to make sure everybody ability to change yes yes you're determined to do it you know I I paying attention just start like one day I probably will okay we're gonna call the we're goingon call the uh May 28 2024 city council meeting order matter to silence your phones which I need to listen to myself and uh open in prayer and Pledge of Allegiance father one here Heavenly Father we come to you right now Lord asking Lord to lead us guide us shill us and protect us Lord be our eyes our feets our minds Lord Lord just continue to keep your hand upon the loved ones Lord and the leaders of this city Lord that we make the right decisions for the people Lord in these blessings we ask in your name amen of the United States of America to the repice please Council Brian here council member Hampton here council member woodfall here mayor Landry here mayor C here ads on the consent agenda ad a to read by title only resolution 2024 d10 second Brian yes counc woodfall yes counc Landry yes mayor K yes receiving requests from the general public the council welcomes you to this meeting this time is set aside for our citizens and the general public to address the Council on any matter not included on the agenda this is not a question and answer time nor is it a political Forum nor is it a time for personal accusations or derogatory remarks if you would like to address the council please come to the podium when you are called speak into the microphone and state your name and address for the record please also limit your comments to not more than five minutes for individuals and 10 minutes for groups or delegation do we have anybody who would like to address the council that is not on the agenda here no one move on to number five which is bids and we don't have any bids to open we have a recommendation yes um Daniel Scott well we have you know last council meeting we opened the three bids and we discussed sun is the cheapest like my 200,000 and they've done work for it before so motion to approve second counc member R yes council member Hampton yes Council woodf yesc Landry yes may K yes General business agenda item six a Don PR to address the council to discuss the possibility of bringing back Main Street and taking any actions necessary good evening good evening can you hear me [Laughter] sure one that BMI chart I am too I was asked to explore um maybe bringing back the Main Street program John and I have tossed that around back and forth for a little while we met the named Catherine Beck um that suggested or encouraged us to maybe start mry PR we told her the history a long history of Main Street good and bad and why we didn't think at the time that would be a good idea however um I'm still I'm still doing some research I talked to Miss Beck just literally as I was walking in the door she finally called me back to find out what it is we need to do I asked her if it's something that the chamber could take on and maybe get it started again without having a separate Main Street office because that was always a problem it was funding keeping the doors open keeping the electric going paying a director to run this program when we're kind of mimicking the same stuff that Main Street aren so started thinking okay maybe we can we can start the program it would enable us and open us up to different historical preservation grants maybe to help Revitalize downtown and do some of the things we want to do again um she recommended just today though that we get it started and then like in a couple years maybe hand it over and then have a director I again don't know if that would be able to be possible but it's something that we can look at um I do not have a problem exploring it applying for getting designated as Main St community and um seeing where we can go with it like I said right now we took over literally all the Main Street downtown events um so we're already running them anyways um we have through our tourism side of the hats that I wear at the chamber we have we have actually invested quite a bit even before the hurricane we started a new shop blocks campaign that promoted Perry basically to the world through videos through television commercials we started a co-op program with our all the downtown businesses were eligible to participate and we paid two3 of the cost for them to get one month's worth of advertising on total um during prime time so that's one of the things we've done we just had a um share a good nature video that just launched um that was another Grant we got from V Florida that focuses on downtown Ferry because because considering what we've been through in the last seven months I I believe that in order for us to be successful in Economic Development we have to have a strong vibrant downtown because we have to give them a reason to come here and the downtown is going to be a big part of it I can't help with health care I can't help with education but I can help with that so John and I thought let's go ahead and just jump into the deep end and see if we can get this Main Street program started and it doesn't work with the chamber doing it long term we can hand it over and let you guys hire director and whatever but we're just trying to see what we can do to help I just have one question you said something about being designated to Main Street Community is that who who designates excuse my I just don't know well there's Main Street USA and then there's Florida Main Street so we would become like an affiliate of Florida Main Street there's certain criteria that we have to follow lots of rules and lots of reports that have to be turned in on a certain time frame just to keep us as a designated community so it's like a franchise if you will sort of it's sort of like you know the keth Taylor County beautiful program that the Chamber of Commerce has had since 30 years it's an affiliation it's a designation you pay dues you turn in Portal reports you you're eligible for different environmental grants which we're actually in the process of wrapping up one of our environmental grants where we're going to buy some treats for the city to plant downtown to continue your downtown unification so okay it's it's sort of the same thing gota Don I know