##VIDEO ID:M1NyK9v-RY4## and Justice please silence all your cell phone for electronic devices we have any additions or deletions to the agenda uh we do not Madam chair I would entertain a motion to approve the agenda as presented I'll any questions or comments all those in favor opposed motion passes V your comments like we have the sorry here to observe Yer a badge W congratulations consider the consent agenda um consider the minutes monthly previous monthly board meeting the monthly cast flow including Investments monthly bills paid monthly bills paid in the activity count accounts donation and a personal summary sheet a motion to accept them I'll make that motion any questions or comments I'm uploading right now we wait on that you guys or take out the two sheets in there yeah only uploaded the summary sheet so I can say I'll make a an adjustment an adjustment to my motion to approve what we have received cor under the cons and then you can look at it in the end after they've got everybody you can SC through okay um all those in favor of the amended motion I posos the amended motion no I'm with all right special board reports of possible Action Personnel we did not meet but are scheduling a meeting in October yes so we could do that afterwards that'd be great yeah October will be great mon perfect uh curriculum we did not meet but I do have an update for everybody um just with the start of the school year a couple weeks into it um just a reminder that teachers are starting their PLC work so that work they're looking at data uh as they go throughout the year Elementary is still focused on literacy and and that around both the letters training and then their implementation of uly uh foundations technology we are fully equipped and we've handed out all of our Chromebooks uh we have some seniors that take classes that CLC and so they use their own Chromebooks but the most part we have everything out uh and I just put a reminder District leadership team we did not meet we are setting those goals after we get the pass data assessments done and we are in the midst of that right now we had a little bit of a rocky start for the first couple of days to get started but after that everything is rolling along actually quite smooth and quite quick and then uh career programming just a couple of things I attended the career programming Workshop the regional centers across Minnesota put a workshop together uh it was in Mano uh just a great of career Pathways this one was focused on manufacturing it was really a great opportunity to get into the manufacturing business get to the floor and um have some talking points to go talk to employers about how do we get kids in here how do we get kids the opportunity to see this a lot of times especially manufacturing the age gets in is a sticking point in terms of 18 um there is in terms of deed there is a lot lot of things that a kid can do at 16 and so really getting that message out that we want kids to have that experience and see if that's something they'd be interested in doing this one that I went to was called Jones metal and they do anywhere from the electrical boxes that you see to other projects that are art projects all across the country um and they have actively looked at how do we recruit kids because they're constantly looking for employees and one of the things I talked to J about before and I hope we look farther is the I think Falls is doing CDL training yes so we're looking at that for this spring the CDL yes which is a small jump bus driver we correct exactly we have the youth skills Grant with the CNA program currently right now the CDL and a manufacturing one are in the works right now as we move towards the spring so uh and the last one I have on there just Early Childhood you know again we think about E12 all the programming that we do they have a fall conference that I'll be attending with them and really looking at what is the what the resources that we have there but we've also added in a thre's uh contain classroom for special education um and how is that integrating together with our four-year-olds thank you anybody have any questions for anything else from the curriulum committee policy activities we did not meet beautiful facility we did not meet but I have an update on uh the little project of putting drain tiles so we don't have a little water Pond anymore so I don't have to hear from Brian and Sarah anymore about our little water Pond you only heard it came from know yeah right when you come in there's a little bit of a dip there in the in the grass behind the bleachers and it builds up the water and I think what happened was they were driving the heavy equipment on there all the time so it just packed the soil and it just didn't drain so we had the company come out and put in some drain tile and there's a drain there so and they receded it and it does probably should go so hopefully by next spring we won't have are there any reason to put a water Po in there Mel thank you Mr mberg we tried a couple I was just trying to turn a negative into a positive by turning a a drainage issue into a water feature it's been taken care of so we should not have that budget budget we met tonight perfect um we have our audit scheduled we're going to go over that on October 14th so you'll hear about that at the next school board meeting in October then I'm going to let Missy present our board book and we will have need to make a motion about our M so for [Music] okay so before we do the first revision let's just go over the ly information so you have that in front of you um so with the latest Levy update paperwork that was on Friday was the latest Levy run so if you can look towards the bottom of your sheet you're going to see the percent came from last year and it's going to be a 1.45% now I do anticipate that this number is going to change from 1.45 to 2.25 because if you look at the school Age Care the funding for that that 30,000 hasn't pulled in on the report so once that pulls in on the report it's going to change this number from the 1.45 to the 2.25 so that is what I would recommend that be approved at tonight's meeting 2.25% change and I would say we probably go ahead and do that motion right now right okay so I'm going to make a motion to accept the 2.2 25% increase on the loing okay and Z second now questions comment and concern what is this 2% what is it coming from so this is so these are the so when you get your property tax pay so some of that is a part of this funding that V okay so we're increasing we're voting to increase our Levy by 2.25% well technically has it already been voted for this 1.45 no no so we're voting to vote to do it by 2.25 and uh can