##VIDEO ID:_DwTHWq6wkk## 2024 like to call this meeting to order Council vice president PA would you please read the open public meeting act this meeting is called pursuant to the provisions of the open public meetings law this meeting of August 14th 2024 was included in the list of meeting notices sent newspapers a record and posted on the vo from board in the municipal building and has remained continuously posted as the required notice is under the statute in addition a copy of this notice is been available to the public and is on file in the office of the municipal clerk thank you councilman scura would you please [Music] do Lord we are meeting today conduct matters of business God our hearts and our minds in the spirit of fairness right thought and speech impart your Supreme wisdom upon our activities so that our Affairs May reach a successful conclusion thank you for being our source of guidance today amen amen whatever please rise for the pledge of legance pledge of toag to the repblic which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all call [Music] please ccent Marina here bill please the regular bills list as of August 14th 2024 is $ 6931 1593 the prepaid bill is $976,000 so my fault too fast any discussion councilman CL yes councilman Kennedy yes councilman scuro yes Council vice president paus yes council president Marina yes minutes of July 24th 2024 regular session minutes and also the July 24th 2024 executive session minutes so move second any discussion C on RAD call please councilman car yes councilman Kennedy yes councilman sco yes Council vice president PA yes council president Marino yes at this time we'll be going into executive session contract negotiation roll call please I mean motion please second second any discussion on that roll call councilman cor yes councilman Kennedy yes councilman scuro yes council president PA yes council president Marino yes counc we will be in executive session for I was told no more than 10 minutes but we'll say go we'll say 15 minutes at the max to contractual negotiations between the cow foundation and the town of Philipsburg AC maybe taken when we resume session time they all look like un next motion ex session second any discussion roll call yes yes yes counc president yes counc president yes all right we're in executive session for 45 minutes uh during time we discussed one matter regarding contractional relationship between the town of Philipsburg and the Cal R senior uh Foundation no action was taken in executive session thank you counselor you're welcome moving on the public discussion on agenda ISS only and Davis 2024 156 what's going to happen with those employees 20 24 156 the Section 8 going over to housing where the that employees going best I hate to see somebody be out of a job especially no one's out of a job okay that's what I want to make sure they have bills to pay too and so just wanted to make sure and by the way personal knowledge on that any community that has public housing the town is not supposed to have it that's federal law not my law if to go to the Housing Authority so 20 years so I personally brought it up at a council meeting so this is nothing new this is law not pirg law not New Jersey law federal law so all the rumors that were out there and the phone calls I got today that's the law federal housing goes to a federal agency in the town of filbur has one so I wanted to put that to us anyone else okay moving on to ordinances for the second reading ordinance 2024 d17 ordinance amending ordinance 2024 d02 establishing the Sally range of certain officers and employees in the town of Philipsburg so move second since it's a second reading the public you're welcome to come up any none any questions from Council seeing none R call please councilman cour yes councilman Kennedy yes councilman sco yes Council vice president car yes council president Marino yes ordinances first reading 020 24-18 ordinance amending 67 that's 17 as schedule one no parking second any discussion this is for the council not the public when first roll call on that one please councilman Clark yes councilman Kennedy yes counc SC yes Council vice president PA yes council president Marino yes this is a new one added on I'll read it ordinance 0224 d19 ordinance of the town of Philipsburg County of Warren state of New Jersey renaming nler Avenue from the intersection of fiser Avenue to the intersection of Andrew Street consisting of approximately 1,90 ft pursuing to engine ASA 40 67-1 K so move second any discussion on this excuse me man not on this one excuse me man no I can't I'm sorry I'll let you talk after I thought you meant no when we get to the point I'll make sure you talk okay sorry okay Mo call councilman cork yes councilman Kennedy yes councilman sco yes Council vice president PA yes councilor president Marino yes okay resolutions on the consent agenda there's a couple that were added I going to read them into the record before we move on act let bear with me we change resolution 2024-25 D 171 resolution providing for the insertion a special item of Revenue and the budget of any County or municipality pursuant to njs 484871 159 PDL 1948 third one added resolution 2024 -172 resolution providing for the insertion a special item of Revenue in the budget of any County or any municipality pres njs 48-4 d87 chapter 159 PL 1948 need a motion move second second no discussion Mo call please councilman yes councilman Kennedy yes councilman scbo yes Council vice president PA yes council president Marino yes okay any old business councilman Clark no councilman Kennedy uh yes uh I brought