##VIDEO ID:zPJAuAcZZEY## would Lear city council at [Music] 5:00 takes more than 20 minutes getting across town right now oh unless you got a magic SED in your truck you can yes sir we expect a little worse Mar's going get have we switched over to Verizon agenda item 6 J introduction and first reading of ordinance number 1046 an ordinance of the city of Perry Florida amending the text of the city of Perry Land Development regulations appr quite they wanted to make sure that it couldn't be put on the land at primary Lang they want clation it's really going to be that way so they wanted one more meeting to talk about it so it wasn't approved plan Z I need you to say the word it's got to be it's got to be continued to the November 12th meeting to continue to the November 12 meeting okay at 4 o' if I can speak to that as well um yesterday this this ordinance this zoning issue was the only thing that was discussed um and there were a couple of questions one in which John notated he here um in the agenda pack that went out regarding um the high schools not being mentioned um people like Mr Michael W very much caught that and he was wanting to know he did and he wasn't as opposed to not but there wasn't a clear understanding as to why I do know that there was a voicemail or something I guess left to Mr Hart whereas most of the time the zoning meetings the applicants are there to share and be able to answer those questions so I answered to as city of Perry is making this application although the benefit goes directly to the school board um there were just some questions as to what is the purpose um and the idea doesn't have anything to do with anything they should be concerned about considering it they wanted um to make sure again what you just noted number two that this would not come into conflict with the desires of them not they're not wanting the property to be considered where the per former per primary was and lastly they um they appreciate the language of active school but they thought it would be beneficial to have a defin of what active school is versus nonactive being that they came to the meeting understanding the original request some months ago that already been filed to city council um regarding the original request that brought the steam was the pool bar is that what it's it called p p bar something on primary so they were relev to know that that clearly was not what the city intended but we're noting that um what the reasons were why they did not pass it what they wanted answers to those you said they came to meeting who is they the zoning zing zing okay yesterday zoning board okay don't we need to answer those tonight you don't have to answer them tonight the next meeting they have is is November 4th but I did um suggest that we put forth the question so if there was any insight on it that Mr har can give I share with them the attention of the counil that Mr Hart shared as well in his application that it was for supporting the agricultural projects that have currently been going on or used to um or recently went on at the high school and the middle school and the question was why isn't the high school being addressed in the zoning um language that was changed um and Mr Hart wasn't there to answer that question because all I knew is that he had posed the same question to Regional planning and Regional planning apparently that day may have called and left the voice message but did I I was a privy to that conversation I did not know I think quite understand that has something to do with high schools onor permissible use in rsf1 so we can't add in our ldrs to have a high school in rsf one so I think I put that in there but really get this done right to change the high school to rsf what it was put in it was put in today's agenda annotation it wasn't um provided to and still that was sort of like I think the answer come yesterday so that wasn't even clear as to why it was they were just concerned but not that they were against the particular ordinances written just want to know why the high school wasn't covered and would like a definition a certain description of what an active school is again U most of the members of the zoning board are coming in thinking and what they've heard regarding a place being placed at the former per primary property you say active school is what active school is Ian we could place a definition in there I think the most problematic or not problematic I think they'll still pass what's been presented but it's still not addressing the high school agriculture program and they were the biggest proponent here because the language of the amendment does not address them it only would address the Middle School but that doesn't mean they can't go forward with the high school November 4th excuse me with what has been said to them but it doesn't address the high school and I believe the high school had um you know the the teachers at the high school who put forth this effort to try to so the zoning board did not seem to be um objecting they just wanted information and Clarity and yes it's mentioned on page five of this 19 page document High School is mentioned it's not mention in all of the the text amendments will you go down section by section is it like two or three of them or the high school no longer mention well there something you need us to fix or something y can fix internally okay since high school in rsf1 in the comp plan I said you can't put them in odrs they're going to have to get reone to rsf2 they won't they need to do that anyway that's why and who okay so is that what the Regional Council shared that they would res submitted with as to how how that should be handled or would that be another application from the city that would be another application from school it should beol that be original they out you can't have a high school rs1 so you can't have a permitted use in your ldr against your comp I don't understand what the complaint is because the high school is mentioned in every one of these except um the last page was where it's talking about public charter and private vocational and trade schools it's it's not mentioned there but in all the others it's mentioned right along with elementary and middle schools well what Mr har just explained it doesn't correlate to the comprehensive land use plan so it it's not a TI of counting how many times the name is mentioned but the high school would not be impacted by the Amendments that were changing that have been suggested to be changed it's a high school got a different zoning category than every other school R1 and every other school is even know something else all the other schools are allowed in R71 specifically high school was not allowed to be in R7 so they couldn't put that in the language in the odr text Amendment so specific specific just to a high school in the conf back in the day way before the LR was written something to do with driving driving through neighborhoods say for yeah maybe I could go back and clear it up if they were to which I don't believe they would be opposed to based on yesterday's board meeting the question was what about the high schools so they would be approving of it as it's written um regarding which would impact our middle school but whatever their action would be the question of how the high school would be impacted would still be out there it doesn't it doesn't address the issue and there was and there was no explanation as to why the high school wasn't okay so anyway it sounds like it's EAS fixed disapprove then we got to go back and okay all right easy fix just not Fast Fix okay lose two beautiful PS on Facebook that we maybe to the okay all right so we're Circ back around to this in November you say the words continue until the meeting don't have tover it okay we're going to table this continue we're going to pick this up and continue to the febr 12 4 p.m. meeting all right sir we can vot on it can't vote on yet it's being continued I but you got have a vote to continue because it's an ordinance okay have a motion have a second they made the first council member Brian yes council member hampon yes council member woodf yes vice mayor Landry yes Eric yes agenda item 6K Council to discuss a grant for the police department crime analyst position and take any action being necessary we discuss this the last yes this a new position this would be a new position C they will give us $68,000 a year it depends on how we want to proceed with this position so make it fulltime or Ops Choice yeah we can't we can't vote out of something if we don't know what it's going to cost I can't uh cost does nothing what what will the position accomplish and why do we need it um this would be in cooperation State of Florida through F hilly and the Florida Fusion Center a crime analyst um looks at crime Trends analysis on the action criminals and prevent future crime U this in itself also would help the State of Florida in infrastructure protection utilities uh domestic security so primarily the goal