nothing we can do well I didn't expect you did I just decided I need to come to voice my opinion about the way things are being done thank you for your comments moving on to I 6B is a resolution of the city council amending the budget of the city council of here Florida for the fiscal year October 1 2023 30 okay um this is my doing um for the workers comp when we're going through this in the um summertime we get estimates but then close to the time of the fiscal year end then they did our audit and um I just tried something different based on the number of people not on the mods as Bill mentioned I knew exactly he was talking about and probably what happened was after the hurricane hit I I just forgot to change it and uh because we were going through the budgets a couple months ago and you know and like they're saying legislative $2,000 for a month for every quarter for workers comp's ridiculous yes it is so that didn't work and this is to fix it based on the amount of risk in the Departments uh because your higher risk professions are police fire solid waste and then the next difficulties are sewer water gas so and three so I adjusted to make it more reasonable and then I'll switch the money once you approve the budget amendment council member Bri council member H yes council member woodfall yes V mayor Landry yes okay item 6 C of the C to reappoint two citizens to serve on the police pension trust fun and to take any actions that being necessary says Terry bner and Cheryl ever are willing to continue serving motion to approve council member Brian yes council member Hampton yes council member woodfall yes Vice May Landry yes item sixc Council to re oh I just did that didn't uh item 6D Council to discuss city manager annual evaluation and take any actions de [Music] necessary we have all done by way and I will just let Aon sort it out go but upir so good okay but um else want to speak ready for Council evaluation years agenda item 6D Council to continue discussion on City manager's fiveyear Capital Improvement plan and any AC it's been on here what two times three times changes we need to go ahead do it didn't final is this your final document no then we need to yeah but it's a green sheet yeah there's a one I added Grant similar to cdbg called FD it's been around for decades fap 200,000 you're have two go in each cycle it's Federal I think it's Florida something but it's all Recreation you can use it for re Parks okay I'm going to apply for L and Road first and then probably jerk and city park the next cycle after so it's like getting new things out there there's a whole point system you got to get at least 30 points based on the one you pck and it's you got to spend all the money first and they re you after you spend it don't get the money first right now we got a good we don't think that jerkens would be a big priority right now with the problem that's going on with the plumbing yeah we may need to do that it's on there but he saying he want to go after lot then roll H par then the problems with jerking but that is a problem that we need to be trying to take care of immediately because it's going to be summertime we get that this we get this one approved year you won't get the money till next year and I think it's for new stuff new for bathroom is that she started the bathroom I'm talking about the spash in general okay because that place has not been touched since we first put it up there's no new Plumbing out there there's no new wiring out there the restrooms are yes so we we actually need to be focusing on that part like a whole brand new nobody nobody yeah nobody even said they El it I know G he was looking at some things but we never heard anything else about it I think that was just for the bathrooms so with the bathroom pling and stuff I've got it's there's there's all the stuff to fix all the toilets and everything that's being installed right now well not right now this minute but got the employees that do it are only going to be able to do it on Mondays new readers but we help me and them we're putting it in on Mondays when we have time so I mean it'll be a few weeks but most of it's big start okay and I have new lights in there um what about the equipment is it up to standard I see a lot of it is falling apart the like splash pads equipment um I'm have to I'm working on the bathrooms first but I know there's one piece that's I'm looking trying to figure out where to just so y'all know we're not going to be able to open either Splash Pad what's going on the h D we're still working on try to get stuff got snapped off the bottom is it that expensive it's not it's not necessarily about expenses it's about the availability of it yeah getting most was kind of custom made I mean they all are kind of custom we're not try to say no no no no no it's not it's not that and I I really don't want you guys to rush with it I wasn't aware of the problems that want on I'm just saying is that it's something that we need to be trying to get taken care of I'm not saying that y'all are not doing a job doing the job not at all we not saying that but I'm just saying that we don't need to put it on the bike burner and be like okay that's it you see what I'm saying but we do have to get it the he to honest about that to get done so Fe because Fe is reimbursement only too yes but but and she said we can do an extension but you don't want that to be Citywide extension so we're we're trying to this he's he's been in my office asking about prices and where we buy it from and all that yeah lot of G since G has taking that position there a lot of things that have been getting done and I appreciate that and once we can get all of that b then the health department has to come to yes so that's a whole another is well at least we know now we didn't wait until the last to let them know so Aon you please put something in the paper everything is it's not it's not about I can get one of them try open one I'm and