##VIDEO ID:mViTaaVsQTU## I'd like to call the regular city council meeting to order for October 15th uh 2024 uh please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all uh good evening everyone we actually have a pretty full uh pretty full house here tonight so we should be able to get through everything pretty good um first I would like to uh get uh approval of the minutes for September our regular city council meeting for September 23rd 2024 I'll make that motion Gary makes a motion I'll second it Donnie seconds a motion all in favor say I I oppos a motion carried uh the second item uh is our approval of the minutes from the city council Workshop of September 23rd uh 2024 I'll make that motion D makes a motion a second a Gary second a motion all in favor say I I opposed uh motion carried so the next item we have is approval of the agenda and then Laura brought something to my attention um that Tony wanted uh approval of the Season uh camper Campground rate uh this evening and so I'd like to add that uh to the agenda and then Donnie I think you have something I would like to add just uh FYI about our air system down at the golf course okay golf so just those two things course air system is that that fan yes okay um so those are the two items of uh if I could get a a motion to approve the agenda with the two items added I'll make a motion to approve the agenda with the two items added Jackie makes a motion I'll second Sarah second's a motion all in favor say I I I opposed uh motion carried for that so uh the next item we go to is uh planning and zoning and we have uh Jim here to fill us in on that uh we have just two items tonight uh the first one is a building permit application by by the school district at 112 cnick Street to make a 36x 44t concession stand slash ticket booth and open air seating west of the football field between the tennis courts and we didn't have any issues with that that's an improvement there and then we have a small accessory structure application by Cory iselis and Jackie Johnson at 303 Peter Avenue to make a temporary canvas vinyl steel carport for winter storage it will be 10 ft by 20 ft by 8 ft High placed behind the house over the patio put up in November 2024 and removed by April 30th 2025 and we recommend that you approve that also as a temporary permit okay do does anybody have any questions no I'll make the motion to accept them both D me Donnie makes a motion to accept them Gary seconds a motion all in favor to say I I I I'll abstain since it's my permit okay I'll opposed uh motion carried uh thank you Jim so the next item we have is the gambling permit for the peer Legion uh ballpark for the hel field Raffles for 66 of 25 if I could get a motion I'll make a motion to approve that Jackie makes a motion to approve it a second G second a motion all in favor say I I I opposed uh motion carried for the gambling permit for the purus legion Ball Park heli field Raffles uh the next item we have we have the peers Minnesota Honor Society um here and they would like to address the council and you Jamie Jamie yep Jamie nice to nice to meet you yeah thanks for having us um my name is Jamie stroer and I am the um Honor Society adviser at the school and every year we do a um we put out buckets for the community um to support the local toy drive that is done at school by Denise Gruber and Michelle Ferguson so I have some of my members here that want to share a little bit um about what we would like to get permission to do starting November hi I'm Cadence Ty and with me I have Sam hoisel and Kylie Andrea and we are here to represent the Pierce chapter of Minnesota Honor Society we would like to ask for your permission to place collection jars in local businesses with all of the proceeds going towards the 2024 toy drive we would like to play star in the local businesses the week of November 25th and collect the jars on December 9th this gives almost 2 weeks for donations to be collected the community toy drive distribution will take place on December 17th um last year the collection buckets in local businesses raised a little over $1,000 and the school coin war colle competition collected a little over $1,700 for a total of $2,718 the money donated by generous community members and students at peer High School helped support a very successful toy drive the toy drive has been an outstanding event year after year and we are hoping that you will continue to support the peers Honor Society and allow us to place collection buckets in local participating businesses um I got a question for you what were the dates again you kind of rattled them off kind of fast I just want to write them down so I can get make uh get a motion for it um so we place the jars in businesses starting November 25th and then collect them on December 9th December 9th I will make a motion to approve the Honor Society toy drive collection buckets from November 25th through December 20 or through December 9th okay so Jackie makes a motion to approve it I'll second uh Sarah second's a motion all in favor say I I I opposed uh uh motion carried for uh the jar placement on November 25th uh through December 9th so thank you guys really appreciate job you guys do it should be a fun fun event for you to thank you y thanks a lot thanks you guys thank you again so the the next uh item we have is a resolution for the final assessment to be drafted for our road project we have Jared griffi here to discuss that all right good evening good evening Mr mayor repr council uh as you stated uh there are two resolutions in your packet tonight for your consideration uh but first I want to give you a quick update on our 2024 project uh essentially essentially we are suspended for the winter um we do have some some street light bases that will be installed next