all right good evening welcome to the July 9th 2024 meeting of the panic Township Council County not that it makes a difference sorry it's March in accordance with the requirements of New Jersey open public meetings act notice of this meeting was included in the annual meeting notice which was filed in the office of the Township Clerk posted on the bulle board in the municipal building publishes a legal notice in the Suburban Trends and Daily Record newspapers and distributed to all persons requesting notice in accordance with Township policy very well said please join me in the Pledge of Allegiance followed by prayer and a moment of thanks for individuals serving our nation I to the flag of the United States of America and to the for stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all most gracious Providence we ask that you bless this governing body with abundance of wisdom and understanding so that every deliberation will result in actions which will promote the common good and the general welfare for all of the people of the Quant Township amen amen amen all right will Carol the clerk please call the rooll Mr Dy president Mrs Florence Lynch here Mr Cole here Mrs Russell here they're heard clearly I am here all right there are no presentations scheduled are there any reports from comments from volunteers nope public comment next on the agenda is public comment public comment period is limited to a total of 30 minutes additional period for public comment is reserved later in this meeting we welcome comments suggestions and questions during the public comment period however the purpose of this is to allow public comment not to engage in dialogue if you have a specific question please feel free to pose it and then follow up with stat via telephone or email as a reminder comments are limited to 3 minutes if anybody wishes to address the council please wait to be recognized come to the microphone and provide your name for the record Ben yes sir all right good answer there being no additional comments we will continue on Mr manager thank you uh good evening everyone uh three quick items within my written report the first is as a result of some conversation at the last council meeting there was concern expressed regarding initiatives and activities for pedestrian and bike safety followed up with the chief of police and who talked to the special services Bureau formerly the traffic Bureau Sergeant shetti heads that up for us Who provided in a new ated list of activities that had recently uh taken place or will be taking place now maybe in the past so I thank the department forther efforts on those subjects they will continue as we move forward uh the 2024 historic preservation Grant applications to the county of Mars positive news the historic preservation trust fund board made a recommendation to the Commissioners that both of our applications be funded in full one uh the Martin Berry house Landscaping plan and the other the train station excellent um and as the council may recall the train station was a redo because of the bid results we received last or this past February there were significantly in excess of the allowable budget so the County Commissioners will be acting upon those potential applications tomorrow evening and then lastly we had an eagle scout reach out to staff in public works regarding a project to relocate the dog park I know this has been the subject of discussion with the council in the past so I wanted to take the council's temperature on this the propos would be to relocate it to Lyman park that's interesting that's actually a nice little Park what's currently there playround isn't there a playground there I thought there was a playground there there is it's an older playground but otherwise it's a big open would it still be there would we keep the playground there too yeah we wouldn't we wouldn't lose anything is it big room it's definitely big enough that does that part look yes I'm sure it does only when it's really bad though it it hasn't flooded with the Rec events it absolutely flooded during iring the only thing that I would say is we currently have stone or PE gravel at this one yes and that you know their feet feet yeah get stuck in their paws and you know yeah the fence that was installed in the current one isn't optimal for the use of a dog park either cuz they can get underneath it and dig so I think there's a lot of things that we learned from that experience that we would do differently okay um but unless there's an objection for the council we'll talk to the Scout let author him authorize him to proceed and ultimately I'll ask for presentation be made when he gets a pointz I'm fine with that yeah I'm fine with that I was just going to say being that it's a Eagle Scout project I mean I guess he's only going to be able to do so much and then the town might have to improve it we we like to partner to make it you know much like we had with the young man who did the the bicycle perect um station over by PV Park we got the concrete and poured it and then helped them anchor it and then he built it with fund raise so great working together you get a lot more than working wonderful thank you for that other otherwise unless there's any questions that concludes my report excellent thank you I can flip the page I can tell you what's next all right there are no public hearings scheduled for this event there are no ordinances for approval next on the agenda is resolutions Miss Mark in with resolution R 2024 149 resending the Parks and Recreation petty cash fund 150 certifying that the members of the governing body have reviewed the annual report of audit for the year 2023 r224 151 approving the corrective action plan for the 2023 Municipal audit 152 cancelling Grant fund balances 153 authorizing the discretion of Award of a contract for the liner for the green View Park Pond lining project to matina and Sun Incorporated in the amount of $ 31,42 and R 20241 1554 approving P payment of the itemized claims has set forth on the July 5th 2024 Bill list and 2018 fee elevation escro list thank you are there any comments on