##VIDEO ID:qOgGzwHeqtE## call the meeting [Applause] order okay see we're all here okay um additions to the agenda uh there was one update to the consent agenda and then the uh expenses and revenues were linked sent out after they I received them after the agenda so have as well a motion to approve the agenda Geral seconds all favor say I I the agenda is approved is there a public comment done so we've got a consent agenda jelle Cheryl do you want to review bills um I did get a chance to go through the bills it's all the preparations getting ready for school to start um otherwise nothing jump out oops um Personnel wise you're going to see a number of hires um we have had um uh we've had a few resignations and then we've had retire or hired that have come in on the backside um it is not abnormal at this time of year to have a number of Care Professionals uh come in um we're always a little bit nervous kind of the beginning of August when we have unfilled positions but it's really common for us to have late ads for pair of professionals at this time of year uh we are still looking for a couple positions but um there you're going to see some updated Personnel items in there as as well um overload we have only have one overload this year um our art program has had just a really strong demand and we continue to um offer um overloads in the art Department um I've I've done a lot of conversation with Jesse and and David and um this year they worked really hard to eliminate that we only have the one set of overloads so that we're just really being smart in our scheduling and it really has um allowed us to um be proactive in the planning so um thank you to the administration for that and that's the overload that we have and then you're going to see an updated community and pay scale um so those would be the consent agenda items and stand for questions I'll make a motion to approve the consent generala as presented second th second all in favor say I iOS and passes on the communication items beginning with our superintendent okay so uh we had a great service today so something that was a little bit different uh we had yesterday was our work day um traditionally we have our back to school kind of kickoff on Monday and um due to some uh PA professional training opportunities that they have on Wednesday we decided to have um our kind of more scheduled times Tuesday and Wednesday so they could have two work dayss and a longer weekend on each side and we just felt it was a little bit more friendly um the preliminary feedback was actually that it was kind of of a nice change um I think teachers had an opportunity to be in their classrooms yesterday a little bit um did a little bit of proactive scheduling so um today we had a great opportunity to um hear uh Jerry spy um he is a uh he and a couple of colleagues uh former colleagues have started a a company called huddle up and it really is about um uh making sure that we create opportunities in our classrooms and in our schools to ensure that all kids are seen and that there's no kid who feels invisible and how do we do that we do that through play we do that through games we do that through connecting through it with relationships um and our staff had a great opportunity this morning to hear them and um I think they're probably thankful that I wore my high heels so we didn't have to do some hopping whereas they may have been hopping but um it was it was great the staff were engaged a lot of good conversation lter um so fun to we ended up in the cafeteria and Rick was there this morning as well just giving a welcome on behalf of the board and I mean it was a it was a tight space it was a warm space and the the staff were still just incredibly engaged so um it was it was a great way to kind of come back to the start of the school year um just a couple calendar reminders we will have our two-hour late starts again this year the feedback from the survey last year um was that let's give it another round and um so we're going to have two-hour late starts again throughout the school year so just a reminder to families to be checking um the calendar and posting um for those two-hour late starts and then um a reminder also that um although we do have free lunches we encourage families to fill out the application for educational benefits um that there will be those forms at open house and at um the Orient the meet and greets tomorrow as well so um again the reason that that's important is because that is a way that um our District's uh compensatory funding is determined and we can't just necessarily bypass uh we can access some additional funding if families qualify through the form versus a direct certification so just a reminder to families to ask them to complete the application for educational benefits um we had 14 new staff members on the 20th of of August um again it was a fun a fun day kind of getting to know that getting to know who they are um setting some goals uh digging into you know what makes them tick and um really just kind of the nuts and bolts of the district and I think it's a nice time to have custodial staff Food Service staff teaching staff PA professionals all of them together to really kind of just um learn about the painful area schools so uh that was a um that was a good day as well and then um I'm excited to tell you uh if anybody was um paying attention at the work session um we did have I had a highle conversation about our our fourth grade section um we were able to post and find a fourth grade teacher and so we're just ecstatic that um Mr Craig clocker um who's done some subbing for us throughout the community um will be able to take on that fourth grade section for this year so um he's