##VIDEO ID:OdlpoTeixVY## right Rick whenever you're ready okay I call the meeting to order um all members are present plus one student rep uh there was one addition to the agenda which we'll cover in a minute approval of the agenda make a motion to approve the the agenda all moves second Thomas second all in favor to say I I the agenda is approved no public comment tonight consent agenda Janelle uh so I'll start with Cheryl and see if there's anything from board um bills that you'd like to report um everything was pretty much easy to read through and everything was coer I just uh noticed that we got some new clocks oh throughout the building yes replace some of the ones that didn't work and there's still more to come but yep negligible bill but I just noticed it as I was going through and the um fire risers for the elementary school came in yes that's exciting put in some new safer more usable risers for sure long time coming perfect and they're here that was perfect y um beyond that um there's just two Personnel items and then the donations received we had um so I mentioned that we've been uh tracking our donors choose donations and so there are two that came in one for um Mrs ruger's class and another for Mrs hex's class so um again we're grateful that our our teachers are writing grants and using the resources out there but also grateful for donors choose and having those resources come to our district so those are the consent agenda items for today okay is there a motion to approve the consent agenda so move Bruce makes motion second Ron makes a second all in favor say I I oppos the consent agenda is approved that brings us to communication items begin with Administration okay so our revenues and expenditures will be reviewed in January uh because this is such an early board meeting since our last one we haven't done the um month-end review um and then the two things I wanted to just share with you from um an administrative update is that our enhancement um is moving forward um the uh the system is set to arrive um on or before the 16th of December and uh we'll be starting uh the work in progress and so during the day uh we'll have um and they will be um heavily marked in their um uh EPS who is the system who's done our cabling before um they will be in the hallways in the in the corridors during the day and then in classrooms at night so there will be no disruption to classes uh they have learned very quickly how to pay attention to the bell schedule so if they're on a ladder and the bell rings they know how to get out get out and off the off the ladder so um but in in all honesty they've been they've done a lot of work for our district um over the course of years and and they understand our functioning very well so we're excited about that and and again I think it's a really nice opportunity and I'm super excited about that um our audio um and then lastly um I just want to acknowledge uh Rick uh today is Rick's last official meeting as a board member um so Rick I just want to say thank you thank you for your work as a a board member and thank you for your commitment to our students in the in the kids so you're welcome thank you special between no gener we might um and then uh student representative I would like to uh introduce Nicole pelky uh so Nicole Welcome as a student representative um maybe just give us I I did tell you you didn't have to make a report but maybe just tell us um two of your favorite things um that that bring you Joy that's a hard one that was I should have given you that but what would you like us to know I like art and EP sweet art and EP cool all right so welcome um we'll meet and and kind of talk through um often times our pre our other uh student reps have had the opportunity to watch the previous student reps give reports and uh our other student representative is still on the board she just is a manager for the boys basketball team so uh it winter season makes it difficult for her to be here so welcome and thank you for being here um committee reports know the yeah the policy committee met but that'll come up here in a minute y anybody else meet okay then let's go to new business first meeting in January okay so um the first meeting in January um is uh typically um the organizational meeting and so um I put out to board members to look at calendars and consider meeting on January 6th um the week of the um the second week of of January would where the board would typically meet uh there the new board member and I will be at the phase training for the Minnesota Association the school boards Association so my recommendation would be to consider meeting on uh January 6th which is the first Monday and to hold your organizational meeting in addition to a work session so you would have an earlier board meeting for work session in January um but it would be be really up to the will of the board for what you would like to do for that January meeting anybody have any thoughts about the the date the time sounds good to me yeah work for me the 13th would be problematical for me yeah I make a motion go okay Ron makes a motion to approve this date second I second second all in favor say I I post it passes policy review this is not to be voted on tonight right correct information y you want to run us through this policy sure um so the the reason this policy was done separately is because it was reviewed um as a as a result of um the just the scheduled review but while that was happening msba came out with some updates so there's really kind of two areas that I'm I'm going to call to attention um and let me just uh pass this so people can see with us um there's a lot of reference change to um the the first section here that's all colorcoded is really just um putting it into alphabetical order so there's not sub substantive change in there but it is a organizational um alphabetization um you'll also notice that um procurement uh number two is highlighted um there's 175,000 is um recommended instead of 250 and if you read the note um the federal government's increase the dollar cap for small purchases Minnesota Law requires 175,000 so they'll it'll remain and stay at 175,000 um you're also going to so again the strikethroughs it's moving the language and putting it back into um alphabetical order um coming down to um some the two areas that are um were discussed uh within the policy committee are um I'm getting there it's right at the bottom so one is about cyber security um making really um an notation that that school districts must take reasonable cyber security and other measures to safeguard um our personal our our personal identities information that um the federal agencies and past true um agencies designate as sensitive so really what's happening is again this is the uniform Grant guidance is and this is what governs all of our federal accounts and like our federal funds and so really what they're saying is like you got to have your your ducks in a role for cyber security to make sure that our information is the information isn't vulnerable okay so they're saying you have to do it we've done those things okay so we're in a good position the other piece as you looked down further if we are subject to a breach or a um a data attack we do have to report it and it is has to be reported as does any other Federal entity so if you're going to see down again we get down to the very bottom where it talks about our reporting requirements there's mandatory disclosures of if we would have um any uh violation of um of uh um by violation we have mandatory disclosures around violations of in the uniform Grant guidance okay so any other discussion or questions okay this will be added with the other policies that we already so these will sit for 20 days and then all of them will come forward in um January's business meeting not the work session the business right if you have any questions Cruise it some more read through it 10 times and come up with any questions no know okay okay so we move on to the memorandum of understanding so through the read act we were the district and Education Minnesota was required to negotiate a um a memorandum of agreement around compensation for the re act so really what you see here in front of you today is um the the joint effort of um the union negotiators and and I sitting down and describing our past practices so as this was um sent out to the negotiating committee it's really what our um we have been doing and so this spelled it out very nicely it actually streamlined a few things as well uh where we had some um kind of loose interpretation of of tracking of time um this was just really nice and clean um and our uh the Education Minnesota um unit voted and approved to approved the memorandum so this would be just requiring board's approval today are there any questions you said this was what we were already doing so it's just a legal y we had to negotiate yep it's in order to use the funding um that's associated with the re act for the staff development or the compensation of of teachers we had to have a negot we had to have a memorandum of agreement thank you you're welcome okay any questions no is there a motion I make a motion house six motion seconds the motion to approve the memorandum of agreement between Education Minnesota pville and all in favor say I I opposed it passes we have a review of upcoming [Music] meetings see those any questions about that we're ready to close the meeting in order to evaluate the superintendent so we'll need a motion to close the meeting I make a motion we close this meeting gereral makes a motion a second cherl second closed and it closes at 6:41 all right okay is there a motion to open the meeting I move we open the meeting at 716 second Geral motion Gerald seconds uh all in favor say I I I Clos we want to read the statement or the meeting is open we want to read the statement into the you want me to read it can you read it catch um at 6:41 p.m. the board closed meeting to evaluate the superintendent we are happy with her performance and look forward to her growth moving forward we're going to maintain an annual review okay I think we're ready to adjourn I'll get those motions in seconds up on recording okay Ive the meeting I second moves Gerald second weour all meeting ised