##VIDEO ID:BqcrCKd2GsM## un States of America and to the rep for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all please turn your phones to silent are there any additions or deletions to the agenda yes under other Item B Paul bun Paul bun Co-op special education numbers share something there with you okay can I I would entertain a motion with the adjustments I'll make that motion second any questions or comments all in favor oppose motion passes visitor comments oh the amount of chairs filled was astounding uh consider the consent agenda we have the minutes of the previous monthly board meeting the monthly cash flow including Investments monthly bills paid monthly bills paid in the activity accounts the donations which I was told there were none this month or I would read them and the Personnel summary sheet to entertain a motion to accept the consent agenda as presented I'll make that motion a second okay any questions or comments all those in favor I I oppos motion passes special board reports with possible action start with curriculum tonight we did meet uh when Ryan comes back he's going to there's a packet um very thick packet we might we met for a long time um but Ryan's going to go over a lot of these MCA results and the frost all that a review Ryan do you want to go over this first before we go over the other curriculum stuff sure okay and then that way we're not doubling up on what we're talking about me one second [Music] behind excuse me not GNA pop up we have that [Music] discuss there it is so you have the big packet is everything from the curriculum committee and we can go through those pieces I did a shorten version for the board meeting okay um to go through just some of the test scores overall test scores that you have in the packet you have all of them for each grade level and and so on um so the MCA scores that we have from last spring so that would be spring 2024 um the preliminary ones we talked previously at the DLT last year and we talked just kind of where we were preliminary these are the final scores for that uh this is the overall for the state um and the final scores for us in pillagers so this is our math MCA scores the red is the state of Minnesota the blue is Pillager and you can see across 2017 the last seven times we've taken the MCA Tas to the MCA 3 there is no 2020 there that's why there is a gap but you can also see that as collectively as a state that disruption took every across the state the same reaction what does that percentage represent 45.2% of our students that took the test are proficient in mathematics so the 45.2 so 45 out of 100 y uh the little bars on the up and down those are standard error of about five % one way or the other so we're looking to be above the bars there so that the Gap is higher than we'd like to see it up here at least um overall for reading now keep in mind also so that the math test the kids that are taking that test are third grade through eth grade the and then with the math test there's an 11th grade test with the reading test this is third grade through e8th grade and there is a 10th grade test you can see we're at the state and propil at about 49 almost 50% but and again the analogy is if we have 100 kids in a class that's 50 kids that are proficient in reading the science MCA test um you can see this we're just a little bit above but again within that error about 40 to 41% um the one thing with the science test is the science science standards have changed so with the science CH standard change it's the sequence that changed Sixth and eighth grade in particular physical science and Earth Science flip-flopped and so the test is aligned to the old lineup the new lineup will come in the spring of 2027 and so when we look at that you know our our students are doing well are keeping with the state we want to see that higher and we'll see a change as that MCA test changes uh so in terms of a couple of highlights overall for those three different tests our math and uh at the elementary level third and fourth grade continues to be above so if you dug deep into the third and fourth grade we're above even that standard error above the state of Minnesota that's um you know again the average over the course of K12 we see that decline as as we go through uh in the middle school and then into that 11th grade math tests but third and fourth grade we continue to be above the state of Minnesota Fifth Sixth and seven or Fifth Fifth Sixth and 8th grade in Reading um outperformed the state of the MCA test or were right at the state level but also on our test outperformed or increased their performance through growth so those were some of them that uh we reported as kind of I would call those two those double hits because not only in the local test but also higher than the state of Minnesota and and then sixth grade map that was the one in particular that we saw we talked about that was one that is UN underperformed um and is kind of on a microscopic lens right now as we're looking at both curriculum instruction and those pieces and then I mentioned already that the science MCA test those do not really align right now with where the sequence is and so that test is scheduled to change in the spring of 2027 um this is the a report that I've done each year which is uh looking at comparison within the region um and so with the regional math test you can see in particular um there's two that outpace the region um significantly in mathematics and that's Ain and Pierce um you can see there are three that are very similar to us uh again within that kind of standard error brainer pquad and then ourselves and then you can see that uh Crosby Little