that you lost your right hand helper do you have time for that well um honestly have time for much of anything these days but um we are looking for another full-time assistant to take Rachel's place um we have been using an intern just to kind of get us through to see what the future looked like we weren't wanting to um because when that position came open for Rachel I kind of encouraged her to go because of everything that's been going on I said you know this is a good opportunity I don't know where the chamber's going to be in a year so um but now I think things are starting to level out and we're going to be okay so we're looking at um getting another full-time person and you know a lot of this work would probably be delegated to the assistant it's not it's not rocket science either it's very it's I've worked really closely with the Main Street program before but honestly at the end of the day if you decide not to do it we're doing it anyway so I mean seriously if we decide not just have the paper that we're the chamber already kind of doing most everything it open up more do for us it does it does open us up for Grants because of the the just having that designation thank you so much what we need to do um nothing I I need to talk to my board it's like I kind of jumped over the fence and now I've got to go back and ask my parents but um I think that they will understand and kind of see this as an opportunity um so we're going to discuss it with them this Thursday and if all is well we'll move forward thank [Music] you P 6B Council to discuss C dbg policies to small cities Community Development block grant program and take any actions deemed necessary yeah the U the cdbg program has a lot of requirements and um you didn't have these policies for your previous um cdbt grants going back to 19 95 and even maybe before then so some of these policies were quite a bit date so I went through them and found five is it one two three four five that needed to be either adopted or updated to meet the current federal regulations and this these are all specific to the cdbg I guess they call the regular progam which there also Disaster Recovery cdbg mitigation cdbg they have their own requirements so this would just be for the reg C so you have your procurement policy your citizens participation plan the citizens participation plan because we have a really good plan that in that regard it's just a couple of vedal regulations that that need to be changed there's a handicap accessibility policy there is a listing in there for all the parts so John and I might need talk about make sure they're all handicap acable you have restrooms you to make sure you have handicap grab bers and things like that um then of course the public buildings need to be people need there's the affirmative action equal opportunity action plan just another policy and then there's the nonviolent demonstration which means that you can't you're to have a demonstration you more people could be unlock violent those are the policies that just need to be adopted for specifically for the SE and there is just one resolution that can adop all at once and then at your convenience you can just sign each policy it would just be one vote to adop is basically it's an update we need to move the six se they're tied together right Six B and C basically the thing he agenda item 6 C resolution 202 24-10 adopting C dbg policies the resolution of the city of Perry Florida adopting and amending certain policies and resolutions that are required in order for the city to remain eligible for participation in the Florida small cities Community Development block grant program providing for severability and providing for an effective date motion second council member Brian yes council member H yes council member woodfall yesc Landry yes yes that was 2024 d c did I say C no I may have yeah yes so that that would be the last items we submit the grand application you adopted as previous policies at the other me since all you need to do very good thank you thank you all right agenda on six d mik McDonald Engineers to discuss Water and Wastewater projects and Council to take any actions deemed necessary thank you I have a just wanted to give update um and and I probably do sing that way once a quarter we'll do similar updates for you so that way you will have okay I try to speak loud okay um what you have I think John if you want to pull up the presentation um what I was going to do is today is give you a a little bit of a background and the move forward and the history of what we have and hopefully after this meeting I think you will answer many of the questions we will have and let you know about what the move forward path is I don't think John we have to vote on anything on this this is just an update um so there was a concern about you know a lot of things going in what we have and what we don't have so I'm just going to go through um some updates and provide you update you have copies of it um if you need to be I'll answer any questions you John has my cell phone anytime you need to talk to me you can um what you have in in front of your screen just give you a background so the city right now have been I'm sure you're going to help me out here so uh we have well number one and two which has a very old treedom plant which dates back 19 43 48 well number two is 1943 when it was last drill yes it's been updated since then a couple of times but the original drill is 943 so and it has a ation plan which is almost as old as that c Rel so it's working barely I don't think we know a whole lot about it then you have well number three which does not have any treatment um and it it has been in operation for several years and then we have well number seven where the picture is um so back in 200 before 2018 and 2022 we did a facilities plan which laid out what uh your 10 years is going to look like and we lined it uh we actually match the projects based on the funding so the two numbers we need to look at it is 2 million 4 million for water so you see the first projects Z typically funds project up to 2 million uh so this was our first project so the way we did it we took the entire need which had several portions