##VIDEO ID:eyCvueW_9Ic## we can always use prayer huh we can always use prayer oh yeah always ready we're on call the September 9th 2024 city council meeting to order a reminder to silence your cell phones us in prayer Heavenly Father we come to you right now Lord with bow heads and Humble Hearts Lord and tell you thank you Lord thank you Lord for your lead your guidance your Shing and your protection Lord Lord I ask you right now Lord to decrease each and every one of us supp of you Lord that we make the right decisions for the citizens of Perry Lord and these blessings we ask in your name amen amen to the of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all roll call please ma' Brian here here May you got a pretty good excuse yeah she just had one on the fth fth six surgery replacement surgery yeah okay approval about on the conscent agenda yes yes yes yes oh one one quick announcement I forgot to bring up Chief CH asked me to say is anybody here for the uh planning board board of adjustments meeting okay is it moved over to the city please what I was asking very good thank you have any and we're going to receive request from the general public the council welcomes you to this meeting this time is set aside for our citizens and the general public to address the Council on any matter not included on the agenda agenda this is not a question or answer time nor is it a political Forum or is it a time for personal accusation derogatory remarks you like to address the council please come to the podium when you're called speak into the microphone and state your name and address for the record please also limit your comments to not more than five minutes for individuals and 10 minutes for groups or delegations do anyone from the general public would like to speak on anything that's not on the agenda hearing nothing we're item five which is bids or no bids at this time is that still correct no bids open okay number six Channel business Thena item 6A Patrica R Woodman life to present Flags to the city council for Veterans Park and City Hall and Council will take any action then necessary hello would like to present these on behalf of wom the world to the city and we do this as a offering to you we represent veterans and we just wanted to give our we just wanted to come forth and bring them to you so you can enjoy them as much as we do okay well thank you thank you okay app apprciate thank you okay agenda item 6B and thank you very much for that by the way thank you agenda on 6B Miss chasty Reid of small of the SBA to address the council to discuss the US small business administration office of disaster recoveries program Council will take any necessary it's been information since um I reached out with my bus card US administra public special for the disaster recovery [Music] program are with so that mean you know that additionally homeowners Anders but um our business loans and business homeowners and Rental loans are for disaster physical disaster and can also apply for economic dis disaster front Loan program so with that is is when businesses leas money due to a hurricane in this situation it is Hur debb so that shut down for either certain amount of hours or either full days so they can those that they can that's the amount that they can apply for and um they are low interest low interest rate for J loans so the home13 the business loans are 4% and nonprofit organization is 3.250% these are loans that are deferred for 12 months and um they are are up to 30 years and for homeowners we do have a mitigation program where if you set distance you need a certain type of roof or a retaining wall things of that nature to prevent blood from happening again we have loans and programs for that we we do have physical location that anyone who needs personal face to face attention um closest one here would be in Perry at the ridge that is open from 9 to 7 and so all of that all we ask is for you guys to us to you if you haven't done so share it on your social media and websit I know we officially information to put on the website I haven't seen anything on your website yet so if you haven't already or plan to get it out for us we want everyone to know that we are here in town to help additionally F would would refer applicants to us once they finish with FEMA but now they don't so they just have to know we're there and the way we're set up in the center is where actually want you go in over there in the corner so you can't really see us when you come in so we are there to assist people so just like you said just get the word out there just here to help thank you very much agend item 6D or excuse me 6 C canc to review and cancel review and approve of the rural infrastructure fund grant for strong water planning study Council will take any action deemed necessary this is for the RAF Grant months to get contract appr and all that appr sign it do need a consensus or vot let's go I got entertain a motion motion to sign documents second BR yes yes wood yes may yes okay an item 6 d e and f are they pretty much intertwined McDonald okay agenda item 6D M McDonald to address the council to discuss task order for storm water study and Council will take any action me necessary go ahead get work if you want to take the rever Happ go ahead get the work now that y sign contract motion appr yes may yes agenda item 6 e m McDonald's to address the council to discuss the city's new well Council will take any action being necessary thank you coun just want to give youdate about four months ago here to some locations where possible um so as you know one of the just put the system back online and really good uh but we what we don't want to do is you know move things from one to the other so now you have a now we using well and all the good water and then the other ones are going bad um as part of your overall plan we Hadi that we have to build a new water Fe plan because all your other water PL are way past the age uh so my suggestion would be is we can put uh you know allow the the mayor and the city manager to start activ negotiation for some partial of land where the new can work towards getting some more funding to either if it's good well like well number three if I'm not mistaken where you don't need have to orat so that's the next step you have to do okay can you tell me specifically what law says that when something gets so old you discard it that's what you just said you said it's so old I understand what it is we can look at reh one of is a useful life of guarantee yeah I agree with what John had in his memo agree 100% we can get ourselves in a situation we can't get out of if we don't hold back on some things until we figure out what's going to happen in this community I'm talking about with the two businesses closing and nothing take the place build a new well water qu continue to go now that's the only real problem Yes actually the water quality you have THM ISS but what you have is you have a system now so going continue to pay for those and then you have one one of number so somewhere down the line for the residence you have I don't think your industry uses that much water from you guys but now you have um you I'll give you a good news also there is some funding available so you may want to just you know capitalize on those uh for the near future so that's what our recommendation was just to at least identify a we site says hey this is what we have and you already allocated funds for it so it's not like you don't have funds allocated my my big worry is operating funds and who knows so right now you have um a well which we just put the new treatment system in and there is a useful life of that media so if you use more and more of it you going have to replace so that's a balancing and that's only one one well the rest of the wells uh one of your treatment plan is you know there's not a whole lot of treatment they're not using what 10% less than 10% the old water plant as it's referred to was drilled in 1943 and that would be one that is well outside of its useful life does that mean you discard it no that what that means is we need to start looking for an alternative that we're not on something that needs a lot of attention and maintenance in the last two years we've already had put over $30,000 into that well just in operating materials so if we don't start looking into something soon that well is not going to be there it's been there