the resolutions from Council I just have one on 153 I know that the bids came in much higher than what we allowed so now are we doing it 100% just buying the liner we yeah we've created essentially an in-house project the challenge with the liner is the liner companies wouldn't sell directly to the township so we had to solicit quotes from three contra contractors to find a a contractor who would procure it on the township spe but it's coming in under the grant money so it's fully covered the grant money was for 60,000 we also have 990,000 uh in the capital budget so this would be within the 60 gotcha okay it see like giving us guidance or he he he's just buying it and okay dropping it off here goes under the water there you go all the dirt du out because I see a lot of trucks going back and forth yeah yeah the the the the sports court has been cleared and prepped this is now a a larger hole in the ground in which there is currently no water so that's underway and then the heavy equipment it's not I don't think they're making it much deeper I think we're just making it so it doesn't leak be good to get that done yeah yes yeah and and credit to the team for being creative in a way to accomplish it within budget yeah that was great all right any other questions no is there a motion to adopt these resolutions I'll make a motion to adopt r224 d149 through r 2024 154 second roll call Mr Dy yes Mrs lawence Lynch yes Mr Cole yes Mrs Russell yes may herd yes all right there are no items listed for discussion there are no reports and notices beautiful all right Council reports next L J is Council report councilman Dei thank you Mr Mayor uh none of my committees met historic committee is meeting tomorrow since last Wednesday the first Wednesday was kind of like the day before 4th of July and nobody was going to show up so they moved in which was a good idea um I'm glad we got the approval for the grants for the train station um any other one that's good get that moving along sir um nice job on the audit it was no major issues so beautiful thank thank you to the town thank you to everybody involved with the finance side of things for getting keeping that done um I did have a question why you why aren't you allowed to paddle board on Woodland Lake I'm like I don't know I'll find out so that's a question that's kind that's come up before correct that's come up a number of times why because you can't swim in it is that the deal correct and the issue became the separation and it was it was evaded by the parks recreation committee that came up with the recommendation lot of snapping turtles in there I wouldn't think that was a fig I wouldn't think any you stay on the board you're right yeah yeah but that doesn't happen all the time and just uh it's hot out drink a lot of water that's all I got thank you sir wonderful as usual next councilwoman Florence Lynch okay thank you mayor um first I wanted to start with I was contacted by uh the First Reform Church regarding uh the community Disaster Relief Fund that was set up following Hurricane Irene back in 2011 uh there's a balance of 6,8 $13.57 in the account that town residents gave to the church and that was for the you know for the that effort uh and because the church was the central point of the recovery resources and Aid to the township residents that's why it went to the church um and the money was only to be exclusively used for Recovery needs and what they kept it assuming there would be another major flood it still could happen happen although it hasn't knock knock on wood um and it was never considered the church's money but they were holding it for the township so the church wants to make sure number one that the Township's aware These funds are being held they also want to know if uh we want to create a disaster relief account and take ownership of the funds but they're fine with keeping the funds um and leave it in their hands i' prer to keep it in their hands and if we accept it though we can either do like a DED uh I had talked to the manager about this he said we can either do a like a dedication by Rider um for this and limit it to the flood uh response or you can use it as a broader storm Relief Fund but that's a broader use so I mean they just want to know we need to know what the council wants I thought maybe just leave it in their hands sounds like a plan to me and wondered what everybody else thought as long as it's in an interest bearing account that would be fine yeah I couldn't tell you what kind of account it's in but I'll find out you don't want it just sitting there you want it to gain a little bit of Interest now that there're you agree with it do you want it to stay there yeah I'm good I trust the church yeah all right so we don't have to do anything else all right so that's I was told just to bring it up in the report okay um the senior advisory committee met they are organizing a bus trip uh for panic seniors to attend a Christmas show at the hunterton hills Playhouse the dates been set for Tuesday November 12th the bus leaves town hall at 9:30 and we'll depart the playhouse at the end of the show tickets are $80 and do include the bus trip the show uh an entree dessert table coffee and tea and the committee is working with parks and wck and finalizing the details which will be advertised soon so look for more information from Parks wreck on that um2 and and this event yeah I guess we'll have to get that clarification on senior age it is just Panic residence because it's partially being funded by the town from the senior citizen advisory budget um Economic Development advisory committee they did not meet in June however the committee did finalize a survey that was being shared with uh Adam the town manager for approval did you get to review that yet or not yet I have not seen the survey yet you have not all right cuz he was supposed to uh the chair was supposed to send it to you so I'll follow up on that um don't forget there'll be a true a true a food truck festival at PV Park this Saturday July 13th from 11: to 5:00 and then finally on another note I just wanted uh everyone to