of it and divide into small projects so they can the city can get the maximum am of Grant so this was the first project uh which was completed in 2022 the purpose for that was to remove an old plant which was all rusted so we buil a new plant and it is only to remove oil uh not to remove anything else and we have it currently offline because you have what is called disinfection by product uh all the wealth in this part of Florida um it has what because you have Springs so they are under the influence and they have to be treated uh so the next portion so this was completed $2 million construction cost 79% going and the it was in operation and then the next project we did is to take care of the DVP shorty you asked me a question about forever chemical you know take care of it so this portion will take care of that uh and the project is almost complete we are waiting for one test results once it's passed we'll put it online but in the intern we asked the DP which I just got an email for a quick call to allow us to put the project online and then once the test is set it should be couple of weeks then we can put the whole thing online uh so we will have that project completed there will be a change order which is required as you know so the way the project was the project came in over budget we reduced the cost down and we awarded the project there is $400,000 that will be left that needs to be paid you know that the grand amount or and the loan amount has to be up and that will happen in August by DP so that's why you have a change order which keeps the project open and the project will be completed in the next few weeks but we have to keep it open so we can get the money back once CP approved everything in so that's that it's almost there it's going to be completed what's the next phase there was question regarding what we do next so in the facilities plan it proposed uh suceeding to purchase some land to put R well in so they can you know phase out 1943 as well and we did a report uh which identifies some areas uh we are in the process of looking at um you know how to implement that c um we if the well test comes out to be good we don't need any plant that's the best clear scenario if it doesn't then we have to do a water treatment plan for that I'll show you in a slide we have contacted the Water Management District uh the city can purchase the land but they have limited fund so our recommendation is was to go through that's the last water plan project we have submitted a grand application to Water Management District which spells out that you need to purchase the land drill the test well and then based on that we can either do without any treatment or if we need treatment we're going to need x amount of so the total project cost is 12 to 15 uh if management approves it it will be 100% Grand if they don't we have to go back to srf the city percentage typically on that project is 82 uh does water management approve this kind of projects they do but they do not have this amount of money so they may have to be in several phases so it takes some time and as we as I pointed out we had a overall plan device which allows us to go through different phases John come back to the next one so the other one is the Le service line I think I came by about 3 months ago four months ago and talked about it the city since then have Flor Rural Water Association gave the city 100% land they are doing the radline city is doing the leadline assessment based on that if you need any fund to replace any of those lead line you have the funding already in in place you do not have to draw it you only need to do draw it if you have that the funds are placed in place you have it city is approved for $950,000 you do not have to take a single dime out of it if you don't have anything so that's based on that uh the next one is what we was discussed uh I think last meeting that is so you have a water facilities plan which lays out 10 years of work for the warant which mostly entail right now is your treatment plans for Waste Water you have no document so we we are in the process of creating a planning document which you will spell out projects many projects not one for the next 10 years once step in the PO you can pick and choose the projects you want to do from there other was a question if this has been done before I gave you a list of several people some of them are around you that we have done the uh that kind of planning and they were able to successfully uh do many projects now just keep in mind the EP has limited funding every year so that's why we want to do a plan which is long which allows us to do small projects when I say small the water is somewhere between two to four for waste water is 4 to 8 mil and they can fund you based on the planning document but if you do not have the planning document approved and these projects are not identified they will not be able to F so this is a comprehensive plan uh we only have 30 days from last meeting to finish them so next meeting we will bring the plans to you it may have some big numbers on it but that's just to have it for the next 10 years s will be one of the first time the city will have a planning document that spells out project now so that's a good thing to John and the council to approve that so that's a step in the right direction um uh the next one is some good news uh you some of you may know it so in the last on what 90 days six months 6 months so last 6 months the state had opened what is called drift ground and the city was able to secure two of them in the matter of 10 days we have 10 days to put the application estimate and everything and those are both approved one is 4.7 million and one is 300,000 the 300,000 is to do look at your system and storm water issues and based on that it will identify where you need to do some projects and we will look for funding for that or if they can be accommodated while we are doing the war and SE project so we can do that the war line is that from the well all the way to your tank it's already been approved it should be in Design This is an old if I'm not mistaken Aus line that needs to be replaced so the money is already there uh John just got an email