##VIDEO ID:1CloPj59inI## uh good evening I'd like to call the regular city council meeting to order uh please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for [Music] all uh first thing I'd like to uh cover is um the uh the approval for the minutes from our city council Workshop from November 25th uh 2024 if I could get a motion to approve the minutes I'll make a motion to approve the minutes Jackie makes a motion to approve the minutes if I get a second I'll second Sarah seconds it on in favor say I I I opposed a motion carried to approve the city council Workshop uh minutes for 20 November 25th second one is a public hearing meeting for November uh 12th and the 25th of 2024 if I could get a motion to approve those minutes I'll make that motion sir makes motion I'll second it Donnie seconds the motion all in favor say I I I opposed motion carried to approve the public hearing meeting minutes for November 12th and the 25th of 2024 uh next thing for approval is a regular city council meeting for November 25th at 2024's minutes I'll make the Motion dny makes a motion second it Gary second a motion all in favor say I I I opposed a motion carried uh for the minutes for the regular city council meeting for November 25th 2024 uh next thing we have is approval of the agenda and the one a couple things I'd like to I guess take off would be the annual designations and appointments um I guess we can't really do any of that until the till the first of the first of the year and then also the uh the what is the other thing I got on the bottom second page oh Council Oaths yep it also with uh also take off the council Oaths uh we have the same situation as uh as the designation appointments then do we need to do one a special meeting on January 2nd per or January I'm thinking I don't know I'm thinking we how we had to do one by January 2nd where we had to swear everybody in that's the that's how the state the state does it and I think we did that last time so typically uh yes and then um I I think we can we can talk about that um CU we then then we I guess we have to discuss whether we're going to have a December 23rd uh meeting too I didn't think we were going to have them but we never did vote on it so we should proba no I think we we're going to wait to see what happened here to make sure and then if we don't need it then we would just cancel it and then we can just follow up and then maybe have one for the second yeah that's what we might have to do first Monday in January the first Monday in January yeah when do you know when that is L 6th the 6th okay January 6th but then that would mean that you're putting two in a row you needed to right Council meetings ACC to the state yep no and that's we did last uh two years ago that we did it then that makes makes sense that's when everybody gets uh everybody gets sworn in so uh is there I think you got a couple additions I do I have the Pier's Police Department addition and a parks department for a mower quote Pier what was that again Police Department police and then a quote for the clubhouse or the depart club house cour where you want to put them in this just put that under Department updates yeah yeah want you put that in Department updates Donnie Y and then the the police we can do that right away when we're uh let's do that before the Cannabis stuff and I wrote that in there's room for right in we'll just cover the Poli one first okay uh so if I can get a motion is that anybody else have anything we good um so uh can I get a motion to approve to add those two and take those other two off I'll make that motion hey Danny makes the motion second second the motion all in favor say i i i posos a motion Carri so the first thing um on here would be the the peers Police Department um is this for cannabis to ready uh it it is what what did you add it for Laura we have to do U public hearing we'll do something for the special for is that what you wanted to add or did you no Eric has something else to talk about for his Department do you want to do that or yeah let's do that first then we'll go I can do mine awesome let's do that are you okay with that Eric okay I'll I'll let I'll let you cover that and let Don cover okay so the first thing I'd like to do um is uh have a have a open public hearing for the Cannabis ordinance so at uh 6:05 I would like to open a public hearing for cannabis I'll make that motion to open a public hearing second okay a second all favor say I so um at 606 I would like to open a public hearing for cannabis as of November 24th the proper notifications have been sent out by the city of peers and and official notices have been published consideration of amendments to the zoning ordinance to allow for retail sale of cannabis in the central business district Highway commercial and to allow cannabis for manufactur cultivation wholesale and transport in the industrial districts that is required to go into effect by January 1st 2025 does the council have any questions good does the city administrator have any written comments to present I did not awesome does the public have any comments or questions uh any questions of clarity for information first call for comments or questions second call for comments and questions K do you have any Final Call for comments and questions at 6:07 I request a motion to close a public hearing for cannabis and resume the regular city council meeting I'll make the motion makes a motion Jackie seconds it all in favor say I I opposed uh motion carried so the second one I'd like to close for a public hearing on the truth and Taxation you got to open it you mean I'd like to open the meeting for U Public public hearing for truth and Taxation and I'll make the motion to open it any makes a motion to open it second here second motion all in favor say I I opposed Okay so uh at uh 607 I would like to open the public hearing for tooth and Taxation as of August 26 the proper notifications have been sent out by the city of peers and official notices have been published for the truth and Taxation for the 2025 budget and Levy that is required to go in effect January 1st 2025 does the council have any questions no no does