##VIDEO ID:ydL48c5Ylu8## all right six o'clock me order all members are present except for Cheryl R it's gonna be a little bit late so we'll start off with communication items right um so we have a number of um updates today so we'll invite uh our elementary principal up so you'll notice a little format changed so we're going to invite Cassie back here to uh to give us an update for the um you want to come back here I didn't uh we did a little restructuring and cleaning of the Board Room so now the camera looks at you from the front side you get to see so welcome thanks for the update we got we have a full page worth of updates um lots happening over the summer at the elementary school uh we hosted numerous um activities and events um including Community education classes asan Bible School our p program our extended school year service um for our students as well as other activities so it's been it's been busy um and so with that our custodial staff has worked very hard um in being accommodating to the people that are in the buildings and making sure that we have clean spaces ready to go this fall um so with that being said I just want to give a big shout out to our custodial staff Gary Sandy and Mary um and Ken and and others as well uh for the work that they've done this summer preparing for our big return very soon um in addition Food Service um has served over 3,300 breakfast in June July and part of August and over 6,000 lunches um to our community which is very exciting and a big thank you to our food service staff for preparing breakfast and lunch each day um that is coming to an end uh real soon here I believe at the end of this week um so they can get the kitchens cleaned up and turned around for the school year so thank you to them in addition I want to recognize the technology department tonus Tech and Leah for their summer work uh preparing for the return of students and staff rolling over to the new school year uh software programs devices um it's a big undertaking and making sure that our technology is up and ready to go for the year um been busy hiring new staff um not a lot this summer as compared to my previous two summers so that's exciting but very excited to welcome um our new staff on August 20th at our new staff orientation um getting them on board and part of the Bulldog family uh personally this summer um spent a lot of time updating our student handbook and you'll hear about that later on um a lot of my summer or good chunks of the time have been related to the handbook and I'm excited to move move forward as the district with one um so we'll share more here after a bit I just included for the public to see the school supply list in case anybody needs that information as well as our back to school meet and greet and our conference time uh just a reminder for the elementary our first day of school is Wednesday not that Tuesday just for a reminder to families um as we use the Tuesday for those conferences um our enrollment in Span you're in the front office has been busy accepting um registrations at the elementary we're up to 17 um over the summer and of those 17 uh we have six joining our fourth grade class um and so with with that increase bring some challenges and some good conversation and discussion on how we can support um our students in in that grade level particular in particular um this summer coming up Thursday actually we have our um Ela Training Day Ela English language arts standards um and new curriculum training for our Elementary staff so we have our Benchmark Advance rep coming in to provide that training I'll be providing some training as well as we are doing some shared uh sessions there so that'll be exciting and then just wanted to share with the board and in our community uh goals that I have and the elementary has for the upcoming school year um we're going to continue to build our social emotional learning using our character strong curriculum that we have in our program it'll be our second year of implementation um which provides us an opportunity to use the data to respond to student needs um in the area of social emotional learning um again Ela that'll be a big undertaking for our staff making sure that we have ongoing professional development and training throughout the school year as we are implementing our new reading curriculum uh which is aligned to the Minnesota state standards and all of our letters training and uh certainly we will be working to adjust and align um to the Minnesota re act with um you've heard me talk about that so we've got some work through um this year to align our practices in that area and then of course um very important to continue to build positive and effective relationships within our school and between our school families in our community I'm looking forward to year three and I'm still surprised at how many um names I don't know quite yet um but it's a priority of mine to get to know names and families those are some of the goals and updates for the school year any questions the elementary just one comment I guess I really thank you for laying up as far as what your goals are that you set uh for yourself and then also for the school and that absolutely fabulous especially let the public know what to expect from from yourself facil so thank you very much for doing that all right thank you so much appreciate it all right um and then we'll invite uh Jesse rasmon our secondary school principal for his first official update as oh nope yeah you were not here in July it was just our one joint our combined meeting so welcome to the helm tell us what we got going at the secondary thanks for having me so it's been really fun for me to see the building uh this is the first summer that I've actually been in the building every day and um I was really surprised to see how busy this building is every day and to see students around and and that's been really fun to see how how busy it is you'd be hardpressed to find a day here in the Summer where the building is empty and that's that's been fun to see um a big shout out to our custodial staff they have been hard at work preparing this building for uh the school year so big thanks to uh Brad Dave Sandy Stephen and Perry for all their hard work and another thank you to Ashley ozor for all of her painting she's been in here painting some classrooms to prepare them for our our new Bulldog staff that are coming on board here so it's been nice to get our our building up and ready to go for students to come um we're excited to welcome new staff members we uh Cassie talk touched on this on August 20th we have our new staff orientation and um we have some new staff members that we're adding to our teams we're excited to to bring them on board that day and looking forward to seeing what um what they can do around here um Staffing we're also looking to hire some people we're looking for a few additional par professionals a food service worker um and West Central that is is currently in in the search for finding us a social worker um so um that's where we're at as far as Staffing and hiring goes um we finalized student schedules today and we released them to families today so um families now students can get a look at their um first quarter schedules today which we really excited about um a big thank you to Cassandra and Jackie who helped me