Falls uh Pine River Staples Verndale bler all below us in terms of the region comparison within reading you can see again we have uh Crosby arting really similar to us you can see brainer pequa in PE in terms of that standard error above uh the state average and above where we're at ask you can see the black line is actually the state average as well we're like in the previous slides are right at it um it can kind of within that standard era actually be very similar to us and then you can see there are five others that are below us we're kind of smack dab can I make a comment on those two there's a couple things to keep in mind about when you're comparing those schools free and reduced numbers for each district is can vary quite a bit yep and also special education percentages so you're not always comparing Apples to Apples even when you say this school's our size or not our size you may have a school that has 10% special ed While others are at 30% or 25% right so it is you know those things all have to be kind of factored into for example Pierce who does very well in math has a very low free and reduced and a very low special ed correct so those things can factor into that so just something for you to keep in mind doesn't mean it's mean all of everything but it is but as a comparison that's the the other end of burndale we've talked about whether or not to keep verell in even the comparison because their student numbers are just so low in comparison um so there definitely is the int between each of the districts um and then the MCA science test you can see we hovered just a little bit above where the SATA is but you can see kind of where uh the others are at in particular our high school science did not perform as as well as we had hoped but we also have this change over happening in the science and so one of the things as we look at some of the that are high in there is where are they at changing that sequence over and are they going to drop off the cliff when the new test comes out um we are in the third year of that 678 changeover so we've fully implemented in 8th grade this year um so our students will be aligned to that test and multiple years behind um one of the other pieces if you mind just talking about um from the curriculum committee meeting one of the things we talked about too is we looked at the data we looked at the MCA test data um we also have the fast bridge data that's in your packet as well that's our Baseline for the year and so we had star was our test before our local assessment F Bridges now that so we have that and from that data we established goals um and we drafted goals for Math and literacy at both the elementary or three ma elementary middle and high school okay and so the slide I have in here is also a slide that you have as well you have many more slides in that packet but for literacy mathematics and uh elementary middle and high school we have written goals for each of the levels right we've also met with teachers as well and looked at uh benchmarks at every single grade level rolling up into these goals so as we're looking at this we're looking at that systematic approach of how do we move us forward um and how do we improve and so you can see not only the number of students we're talking about also the percentage uh for both or sorry all three literacy uh goals and then all three math goals as well um in addition to that we have a couple other goal areas as well and I'm just going to flip them I'll come back to this slide we still have College and Career Readiness that piece of it so we continue to have getting students into the program we've been using as School links that is that PLP and students having that plan fouryear plan um this is the goal again is 95% of our students 9 through 12 into it um we have all of our nth graders from last year we'll have all of our nth graders from this year that percentage will continue to get closer and closer to 100% as we get there but as you kind of filter in and get in there those 11th and 12th graders PSO students and stuff like that it get harder and harder to kind of track right in terms of getting into schooling and then the college career life ready pieces of getting kids experiences work experiences job experiences dual credit um participation in uh extracurriculars and co-curriculars um as that second part to the goal and then the other one around graduation rate which we talk about every single year we do our local graduation rate it is we do really well with that but when you take in the state's account accountability to it we have students that come to us as 11th graders we have students that come to us as ninth graders we have students that come at all different times and some of them count towards our graduation rate and some of them do not right so about halfway through 10th grade is kind of that that t point in terms of whether they're counted towards their graduation rate or not um so in terms of those goals you have those in there uh in in terms of what we've looked at setting for both math and literacy um they I will say are uh they're an ambitious goal for us in terms of moving the kids the what we call the bubble so kids that we have right on that tipping view point between proficiency and growth towards proficiency um what we asked the teachers or we met with the teachers was if we could keep every single kid in that Baseline that is at proficiency right now can we add this many more kids into it right so it's keeping the kids that we have and adding more to it right um the initial thing when teachers look at a grade level and they're like well there's four kids we can move four kids and you get into the