few weeks on the alternate portion I think that's all we have left it's the alternate portion bases to be installed and then and then street lights themselves will be the polls will be will be put up once those are available to the contractor last I heard uh sometime you know middle of the winter like December kind of time frame um but that's just uh that was that that that last update was probably given in back in like July so you know haven't had anything since then um but essentially what we were talking about tonight um with where we're at with the project um the next pay up and the probably the final pay up for like I said for the suspension of this week this uh this part of the project um should be coming the next council meeting not not this one um but with that said I do I did project out final quantities total project costs for the remainder of the project um we are we will be what I have sitting for us would roughly uh total Construction cost of 1,558 18988 uh grand total of the project for for these are all City costs by the way not just not just a full project but just City portion costs um City total project cost 2 mil 57 or 53,54 um so that 2 million that 2 million number is the one I want to look at here um in our preliminary budget we had $2.2 million for a total project um after the low bid we were sitting at uh 2,160 th000 and then now we're projecting it out to be that 258 sorry 2, 58,000 it's kind of wors in that so with that as our projected final budget uh working with City staff Public Works committee and then also the the fiscal adviser um Jason Murray correct right J right yeah okay thank you um we went through and we put together kind of our final assessment worksheet which is similar to what we saw in our preliminary stage you know it's this long big spreadsheet with everybody all the residents that are benefiting the project uh went through there and updated our assessment rate and then punched that through through the through the rest of the project um essentially we are sitting at right now um a assessment rate percentage of 24% of the assessible cost which is um 17.8% of the total project cost the difference there is uh comes into play as far as there are some portions of the project that are not accessible like some addition like the water part of the project that the city has to pay for and then like Street widths stuff like that are are that additional Street WS I should say and anything beyond 36 ft um is not accessible so um total project of the total project cost for the city um 17.8% of that is is U being um assessed essentially uh so with that uh the first resolution for you tonight um is a resolution declaring cost to be assessed in ordering preparation of the proposed assessments with this resolution I believe it is your is also in your packet essentially it states that um the the construction cost of this project is 1, 15588 18988 um and then with the then essentially the soft cost of the of the additional expenses which were $494,000 12 giving you a grand total of the project being 2, 53,54 um and then first part of this resolution states that the portion the city plans to invest for this project is 1,742 5120 and then the mon they plan to us or their our portion of their cost to be assessed would be $ 31,5 480 um the next part second part of that that resolution essentially states that the the assessment term uh will be a 20-year term uh starting the first of or January 2025 and the interest rate will be 4.86% which is 1% higher than the city bond which is per your city policy um and then that we will we will be sending out letters um notifying of the uh the assessments so that is the first resolution up for your consideration as I said we work through or I I worked through the U the assessment amounts and went through in more detail with your Public Works committee um and also the financial advisor um Jason Murray so if any questions for me I'd be happy to answer those right now um but if not we're looking to First have some action taken on this resolution uh any of you guys have any questions at all I have a couple questions um I heard through the great F that they poured the wrong concrete on Peter or not concrete uh asle on the driveways yep so for individuals like myself who had the driveway resealed um after to make it match oh you did okay yep sure yeah what's going to happen well um if you want the difference in what they put down is they put down a a larger aggregate in there is what they did it's for the surface material it should be a smaller smaller aggate is what we usually have or what the product calls for um they used the mix that they used on their first lift and they shouldn't have and So the plan is to come back next in the in the springsummer when we do the final lift and repave those areas to your question about the seal coat of your driveway uh would probably have a discussion with your Public Works committee on on how to handle that if you if we pay to have that done again or pay you reimburse you I guess I'm not sure how that how that would work but that'd be discussion for your the public H committee on how we do that okay and then um are you doing a walk through on all of the streets cuz I noticed that there's some concrete broken that they just poured on C like on the corner of Peter and camick we will be yeah we'll be we'll be putting together punch list uh we have a punches started um usually we don't uh do that until closer to the time where we will be replacing those just in case there are areas you know that for uh for instance curb right um there may be parts of the curb that is damaged um later in the year through the through the free saw cycle that we want to have replaced whether it's through weather or through uh chipping it when you're plowing you know