##VIDEO ID:sAV-1KL7Qug## calling me in order um all members are present except for Rick which hopefully we come late so uh we will be starting with communication items okay uh so we'll start off by inviting our elementary principal up and uh get an update hear what's going on for the start of the school year at the elementary all right we've been busy it's been five days we've been in session um we've had a successful five days uh welcoming students back into school um wanted to just touch on some highlights we had our meet and greet um August 28th and September 3rd um about 98% of our families attended again uh this fall coming to see their classrooms meeting their teachers connecting with transportation and so I just wanted to say thank you to pville motor transfer for being at our meet and greet and answering those Transportation questions uh before that first day of school we had a special visitor from uh champ who did a nice job at taking some photos with students as they came that night that was a um a fun time for kids uh back to school assembly we had that on Monday and again we had champ the Bulldog to help us review our big three mindful connected and respectful um we reviewed whole group assembly expectations um and just had a fun time coming back together we had our fundraiser kick off uh we sang our school song um as well as other fun festivities throughout the assembly uh during the first few days of school myself and Mr maias uh visited all grade levels and held student kind of meetings um welcoming them back to school um giving them a face with Mr matias's name and he was able to connect with all students out on the playground went through expectations um and then we talked about the hallway cafeteria bathroom common places throughout the school um and talking about our big three um September is a busy time for our multi-tiered systems of support staff uh which we'll be hearing more about um perhaps at an October November board meeting where we will share data again but um they've been benchmarking students uh just in the areas of reading and math and that allows us to make D informed decisions and how we can respond to students uh where they're coming back in the fall in the area of reading and how we can meet their their varying needs looking ahead we have picture day right around the corner uh September 18th and then again on October 15th our yearbooks are on sale um so information will be going out tomorrow in our Bulldog bark and then homecoming is right around the corner um it seems really fast this year but we we are getting ready to plan those fun festivities too um we'll have a parade again um on that Friday where the high schoolers come over and walk through our halls and get us pumped up for homecoming um and then at the bottom I'm just leaving my goals on for the year so that way we can Circle back to those um you know certainly getting ready with um some of our our Minnesota re act items working closely as we review that and respond to data here in the next coming weeks questions for Cassie all right thank you mik appreciate it and then we'll move over to secondary and ask Jesse to let us know what's going on at the secondary welcome hey good evening everybody so um I just wanted to say we had an awesome first week of school here I was um really excited about that just thankful for um the professional staff that we have at the secondary building that was willing to help students navigate some of the changes with the ab schedule and moving to um lead time and a five period block so the staff staff really kind of came together stepped up and really helped people get where they needed to go so it's um a really really fun first week um one of our big focuses has been on PBIS expectations and going through expectations with students and so if you walk the Halls you'll see posters that say core values on them and so our big lift for us was um going through and talking to individual students and and grade levels about what our core expectations are of students so that we're all um familiar here in the building and then Mike and I got the opportunity to meet with each grade individually on the first day of school and just kind of talk about the ins and outs and how things work and where they should work and when they should show up and things like that and it was just a great time for them to get to meet Mike and for us to kind of um share some important information about the building so um really really a a a fun start the school year so uh looking ahead uh it is it is crazy how busy September is right now we're in the middle of our Cassie talked about this but we're in the middle of our fall benchmarking window um so right now we're benchmarking all students up through grade up through grade 10 um to get an idea of where they are and that sort of is a big driver for our mtss program and and determining what supports to give to students so um it's a big thing going on right now in lead time as bench marking we have FFA plot day coming up here on Thursday um I encourage you if you have not been out to plot day yet to get out there it is just an incredible um thing that the the FFA puts on they have amazing food and just a cool opportunity for to see things that are going on out there um this year their focus is on their new water management system and a cool opportunity to see that and just to be able to see um students can learn about things in egg that they wouldn't normally have the experience to learn so so very very cool opportunity coming up bus safety is on Wednesday September 18th and then Cassie pointed to it but our homecoming week is coming up and it's early this year and so our student groups our our student council groups are already in full swing getting ready and getting all that planned and ready to go for September just a reminder of things that are going on that week we have coronation on Monday at 7 o'clock in the auditorium uh cross