so what I understand he went last night is yesterday last night sometime went home today he did he did too all want do the prayer well we're going call we're going to call the May 14th 2024 city council me in the order want to remind everybody to silence your cell phones and Miss ler is going to lead us in prayer I with me please Father in heaven we come before you tonight just praising you father for your goodness your mercy your watch care your provision your protection all of that Lord you're so good to us we thank you for the rain that we've had Lord but we pray that we would not have any more destruction I pray for those who have suffered uh under this severe weather and pray that you would provide for their needs I lift up the D family tonight to you Lord we understand that Hope's mother passed away this morning or today sometime and just pray you would comfort them and give them um peace and love that only you can be with us as we go forward with this meeting help us to deliberate in our uh decisions and to be professional in our attitude in Christ's name I pray amen amen of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for may I yes ma'am yes ma'am before the meeting starts yes ma'am the new business on iway 19 I guess you all aware of the accident and his wife was injured and she passed away oh yes [Music] ma' oh gosh Council BR here counc vice mayor Landrew here mayor here item number three approval of the items on the Cass a motion second council member Bryan Yes council member Hanson yes vice mayor Landry yes mayor pet yes receiving requests from the general public the council welcomes you to this meeting this time is set aside for our citizens and the general public to address the council any matter not included on the agenda this is not a question or answer time it is not a political forum order is is it a time for personal accusations or derogatory remarks if you would like to address the council please come to the podium when you are called speak into the microphone and state your name and address for the record please also limit your comments to not more than five minutes for individuals and 10 minutes for groups or delegations do we have anyone would like to address the council that's not only agenda he in A1 item number five there no B to open at this time there was an amended that I emailed out that fell to print oh okay sorry my apolog I did see that on my email but they confused me a little bit they said that there wasn't any there was one or anyway do have a bid right yes sir all right please read before the opening of sealed bids currently I'm opening sealed bids for Paving will only be reading out the vendor and the amount of the bid there will be no discussion at this time about any bids it's being open these bids will be given back to the purchasing age and then go to the department which the sealed B for City reserves the right to reject any and all bids the city reserves the right to select the bidder w informalities i missed one accepted the bid deem to be in the best interest of the city any errors the viid submissions are the responsibility of the bidder right um did you want to say something I ask my bid not to be open and I have John Hart this morning late last night this morning and Miss asked my b not to be open conflict in my company and I cannot do perform the services ask my bid not to be open yeah he uh I told him even if we offered say he was the lowest bidder and we offered him the job he could still deine it but I I thought let you guys be the ones to decide if we want to open it or not I'm okay if you don't want to open it that is a big view personally me personally ask you not to open my not nobody else me i' asked not it's a con to me i' rewarded a contract last night I didn't know I get it's your personal bid it's young St younging bid my bid I've asked you not to open my bid you're just retracting your bids all you're doing I'm good with that and that's for Paving yes sir you can you can who you is it's a okay cool going to keep it or give it back to everyone's the witness all right um wil's site press different streets $ 52,2 2017 yeah basically who is that from wilps site they did not uh individually they did read okay West margarit 77,000 and change sure Springfield 43,000 Maurice Linton 90 how Drive 36 Blair Avenue 62 Bacon Street 47 dunde 48 and lothridge 114 this one's from blank and ship asphalt and their total is 8391 145 want me to read those off uh yes if you would margarit 137 Springfield 63 Maurice 157 Powell 46 Lair 102 bacon 69 dundy 68 almost 69 and lothridge 193 where's okay is that is that the walking trail or Street okay there's a there's L Street as well as okay Street okay yeah that's right oh I did get a fancy scissors see which one fter good and this is p Med yeah oh here we go that's what I wanted uh 317,000 549 and that one breaks down as margar re 50 Springfield 25 Maurice L 58 Powell 21 Blair 38 bacon 27 dunde 27 and lothridge 69 50 or 60 609 is that the sign company that did Ellis I got yes ma'am okay yeah all right thank you very much move on to have any discussion on it or we you okay all right General business J item 6A Lauren eel to discuss debr removal and water quality and Council will take any actions need necessary good evening good evening hope everybody's doing good Laur 121 Shady o drive at F par and my first and my biggest concern is our water quality the people I've discussed this with over the past couple of weeks before you know comeing before to you all everybody's over I mean we're Beyond over for the longest time I made my call the city water and by the time I got out of my shower I was Ill dry heing gagging and sometimes boming lo and behold I thought I was going to have to stop drinking coffee which is a start of my day I changed the bottle Spring Water the simple Southeastern Spring Water you can buy to wind I haven't had a problem since not one problem can't can I ask how many chem different chemicals are in our city water does anybody know two two phal two different chemicals maybe that is the next is every time the fire department I guess you're required to flush the fire hidings throughout the town do whatever or every time there's a those big water tank trucks to fill up up here it cost me $51 that's how much of filter on my refrigerator cost no matter where I'll buy it from it's $51 next thing is is it breaking stuff loose and getting any filters that I guess I guess it FS the filter up okay and it just cost me a new refrigerator because I had to buy one because my I maker had to work what it does it send whatever into the system clug the filter up and then reduces the water supply to my ice maker which makes the Ice Cube smaller which then gets clogged up my a burn the motor up and for two years I've been trying to get a new I maker somebody to replace it to no avail thanks to co and what everybody else deals with I'm confident it's not just me but that's that's why I'm asking the council to suspend charging people it's unsatisfactory water it's not suitable to drink the other morning straight out of my refrigerator through filtered water in a black C water look like I might as well did that I defend hallway River that's what it look like that's what it smell like is my view and a lot of other people that I've spoken with it's ridiculous and I'm fortunate enough to be able to buy spring for a lot of people aren't elderly disabled F income people they can't absorb that much I'm fortunate that I can and I'm appreciative of that fact all right so my next thing is debris pickup people are still recovered I still have more even though I've got as the letter stated I have more than one load which is one load is 18 cubic yards it's going to be $50 for the first load $100 for every load thereafter I once again I can absorb those costs on my utility bu there's other people as previous previously stated they cannot $250 would put them out months of recovery on that and I'm not asking to suspend it I'm just asking to give some consideration people in this community can absorb that cost go out assess their property get them have them sit put it in the paper have them come to the city and request an assessment of their property and make sure that it's hurricane damage we got three pine trees that are damaged from the hurricane leaning over one of them's coming down on my house and the next heavy storm one of them's going in the pool the other was going to tear down the rest of the fence that's but and the