things like that that we want to make sure that we address beforehand okay so that'll be more address kind of spring y yep okay can I just ask one question I know you have your presentation you had the percentage that it was do you actually know the cost per parcel that it's going to be uh each person varies on the front footage so but yeah I have I have a be able to get that tonight um yeah I mean I I I have no issue with that unless we get to council I mean there's going to be mailed out to you um it's in the average we're going to be putting the paper tomorrow um so either we'll be mailed to you end of this week or beginning next week but I can if the council's okay with it I can show you what that is tonight I I have no issue with that I guess but yeah cuz we're going to go through that at the hearing right the total cost yeah I mean they'll be mailed their individual um record of Assessments what it's called um stating what they'll what their assessment is the breakdown of how that was how that came about and then also it'll provide kind of a a breakdown of their payments for over the next 20 years I don't know if you guys care I I would just say I mean for for sake of speeding the our meeting up um you could talk to Todd after the meeting and let him know is that okay you Todd yeah that's fine that we don't have to spend all that time on it here aged okay so if I could is that it Jackie are you okay with the yeah I was just to you guys are good can I get a resolution for the final assessment uh to be drafted Jared I'll make a motion to um approve the resolution 2024 10151 resolution declaring the cost to be assessed and ordering per preparation of proposed assessment for the city of peers Morrison County state of Minnesota okay Jackie makes a motion I'll second it Gary second the motion all in favor say I I opposed uh motion carried so then you're up then you have to now we have to come up with the assessment the date y so thank you for approving that um and now the next step in the kind of the 429 process is then uh acting on a resolution uh ordering uh the final assessment hearing um so the what we had talked about actually we didn't uh didn't get to it yeah did we um later later today you'll be you'll be acting on a resolution changing the resolution or the the meeting times from 7 to 6 um before I go through this I would be curious or or would be I don't i' I'd ask that the that the council start that after this public hearing um and have it have that public hearing at 7 o'clock not 6 o' if that's okay if not I can I can make it work on my end but it was just a I personally have a conflict with that 6 o'cl so that's why I was so if we have meeting if we have counc after you want to have it after our meeting essentially like after the city council meeting instead of beforeand I get that's up to you if you want to have the council meeting I guess at 6 and then have a public hearing at seven um you can do that I I I don't think there's any issue with that um were you thinking that would be inside the council meeting usually they are yeah I mean oh okay on I've been a part of um not to say that you can't do what you want to do well what do you you guys are kind of you and Gary problem if we do it inside the council meeting no it's usually what we've done that in past right yeah so then we wouldn't start the next council meeting till 7 because he can't he's got a conflict of interest to get here before then so so we want to leave uh so we want to leave the resolution for the council we want to change it after is that you saying after we have the we do it the first meeting in November that's when we' start when we do our resolution for to change the council meetings to 6 we would start the first meeting in November got it compared to then then we can run this through first meeting in December December well first meeting in December you could do second meeting of November two if you want you but whatever it is just not the 12 okay what yeah okay okay with you so um I guess I have no problem with however you guys want to want to do it but fine set the date for that then at November 12th at 7 o'clock for the public hearing yeah okay November 12th at 7 o'clock uh did you make a motion ja I'll make a motion I still I just want to before I fill out my resolution I want to make sure that that's okay with you guys I know you're switching to six I just yeah okay all right so uh resolution number two tonight um with uh the C now kind of essentially passing the uh the assessments to be declared um next action is to then set that public hearing um first being um Council shall hold that public hearing at 7 pm November 12th 2024 here at the city hall uh 111 Main Street South appears and um then the second part would that be then that we'd have to then mail we have essentially we have to average advertise that in the newspaper two weeks prior hearing so which means we'll be sending out tomorrow so that ad that advertis out too then we also send have to send out notifications to all of the residents um explaining the essentially explain the proc what they're being assessed what the processes for working paying that assessment for appealing their assessment for you know everything about that the assessment process um will be included in that letter that we send out so um that is that second resolution and nsh for you 7 PM November 12th you want to give her another try Jackie sorry Jackie I make a motion to approve res resolution 20241 15-2 resolution for hearing on proposed assessment for the city of peers Morrison County state of Minnesota hearing shall be held at 7 p.m. on November 12th 2024 in the city hall located at 101 Main Street South Piers Minnesota 56364 to pass upon such proposed assessment if I can get a second I'll second that