when was here every time there was a chair roll the room that M speak that mid microphone would just rolling the chair must the third one or the four the middle one yeah you want me to turn it down yes it's over anybody hear any anything from [Music] the a prayer we go to March 12 2024 city council meeting regular session order want remind everybody to silence your phones and as ler is going to lead us in open prayer Heavenly Father we come to you tonight just praising you for who you are for the good gifts that you give us all the time the way you take care of us provide for us protect us we thank you for that we praise you for that because you are able you are capable tonight I would ask Lord that You' be with this counsel as we make decisions governing the cities of the citizens of the city of Perry ask that you lead us and guide us help us to act in a professional manner with u respect for everyone in Christ's name I prayes and to the for stands indivis here counc member Hampton counc member V mayor Landry here mayor C here item number three approval of items on the consent agenda um a to approve by approval by read by title only resolution 20244 and B and approval to read by title only resolution 2024 five option two second counc member R yes counc member Hampton yes Landry yes yes receiving request from the General Public um name and address for the record please Al you limit your comments to not more than five minutes anyone from the public would like to speak one can hear us okay okay good right I number five bids have one it looks like well no one turned it in so we'll have to Reid it okay we got someone doing it now us agenda item 6 a resolution 202 24-4 a policy resolution of the city of Terry Florida in reference leave payout policy and providing for an effective dat motion to approve counc member Bryan Yes council member Hampton yes VI Landry yes mayor country yes agenda item 6B resolution 2024 d05 a policy resolution of the city of Perry Florida in reference of naming the field after Billy pillow and providing for an effective date motion thank council member Brian yes council member Hampton yes V mayor Landry yes mayor C yes agenda item 6 C Council to discuss arpa funds and to take any actions deemed necessary well I uh sent the email out um we have 156,000 was used last year that will come out of the bank total and we have a a 1.4 million in change budgeted for AR funds and then we've also had about $150,000 overrun on police vehicles this year in ordering we still hav't spent it yet about additional 150,000 for the electronics and cameras for the police when things were bit out in the budget prices have gone up and then uh s p $1,000 short $450,000 total more will be used for outfitting the police vehicles and it'll come from ARA it's and it's there and then we've got about a $400,000 trash truck that's due to come in a couple months right one more and that was actually bought kind is it is it one of the claw trucks okay so Grand or callws yeah the flaws I call and um so anyway um that leaves us a good $750,000 still left to spend out of there and we also have such an old computer system we don't do any incumbrances on POS but POS would only be as budgeted so you're saying the balance is about, and the ARA fund is $750,000 after incumbrances yeah after what you just said yes available balance if you will available available balance yes so it has to be spent by when we' still got about a year and a half to 2025 to they end of 2025 or yeah budget year 202 well end the budget year 2025 so September 30th 2025 okay because we got it two stages so that kind of bought us like another 11 months on the second M this is after the computer system and everything is yeah and there's still some things to buy on that but we have budgeted yeah for all that but things get a little bit more expensive what isn't what I'm looking at here is I didn't get M goes to but anyhow I'm looking at in the sewer of repair collection system 100,000 that's supposed to be SRM what does that mean that's a baby isn't it or is it guaranteed they are pretty good at doing that if it's guaranteed let's go get the money tomorrow I guess they work it's not guaranteed then we won't get it uh right point is we talked about this Cherry Street we've got a budget here 100,000 I will offer a motion to this Council to tell the staff to fix that problem on Cherry Street I don't want to be if do I think something's going to happen no but it's possible I don't want to be sitting up here yes know one's going to happen and didn't do anything yes I mean there's all kinds that could go down that far and you still got big big problem well he showed us the video what's happening all water yeah streets we can't do them all will you will you tell me which one will you tell me what street he can't tell you what street we have a gr through srf that's the map out right the whole colle system but we know we sit here and know that Cherry Street is a problem we know we got all problems we don't know exactly where they are that's my motion we do know exactly where Cherry Street is and what funding can we get us right here no I do not want to sit here and wait when we got money to do it with that's do we know the totem to get that road fixed I got last year was like $50,000 M just to you put a big old sock 200 foot long sock in that pipe blow it up heat it with hot water to se it up and you got to go back with a little machine and cut out all your services so we've already looked at how much it's going to cost and what procedures need to be done me personally I think $50,000 is low just for the U for the minutes you can you speak on the M maybe pull the mics you you yeah there we go okay thank you um if you're all of Cherry Street because of the age of the PIP is it's not the pipe that's fing it's the the joints where they're connected and that's where that infiltration is coming in from that particular spot we could try to do a spot repair and it's maybe something we could invest in by equipment ourselves to do a small spot repair like um something the city of Tallahasse does and and and if you get that equipment you know to repair a small sex is like $300 or $400 but but that that tangent is you know we we we dug up a spot that wasn't quite as deep as the the spot across from um the other side the north side of Ash and and all it was was the joints were sealed the concrete and it was it was gone it allows the dirt to come in that's what's causing sink um we had we had a small repair done at good where the contracts bought through the line it alone was [Music] $30,000 so I don't I don't know I I would think it'd be a lot more yeah we we do need to unfortunately it's not something we can do but maybe we can find a a plumber or a large plumber or contractor do a spot repair on that particular sinkle that would probably be the easiest cheapest way to do it it's not going to address the whole road but it will it will be that SLE CU we we have the measurements we have the came in the line we know where obviously we know where that that one joint is leaking that's where the roads ging in so and I said it could be very expensive for One spotted but it may be better bang for the book to just