##VIDEO ID:BUOHOmw94BM## I'd like to call the regular uh city council meeting to order for August 26 2024 uh please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all uh good evening everybody uh first first thing I'd like to do is uh get the approval of the minutes but first I'd like to uh well why don't we do that first the approval of the minutes for August 12th 2024 make that motion Gary makes a motion I'll second it I second a motion all in favor say I I I opposed uh motion carried uh do we have uh any additions to the agenda Gary good Donnie good there is good Laura hi just want to um request a truth and Taxation date I'm going to request something for the American Legion for in December and then the workshop date okay so the put me gambling okay so Workshop date and then the other thing was uh like what was the other one you had oh truth and Taxation and then the last one is for the American Legion um Christmas party request request okay okay if I could get an approval of the agenda along with the additions I'll make that motion okay makes a motion I'll second it any second a motion all in favor say I I I opposed motion carried so uh the first thing that we have we have Jim here from uh Planning and Zoning good evening Jim evening we have three three issues tonight pretty straightforward uh the first one is a concrete permit application for Shirley CTS at 60 vinon Street South to replace her tar driveway with concrete and add a 12 by 24t parking pad next to her garage and to replace her front sidewalk uh we obviously don't have any problems with that the second one is a concrete permit application by Darcy waasi to replace her 28t by 32t driveway with concrete it was I think it's a tar driveway now and that's uh along the alley behind her house her house is at 113 Edward Street South but her alley backs up to capser street right behind the post office office there kind of right across from that that telephone building there and uh she just wants to replace that and then the last one that we have is a small accessory structure permit application by James Caza replace a 10t x 14 metal shed in his backyard which is kind of collapsing uh that's at 110 112 Edward Street North and he wants to replace with a 10x 16t wooden shed uh we didn't have any issues with any of those and would recommend that you approve all of those great thank you uh Jim uh could I get approval I'll make a motion to approval I make some motion to approve I'll second there second the motion all in favor say I I I uh opposed motion Carri jum thank you so the next item um that um I'd like to cover is is our preliminary Levy and uh Sarah would like to maybe uh touch base with that and then I'll follow up with a comment okay um so I guess I don't have a whole lot to say about it but um we went over the budget for 2025 and um comparatively we don't have as many expenses because we're expecting the new nine to be up and running and um you know we won't have any expenses hopefully with that it should be adding revenue and we have um cut back on some of expenses and we are working on um grants as um mayic canakin had told us last time um so we're expecting a little bit more revenues so our budget is currently um expected to be up from this year um which our budget was up from 2023 this year as well um pretty much in all categories all the different funds so I mean that's a positive so our Levy isn't going to be as high as we were asking for last year which is a good thing yep um I mean I guess I don't really have a whole lot of specifics to say about it at the moment yeah I could take over if you yeah I really don't know a whole lot to say about it so uh actually what I'll do is I just kind of made a couple of notes that I would like to uh read and then um so I just wanted to to tell all the citizens of of peers that uh I am uh proud of our employees that work for work for town uh in 2024 they all worked with the city Council on a modest 2024 uh pay raise and they held the line on their purchases of new equipment and they successfully worked with what uh what we had um and and uh we definitely needed some things but we got commitments from everybody to uh stand tight because we wanted to uh get the work out get the new nine finished and find out where we were sitting as a city uh fiscally um and uh that helped the city of peers grow revenues in 2024 by holding the expenses uh the best that that we could uh because of this uh uh our our budget committee uh felt that uh like we did a 9% Levy last year in 2023 that we could cut it to a 4 and a half% preliminary Levy now our Levy isn't we're not really going to vote we're not going to vote on our L leing until later this fall but it'd be the 4 and a half% for 2025 um with with our projected budget for 2025 we we feel that we can invest uh start investing in our employees that work for the City by providing some health care benefits which peers has never offered uh in the past and our current Council feels that's necessary uh to have health care um that is our goal um to help retain a good employees because you can only uh get so many employees when you don't offer health care and it opens up our um our employe employment opportunities also uh provide uh we need to provide for a good used more and approximately 30 golf carts for the golf course expansion um uh it was the it was never uh included in the original budget uh for needed equipment that we needed to open the new nine so um uh we feel that uh we have to uh get another more we really have one they use basically 247 on both the on both of the courses and by providing another one it's going to help uh help the one that we currently have we also need to add about 30 uh 30 golf carts uh we're going to be looking at probably uh used ones but relatively new used ones as long as as well as the lawnmower um to help to help her budgets but that's something we felt that we