discussion and you get into in that conversation of we're keeping all of the kids we have right now in proficiency and we're adding to it becomes a lot bigger a lot more um I would say difficult but it's a job J to get them there um and we've done that for each of the levels so one of the things with the report is just acknowledging that as a board you guys are okay moving forward with those goals better than the old ones they are we're I would say pretty impressed with fast bridge in terms of the data and the collection and the system um it's also from an intervention standpoint as a bank of interventions um more than we've ever had and so we're prettyy obviously working almost like should have switched 10 years ago when I suggested it and Wendy's gonna talk a little bit it's not necessary let's push forward do you have the you have this slide as an example you were going to show which I can I'll bring one up in a second I'm G let lady talk yeah yeah I wanted to I'll bring that up in just a moment Wendy is here as well and I wanted Wendy to give us a little update on letters where we're having with letters and you sounds good thank you good evening um so letters are prek through grade five um English teachers or ELA teachers um 90% of them are done with the book and the online platform and so throughout the year during the professional development days they are completing the online courses so today when we had our inservice day they were doing unit six um session two and so for each unit there are two sessions so they have four more online um sessions and then that will be complete um when I attend the literacy Le meetings that are um at sourcewell tomorrow I have another meeting um Pillager is often used as um Exemplar like we are in a very good spot because of where our teachers are at many districts are scrambling right now to get this going and our students are in your two I mean excuse me our teachers are in your two almost almost done with the training so um that's that's a good feeling we're we're on the we can see the light um as far far as the read act updates um we had a meeting last last month and the state is making a change in the winter Benchmark assessment period students in grades two and three will also be required to do the nonsense uh word test um and so the reason why they're adding that is in is that will give us another um assessment to look at characteristics for students of Dyslexia so um that's that's being added across the state in the winter um can you explain what nonsense words me some of these people what's the difference of nonsense words is I love it so a nonsense word is a word I'll just do one um let Nu UV so really what this this um assessment does is it tells us do students have the sound and letter correspondence so can they look at this and say no so it's really they can't use any type of um background knowledge or PRI prior knowledge they have to just demonstrate do they know what each letter sounds like and can they blend that together to make a room so thank you for asking the question do they screen for dyslexia after like after this is done is it does it go beyond third grade or so one one of the questions we have moving forward is whether we have to continue this assessment if you're below grade level okay and so that's we're still getting guidance kind of back and forth yes yes guidance is still coming one of the things also consider so as as school professional kids above third grade we doing it keep keep in mind that as school professionals we we not allowed to diagnose right that piece of it so what we get from it is we can tell families that your your son or daughter maybe has characteristics of this school psychologist or the message of this would be where you would want to talk to your family practitioner and discuss other potential tests that they could look at as well psychologist could do that but a lot of times they're doing that in the special ed process and the kid not necessarily you know we have students that have dyslexia characteristics that are not necessarily in special ed okay so uh another um redact update that we got last month is that any educational assistant or volunteer that supports in literacy instruction will be required to do a training um that training will be an eight hour training and it'll consist of four modules so the reading framework minimic awareness phonics and vocabulary So currently Carrie is working with the state to develop the training um a couple of weeks ago at our online meeting we had heard that information is coming out soon I have a meeting tomorrow at sourcewell with the literacy leads and I anticipate there might be some information regarding that um Mary jordal is our uh literacy lead for the region and she and I have already talked about like I will be trained and then that's something that I can provide for educational assistance here at P so I'll be trained in how to train all of those individuals um you that Arrow perfect yes and then a youly um update so we are are are into month one of our implementation that is K4 um the can you explain what you Flyers yep I was just so it is a it is a curriculum that focuses on the foundational skills so phic awareness um phoning graphing so letters and sounds like matching them um helping students blend words and segment words so that they can learn to read and spell and so um it's really a K2 curriculum so if you were to go out and research you would see it's K2 but it's it's based on skill so in third and fourth grade what we've done is we've collected data and we've looked at what skills do the students have and we've grouped them according to their skill so um like