##VIDEO ID:FNBz0-gj2yU## all right so in honor of you good evening and welcome to the September 10th 2024 meeting of the panic Township Council Miss Marsh in accordance with the requirements of New Jersey open public meetings act notice of this meeting was included in the annual meeting notice which was filed in the office of the Township Clerk posted on the bulletin board in the municipal building publishes a legal notice in the Suburban Trends and Daily Record newspapers and distributed to all persons requesting notice in accordance with Township policy please join me in the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a prayer and moment of thanks for individual serving our nation I pledge algi to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all most gracious Providence we ask that you bless this governing body with an abundance of wisdom and understanding so that every deliberation will result in actions which will promote the common good and the general welfare for all the people of panic Township amen amen amen all right Miss Marsh please call the rooll Mr Dy president Mrs Florence Lynch here Mr Cole here Mrs Russell here may herd I am here all righty no presentations are scheduled for this evening uh at this time are there reports or comments from any of the volunteers serving our community now next on the agenda is public comments this public comment period will be limited to a total of 30 minutes an additional period for public comment is reserved later in the meeting we welcome comments suggestions and questions during the public comment period however the purpose of this is to allow public comment not to engage in a dialogue if you have a specific question please feel free to pose it and then we will follow up or then follow up with staff via telephone or email as a reminder comments are limited to 3 minutes if anyone wishes to address the council please wait to be recognized to come to the microphone and provide your name for the record nobody there's two okay there being no additional or any public comments we'll continue all right manager's report Mr Brewer uh thank you mayor members of council I my report goes to item I today so I'll make up to the progress we've made far as a followup from a discussion item or a question at the last meeting there was an inquiry about the sidewalks around Sports courts in Green Park they confirmed that the sidewalk does go around the three sides that are not the parking lot uh and there's a diagram in council's packet uh showing that with arrows pointing to the identified design layout M that was previously approved uh next item parking concerns uh in the title of the memo we eliminated West Franklin we just have West Parkway the council previously discussed uh West Franklin and resolved that and West Parkway was asked to be carried for a discussion item including a map so that is in your packet and scheduled for later discussion among the members of Council next item the uh need direction from the governing body on this the Fire Company 2 in the 80s purchased rescue 2 which was recently taken out of service and sold through gov deals as is the Township's custom when disposing of Municipal assets but you said that in 1982 Company 2 well the township no I'm sorry the township you're correct I appreciate the correction thank you thank you in in in in 1988 rescue 2 was purchased by the township ofan uh Company 2 as it was recently sold has asserted that they participated in 18% of the funding of the vehicle therefore they requested 18% of the $31,000 or the proceeds from the sale of the vehicle included in the council's packet is an email from the chief of Fire Company 2 and the supporting documentation from the late 80s uh I I think it's important to note that within the documentation it states that the contribution was towards supplemental costs and Equipment having not been there I I can't say exactly what that means um in my experience supplemental is extra and if someone asks for extra it would be not unheard of to say if you want extra we appreciate if you pay for extra uh additionally uh the township just purchased a $1.89 million tower for use by Company 2 um and that was purchased by saving up funds using the reserve for fire oppres so I appreciate Chief 2's request I have spoken with Chief Two I let him know that my recommendation was going to be that the full proceeds of the sale are $31,000 be deposited and appropriated back into the reserve for fire apparatus in 2025 so I just need direction from Council whether we want to Grant the request of company to or if we want to deposit it as I recommend I think I would go with your recommendation I I would too I I posit it in the account which benefits fire as a whole all the apparatus fire I got I got two don't matter to me um two and a quarter what do you think were they under the impression that it was not that they were going to get it back and it was not going to go back into for fire apparatus they made a no they made a request that it go back to them I said that I didn't support that my recommendation was it be deposited as I described have we ever just giving it back to them like that not in my tenure yeah I was going to say I don't remember ever giving back back money I mean what what happens next when we sell the animal control vehicle the money goes back to them and then we we just bought them $2 million yeah that's why I'm I was just trying to understand the there's there's a Chiefs truck as well as a pickup truck so the all of this is funded through the raising of tax dollars in in that Reserve I could see a little bit of an argument if we were putting this in the municipal manager's Maserati fund this is going right back it's going back into what it was used to purchase $2 million truck so but that's so it's not it