this been one courageous that we already can be a radio technician you can say test count work on radiat ready April 9th 2024 city council meeting to order and as reminded everyone to silence your phones which I'm going to do right now we have in prayer and Pledge of Allegiance join as we pray please father thank you thank you for the beautiful weather that you've been given us lately thank you for springtime when the flowers bloom and the trees bud and it reminds us that you are still in charge you are still in control that you still run things and we're so thankful for that sometimes we don't understand how you run things but just knowing that you do is a comfort thank you for this time together Lord as we decide on issues that affect citizens of T County and the employees of the city of Perry lead us and guide us and guard us help us to work in a professional manner with honor for each of one another thank you for the guests that are here Lord I pray that we can all work together and come to good resolutions of whatever situations we might be facing in Christ's name I pray amen amen to the of the United States of America and to the rep for it stands na indivisible withy andice for all please Council M vice mayor Here country here approval of items on the consent agenda approval to read by title only resolution 2024-the this time is decide for citizen for fire citizens and the general public to address the Council on any matter not included on the agenda this is not a question and answer time it is not a political Forum nor it is a nor is it a time for personal accusations or derogatory remarks to or about city council or City personnel or anyone else for that matter if you would like to address the council please come to the podium your called speak into the microphone and state your name and address for the record please also limit your comments to not more than five minutes for individuals and 10 minutes for groups or delegations do we have anyone would like to address the council this time yes ma'am Susie my name Isis better known suis in car Florida um I'm here to voice my concern regarding prot walking part last week I was charged at by three about two dogs three different times Saturday I call and come out they give him a warning but we've almost been overrun with the homeless there there's smoking there's times that you walk and they off and you walk through that's all you can smell with smoke like myself I have some Asma Mak me we spent thousands of dollars on this part to beautify and they're just making and also it's supposed to be smokee and different ones just smoking especially the homeless people just they're living in the restrooms um the other morning I had walked for about 45 minutes was on my last lap and come around and here comes this one particular man with the two dogs they like bu dog M out of the bathroom so I guess he had spent the night in there but it's me being 74 years old I'm concerned about my safety and this morning I had an encounter with a young man and my sister and I both did at different times and U he was collecting rods beautiful rods just out of the pond tells my sister he's uh looking for baby alligators that he wanted the baby alligator to uh but decided name so you don't know behind you or what just feel uncomfortable and that's my only place that exercise and I appreciate it you take under consideration see what are we lock in the restrooms yet something so beat the door down to get in tear the stuff up anyway just coming on S Jim you have anything to say about we've been working on um we're aware of this issues problem pres there I agree with John until we can re Force those doors and do something where it's harder for them to vandalize we're going to continue have problem we can't run people out of the park they don't have a home either so you know we're running that's what we're having to deal with is everybody's right there is a piece of legislation Governor signed recently that may help us doesn't take it to the effect of July 1 so until that time there's not a lot we can do um but we'll see if we can use that new legislation that new law that's coming in is that just for County or County and City any we have to okay I I couldn't understand that well and the law does not say you have to set up camps it says if you decide to okay you must provide electricity and utility and things like that nature so just because you're using this legislation doesn't mean you have to set up a camp for people it's saying there's some cities in the state that set up camps for Homeland they're saying you just can't stick them somewhere and not provide them utilities or services but if you're going to set up can't you have to do these so that's not something that we would be interested in we can use the the other parts that legislation have us that's the state law that s that's the state law that takes July W there Le current um it's under the U regulations that we adopted the county has for but it's it's but it's the County's law since they enforce that the city adopted it several years ago that follows the County's control okay does anyone else want to address the count so was not on the agenda please my name Ison my name I've seen paper today they had that the situation was pretty much cored it's not is still grown still got a rough smell to it still got a rast taste to it in the morning time you can't is still Brown and late at night you lose pressure yes and I think that's with the um system that they have set up like around 10 o' you probably well I experienc getting off work at 10 the pressure very low so you I don't sit in take a sit down bath so if you're trying to take a shower it's very drri if you're trying to wash dishes or something water is coming out very faint and uh I don't know how long they're running it but I know I tried again to take a shower and I I didn't get gain water pressure till like that morning but it's still round smells we can't do anything work still so my question is today for the count how long are we looking before we put a Perman fix in place how long we going to continue water yesterday they were able to make it a visit with us and we just we discussed some of the issues we need to be called on the issue there as far as the pressure right now the fler Val doesn't actually kick on until 1 yeah so I don't know where we're having an issue with the pressure at a actually I him the 31st when I first realiz it that I know he around 10 we try to take a shower the pressure drops and it I don't know I went there look running that's how was running that next morning I realized when I turned the water on in the kitchen I had pressure trying to take a shower is not right now the flush M know the first Saturday the first weekend it was in running had got run over by somebody we got it set a back up that following Monday yeah some with cones around it it got run and traffic and everything but now we've got it set up to run 1 hour at 1: a.m. to 2 am. and it's set up to run daily not going to be alternating data now every single night and that's since we fixed it last month last and it's still it's still BR like I'm saying I'll clean my toing on Saturday by Thursday it's Bron as water asso they visited with us yesterday we discussed a couple issues out there and we've got a game plan in place now something we just need to work out the logistics how we you any any idea timeline wise or anything or we even know you get it done sir as soon as we can get it done are we waiting on our end or it's not on water at this point as of yesterday it's on there something just waiting to gather Parts things I I don't know what going to be a matter of what we can get in how quickly we can get some of these materials in whether or not we take all the bur some of this work where we contract the work we need to make that decision okay John will you know where we at on with that there a few different parts to it one of them is we still think there's a whale back feed there's a whale back feed to force an ordinance on everybody with a whale to put a back back PR put brand new PPS in somebody's back feeding the well with the well make way know what I mean it's might be one wh back feeding that's causing the whole problem that we're going to have to make everybody put a back buffer vent on there I don't know if that's the perfect solution or not um we got to get them off that that long one or two in line get on 6 in I think that'll help too I like iing water you a little more advice