kind of navigate that process um Jackie has been in here meeting with Juniors and seniors and she met individually with 52 seniors and 47 of our Juniors to make sure that they have schedules that'll work for them and and get them the credits they need to graduate next year so um Jackie's been hard at work getting Juniors and seniors ready it's been great um so just a look at the upcoming school year ahead we have our open house on Wednesday August 28th from 5 to 7 excited to have people back in the building and excited to see families again and and show off the great things we have going on here um we had been working last year to look at schedules and how we can better meet the needs of our students by kind of updating our schedule so we're moving ahead with our five period day um along with that five period day we're also going to have English and math classes every other day for the entire year so students don't just have them for a semester they have English and math every year every other day all the way up to 10th grade so we're excited to be able to offer that to our families um one of our big goals this next year is is looking at mtss and how we can Implement M mpss successfully in the secondary school so one of the things what we're adding is um we're moving away from Bulldog time and adding on what we call lead time and lead time is going to be an advisory um it's a academic Focus period that'll allow us to build in interventions and mtss framework within our secondary schedule so um we're really excited to bring that on board and and look at how we can U better meet the needs of our students through mpss so those are things we're excited about this year any questions for Bessie no but I do want to thank you Jesse kind of a comment on the the five um five classes per week um and how that was all figured out building off of the block schedule I know that uh I know you're aware that there were issues uh or concerns not issues but concerns uh that you were able to to work through that I know Dave uh taking that on and kind of laid that out but with you finishing that up and with the help of Janelle and as far as input uh thank you so much I think people be very happy with that so thank you it's good that you brought up too we have certain people that will think we lost something right or in transferred it and right at the first meeting we're talking about exactly what we were working on with David um before all this change so good job absolutely all right thank you so much of course all right and activities what do we got going for our activities I'm sure things are just uh really really quiet yeah practices got started today for seventh through 12th grade across country 9 through 12 volleyball and 9th through 12 Football Junior High football and volleyball will start on the first day of school at September 3rd Chris wol is back coaching cross country teams this year it's our third year in a co-op with bve our head football coach Tim paton's back for his third year and Nicole Humber is once again leading our volleyball program as our head coach um really um really happy that we have a lot of our workers already lined up and know Ron's got a couple of days work in the football gate behind the baseball stadium uh some of our staff members are going to be supervising we got that all lined up and we have a lot of we have probably about 90% of it I'd say lined up already so that's exciting and a relief I would say and really excited for our fall schedules um gotten gotten really good feedback with uh especially with our volleyball we have eight different dates where seventh eth C Squad JB and varsity are all playing at the same site and then a ninth date where Junior High plays at sock Center and our Varsity is out of St so nine different dates where our families don't have to try to pick and choose junior high is going to BBE and varsity's and Royalton they don't have to try to pick and choose and hop in the car afterwards and race over there so really excited about that hoping uh our conference can maybe look to go toward Ward that going forward I'll bring it up in a conference meeting on Wednesday that we have with our 80s but uh we have our homecoming week towards the end of September you know we have another meeting before then but uh just kind of looking ahead to that we have uh foration Monday cross country Tuesday volleyball Thursday and football Friday so we have everything at home that week uh so we're looking forward to having our Bulldogs back in Action I had an activities meeting this past Wednesday or sorry last Thursday and atorium I would guess maybe 150 people were there uh so that was just an opportunity to meet some people that I Haven met before they had a chance to grab some eligibility forms and sports physical forms and then some people had questions about where how do they pay where do they pay things like that uh so I know Cassandra is always happy when I bring know a basket of forms back into her so she can get them knocked out rather than waiting until practices get started or until the school year starts so uh once again that was well well received took just a little under an hour about 50 minutes or so uh and then guess wrap up with like to thank all those people who did show up you know this just a good chance to get some good reminders about expectations and how we need to uh make sure our students are getting into school first and not worried about activities first it should be you know student athletes right so making sure that was a point that we made we also how want to thank Scott leer he was our our guest speaker so I spoke for about the first 25 minutes and Scott spoke for the last 25 he's uh you don't know him he is uh he lives actually his family his dad graduated from Paynesville but he is uh amateur baseball player for St Martin and he lives in Free Port he actually came in Spoke without any pay he didn't want anything he just wanted to donate and you know he's a college baseball coach at St John's University so uh he did a great job just talking about being a good sport whether you win or lose and how everybody has the opportunity to control that themselves right so not just in the in the sports realm but also being in the classroom and how to act everywhere between too so uh yeah Sports not getting going there's a lot of things getting ready for hopefully we can hit the ground running everything so open up to any questions say thank you especially over the summertime getting ball games going great job all right thank you all right uh welcome Rick um yeah Chris come on up and let's let's hear what's happening in Community Education thanks right all right so we are probably saw our catalog came out the week of August 1 and uh so we've been getting registrations that are that are coming in our next catalog will come out December December 1st for our winter catalog so we'll be looking ahead starting to plan that um soon um I'm I'm what I did was enclose a number of um uh just reports that we have on on so the first two are about course participation so um this is just for summer um so it um our report does lay out uh how many students are um uh that take our classes so you can see all the different classes that we have take that we have out there we have you know we um host a number of rec classes um and um a