##VIDEO ID:bYJb9kpl6q0## and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all please silence your cell phones are there any additions or deletions to the agenda Madam chair there I all right then I would entertain a motion to approve the agenda as presented I'll make that motion I'll send it all right any questions or comments those in favor opposed motion passes visitor comments Becky You Are flanked by tons and tons of people back there all right move on to the consent agenda consider the minutes of the previous monthly board meeting and the special meeting held on November 18th the monthly cash flow including Investments the monthly bills paid the monthly bills paid in the activities accounts the donations which uh included a we would like to thank Cloud stamping for their $500 donation to The Pillager robotics team and a Personnel summary sheet there is also one more what do I this one Community Charities of minesa 1500 and so Charities of Min Minnesota for $1,500 thank you to them also all right any other would somebody like to make a motion on that I'll make a motion I'll second any other questions or comments all those in favor iOS Mo passes can I make a comment about that we we brought up last month about the consent agenda about having a couple changes to that and what Sarah and I discussed was just after like the monthly bills cash paid and and um U we would have the um treaser kind of listed like Brian's a Treasurer so we'll just have Brian Brian's job of we to kind of look through that and then under minutes it would be the clerk so we won't do them separate but we'll have you guys listed underneath it as that's kind of your role to check through those and then when we make the motion to accept the consent agenda the con the the motion includes it you've you've kind of looked through those and made that those are okay instead of having them separate we thought that would be make it a little when are we going to start doing this next month next month okay if we took it off the consent agenda it just made it very it would add and it doesn't need to was changing kind of control all right we're going to start with budget tonight for the special board reports YP chair board members I got Missy to do a presentation for truth and Taxation so many people and then after that she'll give a presentation on the levy so it's uh somebody Brian asked me if mine went up or down I said I've got four different properties connected on my on so some went up some I think they were pretty average yeah I can actually read it all right so we will get started with the c taxation presentation for 2024 so today's agenda so the factors affecting taxes would be the go over the big picture um the property classification and value the school district factors affecting the a251 and then we'll just put it all together and answer any questions that anyone might have um so big picture we focus on our students and we strive to provide the best education to set them set them up for success in the future so why do we have a truth and Taxation meeting well because it's mandated uh there's two major requirements with the tax statements the counties have to send out the proposed property tax statements in November based on the levies that were sent and then the public hearing which is what we're having now they must hold that to discuss the levy the budget and any public comments so this is the school district's annual required hearing so who sets Levy the components of the district are set the state formula set by the legislature and it's also voter approved as authorized by the state so the state formula includes the Gen Ed formula the operating Capital career in Tech and Reemployment and then the voter approved is the operating referendum on or building funds um and just a side note on that so we as a school district have limited Authority compared to other government entities so other governing boards have more freedom in making taxing decisions whereas our school board is pretty Limited as for the state formula we kind of limited to the state formula under by the legislature so how is the property tax determined well the county assessor determines the market value for each parcel and then the Minnesota leg legislature sets the formulas for the tax capacity and then the county auditor calculates the tax capacity for each parcel based on the above and then the county auditor divides the total of by the total tax capacity of the district to determine the tax rate needed so this is just a source of how the funds are deed up so 70% of it is state funded resources 9% is 16% is property taxes and then you go down to 9% is federal resources and then 5% is other local all right so here you can see that the funding Trails by inflation so inflation is with the blue line so you can kind of see how inflation has trended upward and the formula is also trended upward but not at the rate of inflation so and that's our biggest struggle is we just this funding doesn't keep up with inflation for what we need to to all right this is just showing School versus non-school so this will show your other non-local governments your counties your cities so the red line is your counties cities other other local governments and then the blue is your school districts and then the green is Statewide you can kind of see how we've kind of trended with that and we we're definitely not keeping up with other local governments well Bel them all right so this is our budget so and this is including our debt service so revenues about 2,500,000 expenses 2,500,000 so we're expected to have a net gain of 18591 and then just how the budget is split out so State AIDS is 85% for revenues and the local ly is 14% the federal AIDS down to 1% so property classifications and value so this is kind of an example of what your tax statement would look like so the you'll get the property classification and the market value oops and then it'll show you the last year's and what the market value is for 2025 and then step two is they have the proposed tax which is said in November so if you're looking to