that the contracts may be approved we are waiting contracts from them and already in motion uh the next one um I think we went through the cddr we did the estimates of several of your roads and I think identifi about 2 and half for that so this is in works it's not approve yet and we working towards it um few things challenges and assistant what we will uh you know the challenge is always to balance the funds how to do which project which comes priority and then what we need assistance from the city is uh you know move forward so you have done all of it so I think with that I'll open up any questions you have and also um you know I'll probably one supporter I'll come over and then give you this so that way everybody understand going I um the U that's actually a disaster that's actually a commercial revitalization the road disaster recovery for Hurricane idelia they say there should be some additional funding so you could have another project of a couple million dollars that here 24 is you haven't identified the funding source but we don't know it's all it's all depends on if federal government has disaster funding for Hurricane of deal 7 you know that's something to think so good point so this plan we are doing for water and SE I think water is already there so we took when these funds come in we're sending them the information of what you need for Waste Water once you have that plan you will do the same for the road we already identified $5 million of Roads two and a half we already applied for the other two and a half is still ailable so some drainage projects and this has been replicated I didn't put Panama City where I am based out so Michel H City of Panama City did similar plans having a plan always when you come talk somebody's coming talking to you you can tell this is the project we're goinging for um there are many requirements for each of these project projects they are income based location based Heritage based and we'll identify those projects and we'll mark those up so you can get on what's your highlight are these current projects some of them are finish some of them out like City of Springfield is a current project we just identify similar cities that's why we okay I got you yeah so City of Springfield is a current project going on Bona PN um Mariana has actually two different projects we're doing right now um so yes some of these are already completed projects some of them these are similar to every one of these are projects you're involved in yeah I'll just verify we're looking in the area P for the new we have can reach low pressure p okay 2012 okay we going to identify some are to there is some additional funding which is outside of srf is available to do that it's 100% Grand it was easier to get few years back it's a little harder to get but we are beting with um so to identify with one of those projects and hopefully we make get the applications yes'am water color his coloration is on your Facebook page you said it was completed you mean the you talking about the uh filter project compl yeah tell us about the filter project it's just the one which is ongoing right now yes project yeah so there's one is the the filter project is almost completed we are we are running one test what we are doing in the intern we talk to PDP I just got a message from them that we'll bring the plant number seven online everything is passed we're waiting for one test results once that is passed we can run it through this FL so that will be filter number with the whole filter both filter a week or two the test is U typically takes 10 days for us um they did six test five passed one didn't so we're waiting for that to come in but in the meantime ask if we allow us to go ahead post the well online which has IR removal and everything else and if they they are good with it we'll probably start turning the wall to filter number well number seven filter system and in 10 days we'll do the other one now you do still have two other Wells which are right now supplying the water which the discoloration is coming the well number seven if I'm not mistaken will not need 100% of your requirement right no so it will be a good portion of it but that you still have one well with the filter plan which is very old and then you have one without and what we what I was talking to them there is some the city right now puts in some chemical and someine in it I asked them to give me location of it may switch some location and it may help the discoloration well so we work we're working in the city on the location of what they add they add what you add aquam mag and gas chlorine those are the only two chemicals we had and aqu you've been doing it for so the way the locations are we have to change them a little bit and uh this well didn't have iron before now it has some item so by switching the location it allows us to um you know reduce the discreation but majority of your water will be suppli to the new filtration system that will okay so I just I just want to clarify this for myself we're working off when this well goes back online we'll be on three total Wells okay two well okay this one's going to have the brand new filtration system the other two have one has no filtration none one has a very very old anite cold media filtration system that is more or less outdated at this point the old water plant the other one does not have any form of filtration on it because at the time that it was done it was not necessary for the water quality ever since that plant has been running as the primary it is drawn harder on the aquifer than it should have to and that's where we're picking up a higher iron now that's what's causing a lot of the discoloration so what he's talking about is we're going to move the aqua gold chlorine injection points so that it will coat the effectively iron before it gets sequestered by the chlorine and turned into a corrosive agent turned color if we can address that now that should help some of the issue with the current filter project we have one filter bed that wasn't quite testing where we needed it to that's where that one test is coming in but we asking be is if we can bypass the filter in the meantime and run it through the existing