##VIDEO ID:z1TMIPAvxuc## uh good evening um I'd like to call the regular city council meeting to order for September 9th 2024 if you could all please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance IED aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for [Music] all uh good evening every everybody um first um I would like to uh do the approval of the minutes from August 26 uh 2024 that came in late but we can approve it if we have time okay yep and then also uh in the mobile home park there is a vehicle that we feel discuss Park okay um with that being said I'll make a motion to approve the agenda with the additions that Jim is talking about okay dnie makes a motion to approve the additions and the agenda I'll second it uh Gary second a motion all in favor say I I I I opposed the motion carried so uh the first thing we have uh on our agenda is actually J planning and zoning okay we have three items today uh the first one is a building permit for Mildred Joyce uh 310 3rd Avenue Northwest that's the the mobile home park at site number 24 uh she moved in a new home there a few months ago and uh she wants to make a 13 FTX 24.6 ft Garage on an existing slab that was a garage there at that site once before and a 10t x 12T deck out the front door and a 42t handicap ramp um it looks like uh Dave barod approved signed that building permit already and we feel that it's okay we would recommend you approve that then we have a small accessory structure permit by the Pierce Villa uh put in by Dean rushell at 119 F Street to move in a 12 by 16t wood shed along Oak Street we had some discussion on that um because of its location next to Oak Street he wanted to go pretty close to the street uh we approve that on the condition that is that that it is at least 20 ft off of Oak Street and positioned lengthwise west to east and under those conditions we recommended that you approve those then we have the concrete permit for Josh Andrea to make a 23t by 26t patio behind his house at 386 Cody Court and we did not have any issues with that we'd recommend you approve those unless there's any discussion on that did you want to do go that approval process then talk about the vehicle okay yeah so if I get a motion to approve well along before that we will watch uh there is some water concerns and we will watch that just to make sure that was an issue with with the with the the small accessory structure permit there is some water issues uh on the street it runs off the parking lot of Pierce Villa and their ground across the street into some of the neighboring yards and under heavy rains and snow melt in the spring it causes some flooding and and the question is whether this would significantly increase that issue uh it could increase it there's really pretty hard to tell if it'd be significant or not and uh and so this is a relatively small shed they did say their intent is to move it eventually to the neighboring lot which they own but it has a house on it now and they want to tear that down uh although that's not part of the permit and not a condition that they do eventually move it uh it's basically a a permanent permit for a temporary for a small accessory structure it's under 200 square ft so the uh the the building inspector does not get involved and it's going to be a move in shed that you just lay it on top of the ground it' be one of those that are easy to move again eventually if they want to so I was just curious so you said it's under 200 square ft J right if it gets over 200 square fet you need a building permit and once you get a building permit yeah he's at 196 or something or yes I think that would come to 196 or 198 196 it's under 200 square ft if you get over 200 over 200 square ft the ordinance says 200 ft or less it's a small accessory structure if it gets over 200 then you have to have a building permit not a a small accessory structure permit and if you get a building permit then that goes to the to the building inspector and then footings have to be put under it and those things you can't just sit them on the surface unless you have a floating slab I for what size it was 12 by 16 12 by 16 I think his intent was to to make it so that it was a small and a small structure not needing a building permit so then with that being said then I'll make the motion to accept the Planning and Zoning those three building permits with with the conditions that we put on them Donnie makes a motion to approve the permits second I G your second a motion all in favor say I I I opposed uh motion carried Jim okay the other issue in the mobile home park we've had some discussion with the owner at mobile home park several times over the years wanting to move RVs into there and it was decided that we would not do that um they could move a tiny home in a small home but not an RV and uh and in fact uh one of the building permits that we got a couple weeks ago a person tried to move one in that that was a small trailer house but it was manufactured by an RV manufacturer and Dave barod said he could not approve that as a as a building for the because it didn't meet to code anymore well we were pretty firm that we don't want uh uh RVs and those in there uh and my observation here a couple weeks ago when this building first permit first came in I drove through there and and lo and behold there's an RV sitting in one of the spots and it's a it's a gooseneck large larger RV gooseneck uh with double axle and it's got three slide outs and the slide outs are out and the steps are down onto the pad and I did not see a car by it or did not observe anybody living in there but it is still there when I went through there yesterday and it it appears that that that someone could be living in there I did not stay to observe that but we felt uh we had a small discussion at the pling of zoning meeting we feel that the city should should uh uh send the owner of the park a note uh that would