in third grade the the students um go to different teachers within third grade and oh you you are a good fit in this skill these are the skills that you need we're going to teach you but maybe some other students already have them they go into a different classroom so we're really trying to um customize to the students also knowing that our data is showing those students didn't have that explicit and systematic instruction and they need that so we're giving our third and fourth grade teachers permission to like stop we're going to go back and we're going to meet them where they're at because we need to fill those holes um moving forward it looks like we will have two groups of fourth grade that will finish this um scope and sequence of ufly and one third grade classroom that will finish that and so then we are looking into piloting um another state approved curriculum it's it's called um functional morphology so looking into um that next step and piloting that um before the year result um every teacher is being coached as a part of the implementation process so often times when we adopt a new curriculum somebody comes in and they train at the beginning of the year and then it's like here you go have fun like figure it out um it's really um it's been it's been a learning experience for myself as well as for teachers so I usually have approximately two teachers at a time that I'm coaching um I go in ahead of time and we do some pre-planning I learn what their goals are for the session of all of the ones that I've done thus far they have requested that I come in and model the lesson first a youly lesson is two days so I go in and I teach day one and I teach day two and while I'm doing that the teacher sitting in the back of the classroom taking notes like what are things that they learn learned some noticings questions things that maybe we talked about in the fall when we did our trainings um and we debrief every day after the coaching and then there's always an opportunity then for them to do the lesson and then I sit back and provide feedback um so it's been it's been so far the feedback we're getting is that teachers really appreciate seeing seeing it done live in action in their classroom with their man manipulative with their students so um yeah so far it's gone well so I'm correct and saying that the third and fourth gr are getting it now but in the future it will just go to k yes youly will begin to phase out as we go it might be that we always have a class that needs youly and of group together that way but it will become less and less transition and then that functional morphology gets towards the next stage of it so it's Roots it's looking at parts of words prefixes suffixes and building their their knowledge around that the the coaching piece in particular is it is just like you would see that happens in football and it happens in volleyball and it happens it is in the moment job embedded professional development and so they are having the opportunity to see it modeled and that is the comment that a lot of them are making is oh my gosh I didn't know it went that way I didn't know that piece of it we've all read the instructions on putting something together or something like that but to see it modeled is huge and so the impact that we're seeing with that in teachers that confidence to move through the lesson one of the things with youly is it's a half hour and so we have commented that it's a half hour it shouldn't take you 45 minutes it shouldn't take you 20 minutes either right it's a half hour we need to keep moving and part of that is to continue to have interest by the kids to have engagement it can't be belabored and Lung and also you have to cover all the material and that is a very big difference for our teachers to learn that like this has directions we are going to do it and we are going to do it with fidelity and so this is a huge piece than you Ryan piggy back on that the Fidelity of it I've been in education for 30 years I've taught every you know grade level in elementary I've never seen a program that's been done by the state which theoretically they forced it upon schools which was fine but it was needed because as as I sat and listened to a director of teaching and learning from Blaine Minnesota in a meeting he said we were wrong as a school as schools and as educators of what we were doing and how we were doing it so this is the first time that I've seen a program that's been implemented with Fidelity and correct usually you get a new curriculum and then everybody kind of does their own pieces their own because I don't like this I don't want to do that I want to do this that's not flying with this program Josh and Ryan and Ryan and Wendy no you don't get to pick and choose you're doing this every day 30 minutes and and that's really kind of for the first time in my career I've seen a system that and the schedule is built yes Mr Mr Smith built the schedule so that when youly is being taught in the classroom uh interventionists cannot pull students out because everybody needs access to that tier one so if a child is on an IEP or if they have speech goals or they're in an intervention those are time that's an Untouchable time so does cause other issues we've had other people complain about having their kids pulled out of other things but reading comes first we made a commit put the import on and and really the the focus on youi this year is because last year when our teachers were in letters they were learning about the foundational skills so we've taken that learning and we're now applying it to our to our teaching and that's our Focus this year next year it will continue to be