filter that already removes iron heavily and once we can get that running it's just a matter of a couple of days until the other plant until we get the other results so we can run the de so the okay the new plant we the the plant that's in the planting the the new water plant or new water well filter system is it going to replace one of the three the idea is to replace the old water be big enough to provide the city with depending upon how big those we come out but it will be good between the new new filtration system you're putting in in the new PL you should be able to meet your requirement and then Val number three becomes your so the new is going have a new filtration system everything's going to be a full plant to slay that all depends on the quality of the water when they initially test the well if we don't require a filtration system the cost of the plant will be a lot cheaper but if we don't need it we don't need it if we do need it based on the quality of the water we get on the test Wells then it will cost more but it all depends on that first test so what you typically do when you are looking for a Well site you Dill a small well you take the water out you test it water quality is good it will tell you what the water quality is in the outut so that's what we do you know none of us have magic one like the city has one good well the rest of them are not so we have to go do test make sure that test okay so it's going to replace one well then the third well I guess is still going to maintain it will become a backup location we'll use it whenever we need it for high demand but we won't generally use it on a day-to-day basis okay but we're talking several years before that countless the city city hits the lottery something still going to take a lot time yeah it's not going to be buil over I I can't I don't have any I don't have any questions what information you thank you very informative I appreciate you bringing us upday very thank you all right agenda item 68 Council to discuss hiring Scott Frederick for economic development and to perform Seng and take any action necessary what's s okay wasn't famili that acronym so they teach in college now been a long T yeah good working with Bob Brown on a few projects this is something that he kind of proposed to me and I wanted to R it by y'all is that the same Bob Brown that c city3 milon are we paying him anything to talk about this that's all I bring the your thought U most of probably know Scott here one time he economic develop one time right right I I don't think I don't think we have need or use to something like this we've already got one in place called tcda tcda is is not for the unincorporated parts of the county is already for the entire Cy and the city already funds City residents already fund tcda um I just I don't see need for it myself just CL just clarifying what you meant by that is when you get your tax bill the city of residen is actually pay more in County taxes than we tax so we didn't pay County taxes count we are County collects money from City residents right correct they don't right all in one and they are whatever amount they are PID TCT now they already yeah so the city is already and U we we don't want to get into a double taxation issue agree so I I really don't see it would be providing U same service two different ways and I think t and we'd be paying twice if you don't mind I was thinking because I just saw this the other day too and my thoughts were because like I said this is something that's in college now uh professors could probably do it for a thousand bucks through tcda they do it classroom or or uh don Perez might be able to because she's got all kinds of marketing context you know for cities and Chambers and all that they could do a strength weakness opportunity threat analysis as well I mean I think there's some other places we could if we wanted to get involved it but there's some other avenues I think we could get similar results I I was wondering if this came before the county since they're familiar Scott they heard before I don't think this city oh they already got a person hired yes they did quit yeah yeah after this decision the GP stuff he was only trying to get a contractor to come in but once he got stated that they were not going to come back they're they have four new people on board got sworn in good I think oh yeah yeah all right 6f Council to review state revolving fund Amendment one the agreement DW 620 261 and take any actions deemed necessary what was talking about extending the project out so we're not being bu on that 400 Grand I'll give us some time to get srf approval something we need a motion on move a motion to have a second council member bran yes counc member Hampton yes council member wood yes yes mayor yes agenda it 6G Council to discuss stripping bid specs and to take any actions deed necessary out this downtown doing a bilinear foot are these the roades there we got approv for to get redone the don't any but what we talked about is the D toown area yeah St from the parking space of that yeah just breaking up yeah okay I see what you're do price right I think 10,000 or more I was going do 10,000 or more because some of the figures that I've come up with downtown area over 10,000 so that lower price yeah just two miles take long to add that me to get that so if we approve for the cdbg grand over there will be over what we already scried sense it depends on what road I was going to say unless you can do some that are not covered by the Grant I can't see doing it see what the price okay so y want so I know how to fix the Via parking spaces downtown as well because that's G have to be added to our all this reest started I the make sure I you but what isn't that covered under the grant or won't that be covered under the Granton Street Park the parking lots the parking lot yes no I'm talking about the parking on Jefferson street parking everybody right here the on we what we put in that gr well that's I'm talking about parking on Jeff not a parking we didn't put Jeff Street on that Grant it's so new sobly would not be covered under that [Music] abely weice which all right down 6h Council to discuss request for