##VIDEO ID:gQ4KuzkgoIc## maybe not showing green uh good evening I'd like to call the the regular city council meeting order for November 12th uh 2024 uh please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation God indivisible liy and justice for all uh first thing uh this evening I would like to get the approval of the minutes from our regular city council meeting for October 28th 2024 I'll make a motion to approve the regular city council uh meeting minutes uh Jackie makes a motion to approve the minutes I'll second it uh Donnie the motion all in favor say I I opposed uh motion carried to approve the regular city council meeting a minutes uh next uh we need to get approval of the agenda and I believe uh I was talking to Laura earlier she'd like to add um a liability waiver for the league of uh Minnesota cities uh to our agenda and also a public hearing for cannabis uh set for December 9th is that right Laura correct okay uh do do you have anything Gary no nope Sarah Jackie you good okay so if I could get an approval of that with those two add-ons I'll make the motion Donnie makes the motion second uh Gary second's motion all in favor say I I opposed a motion carried so the first thing uh on our agenda is to open a public hearing uh final for the final assessment um at 7:02 I would like to open the public hearing for the 2024 final proposed uh Street assessments for the uh Improvement number peers 69999 and I'd like to have Jarry come up he has uh you'd like to have something to say uh good evening Mr Mayor members of council um as some of if not all of you are aware uh recently that today in fact uh we discovered a um discrepancy in in our calculation for the assessment rates for this project uh with that in mind uh we ask that you keep the C keep the uh public hearing open um and continue it until next council meeting at that time then we will we will present the uh the the updated assessment rates um and can move forward with the public hear hearing so tonight do we ask that we take we take no testimony on on on the assessments uh and keep the the public hearing open until the next Council me on November 25th correct yes um so the public apologize for sorry apologize for those that are attendance and and uh and watching on TV but it's the right thing to do so yep so I just want to read back up what CH said due to discrepancy with the assessments will not be able to take testimony tonight residents r receive an updated assessment letter by the end of uh by the end of the week um so this public hearing will remain open and we will now go back to our regular city council meeting and uh our apologies on that do you add to that um that the assessment letter will be sent out tomorrow um with that and that aligns with the the 429 process that needs to be met for um the next council meeting so um as you stated so okay thank you Jared thank you any other questions I got one question for you you guys come in and pour out the driveways to you know to put the curbing gutter on the Peter Avenue yep okay I live right on the corner there okay when they cut that out they dug all the dirt out and everything and a load of fill come in in the sky and a bob cat backed up on my driveway and caved it in now when they come in and put the new tar in it didn't do anything about it Z down about an inch and they just come in and put a new layer tar up to where they cut it and it's caved in it's beyond where they cut what I'm saying so currently there's a depression in your driveway or are you saying that they filled it with mix like skim it no there's a dip there's a dip in it now yeah they put car in and all they did tamper even with it start okay well I'll have our rpr look at our field field guy Sean which you may have talked to in the field I'll help him take a look at it when he comes back and evaluates the punch list and if it's something that we need to add which sounds like that in that case we would um we'll get that addressed on our punch list for you okay and the one other thing I got okay and I think your concern with the dying tree is if it's dying will they REM will the city then remove it they so come spring if it's dead and it's not going to come back will we be able to remove that for him so he's not liable since it was dead because of the root cutting when they did all of the water and soil if it's a tree I'm thinking of um based off conversations with our field staff um city and and ripsaw that were inv that was done for a a water portion of the project um they're of the opinion and I I I agree with them that the the um whatever the term is I guess the the the tree the condition of the tree um is probably due to the exhaust of of the equipment rather than the Rook cutting so in the spring we'll we'll determine whether or not that that's if it comes back or not okay you'll be able to see that so and if it doesn't come back then that's something we need to address at that time um because it was perfectly fine prior to the we will need to discuss with the city on how you want to move forward with that that with our uh so well all I know was when they were putting that the gas line in one guy say cut anything over a 3 in diameter of R the trees in the die and when they went around they took pictures