number of um uh sorry I got distracted number of enrichment classes as well so the pink ones are um they just they were the ones that were cancelled so that that tells you that how many classes were canceled um and we had a total of uh 824 registrations with 500 people unique so a number of people take take uh multiple classes and then this is a similar report this is the fiscal year so this will have the numberers starting from you know July 1 to June 30th so all the wreck all the birthday parties all the um Adult Enrichment classes um so um at the end of that of our fiscal year we had 2029 registrations 875 um unique users so um I think it was a good year far for U programming so we're excited about that um pause program so for the summer we had about 119 contracts and for the upcoming fall we're sitting at 77 so we are looking at for school year looking at Staffing and making sure that we have enough staff to accommodate more contracts but these are our reports so we have for the whole fiscal year from pause you can um and this one will show uh from July to June for uh 23 24 school year and it just shows our wraparound care had 31 students our school Age Care averaged 70 our summer care it was just the the June so 71 so we're able to kind of look at those numbers and be able to you know track how our program is growing or or not um and then the summer pause this crosses over um fiscal years so I thought I would just do a summer pause report um and we averaged about 66 kids a day which is similar to last year as uh a number of kids we had a few days that were pushing 90 kids so we had some big days out there so I kudos to my um Summer Staff for keeping that all together and and keeping kids you know accounted for so um I have a facilities report we need to go and I just wanted to show it it there's a there's a couple of um areas that I need to ask um Leo help dek on um but this will come in handy when you guys want to look at how our how's your facility being used how was the high school or the pack or the elementary school we don't have ball fields on here so so we don't have that but there uh they'll see one that says ELO support that's where we have to talk with Elio we're not exactly sure what that means and we can't find it in our system but um we'll be talking to them um about how to make sure we're accurate but we I'm noticing that you know we're not collecting the data on how many participants so that will be something for this next school year we want to know how many people are coming to your programs we want to know how many people are using our buildings um if we uh we don't have much for rentals but it does track your data on on how how much rental money you do take in and then personnel as well so it's a nice tool for um at the end of the year just taking a look at what it is um how your building's being used outside of the school day so um our preschool program we're getting ready just like everybody else we're getting ready for the school year we also have new we have three new teachers and um we will have a couple of new Paras so they will all be attending the uh August 20th event but we're excited for the addition of those new staff members and then busy also at the pack we are um cleaning some cleaning and deep cleaning some areas we just got done with the um gym we finished the gyms before um volleyball started and got that scrubbed and well swept um we are uh also cleaning out and organizing storage and and which means we're throwing a lot of things out makes good so we're getting some fall cleaning done here so that's exciting um one thing that Leo doesn't do they don't have a very good calendar system so we are just trying a Google doc and this is our we're putting that out there right now it's our open gym schedule um so it's connected to our web page and it just talks about you know our hours and it um how much it cost get in for if you're not a member and then we're trying to stay ahead on what what is available people want to know when they can play Pickleball want to know when they could be in the gyms so we're trying this document to see if um you know um getting some feedback to see what people think about it so we're just we're trying that as a as our calendar um we have been we have our procedures and policies put together and so um soon you'll see a handbook or a document that will have our the pth policies and procedures I'm rewriting some staff job descriptions um we're looking at upgrading or utilizing our gym assistant and has a membership portal so that members can manage their their membership online and um streamlining our payment options um and then we are looking at a trying to upgrade our front de Des system um it's sometimes challenging to manage a front desk when there's lots of stuff going on that's um in the gyms or Auditorium and then then we have members kind of weaving their way to those spaces in between so we're we're working on a mobile front desk system so that might sit in front of the fitness center it might be in front of the gyms or it might be um you know right in front of the door so that we can make sure we're helping members think can find us in some of those busy times it it's just um difficult to know where my staff should stand to greet people so we're working on that and and with that we want to do a POS system so when people walk in the door and they want to pay for open JY with a card we can do that and not just take C and then we are also painting so we are painting our back cardio room that is happening this week we cleaned it it was very very dusty so there's a lot of uh satisfaction in our in our cleaning where we're it's it's looking good so hopefully by school by actually by next week I'm hoping we'll have it painted in the um cardio machines moveed back into that space and then finally um this is kind of what's next and on my um it's a big part of what I'll be doing um coming up and working hard at we wrote uh that I think I I told you we wrote a grant for our early childhood playground and we did receive that Grant from the Community Foundation so now it's time to really make that big push to make sure that we can um fund our dream so I am writing an additional Grant and that's due at the end of September we'll see if we get that but we will be pulling our committee together at the end of this month to talk about fundraising plans um who do we collaborate with what groups can we work with what events are we looking at doing and um so I'm looking forward to pulling that group together to see what it is we could work on to U get to our final goal so that is a that's a big deal in my plate right now so all right any question for Chris just thank you for writing that Grant congratulations on getting the grant money to help move forward and kind of the phases or how you're going to plan that to find out about that yeah we'll be attending the Gaya so we've been invited to the Gaya so we have to have I have to have a presentation ready so like I said this going to be large on my plate I want to make sure that we do it right and that people know what we're do you know what we're trying to build and maybe they'll join us fabulous okay great thanks thank you all right all right right buildings and grounds I know he's been spping this summer so let's wait see what's on I've been sitting at