he was that was a whirlwind and and we're grateful that he was available but uh so those are the the key updates that I have for my administrative report unless there's any questions on those we technically get many people showing up the L the first day of school that we have not or expectation of that or not you know it's I would say it's more likely at the secondary um we don't have quite as many at the elementary that would come like that last day it's not unheard of rck we do have I mean sometimes there just really late moves that things are unforeseen for families and um and our our staff have really done a nice job just they adust and they make it happen so um and then for the revenues and expenditures I won't click on all of them um I will just show you that obviously you know just a reminder the the revenues and expenditure format will be the same this is going to have our preliminary budget um it's going to have everything through the end of July so there's not a lot you're going to see some areas that have nothing expended and nothing for Revenue so so um this is very early in the fiscal year but I just wanted to um um draw your attention that they're there and then as the um as the uh as we move into the um into the fall and we have a final audit then we'll we'll some of those columns audited not so not a lot to report there either but I would P for any questions on those questions committee reports I know the policy committee has met and we will be on the agenda later any other committees meet staff development a couple of times y um primarily just prepping for the beginning of the year conversation with that and then just look that um a brief moving forward in the year as far as all this all the exciting stuff okay then we can move on Old business so new business we're going to start looking at the handbook approval we went through this two weeks ago so we had a chance to look at the handbooks i p to I have not received any questions or comments I'll um I know there were like I forgot to add the numbers so I added numbers and you know but otherwise the content has been assistent I'll make a motion to approve the 2024 2025 panel area handbooks as presented second than the motion Gerald second all favor say I I opposed they are approved policy first reading you gonna take this one Rick we've had twice there's a lot of them there so jelle would you like to go through this is only the first reading by the way we're not approving that today the first item we have on our policy committee meeting notes that is extremely helpful to me I don't know about everybody else but it gives you a guideline what's going on in all the policies because you can just get buried in them yeah and I I think that's been one one of the when we meet as a committee that's where we start and then we kind of dig into the nuances of of um whether be there be language or there whether there be content um but really this is um as you look at these in what is in red that's kind of the bigger the biggest change or addition to the policy um so 102 is equal opportunity um it really adds the language to change discrimination definition um which is based on statutory guidance or statutory obligation and mba's guidance so uh the policy committee um recommended approving that with a changes as presented the harassment and violence oh I forgot to make that red so I apologize for that um there's an update to the familial status definition um again um conversation surrounding recommendations from msba and having that uh through statutory changes most of those changes are thank you Miranda um are coming from just mba's recommendations when they review um review the changes in legislation why there are so many this year is because there was a lot of legislative language change okay drug free workplace and drug free schools you're going to see that um um this adds a protection for persons in the Minnesota patient registry program um it it has no functional uh implication or change for us as a district but in order to stay up with the policy the recommendation is Chang is presented um 419 the tobacc free environment possession of tobacco and use of tobacco uh so what this does is this adds smudging which is a permissible activity so smudging is a Native American um ritual and if there would be uh students that would have um that are of a a Native American um cultural background we would work with our an adviser um and walk through that process it is again it's an a a statutory ad and so it's something that we are required to address so again it's not been an area that's been incredibly prevalent for us but keeping up to um and I think it's important because I raised a question we went through that that that's not just that they just can't come in and do something that they can only do it through an advisor or through a staff person yeah so there are parameters and it's a very it's it is a very prescripted ritual so it's not like it's something that somebody just walks in and decides I'm going to burn sage and walk through the school so okay um and I use Sage because that's one of the items okay policy 503 student attendance there was a number of changes here so I'm going to take just a couple of minutes to describe why that is so uh through review of NBA's policy and through um in comparison to our our policy there were a lot of structural changes but there were also some areas that um really were kind of unique and had additional definitions such as excessive absence formulas and so it was a little bit um in conversation with the principles who really live and breathe this policy it was a conversation of does this make sense and and in practice and does it meet our needs