##VIDEO ID:55DKE66f0LQ## Philipsburg Town council meeting September 11th 2024 welcome to the town of fburg council meeting like to call this meeting no order Council vice president you please read the open public meeting act statement this meeting is called pursuant to provisions of the open public meetings law this meeting of September 11th 2024 was included in the list of meeting notices sent to newspapers of record and posted on the bulton board and the municipal bill and has remained continuously posted as required notice is under the statute in addition a copy of this notice has been available to the public and is on file in the office of the municipal clerk lone please rise for Allegiance Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation indivisible liy and justice for all before we do invation i' like to have a moment of silence for 911 for those of us who can remember what we were doing in 2001 for some of them it was really never thought you would see that and to some of those fburg people that saw one of those planes fly over here it was a sad the saddest day in my life in America so we like to have a moment of silence please councilman scur invation please Lord we are meeting today to conduct matters of business guide our hearts and our minds in the spirit of fairness right thought and speech impart your Supreme wisdom them upon our activities so that our Affairs can May reach a successful conclusion thank you for being our source of guidance today amen amen amen roll call please councilman here counc Kennedy here councilman Sero here Council vice president here council president Marino here at this time for the first reading orance 2024-25 I'm going to pull that from the agenda because we' like to have further review on that so Council please notice that to the public okay at this time the bills list please regular bills list as of September 11th 2024 is 3,1 151,925 21 the prepaid Bill list is $226,500 76 any discussion on Council need a motion second M call please councilman Clark yes councilman Kennedy yes councilman Scerbo yes Council vice president Pais yes council president Marino yes the minutes of August 28 2024 public session minutes so moov second any discussion all call please councilman Clark obain councilman Kennedy yes councilman scuro yes Council vice president paace yes council president Marino yes okay public discussion on agenda items only you'll get three minutes just state your name and if you're a resident of the town or not is there an order par is there an order or no you can come just give us your name my isana as long as it's on the agenda on theend if it's just a general comment I wait sorry that's okay anyone else agenda yeah okay seeing none for the record ordinances these are the second reading okay we'll read them and then the public con question comment ordinance second reading 2024-the adopting District 5 Riverside industrial Amendment Riverfront Redevelopment plan need a motion so move second second okay now it's open to the public they want to come up and speak on this come up State your name and just let us know if you're a resident or not of the Town three minutes sandet resident of the town please do not vote to make the Howard Street property zoned industrial many of the folks that live on marcer street are my friends that was actually your SE our friends on Mercer Street and in the flats believe this ordinance is essentially an ass on their quality of life and jeopardizes their health and well-being what would you do if it was your friends under assault I would hope that you would do what is right and stand up to defend them if you pass Warehouse ordinance 20 24-14 we Philipsburg environmental watch and Associated friends of Philipsburg shall do what we can and challenge this ordinance we we are proud to stand up against this proposed warehouse and defend the quality of life and well-being of our fellow Philipsburg Neighbors in the areas of the flats and surrounding neighborhoods in addition I just want to mention something Mr peruchi makes a point of his growing up in Philipsburg but where does he choose to live now not in Philipsburg not even in New Jersey he lives in Pennsylvania he boasted about the huge apartment complex He is building as an example of his commitment to property Improvement where in eastern not in Philipsburg he conveniently failed to mention he is receiving a $3 million Redevelopment assistance Capital program Grant to help them with this program project Eason gets beautiful Apartments along their riverfront property while we get a warehouse I'd say that's a pretty good example of how much he really cared about this town I'm hoping that you representatives of the Town residents will consider their wellbeing in your vote thank you anyone else you have to step up to the microphone man come over here to the microphone state your name and if you're a resident of the town or not there yes my name is uh Elizabeth McKinnon and I'm a resident of White Township okay in three minutes for the record okay I'm here to tonight to urge you to reconsider the approval of the warehouse on Howard Street as a retired teacher of special education and early intervention uh I have my concern is for the children over the years I've had many students from Philipsburg and I've spent many hours with them and their families the children have always enjoyed playing outside on the sidewalks and sometimes spilling over a little into the streets uh they up they do so today I've seen them today they ride their bikes and their and their tricycles and their little kitty carts and they wave and say hi TR to passers by they are having fun the streets in Philipsburg are very narrow and they cannot accommodate the trucks and positively cannot accommodate Warehouse trucks in case you've never ever seen a warehouse truck it's really frightening so I I want you to consider your vote and I want you to take into that they should the children should be safe and you should just say no to this whole project on behalf of those children and the children of f thank you I'm Joe Miner and I live in Philipsburg and I I favor the people who live in Philipsburg even a bunch of people who don't vote often enough and are a little poorer than the rest they need jobs this is a tradeoff to a certain quality of life for the middle class and a certain quality of life for the poorer class this Warehouse will will B jobs I was hoping and I haven't been able to see it and I don't know what the jobs are initially they were $25 an hour jobs in a cooling Factory uh I I don't know if the cooling Factory thing still exists or not and I haden't read it quick enough I couldn't get I hope they do but that would be wonderful if they're $25 an hour jobs but even if they're $25 $20 a jobs we can use it there are poor people in Philipsburg struggling to make enough we have housing people who spend half their income paying rent they need jobs it is sort of a tradeoff the other thing I want is I want that railroad head I hope it's still there I Mr fi will probably tell me yes or no Joe Joe Joe up here please yes he will probably tell me because I want to know I hope that railroad head which will do wonders for Philipsburg and shipping and reduce Trucking is on its way also anyone else I'm Janice hot I'm not only a fburg resident I happen to live on Mercy Street which within a block or two of the proposed Warehouse I must admit that I'm very disappointed that those who profess to want the best for Philipsburg couldn't find a better use of that land on Howard Street such as the construction or railroad can Museum and Cultural Center this weekend we are again again holding our annual Railroad Festival which brought in over 3,000 visitors last year with even more expected this year why not expand on that concept our Town's past has a rich Heritage with the Morris canal and the railroads that Heritage built this town and that same Heritage should be promoted to help secure its future behind the property on Howard Street is a rail line that the Delaware Railroad excursion uses and the M Museum and Cultural Center would be a perfect stop along that line ample parking could also be provided so that visitors would not have to search for spes along our already crowded Main Street or pay high prices for parking and private Lots yes we would have a lot more traffic but those cars will bring tourists into our town and tourists bring money to spend they will need places to eat so restaurants would open and employees hire to accommodate those tourists with an influx of tourists other shops would soon fill the empty storefronts along our Main Street and all would be within convenient walking distance of a museum on Howard Street this would not only rebuild our downtown it would also create jobs for our residents and generate income for the town with the museum and Cultural Center the town of filbur would become a destination and no longer a nondescript lip on a map that people pass through just to get to East for the past 45 years I have watched downtown filbur as it's been slowly dying due to lack of caring and poor decision