I make an explanation yeah just to know why because I think every board member has always been conduced about this when we start this in September we have to take as much as we think we will need and we don't actually finalize it and can go down to zero or lower if we so choose in December but if we go say zero now we can't go up so if we think we need 2.25 in September we ask for it then but we can always lower it when final numbers come in by December just so you're aware this isn't a final final but we can't ask for more if we don't ask for it this time okay last year's was 6.8% increase so it's quite a bit lower than last year so it's actually a very good Levy report yeah I just want to know what it was where it was coming from some of it's from the state some of it's from both and some of it's from local so if you look at the back on this side of the sheet right here you see where the X's are Bridget that's tells you where it's coming from oh okay if it has an X in front of them that's money that's coming from for example the equity level that state the next one's transition that state next one's Reemployment Insurance that's local okay that's the one that the state passed on to us this last year very in in unemployment insurance but that's we're paying for that now yeah great so okay that kind of explains where the money is coming from what is tree grow uh that is when they I believe with our school Forest on whether or not they um they harvested every so many years and loging and they harvest so much and that's what they average off of the grow per year okay and there are two fors okay sorry good on any other questions comments or concerns all those in favor I I oppos passes all right so now we'll move to the first budget revision it's pretty short and sweet I didn't change anything to the F service part the community Ed for The Debt Service so that's why your report is quite short it's just the G Ed so on the first page you'll be able to see the savings to the budget we were able to adjust our apus from what we stated we had now that we have kiddos here we know we got bus and seats we know who's here who's not so we were able to adjust our Apu from 142 which is what we had in the original budget to the 1430 um there were some benefit changes so if you remember back in June I budget everybody at the highest rate of their health insurance and then once they come in and then I adjust that as as they come in Revenue adjustments so we just got a new gen Ed Revenue sheet that was downloaded from MBE so that's going to be more accurate Revenue than what I had back in June and then some cost increases we have a longterm sub we have salary and Lane changes so every September one the teachers can then apply for their LAN change and then we had a physical therapy contract change so that that was in there and then we have increased PSO cost now when you look down to the unassigned unassigned fund balance the actual and the projected those numbers are still the same from the official budget because we don't have our final numbers in from the audit so once I have those final numbers those will be updated in the second revision but you will look at the second line item and that'll have your excess for what we have for this first Revision in our budget any questions on that so we're explain that number 220 yeah because got people maybe watching that can't see that and we ended last the first budget revision or the first budget we were 30,000 to the cut so that's an increase of about you know from 30,000 to 220,000 so what last year ending I know our fiscal year doesn't quite line up with the school's year but were we ending were we ahead of the game last year ending our school year we don't know that yet we we anticipate we are that's when the audit will tell us that we're having next in the next few weeks I guess because it's hard to want to increase a levy when you see that we have money sitting here for the taxpayers watching you you have two things there Bri though our policy states 10% fund rebalance that's true we have to keep a 10% fund balance and the other thing is you have to keep in mind is that the two biggest things that we have to generate Revenue from those levies is the the operating the levy of the the 724 which is per per pupil and the second one is long-term facility maintenance those are the two biggest levies that will affect that percentage we have tons of projects that we know we have to do for the next 10 12 15 years so we're taking money now that we may spend eight years from now when we do roughs or eight years that we do something else so it may say an increase now but remember some of those dollars we've already planned to do projects for maintenance years down the road okay so you got of kind of think of it as a long term not just increasing this year well and also instead of increasing one year at 12% because this is year we have to do it% we giv back we did that one and I was a hard fighter that it's okay I just now just need to know B question all so I you know learning curve so the next page is just your we're going into the graphs of the nitty-gritty so the next one is on the revenue the amount in the revenue did change but the percentages down in the P those didn't change enough to change so that's going to look very similar to your official budget because it didn't change enough to to adjust that so your next two pages that are both expenditures so remember the first one we go over by program code and how it's divied out that way and so you got six 17.6 million in expenditures by program code and you can kind of see on the graphs how that is split out between sites and buildings and pupil support instructional support special ad vocational the regular teachers Elementary secondary teachers District support and administration and then the second chart is based on the object code that's reported to the state so this one they take out like staff development and the debt financing so that's why this one is going to have a little bit different amount but essentially the bulk of it is going to be the same with your salaries for your people your benefits so this salaries and benefits are included in the chart down below and then you have your purchase Services supplies Capital expenditures and then other expenses and that's the me and potatoes of the first rision anybody have any questions for Miss is this something we need to approve tonight so I'll make a motion there's no budget revisions on we did the L the levy it's already been done there's no we can't do it tonight because it's not on the yeah you're right I don't know all that didn't get on there yeah it's not on our meeting think either