the city administrator have any written comments to present I do not does the public have any comments or questions uh I'd like I call for questions a Clarity of information first call for comments or questions second call for comments and questions and Final Call for comments and questions at 608 I request a motion to close the public hearing for cannabis and resume a regular city council meeting oh I'll make them goad truth and Taxation truth and sorry truth and for oh yeah truth and Taxation I'd like to reserve the regular city council meeting I'll make a motion to close a public hearing for truth and Taxation okay Jackie makes a motion second there a second motion all in favor say I I I opposed a motion carried for their truth and Taxation do we have to make a motion to reopen the regular council meeting it y we never closed it correct great so now we're moving on to on to our agenda for approvals um we the first approv I'd like to get is our cannabis ordinance zoning Amendment summary publication um and that'd be uh resolution 2024 D1 1209-oregon-at-michigan-watch-graphic.jpg 24-29 D1 authorizing summary publication okay Jackie authorizes it I'll second it nice seconds it all in favor say I I opposed a motion carried for resolution 2024-25 D1 authorizing the summary publication second one is resolution 2024 d129 D2 delegating to the county uh delegating to the county I'll make a resolution to approve resolution 2024-25 D2 delegating to the county Jackie makes a motion I'll second there second the motion all in favor say I I I opposed a motion carried for resolution 2024-25 D2 delegating uh to the county okay then uh the next item is our final budget and Levy of 4 and a half% um and the resolution would be 20 24-1 12093 if I get a motion I'll make a motion to approve the resolution for the final budget in Levy um resolution 2024 d209 D3 I get a second I'll second it joh second is the motion all in favor say I I opposed a motion carried for the final budget and Levy 4 half% resolution 2024 4-12 9-3 uh then we also have uh an interfund loan resolution 224-1 12094 that is um uh what we talked about uh the last two weeks ago about moving some money to the dedicated fund for the for a golf course for the finalization of for this year um to cover expenses I believe it's like 70 $70,000 60,000 yeah so um if I could get approval for the interfund loan 20241 12094 what was the amount though 60,000 60 okay I'll make that motion Donnie makes a motion I'll second SAR seconds the motion all in favor say I I I uh motion carried for the interfund loan resolution 204-1294 so the next thing we move on to is the payback resolutions and they're all related to what we just covered on the the interfund loan um the first resolution is 20241 12095 out of the electrical fund how much is coming out of the electrical fund Laura how much did come it it's it's not that big of it all equals 60,000 bucks so I guess it's not that the whole 60 came out of it is everything that's ever been taken out for the expansion okay but no I don't have the number right isn't it right right here so it says whereas spring of 2017 they purchased the 63.3 acres of land and whereas is March 2017 195,00 is transferred for that purchase September 24th 2021 100,000 was transferred from the electric fund June 13th 2022 500,000 was transferred from the electric fund to the Park complex fund July 24th 2023 200,000 was transferred from the electric fund to the Park complex fund July 24th 2023 100,000 was transferred from the electric fund to the Park complex fund October 9th 2023 200,000 from the electric to the Park complex November 13th 2023 60,000 from the electric December 9th 2024 60,000 to the electric from the electric to the golf course something's not right didn't we do a storm water yeah yep but that has its own separate that's okay this is just electric okay yep so is that it for that that's actually and hang on to the if you got that I'm kind of looking for it but if you got that Jackie I'll let you read off the other ones too yep so if I could then it's really actually I think it's really important that uh everybody hears um all the all the transfers that have taken taken place so if I could uh motion to approve resolution 20242 n-5 out of the electrical fund to the golf course fund make that motion G makes the motion um we have to that we said it for Z correct we that's what you guys are deciding if you are repaying anything back from the golf course we have to make sure that we pass that as a $0 for repayment for the 2024 yep okay that's what these next three are yep so it's 0 for 2024 to pay for payback yep okay we'll start payback once we actually open it and get that going as far as what I was told I we'll be here so you guys can figure that out next year no y so uh if we could get I I get a motion for that Gary made the motion I'll make the second okay all in favor say I I opposed uh motion carried for resolution 202 24-120 9-5 electric fund the next one is out of the solid waste and that's resolution 20 24-1 12096 and can you just read them off please whereas on September 20 September 15 2021 $100,000 was transferred from the solid waste fund to the Park complex fund for the golf course May 9th 2022 50,000 was transferred from Solid Waste to the Park complex fund so we are option of the electric uh so whereas a city council the city appears is the option to elect repayment from the golf course fund to the solid waste fund each year and whereas the city council of the city of peers will consider repayment if any to the solid waste from the golf course fund each year depending on the revenue for the current year until the city council decides it's no longer reconsiders payment of funds and now therefore it be resolved the city council and the City of PE set to $0 for the repayment for the year of 2024 for the gulf course fund to the solid waste fund okay so I need a motion for that I'll make that motion I makes a motion I'll second it Gary seconds it all in favor say I I opposed U motion carried for resolution 20241 12096 uh the last one is out of our storm storm water and that's resolution 20241 1209 d uh 7 you're doing