um argue your value that is back in the spring so you would argue or state your concerns back with the county in the spring and then once it's in November that's kind of your proposed tax so then it's not negotiable at that point anymore all right so effective tax rates so this is just the tax rates based on your property classification so Farm seasonal residential Homestead apartment public utility and Commercial industry and then the share of the tax liability so the market value share for Farms seasonal residential commercial and Industry residential homes and other residential versus a share of the net taxes so you can see the dramatic difference in the classifications the two biggest are farms and the commercial and indust Industrial and that's where the differences in property classification make up the changes the tax impact across the different count the different districts so the eight School tax credit so that went into effect back in 2017 it affects all existing debt levies except our opep bots so the reduction for Farmers or Timber owners they'll remain at 70% in 2025 and the revenue for Aid to school comes from the state and so here you can kind of see how it used to be back in 2022 and how much we've changed so it was went from 60% to [Music] 70% all right can I can I clarify that a little bit before you missy yep that's a savings of the farmer correct it was a reduction in what they had to pay y so it kind of looks like 67 with went up but actually went down for farm and Timber you'll see it on this next slide okay so it's a credit to the farmers and the timber owners so it's cated on each parcel statement where the blue arrow is you'll be able to see that and that's the sum of all Parcels for the total and it's because it's paid by the state it doesn't show up on our ly certification report so we don't we won't see that okay so then a school so how do we compare to other districts for the a Aid to school credits so it's kind of hard to see my little line but we're right there in the Middle where we are this color yellow so we're below the median and you you kind of see the map is just kind of giving you an Outlook Statewide what we how Weare to other counties districts which are above the medi which are below all right so then we get to the equalization factors for the L and operating referendums and this is where your property values incre it increases because of inflation and they have been hurting the districts as property values are increasing districts aren't seeing as much state so we do not as you'll see these two bottom boxes have zero rpu because we don't take an operating referend so so we don't get those extra dollars okay so the scool factors affecting the pay 25 levies so our Levy so possible changes for possible reasons for changes to your parcel there could be a change in your classification there could be a change in enrollment numbers change in valuation local decisions and requirements adjustment for prior years and legislative changes so in the referendum picture so this is how we compare to other districts who have a referendum so again it's a map of the whole state and we are in the middle again so that puts us at no operating referendum but you can see Statewide how many do take the the operating referendum and where they're at if they're well below it above it or well above it can you highlight that 94 districts they're missing there are 94 districts that don't take one yes out of 360 some corre so we're one of the 94 so as you can see a lot of schools most schools have an excess operating Levy refering so just FYI okay so putting it all together so the long-term facility maintenance or lcfm as we call it is approved by the Schoolboard we have to submit a 10-year plan to every summer um this year we've only planned for normal maintenance as our Athletic Complex has that project has completed so the ltfm revenue that we get for that is 427,000 so 57 ,000 is State share and then 370 is local share and it's reflected on the proposed property tax inist under other Lees okay so the C the certification for this year is what we talked about back in September it hasn't changed so we are looking at 3.8 million for our Levy which is an increase of 84,000 and a percent increase of 2.27 which is the same information we talk about back in September that has not changed so if anyone is looking for more information there is a number here for state of Minnesota property tax relief there's the numbers for the County Auditors for our district the pass County or Morrison County or if they have questions on the L portion that would be me as a contact with any questions all right now is your opportunity for your more questions anybody have any questions for Missy no thanks for putting that together niely done nice just to kind of summarize too every year is different on that even though when you see you may see a percentage increase if people at home we start a 2.9% increase because of the net tax capacity of your residents in your District you still may see a reduction on your school taxes it varies year to year you might have a 6% increase from us but a reduction on your school taxes you might have a negative from us and your taxes go up because your net tax capacity goes down so it it's kind of odd you just you kind of have to look at your taxes at home to see how it affected it for most of ours it kind of went down or flated depending on your value so does that operating referendum year toe change like some schools take it and then the next year they don't take it I would say most I don't know if any school that does not take the full a few years ago there was like a handful of schools that did not take the full 724 which is tier one and tier two which includes that operating or the L we were one of those five that was probably before I don't think you were even on well you might have been right at the beginning thought I'm remembering like 13 schools didn't take yeah 13 schools did not take all that we were one of the 13 but now I I last says 94 no that's that's the whole that's a different L operating