country home meet is on Tuesday volleyball home meet is on Thursday Friday we have our petfest our celebration here and then one of my favorite things is heading over to the elementary to do the homecoming parade there it's a a really exciting time and then homecoming football on Friday and then the dance on Saturday so just a really big full week at the end of September here that we're getting ready for so any questions for Mr rasmon not a question but a comment I like that you guys are pushing out those core values get everybody in the same sheet of music everybody have that understanding this is what we hold uh you know as far as those students for this is what we we expect you know people as far as treat I don't know they are but you know how how they treat each other but this is really where we start as far as that foundation so very good I really appreciate that you guys do that perfect all right thank you thank you thank you all right okay activities what do we we have going I'm not a thing huh yeah uh yeah uh things are kicking off we're ready to get things going again we're excited to be back I was just down in the pack watching volleyball for the last about an hour and a hour and a half or so and it's awesome so blessed to have that space I know I've said that multiple times but we have three different courts going on I sat and visited with a parent who had uh daughters playing on multiple course so she's able to be in one space and watch multiple daughters at the same time and you know we're out of here fans are out here by six o'clock and they're back home it's not like years ago if we had to play back to back at the elementary or something or in the Middle School gym and all of a sudden games are going until 7 o'clock people are out of here at a reasonable time and back home uh to finish up their day but it's just awesome uh so it's a lot of fun seeing all those people back uh like we said before we have Homecoming coming up in a couple weeks so that's going to be a big week with uh cross country on that Tuesday right at our course here coronis Hills and then we have 15 boys and girls uh teams competing that day so it'll be it'll be crowded up there and then Thursday we have volleyball at home and then Friday is football at home so lots going on check the schedules out can be a lot of things going on here but that's what that's the way we like it we want it uh soon we're going to be looking to line up winter workers here in the next probably month or so so again if anybody's hearing anybody who's interested maybe starting to look to try to get some basketball officiating in or anything like that we're always looking for people willing to help train and provide equipment and anything else that they need to get started so just getting those people to get started is the hardest thing so um and also try to keep being kind to those officials they like coming back recently our CMC conference had our 80s meet and we made the decision to not allow red white and blue or USA themed uh student sections right now at least until the elections are over just because it's a very controversial and kind of a hot button topic right now and people are tend to be very much one side or the other so just to try to avoid any of that and not have anybody wear anything to support or to um be disrespectful to the other party just we're trying to stay away from that and plus we've had instances in the past couple of years where flags have been worn and that's both disrespectful to the flag and those who served to honor it so our conference just felt it was best and it's not just our conference there are other schools around the state too that feel it's best just to steer clear of it uh and wait till the election's over and this in no way shape or form is intended to you know discourage Pride towards our country or our colors so just wanted to make sure we talk about that because I know there's one school on our conference that had somebody who was contacting the the school and talking about it and again just no way shape or form is it intended to discourage that Pride in our country or its colors some new information from the State High School league the fall they're going to vote on whether to include nth grade level as part of its uh group that they um govern so the way it's been now it's been 10th 11th and 12th grade because years ago when it first started most high schools were 10th 11th and 12th grade but now schools are getting a little bit smaller and most of them are either 9 through 12 for high school or 7 through 12 or six for 12 so they're deciding to whether or not they want to include nth grade into that insurance policy and to track forms and eligibility so most schools right now track all those forms and eligibility because we need to uh so it's not really going to change a lot from our end as far as what we do and uh what we track but just something that they're going to look to start administering possibly with a a vote in the next couple of weeks uh and I'd like to conclude by thanking our coaches you know just thinking about all the long days they have ready all the prep time that they go into their regular school day and then they go into the gyms from from 3:20 to 5:30 for practices or they have Road games where they're getting back late and think of all the you know they don't just worry about one or two they worry about everybody in their program right so just think of all the stuff that they do and all the time they invest into our kids in our programs and make those connections that last a lifetime just really appreciate everything that they do and all the prep time and weekend time and tournaments and and stuff like that just can't thank them enough for all that they do so with that any questions yeah Under the Red White and Blue so the Restriction goes away after the election that's what we're going for I don't get that if it's a restriction you leave it on it certainly