do the whole thing yeah because it's caving in in about three or four different places and one of them is the manhole so what was your estimate when we talked about 300,000 or something that I me it's hard to get a contractor to give you like a price until they come out and they look at it I mean it's it's almost like you have to pay by the foot because they got to clean it they got to inspected themselves they're not going to go off your your camera and it's and it's it's just it's hard to get them out like so much going on where did you get 50,000 this yeah where did the 50 come from fortit for yeah they came over s a video camera they do $2 million a year in Jacksonville the Jacksonville budgets just to do these repair okay do we have to pay it them I mean you'll have to at least spot pair spot pair the the indentions you talking I mean I'd say a six by six patch over each hole at the most because you would you would pull it up you would dig it down you would pack it and once the the infiltration is fixed the the void should not come back like say it would be better to to line the whole thing instead of patching it up yeah my will change my motion to in sit form man to manle that's the only way you I agree with you it needs to be fixed I'm just concerned when we start looking into it there's going to be $10 million worth of it needs to be done and he's he's treating on a dry day 600,000 yeah when we had a rain event like we went back 10 years in the records and it was it was January January was the we treated more water in January than we have in the plants history almost 3 million gallons the the um plants on the perimeter for one 1.25 millions of gallons a day so and that's why we're trying to get the the grants and and you'll see like the main trunk line seing plants $150,000 that's not going to do a lot but got to start somewhere because the water is killing us and it makes our cost go up in electricity and for treat that's different issue that's my motion I'm sorry I said that is my motion to what in said you form that line man hold man hold and how much is that going to run I mean me personally I think it's going to be $150,000 more well can we do the homework on it and y'all bring it back talk about this and talk about this and 50,000 50,000 so you don't want to go over the 50,000 I want I want it fixed I can tell you personally that we got more SOS that we gonna be dealing with here in a little bit and that's going to be over here alha one a okay okay we got we got 100,000 in the in the budget right there you said to take care of it this year so let's get one done and then next year we can put 100 or whatever we need to in the budget again I don't think we can continue to ignore that particular [Music] one got motion on the table we have a second yes I'll second it I'm not I'm tell you I'm not going to vote for it because I want them to do the homework on it first or we don't just jump out there and say let's pay this much for this much and we don't know what we're looking at yet so that's why my vot's what additional homework do you need to do this no just for this street manhole manhole what have you not done that you need to do well well generally a long stretch side of that is turned over to an engineer and they will decide exactly what it needs because um if it's not as simple as just okay come in and run a liner from here to there so she's right um no Sean I've done thousands and millions of dollars of worth of those lines out there we didn't have an engineer we fixed it though well every time you take a breath you don't need an engineer well I would just hate to spend you know like cuz I don't want to be a Salesman will tell you yeah this will work mhm and then we spend $100,000 and then so many years later it fails we want we want a permanent fix same thing we had on F we we kept patching kept patching kept patching and then we end up paying over almost three million to get that area fixed because we kept patching in house we didn't get an engineer to come out we kept trying to fix it in house and that's what you're asking them to do now if I'm not correct no okay so you justay not sure what they do well are you saying it's still not fixed it's fixed now after we paid millions of dollars to get it fixed that's what I'm saying okay I thought you said you wanted it fixed now no no no I'm saying what I'm saying is Council I don't want to just jump out there and say let's fix it and we don't know what we're looking at right now let's change the motion to get together funding yes sir the budget here yes sir and and I another issue I've run into like there's some liist stations that need to be we have I've had contractors come and look at them and never got back in touch with them and the only contractor that I could get to um to fix the Goodman's job was out of Georgia and it took him months so that that's another issue I do agree it needs to be fixed what do you think the problem is with not being able to get contractors they're just there there's not many people I guess to specialize in those things is kind of like a there not a there's not a large you know group of people that do it anymore and you know I'll tell you why because the city of perod has such a bad reputation with contractors they don't want to be bothered with us yeah I agree with that the problem I believe that as well and they know how bad the groundwater is here just like fome Street when they try to excavate it it's 12T deep 12 like Tass and dig 12 these not it's not nothing you know it's nothing cuz the ground is not that bad here you got have to dig a hole to put this room in to go 12 ft down if you don't spend the hundreds of thousands of dollars to to um Jack and boore or having the proper trenching equipment and uh I mean I don't know how they got it in the gr when they put it in however many years ago it couldn't have been near as L as it is couldn't couldn't have because it it's 12T in the ground like a fon Street for example you go there now you dig 3 foot you ground so I don't know how they did it anyway so what do we want to do you want to motion to stand or do you want to amend it to go for no okay what's the funding bill $673,000 in the sewer Revenue fund take out reserves it's not reserved for anything but you what you're saying is some of that most of it is Cash brought forward yes and yeah not it just needs to be fix now you had a motion in second should you vote or you motion no man that hasn't been talked about for years it's slowly going down it's going to go down enough and somebody's coming through there with a car and that wheel's going to go in there and they're going to flip V I think they seven um so you had a motion in a second with Landry so council member BR yes council member Hampton get it done but I maybe we vo I yes um council member no vice mayor Landry yes yes reses that's fine with me well you said reserve the vote pass I asked let's get the work done and decide where to get the thumbs once the works done you got srf down there oh it does I've seen it more than once when you got an emergency you get the work done and then you worry how to pay for it srf okay that's one possibility we need to get started on the grant