##VIDEO ID:VOJ1svSIqHY## he so very connection somewhere and it's we're going call January 14 2025 City C City per city council meeting order everybody to silence your cell phones and what have PR Miss Andre follow by the Pledge of Allegiance my father we just come to you tonight um thankful thankful for a New Year Lord thankful to say goodbye to the old one pray that you would U bless us in the year to come in this year that you would lead us and guide us in everything we do pray that for tonight Lord in our meeting help us to be civil with one another and to deliberate on decisions that we need to make and come up with the right answer Lord you can lead and guide if we just live you I pray that that you would and we would in Christ's name I pray amen amen United States of America the for it stands na God indivisible with liy and justice for all bro please man M bres here council member Hanson here council member woodfall vice mayor Landry here mayor ketan here item three approval of items on the consent agenda approval to read by title only ordinance 1047 and approval to read by title only resolution 20252 and 20253 so move council member Bryan Yes council member hampon yes vice mayor Landry yes mayor ketan yes item number four receiving request from the general public is there anyone here that would like to speak on anything that is not on the agenda here no one will'll move on number five bids we didn't receive any we'll try again that was second time kind of building is a metal building similar to what Danielle put up it have you taken the paperwork to people that sell it and they still don't it yes they will quote it but they won't bu last time we had to get three quotes and one Danielle bu work that works we'll get the quotes and we'll bring it back even if they don't respond with a quote that considered a no quote so right yeah we'll get we'll get quotes we'll bring it back all right thank you General business agenda item 6A John Cheryl to discuss plans for the West brazer site and discuss City and senates available and Council will take any action deem necessary Sher okay we I've talked to you on the phone we never met before name's John Cheryl I'm a Cheryl Coastal Holdings um home address as matter Georgia but been a Dy County resident for about 45 years um we're since 2017 we bought several Clos down facilities throughout the southeast first one of 2017 was you know Georgia pafic plant in Cross City and since that time we worked with uh the owners that are there now that went from a closed plant to now over 150 employees um which we provide the employees we just facilitated to lease with a purchase option to the owners that are there now and help them to get their feet under until they were able to get on their own bought a plant CLA in Georgia Pacific plant was shut down similar to West rer that plant now has steel buildings and component manufacturing 50 plus employees Skippers Virginia over next year they figure over 100 employees for a shut down George Pacific OSB Mill that particular plant they do waste Transfer cement from coal a and biosolids compost Mountain hope West Virginia it was the George Pacific um um OSB Mill and had 120 employees when they shut down now that that it has an activated carbon company that takes coal and makes water filtration media out of that they have 80 plus employees and so so on and so forth for about 12 different facilities around the US from um Hope Arkansas unit Texas and pit boss which is um a grill and pellet Manufacturing Company you probably heard of them they uh bought the facility in Mount Hope or not Mount Hope but Hope Arkansas from us and they have over 50 employees there the reason I'm saying that is we're not the people that hire the employees that bring the employees to uh a place like West Frasier but we facilitate we buy the facility we do the demolition of things that need to go we get rid of the equipment that is there and we uh try to repurpose that plant work with uh local authorities and and uh Economic Development people and with the network that we have we try to bring industry into a place of course the bottom line is we like to make money on that type of a situation but we also like to see a place that has lost employee base to be able to regain some of that if not more as much or more I'll be honest out of uh 12 and this will be 13 if we get this one out of all the facilities that we have bought this has been the highest tax base of any facility it's a lot smaller some of these are 250 350 acres plus a huge OSB type of manufacturing equipment so forth and uh their tax is were personal property taxes especially were so much lower than Taylor County I'm just going to ask if there's room for some tax benefits of I would I would ask for wave in the taxes for a year if uh that could be done let us get in there get the place cleaned up get the equipment we I'll put for instance a piece of equipment that cost $500,000 for West Fraser to put in maybe two maybe 10 years ago we'll be doing good if we don't have to just scrap it we might be doing good to get $10,000 out of that piece of equipment on the market just hard to move some of these items and so they're $425,000 for personal property taxes for that facility 75,000 give or take for for real estate real taxes so I would just ask if there's any way that we have 30 days to do our due diligence and see if this is going to work uh never have I had a $500,000 tax liability going into something on top of a purchase price so I would just like for some help I don't need an answer tonight just wanted to present who we were and what we do and see if there could be any benefit in the future for us thank you you were involved in Cross City maybe you mentioned that when you were you were involved to get that Mill that's the first meil we bought in January 2017 it had been dormant for 7 to 10 years Georgia Pacific and they sold that to us and we U worked with the new owners to get that up and going that was the one plant that that Georgia Pacific allowed to be opened back up again as a operating facility the rest of them like with West Fraser they won't allow that to be operated as a meal uh going forward so all these are success stories uh but we're not the one again that brings employees but we help to get those to that end yes ma'am maam you you mentioned other um Georgia Pacific Properties that you had purchased and do you have any aspirations with the one here they have talked to me about that I'll be honest that's a little Rich for my blood I think they got 23,000 acres to go with that I wouldn't mind getting involved with some other investors but uh they've run into some a little bit of roadblocks uh on their sale I'm not sure if they're from what I'm understanding they may be going to demo a lot of that which is probably a good thing but um if that's available I would be working with possibly other investors come in there good thank you thank you sir the city portion is 22,000 for property and 131 for tangible personal property any other discussion on it right now I just like to think again down 6B Boys and Girls Club director to discuss relationship with the city and discuss the kitchen Expansion Project and Council to take any action they necessary before we get started I'm going to I'm just going to stay out of this whole thing it's appropriate so I will pass the G to Mayor I would like to know why reason being my wife is doing the presenting I would like to know the legal reason why that's the only way is a legal reason well it could be a conflict of interest of some sort a legal reason the conflict interest is that's the only way you can not and I wish you would okay but what's what's a what's a example of a legal reason you'll have to ask the attorney I believe if he believes it's a conflict of interest then he like not if you believe it's a legal is specifically and the law says a legal reason is the only way I understand but if he's stating that he does have a conflict because not only the presenter but the director of the boys and girls club that he would not participate in the discussion you're still going to participate in the vote correct no I I don't even know what we're talking accuse yourself I don't there's going to be a conflict or not be straight we I really don't know you because when it comes to jerking with my husband being a part of jerking discuss this I did you did what's it supposed to show me so it's got the lease payments not verified miss Emily records at the Boys and Girls Club the loan was from the books because I could not find a loan document the expenses were from the books and and then the capital outlay was also from the books and I took the lease payment and subtracted out the expenses and the capital outlay purchases and that's the amount that I'm saying and that the