such a great job Jackie whereas in early spring 2017 they purchased the 63.3 acres of land whereas on August 23rd 2021 the city of peers decided to expand the golf course and on November 13th 2023 three the city of peers transferred 880,000 from the storm water City storm Water Utility Fund to the Park complex expansion fund to fund the expansion and whereas the city council of the city appears has the option to elect repayment from the 700 Golf Course R to the 800 storm Water Utility Fund each year and where a city council the city PE will re will consider repayment if any to the 800 storm water utility from from the 700 Golf Course fund each year depending on the revenue for the current year until city council decides to no longer reconsider payment of funds and now therefore be resolved that the city council the city of peers said $0 for the repayment for the year 2024 for the 700 Golf Course fund to the 800 stormw Water Utility Fund okay so if I get a motion make that motion he makes a motion I'll second so second a motion all in favor say I I opposed a motion carried for 20241 12097 next thing would be uh is the uh clubhouse and I think Donnie you got that kind of covered so um the park board is looking at the possibility of adding some Windows onto the west side of the golf uh of the golf course of of the clubhouse and changing the entrance to the going onto the ramp and then would take a left and then go through there the windows and the ramp all the material and labor uh is 10,000 and then that does not include any electric because until they open the wall they don't know if there's electric there or not and then it would not include any type of tar work at this stage um any dirt work uh we're looking at the possibility of having our staff do it compared to having it hired out so we'll have staff money involved but it would not be um anything that would be farmed out so at this point I guess we're looking the park board is looking to find out uh is the city willing to spend the $10,000 and and let us get started on the project I think it's really a good good idea Donnie and um we did talk about the park board and everything and I I support it I make that motion spend up to $10,000 for uh remodel yeah I'll second okay all in favor say I I I oppos the motion carried down want me cover the next one too you bet CH you're on the you got her cover you're going pretty good so so number two is the um every year we've done something if some if they buy their membership or pay before Christmas this year what we're doing is we're offering a $25 gift card so between now and Christmas if you come in to buy your wife or your husband or somebody or your own golf pass you get a $25 gift card to use at the clubhouse to use it for apparel to use it for uh food anything you'd like to use for at the golf course that's just a an FYI that's what we're doing this year for the golf course so do you want to motion and v on it sure can okay if I can get a motion um from somebody on that just get I'll make a motion I'll second okay Gary makes a motion Sarah seconds it uh for $25 gift card if they sign up uh early for a membership um uh um all in favor say I I I opposed now motion carried I don't have anything front of for pricing so I'm going to point to you oh I was just going to say we did approve the member pricing the last little bit was just that the remaining prices are going to be the current price plus tax and I didn't get an updated sheet yet it is something that we had all discussed I just believe it had to be brought here for approval so if I get a motion for that I I guess we just just the 2025 pricing would be all we probably need to get a motion for I'll make that motion okay makes a motion second here second a motion I'll in favor say I I opposed a motion carried so next we have Sarah with the Tre no see was over oh yeah K I'm sorry I was I'm so used to saying Sarah sorry about that that's fine the new improved Sarah okay I mean I'll agree with that November's ending balance is 3,385 6728 okay if I get a motion to approve that I'll make the motion to approve Sarah makes a motion to approve the treasures report second that Gary seconds the motion all in favor say I I opposed uh motion carried for the treasures report for November uh now we got Sarah no but okay K now we got k for the claims report claims total for November was 1,193 4540 okay if I get a motion to approve the claims report I'll make that motion Gary makes the motion I'll second it Donnie second the motion all in favor say I I I opposed uh motion carried for the claims report for November uh November 2024 okay now we move on to uh Department updates we have the clubhouse director which I don't think is here no she is unable to attend um but we did receive Tony's resignation and we received it on November 27th and with her 30 days we were is it okay to accept it to where she would be done done December 27th with the city I'll make a motion to accept her resignation and then I'd make a motion to open the job until um till filled I'll second that and I would do the range between 58 to 69,000 for the recommendation of Pro Resources um what where she at now salary I think that should be that we should decide that uh have to decide it when you post it though it has to be posted especially starting 2021 you also have to have uh wage ranges posted on your well that should be something that goes through the or either the the park board or should go through the employment or uh or employee board I I'm not comfortable I'm not comfortable coming up with a she's currently at 53,0 310 2563 is her number right so I guess I mean I what do you how you feel Donnie you know how where it's going to gravitate well I would be assuming we're hiring for the exact same wage the starting wage of 25 63 but right that's what I would that's where I would be too so I you know what I I then you know we're going to do is we're going to we'll just have uh if we have to wait two weeks and go to the 20 23rd I was totally I had no idea that we you could post it for the 53 it should have been on the agenda that was should have been on the agenda then what the what the