something we could we could that is just wrong otherwise um you're destroying whatever I don't know how this is tied to what party or whatever but um Bo we have to be really careful of restricting freedom of speech and to have it till November 5th and then everything is okay it's a free-for-all you should be just if you're you're going to do something like that should just go away Bruce I think ESS yep I think the the group has talked about trying to frame uh sportsmanship trying to frame the um Spectators across the board in a positive light I would not be surprised if this is Revisited Midway through to acknowledge that this really has changed the demeanor across and it and it could be continued I think the the primary conversation came around um really trying to get in front of negative um using having um negative candidate support and having to police what's in the um in the crowds for all parties and all political action um and if it's done consistently and again not intending to be party partisan but really working to say does that make are you following where the logic came from if you're discontinuing on November 5th it doesn't work because then it is against some party okay so you just don't want it there it shouldn't be there that's all I'm saying I don't think that you should be going going out and next thing they're going to come up with something else that you're going to stop on November 5th and what part is going to do what well we're all in the United States of America if red white and blue is the description I'm not following all of this I read some stuff um on different things and it's just like I'm I'm not following this I don't know necessarily even what party this is coming from but I expect this come from both because they're both are talking about USA right but does that mean when you're talking about USA and our colors that's a bad thing I don't get it now if there was other things then that's a different picture I know a number of years ago um some banners rolled out in the gymnasium everybody panicked over over that well that's probably a maybe a little over the edge bringing politics to school but if you're talking about our flag and that's United States of America I I don't care what part you ever belong to it's still the United States of America right and it hasn't changed the only one that changes is we have some of the states have changed Flags so one of the things that that has occurred on on those days is that the uh we do see a lot of political um endorsement through um through um a day that's themed to be red white and blue okay Endor our one candidate and slander the other a lot of times and that was that's been that's the the intent of of trying to say we're not going to prohibit one party or another and this was a conference discussion this wasn't unique to us um because this is um this has been observed across all of the schools the other piece that um that we do really try to get in front of is is how students are using the flag um and that's been part of our teaching right is so if we see students that are are wrapping themselves up a flag for example we're addressing that to say that's not the respectful method of manner methodology of wearing a flag a flag shouldn't be teally freedom of speech and freedom says you can we're going down a slippery slope here yeah dig a hole and making more than what it's got to be but unfortunately this is the world now well if it was me to cut it short I wouldn't restrict it to November 5th because all of a sudden we became political and that's you know all the time if they're themselves in FL all the time then just restrict it 100% because it is political when you it all goes away on November whatever fourth or fifth whatever it is well the good news is one of our student sections themes was already this before we made this announcement was the USA theme and it was a road game had didn't have any negative feedback from it seemed like it was all positive so hopefully our kids are making the right choices and wearing it for the right reasons so that that was one thing that already occurred but just trying to communicate what our conference decided um I just have one short question and it's I'm doing it at a meeting so that our community can hear it um there was some objection to some of the music at a home game has that been addressed it has okay that's all I need thank you y I just want our community to hear yep and and I received I received in addition to your um feedback I received some additional feedback so it certainly has been addressed thank you absolutely all right I have I have a question I guess uh uh re I don't know I don't know if this pertains to you or whatever but uh I don't know who sent Letters Out regarding uh huddle uh apparently painsville area school is transition transitioning to huddle HDL T live streaming y um uh I got a letter uh a bunch of businesses got letters uh their minimum offering is $1,000 it's up to $5,000 so what's all that about I thought we had a h a technology uh thing going ahead here what what are we trying what are we trying to do there sure that's that's a sponsorship for um your signage and your um for the sign and advertising that is played on the Huddle live stream and it's part of the production and the advertising the Huddle has nothing to do with um the the that's provided regardless of the sponsorship that letter went out to potential sponsors for advertising yeah but they they got to make the checks off the Painesville area schools who's who's getting that money so it's in it's a collaboration between the booster club and the um the live stream our our live stream Community aded program so the booster club gets the first gets the signage money and then the live stream has the sponsorship for the live commercials and that was previously that was um there was a group that just did the bulldog live stream so we had multiple entities reaching out to