auditor says was close of what they should have in their bank account what bank account they don't have one it's been moved boys girls yeah just a few of us but I'm not against it because I was in it when Governor Bob Martinez was if you ever heard of him but what you what you're indicating to me is I can't do this this so I'm going to do it this way and then I'm going to give it back to you f r a u d that's what it is if you do if if you do something like that our Auditors disagreed with that which is the same auditor that well he wrong okay I mean you don't agree with me I'm just trying to understand and follow you Mr Burns as to what is got money they got money they can't do something with it so they give it to the city to hold and then sometime later the city gives it back to them the city doesn't give any money back to us the city br that's what em that's what this shows well okay if there tell you his problema and if she doesn't agree she need to go back to law school I need to know more information corre that's it that's all you need to know well I think also whatever the provisions were to determine what was the there is no there are no Provisions she's not even presented yet sir so I hear and take if you allow me to speak I would take into consideration all the factors we've only had less than five minutes you fraud without information I've given you the facts hope and if you can't sort no little bit the facts out at right time sir that's not sufficient that's now how the legal system works I I appreciate that your I appreciate that that my my I can't wait till we talk about the civility resolution because I think it also impact moments like this I'm here to hear what we are I ask you a simple question you work the council if they don't want to know I don't care your testimony although very respectable in the fact that you've been here for several years working in the city I need more than that just like a judge would need more than that need more information we've got uh we've got a best here but it's simple we've got a building out there called roster we rent that building they need a refrigerator follow the refrigerator my motion is for the city of Perry purchasing department to bid this uh equipment out pre about the council award to bid and purchasing what does that have do it's that simple what does that have to do with boys and girls club because we how is that being 67 something yeah that's what it's got to do with it bid it out City bid it out City buy it well she hadn't gotten to that point she most certainly did it was she hasn't gotten to that point because you let her speak it came before us at the last council meeting it was brought to us that bid that yall sign we're about to try we didn't do it we didn't put it out for bid I know that I do I just said saying we need to they we need to put it out for bid they need to provide specs that's what we did that's what we did we got one back that's not what we were told at the last ccil meeting I haven't sent anything El B we asked if we did it and we were told no she wrote the scope but we put it out huh she wrote the scope but we put the bid out we were told did not put it out that's why we didn't that's why we open in a council meeting it was all bid we only had the one bid come back that's not what was sh that was not clarified in we were supposed to get more homework on that because all of us wanted to know why were we signing something that was never submitted to the city because that was when I I yeah that that's that we have not um I think not to interrupt but during the meeting I think they all asked you about and you were unaware of it Christie sent it out our purchasing agent but he was just maybe unaware of it no John didn't know anything about it right because it was done and Christie didn't let John should John has said but John has told us read it my motion is B I'm not award until we find out where this money at that call it quote unquote want to know oh yes we do that is the constituent money Wayne page I don't want to go Nothing To Own by Wayne since we only had one bid I'd like to Reid it and talk to some of the contractors I want more homework on this that's fine I want to know where the money is at who has a hand on the money that's a we we need to find it my my guess only because I have only been here since May is that over the years it has been dipped into the pot when they have spent over revenues over or expenses over revenues they've dipped into the pot and then with hurricane idealia they've dipped into the pot and since they only had one bank account for parks and it included their money there was no Separation on the books so you know when you get your report course sometimes it'll have like the water bank account and the water loan debt Service bank account it might all be in One bank account at the bank but on the books is separated there was none of that on the books so there was no there was no way to easily get a number and say this is what the boys and girls had well this is what we at least 6,000 a month yeah that's see where 8500 came from I don't have a clue that when I'm looking at the minutes from the last meeting and I don't find where we even discussed this situation is it in the minut I didn't see it that was disuss that was discuss soon as I in the meeting y discuss money that we that we're holding on to for we're not holding on the money for them show me prove it to me prove it well then there's $70,000 in the part's bank account where are we going to get the money for that bid where you going to get it from out of either utility tax or gas fund gas fund probably because it's got more people there is we need to figure out what oural we' got I don't know how many millions of dollars that's called what is that obligated to do something like this them what the lease goes to is that their money to spend on Capital no may I may I speak at some point I don't know who is uh I guess vice mayor um if if you're running the meeting I'd like to have an opportunity to speak please um there's there's there's several things that um I think need a point of clarity first of all um yes the uh boys and girls club does lease um the city property which um at the time as as you will know most of you know um it is absolutely city property and we pay a lease and originally and uh what was agreed upon for the benefit of the children the community okay is that if we pay a lease that the city not the boys and girls club would reinvest that money back into your own property nothing fraudulent about that okay I mean you can you we are allowed to spend money on a lease we can't make Capital Improvements and we don't we we don't lease I mean we don't bid that's all happens through the city okay and so the city reinvests that property back into the city's property we actually are able to stay there as of course tenants so um the Boys and Girls Club is not receiving any benefit in fact the Boys and Girls Club has paid the city $176,000 more than the city has invested in the property that we um have so you know um uh I don't um I think that uh what we're asking for is for the city to continue to invest the money that the boys and girls club has has has paid the city with the agreement of re investing back into the property if the city doesn't want to do that we understand that I mean you know uh we can move forward in a different light can I ask you a question absolutely you have a motion to pay for it why have we got to get up there and talk to try to run yourself oh don't run me down that I don't know what I'm talking about you've got a motion already to buy the equipment John wants to rebid it the motion is there to rebid it and buy the equipment what's your problem my problem is I'm just trying to be clear I'm just trying to be clear clear believe it's real clear do we have a copy of just least paper it doesn't say it don't it doesn't say what you say and all that you just do it you don't put it on paper and and technically technically that le as uh expired five years ago well says roll forever yeah so I mean and where the $8500 came from who knows Le say 6,000 6,000 better a rooll Reid it okay and let's go on but there's nothing to unless they don't want to now I'm just talking to me but I can tell you if you don't think what I said was fraud you do you canot you don't want to say I cannot spend this on capital of or on a capital improv Capital Improvement but you can spend it on offy yes right but you can but you can hold it for me and when I want it back you hold it for me you hold it to reinvest back into the city property not for us you missing the whole the point you don't say Dar sure that we going we got $167,000 that's fraud it if if hery doesn't understand it like I said she needs to go back to school it's that simple and I'm