would be to support the State of Florida whenever they needed it but when the state was not using this position it would be 100% used by US for whatever we need inside the police department City per um it's just analyzing crime Trends and using information sharing from National systems at no cost to us no it's $68,000 a year and if we can set salary whatever we want it to be it doesn't have to be paid that U they're giv us $68,000 a year to do high position and then train they're offering you $65,000 plus plus 3,000 train to pay a person that's going to probably cost you how much 80 90 you make it up GRE never happen the other crime analysts that are funded throughout the state their salary is about 52 to $55,000 a year plus Ben so be 80 we have to do percent on that 17% we can offered as an Ops position where they and this is an option that it's how we want to structure it we do an Ops position where it doesn't get full benefit we just keep adding positions and a positions and the day will come if the grant goes away does the position go away yes no don't sir never happen if it's Ops if you ever heard of a government reducing positions would you would you V to reduce it phally the man sitting right there you too yes if there Ops Ops and the Dr goes away not do we already have someone in mind for this position no we have we don't okay we would have to advertise do they have what is it qualifications they have to have follow the guidelines and qualifications of other anal but if we do this they to understand they're working for the grant yes and it could just vaporize next year or you got to understand that city of per is going to make a contribution above that $65,000 if it's not if if it's career service is going to have to what starting salary of an officer now just for uh 54 54 so you already and are they going to be police they Police Department of the city they will not be sworn officers they would be regular stand they work for the city they work for the city yes okay you know you know what I meant I know everybody works for the city but you know what I meant by that so one thing that we I need to mention is currently with the people that we're investigating with crimes that with analysts will be used for are techn technologically advanced it takes more time for us to get investigations completed because of the technology they use and the online media and the social media and everything that they're doing this would bridge that gap for us to be able to successfully investigate these crimes and you can't say that it's not happening here last year off of a curfew thought because a work and analyst helped us do we were able to rescue children that being victimized through child porography during i d hurricane and an helped us do that an helps us track down these people that making these School threats and then make rest on those and this person will be the employee of the city of Perry yes but he's going to work at the State of Florida when the State of Florida wants and maybe lightw or wherever when they want them obedience City P yeah would they be contributing to no yeah the 65,000 plus 3 D is giving you the grant yes so they why don't they work for then um that's the way legislator funding these things they want them throughout the community so that they have more to look at local environment okay they want to station out different places got and we were chosen by for this we didn't see because we've used our analyst so much that we can they said that we can benefit on ourselves amount of work we're trying to work through them no I mean I'm okay with it myself long don't go above the grant amount and they understand they're working for the you don't have a budget yet you don't know what this is going come I think what we're asking you don't have a budget amendment either well I'm saying I was just saying as long as not go above it and they understand work for the you don't have a budget 68,000 well what I'm asking for is should we proceed or we just need to just turn it back in should we bring you a budget for this and that's what we're originally after in the beginning should we proceed see if we can get this thing funded and then set a budget for she just forget are we funding transportation and all that they're going to have to have a vehicle I'm guessing that would be their own vehicle using their own vehicle yeah I think if it if it would Aid y'all in solving the crimes as much as you think it will it would be worth the risk I know how much have benefited already other ANS helping U but those analysts are being overwhelmed with amount of work this is another way to help spread that work said everything goes as presented I don't see a problem with it what we're author what would we what we would be authorizing you to do tonight is to go forward and then bring it back to us bring budget back right for approv yes I'll make a motion we do that if that's what we need what have a second second counc M Bryan no council M hton yes Council wood yes may Landry yes mayor K long as it says stated yes it's going to come back to us once the budget gets finalized okay you thinking May Ops St so well we have one that be that' be up I guess HR have to go through figure all that out so okay agenda item 6 l cancel to discuss possibly piggy backing off an Orlando contract for school's on cameras and Council to take any action any necessary so Orlando's got a contract looking at going plant area and we need to change Orlando to Plantation um maybe the contract Plantation the contract agend the contract does does reference Plantation if you live where I live you'll understand yes sir you're right I used to live by you Council M BR yes Council M Hampton yes council member wood yes Vice May Landry yes may K yes agenda item 6m councel to appoint one citizen to the Planning and Zoning Board Board of adjustments and take any action name necessary do we have anyone anybody here like to serve on that board anyone planning his only board member pays extremely well well if you got something on the board all you gotta do is stain okay thank you may take a V real quick before he Chang the mind he finds out the rest of it got a motion in a second yes counc M Hampton yes counc wood yes vice mayor Landry yes mayor K yes thank you okay want to meet all telling the rest of the story okay agend item 6 n hope D City attorney to address the council regarding leans and Council to take any action any necessary okay um thank you all for putting on the calendar I didn't realize I requested to be on the agenda I think I said the last meeting that I had something regarding Le I would like to discuss and I do apologize for council member council member Hampton who actually brought it to my attent regarding wanting a list of Lans which is not what I was prepared to talk about today but I would I just wanted to let you know subsequently I have gotten those things today I had hoped to follow up on my discussion from the Florida League of cities um presentation I did regarding a number of viable vendors who either now or in the future may be good vendors to look at and one that I mentioned but said I didn't have enough time to discuss was the orange data system vendor that dealt with basically streamlining the lean process by which we would enforce leans and potentially have an abatement program and then have them also research what properties that have LS are now being on the market for sale so that we can get our money from the purchase um so let me let me break down the two services that I think they have and regards to what the what um regardless of of the feedback I was not prepared to put something forth for a vote I literally was saying I'll talk about it or at least I attempted to share I'll talk about it in the next county or city meeting where they ask the City attorney do you have anything so just say that I'm not here to ask ask you ask you to act upon something I would say put it in the mind frame of how we were when we first were talking about the speed violation issue and the idea there may be a vendor to handle it okay so I just want to say that make that clear because otherwise I would have had copies of all this stuff and I will subsequently give it to you if you're interested in because even if we don't use the vendors I'm definitely open to any suggestion of the council as to how you want to handle the outstanding leads we have that um I think dating back well I won't say dating back um the outstanding links we have that have had no further action on them after having been imposed and follow the C report um so I'll start I'll start with the the the first first which is the idea that um we have a vendor that they could help us right now and um I don't have a total cost we have an index that Brandy used to keep up with of lanss that have been filed with a clerk report the youngest year I'm seeing is [Music] 2008 Yes the youngest year I'm seeing is 2008 the oldest um 2008 to 2019 and then during the year of covid I was