continue to pray for Cadence Dees and her family I'm sure everyone knows by now the horrible accident that she was in and I can't stop thinking about it and uh I talked to her dad today he said it was another tough day but she'll get through it so uh they the family just thanks everybody for their support the community really rallied together they're doing meal trains they're doing donations so you can find that information on Facebook or reach out to any one of us and we can put you in touch with with who to donate to so that's it thank you councilwoman next up councilman and coold all right thank you mayor just a thought and I don't know if it could happen is the well near the current dog park is there any chance that we can turn that on at night and most people water their lawns at night no no yeah I'm just trying to think something some way to get the water to go down there maybe big straw maybe you know now unfortunately now the water quality would we would immediately be in violation okay um another thing that I thought of um with all of the recent power outages we've had and I you know sit there while I'm working and I listen to the scanner you know DPW we need stop signs there are some towns that have stop signs at traffic lights they're folded in half with a hinge and when it's needed all the stop sign is is flipped up uh rather than going to DPW getting signs having somebody from DPW go out at 10:00 at night we need stop signs just a thought I mean all of our intersections the stop lights that are municipal are controlled via generator yeah I don't I don't know because uh there was one the other day the Boulevard and something I I'll happily follow up with the staff and mention because I heard on the radio that they were asking for stop signes I know during one of the recent uh issues we discussed it and every one of them can be powered by a backup generator so okay cuz they were asking for DPW to bring out stop maybe there was an issue somewhere with a tie in I don't know they that was solved many years ago to to the benefit of the Community now is it a generator that needs to go out or yes they have to little they drop it fire it up um the Panic mini mall the sidewalk there was a telephone pole that went down there there's been a peace of plywood covering a hole probably four to 6 months I don't know whose responsibility it is is it the counties is it jcpnl because they had to dig it up for the new poll but it's unsightly and probably dangerous uh so I was wondering if we could maybe possibly look into that do you have an address uh I don't know it's the right across from Jersey Johnny's okay thank you and the the second the last thing was what's going on with the equipment on the side of this building tomorrow they're tying us into the sewer h ah where out there I know so we've never been on the sewer correct I thought we did something when we did the village the senior house is connected and there's a manhole to the north of the building but tomorrow they will be digging and connecting this building into the SE all right where's our somewhere back over there over over by where the pipes are now so it's it's over in the site all right that's all I have thank you oh was great reading the audit too very interesting that was a wonderful audit what a page Turner huh all right thank you sir my open space committee did not meet the rescue squad you Kyle or no oh Kyle forget about her from now on I'm going first councilwoman Russell flee uh the library meeting is next week uh one week from tomorrow we have an interm director Susan who's doing a great job everything's going well their summer reading program is amazing I know we spoked about filling the potholes they hopefully they'll get done soon I realize DPW has been super busy with all the accidents and the power outages and stuff but that would be great to get those done um our planning board didn't meet they meet on the are we still meeting on the 15th da as far as I know yes just for that one that's quick meeting on the 15th I know environmental meets tomorrow at 7:30 um my County meeting with the preservation trust fund we're trying to figure out a date we haven't met uh this summer yet but we're hoping to meet in August or September um and that's all I have thank you very [Music] much all right as I said my open space did not meet uh first aid Squad we have a total of 116 calls uh for last month 33 were for SE Crest Village two to Wayne one Riverdale one Pompton Lakes uh and year to date it's interesting January to June total calls in 2022 there was 467 23 there was 521 and 24 there's 580 so yeah we're trending up are they getting a lot of calls I'm sorry are they getting a lot of coils with this heat for the seniors I presume so yeah I would guess that they were up there when the power went out at Cedar Crest with yeah but the power came back pretty quick up to cedarest you know my son actually got the text because he works up there and they were're talking about how it went out and then a text not too long afterwards okay yeah so um question with these hot running days on the rail trail you know that wonderful bottle filling station that we have over at Green view yes any chance of putting one of them either like by the train station or PV park there would be a significant expense as there's no infastructure oh really I figured the train station has water a water m but you got to run water so you got to dig and run water that's why I figured with the train with respect to the um proximity to the trail it would have to be on Municipal property of its powers if there was a way to do it I really appreciate it cuz it was really hot out there this morning I can put it in the idea hopper for Capital discussion that' be great isn't the one at Green view not work because italized so we relocated the one at Green view from a freestanding set up to being on a building and we've had more success with it on the building has been subject to less other than that uh I'm going to Echo what Melissa said you know praise for Candice uh Cadence de Beast it just goes a show you know at any time in a