I guess so we can switch add it to October October yeah we that be soon enough yeah okay I mean it doesn't matter what month we do just well then anybody have just any general questions agenda thank you very much anything else from Bud Mike are you you going to talk about adding classes and that kind of stuff p no I'm not at this time I'll I'll I'm going to that's on the agenda for the curriculum committee okay and then go from there yeah all right enrollment update U Madam chair the board you have your sheet that I put on your desk currently we're at uh 13 13324 students I didn't get one that's right there oh so we're at 1324 um currently we ended last year at 1267 that's where you see the adjusted and number there and we do tend to lose kids throughout the year uh typically as some high school students that may uh enroll in ALC or Charter Schools last year we did not however we actually stayed really status quo all year which is PR we're very rare but um so that's an increase and then you can see where we're at class size there I just updated that number with that so kind of gives you an idea where we're at so that's where we pulled a number to increase the revenue by that $94,000 and we didn't put all those kids in because we know we lose some kids too down the road usually any questions the sheet says 1,298 I just wrote you got to add the Early Childhood in there though early childhood's not on this sheet so you got to add 25 kids for for the childood so 13 1324 I believe is where we're at right now this sheet doesn't include Early Childhood perfect any other questions on the enrollment Early Childhood we get funding for yes okay all right crisis team booklet I have a few questions yeah manager I just added this in there um just so you guys can see that we do have a crisis booklet that we meet with the ad and some of those members uh we did not change much to this year's but as you say you might you guys might have some questions and things but um these are things that we have in place for crisises oh questions I have three questions one on page 14 the elementary self cafeteria doors it says that if there is a lockdown um they can whoever is locked down in there can tape the windows is there always paper and tape there or we have blinds on all of them now oh so that's needs to just be changed well but they do have the little window next to the door yeah that they have to have t paper ready by to to cover that up so is that's my question it's always there they have that yes because otherwise that's not time we have blinds in every exterior window now we've added those perfect love it and then the ones inside the locker room inside the hallways teachers know that they have paper by to tape up if they have to okay next question I had was when's board notified that was not at all notif probably as soon as I know about something I will let you guys know okay yeah I was just it wasn't in there so I was just questioning and then the last question I had was on page 19 for the death notification for teachers to give to classes some of the words in there I don't believe are supposed to be said anymore that was my biggest concern too I think for in committed suici speak committ suicide I that change to sorry but in the second line says committed I would that change to Suicide suicide does we do not committ we're talking about and in the is there anything so from previous experience of family members who lost a child um any time is it verified with the family what the family wants said because some families mour differently than other families and I my family They Mourn differently and they didn't want it talked about yeah we would cover that with our with our this is after the fact that something would say you're not doing it right immediately you know I just want to make sure the families are given the authority to say you can say this but you can't say that just like those were my questions and concerns does anybody else have any questions or concerns on or comments on the crisis no oh good job I'll take I'll update that page there I do think that we all should take it with a little Grace because every emergency is different and as as the school does we we have our children best interest mine was just clarification we do meet if something came up the team would come together and we would talk through all these and and the situation and what how to handle it what to do and so it was it's kind of talk through we also have a a group called Joe Donovan group that we use for communications they're that's what they do how to communicate the different things that we can use and and have them develop some stuff for us that they do free through Mesa so we use them a lot too as well that's what we used with the bus accident last year and they'll write it up for you and the professionals they know how to word things and say things but perfect School Board recognition month yeah want to thank you all I just wanted to recognize you have a certificate there and some little goodies that we put together for you guys to for all your dedication and for your work serving for our community and our school so I appreciate all the things you do thank you thank you and you all got a new car with new car smell air fresher couldn't buy the car I got you uh C County Children's initiative interactive agreement which is in case question something I believe we sign yeah you have a I have that packet included too and what that is is the C County Children's initiative there's all the schools family centers in the county we meet together four times a year and throughout the year our special ed teachers our social workers and people like that they'll do what they call Time study stamps and they'll they every so often they have to put in who they're working with what they're working with and that money is collected it's through the federal it's through the federal government and we receive revenue from that uh from C County Children's initiative so we get about $30,000 from them and we participate in other things that's where a lot of the is working through us with OP uh some different things it's just kind of a group of people all the schools Family Center that work on the benefit of kids so then we use the $330,000 to help Provide support services for our students can I get a motion to accept that agreement please I'll make that second any questions comments or concerns yeah did I read it wrong because I read it as we pay them five grand we paid five grand we get 35 Grand back okay so it's $5,000 to belong to the group we receive a payment back from them for $35 so we net 30 grand okay and then another question so what does so it just we do this