making by many previous administrations the future of this town now rests with you you can either help resurrected to its former glory or erected headstone the choice is yours thank you good evening board my name is Robert Hopkins I live in colia New Jersey I'm the president of waren County Building Trades lived in waren County my whole life spent most of my life as a union carpenter driving down either Route 78 or Route 80 or traveling 80 to 100 miles to work on a daily basis responsible Redevelopment like this and a recently completed project of at the inera ram complex can provide good jobs good careers for not just people in the local trades and the local union trades but good careers for people here in the town coming here my whole life I just left nickoli just had dinner over there you I go over to the mall Barber and still get my hair cut this is a town that my parents brought me to as a kid I've seen too many to many people and too much industry move out of this town across the river or even out of this country we need good responsible Redevelopment like this so when I'm bringing people into our trade organizations I don't have to say to them I'm sorry you got to have the same career I did drive 50 to 60 miles to work I just took a young man who we recruited out of the Philipsburg High School just brought him into our Trade union the other day just had to send him 60 Mi to shore Hills to work on a project it would have been nice to say to that young man listen we have a project where you can work in your hometown and have stake in your own Hometown and be a good volunteer in your town not getting up at 4:30 in the morning and getting home at 7:00 at night and not coming home and knowing you know what I got to get back up at 4:30 in the morning instead of getting up from 7:00 to 3:30 and going to work that's the biggest problem we have is opportunities for our local trades people we hear there's a trade shortage there's not enough people coming into the skilled trades and in the in the construction trades in this country there's not a shortage of people wanting to get into that industry there's a shortage of opportunity you as a board tonight can make a decision that's good responsible Redevelopment just like other towns do around you to provide a good tax base and a good career and good opportunity and even future opportunity as far as maintenance jobs and upkeep of that facility so you have the support of our Warren County Building Trades and we wish you the best and Redevelopment even going forward thank you for your time David Moret five Fair View Heights fisberg New Jersey I am a town resident a low esteemed member of councils I'll start off and address a few things that I heard before I came up first in terms of the Building Trades in 9 months a warehouse will be constructed the people who are getting that short commute to come in and work in the Building Trades in 9 months have to go somewhere else 9 months to have a short commute is not enough to sacrifice the residents of fisberg second thing is uh I know people in uh major corporations that deal with warehouses and they've heard about this and they laugh any warehouse cold storage in particular that is not automated in 5 to 10 years is out of business the costs are too high everything will be automated soup the nuts Google it I know you might not have time before you vote in that case table it Google it you do not get jobs out of C Storage in the future and uh in terms of rail there's no there's no tenant at the time so we don't know about rail in 2006 Michael perui promised rail when he was doing his devel development and we still don't have Rail and uh so that's a broken promise now this evening when you vote on the warehouse ordinance 20244 you will be showing your true colors a vote for the warehouse and the developer is a vote against the residence of fisberg are you for a warehouse with the associated toxic diesel fumes tractor trailer traffic and tractor trailer noise or do you support the language of the master plan that restricts new zoning of the Howard Street area to Riverside residential Riverside commercial and Heritage in open space which would be zoning that would positively complement the existing residential area of the flats of filisur and surrounding area do you stand on the side of the developer Michael Peri and his law partner Doug steinhardt whose name appeared on the flyers in the campaigns and supported the campaigns of some of you sitting on Council or do you stand with a residents of filisur which side are you want tonight when you cast your vote we shall see thank you anyone else Dan Boyce Philipsburg um I Heard a couple things tonight I want to address they're talking about residential going over to over to Easton this developer tried over 16 years ago to bring residential in there and had no success doing it why do we be the dead horse so we have to wait another 16 years before somebody says hey maybe let's make a change okay said that everybody up and down that area doesn't want it I have spoke to many people that I know there was at least 56 people on the Mercer Street South Main Street s Grave Street area that said they are in favor of the warehouse that's sure as heck doesn't sound like nobody doesn't want it to me okay the point we really need to look at is we need to take you out of our pockets when you decide what we can do with property we own what is stopping you from the next round look at China where they prevent anybody from having a family you can have one kid that's it is that your next step you're going to prevent this warehouse and then you're going to prevent people from having children or or what make a model of car they can have if they can have it at all I hear about the issues with the the the the diesel and everything and like I pointed out we've got Route 22 we got Route 78 going right beside them we have the train tracks going by everything is diesel fueled you look in that immediate area how many brownfields do you have Delaware River Park was a landfill you got a Brownfield where they end over worse school is you had a Brownfield where LMR is you have a Brownfield where the right next door where the the junkyard is you want safety issues what do you want you want kids to grow up with two heads I mean really we need to think of the realistic things about about everything okay it's already it's been industrial for years and years and years this can be such a change honestly because this industry can bring more industry into town which will help even more this lawsuit has cost the town over $4 million in Lost tax revenue this lawsuit has cost the town hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees think of that hundreds of thousands of dollars how many more crossing guards could be hired for the kids going to school where they could be safe you want to talk about safety let's talk about safety the town needs more crossing guards if you didn't have to waste all this money on legal fees maybe you could hire more crossing guards enough really is enough with it push this through let it get started people need these jobs there's kids that are hungry I just spoke at the at the school board meeting about it some of these kids go to school three minutes three minutes is up really I he walk fast thanks sorry anyone else before we vote on this ordinance council president com please we have another oh I'm sorry sorer 68 year resident the house that I live in has paid taxes that this toed over 100 years in my family I look around and I only see maybe a handful of people in my category that have uh lived here that long little history so people don't realize I went to school down the school with 300 kids I my uncle had a oil business on Howard Street two diesel trucks every day plus Oil Trucks being delivered across the street from Chopper industry across the street next to that was um the door what was the name of that uh well it was a lumber yard on the other side General Supply General supply thank you General Supply was back there then around the corner you had bought plastic you went down the street you had SNP with 65 tractors and trailers park there and across the street from that was the the uh junkyard there were trucks coming in for Iron and Steel every single day there is no traffic down there now there is very little truck traffic going to come out of this place the only thing we're going to get is revenue we're going to get taxes the people the L U's board had tens of people come up and talk to each one of us we want somebody paying taxes we want this we want that I've heard a lot of people that don't live here don't pay taxes want to tell this town what to do that's enough of that we need to do what's right for the town we need to have income coming into this down we need jobs coming into this down and I hope the we the where house gets built and I hope the other side gets developed thank you thank you Kei anyone else okay you're in on scene can I [Music] yes good evening guy Citron not from Philipsburg just want to address a few points quickly um I heard the good gentleman Robert speak