not going to let you get involved in problem but it doesn't matter this piece of paper doesn't mean a darn thing and I will talk to the other to Mar and deal but we we're on go we're just wasting time now what do we do moving forward to fix it what's that what do we do with the least money moving forward to fix it as a city what do you do with the Lo Park money or any other rent money or any money you just let it flow through the records you don't you don't want to say I can't do this with my money but I'm going to give it to you and you're going to give it back to me later that's fr simp so how do we work it then Bill I just well tell me we and like I said I don't know where the $8,500 comes from because the lease that I latest one is rental agreement says 6,000 they pay 6,000 so basically if they need if the city needs to improve the city's property that the city just improved it people don't keep but I want to ask you a question about this kitchen equipment is do do the do any of the kids use it uh if you if you see our paper um we served 118,119 I mean do the kids use you mean do they go in and cook yeah no sir do not absolutely no no we do have a culinary program but that's a separate because no we don't allow children in the kitchen absolutely not my we just feed them out is you know years ago High School had home economics we have that as well but that is in a um okay that is in a a the way that's set up is set up in stations this is a very small kitchen as you know it's it's not large enough to have um a homet class in there it would be like all getting in the closet a good class if they don't do anymore but we do that um in fact um I know about schools in fact we've had council members attend our culinary arts program I mean you know our dinner we do that um we just don't do it in that kitchen because it's it's it's not set up properly for where would this be located at B school it's the duck pond building that's what everyone calls it you know the building work yeah yeah and we um the problem with the kitchen that we currently have is um it's a residential size so we're trying to move up to a commercial size so um we just need the additional space to do the um the proper hooding um and and uh and and the electrical we just don't have the space to go up to commercial side second GI before we vote Yes I am all for doing everything I can for the babies but until they can show me some more my my vote right now going be enough understood and and and respectfully you know I just wanted it to be clear what's actually happening you know when when it was said it's being given back to us it's not um and I mean like it's it's being reinvested back into the city I understand something that is just not the city the information is there we just didn't get it got you got a lease here and one saying 85 one saying 6,000 then you saying you got a bank account with so much money in don't nobody know where the money is no we need to relase all of this needs to be redone it needs to be a round table with John Emily and whom Carly and all of this needs to be redone that's bring up today because we liked the idea of them having their own bank account on the book that way we have an idea of how much they've paid in and how much has gone out of that money but then Mr Bri I wasn't sure if that was what he was meaning or no none of us were here relying on someone else and I'm relying on C record that I can't hardly make sense of that's why we on a whole separate bank account where and so we were trying to come to a decent agreement on a number and just settle on that and then move forward with the Clean Slate you that there is no what my idea I would is no do you mind repeating what your motion was there's been a lot of discussion beyond that I just want to make sure I get it correct John to rebid and bring the bids back and we'll go from there it was more than just equipment that's a whole new it's walls electrical everything the whole expansion and I agree that totally in fact John and I spoke before the meeting I we we want it to be Reid the amount of money for that small amount of work is too much it is I agree with that we we were under the depression it was all equipment heard kitchen equipment it see anything about wiring and it's it's in a kitchen expansion with equipment in it like a whole completed okay are we ready for a vote we ready for a vote yeah all right council member Brian yes council member wood or Hampton I'm sorry yes CC member wood no no vice mayor Landry mayor King are you voting thank you you continue you want you [Music] I do have one question Rel does that mean that Mak some money we can use it I replaced all the PS and chairs last week you did I didn't know [Music] 12 I believe I think 12 like chairs Poss thank you agenda item 6 C cancel to discuss the sale of partial number 031 75- and cancel take any action deem necessary Mar here I thought he would be here but he want to buy this also right here next to P Grande actually I think part of Grande bu on area that came up before I believe sent the letters to all the adjoining property owners how much we got how much you want to sell it for how y want to handle it has it been appraised yet well didn't we agree we're gon go the prop appraisers got bag exactly pred it one time before what's the L 1.6 yeah 1.06 Acres prob but 1.06 Acres property just has value $1,000 a little more than that with Highway 19 front ,000 and we put 5,000 on that property out on 19 that the appraiser said it was property on 19 strip up look that's that's a big difference and that's a that's a larger piece of property well I think last time we decided we didn't want to sell it this is the people that are going to put a new restaurant in out there is that who wants it next to he already has the restaurant Park what we oh you're talking about out on 19 not not the one here say using for anything no any utilities anything on it anything cutting across it or before Main Street was involved with that that was the reasona down the creek or something thinking about it one time that was that was years ago green SP walking trail 25 years ago or so old and I haven't none well bill was there manager back then yeah but the last time came counsil Main Street was involved with it I heard something about one time having a trail down this Creek anyway what yall what be the pleasure of the council entertain selling it entertain keeping it or entertain getting it appraised are you looking for it John show it to us again or is that is right there how does it compare to the one that we quoted the 5,000 on as far as area that 1.06 that other just a little SLI I don't know where the property comes up with their numbers it's almost like a rideway or an Alleyway or something that's what it looks like to me the other one does too but it's much more it's narrower that's I mean that's like a little Alleyway or something other's actually this is next to the creek 8 Acres that's some kind of straight piece of property whatever see you later see you anyway what's what's pleasure of the counsel don't we check she's Main Street now have a Main Street came before the counsil yeah she was going to started back I don't know if she ever did or I know there you heard some talk about it coming back but I don't think it has or it has had heard or I hear everything the name's pretty like being theor streetway want to C back around to this later we wait till Martin comes and ask again [Music] a just I thought we went with that other think we did just read okay agenda 6 D Council to discuss resolution 20 25-01 and reference promote stability in the city of Perry and Council to take any actions being necessary this is way to have more peaceful Council [Music] meetings Abol we will be respectful one another even when we disagree we will direct all comments to the issues we avoid personal attacks AB this has been done some time in the P refreshing it second I didn't put it on the consent agenda so I think it had to be read out loud it does that work that's not an ordinance docent that you're adopting in is a policy add or take away or change any of it I stole this one from some other city I read it everything looks good to me I understand sooner or later somebody's going to break this on purpose to get thrown out of the meeting well that's exactly what they want that's exactly what they want to happen ready U Miss Wood okay council member hson yes council member wood yes vice mayor Landry yes mayor P yes agenda item 6 C thought Bell to address the city council regarding 310 South Avenue Perry Florida and Council take any action being necessary I guess we're going to circle back around to this planning on and they voted to not have any action on it for 90 days and for us to get back with the planning csil kind of what our options