then well you a while ago you thought you had three talking three different funding options and he said take it out of reserves just before you vote okay so you got three different options we got the money somewhere or we can get it somewhere let's get the work done wor L good and yall were saying srf it's like okay well put in for it's going to be 25,000 V anyway there's others that needs to be done that's what I'm trying to explain the 600,000 to 3 million Gall a day there two million gallons of infusions on a rainy day one of them and then we'll address the rest a lot of coming through okay okay back to G out 6D we got we [Music] we talking about this the AR funds we got 6 we started okay take any action any other discussion on the runds at this point okay then that of 6D Finance direct for p Stephanie to present the acral basis of the Enterprise fund Council will take any actions name [Music] necessary it depends Brian wanted ask for this and we could start with the current hair draft or the one that was audited nine months ago he wants to compare budget budget out the end of the general time the budgeted numbers compared to the final well we need to be concerned with 93023 okay so you've got General the working dra just to clarify your speaking to 93023 of the date right the date 93023 it's clar General there will be audit adjustments and I'm looking at one right now the transfers interone transfers between utility tax and R needs to be deal with okay okay well we're looking at General right you want be know okay we do this anywhere you want I John when is the last time that you sat down with this staff and went over their budgets where they're over under you know and I'm not talking about this right start which one you P which one you're looking at no I'm talking about the whole thing like the bun of comparison or something you you got [Music] the excuse me Kenny did you give us a sheet on this um bis of the inpro fund yes I emailed the day after the meeting email but we don't it's not in our packet right correct and then we've got it he's got it up here now this is the general fund that John opened up but he can switch over to the Enterprise fund if that's what she prefer to speak about excuse me and you want the current year it's the working draft which is 2223 TV trial balance I'm looking at Finance okay now we're in general fin yeah what's the I'm just it it helps if you number Pages if you can I don't know to but uh I'm looking at uh operating exp a paa $134,000 what does that mean mean I mean mean nothing to me okay you need to go back to I can go to any of you and you're talking ARA asset or the revenue or the expenditures I'm looking at operating expenses all right operating expenses or Finance okay put the finance tab go down to 536 the expenses that's the computer system it's not not me yeah I think so then they saying you got another that's another error that needs to be fixed if that's a computer system it would go on the capital alley wouldn't it yes it's in the fixed assets but since we have to do this I assigned that one code because the very first transaction we did was a financial one to give all employees a premium or something so all ARA expenditures are under that and yes they get if you go ahead and look at your capital outlays and the fixed assets at if you look at the fixed assets they include AR it's not in there I'm looking at it yeah it is I'm looking at it capital outlay 640 zero it's not under the same expense code it's under Capital Outlet it's under AR it is capital out rate you can't track the two things the same code yeah B I'm just about to come to the conclusion you don't have a clue as to what you're doing it's in the fixed assets and it's in the depreciation and in the general fund there's depreciation not in general fund but all the others there are you say it wasn't I'm talking in general about AR I don't uh not going to withdraw what I just said that's uh we talked about building perit some time ago about we collected a lot of money on the apartments and but we didn't get to keep it yeah that's that's up to the city manager and County Manager to negotiate yeah City always comes up so yes sir why didn't we get the K because we wereing out to them and that was a deal it go to the Perman goes to the count wa there all the plan reviews and inspections and else on the capital outlays under police you have 6,000 allowed for the speed data collection device okay now your and we decided at the last meeting I believe well February the 27th not to buy that so that 6,000 can come out of there and go somewhere else yeah that's just the budget right okay I mean we're talking about the financial statements it's kind of different different year different Year yes ma'am this is the one that's being audited right now the one you're looking at is the well it says 82523 list we were working on the budget they both they both say 8253 okay but there are things on that are on the first one that we decided we didn't need to be doing right but they're still there yes they because that's the that was the past budget and then we change it in the computer for because this is not the one that's in the system this is don't forget our systems don't talk to each other so this is what I have done for my audit entries in Excel everything else is on Harris on what so the TVs hero computers then why why did you send this to us because she wanted to know how much was in oura so I gave you the budget document that you passed in September and the last changes were done August 23rd or whatever and that's so you can see what's on there but that's not in a Harris thing it's the the actual forget that but you didn't really tell us how much was in yes ma'am no no you said you got a $2 million figure there and now you say it's $750,000 that's the budget amount if you look at the arpa portion is when I ask for how much in the arpa that's what I want to know I don't want to know about the budget I want to know the actual dollars yes we had and I sent you all this and right here the working trial balance the general fund that's TBS you've got ARA 2.8 million and then you subtract the 156,000 that's going to be taken out of that the last fiscal year do the tra aitor is and have the 1.4 million it's in the budget it in August right here 1.4 4485 okay so that's the running total and then the newer things that are not even in the computer because they're just encumbered is PV stuff and the trash truck because we don't have encumbrances so your balance is the 1.2 minus the 550,000 why is that on here why doesn't it show up here because that was why doesn't it show up that uh what you what you got what it's obligated to and that because that was the working budget forget budget we're talking about this piece of paper right here and what is that that is the budget that was the budget document you thought for M says general funds this one says and what is your bank balance for ARA on that 2.8 million yeah yeah minus what's your budgeting minus what's incumbered that is what's currently left why do well it's just when I ask for a figure I to get the figure Mar I gave it to you here and here and there but that's the way you have to you have to take