well they she sent the pay ranges out but yeah but that doesn't I can make a recommendation we don't have to vote for it that way but I think we can post the we can post a job if we have to post something we can post it it depend on how the qualifications pay SC I would make sure that come there's new employment law that says that job postings have to have the wage scales on them so I would just verify with Pro Resources that this isn't one of them mhm but that would be my I mean you could start it at the 25 but the reality is yeah the other options we can start at at what you're talking about Don go up go up a couple I mean I have no problem starting it at what what we're at the the ISS kind of the issue that I have is that um if if we're going to go up $5,000 or whatever it is on pay trying to get a new Clubhouse manager why didn't we just offer that to 20 that doesn't make any sense to me whatsoever put it on the agenda to where we can just accept the resignation then the next part is actually where you can discuss how we want to I mean I'm make a motion to accept the resignation okay seconded that what's that you second I second already all in favor say I I I opposed uh motion carried to accept uh Tony's resignation as of uh 12272 24 so are you the hiring committee right that's position for both positions mhm well we have to make a motion to post for both positions and we have to talk about wages so I mean that's the reality and you have to look at your my thing is from this standpoint is we've been cycling through this rule right so if we make the range even if you made it 53 right to 58 or whatever you make the range to you can have it be whatever you is based on experience you what I they should have wrote it down what was Tony at 2563 she was 53 31040 and that's what she ended at so it's not that's not even what she started at cuz she had a few pay raises based on performance and stuff right there I I don't know I don't remember 24 something I think right and we bumped her up after 3 months or something I know that salary in the state of Minnesota has to be a certain amount no it doesn't if you are salaried yes it does you have to make less you cannot make less than 43888 per year to be a salaried employee in Minnesota the one in July did go through so there is a certain amount I do believe it's 48,000 and some odd it did we had met that for Tony so we never but that next one that they were saying in January didn't go through so yeah it didn't go through that I believe that's the one Jackie is referring to yeah so that never went that didn't go through no in Minnesota salaried employees are exempt from overtime pay if they meet the following criteria they earn 8.44 per week which is equivalent to 43888 which she was at that so that doesn't matter I'm just saying that we can't go lower than that is what I'm saying yeah no I never said that with Donnie either I said start so do we do we set the 43 whatever thousand you're talking up to 53 310 there you go I think that would be a good idea yeah I think so too or go higher no what do you think well if you want a quality employee I would suggest going a little higher I agree than 53 yeah I would suggest now this is their this is their wage with that the insurance no that insurance doesn't count towards their wage so if you want a quality employee you're going to have to go a little bit higher and I think if we're going to raise it up higher we should give tony the opportunity to resend her resignation and come back but I I think personally 60,000 a year should be a good starting wage for that job if you want a quality employee and somebody that's going to come to peers and stay that's why I did the range of the 58 to the 69 go ahead ly question do we know why 20 resigned is it a wage issue or did she reside because she has a new job it it wasn't a wage issue and there was it was a combination for that position when Tony took it right there was so my feeling as citizen is why wouldn't you post it and see what you get that's right yeah if we get somebody that's well qualified well over that we can always we can always pay more but I I totally agree I don't think uh the I I go back to uh people people want to work here because of the the town that we live in people want to live here because of the town we live and I feel that we have a unique every city thinks they do but I think we have a unique opportunity um I'll give you an example when we were looking for uh when we hired Bradley daylor I think we we people were telling me how hard it was to get people to get to apply for jobs we had six or eight people that applied for applied for his job I've never I mean knock on wood I've never had a situation where we never had somebody apply apply for a job as long as I've been here at whatever wage that we that we put so I'm still if if we find um God's gift to mankind Gary I have no problem going over 60,000 but that's G to that's going to take uh that's going to take yeah I didn't say over 60,000 I think 60,000 is a good start I'm all I'm saying is you're going to get what you're going to pay for if you want somebody that's going to stick around for a year or two and use this as a Resume Builder that you know the current wage that's what you're going to get that's that's my opinion I me because it's never been a fulltime position until now right and with the new nine starting we're going to want somebody in there that's qualified for the role and I don't have I mean I guess for me I don't have an issue with it being like even like I said 53 to 65 or whatever if you have it with the range I don't understand what the problem is with the range I don't think in the way the economy is and the way this is and happening to finish the new at the new nine with this and get an opening done and train and hire that we are going to get somebody in here that can manage the stress level the way that they we need it to do and manage individuals plus get everything done that we need to do and that's if we're lucky to get somebody hired in by March to have it all done I'm not saying that you're not going to get people that are going to apply but are you going