our focus in addition to other things that they're learning this year in letters so and I also me make a mention too I've sat in several meetings with superintendent when redak comes up and I hear them make comments about where they're at and like they're just in the beginning of it and people are their teachers are kind of fighting it well I'm not going to do that because I'm retiring in a year or two and things like that that I've heard and we just have not had that so I'm going to kudos to our staff and our our elementary teachers and our teachers that are going to start letters in the upper level they just I think they we've had so many conversations in the last two years or last eight years 50% 50% and it's just not us I mean we're not question I wrote down I'm like are we happy with 15% but but that's just not us I just was making sure and when you look at it is we're right where the state's at we're not any worse than anybody else um in fact we're of a lot of other districts too that 50% but the point of that is we you can't intervention yourself out of 50% no you cannot intervent and we've been saying that for I don't know how many years you know um and you've been saying I know that you can patch yourself on the back say but the problem is there was no other system I just know that two kids got a different education than the third so anyway it goes to where we're at and I want to applaud you Wendy and Ryan and our staff for we're ahead of the game hopefully we start seeing some results from personal experience she knows my little guy has been doing this program now and on a second year and I don't know if something clicked this year or what happened or if the teachers are better educated on how to apply it but my little dude I feel like is making leaps and bounce he's reading things that I don't have to ask him to read now and he's it's it's getting better it is for sure getting better so and and the the teachers are just it has been truly a joy to be able to be in the classroom collaborating with them working with them and they're open to suggestions I learn from them they learn from me it's kind of a win so it's interesting to go into their classrooms during their yeah because I go to all five I go into all five and it's almost like you're just hearing pieces of the same theall the whole lesson yeah it's good I enjoyed that lastek it's good and again it's that systematic approach that is a big change I apologize the one slide that was that was missing there so you're going to see fast bridge data throughout the year um we have Baseline and so we included it in the packet I didn't put it in the presentation but this is the format to that fast bridge data as you see it there is fall winter and spring benchmarking we actually added two middle benchmarking periods as well and so you'll see this start to fill up the the November time frame there will be another set of scores in here as well and so I'll start sharing that with you so that you can see that it is what we're used to of does not meet partially meet proficient and then exceeds that's the red the orange or yellow and the green and the blue those are the percentages across the bottom and that's the average score and this is the first year of using Pass Bridge it is y and we use those numbers to make our goals so you see we set them like in that in that really you know right there that group would be what uh 88% uh 78 78% right in terms of this is our early math um and so this is kindergarten in first grade and yeah our our math scores are actually really good um one of the things though as we take inis by that you're right you're right have confidence in our teachers exactly um as we look at the data we will start to look at that and look for Trend it's PA fall winter winter spring is out the yeah so fall winter and spring are the required we need to have benchmarks there the fall winter is November we add another benchmarking period in there again just to get another data point and then winter spring is that kind of late March and in there also as kids do the benchmarking the test gets harder correct so it's you might say that 78% is proficient now to keep that at 78% throughout the whole year it might show where some of our gaps might be or correct and that is that conversation around setting the goals is why it is so important with that conversation with the teachers of keeping those kids proficient and adding more into it the test gets harder as we go yeah basically we want to move the red and the orange we want to move say six kids into that green or blue MH and keep everybody who's in the green and blue there as the test gets harder as the test gets harder which is hard to do it's hard you're not gonna you're not going to keep all the kids blue and and CRA but the thing I but the thing we talked about in our curriculum meeting that I like about this is how easy it is to read the that and the multiple data points it's not just the one that's the it's not that case and you can adjust very quickly accordingly to that can a teacher do is this by can you narrow this down to by classroom so a teacher can know where she or he needs to every student we can drill down to the kid but we can Dr down to the classroom okay um so on top of what fast Bridge has in terms of of assessment and benchmarking we are also using it for all of our progress monitoring so our intervention kids our kids in the red in particular we are collecting and using the system for that too so our teachers are getting both the data what we're doing for V vention with kids we're also looking at it as where's the whole group and one one report in particular that fast breach