up uh several meetings ago uh asking about the status of our truck route um I still see trucks on just about every street in town yet uh tractor trailers matter of fact Monday a truck turned from Roseberry Street on the Center Street Tracker Trail right in front of me we still have tractor trailers going down South Main Street uh you know if you're at the summer concert series they're still going up and down there you see them when you're at the the farmers market they're clipping mirrors off of uh cars uh down toward the free bridge and uh I know one of the one of the holdups was getting signage with the ordinance on it uh so we can enforce this truck route and I just want to know where we stand on that right now yeah mayor so um it's still with the do correct Tim correct do final takes basically the commissioner the supervisor of the bureau to sign off on the ordinance you adopted takes a little bit to review they haven't done one of these in 30 plus years in the state so once that's passed then you will adopt the ordinance to start enforcement and then you can post your sign in so additional action that we've taken we have forwarded um some correspondence to some elected officials at the higher state level to see if they could help us forward that process to get it um passed as soon as possible so we can move forward looking have a better update at the September meeting on the status thanks anything El councilman that's it councilman scarbo yeah I just have two things I know I brought up a couple stop signs in the area of uh win and Schultz was one and I believe there was another one that was already looked at it's on the section of uh when you come down Logan Hill to the right there's a a back alley that needs to stop sign there I believe that was already looked into um what do we have to do to get the stop sign at irman and Schultz I brought it up a couple times as long as Tim is okay with it so everyone in Schultz was previously studied and the recommendation it didn't meet the federal criteria that uh studies was recirculated to the town um and then for the other uh location don't the road name iscap me but that location was did warranted due to site so the second one you brought off should it just needs to have an ordinance adopted to amend the code the first loc the first location the prior review indicated it didn't Rich can guide you on potential steps council could take could we look at Irwin and Henderson that somewhere on that stretch of irn needs a stop sign there was a comprehensive review of that area so um one of the aspects of tra installing traffic signs is regulated by federal standards that's supported by state regulation there's criteria the one criteria they put in basically the letters almost is that stop signs are not meant for speed control and speeding issues is not the criteria to install stop ons so when kids are playing that's not an issue either for cars to slow down and stop so the kids if they're riding their bike in that area which they do a lot that's that doesn't come in consideration unfortunately that's not one of the criterias for the federal warrants for stop signs so is this same criteria on the Block over on Hudson Street which is right there same area is that was that the same criteria because it it's finds to be farfetched to that to be true well the other criteria at the one location was based on that there was a school bus stop at that location yes and there's one where I'm mentioning it as well at the time of the prior one that wasn't indicated all right well I'd like to look into this uh more if there's any other options we could like you mentioned I'd like to look into it further okay just for my purposes for the August meeting we we'll do a stop we'll do an ordinance the code to add a stop sign at was it Logan and the I don't know what the it's Grand Street and I don't know what the back alley is called are you on the going down the hill you on the left side or the right side on the right side on the right side yeah it's yeah I'll confirming the right we're talking about the same intersection yeah it is the same so I'll wait for your email confirming to me the the intersection and we'll do the ordinance for August correct okay anything else Council so I don't what what further action we can't take any further action on Irwin if there's if there's a bus stop on potenti if there's a bus stop in Irwin there's a was a criteria based on pedestrian vehicle conflict generally a bus stop produces additional pedestrian traffic yeah I just may warrant a multi-way stop so I can revisit that study if that's the case yeah for the future I mean I brought this up four times no one ever gave me this information uh for the future it's all is communication to send an email um so the professionals can do that to me next time instead of me bringing up five times at a meeting um I think that would be you know respectful thank you you're welcome counc council president I'm good okay under your old business uh the only thing I have here can you ask the chief of police if we can increase more police patrols there but no warning tickets put it up we're uh Irwin Street Matt you have a lot of speed in um it was a consensus when uh the mayor myself and uh Council councilwoman apoll walk the streets in that area that was a main concern for people that have children there and at the bus stop okay good so maybe we can increase police presence up hill I think uh most of the people that live up there will welcome that okay I have nothing under old business new business councilman Clark no counceling Kennedy no counceling