resources before the FEMA deadline were not available and there was still creditor contractors in this community charging outlandish prices to clean up people's property thousands upon thousand of dollars which I spent all thousand of dollars cleaning up my property and recovering so help people that's left less fortunate assess their property and say hey we're going to give you a break cut you a little slack maybe and just help the community recover because there's still we still got the hot summer that's going all those pine trees that are damaged are going to get bugs in well by September October November I'm not a Tre expert by the end of this year they're all going to be dead and coming down and that is direct impact hurricane damage 2023 wasn't a kind year to us everybody agrees but that's what's one Mas so City lots that are not being taken care of they're not is a city not liable for the code of keeping Lots maintained and clean can yall answer that yes we are I know we are you are because there's one right across the street from your house that's at the inter at the curve on Plantation for Drive comes up Plantation you cannot see to the left because of the overgrowth right and it's been a train right it was it was a mess before the hurricane it's a train right now well if I'm pulling out of my street with a boat or a trailer once I pull out I'm committed there's no stop is it only PL yeah is that City County well I'm talking about the lot itself that's owned by City there's like a one acre lot on the curve inside inside the curve yeah so and right Shady Oak where it comes in correct it's on the inside of c a whole lot yeah I didn't know till a few months ago was a city on lot right and there's a lot of o on in town yeah they're scattered all over yeah and you know the city required them however I don't know I have no idea I don't work for the city but you know and people are held to that code enforcement but then they turn around and look at the Lock next door and it's owned by the city and it's totally unsatisfactory I mean some of the feedback is that I was told that the city doesn't have the money they're struggling enough to pick up thebr and I understand that which probably because I have been charged before a lot of people may have not been charged before now it's probably why the city was losing money picking up to bre April was eight years since I bought my house I pulled every a as possible out of my backyard I've had over 20 pine trees cut off that property and piled them by the road I've never heard a word never saw a letter I mean and it's you know nothing maybe that's why we're losing money because we weren't Char people so now this is not is the last thing I'll ask the perception of this letter I received and the code right here okay can y'all put wordy next to where the free or statute the effective date of that statute I think I talked to John he said it was been 20 yes 20 years ago 20 years ago that statute implemented and also the date of the the highlighted residential trash pick up in exess of 18 cubic yard per month goes $50 per load and $100 there yeah we put a revision date next to that can I approach the council yes sir so this is perception of this Lage if you look at it there's no date of this excuse me but the introduced on September 13 2023 signed into effect on September 26 2023 after the hurricane when I first read this I was out rap just like anybody else might be but you see my perception about that it looks like the council came up here and had a meeting within days without power because I know I was s out of power most everybody around here is out of power and then passes within you know weeks after so that's why I'm asking you to put dates on there that's way that way it'll save anybody else from having up this outright dissension toward that see your point trying to help here show you the bottom I not your copy what I had to mail you is what it's not updated in our mun code but in the front of mun code John where it has the I'm not but look right there see where just it talk the different one but it's not going to tell you each section right you would have to go to that have to find it here3 look at the first few lines it's like wait a minute yeah they GED up after the hurricane and pass just letting y'all know what the perception of this letter and until I talked to John when he told me how old it was that relieved a lot of that so I'm just put all the in one we go all right there together many right well I don't work for the city I don't know anything about so that's you know I'm just letting them know they're new Council as well so Lauren you want this bag and we do I just so you all know people that we have pick up I do all that they can break it under payments because we do understand it is a gift so we are offering that they can make payments well they got less on truck load or whatever just less than the truck load they don't get charged they have a truck and a half load they only get charged for one truck load yeah and I mean like I said there's a recent statistic age 25 to 55 more than 50% of that age group if they have an emergency uh cost of $600 it goes on a credit card because of our economy inflation and the way it's already going the uh but like I said just for people less fortunate go out there and assess their property and say yes that's hurricane damage and we're going to try to help you out as a city you know because everybody still recover that's all I'm asking just consideration of it so the part you're talking about a lot we can take care of pretty quick yes sir and I know exactly what you're talking about with that storm debris yes sir I got it a lot of people got it and we going to have it for a while it won't clear clean up in probably a year or more because some people do not have the money to pay for it I'm going to offer a motion that residential trash excess charges be suspended for the next 6 months Shirley um would you pull the microphone close to you because the uh transcription second again Council Bryant we got a second yes just for discussion Bill why don't make it January 1 not just six months well January how many months is that it's a little more than that's fine that's fine make it till December make it till December 31st the ones that have been charged do y'all want their money refunded okay making sure I'm only talking about residential that's all we pick up residential well well we'll talk about that let me rephrase that residential if they pay for the service our businesses but a lot of times like businesses we don't pick their bu they're not yard debris so they're not supposed to you're speaking of yard debris right y Hurrican this past Friday a bunch of more stuff fell yeah time yeah gu May yes that fix up for a few months y apprciate lot slow us down but we'll do it we were doing was just picking up like once a week taking a day and doing this stuff but we all should realize slow down I hope hope the paper that it's on the slow us down and people need to be patient because people are not have not been patient well people there's a lot most reasonable not to do this they they're expecting their trash to up once a month there's just no way yeah and see probably out of that debris Pile in front of my house maybe 10% or some Pines that got hit by lightning that's not so that there was a lot of lightning last the last couple of Summers that I me in my house the TV anyway so I appreciate your time I appreciate you let me speak I have one question Mr E want to back up to your water yes ma'am there discoloration and oh absolutely like I said when I threw it I ran out of Bot water the other morning is that everyone yes and uh bit louter than that and then I Dr I got it out of refrigerator a little bit louter than that I said that out holway it's not just me I believe Ward lives two streets over from me same thing I've spoken to several people Mark Wiggins he lives out closer to Old Dixie his it the same thing I want to know why but cleared up for a while that it came back I want to know why we can't get Fe water somebody tell me why last year we need this year we going to start flushing next week or so she can get it advertised try to send it be Friday's paper I thought we' already been flushing we started flushing last year and hurricane come through and stopped us and we haven't gotten back to it dealing with all the other problems so the FL that we've been doing was in a specif yeah we had my problem with this is