that's an operating Lev that's you have the right as a board to take the full 724 if you want more than that you have to go for the voters to approve it yeah which is called an excess operating L which we one of 94 operating yeah we take the tier one just not tier two at yeah is 94 the number it's been at or is that smaller and smaller uh it's probably gotten a little smaller but not much most of the schools in our area do not have one I know Staples has a small one uh Crosby does not they attempted to go for one and they failed Pat does not have one um they may go back to Spring to try to get one um I don't know all other but it's it's very that's where you get into the argument of it's not equal across the state because a school district let's say Eden Prairie can go back for that full amount and it cost to taxpayers because of their net tax capacity it doesn't cost them much whereas if we went for that same amount of money it would cost our taxpayers a huge amount of money to pay for that's where you get into the argument of it's not Equalization Equalization across the state so somebody might say well how can you have orchestra and Eden Prairie in third grade well they have an excess operating Levy of $1,300 per kid or they're getting $155,000 per kid versus another District might get $10,000 per kid because of the operating Levy so that excess operating Levy is really kind of source spot with a lot of districts that especially rural District districts but years ago we didn't even take the full 724 yeah which put us in a little bit of a pickle when we had to go fix roofs and that's where we kind of had to have that big came in handy for getting computers right and that's if you remember right the last time we had a truth and Taxation hearing when we had maybe 20 or 30 guests that was a year that we first took all that 724 plus we had a a piece where it went back to Readjustment I think remember Randy was here we had a huge Readjustment plus the tax 724 so it really hit our people yeah it was quite a bit that year but anyway I have fun story about guess for that two minutes not for this meeting any other questions all right that was present and discussed no that was truth and Taxation presentation and answer questions so thank you very much now we would like to present and discuss the 2024 payable 2025 Levy anounce that all so back to this uh sheet that looked at back in September again like I said nothing has changed so now it is up to you guys to determine if you would like to take the full Levy for 2025 at a 2.27% increase or if you would like to change it and this would be because we've already discussed most of the things unless sunbe does this would be where we need an motion so that we can discuss correct unless there's any take a motion if we're going to disc or debate whether we take it we need the motion first I'll make a motion that we accept this Levy payable 2025 for the 2.27% is there a second I'll second okay and now we can discuss a way missy did you have this sheet somewhere yes so this was just so you can see I I had I got this from the freshwater schools this shows what each School District gets for different revenue and you can see how everyone's different we are one of of the freshwater we're one of the lower for example even when we take the full amount we get um we on the top on the far right ours is rotating oh mine didn't show up on the thing here but well there it is should be a dollar amount we were like at the 10,323 and there are some schools that get up to 125 per kid most of them are around 112 to 115 so you see even with that full amount so when I talk to the budget committee and when I talk to you guys you really kind of need to take the full 724 because even with that you're getting less money per student than most schools in our area so there's that Equalization again we not every District's the same any other questions or comments concerns so do we need to read this res we go to the resolution okay because then it's a roll call vote correct we have to vote on thetion I don't think it's a roll call I don't know if we read the resolution and then vote yeah that's why I was asking if it's a roll call I don't think it is because if it would have been me I had to have put roll caller so I copied it from the last few years so the final final property tax levy must be certified by the county auditor and mde by December 28 2024 they attached supposed final payable 2025 property tax levy certification in the total amount amount of 3,895 therefore be it resolved by the school board of Independent School dist District number 116 that the 2024 payable 2025 property tax levy is adopted in the total amount of 3 Milli 81,9 55 and further that the school board clerk is authorized to sign a document used to certify the property tax levy to the County Auditors and the Minnesota Department of Education all those in favor signified by saying I I I opposed motion pass anything from the budget no nothing else Miss is there a form for cassander to sign today do we have that or does she have to stop it's all in the minute so I just submit the resolution with okay you have to put your name on there for all the time uh moving to the committee we met on Thursday December 5th uh we started by discussing the called Ed Minnesota pager teacher contract which is the teachers contract for 2025 through 2027 changes um so this this supposed to say 25 to 27 yes who did not say that I was wondering that like that should have been 25 to 27 uh that again we go off the contract that well I'm sorry this the one that's on the agenda is a different that's not this one yeah this is a different contract that these are different contract um just reiterate that the uh Ed Minnesota Pillager contract is the same contract brainer does we take it two years later so we do very little negotiating we take what they got which is after much debate I believe a 4% increase the first year and a 2% increase the second year would anybody like to dispute that at this point no it it is correct because I heard there was challenges on how it was read at