second the life can change and she's very very lucky I talked to Greg um but nobody ever wants that to happen any one of our kids that is the worst possible call you could ever get um and I just I I hope everything goes good for her she has a big uphill battle and uh we are definitely praying for her I don't want to see that happen to anybody in panic especially younger or really anywhere so that's all I have to say good luck and uh we'll be praying for you next on the agenda is public comment as a reminder we welcome comment suggestions and questions rather than dialogue during the public comment period and comments are limited to 3 minutes if anyone wishes to address the council please wait to be recognized come to the microphone and provide your name for the record hey who's first all right hey thanks v s piece of Pumped and planes uh I just wanted to thank you all for what you're doing have a safe summer um but secondly U Mr Brewer thanks for um for bringing the light your discussion with Sergeant chetti um those initiatives are definitely with the with the pedestrian and bicycle safety um it was definitely evident in the last couple of weeks with the the digital speeding sign that was uh on the turnpike and I've also seen more police officers doing stationary radar around the town um you know in De of locations so I just wanted to to thank you for following up with that I appreciate it I know it was a point of discussion at the last meeting thank you thanks folks thank you and we have to have people start paying more attention when they're driving and stop going around cars when they've got the flashers on they got the flash on ridiculous too definitely caught your attention thank you sir come on up [Music] Patty horate um one on the senior center Christmas show I guess it is um my mother went on it last year with another one of her friends my mother is 9 at the time was 91 in partly block they said buses are going to start lining up filling up at 9:15 we got there at 9:15 the bus was completely filled my mother being partly blind was told to walk to the end into the bus her friend who needs a cane was told to do the same yes I get it's for senior citizens but it was the worst trip in the world neither one of them got to enjoy it they couldn't they struggled to get off the bus and you had people 59 years old 60 years old sitting in the front of the bus andus to move for handicapped and I had said can you please make sure turn on the way back these two handicapped people are in the front of the bus she's blind and she can't walk and reality was they didn't and these people at 59 years of age oh I needed to sit next to my mother but you could freaking walk and these two old ladies they'll never go on another senior trip again and as much as it's supposed to be for Quantic residents that senior housing senior center is open to the public so you have non banic residents being part of trips using the house and if it's our taxpayers money that is supporting that Panic senior CZ housing I'm sorry nobody from if you're not a resident of this panic I don't care if you're a resident 4 years ago 2 years ago you moved out of this town you lose the privilege it should be only for the residents we should make sure of that so that's issue number one issue number two and it's maybe more for Adam West Franklin across from Our Lady of Fatima I believe that's the name of the church it is getting awfully hard to drive down West Franklin from the turnpike to the boulevard because cars are parking more now and more than ever on both sides of that street and only one one car can go down and then when if you doing on a Sunday you're trying to make a turn you can't make the right hand turn onto the onto that road cuz you got to worry about the cars coming up West Franklin and then you had the house on the corner uh the the blue house and I don't know the name of it with the dog next to the empty parking lot that they Park their car and they're within their rights they park it within know 20 ft of the stop sign but if you have a car there and then you have a car on the other side you can't have two cars go by maybe we can try to put in a rule that only one side of that street can have cars being parked and make it the side that lady of F's on so people can go up and down that street cuz it's too difficult if you live anywhere near the green view area or anywhere where you've got to go from the turnpike to the boulevard that is just an awful Street to try to have two cars go down when cars are on both sides of the street and as I said in Sundays it's even worse that's it thank you anybody [Music] else elain back um I just have a question about trees that I have donated in the name of someone who passed um I know two of my trees I did talk to Dave actually I emailed them about two trees that were taken down at Green view park by the tennis courts we had four originally but two were gone and I did ask him you know um what was the reason that they were taken down and he came back saying that they it was for safety reasons so I got back to him I said well I know I let you know that they had some kind of disease it was kind of like a gel that was gummosis or something like that going on with the trees some kind of gel about two years ago and I never I never got a response from that so anyway I did ask them was it were they diseased was it because of sports you know maybe they were going to do some soccer practicing back there or the hay wagon goes back there you know and she never replied that to me the other question I said in that same email well since they're gone and they're only there I know time seems to escape me but when they started the program so I don't know how many years ago that was maybe six years seven I did say could to town consider planting two trees in my friend's name elsewhere I don't care where and I never got a response from there I have to say between myself and my my other friend we've had other friends that bought eight trees in this town in memory of other people and there were other people that I really would have bought trees for that I could