e e good evening I call this meeting of the pelis County School Board July 30 2024 to order we will begin with an invocation led by Reverend Kenneth Herby pastor of the historic bethl African Methodist Episcopal Church followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Vice chair Carol cook and the national anthem please stand and remain standing until the conclusion of the national anthem Reverend erby good evening good evening good evening I greet you all and uh I want to start with just quick congratulations and salutations to superintendent Ken hendrik uh chair Hines to the school board Chief Williams all the Learners families and to all the constituents of this August body uh for your a rating can I get a round of applause for that and now let me invite you uh to Center yourselves and pause as we begin with a word of moral uh acknowledgement Lord hear our prayer oh thou in whom's presence our soul takes Delight God we come as you're The Giver of breath you are the Divine Creator a god of many names and we're here gathered to thank you for your grace and your mercy in the spirit of the sacred text that remind reminds us that children are a gift from the Lord they are a reward from him children are born to human families to be like arrows in the Warriors hands how joyful goes on to say is the school district whose quiver is full of them so today this evening we just ask that you help us to shape and sharpen these arrows to be positive impacts in our community our country and the world abroad in doing so we pray tonight that you would help us to teach diligently our children the accurate lived history of all our diverse populace to teach unconditional love and acceptance for every learner and every staff member as the standard and to teach the audacious launch ing place that the school is to all children to understand that all things are possible for every human being Lord we just simply ask that you continue to cover and protect us in your grace and your blessings and as we close the prayer we pray that your protection and your compassionate power will guide and guard the discussions deliberations and decisions that this body makes tonight a namaste and amen of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation one godice can you see the what [Music] [Music] [Applause] Mery through [Music] the for the of the [Music] please be seated I'd like to note a few things before we continue tonight um first while you see six of us here we have Miss edman joining us by Zoom I just want to confirm we have her online a thumbs up okay thank you very much and so it will be seven um and then also tonight there is a Time certain budget hearing at 6:30 pm. so even if the regular Schoolboard meeting is continuing to go on uh or we're in public comment of the regular Schoolboard meeting we will pause that meeting have the public hearing for the budget at the time certain 6:30 and then resume I wanted to let you know that also if the Schoolboard meeting were to be over quickly by 600 p.m. let's say we would still just wait until 6:30 to start that budget hearing wanted to mention those couple of administrative things and then also um we did receive some incredibly good news this past week that Reverend Irby mentioned for us and our school board definitely also wants to publicly praise thank and congratulate this school district on that incredible achievement um every single teacher in every single classroom every single support staff anybody interacting with our children but even if you're if you're here at the district office if you're in our schools if you're at Walter Pell if you're at the bus compounds wherever you are every single one of you contributed to this success and I want to say it is because of every one of you and your steadfast Devotion to that mission that we have that vision of 100% Student Success it takes everyday steadfast Devotion to that for Palace County Schools who for the first time have been named an a district by the Florida Department of Education so congratulations and thank you so much um Mr Hendrick I do I do just want to say you know on behalf of the school board to you and your team of 14,000 people well done and welld deserved and let's keep it up thank you so much our next item is um a video we will share with you we welcomed a little more than 300 new teachers to pelis County last week through Embrace pelis let's take a look at that hi welcome to you want to check one of the color ch we're bringing all of our new teachers together today here at Oola high school we will have a kickoff with Mr hendrik this morning as he welcomes our new teachers all teachers everybody supp this is the first time our employees are really here working today and we want them to feel valued we want them to know that we have high expectations in pelis County schools that they're going to be supported and that we look for academic Excellence we want them to walk out of this whole week's experience feeling confident and ready to start their year with their new students but also to have an understanding of our uh core values our our vision and our mission in our district so that they can work right alongside our veteran teachers it's definitely giv me a lot of New Perspectives um I just was doing an activity where I was working with someone else at the elementary level and then middle and high school and it's kind of cool to get to see all of us work together and bring New Perspectives I feel like I'm going to be entering with a lot of new knowledge and um I just feel really prepared and like I always wanted to teach already kind of thinking I wanted to work for p County schools and then being back right now at my old high school is like so crazy and really surreal and I feel way bigger than I used to it's cool to get to come back here Embrace was a good way to get your foot the door and to think about the core values the first three lessons were all on the core values and how do the core values go about doing your job on a daily basis so I mean you thought about integrity you thought about responsibility you thought about that this puts them in your front of your brain this has been a great conference here the training especially when um our superintendent when he spoke and he talked about knowing your strengths and knowing things that you're good at and focusing in those areas talking some to some of the people at my table they came from other