##VIDEO ID:JHQPXesGxus## One Nation indivisible please turn your phones to silent Mr M are there any additions or deletions yes uh we're going to delete item under policy under 1G 522 title um policy which is um was a change in msba B based off of uh some some law law but with Supreme Court just coming out with a recent um ruling to kind of put all Biden's tile n uh issues on the T on kind of delay it so I'm going to delay that and see what kind of happens in the next couple months so it's still it's still in Minnesota still has a lot of those title n issues in their human rights act so we still are kind of you know still have to follow Minnesota's law but some of those things that were in the policy that M msba had put in there could change with some of those rulings from the lawsuits and that the states are telling so we might as well just wait and see what happens okay with that deletion I would consider a motion to accept the agenda I'll make that motion I'll second any questions comments all those in favor oppos passes is comments be packed tonight I see I consider the consent agenda uh we have the meeting minutes from the previous monthly board meeting monthly cash flow including Investments monthly bills paid the monthly bills paid in the activity account uh donation from it looks like a Samantha rhen for an Amazon wish list for a art class which is nice thank you to them and the first summary sheet which was enclosed a motion to accept the consent agenda as presented second any questions or comments all those in favor post Mo passes special board reports with possible action we'll start with activities tonight it looks like uh we did not meet uh curriculum we did not meetti Ran's report Ryan so just a couple of things as we get started for the start of the school year um today we had our new teacher Workshop so we have 10 new teachers on staff pre all the way up and so welcome them they got a chance to be in their classrooms a lot of them have been in already over the summer so pretty cool to get them all together and get them going um some of them have special educ ation training that the co-op does that will start tomorrow um and they actually have four more days uh if you're new to the co-op you have those trainings to go to and our genap will be back tomorrow morning for some additional curriculum time the big one I sent out for the district leadership team we postponed the district leadership team because the change over the fast bridge that new data system that's what we're basing our goals off of last year we've done testing and those pieces well we need some baseline data to start off with to set those goals and so that we postpone that piece we'll do Assessments in September we'll get that Baseline information and then pull together curriculum committee and admin and stuff to set some those goals in October and we'll present that in November so so just a little bit of a delay as we move forward but that that will include the world us work post report as well then then um the last thing on there is just a copy of the you guys have obviously the calendar but this is the meeting calendar for the district and so um our staff development committee is on there our PLC times or F meeting dates as well as some of our other programming like ACP which is L data team and so on so for this year beautiful questions for Ryan all right thank you very much H did that yes facilities we did not meet but I um I given a hand out on your table there I kind of gave you some photos of some of the updates and the projects that we've done through the summer um you have the the flooring and Early Childhood Center there you see three photos there landscaping projects that we did on the outside of a couple steps that the dirt and stuff was washing away that would eventually taken the steps with them so we kind of fixed those areas um we also have the new freezer that uh we put in for the food service that's been that was completed over the summer the gym Middle School gym floor was Reed down and fixed there was some warp spots there and then that gym was repainted so the floor looked very nice and then um the vable carpets we replaced several areas of the vable carpets that was done and then you see a photo there of the pickle ball courts where the Community Alliance Group did along with some different Community groups that are um it's on the fairgrounds there that some of our highed classes maybe we'll use during the school year and we kicked in the building of the warming ched which they'll use for the ice skating ring so that shed is just about done I think it'll be done by this winter so the ice SK will be able to be used by students like at recess and stuff too or I don't know if they'll use it for recess because it's so far away by the time they get there it's but the some like the fun stop programs and some of those after school used them last year and maybe they'll do something with IED might use it for broom ball or something like that they didn't this year but this year was such a you know it would freeze then it would thaw and then it so it wasn't really a good ice skating season I know this year's predicted to be a cold one so hopefully so summer projects look good and I also just heads up or thanks to the theal staff they're had a schedule and did a nice job with the summer projects and maintenance and cleaning and all that everything's done ready to go good job budget looks like business manager is not here no she's gone today she did leave me a little summary so uh she was busy last week with the audit so the Auditors were here on site for two days um they're in a lot better spot this year with the audit based off of some issues we had with the region that who put in a bunch of double