##VIDEO ID:rKV2XeirLss## are we live thank you for joining us ladies and gentlemen appreciate that you're here we should have like projected it to the big screen outside oh that would have been wonderful for first night out for those who don't know and are not here it is first night out and they're having a wonderful time outside and we are in here anyway Miss Marsh could you call the role U Mr dacy's absent Mrs Florence Lynch here Mr Cole here Mrs Russell here they herd I am here there are no pres presentations at this time are there any reports or comments from any of the volunteers serving our community no because they're all downstairs okay next next on the agenda is public comment public comment Peri will be limited to a total of 30 minutes an additional period for public comment is reserved later in the meeting we welcome comments suggestions and questions during the public comment period however the purpose of this is to allow public comment not to engage in a dialogue if you have a specific question please feel free to post it and then follow up with stat via telephone or email as a reminder comments are limited to 3 minutes each if anybody wishes to address the council please wait to be recognized to come to the microphone and provide your name for the record come on up while she's coming up we say a lot of public comment in that uh paragraph don't we Dana witak 6 Brian cor Panic okay I'm GNA ask my question first when is the parking lot at the library going to get the pot BS filled and please do not say because of the weather I do realize we had many days of rain last week but we haven't had many days of rain in several months that it could be fixed that's just the potholes in the parking lot that's my question okay no no response okay no oh again as as I read before and I'm just going to say this because it's it's not meant for that so so we'll collect all the questions and then if we have answers we'll actually answer them right afterwards okay well I would like the potholes in the parking lot as a library fixed how's that I will and sooner rather than later because last time I heard it was going to be soon and soon has passed and then my other comment is and I'm going to say this again and at every meeting I don't feel that the parking lot when it gets redone should be paid for any funds by the library I do know that it was suggested that 2/3 be paid by uh by the township and then the rest by the library uh-uh the township owns the parking lot they pay for the whole thing so I would like that to see that that's it than thank [Music] you young lady in the back do you want to come up I was going to wait till the end sure is that okay guys works for me at the end okay yeah we have two seconds okay there being no additional public comments we will continue do you have an answer for that I don't have a definitive date um I'll follow the public works department and let them know and make sure it's acent the direction was given I just have to follow up there's a lot going on but perfect thank you um next on the agenda is Andrew's report uh thank you mayor I it brings good humor uh first up on the on the report we we did receive some news um and we do now have written confirmation contrary to what is in my written report that the B of Bloomingdale has selected the city the county of pic for their health services for 2025 and Beyond so they will be leaving the Health Region that is currently served by thean toship Health Department um my understanding is it has absolutely nothing to do with the level of service I believe some at least one member of the Board of Health resigned as a result of the decision it is my understanding being driven purely by cost uh with respect to Green View Park I know there's a lot of discussion and interest in what's going on there so I wanted to provide a report that the green View Park pond liner project uh the liner will be received uh for the benefit of the audience we're essentially lining the pond because it is not doesn't hold water and requires water to be put into it 365 days a year in order to keep water so we're going to be lining it so it holds the water and dirt will be put back on top of that and it will be turned back into a pond by October 1st uh with respect to the sports courts fence was removed over the the courts that are receiving the attention in 2025 the surface was Mill the bid is currently out for sidewalks and other projects for 2024 and we anticipate an award hopefully for September 10th that bid will include the sidewalk which will serve as the curb for the asphalt um the contractor for the Mars County Co-op will install the asphalt and then it will be 30 days after that installation that the surface can be applied so we're we trying to get it in best as we can in 2025 um weather will certainly play a factor on that schedule uh the new Street Adam Street and Washington Street reconstruction project all the curb work concrete work sidewalk work drainage work is complete uh we're just scheduling Milling in Paving which will be a couple of three days and then that project will be completed uh that is a DOT funded project and greatly in Need for the area surrounding the church we'll see some nice improvements um the 2024 Capital program which I just referenced is out to bid that includes Heritage Court reconstruction green View Park sidewalks aprons popular Avenue and Rock Ledge sidewalk Replacements so that will be uh hopefully completed early this