##VIDEO ID:YHTYmgrMtiE## what time did the concert start G did you click oh that's not bad uh good evening um I'd like to call the regular city council meeting order for October 28th uh 2024 uh everybody please stand for the pledge Alle I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation God indivisible liy and justice for all uh good evening uh the first thing um I'd like to do is uh get the approval for the minutes for October 15 2024 I'll make the approval uh to I'll make the motion to approve the minutes from October 15th 2024 okay Jackie makes the motion I second that Gary SE motion all in favor say I I I opposed motion carried for the approv for the minutes for October 15 2024 uh next we go to the approval of the agenda um John just interrupt make sure every every mic is on sorry about that I just realized mine was off so I just want to make sure everybody's on thank you Jackie yeah uh so the next thing is the approval of the agenda and I believe we have uh one item we have to add uh for Jim for planning and uh zoning what's the name Jim one more time Jordan shab for Jordan shabil for a small structure uh I'll make the motion to approve the agenda with the addition of the one uh Jordan for the Planning and Zoning okay Jackie makes motion second Gary second the motion all in favor say I I opposed motion carried uh so then um we are we actually have Jim up first up with planning and zonning good evening Jim good [Music] evening okay the first uh we have three applications the first one is for a lot split by Scott Becker to split off the West 47.89 Ft of his property on 3177 Main Street South uh we suggested to approve that permit on the condition the property is sold to and merged to parcel number 42151 which is Eric stuck at at 322 Robert Street South what is happening is uh Eric stuckmeyer on Robert Street would like to purchase that 48 roughly 48 ft from Scott specker and it's one of these chicken or egg things you can't split off a piece until it gets merged on and you can't merge it on until it's split off and so you're kind of Stuck in the Middle there and so uh Eric can't merge it until he can buy it and he can't buy it until it gets split off but you can't split off until it's merged onto something else and so I don't know uh my suggestion in talking to them is that Larson abstract uh has done this before for us several locations we had this happen and they have a way of wording it that uh that the county will accept because he's really creating a parcel that's too small it's not a legal parcel if he just splits it off and and has it as a separate parcel and so it has to be merged onto something else for it so will they be bringing something back into Planning and Zoning once that's done or that's a good question if we go to the next one oh okay and and that's a residential fence permit by Eric stuck and and that's he's the one that wants to buy that 48 ft by 66t piece and his lot is 66 ft wide also or part of his lot a separate parcel that he has and he would attach it to the end of his lot and so he he put in a fence permit but he did not put in a merge permit he put in a fence permit though that would include this part of this lot that he's purchasing from Eric STM he did have oh he purchasing from Scott specker he did have a survey done uh Eric stuck did have a survey done it's well done it shows exactly to hundredth of a foot where they where it's going to be so it's pretty clear what's going to happen there and so he put in a a fence permit to fence in his backyard and that would include this parcel and so we approved that fence permit on the condition um the lot to the east of his backyard that's this lot that's being split off uh which is which he is purchasing from Scott specker is merged with his primary lot at 322 Robert Street South so we're saying he can make that fence if he purchases that property and and it's merged onto his original property so he's made aware that he's going to have to do the merge permit I don't know that okay I can't tell you that he should have to do a merge permit that's correct okay this would be sufficient I think for the county that he's their county is very clear that we are not creating this is is very clear we're not creating a non-buildable lot that has no access anywhere if you look at these two conditions it's pretty clear I don't know if the county will go for that or not uh I'm wondering if we approve it based on him also submitting a merge permit what are your thoughts we could do that just so it's all taken care of his you know it's in he he also puts in a merge permit right we could put that on the condition that he that he applies puts in an application for a merge that per I feel like it's just taken care of by the next meeting he can get everything taken care of but the merge permit would need to be submitted in yeah well we say that he's he's he has to have it merged with his lot yeah so and I could put in there uh an an application has to be put in M yeah I think that that would so so he knows for sure that he has to apply for this yeah uh I mean problem would be the the way to do it the the the it's again that chicken or egg thing right you know which one do you do first right I think the split right we'll approve the split and then we'll approve the fence permit with the conditions that he submits the merge permit as well okay does that seem fair yeah yeah that makes sense I don't know mhm yeah that's fine we can add that in there I'll