qualifications for Engineering Services and takeing the AC as deem necessary that projects out standing right now with the engineering I thought one of yall asked me to bring this back maybe I maybe I thought it myself I agree with you we don't need SMY up what we got going on no we got too much out all right down six sorry more discussion No Agenda item 6 I councel to appoint one citizen to serve on the per police pension border trustees do we have anyone okay do we have anyone to do do we have a name for anyone to step forward okay so we're just going to address this okay later all right we'll table that and agenda it 6j Council to continue discussion on city manager 5e Capital Improvement plan you take any action deemed necessary better you I had to break it all down you're trying to do I you get more points you get more points it's detailed out in your fiveyear Capital plan well that's your two $200,000 grants and we change to it keep upd until the last dat we don't have a copy of there okay so what what did you change I just added the detailed items Bally just split out some items expanded the section so to speak yeah I 200,000 for it down B that's about it any discussion on it any discussion on that okay agenda item six okay Council to review cash report for restricted and unrestricted monies the fiscal year 2023 2024 through April 2024 and take any actions need necessary what happen restricted or unrestricted um unrestricted went down 121,000 you have to look it up I don't know we probably purchased um heavy equ or something we have to look it up look it up I think uh in our our Dash Utility Fund I think we need to break that down such as a it resol to school commercial whatever else we got ex C of gas so we can see what the grow is it's always possible that uh school so may not be paying fair share the only way we be that well we do have a separate report that we can bring you with that this is based off bank accounts we don't want separate bank accounts and all that yeah but we've got a spreadsheet we can cash assets are different than revenues we have know where the money com from yeah but it's Raven does a report like that anyway me put in the C that we put in the caer yeah it's all broke up by the number of customers in each category and the volume and cash so we'll make sure you get copy of that and if that doesn't satisfy you you can tell us how you want to tweet we'll email you something tomorrow we have it no yeah but I have it like the year end I have my statistics is funds remain almost s they not spending money or what the ARA funds the money has not been transferred yet we've been waiting for the auditor to verify the numbers but when we reimburse it that'll change a whole lot here and hopefully next council meeting we're going to have the audit year hopefully because that's something needs to be updated but yes we've been funding as per the last budget all capital outlays going under AR funds so we have it in the expenses but we haven't moved the money One bank account to the other in other words it's all sitting in the general fund and it'll be dispersed you if we have $1,000 in sanitation we're going to move that exact amount year to date but we have to verify the last fiscal year which we're still waiting on and that's going to be updated I mean that's 153 $156,000 but um then we have a lot more this fiscally year and we're 9 months eight months through it so good question any more discussion on the cash report right now any when do we normally get an A well if there's no overruns it's supposed to be done by March 31st but ad Delia screwed up everybody okay screwed up us we lost the computers there for over a week to regain information um TBS had to Archive that the otter had problems with it the um actuaries had problems it's it was just just horrendous but it's been running bad since Co I'll be honest with you we've had to file extensions almost every year since covid for one reason or the othery we're using general it's happening with a lot of them and the Count's the same boat with us yes they do like I don't remember do they is Jones and the Boys and Girls Club uses them because they specialize in nonprofits and governments okay because I don't know the answer should we have an independent a says we have a new Finance director so that everything will be clean when she comes aboard well this is an independent audit okay okay they're not this is the same same and what I would suggest and Bill May back me up on this is I'd like to keep the same audit firm for a year or two and then go ahead and put out an RFQ for it because she's not going to have her feet underneath her for a year or two and the Auditors do have some knowledge of just like the engineers they've got a lot of knowledge of the city and how the funds work so we govern just like we got so you don't want to throw the baby out with the bath water but I agree after a little bit of time and it's okay if you R and it's okay if we run past the March 31st just so you file your extensions and reason could be I have a new Finance director it's it's perfectly understandable and it's not her it's just that everything she has to do now for the next couple years she has to go back to the previous year and say why was this done where did this number come from and it it's going to suck up a lot of time and energy and a lot of my staff has been moving around too and they been less than a year at the job they're good and smart but it's still less than a year in that slot so but yeah I would definitely say about two years put an RFQ out it wouldn't hurt to change and also the the Auditors are there year round so if she has a question um she can pick that up anytime and say I need to know if this is how this works or not and they get back to kind of like a lawyer I need answer you know so and he has a knowledge some new person agenda item 6L approval of minutes for May 14th 2024 regular session Bri yes counc hon yes counc wood yes may land yes may P yes I didn't say soon the again but Carly you're welcome aboard [Music] thank oh this is NE city manager report no our B operator for was passed away in the car one of the C operators started Dr connection last