the only one that will probably be able to open is J that one's going to take a lot more and it is not helpen with the rest rooms continuously still get destroyed that's that is my biggest problem every time I try and accomplish something else somewhere else just like this past weekend someone went and busted every single por of toilet and s in these bathrooms yeah I got I have to stop doing what I was doing there something and and we've been C last six seven eight years we've increased our presence in the Parks and the other morning there were several people that were issued trespass warnings they set up camps and I went over there and I I I got their names issu trespass warnings and that weekend that we did that they broke everything in the par I'm not saying they did it but it seemed like it was retaliation for us being in the park trying to fix a problem is what it seems like yeah because the damage that it's done I'm not even understanding what was the purpose of even doing that so we've stepped up our presence in the Parks yeah SE and and we're doing everything we can to keep people from tearing things up but we can't be in the park all the time no no you know and and when we do if this is retaliation we just need to make sure we're staying on top of it even more that that bothers me that that someone would damage this property that no one can use it because we told them to leave because they're violating law and Par rules that bothers me tear tax they're having to pay for it and the folks that tear this up aren't the ones paying tax I'm assuming they did it now I'm not we can't put cameras in the bathrooms but idea was going in there but they we would have someone to question we would have someone to question well and we're working on the cameras now he's already got he's working on that as well J do you think all the sign the what the signs that we no we we've we've had some ideas and we've discussed them in Tuesday morning meetings and we're working on something to harden the doors there so that we can keep them from getting in they're being made now and we're going to reinforce the doors you know we're working towards that to eliminate access in there but that's only after the parks are closed so our presence during those during the open times is going to be important and the cameras then too working we're trying different things didn't you discuss at one time putting the metal that's I have John ly that makes the r Masters he making like reinforcement doors that will go on outside and you can lock them open during the day and you can lock them close toilets toilets we can look at that but I'm hoping we can lock them out at night they can't get in there break those stuff can they break those apart and go sell them anything possible scra a comment fromon Street Florida 32347 which is this how many people actually use that particular part quite a bit not not the clamshell part the back area there's there's quite a bit I was there yesterday watching to See's coming going there was five different families that made lunch there at the pig I didn't know if it was now like it was a number of years back when I went and well there was a lot of stuff there that's why we're in the Park thank you so much um I'm sorry that if this is retaliation that's not not you or anyone else kindness and faithfulness and peace what thank you all for what you're doing and I Jarett I me you got to going sooud any other comments about Five Capital approval any other comments okay let's move on to the approval of the minutes for the April 9th regular session well motion for discuss sure open discuss what we know about where are you I'm on page five C Properties that's that is the name of their rental properties that they use I guess it's their business name they have several rental properties around what she's doing I million but what we could do start about but what we could do is clean it out and do and be able to use it down to wh go I think that's something to pursue is clean up of it iter resource got a gr from I think for half a million or 600,000 to hire displaced workers not going request five people one being a supervisor and they're to work waterways like that I mean I know we can go outside the see limits do we whatever we going to do I just think that it would be used one other thing is we've got all over see signs up there call me in all say million dollar I'd like for all over we're working on it we're working on it and we're issuing citations as we do it we're slowly working on that now the big issue is what Buffalo I read these minutes and pretty much detail um we we do have an ordinance if you hook up to the city water you have to have the back question it's not thing if I'm if I got a well into the city so that I can you know City pressure is 50 lb my whale pressure is 80 lb is it going to over dve that backf flow not of the back flow prent ording properly which is why the why the ordinance reads that it needs to be a testable back blow assembly which is not the standard yeah well most of these that we've got in can be tested or not tested not not um Mr if I may on the minutes um is there any issue with the minutes a second a second for discussion who made I I just want to make sure I get this right okay I didn't know we were continuing about the correct any corrections on the minute or if this can be under the council's down to the I read it council member withorn that ignoring the problem would only lead to persistent curring need prioritize similarly to pass isues at the Cher and Street and I disagree with their 100% it's a bigger [Music] issu way Bigg issues because we talking about Health and Welfare of citizens of the city I'm talking about okay so you said we're agreeing that the water is a bigger issue or cherry is a bigger issue water is a bigger issue okay okay so we agreeing I apologize um how many feet to tie that in 6 in how many feet is that well what we did no no how many feet