fall the council has its for its consideration this evening uh change order number five Route 23 sewer project that is drawing to a close uh substantial completion is now anticipated for the first or second week of September wow so we're we're we're working pretty well on that once we got going we got going um the the current change order is there's a number of items included in the packet basically it's things that were unanticipated in the field so whether it's Concrete where it wasn't expected to be or other changes that had to be addressed uh the change order is for an addition of $84,000 111 if approved the total project will still be $40,000 less than the original contract excellent so we may get done a little bit of extra time because of the stoppage but uh we may we may come in in at or under budget a lot of things that could not be seen I saw Lots yeah lots of stuff underground I mean it's it's a complicated project um you know especially in the area where there's not accurate records um with respect to do in the state and lastly for the uh discussion item um there's some parking concerns that were identified at a prior meeting and have been forwarded to the township via staff so uh I have prepared with Mr 's assistance a draft ordinance recommendations from the township engineer should the council wish to take any action on the items that are out there L there's any question oh and one last thing uh the Township's uh Emergency Management Group is looking to recruit members for the uh C team Community Emergency Response Team essentially this is another volunteer group that comes out and assists when there is a natural disaster uh it's more of a formalized group as there's specific training and and membership um one of the challenges is we have such a heavily involved volunteer population so many first state Squad members are also fire department members are also violence so it's it's you know you can't draw from the same pool all the time but there's an active group in Wayne and some of the other surrounding communities so the group thought that they want to give that a shot so you're going to see it post up on the website tomorrow uh if anyone is interested or had any questions there will be information available okay any questions on the board too or no maybe out on the board would we be able to volunteering stuff I will would we be able to volunteer for that I don't believe there'd be any prohibition okay question about the uh courts yes I can't remember are we putting um walkway all the way around it or are we just going around the two sides we're going all the way around it because of the positive impact on the stabilizing of the pavement right for the the payment and the right so the pre-existing tennis pickle courts and the new were just the new section that we're doing I I know it's going completely around the new section I don't remember if it clud the old SE okay I can find it out okay I mean it would be nice I think that do that but well I think the new courts also have rear exits as well that was the other reason why it was put all the way around I will get an answer and uh report back at the next meeting the council know once I have the and I guess the pond it sure does look deeper but I guess that's because they took dirt out put the put the liner in and then put dirt back in and it probably end up being the same it's going to be a couple feet there's going to be a couple more feet dep but otherwise it's only like 3 or 4T in the middle yeah yes all right there are no public hearing scheduled for this event uh next on the agenda is Introduction of ordinances Mrs Marsh ordinance number 202 415 is a bond ordinance providing for the elevation of flood prone homes in and by the township of quic in the county of Mars New Jersey appropriating $1,981 th000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of1 million $981 in bonds or notes of the township to finance the cost thereof Mr Brewer any comments this is the funding for the 2020 Grant round um which finally there was an appropriation and authorization it's interesting when you start on the 2020 Grant round in 2024 uh but we're just wrapping up 2018 oh gosh and how many homes was this all righty you know uh I think it started at 15 but it's it's dwindled down at this point yeah any comments from Council no no just wish no is there a motion to introd introduce this ordinance on reading I'll make a motion to introduce ordinance number 20245 can I get a second second roll call Mrs Florence Lynch yes Mr Cole yes Mrs Russell yes mayor her yes next on agenda is resolutions it's going to take a minute Mrs Marsh can I have a GL um beginning with resolution r 2024 156 providing for the insertion of a special item of Revenue in the 2024 budget pursuant to njsa 48 colon 487 and that's for Martin Barry house Landscaping um another those are chapter 159's for the Railroad Station construction 2 project r224 158 approving the designated special event permit application for the Holy Spirit Car Show 159 is another special event for the Marshall Street LLC car show and 160 is a third event application for American Legion Post 242 car show R 2024 161 confirming the designated memberships in the Panic Township Fire Department 162 authorizing an interlocal agreement with the mar with Mars County for salting sanding and or plowing operations 163 authorizing the discretionary Awards of contracts for various Auto Parts to SNA Automotive DB doing businesses