scuro nothing at this time Council vice president I do let make it brief I contacted the school superintendent today anyone who drives down Hudson Street Hill and goes to South Main Street at the light the school bus under law now there's no problem here it's no fault she's doing the right job she's stops by the light but if you got the green light going on to South man in the left there's big yellow bus with red lights so I had asked the superintendent to move that bus stop down to Market Street in South Main anybody familiar with that is where the point comes out of Market Street cross street I won't give any store business any name but there's a store there that bus stop is there for the kids that come Southbound so all we're going to do is move to northbound bus down the same place so that's there for safety I have nothing else Council yes since you brought up the bus stops there was a conversation I know the mayor wasn't that the last meeting there was a conversation by uh one of our residents and I brought up about the bus stop on Logan Hill um and I inquired about getting a a a crossing guard there I know there was one previously there about two years ago and they had pulled that um crossing guard from that location so if we could look into possibly putting it another person there again I think it's a safety issue like you just mentioned uh on South Main Street okay what's the cross street at Logan uh Claremont and Logan we did a um yeah I can definitely revisit that we had a conversation two days ago about crossing guards and bus stops um the state of New Jersey has it the the bus is determined to be its own crossing guard with the stop as long as people are abiding by the laws not all of the buses have equipped cameras sure um if they did it would be an easier solution but uh if that's a problem area we can definitely uh yeah I I had sent when I was a resident I think it was 2 years ago had sent an email to the chief um with a video of actually cars passing the bus um he seemed to think it wasn't an issue um but I still think it is I have grandfather that goes down there he's maybe 80 years old he shouldn't be having to stand in the street risking his life um when we could maybe put a police officer or a crossing guard there so appreciate that okay moving on to motions firefighter application for Steven fol Council and Council extension of tax billing grace period to August 31st council president yes if I may actually uh after we publish this talk with the tax collector and she recommended that we actually shift the grace period forward a bit to um September 4th September 4th correction so you can pay your taxes by September 4th dly noted any questions on that from Council okay motion to accept that so moved second um second any discussion okay public petition excuse me vote oh we need a vote moving this fast you are moving it quickly we need to vote R call roll call okay Council mlar yes councilman Kennedy yes councilman sto yes Council vice president B yes council president Maro yes okay public petitions just state your name you have three minutes to talk I'm glad first of all that the tax date is being extended because there's several people in town that have not gotten that tax bill yet and if we go by what was said at the last meeting when I question it that people aren't going to pay things without a bill I guess if they didn't get a bill they don't have to pay it but regarding the taxes I did a little research but something just wasn't sitting right with me and I reached out to County Administrator um Alex lorak about tax situation um he confirmed that Philipsburg was late with getting their information in that the county struck the tax rate for Philipsburg on July 18th 3 days after they received the information so knowing that on July 24th I asked about that and obviously people sitting up here knew that the answer I was given wasn't 100% authentic why were estimated tax bills not sent out to the residents when they could have been so that tax rate has to be certified before it sent to the town we didn't get a certified tax rate from the county from the county from the County tax office until after that tax rate was struck it get struck then it has to be certified by the the state then we get it am I correct in that yeah this is our uh tax collector who can probably give more insight than I can so once the county strikes the rate it has to be certified both by the town and by the county that was received by my office on July 22nd so between July 22nd and July 25th we were printing stuffing putting postage on bills and on July 25th we hand delivered those bills to the billsburg post office okay that I understand but we knew our stuff was in leap so why weren't estimated tax bill sent out because this has caused a lot of drama it really has so if we didn't get that tax rate from the county we would be giving wrong estimates but it would have been adjusted in the second quarter this is what the County Administrator is telling me when I spoke with him yeah you you would have to send out uh you would have to re you can do estimated tax bills we weren't anticipating the late receiving of the tax rate we typically get it in the second week of July and we received it on July 22nd in order to do an estimated tax bill that that doubles our cost of forms postage envelopes so it's very costly for that one week delay and I understand that as well but we're taking the time to stuff flyers in with our sewer bills the online program wasn't working for whoever responsibility that was I'm not blaming the tax office for that I'm not but people