and I was very moved by what he had to say but I do think that the public deserves to know if there's a pla in place that will guarantee that the warehouse would be built with union labor local because that would be great number two we talk about creating jobs there's a tremendous community on Main Street that is getting organized I've been to their meetings these are shop owners who live and play and work right here in town and they are deeply concerned about what kind of new truck traffic would come in that might be preventative to customers coming from out of town to deposit their money here to help grow the local economy so the idea that only a warehouse creates jobs I think is a little bit of a a pigeon hole and then number three the idea that everything had been tried in the past and that no one could build build residential or a heritage site or a commercial site I think the public deserves to know the facts on that because I've heard conflicting things what I really want to talk about is what happened at the board meeting where the consistency report was voted in Mr Branch said when he cast his vote and I thought he was very brave to qualify it that he wasn't voting on The Merit of the consistency report he said that maybe this is the best we can do but why why is this the best we can do I know that there were 100 people who signed letters from Howard Street and Mercer Street for the council members at that meeting to express that this is not not what they wanted but they were too scared to show their faces here in person I know that Amari good friend of mine and myself were approached at the end of last meeting by The Honorable councilman scbo and he told us that speaking truth to power here is I believe dangerous okay so I'm going to stop you there I'm going to stop you there with there's no one in this town of fburg that can't call me or talk to me I don't believe finish my 3 minutes excuse me I will let you thank you but don't say that this board is scaring anybody or intimidating anyone I take that personally because people up here will help anyone not only in our town anyone that they know in any area so if you want to say scare or Vengeance please file it who you're pertaining will have the officer follow it up that is not fair to this Council or to the people of this town you haven't lived here as long as I have you haven't traveled everything here with a town with 19% poverty that these people need to go to work and they can't have a car because everything's so expensive so don't say there's intimidation by this Council continue your time when I ran for assembly last year my lawn signs were messed with a bomb threat was called in my son's school the day before the election and I've been threatened online I respect that this is personally difficult for you to talk about I've been threatened sir may I finish go ahead but I've been threatened so don't come to the council about what happened to you you have to channel to go to the law enforcement file charges go ahead I am trying to answer a very simple question that was posed by Mr brinch which is well he didn't pose the question but I'm posing the question why is this the best we can do and I think the answer truly is is that there is a culture of bullying here and I think that's sad thank you for your time thank you sir but for the record there is no bullying from any member of this board if there is let me know I will go to the chief of police and will'll investigate it I take that as a personal insult for someone who's helped people in this town and we're going to and I shouldn't talk about this but I am cuz I'm irritated I've been here for 79 years 33 of them in the fburg post office 19% poverty these people want to get a chance to have something right and now I'm going to stick up for Mr perui for one reason 20 some years ago when I was on this Council he tried to get something in didn't get it finally they did it 20 years later young peber people can't wait another 20 years to have the opportunity to work the building Industries don't want these people going 70 M an hour or 70 mil from work to those who have to travel 78 and 22 it's not fair and I'm for fair and I don't care about politics I care about my town I care about the people who need it I was on the school board for four terms too so when somebody comes to this and tries to intimidate me you're intimidating the wrong guy you want to tell the truth I'll listen but don't ever say you were bully cuz I personally called the chief of police or the prosecutor so with that said Council C Cil president I would like to address the accusation that was made recently just a couple minutes ago I never said that Matt do that in your open time just discuss with this ordinance this has to do with the project okay so I I came to the land Bo the the land use meeting listen to everyone like I always do I have in the past here I have commended the people in the orang shirts that come here that they have a voice in this community and I was I think they do a great job every time and I want them to keep coming back or anyone to keep coming back cuz that's what this town's about I would never intimidate everyone I would never say anyone it's dangerous for you to say that um this gentleman actually when I ran for Council was online making bullying comments against me with his fellow uh Democratic committee members that sit to the left of me so I think look what council president Maro says I take this stuff serious if you want to come here with allegations and lies and try to ruin our excuse me councilman we're not going to discuss any other councilman just stick to the facts sure so I appreciate you all coming out like I said you came out you did a great job stating your views you always did um I want to State my view on this project like I have in the past I think bringing jobs here to this community should be at the Forefront of anything we do because we we need to make this economy better there's kids starving like was mentioned there's families hurting can't pay their rent if we could provide jobs especially to Union trade jobs which I was a union trade member for 12 years I support them they're the best in the business this project will clean up where there's homeless problem there's drugs needles drug dealers it'll light it up with LED lights clean it up put a building there that will serve a purpose and help this economy get back on track and for the developer that wants to do that for us to try to push some away that might be able to continue the success from there and build on that you know downtown area or wherever he may may want to look at next like he has in the eastn I think that is just foolish of anyone to come here and do that say that about this man so I support this project and I always have from the start because of the reasons I just stated it's all I have council president any other discussion on Council yeah council president um I don't know how many people here have ever visited that site uh on Howard Street um certainly is need of development there is as councilman scuro said there's a homeless situation down there it's overgrown with weeds there are other issues down there um I previously voted yes for uh a previous cold storage project that was to go in there uh because I was shown proof uh that rail would be used I researched the company that was going to go into the time they in fact did use rail all up and down the East Coast because a stumbling block for me has always been truck traffic um certainly some like I said certainly something needs to go there my concern at this point is we don't know who the tenant will be we don't know that they'll use Rail and if they are in fact using trucks uh currently there's another Warehouse being built on edge road and Alpha off of Route 122 heading out of town there's also a proposed Warehouse at the filbur mall site so uh again the stumbling block for me has always been truck traffic and uh my concern main concern as far as filbur goes would be for the people at Delaware Heights that's the only way in and out of town is that that southern section of town 122 and then coming into South Main Street so uh that's why I can't support this if it was like the previous cold storage and I had assurances that rail would be used I would change my mind but for now we don't know who's going in there so for now I have to be a no thank you council president any other discussion thank you council president so clearly this is a very controversial issue one that's been happening for what 3 4 years now that we've been discussing I know that this is probably most likely going to pass I know what I'm going to say probably doesn't matter but I'm going to speak anyway because I do want to voice my opinion on this I want the people know where I stand on this I'm not supporting this Warehouse all right I don't never supported the warehouse I think it's the wrong location I'm not against warehouses I believe they have their use in the right locations but this in a residential poor neighborhood so close to a river is just not the right one now I hear a lot of stories