well they've had it for a couple months so we went through the numbers again ran and it is a four and a two it's a it's a one for three 6 months and a 3% for the second six months so and this is for now confused on the dates this is don't worry about yeah that this is we're right now in number one number two number two is a different thing that's not this contract yeah okay so um we're not we at this point aren't voting on just giving us an update y they in the process of looking at the contract any other questions on the 2025 20 through 27 teacher contract and the raise that there there's some other language pieces in there but my question will just be since we're close to 2025 it's that we don't need to vote on until January no the teachers have to ratify it they ratify it first we have months until July of 202 okay I I just wanted to make sure that we're not yeah they ratify it first and then July is when it would we'll probably have it back this beginning of the school year not of the calendar year got it our fiscal calendar is app July all right uh then we had the discussion of contract negotiations for with admin and District employees which um we discussed uh where we think things should be and raises and percents and all that and then Mike was going to go back and start negotiating with admin and District employees so nothing has been decided there either but I assume he's talked to some and working on working on just fine then we also discussed um cont cont discussion and negotiations with pmac which I forgot my paper that I wrote that percent on but 03 yeah for their admin fee a 0% 0 3% is minimal compared to I don't have the contract yet to ratify but uh since penmac has been with us for those positions um they have not had a raise in that rate at all so this is the first time that'll be an increase uh it's roughly about a $330,000 cost to the budget so it's pretty fair pretty reasonable first time they've had a rate increase since they started with us and just to clarify because I asked question during the meeting that wasn't that was that's their admin fee raise not what the employees were getting the employees actually got a nice raise last year this is just their their cost for doing business yes okay then we discussed the 2026 2027 school calendar options uh which we are voting on because they have to look them the teachers union looks at them first correct yeah they'll come back and give us their choice but I presented three three different options for them so did it change based on the road NOP I talked to the Department of Transportation and they told me not to worry about it because it's going going to affect either way before and it's it's really one or the other and that's for 20 26 fall of 26 so it might be a mess for a couple weeks but they said it wasn't worth adjusting the school calendar so either way it's gonna be so fall 26 is when they're supposed to do that well they're going to start the summer either they're going to start they don't know if they'll start in the spring or the summer so at that's this point they're like and that depend on how early this freeze is freeze is and yeah so there was just too many too many variables all right anything else that you can think of Brian that I miss nope I think you clarified everything 100% correct personal committee is there any questions for the Personnel committee okay then we will move on to approve the language change in addition in the 2023 2025 teacher contract we'll have Mike CL so the current contract we we need to make a little bit of a language change in there the the contract states that teachers have to uh submit time off by hours so they they're supposedly take an hour of time we have never we haven't made them follow that we let them take to the quarter hour it's a win-win for both of us um so instead of it where it says an hour it uh will say teachers are allowed to take PTO by quarter increments of an hour and the reason why it's a win-win for us is if the teacher was going let's say be gone right away in the morning for an appointment they wouldn't have to take the whole first hour off they can come back and save us money by not having to get a sub for that hour saves MP so it's a win-win for both of us so we made the adjustment under the contract to say not an understanding basic uh that that would be adjusted to a quarter hour increment so since the contract was already ratified by you guys two years ago we need to just make that as a group piece and that was the only piece that the teachers union agreed to they did not agree to the8 hour s and half hour change so we're just going to be ratifying that piece I will make a motion to approve the language change for the teacher contract second there any questions or comments on question we were having conversations about what a day is the length of their day to when they took PTO was currently they have to take a uh they have if they're gone for the whole day they have to put in for an eight hour day but we made an agreement years and years ago that they don't have to if they have morning time the morning time is District time like 7:30 to 15 that's our time as a district we can assign them something same thing with the end of the day from 3:15 to 3:30 so that that time is called District time so years ago there was a there was a tenative agreement or I should say tentative an agreement made between Carl who was the union lead and my self at that time that if to to save both of us some money that they would not if they didn't have to put in the district time in the morning if it's less than four hours if they so let's say they have a doctor's appointment the first hour okay they wouldn't have to put in the district time as PTO time if it was less than three hours because they would come back so I was trying to clarify that and simplify that with everything because it gets kind of confusing to teachers and our system that do they do they have to put in District time or do they know so one of the things I brought up to them was that's just because technically lunch is dutyfree and they don't