has is called the screen Interventional report and it looks at the entire class and says where's the the percentage that they said it is we're 70% of the kids if you have 70% of the kids that are missing a piece of phonological awareness it tells you that and it says this would be a really good thing for you to do whole group you need to do this in your class right so the conversation with teachers is great we just had this benchmarking let's look at the next six weeks you have this in here is uly going to address it already perfect and we're set keep moving if it isn't then we need to replan and we need to get it in there so that we fill that hole that is my short there we go Brian's not here to tell me that I went long oh he probably is from the deer that's fine um other things that we discussed at the curriculum meeting the next DT meeting District leader team will be in November um on November 4th at 3:30 the agenda is in progress right yes we will talk about uh primarily we'll look at our World's bus Workforce from last year um and our data and um we also talked about the optional mde student survey and we just discussed the pros and the cons if we ask our students to do that again it's it would be completely optional it would be our recommendation that we do not the question that I asked of our um of the admin team was does Pillager used that data to improve Pillager school and because we cut that dat in other areas we we don't so with that being said it was our recommendation that we just do not opt into the mde student survey because um I think our staff does a very good job of collecting the data needed to improve our students as you just saw with that but also through all sorts of Realms whether it's from mental health to um academics to all of that so that is our recommendation on that um we also discussed the PCO pceo and how the requirements are changing in September of 2025 so trying to be extremely proactive and that is on the um 18 credits um we also talked about maybe visiting with other schools of sharing CIS um to because of there's going to be like staff reductions because of the new requirements that would be needed might do you want to touch on that a little bit CS CIS online as well please yes um so what's going to happen is that coming next September all teachers that teach CIS or courses um have to have their masters in 18 credits in that field so they've kind of give a few years of of yeah times to get people on board well we're going to end up having some staff members that did not go get their 18 or not going to have it done by September so we will be we will have that we probably will won't be able to offer as many CIS courses which also means that we've also like we've talked about in the past we've had way more students going PSO and costing our budget nearly for 4400 some, a year annually in credits so combining with less kids being able to take CIS courses here more kids taking PSO that may affect how we offer electives because kids want these certain things and so it may may make some staff adjustments and Staffing and cuts and things like that we we may try to look at doing some CIS online so for example 35 kids are taking biology at PSO because we can't offer that biology CIS here because we don't have that person so what we might try to do is what we're looking into is does a neighboring school like Pequot for example have a biology teacher that has the 18 credits we have a chemistry teacher that has has his Masters in in chemistry so we could po possibly offer two CIS courses here one online one for our students they could offer two uh biology credit classes online one for their students one for our students so we keep the kids here and don't lose that money plus we keep more kids getting that options of getting um getting that those credits that they want for for college the second piece of that might might be if say for example peat doesn't have somebody either we might advertise for a part-time biology teacher who has their masters to teach that online for us that's where the budget cuts or Staffing adjustments might come in we may not be offered to we may not be able to offer some of our electives because we would rather pay a staff member appoint two to teach biology they may be a person that like Gabby a couple years ago gab taught our our history world hisory world history but she wasn't on staff at the time she had retired she was actually in Florida but she taught it online for our students here if if 35 of our kid kids students want to take biology but we can't offer here we're better off possibly hiring a teacher online to teach it for us here keeping our kids here the advantages of that as a parent would be the the kids for example students don't always a parent doesn't always know how well the kid does in college at PSO you might get halfway through the year and in the year and find out that your student is failing that college credit and we've had students that all a sudden couldn't walk because they failed class was at at CLC parents didn't know about it because they don't get the grades and neither did we until it was and neither did we until we found out oh you're not going to graduate um so there and we would do a we would try to Market that we're just kind of in the beginning stages of those conversations and how does that look and what are some things that we can do to do a couple things keep that CIS offerings here reduce that PSO so there's a lot of moving parts to that we're just beginning to start those conversations I I will say I was impressed um in the curriculum me that we are being proactive on this knowing that it's coming and in a year