um good evening and happy New Year welcome to the Panic Township Board of education's January 4th 2024 organization regular business meeting my name is Gordon Gibbs and I am the board secretary for the Panic Township Board of Education I'll be presiding over the meeting till such time that a board president has been duly elected this time I'll read the statement of compliance in compliance with the open public meeting ACT public law 1975 chapter 231 notice of this meeting has been properly advertised in Daily Record and Suburban Trends its agenda has been posted at the appropriate locations and a copy has been filed with the banic Township Clerk I'll ass the flag salute at this time pleasei to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic stands one nation under God indivisible Li Justice okay at this time we'll uh have the student reports uh from Caitlyn and Emily Ziggler good evening everyone happy New Year I hope you all enjoyed your holiday here are the updates from the past week our winter sports team have been off to a great past couple weeks ice hockey had a holiday Classic Tournament the girls and boys basketball teams hosted their blue and gold gold winter tournament over the break the boys won the tournament for their bracket and the girls took second place girls basketball is having their senior night tomorrow night at 7 p.m. come out and support the seniors winter track has been off to a great start congrats to Ryan trar who placed first in the 400 meter for the indoor track meet breaking his own previous School record he is now the record holder for the 300 meter 400 meter and 600 meter congrats to Derek lenberg who broke the high jump record for indoor track congrats to the 4x400 meter boys team also broke the school record wrestling had their senior night on Tuesday congrats to our senior wrestlers and congrats to Sophia cletcher who won second at the Bloomfield tournament and congrats to Dylan Romy who won second at the Mountain Lakes tournament the swim team is having a senior night on January 11th come out and support the senior the pths choir department is having a winter Cabaret tomorrow night at 700 p.m. in the auditorium come out and support the performers congratulations to the blue and gold parties on an exciting AP Government project where they simulated the election process congrats to the blue party which was led by President Abby Gul and vice president Thomas mcdevit the pths administration will be meeting with all grade levels for their winter class meetings on Tuesday January 9th Mr hazer will be discussing scheduling processes with 9th 10th and 11th graders as they get ready to pick their next classes for the upcoming school year and review the midterm schedule seniors will be discussing senior events and college application acceptances there will be a College admission panel for all sophomores Juniors and senior students and parents on J Thursday January 11th at 7 p.m. admission C admission counselors from various colleges will be discussing the college process there will be an elective and AP Fair on Friday January 12th during unit lunch students will get the chance to talk with teachers and students about their electives and AP courses before they start picking classes for the upcoming school year it gives students a chance to see all that is offered in each class congrats to the non FB members who will advance in the state competitive events there will be a blood drive on January 17th sponsored by our HOSA Representatives here at pths thank you for your time have a good night okay thank you Caitlyn and Emily for your reports uh at this time we will have the annual School Board election results there were three threeyear full terms that were voted for U Sam Sam excuse me Sam cesi received ,1 190 votes Timothy gon received 2,117 votes Cara shenton received 2,148 votes Aaron Haider received 1,780 votes Johan mcshain received 1,683 votes carav van Klein shenton received 1,746 votes and there were 26 right in votes for a total of 11,690 votes at this time we will have uh the swearing in of the board members guys gotta go up St over perfect okay if you would raise your right hand please and repeat after me I please state your name do solemnly swear or affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States in the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and this state that I Fai States and this state so help I please St your name I you solemnly swear or affirm that I have possessed the qualifications prescribed by law for the office of a member of a board of education by and that I am not disqualified as a voter pursuant to rs1 19.4 D1 iif nor disqualified due to conviction of a crime or offense listed under njsa 18a 12-1 and that I will faithfully impartially and justly perform all the duties of that office according to my best abilities so help me God Faithfully all the duties that offing to best God congratulations you okay at TH time we will have uh Mr gon will be sworn in please raise your okay okay please repeat after me okay I please state your name you solemnly swear or affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same into the governments established in the United States and this state okay I please state your name you solemnly swear our firm that I will possess the qualifications prescribed by law for the office