PNA Auto Parts in an amount in excess of 17,500 but not to exceed 40,000 2024 164 authorizing the execution of a grant agreement with the county of Mars for a 2024 Mars County historic preservation trust fund planning grant for Martin Berry house landscape plan 2024 165 authorizing the execution of a grant agreement with the county of Mars for a 2024 Mars County historic preservation trust fund construction Grant for the pumpt and plains Railroad Station 166 authorizing a contract with Challenger fence Incorporated through the Mars County cooperative fcing Council for fencing materials and installation for the gr green View Park Sports Court project in the amount of $ 77,6 167 approving change order number five for the route 23 sewer project increasing the contract with PNA contractors of Colonia New Jersey by $843 111 to a revised contract price of 5,658 780 74345 2024 164 authorizing the acceptance of a hold harmless agreement for Michael Jordan for Block 3611 Lot 2 which is for New Street 2024 169 authorizing tax office refunds overpayments or cancellations and R2 24170 approving payment of the itemized claims is set forth on the August 8 2024 Bill list and 2018 fem elevation escro list great job Miss Mar uh any questions from Council just on 163 it says sna should be PNA on the first sentence there first one at the end very soda parts to S should be PNA doing business as PNA oh is that right I don't know if that matters what PNA instead of it's only the end the agenda it doesn't matter okay okay just question about it is sna Automotive yeah sna sna is the corporate de doing business as doing business as PNA here's the and it's right it is right then yeah you are correct I read it it said P I saw it in PNA yeah the invoices say PNA um quick question about 2024 156 157 the insertion of the special item is that so we can accept the grant so that is so we can spend the money that is an amendment to the budget to include the line of Revenue as well as the line of reiation and allowing us to charge against okay sounds good that was the same thing I was going to ask 159 there three different versions that's one of them any other questions um I was just what was the uh New Street holds falus again I was trying to just that was forense that was just the fence correct all right Michael Jordan yeah in town great how about that yeah I don't about that everything else is good I'm glad we're moving along with all the Martin Berry stuff and the railroad station all good all righty is there a motion to adopt these resolutions I'll make a motion to adopt resolutions are 2024 156 through R 2024 70 call second roll call Mrs lawence Lynch yes Mr Cole yes Mr Russell yes mayor herd yes next on agenda item for discussions parking concerns West Parkway and West Franklin half uh so if the council wants to refer back to my memo the supporting documents are behind that um at I'll start with West Parkway because that's listed first um representatives from Atlantic Health reached out to the township engineer with concerns over parking in the vicinity of the driveways to the hospital um t engineer when we get these complaints I think the council's fam process there's an accident review they they walk the site they take a look at it um the accident history does not support there being an issue with the site distance um there are I think four or five accidents in in in the specific time period that are related to other intersections in the vicinity of the hospital but not specific to the hospital's access and eress points um it would not be something candidly that the township of paquan would initiate but if it's a concern that's identified by Atlantic health and the council wants to Grant the concern um it would arguably remove approximately eight spots for people to park in if they needed it and create greater size distances from the um from the driveways we don't we don't have anything where it shows us where they want to do this or it's described in the ordinance uh there's a draft ordinance that along with the t engineer the T attorney prepared so is it by the houses that they own it's it's been ex there's an existing prohibition on parking within a certain number of feet of the driveway and it's an additional space beyond that so there's two driveways going into CH wire right what about the houses across the street do they mean them too cuz they own those houses I believe the recommendation for the council's consideration if the council wants to take action on it would be limited to the accessing eest points to the hospital so the two driveways so only on the Chilton side so going south found mhm and if if if the council would rather see a map that's something we could there's there's no time in the essence on this I'd rather see Council wants to see map I'd rather see where they exactly want the the yellow Curbing and especially since there's been no accidents the data doesn't support it any the data doesn't support that there's been accid it's a perceived traffic issue I mean there there have been accidents um at the intersection specifically West Sunset right typical that's coming out of SCH yeah but that's all the way on the other end that's that's not where they're asking to have it right it's not it's not directly related to driving into or leaving the hospital what's the address um so if the council would like to see a map I'll have the map prepared I would like to see there are some they wanted fire and then the second