since 43 yes sir that's 80 years yes sir and it was rehabed in 1974 so I'd say that we are well past it useful life is the whe casing or something messing up or no but it's current filtration system is anite which is the original media that we had on well number seven as well but the filter beds on that were installed in the 70s as well they are well well over rehab at this point point that building the only thing holding it together is the fact that it's old concrete I mean Old River Rock concrete we do need to start looking into another Well site if we want to be able to keep up with the capacity of the community what's the capacity going to be what is capacity right now our average capacity usage right now our average daily flow is between 1.5 million gallons 1.7 million gallons to day and what was it a year ago 1.5 it has not gone down that much at all it actually has gone up slightly hasn't gone down yet yet there is still usage going to the mid current so but if we don't start looking for another alternative water source soon we are going to catch ourselves in a bind like you said the media on this new filtration system is there and working but it is extremely expensive to replace it and if we overburden those new filters early on we're going to be replacing in that media faster and faster without having an alternative we that show the water quality going down over time that old I don't think there's really a lot of data showing that it's been pretty consistent over the last couple of years but we've been reducing the amount of flow out of that well just because of the maintenance issues you have a site that you are looking at right now we had the sites that we presented to y'all earlier on that M McDonald also recommended but we've not made we haven't had any sites presented to us we presented some areas to Y we don't want to talk specific not specific pars we get into specific actual physical addresses that's what the price overnight yeah yeah my my only concern is that we provide clean drinking water everyone whatever is we have to do to do that and I I support it if you pick a wh site is there a guarantee that it's good clean drinking water never is we can go off the recommendation of M McDonald and Engineering we can go off the recommendation of Swan River Water Management District for where should have a good quality of water and we can use other wells in that area with the hydrologist studies to examine whether those can even meet the demand we need I'm just not ready to move on until we know what in the world may be going on in this city I will say like you said if we don't act now there are Grant obligations right now that would allow us to take some of the burden of the cost off we don't act on those especially after we just got hit by these hurricanes we do have a little extra attention on us a spotlight if you want to call it we need to focus on that a little bit where's the money going to P from Grant State you don't have to pay it that's there's other options toing we are asking is actually you have allocated Mar funding for T well and then purchase parts right that was funded slated for this project so all we are asking at this point is we start where you think the potential land will be there is no commitment at this point for a cost for a test all you're are doing is allowing your mayor and city manager to at least look for an area where you think you can potentially build a new we a new site it's not going to happen today it's not going to happen tomorrow even if we start today by the time we are ready to do a test be six or eight mon down the road so this is just a uh move forward I don't think you're committing any funds to it so if you don't do it six months down the road you're going to be asking for the same thing so this is our recommendation for you all to consider you already allocated the funds you already allocated we gave you two areas all you need to do now is since your waterr is already completed is functioning you need to go ahead and at least in the next 3 months four months whatever it takes to at least idty by the side bring it to you before you do and possibly do a test well make sure that it works before you purchase it so that's all we are saying I don't think we are committing any other than what you already have we able to shut o oil down really at the end of the day you look at the whole uh we can go back and check on those you already know you have a treatment plan you need to build so so you take one out you can look at it the only difference is going to be is the cost of the well and the land um what the production capabilities are we can look at it that way with new VF or that technology no it's really look this is a planning part like you always do and if you feel like if you want to wait for few months it's not going to hurt a whole lot what you're saying is you already allocated the funds so it's time for moving towards it if the answer comes out in three months that you can't find the land need to go reinvestigate existing weth and what it takes to redo whatever we need to do the only thing is when you have casing that are the same same it's just not a what what you have done is number when you doing some of the work on the new plan the old plan and the other one was used and you have a lot of issues and you have a consent order so this is just to have a move back forward I don't think you're making any financial decision this point all saying is you need to go and start looking at just some the concern I have I've got nothing against grant money grant money is great but a lot of times it doesn't come with operational money it's just a build you got to watch the operational part the maintenance the all the rest that goes along with it it's kind of like getting a brand new car but you got to guarantee you're going to pay insurance guarantee you're going to maintain it guarantee all that that you're going to have to do for the next five years to ENT that simply a gallon of water cost to Tre a gallon of water cost sure but there is a max out so if if a b can pump 700 yard a minute you cannot pump 700 minute 7even days a week you have to rest so that's where your you know when you have well system you have you only can pump with so many hours a day and there's only so many gallons per minute so if you have more than one water it is giving you redundancy we are hoping that it comes out to be that you don't have to this is where the goal is like your three you do not have to do it that way you can actually reduce operation on one of the wells which you are treating and working towards the other so it doesn't necessarily means we're comparing app and app because the water quality good only put chlorine in it it can I tell you if that's going to happen no because you have four well one is good the that's not what we're looking at right now is just looking at some property in drilling a test wheel to see what's going on I can tell you where perfect water is like H that's you know more that's good great if you I'll be glad to meet with you and we look at it together in your test well there yeah get what's the pleasure what would be the pleasure to cancel this point well I don't really want us to be caught on the B so I'm all for going here doing what they need to do as long as we don't spend any money right now it'll help you want to make a motion on that yeah it'll help the consent order looks better do the for test good test for GM I think that's going to go what on the consent order we have to achieve four consecutive quarter tests of the disinfection bioproducts test the one we just got results on that were good we need three more quarters of that and then the long running anual average we get those done we'll be off right now the last one this the number difference between the we p in May p in August pretty much dead on the money half so it's gone down dramatically and that's with upgrading the one we one facility of the three that are operation uh if you know of it we'll be glad to look at I will okay what action how we take D necessary yeah anyone want to make a motion or make any I made it okay for a second then we go ahead and do what we need to do get the ball rolling but as long as we're not spending any money right now yes yes yes yes down in 6f M McDonald to address the council to discuss the Depot roof engineering and take any action being necessary U I looked