things out you have the bank account you have what's why can't you do that on a piece of paper and then send it to me she don't want to it's just the back I sent you the back you see you sent a piece of paper here I sent several pieces of paper and it says the the the budget says speed data collection device and then it's done away with but it still says spe data collection device because as you know Bill that is in Excel that's not in haris where we change the budget and we do budget amendments where where is the budget amendment on for this when was this Chang 227 I haven't done a budget amendment to follow maybe we shouldn't vote on stuff till budget amendments though happy this the this job you may make a budget amendment but it never reaches your budget yes it does accounts P post those if it did when you look at this budget beginning uh original budget final budget they're the same they're the same because you don't make it I can find youill I'll bring some back next meeting for you from B from last year I'm not interested in L this for you interested now look uh this all shows up in the Enterprise funds but the uh op EB what is that stand for other tension employment benefits the order will make those injuries other what other employment benefits it's a mandatory thing that we have to have now if you remember bill because you know you used to do the CER there's been like 100 Pages added to it and they're all on Actuarial craft and a lot of it is the other employment benefits and it's on FS that's placed and fire and they all have their own battery like 40 pages and charts that's added to it and I don't do that act is doe and the order inserts it yeah you understand that way it is uh looking at through water gas St to se may maybe others talking I'm talking about how you you come about all of them the liability uh Health Insurance liability section yeah is a didit how come you know because they I have a little beef with the auditor on that we pay all of our health Insurance physically within the year that it's incurred but somewhere along the line they insist on acre it so that's why they'll they'll zero that out probably in Grado in there but I I I disagree with that oh again again in all of them miscellaneous Revenue when you got a if you're in a city of Tallahasse or city of Jacksonville or something like that you may have Miss Revenue expense at 277,000 but not in the city of Perry what those are usually is the wash outs from the uh accounts receivables from the year before it's a true up at the end of the year and a lot of just goes to miss l i mean i' have to research the specific entry not a problem but again when you're just throwing this out in the meeting I am not going to know I'm throwing it out for you to look it up and tell me all right M for it's in u the ones I wrote down was water gas and Sewer I we look at Water gas and sewers got a miscellaneous revenue of $137,000 I'll let you know what those entries were did you you get my uh infl transfer between rck and utility tax what about it oh that's that's a mistake she made I told corrected you corrected I believe if that's the one I'm thinking is because there there shouldn't have been right yeah yeah yeah yeah I told the correct yeah that was the accounts payables I mean you can you need to sit down sit down with the employees in each department and go over there uh and they need to be looking and asking questions about why you've got me charged with $200,000 for whatever they need to to do that and look at that well I'm with bill on on the miscellaneous figures they're way too high something I mean a figure that that's high and miscellaneous it needs to be broken out and yeah you know charged to where it goes to that's just too much in any of those departments for miscellaneous I'll bring you some answers thank you I wonder if they if they uh made the schedule what they is miscellaneous well I'll look at my journal entries because a lot of it cleanups and du and do drums I'm talking about Bill because there's a lot of incumbrances or all kinds of mislan things and a lot times that's where it gets thrown is miscellaneous revenues or miscellaneous expenses they're offsets I can't wait till we get a new system oh my God this thing throws a lot of Curves and it didn't back when you adjust it you know you have to seal out a bunch of crap at the end of the year and you don't sometimes know how it all got there the d2os and the D yeah okay any more discussion on the item 6 B not we go item 6 e can discuss Award of RF Grant and to take any actions name necessary we were awarded 300,000 to a storm water planning and preparation study through the ru infastructure we were awarded okay that help us get grants in the future for storm water projects it was our number one thing on the LMS List local medication strategy that was our top it to get that study done I doubt the one ever been done like said going for Grants get have these studies now none of that could be used for like the problem that we have on North Cherry need to get the other stud the collection system study done then you could use that one pro like that works with Engineers how far that one out John you have any idea any discussions we need to do on this or very good agenda item 6 F councel to continue discussions on solid waste policy and take any actions de necessary I was curious if you have any thoughts after the last meeting and the article in the paper what y'all heard from any of the citizens I haven't heard anything haven't either they just um like the idea of a some kind of collection point we take things hear any objection of the once a week least 20 people come to me in various different ways all in favor of it in favor of it yes [Music] you about that youing about garbage pick up or you talking about yes need more one we [Music] one part of it right that's part of what we discussed where can you put it roll off site or roll off site ask the uh the dumpsters we own those two lots between martine's restaurant and those two little houses on is it drew street P one yeah that one okay hey I think I went around Satur Saturday I think and about from Center Street to about 75 per by the cemetery I got two bags like that and I couldn't find a place to put put them right over here uh I watched our friend here picking up one okay and it looked like it had snowed and it's B I think we start correcting it by setting an example and that encourages people to do the same yeah I I hope it work I'm not talking about us individually picking it up I couldn't do it either but City can pick up and make it look nice and maybe the citizens will follow suit and keep maybe maybe maybe but we give a place to dump the stuff might more hopeful right that may help because we're and we are you know Daniel and I had this discussion granted some people live on the outskirts of the city their County residents are going to cheat anduse this and just like I'm sure there's been some City people that's have cousins that live out in the county so whatever that don't we go to Once Le PE they're put Gage in it to and and I'm going to call Deep South with in front of it since and just see what ideas they have on because we should get the