issue uh West Franklin uh interestingly after there was a resident at council meeting last meeting brought this up I went back and researched our files and and there's there's documentation from manager Bo wow about this being an issue they took they took a big shrub down there there was a big shrub taken down there has been action immediately taken yes um and there's there's one more private property resident that's going to be addressing it so so we immediately tried to you know improve the situation based upon the complaint that was received if there was a decision made to eliminate the problem of of parking what the council would legislatively need to do is is to restrict parking um the ordinance that's again draft just for consideration and discussion calls for the prohibition of parking on the Northern side or if you're driving eastbound of the road um based upon the impact that would be anticipated and only on Sundays during Services um if that were to be done it would be expected that that would overwhelm First Street yeah so the recommendation in the ordinance also includes prohibition on first stre bar one side of first Street or the entire Street uh the street from basically that that connects to the next nearest streets we we have the one resident take care of the the issue of the uh blockage of site and we let it let it go for now I mean okay I mean there there's an incremental approach we've addressed one big has been addressed I agree with Dave I mean if we if we make parking on one side of West Franklin it's just going to go all the way down down to West Franklin instead of on both sides corre you don't really when you have a situation like this um with a place where a number of people are coming on a regular basis you don't solve the problem you just kind of relocate right you're like and then and then a first streak is then who's maybe people are going to park over a cam and then there's second and then and how about I would wait and see what happens after this bush removal and see PD's been engaged there's been enforcement to make sure people aren't parking too close to driveways or in a way that's unsafe I mean if there's a resident that wants a yellow curb by their driveway can we do that near the church or no not in have it be enforceable okay all which shrub are you talking about that big shrub where the uh fire hydrant was they had a big hole cut out for the fire hydrant they removed the whole thing yeah so it improves sight distance so you so you could stay now and and as the council may be aware I've often explained that congestion doesn't necessarily decrease safety slows people slows people down significantly you there's there's significant concerns regularly Vo over drop off at schools but one of the benefits of all the congestion is everybody slows down so you don't have that accident history that could you know when you have a big wide open Street think of our big thorough fares I'm not going to name them but we have greater speeds when you have large wide open streets than you do when it's constricted in the department we can monitor it and if need be we can go back to but right now I think we should just I agree agree okay so I'll get a map with respect to West Parkway and West Franklin we we continue with the actions that are identified in mind all right all righty okay there are no reports and notices next on the agenda is Council reports and announcements Mr D is not here so councilwoman Florence Lynch you're up thank you mayor um first I like to say congratulations to um the new members for engine company 1 to Kaden Chase Edward riro and Michael yonis um as far as my committees no one met this this month since the last um Economic Development I did check with the chair and they do have uh plans to have an August 28th economic development committee meeting because they are finalizing some things with um a survey and they're going to be at the ho down and they're working on some new business checklists and I know that one or two of the EDC members met with the town manager so um we are having an August meeting uh the flood committee is I also reached out to Ken the chair on that he hasn't had a meeting in a while he plans to call a meeting in September I'm just not sure if it's the 12th or the 19th so I'm waiting for the date on [Music] that um what else senior citizen advisory committee they have been constantly meeting um they will be having their next meeting on August 21st at 10:00 um here at Town Hall um they just wanted me to mention that they are ho hosting a bus trip which I mentioned at the last meeting to the hunterton hills playhouse on Tuesday November 12th tickets are $80 they include the bus trip the show an entree a dessert table coffee and tea and you can sign up Drew Parkson wck but it is limited um to the number of people and to panic seniors only what else um and then just a couple of dates I'll mention um looks like we're having a great night tonight with the National Night Out with the police department so sorry we missed that but maybe we can catch it on the way out here if I make my my uh 9:00 maybe if I make my uh report short enough we can get there let's go um what a great idea I so a couple things real quick um some of us are in oh stop some of us are in PB rotary so I'll mention some of their dates they're doing a uh they're always doing fundraising they're doing September 6 is a golf outing looking for sponsors and golfers um octob what else