businesses for sponsorships so this brought everything together with one instead of having multiple multiple individuals approaching businesses for sponsorships so it allows them to promote their businesses and it still keeps the live stream free because there are schools very close down the road from us who do not have any sponsorships who require uh fees from viewership so this was letter of a minimum of a th just set the bar pretty high but good luck well they were 7 50 per season prior it was 750 for fall 750 for spring and 750 for winter so I mean there are people that have said no and there are people who have said yes we'll take we'll participate no that's fine I just was curious I I didn't know anything about it and there few phone calls and I didn't know anything about it so okay all right anything else okay all right thank [Applause] you come on up Chris Happ on the committee all right good evening oh Community aded we've started our fall programming um registration and our classes are um on Pace as usual um most of our classes will be kind of gearing up and starting next week we had a few start early um but uh we are just getting into that time where the Community classes will get going so um uh we're we're on track with that um school here as Cassie had talked about we've been five days in so I put a lot of focus on the um preschool our R around care and our after our school time or our before and after school pause program so in our preschool program it's you know it's been going I have extra staff on for the first three days to make sure we can get kids where they need to be there was a lot of crying by lots of people no mostly kids but uh um I think the second and third day we had probably the most crying because I that's when the preschoolers realized that school's not is more than one day so they have now realized that they are going every day so there's been there's been that but they're getting they're getting better as we get into routine and um as we move around the school building they're figuring it out um we have all new staff in our wraparound CARE program we have new staff new room um doing things a little differently so I've been spending a lot of time um in in those spaces to just help them get um help staff and and support support what they're doing in that program in our um pause program we have 107 107 contracts um but um I do still have 13 kids on a weit list uh I've been trying to find staff and it's just difficult it's a it's a hard spot to um fill those those time frames are hard to fill so I don't unfortunately I don't have a timeline as when I can open additional slots but we we did have to put 13 students on a weight list so that we can stay in our correct numbers um fitness center um we this summer we painted we painted one of the rooms and put uh gave it a deep clean so now we have the equipment in there um and uh we move some equipment around and trying to create some more space so if you haven't been down there check out the back card room we paint we use a lot of obviously our colors that are that are around the school so it's no longer purple in there and it's now the correct colors so and hopefully next year we'll look at um buffing up the floor and making that look good and we are um continue we we are also still looking for pack staff so we're looking for some an adult super visor that's what we're looking for we have plenty of students that are interested in working at the pack but now we're looking for some adult supervision in the evening that's a a big Focus that we'll be on and just um getting the pack is becoming busy it's busy with sports it's busy with um we'll have a volleyball tournament the end of October um and we have people who are going to get back into pickle ball so it is going to gear up and be a busy place again um what's coming up we believe it or not I'm planning for winter and uh that catalog comes out in December so deadline for things to come in in November one and one final thing I did miss um so we I'm working on the playground uh the early child playground project we will be featured at the uh Community Foundation Gayla at the end of September so I've been working on our presentation our slides our um sponsorship brochure and we will also have uh I will have an opportunity to promote an upcoming raffle that the legion has come in and said they would sponsor and we are excited about that that'll be a a a great fundraising effort that we that um that just kind of walked in our door so I'm very happy about that so a lot to work on but we are um excited about the opportunities any questions keep doing what you're doing all right thank you all right thank you and buildings and grounds let's see what's happening across the district that way good evening well this last couple weeks have been really busy for Ken and I don't know what I've all done I don't know if you heard but Brad did go down here for a week or two so I've been without him so I've been busy trying to just keep up with his sort of stuff and and so on and so forth uh and uh I got to say I really enjoy the hallways in the mornings in between classes you see the chatter going on The Smiling kids' faces I really enjoy this time of year again just brings a whole new perspective and I enjoy it thly so other things I've got done Sal's parking lot uh close up it probably doesn't look perfect but a couple more stripes and I'll get her down better and better we'll make it look don't tell like a park lot so got it striped pretty good um we had the Mary go around at the elementary school go down there a couple bearings out uh we got the bearings ordered in they're in the mainten shop we'll get that put back together soon reassembled so the kids can have fun on that uh the roofs they I did get back there were in contact with me and that's moving mov forward now again to get that whole project on the list and moving forward so that's great to hear um entry the