to get quality people are going to apply and as a city are we going to keep paying to retrain people because that's where all of our money is being spent is retraining this position every two years I called a couple of the local courses tonight uh one is paying their a clubhouse manager $35 an hour roughly and the other one has said 60,000 a year so and they were bigger courses might think well I might think the G you say when you say bigger courses they're both at hole well memberships I'd like to part of the thing is here's you know I look at all this the all this stuff we're comparing ourselves to areas that have larger they're larger populated than within PE is we're we're looking at places that that uh have large I'm not going to say uh I know for sure but they probably have larger memberships than than we have here um they probably charge more than we than we charge than we charge here at a golf so there's so many variables Gary that that and I and I'm not saying I like that idea like what was your range Don 53 to 60 uh I was starting where where we started her at but that's been two three years ago so what was that prob what was that range it was 40 something 43 honestly am not sure so I would I'm okay with wherever well so let I would say then go I I'd even go like 50 to 50 to 60 I mean I'll go I mean I'm only one vote but I'm just going to say we can go higher than I understand things have changed in two years but that is going to that's about a five or 10 close to probably a 10 50 is less than what she was making and we budgeted in the budget already for what her wage was going to be for the increase of that budget regardless for the 10% for the 10% increase so we have the money in there for that wage range regardless if we had to whether we want to pay it or not I agree that just because we have the money there need to pay it or we need to spend it but I'm saying that we have to look at a qualified candidate as well I I totally I'm with you 100% like that just want to say yeah from somebody's who sat here and has cycled through four three people now since I've been in Council in five years like that's a lot Al so and and we probably cycled through people before you were on councel too but that was a it was a part-time position before then I mean there are extenuating circumstances to I feel like Why she left but it's bigger than just a new job and it's bigger than money I don't think that you know from that standpoint but I and we never and we this and Don you can ask this is this the first time we had Lydia was that first time we had an assistant manager with a manager so not only did it go from a part-time position we went to a full-time manager and a full-time uh assistant manager until this year it never turned a profit until this year when it years in over yet it has yeah it was before your time Jack okay yeah it did I've seen it did turn a profit yeah yeah but we're we're heading a new new territory with going to a 18 so I I mean honestly I see everybody's everybody's points you know um and I I I could I could use my wife for an example she took a huge pay cut so we could move up here and live up here than in the cities and that's what people do Jackie and and also I'm not going to say I didn't I moved from California I took a $20 an hour pay cut when I moved here so you understand so I get it but this is also we have to start looking at this from a big standpoint with getting 18 holes in here as well like I said I see the whole I understand the whole concept of it and we haven't even gotten someone to really get to do their winter job because then Bob left so it wasn't like we actually got a full winter of some doing a marketing plan getting everything that we wanted in doing all that stuff so it's like if it was up to me I'd I'd love to have Tony stay here and put it together she was really good at stuff like that but it's unfortunately she left so yeah I mean that's I can't blame her for I can't blame her for what she did I mean it that's everybody's dream to own their own business so yeah I'm that's not the issue here the is is so I think it's time to come up with let's go back yeah so would we be okay with 50 to 60 or we want to go higher than 60 and and put that in the middle I don't have 50 to 60 is fine to start off with if if January comes in mid January or February and you don't have any qualified applicants you guys can adjust the pay scale at any time that's your call yep I'm comfortable with that too 50 to 60 that's what uh that's six or seven Grand over than what Tony started at highend higher y mean I'll make a motion to approve 50 to 60 for posting for the director position okay Jackie makes motion for $50 to $60,000 range for hiring the manager posting for the manager position I'll second that here seconds it all in favor say I hi I opposed a motion carried 50 to 60 and the assistant position what are your thoughts between 18 to 22 she's at 19 she was at 1950 so it's a little less a little more it's the P range 18 to 22 an hour manager position you don't like that D are we thinking that that assistant is now going to be still a full-time year round I don't think they need to be year I think right now we just do Seas I think right now we just do seasonal see how it goes if this is something that changes and that person would potentially want full-time that's something we can have a conversation about but right now it would be seasonal okay that I like that too I like the for me personally I like the range and I like that it's a seasonal start off at least if we run into somebody like we talked about that's fabulous and they we'd like to have two managers and we could always we can always look at maybe doing some hours in the winter time and maybe a fill in or doing something like that assistant position would range from 18 to 22 an hour and that's Lydia was at uh 1950 so it's less than and a little more then just to give the range yep no I like that Jackie that's palatable are these positions being posted until filed yes yes so if I get a motion for uh the assistant for 18 to $22 an hour a motion here makes a motion Jackie second it all in favor say I posed