about the past in the history of our town and I believe it is a rich history and yes it is industrial but we need to stop focusing on the 20th century and start thinking about the 21st century jobs we need to bring jobs to our town and I keep hearing about how the Next Generation needs these jobs well let me tell you about my generation we're not running to warehouse jobs technology is wiping those jobs out now we have more young people people my age and younger going into the trades carpentry Plumbing skills but warehouse jobs because of Automation and Technology are being wiped out there are no there's no future in these jobs so we'll be stuck with this warehouse for 20 30 40 50 years and it's going to be my generation stuck with that most of y'all know and I hate to put it so bluntly but we need to think forward we need to think about the jobs of the future I'm all for jobs I'm constantly fighting for business growth in this town but is the warehouse the right choice I agree something does need to go there there are homeless encampments there is drug use there is less than rable act to be happening there but we can clean that up with any other project I have pushed for a grocery store quite honestly personally yeah I pushed for anything else that could create Revenue that will lead into the jobs of the 21st century that my generation actually want so I understand we're think about the Next Generation but as a member of the Next Generation as a professor that's teaching generation why or sorry Z gen Z they're not going to warehouses it's time for Philipsburg to take the next step and that's just the economic standpoint we're not even talking about the environmental justice aspect yet the health hazards the truck traffic the neighborhood safety I'm not against jobs and I'm not against warehouses in practice but this is not the right location and we need to be thinking about the solutions for tomorrow not trying to plug a hole for today enough short-term Solutions let's go for the long-term so for those reasons I will not support this so thank you for my your the time to [Music] speak thank you for the project um it's been said multiple times at all the meetings um there's so many people against it have you tried to generate the money to buy the property from Mr Peri I haven't seen any of that happening um it's been sitting vacant with homeless people a lot of dumping going down there on down there that has created issues for the residents down there the property needs to be cleaned up he's um working on getting the tenant and he's also looking at doing other projects I support it it's better than the way it is now and again uh the whole idea of a grocery store there's been other locations discussed no nobody's interested in bringing a grocery store into the town it's a good idea but put your money up where your mouth is I support it I'll tell you why I'm vote Yes for it when I started in the post office we had over 18,000 residents to this town we're down under 16,000 if anyone here walked the at Howard Street back there when they had houses none of you did but I did if you had code inspection for those Homes at that that time they would be condemned which eventually they were okay I sat on this Council 20 years ago when we could have brought something in on the old in grol Ran property so I hear all this young stuff about Vision Vision we had the vision back there we didn't have the votes to do it what the town could have bought back then we didn't have the people with vision only a few we always got out voting and that's another reason why I'm going to vote Yes I hear the young people we got a lot of young people in our family good good for that I'm also concerned about it soly people we're tired of carrying the tax Le if I could work with one arm they can go to work with two arms if we don't open up properties business people I don't have that kind of money I'm not going to open up something so that's why I'm going to support it we got to get these people on peber like the union man said that they could go to work how many young people can go buy a $40,000 car today and byy the way it's old cars very few Jo done everything that's why I vot you got to give peber a chance to get back off the ground and get out of the 19th and 20th Century and get into the 21st to those who were on the school board and there's some former board members here without the state help and what we've got we've got one of the better educational institutions not only in the state in New Jersey in my opinion in the country you've got I don't know how many people with doctor's degree teing kids we finally got a community college we can't walk and crawl anymore we got to start getting to the facts we got to start building P back it's disgusting to be in this town 80 years and see the decline of it because there's always people who don't like we're never going to agree on everything but I'll tell you one thing when that building goes and these people start working and it helps the tax rate helps the tax rate so we don't have to raise taxes and as an LLY person I don't want to raise nothing anymore but we do if we want to stay in our town that we love for that reason I'll be voting yes Susan roll call please councilman Clark no councilman Kennedy no councilman scbo yes Council vice president paace yes council president Marino yes okay moving on mornings 2024 -20 ordinance of the town of billsburg County of Warren New Jersey approving an application for a long term tax exemption and authorizing the execution of the financial agreement for a tax exemption for an urban renewal project with respect to block 1,05 lot 3 540 Marshall Street need a motion in a second so mov second okay this is another one that's open to the public anyone would like to come up just state your name and you're a resident I'm Joe Miner and I live in Philipsburg and uh if this is a pilot they are the most I'm against pilot we end up losing money by pirats I am for this little store if I got what it is a store in a Senior residence it's exactly the right thing to put on that little HK of land there but we you got to get the deal done without a pilot the pilot uh it certainly helps the developer and if it wasn't for the the outrageous capital gains to be made uh in real estate these days he would simp they would have some argument that they need some relief but merely owning that hunk of land and using it so it pays for itself in our present um economic Federal economic problem which is inflation of housing don't give up the pilot please at least consider not doing the pilot see if the guy can go it alone and pay taxes thank you thank you Joe anyone else Dan voicey as far as I know I'm still from bsur um concerning the the property I agree with what Joe just said the the pilot program you have it for 30 years that does seem kind of extensive maybe it could be cut down I mean it would be hypocritical for me to come up here and talk about the last project and how much money was lost in taxes and then be supportive of this one where you're giving up tax okay I I understand things but you really need to look at the whole picture 8 years ago at least eight years ago nine years ago a man bought that property to build a motel and a grocery store on there he bought it while it was zoned for a motel they changed the zoning on him they screwed him over okay that was shot down by two Mayors ago last mayor he proposed putting up a strip mall and again a grocery store and that was shot down by the mayor now do I know this for a fact yes I do because the man bought everything from aarts for the purpose of opening up the grocery store there it it's really redundant to keep beating this dead horse about we need a grocery we need a grocery you could have had a grocery eight years ago in fact there was a developer and I know the person that did contact from him the developer from Easton who contacted Trader Joe's they wanted them to come in they were going to buy the old aarts building and and put it there and Trader Joe said they didn't want to come in because of all the stuff you just see what went on earlier today okay all the the drama really I mean you should really sell this program to ABC they can use another soap opera I'm sure it's just it's sad maybe you can address this and this developer that that was screwed over twice was going to do everything out of his pocket too he didn't ask for a pilot program maybe you can go back to this developer and see if he's willing to maybe C down to 10 years or something something it's a little more feasible for the town thank you anyone else good evening Bill Ben phsb I just only had a question that you could lead us as citizen where we could learn more about how these arrangements are made and what is done by the town so we can understand the difference between the financial cost of 30y year versus 25 or 20 so we could get a little bit more understanding about the the process uh to provide a little bit more understanding about the impact to the tax base and I simply asked for simply a direction or some kind of a reference to go do my own