do I have on here October 4th of course we know is the Boys and Girls Club Gala I have it on their list cuz they go to that as well and support that the American uh we're we're we the rotary is hosting uh beef steak at the the American Legion Hall in Lincoln Park on October 5th and that is for the fundraiser for the veteran wall so the um the uh rotary is is donating money to that so that's what that's for um what else these can we are are we getting the comedians for that or no not for that just going to be and then like triy tray beef and Tricky Tray and and yeah like Tricky Tray and stuff like that otherwise Psych otherwise it would have been maybe we can add that we'll see um what else we got I'll be away you'll be away okay um I'm sorry did I mention the golf Ting I did I think that's it oh the only well somebody else might mention this um the first date I know September 28th they're October Fest I wrote down here oh no I knew I miss something the ho down you forgot the ho down on 109 Senior Olympics is September 18th that's what I wanted to mention all right now that no you do I'm doing it no I'm not go ahead I'm done thank you all righty C Cole all right thank you uh both fire departments met after our meeting in July uh company one moved it because of the holiday um not much really going on in either uh fire department that's uh I missed both meetings for the fire departments in August cuz I was on vacation uh the veterans wall at the high school is moving along very nicely concrete work today and tomorrow uh and all of my other committees are kind of quiet for the summer that's all I got thank you Sarah councilwoman Russell um yeah was that me um a lot of the boards have not met there was no planning board meeting uh environmental mayor's River cleanup is April 12th um long-term coordinator Rudy I couldn't think of his last name I don't know why what's Rudy's last name Stein Stein what is it [Music] Stein yeah so he is moving so he will yeah he's moving to South Carolina oh no if he hasn't moved already yeah another lost so he did so much for the town is this his last uh I don't even think he's going to be here for the cleanup I think the environmental commission is going to take it over originally was with the environmental commission but then when he left he was nominate Adams to take over that I'll second that think we need a roll call Adam myself and Bob we have our own little nit we love doing that area in the thing that's a huge so yeah he will be missed he's done a lot he's done a lot we should maybe think about doing something for him before he leaves um the environmental is still collecting bags for the track benches so far we have donated one two three four benches and we have a little bit more to go the styrofoam Drive uh attentively scheduled for January of 2025 and we lost another one Spencer Andrea who's also a longterm he got a job working for the state and he's moving to Trenton so he sent in so and congrats to him sounds like it's a great job what's he doing for the state you know it's a big long title but it sounded really impressive to do with the environment yes it does actually yeah good uh we are still searching uh for a new director we are going to be putting out an offer hopefully she accepts um we're excited to get going we've done a lot of things there um you know I'm looking forward to Memorial izing an agreement that really is long overdue between the township that we're going to be talking about later on um so going forward we can have we can know who's responsible for what and keep going with that and that's it thank you very much okay I had my open space meeting we were just talking about what's next on the agenda what are we going to uh go after what what big projects do we want to do also had first aid Squad so in July first a squad had 86 calls uh 26 were to Cedar Crest here's an interesting thing from January to June total calls are 666 I don't know what that means but that's how many calls we had and then uh in July we had five all calls during the day and five all calls during the night um don't forget about October Fest Saturday September 28th 2024 uh tickets are currently on sale right now there's going to be 10 food trucks bunch of uh rides for the kids and it's going to be awesome don't don't they have like 50/50 Fridays or something they have 50-50 Fridays they're also doing 50/50 outside as we speak um what date is that right October what o uh September 28th September 28th October Fest is September 28th to 20 is September 28th from 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. which happens to be uh the marching band uh day over at the high school oh so that is our big band uh competition I believe we have 11 bands this year very excited about that as well for did you when is band camp band camp uh we go away on Monday and you're going with them again I am the chef for band camp you are the chef I love it good job thank you and because it's that time of year we're talking about October Fest we're talking about cleaning up we're talking about all these things December 1st is a tree lighting I know it's only August but can we not talk about December it's coming December 1st is a tree lineing and then last but not least I have to say uh thank god um you know for the assassination on Trump that he uh made it you never want to see anything like that there's such division in our country right now I know it was a while ago but that's how long it's been