that so I think the background you already know uh there is any solution for the depot building on the the insurance company and my understanding is he's saying that you have to bring the building up to the C new P the trusses um I have looked at the building uh it will take some effort uh to put together plans and everything and the cost is going to be pretty substantial to do what they need to do and the other concern we have is if you exceed the cost exceed 50% of the building value then you going have to meet other requirements so before we do any of this enging I want to bring it up to you that it's not a cheap in there it's going to be expensive to fix it and then you may run into other issues so this John you know asked us to come here we tell you we hav not looked at it we only looked at the report done by Nova engineering which is the for your insurance company uh we have done similar work but they are for these kind of old buildings you do not want to go more than a certain point then you get into electrical issues pling issues all sorts of issues well if it's 50% 51% you can't do it yes bring it everything yeah and so if that is you know I'll leave it up to you if you like to we can bring engineers in can look at it give you as much as we can try it we've done it in several other places but it's not going to be easy that building has been condemned at one time I'm just you were being requested I'm what I don't want to playay for a whole new roof I don't want to play if somebody gets hurt the roof collaps either which I don't think you happen even that report there no imminent danger right now I wouldn't hang out there in a hurricane there's a lot of places I wouldn't hang out Earth even buildings cheap is be Engineers see if there's a way reinforce there get that put the new shingles on I think C and then we don't have to guarantee for the insurance that going to accept their report the repairs we make they don't have to accept anything do they be 51% it is 51% not easy answer gotta spend money to find out if we're gonna spend any more money more money not yeah understand we go thatout where the money coming from if we go that route where's the money gonna come yeah we're only budgeted to bring in $29,400 I was just been actually want yeah the building itself that's just for rentals The Profit yeah and if you want to just say the Depot rentals it's 11,4 we putting out more we putting out more than what we bringing into it how much is it going to cost the M yeah exactly with no insurance mhm historical you go without insurance it still something so you only had the one company everything with one check on that and we go from now you need to think about if you want to save it level it and it depends on how much it cost how much you willing to spend back closes don't know what that's going do from it's not registered LS B historical regist that's going to be a whole new level of restoration oh yes they do they also give you a long list of things you will yeah that's what they find with now with with jerking would it been a historical um side so you write a three-page paper just to change anything and then you spend all that money and it's not a guarantee when you write the grant that you're gonna get the money so we be the pleasure of the council I don't want not nothing today but joh just check on the insurance thing get would be put all new trust in new roof on well but but uh what I'm hearing is more than a new roof all new Dres all new trusses yeah all new ceiling just open the thing up to the wide open and build a new roof system on it then probably know four isn't it three three I a half yeah yeah okay Deep dive into that a little further and get back to I don't want to replace the shingles just to knock the roof off say again I don't want to replace the shingles just to knock the roof off that Ro all right j9 and6 G resolution 202 24-17 Florida Forest Festival King tree parade resolution of the city council of the city of Perry Florida assuming liability for road closings for the Florida Forest Festival King stre parade on October 26 2024 yes yesc yes may agenda item 6 h introduction and first reading of ordinance number 1044 garbage rates an ordinance of the city of Perry Florida pertaining to the amendment of utility rates appendex a schedule of fees and charges garbage and trash monthly charges providing for the severability of the parts hereof if declared invalid repealing ordinances in conflict and providing an effective date this basically is going at to a month on the garage days do it next minutes oer have a motion no never mind silent any discussion on that sorry $2 $60,000 some that fall yeah I think well if you look at your budget now with the $2 r or increase We have basically $199,000 left over that's all we have so anything happens that's unexpected $220,000 could help cover an extra charge and not have to pull from another F be yes any more discussion we're going with agenda item 6 I resolution 202 24-15 Council to conduct public hearing on the city of per ten tenative millage for fiscal year 2024 2025 to take any action deemed necessary resolution adopting the tenative millitary for the city of Perry Florida covering its fiscal year operation beginning October 1st 2024 and ending September 30th 2025 motion to approve 5336 bills and 0% over the roll back rate I think I'm supposed to say that for the tri hand book it it Remains the Same yes right yes yes yes mayor Yesa item six excuse me agenda item I it SP me 6j resolution 20246 Council to conduct public hearing on the city of Perry tenative budget for fisal year 2024 2025 and to take any action deem necessary resolution adopting PR tenative budget for the city of Perry Florida for the period of October 1st 2024 through September 30th 2 we don't have a tenative budget yet it's not it's a tenative Opera budget there's been no discussion about capital outl and that's part of the budget the capital outlay is on the second page this counil has never said one single word about capital outlay every never been a discussion that's why you're hired to lead these discussions but you don't do it I like the way I have how good was it you never said that I said we went through them right them all yes maybe no what on Earth does a police department need a uh hilarious Ranger for we've had a uh B wheeler we've used for years for searching for people in the woods looking for marijuana grows uh we've done that over shi's got plenty of them okay well that's the Sheriff's Office yes sir I agree we don't have one we had with the number of buildings that we've got do we need nothing but a K9 Training Facility we got a 100 buildings around here that can be used so you saying you want to take that out that's just my opinion bill just just to remind you last year I gave that up because we're trying to do something with the budget and and my understanding was we would really consider it this coming year I did give that last year we are considering it and I'm not I'm saying I don't understand why we need one with all the property we've got all the buildings we've got all the vehicles we've got so what you know where would you suggest that we put it there we would put it I wouldn't put it anywhere I'd use what we got this is this is a uh a dream capital outlay budget that'll never ever happen again next year you're going to be up here begging for enough to pay payroll with so the K9 building was coming from the the only things that won't be ARA are the yellow just because we got money we need to spend it it's a certain time we have to spend that yeah that has no I didn't say that I said just because we got money we have to spend it the AR it has to be spent when is the deadline again am was going releaseing three installments insts I thinking that to you what what what's the the um the total with the offer what what is it so that will be a milon 15,000 103 is how much we're actually requesting in capital outlay the 17 million is just grants okay if we don't get the grant we're not why have you increased the operating expenses but you have not said one word to us about it you in charge all time it was good to me you got questions I'm asking I'm asking a question that's really an ethical question John you presented us with a budget and now you've added a person in here that's a little unethical really had a person I didn't hire the person back after they quit and now I