have gotten friends to it was the $250 a tree I would have bought trees for but I felt disheartened that trees were destroyed from you know deer rubbings and other things they just didn't feel that they were taken care of I just didn't bother buying anymore so I don't know what the situation is with the donated trees I know they're not there forever but I would think if I'm asking for two trees that were taken down that I don't even know why for safety reasons what does that mean I don't know where the town stands John you with the shade tree commission what do you think well honestly it's news to me that trees were donated and planted I was not aware of that I mean I thought it was a I mean it would be a good idea so Carol how long is this program it's really not question and answer no I'm just you know about this program right sorry I'd answer no worries no tell I'm sorry to manager no you don't know how long this has been in program El they're not allowed to answer yeah it's not a back and forth sometimes you do say questions and answers not just well actually comments earlier end you sometimes you say comments and questions no I say the same thing every single time but in the the first one it's a longer paragraph explaining everything about the open comment period but no one knows that this is a gifting program we had benches too but they got too expensive and we stopped that pick up a brochure at the parks and wreck but anyway I'm going to reach out to Dave again yeah see what the situation is I kind of go nowhere and the other one is um I don't know if you guys read the the record today there was a reporter that did a report about what's going on with the library a big two-page article or well actually I got two pages sent to me no anybody read that I heard about it but I didn't get to read it yeah well I think you should I think it's embarrassing for this town I think you should read it and try to make a decision as to what you're going to do going forward because those Council those trustee meetings are packed houses now if you haven't been there they're packed houses usually no one goes but there's a reason so try to pay attention and uh you know maybe come up with a solution that will satisfy most people because I think there is a solution but you have to be able to make that Solution that's it thank you okay come on up I can't say that all [Music] eyes good evening Council Sharon Taylor pton Plains how are you hello hey Sharon um not really questions I just want to thank the DPW um and police department the week prior with all the storms and a lot of the chaos going on um it was great to see them right riding around helping people I know Boulevard in Jacksonville went through a a bit of a difficult issue with trees coming down and um just thank you for them uh taking care of our neighborhood and helping people out and just reminding to uh let the neighbors check on each other as well um hopefully we don't have too many storms in the future and also I read the manager's report and thank you to the police department for following up on the bike safety I know that sometimes um I could come up and repeat myself but it's just because I care about the kids in the neighborhood and I just want to make sure that we advocate for their safety and making sure that that they're in a safe neighborhood and that they're following what they need to do when they're riding their bikes and and the drivers as well in the township so thank you to them for following up with how they advocate for the township and uh that's it thank you so much have a good evening thank you anybody else come on up Mary kman it's funny brought this up because I have copies of the Daily records uh report that I thought you all might like to see because it is very interesting It's upsetting and it's something that really has to be solved and I was interested Kyle said that the potholes in the library parking lot are going to be filled I just hadn't heard that and I'd like to know what's going on there that's great so um I was at the library today and it is an exciting place to be uh the kids and the big logos and one thing I think you all should uh go see if you have time in the children's section of the library the staff the younger staff of the library has made this airplane and they've hung it from the it looks like an old World War II airplane and they've hung it from the ceiling so if you have time to go see this creativity that goes on in our library it would be great but um May I pass out these can hand them to Carol you can pass them out thank you do you usually I's done close Okay mayor are we going to try to answer some at the end once we finish okay is that it ma'am Mrs schurman was that it oh I'm sorry no okay I didn't want to cut you off early so okay thank you very much um are there any comments from Council based on the questions Adam did you want to answer anything or I'll defer the council first and then I Melissa yeah I just want to make a couple of comments on um I guess it was uh Patty that was up first talking about the seniors I think that um we do have to clarify age right do we know what the age is for the senior trip we want to clarify what's considered a senior because the town considers it I think it's it's the senior group's initiative so I would defer to them to Define it and then and and we'll also try to address um you know if somebody's disabled and also making sure that just Panic residents register for this um there will be a limit to the number of people but they can't oversell I'm sorry that your mom went through that last year and her friend but we'll I'll try to do everything I can to make sure that uh we address that and then um what else did I want to comment to and then um also I Elaine was talking about the trees and I do I am familiar with that program which I believe was always run by parks and rep it said whenever I address them they said again again we don't want to go back and forth but that's something I think you know we do need just to uh make sure we understand that process and and put it out there for people that's it okay