they have a 30 minute duty free many districts just say your day is a seven and a half hour day um they didn't want to do that they wanted to keep it eight hours they like the district time if it's less than three hours so that was just kind of the conversation you don't have to worry about it cuz they didn't want to do it so it's now it's still back to that little bit of it was actually going to give them so that's what it was you glad aren't you glad so it's just the same and except for the quarter out the quarter PTO time they can take instead of an hour y clear's mud just think you sat across the table didn't negotiate that would be a two hour conversation maybe four different times I've been there done that so any other questions or comments or concerns then all those in favor oppos passes I don't have anything else for for the person Mike nope any other questions for us all right moving on to curriculum we didn't mean as a curriculum committee but I just have a little update for everybody um so a couple of things our American Indian application our grant we can qualify again for that for this year so we did submit that we're hoping much timelier process this year because we didn't find out we got it last year we find out last year until last months so we're hoping the process is very similar and we use the same goals and that P so we're hoping that'll be quicker turn um career programming career cord just a couple of things there we're working on the registration guide the registration guide for The High School courses and we are looking at that timeline kind of making that timeline a little sooner than it has been in the past so that we can really look at if we have multiple sections of something or if we have to make some adjustments so we at just into February be running that registration fees the uh other side of it I talked over the last couple of meetings School links I got to see that this morning uh School links the course plan it's really really cool um kids get that planning piece that we've talked about over and over around that personalized learning or that PLP and they're putting in those four years they're taking the current year though as their registration for the year and each year they go back to it make adjustments make corrections to it or anything want to change it's a pretty cool stuff going on um PSO that is probably the hottest topic for us right now um as we go we um so the superintendents from four different school districts have pulled together discussing our CIS programming options what we have what we could share or what we could benefit from each other um we have kind of two different different conversations going on the one being around what are the courses that we offer what is something that we could share with another District in turn get something from them enticing students to really look at our CS ourc um I ask programming here um really looking at what are the benefits of that and looking at when we have a student stay for CIS that they know the teachers that they have that they've had for years um but also they have that safety net as well um when we start talking about PSO as available to 10th graders we have 15y old that are registering for PSL and really looking at are they ready to be out there to do that um and so really trying to beef up what we have for programming the other side of that conversation is our connection with CLC and U there's some changes happening this next year around uh teach eligibility for teaching those CIS classes and the number of courses they need um this is the higher learning commission did this a number of years ago um and then each University or or university system has this opportunity to put in their eligibility for those teachers to to teach the course and how long it takes them to get to 18 credits pass their master's degree so we are opening conversations up with self West State University um they have had some different take in terms of what that eligibility is and actually open the do r a lot more so just kind of that's one area that the superintendents are looking at and how did we pick southw State University like I don't know that one in particular there's been a couple of them that we've been looking at in particular but um like Superior we look at Superior before um ala partly because there's a couple school districts that already use them for some classes and they've been very easy to work with and very flexible and they're part of the uh University of Minnesota state system they're the mensu system but they're the fouryear College foure college so their requirements are different than the two years and everything you take through them would transfer to any state so it's actually would be more beneficial for our kids maybe want to go on to Boer School versus the CLC type of thing so that's kind of why we're looking at there and when you look at the majority of the PSO credits that kids are taking to online courses you look at that that kind of takes the distance and Stu would CLC accept the southeast Southwest state that is going that's a conversation that we're entering into um to meet with c and discuss some of those things um all the districts talk about we wouldn't there wouldn't be a hard switch over completely we have some students we don't we're never going to do anything that that harms the student so we will will keep some of those things that we would need to keep if we're going to transfer to the kid could still do the CLC interesting that they would like if potentially other schools switch over to other places that allow their teachers to teach CIS with less eligibility requirements then CLC will be potentially hurting themselves was the doors these rural areas with less teacher exposures and that's clc's Union group yeah that has put down some of those those requirements and part of that is looking at how they retain their system um there's a number of school districts the four of that that we are together and and others that are very frustrated with how CLC has been operating and mandating some those pieces so that'll