say uh is merged with uh or applies for a merged permit and it's and is merged with it I would I can do that yes and that would be that would make it very clear to him that he needs to apply to have it merged and as long as they call and tell him that this fence was approved they would he would be told that he also needs to put in a uh a mer merge permit yeah it would make sense and then we could get that merge permit approved right in the November F the first meeting in November but he can still do the fence in between then as long as it's submitted prior to well or what are your thoughts we according to our rules you can put a fence across property lines most things we don't allow do anything across property lines except the fence Okay so he could he could be putting a fence into the neighbor's property if the neighbor says it's okay we would we would approve that and so even if he hasn't purchased this lot yet he could technically put up the fence because it's signed off at the neighbor appr although we are saying here that he has to merge it first yep so or just apply for the merge prior to right well I would say he has to have it merge rather than apply to because then if for some reason it doesn't get approved that's assuming it's get approved and if you assume it's going to be approved then why even have them apply for it right no I get it so how do you how do you want us to handle it Jim so I would say we would approve first the merge split and then we'd secondarily approve the fence permit with the conditions of applying for the merge and the merge permit see that's what we talked about that that's why we said which he is purchasing from Scott beer is merged with his primary lot it just we just didn't say okay you have to go get you have to go get a a permit to get it merged okay we just didn't say that it we are implying that I just want to make sure we're crossing our te and yeah I could make it clear in there that that he has to that he has not applied yet for merge permit and that it needs to be just so calls them like Hey we're going to approve this it's fine however you need to come and apply for the merge permit before we can actually say yep you're good to go so once you get the merge permit to us I can hand you the approval for the fence permit yeah yeah yeah see the way I have it here he can't apply he can't put up the fence until he has the lot merged okay that's way that's the way I put it it's just that he might think I can just go ahead and do that he he could do it through Larson abstract would merge it for him we would never know unless the permit's done right so Jackie let I would suggest that uh I don't know if Jim you got that figured it in there just do the do the whatever you want for permitting and then you'll they'll watch based on the conditions we'll proove it based on the conditions that planning is owning set forth yeah yeah there you go and and and then when Laura calls or does Deon call Deon calls she should tell him that he also has to apply for that merge permit to to get merged yep to get merged he's got because we're saying it has to be merged before he can put up the fence yep and and so she should tell him that he can't get it merged until he applies for a uh uh a merg permit yeah I'd be fine and that's fine okay let's okay work the Jordan one uh the Jordan one is a a small accessory structure permit application uh for a temporary 13x 24 canvas hoop garage at his residence at uh 26 889 153rd Street and uh the structure would be in place from November 1 to April 30th 2025 that's the same structure he put up each of the last two years uh for those six months okay so on his per minut it says November through May so you changed it to the April 30th the one I'm seeing on Jordan prisilla well he can only have it right for six months so it be November 1st through part of just like mine right so April 30th or 31st whatever 30 April April 30th he used see the issue is the the rules say six months in a calendar year right not a year but a calendar year does his so if he used he used up November he used up so technically I suppose he could go until May but then next year he couldn't put it in up until January yeah I mean he could go but then yeah he wouldn't be able to put it in through December December 1st he could put it he could up the December 1st then he couldn't I would do same as me we would approve it on the condition April 30th it's got to come down that's what we put in here okay and that would give him he could continually do that then every year he could put it up our intent when we made a temporary structure permit and we did that a number of years ago five seven eight I don't know because people were looking to put up when they were remodeling or they already had two structures they they wanted to put up a third one which we don't normally allow and they wanted to put up temporary ones and then some people just left them there and they fell apart and whatever and so we wanted to restrict those temporary ones so our intent was not to have people continually do it over and over again in fact some of in the part of the rules is that if it looks like they're trying to make a permanent structure out of it then we could deny it on those bases great yeah and and but this is a little different than people applying for a continuance which you could do you he could could apply for a a continuance in other words after your six months are up saying I don't got my stuff all done