instead of just kind of agreeing what we already knew either way need this something we can't hold off on it's called resistance stay do you need a motion from us to go ahead and start doing whatever it we need y'all need to do to get this taken care of Cu if not this gonna be every me I haven't been call I feel like I feel like you know the SE up here I paid my bill and I feel like I shouldn't have to keep calling every issue that everyone knows about so me feel like my family is not important don't know how you know I have four boys at home I pay my bills I get up I go to work and no one is experiencing what me and my kids are experiencing so me taking time off work I supposed to get off 600 I got come and not right know it's not right why is the is not not good it's not safe for anyone I wouldn't even give it to my every time have a problem man basketall got all going on and I got to take time at my day to call tomorrow I got to take our work take my son to Jackson go to the doct I should have to do this I pay my bill on time so why should I have to keep calling about something that they know is not right everybody in that office know it's not right it's not right you look at on the sidewalk on the ground where that water is at is you can tell where the water is at it's brown there it's that's how bad it is and I mean I'm losing either way go I got to water bill I can't throw out meat because I'm afraid if I do throw out the meat but this I don't know what I'm feeding my kids so e I'm buying food or I'm buying water can't wash it on what do you doing every time it's the second time I hear it's like everybody don't know what like it's like I don't have a time when I have good water anytime tomorrow sometime this week stop I don't know what time but I can try to make time to get off y get together is there excuse me is there any chance that this lady can get some kind of reimbursement he's having to go to the laund that laundr is very exensive and having to BU water and then she's already on top of that paying her utility bill I'm sorry who speaking if you would stand up and and tell us your name Jenny Brook thank you Miss Brook ma'am okay only because I could see you I am a res of okay not car question they're asking for their turn take minutes minutes hi chy okay my address is 6667 Beach Road J iugs thank you um she has a deep concern and I I feel for her greatly and it's not fair for have to be going through this we understand miss misson you say something yes I was G to be quiet but I was jotting down a few things today as I was run over meeting um I St John doesn't feel that the C should come from State customers for our failure no city of per customer should have to deal with drinking water that is not clean or safe for drinking bathing or clothes washing one constituent said that have been dealing with this for 2 years the other said five years either way it is unacceptable the city should be held to account and realize this is our responsibility and our constituents deserve no have a right to clean drinking water so I think whatever we do we need to consider what they're in at the moment and get this done as soon as possible I'm very sick then if I had to drink and put up with that do you think John let's get this I don't 100% sure as the city issue what about getting a filter to put on two inch line is there any any way to do that try that issue isn't necessarily the L the issue that we feel is happening here is that we have back feed from private Wells and I don't even want to go into that too far in a meeting technically I really can't assure that answer yet that's why I don't want to go into that too far yet but if that's what is happening that means that untreated raw water from private Wells is coming onto the City Line If that's coming into the city lines if it's causing a problem chlorine is having to work harder to disinfect that raw water that's being introduced and that is the thing not to cut you off Anthony we need to be trying y'all need to come to us and let us know hey we need to put an ordinance in in order to get this water scraped up there is an ordinance in place about back venters and Wells on properties but it is grandfathered in Wells we can only enforce that either a they disconnect the well entirely and prove to us it is disconnected or that they backflow prevent the well and there's a state statute in place that protect us on that side all in all the goal year is to provide clean drink water I understand that but this is a problem that y I'm getting frustrated with I really am because it's not fair to her to keep having to take off work and keep coming up there and particularly keep talking about the same thing over and over and we as a Cancer and as a city know that this girl has a problem with her water area does doesn't it no it's it's it's certain residents out there okay it's not that that whole entire we do have some wells out there in that area so we got to come up with some type of solution we can't keep we can't keep doing it every if not I'm telling y'all every single meeting is going to coming up this is not an issue the same way we put the attention in with taking care of cherry and as we need to be doing the same exact thing for this water problem great what the you found I'm sorry did I cut you off yes but it's okay go ahead um what I was trying to get across is that wow we're in the process of fixing this issue they should not be required to pay for water that they don't use or can't use so we need to come up with the way too Penny suggested something that was yet the last meeting you did um I think we can do that now while you all are waiting and how are you going to find out who have wells you that's hard problem T you got to go on private property but yet we're the ones that are responsible for enforcing so the the back flows on Wells but we have to have easement to them but it's private property so this is a quandry and I don't I don't know the rules on this and I haven't been involved but that's what I was hoping roll water would tell Andrew what his legal rights are with it you know you want an immediate fix to the problem I need to put back to the preventers on every single address on that street and in the street of wall that going to be costly going to be if it's going to fix it oh well whatever it is we need to find it fix it whatever it is that's the problem we don't know for sure that that's the problem and you go in we didn't know what the problem was on chair but we all made a motion to go ahead and get it fixed did fix into all to an issue of a well property it separates City from the private the problem with that is it is rather expensive and typically backer installs go to the customer side of things the city cannot just eat the cost to back venters but if we want to make something in this particular case that's not on me that's whatever You' like to decide but that would be the quickest way for us to be able to get into this but like John said it is a shotgun solution if we do it to everyone and not all of them need one we're making some customers pay for something they may not if we can figure out exactly houses have the Wells on the street and only implement it on the ones with Wells that may be the best but ultimately we need to get off of the two in line that exists on Walnut get them all moved over to the 6 in M that runs down the street and what do you need supplies and supp man manpow so let do that first and see what happens you looking at doing that first got a long run a 2 in Old 2 in line Fe that whole Loop get off that get on the 6 in line and see if it makes it any better I really don't want to shoot shotgun at the whole city trying to stop these forgive me I it's just that I'm just I'm frustrated with this with this problem it I feel like we're not taking it serious enough you know when we come back last week we said let's get a solution we come back today we still in the same spot where no one knows what they want to do and she can't keep putting up with this she already has a sick son for it can these Wells be tested I don't think testing their Wells is just not supposed to be integrated into our system right their Wells aren't supposed to be tied to the city system somehow they probably are that's what we need to find out if they are do we do we not have the right to make them cut them off or cut them off our house door to door if you need to I guess it's only way you can't find it well if these Wells are tied into the city