dumpsters for free and we might just need to pay for the The Dumping and the landfill portion that can go on the landfill bills because we're picking the stuff up anyway and Y things anyway so if it makes the town a little bit cleaner I think that's the go even if it's $1,000 a month or something more spread around you know 3,000 households I was at the senior stand one of the employees there came to me and said so so is dumping in our dumpster County resident they said we got it un [Music] film they this up right here I approached him he denied it now the crazy part the doctors open he just she had to just do that she set it down beside it of course the animals come through and they yeah that's what that's what screws it all over the dog oh yeah yeah yeah I think had a question trying to get out I just wonder know this going to solve the Neal dumping problem that we have cuz that's what's got our city looking it may if they've got a place it may but I know doubt I could show we got to do something we got to try we try to encourage them to do follow the rules it's it's not going to fix everything think it even if it fixes 30% of itage have around then that's 30% less her Department's going to get done and put in a pap for pickup we'll see what Deep South can offer us because in the contract they pick up our dumpsters but I realize the volume of this is going to be if they'll pick it up for free and maybe we just pay the landfill ticket on it would be my negotiation suggestion we'll see what do to get charg my problem is this we do not have a problem with charging our citizens more money when these things are expected for us to keep our city clean so why do you want to charge them to pick up the white goods I just don't think it's a good idea do that way to encourage them to take it to rooll site but it just up by the street so if they continue to put it out by the street what we're going to do as far as that we gonna pick it up pick it up or we gonna go and get someone to knock on the door and say hey here's your fine what I think we ought Tak a step in a time no no because these are questions that already been asked of me to to ask what what because they're sick of it every month we add some else on to their bill every month and is not getting any so these are questions that I've been told to ask idea how for we finded the place to take it to I'm all for that but I'm not for yeah that's true but I'm not for every month we taking something else on to that water sewer sewage bill or gas bill no going to drve more forward well I don't think we're to the point of whether or how much we're going to charge anybody right now we're trying to figure out the logistics on how to do it Kenny said she would follow Deep South and see how they can help us and that would might help determine what if any charges are made so let's just take this one step at a time we're doing one step at a time it's just questions that are coming with that one step of a time you can't just throw something out there did not expect people to come to us and ask us okay where are y'all going to go from this and then we don't have an answer okay but we don't have an answer right now until we check out how deep we can say what we want to say yeah interrupt and everything excuse me thank you man I the city is not taking and keeping our city we got blaming our customers for everything we got to Stu up be better I know I know so we probably will be discussing this for quite I think so had a failure at the Mill you do what's called grot C analysis whatever you want to call it but you go down what is the root cause of the trash getting on the street it's not the city put on the street you got to stop it getting there in the first place to the RO enfor big portion [Music] come that's true that a little bit this morning something for Li I don't know what what the max is guess 500 the max city put on we got to do something about that that's a lot of is com back and pick up Tru it is yeah just BL out the bags and driv down the road if now the public come in and give us some suggestion oh yeah we will yeah got to paper be some of that coming that's why I was asking if y'all heard anything from anybody okay I got got a handwritten letter got a letter through the online thing that at least 15 people come up to me said their W were jumping for joy that we're looking into doing something okay at just look at any dri down the road when you come to an intersection look at M intersection they just dump it dump it she said when I woke up this morning it was B she said someone came and DP the sofa she said a old dirty sofa in front of my yard it's cross the road brother that was one of the things that I was going to tell Danielle about and it's about a week yeah a sofa someone came and just on the side of the RO see that's the thing that's really not good Lighting on that road so that's why you get a lot of them D you check with South and see where they're at and the nice thing too is if we have it in a close by sight our regular guys that run the plantra even if they you know go dumpster dive and pull some of it out we can pick it up we got the tools to do it but it's in one place so I mean that's a bonus so it'll be a little easier for the guys to you know pick it up I mean anything to keep it for being everywhere find something let us know I thought I did a big thing I drove behind the garbage truck and I was trying to figure out why the needs stay open so this particular stop he the cage came down and Clos I said that's it they have to put the wheels toward the road yes I that was reason I I get a lot of complaints about that as well want to know that we can make it that we remove theage back yes it's not it's not but it's in there actually supposed to move s just tell Bruce all right don't you have to fill out a complaint for and sign it put your name on it he'll do it if you want your code Force guy to do that I'm sure no don't say word M all right C remember when you said out of sight just away from the curve or like literally up at the house what does that look like uhuh it's not supposed to be the road the rway yeah okay so it was pulled up to a house we could just get them to put it in the can I know to complete Comp N at all only in most neighborhoods that just where the trash can are good agenda item 6 G approve amendes February 27 2024 regular session motion to appr seconds council member yes council member hon yes member yes ENT yes C yes staff here first had Diane SCH with economic development partnership call me today want how interested the city would be in settling the 50 acres she has she couldn't tell me what it was but she has someone interested in looking at about 25 acres of land to develop and sound like it be a significant number of jobs with the city we willing I don't think we'll ever get the money back we lost on that deal but it's time to get something going out there and how willing is a city I'm open for depending on what it is the city does not have to put up any and we can put aeny there if it's to be for business it has to be open within so many years us I something if you don't have this number of jobs by this day then you don't you could also have that Clause