I'm use that as a delineation there were no files no leans filed that we could file between 2020 and in September 2023 so that was a little bit over three years nothing was filed not that there had not been any code violations with fines but there had been I it would have been explained to me by the former uh City attorney as well as talking even to Amy there seemed to be no will to actually after filing the leans with the clerk of court to actually collect upon them so September 2023 and I think the conversation the council also wanted to make the best use of all this money we had remaining that could go into demolition like why are we not moving forth and getting U Clarity on some of these properties and so um John Hart and others had completed some process we've had demolitions I know you all have heard of them not that that's the only way to deal with the lean issue but it's done are you well I'm not speaking on the timetable other than 2023 there were new leans that were filed and so the leans that were filed were done by the city manager's office which is her um the way the ordinance work here so I think the last issue that I was aware of that wasn't even about lean enforcement um it dealt with a property that the lean had been filed in make sure I don't no I wasn't thinking what I was going to say I was looking for the year in which I was discussing I don't think how has up today what's going on with leans and these homes being demod um I'm not a big fan of taking someone's property know with that at least coming through the C I just want to be better informed okay I'm thank no no I I I definitely um understand and I can share that as far as I understand at least from my memory of last year there was a discussion with Council regarding budget there was a discussion with Council regarding when I say there was discussion I didn't leave the discussion it was amongst the council regarding money for for Demolition and if I'm incorrect um that's why I'm not I don't want to State who said what but there was even discussion on we can actually assist those citizens possibly to go forward and have sellable land if they were to willingly or without a lot of fight allow us to demolish the property make it more viable as a selling option so um I I do not that now how it was um and all of these things officially were noticed back in 2008 when the lean happened back in 2009 so the council itself legitimately as a institution not individuals was provided notice but because there's been a delay in enforcing them it's only been of late in the last less than a year that there have been demolitions there have been any action because when lean is on a property you not only have possibly the right to demolish it you have the right to sue them for the money or to attach it to any Sal so that's definitely one of the most the most um sort of tumultous action right any idea of taking someone's property or demolishing a building and what I'm hoping in discussion about orange data system as a vendor or something like it even if it's only internal is that with all of these old Lings some of which are $48,500 187 um I men Mr dark Martin because he had been before the board of adjustments at zoning several times um in the last year his spine and lean is now $68,500 5673 this man I believe is almost 90 years old and start I'm so sorry what was the the beginning did you say5 country no I didn't I just said as to as to this date this year of25 for oh how did it start yeah I don't know back in U when he started getting his established but for right now typically are $25 a day if you don't clean up and it could double if you if you're a repeat vender um so that being said and let me break it down even in a different way just to make sure I'm clear regardless of a vendor we have all these links and if a person could pay the $25 a day or did pay the $25 a day the likelihood of been paying $68,000 at almost 90 years old is even less likely so I propose as a beginning place outside of a council woman um H I'm have to share first of all the council wants more more notice as to what's going on with the links I will give you a copy of the links that I got before the meeting secondly is that I think abatement programming would also help in of determining how much leans are how old they are the character the lean something is written in our um our code enforcement um that would leave that all up to the city manager because he's doing nothing else right except for looking at um 15y old leans what I'm describing is that we come up or allow me to present a plan where we figure out the quality of the leans and the possibility of collection and and come up with an opportunity to negotiate down so that one we actually get something um and secondly um because getting zero zero is zero um and and a way to AG gratiate the council and their concern of not wanting to demolish a building not wanting of to sort of override the idea that if you had trash in your yard that you couldn't pay your fine and now it's 25,000 the idea that you're not after their property necessarily you just want compliance or it could be a little bit of both there are consequences to lack of your compliance so if it's 25,000 I'm just throwing out there because all of these can have factors that I would love to propose whether through the vendor or not um it could be the quality of the property like what has happened now since we've had all these hurricanes it may be something that's a huge eyesore and it's like oh no we've dealt with the before that $225,000 fine could be settled potentially for $2,000 or if they couldn't get to 25 where they going to get to 2,000 and we could also that I would say um the question would be the idea that some of these properties and that's why the factors of the quality of the property may go into play who who owns them how old they are how gainful they are and other property management is that there may be an opportunity to G something or we just legally still have all of these leans out on paperwork in the clerk's office with no real atttention to do anything about it so I would maybe one of the council suggestions in getting this list and considering um is the idea which ones potentially just dismissed or forgive but my hope is not to leave this in the lap of another Council or legal people who says now it's not 2008 or 15 years years or 16 years later is 30 years later and we still have potentially millions of dollars in leans that the city has never collected on but you're correct some of these may just go by the wayside as you know sort of stupid taxes Mr Dave Ramsey talks about Fin we fail here's where we fail in this when you're up to your wasting alligators you forget your intention was to drain the pond Our intention was to do this to clean it upan you can't get you can't get U insurance on it but Title Insurance you can't get tit Insurance nobody can 20 years in the budget I'm G you know because I do help with that a lot a lot of these leans are play like that one she mentioned is when we tear something down usually a lean is not filed unless we've done a lot of work um and then we've even on Lans if the city manager and it was a few years ago y'all gave back when T brown was here like a certain dollar amount that he could wave up to and then it had to come before the council but we a lot of these people that say they don't clean their yards and it's fine and it might go on for a year or two but they sell that property there's never a lean fil but those property owners are notified that they need to clean them and if they clean it then we don't f a lean those fees are just a wash and going to your point yeah um besides coming up with in my opinion something that at least can um re-engage a communication even if it's this is what you owe we would love to you connect with whatever connection is and you all decide or a delegated authority to dismiss it at least on the second part which is where there are viable properties there are bu selling it may be a way because there's a lean on it for the city to be compensated in some kind of way because as you noted most of the leans that are done and especially ones that are in force there's already been all this work done regarding it so it's not pervasive if it's not everybody who comes through gets a lean and it definitely isn't that it's been in forced but that's why the particular vendor um who I met with orange Data Systems um their idea and how they um work similar to other venders like the speeding um system is it the way they're compensated is in the use of their system so basically they take your um IND your your your portfolio index through CV or something of all the leans that you have out there and they assess it and do like an analysis that I am in no way able to do it um but and they bring it back within 30 days and then out of that information they want to see which ones if any do would be um would farewell for you to maybe do Le searches to find out which ones are marketable