is it we talking from from any service or from the loop itself to Loop that's 6 in line through the hole of BU i' had to pull measurements on it probably 6 to 700 yards if you go both ways and all well here's we've got the equipment we've got material and we got the know how if that's what it's going to take to fix it let's do it well I'd like to say before we go that far how about see what we did yesterday I say if that work into the 6in main on Walnut yesterday and after we thoroughly flush the area we want make sure that that does indeed make the difference we hope it would I don't want to jump ahead and start break a million dollars on Project when we can see if this is fix the issue or not when we cut there was nothing back FR no there was not I well that time of day back so either a we may find the issue pop it head up somewhere else prior on the line and if that's the case we've narrowed it down but at this I want to see what we've done how would okay okay well even even forget that issue uh what we know is we know the number of me we've got and as a meter reader goes by he can check to make sure there is some kind of back par they don't on that they that area does there but not the whole city yeah listen everybody's got a meter when he reads the meter check but it's right there check and see if there's one there for S if there's not then we got to deal with that we can also get a list of all well in the city and then we can deal with the county issue from either SW River or Heth Department anyone and we can U check all of them that's that's a that's a bad situation if you got people because that back that back Flo can can harm a lot of people we need to get this obtain the statutes and ordinances uh now as to the authorities go on private property we can go on private we absolutely we hired somebody to do it he's called a code enforcement officer without any permission whatsoever he can go on that property and with him in the water department we can search all this see if we got problems and where we got them fix it's really scary especially what if somebody had a 6 in line okay back to the minutes don't that I miss you council member Brian yes council member Hampton on the minut well the minutes C I don't to Mr prepar those minutes it was nothing from the task force or anything not even comments that I made so you want that was just the meeting before this meting the public hearing public hearing part of the agenda these are just what we're approving are just for the April 9 regular session minutes what we're on right we made the motion it was my intentions I guess it was not Ain clear that we should not him water not but I was intend for because if you're giving them uh 10 20 just to help them bu water this they un gave them the usage the B of the money comes from we want to finish roll call in the minutes and then maybe discuss that on the council request okay council member Hampton yes council member woodf yes Vice May Landry yes we'll open up for big got do something with economic development sent you all that email but Ma house decided demolish the whole thing and sett that is flat l so I really want to be able to Market our 50 acres we got and get something gold I've been working pretty heavily with most part Economic Development partnership both several other people but I really want to be able to Market 25 of the Acres as free if certain criteria me and I want I would like us to be able to devop that criteria today because there's some things moving we got to make a move pretty fast there some companies looking at several different locations I want I want to be on top of the list I support anything you can get some jobs in my my initial thoughts were we would hold the note on the land 25 acres for 500,000 for 10 years if they meet our whatever criteria good smarts we set each year we will forgive a $50,000 payment so for 10 years they have to meet our criteria whatever we set and once that 10 years is up and they met it their land free and clear these are the initial things I was thinking we set criteria on so minimum number of full-time employees a minimum average wage U minimum investment into the property duration which 10 years is what it is in my mind uh this is just making them report to us annually that they're following our benchmarks I think target industry in here is we you know we don't miss anything and then if we want to provide any incentives on natural gas or what that's on the site that'll make it even more attractive somebody coming in and I got 50 acres we can do this twice we get long I've been on the tcj for involved with it for four or five years and they a whole lot of people just knocking our door down I think something like this advertise free land free land we'll start getting the people interested in us I wouldn't I wouldn't 500 whatever that was just initial thought to make it clean hopefully they don't have every I'd rather have 100 jobs out there we give them a half a million dollars and say thank you but one of the little problems is it's in the county so we're not going to benefit near as much as the county but what's good for them is good for us [Music] yeah property the land is the whole 50 ACR land $669,000 it does have improvements of like 200 build build tax they will get the property tax Tang would have unless they Annex a little SLI was but we got to come up with what criteria we're gonna offer I know I wasn't Miss I want to see at least 50 full-time jobs $28 minimum average wage and a million dollar investment into the property for 10 years motion right what about reduce natural gas or water rates yeah yeah yeah it yeah yeah could be a huge natural gas we give awayone they're use moderate you can say the S is available and discuss presentation business somebody donated a billboard space to advertise if they want to I that was too easy so you got all the details not second so council member Brian yes council member Hampton council