were looking to that and couldn't even get it people didn't want to bombard the tax office and keep calling to give those girls it's not their fault it's nine so the problem is we were late we held up the entire rest of the county and why three minutes is up what Alex said was correct they struck their tax rate they didn't get the proper legal certification from the state until after that excuse me but why every time ER that I speak do I have to be harassed by your father every single time every week I'm not anyone want to come up every meeting excuse me a second did you need because uh mayor pza was explaining something do you need him excuse me conducted a meeting here you can conduct it after man is this on can you hear me everybody can hear me right all right Drizzy Kelly from 5 S Street and Philipsburg um I'm here to talk about sneaker day it's coming up up on a brighter side of the conversations in the room um I have Flyers if anybody wants one it's a public event open to the Youth of all ages everywhere bring their shoes out get them customized for free we have craft tables we have this event grew three times from the size of it last year so that's a good thing um the question I have for the town is I have a couple different permits that I have to take care of with the town still uh for the event to happen at Walter's Park um I am completed with the health department as far as sending the payment over to them whatever I have to still do other things for them when I go to the concession stand up there okay it's just a bunch of I need to ask if I can get a request somehow to get fees weight for this park to be used for the event Council how do you feel about it I feel as public event for the kids of Hillsburg I'm in favor of waving it if any council person has any objection please state it now I don't but when is it the date it's August 25th I have Flyers if you want you have a time on that 10 to 9 to five okay seeing should make a vote on it okay we need we need a motion to suspend the wave the fees for that event that day so move second any discussion roll call please councilman Clark yes councilman Kennedy yes councilman yes Council vice president council president yes good luck to you and thank you for helping okay anyone else I'm Joe Miner I'm a human being like to that in I have spent uh 3 minutes uh over the last six meetings giving background on rent control I personally believe I am the most Middle Ground promoter of a solution experts will come in from no matter where they come in they will come in with a bias I have proposed what I consider a middle ground solution every member of the council has received it every member of the community who wants one and told me about it has received it if anybody else hasn't gotten it yet is 2019-10-18 rent it's part of the public record the other thing is uh if you give me your email address I'll I will email you a copy the only thing that's left to do and all mine does is the simplest Middle Ground solution there is no bait and switch in my program that's what's eliminated so when you uh rent a property uh you know a full year ahead what next year's rent is likely going to be and the second wonderful little hook it is administered by the teeniest little hunk of man hours by the secretary of the uh Inspection Department a person that already exists this replaces a whole bunch of heavyduty expensive hoopla so it's cheap it's good it doesn't do everything it slows inflation it doesn't stop it go team go all right and oh yeah it takes one thing one of the five council members who has the right to make a motion during uh new business has to say I move that we adopt blah blah blah blah blah blah that's how easy it is and if none of you ever do it we'll never get it and then somebody's going to push an extreme one day thank you Joe ma'am you wanted to speak Now's the Time you can speak just good as your name okay Sandy Dunlap 440 Hegman uh I want to address the Needler Avenue issue um I think um the town should rethink that honestly does the town realize the expense that it's going to incur changing all the addresses for all the people that live there and what they're going to go through to have that done that's all thank you may if any councilman want to address how that procedure goes you have anybody have any knowledge on how that goes number one you call your 911 coordinator you make a request you want to change the street you check to make sure there's not another Street in that same area okay then number two you notify those people that there's going to be a change they'll get first class mail mailed for one year from the date of the change after that it gets returned to Center I've called the 911 coordinator I've called the United States Postal Service that's the information I got and it's retired postal employee that's the way it works there's 79 units on that block that will be affected so I hope they can seek help to make sure they get their changes since it's in a lowincome area they're going to have programs that might be uh an address come in so it it's a simple thing for 911 in the town it's a simple thing for the Postal Service they're going to see a block range I think it's 418 to 579 need Avenue and that machine's going to send that to whatever r it is I forget it used to be R 18 I don't know what it is now so that's the way that operation so the onus is going to be that they will get an official notice after the council approve it and then it's up to the people who live there to make the change does that answer you and that's coming from the United States Postal Service out of