need we need to have like I said that it never was uh budgeted in um and that with all of this uh said this should leave us with a balanced budget uh so we can start saving for the next uh road project and emergency fund for the city so with all of this that uh Sarah had said and then I had stated um it should uh leave us $100,000 ahead in the black next year um by looking at the revenues coming in versus the project projected expenses and like I said I stated earlier this is a projected budget um and I I I personally want to thank uh Laura Sarah and K for all the help during the preliminary process going over all the revenues and the expenses um trust me it was uh it was no easy process but they took it on and uh uh there's I was telling U Gary here earlier that there's probably 2,000 line items if not more and we could bring them brought them all down into sub total and total so we could actually get a realistic look at realistic look at everything and the final budget uh will be presented later later this fall but we have a really good grasp on it this year and uh uh we we can see where we're heading in the future and it's all really positive so oh I was just going to say also so in 2023 um our budget was negative about $600,000 and as of you know right now year to date our revenues on our budget is 136% what we projected last year and our expenses are we're only at 90% of our expenses so I mean that's a really good so we were really conservative when looking at 2025 budget we were trying to be really conservative about the revenue compared to the expenses we were trying to be you know realistic about what we were going to you know what the expenses were going to be and conservative about revenues we were trying not to inflate what we were going to bring in and we were being trying to be realistic about what we were going to um spend absolutely and it and it can it can always uh change we always know there's things that come up that we're not planning for but I'm really confident in everything that we've uh that we've done so far and like I said a lot of it uh congratulations goes to our super our supervisors for for sure for I mean I didn't even you know until K sent me the the chart today and the 136% on the revenues is really amazing and it goes out to our employees for sure yep and then um I think we said like we mentioned two weeks ago we're we're going to show we should show a profit at the golf course this year too which be the first time in 3 years so we'll also be should be showing a profit there too which says a lot for Tony's work down at the at the clubhouse and Zach's as well um so do we do we need to vot I just do we need to vote on that or does just the the preliminary budget yes we do okay can I well first you guys got any questions at all you're good I mean we were pretty thorough oh yeah no it looks really good and and I think the supervisors were pretty thorough and pretty I mean they were really realistic and in everything too I think very and they were very conservative on what they thought they would need and if anybody uh any of our citizens want we do have a copies of the actual the actual budget uh budget sheet so uh they can look at all the sub all the categories and what the the total is and we have uh the budget for 2023 uh the amount the difference then we also the budget for 2024 uh and where we are year to date with that and then also the projected 2025 budget so it just isn't for 2025 we went back to 2023 to to get a a guideline on where we should be at and where we're moving we're going to we used the last actually from 2022 23 and 20 you know the last three two to three years just to kind of show for historical data right yep so anyway uh could I get a motion I'll make the motion okay Donnie makes a motion to approve the preliminary uh budget I'll second it Gary seconds the motion all in favor say I I opposed uh motion carried so the next item we have is a gambling permit for Holy Trinity Catholic School it's for their their Stak and wine night uh for October 5th then they have a a raffle calendar drawing December 18th and then they also have um a raffle school carnival which I believe Laura is uh is March 23rd 2025 not 24 okay so if I could get a motion for that I'll make that motion Gary makes a motion I'll second Sarah second's motion all in favor say I I I opposed a motion carried for the gambling permit for Holy Trinity Catholic School the three occasions um and then we then we have to look at uh the next item would be a request for a workshop and did we are we okay with what I suggested kind of September 23rd yeah it's a Monday I'm I'm good with it it was one of the dates I gave yall right are you guys okay with September 23rd yeah it's a meeting night right yeah yeah yeah yep yep if I could get a motion oh what are we covering again so far I'm just curious cannabis oh request from Eric from last council meeting the Cannabis there was one other thing I thought we had there was two parts of it on that cannabis got it um if I could get a motion for that 23rd of September I'll make a motion to approve that Workshop uh 5:30 what time you want to start it at oh yeah it's 5:30 the normal 5:30 good enough for you guys okay sorry about that sirad yeah at uh to schedule a workshop at 5:30 on the September 23rd okay sir makes a motion I'll second it D second a motion all in favor say I I opposed a motion carried Laura for our Workshop September 23rd at 5:30 and then let's go uh to the the truth and Taxation date so if you want to yeah can I request December 9th for our truth and Taxation September what December 9th December sorry make a motion sir yeah I'll make a motion to set the meeting for the truth and Taxation on December 9th sir what time what time um it the last time it looked like it was during our council meeting during the council meeting during the regular council meeting okay s Mak motion I'll