entries so they had to sort through a bunch of stuff so we hope to have um the budget in to do the audit sometime hopefully in September so we'll have schedule a meeting once we get that and then along with that the levy comes du we have that pre-september meeting to propose Levy that we set and then the Esser funds uh has to be spent by the end of September we spent quite a bit of what was remaining on summer school we'll have a little bit left that we'll spend on some curricular stuff here this month and then Esa dollars will be all gone so that was Missy's report thank you Personnel we did not meet anything from you Mike on it no um everybody's HED so are full policy this will be the third reading for proposed policies uh number 506 student discipline number 507 corporal punishment 507 A2 school resource officers 514 bullying prevention 620 credit for learning 714 fund balance and the removal of 522 Title 9 due to uh some Supreme Court ruins would you like to make that into a motion to accept it I would like to make a motion to accept those policies second any questions comments or concerns on any of them all those in favor post motion passes policy oh that's okay policy 524 on cell phone use yeah we approved the policy 524 in July uh basically what that is it was just keeping what our policy uh kind of is it kind of just what the overall policy was is just letting each School kind of designate what they wanted was what the policy is there's new legislation that that came out here that schools had to have a policy uh in place by um by March of this coming year which we kind of already had the policy in in in our handbooks but it really wasn't written in our policy first to say it was just the Schoolboard will you know set a policy is what what it's a very generic policy from msba but what that legislation has done has made a lot of schools start discussing what they want to do do they want to ban there's some schools that have banned cell phones some have gotten a little bit more strict what we met uh last week in our admin meeting and we talked about you know just to you know where do we want to go with what what do we want to recommend and at this point the admin is really pretty much kind of like to stay St school with our policy which is using at at passing times and at lunch but we're going to ask our teachers to be a little bit more proactive enforcing that they've kind of been all over the board especially in the middle school and high school so Jason and Wade would like to see you know how that works with them by enforcing it a little better and you know some teachers will let them use it others won't um so they'd like to be a little bit more status quo and then we'd kind of like to to see how what are some other districts doing doing you know I know there's some talk about some districts in the area that have went to no cell phone policy um but then the other piece of it I'd like to I brought up to the admin you know we've kind of heard what maybe our staff would like and what admin maybe what you guys have liked in the past when we've talked about it in the handbooks but what does our community feel like what do our you know what do our what do our parents feel you know do you know do 90% of our parents would they like to see us ban cell phones or would 90% of our parents say keep it where it as is so I think it'd be important at some point to do some kind of a survey of our parents to see what do they want based off of just what we think I think that would be a good step and maybe use the district leadership team to maybe bring that up through and do a survey at some point this year to see how do we want to go about it so I think that's a piece that we've kind of missed maybe in the past so I think looking for some point this year doing a survey to our parents and and I did put something in our kind of already happening on Facebook because of other school districts and people um media media companies are writing about it and uh it is interesting parents who I thought would be on board with no cell phones are not and parents who I thought would be the other way are like NOP get them out of the classroom I think they'll it I don't know what the rest you and I don't know how the administration feels but if we go to no cell phones used in the classrooms I think it's all or nothing because that confuses the students and we can't have teachers being like get your cell phones out we're going to use them for research it's all or nothing either you have them in the classroom and you use them or you don't use them in the classroom they're on silent and they're often use our Chromebooks I just don't want to confuse the students to me if you don't make something black and white it's just there too much for the kids it's too much for the teachers it's too much for the parents and then don't call me because my kid was just recent class because he's born and you didn't let him read his book on his cell phone which is all the only reason like I shut up that way through class well but that's the thing it's All or Nothing though don't you can't we have a library so if it's All or Nothing can't read your book on your he would have been out the door every I do I do like the idea let's well you know 50 you know if it's a 5050 split what do you really gaining maybe we stay with where we're at but enforce it correctly but place that yes are we aware that other school districts are having this conversation do we have a policy yes we have a policy do we are we going to change our policy that is something that we might bring to adance to have a discussion about before making a Josh Josh Smith brings up a good point you know he's he always you know I think one of the things I like about Josh is he