see the need to have John I'm looking at the budget this is what you said this is it this is what we want this is what I want and now you slip $34,000 in here and not a said a word to them just John's the one who's need to explain it Randy put her resignation in she had been handling the meeting for us for a small additional cost of her duties now that she's gone I don't have the person to do that any yeah H back what are you doing what you pay her so Bernie you leaving yeah really but that's just my opinion we didn't hire that person back if we were trying to save money see the need to have that person but that's not the point the point is you should have told this Council you did it happen today I'm telling you right now well you didn't you haven't said a word about it you said you really you accept it just like it is never said a word to this Council talking about it right now no the only reason you're talking about it's because I brought it up I heard prob telling you about it I New York that's not you she told yeah it just uh well Jon me too yeah I know I don't blame the last like say what we're talking about now is adopting the 10 budget for the the next year but it's he's saying it's Discretions in it so John this got added to today yes so that's what I laid up there to update your first sheet like G you your child $5 go spend a dollar at the candy store but they spend four same thing yeah eics eics John I know you're doing what's best for us but next time just put us in and let us know yeah I know I know but you know doing the job two people I don't blame Brandy if Brandy finds something better I don't blame her times are hard now but we also surely we got to make sure that our budget is good so we can operate the city was in right now but we did not back all we're doing is adding that person back to this new budget that we taking out same salary we got we've got a dream budget this year yeah yeah that's what and we say it's G to be rough we don't have a clue we don't know to it motion to adopt the budget a second okay before before we motion John everything I know is in that book and he's going to know it next week it's good okay before we make before we make a motion made one you want well he already made the motion before we vote but can we have another workshop with some of this stuff I'm saying no no no I know I know it's just our tenative budget for right now when do we have to it has to be it got to be locked and loaded when by September we don't want to take my understanding and I could be wrong you know this is my first year Mr I we have to publish it in the newspaper and from my understanding it needs to be really close to what we're going to be actually approving so I don't know that we can really squeeze I I don't know I to squeeze anything budget workshops are should be in August and things I've seen back when they used to do where they present it to Council in July and then in August there was budget workshops it wasn't done that way this year that wasn't my decision necessarily and that's how I want to do it next year Well I request John did you hear from D next let's with Denny Duke Energy and he said think he can f us so many but the banners I took that off your shoulders for how much money he say oh or you got that under control I don't know what anyway we got we got a motion on the table about the budget do we have a second a second yes yesc yes yes agenda item 6K Council to discuss local government comprehens a planning Services agreement with North Central Florida Regional planning Council or take any action being necessary this just the yearly removal of them right yes entertain a motion motions second yes yes yes agenda item 6 L Council to appoint one citizen serve on the Perry police pension Board of Trustees take any actions deemed necessary do we have anyone that is okay we'll address that again out City by Statute gotcha and on the same subject agenda item 6m Council to appoint one person to serve on the fire per fire pension board trustees take any AC any necessary yes we we got somebody we trying to talk to you trying to get a hold of tell back we don't know he mentioned about maybe do it couple months back but that was just in passing and I got to be serious now all right we'll keep bringing it up till we get some people on the board so agenda item 6 n Council to appoint one citizen to the Planning and Zoning Board and board of adjustments and take any action deemed necessary I'm sorry one we put on there last last it had medical issues get okay try to fasten one and address that again agenda item 60 Council to discuss accepting retail strategies prior to receiving return of Grant agreement from Florida Commerce and take any action deemed necessary the award letter from Commerce we don't have a grant agreement signed yet it does say invoices for any work specifically related to Grant projected on or after July first will be eligible for reimbursement after the grant agreement has been fully executed if you want to go ahead a second second yesc yesc yes yes agenda item 6 P Council to discuss water and waste water license incenter program take any action deemed necessary cou Final Answer goad get license department you ciz people to go ahead and get their licenses and this this pay in for them to go to school and also raise or I guess refresh me refresh me on have how this is going to work the idea behind that was a small bump in pay for getting your license if you want to look back just in the last year for example when JL left we didn't have anybody else licensed other than myself and I didn't apply for it right away frankly I didn't want to be as superintended at the time but that sat open for a period of time and then I put in for it but nobody from the outside that apply for it and when Sean's current position is the Wastewater superintendent that position was open for quite a period of time with no interest from anybody on the outside either and we have nobody internally who could have built a position we had one that we offered $28 an hour they almost L that us that wasn't Sean's position was was that the one we just not Sean's superintendent position operator the operator position that came about when U Frank passed away he had been making quite a bit less than what we offered this individual and he straight up laughed at it well I'm of the opinion myself whether it be a government entity whether it be a private business whatever if you got anything that has to has to have a liing wastewater operator water operator Electrical Plumbing whatever you need two people need two license holders as anything can happen as we will know right now if you're aware of it that the water operator position is being filled by an individual who does not yet hold the license working under my license at the time he is working on his he will be getting consumed but we still don't have that other individual that's been over a year so the idea here is to be able to train people up in Department in house be able to give them a small pay bump to make it a little easier for them and work their while and to keep them from moving on to other utilities that may pay them more for the same work is there any kind of um I guess we're going to pay for you know the education and so forth is there any kind of a minimum amount of time they're going have to stay with us or we're doing that we recently started that whenever we um started paying them go to school the academy and pay for the Academy we t into a contract that's something you can look into how much is the school the schooling for this is minimal I mean we're talking $2 book I mean most of it time isn't it isn't most of it time you have to put in for a c operator license for the water or waste water required one year in Department in the field in that position for water plant working water plant 3,000 hours yeah for distribution it requires about six months worth of time so it just requires a lot of time in department and a lot of times folks said is my opinion need to be too deep on licenses Zer one right now basic but every one them to be two two and two and the waste water you liced operators do in the water in this case our Wastewater Plant requires a lot more time to plant than the water does because it is a b Wastewater Plant not a seat the water is only required to be a seat plant we only have to have the one man during the the day during normal