already on sale or the property is already on um out for sale and then is only when some particular property is identified as something you want to do action on would they engage in some type of abatement process that whether or not you dismiss or wave the F due or reduce it so that the property sales if it's 2, 5,000 that the city gets the value of the manow is to to enforce all these things over the last 15 years you get something but what I like also going to council member Barn's point is not this scary process where a person feels like you're about to do something for them I think last year when the council was inside speaking of like can we relieve these people to help demolish something that's a huge eyesore and dangerous and clear the land that just helps it to be more useful in the future and what I would suggest is that to be communicated in a broad base to most of not all the people who have link cuz they don't read the paper they're not in the meeting they're not hearing the compassion in which you're considering their PL but if there was something like let's reconnect because everybody everybody's not some poor citizen trying to make it through some of these are business people who have properties all over the nation and they have the property in Perry and they're up in Ohio or the Bahamas ignoring our notices and selling their property those people I give no pass to or when I say I I don't have the power you all can decide well that would be a particular um lean that we want to enforce or at least enforce to the point of getting something out of it uh but right now we just have no system of evaluation it is based on whatever is happening at the time uh and truthfully until September last year there was no nothing being done since 2019 oh excuse me Danielle did you say that in the past that we decided to place a lean on the property but it was never filed is that what happened and therefore never collectable so when a lean is filed the only thing we try to collect is any work that the city has done money we've put into it like we tear down a home those fees have to be paid but any fines leading up to that day is w um we have we've um here in the last year I know or so the when something's sold on the T like a tax seed they get our money we get our money out of you know they they they sell it for at least that amount where we get that that money up front so but that that lean is recorded yeah those leans are recorded okay yes that's all these are leans that are recorded we have way more people who we could place a lean on than we have exactly these are recorded with the well the Lan are less Resort anyway I mean the we don't really want Lanes a lot of times want to clean the property tear down house or things like that because they can't and won't do theirself land like say that's a big problem yes some money from way off buys it and never sees it don't want to see it property because they bu tax sales right the only ones we would catch in those days are those who also are Del liquid on their taxs but that doesn't necessarily cover others so out of all of these Le there may be options and it's not going to change the economic trajectory of your budget but I think it would help clean up and also create like a standard as to how you decide who to pursue versus like everyone sort of like even with the resolutions it's great to have things written down and a policy that address it that actually is is is dealing with what you're dealing with now and not sort of just done by anecdotal this is what we've done because that wasn't a rule that was just every time you're experiencing with the particular L you all excuse me once if a property came to your attention that was demolished you're saying that the lean was waved is that what you're saying no I mean not the lean I'm sorry outside of the cost to do it the rest was BS the daily BS were can but that's it's just how that would did you get something together for us and just kind of I would like I said I was just going to talk about the vendor but um and I'm appreciative of um Miss Hampton emailing me about what are the leans I want a copy of that because I didn't have a copy of all the leans I just had information based on the leans that I was aware of that have been en forced since 2023 I was speaking of the Le that you may have I didn't have it until I walked till a few minutes before okay I just want to be cuz I wasn't going to go over it that I would have definitely had you try to vote on something that you don't have my pleasure do know one thing uh we don't start using the money that we and the budget for demolition but there's so many I don't know about your District I Know M history there are lot of homes need to be demolished and this been ever since I've been on the coun so if you okay get to that we have we don't want to take we have have started demolitions on some some houses we follow the article 10 and ldrs about substandard housing Min housing violations and that goes before the boa and they have to issue those orders and we have been doing that but it's the worst of the worst um so we used to get that information than to C and used to I think we authorized it I but whatever I like to know may have been informed a little more informed but I would like to know what's going on with my district please that's that's something might address with the there been a change there thank you anyway if you wouldn't mind hope just get open the vendor and see what it would take to do this what it's going to cost us one way or another and today but um I I was like because there had not been an initial discussion which I think is probably the most important thing what is the status of the Lans currently versus a vendor coming in and the council doesn't know what's happening now so again I appreciate the question guess will we'll just wait to hear back from me about that okay okay thank you J Adam 60 appr approval am minutes from September 24 2024 regular session changes to minutes not entertain motion a second second counc coun counc L yes vice mayor Landry yes mayor C yes city manager I would just wait for another meeting to bring it up but I'm getting phone calls from DP saying compliance I let Sean talk about it I know what all this is about something we to do every five years five years yes um the city permit water was due to be renewed in 2022 um from what I've seen it look like the last Administration kind of waed to the last minute before they did it because it's supposed to start renewal like 180 days before before it needs to be redone like I said the permits every five years and whenever they do that it's the local limits have to be re-evaluated what that is just like the heavy metals the oils and greas that the city can accept from like super t or any pre-treatment user and then kind of it just regulates on what what we can put in the ground um when the permit was done I guess there was no one here to follow up in in the end of 2022 start of 2023 it wasn't done um so I found out about it well the pre-treatment of the pre-treatment um boarding some of the the things they require I found out probably April of this year and as we've gone through it was basically like the local limits have to be reevaluated by an engineer we had an engineer that did the permit we got touch with him through nobody knew about it and actually me and Penny went through um City POS and payments and found where the money had been paid for the permit to be renewed so I contacted him um we worked with them a little bit it it really wasn't going that well um what we want to do with M McDonald is because they have knowledge of our system when they redo the local limits and they redo if they redo the permit the next time they're basically going to make a manual it's going to have every report everything that is due because it's like and I don't know if I told before when I came in there's nobody to show me or tell me this is due this is what we need nobody we had to kind of figure it out as we as we as we go well this should stop that whether whomever is city manager or B superintendent they'll they'll have basically a manual of everything that needs to be done um that that that's pretty much what this is stuff that wasn't done but it has to be done if D's been linking um but it it and it we're just been kind of fumbling over it as we go because we really didn't know what was done or what hadn't been done so what we need to do to just I mean doing this will fix that problem yes so is this this is a proposal that's how much it's going to cost for the engineers to do do the task which they have list listed um because like I said every five years it has to be redone and the the DP the Florida Statutes they change every so many years well it it looks like when the permit was redone I don't know if the engineer that the city paid to do it he basically believe from what I do he stuck with 2010 standards when was brought up to date the 2021 standard who was the engine