water that's illegal I agree it is it's not no no no no no I'm stuck this is that something that cold enforcement can look at that's a major issue right there are they or are they not tied in with City water and so they're using City water and not paying for it they're CLA they have a whb is that correct no I think we need to be very careful because right now there's no evidence of what is being pontificated right now they're giving different ideas of what could be causing there's been no money or any study done so I just want to be careful that we're not creating a boogeyman because we're also trying to obcon possibly that the city has failed in some kind of way so I don't want to start adding stuff could I just suggest um last meeting I think it was council member Landry asked specifically about is there any way that we can provide some water to these families who are having to drink cook bathe it just that would not cure the line system but I believe and I may be wrong council member Hampton as she was sharing both by the idea of what will take the fix the problem but this F these families have issues now that I haven't clearly heard if there's an opportunity even if it's for short term what kind of relief we could as a city provide them now outside of not charging him for the next city bill um and I was just suggesting that maybe that could be something even it's even till the next meeting but we keep hearing the cost and this this citizen is just I don't know if you came to advocate for this point but um but I think because the longterm will take some more administrative jues to it there's some present tomorrow she has to get her kids ready she has to wash she has to eat and I think when council member L mentioned it if I remember correctly maybe I should look through all the notes that there was a comment made about do we give that to everyone there's only two residents who made this it doesn't matter what happened to everyone these two have come asking only for what's rightfully theirs um and I just would um suggest the council consider some shortterm and longterm goals and something that you can vote on you can make a motion you don't have to wait on John to see if it can happen when it comes to providing the citizen mentioned laundry uh money for laundry or something because um at this point we don't know if her son sick based on the water we don't know and we don't want to set up a situation where all of our Council meetings are just discoverable notes as to what has been requested and we in any way responsible and der on our um duties to provide safe order for our citizens so I'm getting concerned that the more we go around and then pontificated so what are the reasons are we're just creating nice um things that I don't want to have to have a desos on later even if it's to say can we give her water not to her but Mr Wasing um some type of reimbursable they have receipts to laundry provide water can we have a meeting only to deal with this because this is definitely something that probably I would encourage to consider for a calendar or some separate thing because this I'm concerned that there are other people who don't have the time or the knowledge to come up here and make a complaint that could be suffering more than these res are and I would suggest that for more than one the thing is we have to talk about it and and and they brought up in a public meeting so we have to speak about it in a public meeting we can't speak to each other outside of a public meeting I don't disagree so we have to pontificate about things we have to I don't know we're okay we are sitting with a shotgun trying to figure it out how do we go find where the possible well is I don't know we got was as to is there something the council could decide to help them presently now and then something regarding all the stuff that's going to take more time mayor I wasn't suggesting it should not be public just is there any only because it seem to be cut off like okay thank you yes ma'am knowing that this is not going to be a quick fix knowing that we've got to have time to find out what the actual problem is how to address the problem how to fund it all of that stuff comes into play what would you consider today that you need the most from the city I mean I know you want it fixed I understand that fixed but I don't feel like it's fair to me and I got to I'm paying for water every month that I can't use and I got to buy water because I can't like I said I can't even throw out meat I'm scared to even put it on anything let's long B with but sometimes when I get off late I have no choice I run that with almost an hour and it's just it's the same thing it light up that I can B with but I don't want to touch because all you smell is IR okay so would you ask are you asking from us to furnish you with some water or to adjust your bill I mean we can't do everything but what are you specifically asking for that you need um to be honest I mean I feel like I should be I should I feel like I should be offer water because I'm paying for water that I can't use and I should I don't feel that I should be obligated or responsible to pay for water that I can't use so I feel like I don't know what tax see because I'm paying my bill every month for something I can't I'm going bu water because I'm afraid of the water that I'm paying for for the city that I live in okay so if we didn't ask for you to pay for your water that we're giving you would that then free you up to buy your own water yes up just a little bit well we can't do it we can't do everything I understand that's why I was asking how long am I GNA have to put up with this CU I don't mind pay my bill if I'm paying understand and you should be getting what my family isn't important because if I didn't pay my bill my water be cut off right I get up and I work and pay for my bills so me and my kids can have clean water right I live in the city limits because that's what it offers clean water and I feel like it's been swept on the road for so long I've been calling calling calling that takes time what I can be doing to call make me feel one time that I was being aggravated with e because you know you know I know they sick of me call yeah you know but I got to do this for my kids now my is facing illness I don't know if it could be bad long term I don't know and we don't either so at this point on today this day right now what you would ask is that we not charge you for your water so that you can have funds to buy water funding go towards the water that I'm already person little easier we have to includ as well right no she's not using it she's running water she want know if it included sewer it has I'm not going to get into the Nitty Gritty of can you get together and get this work out find out what's going on with the what what we that part Lord of R water came up with let's see if we can move forward and get something fix this I understand we got do something today we got to do something long term let's just go ahead and get something that's fine my I would like you to look at my toilets and my Saints and everything else I've been buying line away damage so until then do we need to make a motion for her not to pay the water bill or get adjustment what we need to this what I love this job so much I have no idea what to do but y'all get to vote on something I get to enforce whatever yall vote on I'm just here to enforce the law not make it actually motion vot like agreement so just go ahead and make it for I make a motion for I just make sure y'all are aware on the water bill there's also meter fees so she'll still have a bill with her garbage and her meter fees are y want those removed as well I'm looking at yeah yeah for her not to have to pay a water bill come with a solution in the sewer included I'm asking he no I'm know motion no no no I'm not asking for a decision with the is that affecting the sewage part also if you so water and seage fromet from the shower from the bathtub okay say something about this situation come I'm sorry hold on hold on just a minute you hold on just a minute we have a motion on can I say something before you say the okay second yes okay second for discussion I haven't heard the full motion yet back and forth I made a motion for her not to have a water bill or sewage Bill until we get the problem correctly okay you say come up with a solution second been second and so we can f discuss go ahead Mr RPS I would suggest the motion be framed and anyone with a verified