my desk don't having donuts and coffee all day so uh water leaks most recent so came in one day and heard some water dripping and the domestic hot water tank the manhole was leaking so pull that apart drain it, 1500 gallons drain it take that down look inside there an old manhole cover laying in the tank that had fallen in earlier sometime I peel that out and there's rust and we clean it all out put it all back together about a day later get it all filled it back up went home for the day came back the next day and the drain velvet rusted off so drain it again so I was real nervous about that I did a good Chapel on here to fix that I actually thought the tank was leaking at the at the um Cradle but it wasn't thank God that was just following the installation underneath there and running out there so but that looked really good now so that's fix and have hot water through school year [Laughter] here uh we still have a couple pluged drains over at the elementary school uh we're working on trying to get them knocked out um they're being difficult so we'll get them so we'll get through them uh we did get back on the track got some of more gravel Haul on on them low spots and we did get some of the cracks filled uh it was kind of a trial crack thing I had bought last fall it had to be 70 degrees and we didn't have time beginning of summer we started got it looks actually think pretty good I don't know if Rick seen it or anybody any comments from them guys whatever it may be but I thought it looked pretty good like a rubbery track stuff so um with all the rain The Lawns haven't stopped growing so that's been a struggle the fence lines been I talk to my boys about the fence lines again making sure they're getting weed whips out and getting that all done so that'll be cleaned up here hopefully this week uh they did go down in hours and hour Football starting never both football players so um they'll need a little help with a staff as well on that so and then the floors the cleaning of the floors and polishing floors it was going really well and then we hit a couple rooms that were really kind of difficult a lot of wax on them and we're pushing through it though it looking like uh this week we will get the new wax put back down on them floors and uh keep moving forward I do have the guy in the kitchen right now so that's going well um T out some old concrete pad I had some concerns about the old wayside rest one out here where they cut the building down with the pipe sticking out of the ground so we did knock that all out and haul it away and I thank brute sang a shout out to him for letting us use his trailer he has a dump trailer and uh David boss for letting us dump it in his pit so that was nice for them guys so let us do that uh there was a little one over behind the football Tower too that uh looked like it was an old discus or something throw but it was all eat and cracked all up and be knocked out and we took down the old football scoreboard dug them poles out got them all the way so um and we got uh 1,00 LED lights in the building this last week so um it was uh nice to get that done when the bulbs show up you just look at the pallets and you're like oh boy it's really nice to get that done so uh we do have 300 left to go in the gym we can't go on the gym floor yet because of the new the new Surface on there so we gota wait about another two weeks so then we can get them put up too and we're going to have to have timing between the volleyball so take a little bit longer but so any questions thank you guys all right um before we go into the handbook presentations a couple things I'd just like to um call out um I think people would be surprised if they didn't know that there's a tech Levy vote tomorrow so just a reminder um I do want to thank um we've had administrators and we've had staff just really spreading the word and getting communication out and I just think it's been um it's been good conversation and so um hopefully just uh fingers crossed that people are out and voting and uh we'll follow up with that in a couple of weeks um and then um another as uh Chris was talking a little bit about kind of point of sale you know some of the things that we've been working on over the summer are really analyzing how we're using cash and how cash is coming into the school district and how we can really streamline some of our payment processes um so it's a it's a big task and it's a big undertaking so we're really trying to make sure that we're we're mindful of if Community Ed does something we at the at the district level are trying to coordinate um so there's a lot of conversation of how we could use whether it's Infinite Campus as our payment process or you know so some work is happening there as well so um over the course of the next couple of weeks hopefully we'll have some updates there won't be any dramatic change for the start of the school year by any means but um just paying attention that we're it's certainly something that we're talking about to try to streamline things for families as much as possible so all right um and so with that I going to uh walk into our handbook presentations if that's okay okay so um I will start just with our um actually I'm gonna turn it over to uh I'm gonna invite Jesse and Cassie up um to kind of walk through the district Pan book um and any changes and and I guess um board members just a this does look different um and as Cassie alluded to and I don't know if I don't I don't want to fill your thunder per se but one of the things we administratively really talked about was how can we um streamline where parents can find information and make sure that it's not you know there's not a lot of difference between an elementary I mean students are students yes there are big differences between elementary students but the procedures and the guidelines are fairly similar so I'm going to just invite Jesse and Cassie to kind of walk through um some of the big areas and then maybe they can um share I'll have let them direct me and I'll drive as much as possible and let you guys just uh walk through the the handbook convers they're coming up but I thought it was fantastic it looks very good easy to get around in and it looks really good you spent a lot of time well worth it compared to what I've seen in the past sorry go true statements it took a lot of time so Janelle alluded to one of the big wise of why we wanted to do this is we had realized we had a lot of information housed in different locations and so we really wanted to centralize the location that parents can go to find information and so we combined our handbooks together and came up with our our district handbook so that was the big the big why behind why we moved in this direction and really it provided um it was a perfect opportunity and timing to do it this year um I think initially when Jesse came on board we had that initial conversation about do we wait and just keep what we have and then get you a year under your belt and then do it but really this was great time to come together um as principles and create the one the one handbook um and so we were able to spend some time uh researching other districts to see how are other districts utilizing a districtwide handbook what are the components that districts are using um not using we spent a lot of time looking at