districts and they say they did not have this opportunity this is one reason why I'm back in penella is because I know it's a great District I know they provide professional development training that makes sure we're the best teachers and the best Educators that we can be to meet our students need excellent that was a very energetic morning it was wonderful to be there along with several board members that joined also so um the next item introduction of professional and Community organization Representatives Isabelle mascarin is our public information officer good evening Madame chair members of the board Mr Hendrick and staff it is my pleasure to introduce the following representatives of community and professional organizations from the penila classroom Teachers Association Lee Bryant president and from the penila arts for a complete education Coalition Sue Castleman thank you thank you thank you for being here amendments to the agenda Mr Hendrick are there any amendments to the agenda Madam chair there are no amendments this evening thank you board members any amendments no may I have a motion to adopt the agenda second motion by Mrs Meyer and a second by Mrs long all those in favor say I I any opposed I'm not sure I did not hear Mrs Edmund say I so do I say seven to zero I haven't heard her say anything so maybe we can just do a check to see if she's there Mrs Edmund are you there okay passes six to zero let the record show thank you and if we get her online please just let us know the special order agenda item 4.1 presentation of cognia districtwide accreditation renewal uh the board is going to be very pleased to go down and be able to take a photo and celebrate this accreditation while Mr Hendrick and his team introduce it thank you thank you madam chair and as the board uh goes down for the this presentation our school district and our schools have had accreditation for many many years and in particular our high schools so that our diplomas are of value at every college and university in the United States and around the world and that process has changed over the years and the name of the accrediting agency has changed over the years but tonight we're excited to have a representative from cognia who is the current accreditation agency many are familiar with the southern Association of uh Colleges and Schools or Casey which it was known as for so long uh But Here We Have Tonight our representative and so to start the presentation I'd like to introduce our chief strategy and impact officer Mr Jennifer dull who's going to walk us through the presentation Miss D thank you Mr hendrik um and thank you board um and our community for being here because this award is um on behalf of our entire system so the commitment for continuous Improvement is obviously seen and we talked a little bit about tonight in the a district um and that does not come by accident that comes with high expectations for excellence um and achieving accreditation is not a single action or review or one day or one process by which it denotes what a district is um it's truly the daily work and how our district will move forward so the purpose of accreditation for or accreditation for those of you who are not as um up on it it's a quality assurance process that benchmarks a district against International standards it honors our schools and districts for sustained exemplary commitment to continuous Improvement and our learner outcomes it utilizes research and evidence-based criteria for continuous Improvement and it ensures our diplomas are accredited worldwide so um continuous Improvement is embedded in how we do the work here in penel County Schools both by our board our leadership and all the way to our teachers and everyone our strategic planning and Policy Department is in charge of the actual process by which we go through this that is not a once a year type of process it is something we do ongoing um so I I'd like to thank lyanna e for her leadership of that department and invite her to share a little bit about how the district went through accreditation this um for this renewal we have so much to celebrate together this evening and so I'm proud to be here to share this exciting recognition with each of you on behalf of my team our accreditation committees and all of our district school and school-based leaders and staff PCS was a rich originally awarded District accreditation in 2015 and this year following an intensive external review of our 88 page self assessment which formally included an additional 85 pieces of evidence and a virtual presentation with the district leadership team coga's external evaluators um recommended PCS for renewed accreditation status and requested to use our district presentation as an Exemplar on June 27th 2024 the cognia global global commission agreed with the evaluators recommendation and awarded PCS accredited status while the strategic planning and policy team organized and led the accreditation effort we did not do it alone we engaged every school principal and our school board members and we facilitated four accreditation committees that included 61 staff members who represented staff and administrators from a wide variety of schools and departments 60% of those committee members were school-based staff each of the committee members rated an assigned set of Standards independently provided evidence to support their rating based on their experience and their role in the district and then they came together as a committee and discussed each of their ratings in evidence and came to a consensus rating for each of the standards for that committee I want to thank you board members and superintendent hendrik and staff because one year ago together we designed a district strategic plan that the evaluators highlighted as a noteworthy practice not only that but the priorities in our strategic plan also align with the areas for improvement that were identified by the external reviewers while we atriev accreditation we're not done yet I'm sorry this is like my passion and we joke about it all the time publicly but this really is my accreditation is my personal passion but we are not done yet we're utilizing this feedback to continue to implement our strategic plan and to identify what our next strategic initiatives are to make sure that we do attain 100% Student Success now I want to introduce Dr Jessica swear who is the Southeast Regional director who