Edison and the Warren County 91 Court I guess that's good enough for me then okay I just wanted to Enlighten you know I I made the call I went over there I walked with Lo took the numbers down and as Tyrie from the eberg office did quite well know what it is and uh hopefully everything works out for them okay but I will not help them changeing address because it's personal and I will I want to state that for the record I won't do anything that you could get in trouble because I imagine some of them are going to be governmental mailing addresses so that is the procedure all right anyone else okay count counc open Town counciling hold it hold it yeah sorry what it is to be Sant at Fairview Heights I just wanted to say thank you very much to council for um looking out for our children with the extra stop signs checking about the bus stops and all that so I just wanted to talk to you um actually quoting from page 22 of the state Planning Commission Warehouse citing guidance particularly addressing overburdened communities air quality and health impact considerations emissions of air pollutants and greenhouse gases from diesel powered delivery Vans and tractor trailers represent the most substantial environmental impact from Warehouse facilities with mounting evidence that diesel exhaust poses major health hazards reducing diesel pollution has become a public priority and needs careful consideration of where intensive diesel sources of pollution should be located and mitigated the World Health Organization classifies diesel exhaust as carcinogenic to humans and abundant research has shown that its components including nitrogen ox oxides and particulate matter are harmful to human health even at low concentrations and through short-term exposures diesel trucks visiting warehouses emit both nitrogen compounds a primary precursor to smog formation and a significant factor in the development of respiratory problems like asthma bronchitis and lung irritation and diesel particulate matter a subset of fine particulate matter matter that is smaller than 2.5 micrometers and a contributor to cancer heart disease respiratory illnesses and premature death it should be noted that the smaller the particulate matter the deeper in the lungs they settle and this is of primary concern to Children additionally I just want to say that Chamber Street is right above our house and several times now we have seen trucks stuck on Chambers as they're trying to make a left on to Bennett um one time it was tipping I thought it was going to come over the hill because they have to mount the gra the grass at the top so in that violent thunderstorm last week a truck driver had to back up Chambers because he realized he couldn't make it on Morris and of course he's sliding because of the rain and then we ended up calling the police just as he managed to make on to Bennett thank you very much just mayor just a a little addition to what you said about diesel uh vehicles um I know Mac just had to cancel a uh a uh order for a municipality because of new jerseys ramping up their electric vehicle requirements uh one in every eight currently has to be I think registered electric by April of 2025 and they plan on ramping that up further um so Mac is having trouble keeping up with that production so they're canceling Kenworth is keeping up with the production um there's a couple companies that can but uh so New Jersey is um um well that's good to know just a little good to know but um there's also problems with the brake pads admitting a bestus and things like that also thank you s Randy pza pburg New Jersey um I have to apologize to the council tonight because I think maybe something I may have said was taken out of context from somebody over here uh thing is I wasn't talking to her I was talking to my wife and I don't know where the harassment comes from because all I've ever done was come up here to speak that's it now maybe some people don't like what I have to say maybe they don't maybe they don't uh they don't agree with everything I said but I try not to be offensive now I've been up there before I've been I've sat up there before I've had a lot of people that came up in the past where they were offensive and I tried to use my best forms of diplomacy to try to put it off to the side now someone the lady that was over here talking up against me single me out what you're not supposed to single people out okay okay no dial anyway he's going to let it happen though well anyway what I'm saying is because of some something H Hur personal my mouth's getting Dro but anyway I just wanted to get that across that that uh that uh you know that I apologize for you know if I offended anybody here tonight thanks anyone else before we close public petitions why are youing hold it hold it we're not going to have that in this meeting we're not two years old you have something to say everyone had their opportunity to talk Sarah your name David Moet five pview Heights phis New Jersey good evening council president Marina Mar thank you what's that I like you said Marina Marina thank you always a pleasure to speak with you and members of counsel I have brought with me tonight a pack of Lucky strip cigarettes on the package it is written surgeon general's warning smoking causes lung cancer heart disease empyema and may complicate pregnancy council president I assume that you would never want to hand this path of cigarettes to one of the Youth of filisur and tell them to smoke the cigarettes do you want to respon to me from Dave I never smoked in my life or never tried it so I would never put myself in