yet my house isn't finished yet I had a fire I needed its temporary structure I could I need another 3 months and they could apply for that if they continue doing that then we could say they're making it a permanent structure if they don't really have a need for it I mean I get it those buildings are expensive we've tried to look into putting a secondary oneup I'm like well let's just pay the permit and do it for the winter to store our winter gears CU yeah and that's what he's that's what he's doing in fact in fact this he that property is not owned by him mhm he's he's living on that so are you so you're uh you're ready for approvals then Jim on what you have so if I could get a motion to approve the permits that Jim is looking I'll make a motion to approve Scott specker for the application for the split lot Eric suckme for the fence permit with the conditions that we listed and then Jordan prisila for the um temporary structure through November 1st through April 30th okay Jack me a motion for approval I'll second uh Sarah second a motion all in favor say I I opposed uh motion carried Jim uh the next thing on our agenda U is the gambling permit for Holy Trinity School uh for Bingle for February 2nd 2025 if I get a motion to approve that I'll make that motion I'll second sir makes the motion uh Jackie seconds it all in favor say I I I opposed a motion carried uh for Holy Trinity uh uh School Bingo night uh the next item we have is the liquor license approval from uh Chief Henkin good evening good evening everybody um the establishment known as Pat's Bar has sold new ownership have come in filled out the application for all liquor licenses I did the background like we need to for any liquor establishment and they highly met what needs to be done on my end and it's going to be called Tony's Tavern so I'm asking for a motion from the council to approve the liquor license for the new owners of Pat's Bar I will make the motion to approve the liquor license uh Jackie makes the motion second uh Gary second the motion all in favor say I I opposed uh motion carried for Tony's okay any questions for me at all no thank you thank you Eric thanks Chief uh the next item we have is a pay app with Jared here to present it good evening Mr Mayor members of council um tonight as you mentioned in your p in your packet is pay application number five um before we get to that I want to Quick talk give a quick update on the project uh since we last spoke which I believe was or last mean the 15th of October um the light bases on the alternative one portion so the first half Southwest those were poured and installed um subcontractors will be on site this week to kind of tackle some of their punch items um and then the prime contractor um will be here in a couple weeks to address a few of their punches items as well um not all the punches items will be completed this this uh before winter um because some of them like Turf establishment can't be we won't finalize that won't final that out until the spring or until we get that final um lift of payment or lift of pumas out there so um but they are chipping away at it so with that any questions on the project I did have a question you know I love living on Peter and we had all that work and getting stopped you know that's my job I love it um they were asking because of the delays of the other things with the whole tally of the project they just we just get charge on that street for our work not for delays or add-ons from that not like cumulative and then split out dep depends on what do you mean by delays or add-ons they had like over here with the iron and the extra digging and all of that and there was a change order right so they had asked like well does that go on to Peter too you mean as far as your assessments go yeah so assessments are broken out into by kind of Street width and so that's for the street and storm cost Peter and first first Northeast kind of are clustered together as because they're larger than that 32 foot wide width and then summer is kind of its own 32 foot wide width um take that back I'm missing first first Southwest first Southwest is also included with Peter and and first North so and the alley separated so the only change order we had on the project was for the additional kind of subcut work M and section work on the Alley okay so that wasn't included then okay that's why I got I'm like I don't think so but I'll ask I don't know I was like I think ours went down potentially pretty nice don't remember but do you have any questions G I do not K do you Sarah all right well with that then we'll get right back into the pay up here um p number five for your uh consideration tonight uh is for the amount of $397,000 75 um work certified to date is1 or 1, 82,9 129 which is 86 87% of the project is where we're sitting right now um like I said so when we come back next year um we may have actually have another pay up before you know at the next in November here but um most of that will be chunked away next year when we come back and do the kind of final seating final final lift of pinus all all that good stuff so um on this pay up in particular uh most of it is really the the last bit of concrete work and that first of Paving that was not and top sell stuff or turface a um material items that were not included in that in the previous pay up so uh that's where most of that is coming from in this one so tonight uh looking for your approval for pay app number five for and you