a motion carried for the assistant position for $18 to $22 an hour it's seasonal and it's going to be open till it's filled on a on a on a note it's really nice having Pro resource because they can post this all like in 10 different websites or whatever all in one shot so it makes it easy now we have to figure out a hiring committee um my thought is the hiring committee's until it came down to like the last two or three dnie how do we do it with Tony I mean I it's really a parkboard parkboard with Laura yeah with Laura yep that's how we did it in the past I think that um and we got we're going to have two really good people on the parkboard that I'm confident that you know that didn't come up with it and come typically I think what happens is they come to the council with two or three people or two then we make the make the decision off of those two people the council does so if you guys are okay with that put Let the parkboard do it Jackie you with that yeah that's fine yep can I just say something on this pay issue I just wanted KN that I fought for Tony to get her raise before she put in her resignation and so of course as soon as her she put in her resignation all of you guys are in willing to get pay someone who's not Tony more than what she's currently making and I kind of feel like it's a slap in the face to Tony and Gary you were saying that if it was in the budget for 2.5 she should get the 2.5 and I pointed out that it was in the budget for 10% so she deserved at least a 5% raise and I was getting push back on this whole thing and I told you guys that this was going to happen so I just wanted known that I'm very upset about this whole situation because I tried to tell you that we needed to pay her at least part of what she was worth or we were going to lose her and guess what happened I understand your frustration but calling everybody out in public like this is ridiculous we had two emails between each other there was no chance for rebuttal or anything so to judge how I felt off of one email is ridiculous yeah so that's enough you guys so I you know what I feel bad we all feel bad that Tony left and and uh it wasn't all about the pay she had an heavier workload there's a bunch there's a million things that go into that whole reason why she left and and uh you know I think we should just we move on there there wasn't enough time to react I I feel bad that we're doing this too Sarah but I I also agree with Gary you there's there's policies we got to stick with and I'm not oppose you guys of going back and and and offering her something if that's what it is I mean if but I I don't know why why she'd even consider it really so anyway I think it's time to uh I think it's time to move on what else we got Laura hiring committee for both Park Board will be for both positions or Park Board Laura you don't have to make a motion on that um I would say I'll make a motion that the hiring committee be the park board with Laura present as as well Jackie makes the motion for hiring for the two positions for the to the park board I'll second it Donnie second it I'll favor say I I I oppose I'm motion carried I think Eric would be next okay Mr henin please [Applause] yep did we need to do anything well number one is the canis thing is done and I just want to make sure that we me and Laura went to attended the Morrison County meeting to see what they did so everything that we ended up doing is the same thing that Morrison County is following so it's all equalent to the same I submitted to you a change for Preston's Union contract since January 1st is coming up the union threw it my way because they knew we're going to be implementing health insurance so if you see in the orange they're going to be removing that $4.90 and all they're doing is adding that the city is going to give Preston single health insurance for the remaining of the contct contract so that way he can't double dip on both aspects of what was in the contract so it's just anou his contract expires the end of 20125 then it can come up for re renegotiation there but it's something that the council needs to approve so I can get it back to the union rep so it's in it's in stone with Preston and the union so I just ask for a motion a motion to approve that can get a second I'll second up here seconds motion I'll favor say I I oppos other things that I have coming up that me and Laura have put on hold for probably two three months is the pedar ordinance is done it's just a matter of us when we present it after the new year and then the other ordinance that we did get back is the one that's been question referen to allowing hunting within City Limits that is all back we've gone over to get it ready for you so I just thought instead of putting it all on the table now with this cannabis that we'd wait and do resolution so it's not so packed so that's the only thing that I've got coming that Laura knows about probably I'm going to guess we'll probably wait until February March so we don't put on January cuz there's truly no hurry form until the warm weather comes back any so any questions for me no I Eric you do a great job I just want to say I know how much time you've stuck into this cannabis thing and actually all these ordinances and um when something comes up uh you jump right on it well I just put on Laura's desk done no it's I don't mind doing it it's part of it's I enjoy helping lur Lura helps me a pride in it yep okay so um Department yep good evening mayor councel even um not much to report by fre at the golf course but been helping Eric when he needs help and Brad's been in the truck a few times learning how to run the plow truck and those things so it's more of an Eric report um my biggest thing is I have a mower request here to get it ordered for the following year um there's still somewhat of a backup with Co and all that they're not as bad of a backup as they were a couple years ago but um so I have that price in front of you I'm just looking to approval to get it ordered and get it coming and we have the dedicated funds for this we have a yeah told so ja we put it in the budget for $70,000 and so Zach's met that and then uh it's