the election and then um we can move forward but I know that a lot of our council members are weigh in the lead so that's why they're celebrating already because that is the strategy um so that you can do that but I want to say to not only the people that ran their campaign whether they're winning or those that um don't have the same numbers I want to commend you for running your race and wanting to Advocate on behalf of the great city of Patterson that I've been born and raised in um and at this juncture of my life I don't think I'm going anywhere till God takes me home to heaven to all of the speakers Eva um Coming forward and talking about her concerns I'm glad that she was able to talk to DPW uh Mr alares who talked about the crime and the filth and all of those things are definitely occurring in our community but it takes all hands on deck it's not just a leg legislative body that has to deal with the filth it's not just a legislative body that has to do with the crime or the other concerns you got to have the people one with filth there has to be Pride people I've seen them go in the pizza store get their slice of pizza throw the right outside on the garbage their garbage receptacles right on the corner they've thrown them I've seen people throw big bags of McDonald's out of their car windows that is not the legislative body's role to follow cars around and pick up bags of McDonald's people have to take pride and understand cleanliness there are certain areas in the community that you'll see people sweeping and and picking up their trash and making sure that they put their garbage cans back putting their their trash out the right time and cleaning up and then there's other is that don't do it so I think it takes an concerted effort on all parts um and that's why we close our fists as we work together because when we point our fingers we miss or we can misc conscrew or misidentify where the problem lies it's about providing Solutions um also um Mr Wolf you know I will definitely work with you congratulations to the Peruvian Association um on the approval of the festivals to Mr ath since I came to this Council I am PMP certified project management professional certified through the C George Washington University when I came here in 2018 I've been advocating for project Managers from day one it's recorded you can go back on the tapes we have they've been putting in place I can't think what the title is Madame ba we we have some that are in place we we need more but I've advocated since 2018 the administration heard the cry because I was literally begging and they we do have them in place so do we need more absolutely but we do have an engineering department when we came on this Council um we were paying an EXT enormous amount of money this Council decided that we wanted to do it in-house that is currently happening so we have a lot of stuff that's being done and I always say I welcome I have an open door policy reach out to me we can sit down we can pull the record we'll talk about some of the things that have been done there's a lot of stuff that we still need to do and I totally agree with you and I you know I already spoke to you so whatever you need have questions please feel free to come um and talk to me to miss Villa noeva my heartfelt condolences go out to you um in the loss of your son U Mr Watson thank you for coming and and speaking and talking about us moving forward and working together in positivity um in my decision of supporting my colleagues cuz I supported my colleagues I didn't just support one my thing was one we've been working to move this city forward it's not always easy it's there's challenges sometimes you know you have to learn how to get along with your colleagues because it takes five votes and sometimes six so when it came to this election I made some very clear decisions very clear and concise I went to my colleagues and I said I'm supporting you I'm supporting you I'm supporting you and I told them and I went publicly so there was a flyer that was out and I want to put it to the public so no one miss gives misinformation pertaining to Dr Mims there was a flyer out me and councilman men that spoke about it but I publicly endorsed him I live in the third W I've lived in the third W for 25 years we've gotten a lot of stuff done together councilman Menace and myself my block actually had an event for councilman Mendes which they've been trying to do um in times past and I thank you Council men as I could not be there because I had a previously scheduled um meeting for my sority which I spoke to you about but my my block was very happy and people even on Saturday I was I was preparing for Mother's Day people were coming down my block and asking or saying we stand in support we reached out to council Mendes and he has responded so it wasn't just councilwoman Mims who supported you a th plus people supported you so that's how you got that seat back um as well as councilman KH I just believe and I say it and I would be HPP a hypocrite if I say one thing and do something else I believe we're better together and if we say we're better together we want peace and unity we got to learn how to work with everybody cuz you can't do it by yourself I know it would be wonderful if you had you lived in a glass bubble and all that but we just don't live in that and to get the work done on this side you have to work with your colleagues and you got to work with the Administration you may not like everything the mayor does or what he says or whatever but to get stuff done you have to advocate for the community your residents come to your colleagues for support and go to the administration to make it happen if you bypass or falter in that process you're going to be sitting yelling and screaming every meeting that's why some people um we sit and we choose to stay in a calm manner because we know how to make things happen and we know how to work together and that's what we should be doing to the woman you know I love you so I'm gonna say that first you know I love you wholeheartedly yes I'm