entryways seven and eight actually seven you probably didn't even know what but eight was sagging so bad so that's on the agenda to get that moving forward here so we'll probably have to rope that off here for a while and we'll be talking about that further um science upgrade VCI was in to do a final thing um late last week I believe somewhere in there um talked to him about s softball complex as long as I were in and that kind of went on silent ears you know I haven't heard anything back on that they like yeah I'll talk to him about it and just don't hear anything so I'm thinking they're just behind and she said they were behind so um that's all I really have any questions for me what you doing your spare time I could answer that but I probably shouldn't thank you guys all right most en rollment update en rollment update all right so uh so this is the meeting where we uh we kind of take a look at our opening day enrollment um so we and and I'll just kind of remind everybody we knew that our numbers were going to be down we graduated a large class we had a smaller enrolling kinder Garden class so that we we knew those some of those things were coming if you take a look at so this is the enrollment as of today uh September 10th and you'll see um elementary school has uh 407 students the secondary has 471 um you'll see that um the numbers in column letter sorry in column B and column C are so column C is the total so we've had um 31 students to total enroll elsewhere so then you wonder okay so where are they going so we had um 16 students um move their um to another District so they or they enroll in their District of residence so like physically moving um we had four students homeschool um we had six students uh open a roll to another District we have no students enrolled at the alc right now and we've had five that have moved out of state and out of country which is kind of unique and that's different for us um so there's a lot more fluidity there you'll see that we have 22 new students to the elementary and we have 10 new students to the secondary so our cumulative net gain is still one student um if you take a look at that over the course of and and what I like about this document and why I've kept this document coming forward is because you can look from 2020 where we had a cumulative loss of 23 to um each year you can see we we gained seven students um to then the following year was another seven students in 23 we gained 12 students and then in um 24 it was a net gain of of one so um kind of a a a running tally for enrollment which I think is important for us to keep an eye on um you know you'll see in the newspaper I had the conversation um am I concerned does this give me a a huge reason for pause and I would say no because um one of the other pieces is we have 91 students enrolled in our preschool program we've added a element of a section of three-year-olds and a section of four year olds that's high in demand and that's a good feeder into our elementary programming so um those are things that I think are all important for us to keep in the Forefront um and then now continuing to look forward you know as I as I mentioned a couple of um meetings ago we have some large bubbles of kids where we have movement and so those are all things that we need to continue to be responsive to um and and that doesn't mean that we don't pay attention to this but we also look at longterm what are the numbers going to do and we expected this dip in our enrollment so uh with that I would stand for questions that you have about um opening day enrollment I'm not concerned I like so but you know I'm not with the numbers and and really you know the the B thing and touched on it is the preschool side of it and I think uh you know for uh like Cassie and her staff over in the elementary school knowing that that this is going to be coming it's kind of that breather for them of let's get ready for that Bowe to hit us uh if we do get that those large numbers that come in so uh yeah I like I said I'm not concerned I looked at those uh numbers when and uh we had uh had gotten some information on it uh and I think we we're heading in the right direction so certainly we keep an eye on um we keep an eye on enrollments we continue to have conversation about um kids that are you know again ins and outs and we those are all things to continue to pay attention to and continue to look at what we're doing to feed our Elementary programs um you know the one piece that I I think is um um I've talked about in previous years too is the fluidity of kids we have more kids moving um than we ever used to have and and it happens later in the school year um you know you see it um we have kids enrolling the week before school and that's hard to plan for but at the same time um I think our staff have really done a nice job being responsive and they're ready so um we'll we'll take kids whenever they come I think it's also good that you did the breakdown down of where these students have gone uh from from last year and then starting this year uh for everybody to have that understanding that uh we don't have that so that number that has that have left this place uh uh except for the graduating class didn't open a roll out all of that whole did not open a roll out which I think is is good it shows that uh that we have a very strong school district and and which means that the the programs we offer the education we offer uh is something that's keeping a lot of people here uh and also bringing uh students in that are open enrolling into our district which is is very positive so I was just curious um does the Open Enrollment fluctuate or is it pretty steady um I haven't I haven't tracked it yet this year I do track that throughout the school year um and it's we have years that we have in flow um for the most part we've been either either a net gain or neutral um but I'll I will track that again for the board and homeschooling same