are around that there's a way to reone that about 10 acres they kind of want to be reone way home if possible did we ever get it improved Improv it was already there she said she said in the meeting they moved it in there three or four years ago but we know it had been there the whole time yeah the last time TR was out there in 2019 there was no trailer out there there had been a trailer out there long before but not when not what they were sharing was not in back true it had not been a a trailer on there uninterrupted for 27 30 years is whatever the claim was was the owner at the meeting this time the owner was at the meeting that's good owner was at the meeting all seven members of the board were there all the board was I know we had seven on there no there was seven all of them have contact SC we're waiting on a phone call back from it takes two weeks to get phone call on the list anyway Circle back around to that a later date jend item 6f city manager to present completed Citywide Road rankings and ccel take any action de necessary this was the do yeah the Michin they came and did that presentation for us yeah um it's not doing everything I wanted to do I'm going to wait a little bit I emailed them trying to get some some information why it's not doing what I want to do but we're actually in Fairly good shape there's only I like four small short roads that are um five the most critical rating and we'll do those when we get the tax money I mean that's the plan yeah worst one go down the list all right we'll Circle back around to that at a later date jend 6h present C dbg engineering rankings and Council to take any action deemed necessary 6G did I skip one apologize I did I checked it off and shouldn't have agenda 6G Council to discuss potential appropriation request for lobbyist send out 5year CIP to council and Council to take any action deemed necessary Mr Anderson NS down pretty good what he knows is going on and what he things are good projects that could get approved our working list right now are any of those streets ones that you mentioned while ago Bishop is a four I think those three were well we applied yeah we applied for four streets for the do mcot Grant so they're already engineered out I already have cost estimates and all that that's what the state likes to see you already have every most of the work done on the back on front end um Park Street pretty much ready mean yeah shov ready Projects Park Street was approved by theot just found that out this week so that's why they put it on this list [Music] um station that thing's been in trouble for a while has it that goes back quite a way we got the rift grant for Warner this is the other one that's on the um phase one of the Wastewater planning study think it' be a good ass since we're already in the process of doing the engineer and it was identified on our on our plan study um and we'll have some skin in the game because the city is paying for the city andr RF is paying for the engineering and design part of it that'll be just construction the Appropriations like to see that you have some skin in the game we probably throw 50 Grand each of these streaks too for City matching what's the star mean a star means it's not really show ready but I think it's a good ask why would would this Council voted to do something under certain conditions why is it number seven other than John don't want to do it he's aren't in any particular order except the garbage trucks I do want that to be Top butd This in any particular order just a list well it all be up to top that what I'm saying is we're not going to get a new f as a whole I talked to Mark about this and all but if we can just get enough to start do preparing the plans and specs and whatever that amount might be I don't know where you going to put it that's my problem oh that's your problem okay you'll come up with something I'm sure is this what we're plan [Music] love advocate for us about what did we do about the money that they offered us on the Depot roof if we did it went ahead and replaced the shingles is that money gone we didn't do the work or what's the deal that our FEMA consultant advised me to sign and then we can always withdraw but if I didn't sign we completely wouldn't have gotten the money so how long do we have um I can't remember what she said right now off the top of my head I knew we needed to make a decision but they were getting with Engineers did uh if we ever get anything from an engineer about the roof over going I really don't want to spend 20 grand so if I find a better way we can is this the list that that Jamie was speaking of w yeah list existed but [Music] yet just fig we a lot this for something [Music] listen we have a homeless situation people are freezing we don't have anywhere for them to go and you put them in jail they walk in down the streets I think that's a good project then you can make money off of it by running the building that's my thing are these cost estimates okay good much lift station that was the engineer estimate the water and gas meters that was a quote we got back from whoever was it itron itron the streets or what the engineers estimated the garbage trucks or what the garbage trucks cost the fire station just a guess Depot roof as a guess Michael L told me at least half a million if he even thought about touching it is that lifting old trusses and everything El tring it down and put a whole new not just roof I mean all trust Ro I guess it is the roof but I mean the roof structure all of it HB work electrical work insulation yeah we could do it with that gun over there if you replace the trusses yeah that replace it plus you start taking the thing apart you might find the 100y old building's got something going on we didn't know about not saying it does it could I've done get into some old buildings before I've been surprised at time or two yes ma'am I'm say I hope it doesn't happen I'm just saying you just bear that in the back of your mind that it could prob I motion we give it to him see what he do it a second got the legislative delegation on the 30th 4:30 y want to be there for all to be there for all possible where at complex the County Commission meeting room I think is it they normally have 30th yeah 430 do have a motion we have a second motions hanging we don't get the information to him early enough he can't work on it and help us any yeah things are lining up right now I'm getting together with him this Thursday to start putting the forms together things have been lining up since November and that's in the home stretch right now as far as getting everything together so he feels good about like Bill said you probably get 10 million for a fire station but you might get phase one some design and plan you got to face it it's the only way to do it yeah I guess I don't know how many of you saw the picture in in the paper 1925 fire station that's me right there with a tie no right well what I'm telling you is these are all volunteers they probably had two Chief in another person in 500 square ft maybe I don't know just say 500 today they've got 16 17 people in 500 square ft they're not all there at one time they're on ships do have two firefighters sleeping in the same room exactly it' be nice if they had their own your own privacy problem second fire station have a second anyone second for what to him and let him go I don't have a problem with have a list start with what we got to have a list to start that's the list I know I said I don't have a problem with it well then second motion Miss second yes go ahead on council member Hampton yes council member wood yes vice mayor Landry yes mayor King yes all right getting back to what I said earlier it 6h present cdbg C present cdbg engineering rankings and Council to take any action being necessary two firms North professional and McDonald Carly and Danel we m a little bit higher than North Florida what did did you find out anything about a conflict if m m McDonald I think long as you did the RFQ you're fine you couldn't just you could use a continuing service and water this just your second RFQ and going to negotiate we do the rest Prof y and he'll be handling much of that for us when you Tak any action on this yeah y'all do have to prove it needs to be in the minutes for the cdbg grant we have a motion motion second for discussion Ahad go ahead council member Brian this was this was discussed when um there were four people on that committee and I committee at that time I left there with the impression that they were going they had more interest in North Florida Professionals in m and I was shocked because she see one person Chang his mind of course and Danielle are not going to B John and for whatever reason John want to inv McDonald because he he at that time said I want a uh I'd like to have a