said that was 397,000 3 or is it 297 3997 20375 okay I'll make a motion to approve the 39723 and. 75 uh Jackie makes motion to approve pay up number five I'll second that I gave you second the motion all in favor say I I I opposed uh motion carried Jared for pay app number five thank you anything else no all right thank you and then we go to our department uh updates so we have uh Eric here from our public uh Works director supervisor good evening president welcome back yes ah so update on what's been going on the last few weeks around uh peers or least the Public Works end of it um recently we just had Centennial Drive Resh shouldered uh Dave S did that um it was getting pretty bad towards the south side where all the businesses big trucks turning out of there so we got that squared away um we did get our new plow for the uh loader it's on and operates and it's ready to go um uh let's see the old plow truck isn't at Ted hoisel getting just doed and I think it may have to have a fuel tank replacing it it's got a leak on it so that'll be done probably this week so we'll have that back in back in running condition um let's see oh I did the so we contracted like we do every year with Dave S for Main Street snow removal he filled out his end of the work for DOT our Minnesota DOT so it got turned in today so we're all good there with that um I am planning on having some tree trimming done around our power lines of the golf course um they're getting pretty thick down in there so that'll happen yet this fall um we'll be picking up a lot of leaves in town now it seems like they all pretty much fell off so we'll be buzzing around getting those cleaned off we're going to suck out Main Street uh the storm sewer drains the basins so we suck the leaves out of there so that can drain good in the springtime um been staying busy with our day to-day task just work orders you know stuff like that um where we've been working on up at the old uh old shop we just been cleaning up areas up there getting their salt stacked up in there and everything ready to go um I feel like missing something here Tre triman took care of that um oh uh Laura and I went to the Minnesota Power meeting in duth uh two weeks ago two Thursdays ago uh 17th um that was just a pretty uh informational meeting it wasn't uh there's no changes anything drastic coming up everything seems to be going pretty good with Minnesota Power our relationship with them is good um they did talk a little bit about solar which was kind of nice there's a few other towns around the uh in there at that meeting too that were smaller like ours you know and it seems like we have our ducks in a row which uh which so does you know the other people too it's was kind of nice to talk to them and see what their processes were and if it was the same as what we're doing and if we're doing you know everything's going right so that is looking good um other than that uh Minnesota power is doing fantastic the way it sounds transmission lines are all doing good uh and uh I don't know it was a pretty good meeting to go to so that was uh very nice um you guys have any questions I I have one um I know last year when we were getting like the bucket or the stuff stuff for the um and for the uh the lifter whatever we got front front load yeah we were going to be able to do some of the work that the count would have to do are we still on course we're going to still try to do as much as we can here um one thing I noticed last year with pushing that snow is it's really hard once you get down to here south to the like S I don't have very many spots to store it and there a lot of snow it's more than you think by the time you push all the way down to that side so that we probably clean up the oldfashioned way we'll just push it out and scoop it out of there this stuff between Dave and I where all the businesses are we'll get that stuff cleaned out as soon as after it snows you know just like we have did last year so it's kind of a learning curve on how to do that Main Street efficiently and without putting a ton of time in you know what I me right yeah because I know to get it done fast without interrupting everybody yeah I know we were trying to recoup some money on yes yep all that stuff is is recoupable um with it whether Dave or we are involved in it so yeah we're going to try it out this way again this year and we'll see what next year brings if we can if we have a different plan if it worked out good this year good kind of see if it snows did anybody questions oh uh I did have some people ask about a sign for the brush pile um so people know where it is or whatever so there is one back in there already I just was thinking of taking that off of there and putting it on the gate I don't know yeah cuz he probably can't see it way back where it's sitting it does no good real bad until you're in there you know then you see it but I just thought maybe I'd take that off there and put it on the gate out at least good idea thanks at least you can see it's says dump city dump y good idea other than that that's all I have Sarah do you got any questions Jackie are you good good well thank you thank you for all your work you do um then we have Tony the director of the clubhous good evening mayor and Council um just an update on the clubhous is our last day is tomorrow long season but a good season I think it was pretty successful um Campground closed last week they blew everything out so we are planning on doing the