order you in this area that that is verified by staff that that would be included as well so you're not just benefit one person but anyone that but I would make sure that that's verified by staff from the water department that is a water issue there people everybody else problem okay okay can I say something yes ma'am going to consider and I'm just throw this out there a one time when they have just a one time issue and it clears up and if it stays clear we're not including that correct yeah okay just making sure because I think the motion specific to this neighborhood and specific area yes it's it's AIC problem we have some discoloration what all over town that's a whole another issue yeah I have it every now and then yeah but I mean they've got it worse than any way worse than anybody Town service yeah motion a second UMC member Hampton yes wood yes yes yes all right thank you man' we're going to stay on this we are I mean we got fixed thank you for thank you do you have anybody else in general public yes ma'am thank you hi my name is Tina and I know that the city and the county are experiencing problems a loss of Revenue since the mil closed Ander closed and and um I know that we're already having to pay the expenses for Rose Head Park and the Count's paying the expenses for Hampton Springs Park and neither one of those parks are generating Hampton Springs Park isn't generating any revenue and radad is generating very little Revenue um there's a lack of Maintenance at radad Park already heard someone say that you know there's problem with rose Head Park um I was I thought of a way to increase revenue for the city and the county defer some of the maintenance at rad Head Park Revitalize the downtown and create a unique ecotourism destination for the city of Perry um the Spring Creek restoration and Recreation project aims to revitalize and preserve natural beauty and the ecological heal of Spring Creek in Taylor County this comprehensive project includes the removal of invasive species the restoration of native habitats the hurricane debris clean up of sprink Creek water quality assessment the establ M of recreational facilities for ecotourism these facilities would include a kayak launch and rental office at rosee Head Park this this small facility would be constructed with grant money it would be leased out to a concessioner the concessioner would provide The Kayaks they would provide the the take care of the day-to-day operations and then they would issue a check once a month as a lease payment and that lease payment would be split between the city and the county people would start at Rose Head Park and they would flow down to Hampton Springs and they would get out at Hampton Springs and take a shuttle back the shuttle would be provided on the concession so it would be something like what happened what's going on at ucky so um this this project would instantly create a unique ecotourism destination for Parry U people would start downtown and they would end down County so that would really help to revitalize the downtown area we already have the creek it's already navigable um I spoke with experts who are kayak Racers and they evaluated Spring Creek and they stated that it is navigable as it is it does not need to be dredged um I surveyed the bridges I looked at the bridges to see if there was enough room for someone to kayak underneath the bridges and there is um under uh Byron there is room there's room to get under the bridges now there's not room for stand up paddle boards but there is room for sitting down in the kayak um I wrote a mission statement a project task list an action plan a legal analysis and feasibility um I documented dozens of similar projects um and I have links to those um so you can click on it and link to somebody else another County or another city who's done something similar I wrote sample Grant proposals for invasive species removal hurricane debris removal um to put up interpretive signs at rastad Park and at Hampton Springs Park which we could get money for educating the public about the floor and the fa blah blah blah um I wrote a sample Grant proposal for the kayak rental facility and a kayak launch um and then also at Hampton Springs to help Revitalize that part to build a small interpretive Center there with exhibits um for of Native American Native Americans um in this area Thani so there would be exhibits there and so that that would be also funded with grant money and with outside money so this is a waterway that we already have it's not being maintained you guys are already paying all the expenses for rosee Head Park the county is already paying all the expenses for Hampton Springs you're you're paying Insurance you're paying to maintain it and you're not making any money off it here's a way to make some money off it and and draw people to the downtown I have a whole binder full of stuff that I've got to look at it thank you thank you can you uh email that to us if you haven't already we'll be glad to look it over maybe we can look everything over and get it on the agenda I received an email about that is yes I think it should be agenda I mean yeah if we could agend it maybe for give us time to read and research and look at it maybe a month or two we could put on the agenda and talk about it some more and sounds interesting Miss pen very good thank you is there anyone else like to address the J my proposal is n and Bo as City's got so many problems dealing with the water and probably not having enough money for everything that they need but my direct Focus was on City F there are grants out there can you hear me a bit there are grants out there for upgrades on homes that need exterior repair to be more pleasant looking we've got old buildings that need to be demolished or upgraded and it it's just a site for S and we I'm sorry AR we ar we already working on something for this C cdb Community Development about grants is this the same thing or is this something different down I think she City you got motel and they need to be torn down or done something with and I understand that whoever owns those properties they are responsible for and you I believe have the right to enforce uh whatever necessitates to get it done is that true we do yeah with withinin the law yes reason within reason and we in the Law whatever we can afford actually it's really what it boils down to there lot there's a lot of pieces of that puzzle but I know that there are grants I investigated that if there are grants to restore some of the homes that that are in that they cannot afford and I understand that I'm not trying to come in being harsh I I want to see look nice well you mind sharing that information with us I mean at some point could you maybe email to Mr hard the grant the grant the grants you're talking about the information you're talking about would you mind emailing it to the city manager and yes sir appreciate that and I'm not just piing on you guys here in the city but I've been in contact with the county commissioner about that on the south end of town those Poes that are in that pit out there between Dollar General and the Eon those have been standing up there for I don't know more than two years I know that okay and it's it's not a good welcoming to people that come into well you could email that information to us we'd certainly appreciate and we could take it and do something with it if you you help us with it maybe could even though I don't feel in the city I would be glad to help in any way I can well thank you I appreciate that right good next 14 he had a agreement Miss Penny said that I can buy City away anybody could about three or four times about it and I get no that said Mr I told you all property he's W to buy but y'all policy states we have to give the other land owners I'm a Lander I own B I own that property neighbor you own you own the property B&B sits on [Music] didn't my cars so I guess I'm understanding what the problem is then what the problem is I've been in cont I've talked about it I have to call nobody called me back well if you called I didn't have a message from and I'm sorry about that but um when I spoke to him Thursday or Friday I told him I find out about that policy because the policy that you all we just um done recently about the buying of the property um you know once we send out those letters what's going to be the next step because by what I'm understanding they're going to have to pay have survey pay all the cost and then then y'all have to decide the