going to um come talk to you um in regards to some of the things that were stated one you mentioned an entity they with three different names they're not the same they're totally different they're totally different they are not connected they have their own separate boards uh there separate people that are part of them so they're not connected so I just wanted to put that on the record they're to three different entities they're not um and I have to say and I want people say well she's fighting for floral but I got to be honest those are three different entities it's not floral floral floral that's not true they're totally separate separate boards separate people everything so they're not the same the other thing is um on Tuesday well it was on the agenda tonight but we got to make sure the paperwork is here I have advocated for uh Main Street between Markus Street and Broadway it will be rename Veterans Way We are voting on it on Tuesday night in our 6:30 meeting so if you want to come back celebrate and then we're going to have a big celebration and we're going to invite all the veterans and have them come through cuz I believe that like my uncle he served and others have serve and we can never forget them and there's great people like the venter's and so many people like yourself and others that we know and don't know about that have served um in all these areas as far as veterans are concerned and we want them to understand that Patterson is grateful and Patterson is forever appreciative of your service so I want to say I commend you and to all the others but please come back next week it will be on the agenda on a special meeting and we will be voting on it but I did advocate for for that item and we will be um in full support and I want to say to Madam Clerk and your office I want to say thank you cuz a lot of times people don't understand when it comes to elections you're here here all night you're here from sun up to sun down and people don't understand the sacrifice that you and the time you take away from your own family I actually worked in a building where there was a polling site and I laughed because someone thought that I was in there trying to work the election but I was actually at work right I was at work but what I did because that particular day I provided sta um lunch for the entire staff and I build in and we had Surplus so I went in I counted all the workers in there and I provided lunch to all the pole workers that worked in that particular building um at our particular school so I just want to say thank you and I wish I could have just left out my building and brought y'all lunch too but maybe I'll just have to do that for you but I just appreciate all that you do um Madame ba Corporation councel herma Linda rafhael Ryan to our police officers that come out it you sit here and you stay here with us every night to make sure that the business of the city goes forward I'm excited because on tonight we will be home by at least 10:15 tonight um in closing we um the women of this Council we uh supported and sponsored it was sponsored I think by councilwoman Dava and the women were in support when we made uh Elizabeth Estella the poet Laurette of the great city of Patterson um I was um really close to her um and and we want to pray for her husband and her daughter her husband Damon and her daughter Stella and her passing on today um very sad she's been going through a lot um it's been a hard process but she fought really really hard and I loved her poetic um moments even on social media when it got to a place when she knew that it was coming too near to close she put it out to the public so that they can send her words and she could read them and then she had a a grasp of air and she came back and said I want to fight and we said we're going to fight with you as long as you go through this process but on my way here I got the news and the family when I sat down they they text me and gave me the privilege because of our our close relationship to put it out to the public um so please keep um if you know Underdog um the restaurant in helden underdog gril um her husband was the owner of that place so um go buy her house on Park AV or go by Underdog lay some flowers out for her as you know she love flowers but we will miss this wonderful wonderful wonderful woman who served our our community um who was a breath of fresh air but I know in the Heavenly she's she's soaring and flying and smiling around looking down and saying Patterson one day is going to be the the bright light that I've always envisioned it to be Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you Dr Ms councilman Valance thank you Madame clerk uh so let me start saying mission accomplished I want to thanks all the residents of the Fifth Ward who came out and to vote for me for my reelection I thank all the volunteers more than four for all the job that they have done well done to my team team valz and my campaign executive team naobi Vargas Junior Ferman Elia villanua Richard bwick and my lovely wife Natasha Batista to all the clergies radio Vision Christiana and those who endorse me such as CWA local 32 10:32 and assembly woman Shanda Suter thank you let's continue let's continue moving the city forward we cannot do this by ourself and we cannot continue doing it by ourself and to the audience that have been here today one thing that I had the opportunity to do that same night of the election an hour before the poll close can candidate Sebastian Mahia and candidate JayZ Abu his father was standing at the last Paul well the Paul and the new Roberto Clemente at 8 at 7 o'clock at night and I had the chance to bring him to bring it to me and speak to them and the first thing I say to them is that election will be over at 8:00 let's sit down and talk let's sit down and have a discussion they are young people they got good ideas but you need to canaly those ideas that you was bringing forward while we're campaigning I open the doors for all of them that want to come forward to work with me my office is open my phone is always