of all the the work that they were doing so there is a picture of that direct who sorry who took pictures the gas company did well G and believe one of guys Sean probably did yeah yeah piur so the whole thing is I want to pay for that tree you know first of all I don't have one tree in the yard I don't have to wind up paying for a tree that I didn't have nothing to do with you have it pulled out otherwise I can person there okay can I ask a question too is I guess what what are right I don't know how much we can we're actually not supposed to take any questions period until I don't believe can we address the city with questions in the meantime or we have to wait to come back uh the the problem is it should have been added to our agenda we only can discuss stuff that's on our on our agenda unfortunately I and I had some questions for Jared too actually and I'm going to hold him up uh until he actually comes in uh what do we need to do to be able to ask questions next time on the what why don't you talk to maybe talk to Laura okay lurel Laurel set it up yeah yep I think that's how I because I don't think we're supposed to be taking any questions because of the legality of well and we're in our public hearing right now y I mean we're going to stay in it but we should say we're going back to our regular okay so then we are going back let's go back to our regular um Regular uh public I'll make a motion to close the we don't have to no no we're not closing it we're leaving it open we have to because we don't have open or make a motion to go back to our regular council meeting let's just cancel that we won second back right I just meant okay no we'll go back to okay so uh resume our regular council meeting yeah so then let's go Donnie you're up next for the Planning and Zoning so Planning and Zoning uh I have an update Eric stuck Meer uh at the last meeting had asked for a lot split and we asked him to come in and fill out some additional information Eric has come and done that so he has met the obligation for the lot split and he can move forward with that just an FYI just for the council so that's all I have there awesome so uh then um as far as the approval for final assessments we ski that right Laura okay that's skipped uh then we have um a resolution to Canvas the election results so what what's entailed with that L you want to explain it that is the items that I sent out from the county where it has the rins and states I was in formed that last year you had read them off no I we just need to have a resolution stating that we have seen all the county I think um the rins who the new council member is that part just stating that we have received the election results and they are good okay can I get a motion for that take the motion to approve resolution 2024 d111 2-1 resolution to canvas election results for the city of peers Morrison County state of Minnesota um okay if I get a second I'll second it here seconds the motion all in favor say i i i oppos a motion carried to accept the election results uh the next item on the agenda is a workshop request by uh Jackie uh for 129 uh 24 and if you just want to maybe you want to run over really quick Jackie I guess yeah I think you know just to kind of close up your end is kind of my thing let's get kind of a punch list for what everybody now that we moved a lot of our staff over to salary what's the winner look like what's you know that kind of stuff going to look like um just kind of wrap up any open-ended items I guess you know that we've kind of been discussing um just so that we're prepared to go into the new year it's kind of my thought process on that um and then I think uh Laura I don't know if we should have a discussion on the the benefits package um we we covered it kind of in our budget meetings and stuff but uh the premiums have changed changed a little bit and I think it's worthy of a discussion at it yeah I mean yeah just open end items like the benefits and stuff like that on I put that in the agenda packet for the workshop as a suggestion good and then I think there was designations and appointments to discuss at that Workshop yep I got an email saying that you had requested it that uh I I don't know if I just wanted to see what they currently were I think cuz that I'm got to think now think through because we don't really do that until uh till the we won't do that until yeah until January 2nd so we got plenty of time for that okay I think I can't remember I think I was just looking for a list of them okay and then inside there we have Eric with the c cannabis yep and we have Eric should all be the same yep m okay so then um if I could get and we would do that at six then cuz no December meeting will start at 600 so if it's December 9th our meeting starts at 6:00 p.m. then so it would have to be either a different day Jackie or we have to do it at five yeah yeah it's a good uh so is not going to work for me so we might have to Mo it should we move well we have to do it prior to our our uh meeting right we don't have to do it we can have a workshop on a different date it doesn't have to be our council meeting prior to the you know we then we have to wait two weeks to vote on anything we do one at 6 on the 25th since we're still doing seven y