to be paid out in 2025 that was my only question is I don't want to I don't want to pay it out till our budget kind of gets kicked in for 2025 and uh we're not going to have to pay I just want to make sure it's under the Y and I did talk to my sales rip for some reason it comes in early but we're they they would hold it until the 1 okay okay and I would make a motion to approve that cost Jackie makes a motion approve the the more second it Gary seconds the motion all in favor say I I opposed motion carried SEC and then I have one other question with the carts being the I think it was $100,000 approved for carts I'm looking for used ones and stuff on auctions and things if I find some on a deal how do I go about making that purchase because if it's got to be approved by the council but the auction ends before the next council meeting what do you guys want me to do um well so Donnie do you want to say anything about your whole thing or like where we at with all this first has Todd gotten a hold of you no okay so he called me last night and um Matt lblad works for power sports out of Brainard I believe anyway they called and they have 37 carts that are 2019 and it looks like the range is going to be 3,400 to 3700 okay um they were supposed to try to get a hold of to find out which power sports they're at and then I told them to call you um because I said we won't buy them sight unseen so if they're in Brainard or I think Onamia po Sports yeah am Brainard too right an NOA Ram we don't know where but once we know where they're at we'd send you on a on a seek mission to say okay look them over but there's up to 37 of them and it's 34 to 30 are they easy go or do you not know what the what I do not know they are okay not that we can't switch models but right I I don't that I don't know okay at this point I was just shocked that all of a sudden there was that many out there so and he called about 8:30 9:00 last night and my goal was I said okay so find out where they're at I know it's only a one day notice let's see we can get a hold of Zach and then hoping they'd be just a brainer and you could just take an hour and run up and mhm say yes good no bad so there this guy uh he owns a golf course in Dayton uh Dayton so that's where a lot of the golf carts come from and uh um he also owns a bunch of the power all those Power Sports so he he loves golfing normally what he does he converts more to custom golf carts um and uh but so he's got he gets them and then he just he just leave them and I think they'd go through them all and everything so they're in good shape when we'd get them have them Serv and I'm waiting uh to get back from the dealer and brainer that we've usually dealt with with EO because they have used ones and stuff too so I can see what he has also but I just is that that guy by been Baxter and this he's got a bunch versatile golf carts it's yeah it's I think Baxter not so if you divide 137 uh 37 100,000 by 30 3700 a piece that's 27 golf courts and he has 30 you said available yeah we were going to we're trying to get between our goal is to get between 25 and 30 golf carts so that would me so are we allowing him to then purchase with the approval of Park board members well that yeah let's go back to Zach he if he needs to jump on them we need to give him the authority to do that and we don't we have a thing in place that he can't this fellow would not be an auction he'd probably have time to get back and say I'm interested wait for a council meeting but would be hoping that this fell within the next day or two is going to get a hold of you in terms of you're asking because we were talking about looking online and at an auction site and then yeah that's a little bit different but if we're not going to have a 23rd council meeting we need to give him the approval to purchase 27 golf carts not more than 30 and that's not including tax so we're really looking at more like 35 have to pay tax on it right I don't know you should have to pay tax on pay tax I thought we City didn't pay tax of course it's not a nonprofit it's for profit so I would say it would have to be no less than 34 3500 a golf cart taxes so be 27 golf carts no more than 27 golf carts at 3500 not to exceed a 100,000 that you could spend if I mean I is that fair I well I think the big thing is is the 100,000 part I wouldn't put a woman on the golf cart number just to that by the time they're done we can only get 24 because of the taxes then we can only get, we have to worry about that's what we budgeted y so it's not to exceed that 100,000 yes I think that'd be a good range and if come middle of the summer and when we open if we're using every cart and we're that busy that it's worth looking into it'd be then it's worth looking into because we're we're full tell we're full yes I think that's a good number okay so then I would make the motion to approve purchase of golf carts not to exceed $100,000 if they come before the first of the year's council meeting then run it by obviously Park board members before obviously doing needs yes okay that's all I someone's got a second it I second it okay all in favor say I I opposed a motion carried thank you that's all I have then if there's nothing else for me and then are we making a motion to not have a council meeting that's I'll talk about it when Jack he's he's been through enough here so um when when everybody's all done I'll talk about that under the council updates so um update for you my update is um tomorrow is the last day for employees to sign up for insurance and that's been going very well they've helped out where we needed Pro with our questions so that's been going good how many how many people have we signed have we signed up four as of tonight I think he's finishing it up tonight so okay we have leave made our 50 because um and then I do have a quick update regarding the uh safe routes to school Grant we as in we it was ripsaw myself and the Public Works committee that could attend along with the county we met on Tuesday and the county is in support of the project but prefers that it be a 2030 start versus the 2029 start due to other priorities and time needed to assess