available to make sure that we have a conversation and work together for the benefit of the world that you live in making sure that we all be in the same boat and goals so what I have to say is that my campaign was supervised was managed real professional well identified and they did a great job to make sure that the resident of the fifth War received the right message as you notice every forum and every place I went to discuss the issues of the Fifth Ward it was discussed the right way the voters have come out and they have expressed the self and put a stamp on the eight years that I'm been here in this Council and say yes for my reelection I want to say that I put God first in everything that I do and I always say if God had put me in this place without believeing no one he will keep me here the only thing is let's pray together and let's work together prayer Faith with action will not take us nowhere so if you have faith and you have prayers and you want the city of Pastor move forward let's work together let's move the city forward last but not least I I I I heard some comments uh the podium and I know the the young lady still here um I never had interaction with her uh never spoke to her at the post so whatever happened at the post I know that there's a process to follow when things Arise at the polls and one of them is there's a poor worker there's a poor Master at the site there's a clerk that received complaints there's a police department that received complaint my campaign was run properly my campaign was run with dignity and respect for all there was a there was a comment about moving the city forward and I want my colleagues are here to understand this because probably when I listen to people I go a little bit further to analy analyze what they saying so they tell us that to be able to move the city forward we need to address the crime the trash the drugs and Recreation for our children the eight years that I have in this Council we have addressed crime approving through the budget through grants equipment cards and everything that we had to put for our Police Department address those issues trash we have um oh I'm I'm sorry oh just last but not least the trash we have put all the resources to DPW and Madam could test that and for our childrens's we have invested millions and millions dollars and Recreation and our parks that is moving the city forward and that's why we are going to continue moving the city forward those that knows how Municipal governments run we we 90 99.9% yes sir is City business and that's how we move it forward the other perc is renaming and other things that honor the senior P so that's why I'm not going to call myself true and real leadership I'm going to call us but to and real leadership team thank you with the people councilman Lou valz thank you Madame clerk thank you for the work your staff the city clerk office Madame ba thank you for being diligent in the U making sure that DPW be pres Terrence his name is Cobb cob thank you thank you for being up and down yes up and down let let me say this man and DP works hard in this election corporate CH Cil your office Class A Class a Class A with action I love that a ladies and gentlemen once again let's do what we have to do putting the LA first let's not forget those it employees let's not forget Mr Gonzalez that works hard to make sure that all this is out there for the public and to the public that comes like Patterson Police and all this man and woman from the fire department and all city employees that work for us our goal is to continue working for the residents and for our city employees God bless you and I approve this message my voice is yes thank you conman VZ Mr President thank you Madame clerk um first of all let me let me just take this moment to thank all the Resident well first of all Let me give thanks to God yes for this opportunity to serve this community for another term and for this great Victory second of all Let me give let me thanks to all the third world resident for the great support that I received for the third time on this election and also to all my Council Kali for the great support for Rel living in my leadership and as Council Ms stated before I want to say thank you thank you councilman Ms and to all my Council Cali for their great support on this election despite all the negative campaign all the hate uh we Prevail um and I've been elected not once not twice but three times this the third time that I've been winning this seat and I've been proving that I have the vote and the support of this community I've been working since I became the councilman of the third war I've been connected with the people bringing change into the community being available and accessible to the people improving the third war and that's what I'm looking forward to do and the reason why my Council KH they making a little fun of me because I came with one of the pair of shoes that I win this election I want to I want you to look at it this is how I win election I want ra to look at it this is how I win election this is how I win election and this is the last time that I'm going to I'm going to wear this pair of shoes I knock on every door in the third War I don't take nothing for granted you support as a third world resident is extremely important to me the community elect me to serve and I been knocking in every single door of the third war asking for the support and listening to their concern that's the type of councilman that you have on Alex Mendes the time to be sleeping on this chair is over since I became the councilman of the third war and I've been going through a lot I remember that I I got elected in May and they forced me to run again in November and I was elected in November again and now I'm I I was elected again now I want to say thank you to all the resident of the third war and I'm committed to continue the work that I've been doing I'm a phone call away I'm going to continue having those town hall meeting being in touch with every resident representing you and giving you the service that you