is that we act like there's nothing to it I don't want to have colored water to drink I don't know about everybody else but I have many health problems no one in the city should have to tolerate this and we've got to do better John I don't know what you got to do but you got to get it done John excuse me I discussed this with John few weeks ago I assumed which is my mistake that that was taking care of that flushing issue and here I am embarrassed to find out it was not did we just put in three new filters at the plan that's part of the problem they're not up and running yet okay how long they will be I don't have a deadline on it at the moment we're still waiting on Final sampling to do with being bringing it online by we cannot bring it online until we get final I understand that is that going to solve a lot of these problems I'm not going to say it'll solve but it should make this a lot better along with flushing a thorough flushing of the system we never finished it last year that should make a serious difference yeah and as far as color and the water if the water's got iron in it it's going to be colored it's not entirely an iron issue a lot of sometime well if is iron everybody else deserves it yep you're right as your newest water plant been down why while the filter project has going on the plant has been offline a lot of these changes there are requirement of sampling once it is finished you're pulling they can run water until that is done you're pulling harder from your two oldest whes not relying on your newest one at all soon as you get that whale back online you can drop down what you're pulling on the two older ones and clear right up and that's why I feel like we're going to have a if you don't flush not clear up we have to flush as well yes we have been the water department has been flushing the fire department has started their flush we are flushing wake up how many employees they can all flush I only have so many men in the water department who can flush along with doing the regular daily work orders changes fixes and I'm looking at one two three four five it'll plan together make it work there no more than right either way any any of so you don't have any idea yet when okay the flushing part of it when any idea when that's is that going on now or is it going to happen soon for Friday we'll probably start Tuesday next week too late today to get in sorry start Tuesday and start flushing but it's it's not just going out and opening up hydric flushing we've got State readings and all that stuff from the water the static blood pressure and why do you have to do that because your ISO record so ISO sits back back dumb and happy and does not penalize us for not flushing period how many years how many years have we not flushed period we flush every year we just hav't been taking the records like we supposed the the flow we ain't been getting the credit for the the flood okay I understand so that's why we doing it this year that's start like sometime next week something else to also consider if we went out and flush if we got 30 people to start flushing all at once if it's not Disturbed it need to be disturbed from the pipes and pulled in a in a single line that's why it's always been a system of how it gets flow if not if you go to multiple places and just flow your water everything will be cloudy in that what did I say I said come up with a plan I know you can't do that right but we got everybody to do it though yeah there's a way to do it more than just fire all right so we're be starting next week and then the new systems gonna come online Engineers told me two to three weeks two to three weeks it'll be online then that's not problem it's not having that treatment PL running and pulling harder old well right I gota yeah so in like four to six weeks we should start seeing a huge difference in our water quality okay Scot it is I agree where I live I'm pulling water before you are and if if it was this well or this BL why don't I have a problem well I know was at our house it was like I said it got kind of dark not dark dark but I mean it had this I think it's magnesium or something was in it was sticking to the toilet bowls and all but anyway it got clear then it started up again so what your say makes sense to the new plan of line so had a whole plant off line running off two plants and now you have water going different ways than it's ever been before always going to be stagnant water in your system somewhere when you shut a whole plant down moving a different ways has never moved yeah that's part of that Loop Round system you worked on wasn't it Mr Bill did you work on some kind of system to Lo the pipes together and try to keep it flowing just dagged down there back in anyway so great progress and appreciate it Lauren yep I appreciate your time and thank you Bill for the motion item Six B alen don't me to discuss youth football program and Council will take any actions de necessary is traving here I don't see him yes another night then all right agenda item 6C second and final public reading or public hearing my gles second final public hearing for the subsid of period of consider applying for the Florida Department of Commerce for one or more small cities Community Development block grants for the 2024 2025 CDD program here and Council will take any action being necessary sir all related to cdbg Grant good afternoon I'm Andy I'm helping the city with this U this Grant application we had that public hearing last time was the first public hearing and this one is to get comments from the public on the actual Grant application and What U what the what the idea is that due to the hill closure and the hurricane there been a lack of jobs L economic decline in the city so the theory is that if if some of the downtown can be improved then might get more people to move in more jobs and increase economic activity of the town so um this grant would ask the florid Department of Commerce to PVE some of these streets um especially main street from us 19 to draw people out 19 into the town hopefully and also some of the streets within the the downtown area could be paid um so we're looking at Quincy South Quincy Street um South Orange South Washington North Walter North South Street then East and West West Main Street and West Drew Street and and also West Green Street so um you know if if funding is available from the fora Department of Commerce they'd like to help out the city and this is one way to do of course there's any number of ways to improve your economic conditions I think there was a was there a retail study that you're working on and so that's one way of doing it fixing the downtown area so this is one of many opportunities that the city has and so uh as with any grant program you ask the you apply for the grants that the agencies want to fund this is what we were told they want to fund this so there's going to be more uh opportunities we just spoke earlier had a meeting about the recreation of Grants to improve the recreation opportunities in in the city so that's another one hopeing that they'll get funded as well but this is just to inform the public that he grants for that the city is considering to apply for these this funding opportunity and if there's any comments or any questions be back answer what's the budget well the U the way the cdbg program works is that the normal regular program the city is allowed to apply for $700,000 so we're asking them to fund $700,000 worth of Street improvements which is that would just pay Main Street and Drew Street but we're also asking them that um because of the mill closure and the hurricane that we want another $1.4 million to pay the rest of the streets that that we just mentioned north south so it's a l $2 million Al together whether or not they'll thund it um again what's the budget a little detail of the budget well see it's in the handout here we have street repaving is 1.5 million parking is 174,000 Administration 115,000 engineering 300,000 okay 300,000 what if I got an engineer for 300,000 that's just the budget the the actual fee would have to be negotiated so this is this is the fee the the thing about the cdbg program is they PID according to the farmer home rule arue that engineering fee curve so the engineering fee is a percentage of the construction that's the maximum of so obviously if you negotiate a f lower than that's C I asked that question Thomas D sat in this chair right here that I'm sitting in and we got to talk with