that position but continue no great inhaling deep and I assume that is true with the other council members as well council president if there's anybody who thinks that it would be a good idea to give this pack of cigarettes to a young person in filisur and ask them to smoke them perhaps they could raise their hands I suspect no hands will be raised well as you have heard previously this evening diesel fumes that come from where warehouses are a cause of respiratory illness and cause cancer basically what's on this cigarette P which is something warehouses and cigarettes have in common by allowing a warehouse and Diesel fumes to permeate the area of the flaps that would be basically forcing the residents of the flaps to be smoking packs of cigarettes additionally there seems to be plans that I think are kind of cool to revamp fields at Delaware River Park and make athletic fields in that area when participating in athletic events in addition to just inhaling the diesel fumes the youth the Youth of Philipsburg will also be breathing hard and thus will essentially be taking long drags of harmful diesel fumes for the Health and Welfare of the town of filisur don't hand the residents packs of cigarettes and ask them to smoke them and don't allow a warehouse to be built on the perone Howard Street property and force the res residents to inhale harmful diesel pollution thank you very much thank you J we're back to the Warehouse on Howard Street um Council I guess we better call Atlantic states and have them shut down because they're pollu in the air every day everybody stop driving because you're pollut in the air get out your bicycle start riding to work cuz we're pollut in the air stop picking up garbage cuz we're pollut in the air stop mowing your grass stop weed whacking because we're pollu in the air everything we do we're pollu in the air so what should we do I'm asking Council what should we do because everything we do we're polluting in the air we're breathing the air we're polluting the air we're breathing it in we're polluting it so for 100 years or more as a kid growing up in downtown with Atlantic states and The Foundry and everything else and the everything that has gone on in town I breath it in and I'm still breathing so because this man wants to build a wehouse is polluting the air so like I said notify all our companies tell them to shut down business tell our PDW close down tell everybody to close everything down start getting out your bicycle start riding them to and from work don't mow your grass because of pollution don't drive your cars because of the emissions that are coming out of your cars because we are polluting the air thank you anyone else Dan Bo billsburg um Jo just stole my thunder out the cars um really but it makes sense I I'm I've got grandchildren going to school that have friends right now that they can't buy school supplies because their parents aren't working we have an opportunity to bring jobs into town for them just to be able to buy notebooks and pencils and crayons for their kids to go to school this is really pathetic in a town that was built on industry you want to take the industry way I this frivolous lawsuit that is the the judges have taking all the teeth out of it it's being gumed to death still going on has cost this town over $4 million and lost tax revenue $4 million how many jobs these are kids not only can they not buy school supplies they're not buying food to eat some of these kids waiting to go to school because they get one meal a day this is really pathetic people live up next to The Flintstones up there in NE gated community want to bring all this stuff out enough is really enough and you know what's going to happen now is you lost four over $4 million in Lost Revenue the developer is going to file a lawsuit which is going to cost even more taxes are going to go up again and it's all to blame on this frivolous lawsuit I'm sorry if you would have collected $4 million maybe the taxes wouldn't have gone up so high we really you know I always thought watching killer clowns from outter space was a movie but I see it's really true we've been invaded thank you anyone else see no one Mr the Council of the time councilman Clark oh yes uh just some short updates um just a quick reminder we have the peber Railroad Festival coming up Saturday September 14th so we are officially 1 month away um so spread all the information you can on Facebook I see uh folks are sharing it so we're officially 1 month away so get ready for that um today both councilman Kenny and I had the opportunity to meet with uh Senator Cory Booker uh he was in Washington burrow today he was um doning $500,000 to the Warren County uh Habitat for Humanity um as you know phsb has numerous Habitat for Humanity projects right here in town so this money will go a great deal in helping to build new homes for folks that truly need it uh so I just wanted to thank the senator for not only the donation of the $500,000 but also visiting Warren County because as you know it's very hard to get you know Federal representatives to visit your area especially up in Warren County because they're moving all across New Jersey so it's always good to get someone from the Senate over here and then finally um as yall know I am working with uh the burn Dean May American Legion building um they're in need of a new roof so I had the opportunity to meet with with Senator skyart today um I shared with him some of the concerns that we're trying to find grants to help uh repair the roof um and Senator seems very enthusiastic to help so I'm very happy um to have