like I said I don't really blame him because there was no one here for him to follow up with and I seen the bid request that they sent out to engineers and it had the local limits in it but the stuff he received it was just the permit it wasn't the local limits so I think it was just whomever was overseeing it or lack thereof it just it wasn't who who he worked for he worked for himself he was like a one man show so there need to go do we need to go to B this you looking for us do what do you need us to do at this point well the city especially because we're in we we've got the grants and the projects with mt McDonald um the goal is to basically there will be somebody that knows what needs to be done whether I'm here or John's here because you know like I've asked John before um you know he's engine here do engineer engineer y'all drive trains what what the superintendent were doing wasn't kep up a choice we don't have a choice I'm saying is this is this this proposal you need what do you what do you need a motion for ass the mo that going to be every five years we do this one time we have do it better ourselves um the local limits will have to be re evaluated every five years with the per that kind of dollar every um well I I know this been some years ago but from what I seen papw I seen M would have done everything for that me and I don't know why it looks like the city just went the lowest B but like I said they didn't include the local limits and and you know M they have a lot of experience doing them so I think it'll be better um we when they redid the plan there was actually manuals that walk you through every piece of equipment and it was a mirror Drew all that stuff up that's basic we're going to do with the pre-treatment and it'll help us if a new company wants to come to town uh and they have to have a pre-treatment program um and basically like when we do the local limits the permit we're held to these rules for 5 years they really can't be changed on us but at the end five years we have to make sure that like said all the FL administrative code and all the requirements by D or EPA if they changed we're up to date on okay we have a motion on the table do we have a second yes ma'am you said that um they could not contact anyone talking to that engineer when I finally got his number through Penny when I called him he was like where so he didn't make an effort to anyone else he been he was trying like said I don't I don't blame him but with this the time the time sensitive is him just been a Onan show be elected to go with mcdonal Sean we know who who gave permission for the permit when he say all heed was money for a permit and had talked to anybody well there was there was a bid sent out but he wasn't on the original bid that I found I don't know who contacted him directly I can ask him but um what year was that 2022 you can't bid Engineering Services and I do believe him he's professional he's paid professional money and I think our attorney ought to send him a letter to get our money back well he did the permit which he was P to do he just the local limits weren't weren't done weren't done and like I said we're still going off old local limits they weren't updated they may not change but the AR reevaluated every 5 Years anyway so this will fix that problem okay we have a motion do we have a second I do second council member BR yes council member Hampton yes council member yes vice mayor Landry yes mayor yes at least they have seconds the keys again I you for what you do he is doing yes I'm gon be the one to go on the record and say that if I find out anybody that's not doing the job they just getting paid I would be the first one to be in John office and recommend for them to be fired because it's like we just thr away money now nobody can speak for where this money has went who supposed that took responsibility for it and that's a big problem with me it is us having this relationship with them think solve that just having a Playbook what's supposed to be done I don't know how to water I don't think water is issue to permit but but really anything that that Reed whatever um I don't plan on doing anyw but if something happens to me PR superintendent you know he had so much no one knew about and he was going that and then you know then you play kch y people keep that as job security for themselves maintenance is so for and it's been neglected for so long and I commend you like Bonita said for what you're doing to try to bring it up to today and and to keep records to keep Tim taes on when is it time to do this or that we have to do it they had some little cheat sheet stuff that that we were doing in the lab which we've been doing that was the problem it was basically the stuff super superintendent was doing or having the engineers do like I said without him here you know and you know there's a new waste water superintendent and water superintendent Public Works director is not here city manager it was during that time yeah it didn't SC I try to send and I try to send everything I find I'll s Danielle and John try to try to keep on fou but I think this will be better well like you said if there's a manual that's got it and got the timetable and everything and it's accessible to anybody or everybody that needs to have access to it then work can go forward well the the other problem is is we need this annual pre-treatment what does that mean where do you get the form to fill out who who do you turn it in that's what we've been running into there's things that you can gol you have to have mizil in so well you got what you need now to go ahead get get it done right so appreciate it and I I really like Doug with M McDonald he's been real helpful on this so just wa way it's been going I think it'll be fine if not I I'll be the first one to tell you because I don't want this hanging over my head anymore and I'll say this biggest headache that I've had here so far a good job at finding a solution yep thank you I keep saying it got thank him too all right thank you thank got anything else John attorney I think you cover all your earlier say I was so proud to be in Philadelphia um for annual conversation with my church and look on CNN and see May kri and I say that not to make his head go big just no I know I've hared a lot on Florida leag of League of cities in the conference but if anyone remember my much talking I shared about wanting um and inquiring if we had an emergency communication protocol um and one of those learnings for me at least is that other people may criticize things but the citizens of Perry emotionally um connect to knowing that their officials are out there um even though they may see um our Public Works workers and if they slow down to consider they know that the people are working um we and then we thank those who like you are at here while your fames maybe evacuated but I was proud of both the fact that you did it but also as we look at looking at lobbying efforts while we don't have a lobby lobby is like the idea of how can we make the the St legislature know who we are like who is Perry who is Taylor County and literally I'm not of the belief that all is good but whether it's connecting to tayor County and ke Beach and a number of the coastal line that's not officially Parry um the idea that you know whether it's political people coming to visit like the president of the United States anything that I feel would help replicate the communication that we're here that we matter matters when it comes to the harder things like getting the state legislature to appropriate enough money for us so I wanted to say that sort of joking because I knew you would turn a little red but way in a serious way I turn red way that it made me feel good to know that it wasn't just capturing County Commissioners right it had our people in so the city of Perry often but they say take six Communications for someone to remember something so I'm like Parry Parry Parry Parry Parry Parry now whether it result tomorrow in like a $3 million appropriation bill it may not but um that learning from that FC conference I just like yes did do that all of you who' been posting different Services of for our community I just think it does have images that go un unappreciated but I I don't know how they reached out or knew but I was very proud to see the city being thank you everybody I mean I might have got on the news or whatever but there were so many people that actually did the work everybody I mean I know Andrew was thought Andrew a couple of times we had a pole get into a water M yeah and just the water pressure just started going wonky and the tower started u emptying out and U any a minut I know all of y'all Sean Garett all y'all Jamie every I mean RB all you Cru everybody came together did a lot a lot during this really appreciate what he did we get good at it unfortunately that's we're getting better yes Dan sorry didn't mention that if I miss anybody I apologize but I a lot of people did a lot of things