um the model handbook provided by msba and so we were able to use that information um when making our decisions and then certainly falling back to our policies what do our policies say and how can we reiterate that into our handbook so families have access to that um you'll see that we went away from making a redlined handbook to show you what we took out what we left in and just this is clean this is um in draft form um and we'll make those adjustments after further conversation and um I think with Jesse's expertise pie he can put in some bookmarks so it will be even easier to navigate when you press the link and it jumps right to the page um so we'll do that final uh formatting here um before the approval at the end of the month so just a little bit about the overview in the structure as you look through it um you'll notice that it starts off with some General District information kind of our our layout and our structure of of the district and so you'll see stuff on school board and PBIS to talk a little bit more about that um sorry I'm trying to get up there no that's okay so far I was toggling okay so there's a table of contents and then afterwards um just kind of a general information section some about the district vision and Mission um some of the real key things about who we are as a district we wanted to make sure that those were included um after that there's a there's a section on academics uh in which we talk about all the academic related stuff and I'll I'll just wait till Janelle gets okay um keep going acemic you want me to's a lot yeah okay and we called out um when things are specific to the secondary or things that are specific to the elementary um and I think we're both kind of prise we have more in common like Janelle said than we don't um so we were able to just be consistent across K12 which was nice here we go so then our next section is um academics and you'll see the information in this section is all um related to academ after academics um there's a section on rules and discipline and then following rules and discipline um there's a section on health and then a section on safety and then finally at the very end there's a additional information section for miscellaneous information so that's sort of the the way we kind of the structure of how we how we built the handbook when we were uh researching the model handbooks and other districts um we found information that we currently do in practice but we don't explicitly say it or it was not in our previous handbooks and so we were able to include that just to build that common knowledge even though we were already doing it but now um families communities members can know um so it might look like a lot more subsections were added to it but that was the purpose um for that One-Stop shop and and having it explicitly stated there um and then we just wanted to talk about maybe three highlights and then open it up to questions that you may have um one thing Jesse I'll WR you one of the things we wanted to make sure we included is is because PBIS is such a big part of who we are as a district so you'll see um right off the bat there's a section talking about our our two PBIS um expectations in our building and and what PBIS is and so um that was a big thing that was added here that was important to who we are as a district and as we continue to build our PBIS model and align that toal um Jesse and I hope add on to this section and um dig a little bit deeper and allow families and Community to know even more than what are our anchor um behaviors that we're looking at one thing that um I would like to update and just bring forward um pertaining mostly to Elementary the school celebrations and birthdays and it just trying to find a way to support families in their um opport unities getting uh their child together with other classmates getting those birthday parties scheduled and get the you know classmates invited and that's always a tricky situation right and we know there's been some changes in legislation with directories and what information can we provide uh to families and what can we not provide to families and so one thing that um we will be doing starting this school year is providing an optional classroom directory for family to choose to be a part of and so my daughter in fifth grade if I choose to put her name my name and my contact information then that will go to all of fifth grade and so we'll have a fifth grade class directory of those people who opt to choose to be a part of that um that way if I'm a new family or I my daughter wants to have a birthday party and invite you know so and so but I don't know their appearance I can look at that directory or if want to schedule a play date it gives that opportunity for families to connect with one another um by having that information and again I just wanted to reiterate that it is optional families just I'm hoping families use it um and so they can do their birthday invitations in that in that um perspective by doing that um through email or text or what I was looking I didn't but is in the policy does it say anything about not giving out invitation in class so I mean that's what you're trying to not to do explicitly say anything about that yeah so um in the um the op in I do state it there uh to use the directory information as a way to um distribute invitations yeah we want to um use the outside activities um as contact outside um another thing to just point out we we added some information on mtss um and as we continue to kind of build on that that's another section that we want to um continue to add and get more information to our parents but it is something that was added that wasn't in either of the previous two handbooks so um feel free to take a look at that so board members I know um there's you'll notice this is informational today a lot of information in here um these are in draft format but it really is um the the established practices of both buildings in one spot and so really it was trying to streamline that or and I think both um when the cell phone policy was changed uh last school year that's just been transferred in so again if there's anything um marketly different um principles have tried to call that out or to share that with you um but otherwise it really has been our um our practices that are either combined or spelled out so it can be a little bit more clear for families and um found in one location so board members were there any questions for either of the principles I don't have any questions uh I do want to thank both of you for collaborating on this and putting this together and bringing one handbook together I think it really shows the uh the community as a whole that when you leave the elementary side and come into say secondary school that uh principles have worked together and and that there is an understanding by going this route I do like the fact that you didn't do a red line one especially when you're developing a whole new document to have an understanding then bringing together as as you had mentioned Cassie you know things that we've done in practice but we've never documented that really takes the ambiguity out of uh for say parent students or whomever of having that spelled up to to understand that so like I said takes ambiguity out where people aren't trying to guess so thank you very