would not go back into the general fund it would literally go back at the fire apparatus fund that would be my plan obviously you would be subject to the direction and was that also discussed with them that that would I told the chief that's what I was going to recommend I like that works we got th that works for me me you have the th I'm just very good proceed accordingly next item uh Canabis ordinance Council has for consideration as Direct did a ordinance amending the candidat ordinance previously there had been significant discussion about changes in zoning and licenses this does none of that it merely provides for uh an increase in the corresponding fees for a new license and uh a renewal 15,000 and $10,000 as opposed to $500 and it allows the Chief Financial Officer the ability at the cultivator expense to retain an outside firm to review the financials being submitted as we have also scheduled for the council's consideration in later to this meeting a resolution issuing the license this would be helpful uh to the staff and I believe beneficial to the township uh if it were to go forward uh we have an ordinance appropriating $30,000 for the acquisition of the ambulance funny thing happened when we were calculating the 285 that was directed by Council during the budget process the finance officer kept saying 255 and I kept saying 285 uh if the council remembers in 2020 there was a portion of the capital budget that was included in the budget but it wasn't ever appropriated via ordinance due to reserving funds in case there were issues with Co so this was money that was part of the capital plan for the acquisition of the ambulance it is what I interpreted as being available for the ambulance we just need to do an ordinance to appropriate so is 30,000 going back into their Reserve being that this is the 30,000 isn't the total amount isn't changing it's just this is required to spending it's just paperwork okay so it's a it's a it's a mechanism of of financial management required public finan so we were it's not like we had this squirel away then no this was this was this was part of the budget in 2020 for the reserve for fire apparatus or excuse me for ambulance that was ambulance um and it just had never been appropriated via ordinance because some things back okay so just just an explanation is what that is um and and we ultimately resolve that uh in short order um next is uh the council has for its consideration the award of the 2024 Capital program Heritage Court reconstruction green View Park sidewalks aprons popular Avenue and Rock Ledge sidewalk Replacements this is the bid that was put out that will be a component of the green view project as well as the sidewalks that were directed to be accomplished in 2024 by the council quick question if you don't mind so the green View Park sidewalks that's just the the curbing that's going around there's no additional sidewalk it's a full sidewalk in front of the tennis all the way around no not in front where there's asphalt but around the other three sides oh so it's not only curbing it's an actual sidewalk it's an actual sidewalk because there will be access points in the back so you'll be able to walk all the way around um it will also serve as curbing for the asphalt to be U and Heritage is milling and Paving nothing more than that okay and you know minor little nothing nothing consequence okay um five bids were received low bid is within budget and Engineers estimate and determined to be responsible and responsive by both Township attorney engineer and me it's always good when that comes in in a good time frame and we can get it turned around quickly the health department has made a request to purchase uh spal data logic software through the Dell State contract this is going to be used by them for the management of licenses the if the council is not aware special data logic is very common for use in management of construction and Zoning we currently use it at the annex um this acquisition or this purchase for the next 5 years is fully funded by the njo grant that was previously acquired by the health department that's beautiful Z tax dollar enhances our operations and everybody wins let's keep doing that Ryan they're the ones that have that party Rel uh Mr Jack fled is the proprietor um next on my report item h Martin Berry house phase 3 construction we have change order number one we're going to be closing out this project and seeking reimbursement from the county this is a change order for a deduction of 7,500 from the contract based upon a contractual allotment for additional work to be done um exterior carpentry work and uh I think I like finish work finish work in regular carpentry work so this it wasn't necessary and uh we're we're change this down and like I said we're going to close out now and reement ju opposed to the change order down we now have change order number six for Route 23 sewer project this is a change order in the amount of $ 23,958 48 uh due to conditions in the field that were unanticipated or took longer than planned actions with water mains uh that the council had some discussions with in the past but we're still in the blank we are still $16,000 in change under the original contract am Mount all the pipe has been installed we are doing the restoration work is being done now Paving is going to be completed in October and then we'll be closing everything out the substantial completion notice is going to be forthcoming soon from the engineer which will then result in the letter that goes out announcing everyone having to hook in within the um required time frame probably one more change order cuz I look through the change orders and it has nothing to do with Town Hall correct maybe maybe maybe there there may be one final change order and final payment um and it may