otherwise the services wouldn't have kept going exactly I got to admit this scared me a little pick it and water didn't come out I was like all there but that that fixed pretty quick that was in the middle the night and by early that morning it was back up so that's right anyway garly we went live on our new system for account payable payroll and um financial reporting on the 27 okay it's going it's Cur you came in at the right time yes I did I'm glad to have a system now that I I actually that's that part has been easier for me of being able to navigate a new system it's more so just making sure everything translated from the old to the new one yes what about the bills the city bills have they gone out yet yes they went out third on third like as I did not get one so I guess I better come up here yeah the mail I'm for sure it's fra y still doing the postcard yeah that's suppos to go live December 1st it going be up the regular envelope or something or um is that it's gonna be a full sheet Bill okay December Christmas time you did Jamie uh there's actually too much to mention okay other than email just to Echo comments that I heard earli how blessed we are to have wonderful staff that cares about the community whenever it matters they get to work I want to tell everybody thank you um I spent a lot of time talk with Sean with some things and um we work together on some stuff he's been great to work with just making sure that he had what he needed and with water department as well I always call Jamie when I need something work it out we get out um and and I'd like to thank the guys in the police department they've been working a lot of hours and continually working hours now with this traffic coming yes oh yeah we're back we're back to working everybody's working right now without days so um want to thank everybody for what they've done and how well they've represented us yeah even in rough times still holding their composure and trying to be the best they can I thank you that than apprciate it RB oh basically same thing just said Jam about thanking everybody my guys they done a wonderful job U they all showed up work no pussing no grapping done what they need you to do uh everybody else in the city they anybody need anything we tried to help them they helped us so other than that the only other thing I got is I did get an answer on my firehouse Grant today Firehouse Subs Grant today and it was Deni so I need they did not give a reason why it was denied it just said it was at this time was not or it this time so I'm gon fill out for another one than that that's all I got okay thank you thank yall Daniel I it's been crazy they started 3:30 that morning pushing roads and they worked ever since they worked hard still working still cleaning still straightening sides yeah I see a lot of them the road signs up everywhere it was other than that it was an event for sure andever I called about traffic issues this week and AD still not complaining when I call about traffic issues this we I tell you what I can't I I can I appreciate my men because I they're I appreciate fire police everybody gas even one of the gas guys he helped my guys and that he didn't have anything going on it's been a lot easier working with local people than it has been with some of the folks out of town coming in with folks that weren't here to help they were here to take advantage of the situation you can tell the people that are invested in the community whenever things happen and we and we've got great work we one thing I is told that we should work 247 oh my go can't Happ and um work hard as we can but well said we sure appreciate everything it was ort volunte show us how we'll follow your lead very you good Andrew is not here guess he Department Sean you got anything else besides what you had earlier um we had we three bang backup generators at the plant we had one that kept running hot and went down but we had a rental from the UFC or actually Gardener from the mission statement we put out we still have it hooked up now I got a guy coming tomorrow from ring power to uh see if we can figure out what's wrong with it and I I intend to get them on like a service plan The Operators were exercising them running the engine for 10 or 15 minutes you know once a month or so but from what I found is they need to be tested under load so many times a year and um and the the old oil needs to be changed once a year and an analysis needs to be done on the oil I basically I guess to determine how much life it's left in the generator two one of the generators is only about four or five years old the other two I think the one in the building is like an 80 M get old stability the other one probably late 90s early 2000s but um hopefully it did run hot but it did have the the safety function to shut itself down so so we think it's okay we just got to figure out why it keeps running hot and uh my guys we work two weeks straight um the guys know they were out of power too that's the biggest thing is they work 12 16 hours and then having to go home to deal with their power ales and all that so you know I try to tell them get as much rest they can they need to come in later do what they got to do cuz I don't want to there AR to fight because they're they're grown people they they did real well said we are getting good at this I know don't know like bragging about it um got a little more streamline like gaming EOC ordering generators get what we need a lot better this time a lot better got exactly yeah we forget what we learned re before we have another one the guys in the field they're pretty D um they did they did real well and they got we got a guy who's been here two weeks his first week here was during the barricade oh wow so he didn't quit got any questions thank you for preventive maintenance that you're doing you just described it when you talked about the generators that's that's what we got to do yeah I I said they exercise them but I guess it just running and then running underloaded was running hot so I mean I wish I have discovered it before but it it ran fine and Adell and Debbie but we have trouble out this time you'll figure it out thank you thank you everything went pretty good Parks obiously yall seen the parks they were a mess Parks got a lot of help two M Crews they cleaned up most of themselves and then we got doors probably SE them got doors order already for some reason they got doors up there any the places right now we and we're working on just getting all the parts back the gas department is getting more and more imported during the storms because so many people are hooking up gas powered generators which gas service we've got one of the airport we've had for quite a while I'm just so grateful you Lord I'm so grateful that God sped our lives and so thankful for everything that each of you all contribut to the city yes I left kind of my I went to Gainesville it wasn't bad there at all so when I [Music] return it was just a lot you know I'm just thankful thankful for each you most important thing is that he SP ever so that's thank you Miss Lander I'm proud of our city employees I'm proud of the way you sck together you work together you do what needs to be done you don't complain about it just do the job and I that that's refreshing I'm not proud of the way our city looks still got trash in my neighborhood they've never picked it up since the last storm so there's more work to be done and I know it gets pushed back every time we have a storm it gets pushed back but it is embarrassing when people come and see what it looks like especially when they know what used to look like what what we can look like so that's my only complaint get the trash got how many TRS they say like 40 or more trucks here talk today about giving them a Guaranteed Rate get more trucks down here they don't do that same thing for us they're just going to leave here and go down there go they didn't mention that they're do the Guaranteed Rate the same Guaranteed Rate here to keep the trucks here here well I saw to where they had the flooding down there and they have all this stuff piled up outside the buildings now they got the storm coming there they're running 26 hours a day trying to get all that picked up before the wind hits so yeah Bonita I just want to thank everybody I stayed because of my job but I I just commend all y'all that stayed it was kind of hard to send your family off and you stayed here but I just thank everybody for everything that they did suggestion but that M that was a formal action by the council and we need to doesn't this be the agenda become part of the Ben I mean this agenda rather I'm holding yes result it will it will but I can add it as like that's if you chose to add it to I would think that 6 P because it's and if you want her to see a real surus you needed to go out there whole busted the water line they had so many people out there and they still couldn't do anything until the right man got there and when he got there he couldn't