since we've actually met uh that he was not uh killed by this crazy person um I believe it was an act of God and it's just amazing so kudos to Trump for making it God bless ran can you mention that pancake breast yes pancake breakfast I it too cuz somebody mentioned it I don't care who so let's see at Applebees we have a pancake breakfast for the Panic American Legion Post 450 tickets are 12 bucks it's Sunday September 22nd which happens to be my birthday so everybody better be there 20:24 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. uh for ticket purchases contact Wendy Weiss 2011 650 3317 that's pretty cool yeah so so if you guys want to take a picture of it and then just send it back cuz that's the only one I got I took a picture and I will post it all right so moving forward next on agenda is public com comment as a reminder we welcome comments suggestions and questions rather than dialogue during the public comment period the comments are limited to 3 minutes if anybody wishes to address Council please wait to be recognized to come to the microphone and provide your name for the record come on up uh my name is Mary K schmerman um I agree with uh Dana about the library and the potholes and I'm looking forward to a date that hopefully they will be filled I don't understand why it's taken so long in order to get these potholes that are pretty dangerous I was just there last night so I hope that it's sooner rather than later um I do have a question about the resolutions that you all just approved and maybe it's just a matter of not hearing um or understanding or other it says providing for the insertion of special item of revenue for the Martin Berry house is that from a grant or is that budget from Panic Township our taxpayer money and also 157 for the Railroad Station construction those are two clarifications I need um and then the other thing I this is a question possibly for the lawyer but I really resent what mayor herd just said concerning it's a political speech that he just made this is a council for panic Township so I'm not sure that that is appropriate for you to say that in a council meeting it's really political and I just have a question for the lawyer whether or not that's appropriate for a council meeting that's just a question a personal question um I need clarified which then leads me to my clarification and speaking about politics and I'm sorry politics and thank you um there's a November election coming up and there's always been questions about where political signs are allowed and who's responsible for if they're not particularly allowed in certain spots who's responsible for taking them down when when they're allowed to be put up and is it the council's responsibility and clarification um so I have a question too for the lawyer then I guess um and then turn also going into that um you're going into close session for shared services agreement with the library and so then as I understand what Kyle just said you're all going to be deciding who's responsible for what so is what I think what you're saying is who's responsible for paying for the parking lot and other responsibilities and maybe I have that misconstrued as to what Kyle said but and I know you're going into Clos session but those are just some clarifications I would appreciate okay but so thank you very much thank you anybody else no okay uh so before we move on we are out of Clos session but I think there's kind of two questions for you two questions for you or public session yes so you to go first sure that's the mayor's pleasure um Library potholes understood yes um got to fill them don't don't have a date don't know if I'm going to have a date uh but I will reemphasize it to the to the public works department but they will get filled right they will uh with respect to the chapter 159's uh when the budget has been adopted a chapter 159 is amendment to the budget or a change to the budget in this case these are two grants so it's an insertion of an item of Revenue that corresponds with an item of appropriation allowing the money to be legally expended for the specific purpose that is identified so it's from a okay unfortunately I believe it specifically says that yes so that is the the grant money that we received legally we have to put these line items in in order to spend it to spend it corre because we don't have it there before because we never we didn't allocated there because we didn't have the grant money CU we just got we just we just executed the agreements okay and then sorry yeah okay free speech um well first of all I am I am not the Arbiter of what's appropriate appropriate is is is a is a term that refers to what one One Believes and one thinks is a good thing to say and it's not that's not really a legal term um so I I won't comment on what's appropriate and what's not but what I will say is it's perfectly legal for a member of the council to express whatever opinions on whatever subject they wish to express those on it may not be um it may not be their within their specific Juris jurisdiction and role but like everybody else has a like people who come up to the podium have a right to speak about things that don't necessarily have anything about to do with the township so do members of the governing body so um that that that would be my comment on that your question on on signage is is a good one it's it's a little bit more complicated to answer because there's a lot of different kinds of regulations