go over the original amount but so far we're we're really close and I'm just happy that we we picked up the speed and we're able to get this done beautious so unless there's any additional questions I appreciate the direction and that is my report are there any questions from Council none thank you John well do we talk about the questions now or will we go through the ordinance either or we ask him now wait okay I said Dave I'm good all right I asked next on agenda public hearing on ordinance number 202 24-15 Miss Marsh ordinance number 2020 415 is the bond ordinance providing for the elevation of flood prone homes in by the Township of panic in the county of Mars New Jersey appropriating $1,981 th000 therefore an authorizing the issuance of 1,981 th000 bonds or notes of the township to finance the cost thereof are there any comments from Council which year which which yearing yeah so just just for the benefit of the council and anyone watching the meeting this is the 2020 grant funding round through FEMA that includes eight Residential Properties are scheduled for elevation excellent uh is there a motion to open the public hearing I'll make that motion open I'll second all in favor I I if anyone in the audience has questions or comments on this ordinance please come to the microphone and identify yourself for the record seeing none is there a motion to close a public hearing I'll make I'll make that motion second all in favor that's interesting wait did I miss something now you call for a vote is there a motion on the ordinance I'll make that motion to approve ordinance 202 24-15 call second roll call please Mr Dy yes Mrs Florence Lynch yes Mr Cole yes Mrs Russell yes mayor herd yes next on the agenda this doesn't bode well I had a a lot of yellow here yeah all right next l is Introduction of ordinances Mrs Marsh ordinance number 20246 is an ordinance providing for Capital Improvements in by the Township ofan in the county of Mars state of New Jersey and appropriating the sum of $30,000 for financing thereof okay Mr bre any comments uh nothing further unless there are questions are there any comments from Council nope no is there a motion to introd introduce this ordinance on the first reading I'll make a motion to introduce ordinance number 20 24-16 can I get a second roll call Mr Dy yes Mrs Lawrence Lynch yes Mr Cole yes Mrs Russell yes mayor herd yes next on the agenda is Introduction of ordinance number 20247 Mrs Marsh ordinance number 20247 is an ordinance amending chapters chapter 119 cannabis establishment license and 120 cannabis transfer tax of the revised General ordinances of the township of panic Mr Brewer any comments uh again as directed this was prepared to amend the identified items without making any other changes with respect to zoning or the applicable licenses okay are there any comments from Council so this is just this ordinance 20247 is for the increase in the licensing and the auditor our auditor to be paid by to be retained by the CFO likely our auditor so we don't have to she doesn't have to do it correct without the EXP or not anyone else that's the only reason for this cuz right now we don't have any oversight to put it in print right this and this was better oversight this Cas better oversight and this was per the recommendation of the special Council that we had but it's not adding anything to that element of what he recommended we did we took out of this yeah cuz otherwise I would have definitely said no there is no expansion or change exting but if it's to get us more compliant then yeah it's a good idea two more oversight so okay uh is there a motion to introdu introduce this ordinance on the first reading I'll make a motion to introduce ordinance number 20247 I get a second I'll second roll call Mr Dy yes Mrs Florence Lynch yes Mr Cole yes Mrs Russell yes mayor herd yes next on the agenda is resolution this is Marsh here come beginning with resolution r224 172 authorizing the purchase of spatial data logic data processing inspection and Licensing software for the health department through Dell and New Jersey state contract number 20 t 01510 for a 5-year period in the total amount of 8127 $660 2024 173 approving change order number one for the Martin Berry house phase 3 construction decreasing the contract with provco Inc of raway New Jersey by $7,500 to a revised contract price of $343,000 awarding a contract for the 2024 Capital program Heritage Court reconstruction green View Park sidewalks and aprons popper Avenue and rock LGE Terrace sidewalk Replacements to cellan Sun general contractor for the total amount for the total contract amount of [Music] [Music] $249,600 28 176 approving change order number six for the route 23 sewer project increasing the contract with PNA contractors of Colonia New Jersey by $3,956 48 to a revised contract price of$ 5,682 70093 177 authorizing the issuance of an annual cannabis cultivator license to Hillview Med Incorporated 178 confirming the designated memberships in the Panic Township Fire Department 179 approving the minutes of designated 2011 and 2012 Township Council meetings 180 stop 180 authorizing tax office refunds overp payments or cancellations 181 approving payment of the itemized claims is set forth on September 5th 2024 and August 28th 2024 Bill list and the September 5th 2024 for 2018 fale elevation escro list Miss Marsh that was excellent thank you very much are there any comments on the resolutions from Council that the numbers get switched or my eyes nuts 175 and 176 are switched on the agenda versus resolution all right mention that I miss I think yeah no I didn't but it's it's typic Mr I think it's an issue I think is not an issue I got one okay um first of all Carol 179 thank you for going through all those those two years and getting all the minutes done