him about Paving resurfacing and the engineering cost on it my remark to him was we don't need an engineer just like we don't have one on this the majority of that cost us resurfacing if that contractor doesn't have enough sense to put that new asphalt where the old asphalt was we don't need him I agree you do have to have some specifications OB I understand that we got but yeah this this is the maximum they pay so if when you get into discussions with your engineering you would talk about what are the tasks and what's the level of effort and what the Reon Fe would be I understand you say that just for those two streets it's 350,000 each yeah it's not cheap ASA boy we've done project double in price a year later said submit the application do the design a year go the price doubl it's just just think about a few minutes ago when we got the be several streets yeah you know the prices might be significantly lower and if that is the case that's to your advantage as well so these are budget figures the actual figure will be based on what you bid the project down so if the bid's coming lower then you'll be able to do more streets we took we took the worst case scenario prices are going to Skyrocket you should be covered the prices come down you be covered as well is the grant NE is the grant necessitating an engineer to be involved or okay now the another huge part of this is the survey and they have to survey the right away again no I'm telling you cities get in trouble for Paving streets that they don't even know so you demonstrate that you actually own the street so it's to your advantage again to have it serve it that's a Ser not engineer that's part of well you know when we get the do grants they have to go through that RMA role as well of course they're paying for it just like the cdbg is paying for it but as a taxpayer we probably could get a bigger bank for a but John we need need a motion on this or what we this is just a public hearing there are some other items but we can close the public he and thank you thank you very much all right we're going to close the public hearing on item 6C item 6D resolution point 24-8 a resolution by the city of Perry city council Tor County Florida declaring an urgent need approving application for a state of Florida Community Development block grant in the commercial revitalization category cdbg-dr motion to approve have a motion we have a second second yes council member Hampton yes Landry yes mayor P yes agenda item 6 e councel to discuss cdbg waiver request petition and take any actions seem necessary I explain that absolutely the the way the the cdbg program works is that when you submit a grand application the purpose of the application benefit LLY modern income person and so that's called the national objective of the cdb program there's two other National objectives and that is urgent need and slim and light clearance of Slum and light so 99% of the cdbt program is for benefit to load person you have hurricane that could be need National so that's why we're asking for to have this funded under the urgent need purpose I [Music] guess gotta makes sense how 2.15 million now like I said the normal amount is 700,000 so you're a pretty good uh chances that you'll get 700 ,000 because that's how much you're normally allowed to F for but if the department has the funds and they want to help out the town then they'll find additional they also have to look at the streets too the whole purpose of this is to the downtown area some of it goes some resal we don't know they're get that streets are especially bring people from 19 to that's the only way you can use that money is right and this is part of the revitalization right section right C and it's all but going to be based on points well there's there's not going to be too many other people requesting funds under urgent de so we're hoping you're the only I'm talking about 700 700 ,000 what was your question 700,000 that that would be the minimum right or the normal the normal amount that you're eligible if we don't get the urgent need we still oh you would still be urgent need right they made it pretty clear that they want you to apply under urgent they they want to help out the city they told us that so U but even under urgent need we could get anywhere from 700,000 to two yeah okay right they say they they said structure it that way ask for the 700,000 because that's how much you normally go then they're going to look at their budget and look at their and hope they find more the minimum it's it's is it still based on points not really not for the not for urgy that's not for does it make any difference if the city puts money in it you know it doesn't um that never came up that never came up with can you can you summarize these and a short paragraph for me summarize one what we're talking about oh yeah it's the request talking about all it in writing well yeah it's all in the application we have a in the memo there kind describ what we're doing has the right take any action on this I'm sorry Miss have a copy of what you all are submitting yes it's not but I think we moot you need a motion no well there's several motions on we got yes you need a motion yeah we got to take one at the time motion to sign approve whatever proceed Stan Council Bryan Yes council member Hampton yes Council May Landry yes mayor yes agenda item 6f resolution 2024 d09 resolution of the city council of the city of Perry Florida authorizing the mayor to make application to the Florida Department of Commerce for approval of a Community Development block grant in the commercial revitalization category sponsored by the city of Perry providing an effective date and for other purposes motion for discussion second which one because Miss hman started as well okay okay you miss Hampton was star to make motion Grant year of these well there's a federal fiscal year is um Federal fisal year 2024 to 23 to 25 we don't know exactly which federal fiscal year the money will come from so we're just saying I think it's in there 23-25 depending on which fedal but I think there's two resolutions one is to authorize the mayor to submit the appliation the other ising 2489 just did the petition and now you're on let the mayor Mr BR was there any more discussion council member Bryan Yes Council M Hampton yes mayor Landry yes mayor K yes agenda item 6G Council to discuss the appr approval of the Wastewater planning task order and take any actions deemed necessary the 300 Grand you need to get started on the waste water system planning document it's a requirement to get any of the srf funds to start making the repairs to the W water system I got problem yes time before I award anybody $300,000 I'm going to go through I want to go through the process of selection to deter find out find more information about who they are what they've done uh this says the UND side that funds have been duly appropriated where are these funds coming from so you're going to spend money obligated before you get it I'll never do that I hope need to add an agend Pard need to add an agenda and uh I would want know who they've done who the engineering firm has done this work for before I would want to talk to them and I want to either go back to this border now or later do it makes no difference today what I what I hear what I've been told is that we had filter project that failed it is not online yet no before that that filter project took place before my time or Gerald's time here before me I personally don't think that it was the appropriate choice for but it failed it works but it has not been online throughout the last six months for this current project number and if that plant has not been online I can't verify that that water's been any part of this we have not been running that plan at all for the last six months while F the project and I got a problem with that with this but I'm talking in the middle of what I'm talking about uh that the project failed and don't we have on the agenda tonight an extension on that John the grant the filter that's not what I'm talking about and another issue we we agreed to pay this engineering from $100,000 for a project what's the status of that project what project what project project new well oh yeah what's status of that project why would I want to give them 300,000 when I haven't completed 100,000 and I would I'm telling you that my opinion is we need need to go out RPS engineer they make that in a motion motion these people normally come before