well Sarah seconds it all in favor say I I I opposed uh motion carried Jared all right thank you um that is all I have tonight let's see any questions for me no think so good yep perfect thank you very much yep thank you so the next thing is a solar application for 2063 Avenue Northwest um is would you you guys have any discussion on it or you guys talk about it Gary you and Donnie or is electric committee discussed it but there were no issues on our end that we came up with okay so if I get a motion for that I guess I'll make the motion okay um someone want to second that I'll second okay Jackie second the motion all in favor say I I opposed uh motion carried for the solar application for 206 3D Avenue on Northwest um then we have uh a Zach up here for to talk about the fairway mower purchase request good evening Council mayor good evening um I've been looking for some used mowers I found a fairway mower on Facebook over in Wisconsin about 5 hours can't remember the exact town it's by but it's the Tri City Golf Course is who owns it and you got a newer Mower and so mowers and he's looking to sell this one it's originally posted for 28,000 I offered him 25 he came back and said I'll meet you at 26 so I'd like to get approval to get that fairway mower I think it'll meet our needs match is the one we have pretty close so working on it will be a lot easier trying to figure out something new and great I did I did look at uh our dedicated funds for the golf course and we have money to to cover it I'd like to keep some at some point for the gulf for the clubhouse too which we still we have ample money if we cover this and we have money for the clubh for next spring too so I mean I I don't have a problem with it okay and then then also will be um delivery I'm going to go pick it up our vehicles with the city I don't want to make that trip so I'll be using my personal vehicle and then I'll probably have to rent a trailer but so I'll make the motion to uh to buy a a new used Fairway M new used Fairway that Sarah second motion all in favor to say I I I opposed uh motion carried Zach for your Fairway more of 2018 thank you uh next we have a resolution um for if we our city council uh time change so we'd like to change from 7 o'clock to six o'clock and it's probably been 6:00 for I don't know how long I mean for 7:00 for I don't know how long but uh we felt that it would just work better for everybody hav had six so um I don't any discussion on it and the the only discussion we' have is we want to start that the first meeting in December was that what our discussion was before basically huh basically yeah okay so we want to get the date so if I can get uh uh a motion for that I'll make a motion to approve resolution 2024 d1015 so is that going to impede cuz resolution so it's D3 so it'll be- three then okay um-3 adopting a change for regular city council meeting time to 6m okay Jackie makes the motion second okay no I was just going to say what's the actual start date 9th okay I just want to know that thank you Gary you said second Gary second's the motion all in favor say I I I opposed a motion carried for the res uh resolution for the city council time to change from 7:00 to 6:00 starting December 9th okay so we have uh Bob grber up next good evening mayor council um I'm here on behalf of Rich Peru and water there is uh you guys have three board members uh represented the city of peers and I'm here to to ask for her brovsky to be reappointed for another two years so um if you have questions otherwise a motion to approve his reappointment for another two years um if I can get a motion I'll make a motion to reappoint her Brasi for another two years um is there can I get a second a second uh Jackie second the motion all in favor say I I I oppose a motion carried so you're stuck with herb for another two years take it thank you the devil you know uh the next item we have is a seasonal Camp camper uh Campground re uh Tony approached Laura with it um and she was looking for our approval for that we did discuss it at our uh Park board meeting and um I believe Don were we 2150 last year I think 2100 something like that that sounds right yeah yeah so we're going to go up to uh 20 uh 23 uh 2,300 umll um and then uh we are going to uh Delete uh the the punch card that that uh that comes uh comes with it so um yeah and there also tax which was tax was figured in before we're just going to show the the tax number now so if I could get if well is there any discussion you guys on it are there going to is there any in for that seasonal with deleting the punch card was there well we did is Jack is we looked at um uh I'd assume usage of people that have seasonal yeah we looked at comparable comparable uh campgrounds were still well under uh anybody else so we're just looking that you know if if uh they want to play golf they can actually honestly if they really want to play a lot of golf thing by a membership there um at the seasonal and then um contribute that way okay uh I approve the increase to 23 or I make motion to approve the increase to 2300 Jackie makes motion to approve approve the increase on the camper seasonal to 2300 I'll second it Don second the motion all in favor say I I I opposed uh motion carried to raise the price to 2300 plus tax uh and no punch card uh the next item uh is the or for the clubhous is a air fan system that Donnie would like to talk about so you'll I didn't have enough for all everybody out there but uh we are looking at upgrading our system our Hood system above where we do our frying and everything and uh myself and another gentleman tomorrow evening will be going to look at uh Hood system so forth um I just wanted the council to know that that I we are going to pursue it we don't have a definite cost on it and I'll come