research yes sir uh so it starts with so the first criteria is that the property has to be in a Redevelopment area right it can't be area a property that's not located in a Redevelopment area that's the first criteria a few of those yes second criteria is that the um developer submits an application to the mayor with the statutory criteria in that application identifying the cost of construction that has to be certified either by an engineer or an orchit Tech the uh proor of the financials and then the proposed terms of the re of the financial agreement that are in accordance with the statute then the mayor reviews it and in this case we actually brought in Todd P Financial Consultant who reviewed the pro fora that was submitted by the developer we had negotiations on that and he's the 30-year expert yes and and he also did the one for 75 South Main Street uh the AL building right the developer has to show under the law that but for the the long-term tax exemption the project can't be built in other words if we did traditional taxation can't build the project and that was shown definitively through the numbers our Financial Consultant Town hired retained independently agreed with that assessment the first proposal from the developer was basically a shell Corporation with a Master Lease L leie less or lesie provision to make the numbers work we didn't agree with that so we settled at the statutory minimum 10% and with that agreement the town actually we figured would have lost money yes yeah it was this is this is a project that this particular project I'm talking about the 540 Marshall is one that the margins are razor razor thin uh on it the cost of construction because it doesn't matter if you are building in Philipsburg or you're building in Summit right the cost of construction typically is the same wherever you're building right but the rents that you can command are obviously not the same if you're building in fils or if you're building in Sun so the cash flow coming in um over the life of the project is not as significant as it would otherwise be if it was in you know a more affluent part of New Jersey so because of that it was a very hard deal to to put together to make make happen so that's why we settled them 10% over the course of the pilot but by the way we're talking $165,000 a year to the town at buildout versus $55,000 a year to the town at build out if it was ADV Valor and Taxation so the town is really coming out ahead on this and that is again because although the developer is paying less in taxes 95% of what the developer pays goes to the town 5% goes to the county this is a senior project this is not going to have an impact on on the school but by the way that was also taken into consideration in our negotiations with with our Financial Consultant and with the developer all the soft cost that are associated not just the numbers of cost of construction everything else what are the administrative soft costs that are associated with the project and what is the impact on that uh for the town long term so that's a long way that makes a lot that explains a lot thank you very much you're welcome anyone else see on Council any questions on this thanks from Council roll please Council Clark yes councilman Kennedy yes councilman scbo yes Council vice president paace yes council president Marino yes coordinates 202 24-21 in ordinance of the town of filbur County of Warren state of New Jersey amending section 6723 schedule 7 stop intersections of the code of the town of fburg to add stop interceptions on Schultz Avenue at irn Street and Bartlet Street at Lindale Street we need a motion so Mo a second second open to the public anyone want to dis discuss seeing nothing councel hearing on seeing on roll call please councilman Clark yes councilman Kennedy yes councilman scuro yes Council vice president paace yes council president Marino yes a coordinates 202 24-22 in the ordinance of the count of filbur amending chapter 29 development fees so move second okay anyone in the public discuss fees I think they're only about 10 years behind schedule so it's good to see that we're coming with the rest of the state any discussion among Council hear a none see a none roll call please councilman Clark yes councilman Kennedy yes councilman scuro yes Council vice president PA yes council president Marino yes ordinances for the first reading this would only be for Council not for the public ordinance 202 24-23 an ordinance of the town of filbur County of Warren state of New Jersey amending chapter 67-70 truck restrictions so move second any discussion among Council glad to see it com Tim excellent job we have two Nows and for it Mo call please councilman cor yes councilman Kennedy yes councilman scos yes Council vice president Fallin yes council president Marino yes ordinance 20 24-24 in ordinance of the town of filbur County of Warren state of New Jersey amending and supplementing chapter 360 entitled land use procedures deleting in their entirety certain sections of article 7 fees to increase the financial obligations described there in motion so move second any discussion among Council seeing on roll call please councilman Clark yes councilman Kennedy yes councilman Sero yes Council vice president M yes council president Marino okay and as I earlier stated 2024-25 is pulled for further uh further uh discussion on that okay we're moving to the resolution need a motion Mo any discussion on them a second motion a second does anyone want to pull any of does anybody want to pull any we need a second second no one wants to pull any roll call please councilman Clark yes councilman Kennedy yes councilman scuro yes Council vice president wace yes council president Marino yes okay councilman under old business councilman Clark uh no counceling Kennedy I have nothing counciling scarb about I just have a couple things um just want to Circle back to uh the discussion we had about the bus stop um there was concern there um and also wanted to see if we can get the safe walking routes if all the council can get a copy of that so we can see where all the safe walking routs are in town for the uh the students um something that wasn't really looked at the past four years and it might need to be revamped and looked at again and that's all I have yeah you you make a fantastic point about that that's probably something we should look at um traffic patterns change uh you know people who had kids in a certain area 10 years ago you know those type of Dynamics change I know my neighborhood has gotten younger um so those walking rooms may have been um you know and change slightly since they came into effect so it's something we probably should revisit thank you may Council vice president nothing the only thing I have under old business uh down on the flats it's railroad property leads to the town uh we'll be looking into that so it's going to take some time I've made several phone calls to the railroad and uh talk to the chief of police about it so it's a it's we'll be working in progress there's a tractor and there's an RV right there behind the Stockton Street churches but we can't do anything until we find out all the proper ownership so that' be that's all I have new business counc CLK uh just one thing so I'd like to propose as many folks know between the free bridge and the Black Bridge it's very dark during the nights I would like to propose using U funds to replace the outdated lamp lights with new LED ones they brighter you voted for that already oh it was yeah it was in account agenda like oh amazing so many people vote on great excellent Mark that off yeah right I have counil atast it's a good point I don't have anything council president Council SCB yeah I have a just a few suggestions so um I just wanted to ask the mayor uh I know before uh Youth Corps they had their vehicles used to be parked back in the um parking lot by the um pool um that was during the construction they got moved over to where would be an old building that DPW used to use can we maybe contact them and see if we can get those Vehicles back to the parking lot um cuz I know a lot of residents that's just more of the space for the park that we could be using use for the residents right there yeah we can I was up there walking around uh the other day they've uh accumulated um quite a view vehicles and Trail yeah I think it's was just a matter of they they used to have them there and then when they did the construction they would just just maybe just put them back there it's not like uh I don't think they're meaning to do it but it's just they got move there I have to talk to them tomorrow okay well that's on a different matter so and another suggestion would be you know we're reaching hurricane season we could be Heavy downpours we can go around and check um the basins and the drains around town uh just to try to get ahead of that um it could cause you know try to get ahead of the problems that could that could happen with flooding and whatnot um those are just two observations I had um I'd appreciate that thank you Council vice president I'm good you're good so am I