do anything till he called somebody and they had one man he was just safety he sat in his truck they was safe the number of people was just so that yeah that was 6 in 8 in we can count on them taking from us and sending it sou that's what happened that's where the Big Show is now it follows the latest event usually just something yes sir I just want to again tell everybody thank you everybody every everybody just tell everybody thanks from us us and next trip --------- ##VIDEO ID:Q135uISsbWo## anyway let me did you look at everything good start hours 15 back hit with weed eater abouts day T sh give me one minute I gotta close I'll just s ready October 8 2024 city council meeting in the order remind everybody to silence your cell phones we have open prayer M Landry would you Le us in prayer and then within the Pledge of Allegiance my father we come to you tonight with thankful Hearts yes thankful Lord that it appears you would spare us one more time from a horrific storm but we do lift up those who are in its path and pray that you would protect them provide for them and uh help us to see how we can help out that we can do our part Lord we have some to be grateful for when things like this come along we we wonder but you've always been there you've always taken care of us and you always will and we thank you for that be with us tonight as we deliver deliberate on things that affect our citizens help us to Choose Wisely and to do so in a professional manner in Christ's name I pray amen amen to the of the United States of America and to the rep for stands one nation God indivisible liy andice for all call please man' counc member BR here counc member hon here vice mayor Landry here mayor here uh item number three approval of items on the consent agenda council member BR yes council member hon yes yes mayry yes yes okay re receiving request from the general public does anybody from the general public would like to say anything it's not on the agenda move on to number five which is vids and Chang about the B we still don't have any okay very good they on the general business Adam 6A Andy Jackson representative of Gram's Legacy to address the council regarding Graham's Legacy and the US 19 and Thomas d l intersection and Council will take action Mr Jack well about a year ago I approach coun over that there's elevation difference between St Road and un 19 and it requir folks to slow down basically to a stop before they they enter Thomas STS the U since that time I've been able to get a estimate from uh been able to get an estimate from the uh for qu Professional Services which does does road construction to actually fix that that inter and I've also talked to the Department about fixing that intersection so it turns out that it's going to take about $225,000 to fix the intersection where we have don't have a Elation there anymore uh the what needs to be fixed is on city property okay just a city road thing the Department of Transportation ons the sidewalk and they have no problem with permitting for us to for the city to go in bust out side wall change the elevation and then reort to uh to the new elevation what I'd like to ask is is that put this on your capital projects list now that does a couple of things one is it gives an opportunity for the city to apply for a grant to actually do the work and also next thing is that there happens to be some some job strs little infrastructure GRS that this project can be included and we' have basically reduced the safety out of there coming off of US 19 to talk steps I know my neighbors th would appreciate F that intersection is there any questions that that you f have there two estimat in there one estimat fix the intersection the other estimate is to actually do to improve Thomas STS for industrial truck traic talk about the whole talking about the whole Road the whole road yeah okay and uh when I talk to the do about this this morning they basically said look when we get a buyer in there wants to do uh actually move in we'll do an economic development plan and then at that point we can the FD would come in in fact they didn't promise on paper but they said based upon traffic done we can get a my is Andy yes sir as you've got figure one regual return is that sufficient property to do what needs to be done or will it have to require talking to the design engineer he says that's sufficient property I I question that about quite a because there's utility right there on that corner and he says what changes go all the way up place as far as where they'll stop question yes [Music] ma'am may not we' like to extend Warner Avenue South and I'm willing to De over the land City to do that so it's just to to be able to extend that road and actually add some utility to that area that'll further development so she's got another 200 Acres right beside and we think this might be an excellent development opportunity see good for the environment it's very good for the environment right right absolutely and there's some there's some reasons for that you could actually tie the uh waste water system in to folks over in 12 point and South and actually make some improvements get rid of sep tapes in that area and let's all try to do our best we can for the dep and that would be one of the basis for securing a grant for that work and I don't know if you guys know or not but in that area it's only one way in and one way out so if anything ever happens further up on W Al we don't have a way out there's no how would this change it you will have a you have a way out either through um qu Point yeah we'll get back off somewhere over the alpha Pucket roll okay yeah one time yeah there the owner right there the land he's owner she's own if that pass way through property created There lives that will be saved like serious minutes that if the ENT were a someone yeah because Quil Point only has one way in and one way out also a good example would be like for instance with today with the traffic that we're having is coming through that would be a good way to get to Quil point and we would have we be able to avoid going on 19 so we offer that as well that's a separate item but certainly we uh if y'all could just add that intersection to Capital list and if you don't if you want to add the other project to your list as well that would actually help us by giving us permission to pursue those grants and I will all right thank Youk you thank you appreciate it J DM 6B Mike Thrift commander of the V W post 9225 to address the council regarding donations to the BFW post and use of a city on building for the BFW Council take any action being necessary good afternoon I'm sure most of you know me I've been V post last 10 years we tried having a bar and so it did not work uh like I said we need a home where we can be role models to not only our our adult community members but our youth as well got really really big the youth and right now we're having to have meetings at the I mean God bless tlor s let us happen there but we would like to have a place that we could put down roots and actually have a home and not have to wor about moving constantly and all we want to do is have home we have two meetings a month we like to have a place where we people could bring their children their grandchilden that doesn't serve alcohol candy bars soda pop you know that kind of stuff and we're hoping to get some video games maybe pool table juk box just so families can get together and have a good time not have to worry about the environment you know going out a bar and people drinking and possibly getting violent and uh like I said we would really really use your help another thing is if we had our own home we could store hurricane SPID instead of having to load and unload constantly to go out into the community to help so this year we gave out three 30 foot trailers full of emerchant hurricane relase in our community and that's where our main focus is not just the veterans with the residents of Perry and Taylor County Florida that's our biggest concentration and and uh the other thing I have is I would like to ask yall to possibly hopefully change your bylaws do not allow you to donate to nonprofits I I think it's VI more viable for the city and the county Support nonprofit organizations that Focus all there support Taylor County not send us up to tassy or monel or anywhere else but right here because this is our home you know like I said what everything has happened here lately our fundraising has been very very bro and we don't expect it to improve for a few years with the uh all the Hurricanes we've had people just don't have the money to try to help us complete our mission excuse me another thing is is this year we started doing the S veterans and it turned out so great that we're going to do it every year it'll be next year on November 6th and 7th excuse me and uh that's our main focus is you know concentration here just like the Taylor Senior Citizen Center volunteered out there a lot and they could really use some