back to the council with that but uh we were talking about upgrading it already this is a Ed system compared to us having to buy a brand new so it's just more or less just a informational thing for everybody out there good thank you Donnie and you said that's tomorrow right tomorrow night M okay so uh any questions on that you guys Jackie good okay so uh next next item would be the treasures uh report for September ending September balance was 3,831 10145 is there any way key that if you took the the the loan amount that we're paying for I'm just curious for the road the our road projects if you took out what the balance we have for the loan if we took it out of here because at some point that's going to come out of here I'm just curious I hate to throw you can you can always email it to me too yeah easy peasy we'll just yeah I think we should um at some point pull the the loan out so we have a better understanding of what because that loan money will be gone at at some point right I'm assuming yeah so we think we give a better I always like to have I like to know how we're flowing uh uh receivables less payables and that loan kind of throws me for a loop a little bit sure okay thanks I'll make the motion to accept the treasurer's report as presented Mak motion Jackie seconds the motion all in favor say I opposed uh motion carried so now we got the claims okay claims for September was 1,17 $177 5321 I get a motion make a motion to accept the claims report uh Gary makes motion second Jack Sarah second's motion all in favor say I hi hi hi uh motion carried so now we have the department uh updates um we have Zach is back up here just we want to talk about the new nine uh check list that Zach was good enough to put together a couple of months ago to kind of keep us on track of what's going on out there yes good evening again I love see this by the way on my Fridays when I read my I'm like you guys you all got the checklist you want me to go through it or yeah if we could I guess it'd be nice so we got all the big wash outs and all that packed in filled 100% um the Deep wash outs and all that um fixing the washboards those small little ones that are in the fairways we're about you know that 80% there's some that we can't see till we bring that those last two Fairways down um Jim and Ethan were actually out there today working on trying to find the bigger ones that they can see through the long grass just to get that grass to hopefully grow through and be farther along next spring um s seated blanketed you know there's a few just random off in the rough spots that aren't too crucial to the main play of the golf course that need to be done you know about 5% so 95% of the course is I'd say seated um that the wait until the wash outs are done 100% I mean there's a lot of things that are 100% consistently update program you know that's basically that's what we like to hear Zach that's 100% um monitor the pump house I mean it's at 100% we're always doing that make all sprinklers course wider adjusted to range and coverage um I thought we were farther along and then it got dry and then we found out which ones weren't hitting where they were supposed to and we crooked and things clogged and stuff like that so we're I'd say about 80% with and getting those to where we want that's kind of normal though right yes on a new build like that things got put in they get um over the winter they settled and they tilted One Way rocks got in the system and stuff and Clogg things and so it's just catching that and unless you're out there watching it water at midnight sometimes or what you're not there at midnight what you can't see all of them but when you're driving by during the day and you notice a random dry spot that well a sprinkler should be hitting that you pop it up and figure out why um so fertilizing for the most part that's done for what needs to be done for the year um mowing things to the proper height um trying to what's the twice a week Mo cers so we mow everything about twice a week to keep it at the right level um once we open a course usually it's three times a week to keep that extra grass not there so it looks cleaner and stuff if you mow them when they're dry you can deal with it being longer so being you're not woring about golfers we waited for the yeah now we're down to you know a lot of things this is my last week Mo you're trying to go into Winters you want to give it a little bit of extra height for going into winter but you want to keep it used to being that height too so you don't shock it next spring and bring it back down to that level so that we're basically at 100% I mean it's that time of year we're done we're done mowing with those things that 50% is really more that 100 oh so that one sorry I was looking up here farther so the F twice a week more collars half the collars have been designed okay so half of them haven't been so that's that's that one that's why that's a 50% so can you note that uh Laura in that notes just just that added like because half haven't been designed yet yes and that makes it more it's over over in thank you um overd design complete and Implement mowing layouts and T boxes and collar over there that's where it's at 80% there um so we got to do T boxes yet Fairway two of the fair Fairways some of the fairways are halfways down um so about 70% of bringing everything down to where it needs to be we have two Fairways that are still at complete rough height yet and they're going to stay that way until next spring um we have a fairway that's at trim height so an inch and a quarter we got to bring that down to 5/8 yet that's going to stay at that height I mean everything that's at where it's that staying there through the rest of the year we bring it down now we have a chance of losing it through the