member woodfall yes Landry yes hour about I just want to say it's so great to have not CH I second but and my that we will also which is the expenses we said we want take I see a couple said after gave me and [Music] all this they been through for two years what done others com young L they being forced to drink dirt and water so that way but I would like us to change in charge five months to okay just so I got your notion clear that to charge only garbage Land Fill fee and utility taxs for water for those in that area did you say for maybe five months or five months in credit it's res verifi issues yeah has to go out and make sure on the city I don't think'll be in [Music] only only utility tax remove utility tax on water now another line of thought the sewer they are still using toet what you say the area what is the area it's a loop that probably about biggest if go around just build street it's not everybody on the en of the loop is having problem door to door we need to go by verified customer issues that we as the city have verified to and I've done that and the ones that are having a problem they are going to come up they said they going to reach out to Danielle also told him about you so I had one Monday was actually supposed to show up I don't know if she showed up or not but the other two they were saying that they were affected they W home for toal yes they're in that little I did rear and there was only the two addresses that were here were the only ones plaints and then I think I had one other address that had complained yeah over the last few years did I I verified that one to not be effective but I went to that address we did not have an issue with City water going into the house at that address that's why I said we need to visit each one indid as they not from what I saw going in myself was that before that was as soon as I got the as soon as I got the complaint and went I did not find anything when he come up well he may have an issue but it may not be on the city cold water coming in it may be something to do with his hot water heater or internal Plumbing issues but from what I saw City Line coming in we had no problems what we did yesterday should that's what I said we're going to need to see over with time how this affects that neighborhood but so far since yesterday it's too soon to say okay the FL as far as I've seen every time we open the fler if I'm there 10 minutes after it starts or second it starts it is the same so I think yes made difference I'm R by to make okay so just Clarity since some things were discussed um the motion is now to change the uh to charge only garbage landfill fee um and utility tax on gas if they have gas gas okay um and credit those verified accounts for April as well um or until the issue is resolved yes okay council member hon yes council member me make sure I'm in order I'm out of order council member Brian council member Hampton yes council member Woodall yes and vice mayor Landry yes anything was an update on I did hear that we had found at least two Ls that are not do not have there are multiple on that Loop but it's verifying that they are not tied into their city lines okay that's okay Jam how soon will get code enforcement onl to see if there to WS ones that do have whe if um we can work with what their schedule is um just he doesn't work on Fridays yeah he's parttime but just whenever they're ready to start if we can schedule I'll okay anybody else okay --------- return oh I love it correct meting to order please remember to silence your phones Heavenly Father we come to you thanks to thank you for BL our help our strength father we asking that you will he our you thanking you for hearing our prayers Brian is back with us today asking that you will guide this direct this me so that it is hel and safe and overly fashion asking me to guide our those so that we can make the best decision possible for the in Jesus name Amen congatulations to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all council member Bri council member Hampton council member woodfall here vice mayor Landry here mayor for the approval of the items agenda moot council member B yes council member Hampton yes council member woodfall yesland yes have on the on the set agenda is approval to be read by title only of resolution 20247 approval of the cdbg catf minutes the cdbg first public hearing minutes and the cdbg fair housing minutes and we are also to consider approval of Barbor day Proclamation I'd like to welcome you to this meeting this time is set aside for our citizens and the general public to address the Council on any matter not on the agenda this is not a question and answer time it's not a political Forum nor is it a time for personal accusations or derogatory remarks to or about Council or city person if he would like to address the council at the appropriate time time please come to the podium when you're called speak into the microphone state your name and address for the record please also limit your comments to not more than five minutes for individuals in 10 minutes or groups or delegations at this time we will consider any bids that are to be open hey good evening my name is Kia heel I am a resident 124 South W Street and I'm here today to express my concern with speeding on Sportz Street um I guess you can consider the sports Street as an access role to Highway 98 and during the week There's heavy traffic as well as on the weekend not only that there's a lot of speeding but it's also Reas um we have kids that live in the neighborhood as well as those with special needs and I would like for this to be um for a solution to be found for the issue again my name is Kia and I'm done speaking 1204 South swars thank you thank you thank you anyone else about to speak okay we'll entertain any bids all right all right I'm going to read the uh statement and this is applicable to both bids both the janitorial services bid and the uh natural gas line