different engineering firm what to work with that's f so you think that would be better that's all they do M McDonald's got to hire other people to help them do this job so nor Florida professional have their own team yeah were they here the other night that was asmus you about profession just in the paperwork versus Po council member bran no council member Hampton on you say that there was a no yes okay council member Woodall no vice mayor Landry oh yeah yes yes yes mayor kri um no got something so are we going to motion North Florida Professional Services Inc seven okay council member Brian yes oh just second think about let me think what did I miss just discussion between the two engine make a motion for us to re-evaluate and come back with a new ranking with a different team oh it doesn't matter to me if we got time yeah do we have time uh yeah we doing this the legal way yeah but if we prove going with not the highest rank firm I think cbgs have some issues I'd rather you direct us to rerank with a new ranking team I don't think there's anything anything wrong with I don't think there's anything wrong with okay it okay soill would be a part of reevaluate motion to reevaluate okay yeah and you're second yeah okay okay so now council member BRS yes council member Hampton yes council member wood yes vice mayor Landry yes mayor K yes item 6 I cancel to discuss Charles gy retirement he would have to stay on the reserve and keep his Department issued service weapon and Council will take any action being necessary um he has been with the city for 17 years he vested at 10 he has reached age 55 he's eligible for no more retirement under plan historically in the past anyone that has retired and started on pension payments requested their service weapon the council allow them to do it um usually the reserve component never comes up for discussion they decide to stay anyway it's just a simple date change um and it would help us for certain special events dur me to come back is that paid or not paid that's volunteer volunteer okay because I was wondering what uh the retir you know time and all that with he would be able to come back and work pay details that other companies pay like Walmart security and things like that motion second need to change the date he already retired he's already retired and may have 24 oh that was a topo that should have been okay what's the date say May 31st 2024 now he retires he retired actually January 1st this year 2025 he started in um he says he will be reing yeah I'm it's a mistake we can change that memo it's not Bing we may make a note to it counc member Bri yes council member Hampton yes council member woodf yes vice mayor Landry yes mayor kry agenda item 6 J budget amendment discussion to in discussion to increase Wastewater salary for operator that passed Class C the license test this several months ago of what we do to incentivize somebody getting their license he's passed the test we s all the paperwork in he got to wait for it all get approved ran numbers of the dollar 50 and a $2 increase what the total will be to the the budget just a clarifi John if I may Class C is the beginning Class B is is the medium license and Class A is the highest license yes sir sometimes they work the other way that's why I was clarifying yes okay thank you we need a b to run the waste water so he's getting a c now what's your recommendation motion once it's everything bre once I see a license yeah second say AG we don't need the highest it is what's the rate of well it depends on where you're at um city of tallah has is about 36 an hour there isn't one in Perry at the moment yeah that's what I'm saying like when he when he passes his b you know we would have to do this again and I know we would not be able to compete with these other counties we're going to try to do the best we can to rain these people but in in the surrounding areas that's in the mid to high 30s an hour now the last the last B operator or would have been Steve Caruso and Steve made 34 35 now with the city thank you the um the between c d and a is it just a size difference just to how big a place you can operate yes sir um we're just over the threshold by 250,000 gallons just under a million requires a c over a million requires a b and that goes all the way up like 10 million gotta all righty council member Brian yes council member hon yes council member W vice mayor Landry yes mayor K yes vote because we're going have to bring back a budget amendment y have to vote on it I'll vote again then just able to pay all these salaries who something to keep them M agenda item 6K budget amendment for garbage truck purchase this is just what y'all approved last time for me to do to purchase the garbage truck but it's just for the records right on where I move the money from have a motion motion second council member BRS yes council member Hampton yes council member wood yes vice mayor Landry yes mayor kin yes agenda item 6 L Council to discuss raising capital outlay threshhold from $500 to $5,000 to align with Auditors and Council to take any action deemed necessary we have Capital items that are 500 bucks yes so according to our purchasing manual right now anything over $500 we have to do as a capital asset the government finance officer Association recommends the minimum capitalization threshold of 5,000 and that's also what the Auditors all the Auditors look for is anything over 5,000 and it is also what the County's threshold is um and I mean like if there was like for instance one of the police department's guns that's under $55,000 we're still going to track that because that's needs to be tracked same with radios we'll use common sense got a written policy in the purchasing about for this not for this this was just to I think get a written policy specifically for radios and guns and then you know couch sensitive items basically makes sense anything with a serial number maybe cellon I I'm just about that yeah yeah U well I don't know need to look look at that right I can look and see where how other places work it that can be a starting point anyway yeah I was just kind of putting feelers out yeah does 5,000 sound reasonable that's everybody else and that's what they recommended with the as that sensitive yeah yeah make purchasing go a little easier as well motion to approve second council member Brian yes council member Hampton yes council member woodf yes vice mayor Landry yes mayor ketan yes agenda item 6m Council to continue discussion on Code Enforcement Grace periods and Council will take any action deemed necessary i' hate to put this kind of a burden on people that they can't pay they can't do it when the city is not and I I understand I know that just because I get caught speeding and he's speeding that that's not an excuse but uh there's a lot of people out there that can't that can't clean this proper I don't know what they're going to eventually do and some of it they live in there's some uh houses over where we are still got blue Tarts on them so can be a very difficult subject like you said especially when you have people living in them where do they go true Chief do you have any comments we're we're looking for guidance is what we're looking for um and I agree with I agree with council member Brian um it's a difficult situation to be in um if it's truly a health hazard or a safety hazard that need him in the house anyway and that's something we should do the regardless of time limits and I think that's for now that's what we're going to address is if it's a true safety concern or health concern for that property we we have to do what's right and make sure people are safe and really that's my concern right now making sure everybody's safe yeah and you got some that have been noticed long time ago and they still haven't done anything about it so I don't know where the storm comes in to play with that yes ma'am anything that's pre-existing the storms we're still following that process and we've been bringing things before the boa to get those um issues taken care of when they need to be um you know looking at commercial properties the ones with the signs that are blown out is another thing that we need to consider maybe separately from a timeline for residential stuff maybe consider commercial residential differently um we're talking about the appeal of the city now as you're driving through for potential investors as well so um I think that you know just residential things we use our best common sense and do our best to work with whoever is there um and Commercial will just start if there's a timeline or or end date that the council has in mind we'd follow that but I think we do need to to improve the the commercial properties and businesses encourage them to make those changes as well oh great and and this is a difficult