uh make it clear that that's not appropriate for the RV park for the uh mobile home park and we did not approve of that be removed has to be removed you're looking for basically like a a vacancy vacancy well I I would hope that a person could could send them a note with a reminder that that's an that those are not approved and uh and if nothing happens uh then maybe further steps might have to be taken but I would hope that they would would comply I I know uh the owner of the mobile home park really would like to have uh RVs in there she called again uh talked to me I don't know probably a month ago now maybe 6 weeks and uh uh again restating her position that she would like to have RVs and uh and and those types of things in there she said it would be people could come with you know $100,000 RVs and and what's wrong with letting them park there for uh a couple days to a couple of weeks uh said construction people come into town and they need a place to go uh she said she does before I could mention that we do have a uh a a place in town for those and she said she's aware of that but but she also said that most at least in her opinion most mobile home parks allow RVs to be in there also I have no idea if that's the case or not that's literally our option I guess to say no to those things until uh until we come to that point I guess and look at it it makes sense to send that yeah yeah just to send him a note uh I don't did not observe anybody living in it although it certainly set up like somebody could be living in it I did not see a car there the two times I went by and you know the problem with those two they're not winterized so I mean if some stay there then you got them some sitting there all winter long clutter yeah um so if I could get a motion for Jim for sending a letter to the to that RV park I make no Motion makes the motion I'll second it by second the motion all in favor say I I oppos motion Carri so Laura is that something that you would take care of okay yep so then next you have uh we have Eric with Public Works there's there's a sheet missing on one of those I think this small accessory structure there was no place for me to sign it I think there's a second sheet that should be on here that that's only has a signature on I don't think it's on maybe it's up on top of this one no it doesn't matter I just okay well good evening guys good evening Council good evening mayor I'm uh here to see if I can get approv approval for our um snow plow that we uh got a grant for for the loader um we did get a we applied for one through sourcewell was a match Grant one that they have out there so we turned in a quote that we um got the plow that we wanted um the whole total was 298 $229,800 they are going to provide us with 22 or what is it $ 22350 that's actually fantastic I mean that's great it is yeah we would we don't get those every day so we would have to pay 7450 out of our pockets $7,450 but we also i' also want to get approval too cuz then we could uh look at putting the old The Pusher we got on uh like go deals or something try to make up you know that thing's worth in between $7 and $9,000 so should we know if we can get rid of that then we could just break even on that whole deal La is that the is that the lottery one is that is that a different one no it's it is the match Grant that's fantastic good I'm glad we're we're utilizing that that resource so this new plow is capable of doing um streets as well as parking lots it's it can bring up to a box and it can open up and do all the angles like you could do you could push streets off with it so so I'm looking for your approval on that and then to to sell the old Pusher get a motion please make Motion makes a motion if I get a second a second SE the motion all in favor say I I I motion carried so you can yes when you purchas you then you can sell the other one to cover the cost of it okay and I believe that was all I had for that um I think next is the Fire Department open house so I'll talk about that if that's um so it sounds like I met with uh Steve Bowser Eric Henkin this morning talked about um blocking off caps or Street or Street behind uh the fire department um in the between the hours of 430 and 7 cuz they're going to do a mock propane burn we're going to set it up down there so we thought we'd block off from Park Avenue just to Third Avenue there that that block behind what's the date of that that's October 9th yeah I believe that's with the fire prevention week and stuff so um other than that that's all I had do we need a motion for that or do that just not block it off yeah we'll block it off at Great 4:30 and yeah kind of sering hot dog so I'd be telling you you should come if you're one of those retired guys I'd be worried all right thank you nice job on the ground here we have Tony the club man good evening mayor and councel hi I am here um for Lydia OA had put in her resignation um her last day full time is September 26th she did say that she would be willing to help me close the clubhouse if we were willing to put her at a part-time status what was the date did you say September 26th um and then she would like her regular rates to help me close out the season if that would if we could get that approved um just because in October if I am the only one there at that time it takes a lot of um trips down here to put everything in the basement so that extra hand would be very helpful and I was very glad that she had offered that so first a motion to ccept the resignation and then I don't think need make motion for if you want to keep her on as the part time yeah if you want to keep her on but let if somebody get a motion to accept the resignation I'll make a motion to accept Lydia or resignation okay motion second I'll second it he second a motion all in favor say I iose a motion Carri then did you need an updat I think we're so we got you up how's everything going down there it's