much this is uh this is very impressive um one thing that I think we we talked about as we were kind of brainstorming is is recognizing that there are things that we will find um and so you know please do bring that for our attention because I think you know as many times as you look at things it might appear to be really clear in our minds but I know as you as you come across things please don't don't hesitate to reach out because that's um also how we understand if we got the message point across or okay we need to be more clear on that so and I think Rick that goes back to yours like oh yeah that was in my the directions of my inventory or directory but I feel like that could be explicitly stated in here to take the the grade away well and I think that's very important uh you you brought up a great point you know so as far as let's start walking this process now and and I know that uh I'm sure the three of you uh through leadership training and things that you've gone through that that understand so we've developed something now we need to start walking it oh yeah and and having people really take a look at it go through it and start having that understanding to see where uh things could be improved so it's fabulous um and then and any other questions for I got say it's really good when I started these were all cut pie different different size [Music] of probably remember some of this is very clean and everything takes a process to develop Bas was it to start with but now you have a document you can work with well everything that we put out there that might get out to the public should look professional yeah I mean if we want to attract new families it's got to be professional and this look very professional so nice work thank you um and I did see in the handbook you guys can head out I was just going to transition over um it has a link in here that wants the uh activities handbook um Rick is g to go through that and then that will be linked in here as well so Rick why don't you come on up and tell us what's happening with extracurricular activities well short and sweet made a lot of changes last year a lot of updates uh a lot of the stuff in activities handbook is straight from the street uh Minesota State High School League handbook which is about that thck uh so a lot of that information is just carried over otherwise on page six one modification I've made I took out a bullet point right there as far as uh grading from mid quarter and end of quarter grades and eligibility I just was a little bit confusing it wasn't really clear so took out or going to be taking that out and then added in those two the number one it's for uh end of quarter and the second once for Mid quarter so just added in that yellow highlighted bullet point there to help clean up the language a little bit make it more clear as far as eligibility goes for students who accommodation and then iust adjusted the start dates for all the different activities on the last few pages and then any coaching information contact things like that'll be updated as coaches are hired and simple I know that was a you had heavy lifting on that last year so thank you for that um um pause Chris we got going for pause and we'll have you do pause right into the preschool R so we did the pause handbook we did the pause handbook here so nothing has really changed in that um it we um we try to follow the we follow the school policies we want to follow you know those things that have been laid out that expectation especially are the PBIS pieces to you know that you know school might be over but you're still in the school building right so um these are really just kind of unique to to being in child care just tells you how much it costs when you know when when you can be there um what what do you do when it's a two-hour late start if in the winter when it's a weather or what do we do with a two-hour late start when it's planned how do how do those all look so they're just different bullet points for or different points for um parents to know what they need to do for bringing their children into Child Care um yeah so that one we did I believe was one we did last year and then the preschool I didn't call it a handbook I call it a supplement because uh you know we uh preschool lives of the elementary school we're part of we're part of the we're part of the team oh do I have it linked no I I messed up okay you're good um you know we're we're following you know um our teachers are going are working with the teachers at that school we're going to inservice with the teachers so you know parents um you know we follow the school handbook but then the supplement is just particular to the um to the preschool families and again it just talks about what we offer how bu it costs um to well scholarship information sliding fee opportunities um ways they can you know they can prepay everything and take get a 5% discount um uh talks about some Financial policies and procedures and making payment and keeping up with their payments [Music] um uh introducing the teaching staff um transportation that we only offer it to foury olds threeyear olds have to kind of find their own way but there are some options for three-year-olds uh probably the biggest thing is like school calendar so we follow the school calendar but um the two-hour late starts kind of throws aention in preschool because our our morning classes can't beet and last year the T laters were kind of late like we already set up our preschool screening and then the two-hour late starts landed in there so we had a lot of days off so this year we're going to utilize the two-hour late starts staff will still go and they will attend the um professional development that's available for the in that two hours time and then we will do early childhood screening after that so so then um no school for um uh morning and afternoon and we will use four of those to our late starts as screening dates and then the other two maybe at we will we're going to come up with some of our own professional development um to fill fill those days in so um for preschool families they have these six additional days off um because of the two-hour late start and we will I think new this well we will be still having the wraparound care and it will open at 10:15 on the planned to hour late starts so that maybe some of our Paris will also be able to attend um those professional developments but during toour late starts we do have quite a few kids in that FAST program so so we have to be able to accommodate that staff wise but that's probably the biggest one is just you know they have some extra dates off [Music] so any questions for Chris about either of the handbooks all right thank you you so much um and then the last document that's here for you um is our employee handbook um so there's not a lot of content difference here but I did do so one of the things that we um realized is that the flow was a little bit clunky and it didn't uh the the segments kind of like how um Jesse and and Cassy were talking about having like assignments of um the handbook so um I again I'm I'm I'm all about working smarter not harder so I went back to my one of my great resources in Wilmer and I had a conversation with um their HR director and I said what did you learn and and what what things have really worked well and so