week so we're down to one C operator trying to run a bated plant we got a phone call with DP Thursday I think figure out what some of our options are but we're going to need a a b operator now really give all heads up you can contract it out big so you need an operator and a manager what what do you call it or just two operators two operators you notifi D huh notified D of problem okay yeah and that we near the only the city that's got that problem it's common problem anything else John okay City attorney she laid her mother to rest today so obviously she she on here we're bringing for her healing of her family uh finance department report well she's been training for a week and a day and she's doing great and good confidence in her and is still sucking up a lot of my time and energy um so someday we might actually get a check from them or some checks but things are moving through there many multi levels of validations questions and they ask the same questions over and over and over hopefully we'll get a lot done before I leave here very good Police Department report we've had two graduate the police C they pass their state exams they are in the inhouse at program now we have three more that will graduate in about a month hopefully they'll pass that exam with the same level that these other two did um all the repairs Police Department from the hurricane have been completed except for the fence now the repairs on the wall are temporary it's going to keep it from collapsing in the problem is still there it's just short up so won't get any worse um and really that's what we're waiting on the the fence did to get that done that's it fire department I really ain't got much to go on uh we are remodeling the fire station most we speak other than that just keep going on goodal 247 hydr yes we are bling hydr three days a week question on that are you all notifying the residents of what area yes' Miss Danielle takes care of that put it on Facebook and the thank you I have nothing else okay one o' in the morning all out water department I think we pretty suiz that talk about project we with that good deal Place water um we got a contractor coming in the morning to line Cherry Street um so that should be taken care of using that new system yeah they're going to basically to display it you know demo for us yeah do the repairs um they'll be here at 8:30 in the morning we got to clean the line for them hope everything goes well but um you know we will be a little short-handed for a little while but um we should be fine mechanically at the plant in C stations and we're good just um I I tried to reach out today to Andrew at Florida World water to check on our our gr regarding our back truck because that's something we will need if we do get in the line of business ourselves so he's supposed to get back me with that but other than that I mean we're good thank sir any questions natural gas we're good the gas department any questions Park Department good there too we just put the new door reinforcements right there head the two WS want to look out lock open them up on weekend days city council one thing um on the 15 of June I'm trying to get together it's called June gospel Jubilee a unity in the community EV I so if you're a good singer please come sing anyone want to speak everyone's invited uh and we will need uh sanitation department help was that Ros send me any um picture information we get on the electric sign thank you whatever logo or date all that stuff sanitation department just extra P yeah whatever y'all normally do I think Dan you already have it thank you that'll be on the 15 just as yes okay exercise equipment I'm still waiting on them to give me a installation date but they have the stuff just waiting to schedule the day I'll let you know do they do you lock them open somehow or yeah there's a a piece of flat bar that goes through SL a shame a shame they have to do it but it's a good thing yeah shley have anything else uh quite some time ago Andy Jackson came and asked um requested that a traffic signal be put at Thomas st's Drive in 19 and the recommendation was that he contact do regarding uh re-engineering the grade level do we know if anything has been done about that intersection they did their study and they didn't need traffic light there asked them to rethink about their study and they said no okay but what about the grade level we would be State high I know that would be all for the state all be has it happened so the problem is still there is what I'm getting at yeah he was he was I think uh the chief recommended that he contact do regarding re-engineering the grade level but my question is has the problem been solved to uh to get them to change their opinion on intersections you've got to high have a high crash frequency at those intersections the last time we had anything done was on Jefferson Street at that street entrance to Walmart um and that took an astronomical amount of crashes for that to happen y um and it was serious injury crashes as well so unless we have that that intersection W design I don't see them doing anything to change anything there okay and it's going to be totally on do study to do that so it's more reactive than it is proactive yes it okay thank you and also um the school zone uh speed control thing have we ever done anything about that we've got a new vendor um that's recommended by the Florida Chiefs Association I've gotten a s ordinance as well as a contract for review um I need to pass that along to the City attorney when she's back in to make sure it's appropriate for us to City John's already reviewed it and it looks better than the other one we had so it's U definitely something that's in the works right okay thank you that's all B Mr BR I'm good I have one person send me an email and ask one thing the new website I don't even know who I'm talking to about the new website to be honest with you yeah well anyway there was there was a uh apparently the yearly trash schedule was on the old website I guess it didn't make it to the new website she called okay who's handling that now Brandy um I haven't Christie or Stephanie okay that's all I had so anyway thank you all very much you don't need