situation that we're all in we're all in this one together really because you have a unique view on your districts or or areas of the city um we just want people to be safe and to make sure they're not living in conditions that are unhealthy um you know I know we talked about um when it was just ideia damage or just talking looking at January 1st of 2025 but you then we had Helen visit and you know Debbie wasn't much of a burden on us but Helen hit us again um so you know if we were to extend it through July 1st and then re-evaluate it then and see where we're at at that point but encourage people through our normal process to start trying their best to make improvements maybe encouragement and help and assistance letters to people saying we're going to start enforcing this do your best well check back with you later without a whole lot of enforcement action unless it's a truly truly is a health and safety concern for a property we got we got a mess out there yes sir that we and I'm just talking about under right way we don't have the capabilities if we don't get help the public yes sir it's going to continue to look like a m I'm talking about once it's picked up if they would at least break it up into a manageable P but if they don't we don't have man maybe that's something we can include in our process and make contact with our property owners say can you help us out and kind of try yeah we can try okay we still have people unload to construction debris on the side of the roads yes speaking the right way that fale the debris contractors some places they did yes my guys are going around and cleaning that stuff up but it's going to be a slow process it's not going to be a quick are they raking after they pick up the bulk of ma'am is somebody raking after they pick up the bulk of it my God because I know they used to and then they quit yeah but they're talking about the FEMA trucks what they're leaving messes like little limbs just my guys are going behind and cleaning the rideways because in March April we're going have to start mowing you can tell the difference between the contractors that are working for the government and then the city employees city employees do a way better job and make sure that's cleaned up yeah I had to pay somebody to clean mine up after they picked it up play the ride it was a n so you just want to one and we can reevaluate then we just start you know we and we've kept track of stuff that was existent for my Delia and and new damage so we know who has had longer than others um because we still get calls every day about these issues and we still need to take care of the the the citizens that are complaining about issues that need to be addressed too everybody has an interest in us doing our the best job we can this is just a suggestion but um what if um put an article in the newspaper and as our constituents are the citizens that we're soliciting their help and helping us to clean up around their homes you know and I think through this discussion that's something that will probably already mentioned in the newspaper because it's part of this discussion well we can do again well it should just be part of owning the property I mean we expect people to keep it up yeah I'm speaking of the right ways they can they can use help motion to extend the grace period to July one um I was in the middle of I'm sorry I apologize no that's okay you do it a lot go ahead council member bran yes council member Hampton yes council member woodfall yes vice mayor Landry yes mayor King And to clarify that was to re-evaluate July after July first not start stre enforcement you read address it before July one maybe the meeting before the last meeting in Jan Andress yes we'd be surprised at the help we would receive if we would only ask yes ma'am I agree agenda item 6 n introduction of first reading of ordinance 1047 an ordinance of the city of Perry Florida relating to the resoning of 10 or more continuous acres of land pursuant to an application Z 74- Ser for by the city council amending the official zoning atlas of the city of Harry Land Development regulations providing for resoning from residential conventional single family one or rsf one to residential conventional single family rsf2 of certain lands then the corporate limits of the city of Perry Florida providing a severability repealing ordinances and conflict providing an effective that's the the high school rsf2 so we'll be in line with our top plan anddr have any discussion on this from the public or counsel anybody [Music] else okay agenda item 60 Resolution 2025-the of date making veners day I'm sorry I agree that we shoulder veterans I think we already have3 holidays two are two of those the floating holidays personal yeah personal days or yeah um we added Friday and juneth but a couple years ago [Music] caus any conflict with the banking Mak are closed on a lot of places City think City one of very few places open quiet on I was really surprised to see that we were open I understand both Sid I understand too many holidays also understand Veterans Day need to be recognized would um especially I mean are the schools out on Veterans Day now or no I don't y they are they go back okay it depends on the school calendar they go back 13 Miss who that estate is not ready in I guess juneth in first Friday what is first FR what Good Friday Good Friday oh good Friday we don't have to rush on this we got till we got till November I didn't realize that I just what would the people are taking the holidays they be willing to willing to give up one of the Swing holidays for a Veterans Day or no I see no nope well it's not going to matter for Poli [Music] ma'am I sing out reming one of the personal holidays and that's what I was asking yeah we don't have to we don't to do anything this right away got seven now is that all seven that's it be 11 plus h 11 holidays plus the two Flo yeah some of those are double like Christmas and Thanksgiving yeah but they got rested plus yes that's that's true that's 11 on each side 11 and then 13 if just just a thought if you would remov one of floating holidays it's not going to be benefit the people that work shift work you're going to actually they're going to be just not held equal to everybody else because they will have to work that day regardless the floating holidays they can use whenever they want whenever they want you take it that's one personal dat less that they have to take I mean my opinion is you have a floating holiday if you want to take off Veterans Day just take it off [Music] but at the same time if everybody takes the day off you're shutting the city down anyway Saturday and Sunday it shut down and sure you know like it shut down Christmas and Christmas Eve so I mean I get what you're saying yeah but um you know just just so it's not complicated my opinion you know that's what the floa holidays are for like Garrett said what birthdays and anniversaries too so let the uh city workers have a vat in it and say what they want if they want to trade it out they want take one of them holidays and take him away and give the uh Veterans Day let's do that John put it on the employees they I suggested that to John is there reason you wouldn't just add that holiday just give another holiday we got 11 already that's a lot certainly good I thought we were C in this all right we'll bring We'll Circle back around to this again that's okay everybody yeah hold you workers and [Music] see was that included okay agenda item six D approval of minutes from the December 10th 2024 regular session any changes or um Corrections any made to it yeah I think I'm on page five uh price of the new truck is 400,000 demo 375 purchase the din take it out of water not all coming out of water was it some of it arpa some was arpa right some of it was was that coming out of the water fund ,000 I believe it was resolution okay okay yeah she wasn't here at the last meeting so she was trying to listen to us the where you say take it from Bill the the resolution says take get out of that AR money and to balance our water which is about 80,000 okay any other Corrections no entertain a motion motion council member Bri yes council member Hampton yes council member wood yes vice mayor Landry yes mayor K yes city manager report anything Jam had this that need to be [Music] approved a mutual agreement with them for an investigation and Time s motion approve seconds okay council member member Hampton yes member yes may Landry yes mayor K yes any else John hope do you have anything I do um do a few things um I have a new phone number I don't know who's over the information on the website um but it's 850 756 5726 that's 85756 5726 um and I just think it's important for me to address a few things that have come up it seems like for the last three meetings I want and I