I know well there's still a little cleanup to do but the bulk of it's done did a great job thank you my question about the spatial dtic logic processing software for the health department do we need that because we took on so many other towns like did we overdo it with the amount of towns we kept taking on we're currently using a program that was designed and um put out in the 9s so this is a replacement of existing program that is Antiquated and inefficient so it has nothing to do with it has it has nothing to do with the addition of TS it doesn't no it's not because of overuse it's just upgrading what we have no we're getting rid of Yugo and getting Fair Lan and it's free Fair $81,000 let pay for by for 5 years okay $81,000 and again it's 5 years it's not $81,000 a year it's and still any other questions I got a question on 177 and so I see in the packet it's class one local annual cannabis class one Bob is cultivation they are they don't we don't give them a manufacturing license so it's cultivation and they could be cultivating this for medical and recreational correct because they have both licenses now my they do have both licenses now yeah that's from the state yeah right are we checking up that they're going to be doing everything that they said they were going to be doing when they were here that's a very broad question well I know they were going to do like fencing there's so many things that I remember him saying that I see nothing happen it's supposed to be a brand new building but nothing there's no when the new building is completed the answer is they will that will be checked up on because they won't be able to but they're doing it now without the new building they right so they haven't done anything towards new building so they're allow if they don't build a new building they they don't have to do all the things they promised us they would do they have to do some of the things they promised us they would do because those are required under our licensing ordinance gotcha um but in terms of construction standards things like that they do have to have security that's what I'm saying I don't see any security see yeah we'll have to look and see what they done and what they have I think we should one of the benefits of the ISS one of the benefits of the issuance of the license is based of having a local license there are certain actions that are now permitted that weren't before for example there were complaints about not having certain inspections having a local license provides for the ability to inspect and this license was we were scheduled to renew it January 1 but we postponed it because of things that Ono so they've been operating without a license only on the medical side which they were so they say which they were allowed to do you had the state license a local license it's recommended this be approved as it enhances our I have no problem with that I'm good any other questions we did that already didn't we yeah voted it Inu Yeah question so 172 do we have the money or do did we budget that in last year or is that additional that we're spending that's grant money that's budgeted uh it was the Grand money was received there was a chapter 159 adding it to the budget to to be spent both the item of Revenue and okay uh appropriation right and then 179 I still don't get that but I'm not going to vote for it anyway cuz I was not here in 2011 2012 that matter cleaning up tap none of us were no Melissa was this a grant for the health department she remembers every meeting every meeting I remember last week I don't remember I why but a variety of things not interesting all right so get back on track any other questions from Council all right Bob so listen so is there anything that's going to make us you know Melissa was the only one here in 2011 2012 we all have to vote on it I think that's the appropriate thing to do because how I wasn't here well you're doing you don't you're not voting that you you that the minutes are accurate and fine you're voting to approve the minutes that the clerk tells you are accurate and fine you might note that at the bottom of the the minutes that I sent out it's only me signing it yeah it's not like anybody else so to the best of our ability that's what happened that's why this process isn't supposed to work this way yeah right and you were able to put them together based on audio or right when I could base it on the Audio I did and when I couldn't I specified it I said this is taken from notes or I said you know nothing's available or whatever really happened are you looking for a motion is there a motion to adopt these resolutions I I'll make a motion to adopt resolutions 2024 172 through 2024 181 181 I'll second I get a roll call Mr Tracy well if I want to say no to 177 and 179 I'm still not crazy on what are you voting what about those two are you abstaining or voting no voting well I'm going to vote no on 177 and I'm I'll abstain from 179 cuz I wasn't here okay so I don't know everything else is yes yes thank you Mrs Clarence Lynch um yes Mr Cole yes Mrs Russell yes may Hur yes next on the agenda items for discussions Parkway parking concerns West Parkway thank you circling back to the discussion from the last council meeting there was a request made by Atlantic Health in an area approximate to the driveways uh on West Parkway across from the high school that there be parking restricted um when it was previously identified uh for discussion there was a draft ordinance for the council's consideration but the request was to have a map indicating where that area would be um again this is in an effort to respond to a request from a representative for Atlantic Health absent uh that request the staff would not seek to make this recommendation so really up to the council whether this is something that they