dollar amount to sell it yeah to sell it to him but now if the church wants a portion of it then we have to give the church a section of it but he's saying the way somebody told him he can just Comey that's the process okay well there's a lot of there's a lot to just you just go buy city property you want see see you Bard part of a easement or an Alleyway or something and there's a property on property on on side ISS that alley runs from 19 all the way to what is that back street street maybe he only want the section that b like that B can I ask you a favor yes sir can we take some time to get educated on this and do it at the next meeting we put on the agenda for the next meeting and we we'll go from there for all it's all new to everybody I I need I'm a visual person I got to see a map or something you would you mind doing that if we did at the next meeting but honestly it shouldn't really I mean I can send out a letter but it should I think that may it might be something we may have to get um the stemps involved in when it comes to all the paperwork and the yeah and all that I mean I can send out a letter to the church you know asking them but from that point I don't know where to go with it you know with it it's have to be surveyed because he's only want a little section of it he's not want the whole thing well he can p but it's not real complicated but you have to go process have to make equal opportunity for the neighbors and it's not a quick it's not quick it could take I know that one that we done it took months trans yeah let's check out you get you draw up you pretty much what you want and we'll try to we'll get educated on it and we'll we'll move forward with it or figure out what we got to do yes sir okay thanks B thank you anyone else hello my name is Christopher James I live at 303 Street talk about Westen Street they have found I guess violation that I have and there's an order that was passed and I did not make it to that meeting when I had a chance against to appeal it um I'm not using it as an excuse but I did talk to this when he Serv Pap first time neighbor deorah called me and said on my building two days before Christmas and I was down south CU my mom just pass very s it just happened and um I told him I was not going to be able to make that meeting because I was so I did not make it that told they went ahead and pass this order um and I guess I was confused because I called Danielle and she said I could go to the meeting April 1 I didn't know that it was too late to do anything so we went there and we sat there and we were listening we could talk about any of it um I did call Amy and I got the photographs of issues that are going on in the property and he's taken a lot of pictures in fact I got a sack but I didn't bring him I'm sorry I left him in the other car um but he's taking pictures like on the road I guess he's not allowed to go to the property because my property Fs in so he took pictures on the south side and he took pictures on the North side and on the North side um he said that there's roow going up against the fence down rubbish and trash on the other side so you know I didn't really know what the surveys are what I own because at one time when they told me to put the handicap R in my store on the side of my building is set of in front because my front of my store actually has two doors off the sidewalk but the handicap ramp wouldn't fit because when they wide the road there's no room for that so Bob Brown said we had to do it on the side so we put the handicap W on the side so he told me that I said well it's going to be very hard for people to get into my paring because it's just a gate wide so people would scratch their car and they drive drive on so he said that we could use the parking on the side of the building street so Mexican restaurant opened up and they throw their trash they Park out there it's all along that whole line I went over and talked to the owners and he said he would take care of it if I let him park there which I didn't care this it's not my property to start with but if I did have any customers to come kind of har parking all over there big tractors and trailers and the whole thing he said he would maintain that by cutting because usually the city does but sometimes they don't come that often they usually did before um that he would pick up the trash so there's photographs in this and you can get that because they have it at the office there's tons of beer cans I don't drink and it should and I know this nice lady back here F but she picks up trash all the time I see her she's been doing it for 18 years have le here I just don't have time for that I don't it's not high responsibility to go out there and do all that and there's a lot of grass and trees and Vines and stuff going all along that edge and that's not my property now he came the other day CU I called him and I said how do we know if we're in compliance we've been working on all these things it's very vag this this list I can show you this but you probably all had it I've seen it maybe but it says rubbish and menaces of public health safety and Welfare overgrowth of weeds grass vegetation perating of high weeds is prohibited so I brought photographs because I wanted to go over some of this stuff what I have in my back lot is not they're not Wheats they're are flowers but there's stuff that you guys plant what you didn't do but I guess the Department of Transportation is about $1,000 for those bag of seeds that grow the daisies and and all those different things that grow in the middle of medians and I have the same I have photographs to show you different chis can I ask you I ask you something would you mind if we we don't have the pictures or anything I'm not really educated on this either but I just wanted we could if we could uh if we could agenda this for the next meeting maybe or the meeting after if you get some if we could get some information on this some more on this and we could you know understand what's going on I I haven't seen it I haven't seen any of it unfortunately and only thing anybody up here has to be honest with you and just think you just give us some time to look it over so that we can be on the same sheet of music and be able to when you're doing that to look at the issue that I have at my building in cars park because I you said I can't have the antique car in the back which is a garden top and it's art ornament for me for my garden and he said I can't have that he said I can't have the International Pickup I did that for 18 years in my garden is this the same is this all the same building same I talked to James the other day he said because that land is touching Butler land is become one parcel but there's two addresses that two different Texas so that is a different pu has a different address it should not be part of the the Byron but parment but he said it does because they touch each other and I don't agree with that either and I have a HSE that's in my parking loot at the store that I used with on house now he's telling me I can't have that and that's part of the problem see there's props you know I'm a decorator this is what I do I've been doing the sonic house for years and years here and I use a lot of props in my business because I'm an artist I do things a little differ than other maybe don't understand that but it's not a junk car that has like Hood up bunch of it's just an old car that's par with a ra flowers gr around so I have these pictures I'd like you look at these it's just what I took of what has been going on in my back property of what I'm doing now and if you drive by there I know it's going to look like as I'm kept but you know Mr knows he's a nursery man he knows exactly what I'm talking about things don't go with the flower when they first start they're green so to a lot of people things look like weeds I mean especially they look like weeds with thorns on until they it sounds like we got a lot of things going on here so miss Anon you like to make a comment to do came speak he walked came and took pictures and I thought with this new order they just did on me those pictures should have been presented to the lawyer and that Bo and they were not they used ones from February well we're in April he just took pictures four days ago of my store and he said things are falling off my building and it was autter we took care of that sir is this is this an active case with code enforcement yes well I think no see I had I had to do this the last time I