that if they were to ever dispose of yeah okay make sure are on board for we or two any further it doesn't really help our Taxas much but it is job it is and we need it yes all right good second thing these are the four streets we're going for for the Scott through fbot that's the same four we did last year that weren't approved they already had have you seen I don't know if what how much information is out on this new deal the governor's put out there for Street Paving gr is anybody yeah which one I don't know what's it called I don't know what it's called I just I just heard it I was surprised it was Street streets Bishop Boulevard Deval Street Park Street and Willow Street those were Earl last year you said they submitted the SC last year and we're not approved they were I can't remember what two were group together but they were group together with the package it would have been like duall and Bishop parking Willow this year we're just separating them out so we got a better chance of maybe getting one improved um the CBG Grant we're applying for Street repaving I told you were going to ask for that waver to go above the 700,000 and they're shooting for 2 and a half million all for Street repay how they feel about that possibility you know uh if we put money in it won't we get put each of those I put 50 Grand of City match I put 50 but that's I think 50 I put something CBG I think I put 50,000 that's put oh that's that's why I put 50 because that's the max points you can get okay yeah thought it couldn't be done he's showing us [Music] different got anything else that's our list that we got in some kind of work the total is uh over $53 million that's not approved that's just a dream what we're looking at okay have some kind of application in I'll take half of it m you already got have you already got have you me person yeah yeah press is here the Press is here mhm I don't have to figure out our fell out one what got anything be is just making me crazy and we got any of the money from them of course not they're still doing inspections they're they're the nicest people but they seem to make themselves a lot of work and it's all very confusing St what do H GP medication something the County's got 14 million iocated city and county 14 million should be get some of that for mitigation type okaying your structur yeah I'll have more for the next meeting but um and I just first of all I want to thank everyone for letting me call you um regarding making sure that everybody was where that the trial that was to play take place in March the 4th regarding city of Perry versus Sellers and manners um Manning um we uh were able to resolve the case and we have received the first payment of um from the sales and Mannings for a portion of the lot that the city has that their home is on and so the resolution um included U basically them paying for a surveyor as well as um and in good faith placing and paying for of a particular fence that be placed around the border of where the survey would suggest is the property of the cities that their houses on um and then also pay for the portion that they to also provide compensation for the portion that they've already been living on that through no father their own had been been wrongfully titled um way before they even lived there um so I'm I'm really happy that that case resolved but what I was want to say that I have more to report next meeting is and it seems like it's sort of all up in the um the discussion even today even though it's not necessarily um this particular particular instance but the idea of finds and code enforcement or the idea of how do we enforce in a way that's effective for change how do we enforce all these ordinances that we already have that are routinely violated and in a way violated to the harm of the city because the city is trying to rebuild after devastating hurricane and a loss of you know a major industry and I think it was John who mentioned I think it was the last meeting like if you were just the CEO or par a particular um capitalist investor driving through North for and figur out what towns you want to make the next you know big thing or have your industry come seeing what we all been talking about um furniture on the side of the road it has a price even if if it's not quantifiable but that may be we may be losing business and um and so in my mind even make a longer short when I was on the beach this weekend with my nephew and thinking about see Hatchy even though it's not us but just the idea of how a fishing Village like Destin when I was growing up was not this major player when it came to vacation and tourism in Florida but now is right because someone had to take value in what we and who we are and Perry and so many people are down Tren and depressed that you know often people who are depressed what they stopped they let the house go they let the car go they let everything go and so as a community um it just seems to always get back to the idea how can we make this place better um and how can we enforce it to make sure people actually do what we're asking them do and I just I'm hoping that I'm me looking at the code enforcement aspect that the council as we come to you with ideas on how to um use law or use the law excuse me use a code enforcer um part that you all support if you see citizens who will start complaining more about actually being fined but now having Levy's place on their property um you know and so but I was asked recently and actually been a a lot more part of what I'm I'm doing than I than I even realize I would be um was and I I know John was a part of this conversation apparently recently last week with different city department heads was about need to come up with the process to basically start um enforcing the fines and fees that are being collected by people who are violating um there's a house that was put before the zoning board um not the zoning board some say the wrong board umod enforcement no it wasn't code enforcement it was code enforcement but it was is the board ofjustice who who signs off on demolition it's more than board yeah I say they're the same board right but they just changed the Hat um the person whose house that they that is owned um that they want to demolish had $55,000 of fines on that board um on that property to Dem you know as a lean and they're they're asking to demolish the house at this point but I guess I even raised this cuz I said maybe I'll wait till the next meeting is that you know there when these things start happening they going to be people complaining like the big meeting we had a few months ago where people came and was complaining about code enforcement that we now need to be on the same page so that we can say yes we're going to stand behind this you know if this is an issue we want to make sure our community is clean that you're going to stand behind the efforts the Goodwill efforts that are made to enforce it and if and so my little speech is coming coming down to this I'm so tired is that um my I guess now that the the matter with the Bacon street is settled my next um big Focus outside of just continue to learn the process is to come up with the process of how we can um start having the code