c we don't have this plan do by August I believe will miss out on this next round of srf for Waste Water so all these I I repairs we're trying to make we won't be able to get funded through srf be was the deadline on it you could get an RFQ out probably in a month these these people have these packages prepared right I just think it's responsible you start talking about an engineering fee of 300,000 and even if it said up two I'd still have a problem with it because I know it would finally be 300,000 some 150 to the city 10 Lo it be 300,000 to the taxpayer overall taxpayer is the city 150,000 10 years at 48% yeah this is 300,000 the other was 300,000 as well wasn't it that's that's good to number for a lot of these it's a uh is it still a 2080 mix or something like that the 2080 will be for construction pip work all the plannings are 5050 but but we have you know cost or time overruns on another current project that he say will be the next meeting how emails how you going to pay for it the 50 back $7,000 owner the next 10 years well it's just another mortgage pain that we have we they're going to find $20 million worth of I I repairs a be made that if I don't have that document I can't apply srf to get them fixed and we'll be paying 20 million out of the city's money now the detailed design Services probably be up in the Millions they guess 30 million the design talk about just I don't want City to be on the hook for $20 million because we didn't spend 150,000 City on the hook for it all anyway the annual payment of 7800 bucks I semiannual so 00 we have a half a dozen of those right now and some that are bigger but we should we'll probably wind up with that anyway because somebody's going to do the study I get that sure but let's get somebody that sure um some fresh eyes maybe make L assumptions see I I recall when uh Smith and kesby was the engineer they were boarded these projects projects and they go hire somebody to do it for them so we're basically administrating the project is this there we under some kind of contract with the engineering company or Genuine service with but it's 2018 it needs to be redone it's old enough that it could stand to be re RFQ and they've got several projects with us currently so I know they're not going to go hungry but we can get a new one involved we technically had M McDonald before I got here you know that yeah they're just a different name yeah but I'd like to see it change i' like the opportunity that c you don't pretty quick you're missing a whole year like well I I'm tired how long how long has this need been there probably 10 years oh so we've we've I haven't had 10 years I know that I know talk about the city has done nothing and we're catching up that's year we have to we have so deadlines coming up when about they want us back a weeko start youing com c Sai would them coming before councel not coming before councel my mind if someone call me for a recommendation it would be negative okay so what be the pleasure of the board on this item I'm already o far as how long it take to do the Earth process six weeks the most and you have this opens for Waste but you got to have this P document done before you can submit it Ian that's they came up with this 30 something page agreement they work with these Engineers all the time what did the real water do for us I'm sure issue anything help as much with the water issue they came and agreed everything we said and walked away how did they before the water yeah but you got to have the plan document to tell them what you want yes CH so what am I hearing this document is kind of hinging on this one document I recomend let's get through this one and request for service but once you've got that planning document by that engineering firm then you're kind of all be a list of all the work that needs to be done you go to another Grant srf or river and say this is what I need done and they're going to proove how much it is if any any srf was going to proove it going to be it going to be at 80% 20% or whatever the percentage is well we don't put anything in there's nothing to approve no but then you're stuck with that engineering if this and I I understand the importance of it but I would say if it's so important I have waited 10 or 12 years there not his fault I know that not our fault either it's nobody's fault up here some of that like how the waste water plan was bu I'm sure there was some Planet document that said you need a new Wastewater plan at this capacity and that's what they went and got the think of us GA money andr money if you don't have a plan document you can't ask for anything so what you're saying is if one engineering company does the planning document weu with that engineer period water did our last waste water Asset Management plan and our last water Asset Management plan but M mcdonal build the engineered has been doing the engineering on some of those projects that was award do so then why are we paying M McDonald much did um I'm just saying it's it's SW Rivers done the engineering why are we paying that like don't this is DP appr proven that we get the planning document done they're paying for half of it and they're giving us2 or was long for 10 years to get the rest of it done right um how much how much bond issue don't know the bond oh yeah they they all but I don't know well these are now this is the new way they're doing bonds no I'm talking about Market a bond issue in the market oh God we don't know have willing to throw $300,000 $150,000 I still I'm willing to throw $155,000 for the next 10 years to get a $20 million grant to get some of this repairs made yeah I'm still my motion is still there that we go out for r if we awarded them this one since we're that close to our deadline or whatever and put the pressure on them to do the ones that are still outstanding wouldn't that send a message to them that we might be looking somewhere else if they don't come on through I don't know uh I still I'm just not satisfied with what they've done been doing were they on that that okay $100,000 well testing have they done anything with it at all or kind of back on us they gave back on us they gave us a few areas that were good properties and we're trying to property yeah it's on us to buy the property now is the property going worth the question I guess another question is test wheels and all that what haven't we been doing that when when did it get to be our problem I was it yesterday 6 months ago probably 6 weeks to two months ago and then we got to wait for this srf project to be wrapped up the next srf you're tied to srf Forever there's no way we could afford build a brand new plan we can't pay $20 million for a new water well in treatment we can pay 20% of that over the next 30 Years whatever they give you well but but see you're saying you could do it next year you can only do one waste water and one water and sorry project time of your water till it's complete my motion and this is this is the D telling you you need to do this D told me one time what uh we were going through with the sewer plant and I went to Jacksonville and took the keys to and gave them the keys to the Sewer plan I heard that story last week I'm not worried about what D may or may not do I understand it need may need to be done but not now my point that and Ward you might know being a or construction your electrical background it's it's like if if I get a partial roof bid done and then another cont then they say he died he can't finish the job it's very hard to find another roofer to pick up where he left off they won't warrantee it they want to tear it all off and do their roof and that's kind of what I'm saying is that if they do a their plan their vision of what needs to be done then the new companies or a new engineer might not want to come in and they'll say like I disagree with some of that you know that would that's my concern so that would have to be redone because they don't want to pick up somebody else's opinion still the life time of the project a few minutes your approve us fixed the Cherry Street for 40 to 50 Grand I can potentially get the whole city done for 150 we going do what you're going to proove us line in Cherry Street SE from 40 to 50 Grand I can't huh that's fine different issue it's the same thing that's what this is for this reand sewer system motion and future flow projects assess infiltration inflow recommended improvements that's what all these are going to be is to fix your I problems then I'm going