thing yeah our our homeschooling and I'll have to ask Miranda are pretty consistent as well because they they're included let me pull up the um they're included in the um the going choosing to homeschool um in a role with an online provider so there's four there's four families okay I know over Co there were a lot more y y thank you but we as a district are not unique no no CU all the times I've seen the reports doesn't make any difference go all around here they got Statewide they have similar numbers yeah similar percentages yep and homeschooling as a general is on the rise across across the state and I would say across the country there's been a higher percentage um and and it varies as to why families will select but it's it's been a an increasing phenomenon just thinking as we look to the Future are we coordinating our our view with the city and looking at they should be looking at the future of Paynesville I mean do they see growth coming are they monitoring things y I mean we see a lot of new houses going up but as we try to predict the future which is the hard part we know five years from now there'll be 100 more kids in the community the city have any statistics or any do they do any kind of futuring I don't know that they have a a uh scientific mathematical calculation for it I do know that um um I had an opportunity to be part of a strategic planning discussion and um the the city of painsville is definitely focused on growth um you'll see that there is more movement on housing um I think that's a positive indication there's some focus on growth um as a community um I think multiple organizations and entities are having conversation about child care um because that can often be a barrier for families to come to Paynesville because if you can't find Child Care um and if I have to bring my kids elsewhere you know why wouldn't I just live where I have to bring my kids so those are all ongoing discussions that and the city um the city of Paynesville has been part of that discussion I've had conversations with the Community Foundation I've had conversations with the Lions Club in Paynesville um that all have interest in in how we can make sure that there's some community and that may not be the school's lift but the school definitely has an impact and we it has an impact on us so we definitely have skin in that game right so um all of that to say that I know the city is also looking at if they're going to build houses and and have opportunities for young families we also have to look at what opportunities do we have to support family growth within our community so they all kind of go not one can live in isolation it'd be interesting to know how many people who work at the hospital don't actually live in Painesville but might live here the hand housing because there's a lot of people working there and when I'm in interaction with them a lot of them do not live here no yeah and a lot of them are young and they have kids yeah yep for sure okay all right you any questions about enrollment and we'll move on to recognition days uh um okay so recognition days I just wanted to pull these out so one of the things that we recognized as an Administration is that um we never wanted people or groups or or individuals to I guess be missed and sometimes they were recognized in one site not the other so we kind of did some I again I'm I'm all about working smarter not harder so we looked to some surrounding districts and some colleagues and these are some ideas that came came forth as um a methodology just to kind of acknowledge these are the days that we recognize certain um you'll notice the School Board Association um they took a little uh they they gave us a little um curveball and moved recognition from January to September and we went oh okay so that's on in September um you'll see just I guess again in the trying to a proactive way to recognize the people and the um some of just the different activities throughout the school year um so this was just here as a as an FYI to you as as a board that these are things that administratively we're trying to be consistent across both buildings and make sure that we just recognize staff and activities and events throughout the course of the year so it doesn't require action or anything but I just I thought it was um was important to have in front of you as a board to see kind of what administratively we were thinking about that's basically something we leave in your La as Administration to acknowledge these different events yep yep exactly um strategic plan review so um I I'll pull up there's not a lot of significant changes since we've reviewed this in um July but a couple of things that I just will pull uh draw to your attention um so as uh both Jesse and Cassie talked about um with regards to um I'm going to make this a little bit smaller only so I can see the goals too um so with regards to PBIS and uh really talking about like the big three and um lead it really is about trying to be proactive and helping our student body understand what the expectations are proactively instead of coming back after the facts saying well actually you know what we really do expect you to be respectful and here's what it looks like so there's proactive conversation about what it looks like and sounds like as well so those continue to be and those are all part of that first goal about the social emotional wellness and growth of our student body um and so those there has not been any change there um I we have had administratively a lot of conversation about the um the components of the Strategic plan that identify Wellness standards and um and then how we would develop kind of professional learning communities around the wellness an the wellness standards and the the um anchored kind of components of wellness and really um we've had conversation about um the castle standards which really are what Drive the social emotional learning and the well-being of all