be the conversation the next um the last one I have there's just an assessment update I'll try to do more and more of these over the course of the year we are in fast bridge and so we did a a middle window we did a winter window that's closing this week we just have a couple of classes and then we will take that down and start looking at that and seeing at our progression and then the winter window is January like it typically is so we've added a couple dist because we don't have any Baseline data and so we want to have more data um to look at that uh initially looking at the aath and the reading um we got some pretty cool jumps there and the middle window still looks at the fall as the Mark piece of it so they've had about six weeks and seeing some of those we have at the elementary looking at 10 to 12% increase um at the middle level that's seeing kind of 10 to 12% especially seeing some good JS nice 12 10 to 12 or by grade 10 to 12 by each grade about 10 to 12 yep and we see the those changes in you know we got the four categories we've got the red the yellow so not proficient in the and then we have the green proficient we got the blue exceeds to see the exceeds make these big jumps right in part is it's compared to the fall Benchmark data right now we want to see that big giant jump as we move into the next Benchmark not losing any though they all going up right most of them are going up y we have some targeted areas um and just the other is that the MCA is as usual come up so we'll start to see training for the juniors take the ACT they will I was just wondering if Pillager was offering that this year we'll offer it again this year it'll be in the spring so they did the PSAT just a little while ago yeah that's what I was wondering we do um we still the state still has a process for it so we do pay for that first one keep offering it as much as we can we have more kids taking between that the Act and the ASAT it used to be where the active Placer was another big piece of that that's notc which is another issue in itself but we have more and more kids looking at both of those assessments which is opens the do awesome any other questions all right thank you very much y anything else from Cork righty did not meet but we're looking at a meeting January 6th depending on Bridget's schedule she's out town for work um activities did not meet did not meet but things are going yeah we have over just a side note on that I think we somewhere in the 85 the number in wrestling for K through2 wrestling y so good numbers for both those programs kind of just neat to see especially in the elementary level thank you to Josh for rocking Community what I didn't give him enough last he continues to crush it can have it good he's got a lot going on he's done a great job facilities we did not meet we did not meet I do have a meeting scheduled in January with Lakewood Representatives just to touch base again on possible waight room down the road and conversation so see where that goes then moving on to others md04 projection Pro you had this as an attachment and basically it just projects what we have on our books for new Laurens one year olds two year olds three year olds four year olds we're pretty much in line as where we've been for the last few years so I wouldn't anticipate any changes in what our kindergarten enrollment will be next year should be pretty much in line with what what we've been the numbers have bar down for quarter compared to what it was for a while well that's because we we record it differently now okay we we were recording it in correctly years a few years ago was the was it the out out of District we can only record our resident K oh that's why you have it on the side you see the red on the side so it actually is the same we just had to recorded different I was 99 one year and 57 we made a change in how we recorded all right good to know thank you any other questions on the projected enrollment moving on Mr mb's report and feel free to talk slowly because I have a class after this and I don't really want to [Laughter] Christmas and holiday break coming up uh it's going to be a long break this year two weeks December 23rd through the 6 so excited for that c BN shell basketball Classic Tournament boys and girls uh once again on the 19th and 20th so that's kind of a big event we also have a couple other big events coming up uh the first one is the booster club uh having their six annual guest Tri night that is on Saturday Fe February 22nd at the community center so you can go on their website I believe to sign up for that and then uh another one that's the pillar education Evening For Education dinner and concert that's coming up Saturday January 25th so tickets are on sale for that as well and then I'd like to congratulate the Middle School Musical crew cast and directors for the production of Elf this past weekend believe we sold over 600 50 tickets for that so it was well attended and as I watched it uh one day I was sitting there thinking about um number one how cool we do it is that we have a Middle School Musical because there aren't very I don't know of any school around us that has one our size and then the second thing I was thinking about was when we first started it one of the one of them that I remember was when they did Peter Pan in the old elementary gym and as I watched them move this in and out and the lighting and everything I was like it's so cool that we have that facility for them to do that because it's such a cool experience for those kids compared to what we used to have on a little stage with where they couldn't move stuff in and out so it was just a really cool cool performance and U and U totally both our girls did and it was a good play I to them a band concert coming up next Monday the 16th and then holiday Christmas concert so that's all I got are you sure you can be out here talk all you want to anybody have any questions all right then I would entertain motion any want to make a motion or you second I'll make a motion and I'll second I all right any questions or comments on all those in favor I