to turn around and apply to Swan River to srf to whoever whoever got the money D but I can't do it unless I don't I have this understand $150,000 I understand my motion still there repeat your motion that we go out for RSB I was gonna put the whole project off I I thought srfs went year around they just kind of rotated around miss this round I think it's in August middle August 14th 15th something like that how often they do the r you think there's any concern on funding further we get away from feel sorry for well I I agree with you we feel sorry would you tell me how much money we just got from the legislature how much what did we get from a public safety building zero we didn't even get a thank you or I owe you so don't that's just a wish I'm willing to support J you know now you are now obligated $300,000 person you're approving something you don't have do you do that at home approve to do something when you yeah you have your opinion I have my that's exactly right we been something years let's let me get this one in and then we'll do the request for service and switch if we to but let me get this one in we could probably do both and hopefully the new we do get a new engineer they'll honor the study and they could probably do change I don't I don't know that we'll get a new engineer uh I know is that in here when this will be done that I saw I mean what is M McDonald I'm not involved in any of day or day so I don't know what's m m McDonald doing this not satisfactory I guess is what I'm trying to figure out I don't know just not performing or we had a contract with them to do the new well is that correct and I haven't done it that's one well even that part there's change orders and like I said even the field project it's not done on time again so they're now having to get an extension is that their doings or I have no idea that more or less falls on contractors at this point some final project that get done in time nothing they did who wrote that contract they probably did are they the contractor McDonald wrote the I mean first when you was building a spray field they they kept screwing up there out at the spray field yeah they were they were Paving over um Springs and they dumped did change order after change order dumping cement down in there and they wound up four wasting a lot of money and time and they built up a cement thing over the thing to run it up and over um I mean everything's run slow and overcharging them that's just my observation who have they written one of these things for don't know Eng companies that do work Water waste water systems I guess as long as they have a valid license they have to play at any rate I guess you can pass bills and get this roll all right we got a motion if have a second we got two motions which one well my motion was first you wa second for his okay motion a second sure your motion was sign the document forward with it aome counc member Brian no counc member Hampton yes vice mayor Landry yes mayor K yes make them aiz of this please engineering C company would you do at least one little thing y put a date in here when this has got to be done then 6h councel to discuss approval letter approval of letter to the Department Florida Department of Transportation requesting a pavement management plan which is similar to similar to Nassau County Florida to take any actions deem necessary motion to approve I'm looking at got motion we have a second do we have a second discussion they come in and rank all your roads put a little I don't know what it is something on the car right around it gives an actual data your roads and rank them based on their condition when you start doing repaving project you can break down the list of the worst ones is that kind of what you've been doing yeah was myalls data so do would actually go do this cost use as a prototype for other small R areas I think n paid like 50,000 when they first started talking to about it was going to be 20 30 for us I didn't bite on it so going use us a test bed whever you want to call it that thing okay second yesc Hampton yes Landry yes may P yes agenda it six I cancel to discuss the bring back to the next okay on Table 6 a all right J down to 6j cancel to discuss Cherry Street SE repair and take any actions need necessary We Ready welcome back I've got two quotes here for you guys one to line the whole name it's just $40,000 then I when I was talking to some of the contractors and doing the research on the lining come across this company that the city of tabah hasse BU their equipment and they went into lining their own pipes the company's called permaliner and um one of the quotes is from plumber who uses their equipment and permaliner to try to sell their product they're basically give us a discount to basically uh show how the product works I've got the quotes here and I'll give them to you but just I'm going real quick um I found some stuff in my office to where we had a a break in a sewer M of the Hampton in and U what I seen was just one break and it was causing C in the sidewalk in the road on 19 well the paperwork I found it cost like 170 $179,000 I think it was not more than that just for that one repair some of the quotes I got for us to BU a a line 80 10 PP ourselves it's about $80,000 tell about to buy the equipment herself to do it with yes yes sir to to line 4 in all the way up to 10 in is probably 230 or more I have the fol here I'll give it to you I have actually some uh pamplets here I only have two to and I they actually emailed me the um the basically like a video These I can send them to you but what we can spend $40,000 to do Cherry Street and it it's got basically four NAD spots now we fixed the four six months later there could be a fifth spot but I would like to take action to start maybe doing some of this on our own I know this is you know $80,000 $100,000 a lot of money we have to budget it but I would like to see this in action and the fmal liner they're willing to you know they would when we pay for their equipment they would train us so and and there's and with all this rain it's going to happen nor more and there's other spots in town that need to be prepared and if you're talking 40 for $40,000 for1 186t but we we can do a 10 foot section you know ourselves for a few hundred when we get equipment can you do the whole line um with the equipment we would get we could do 10 foot sections and even if we did it 10 foot at a time it still be cheap I'm going you going to send me a video and I'm have to see how how it operates well well I I'll explain it to you M from liner they have two so you do 10 foot then you do another 10 foot and just but you don't break the line you just keep doing 10t sections y y basically the joints is What fail yeah you cover your joints with the it's you know if you can afford it line the whole line but we can't afford a line everything where where are they located um they got they got several um several offices I think one here is like three hours south of us but basically permaline of the company City T uses one of their their lining equipment they have a liner that works off UV live all right the liners are fiber glass you know I don't know what y know about hlass appar mix a resin and a hard and you got so much time before it gets home then you put the UV light well yeah we don't want to do that we want to do the UV that gives us time to put it in place where the bladder up from the light on and it takes 10 minutes and you're done what's up to what size well I got the the quot for 4 in up to 10 in is it's like 13 $40,000 for everything just do eight8 to 10 which is our main you know like Cherry streets eight um but if you if you do eight to 10 can you do four well what we would do is you know because because of the sticker shot of it um just budget to add the other equipment to it as we go what do you change heads or something on the machine or just different bladders different sizes saying change heads whatever it is you use to do to different sizes you buy different dyes or whatever like 8 in ler will stretch from 8 to 10 and the four will go like 8 to six the six will go from 68 you buy a roll cut off what you need stick it on like a air blad slide it in the line be it up where you want it turn it light on it cure PL the flatter pull it up we don't you know we don't I've talked to some the guys living use the use a liner when you mix the res it works good but you don't have about 30 minutes and something if something goes wrong you know