because we get Revenue because don't we offer all these Services already within the school we've added that $30,000 we help offset the cost of our elementary social worker okay so we use the money to provide support services for students we use it for the elementary social worker okay which is what that money was supposed you have to use it for something to benefit kids right right I just I was understanding as is it's another government entity that we're paying into I didn't understand that we got money back out of it and that we use it to take care of the services that we all and Missy also we do received the we receive $133,000 Missy does all the bookkeeping for that group she does all as a where am I bookkeeping bookkeeping so she does that so that she uses some of her time to do that for this pillagers the whole site so they pay us $133,000 to help offset some of her time to do that so we also get $133,000 from them for that so any other questions all those in favor opposed pass Sarah we inv like you to sign that after because it's supposed to be signed by the chair okay superintendence report uh yeah I have a few items um November paw press deadline is this week uh hoping to get that mailed out the last week in October so if you have anything that you want to put in there uh we we do have a few more days left of that uh the Elementary art teacher Samantha rhen who is new this year she is using some of her time in her class as some tech side she is creating an Elementary yearbook with the help of Justin's with uh some of our classroom kids to do to design that that is a supplement that would be families could purchase for $15 so that's really just geared towards Elementary has more Elementary photos has more things in for elementary so that's something families can purchase if they want to as well will they still be in the other year they the just their their photo is you know yeah we're still doing that but this one has more of the Elementary photos and different things that they would have so the elementary kids will still be in the main year we did that for you miss n and as soon as you retire we probably won't always right my kid you're gonna remove the kids not just me joking with her oh the problem with it is is here's the problem with it Bridget that year book is 6 $60 58 so all the elementary kids have in there is just their picture right so some families don't buy that because it's $60 so if you have a kindergarten or a first grader families aren't buying that because it's just their one little picture of their kid where now moving forward they I'm not saying we're do that but the idea was for $15 they can keep that all the way through they can buy a kindergarten a first grade a second grade a third grade and they have the little supplements for every and it has more photos of Elementary rather than just the picture of them and not have to spend $60 I'll I'll be honest I don't have any problem with a little supplement thing I'll probably buy that this year also but the fact that you're still keeping them when we are a building of K12 I don't know why we wouldn't have one B but a lot of families don't buy that because understand that they don't this is something that they can buy as well I like the both options yeah they'll probably keep that yep um but it'll be cool that the kids get to design that and work on that homecoming week is September 30th through October 4th so watch out for schedule events for that um um one of the goals this year for the admin team is to work on our to revamp our stat and mtss Intervention Program that is how kids um will tend to qualify for special ed or how we provide interventions for kids that whole process is kind of needs to kind of be updated and changed so that's one of our goals is to develop a committee to do that and kind of look at how teachers use that sat team to kind of help with them and uh Wendy and Ryan and I and we been talking about some processes that maybe we can get some some teachers involved in that to revamp that a little bit uh Grandparents Day is Wednesday October 16th from 1:30 to 2:30 for grin K through 4 so there'll be some infs coming out to families on that that that's not a program anymore right they just come in and go to the classroom for an hour yep uh NHS blood drive is on October 9th from 10: to 4: in the CTC Center uh people can register at redcrossblood.org to come and donate blood uh the elementary student council is bringing back the FunFest for the Elementary School uh there's booths for the event that people can have there's info on our Facebook page and I put I think something on your desk there for what that kind of explains what that Booth is and that's just for elementary students that's a little bit of a change for it's not for everybody it's just for the elementary kids um the O epidemic there is a panel discussion on Tuesday October 8th that is free and open to the public that uh is uh from 600 to 8:00 pm so that'll be in the CTC Center and then Community ad and youth sports we have a new Facebook page it's up for communication that Mr Smith has created and lots of great class offerings he's done a great job trying to add more things there we have a mood wood with see class change for the outcome that's kind of an I believe uh like um um class on ooids and um word I'm looking for um and you're hooked on something add add add addiction thank you I could think of the word um defensive driving for seniors we've had pickle ball classes for beginning pickle ball now we have a female pickle ball class at full total body conditioning for the adults and then we have an art club that meets every Tuesday and Thursday that that's really well received as well so a lot of great things going on in community ed hats off to Mr Smith with all the things he's created there and the communication with the Facebook page and things so hopefully that'sit what's that babysitting class oh yeah baby class 101 y awesome yep that's all I got awesome does anybody have any questions for Mr mberg then I would entertain a motion to adure I just noticed I have that the cash flow and oh yeah we got to go to that do you have them now yes in your books you want to look through them and make a motion to approve them second any questions comments or concerns all those in favor opposed motion passes now I would entertain motion second second all those in favor passes thank you thanks guys hopefully we didn't make St too long I run very fast [Music] and Brian welcome to government ran shut that up you need me I just had a quick question so you mentioned AP is that something we could pay to have an add in for Scouts yes we can do that or we do have a community page