of a member of the Board of Education that I possess the qualific by law the office ofeducation and then I am not disqualified as a voter pursuant to rs1 19.4 D1 n is qualified due to conviction of a crime or offense listed under njs 18a 12-1 that I will be faithfully and partially and justly perform all the duties of that office according to the best of my ability so help me God congratulations thank you it's okay just need you to sign thank you mag at this time we'll have H Miss shanton thank you okay please raise your right hand and repeat after me I please state your name you Solly swear or affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the governments established in the United States and this state under the authority of the people I please state your name you solemnly swear or affirmed that I possess the qualifications prescribed by law for the office of a member of a board of education and I am not disqualified as a voter excuse me a voter pursuing to rs1 194 D1 nor disqualify due to a conviction of a crime of offense listed in njs 18812 one and that I will faithfully and partially and justly perform all the duties of that office according to the best of my ability congratulations just okay at this time we'll take roll call the complete board Mr Bloomer here Mr cesi here M Dempsey here Mrs Esposito here Mr gon here Mr maeni here Mr Pompeo here Mr siic here and Miss shenon we have a quorum at this point we will um um have nominations for the president excuse me board president position do I have a nomination yes I'd like to nominate Brian senic to uh remain as President we have second that you don't need the second it's not a motion good do we have any other nominations none okay and we'll take a roll call Mr Bloomer yes Mr cesi Sure M Dempsey yes Mrs Esposito yes Mr gon yes Mr mcweeny yes Mr Pompeo yes Mr senic yes and Mr shanon yes congratulations Mr senic becoming board president thank you I'll save my remarks until we elect the VP and at this point I would ask for nominations for vice president yes uh I would like to it be my honor and privilege to yet again nominate Miss esposo for a vice president of the board are there any other nominations okay Mr Gibs please call the rooll Mr Bloomer yes Mr cesi yes M Dempsey yes Mrs Esposito yes Mr gon yes Mr mcweeny yes Mr Pompeo yes Mr senic yes Miss yes okay uh first I want to wish everyone in panic a very Happy New Year I hope you all had a safe and restful holiday season uh next I want to thank the board for choosing me to serve as the present for another year I appreciate your confidence and I'll continue to work hard to lead us towards our stated goals of Carol El Larson certification and promoting student achievement I also want to congratulate Mr cesi Miss shenton and Mr gon for winning reelection and thank them for volunteering their time to this great cause for another three years next I want to congratulate Miss Esposito for being voted to continue as our vice president and I'm looking forward to serving with you for another year uh your teaching experience and your passion for our students makes you an asset to our board and I'm very happy to serve with you and last I want to thank Dr Portis our Administration teachers and staff for being part of a very collaborative partnership along with the board to to promote student achievement uh I'm very excited for a year ahead as I know our district is continuing to ascend and I'm very excited to be part of it so thank you um I just want to thank um Mrs shenton for the nomination and thank the board for um you know giving me the privilege to be vice president again this year um I very much enjoy working with all of you um with the administration and um I look forward to another great year of serving the students of Pana Township thank you okay before we go into public comment I want to make another couple of announcements just to set the liaison and chair positions for the year so the policy committee will be chaired by Miss Dempsey and will include Miss shenton and Mr Mex Sweeney the FFA committee will be chaired by Mr Bloomer and will include Miss Esposito Mr Pompeo the PMC committee will be chaired by Mr cesi will include Miss shenton and Mr get the CIS committee will be chaired by Mr mcweeny will include Miss ESP bazito and Mr cesi the board Effectiveness committee will be chaired by Mr gon will include Mr Pompeo and Miss Dempsey negotiations committee will include myself Mr Bloomer and miss shenton the joint Services committee will include myself and Mr Bloomer and then some of the items that are on the agenda uh today PMC 15224 the CPAC liaison will be Miss Esposito FFA 9624 the liaison to the board of Morris County Educational Services will will be Mr maxen PMC 15124 and you guys don't have to write this down Gordon's recording it uh that is our voting delegate and our liaison to the New Jersey school boards Association as well as the mors county school boards Association and that will be Mr G and PMC 15314 is R liaison to the Education Foundation and that will be Miss esposo um so that's it for the appointments and at this point we will open it up to public agenda uh public comment on agenda items only members of the public may speak for a maximum period of 5 minutes by the clock during portion of the meeting and the public may speak on any agenda item during their