you got you got to get it out they have the equipment the robots drem to do so we don't so in situ for the same way so but they're willing to you know come out show us teach us I'll go ahead and give you these cles here see it done somewhere else see it done somewhere else our guys yeah and like say I mean I have a quote they'll come do a single here and show us and that would have that would have kind of fall into some of the training to see if we even want to do it um because of course I mean they do it all the time they're going to make it look easy but we would like to really anything we buy or do in the future we like to rent it or have a demonstration before we to as regards to you know tractor or back truck or the garbage truck whatever so let me give you these were they will they some doing coming in and doing Cherry Street is some kind of demonstration or yeah they they you know you'll see on here like they give us a discounted price because they're they're calling us a permaliner client right permaliner arranged this through this plumbing company okay and this is the price for one single repair like if we if we ever need just one single [Music] repair I made five copies for Miss Bonita all right now the next one I'm going to give you the same company but it's four spot repairs on that main because that's how many bad sections there are are on that main it's it's just under 20,000 all right here is the quote to do the entire main with GCU he and here is the quote from permaliner for the total cost of the equipment to do the 8 in line if we buy ourselves also have and I can email these to you these are just some of the equipment that you know you may need to buy I don't know if you want to look over these real quick but it's just basically light Ray is the actual product from peral but we're ready I have quotes you know we're ready to do the four repairs or the whole but I just want to give you this consideration not we don't to do it now but in the future we would like to do align our own BS because like I said there there are more you know joints that fail will be more and more but there's four spots on that line on that particular line yes and like say it would be best to line the whole line you line up four spots year later hopefully in that time we'll have her own equipment that's allr and like you know we got lucky the other day um Jamie called in about a it was a cave in on Cherry Street down the road from it and locally it 4 in service near a manhole and we were able to fill the line to a concrete basically relay the service more shallow because the manle close 15t deep and there's no way we have capabilities of testing but if we' had Line Equipment it would have cost a couple hundred dollar so it'll cost us up front but like you know like you see here one 18 186t repair is $40,000 so two of these paid for is this the only company stle I'm sure it's not the only one it's the only one I can get referen loc us that was kind of for me because the city of T also uses another company for large line the whole man Tex I reached out then they had got that GCU got me a quote Fair quickly we've done business with in the past but yes sir there there there are others but um so you'd have to put out for bed unless you get a soul Source letter well they are soul Source this UV technology this is their well then that's soul Source they just need to provide a letter stating that now there may be something similar I mean yeah the reference is what I like for city of Sou and I'm sure thatass has something and they've been using them for seven or eight years and this technology actually came out after so they're probably going to be upgraded to this just for the fact that they don't they don't have a set time in which to place line Sean if you had this equipment tell any good you could city of P well within a year Well we would I mean we still have to be careful we would want to get carried away we or the hand if we had the equipment it cost a couple hundred bucks you know to do the liner because it's it's a trans repair now if you have to fix the asphalt but you don't have to risk life or limb excavate hole put someone in there fixing a pip because the water table so high and I don't know how they put it in here go a lot Dr but yeah we could do like like the other day when we fix 4 line could Lin up been done 20 30 minutes we spent the whole day digging it up and P the road see you see how expensive is I was just curious a lot of speci like you have a lot of alley leavs Behind these houses well they're so tight you can dig it where you going to put the dirt we go in there line it and and and and there may be other equipment we will need and that that brochure where the you know machinery for you know cutting the roots Out Lines descaling them but you know with what we SP the last couple years Ling pipes and selling three times SE I noticed in the brochure that some of the pipes that they were dealing with were impacted they had it pushed over to one side and the other side was open how does that work well I don't know the picture you're looking at but basically like your your service line I thinking about that one you mean yeah like this ohed oh yeah see like this is just you know from years of buildup metal pip tubercul yeah you just instead of well you can't line that because it's too rough so before you line it you'd have to clear it out and that's what on the front of this picture that's basically what that's doing is it's just spinning and it's it's getting all that tuberculation and rust out is that piece of equipment included in what you wanted to do here I think so I think so I'm not 100% sure I know it is in the total thing for the four to the eight that's like 100 50 for everything that's I imagine we got some pipes that look like that well most we have mostly clay and PVC so it does it doesn't look like that in the bigger pipe the smaller pipe the 4 inch the lot of it looks like that yeah we would just basically need a truck or good you know jetting nozzles just to clean any dunk or this is bigger pot yeah bigger pot is clay and PVC yeah they don't they won't build the tuberculation like that they'll just have like grease built up or roots and they and we can get nozzles you know jedar nozzles to cut those out and we have some equipment for that okay but but there's there's little things like we would need training of course thank you sh sounds like a stin on a financial note Danielle have we gotten the second truck that we ordered and are those trucks paid for they work they had to have check okay they had to have check I think if we spend that much on trucks we can certainly spend this much on equipment to to do this works like you say it does sounds like a no-brainer works like you say it will right probably does technology come along way in the past 100 years we have the option of rening you you mentioned that do we have that option I don't know about rening the equipment I can find out but the repairs need to be done anyway yeah so we can observe when they Y and then it'll be kind like a training a demonstration and they give us a discount because it is if you see you see5 come down come down and go over you know the training so you do the 20 the repairs well we can see what it is and U see how it works still get Street repaired and Cherry Street is safe we dug up the the this is settled there's no voids um it's just basically just the sugary sand that's under kind of going through that P you know let's say we cut the road up pack line right back or just wait to patch it when repair it's are are you proposing to do the four fixes and bu the equit sir um if we do the four repairs it'll solve our problem for now and we will get to see peral liner in action and I I would love to do that but I know that's a lot of money and it may we may need to be budgeted for next year this will be a test drive though to see if it's where you want to go yes sir where are you going to get money from Cherry Street yeah I asked you all that for I answer we've got money in our got Mone water and gas like I said this I this off look at over it's just I would like to I would like to do some of this ourselves I would like to give the put to do a lot of this ourselves is like like you see just before is $20,000 that's what it and 186 $40,000 well well a lot of times it's not just the car to it's the time Factor you got a line class or whatever motion that we do the for and see what goes on 196 second counc BR yes