good um it's slowed down a bunch um which is school started um but I did a tournament today um it was the Horizon Health they had 72 golfers um I did the catering for them so we did the food um and the Beverages and so it went really really well um beautiful day out um I have a tournament this Saturday and then there's another tournament the following Saturday which is the football tournament and then there's a Alzheimer's tourn tournament the weekend after that and then on October 12th um frosties wants to put on like a um Iron Man kind of golf tournament make things really hard and then plus if it's really cold that's part of it too who can golf in the cold like that so we have quite a bit coming up yet yeah how's how do you like your new patio love it it's beautiful I think I'm glad so it was purchased because it came on clearance pretty good and um we are kind of hesitant to take it out of the box because we're like well let's keep it nice for next year but um we needed to make sure that all the pieces were there so we set it up and it is beautiful and it's comfortable so thank you it was nice it's nice to see nice furniture out there the next step is if we can get it stained um so I'm going to see if I can borrow my husband's power washer get it power washed and then hopefully stay in that deck too and then making things pretty down there yeah so do any of you guys have any questions for T no the city appreciates everything Lydia did and wishes her good luck yeah she's a huge loss um she's got a creative eye and she's can clean anything I I don't even know I can't do the stuff she does so I'm that's why for the parttime I'm like yes you are coming back to help me clean this place so yeah she's going to be missed absolutely she's has many years down there so you think I'm holding off to hire until oh yeah um I think we can wait until the fall or not the fall we are in the fall the spring um to hire a new assistant I would definitely like to hire another assistant like I said she was a huge help just having that extra person that could bounce questions off and answers and things like that um she was a huge benefit to have um but I do think that we can wait until the springtime when we start getting closer to opening um or once that then once we start having to do more things with the new nine and things like that it'd be nice to have somebody to their in a little bit when we open up the new addition M Hall yeah but I do think that we can go the winter without the assistant so yeah good employees are direct reflection on good leadership so thank you thank you guys I appreciate that thank you y than thanks so the next is Jared j i just going to tell you you have a hard act to follow I know uh good evening Mr Mayor members of the council um tonight near packet is uh pay application number four for our 2024 Street improvements project um d right in here pay up number four um on here work certified to date is 1, 142,00 sorry $38 which is roughly 87% of the project or sorry 67% of the project um this pay app request is for $146,800 top of page too uh essentially this pay app includes um more most of the road building on the west half of the project so summer and first um and then a lot of the concrete and Paving on the East half of the project Peter and and first north um as far as a project update goes um essentially the week of the 26th we had some concrete work done uh then last week we had you know a lot of the agria base tolerancing over on the west half here and then uh today actually we were Paving I think everything is uh is now been paved the first lift is that correct Eric they do the alley today so everything should be covered up by the end of the day I think they were at the intersection of Edwards and and first north um when we pulled up this morning or this afternoon for the uh council meeting um and then the rest of the week should lot touch-up stuff as far as top soil and maybe potentially seating by the end of the week um in the areas they can and then next week we'll be prepping um and installing concrete for sidewalks over on the west side there is is the game plan I will know more at our meeting tomorrow um but that was our Direction at the last last progress meeting last week so that's where we're at for that um but again uh tonight uh we are here to get your approval uh on the payout number number for for the amount of $146,800 Perfect all right thanks uh next we have the treasur report okay I'm the standing Treasurer today I guess yeah you see that dual R so um as of August 30th we had in the checkbook four 4, 570,000 $971 and4 oh wait yes 4 44 cents sorry I was thinking I was reading the wrong one but I was not so if I get approval for the treasurer's report I'll make a Motion makes a motion second second motion fa say I motion caros motion car okay um the claims for August was 35672 78 so if I get a motion for the claims report I'll make the motion for that makes the motion second second the motion all in favor say iOS motion Carri thanks yeah so then we go to Department updates uh uh Laura my update is that our next meeting we have a workshop so just remember to be here so September 23rd it's to what I have on it so far is discuss the vendor solicitor fee and cannabis okay which Eric will be hakin will be bringing those up okay great um I saw an email that you sent and uh I think you had the donations on there oh yes but we I think we kind of discussed it and uh we're thinking maybe let's take it to the budget committee okay at the budget committee review that's okay Y and that was all I had okay um how about Council updates got nothing good Sarah I'm just disappointed I wanted to make Jared sweat a little bit before we pass that pay app well we can bring him back up here it's too late we passed it we we agreed to pay him okay so uh Donnie I'll make a motion to adjourn Don motion to jour seconding it the motion all in favor say I hi