five minutes and being that there's only one person here I would say that we're just going to open it up to let you speak now um so feel free to come up and have your five minutes yes Gotan Sunset Road pumpt and plains I'm here as uh the finance representative for the high school associate of Music parents um happy New Year I just want to d are thank you yeah as far as facilities request I'm sure the business department will yeah we'll take care yeah we'll get back to that one okay thank you that brings us into the approval of our action items and the first first items are under policy uh Miss Dempsey would you please move the items under policy sorry I'm not used to going first uh motion to approve p 9-24 through P 11-24 second any question or discussion Mr Gibbs please call the rooll Mr Bloomer yes Mr cesi yes M Dempsey yes Mrs Esposito yes Mr kitten yes Mr Mr mcweeny yes Mr Pomo yes Mr Sanic Mr Sanic yes and Mrs shenon yes motion carries okay thank you Mr Bloomer would you please move the items under FFA yes I'd like to make a motion to move FFA 8-24 through FFA 9624 second okay I have one item for discussion under that the uh item FFA 8124 um we need add a date to that which is our summer Retreat Monday August 12th so I would I would uh I would make a motion that we amend that item to add that date and then approve the rest of the items as they as they were do you need a second for the amend actually I I have a question um and I know I say this every year but we have to have our meeting by the sixth or seventh is it you have to have the first week of January what's that first week of January first week of January so the first week January would be the second it's the first week of January but I believe that it gets extended depending on when the first business day of January occurs okay my only thing is is like I think at one point we did have a problem with snow day it was the day of the meeting and then that put us into meeting ad us so if the third fourth fifth is available I don't know well no I guess fourth fifth is not available third fourth I don't know it's not something we have to do today so I'll come in on a Saturday that's fun but there's also I mean options of virtual meetings nowadays so if the worse comes to worse they can always be adjusted it's still virtual meetings are technically only permitted un under the state of emergency so there would have to be a state of emergency initiated by the governor in order to have a hold a virtual meeting meting a strictly virtual meeting what if you're publishing it um no I guess not so we wouldn't be able to advertise it as a solely virtual meeting we could advertise it as a virtual option in the event of a state of emergency um but recognize that we would have to likely in all honesty probably repost within a certain amount of time to and further inform the public that as opposed to having an in-person option that we would be strictly virtual yeah my just looking at the calendar make it we couldn't just make it Tuesday if we had a snow day on Monday good we can't just show up on Tuesday or we get you wouldn't be able to if there so your meetings require 48 hours notice so that would be the issue is that if you had a snow day on the 5th you wouldn't necessarily meet the 48 hour requirement right as a result so if we're concerned about a re oh a a rem meting the the if you just give me a moment I want to pull up the actual statute to see what the actual date is because we don't have to do this today we have a for so I'm just again bringing it the attention you know we could bring it up again in October and say it might snow in January butly meeting it really matters so Sam the dates the second is a Thursday the third is a Friday the first is a Wednesday so obviously we're not meeting on the 1 and then the sixth is a Monday right so it says the first week in January so to me that would mean the to the 10th but if you wanted to change it or if we wanted to change it sometime throughout the year make that decision right we could use the second or the third probably more like the second and I'll just put in my my recommendation and this is only from a logistical standpoint is it's preferable for my office's perspective to have it on the 6th um this way if we have to do any amendments or updates to the agenda we could still get those done on Thursday the 2 and push them out in time to be able to adjust or um adapt in time for for the Monday the 6th obviously the third wouldn't be terribly popular since that would be a Friday um so I mean it's not inconceivable we could have it on the second I know districts that come back from break and oink park for example came back bam January 2 they had their meetings so we could do it it's just it's not optimal so I actually just pulled up the statute the statute permits you to advertise a date and if for some reason the organization meeting cannot be held on that date it allows you to read vertise and hold your meeting as long as that rescheduled meeting occurs within three days of the original meeting date and then also if that if that was a state of emergency then the fact that it was a state of emergency would circumvent the rule that this has to be done with in person yes right okay yes correct but Sam is snow day in a state of emergency you're not necessarily one of the same exactly that's