winter so it's going to stay there so yeah that makes sense um but a lot of those that have been started will get down to the proper height real quick the two that are going to take a little bit longer is that two Fairways that are at ruffmore we got to start with the trim mower let it grow through because if you bring it down Co quick you'll kill it is that 17 and 18 that's 17 and 18 those are the last two that we got to with flash outs we SED those so I had to wait for the sod to take before I could otherwise I was sucking it up with the rough Mower and just all those things and um but it's it looks really good from a distance on those two Fairways now that there's really no wash outs anymore to be seen so that that's looking nice um top Des screens we did that about that 8 to 10 times so that's done it helps firm them up get them smooth and then moan them and greens there's nothing stopping us from playing on those greens other than the rest of the course isn't open and there's no Flags in them mhm um and then we did the top dressing the air fication all that on the new nine for the first time that all went well no no issues with that so um and then on the other page a lot of this stuff is stuff that we're going to be doing in the off seon to a point um the cart pass on 10 11 and 12 with those steep hills and stuff some of that washed out over winter and stuff we refilled those in got a roller packed them they look really nice so we'll see hopefully now with with them being packed and a lot more of being settled that they don't wash as bad if we get rain if we do we want to have to look into possibly taring or how to take care of that issue but I'm hoping with this gravel being was just put down last fall it didn't really have any rain to get it to settle and pack and then when it finally did rain it just washed it out so I'm hoping now that it's been packed been driven on a lot of it that should should be good enough to get us through um and the rest of the cart pass I don't think we need most of them to open um we're to put signs up and direct people where we want them to go and then once certain areas start getting driven down that's where we decide to put that golf cart path as we have time and we can do that there's still a lot of that reclaim millings up at the city uh dump site there so we can put bring that in as we get to that stuff um t- markers all that stuff we got to get those make those we make the t- markers Don was asking that earlier we just make those out of blocks and then paint them and then we usually touch up the ones we had this year repaint those make new ones if there's some broken so that'll be kind of an offse kind that'll be an off season so as soon as you know there's trees trimming stuff and stuff we need to cut down um we'll be working on that stuff up until it gets either too cold or too icy or too much snow and we can't get out there so we're try and get that stuff done and then yeah the making of the tea markers ordering some of that stuff we'll probably order some here this fall trash cans you know do that stuff in the shop when we can't get out on the snow Zach on the MGA they came out and they measured on the 15th um we had met with Tony last week but I don't that point she said we've never heard back from them yes we're in email tag with them right now trying to get the actual measurements from them they haven't weren't able to give us an actual slope rating yet because they did when they came out there no Fairways designed yet other than 12 so they didn't know how wide they're going to be and they're asking me I'm like well I can roughly tell you where it is but I just I need to mow it stand back and look at it and go yes this looks good or I think it needs to be brought in to try and excuse me do do that without mowing it see so do we is that a is that a this fall thing yet just or is that where we wait till spring cuz you haven't mowed the Fairway more or less for 1718 excuse me a man that gets choked up over guess we can appreciate that hey this is an emotional subject supper or something that didn't got lodged or something there um sorry what was your question again well it was it was our is this something that we have to wait till next spring because we don't have 17 and 18 yes more or less Fairway mode to where we know what the Fairway is we'll be able to get the yardages put on the scorecards and stuff on the signs that's all you put on there you don't put the slope on the sign it's the scorecards that get the the slope the rating of which holds the hardest and the easiest okay um so yes I think they'll come back out next year when everything's done to spell to get the yardage is correct yep sounds good take some more water anything is there any other questions have the million dollar question Zach here's the million doll question for some reason over the last couple years I got really good at asking this question but uh so we had a just to let everybody know we had we had a parkboard meeting last week and actually Todd Todd is here uh from the park board just listening in but um in the Donnie I'm myself run it so we're we're trying to figure out uh an an opening date and part of the reason is is we have to we have to plan for we can't plan two weeks before we know it's going to open so here and and Todd you're welcome to interject but raise your hand okay thank you so um we're not going to hold you to it Zach because we know how I mean the last two years we had no rain and then too much rain and so I and I grew up on a dairy farm so I understand how how the weather works but so um if if everything you know goes according uh to plan you know we have a good spring or average spring get snowfall at all melts good um we do you need some more water I'm I'm listening but okay don't know