would want want to Grant as as Atlantic Health requested it or not uh also as discussed at the last council meeting there is no significant crash data in the vicinity of the identified area um crash data for 5 years is in the surrounding intersections but having nothing to do with access or eass to Any Atlantic Health prop so where exactly are they asking for parking restrictions we already have but nobody parks there anywhere you can't park there no that's the problem is the football games I guarantee you that's what it is so this is the driveway the first driveway coming past the tennis courts yep if you can continue down that's the main driveway of Chilton but they're not asking for that they're asking for this right here it I think that building is their security office building it's a house well they own two houses there right yeah mhm so from what why I've heard through the grapevine is pulling out when there's cars on right up to the curb they can't see pulling out but isn't there isn't there a law how far you can park from the curb anyway they I don't think there's any yellow curbing there at all I don't believe there's a the law may be in effect but there may not be any Cirby so it's really for very specific you know when there's games and stuff when there's [Music] games I saw online why don't we just put cones up while there games or put or can't you limit the parking we have so many people that go to these games and then there's the soccer and there's everything else and then they're going to be parking on the side streets and then we're going to get the people in the side streets saying people parking I will I will say this there's a ton of people that park in that parking lot during the football games really cuz it's not always filled on Friday night so they pull in they walk in they walk across the street why did they walk how many parking spots would this actually it effect do we know four cars I mean it doesn't look like a lot I believe I believe estimated it to be 8 or n cars don't they come out don't the emergency vehicles come out the GU from this house it's a house anybody could ask it anybody could say I have trouble pulling out of my driveway let's limit the amount of parking people can do if the council has questions and concerns we're coming into September we can monitor the situation I can ask the police department to take a look andfor do there be issues with the proximity of the parking to the driveways to make sure there's safe sight cuz now we're going at the season we can watch it this year see how it is andjust and if it continues to be a major issue and the police department believes it's something that would recommend I can come back to the council with all the documentation that we've already we can all go so the police haven't looked at it yet okay they oh they have they have we need more parking not less they really didn't recommend it cuz they haven't seen it we it hasn't been identified by Municipal official as a CH then let's monitor it okay that's a wonderful question mayor yes can I can I add thing I just if it makes people feel better although there were not approved minutes the vast majority of resolutions and ordinances are there and signed okay so it the ordinance supports what happened during those meetings right got it thank you very much action all right next on the agenda is Council reports and announcements we're going to start with councilman Dei you're up oh goody thank you Mr Mayor um one I want to just apologize for missing last meeting I was supposed to be here but I couldn't get a flight back when I was supposed to so I didn't get back till the day after so um hope everybody had a nice summer we're in Fall I love I love the weather they fli the switch for September 1st and we got 50s in the morning um committee meetings we had a Parks and Rec committee meeting um not too much going on just a little bit of recap what happened at you know PB Park which was I I believe overall a good year um and then uh just conversation about the pickle ball courts and are going to be open hopefully sometime by the end of the year right Mr it'll depend when the paving is ultimately done and the surface is applied if not this fall first thing next year weather permitting well let's go chop chop that's the the award this evening expedites the conclusion so all right good that um sh Tre commission had their meeting um I think we're finally underway with buying and planting those trees we've been talking about for a while which thankfully um that's good why did it take so long lack of trees we can't find trees no I I don't know I think that's what it was there were there were a number of factors ultimately the trees are going to be received on September 30th and planted so 100% of the 89 trees will be planted within the time frame to get the money from okay so has anybody reached out to all those people that kept asking us there's there's okay maybe three those three people that kept asking us six trees are going on here now and one of them wasn't a participant in the program so oh that's funny okay there's been commun tion from what I've seen and heard got it cool um the Curby and Paving project done by Washington Park Holy Spirit Church looks good nice it cleans that up and puts curbs in it makes it look um nice over there um I would like to say congratulations to Brody welcome to the fire department um look forward to having you serve and thank thank thank you for applying it was very nice um best wishes to Lori I think she's she's moving on from us so best wishes to her and her future um and then uh condolences to Frank spaz's family I didn't know him a long time but the short time I knew him he was a good man he definitely he did a lot for lot good for pic he did a lot for the town he was a he was a he