so um both the both the principles myself and the uh the board committee we all parse through all of the recommended changes the areas to incorporate and we what is presented here is a recommendation to um keep the things that were really specific in Paynesville that worked for Paynesville such as excused absences you know what are the things that are excused versus unexcused um because they really have worked for our community and our student body and our and it's been um it's really been a um I think a policy that's given clear guidance uh versus saying having some absolute Nos and we didn't when we talked through that process um we cleaned up the language made it more consistent but also kept it specific to Paynesville where it was appropriate so um that's where those bigger changes are but now we are more in alignment with some of the statutory language and um the recommendations of msba in addition to maintaining the nuances of um of pays area schools and and I think uh the staff as far as Cassie and Jesse yourself it made it easier to go through that when when you did that first staff did that first so thank you uh student discipline um uh the biggest changes here was adding unscheduled student removal provision uh we were were required to address um if when students could be removed so it's really about like uh creating our um multi-tiered systems of support test uh interventions and if students are removed through class to do the interventions and things like that it's kind of those um if I pull a student out to do that what does that mean and how does that work so that's where the language recommendations came in for student discipline um again student discipline was reviewed about a year ago because there were a number of changes uh to for example not using recess are taking away recess as a um as a discipline so that this policy has been reviewed um twice within the last two years protection of and privacy of pupil records um so it adds explanatory note for directory information um so last school year there were some or the last legislative session there were some um tightenings of the directory information and this provided some clarity for directory information student medication and tella Health the biggest uh context here is um it it adds language that um if we have staff and space uh we may have the ability to provide um um opportunities for students to access mental health therapy REM remotely um in our spaces throughout the school day instead of them having to leave to um go to a an appointment and come back um we at this point we we have a collocated mental health provider who is um providing services on site um but we haven't had um an opportunity to provide virtual Services due to supervision and some of those components so um we'll look at it if it comes up as an ongoing or as a a request or a consideration but at this point we we've really not have the supervision to um provide that opportunity um student disability non-discrimination um updates the language around the definition of a disability uh Title Nine sex non-discrimination policy and the grievance procedures uh what you're going to hear see um in here is oh I need to that's not that's not correct I need to go back to this so our um Title 9 UM recommended policy so Title 9 UM came into um there are new regulations that took place August 1st and with those regulations um it actually there are some components that make it um easier for a school to navigate um but there are very prescriptive uh processes that a school district has to follow MSB a had a and you'll see what our old policy was it's about a 26 page policy um I attended a um a msba conversation I've had I've been in two different legal firm um conversations around Title 9 and really what what our legal council is recommending is a very streamlined be like the requirements of Title Nine as put out by the office of civil rights and so that's what you're going to see as a recommendation so if you look at the length of our actual policy it is very very short because it really is dictating that um we are going to it's it's who you have to make a report to and then um we have to follow the processes that are outlined um the two principles our dean of student and myself have been through formal training so we have met the requirement of the law and then um the second document is the grievance procedures and process that are an amendment to policy 522 so um our recommendation when we sat and walked through this information and again msba went out B they explicitly um stated there are so many uh nuances to this policy you may want to just consult your legal councel for their recommendation um and the hour The Firm that represents our school district did do a title 9 training that's where um Cassie David Michael and I were able to attend and this is the policy that they've they've recommended for us to adopt so um what the uh policy committee discussed was that adopting the the minimum requirements policy would be advised over mba's 26-page policy okay so um I need to I think I don't I have to look at why I think I did a copy paste and I pasted the wrong color so I will update that before our next meeting so Randa can you make a note of that for me thank you any questions on that we've been following Title 9 UM procedure since since the last go round um but these regulations took place as of August 1 it's a monster National conversation y it is y so it's going to be moving around all over and and this the having less in this context is is better for that um functionally it doesn't mean a lot for Minnesota for Minnesota particularly because um the Minnesota Human Rights Act um already has protections and Provisions