on signs this last go round we had a discussion about signs on utility polls that's regulated that is regulated by the state of New Jersey and by the public utilities and it is the role of the public utilities to enforce that that is the position we take here so we do not we do not go around it's a sensitive issue in terms of free speech and where you put it so that's that's one place to put it it's also an issue when people put signs on Township property um we do not allow signs on Township in Township parks and on Township property and we will remove those signs if we see signs put up on spefic specifically on Township property now what's a little confusing about that is you have the right of way along roads right that are technically on individual's properties but can go over into areas where the public has a right to be signs in the right of way we do not regulate unless they cause my understanding unless they cause a traffic or a site issue um we we don't choose to regulate that some towns do regulate when you can put up political signs and when you can take them down that's a really tough area to get into the courts have not been particularly friendly to those kind of regulations we don't do that um I understand the arguments for it but but we don't do that so so that piece of it we don't do and then there are also regulations about signs in the area of polling places um and distances from polling places and those would be regulated I I believe those would be enforced by the township where we'd have issues with that so I'm sure I haven't covered all the possible places where signs go but if something more specific come you have something more specific in mind let me know we'll try to find an answer I think we should ban all political signs would that be legal it would not we could create an ordinance though correct Bob to not ban all political signs of they we could create an ordinance where signs are allowed political signs we could create Banning it no it's it's not well no we could create we can create an ordinance that regulates signs on our property and we we have which we have we don't allow yeah we don't allow um I don't think we can create a a a ordinance that says no political signs on private property I think people have a right to put their political signs on their own property thank you and then there's also there's a lot of question about our property versus County property and there's a lot of places where all these things intersect so nobody knows it that's why I say we should just all political signs big no in the township ofan we can't we can't so that's that's the short answer to that I tried all right next is the on the agenda is minutes for approval we have July 9 2024 are there any comments on the minutes no good job there a motion to approve these minutes I'll make a motion to approve the minutes from July 9th 2024 I a second all in favor I oppos there we go next time agenda is closed session is there m to approve I'm sorry can I just say something about minutes I'm about to hand a whole stack of minutes from 2011 and part of 2012 and I'm going to hand them out in advance okay and probably put them on the next agenda so if anybody has any questions for how that gets approved just ask him in advance okay all right sounds good and if I could interject sir the Township Clerk won't be pleased with this but um I just want to let it reflect that this was not from when she was the township and it was Yan's work to get the records prepared put together and all the actions memorialized for the benefit of the record of the township of panic which is some 200 years in running so I credit Carol with a lot of effort and thank her for that and look forward to having something that was left to her to fix fixed so is that mean Carol is your objective to go back to 1890s and earlier I mean we've been around 260 plus years right you would be I was thoroughly amazed at how many of them are present and all of them you can find them they're readable it's it's actually pretty impressive we have everything archived No like is there a way to no they're in big books wow really yeah that's that's interesting so we had who was there in 2011 and 12 the prior clerk no no us out of us oh I don't know I know Melissa is the last one left I was I think Melissa that's the year I started that's what I'm saying how did that happen Melissa how did you let that ball drop yeah meliss and I I just want you to know that we were talking about the route 23 sewer project and flooding then I believe it how are we going to we weren't there that's it's going to have to be Melissa it's a ministerial act yeah well because we we'll all vote because we don't have a we don't have we can't not vote because we would have nobody to approve of it I think the I think Council just said I could vote yeah true yeah I I didn't that was of Hurricane Irene we call Rich and I'd be happy to I can supply the tapes of most of the meetings check your words that's all righty well next on the agenda is session discussion is there a motion to approve resolution r224 171 authorizing the Town Council to meet an executive session to discuss contract negotiations shared service agreement Lincoln Park 911 dispatch contract negotiations shared service agreement Panic Public Library attorney C privilege I'll motion get a second all in favor uh Dave first uh Kyle second all in favor oppose at this time the public portion of the meeting is the close session