##VIDEO ID:i6jv3TCgC7Y## order call Bruce and Rachel are absent everyone else is present we have one addition to the agenda which you saw today yep a contract came in um after the agenda was sent we have a motion to approve the agenda with the addition second Cheryl and Gerald second all fav to say I hi okay motion passes no public comment tonight on to the consent agenda jelle uh Cheryl stopped in for bills is there anything you'd like to highlight Cheryl um no it was pretty much all normal bills did take note that there putting in more LED lights we're doing that in phases to ease our budget just a bit y but it's kind of nice I know it'll be savings over time it is that's the only thing I really noted that stood up great um beyond that um so you'll notice some hires for to fill some of our coaching positions and some of our pause workers um we have you'll see resignation one is a we hired somebody into a food service position and then had a a cook position available so just uh you'll see the same name as a as a resignation hire and that happens periodically um donations a couple of things that I just want to call out for you um we uh we have teachers that are um active within a organization called um called donors CH it's a a donors choose essentially what it is is they create projects and uh their classroom their classroom projects can be sponsored by different uh different entities across the country and uh so then we get notification and you'll notice that uh we had um Mrs Lura had some books donated and uh um Mrs Ruger had a whole host of items donated as well so those come in and um and then they receive the um the supplies directly so they don't have to go out and buy them they don't have to be ordered it's kind of a nice a nice system so um congratulations to those two individuals uh and then we have a Coburn's uh Coburn's rewards uh check which was received for $18.79 so those are the donations for this uh for this month and I will stand for any questions on the consent agenda any questions not is there a motion to approve the consent agenda motion Thomas moves second Cheryl second all in favor say I I opposed and it passes we move on to communication item starting with the superintendent's report uh so uh last year at this time I was reminding the community for the first time about our two-hour late starts and I just want to remind the community again because our first two our relate start is on October 1st um so we do have professional development scheduled that day uh for our PA professionals and our certified staff so uh just keep an eye out for that I want to remind um everybody that the Community Foundation Gayla is coming up on Saturday uh this year our school district has two um is the uh recipient of two different grants um our Community Education playground uh was awarded a $220,000 grant and so they'll be recognizing um and thanking the Community Foundation for that donation um and then our um our ongoing funding and and uh grant money that comes through um the program that that was really established through the the Gayla in 20 U I believe it was 2017 um and it's really established a fund for some ongoing consistent support for our our vocational and career um our Career and Technical education programming so um both uh both of those um um I guess departments Community Ed will be there and um the district will be uh there to say thank you to the Community Foundation because that's that's a lot of um money that comes into our school district so and we're appreciated of that um lastly um so uh at uh the board meeting in um August I shared that the School Board Association did a a little uh Switcheroo on us and made September School Board appreciation month and so I do really want to just say thank you again to you as board members um you know as I work with you I I really do hear I hear you asking good questions I hear you making decisions with with kids at the Forefront of your decision making and and I do want to just say thank you and I know that the time that you put in is way more than people probably recognize and uh and it's it it is a thanless job sometimes and so today I want to say thank you so thank you you board members appreciated um and then that would be my um administrative report the financial revenues are the revenues are updated um again early on in uh the the fiscal year you're not going to see a lot um happening or changing right now so you'll see our percentages of the budget received um so this is our revenues so this is the money coming in um and our expenditure spreadsheet is going to be similar with our uh what's expensed we'll take a look at that first column as well on the second tab for August um so you'll see um the oops sorry let me go over just a little bit further you'll see the percent of our budget that's expended so again we're early in the season we'll keep an eye on these um as there are things that are unique um I will draw those to your attention but this is just a nice way for you to kind of track year-over-year how things are going um in relation to one fiscal year over previous fiscal years any questions on those I suppose it's too early to tell what the unemployment was this year compared to last year I'll know in October yeah it's I kind of figured yep yep um I do expect it's going to be a little bit higher Ron but I'll have that for you for sure I think our payment is I should be able to if it's not the work session the business session for sure I'll be able to let you know yep uh Community or sorry committee reports committees that have met yes West Central end District we did meet up at Melrose uh their Center up there had a very good meeting they like us their their District like us is going through policies and procedures getting those updated uh to correspond with the mandatory uh or mandates that have come down from um in the state of Minnesota as far as the education side uh still a lot of talk and hype about the S house down here and the the students that are attending so there's there's 10 right now but uh that's that's an ongoing uh education side that uh is very beneficial of course to those students 18 to 22 year years of age uh toh to help them um I'm not sure they they not talk about where they're at and trying to uh uh have a work place placement type thing here that's one of the the things that they're they're working within within the program so they have them work within the community uh but again it's it's a lot of of structuring of uh education all that is going to play out so had a very good meeting up at at Melrose with the West Central Ed district and then also last night uh we had uh Ron uh myself and U and Bruce are on the uh new advisory committee District advisory committee so we had our first meeting for that uh did a great job of just kind of laying out uh along with with her staff uh Cassie and uh Jesse uh the importance of the testing that is being done uh we had so we had the Minnesota uh State Testing that's done once a year but how this school district has really embraced uh the ongoing testing within you know what is it the bridge FID fast bridge and how that data has been looked