shifts so the Wastewater Plant they have to have somebody there after hours of our normal City out they have a rotation at their hour they R what's this going to cost us and you won't end up paying anything for it until somebody completes the training and is able to step into that we're talking probably like a $2 an hour pay bone for something similar to that this theoretical right now it's not established what's the pay right now for our current water plant operator it's around $24 now but this individual in the Wastewater was offered 28 to work for the city and laughed at us and went somewhere else another small utility yeah I understand that but it's like Bill say with we keep on making all these adjustments well we don't operator we don't have the ability to run these PL I understand I understand that I understand that but I don't want to have to come back here next year and tell you that I'm going to have to fire you fire you or lay you off or cut your hours or two hours a day I don't want to have to do that so we just we got to watch the budget because we just we're agreeing to to entirely too much right now on the other side of that if you look at it like this there's not another individual we're hiring we're not paying a whole another salary I'm not saying that it's just a bump on a couple employees and I mean two four employ it's not like it's going to be a whole another position been added or anything like that so over time this wouldn't be that big of a bump but I do understand the word but if we don't do it now and we don't incentivize people we do have may leave and go somewhere else because money is better elsewhere we have to incentivize people to stay and want to be here because they have to afford their living so we're look at at possibly another $200 per month salary $80 $2 on the hour so whatever that would break down to 5500 A year10 Plus benefits about 17% and that's just a this is the number we're throwing at this about $2 we don't have that in this is the discussion and passed losing people to other entities or whatever that I know of we've lost two licensed operators one to illness one to a car accident and if you actually want to go further than that there was another one who left the city at the same time who was a licensed operator he just wasn't in that role at the time licensed operators right now are hard to come by there are not that many of us two high P one death and one I'm saying it's the two I knew of was just it wasn't for H to pay or anything else it was you you know life and the way way it takes his turn sometimes evaluations evaluating everyone is evaluating tonight sure yeah all of this would be based upon the employees ability to complete and do normal daily tasks to go above and beyond and also complete the training requirements all of that would be in consideration beos of the council now your ambulance is full of two brand new nursing coming to your ready you been train to be the operator or seawat operator and they will be very lost that environment is not for them turn on theur Flor that's it we be the pleasure of the council with this program we're talking about I'm all for it because itay it will be further down the line before we even think about incentives or anything this would be after they complete this training so I don't think there's anybody in Department right now that could get this within the next 6 months and that's speaking for the water side on the Wastewater is probably even further out than that to be honest it's giving them something to look forward to yes the one he's already in operative position this would apply already he's already in it would be people not currently have anything for that if that position was already filled by an operator and we have another employee who wants get his license this would be for that would be for the mechanic either the mechanic or the meter readers because they're mechanic to pay rate as well anyone who is below that pay rate of the operator who wants to become that and we can set a limit to how many people we want to allow that for as well if we want to that's entirely up for discussion yeah we don't want to bomb Russia I think it'll just take care of itself will I don't see too many people who necessarily want that position either so this is also going to be down to the employees who want to move up and want to better it won't apply to every single person motion I see so um my only thing what you said it cost is 200 for everything books what's the per book when it comes to different licenses different books for each set of books and the course will be around 220 so it's not it's not Dr and it's a one time purchase you purchase the cour and the book together and then that book and cour should last for six months you do the next okay your you do your studying on the clock during rainy days when there's not much going on or off the clock when you're at home that's your bigger investment that's the time there I just don't want to get somebody in that position and then somebody else come along to say hey you got it not come to us so do we want to put some stipulations in this that's true you can't hold people C we don't know what look like no you it's not it's not holding them cat it's them you you invest in them we want some time out of here say we don't invest a lot we can't really and another hold anything nether just similar utility back when I worked from the city of Madison they would pay you for holding a license in the Wastewater if you were a water operator so they did incentivize an option there to make more and hold two separate licenses it was a similar setup and it did work but this is just a way to compete with that actually compete with other utilities we want to keep our employees here bring back whatever is description the budget will take care [Music] ofenda item six Q Council to discuss mechanic one position and take any actions being necessary one Department yes we before the last it people to move out could be stuck in mechanic one your whole career potentially nobody ever gets that in the mechanic 2 just way after a certain amount of time and a recommendation from your supervisor and you passed all your training and everything you could bump up to the mechanic to pay what's the difference know what's the job description between do the exact job every day the difference would be that the newer employee would be stuck in a lower pay scale their entire time if nobody retired or left or died the mechanic one position that's the mechanic one same it's the exact same job description as what they're doing specifically in the field every day it's just an experience difference higher okay motion make it work after much time six months y'all can figure that out can't you do that I I don't I just don't think he just say year because some people have to do something jobs got have your super recommendation you would have to complete all the training there's extra things that we've added to the training that they would have Toom like theot training which that's we just started doing that here Rec to successful um average or above evu and you should have two evaluations yeah prob is good [Music] training John just do the descriptions and bring back to us okay then we had a motion yeah okay have a second second yesc yes yes yes agenda item six are Council to discuss the pay for board members of the planning and Zing board board of adjustments and the tree board they can actually should deem necessary all three of these boards are the same members correct they just have three meetings in one night back to back okay so issue with this is last time Us toase by $25 each and we were going back to do research we couldn't find an ordinance where they were ever it was saying that their pay was still at $25 and $50 for the chairperson and we were currently paying out at 5075 so I just of didn't know where to go from there I want exactly what yall want resolution we have it written down why does the chair get paid more got curi was not much more I was just well there's a lot we do that we don't know I'm speak what I think I think how what it is is each board was paid $25 they serve on two boards so but it does not specify because what we looked up it does not specify each board I think it only specified one board plan and I think how they've done it is they're paying them $25 for each board because the chair also has plan