didn't so no I had to do this the last time because I had a fire truck that was given to me um if you would like I can address real quick this whole thing is gonna take I think it's gonna take hours isue by collecting fines on the property on behind the building and his only recourse is an appeal the circuit courts to the process and procedures that they were followed at Den noo hearing so that the judge could say yes we follow our procedures or not that's his only recourse at this point the fines are collecting on that property the building is a separate issue completely and that was cited as well related to the Highway 19 you know the beautification that we were talked about on Highway 19 that we've been working on for how many years and that's supposed to go before the board of judgments next month so these are these are both cases that have been heard by the magistr or going to be heard by the board of judgment I think the council addressing this at this point is premature you shouldn't address this let the processes the city has outline or code compliance issues do do bus and I think the attorne I I definitely agree but I know the council has been listening at times to code enforcement matters in sense of anyone who has agreement regarding it so I don't I remember your I remember your name not we all to talk at that the only issue let me finish my statement I'm so sorry um is that um even if he's um he's um waiting through the Pell process if it was April the 1st you're still within 30 days well I don't know what day you missed Miss March okay you had actually 30 days to ask for reconsideration if you missed so you have to go through the P process but I would agree with um chief that I think you this is a law code um issue if it's he's commented on several things including our enforcement officer so they're tring it keep tied it all together one thing I understand but yes I mean active in the sense that there was a decision made he still has the opportunity to well actually 30 days were up but he still has an opportunity to try through the match report and I would even say that if if it was the idea that you just weren't able to present anything because you miss and I'm so sorry about your mother's death um that you know this one thing I do want to bring up and I know it's not supposed to be emotional things so when I said that to this man he said how many times did your mother to die he said that to me and my front of me not that is not acceptable to me there's there's there's a lot of there's a lot of moving part here a lot of things we have to get educated on a lot of I mean we just really needed not to do this tonight we can I mean five minutes been way up don't feel that they should be allowed to use pictures that don't belong to my property that belong to somebody else's property on both sides it's not mine and then they find me guilty for that for those issues it's not my property well that's something we can somebody get to and figure out not sure yes ma'am I that I will try to find out exactly theine you haveing appeals I get back to you and if you want to give me your information be resolved number it's 561 848 450 4 okay and my number is on the website you can take down my numberers well just give you these you at least have them this is what in back that I just will show you what I'm doing so right like said we'll get all this you know processed and somebody will get back on that okay okay thank you thank you okay anyone else want to speak [Music] one get your General business agenda item 68 first public hearing for the city of period to consider buying for the Florida Department of Commerce for one or more small cities Community Development block grants we just spoke about those for the 2024 2025 C dbg program year Council to take any action deem necessary yes sir working with the city to see if the city can obtain some CD Community devel funding you was here looked at a couple weeks ago basically a repeat of what I told you last time but the uh purpose of this this is an advertised meeting and it's the purpose is to describe the community design program to the public and again comments from the public as to what they might feel are some of the Community Development needs and we certainly did have information about the water system is definitely a Community Development need we had a a Citizens advisory task force meeting earlier they brought up different items such as there's need for Park improvements definitely water improvements Street improvements that sort of thing so um uh those are some of the things that the citizens advisory task force brought up so if there's any comments from the public they're certainly welcome to to make them at this time um but uh as I mentioned at the last meeting of the Community Development blot grant program is federal funding and it's under four different categories neighborhood revitalization um commercial revitalization housing Rehabilitation and economic development and also there's uh those are the different types of categories and then there's three different reasons U why you would use those funds one is benefit to low and moderate income per sucess the major use of the the CD program is to help low income low and moderate income Community but there's also slum and light situations which is very rare is if you have several buildings that need to be torn down you can use gr U and then also rare is urgent need and that's if you have a hurricane come through or a bill uh bles down that definitely in the grant world is an urgent need that need to be addressed and so um what the city is looking at is perhaps requesting funds under urgent need category so that's um includes my remarks here on the the cdbg again the purpose was just to L what the cdvg categories are and to get comment on the public which apparently they are enough so we can close that meeting and I don't know if You' want to talk about the the map that we're looking at we'll have some minutes to show that what I just discussed and then the meeting was closed now as part of your general Town Council know we've been talking about different potential uses of the gr funds and I don't know John wants to explain kind of what question uh you said the committee that made recommended Parks streets and what was the third oh no they uh they voted to recommend the commercial revitalization but in general they mentioned some of the community needs were were Park improvements and water system Improvement that s you know we talked about the the need to create jobs and that's what the urgent need category is what is the urgent need downtown again please I know that revation isy needs to be T Economic Development right reasoning of the grant people is that because the M Clos down because you have hurricane can food there's a loss of jobs in the community that the loss of jobs an urgent need that can be address with with Grant funds um okay and that's that's the reasoning so you know I was saying earlier you want to apply for funds that the gr AC wants to wants you you grant funds for so there obviously a variety of read this is the one okay something that creates cre jobs or or leads to job Creations so instead of being a need this is but they will probably approve right right regardless of the need their definition of the need and I would assum be yours too you want to do something you can create jobs my question is what are we going to do downtown to create jobs I know you said Street Paving M to P streets from 19 to Center but sign to say downtown historic per it's to drive traffic off of 19 into your downtown areas to spend money I can't see that John went Street So speaking of main main priori main Drew green are four City owned parking areas downtown and then Washington Street I know that we paved main green Andrew from 19 up to um what the street before you crossed the railroad I don't know why they stopped that area but okay you Paving from there just Center Street 19 brand new Paving striping yeah these are discretionary funding the the idea is the city puts in an application it's up to the Grand a to decide if they want to fund it and how much they want to fund it for and so you know we're trying to put together the project that we think that they are interested in so this is what what we think the agency is interested in plan they you've been working on this a while what do you see major need that they would fund this is it stre that's where you go again urgent need is is specific for disasters