Rehabilitation bid I will be reading out the vendor and amount of bid there will be no discussion this time about any bids that's being opened these bids will be given back to the purchasing agent and then to Department which the sealed bid is for the city reserves the right to reject any and all bid bids the city reserves the right to select the bidder wave any informalities or to accept the bid deemed to be in the best interest of the city any errors in bid submissions are the responsibility of bid all right first we're going to open is janitorial there is only one big in there that is uh Michael's cleaning connection first time date cleaning and the monthly once a week for the sum of $3,900 it says a firsttime deep cleaning visit of $1,500 and we propose to furnish the above State Services monthly monthly total once a week for the sum of $3,900 monthly monthly monthly for the weekly cleanings write that down in a moment and then uh the next one for the gas line is also only one respondent and uh L sum is $855 for the natural gas line coding who's that excuse me the problem uh Integrity Solutions Field Services Alma Michigan is on the butter they do a lot of work we have history on no action re from theil this time well no plus it goes back to department anyway but there's only one of each so this it was approved on the consent yes I'm done have a painting day on y'all are welcome to come help P if y'all like I wish I could I told you guys we're going to lunch and stuff been time my husband it's w we have deal with okay moving on to agenda item 68 Christopher James to address the council regarding f enfor and to take any action necess where I live my name is Christopher James I live hold that microphone closer to you oh this is for the council my name is Christopher James and I live at 303 North Quincy Street in Perry and I own the business Christopher on 114 South but Parkway and then the land behind Mr James before you start speaking I hope that we get any thing on this say that we could put any input in on this before we say anything well so thank you council member wood F Mr James thank you for um Coming the last two meetings and um I understood you there was something you wanted to present but the city council doesn't have jurisdiction to make a decision on the violation of the code enforcement for judge um for the Judge mag judge her dad in April March and the violation that was was set upon due to the Land Development ation violations um they are no they also don't have jurisdiction the board of Adjusters in May you received notice of that regarding demolition you can address that to them in May they're the ones who would make those decisions and I realize that um you had made some arguments about treating the properties the same but they're not being treated the same under those violation codes and so um I did go back and look for a lot of information that you an acquired about and I understand that um that you have a lot of information you want to share particularly your disagreement about whether or not what maybe delineated as weeds whether or not they're wild flowers which should be a part of your art and the council has um can hear but they don't have any decision making regarding what you're asking but you do have an opportunity regarding your building um or your you know business to address the board of adjustment on May the 6th I believe is that first month in um May and also I did make a call to the mag judge regarding the code violations regarding the storage spaces out behind the building um and she has not gotten back to me I understand that she was made aware of your presence in the April hearing but because you didn't file an appeal that um Amy and different ones had said you need to file an appeal with the circuit court she did not at that time she wasn't willing to hear from you but I have asked um that um that the court potentially give you an out of time motion or allow you to verbally give an out of time motion asking for a rehearing for you to present to the judge why you think that you should have an opportunity to have that matter reheard which is different than an appeal and the time is expired but mat has a lot of discretion and so um and so I'm waiting to hear back from her regarding that I just know initially um my investigation um just sort of brought up that you were directed to do an appeal but you know within the time limit um regarding the back part of your property and you didn't do so but I I understand you desire and want to share um but that's basically the summation of everything that I've gotten I did have an opportunity to drive by your property and compare it to the pictures I did take your pictures very seriously um and the pictures are very beautiful but I think we agree right that's not the condition that we see now these are not the flowers it will be late starting to now so there may be things that existed in the past and no longer exist but they're young so so plant doesn't have a flower when it first starts it's a green plant and it takes time for the flowers to come and if you grow by there today you will see a lot of the yellow daisies which are in those pictures that I've done this for as long as I've had that property since 2015 they're now stting the B well these pictures are not an accurate reflection of what it looks like but even in that case it has the argument that you can make to the to if the court the match report gives you a rehearing or just a matter to argue you will still have to prove that you're maintaining that that's not in Factor violations include wild flowers even so even if there are wild flowers that could be considered um a part of a landscape you have to prove that you've actually been landscaping and and not just you know that just sort of a consequence of weeds that are longer than 12 in which is what the ordinance calls for that is happening so well according to our ordinance regardless if they're herbs whatever