that we're obligated to follow so in in in practice there's not a lot of change for us okay um recommended policy uh changes to 524 um as the cell phone provision so if you remember last we last year through the last year Midway through the school year the board approved a revision to the handbook so that middle school students could not have access to cell phones um and so now we are no cell phones um K8 and that uh and then really reinforcing again that um cell phones must be put away at 9 through 12 in non-instructional spaces and um they are all prohibited from any bathroom and locker room so we had already met the obligation what this policy says is that school boards are required to review and practice and adopt a procedure uh so the what you're going to see here is that acknowledging that the school board has set a practice by approving the handbooks you are approving the practice of our cellone implementation okay uh use of P off officers so the recommended changes here is to add in the resource language uh the language to um that updates the use of a a school resource officer um a year ago we were having conversations across school districts as to whether or not SRO would be willing to stay in schools because of some um statutory language that was passed and so this is um one of the areas where the language has been updated based on the statutory change that was it was actually one of the first bills that was passed in the legislative session this year because um schools and the um the organization that supports all of our law enforcement their um State organization they raised a number of concerns and so our legislators heard that and and there's been changes to statute and this reflex those changes um so I had talked about that there was a change to remove world's best Workforce and our world's best Workforce language has been REM removed and it is now um oh my goodness um comprehensive achievement and Civic Readiness so semantics that's better so the process is still the same and we're still we're I know so that's that you're you're going to see that as a primary reason for curriculum and instruction curriculum development and systems accountability okay um credit for learning uh there was uh some conversation around um how we issue credits with postsecondary schools and um sorry uh with college and the schools and when when um students are uh dual enrolled or if they're taking classes there and how they transfer in uh Jesse uh spent some um significant time walking through and it all everything is alignment but so we made sure it matches what we are doing in practice in addition to the statutory regulation so the recommendation would be to approve those with as presented student transportation um biggest thing here and and uh I guess I I don't remember if I had a conversation with the principal about this I think it's going to be a bigger issue for um secondary but uh ebites uh 50 cannot be ridden to school under 15 years old so maybe it won't be an issue but maybe it will we'll just have to keep an eye on it but that's that add the eite provision and then crisis um msba um I believe I'm gonna go back they recommending El I believe so oh interesting um it's an interesting conversation because they are all over the place oh they are I think the bigger thing is you know I mean are are they it's sub powerered bike and they're 15 say and I appreciate that just even in my neighborhood the number of people riding around and iaps time see youth driving around some of these bicycles and scooters and whatever else and not really stopping at street corners and not really doing this and that and I just think about yeah come school's time and if there's a lot of traffic there's a lot of extra everything else and you just on that safety aspect I think it just makes sense well they weigh 40 to 60 pounds and all the guy do is accidentally hit the thr and they can run over themselves oh yeah I know guys that are older and have run into themselves with their own ebike cuz they were reaching for the Anar and grab the wrong lever the way it goes it's discussion because I I run I didn't run into them but they're on the bike path and I'm on the bike path and they go Wiz and bu you well it's not it's not a motorized vehicle well it is it says no motorized vehicles but they don't think that it is it's a bike produce a motion to approve the 2022 2026 F trans agreement not I'm sorry and we're still on the policies so okay um the crisis management policy um really the biggest piece here is we um we're reviewing and and you're not going to see it public um but we are reviewing the addendums that go with the crisis management as well um the reason those aren't public is because obviously those are internal um for our practices and we don't always want other people outside of our building to know what our internal practices are but um and then there's a permissive cardiac emergency response plan that um it said that you can add it but at the time of this policy um introduction um it has not been released so we're GNA keep our eyes on that and when that comes out we can R the policy as well so again you know I there were a lot and there's a lot of conversation um but uh I would stand for any questions otherwise we'll just let them be in the board yeah the second meeting our full meeting in September will be approving correct question not policy but go back to that student is there going to be communication to families about that open house and open house is like tomorrow but I or or where or do we wait till we start and then I I feel like an advanced level of some type of announcement to families would be beneficial because if there's families already