enforcement area grow as far as going after these Lans I look will I look down on some of the cases that are 8 years five years six years old I mean I only been here for like less than a year that um you see the same repeated offenders over and over again we just want to make sure that we do what we can to help encourage people even if it's the encouragement of punishment to to get it together or lose and you know um so that is sort of like my precursor statement so be prepared that the coming months if once we get this process there'll be people who will come to you complaining more and more um and there's only so much that can be done by municipality to control um is you know the property they're over in in the community and the and keeping the things clean but we can't have it we can't have it this you know we can't have it all we can't have oh this looks dirty and crazy but yet we will punish the people who are trying to keep it clean by enforcing it and giving fines and I don't know if one of those things could be a campaign of some sort like back in the 80s I don't even they work anymore about keeping your community clean you know be proud of your community because people really are dealing with depression and like a number of you said often is not the actual resident where you see the trash it could be people coming and knowing that that's not a highly regarded area or highly patrolled or highly lit and they just dump and dump and dump but I think until we start demolishing some stuff and taking some people's property away um some people just won't take it seriously not that I look forward to being a part of anything where anyone GLS taken away but um just as the council is shown great grace and recognizing someone who's trying to do right and I think when code enforcement has to not show the same brace um that we should support them I say we I would ask the council to support them or at least come up with a way to help show and direct as how we can help you know if it's too much or whatever be involved you know so I may start bringing more of that directly here versus just waiting till people complain and come here so that you can give us guidance but I guess there's a reason why it seems like over 10 years there's been no real action towards Cod enforcement and I don't expect it to be Cur that is true that's true it may be longer than we were only enforcing it on what we want to enforce to whatever come to light becomes political issue the way to do it see go te it down anyway now I don't know how many pieces of property we've got out there that we've gone through the process of taking it problem with that is you can't get title insurance on that problem for like 30 years or something and the city's got to should maintain it we don't have a ability to maintain that property uh we don't want it we don't need it we just want to clean I don't think we need time Insurance do we bu no no I no I'm talking about if if a purchaser if we give it to them though if they build a house with they still can be TI insur they have to get TI Insurance can't get it we don't I don't even know any property that we've actually taken like we've made them clean up or we cleaned it up we file a lean but that's still in their name and they responsible for maintaining you haven't accomplished anything well because we've accomplished a l by tearing something down we've taken it over you know we take it over then you guys tear it down and we put on that list of property I one I'm not name and it's not in cities name it's uh the uh if you get them just like I tried to get a to work the deal on the automobiles but I failed at that if you get that person and I could show you hundreds of them they cannot take that structure down they got no willing to do it and they don't have any money but if they give it to the city the city takes it down and leaves the land with them and I think that's what you're referring now we we tear something down or we clean the property there's just a landing place on the proper we don't just take how many we collect let me tell you what worked I have to raise my hand that's over up here when we allocate I think was $50,000 for if you would look some of these neighborhoods where we T the houses down better we need to put that back in the budget and start doing these houses and get rid of that's how got 20,000 there but you have not change same 20,000 is I've been telling people please spend it we got to put the leads on it and then we demolition it if they gift it to us then we can demolish it and then we can put it back on the market there's a process to go through Miss Shirley I know and once I know there's a couple that they are working on and once it goes through that process city is going take down discussion with code enforcement that work yeah forgive we forgive us because we're not really don't expect to get 55,000 we just want it clean so if you you know with ownership there is some responsibility if you can't maintain it we give that so give it to us we'll clean it up and hopefully we'll flip it and give it to someone they'll build a home or business home and be a taxpayer utility p and we've done that with a few but the problem is what properties left is in flood planes it is and that's why we can't the I still think the way to pick up these old cars is to go to the person and talk to him and tell him we they give us the title to it we'll take care of getting R that's good do you get money for that yeah and get some know so you that's true don't know in a practic way um council member Brian and council member hton would you want that to be something that the Code Enforcement Officers we have would consider when talking to people who need to clean up and like what if just put it out there if I may he has okay I mean he's been working with people to whenever he tags a car you know a lot of people were like we don't know what to do let me tell you that that's very true and then the tag goes away then it Go comp people compliance too not as much enforcement but just get them with go and as long as he can help them he has been good but do you know that conversation has included you can give us the title and we take it from I don't know about that that was like a Nuance way of you sharing it that I was like okay maybe as I look at processes that may be something like okay this is also something if the you know we can bring it back and have the council consider because I don't even know what the cost is with riding that kind of stuff I've done that um I believe it's three but I knew the I know who the owner was I said give give the title and it'll be gone I still got three I don't know who the owner Isle transfer now how much is the title [Music] transfer be like 25 inform next meeting but just okay you bring some back to you write it up and maybe send us an email summarize it for us yes what we talking about I can get who owns these vehicles maybe some us would help get help them out yeah yeah we'll tell him to give them your number huh we'll tell them to give them your number absolutely changu keep keep and one question think paint building I heard that you are going to do it yeah the city's going to do it as a team and we're