the project details with that news the city will need to plan to apply for it next year to do the 2030 preference um a side note the money spent for SE to do the letter of intent would be implied to the grant submission next here so it's kind of FYI on that for Planning and Zoning do we need a committee to approve who goes on planning and zon that's new to me S do I just bring names to you me too I would say we bring names in and first of all if we can get enough I think we're two or three people short we are three people short come January 1st three people actually say yeah are going to be tough so we may just be short or we would appoint a second council member because we can have up to two council members on planning oh that's a good idea so if we have to to fill it it if we have to to fill it we'll just have to have another council member I don't have a choice but if I do get interest from anyone I just come bring it to council okay just want to make sure on that are we posting those that they're open I put it on Facebook there's not exactly a job description for it I'm still working on something that sounds I think in the past it's kind of been a request hey you want to takeover for me at the end of my turn kind of a thing I don't think there's ever been like a job posting for that before so something if anybody actually read put something on Facebook City probably attend or try to attend maybe a commercial club meeting there might be someone on the commercial club that might be interested so that might be a good option you know what Laura uh I'll try to go to the next commercial club meeting since I won't be on parkboard anymore okay and then but uh just remind me if you could of that do that when it if you see something coming up for a commercial club and then of this thing and I I'll say something I don't they might have already had their Christmas party probably I want to see their next one's February yeah oh really yeah even months well right on we'll see what happens there might be someone you could get an email from or something oh you could talk to Paula Prill Paula at Merchant she's the president she could send out an email or something too we'll reach out yeah okay okay just they have to be citizen appears yeah right for the commercial Club is everybody anybody great and then I was just going to say that the city received their second half of the 2024 tax settlement um of $5,185 193 that was received on the second that's go ahead okay thank you Laura um the first thing I'd like to kind of cover is the what Jackie brought up about her meeting on December 23rd do we do we have some stuff to cover Laura Dino I mean I don't have anything we we did a lot tonight yeah that's I think part of the reason why we did all this stuff was to kind of get it covered but if you guys feel like we have to have one um we can surely have one but no no everybody be with their families can we have a vote can we have a vote on that and so can you have a motion that they have one I think I'll make a motion that we do not have a council meeting can I get a second second got all kinds of seconds seconded I'll I'll Fair say I oppose a motion carried and then um I would just like to um just say a little bit about uh Jackie who's uh going to be leaving us uh next year um Jackie put in six years of service which is fabulous and um I gotta give her a lot of kudos for making it six years and just to say that it's a pleasure to work with her the last two years and um I think she was a valued partner uh on her on her city council she brought a lot of really good ideas and and Views and uh some different Alternatives which is always good for always good for the uh Council and for the city of peers too the one nice thing about Jackie was that uh what I tell people is that we made we may have different ideas but um she always she always felt she want to do the best of what was for the talent and then ultimately we always could come together as a council on what was best for the city of peers so she would be missed an honor I got a little plaque for you too what yeah I guess so there you go so you might want to show the camera you might have to look pretty close but that's cuz of budget cuts all right if it goes to the city that's all anyway so thank you thank you Jackie that's all that that's all that I have thank you Jackie thank you Jackie thank you Jackie thank you guys it'll be you'll you'll do just fine that's right if you want to say something feel free no I just it's she's got a 5 minute Tim yeah five minutes it's been an absolute honor just being a part of the city from moving here to investing in a town that wasn't ours to begin with and just seeing it grow the way that it has and getting to be a part of its future has always been something that I've dreamt about being and being a part of a small town and I'm glad that we got to get the employees their health insurance that was on my docket the entire time I was here and under the gun I did it we did it together as a team but I'm happy that uh you know I'm happy that I got to do what I did so thank you all yep thank you okay Donnie you're up well I was going to let make motion one question meeting for January that was my question oh yeah we got to vote to have one I will make a motion to vote to get everybody in on January 6th for a special meeting there you go uh got a motion for that second I'm sorry Park board's that same day so I was just wondering like what time is Park boards five six oh six so can we I'll make a motion to have City council's meeting at 7 yeah you have a quick one let's do all you're doing is swearing let's do it a quarter two yeah do it a quar to six that way that way that way D you don't have to go to the parkboard meeting right okay I make a motion at 5:45 great here 545 I'll second okay 5:45 I'll second okay Sarah second's motion I'll favor say I All Pause uh motion carried and we don't have to make a motion to do the 23rd we did that right yeah we did yep so any uh you good I'll make a motion to adjourn all right I'll second it I I can't make the motion second all favor say I opposed a motion carried s s s sorry about fine I'm