at by the school district uh over a number of years and it really tells that story of uh you know those areas of improvement uh to help out each student uh through uh through PR fastbridge uh semester and quarter uh of the help that they need to uh to either bring them up to uh Minnesota State Standards uh or for them to exceed so one one of the big things with fast bridge is looking at uh do they need help to get them up to a standard or are they exceeding that standard so they need help uh to continue uh growth in that so I thought that was very very uh uh important so it's not that a person will stagnate uh as far as a student will stagnate but uh there are courses and stuff that that can be offered to help them uh uh further grow uh once they have exceeded the standards we have another meeting coming up in November uh once the uh the fast bridge data does come in and uh see where the our our district sit with that as far as our two schools uh and it is used in both the elementary school and over the secondary school so I think with the the group that was in uh it wasn't just uh the district people you have people within the community so parents um and also uh business business are are involved in this business owners are involved in this so looking forward to that one of the big things that Janelle had mentioned uh is that uh this stuff will all be put in to our strategic plan which is very very important uh so we have an understanding from the district side of how we grow that put in those start and stop times and uh and see that growth with within this so one thing I'll just maybe add is that um so this is the the district advisory committee um kind of is is taking the place of what used to be the world's best Workforce and it really does look at all of the plans that we have but it also is a um a an Avenue for the board and District administration to hear from parents and community members about things that are happening and um as we look to review our strategic plan that will be one group that is engaged along with other community members and um but really it's it's uh creating an opportunity to engage in dialogue and and hear from from parents there's been a lot of conversation at the board table and administratively about how do we get parents involved and how do we hear the parent voice and um so I'm looking forward to that so I don't know if there's anything else anybody wants to add uh continuing education did have their first meeting uh this week as well uh so in the continuing ed um their role is to make sure that our certified staff are relicensed and uh they're the process to work through that relicensure so that committee met as well we had Community Ed last week advisory y pretty standard meeting just kind of covered all the basis of you know the programming um how those programming is doing and getting numbers from them on on um all those different uh programs we have the upcoming programs can basically was a good look back of the summer how did the summer go how are current you know pause programs and the current programs going right now through Community ad including the usage of the pack and just kind of blown away yet about you know how many events are constantly taking place just the turn on that building is pretty pretty crazy in the prep for winter and and even just kind of um talking about as deep as next summer and looking at some of the programs that we had this last summer how they perform what they do and you know what's that look at um for next summer because now it's having three it's just three uh magazines coming out instead of the four they're GNA kind of look at that a little little more y um and then we also District wise staff development last week as well um and that was our first meeting of the school year really um Mike Mr M Maas Maas I but uh his first meeting kind of lead the group um did a quick review of the Strategic plan um just kind of just make sure we're all focused on on that strategic plan where the district's at so when we start start looking at the um those uh two hour late starts and our um inservice days they make those sure those plans are together in that so really that was October 1 our first two-hour late start um kind of getting the idea of what the Elementary uh staff is going to be going through as well as the secondary staff um for uh looking at data and um just kind of refresher on on some of the stuff that's uh new for the school year and then uh then again October 16th that first half day uh in service uh same thing just really kind of covering what those days are going to look like um looking at the character strong um for for K8 and um you know how are we gonna move that back and forth but so those two committees as well she we've had a lot going on yeah um school's back school yeah our student representative is actually um not here because she's preparing for um Powderpuff but I do have her update um so she wanted me to share that uh student council uh they had a lot of um work in the homecoming setup so clearly this is homecoming week and they have been pretty busy um coronation was on Monday Powderpuff is today um they are working on the homecoming dance on Saturday night um and student council has a role in all of those events so she wanted to share that um sad uh has monthly activities at the elementary school again and they are selling cinnamon rolls once a month um at in the cafeteria and those are always a a hit with the students I'll tell you that uh NHS the couple of projects that they have is um one is that they have provideed feminine products in all of the girls bathroom it's part of a um kind of a movement called period poverty and it's really making sure that the that kids um that girls um aren't in a position where they aren't able to have necessary supplies um they also really uh work specifically um at all of the football games for um concessions which is a great fundraiser for them so at all of our football games stop over at the um the concession stand and visit the NHS members uh they she just wanted me to remind you that uh cross country had their home meet today um it was a pretty fun event champ was up there um giving away some bling and there were cookies and goodies for um different all different participants volleyball has a home event on Thursday um there are a number of um the uh booster club is planning an event on Thursday and for the home football game on Friday there will be a tailgating event as well so the the um events leading up to is my commentary but she wanted me to highlight those uh events so okay okay move on to Old business which is policy we're going to read through everyone no this is the second reading correct so we're ready to approve them tonight uh we've already been through them well the committee has been through them extensively you've all had a chance last meeting to talk about them is there any need to discuss anything tonight nothing's changed nothing has changed and there's been no comments that have come up to the district office make a motion to introduce a motion to approve um 102. 