and it's already on the radar like let's make sure it's ready to go and the other piece that is what that would be part of the registration thing what our kids want and if only 10 kids are taking a one of our electives well maybe we shouldn't be offering that elective if only 10 students want that class we'd be better off not offering that elective here with 10 students and offering a biology CIS elective that 30 kids want so that's where that whole Staffing and those conversations might come into play yeah and then after that we adjourned it was a long meeting it was but it was it was very good it was a very good meeting it was long any questions for the curriculum all right moving on to facilities didn't meet did not meet no activities did not meet but we will be having a meeting in November so I'll get that all at some point beautiful Personnel we did meet on the 14th of October we met uh we were presented with the seniority list um which is up for approval so I would make a motion to approve the teacher seniority list which did go to the union and they approved it first also I believe I'll second any questions or comments all those in favor okay then we discussed the assistant maintenance uh Personnel plan um we are looking at posting something for spring for um a plan a future planning to cover and train for the future uh then we had a health office update and discussion we then discussed the contracted Lane changes we budgeted for about 50,000 in our lane changes for our teachers and we were actually um at 135,000 because of the amount of teachers that went back for Lane changes and their degrees upping their degrees and that'll go January uh that actually start already in the first revision we had to revise already but we do that they get another time to do that again right January one but January one there's a much smaller group we've kind of anticipated with theion yep do we get a warning when they go and start taking these well yes and no they have to get approval budget well you know what I mean but you don't know how many classes they can take so we we we have to I have to approve they have to get the classes approved prior approval so we do know that that's how we kind of had $50,000 in there but we didn't maybe anticipate as many credits as what they were taking people that jump two lanes right so you don't really know when they're going to get it completed you know right I know this is the most unfortunate part of the budgeting for you guys so yeah but they do have to have prior approval and it has to be Germain which most of merg ger into the field they're not going back can't get it yeah right I don't I was just trying so it's not as big of a surprise yeah then we discussed the regional freshwater salary comparison chart uh we are very competitive uh we might start our teachers lower when they first come but by what is it year three or five or something we are probably have the best paid teachers far right they're yes and when you include our health and all of our other packages benefit package we are nearly the best it not just being biased either those numbers should speak for those yes we are uh then we discuss which Outsourcing contracts are due um next year we have Avan and CTC which you're already planning for uh penmac will be up June 30th and Pepsi on September 1st so then that was that was it okay any questions for the Personnel committee then policy you did not meet not me no budget we didn't meet we did not meet we were supposed to but the uh audit wasn't quite ready so we have a meeting scheduled in November on November 11th to look at the audit okay but we do need to uh the first item there Madam chair we discussed this last month but we forgot to put it as an action item so we have to approve the first revision which we decided we discussed last month I'll make that motion to approve the first budget vision for 2425 okay any questions or comments all those in favor opposed motion passes Miss see business manager report please just a quick little update okay so we kind of just touched on our audit so they're we're through the final details of our audit and we'll be wrapping that up and we'll bee presenting that at the no November budget committee meeting uh Levy so we approved the preliminary Levy in September that's already been finalized sent to the state um so now we just wait until December and then we can look at the final numbers and we'll approve the final for the 2526 year SRA funds all the SRA funds have been spent as of September 30th which was the due date for spending all the SRA funds so that is done good for us and also sad that money good but sad that's a lot of time just take it as it comes um enrollment just an enrollment update since we've hit day 30 now we are at 1328 butts in the seats this is up from day one which was at 1319 and then budget since we've officially gone through three months of our budget so far this fiscal year we are at 133% spent for this current year is that so tracks for previous years 13% normal it seems a little low but I mean that's only going through September 30th so there's bills that haven't been accounted for in that such as our first Transportation bill or months be like yep so it'll kind of ADD and flow but it should especially by once we're in the period like the 8th nth month you'll really start to see where we are kind of overall okay it'll give us a really good idea so that's all we have all right any questions for the business manager how many kids did we end with last year was it it 12 1295 or 1280 it might have been 1267 wasn't it that's I 1267 like guessing the amount of jelly beans it was 1267 that sounds not as