making that their child will ride this scooter the school you know and and what's the difference gu difference between a scooter and a bicycle versus like I know it gets complicated but just some type of level put there some place you can always go fall back on say well we did put it out there out there you know I think policy correct not policy yet either but I think it is intent that the policy will be adjusted right and this is the yeah so I think um if it's acceptable with the board I'd like to Circle back with um David and Jess with uh Jesse apparently Cassie's not here anymore I'll Circle back with with Cassie and Jesse and kind of talk through what they're seeing and how they I mean they know their student body um of how which ones are typically B bike riders and kind of go from there so if that's and then we can Circle back if needed and I'll Trust their judgment whether it goes in a um a newsletter or if they do you know have parent teachers put it in a communication you know I think it'll kind of depend on the students maybe coming soon yeah could be on the Facebook page too any other questions about policies let's move on to public transportation services agreement which our committee has met yep so the biggest thing here is the only thing that changed is the last two years of this agreement had not been spelled out so this just really finalizes the last two years of the agreement for 2425 and 2526 any questions on that I'll make a motion to approve the 2226 people transportation services agreement ased I'll second it second all in favor say I opposed it's passed resolution to change HRA plan year action describe what we're doing yes absolutely so um our H plan um used to be uh fiscal year and it did not align with our insurance year and so in order to make a change am I saying that right the fiscal year to the insurance I'm yeah they did not align okay so we had overlap of when people were applying or changing their insurance year and it didn't align with their the um the HRA plans so the reimbursement Arrangement um so this in order to make that pange we had to make a formal resolution to change it to have it in alignment so that's what this does yep and uh this is something that our um Deputy business manager has been working with um our benefits people and our insurance and I know that Miranda's had a conversation in this too they they work with our staff on a regular basis navigating these pieces and this seems to make the most sense so that would be the recommendation any questions read the whole resolution that's written I think you can just read the Bold the Bold um so make motion approve the resolution and denum to fville um District 741 integrated H employer adoption agreement which is making the resolution to change the plan year a second okay let take a roll call vote um Gerald yes Ron hi Rachel hi Rick hi Thomas hi chery hi Bruce I pass okay myself here memorandum of understanding of school resource officer so what you're going to see is just a m it's a memorandum of understanding that um I I signed with the um the city council just essentially outlining what the roles and responsibilities are of our SRO um this has been in existence but it's been very um laxed and it just not it's been a number of years since we brought that up to speed so uh Chief Wagner and I sat down and talked through this and and it aligns with the statutory changes and and it just brings us up to speed so um there it does not require board action but I just wanted you to be aware um that we do have a formal agreement with our our Police Department okay questions Comm education job description review okay um so what we found is that throughout the course of um Staffing the pack and uh having a new space that we we've really needed to provide some clarity around job descriptions because they aren't what they were back in the day and and the way that we support that needs to look different and so um Chris really has provided some um opportunity or some structure to an assistant of pack assistant job description and a supervisor job description and um in in my opinion they make sense um to really provide some clarity and definition and we didn't have them in the past so they would need to be board approved okay is there a motion I make a motion there moves second second any questions I didn't ask any questions all in favor say I I opposed pass fee schedule okay uh change on the fee schedule is the adult um the adult lunch cost um because when we get the federal rates we have to adjust the adult lunch cost so there's a change to the adult lunch make a motion approve the fee schedule presented I'll second discussion i' like say one thing when I read it I thought it was pretty decent that we kind of stay here there's a lot of things going on right now that are tough on families and there's a lot of these fees could be difficult if we change so much so I appreciate staying right where we're at for a while okay all in favor say I I post it passes upcoming meetings Okay um so uh sap um is just a reminder it's the former C so they've changed the name um but they are uh in this transition year and we'll see how it goes but that first meeting is coming up in September 4th um and then West Central Ed one thing I'll make a note is we were going to be virtual but it will be in person all right okay um and then you'll see the work sessions advisory committee Community yet no here your committee advis that's right that's right and then our school boards okay that takes care of our agenda is there a motion to adjourn so move second I'll second all favor say I I pass thank you thank you uh cherl I have a question on these TS y sign yes did sign him in the wrong