any motions okay public petitions ma'am good evening can you he me yes my name is ke Lana I am not a resident I opened a business here recently um the name of our business is believe in J we provide support to developmentally disabled adults were state contracted with DD um and we are open Monday through Friday 93 we provide transportation but not only uh do we have a very awesome agenda with trips and recreational things we provide prevocational training so what I noticed about the township so far is that there are people that are underdiagnosed and so they may have went to high school and had IEP graduated and are not getting services so they're underemployed or unemployed and we have the ability to provide payment their families who are supporting us but also training for them and it come straight from the state it's an unlimited amount and so we did try to get the word out um we spoke to various social service agencies the schools Etc and it's kind of like but we have jobs so it's like a laay fair response it's like okay okay we'll get back to you and we have a borous facility um it's smoly renovated we're right in the Coventry complex um right off of red School Lane we are where Lehi Valley cardiologist used to be and so we just wanted to let the town know we're here and I did speak to your office yesterday and um I forwarded the calendar and a lot of other information so we just hope to work with you all um if we can get the word out there or anything to be able to provide jobs and training thank you very very much um I I appreciate I did look into your uh to your information that you sent um did you go to L pacon as well so no we didn't just go to leacon because our address says F but it also says leac you're in L pacon which listen you can come here and and offer your services as well but you're also in L pacon as well so um uh maybe look at going to one of their meetings as well reaching out to their um mayor and Council as well awesome no problem and we did so one of the issues that I found was that the families are extremely interested but it's hard to get the information out so we've been kind of like on foot in the grocery stores Etc and so um we are probably about 4 minutes away so that's kind of like while we're here because we're doing Warren County as a whole okay all right have a nice evening good luck to thank you Ben PHS the first come one night it's big deal I just wanted to let everybody know that on Saturday is the Railroad Festival uh going to be enormous I saw some stats about some of the sharing some of the information that's been made available uh some of the videos for example that were produced have been viewed by over 100,000 people uh so we're very excited about the event it's going to be in three areas it has the the train station which you might have noticed the front is now red after blasting it with what I think are walnuts uh they're just doing the finishing painting if you haven't driven by please do uh I think they're working probably tonight uh there were some folks out uh yesterday putting up a lot of bunting putting up a lot of flags that they were celebrating not celebrating maybe recognizing the attacks of 911 this morning thank you mayor uh for your presentation uh it was uh cly moving so back to the good stuff or fun stuff the Railroad Festival is going to be there at the UN station it's going to be the railroad exterion as well as something in Chappelle Park uh they're expecting uh what is essentially the best weather at uh I'm told that there was somebody who had some control over that I thanked him uh and we left it at that so I just want to say to see everybody there thank you so much anyone else under public Shah bar 31 sou Main Street I did have a question me andern talking the other day um do we have enough money in the budget for repairs on South Main Street I've been here for six years I'm not sure if I observe what sidewalks and streets and I think that we need repairs on sidewalks and Street streets when I'm walking on it it doesn't look professional in my opinion so I'm hoping that we have enough budget money in the Phil to get prepared um sidewalks prepars fall on the the onus of the property owner uh um cuz I don't know I have to talk to my llord about it I don't know me and the resident was like I don't resident said in her in her um mouth saying that the has to handle sidewalks and yeah um and I mean if we're responsible for the damage in some cases if we have to open it or something maybe but um if it's wearen there there's uh you know if it's just years of um chipping ice and things like that then it it would fall on the property owner um the the roadways uh hopefully when they're done digging up um parts of the road they're the uh utility companies are required to put put money into an escro to pave once they're done um opening up um what seems like every Road in Philipsburg right now uh whether it's for uh water or gas uh natural gas main uh replacement um yeah that that those should be am I correct in saying that Tim Tim would know better you're correct the next major utility project is all majority of the water lines of the downtown Long South Main are scheduled for replacement so we're kind of trying Town's been trying to work with the utilities to avoid Paving just for them to dig it up in the past you may have noticed that once something's paved it seems like it's dug up within a month uh and we're really trying to not do that going forward if we can okay that's thank you I'm sorry we're not more clear okay that's the procedure it's okay we just didn't want because she's nervous that s be a problem that's might be a thing cuz trucks has been going down sop shot a lot and she said that due the Chucks going down South Main Street there's a crack industry that's one of our houses and she scared and I'm scared for my mom drives that a car might go down so that's why I came here today to see if there's anything that we can do to get get good street from that's all sure anyone else under public deps good evening Council David Moret by Dew Heights what I'd like to talk to uh a little bit is tractor trailer Creek when a number of years ago there was a company called Opus that bought the ingol ram property this is the predecessor of bridgeo development that now currently owns it back then the mayor and the council very strenuously said that Roseberry between Center Street and Marshall Street will remain truck restricted and will never carry Bridgepoint trucks well we have a new truck route plan and for whatever reason Roseberry street is now open to truck traffic from Bridgepoint development in December of 2021 Center Street was on a truck route map to be opened up to have trucks based on the engineers comments to me in my conversations with him from do Department of Transportation New Jersey the letters and resistance from the residents of Center Street played a major part in stopping uh Center Street from becoming a truck route the clo the easiest way should a warehouse be built either on the Peron Howard Street property or somewhere else in that area the easiest way to get to Route 22 to Head West is down South Main Street which is being blocked I can understand that the other route is Senter Street the next easiest route is St James Avenue in paccon so council president I think we need to let the residents know they need to be vigilant because as councilman Clark so app pointed out not all of us are going to be here forever and be able to remember that we may these commitments for this truck route developers that have a lot of power money and connections can get their way and may be able to alter these truck routes in the future so I urge residents of Center Street and St James Avenue and anybody who cares to be vigilant and stay informed with the town meetings and not let this happen not let these streets become truck RS thank you very much anyone else good evening M bu can you hear me all right um I have a business at 324 South Main Street and I have some questions and again this isn't a finger pointing situation I just want to know if there's things we can do or ordinances that apply to some situations that I'm concerned about um one is I often walk from my office down to the Catholic Church okay the trash on the sidewalks there and in the wheel wells where those trees are is a mess um I counted four spots where people did not clean up after their dogs don't don't property owners have to clean that up is there some kind of monitoring where you go by the because it's and we have music in the park Thursday nights the chamber I'm the chamber chair people tell me it's a mass we park our car down the street look at the garbage in the street it's a it makes the image of this town horrible okay and again I'm not pointing the finger at you because I don't know if there's an ordinance for that I don't know if there's you have some kind of a plan to be doing this another condition that I have is and you talked about safety walking safety there are people riding battery powered bikes past my office coming flying down the hill from Joe State shop and I have