they are they're overgrown and not being well maintained in a landscape way you can make that argument um but I just wanted to let you know the city council doesn't have jurisdiction to deciding differently and the matter regarding your your build your business building that hasn't been completed and resolved so you have an opportunity in front of the board of adjusters on May the 6 to argue as to what conditions um have been improved what you desire to do or don't do and that's separate and apart from the magistrate regarding the land behind that building because the land behind the building is a different M see right it's two different things but when you brought it up to the board last time said you said they touch each other well for the purpose of violation the Land Development regulations um deals with your um private business or excuse me your business and the code enforcement the city code ordinances deal with the property behind it with the storage spaces on it so regardless of any other type of property description they're two different forwards or two different ways those are handled and and the city council is not one of those two my my argument is that the person that is doing this coding violation he's not training on what is a plant and what is a weed and I am I've been doing this all my life and I have a license that I PID for with the state of Florida and the things I have back there are not weeds they are flouted and I don't think you can send somebody out that's a code Forman and it's his opinion that it's rank weeds and vegetation and then using those photographs from outside of the fence to find me guilty of something that I've not done that's not my property that belongs to the city now you guys came and cleaned it up but I have all the photographs of what it looked like before you did they came last week and we cut all that down up all the trash and all of that stuff was picked up and cleaned up but it's been like that for months and for me to be found guilty for that which is not my property and then he took pictures of the other man's property next door to me and it's still all sitting there piles of trash and metal and garbage cans and broken trees and all that's still sitting there in an abandoned car that's been there for years and it's never been moved but yet I'm in violation and I'm at my store every single day probably longer than most of you I only sleep maybe two hours a day I'm back there I work in the back and it is maintained every day my neighbor can tell you that I'm back there every single day I cut what needs to be cut and the rest of it I let it grow and I water it because I don't have a water system back there so I take JS of water that she brings and I go back there and I walk well Mr James my only um my only goal is to explain to you that the arguments that you're making or even the defenses you're making regarding this being a weat or not the appropriate form is the magistrate court if you not done an appeal and since you run out of that time that that is the form if you are making a argument about human resources and training of Mr Griffin um that's not you know under my perview but you can't judge something that is not you can't make something up if it's not what he's saying it is and it's not and the last time they did this to me with fire truck so that's why I thought I could come back here and do it again because the fire truck was not allowed either and I they were finding me and I came back here and argued the fact about it and then that's when Emily head was the mayor then and they passed the code that those older cars could be used because I use it as part of my decoration with my store this same as that old car that's parked in the back it's not some broken down L and thing that doesn't run anymore that I well like I said I understand this is you don't know to also look at any other out of time legal remed you have you can also do that um because I can't represent you of course I'm just I was asking the court to allow for a verbal out of town motion for you to be able to explain that but the the city council is limited as to anything they can do regarding the order that was held by the magate judge that adjusters have not even been um they do not even had that hearing yet May the 6 so there is nothing that the city council can do when I say nothing as relat those particular things have been enacted that May 6 meeting where's the information that sent to me that says I have a chance to go talk about it was still there stapled up not not the for for that I can um check with through so make sure you get that notice but that is the same notice just like you were provided a notice for the code violations for March the March hearing it was certified and sent the same l so the the other question I have he's not here maybe I'm not allowed to ask this question but he's using photographs from February when I called his office he said he could come out there at any time to see what we had done or if we had claimed up or changed anything he took a bunch of photographs in April while were not those presented before they made a decision to find me guilty for what I'm doing wrong those we do have your April or not your they W they weren't using the decision in that meeting is well well after February the pictures that he used right and you were not at that hearing so you actually are not aware of what wased he he said that form for the attorney of the city of Perry and citizens to sit there and argue in front of us now I hate to say it but the City attorney is kind of stepping over her bounds first of all all an issue like this has already come to this not this C but a counil and they lost if you were recall right down Jefferson on the left hand side there was a sign that said my weeds may not be your flowers or my flowers may be your weeds anyone recall that sign was there for years it may still be there but I want to hear what the man got say e