kind of thinks outside of the boxes some areas and one of the things when we were talking about it he brought up the point of well cell phones are still whether we ban them or not they're here so what do adults do we're scared of the phones that's Banning rather than how do we use them correctly you know are we causing more of a problem trying so I think it's good to just kind of take a seat back and you know we have a policy we have it in their handbook it hasn't been correctly enforced currently by everybody so I think Jason and way especially at middle school and high school are going to do a much better job with their teachers of saying enforce it that's what we have you can't you know one person's going to do it but then this person doesn't you don't help them out you know so let's see where it goes and we might find after we do a better job with that we're fine with it but but there are a lot of issues with cell phones you know we they cause issues with our students The Bullying the the depression there's there's tons of things but that doesn't mean they're going to go away even if that so so I think it's just just an information there that you know that's in the process and and look for it later at some point this year can we do a survey with the teachers first and then the parents Jason brought it up to his leadership team and that's kind of where they're at right now as they'd like to just do it enforce it correctly that's what his leadership team suggests too many opinions could be a problem what I'm getting y all right update on student enrollment numbers have hand you have a hand out there this is as of Friday and it's changing on a daily basis um right now we're at 136 kids we ended last year at 12 12 57 1267 we' ever had en yes we were we ended last year 1267 that's up 44 kids um 10 of which is just because we graduated 79 kids brought in 91 actually we graduated yeah 79 I think it was so we're a little bit higher than than what we anticipated we're a little bit higher than what we budgeted which is good that helps us a little bit there um but sizes there you can see the ones in Gray that's where we're currently at five sections of kindergarten first grade second grade four sections of third and fourth we're on the lower end in K1 and2 we're a little bit on the high end in third and right in the middle low end in fourth grade as well so uh four out of the five numbers look pretty good class sizewise we do not have a classroom available so that's something for you to keep in mind as well so so this will change I'll I'll keep you up in my weekly updates I'll let you know if something of those changes where it's something that we got to worry about or you know I don't anticipate it changing a whole lot it's been pretty pretty consistent in those Elementary grades the ones where we've actually gained quite a bit is is the high school we've gained quite a few high schoolers this year so open house update yeah um fifth grade and new middle school students is next Wednesday August 21st from 6 to 88 fth grade this fifth grade what did I say I don't know this Wednesday fifth grade is this Wednesday yeah then Middle School they'll have theirs from 68 and then Early Childhood through 12th grade is August 28th from 4:30 to 7 P.M so that was also in the PA press that came out that should have gotten in everybody's mailbox last week and I just uh and emailed and emailed out yeah um just I thought just a heads up for you know Heather Hansen this was her first time doing it I thought she did a really nice job and she organized it in different areas which I thought was really nice so just a heads up there thanks to her to taking on that CH for us superintendent update I don't have a ton um just fall you better talk slow I you like six minutes six minutes I gotta be uh fall sport started last week or Monday I should say uh last Monday um good numbers uh really good numbers in junior high and youth we're in the uh mid 40s in junior high football and volleyball so uh we're short some equipment and football we're up to going to have to order some get some more equipment in for junior high and youth we have over 80 kids out for fifth through eighth grade football which is probably 15 more 10 10 or so more than we thought is Paul ready for that down the road that's good yes um so numbers are good there they started um as we have a busy week coming up next week staff development I did send you guys if you guys are free on Monday and Tuesday we have lunch with the teachers that if you can get away please stop out and have lunch with us um I did send you guys invites for that we have uh the famous husky Burger on Mondays on Monday we're going to grill that up uh toari and I are going to use our new grow we purchased to make burgers for staff devel M and then on Tuesday we have the food trucks for staff it's nice for staff because we can kind of keep them here not a lot of choices in town uh they otherwise you tend to take over an hour to get going to get somewhere to eat or something so and it's kind of nice we we T try to tie it into with our schedule so uh first day of school is September 3rd uh we'll still continue with the hashtag branding pull the sled that's still there and then just I know most of you are aware of this but just uh we were voted in the top District top school district in the area and the greater dispatch I'd like to congratulate our staff and uh everybody for that that's everybody who took the time out to vote for us it's a nice honor and uh it's a it's a tribute to the people that work here so thank you that's all I got awesome any questions from Mr mber then I would [Music] slowly I would entertain a motion for I'll make questions all those in favor pass a that was all you guys