true okay so if it's a snow day maybe we just come in SN any I think I think I think we're good the way it is looks like we got enough leeway um I do want to add the 12 though so that way we have a clear full calendar and you have an issue with that a 12 August 12th second if you need it thank you okay anybody else any questions or discussion all right Mr Gibbs please call the roll Mr Bloomer yes Mr cesi yes Miss Dempsey yes Mrs Esposito yes Mr gon yes Mr mcweeny yes Mr Pompeo yes Mr synic yes and Mrs shenton yes motion carries okay thank you Mr cesi would you please move the items under PMC yes I would like to move PMC 15224 through PMC 161 d24 second okay any questions or discussion I would like to thank Mr gon for taking over as the representative to the Morris County School boards Association thank you okay uh Mr Gibbs please call the roll Mr Bloomer yes Mr cesi yes M Dempsey yes Mrs Esposito yes Mr gon yes Mr mcweeny yes Mr Pompeo yes Mr syic yes Mr shenton yes motion carries thank you Mr maxen would you please move the items under CIS yes I'd like to move CIS uh 3-24 second any question or discussion Mr Gibbs please call the roll Mr Bloomer yes Mr CI yes M tsey yes Mrs Esposito yes Mr gon yes Mr mcweeny yes Mr Pompeo yes Mr senic yes and Mrs Shen yes motion carries thank you uh Mr Bloomer would you please move the item under other yes i' like to make a motion to move 9-24 second we'll give it to Mr maxen first question discussion I heard mcweeny all right Mr Gibbs please call roll Mr Bloomer yes Mr cesi yes Mrs empy yes Mrs Esposito yes Mr gon yes Mr mien yes Mr Pompeo abstain Mr Sanic yes and Miss Shen yes motion carries okay that brings us to our second opportunity for public comment which we had open comment already and no one knew has materialized therefore we will open it for two seconds and move on to Old business so is there any board member with any old business any board member with any new business I'm sorry I'm uh for old business um sort of I think in the past of the students reported on having um upcoming College fairs and that sort of thing and we had I think inform discussions about doing something similar for like apprenticeships or um those sorts of more like Workforce opportunities is that something that was ever discussed or you can get back to me on it I don't need an immediate answer but something we could follow up on thank you yeah just so it's a matter of public record yeah we we have had um meetings with um administratively but also with kids to help them know about some of the opportunities that are available to them great okay any uh new business any board members with new business any board member announcements yes um I got somebody off sorry um CPAC will be I'm sorry Panic CPAC and the Lincoln Park um CPAC Association will be holding an um an event on Tuesday January 16th 700 p.m. at PV Middle School in the media center it is open to all parents and Educators in the region they will be having of a representative from span the parent advocacy Network um presenting it is also available via Zoom anybody else um i' just like to thank everyone who went out and voted and I'd like to thank Sam and car for running with me thank you I'm gonna um Echo Mr G um I also want to thank everyone who and Adam voted um would like to thank Panic for allowing me this opportunity to serve for another three years um and also Sam and Tim thank you for being standup running mates much appreciated and I as well would like to thank uh the voters of panic um it was not fun but uh it was a lot of fun um it was a lot of fun but I do appreciate uh the people that got up and and went out and voted uh not just necessarily for us but uh the fact that they went out and exercised their right to vote and uh here's to three more years and I guess thanks to Karen Tim too all right I got a couple uh different note I want to congratulate Mr mcweeny and Mr cesi for becoming certified board members and I want to congratulate Mr Bloomer for becoming a certified board leader which is the highest individual certific that's granted by the njsba so congratulations to all three of you and then the reason why we all come to these meetings uh I want to remind everyone that Charlene Peterson will be attending our 116 meeting to provide a presentation on ethics and mandatory training and this training will count towards our next level of board certification um for those of you that need to take mandatory training because you either got reelected or because you're in the second year of a term uh please schedule that with Mr Gibb Mr Gibbs that we were in compliance and just one last reminder our board retreat is 2113 some work calendars on December 16th I um participated in the winter Dash by North hosted by North Boulevard I want to thank the North Boulevard HSA for inviting us to take part in that it was a lot of fun um and really great to see all the smiling faces driving past and uh thank you for that opportunity to North Boulevard um and I just want to say congratulations to to um Mrs shenton Mr CI and Mr G I'm looking forward to serving with you for another year anybody else okay uh we do not have consideration for executive session so at this point we will adjourn the meeting is there a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second all in favor I I any oppos all right good night everyone