what happened there's something caught in my throat so what we're and and we're not going to hold you we're not going to hold you to it but um we have a lot of people that ask us every day um when we're going to open and obviously we have we all have our our own ideas and we appreciate everything you're doing to to help get to that point are you all right um excuse Tod you want to take over Tod you want to take over you can I'll ask you the question open well let's let's give Zach a little break let's give Zach a little break he's thinking it over so let's go we got uh Laura you're up next we'll bring Z Zach back you can take a little break Zack are you all right now yes you okay so anyhow um we've been throwing different dates out there so I'm I'm just trying to kind of fill in you know my idea is you're asking for a perfect world scenario yeah I am and and and if it happens to if it happens that we can you can you just give us a date if it open if we can open it sooner then we can do some a soft opening we don't have to have the grand opening when the first guy hits the club you know what I mean uh the other the other thing I was I wanted to state for everybody is uh as a council we're not expecting a perfect golf course we don't we don't we don't expect that we expect that if there's some rough spots there'll be some ropes up or if we got some if you're trying to patch something that you know you have you can they can drop a ball they can pick it up and drop it um but there's a lot of people excited so with all of that said what what is your so average I'm gonna say June 31st we have a better than average spring then up then bring that up you know a couple weeks great um next spring as soon as it starts warming up and I get to see what is coming back that would be my best guess to know where we're going to be because we're going into the winter here you know everything's not established yet some of it doesn't have full Roots yeah so that's going to be the big deciding thing is you know if we all of a sudden have a fairway that's gone cuz something happened for some weird reason then that's you know changed that story but everything going good it's that you know middle to end of June perfect that's awesome so and then what we do as you know we we support it with equipment and golf courts golf carts and things like that so we have a lot of stuff planned we and and as you know we want to get it open so we can create a cash flow so we can actually pay for the stuff that we're investing in it and like I said you're doing a great job out there and uh um so good that's what actually that's I think that's what a lot of people um are they're going to be glad glad to hear that that there's an actual end end of the tunnel for this thing so awesome do any anybody else have any questions um I guess I was going to give a little bit of an update the current n and where we're at that too if you don't mind sure um so next week we're looking at getting the air compressor to blow out all the lines with the campground the clubhouse the shelters the clubos we hooked up um a valve Bob asked us last year if we could hook up a valve to bypass it so we can leave the club bus on if we looks like we're going to have warm weather for golfers so I'll be talking with Tony early next week and seeing what the weather looks like for that following weekend after after next week because we're middle of next week Wednesday Thursday is when we blow stuff out and so it's nice to do it all wants to be done but if it looks like we might have golfers and we can make some more money then let's stay open so um and to blow out the just the clubhous with our shop air compressor we did it last year everything worked fine no issues so I don't know why we can't do that again this year um so that's where that's at we got the dam Boards out um and just yeah spraying I got to find the weather to drop below 60 degrees consistently and I can spray the snow mold application basically you're spraying at four next year so if you want the W grass to stop growing and stay cool so looking for calm days to get that all done but other than that I think uh everything's just going along good great no that's awesome thank you so much section cross country treat all Tony be the one to asked for that I okay so there's no that anything else oh that's it than thank you thank you yeah thank you sorry about thep attack or whatever so okay so then we have uh the next on the agenda we have uh uh Laura um I was just gonna give an update that Eric gaffy and myself will be attending the 2024 Municipal customer meeting for Minnesota Power I it's something I guess we do yearly so and can you uh you went to a leadership meeting last week right how I did go to it um actually found the open I have been attending quite a few educational courses that the league puts on um free of charge to the city it's not it's just the league does it sourcewell go together um and the open meeting law is actually way more interesting than the leadership meeting but the leadership meeting was good it's just open meeting L I was able to oh I know exactly what they're talking about with this it was nice so it was like clicking yeah that's awesome the leadership was good as well but but how was the clerk training clerk was really good that was very informational it'd be something I'd want to attend again because of how much clicks with it once you are doing it so I do appreciate that you guys sent me to that so thank you okay um is that it then that was all I had uh anybody on the council any updates at all I don't have nothing either nope then I'll make a motion to adjourn if you'll let me yeah I will Donnie makes a motion to adjourn I'll second Sarah second's motion all in favor to say I I opposed uh motion carried to adjourn