clubhouse blowout on Wednesday or Thursday and then wait until next season but there's a little bit more cleanup to do some stuff out of there but we working along great any any questions no I think it was a good year thank you very much thanks for a fantastic season yeah it was really good thank you for everything yes and um there's going there's a lot to do winter months for for that 18 just getting things ordered um as far as sponsorship for the holes next year I we have a waiting list kind of right now so I think we have all but two people for Hol but I don't think we have any problems covering those um and then we're just waiting on the PGA to get back to us on um our yardages and stuff what were happened with that I thought they were supposed to get back to us and we never so I contacted the Deering that came out and did everything he said that he processed everything through the PGA already and so we're just waiting to hear back from them and find out why we haven't heard anything yet I know um so what we really I think coming up so we got a little bit of time but really probably January 1 we yeah we're going have to come up with a marketing program for uh for opening up the opening up the new nine and um I think the feeling is that we should we'd like to have a grand opening so if we do that we're going have to start putting some stuff into the place start working on in January cuz it's something that we're not going come up two weeks before we have the grand opening and then two is it's so with us never being in 18 I mean there's a big process also with that because we're so used to booking nine holes right um and so I'm going to there's going to have to be a lot of teaching going on with club caddy who's our POS system to figure out how to do the 18 holes and scheduling and things like that and um on League nights when you one when the league is doing the front nine or the back nine how do we schedule for the other side and think I mean it's going to be a learning curve and with not opening the whole 18 right away at the beginning of the Season okay so how do we plan on getting this when the new nine opens up right I and hopefully that club caddy will actually benefit us because I'm sure 90% of their golf courses they work with our 18 holes so hopefully the transition will work internally with with them yes and I do believe that that club caddy has been a huge asset down there um the online bookings that people can do from people that have never heard of us before and they pull it up on online and then like hey we can book from here I think it has brought in some good business of people that haven't really booked because now they don't have to talk to somebody they can just book it online and they come in and so it's been good yes great good do you have anything for me confident with your leadership abilities to be able to accomplish all this and more so appreciate that thank you great that's good thank youy um then we go to uh Laura um the league of Minnesota cities is doing mayor for a Day contest again and I guess I'm not 100% sure do we have proof um recognizing a local student fourth fifth grade I don't think we've heard before but uh usually what we do is we they just fill out the through the form and then you get you can get them to me and then I'll review them and then I'll pick somebody and then we'll just do a little little fun thing at night and then do we still give a $10 oh yeah the city bucks or peers bucks or whatever perfect and I'll get that out to the schools and and then I think it would be nice I don't know if we've done it in the past but getting a picture and posting it on our Facebook we have something really nice I think we did first meting second meting just making sure we continue that okay um just going to let everyone know that Halloween is on Thursday City will be handing out candy at the city hall because the pack put set on so there are local businesses doing that it is 3 to 5:30 3:30 to 5:30 yep um or until candy runs home that happens we gonna use up those adult beverages nobody's kidding the parents that have to take their kids plan for a lot of kids a lot of kids um you might need two I got actually I got I got I got some candy from October Fest so my grandkids picked up I give it to you if you it people who live on Main Street usually count and I think last year it was like almost a thousand oh wow that's great excited uh come on peers cuz they never on Peter cuz they never that much uh reminder of Election Day November 5th here at the senior center opens 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. so and then City Hall is closed Monday November 11th for the recognition of Veterans Day and our next meeting will be that Tuesday November 12th at 7 p.m. and we having the final for the yes yes public hearing will be that day as well so I was going to just say to then after that I just like to have a lot of reminders after that our meeting start at our Council start at 6 meeting in December first meeting in first meeting in December okay and that was all I had okay um then we have Council updates I was just going to mention about our meetings when they start at 6 or Council meetings and then if anybody's got anything are you good okay good good good Jackie I'm good well Donnie isn't uh make a motion to adjourn it second Gary makes a motion to adjourn a Jour Jackie SE in all in favor say I opposed motion [Music] carried got to get Donnie out of there right [Music]