I really kind of just reordered the information and then it is um linked so District Operations we have a little bit more about the District Operations attendance and time off there's more information just about the basic components of attendance and time off your data privacy and data information um students staff it's all spilled in there is not a lot of new information in this handbook it's just reorganized okay and it's a little bit cleaner to find um the employee employment information if I want to if I want to buy something how do I do budget requisition um what's my dress code we're going to go on field trips how do I fund raise uh what about my ID batch you know know uh those components I will tell you there is something new there because we've had a number of staff that um have asked well what I can't find my B what happens but we do charge $5 to print a replacement badge so that's in here um and then I also added in um let me go back up to the top and I'll walk through this again table of contents um and then we also added a um in where it comes to uh safety and keys if somebody loses their keys they need to let us know right away and then they can replace buy a replacement fob for $5 again kind of just some logistical items um but it it really was about trying to organize it um the other piece that you'll see um and I and I'll be honest with you I added this um maybe this morning or um yesterday afternoon because I forgot to link it but um I linked in the master or I've got a spot to link in the master agreements because I think that was something in the appendix that um is is really helpful for staff if they're going to be looking at a handbook and I'm going to reference hey check your master agreement they're going to be linked in right here um and the intent is to have them be live and not have to be on the inonet because currently our staff can log into the internet which is internal staff only but they'll be able to grab the PDF and look at it anytime they look at a handbook so um that'll be updated as well and I think that that's another piece of feedback that I heard just as like we're going to reference the the um contracts that's just the link of so um so those are those are the pieces there um again any changes that would be coming over the course of the year we would track those changes um but I I wanted to get this out for you to take a look at with a revised uh structure in format any questions about that all right so those are the handbook again up for draft they'll be um they'll be on the board agenda for approval at the end of the month so any questions that you come come across please let us know all right should I move on to letter c y okay so um the city of Paynesville um or Northland security sent us a letter and so I'm going to just uh share the letter and and really here's here's the bottom line um when there's a a tax increment financing um revision uh school districts obviously are um beneficiaries of of tax financing so there is an obligation to share the information with school districts and then provide an opportunity for us to weigh in on our opinion of um the request so this letter and the attached document is really outlining a request that's going to be going to the um to the the committee and uh and it's really about the expansion of a Nelson plastic project and um their application for a tax increment financing plan or a tip plan um the bottom line is this the school district will receive the same funds that we always have and then at the end of the financing then we'll get our tax increase based on the value of what happens so um they have to tell us that it would impact because they there's a a change in the way um so their property values are obviously going to change but we won't see any of that change until the end of that time period so um this is very much procedural um in the in the years past I don't believe the district has had um concerns uh with the community um I guess an industry bringing add jobs to the J more tax revenue so we still get a tax revenue in the in the future for sure yep in the future we do so this was here as an opportunity for you to provide feedback for me um I believe that their hearing is uh the 20th um I have to look at the letter again and I forgive me I don't have it right off the top of my head but I will give them a summary that the district is in support of the project and um we don't have any concerns if that's what the board to do okay how many jobs are they supposed to bring um I haven't had a conversation with them about um the specifics um but I did when um in October when they had their U manufacturing tour they talked about the expansion of why and why they're expanding in order to meet meet their production um but I didn't ask that specific question um administrative Retreat so I just wanted to share with you um so last year I kind of shared with the administr did over the summer for professional develop for professional development and I wanted to do that again this uh this summer uh so we had an opportunity to do some work with Dr cindra Camp off um so uh Dr Camp off is she actually lives in Mano um she's done a lot of work uh with um Olympic athletes uh with um Adan sein from the Minnesota Vikings she worked for the Minnesota Vikings um in their training camp and she's done lot of um the the mental grit and the fortitude for what it takes to work through um the barriers that you come across on a regular on a just um on a regular basis looking at Olympic athletes and professional athletes she's done um consultation for corporations for corporate for educators um and I wanted to just share an exercise with you that she shared with us um because it's really about how you start your day and it's about setting your day in a very positive um proactive approach and so her um this exercise is to take um one minute and spend one minute uh whether you're blow drying your hair you're driving to driving to work you're um sitting having your coffee so this would be a one two three minute four minute exercise okay um spend one minute talk thinking about everything that you are grateful for what do you have to be grateful for it might be your family members your relationships whatever and we're all grateful for different things um spending some time in the morning as you're preparing for your day remembering your why and your purpose why do you get up every day and why do you do what you do why do I choose to be a superintendent why do I choose to lead District staff why do I want to be in contact with kids every day come back to your why why do you do what you do set your intention this has been one of the most powerful um for for me and I shared this with our team especially when you're coming into something that's really hard what is something that you intend to do well during that scenario um I will boldly lead my team today maybe I'm walking through a really hard discussion um I will remain positive I will stay on whatever your your positive intention is speak it for a minute and lastly and this is probably one of the most powerful talk to yourself with very powerful positive phrasing our our voices and she talks about this too that our voices are the loudest voices that we hear all day long so how are we tell in ourselves in a very positive way how we're going to um