help you know uh they lost all their food in their freezer and U you they they just they take care of our senior citizens and we should help support them to do that because one day we're all going to be seniors and like I said you have organization like mine I'm sure there might be a couple others that conate everything here we don't see nothing out at the people and that's pretty much it unless anybody has any questions I can think of right away you and I talked earlier just for a minute you you didn't really have any particular place in mind you were just wondering if we had anything yes yes sir I I don't know what the city has control over but we like Place big enough where we can do the things we want to do like said the pool table the video games food ball feet about are you looking for S how many square feet about I would say probably the smallest 2000 preferably something around 3,000 square ft ex we don't have all the kids dads and everybody stepping all over and they got room to play and enjoy themselves okay senior sitter right now yes ma'am do you pay rent to them no ma'am I volunteer there like we just donated th000 for the hurricane release platform we donated War to keep their food warm to them and when ad when Debbie hit I asked if they want us pay rent but they said no because we're only there we these there one night a month what about paying rent to the city for this building that you Bor that would depend on the rent like I said uh we spent all basically the majority of our money on our sleep to better event yes we can afford afford to pay some rent but everybody's around here want 12500 $2,000 a month and as a small nonprofit we've only got 47 members we cannot afford that at our last place out on 221 I was paying much above all pocket and I cannot afford to do that no more well you shouldn't have to okay just gathering information thank you yes ma'am you're very welcome thank you for let me speak thank you sir agend item six agenda item 6 C public hearing and final read ordinance number 1037 an ordinance of the city of Perry Florida relating to an amendment of 100 acres or less of land to the Future land plan map of the city of Perry comprehensive plan pursuant to an application LMA 24-1 by the property owner of said acreage under the amendment procedures established in sections 163 3161 through 163 3248 FL statutes as Amendment as amended providing pranging the land use classfication of property located in the North Central Florida rural area of opportunity from agricultural less than or equal to one dwelling unit per acre two industrial of certain lands within the corporate limits of the city of Perry Florida providing cability repealing ordinances in conflict and providing for to take the date he might turn on yes ma'am second read do we have any I think we doing one by one so have any discussion on that out and see this is the uh just reson from AG industrial I'm part of gr Legacy a motion we do have a motion we have a second second member Brian yes yes wood yes Landry yes May P yes agenda item 6D public hearing and final read of 100 acres or less of land to the Future land use plan map of the city of Perry comprehensive plan pursuant to an application L ma 24-2 by the property owner of set acreage under the amendment procedures established in sections 163 3161 3163 3248 Lord of statutes as amended providing for changing the land use classification of property located within the north central Florida rural area of opportunity agricultural less than or equal to one dwelling unit per acre the industrial of certain lands within the corporate limits of the city of Perry Florida providing severability refilling our ordinances in conflict and providing an effective date have any discussion not I'll entertain a motion motion to approve council member Ryan Yes council member Hampton yes council member W yes vice mayor Landry yes mayor K yes all right agenda item 6 e public hearing and final reading of ordinance number 1039 an ordinance of the city of Perry Florida relating to an amendment of 100 or less acres of land to the Future land use plan map of the city of Perry comprehensive plan pursuant to an application LMA 24-3 by the property owner of set acreage under the amendment procedures established in Section 163 6 3161 through 163 3248 lorda statutes as amended providing for changing the land use specification of property located within the north central Florida rural area of opportunity from agricultural left Center equal two one dwelling unit per acre to Industrial of certain lands within the corporate limits of the city of per Florida providing cability repealing ordinances in conflict and providing an effective dat ad said industrial inste of agricultural [Music] anyway have any discussion of not entertaining motion I do have a discussion um I read these in and um in section three uh it's it's in the rest of them but it's not in those and it's important needs to be in there it says um conflict all ordinances are portions of ordinance in Conflict dis ordinance are hereby repealed and it should say in conflict with disordinate and that that word was left out on um I think it's the first three or four on 38 37 38 yes ma'am and that's that was it the rest Au 40 um as the the last three are okay the rest of them that word needs to be inserve motion to approve with the addition of that word second councilman br council member hon yes council member wood yes vice mayor Landry yes mayor K yes good catch thank agenda item 6f public hearing and final reading of ordinance number 1040 an ordinance of the city of per Florida relating to the resoning of 10 or more continuous acres of land pursuant to an application Z 24-0 by the property owner of set agricultural A1 to Industrial I a certain lands within the corporate limits of the city of Perry for providing cability repealing ordinances and conflict and providing an effective date have any discussion no I'll entertain motion yes yes counc MC M Wood yes vice mayor Landry mayor K yes agenda item 6G public hearing final reading of number 1041 an ordinance of the city of Perry Florida relating to to an application Z2 24-02 by the property owner of said acreage amending the officials owning atlas of the city of Perry Land Development regulations providing for resoning from agricultural land within the corporate cityor limits of the city of Perry Florida provid cability repealing our ordinances in conflict and providing an effective Aid we have any discussion Council Ry yes council member Hanson yes council member wood yes may Landry yes yes agenda item 6h public hearing and final reading of ordinance number 1042 an ordinance of the city of Perry Florida relating to the resoning of 10 or more ju acres of land pursuant to an application Z2 24-3 by the property owner of set acreage amending the officials Zing atlas of the city of Perry Land Development regulations providing for resoning from agricultural A1 to Industrial I with certain lands with in the corporate limits of the city of Perry Florida providing cability repealing our ordinances in Conflict if a motion Mo counc member ran yes counc member H yes council member wood yes land yes mayor yes agenda item 6 I sure uh I'm just looking at John's note these six items that we've just approved are to change Mr Jackson's land industrial having this Z industrial will be a huge benefit to Economic Development and uh glad you putting it up with that use what I'd like to say is based the fact we had zoning changing uh coming up we've had serious that looks multiple interest part differ how many acres in total is this yes 272 plus 200 is your Zone making changes but I'm for anything to count having that road you were talking about earlier would tremendously help that land coule weeks rout my property invol there would be access available huge that opens up a giant corner of our city it does where would you get go resolution 202 24-22 USDA Grant loan for V jedar truck vacuum jedar a resolution of the city council of the city of Perry authorizing and providing for the incurrence of indebtedness for the purpose of providing a portion of the cost of acquiring constructing enlarging improving Andor extending this vacuum truck facility to serve an area lawfully Within jurisdiction to serve just getting the loan for the uh go ahead John that's one me and Sean been working on for over a year probably it was originally going to be 35% Grant 65% loan for the city after all these hurricanes came they came back and said they could do 75% Grant 25% good yeah good should save us quite a bit we ever get do all the paperwork I think there the end of it on the front end I about the back end oh that be 269,000 grand what okay I had six [Music] seven go to the income list the expected revenue for typical year well first thing is wrong with that they're not asking you for you you don't have a clue what they're asking for I didn't fill this out huh I didn't fill this out I know I just for only I know why e e e e e for