people who are mostly over 50 I'm a financial adviser okay so I'm concerned about these conditions based upon my type of clientele the garbage adults I'm talking about adults children have some scooters that's not a concern of mine but if you were to stay in front of my office for a week and you saw how fast these people adults fly by my office it's crazy I have people coming out the front door going like this they never tell you they're coming You' be walking down the sidewalk you don't know they're coming it's an accident waiting to happen but what I want to know from you is is there anything on the books that can keep them off the sidewalk number one the other part of it is there's garbage across the street from me and I've spoken to the mayor uh Pat K about this I've spoken to C councilman Kennon about this garbage is overloaded it falls out of the cans it's on right now there's some some on the sidewalk that's falling out of the cans again my clients see it when they come in they say you know this looks it looks like a dump next to me there's an empty church I've been there 13 years it's still empty what I want to know is if somebody buys a property and they tell you they're going to open a restaurant isn't there isn't there a time per period where those people have to do start some construction submit something to you or can they buy a property and just leave it there the way it is because I've had to call because they didn't cut the grass there's chip paint if their restaurant was where my building was and I owned the church and I didn't cut the grass they certainly would be saying we have a restaurant here you can't have your property like this well now it's now that's my one of my concerns these are all concerns I think are very legitimate and I would like to know if anyone's addressed these thought about been told about these situations and what your response is to these because I you know what I I am tired of this and I can look for greener pastures tomorrow excuse and I'm thinking about three minutes oh I'm sorry I forgot about the three minutes points are really Val and taken that our role is the lisly so we'll turn it over to the mayor sure so the church we spoke about uh last Thursday um I spoke to him the next day the grasp was addressed uh spoke to him again on Tuesday about what their financial plans are and fixing up they own the house and the church next to the house is their first priority they have been working there that's two doors down so um what have they been doing what kind of work uh interior work mostly okay um so the church is their secondary project um but they they are working on it they do live um just across the river in Easton so they're over uh at the house um I think more frequently now than they were doing what I they told me working on it okay to me that's very general that could last forever and keep the condition the same if if you agree if you are me would you agree with that uh no okay all right why wouldn't you why wouldn't you if I just said well they're working on it and I'm the mayor and I'm not trying to make you look bad or anything I'm just saying In fairness I would be saying okay we're working on it is that good enough I would say In fairness the town has taken a lot longer on things like the municipal building I think these people are um their intentions are good some people hold on they're not financial planners like yourself so when they're taking on an Endeavor maybe they take a little bit more caution when opening up a business things like that um maybe you could go faster um but they don't they may not have the financial I guess wherewithal and uh savviness so for them to be cautious in their first investment I'm okay with it as long as um they keep moving on they check in with our inspections department the grass did get out of hand it was addressed the next day um or two days later I believe Andrew did a great job who Andrew okay um one of your inspectors oh okay uh and yeah so uh the the garbage um it was an issue it was a worse issue um it still needs to be kept up we used to have no garbage bags in our cans in Chappelle Park and it got picked up once a week regardless uh they would only be picked up on trash days we change to multiple times a week with trash bags so we could actually pick it up without uh so it has improved it could use more Improvement um regardless of how much trash was in there it always leaked out of the bottom overflowed and you could only pick up those metal can diapers yeah yeah so now we if after music in the park we send a um a pickup truck around with guys that doesn't that doesn't require a garbage truck to pick it up like they used to do it once a week we can get it multiple times a week if there's an event um but yeah like you said the garbage in front of the all down Main Street do they have to address that or can they just leave the garbage there no they I pick mine up I I get garbage thrown on the sidewalk in front of my business every night and I pick it up in the morning yeah so that's something we can work on um we've been sending inspectors around I think we have a decent priority list we've been working on uh unsafe living homes um places where there's squatters that is top priority on the list inspectors can write summons um we do have some I would say some staffing shortages as far as that go compared to the amount of problems that have accumulated over the years so I think the priority should be those dangerous homes dangerous living conditions um illegal rentals things of that nature where if there's a fire um people's lives are endanger I think next on the priority list is illegal businesses uh we just discussed um abandoned cars in backyards on roads um those tend to you know those are just as dangerous that's a bigger form of garbage on our roads if you think about it uh hopefully as we keep chipping away at those bigger issues those bigger issues become less and less and we work our way to the smaller issues like you said it has accumulated over time um the best I think we can do is prioritize based on safety uh based on the urgency of the problem based on how it affects the town overall garbage does affect the town negatively does have to be addressed and uh it is on the list of things to address and I look at that at it as and I'll stop I look at it as though businesses should want to be here yeah but if you don't realize the problems and they leave then you've lost a lot yeah thanks any public petitions J sorry Sandra moris set resident um there are no cross signs on the North or the Sou side of Union Square to cross Main Street to the free bridge and I know my husband has called several people in the town hall and I'm sorry uh where is that located so if you're on the on the site near the Union hotel okay that would be the North side or where the old liquor shop used to be that would be the South Side there's no crosswalk signs so there's no you know it's really dangerous either going towards the hotel from the free bridge at your back or coming back cuz I'm walking down to East to meet my husband and a couple of times I've almost been hit by people I have to check to see where the Bridge Commission owns we talked about um traffic control for the Railroad Festival uh that light is controlled by the Bridge Commission okay so where they own um when they were controlling traffic during the construction of the freebridge our officers were there because they were being paid by the Delaware River join to Bridge Commission as a joint effort to control the traffic during the remediation of that um of that bridge so I do think that might be Bridge Commission property we can look into it if it's ours we can definitely do cross if it is theirs then mayor pza could you possibly remind them because I talked to the guards there and they say no it's the town cuz easn has a similar issue they're I think they have the same issue we do okay um on moris Street there have been boxes of rubbish now for over a week and a half as you go up Mor Street before Chambers right next to the wall if somebody could look at that and behind the wall where there's an opening there are many tires not to mention also rubbish but the tires we will be breeding mosquitoes in uh and lastly to follow up with what the other gentleman was saying I have encountered electric bikes wrong way coming down a oneway street flying through a stop sign I almost hit somebody the other day and also on the pavement so I share very much his concerns thank you very much in town Joe Miner and the first one so I uh I had garbage can in front of my property and that was nice that maybe well I Wy put him in when he was near and then little by little they got disappeared and uh almost all the councilmen and myself and a whole bunch of citizens had to have habit of picking up garbage and throwing in these and then uh they started taking down the garbage cans on South Main Street and I asked them why because and I spoke up uh at one point yeah anyhow there's less and less and less almost no garbage cans and when I pick up in the morning I used to pick up and throw it