of our students and and staff and so we're talking about how do we bring that conversation to our staff and how do we bring that conversation to our students about um Wellness as a whole person not just kind of your social emotional learning but Wellness as a whole kind of um as a whole person I guess um really not trying to do it in isolation and so um that does continue to be a conversation the other thing I I wanted to draw to your attention is that um I have um I believe right now I'm up to eight individuals across the district eight parents and uh community members that are part of our district advisory Comm um that's been part of a conversation of how are we engaging our our our parents and our community members to bring them into the school and so these are all conversations that I see that as another platform to say what does this look like in your what are you hearing and how do you would you like this to look so we can engage parents in that conversation um and also just have them um give us their insight as to what what they see and is happening at the school and so um all of that kind of um the growth of the community and or the growth of our school district and our communication really kind of anchors around those items so again our um our district advisory committee in continuing the conversation around Wellness standards and what that looks like um they're really it's Wellness standards when I look at the Strategic plan it was kind of a vague um reference that I'm not 100% sure where um you know that came from in the initial conversation but it really does align with looking at a whole person and then talking to our um our advisory Council on and giving them an in some opportunity to prent provide some insight as well so um those are kind of the the main areas again you'll see where I just have notations um our our plc's um our professional learning communities our Q comp committee has done a lot of work this summer in really defining roles and responsibilities and professional learning communities are one of the embedded um activities that is part of our part of qm and it's actually a requirement of our um our teacher um development and evaluation model um and and our our group has had a lot of really proactive conversations so I'm excited to see where our professional learning communities um evolve over the course of the year and and and how some of these conversations can also live in those spaces um uh um um so one of the other things um that goes in in regards to our um communication opportunities and um and when I when I communicated with the board about um about the expanded opportunities for um for the Huddle Liv streaming um we'll have the capacity to live stream more of the elementary um programs so our Veterans Day program our pre oure our elementary um programs in the um in the auditorium so we have the cameras that have been purchased but those will now be able to be part of our live stream opportunities as well so we're really hoping to um expand what our community that isn't just here in Pres inid present moment can access uh for from our students and our our staff so um more to come on that as well and then um so the other piece that we've proactively talked about for communication is um really using our the administration both um um Cassie and Jesse how they meet with their leadership teams and having some consistent topics so that we're sure that as um issues are arising um the stakeholders and the buildings have an opportunity to give feedback and that's also been kind of one of the the reasons for us shifting our meet and confer process back in the day um meet and confer was essentially used to develop the calendar and um meet and confer by definition is intended to be about proactive communication to address things that are happening that maybe management Administration don't know about so um I think that that's another really important tool for us when it comes to communication we can understand what's happening and try to be proactive and get in front of things instead of um having misunderstandings or disconnect parents um will often tell teachers what they're hearing feeling thinking understanding then our teachers have an opportunity to meet with from a leadership perspective with their Administration and then we can also use it through a formalized process of meeting so um really working on um um improving our communication across the build the district and buildings that way as well and then our our fiscal responsibility continues to be um continues to just be the focus of of our um of one of the key focuses of our strategic plan so not a ton of structural changes but just wanted to bring you up to speed in a couple of those things that have been happening over the course of Summer and any questions I guess I've got a question maybe be off a little bit but when you talk about communication and I know technology I I uh I don't know who that we need to speak to but uh on the uh that bulldog app uh why can't we get somebody to fill in as far as what the uh lunch menus are um I noticed that's been blank uh a lot of times last year it was wrong um I guess I'm shouldn't be that difficult Wonder that's something that could be corrected here in the coming weeks yep I can sure take a look at that I mean we we passed a technology Levy and and uh you know we can't just do some of those basic things so um even like being virtual like this it's it's it's pretty sad us as adults should be able to get this figured out so we're definitely uh have taken a step back but I know we're supposed to be positive and Pat everybody on the back but uh these are just some things that I I I see as a problem but I don't want to be negative either but uh it looks bad okay I'll I'll have somebody look into the app that's not a problem yep so we talked about um this group of people representing the community and everywhere else so we need to look at this and everyone's