deserve from your councilman so um M cler I want to say thank you to you and the staff for the amazing job that you did on the election job well done thank you um this election was wasn't easy was was a lot of challenging we not a city hall uh but you find a way to get the job done with your staff we want to say thank you on this July 1 on the re on the reorganization meeting and the um saring ceremony of all the city council member this is going to be a special event because it's we're going to have our 50 Anniversary of the form of government that we have in the city of pis and we're looking forward to have a special event m cler is going to be working with a committee to put a special event together for that okay so we're looking forward to have I will I'm we're inviting the community stay tuned because what's coming it's beautiful for all the res we have to celebrate we have to come together we definitely have to come together because that's the only way that we're going to move our city forward since I've been came into this Council my goal is being to unite this Council and work with all my Council col and work with the administration as well to fix the problem that we that we have in the city of pis there's a lot more work to be done election is over I'm looking forward to just continue the work um we have a lot of challenges like the bll pick up the garbage in our community uh the the condition of a road and we already having conversation with the administration to correct those problem let's continue moving the city forward and yes I will say that during the campaign a lot of people so spoke about the condition of the park at East Side park I don't make promise I work to make things happen today we already voted on a new playground for East Side park to make sure that our children enjoy a state-ofthe-art playground that's what I do I take action and I get the job done that's what you're going to have from Alex mes I love to serve this community and I'm always say that God blessed me with this great opportunity and I feel proud I don't take this for granted I work for you I work for every resident that live in the city of parisu because the decision that I make here at the council impact not only the third world but the entire city of pison I will continue advocating for all the resident of the third war and also this the entire city of pison let's continue the work and may God continue blessing the city of Patterson because one day Patterson will be the best seity in the state of New Jersey we have the best location we close to every Main Highway one day you will see name brand all kind of name brand in the downtown area you will see the city of pison clean and safe and we're going to work to make that happen so so may God continue blessing you all and with that being said my vote is yes M clerk thank you Mr President the votes are six yeses three absences Council portion the regular meeting of May 16th is hereby closed sure council members let's do the motion to close before that I have Corporation councel and Madame ba very quickly thank you council president so just to follow up on uh the inquiry made by uh councilman Jackson so I spoke with the representatives of the church Church on several occasions uh in addition to that the Law Department put together a lengthy uh detailed letter that we sent to their Council regarding the history of this particular property um and it included information that was provided from the tax assessor's office that this property was not in tax exempt status additionally there was a foreclosure on the tax certificates that were sold uh but we've provided that information to their attorney we've invited their attorney to reach out to to the city and follow up if they have had any further questions and I just wanted to make sure that as a matter of record that the law Department's efforts and taking this matter very seriously is documented thank you council president um thank you let's make sure that councilman Jackson get that information as well and I did I did have that conversation with Jack very good he's been very concerned of that U so thank you madam ba and very briefly as well thank you council president um I just want to note that two items that came up as of public portion um one was about speed humps and and just as a reminder one one component a major component of that um ordinance is that there does have to be a petition that's signed by residents um those who are directly affected as well as those in um kind of the neighborhood before it then even proceeds to be reviewed um you know by the different Public Safety elements you know and in various steps so um we could support uh neighbors who are interested in in pursuing that path but that is a component of it and um a few of the other items you're right councilwoman Mims it was ma management specialist is the the position that we're really using to do a lot of project management around the city and as well as you know when we hired our new engineer project management was one of the the focal points of his um first of all his experience but it was also part of uh the task that that we laid before him and he's been doing a really great job he will be man managing the Dispatch Center improvements along with our fire chief um and some of his team and the same thing for the the roads we do have our assistant engineer who we hired full-time um into the City and and or he was working part-time and then we um increase his hour to full-time he does all all the project management and he is on site for the a lot of the road resurfacing projects and one final point about the Moody's um credit rating just because this is a a a a personal point of Pride uh for our work here in the city it is actually a pretty big deal while um it moved up and we have a lot of work to do to go even higher it actually went from non-investment grade rating to an investment grade rating which is there's only two categories non or investment grade and then there's ratings within it so it's a really big deal that the city of Patterson