thank you Dave anything uh Bob I I'd like to maybe you know offline we'll get some clarification on this Library Thing cuz we were originally told they weren't allowed to keep excess funds then we were told they were allowed to keep excess funds if they put it in a capital campaign account a capital Improvement account so I mean well the the state law is very clear yeah they they get x amount of money they they use what they want keep 20% and and then the rest goes back however if you have valid use for it in a capital fund you can transfer it over with a Capital fund you can't just turn around and give money back in fact the only time money has been given back was in 2022 which was voted on unanimously by the board which Joyce fold Muller was a part of there is no money going back I don't even know that there's any money to go back this year right now we were just looking over this stuff so but it is a state law that it goes back it's not people randomly grabbing money that the library desperately needs it's a state law that it goes back unless they put it in a capital corrup but they can't just throw they're not supposed to just throw it in that Capital Improvement you have to use it for something it's a very it's a very specific process you have to show your budget along with the money used along with your capital budget and your your master plan for your capital budget that all has to go to the state librarian and be approved it isn't done oh yeah let's just take this money and throw it back so could be future projects there could be f future projects if if you need them you know not just saying oh we're going to put on we're going to add a 2,000t addition that you're really not going to do and I believe the first time that we noticed this they did not have a capital capital Improvement fun there there was a lot we still our Capital plan is funded right now through 202 the money is in a separate account now where it wasn't before it's right it's in a capital Improvement fund and right now it's fully funded through 2028 I believe now things are being done right yeah and now we're we're getting stuff done we're getting that done the lot the parking lot's going to be done just put a new roof on we just put a new roof on we're going to be doing the additions um a lot of the things in this article are false um that she wrote um the um it said two of the recent appointed trustees are married to candidates who were endorsed by moms for Liberty that's not true Christina White's husband was not endorsed by moms for Liberty it also said we had an $800,000 budget we have a $1.1 million budget um M Miss White never said when can we give the money back um we've always thought that we didn't have money to give back to move over and that's what we're seeing now we just ordered an audit because when we were looking at the the monies we're trying to figure out what's going on right now so we voted a full audit good for this year all right John anything be done all right I'm good there's no money going back this year there's no money being stolen from the library I hope there's no money being stolen and when people go around and spread these lies um we're trying to find a new director for the library and people are reading this and are we going to get a really good candidate no who we going to get we're going to get just the people you don't want you're going to get farri candidates that think we're some farri lunatics and we're not going to get a good person to run our library and that's what we want we want somebody who's going to run the library not with the vision of Debbie manard who left to go work somebody else but the vision of the people in panic because that's who the library serves and they do a darn good job serving the people and they've actually done more money instead of taking that money and this is what we said instead of taking the money and putting over into Capital Improvements we don't need this that and the other thing do more projects do more look at all the stuff we're doing now they're they're doing some fabulous stuff with with Community borrowing such as like a blow up outdoor screen like just cool stuff that they're doing and it's all stuff by don't just take money and hide it use the money use it for the people of panic and that's what we've said all along and it's finally getting used and it's a good thing to say and they're not kicking out our kids anymore and we're not kicking out kids kids out of the library anymore that always blew me away why would a library be kicking out kids that's absolutely irresponsible we welcome them yeah all right thank you very much uh Mr Brewer did you have any responses uh thank you mayor I just wanted to comment with respect to the concerns about West Frank then I'll talk to the police department in the engineering department to take a look at it and see what uh would be best recommended if there were to be a change it's a legislative change the council would have to adopt an ordinance to create a No Parking Dynamic so I I'll pass back to them to do a study in time um and then with respect to uh Public Works director I'll follow him and share the comments made and ask the response thank just [Music] don't we can do all right thank you next on the agenda is minutes for approval June 11 2024 M Russell have to abstain and June 2th I and Mr Dei St com noted no comments is there a motion I'll make a motion to approve June 11th and June 25th all in favor iOS yes the one from what he said there you go all right uh Clos session there is a closed session we do have to go over two things and I don't have all the information on that but we'll be talking about them and we'll talk about that when we come back into open session is there a resolution that's my mistake that would be approving a resolution um authorizing contract negotiation session for the purpose of contract negotiation shared services Lincoln Park contract negociation shared services excellent thank you thank you thank you everybody we're going in wait I need a motion I'll make a motion second all in favor there you go now thank you everybody