second it Gary second motion all in favor say I I I opposed a motion carried for truth and Taxation date December 9th uh during our regular uh City Council a session um and then we uh uh next thing would be we got the workshop dat then the American Legion request yeah American Legion would like to use the senior center on December 11th for their annual Christmas party so they just wanted to approve that it'd be about 4 o'clock I actually went to that last year it was really yeah it was really nice yeah yep so if I get a motion for that make that a motion Gary makes a motion second Sarah seconds a motion all in favor say I I opposed a motion carried for uh the American Legion request to reserve the senior cent center for December 11th at 4:00 fabulous okay so then we have our department uh updates as City administrator um I'm just going to give an update on the new N9 um Zach and Zach had shared with me that as of today all the major wash outs are 95% filled about 50% of the fairways need the washboard wash outs need filling to smooth them out sorry still need to roll two and a half to three Fairways um just waiting for Sarah to bring his roller back um 10% remaining for sad seed and blanketing if Brad and Ethan and Stephen have the time this week they will be picking up more sad to fill up the remaining wash areas and 20% remaining to adjust Sprinklers and valve boxes this going off of our checklist I apologize all the drainage that needed to be fixed has been 12 Fairway is officially being mowed at the proper height still working on the remaining Fairways and we are hoping the weather will not be as bad as predicted but we'll keep you posted at the end of the week great so that was the for the golf course um my only other item was that the senior center or the sorry will be closed on Labor Day just a reminder and then the senior center is getting their carpet done the week of Labor Day so great this will all be shut down okay okay that was all I got sh um so I I got I just wanted to uh talk about um the October Fest um I'm actually uh I was on the October F or I'm on the October FES committee and um I was really with with the hot weather and everything I think things went uh really really well um and it was actually a lot of lot of fun and I I know Eric's sitting here I just want to thank him for all the work he did because it was kind of a a buster of a week I'm sure I'm sure for him with everything involved and uh so uh it was really a lot of fun I think a lot of people are looking forward at the wings thing Wings went really well fireworks uh went good and uh all said and done it I think it was a great it's always a great event so uh that's all that I had I don't know if uh you skipped Public Works I was going to go to him next and but you're doing the council updates before you're doing the Public Works update I know was so excited to talk about okay so Eric I guess you're up sorry about that all right good evening Council here okay so just uh a little update on what we've been doing uh last week and then what we'll be up to this week here uh last week we did a lot of cleaning and sweeping for the October Fest so we spent a lot of time doing that um I did our storm drain I repaired the other week that seems to be working excellent so that one's all done the painter guys that come in and do the striping and blocks they're all finished up they got that wrapped up uh Friday afternoon I suppose it was which kind of was really nice timing in a sense um the electric on our project here um is uh they're all on the underground electric now they are removing poles so I think actually today they got most of the poles that we can get down we did find out some interesting news between Robert Street and uh uh Summer Street them poles that run behind the houses there they are owned by Sentry Link so no idea that one but uh they will be um eventually removing them they just I think they had like one customer on there that they were going to see if they could do something with so I'm like huh cuz I was kind of ready to fight tooth and nail like these are our poles you know as far as I know but nope so I learned something new mhm there um this week we'll be cleaning up from October Fest we'll be running around with sweeper again um just day today is it'll be kind of a short week I was gone today will be gone again on Friday um we will be spraying bugs this week too um and we have been all summer long too they just it's they're horrible this time of year seems like you spray them you got to remember it's only a contact kill they don't prevent they don't do anything so it just kills them that are out there ones that are out that night but it's just making them every day now so it's just they're going to be back right after you spray so just keep in mind that it is a contact killer not a preventative m means so um I don't know if uh guys have any other questions for me you submitted your Source Grant oh uh we did a for the um uh snow plow for the front end order there was a grant available so we got what we needed for that and we submitted it so we'll wait and see what they say That's great so that's something we actually got from sourcewell huh we had approved to get it we get approved it we submitted submitted it there you go yep cuz it's kind of a lottery I think on that stuff isn't it yeah yeah from I remember quick we're do we haven't got we didn't win last year so I'll take that as a other than that that's kind of all I have at the moment great thank you I don't any you guys have any questions at all good no thanks for everything yeah thank you y you're welcome well okay now we're down to the council again once again so anybody have anything you'd like to say at all or no no no okay I'm good too I'll make the motion to adjourn then Donnie makes the motion to adjourn I'll second Sarah second's a motion all in favor say I I opposed motion carried journ