on has a chair the board of judgments has a chair and they get paid the $75 so they're being paid $25 per meeting is the way I'm reading it because used to they didn't get paid if they did not have a meeting or if they did not attend they did not get paid but now they get paid regardless so with the tree board you got zero they don't give that get third board and you got $75 yeah that's true but they don't they only if they Right comes up or whatever what we're doing that just put it in right AG it was increas 75 yeah whatever that's 75 per person or chair don't is the chair the same generally the same on all three boards or no they swop it around well does the vice chair get 1250 more what's in the budget know the bud is I did it for $75 and $100 for okay yes very good more discussion on that we move on to agenda item 6s Council set the meeting dates for November and December and take any actions name necessary I guess we're speaking of Chris and Thanksgiving or Thanksgiving and Christmas in that order what we done for last be set this early for we don't do it until October but I need to get the judge here and I want to know what date we're having the meeting in November [Music] the first Tuesday second Tuesday yeah we usually they usually just second Tuesday I'm still confused about that we're gonna have youn in the first meeting of November okay which was when Mr bronze was sworn in we were being sworn in in August so I don't yeah I don't it's the TR to say is first meeting Charter says August said pass the general election we [Music] always election it cost so much to hold a just an election for City officials and so now the election is in everybody else and if there would have been a run off it would have been November to sure yeah you go into office that elected official no but since you're an incumbent you're not a new elector you're an incumbent you're already doing the job I don't think it's an issue but I think it's for four years yeah but you you didn't you weren't unseated you're still doing the job so that's that's the point I was trying to make last time that happened you we're going to follow the letter of the of the charter it does say four years not four years and three months yeah or four months or four years in one day actually but but they changed August to November and but I don't think they actually said I don't know if it's actually yeah it says the general election when the charter was written the city council elections were in the summer right on their own it made sense to go with the rest of the election because it was a lot cheaper more voter turn out as well oh yeah so anyway so the meeting date for November December what would we like to do first those first two first two the we're going to set we're going to have one meeting on November 12th December the 10th correct December to be the second one or the December meeting excuse me not the second one but the November 12th December 10 if anybody wants to be here on Christmas Eve you're on your own I won all right that's done agenda item 6 Council to discuss the start time of City Council meetings and take any action being necessary we were interested if y want to go back at 4:00 I'm gonna have an issue with that but maybe I can work it out what do you want had and it's topic specific there yeah it's very topic always is you put please don't do no we're not going that Ro nope we've done we have done that they're even longer at the end I just raised my hand I can make it where where you else want to get out of here earlier or is that what I mean what brought it up he brought it up the employees yeah it's better for them does everybody have to be here yeah everybody here anybody city manager have to be here your department heads here go there to work better just choose I just what brought it up that's all I make a motion on it I make a motion that starts at 4:00 have a second trying to work around W schedule well I started on I started on the board it was 6 M this time's mov two or three times went from six to four to five and I guess we're looking at going back to four I would love three we have a motion for four o' do we have a second second BR yep Hampton yes yes may on most days yes next meeting I guess got ad that's true let's oob first of the year maybe November October 1 after the first meeting in October we got to advertise all right agenda item six you approval of minutes from August 27 2024 regular session have motion BR yes yes yes yes item six Victor nounce to this to conduct a presentation from the PTO Liga City's 2024 convention Council will take any action being necessary I think I don't have point on anything I just wanted to um just just share a little bit of insight from the Florida Lea cities that may be interesting but also to make sure that everyone is aware um of upcoming dates involving the FL Le of cities and I also would like Mr bars and burns and Mr participate as all three of us attended the FL Leal cities it's interesting I didn't know that Bill's name was William until I was going around I met William williiam I don't know he's become Mar um but um so the three of us did attend to FL Le the cities um and so I will keep this very short um at one point I thought oh I'll bring them all the D dads from the convention but I didn't get enough and I didn't know how many little balls fake garbage cans you guys really needed but um I also wanted to go over a little bit about the municipal loation I went to so that was in July and that was about three and a half four days um and then I'm in Naples Florida which was like a nice little juicy 7 to8 hour drive I did not know the Florida Leal cities being in Hollywood Florida that was close to Miami that was another 8 hour drive if I ever go to another convention if there's not provision pay for flight I will stick to my job do turny stff bring it back um so blind can take a while too sometimes well at least you're not like trying not to go to sleep on the road so but what I wanted to point out um and and noting these dates I know there's been discussion about potential lobbyist or and the the type of interactions that Bo and others have had when they've gone to the Florida legislature during session time but Florida Le of cities definitely has a lot of support um for big and small cities and I think that we may find support um very helpful because we don't have to redo the will a lot of the people a lot of the cities that put Le of cities are small and they're not all connected to a really large city so the different people like the mayor Hol Smith the former mayor of Cel Island 2022 they were devastated by Hurricane who is now first vice president of FL Le of cities she asked we're so happy to see people here carry but she said during Hurricane um idia last year she was trying to figure out who in the city she was reaching out an attempt to try to connect someone in the city because they went through so much Devastation and she just had such a heart to see what Perry was going through she was able to communicate to someone in the county um but she was so Desiring to be able to um assist in any way she can and she's like I'll come up to par I will go to meet with the counsel one of the things that she presented on at the Florida leag of cities that I was really impressed was their emergency um their emergency communication plan and from everything to and I'm not saying we have or don't have one I'm just not familiar and I wouldn't necessarily be familiar but um just even the small things like where are all the members you know um where are they all Sheltering during the hurry of you know if people are out of town people are near just because I can help with the emergency response system and also she has some really great ideas on practically how to use that time where your citizens are in so much angst a way of communicating and continue to communicate in a centralized way so they'll feel connected sometimes it doesn't matter how much you work if people don't see you working um and she just had overall just really great ideas Now Grant is s about although um comparative to our um small city has similar numbers their medium income is over $100,000 but regardless of how much money they have when your bridges are washed out you can't even get utility trucks through um but she even had great ideas on how to make sure not to make sure but even how to help um be a support to your staff