is now in an investment grade status um and we're going to continue working uh to to increase it higher so that uh borrowing costs are lower for the city and and that eventually we would be able to borrow on our own so thank you council president thank you thank you um Madame B Mo I was a motion move to close by Council second by councilman Shah khik and councilwoman M roll call M clerk to close the uh this meeting roll call to close the municipal Council regular meeting of May 16th 2024 councilwoman cartton thank you madam cler I just want to make a com I just want to say to my resence of the fourth ward I am beyond grateful for you reelected me again to to City coun to the fourth world Council woman you know I I um this has been a wonderful Journey for me and I say that we must work together um to to we must work together to make sure that we get things done that we need to get done uh I have reached out I have I have been reached out by um my opponents um Kamisha Roger Jones and um Justin Rucker that we said that we would be working together but I just want to say to the fourth ward I appreciate everything that you have given me you have put confidence back in me and let's show that we can work together as a community even with my opponents that we can achieve and we can push forward for things that we need we must try to build a brighter future for our children and for oursel and for our resident so Patterson fourth word resident thank you for reelecting me back to my fourth W City Council seat I also want to say um a congrat ulations to you know there's there's many good things that's happening in our city especially with our children but I want to say to parents we have to make sure we keep our kids involved in as much as we can I want to say congratulations there was a mock trial at the courthouse and the three high schools that place first second and third people always say there's nothing happening there's a lot of good things happening but I want to say congratulations to Bay County Technical Institute they came in first then ptech which is down nearby Third Ward and then eai High School came in third and I think that we need to give our children the rounds of Applause a mark trial a plaintiff a defendant and the jurors and the judge so there's many good things I said you know do your best parents out there to involve your children in different activities um I my good friend uh Jamie Bland has a program called jumpstart so please if you not sure just enroll them in some other some of the things that's going on and I also want to say congratulations to the flamman cheerleading squad that just came back from Florida and they placed first here in the city they placed first in Florida to me that's wonderful we have to do everything uh and Council woman let's do put something together um so we can honor those young girls you know cuz they they came in first and I think the little girls came second I'm not quite sure but we need to do something and I also want to say too that you know Charles Florio you know people say things but he's a very supportive man of our community he has supported those children he supports everyone so we must say that he is a businessman that do support a lot of our activities here that sometimes we never hear about MH we never hear about the things that be supported but I also want to say thank you um to my team cotton and I want to say to my campaign manager Kenny Simmons my co- assistant campaign manager Jamie Bland you know Wesley um Simmons Valerie Freeman Mona Freeman Ray l Jr Vincent Arington dores Bradley anine Wilson Mark Squire Julie Gonzalez and a c up all my Council colleague councilwomen Ms thank you and you know what I want to say I had a great phone backing team they were calling and I want to say to my Charlie serson thank you with the phone banking Charlene white Julie Gonzalez sha hosan Michelle Clark Sharon Scott Delores Bradley April lamley Yolanda works we were really doing it so I want to say to you all out there I appreciate everyone and I always say that you know we can work on we we are going to be able to work on uh things that we got to get done we all want Public Safety is a major issue trash is a major issue so we got to start working on things uh in our community but I want to say to my Council colleagues congratulations uh councilman MZ councilman khik Council Louis valz uh and myself and my rest of my councilman Al aliz and uh and counsilman Jackson you know we're going to see uh but I want to say congratulations I always say and I you hear me say it all the time you know we may not vote the same but we still at the end of the night should know how to say good night and we should not know how to be but there's so many good things that are happening for us here in the city you can reach out to me you can touch we can I'm accessible um I'm dedicated I love what I do I'm a full-time Council woman and I thank you fourth word resident out there for put uh reelecting me back to my um fourth wor City Council seat and thank you to all everyone out there and you know I think that um um this you know sometimes I may not know the answer but I can do my best to find out for you where you need to go or who you need to see so with that being said to Madame ba Corporation counsel Melinda uh stenographer especially uh Raphael especially uh Ryan they our our tech technology guy you guys work really hard I don't know how much long I can sit here with these chairs but I had to get up my legs were like I couldn't I couldn't I don't know but to my Madam clerk to my defy clerk I appreciate you I appreciate everything that you do cuz you do I see how hard you work and I see all the work that you have to done to my technology guy over here but with that being said um we I'm looking forward to four more years I'm going to bring as many people you want to be part of it be part of it it's about working together um I see my guy Keith back there uh he uh you know it's about working together and everybody knows councilwoman you know I do not hold grudges you know I don't