was a good man and I just like to um I guess just thank Carol and Adam and the whole gang here for getting us all our paperwork together and it's always nice and organized so thank you for that and um again schools school's open thank you for the crossing guards out there be safe don't go around cars please yeah I know you know um traffic is hectic at the beginning and end of school take 2 minutes and just relax just relax um I was sitting at Sunset trying to make make the right onto um the turnpike I was like four cars back and this guy comes flying up in the other lane to make the left I'm like really hey it's just like you know people Slow Down slow down so just be careful be nice to the crossing guards wave wave to them they're they're they're doing good good work with the kiddos out there so um that's all I got thank you sir love your reports appreciate it councilwoman Florence Lynch you're up okay um Economic Development they met uh they uh finalized their survey it might have even been nailed I'm not sure yet but I'll follow up on that uh that was going to business owners they're also going to be at the ho down and their next meeting is September 25th senior citizen advisory committee they met um they are hosting a bus trip to hunterton Playhouse um so you can sign up through parks and wck uh what else um the Senior Olympics is September 18th you can uh call Parks and Rec for more information on that uh dial ride is celebrating their 45th anniversary at the senior house on Monday September 16th from 11: to2 they're having a health and service fair so people can anybody can go to that and celebrate and there'll be some vendors there uh let's see flood committee they'll be starting up their meetings again in September I just have to get a date from uh the chair from kenart acre um congratulations also to Junior firefighter Brody jevy is that how you say his name last name for banic fire department and uh I also just wanted to mention how saddened I was to hear about Frank speri he's really did so much for the town so thoughts and prayers to his family um and then my last couple of announcements are just real quick um some of us belong to panic Valley rotary they do a lot um a lot of fundraising and a lot of good work so there is a fund aming Beach steak on October 5th at the Lincoln Park American Legion and the proceeds uh support the banic township veterans wall and other local veterans programs in both in all of Lincoln Park banic and Riverdale so if anybody wants tickets for that you can reach out to myself or any rotarian tickets are $65 they'll also be a Tricky Tray door prizes 5050 beer wine and soda included uh cash bar for mixed drinks um I'm not going to be here for this but September 11th Unico is doing their that's tomorrow night yeah uh Unico is doing their um salute out here their ceremony so are you going to be there be there you guys that going to be there that's always a very nice service so yeah it's always nice it's always a tear dker yeah and then the last thing was I might have mentioned this last time but I told banic American Legion Post 450 that I would remind everybody that um they're doing a fundraiser Sunday September 22nd at Applebees it's um they're calling it short stacks for tall claws so um that's at Apple be's up in Butler tickets are $12 you can pay right there or get tickets in advance from Bion and that's it uh quick question Melissa what was the date of the dial ride um uh the anniversary for that is Monday September 16th and it runs from 11: to 2: so if you're around you can just pop in December 16th no did I say that no September September September 16th from what time to what time 11 to 2 right at the senior house got it thank you that's okay councilman call all right now congrats to Brody he's going to Company 2 as a junior firefighter both company both fire companies met in uh August company 1 just met this past Friday September 6th company 1 is having a beef steak Saturday uh November 2nd $50 per person at the Bloomingdale uh fireman's Hall Company 2 is having a cigar night on December 7th at Franklin Steakhouse uh in Fairfield $125 uh per person includes two premium cigars a buffet beer and wine tickets are limited so if if you want tickets for that you have to reach out to somebody from Company 2 uh planning board has not met uh congratulations to Lori and best wishes on her next venture um the pths alumni veterans wall uh is 98% complete it uh really is a great project that um uh we accomplished we wanted to get it done before school started which we did the only thing that's left is the plaques of the uh veterans going up they they've been sent to the printer and the additional signage that we have there will be a dedication ceremony on Sunday November 17th 12:00 at the high school followed by immediately followed by a luncheon at the castle uh tickets for the luncheon are $40 for veterans $75 for all other guests um and like everyone said rest in peace Frank he was a great great uh man and uh huge supporter of panic Township thank you thank you the dedication of the wall is Sunday the 17th November 17th at what time 12:00 at the high school immediately following uh lunch at probably 1: to 3 uh from what I'm hearing there's going to be a Huey helicopter landing um we're trying to get a bunch of different things uh maybe some paratroopers so maybe we don't know yet so okay trying could we contact UM assembly M's office I reached out to Brian yesterday reached out to Mikey Cheryl's office yesterday um talked to Joe ponacho today about it and I talked to Christine Meyer last night about the for the county too so everybody's going to be invited unfortunately uh we can't wave the fee of the lunching for anybody oh no yeah okay thank you councilwoman Russell um environmental um the styrofoam collection