many as we have this year that's my final answer thank you all right moving on to special scheduling a speci board meeting to Canvas the election results well we have to have a meeting between November 8th and the 16th we need to have a quorum um which means at least four of you and it has to be a roll call vote uh so we do have a budget committee meeting on the 11th at 5:00 pm so we could try to do it on the 11th either right after that meeting sure if we know we got we know we have two people here can at least two other people make that meeting okay so why don't we set it up at how long you think the audit will take like half hour probably so why don't we say 5:40 yeah yeah be safe be safe yeah and if you guys come early you can you know sit in on the a or whatever so why don't we why don't we schedule a special meeting for November 11th at 5:40 and we'll just do that right in here and ask me a roll call vot but y okay I will not be present at that meeting okay it's long long as we know you got me and Becky will be here so we know we got four okay perfect and then Brian might be able to make it too so we know we got four so okay that's it and I'll send out we'll send out a election results AC yes just got AC it minutes T it takes it's not anything like we're thinking in yeah yeah uh not here but it has if there's within a certain number they have to do an automatic recall because I remember the last time whatever when Brian and Cassie you guys want Sue vanal was on that I remember just because they had to do a recall because it was like within five people or something they had to do a recount and then when it came back it did change like by two or something I mean it was cl yep so they if there's a certain number they do an automatic Rec all right you'll send us an inv yeah you'll get a board book invite on that paan uh education Co-op special education numbers I gave you this handout it should be on the on your back a very back separate yeah I got this from Paul bunan if you look at these are the schools that for are are all part part of Paul bunan I'll just point out the Pillager there if you look at the Pillager they have all the kids in grades and how many students we have and how many students special ed so if you look at the very bottom on the totals this is based off of you know October 1st numbers uh we have 20% of our students are in special ed and kids if you take the kids that that have only speech only so they're only in it for speech now we have 177% okay so 177% of our kids are in special ed how does that compare to the other schools on our district and our P but in if you look at Crosby Going To the Cross they're at 25 and 21 uh Pequot Lakes is at 15 and 13 Pine River is at 23 and 19% and then if you look at uh Brainard they're at 24 and 19 and then Ain is at 17 and 1550 so we're lower than a couple higher than a couple so we're kind of right in line with the other other schools so I just wanted to point that out to you so if you ever get questions about how many kids do you have in special ed and here's another one that we often get open enrollment how is that affecting our numbers well we're not in out of line with any you know obviously we have kids that open enroll to us that are special ed we also have kids that leave us that are special ed that go to other districts so I wouldn't say that our open enrolled percentage and I could get that for you but I have done that in the past it's it doesn't really it stays about status quo percentage here or there so so I just wanted to share that we have call Education meeting coming up soon December I think yeah yes yeah okay uh you're right superintendent report uh a couple things um CTC concert series kicks off this Saturday at 7:30 we have the absolutely group that sounds of ABBA so those tickets are still on sale parent teacher conference schedule that's right around the corner Monday October 28th Elementary is 12: to 7 middle school high school 4 to 7 and then the next day on Tuesday the 29th all grades are from 4: to 7:00 p.m. so some of those are scheduled and then on no school on Monday the 28th because of fa teacher conferences and then on Friday November 1st so that is a staff all be going in thego hopefully yes DLT meeting on Monday November 4th at 3:30 p.m. um winter parent activities meeting is scheduled for November 7th at 7M this includes students that are in Fine Arts like uh Speech one act play those types of activities so that was right around the corner uh we'll be hosting section football this Saturday at versus oakus at 2 o'clock National Honor Society induction ceremony is this Thursday the 24th at 7M and then we have a food service Wellness committee meeting which has to be done due to our food service audit by mde so we have some students some parents and some staff that will come in and Avan will work through questions that we get to ask our students and things that go along with that that that uh audit I guess you could say and the last thing I want to just is congratulate our own Missy Barry who uh just recently completed her ba in in in accounting from College of St scholas she's been working on that her last three years very great accomplishment while working full-time raising a family and way to go Missy we're very proud of you and with that we have a little treat tonight we have Ryan made apple crisp so stick around afterwards Apple chrisp to celebrate miss these accomplishment we're very proud of you ice cre that's all I got all right any questions for Mr mberg then I would entertain a motion to adjourn oh my second anyone all those in favor passes thank you all look you're out on time Sarah can I have mine to go