what we are going to achieve I am going to finish the five tasks that are on my desk today I am going to um I'm going to complete my race in I was gonna say five minutes less I'm gonna say five seconds l oh shoot but but it's really about how do you talk to yourself okay this is a a four minute priming exercise that you can set um as you come into your day and where we really kind of brainstormed and talked about this is when you know at the beginning of the school year it's kind of exciting and it's fun but when it's hard when it's in the heart of the winter and when we're faced with things that maybe just are my gosh it's been a really hard go how can you frame your day and start your day off and it's and it's about having the grit to achieve at the highest level so I just wanted to share that with you um that's something that again our our administrators have been working through and I wanted to to share it with you as well so the book if anyone's interested is 10 powerful practices to gain the High Performance Edge um the staff are probably going to be Sicky hearing about that because it's been my digital updates for the last couple we so more to come all right um and with that I'll turn it back to you um whomever wants to good practice request for information Round Table I I have a couple of things uh I I'd like that you shared The Retreat that you likeed to with the the staff which I find interesting with that on that grit side this wasn't necessarily the grit thing but many years ago I heard a uh s Caesar he was still aive and talked about how he kind of talked his way out of the depression that he was in and he used some of the things that were there you know as far as with that you had talked about but the big thing was is uh I'll use it in this way gotta paraphrase it uh talk about how good you are to yourself and and that goal setting portion of it so um if it helps s s Caesar then I'm sure it'll definitely great for you guys have a book that you to listen to him talk about of course he's many years ago so but the other thing I would uh like to uh compliment uh as far as everybody uh from the facility side uh the folks that have have worked diligently to build this building the way it is over the years uh the leadership from utel in recent years as far as the continue with the collaboration of uh putting things together bringing in Partnerships and and working with folks the reason I say that is uh the Class of 84 had their 40th class reunion on Saturday and Janelle uh uh when asked you know she give a two word to some of these folks and we had some a couple folks that had traveled back from s Diego another couple that had come here from uh from Texas El Paso Texas area that have not been in the area in in quite a while uh they definitely had not seen uh the pack Center and uh were for very interested in seeing how the school has gr of course we remember that went in 84 just a very small section of what we currently have so there was no uh you know the the middle school was not there and uh as Randy schaer and I kind of joked about where you're standing in the the pack area it's right right on the tennis court uh that we had here but uh the ones that were able to uh attend the tour were extremely impressed about the the technologies that have been brought in the collaboration the bringing over excuse me bringing over as far as like the automotive lab and welding and uh just the equipment that was there uh that we currently have here so uh you know I I don't want to add to your workload uh again the Class 8 for thank you for taking time out of your your busy schedule if there is any reunions or people that want to see it this is the place to come to have an understanding of what this uh School is doing with the school district uh as far as us here on the school board and the one the past have done to you know this school district independent from other school districts along with and I had uh I had mentioned uh to uh a couple of the folks uh about the Open Enrollment and the number of open enrollment students that are coming into our district because of what uh our District offers that they can't find in their own District so thank you and the Class of 84 thank you y kind of fun for me too so I have a question so or a thought a brasure do we have a brochure so you're talking about Amy visiting with 17 families looking to come are we giving them a brochure an advertising brochure about our school something that they're walking away with um we talked about it a long time and I've seen some where we kind of put them together but we're still doing so good in handbooks and everything how do we brag about what's in our school in a breure till somebody talks stops in to tour the school no matter what happens in a Caso yeah no right nobody's got an off because there's last one on here do we have a brochure put together in a fashion that will tell them what's going on in our school um we don't it certainly is something that we can look at but I'll just clarify the 177 families that were here registered they're enrolled they're starting so they're getting the word and they're coming here so um but I I he what you're saying because that's it's if we have a I don't know how many we get rid of you know the um I I printed 50 um of our when we had our music in the park um and I probably still have 25 people didn't grab them like I thought they maybe would but we have them available so it it's not costly for us to do we just put maybe it's available on a PDF don't really care how it is just so people get it because I personally believe that the four lanes being completed to this town are going to cause a lot of the things in growth that happened in London Spicer Richmond col spring it takes a while but it's coming and they can talk about all the things I've heard over the years yeah the this group doesn't want business and this group it doesn't make any difference yeah the the growth to the community is going to drive all of that and if we have something that we can say but where do we have it all listed that we do just think for a moment how many things we have yeah we just listen to all the stuff at all the different schools we just listen to stuff at at the pat Center we listen to all of the things going on where do we have that in some sort of a fashion to talk about it I assume we were handing some documents out there Le some documents there a QR code on a document that leave to oursite information don't forget to scan this you all information have link available yeah it's it's a good point we used to call it advertising well we still should advertise not real complicated yep I agree some simple way so they all got it because who are they going to talk to when they're happy bunch of people that they know there more people coming in it just makes it a little better Amy could say Hey listen I know your community we have this PDF you can take a look at it online if you want um we can email it to you maybe we have a few printed copies yeah no I think I and they have something in their hand and that basically also says we are interested in you oh I agree that's good feedback 100% 17 17 I say that's pretty good pretty good go for 100 and something over the top just not all at once no I think it we figure it out but yeah good longer anything else then all right