is on again for this January 2025 so when you're buying those Christmas presents and you open them up make sure that you save the styrofoam um mayor's River cleanup is set for 412 Rudy will not be um taking charge of that this year um while he was in charge of it he did it when he was on the environmental so the environmental is going to go back to taking charge of that um our tracks we have exceeded our goal of 1,000 and I think we're up to bench number five so good for taking that out of the environment awesome congratulations to Brody and best of luck Lori you will be missed she did a great job um Library repairs were made to the parking lot thank you very much Adam and DPW they look great much safer we have a new director and so far she's doing great I know she met with Adam and she's fitting in very nicely she's definitely full of lots of energy and ready to get stuff done which is nice to say um I have a question we used to be able to go online and pay our taxes in the water bill and if you paid by credit card there was a fade but if you paid directly from your checking account there wasn't and now there's a f yeah why is that cover the cost of the software in the meat of the processing can still send in a check right you can still yes if you pay in person if you drop off a check if you pay in cash there's there's no F but isn't it like cash when you just pull it from my checking account a even the state of New Jersey doesn't charge you to get it pulled directly from if the council would like to change that we certainly can during the 2025 budget can we all talk about it guys only because to be honest with you it was just so easy and now I know it's only like a125 but I'll be darn if I pay that $125 with that if we can remember to talk about either way you're pay I know but I just I mean to get then I'm going to come here and drop it off whereas I always paid on time now the other day I just put in my bill pay let's remember to talk about it I would agree I I will make a note to have that as an IDE for discussion yeah I think it should be be exciting I think it should be a discussion I'd be curious to see how many people no longer use that because I've talked to a lot of other people who felt the same way as me who now don't use it so I'm sure you're not getting things on time um also so next meeting I will be late um coming from ter town all right so what are we doing for next meeting yeah so next meeting next meeting I will not be here for next meeting Melissa I will not be here for next meeting either two people won't be here uh John will you be here at the next meeting good so you and Dave but come on Dave we can hold down the fort what do you think well you need three oh we need three now if you want I can call in as long as I don't have any problems I definitely can't call in do you have reception from where you are I should yeah cuz I can go right up to the clubhouse where the Wi-Fi is cuz I did it last year not for this but I mean I could I'm going to in be in my car I could call in I won't be able to can we take too probably talk as much so we're good to go two people call in as long as you can make it happen I'll be glad to call in unless you would rather cancel the only other thing we can do is cancel the meeting are there any things uh that must get passed for the next meeting the key issue for tonight is to determine what the public hearing is going to be noticed for so public hearing for for the two ordinances that were introduced so that needs to be included in the notice um there are items that are currently identified as needing to be addressed on the 24th but there's nothing that is of of such an Essence that it wouldn't would be a problem if we're carried to the second week of October as long as you're not me messing up what we have the work we have to get done I mean we don't have to pay any bills by the end of the month if there are we can we have a way to make that happen um if the council's concerned and there's not going to be enough people there and it limits the discussion opportunity anyway my recommendation would be to not have the meeting yeah I mean if you're in ter town and you're coming back at 6:30 yeah I'm leaving I mean I can scoot out like 6:15 but I know my event is yeah but it's all from there all the way back here is I say we postpone it whatever you want don't can cancel it sorry all right so we're going to cancel the meeting as long as I'm fine with that we can make it work it's a consensus okay I'm good with can I'm fine okay okay KY you can come up and go through all the Motions I know you don't like uh you have nothing to do that say I forget something GNA go out to dinner all right M Russell anything else um now that concludes my report thank you very much okay um I will ditto everything you guys said I really do appreciate that we did not have an open space meeting uh Frank unfortunately did pass I had the pleasure of working with Frank for years I have to say he was very interesting individual um he did so much for the town uh and he will absolutely be missed whether it was on open space or really working with us on flood mitigation uh he was a very good man and he will absolutely uh be missed and it really is a shame I think he left us way too early okay our first aid Squad meeting we had so for last month we had a total of 96 calls two were from Cedar Crest as usual they are always looking for volunteers so if anybody would like to be a volunteer at Panic number one first aid squads best in the nation uh please reach out to them don't forget that they also have their October Fest coming in a couple of weeks which is going to be a lot of fun uh it's that time of year for the Boy Scouts uh you know we've got Cub Scouts which boys and girls in first to fifth grade we have uh Boy Scouts boys and