counc Hampton yes Landry yes may maybe yes I think be I'd be interested in seeing how the thing works myself I know I know UV dry has become a pretty popular from Dentistry to to nails do you name it I mean you D become a we we'll we'll call you we'll gladly let you watch well I mean I don't need to watch I I'm just curious to see how work how it turns out and I don't see why it wouldn't work I love just opinions you know like hey you asking me a question might make me think something so I'm not Clos to that anybody wants to come out I mean this is a lot of money and it's on my recommendations so I don't take it like thank you for research appreciate it yeah that's like I said with me it's not just the money issue it's a Time issue you can have something fixed in an hour where you got to pull somebody in it takes weeks or whatever to get in line that's safy too because a lot of these Mains are deep I agree our our soil is not most stable SE so yes it collapses very good right to the agenda item 6K approv of minutes April 20 23rd 2024 regular session motion approve counc BR yes counc Hampton yesc Landry yes may yes City staff anybody else have anything they want to bring up to talk about the city council y yeah don't get upset but oh just just want to say real quick quick I'm assuming yall heard about Frank Lee operator yeah that was the one on the Beach Road was it was not something I was expecting and when I just want to make sure y'all are all aware of it guess his his sister came to today told us she's handing this funeral arrangements so I guess we know have we can inform yall or whatever if they have a service or we do something ourselves I just want to make sure you okay thank you about um who's who takes care of the flowers Stephanie Stephanie so we can meet one his family and hope yes please I I would also like to include counsels the counil is a CL um the city should recognize that as well your wife your mother just CL okay now I'm not saying that we don't have good workers that is not what I'm about to say but I am so concerned about nepotism we would say they don't work in the same department they don't this they don't that they don't whatever but to me it's still netism where you NE with what employees okay well let me break it down what we just heard Harley my daughter s it's fine I don't care it's not nepotism to me is nepotism maybe to you but you're wrong well well I mean hold on a second look at the Statue hold on we supposed to be getting involved in iring to me his policy this is not having to do with she's still going to be hired is it in the policy sh she is hir she the policy will y'all please let me say what I'm trying to say I'm not going to interrupt you okay you're making a serious accusation that's what I was thinking and you don't know what you're talking about let you do and you don't know what you're talking about you do Bill I know what I'm talking about well at any rate just because you work down you work next door you're not in the same Department you all will be surprised at the complaints I get I know it's not changing anything but we can be aware of what's going on we had two sisters working in the same Department I know that that that's not I'm not supervising her they're not supervising them but to me it's family we have a city of just family members and other people should be able to get some of these jobs now I'm doing my job as a constituent representing the people I serve B whatever you say I I appreciate it I uh well I do respect you and I respect what you saying but at any rate that's the end of that conversation secondly we can't just close the city and not recognize I mean and not let the community know that we're close we have a community page that we can put it out we could say that the C will be closed for 3 or 4 hours it's not right us to do it and we got to do better okay and and that um we need nits for the that's not really looks yeah um and I think I'm done since I've been so and through thank you the uh there's two locations one is at 504 Plantation and one at Cent In oie were a contractor did work there and piled up truckloads over yeah the one at Center in Dixie I have talked to the owner of that property he's supposed to be having said for Plantation yes they' filed it on both sides of the road they logged it or something if it's where I'm thinking at it's actually I'm they no name it's actually property owner property they don't up big piece of property I went out there and looked the other day right before Miller Road or just past Miller Road coming from 27 I'm not sure if the address if you turn if you turn it's next to the house LR Thomas had okay I know by the bed office by the bed office I thought you were talking about there's another one that I had got a complain on down the road and it does look like they're cleaning a bacon pot but it's actually the homeowner they own like a big yeah okay well um we received them a uh cleaning bid what status of that would we do try to do internally well for what that is you could hire a person and you have five days a week yeah what's the status of a street di striping we had a motion second and boat to strike the downtown area and I guess the whatever you call the Historical Area whatever it is C District up C I didn't want to do that get the cdb off we didn't we didn't say anything like that John and you don't get to make that kind of a decision we told you exactly what we wanted to do and you do it that's where I get complaints and surely if you get I haven't had any complaint but if you get complaints about that what you're calling that petition my phone numberers 850 843 5656 and I will explain it to them I understand what you think but what you don't know is how hard it is to hire somebody in Parish La you was lucky I M up I you were lucky when I moved up here yes that position is most difficult position to F in a city small City there's no bloody we and we had two applicants they were both good applicants but one was better yeah and remember I'm not just speaking of that one position okay so very small community you ain't got you think I don't understand that just like you think I don't know how many qualified people we have in the city of per I know all of that we can't even get a black got to work on the police for want to know why because we not trying I disagree with that that's whatever you say I don't think accusation sh well it's okay you don't know how many we have processed who did not make sure because they background so we're not lower theard well not asking you to ler the try harder yeah we need to try to respect one another if we can yes we can just one just one thing I want to one thing I want to bring up is U close for year talking about the Vets office Dixie that cable that came loose and swung down across Plantation Road I would like to find out it wasn't it wasn't a power line it was a it was it it was Comcast or Consolidated some kind of anyway who you call one place and it's not there you got to call somebody else and got to try to find I don't know if they ever got fixed or not but but my point is is we need to either we got to pass I hate passing ordinances for things as crazy as this but some kind of call out number we can say hey your Line's hanging down get it fixed they will not take a call from anyone except the person that's affected we've tried when we had a line that our truck pulled down right here on Street they would not take my call and I've dealt with it many times I'm not just saying I've tried call they will not the person that ised has to call it behind us right now down unless they fix it the last hour or so that was reported through dispat for about four hours well yeah would just brainstorm a little bit come up some ideas we need to come up some way I mean we don't need to be chasing down who owns what line cut the D thing we'll figure it out pretty soon yeah not suggesting we do that either just saying if but we need like some kind of one call we can just say hey there's a line hanging yeah anyway that's all I had even when we have emergency calls for power lines bound or comcast label we can't get a hold of nobody so I how get a holdbody that's even there in the middle of the day all right nothing else thank you'all very much a question you all uniforms the P what it's called P whoever chemicals in the uniforms that you want to wear PF not us we got uniform you don't have we get ours through Al okay that's good all right thank you Sun ch she got a