get mad with nobody at all so I'm just we're going to be we're here to work together to move everything together to move forward uh we got to just make sure that we know everything what we need thank you I know you get ready the bang on the thing no no I didn't go as long as you I didn't forget everyone out there at home God bless you thank you all uh enjoy the holidays that get ready to come up Memorial weekend and don't forget about juneth the parade and everything with that being said God bless you all out there at home Madam cler my vot is yes thank you councilwoman cotton all right colleague I just want to say thank you to the second world residents and good night I always hear from um the great minds election has consequences [Music] yes I I mean that's stuck in my mind since the election started I think it does probably has consequences let's see my vote is yes good night everyone thank you thank you councilman KH councilwoman mes wow I don't know what that means but that sounds very serious councilman KH so here's another quote that I've heard that numbers don't lie people do that's right let me tell you something one thing I've learned and I'm closing I've learned you can knock on a lot of doors and people will tell you oh supporting you MH you take them to lunch you take them to dinner you buy their bagels and when you get that report back from the voter base their name is not on there you spent a lot of time so you got to put the work in because I'm telling you people will tell you I'm voting they're on social media saying this and saying that and I'm telling you and I can't wait I'm going to pull it pull it I always pull it but I'm going to pull the information and I'm going to scroll slow SL through the database cuz I want to see who voted and who didn't vote and when I see them on social media complaining I'm going to be like you did not vote you did not vote cuz if you don't vote you don't have a voice you cannot complain and I get it that you want to run but I tell people all the time you got to get to understand and know this form of government understand our role versus the administrative role and the other fundamental um roles of government and let's keep building and not battling that's right God bless everybody have a wonderful week keep praying for our children our seniors and everyone Madame clerk thank you my vote is yes good night everyone thank you Dr Mims councilman VZ all right so I got to say it different councilman councilman stated councilman stated councilman stated that election has consequence so I going to say in my side in the fif War my voters going to have a positive consequence they got a good cons got elected no so I know I know I got you so so so listen to this councilman you know 149,000 residents in the city of pison proing um only 11,000 Pro came out to vote so those 11,000 I commend them because they was the voice of 160 plus thousand residents in the city of pison so let's look at the positive ideas now Madam clerk last oh Madam clerk M ba my colleagues I just want to say the last thing for tonight not forever for tonight I started to pick up my my signs okay so I'm I'm going to try to pick up all my signs before the 30 days that is due yes the one that AR the 30 days to pick up the sign I know but I need some help I got a lot bunch of signs out there so signs don't vote uh in my case it pro it he hey signs don't vote they really promote so um I'm glad that my signs are getting picked up since last night if you see signs in private property because some of them want to keep them there that's a private property yeah they want to they do I I I had a I had a c say hey are we still in politics I say why because somebody stole your sign I say no I'm picking him up so he want he wanted here so if you see a sign in private property please do not bother them that's freedom of speech I'm picking up and cleaning all everything that is out there I will not pick up my oppent signs because then they say that I knock him down right so um go out there you you preach that you want to clean water let's start cleaning it now and my colleagues I know they're on board on that so Madam ba um I know that they already pay there's a PO for finishing the fence of Roberto Clemente um I believe Billy told me that pcng supposed to come in and move a wire uh and that's why they haven't put the the the the gates and but please follow up uh when they're going to finish the back uh putting the fence in the back of the Rob Clement Park saying that ladies and gentlemen God bless you all uh let's continue the work I'm not going to say like my colleague and but we we'll move forward thank you everyone God bless you hug your family pray for your family stay together and let's move this city forward Madam cler thank you my vote my V is yes to close thank you councilman Valance Mr President thank you very brief uh special thanks to my beautiful wife Johan Mendes she did a phenomenal job in on my campaign Kei waxon special thank you um to you and to my Jamaican community in the third war we I love you all special thank you one love to my africanamerican community thank you allma all of then all of them thank you thank you for the outstanding job to all the community in the third world I love you all and let's continue you know the progress and June 14 which is my birthday that's going to be the celebration for the reelection of councilman Alice man from the third world so you all invited and in closing I want to say thank you once again to the rest president of the third world because we are the highest world with the most vote the second highest we got the second war which is got the bigger number and the third war the third war has more number than the six War so C he got a check on that so I want to say thank you to my third war resident we go out and we vote God bless you all let's pray and let's love each other and let's work together my vote is yes good night patteron thank you Mr President the votes are five yeses four absences the meeting of Thursday May 16th is hereby adjourned good night