going do once completed there side T they got to come back and finish finish that because they ran out of 10 sure why they ran out but they ran out so they have to come back and finish after that we're going to plan that'll be who's going do it City let me know and I'll be a part of I [Music] come John at the last meeting I asked you for the uh disposition of the gas tanks for the last 10 to 15 years don't we know where it is know gas yeah we know so uh back on uh Henley I don't know how the city got that or how long they've had it do you know anybody I'm sure I have no idea anyhow he did it to the C there are at least three maybe more people here and perod just got one of those M I watched one out on close to 27 out there for Force they just D down that and it's got the bumper all that push it over think just grind it up it'd be a good place Henley to do it [Laughter] do I was told like 156 250 hour get it for 200 hour I don't this guy was from scen believe but any see if we can find out piece of property you know if the city takes a piece of property City needs to take care of it keep it clean we got to set that example what happen that piece of property the own got tired of the city and just dided it to us agre well did the city accept was from City I think it was kind of commissioner there is it one of the ones that has the wet limbs on it that's hard us to get tractors in there um by the schools might be oh well it's is that Green Street Main Street remember Bob and Barney talking about this what I'm think about there's a lot of wetlands and stuff there and get a bushog on all of it wooded is this one that's wood I don't know you're right John you're right one of it's yes um Sean where we at with the deodorizer for the I got a um email the morning the company is well why looking for that not to cut you off I don't know what it was that you were using out there before you started using the one that you were testing out we didn't smell anything uhuh with the first one that you were using before you test this one out we didn't smell anything from that well found a company it's called Advanced misting systems and they do things like this to um basically just install Li stations from what I looked at online like there's like start off around $1,000 and then there's a stuff called odor and um but I'm I'm going to take pictures of the of the LI station email the guy um and it may they may can suppress the smell of just water okay because basically I I don't know the sence Miss prevents from coming out of the way so it can be and you said stuff we used before that didn't smell yes cuz I remember you saying that you had tried something but then you had found something else that you wanted to try and when you that one is the one that we end up the smell came back [Music] J Jason he Liv a girl he was he was County Commissioner he was that's he did that's the one that came up that was about to go to court and I just had to know him so I gave him my call and so it's your fault it's my fault I was about to be a foreclosure or something that was about to go to court I believe just it had a code enforcement Le the satisfies that code enforcement Le I mean that's the deal you make is you sign over and we the link I was trying to save us some money yeah John where you at with the the head when it comes to their evaluation for the crew to evaluate them no we were saying something about we were trying to do another evaluation we had done it not looking into it yes for the crew to to um evaluate them what we did you talking about oh the cruit evaluate department heads uhhuh like on this up on the Daniel Jamie it's about six of isn't it yeah we were supposed to be working on evaluations for them also so the crew could be able to say put their input in I do their that's not what we were asking when we hired you remember we were supposed to been coming up with one and Jamie made the statement that you guys were trying to come up one because you didn't want to be biased which I don't know how you can be biased when you're doing evaluation actually six months ago we did a supervisory evaluation we didn't get a copy I need I thinking know what you're talking about you're talking about the employees like my guys doing one on you yeah we haven't done that but our evaluations mon but I think what you're what you discussed was after or we were in the process of already doing those others they were already do yeah I reset my brain I know it's a lot going on cuz this is the thing I work in the field and I have been noticing that we are losing a lot of law enforcement officers when it come to PD we're getting to the point now we're getting younger ones and if they're not trained out there in that field by someone older we're going to have problem so we need to know why these guys are leaving the chef department has taken I think at least four or five of them and we need to know why we need know if it's something as a city as a whole that we're doing wrong that we can't keep Law Enforcement Officers [Laughter] [Music] okay sure answer the question we didn't make a decision are we going to change it are we going to doep usually do really it's been whenever Council decided to do the evaluation I had had a chance to do M I think we it says the city manager will inform the mayor when the time for an annual evaluation has occurred do it 10 years from now we and then she sends us so when we want to say is do second meeting [Music] I April say going to the what you say my memory be the April 9th okay I guess you got to leave that meeting early on how late it [Music] goes are you folks going to do the evaluation with him privately or were you going to do it in group it do if if if you feel you need to sit down joh I'm the paper but then as far as the writing statement I I love to speak with you but you want Stephanie to get you the papers they have we have we have them we have 23r okay everybody last meeting in April ail we want to bring them up do we want to bring it up at the 23rd meeting or make it before 23rd so we can bring it up on I don't know that's what I me doesn't that front page tell us it says the city manager will inform the mayor when the time for the annual evaluation has occurred we have to turn it in two weeks prior to the next meeting that's so you won't be here and be but not here can y'all turn it in before then turn turn it in two weeks before that 23rd meeting which will be the night we discuss it at the 23rd journey by the night before anytime now the night I mean that's a whole month yeah right and we got discuss it on that the 23rd Mee yes okay that'll be finean yes just so you all know due in February mayor it's time to do the city manager where does it say that sh how would we know okay all right I'm ask you if you have anything do I have anything yes I don't have anything right now the only thing I wanted to only I didn't want to say appreciate y'all Miss telling everybody about the settlement a sign without asking anybody however count entire C just one person so I asked she would check everyone before I make sure everybody was okay with it if anybody had any issues thank you for I appreciate y get back with matter thank you your be on the boat