Bill closings and Hurrican so you have a specific U disaster right here you of course when they say Virg need that's 18 months something that's happened within the last 18 months so these grants take a long time to develop it to get funded so um you know this is what we hand with discussions with the Grant I mean of course if you had a new business come in tomorrow that would help solve some of the job issues but you don't you know there is a one day or tomorrow or if you wanted to do a marketing campaign to bring more business but then that's not a grant activity that they would fun so this the idea of making the town more attractive to visitors and more attractive to people that want to open businesses that's what it would that's what CD I've always Ed that 19 is the Gateway into per but also kind of understand what you're saying but I don't honestly I don't see the need for repaving main gra and Drew Street now not from 19 anyway maybe striping that's just my opinion I see more never mind can't get that okay never can get those approved I agree not addressing the Bigg need out there but addressing the need that a best chance get funded were airport yes busiest time of the year y that thing so I don't find the wrong just I guess I'm being a pain because we we always say we cannot get those things funded that we need it's always in my I'm not going to say that remember we only do things on City on property there only so much you can do what you need motion this was just to present the information and to get com but uh that's uh just kind of give you an idea of the direction of the grant what they were funding and what responding to the guidance they've given us as to what they' like to now there will be another meeting which will be to review the Draft application and guess it would be similar to see but you know as you will know these grants are pretty specific you get you know thousands of grants for thousands of different projects like the ecotourism thing it's a whole bunch of specific grants course that that concludes my presentation unless you have any more comments or question thank you thank you thank you and when will the next meeting be well we're thinking maybe not the next meeting coming up at the one okay thank you the city manager and I were talking to the grant agenc uh agenda item 6B resolution 20246 resolution of the city council amending the budget of the city of Perry in Florida for the fiscal year October 1 23 through September 30th of 24 all right G's probably going to wind up talking here but um we have a gas pipeline that goes underneath the bridge at F Holloway right and it was painted just a couple years ago but it's peeling already and we can't have that infrastructure damaged so Garrett's found a shrink wrap if you will and U okay it's not it's not a sh it's a wax W wax B specifically made for like gas pip PS to prevent our Catholic protection from leaking out three spots like that right there so in the past probably the past year those R spots or the paint fling has gotten worse and our SE we do our CPS every month we continuously got closer and closer to being below the recog standards of like 850 either way it's getting worse we need to do something about it pretty quick so I found this stff was supposed to last 15 to 20 years and then the this is this was done I found the stuff with they had done it two years ago like February 2022 and it was 23,000 for one bridge and close to 6,000 for the other bridge this right here is I mean it's it's expensive but it's going to be like 14,000 but it's going to last 15 to 20 years this is be better we need to do something pretty quick because we don't want gas that's this just covering over the outside of the line it's a wax wrap that they'll go through and wrap the whole pipe and all the flanges and everything they'll put like a rock barrier down at the where the pipe is back into the ground both sides of the bridge and it a harder Co that the outside Co is basically like when you get a cast it hardens on there to prevent like impacts and stuff like that know people around here they like to throw their uh used animal carcasses off the bridge y so just a help with that so if a hard object hit it would it be subject to cracking not the PIP but the but the wrap no it shouldn't and it's not it's not like well you know have you ever had a cast like you know it's not like it doesn't CRA something they just like FX more or less okay praise the Lord um here we have a price for the are those two are those are just so the it'll be a lot cheaper if I buy the product and let let someone put it on so I'm I'm going to get the product ourselves it's a soul Source thing there's no one else that sells it so I don't have to bid that part out but the labor I will have to bid that out but I mean that's just a quote just to get a general idea of how much it cost that's after two that's paying almost 30 grand the paint it after years ago already looks like that this the last 15 years just it makes sense to do at least 15 yeah was how was just questioning trying to figure out the price we have 167 16,7 that's for both ofsi avable for both on the second page the itself okay that's okay entertain a motion for what yeah accept the resolution second roll call member Hampton yes yes yes and the next item 6C the council is to discuss the memorandum of agreement between the State of Florida the Department of Commerce and the City of Perry to redesignate the city of Perry as a rural area of opportunity and to take any actions deemed necessary it's just a memorandum that Department of Commerce requires Des as a have we ever done this before five years okay is it to keep us economically disadvantaged that's real that helps us with a lot of things we get fee reductions for a Wastewater Plant will cost like $88,000 then we don't have to pay anything and the water so it's comes in handy for a lot of different things and for Grant application information isue need a [Music] motion no second hon yes member yes yes okay sipping right along item 6 C Council to discuss no we did that 6D Council to discuss Finance director position and to take any actions they necessary re I I'm asking y'all to let me go ahead and hire somebody be able to train up under and capture some of her knowledge before she leaves nobody in house qualify Miss P you have to have an account okay lot of AR people but they don't have the sheet I got you opportunity for someone the I'm pretty sure there either afid either one yeah well I know you're not leaving until se but I'm going to miss you thank you activator John we need you know it take us a month or two to hire somebody I just need that time of overlap so somebody knows how to do her job I need somebody training with her now Y and we'll do a budget amendment once we get someone okay retained but it's yeah I need to get S training and that would like I could TI up to work with this person and write what I do every year every every year you need a motion or you just yes well make a motion to go ahead and go to advertis have a motion in a second yes yes yes I think there should be a motion to not allow do we have I would entertain a motion to approve the minutes of the March 26 24 regular session well how did I get on man that's easy to do maybe I can put my glasses on oh or we did the finance Director City Manager to present the fiveyear capital Improvement program and Council to take any actions being necessary that is item 6 C 6 C I mean d read okay 6 e say present a capital Improvement plan R it has to be done by April 15 I have it it's broken down by each department before just a list the next five years I like way was now it's each department the categories we kind of looking at and then the funding over the next five years withing there is one I come to office a grant you want be looking for I'd like to see on this list but that's what the grant they like to see that you'd actually plan this thing out okay you didn't just come up kind of like these streets we throwing at we kind of made that fit the Grant have it on this list when the grant comes up like here it is it's already laid out can we get U totals also y I don't mean tonight I mean we come back let's get some totals this is this is a wish list let everything you think of at the city might want the next five years okay it Go and we're coming back on the next meeting it stay on meeting until until until we adopt it okay all right good well that's a great start thank you John okay so y'all be getting