guess it may be obvious from my comments that I my goal is to be accurate in the information I've given you so I would ask that anyone any of the council members to take me up on the request that you have up to so many hours per month to inquire with me about something going on with the city if there is something that you believe can lead to criminal persecution fraud even a violation of Sunshine Law can result in fines and removal of officials I will never want to be on record stating and agreeing to be subpoenaed that I have agreed that the city council has acted under fraud that I have agreed that a that a city official acted in violation of Sunshine Law so if there are things that you know from looking at the agenda a few days or a weekend and a day ahead of time that give you some concern or just something you know that's coming up in the future it would behoove you or be a greater benefit for the city council as a body politics to let me know so that I can with certainty agree with what the concern is or show counterbalance because as you know lawyers make their money by looking at all sides and almost in every argument there's exceptions so particularly when I'm asked in a public meeting about whether or not the city council has committed fraud you will never probably hear me agree to that unless that's something that's been discussed over and over and over again I will take the animal um the use of the animals um being close to the school or not that information if you remember I brought you information turnning General opinions everything doesn't have to be that way but I would just suggest unless the goal is just a got you and an insult and it's for the overall good of the body politic if you would share with me if you have serious concerns as something that is being done done is improper illegal or in violation therefore I can not just address your concern but maybe let's come up with a resolution because that is not a violation of Sunshine Law And it I believe helps resolve it for instance today that was concern of fraud when I understood from the agenda there was going to be discussion about bids so we went into a holy different situation and then I was asked whether or not something that's been going on at least for 10 years done through other um legal council for this for this particular Council whether or not was fraud I still don't know the complete answer to it because we got into a lot of extraneous things um that was not what I understood the agenda was about but I would tell you that I never take your concerns lightly just because I don't feed you the answer you want in the instance that you want unlike what happens on television or just the speed of Google or chat GPT most lawyers and even judges if there's something that they've not heard before they will act they will actually tell you we will put that under advisement so I'm never at at any time ignoring the request or the sincer sincerity or the passion by which you may share but I also have to think of the council body TI I'm not one individual Council member's attorney and even if there's something um that you passionately feel if I don't agree or don't know I'm not going to say that I do just the Poss avoid an insult as to my education or my experience I can tell you right now I rather be um slow then wrong because then that comes into another thing and I'm not going to put my license on the line by giving wrong information that can cause or lead to something like the lawsuit where I'll be coming in to testify that I stated in a meeting that something was illegal or criminal secondly um regarding some of the concerns that have come up and I won't U spend a lot of time on this um regarding something that was said um I think in the last meeting that and sometimes I don't even hear what people are saying because a lot of people talk low they're not on a mic or maybe there's a conversation that's been had before the meeting so you know exactly what you all are talking about in the in the moment and I didn't hear everything but I just and if the if the board or the council would like um I will start giving more legal tidbits in my part of it just to maybe if there's been a question about say like sunshine law or even civility or one of those things that I'll try to be more mindful um what I understood the sonan law to do but I did not share at that moment because I didn't even hear the complete conversation but the city manager legally can speak to individual council members that in and of itself is not a violation of Sunshine Law what a city manager or non-elected official cannot do is act as a third part part liaison to basically talk to individual members and by which share information to basically come up with sort of a pre-t toal of everybody's support and I'm sharing for instance with um council member Hampton she liked something she didn't when I speak to um council member Landry and I again I I would be I would be somewhat different but the same would apply my goal is not well Hampton um council member Hampton disagreed what are what is your say and just basically acting as a third party liaison to get a decision made outside of public meeting um that is not what you should do and if there's a real grievance one in which it needs investigation that can lead defines in um removal um and maybe it doesn't have to come in a certain formal way but um those things are very very important and if I State like I don't know or based on anything else I would need more information I know out of the abundance of caution the goal standard is to share those things in a public meeting but for instance I know for the um the abundance of caution many times if one of you council member have an event other council members don't attend just because they do not want to be in any way even accused of violating the sunshine law but there's actually nothing to say that you can't attend each other's events so I hear one thing and it may be that I want to hear more because I don't want to rush to judgment and then be placed on record in a public meeting um that I've said that someone's in violation CU that also could have greater con consequences I know we sometimes throw words away um like you know because of the passion of the moment but I just wanted to make myself s clear as to at least how I think best I can serve the body politics so again not something that just came up in meeting period but if there's something that you see or you smell in other words that may be need more legal um legal exploration as to what the right way I would just ask you know I'm not a scary person Syd me I think council member um some of you council members have reached out with a question or an idea that something is on the agenda or not I try to get back to you and it doesn't mean that that same issue won't rise up but if you it will give me a chance to give you as much information as I can um so that it can help you in your very important work to represent protect the people of this city um so I don't have anything else to share for tonight but I just wanted to reiterate that and I apologize if you have tried to reach out to me and maybe in the last few weeks or since the holidays you could not because my phone wasn't working or whatever I just want to apologize for that but I am here for that and um and even when I basically say I don't know or I'll start saying I'll take it into envirment I will still follow up especially if it's something that didn't just sort of come and go because of the the heightened interest in in that moment but I want too for us to work in a way that we could be proud of things years later that we did it in a correct way but um and some lawyers I guess do it differently but um I don't I don't say I know when I don't um and that's what University of Florida taught me especially being on the honors Ethics Committee that it's harder to erase bad information or wrong information um and that's it so if you first see something that came on this agenda or something something in the future feel free it doesn't have to be a dissertation to ask that I look it up that I consider um because that's what I'm here for um but that's all I have thank you can I respond ma'am can I respond sure yes I want to apologize for all the insults that you had do it's not right and anytime that you see that we're crossing the line or whatever please stop us you're supposed to keep us in the line and I appreciate you so so the insults we've got to quit doing this just you are qualified we appreciate you and my biggest point I do appreciate that just let me know what the problem is and what your concerns are cuz I'm I'm made of hard stuff I come from a big hard family but just i' rather just let's get it resolved than just you know look at like was this because I don't want um city