looking at home embedded seal throughout all grade levels um PBIS so who's reading this that isn't sitting here that knows what that means sure you know we never write them out this is on a computer it's nothing to do a copy and a paste yeah we never write that out so we got this little few little letters meaning this and that and so if we're trying to engage the community maybe it wouldn't Hur us start writing stuff out sure or it's been going on for a long time does it all to be written out or can we have a glossery someplace that people can go to terminology terminology glossy where you can and here's where they all are yeah well it's just because it's not just it might need have a an explanation even if you have the full name in there still might puzzle people as to what it is yeah yeah yeah well it's just something that I see it all over we're trying to engage everybody so everybody here gets it if you're on the Schoolboard for a while you start picking some of that stuff up nobody else has a clue what those that stuff means and I can do a better job like as a for instance I noticed like in column D I spelled out um I spell out positive behavior intervention supports I can do a better job of using a parentheses and then letting people know it's you know or I think to your point Rick a glossery is a really simple way to help help people it's a place for them to go they Jaron y community members and people from the district and ask them what they think yeah if they think it's no big deal just leave it then sure forget I said anything sure just that it's not real clear to everybody when we're trying to gauge everybody yep good feedback okay then move on to E which is time for the board to request specific information data assistance and making government decisions does anybody have anything they'd like to bring up tonight I would like to Circle back around to uh what Ricky BR as far as the conference and uh the issue about the red white and blue I'm going to do from two perspectives uh one being from the military side and then one from just my own observation so of course those will be kind of the opinion things I support what the conference decided to do I understand where Ron is coming from and where Bruce is coming from uh does it start to uh impede on what we call freedom of speech maybe but just because uh there is something out there that allows us to express ourselves is it something that has gotten to the point where it is no longer freedom of speech it is out there to hurt each other but yet we we put it under that category of freedom of speech so you can't to take that away from me and I think unfortunately this country has gotten to that point where it's no longer freedom of speech just to say something and uh it doesn't hurt anybody it has become something where it is very hurtful and you can't stop me from doing it that's my opinion that's why I support what conferences done the other part uh as far as from military perspective I live for 20 years in the military with the understanding that I signed up or at least I took an O to defend uh uh the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign domestic which mean means that everything in there along with the uh uh the Bill of Rights first 10 amendments that everybody had access to that and could do what they needed to within the law but me as a military member did not have that a lot of those as far as within the first 10 amendments were curtailed because I was in the military I did not have necessarily freedom of speech because I was in the military I did not have the right to bear arms because I was in the military I did not have Justice expedited Justice because I was in the military so I guess I've liveed with that for 20 years uh it's been 20 years since I've been out also but I understand why you have that uh at certain things it was me that that uh decided to do that that I wasn't forced to join the military it was me that accepted that throughing my time uh and to see that uh at least there is a conference here that is a little concerned with the uh I guess the elevation of uh politicizing certain things because of where we're at the volatile nature of Might maybe what's going on right now uh during this election year I strongly support what the conference has done what what's going to happen after that I agree with you Bruce uh do we continue with it you know if you're you're going to kind of sequester it for a short period of time do we let it go uh for somebody to come back and say well wait a minute now you took away my freedom of speech I don't know what the conference is going to do I I agree with you does it look like that uh is it going to be one of those things where yes absolutely we're going to just continue with this uh we'll respect the flag but a red white and blue theme throughout we don't I I don't know the conference has to come up with that but uh as far as me and this just me you know as far as my opinion and then also being in the military I support what the conference did thank you my only objections November 4th and 5th but it's election 4th isn't it something like that okay well I guess I'm not when it doesn't know exactly but if it ends on there it just became political just stop it all together especially if you're saying it's hurting somebody I guess I I must not know enough about it I mean I watch a lot of stuff and I read a lot of stuff um this is all um new to me but obviously it's against some candidate somewhere that we don't want it to be there but nevertheless if anybody's getting hurt just stop it but as soon as we put the end date of the election we just made it all political it's like okay who's getting who here I don't fix it sure exactly and we know politics didn't end with the end of the election right correct so maybe that just needs to be Revisited at conference level and looked into anyone else have any comments hearing none we are thank you thank you um