your questions together for that I guess okay now are you ready for the approval of the minutes a motion on a second yes yes yes okay now we get to the fun part yes sir I have the street Paving bit packet ready but I to you before we sent out just this morning that's the scope of word as important it's the Milling specs surely it's yeah she engineering talk okay these are the streets we have included right now okay these are the worst streets based on my ranking that aren't going for Scott Grant and that aren't Steven Street and none of them are none of those are in that group that we saw earlier that c the CB what's re Springfield re Linton yeah Power Drive Blair Avenue Bacon street dund street Lo Park including the parking lot that was the only thing I was requesting but you got this said doesn't mean we have to do it y'all just want to see the prices over I was on that's my plan this was Bill gr and y's plan spend a million dollars so we do have the local op gas tox it is supposed to spent on Street stuff we just saving it but so this is what will be going out for bid and then once you get the price we can see you know how much do you really want to spend and look at what got FEA yeah cuz you got eight I thought we only had five in there last time the number of streets thought we only had five in there last time that's eight when you when you gave us a list of the that was on I was thinking about getting but the way I did this I'm beening at P Street and then ask to bid it as a total package if they awarded all of them and we kind of see how we want to go about okay you got to call maybe the previous list she was talking about was only for a certain amount of money yeah so that was my estimat before Bill's discussion yeah in my estimate so top five would have been that your million dollar right but I went ahead and added a few more just so we can kind of okay it comes back see we get a bulk discount you need to change Mone 15 no one ever that would be from gol Street 15 all the way back out 15 do the whole thing impr especially on my end but I didn't want to do that that's two because the whole yeah from from Schwarz Schwarz still in R Street including Park I can't see it yeah just from and to okay starting at schs up okay so John y'all going to send that out for bid all right any questions anything else joh 12 point y'all didn't see that it's being one that needed to immedately be done because I am getting emails after emails I took it off this morning I said that that's going to be separate project by itself that's going to be a b okay B Bas what put correct so once you start Ming that face with you cheaply back in the day we start digging into that you're going to have to repair the base and everything it's going to be so that would be a million dollars on okay it was there anything else John um just let you know uh on the financials I'm working on redistributing the workers come from the budget so I'll have a budget liit next meeting because when we were looking through the financials I tried something and Bill suggested going back and doing it on the risk of the danger for the workers come and all all the paper pushers we all was too expensive we don't really get anything paper CRS so we work that and the other things just to update you on FEMA um just to show you your tax pay your dollars at work Danielle and Ben are going to get stuck a couple days with them because every sign in town that blew down especially the Nam street signs that were wind foils um they're going to come out their team of half dozen people in GPS every bloody location and um the other day when we were having the rain I was out there with my Poncho and umbrella and about 10 other people and we did every Street line on Main Street gpsing it doing the height of the street pool even though they're all the same so someday it's it's wasting a lot of our energy seriously this hurricanes of about over it yes we're going to get it I told all of them they got six months to get the bul of this done and the ladies really pushing hard from my theme of contact and the with oen were very hard but it is a bloat like I've never seen we better get hopefully this will be our next ARA collection spend the ARA like after then hope another little saving you got anything else j i last meeting you know we discussed about at the garbage compound my shed compound our storage um was damaged during the storm and I've got my three prices that you all asked for you want me to give you all three of them Michelle's Bullpen and they're all the same specs I went to each Place Michelle's Bullpen was $1,824 12 K's portable building was $1,915 and Willis buildings which is there on super puff is $1 16,660 $6 16,660 and what was Miss Michelle's $1,824 12 um are the members about to share I want just make sure supposed to did you have discussion I I'm not even aware of yes this was last meeting we didn't have any bids return and you all told me come back with three ples okay all you got do is have a consensus say okay go for the lowest and this is for this building garage pum or the comp we store our chainsaws barricades storage facility we miss you when we said we didn't say BS because it's not over that priz a different r with it get we itce nobody nobody okay this is all I need to know okay so they have a motion motion for what to go ahead and get what them what she need as far as the bill the building which you gonna pick one we got to pick it or they're all three the same they're all three from Perry I went gave them the same spe have a motion to accept the lowest quote have a second have a second call please H yes yes yes not a motion probably not following exactly me we don't ask the same next that [Music] work it's been put in the paper job advertisement we had one he had a license but when he found out that when our garbage trucks down and may have ride on the back of garbage truck no Str work yeah you're not alone lot of businesses do yeah Stephanie you got anything Christie you got anything Chief did I ask you yes ma'am I don't have you yes ma'am Attorney D oh sorry okay I felt like I kept interrupting people like let me just chill um I only and I only speak up because I I promised that um the Cross City I would announce this but um I did I I had shared at the February meetings that I was going to two meetings in March um the Florida North Florida economic deop development director and general manager meeting or general members meeting on March the 1st I end up not being able to go to that because that was the same day I was contacting you all about selling the Bacon Street case um but it was interesting CU um comment them Comm was there and he was like I saw your name you weren't there but um I did um I did I get a chance to go to Swan River League of cities meeting on the 29th or 28th and they actually made a big deal about Perry being there so I felt a little happy or maybe sad I don't know which one but um it was definitely interesting listening to other cities in similar situations regarding not as much as we are but um hurricane clean up lots of jobs and different things so that was encouraging but the mayor of Cross City was like please please tell the council um and everyone who's listening they're celebrating their Centennial was it by Centennial on April the 20th in Cross City um and everybody everything's free come out April 20th I told him I'm G try to be there if I can just to make sure that they're not being better than we are um but August the 1st 2024 again CR city is coming to bat Swan R League of cities um they're hosting a um an Ethics um inperson ethics training where I was on August the 1 um again um I just have made promises to share I didn't have to share that necess here but I figured I would um and that that was it because I promise I'm stop promising things but um I didn't want to forget the next meeting but everybody see to be what I did appreciate that everyone seemed to um send their concern regarding everything that Taylor County is going through city of Perry going through um and that will hopefully um help in the future where we may need to be sharing even more opportunities with other cities so but that was it thank you uh any of you guys got anything out there all good well we we're bear with you I hope the public will do what you can jna make sure of that okay Miss Shirley you got anything just two quick things um us to keep bill and I will prayers please and um tomorrow is the line fining for the [Music] candidates NE