in the garbage can in front then I used to pick it up and throw it in the one across the street and then I picked it up now and throw it on the one on the way to parking lot a block away and when I'm not going that direction and I don't feel like picking it up and throwing it in my little garbage can that's inside my door I throw it red on the curb because I'm pissed off could you please just plain do put the garbage cans back on South Main Street to a block lock I I'm not sure I honestly Joe I I we we should probably do and if there was that many before um we don't have that many uh they're not at the municipal building so if they were taken down I I'm not sure what the town did with them in the past we should probably I I had asked about why they're going away yeah and I was told well the merchants don't want them oh I don't think that's true that does well we all have stories okay we tend to believe our own St stories are true you know uh and I credit I take care a lot of things that way I I thought it was uh that's good I had something else but I'm old and I forgot anyone else under public petitions seeing on moving to council open time councilman Clark thank you council president uh first I'm sure we'll hear this from many people today uh we had a beautiful tribute today at Chapelle Park this morning for September 11th um as always uh the town has commemorated the event um to really memorialize the effect that it had on our nation and our town so it was a beautiful ceremony and thank you for everyone that attended um I couldn't help as I stood up there with my fellow elected officials you know where we were at that time and I kind of get laughed a little in my because I was nine when it happened just old enough to understand what was going on but still young enough to have to be sat down by my parents to have them explain to me what exactly was going on and then uh it dawned on me cuz many people know that I teach and many of my students were born in 2006 they have no rec recollection of 911 they were born far after a realizes how old I'm getting and be it makes me remember how important it is for us to not lose the lessons that we learned from 9/11 with the passage of time an entire generation is coming of age that has no connection to it it's just going to be a moment in history in the history books for the just like how Vietnam is for me and World War II for many others I guess I'm just sharing this because I think it's important for us to keep those lessons alive as time goes on and realizing that a younger generation's now coming on it's no longer the Millennials anymore that are the potential new generation but Gen Y or Jen Z or Jen or whatever they're calling it nowadays they're now becoming adults and they're going to be new Leaders of Tomorrow so that's what I was thinking about at today's tribute so I just want to thank everyone that came out um and then finally the F Youth Center will be having its 33rd annual banquet tomorrow now I know it's sold out but you can still do something you can still donate um any uh donation that goes to the F Youth Center helps our kids helps the youth here in town gives them something to do Recreation helps keep them out of trouble and the F Youth Center honestly is one of the gems of our town so please if you're not attending the banquet please still consider making a donation to them the banquet's happening tomorrow at 4:30 p.m. at the actual building at the center so thank you and that's all I have thank you councilman clerk councilman Kennedy yeah I was going to mention a Railroad Festival but Mr Ben's already stole my thunder but uh everyone should attend it's a great event it's growing it's uh been well attended the last couple of years this is the third year for it which is hard for me to believe already but um I'm looking forward to attending myself hope everyone here will go um I want to thank uh Alex abara Liz Wyant Norwest cap Matt null Pat K and hope I'm probably forgetting someone uh uh Bill Benz uh anybody who was involved with decorating Chappelle Park and involved with the 911 ceremony it was it was they did an excellent job down there it was a really nice uh ceremony um again like like councilman Clark said uh it's a it's a day we all reflect on and looking around the room most of the people in this room were alive when uh that happened and the memories of that day are seared in our Memories Forever the main thing that uh brings it all back to me I I remember the people who were trapped in those in the World Trade Center and the horror they must be must have experienced that day where the better alternative was to jump out of the building so for all of us of that age we certainly aren't going to forget that how do you ever forget something like that but I think that's uh why it's important that we continue to have these ceremonies every year because there is a Generation Um Unborn and uh we need to make them aware of what happened that day and so that they'll never forget also so that's all I have council president thank you Council councilman scur yes I just want to say I can sympathize with the story that uh Mr Clark said um my son six-year-old son Thomas came home from school today uh he did a project on 911 um he asked me and his mom what 911 was and um never thought of you know and had dawned on me that I was going to have to actually explain that to him we all know what it was we all still feel to this day um so having to explain that to him and the sentiments of the councilman here I do agree it's something that we we can never forget and we have to make sure that we pass this on to the next Generation that's very important and uh I was at work today I had work a 12- hour shift or I would have been at the ceremonies but I want to thank everyone that put this on for our town uh it's something that we do have to remember and never forget U it's very important to every generation um and and the thing I remember most about a bad situation and a horrible situation in 911 was how the how the country rebounded and reunited after that happened um i' like to see more of that spirit in general in life um you know we think about this every year and it's it's a sad time and we reflect um if we can carry that over into our real lives and pass it on to our fam I think that is what these guys had had explained I think that's the most important thing um I just have one one announcement uh we will be having uh just give me one moment here we'll also have all the information correct um we'll have be having our first annual field day um for the Youth of Philipsburg come out on September 8 uh 28th from 1: to 5:00 p.m. that's going to be at walers Park and this is presented by the town of filisur in partnership with the branching Out Foundation and our filisur Recreation committee this is something that we kind of brainstormed at our last wck meetings and we wanted to provide something for the kids at the end of summer uh a lot of activities to get them out and be active um healthy activities maybe working on some mindfulness and yoga for the Youth um this is something that we haven't done enough of them in the past couple years so we're trying to get back to what we used to do here in town years past um and and try to reinvent ourselves so if you could bring your children out or you have grandchildren um passing on to parents and we like to get as many kids out there as we can so that it's September 28th uh 1:00 through 5:00 P pm. at Walters Park and that's all I have council president thank you councilman Council vice president um I think everybody basically has covered it uh but not only do we we not want to forget about what happened um on 911 but never forget Bazi that also happened on 911 four people lost their lives that shouldn't have vote wisely that's it okay the only thing I have is next Wednesday at 6 o'clock we'll have a work session topic rent control okay that will be work session will be the council will be discussing the public there'll be well there'll be a time for public petitions right but it's going to be a discussion of the council regarding rent control so we have that uh one other thing I agree with Mr Bullock you know enforcement is what we need and to get enforcement we need more people and if we get more people and they're going to complain the taxes are going to go up because they're not cheap I know where're working on a few things that are in the future for the benefit of the Town one of them being that the handicap sign uh parking on South Main Street there's no signage so once they put the signs up then enforcement will follow so I just want to tip off the public that goes down there we're working on that we're working on those vehicles that are abandon on so-called railroad property off of Cherry alley it's just that everything takes so time so much time you talk to these people they get back to you you get back to them and then it's their property now it's your property so there are things being done it's just that it's so slow so with that I need a motion to a jurn and everybody sayfe don't move second second all in favor [Music]