council to be compromised in any kind of way including my own statements and response so but thank you for that well this resolation we just passed that apply to us as well council members General and and if you just want to sit here like a on the log how about it if you want to huh if you want to do what sit up here like a bump on a log you got anything um the utility billing has got pushed back a little bit they will not give me a date keep pushing for them to give me one and they they're having issue converting from the 1980s Sy that we had to um just some of the data Integrity is what they're calling it they're trying to still work through some stuff but hopefully we'll have a date soon that's all Jam I need a mull sorry I need a Mullan we got the um downtown strategies will be here tomorrow at six in the council room for the downtown revitalization it's the stakeholder input session 6 o' want to be here hospital is that supposed to be speaking I don't have anything we discussed ch R uh I got a brush truck my brush truck's down going be down five seven days Waiting On a par for pump other than that I put in for another afg Grant I don't know if I told y'all since then I don't know if I've seen y'all but um afg grant for bunker gear and tools for the equipment or tools for the trucks and or new tools and also put in for a truck again and I also just submitted another Firehouse Subs grant for the extrication stuff that we was turned down for last time I submitted another one this time hopefully we'll get that [Music] something very good that's it Danielle we have our new garbage truck and the guys for loving it now we can just keep our other side loader what we've had ones in Tallahassee still hav't got it back one of we just got back from kah se but we're still having issues with I need a m give to we have got the uh with red cross partner Red Cross some of y'all may have seen in the paper about the smoke detectors if y'all know anybody needs smoke protectors in their house Red Cross is donating them we're donating our time to go put them up do we have it on our Facebook website John no we might need to put y may not even know about so we can yeah I read it in the paper also I was going to ask you about it that way we can share it let one everyone know about it Andre nothing this [Music] SE first of all i' like to thank y'all for approving the raise for Jared um he's done really well in the lab he's taken to it really well beyond my wildest expectations so thank you for that um we we've got a lot of little projects going on I'm kind of kind of waiting for a grant that you know that launched McDonald went through to upgrade the sewer system we're getting a little sand quite a bit of sand in our main LIF station at the plant you know we're going to investigate the creek see there's any missing manholes um it's probably just stage of the P something to get through get a bit of sand in the LI station um the liation probably can handle it but it's prematurely wearing the pumps so that that will be an issue um we do have a grant to upgrade Warner hopefully we get the one for Goodman's here and then like I said when with the um the grant with M the main Li station need to be addressed we've been working with M with our uh local limits and pre-treatment our biosolid um M has actually streamline some of the testing that we do they've taken 100 um basically items that we test for these little 15 20 letter words um they've actually got us out of Some Testing that D was wanting us to do for our seage haulers um and just so you know like each test we do for every medal or whatever whatever criteria thatp wants to test for that's like $20 a line some some of our tests are $700 $1,500 so forth so um we got the last truck we ordered this week so we we are good on trucks now to several months to get it but we have it so if you see it riding around town it's the knce new crank truck city logo 130 is the number appreciate that uh John um y'all got any questions for me you mentioned your the testing are you on a schedule now for that well we have annual we have weekly monthly and annual reports and quarterly reports that you have to be done Jared basically does the dmrs every month and what that is it stands for discharge monitoring reports um there were things that weren't on the [Music] DMR that we were basically unaware of and there were some discrepancy in the nutrient management plan and the permit that was done um in 2022 what M has done is help us with our pre-treatment program our local limits and like I said that's where some of the items were eliminated from testing because if we're required to test it let's say it's zero every time we test it that cost us that's like 20 bucks for that just that item so like I said they they cut out a hundred of those um and also like I said DP wanted was wanted us to start testing the septage haulers that come into the plant I mean depend on what they wanted tested for I mean that I it would maybe been random but that would have been had to been passed on to the to the drivers we just recently not even a year ago we went from 7 Cent a gallon to 10 cent so you know like anything we can get out of that's not going to make us liable or you know cost any more money we try to do it and like I said I've been working with Doug with M and he has streamlined it you know so and we the pre-treatment is very very complicated I don't know I don't know why it has to be so complicated um basically reevaluating be some months before it's finished but um hopefully all that'll go well and um that's that's Prett much thank you here I don't have too much for y I did repl some tables and chairs try to most away and probably keep some of chairs for City persones what we need for thank you so much I have any questions s just I get Jour about some things Landry oh yeah how is the fire hydrant update coming the fire hydrant maintenance rep yes the maintenance and both at the moment we've just gotten our new man as you know at the beginning of the budget year he's been training in the meter reading and at this point we just wanted to get through the holiday before we started breaking in new major new work uh utility service group is going to be here at the end of the week so I don't want to get into any projects right away because I don't want to get into anything while the water power is being maintained we will have to take the power down offline for a couple of days we will be draining it um I didn't want to say anything about it because I didn't have an exact date they keep pushing back every couple of days at this point they're looking to arrive by Friday so I'm wanting to say the first hydrant on our agenda I'm sure all of you know it behind Parties by Star Bank that will be the first one that we will be hitting next we've been looking at ways to isolate that one in particular but outside of that we do not have any quotes from anyone yet and I haven't made a scope of work yet for biding that out but I do plan on doing that because I know we cannot do all of there's no way possible that we have the three to be able to change every hydrant in the system but the ones that are Urgent I would like to do now thank you and what about the um weather stem do we ever get that installed I don't know where that project is I think when John L left Emergency Management he was the one that was spearheading that I don't know where it's at now I've heard no further discussion so y wish I can make a phone call and find out about that well I'd like to see it or see it done I think what it was is there was potentially some State Monies to maintain that and that's what we were looking for through the Emergency Management side of the house um if we were to to get involved we may end up be on the hook for paying for that and I don't think that's something we should do all we did was give permission where to put it somebody make contact with Emergency Management now just ask like you say he may not even know about it with John the jail outome I I don't have do not all right Mr bran yes sir for some reason there's a lot of people out there want to know about these fire I think they're watching too much television in California but I mean there is a concern at the last meeting well go before the last meeting this Council voted not to do something we come to the next meeting we've got a uh it's on the it's on the agenda it's it the uh resolution or whatever by name was already out there and I asked John if he pulled this Council and he said yes and I told him that's against the law I don't recall having any consent uh discussion with anyone else but that is against the law yes yes it is um I don't want to put my license in Jeopardy either and I have absolutely no intention of doing it and I stand by my remarks anything else something