him on board so I plan on reaching out to his office um to see if we can locate some grants uh to help the veterans uh make some much needed repairs to the roof um because as you may know that building it see it has character let's just say so um I just want to thanks senator steinhardt for listening to me and I'm looking forward to moving forward and trying to identify some grants so that's all I have thank you counceling cl cl that's good that we're trying to help people in need councilman Kennedy uh yeah briefly getting back to the truck route uh as many of you know many of the streets in town are already posted restricting Vehicles over four tons uh so uh if I could ask the mayor if he could reach out to the chief of police and suggest uh upping the en enforcement so of this um when it comes to the enforcement of a um um yeah we so until the truck grout gets passed and you have can you explain the process a little bit we've gone over this existing existing restricted roads you do have a code in place that that's not affected by what you so Center Street to an extent not accept impacted yet um Center Street there's a couple other roads and number of Roads um but once the commissioner signs off on your current route or you let the department had sign off on it we'll adopt an ordinance that would put in the F put in all the fines and enforcement mechanisms one of the ordinances that the county had recently put in was um it uh find anybody with a gross vehicle weight right you didn't need the proper scales and weights and measures and a certified police officer who has a way Master's license am I correct on that it becomes complicated when it's not based on the registered vehicle yeah so our laws aren't based on the registered vehicle weight as far as I know are they your current ones I don't want to speak to your current ones okay because I've been more focusing on the yeah the county did upgrade would be based on registered we so okay all right I I'll look into it and if it's if it's allowable we'll we'll do it all right I appreciate it um the uh Farmers Market this Sunday will be uh sponsoring a First Responders day and it'll be a touch a truck event which is always a big event uh the kids get a great kick out of the big uh big trucks and so forth and uh with that uh the Thomas the Train uh will be going this weekend so there's going to be a lot of uh uh pedestrian traffic in the downtown area and a lot of people coming to town and normally wouldn't be here so uh that's a good thing thank you thank you councilman councilman spare yeah I just have one thing I just wanted to uh highlight the town I think it's great that um our town provided some summer jobs at the pool and through uh clean communities grants uh for our young kids that are maybe in high school or going into college to try to save some funds uh moving forward I know a lot of municipalities in our area really doesn't don't do that um I had the honor of when I was 17 to work on the back of a garbage truck here in to do the same thing so I think uh if we um if we offer these opportunities to the youth um hopefully can trickle over into the community and taking pride in our our parks and you know even just our sidewalks and our yards and just making it more presentable and obviously offering them little wage to save money for school or you know gas money and then my son just got a a car he's looking for a job himself so you know gas isn't cheap so if we and provide these opportunities to youth if we could continue doing that um future years I think uh that's a positive for our town and our for our youth uh that's all I have thank you Council vice president I just want to uh thank the tax office for your efforts I know it isn't an easy job especially this time of year and I know that you've been dealing with new software um and I know myself I have issues with the Postal Service being reliable uh they are not not like it used to be um as well as with uh the new software uh not being compatible with the company that handles the credit cards and the electronic check payments um so I do thank you you know your whole department for your efforts and extending that that um due dat um and I also want to wish Matt Hall uh best of luck in all of your endeavors we appreciate your service to the town I'm going to make M brief number one there are a lot of people in this town as well as all over the area in need of Home Improvements and all that and I try to help a few people that you can it's like walking into a brick wall there's no money there's not this call this agency call that agency and they are not getting help out there that is true so thank the United States Senator councilman since you're able to talk to them you know the more money we can pump into this area we can help these people they're just or whoever you call either they don't have the money you just go from one block to another block so there is that poverty level out there of people trying to get money to improve their properties it's not a small thing it's my opinion it's getting larger also Matt i' like to thank you for everything you've done and for those people don't realize he has done an excellent job in my opinion he's brought a lot of money into this town and what's that all saying prob screwed up you don't know what you miss until you miss it so again Matt thank you very much you did an excellent job thank you council president you're welcome anytime and I'm true when I say it watch when they start missing and they will okay I'm not going to have executive counselor sir motion to aurn all in favor everybody have a