girls ages 11 to 17 uh we are looking for more people for our pack so please uh join uh everything is online it's a great year round vigorous outdoor program you have peer groups leadership service to others uh boys develop character citizenship and personal fitness uh it is a boy Le program for the uh Boy Scouts uh dedicated training for adults to ensure that the program is safe and it's based out the first Reformed Church they do meet every Monday 700 p.m. at Grace Chapel uh first Reformed Church 529 nework prompt and Turnpike and we're always looking for more people to join um I believe you just said this it's the Panic Township High School alumni veterans wall I guess I could have just looked at the paper I had on here November 17th 2024 at the high school 12:00 p.m. 85 Sunset Road Pompton Plains New Jersey I will uh say what Dave said lunch reception at the Legacy Castle 1 two three 1 to 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. that kind of sounded weird as you said veterans are 40 bucks person guest 75 children 3 to 10 $40 per person includes soda water coffee tea desserts I'm getting hungry now cash bar is available and last but not least uh tomorrow is September 11th we're having our ceremony right here in front of uh you the M municipal building I think it's something that's still it's very important this is something that we really can't forget it is part of History uh if we don't remember this and honor those that have fallen especially with the one of the largest events in America we are uh going to repeat it so it's up to us to make sure that we keep on um remembering and articulating to our younger peers uh what happened why it happened and so on and so forth so I really would like to see everybody in town here tomorrow at 6:00 p.m. uh for this remembrance of all those we lost and those who grieve I thought setup was 600 and the ceremony starts at 6:30 I think it's 6:30 yeah but that's correct at 6 they can help set up absolutely that's all I have so next on the agenda is public comment as remember we welcome comments suggestions and questions rather than dialogue during the public comment period and comments are limited to 3 minutes if anybody wishes to address Council please wait to be recognized come to the microphone and provide your name for the record come on up good evening Council Sharon Taylor good evening even I was here back in 2011 and 12 I could sell you my notes so um thank you to the shade tree commission uh for working on the trees um I know that it's important in a lot of people and some people it's not important to but thank you for you know taking the time to follow up on it um a question that would kind of bridge on that is for Mr Brewer I believe back in this summertime somebody was mentioning that there was a memorial tree program and that it kind of got lost in you know over time I guess it was it wasn't done anymore or some trees were cut down so I was wondering if if there's any leftover trees if that would make up for for that tree program or if that was a different type of tree that was planted and then um another followup was uh during the beginning of this summer I think there was discussion about a grant for um a rail um sidewalk rail that was across from the high school um by the AC right across from the high school there was a grant that you were kind of offering to say that there could be some rep uh like repair to the sidewalk and a guard rail for I think it's West End it Westend so I just wanted to know if there was a followup with that or if that was cancelled and then just the uh last thing to Frank speri um when I first started coming to the council meetings that was like 2008 I believe uh Frank and a group of people it was a very committed environment and they focused on taxes they had a lot of good laughs but some of these meetings lasted for hours and I did I learned so much from Frank and that that group of people so you know I just you know my condolences to his family and uh he he did a lot for this community he's always at the meetings working the cameras so we're going to miss him but um you know I'm sending my condolences so that's all I have and I guess I'll see you in October thank you sh thank you anybody else okay seeing none next on agenda is minutes for I don't think R oh yes you may respond you sorry about I I have some answers from with respect to the grant for the planting of trees it's specific trees that have to be done in a specific way so there's not a situation where there's some that are leftover that can be used that said the memorial tree planting program still exists there's information on and on the Township's website under the shade tree commission um with respect to the Grant I think you were asking about was the do Grant and there were three phases identified where there's a lot of discussion over the narrowing the throats of intersections and phase three of the grant included the potential for guide rail so the decis was to proceed with phasee one and phases two and three would be discussed in succeeding years there's no final decision on that nice catch all right next item Jen it is minutes for approval August 13 2024 are there any comments on these minutes no that's good I'll make a motion to approve them second all in favor I opposed well there you go Mr J you abstained right I yes he abstains I'll do that next on the agenda is a closed session discussion action may be taken after the Clos session is there a motion to approve resolution 20241 182 authorizing the Town Council to meet an executive session to discuss litigation of tax appeals and contract negotiations for proper acquisition so moved can I get a second yes all in favor I opposed at this time the public portion of the meeting is recessed for closed session thank you everybody [Music]