would that work for everybody the 25th at six sure does that work for you Eric and that's 12:25 at 6 pm I'll make a motion then for a workshop on 12:25 11:25 excuse me oh yeah here it says 12 11:25 of 24 at 6 pm I'll make that motion okay D makes a motion I'll second uh s seconds motion all in favor say I I I um as uh just for a kind of a Learning lesson um I learned from our last Workshop that uh because of public uh letting the public know we have we can only talk about the items on the agenda we can't add anything to it because we have to give the the public time to be able to react and come to the meeting so we have to stay strictly to what's on the on the agenda for the workshop okay so the next one would be um a public hearing on the on the on cannabis and the same night oh so we got go to the 27th or 25th I'm sorry the or can it be on a different cannabis public hearing request was for December 9th okay yeah and the workshop will be the 25th yes okay it makes more sense are you okay with that dony yeah oh no I was yep okay so if I can get a motion uh for that I'll make a motion to um have a public hearing for the Cannabis on December 9th okay if I get a second or yeah second on it I'll second it Donnie second's a motion all in favor say I I I I opposed a motion carried for public hearing uh on cannabis for uh December 9th um just thinking about that we now we're kind of running the same problem because we're going to be starting our meeting at 6 but the public hearing oh during the meeting so we're okay okay good okay awesome so then the next item we have is a uh claims report for October no it's the treasurers report or Treasures report I'm sorry as of November 1st the ending balance was three , 89,90 um I just did we ever kind of try to figure out Sarah what is if we took out the the bond money from I know you and K were working on that if we we're sitting at if we took the bond money out and I can talk to you about it afterwards and know K was working on it but I don't remember working on it with K okay maybe she was just working on it then I bet you she was trying to do it okay probably so if I can get uh approval of that or motion to accept that Treasures report make a motion to accept the treasures report okay car makes a motion I'll second it Donnie second a motion all in favor say I I I I'll oppos a motion carried for the treasur report for October um now it's the claims okay claims for the month of October was 4 49,3 3 And1 Penny okay if I get approved for the claim I'll make that motion Donnie makes the motion second that Gary second the motion all in favor to say I I I opposed a motion carried for the October claims uh claims report for $449 331 okay next we move on to uh the department updates uh we have Zach here from the parks department good evening mayor council just a few updates on the things we've done and what we have to do yet um but we're pretty much finished up we're going to be frost seating Brad will be working on that end of this week or probably the beginning of next week the him Brad some of the other staff been spreading out dirt the last few weeks getting it down getting it ready but we didn't want to se it because it's too late to seed anymore but we're going to wait till the soil cools off so the temperature of the soil should be down there low enough we'll be frost seed and before it freezes we're trying to get the post in for the tea markers on the uh new N T's so get those Post in so they'll be ready for the sign when we get those next year um tree triming when we get around to that we can work on that obviously once the ground freezes and stuff so we'll get some of the trees trimmed on the new nine um and the clubhouse will be blowing that out tomorrow getting that the water blown out of there everything else is blown out but finish winterizing that Clubhouse and doing that so other than that there's not going to be a whole lot going on other than helping Eric and then some of those tree trimming and stuff projects during the winter so any questions for me okay nope good no good thanks Zach thank you um next we have the Laura the city administrator updates um I do have a request to approve that liability waiver that I have sent out to you in your form there um I met with uh schmer Insurance last week and and it is one item that we approve every year where we do not let me say it correctly city does not wave the monetary limits with the league of Minnesota cities if anything were to come up oh I did review from last year it is okay so if I can get a motion for that kind of mouthful a motion to approve the liability coverage waiver form for the league of Minnesota City if I can get a second second Gary second's motion all in favor say I I opposed uh motion carried Laura thank you um I really don't have any other updates um what I've sent out with her weekly updates so so then we have uh Council updates I really don't have anything uh myself um does anybody else have any updates they'd like to talk about not Donnie I'm good Sarah Jackie good okay um that that's the end of that and then uh I will make a motion to adjourn at 720 I second it D makes a motion to adjourn Jackie seconds it all in favor say I I I opposed a motion carried to adjourn run buddy run okay