who often I have to tell y'all who often are you know instead of going home and making sure their windows are safe and all the things in emergency preparation they're here working on behalf of the citizens so she was just so inspirational um and the fact that she said she would love to be a service in any kind of way um even just maybe be useful and helping brainstorm because she definitely had you know a lot coming at her with trying to rebuild um after storm and a lot of people did also seem to be very um compassionate towards the fact that we have almost like we had the storm and then we had Buck guye or Georgia Pacific and then Sawmill so there's been plenty of Storms and so I do think and um maybe the counil people can speak on their own experience not even being an elected official I felt so encouraged we're not by ourselves in this world a lot of people are trying to recreate their City for different reasons um and so I think we're able if you can go to legislative days at the capital in May next year excuse me not May um I like legislative action days March 24th through the 26 I would suggest that you try to go um last year I did go to the legislative um conference in December I just think that um it may just serve well in coming up with ideas that may be helpful to Perry Florida and I would suggest also um something very useful and John you may this but Florida League of cities actually has a grant for service last week okay then I don't feel so bad because when they were talking about I didn't know there was a grand assistant program they have um a grand Grands assistant program and they're having a webinar to explain the process September 24th at 2 o'cl p.m. um and because I was not able to print out all this stuff I will try to do a summary and email it to all the members um because I just again just a great resource that may be information that would be helpful um even regarding tickets for certain grants but they are so excited I guess because it's new um but they have a database of approximately 10,000 federal state and Foundation grants tracking for new solicitation and new solicitation of Grants as well as notifications of new grants um and they again we're tting that quite a bit in the overview um I just thought um it would be a helpful tool that we may not be making use of I also want to share besides those dates that um they do have a newsletter that comes out and they were saying that a lot of um every council person in the state should be receiving a newsletter but they were saying that often um your Ser the servicer or whatever gets your collects the emails is not unusual for um there might be some type of adjustment so it doesn't block it a Spam um and again to me all information could be helpful um so maybe you can follow up on that if you check your stand to see if you're getting a Weekly Newsletter from Florida leag of cities and if in your if you don't have it in your spam maybe it's that for some reason it slipped to the and they don't have your information CU it also has list serves so I know often when especially when there's sort of a a conflict we're just trying to get practical feedback that list Ser could actually help with hey well what this especially the people that we met like what have y'all done in your county in a quick way or what what are you doing in your areas and on this list or people are also looking to share information um would be happy to share it just seemed like at this conference everybody was really um very much happy to share information that could help other cities because we I guess they know that if border wins one city wins we all win interesting enough um and again I'll follow up with um some of this information um I felt that there was um there were also opportunities to talk to other cities about different lobbyist that they use and at the Florida Municipal attorney Association I did talk to similar situated cities that are small that doesn't necessarily have a presence of a big university or something and interesting enough the same name kept popping up with the same group kept popping up in both for League of cities and for municipal Chinese and it's the Southern Group and I know they seem to be very popular but it was a particular person in that group named Mike Moore who seems to be a really big go-to person to work for small places um but regardless I know every lobbyist demands money but I think that even um just maybe as we go through the strategy sessions um that you all going to have opportuni to determine whether priorities in Perry Florida what are you know what things we need to do now things to plan for in the future the more sort of the more information that each member maybe can Champion the better educated you could we all could be and determine what those priorities are Mike Mo must be a superstar because his name kept kept coming up more than once um I do have some pamp just shared and I should have just grab by for everybody but there were other organizations that maybe in the future we may want to use or maybe it'll give us a great idea again in this strategy um who you all hiring for the Str Strat analis yeah retail strategies um but there were a number of um organizations who you know they talk about re inventing your city due to economic changes um inent weather there were two listed out guide house and U Reinventing Your city um and I'll make you can look at some of the trampet I'll make sure that I include that in the email um to everyone at least the websites um one in particular guide house um they um had some assistance with Jaa Missouri that in 2022 was hit by a major tornado um they lost3 billion um in infrastructure they over 161 people were killed a th people injured I mean just how they had to take a hard turn in considering developing the sort of almost out OFA that it went in a different direction I don't of course have any answers for what Perry is or should be but I do think it's interesting that before per became a country capital it was Cyprus Cyprus is and I see Mark of that so we don't know if and how the city could possibly play a part in determining those type of things but again ideas can always help um to direct the city as to how they could play a part in helping um future endeavors um and another date besides the grant workshop on September 24th at two and that's on the Florida League of cities website the Swan River League of cities um is having their next meeting on September 26 at 6 o' in BR frge Florida excuse me 5:00 in BF Florida at Sandy Point um restaurant and their focus on that particular session is protecting your organization against fraud so again there's may be um some opportunities not only to network but who knows what meeting or who you meet they may actually either confirm some ideas you have or give you some when it comes to the overall burden of trying to help think through ways to make um the city more prosperous and I know that there's some really good ideas been coming forth from John including like focusing on Business Development um but again it's just an encouragement as to there being opportunities out there I know everyone can't go all the time but I think it would be great in this di time to try to have at least somebody go so that you're hearing some of the latest information that can be helpful I was just hatte for some great idea that come across our channels but no nobody was a part of the process that we already paid for membership were already part of to hear those of I don't think we are the Le I'm sorry I don't think that we are a part of the yes we are I've actually attend we may not paid our fees but um we're listed and I attended and they were excited to see me and they said they hadn't had anyone from Perry to come in several years because I'm not sure but I get that everywhere I go yeah I was that we don't pay the fees okay well there was no discussion there was no discussion that nothing was paid or not but we're listed and part of it yeah I'm register to go the 26 well there was no mention to about have we paid there was mentioned me about but got getting it for years I don't the way I read it was there wasn't a fe but somehow FSU or something FSU Le government department or whatever that's what the Yeah ifu into a lot of government things I've kind found out the Institute of government or something they call it yeah they a big instit Sor about all right I appreciate