413 418 419 you want me to read all the numbers 53 okay as presented uh okay R makes some motions there a second a second Thomas seconds no discussion we've already discussed it so all in favor say I I opposed it passes policies new business preliminary 2024 a 2025 Levy action so this is the meeting every year uh where we have to set the levy certification uh the recommendation is really to set the maximum Levy um possibility um and then in December is when the final Levy is certified and so what you'll see here presented um and it's split over the pages um is a total for our entire um our entire District it report indicates a 0.96% over the previous year uh so if there are any questions I'll stand for questions and I also want to just draw attention people might wonder like where does this information come from and what does it look like that's why I've inserted um Resource number one for the levy report so you can anybody can take a look and see all of the different components of our Levy and how they all come together it's it is a a really um unfortunately it's it's a really complex document but I think the importance there is so that people understand there's all sorts of components that come in when I talk about things like um compensatory revenue and it's based on student count when we talk about things like safe schools levies it's based on all of these things come through this document so I wanted to show people where it comes from but also just continue to to let the board know that my recommendation is going to be to Max certify the maximum amount um and then that could be Revisited in December I know that there's 39 pages of how do I want to say there was a lot going on yeah but if I'm understanding that right we're looking at a roughly a 4% increase a 0.96% increase is what we're looking at so if you look up here at the top so the preliminary Levy as is set to increase 96% over the previous year okay I thought I saw somewhere where it had a minus by but okay well service General the general Levy Community Ed so these are subcategories within the levy Debt Service and then the total is a 0.96% okay yeah so you did see the negative in there yeah so when uh when when Steve pumper comes in um in December he walks through what our final Levy amount is um and that's where a school district can never increase from what you set in September but you can decrease so that's why um historically you'll see uh districts recommend to certify the maximum and then if there needs to be a change can be a change make a motion kind I make a motion to accept it okay second okay all favor say iOS it passes to the truth and Taxation meeting action so as I mentioned uh we are required to hold a truth and Taxation meeting um so our truth and Taxation meeting is uh we are recommending to schedule that for December 10th if you take a look at our calendars that is the same day as a scheduled board meeting December we only have one board meeting because of um the short month with holidays so this would be at um historically we've held it at 6 PM um and in years past we had a student meeting that was that same day and we mooved the student meeting remember to November so that hopefully in December we can just have the one meeting we can do our truth and Taxation for that first 20ish minutes and then we'll hold our business meeting immediate to follow we need action that or we just no we need a yep we time y so um so we'll leave it at six o'clock six o'clock I'll make a motion make sure all moves second how seconds any discussion we understand all favor say I I oppos set some Lane changes to approve yep so this is uh twice a year we have Lane changes um what I'll just tell you for background is that all of these individuals have communicated with the district office their plan to further their education they've met the requirements and so my recommendation would be to approve the lane changes as presented I make a motion to approve the lane changes second motions made by Geral second by Ron any discussion all in favor say I I it is approved Le and Water Management plan so this is new um or I guess it has not been to the board for eons if it ever was but we are required to do this um through legislative um action in the last uh couple of years the biggest thing that I'm going to just highlight for you within here for the changes is that um this is really the result of of the legislature changing the acceptable parts per million of lead and drinking water so it used to be um 20 parts per Bill parts per billion sorry um it is now down to five parts per billion so all of our water has been tested um we have um we have followed um and actually the state when they said you have to do these things they also allowed some funding for us to do it so um k appli for the grants to make that happen and then with that you get your your water tested and then it goes into the data Bas so they have done all of the leg work to make sure that we are in compliance with this plan um some of the other components that are part of this is making sure that if something does not meet the standard we shut it off and that somebody is not able to drink the water okay so there are a couple of um there are a couple of sinks that we no longer use um and some um received filtering and so Ken has done all of that leg work with the testing the company that does all the testing um and then there's also um requirements for us to um in order to I guess bring the water back online uh after extended amounts of time and so because in a in a building our age the biggest issue is really going to be our piping right so um that's where they've worked really hard um to outline what our plan is how to be in compliance and make sure that we are in the right threshold um there is a plan plan that is posted on our website as well that's another one of our requirements so if you look in the actual um lead and water plan you are going to see all of this kind of spelled out within the plan and it also tells you who to contact you see um where when so our our initial testing was done in May of 24 um so it'll give you kind of the rundown if you want to take a look at the the plan and where things are at but um the board action approval of the plan is one of the components of the plan so I make a motion to approve the uh lead in water you're moving the screen management plan as presented okay R makes a motion to approve is there a second I second darl seconds any discussion all in favor say I I oppos passes review upcoming meetings um couple probably the the first one I just want to call to your attention is um a meet and confer um I'm looking forward to doing that a little bit more regularly um board members I don't I don't remember exactly off the top of my head who's part of that but I am you are okay so we'll we'll be meeting multiple times this year instead of just the one times that's probably the biggest piece but otherwise you'll see the work session on the regular meeting okay so that's a that's a separate committee right I must not be on you are not on that one yep you're good okay any other business that's otherwise we'll take a motion to adjourn I'll move to weour Thomas second second all say hi hi thank you