it it was fun hanging out I didn't get to see William but um I did get to see that's right they're on his name was in that room was in that room were talking about you I didn't see you very good thank you it was good good confence learn a thank you and see manager report have talked this guy mentioned Mike Mo one my best friend State what his thoughts were onious he had this guy call me he said the southern group is one of the best ones in the state and this guy is really good okay Journey you had yeah Carly okay just one last thing um and this probably is more part I met Mr David Jones on the business development of organization called orange data he used to be a city councilman and um a lawyer and he came up with a wonderful program I call it wonderful um to search and to basically um like a collection agency almost um come up with an ement program as a way to basically instead of spending all this money to actually enforce link that you often don't get because people didn't have the money you put the links on them but basically it's almost how we looked at the demolition like it's really like a good thing for you and if you owe $52,000 and we know you're not going to pay $52,000 we may want to say hey you can settle this for 1,000 or500 um and then your link can be lifted and and no one's more involved in that but um his group in particular um I'm wanted to like give more information and presentation I know the workshop that last had there was a comment about can we discuss Lans I know we didn't discuss Lans then but I that was one thing I just want to that I want to look more into just because it may be a cheaper process and it may Le allows to get something since for years we haven't collected anything um but I'll get more information as to what those ideas may be but I got excited that was the one I was most excited about so I took the part out but I didn't share it at all but the goal is basically to maximize collection opportunity without basically spending more money in the legal process to file and collect and you're actually going to get very good thank you Carly you have anything else um we've just training system just for the finance the they're starting to move forward with it it's good thing hour okay very good Jamie not not a lot today RB not much y I'm still waiting to hear from the afg Grant on the fire truck and the Firehouse Sub grant for the exucation equipment uh BFG Grant no tell we going he on it supposed to hear something by it by the end of September and the u d house sometime starting in November we're going to have EV training on September 25th for electric vehicles here let y know wants to6 okay Andrew anything else Sean left he I know you mentioned pressure wash it's hard to do that with Fe people and everything right there but he he he ex I didn't we didn't cut those trees now you guys needed I didn't forget I know but thank you that's all I got very good surely I don't oh congratulations to Aon and here news Herold EO time I'm receiveing your Awards forgot to mention it at the last meeting I would like to [Music] attend two I have first one in Tamp as well you guys attended the first one um big of care for the homeless I tried to be a member of that a couple years ago and the cost was $500 a year and I was told I couldn't be on it since now see that we can I think that I would like to like women used to be on that board the situations where be someone that to represent where they meet where did they meet in you do it that's to be that's not to their operating no different than City yeah in mind that's what I would they're providing Services yes that was the cost at that time I guess the council that's a council discussion really is it yeah for I think we need very good you anything else Miss shirle did youil another gr no all right Browns y what's status of py what I understand she still doesn't have use of the left side of her body so I'm not we're not really sure yet what's I know she's doing a rehab to pray for I CH is the status of a fire hyr repair what are we doing moment right now we are def get next year's budget haven't really established we have the next tiem we want to work on we haven't looked into the parts materials I our and I'm talking about Manpower we got manpower to do it or we not really we need to come get 30 of them together and find somebody to fix it that's more than likely going to be the route we need to take is come up with a list of the ones we need the most important most necessary and get it bit out I can work with that that's what I think we gon have to do yeah it's not going to be cheap to do it that way but it's going to be the most effective way to get it done well splash pad are we what what is going on there this one here this here that I guess that part of it about rests rest have you have you looked at them in the last I go there every single day and then they get cleaned up and then those people that you see there every day all day they got no doors on put were put on when I went they had the appearance was that nobody had been there in six or eight months what was that Monday I don't even if after you've been there you still got a piece of garbage agree I do agree I put I'd go by three sheets of 4 by8 3/4 inch plywood and board them up that's what I would do till the doors are g off of them them up you talking about closing them up yeah thank you serious that's motion I me you go in there and look at that mess a miss right here the splash pad broken parts we spend a lot of time trying to keep people they're tearing up just not we can't be there all time everything can you put them steel doors on them or doors like you did over here at Rose can you do it I mean we can secure until we get the metal cages for the doors like we did the rest of them we did at all the parks I mean anything where anywhere you got a restroom facility are they that expensive those doors or $1,000 a set maybe for a they do what like the green doors I put on the well right now I B them up it's it's an embarrassment to us it is it was still $2,400 got to be chicking replaceing toilet and sinks every week or so so is it not being cleaned no it's being destroyed is they destroying it they breaking everything in it there's someone there every day trying to clean it up but it's it's only so much you can do only so much you can clean up only so you spend hours cleaning some and it takes somebody minutes to come behind you and just destroy itar it down how long would it take to get the steel doors in where are the [Music] cameras where are the cameras to can't of these people U we the like $20,000 city manager we been going over this I don't know how many so the city manager brought to you a plan for the cameras and the price was astronomical and the Cil collectively said no we're not going to fund that is where the cameras well we don't want to solve the problem the problem is the cameras aren't going to solve the problem you could catch this a community issue until the community decides they've had enough and they decide to help us with this problem it's not going to go anywhere it's not a police issue it is a community community problem okay so you could put three cops on somebody but if they go to the bathroom you have to give them their privacy exactly in that privacy time they could tear it all to pieces and you couldn't really prove they're the ones that did it true depends on who they get for an attorney even if you could prove who did it getting it prosecuted another take them even if you get them prosecuted they going they gonna be happy that someone come and pick them up so they have somewhere to sleep couple of the homeless that think that way but most of them don't not homeless anyway you making homeless usually the homeless are on drugs I just anyway you made there's a motion on the table for to do what now up up second get in a hurry it is it is it is I pictures have a second so R over yes yes that's only until we get the steel door corre it open back up I agree but that's it work it's not they it's not it's not usable right now anyway they can't do anything they don't bust the the faucet they done bust the the C sidings anything that you can think of the changing table they done tow that to Pieces the doors have ripped off time you got replace all the Bren that is that is true until the community decides got enough you're right Brian you got anything else is get myom