will tell us a little bit about Coga and a little bit about the evaluators perspective perception of PCS thank you guys um good evening superintendent Hendrick cabinet board members District staff student families and community members um it just warms my heart to see the passion that we have here in your district for strategic planning and continuous Improvement and um and I I tried not to get teed myself because I'm I'm a little empathetic type person that cries when other people cry um so um wanted to tell you a little bit about cognia um and I also wanted to really um go over um Lanna spoke about some of our the the the pride points with your practices in this District but I really would like to take this opportunity amongst um all of you and community and all the stakeholders that are here to really specifically tell you about what those points of Pride are that were noted in report because I think that's really important for you guys to to hear um so cognia we are a global nonprofit organization and um we've been around for 128 years and we have schools and districts across United States as well as 92 countries and in fact in Florida alone we we have one of um the largest networks of members in the State of Florida with over 4,200 members of districts schools across uh our beautiful state um so you know as as we said here you know accreditation really is uh pivotal pivotable pivotal to leveraging accredit education quality and continuous Improvement and um as Lana mentioned you know we have a set of rigorous standards that are reviewed and it's really an opportunity not only for districts to self assess where they're at and their journey of continuous Improvement and where they're going but um but also to involve you know there are so many different stakeholder groups involved um in this process um your evaluator that worked with you guys and the team was um Virginia Massie and um as you know uh along with your amazing grade for your District um this is this it makes sense right that everything that you're doing with continuous Improvement uh meshes with that so I just wanted to take a moment to tell you guys and just kind of like um brag about you for a minute with these noteworthy practices and exactly how they were laid out in the report um so the community can really come together and just celebrate this um achievement for you guys for penel County um so they complemented your um strategic plan and uh the way it's designed they said it's designed to maximize continuous Improvement processes in a learner centered Equity embedded culture of learning documentation of District initiatives focuses on support of the four identified goals within the Strategic plan with each initiative being monitored analyzed and evaluated with systemwide processes for Effectiveness and impact on learning so that uh just want to applaud you guys that's amazing work the second noteworthy practice that was cited in this report is that District leadership is committed to enhancing curriculum design design and the utilization of data coupled with the consideration of other information to address student needs Fosters and Foster Dynamic and impactful learning environments curriculum oversight reflects a clear understanding of current educational Trends and the use of data analytics to develop appropriate initiatives strategies and interventions to enhance learner educational experiences and showcase a strategic approach to continuous Improvement so I just I applaud you for that um and I I hope that you guys celebrate this along with your um your District grade and I just congratulate you um for this esteemed accomplishment we celebrate your success and we applaud your continued focus on Improvement and um strategies making data different decisions and um I just thank you for allowing me to join you to celebrate the success thank you so much [Applause] com yeah thank you so much for the presentation and we are so excited to have that accreditation for our students in our district and the board will make its back up to the Das and we'll continue with the meeting wonderful amazing to see that P passion and interest I love it and that is why we're thriving and excelling um before we get started um uh Mrs Edmund I wanted to check if you're with us Mrs Edmond okay we thought we thought she was back on there must be some kind of tech technical difficulty um we're going to go ahead and continue the next item is public comments on our agenda items Mrs H do we have any speakers to agenda items today yes Madam chair thank you members of the public have three separate opportunities to address the board when we gather for our business meetings the first is public comment on agenda items the second is at public hearings most of which are policies and the last is after our meeting when speakers May address the general business of the district at each opportunity for public input board members are here to listen to you this is not a time for interaction but the board will take your comments into consideration before it votes on the agenda items the board is committed to a standard of Civility and decorum in conducting our meetings this includes refraining from clapping or making audible noises during or after a speaker's comments we appreciate you in assisting Us in maintaining a civil and constructive environment lastly please note that this meeting and all public comments will be broadcast live on the internet and the video will be publicly archived members of the public may always communicate with the board through our email address board pcsb.org or by calling the board office at 588 6300 thank you thank you madam chair board members and Mr hendrik our speaker tonight is Mark clo he is speaking to items 7.15 and 7.16 marclo Largo 7.15 $64 million and this is supposed to be a decrease by 14 million holy cow yeah that's uh unbelievable Clear Water height school that's where you have that building oriented incorrectly with all that glass facing the West way uh can't get any more wrong than that in 716 decrease by 7.9 million to 35,5 60,000 that's a Tyrone Middle you just won't get them right yeah Winston Churchill said we shape our buildings thereafter they shape us so that 1960 so we have that old cause and effect thing when you make these stupid buildings and the sad fact is I don't even need a look at your plans to know more debacles more debacles the headline from last week week World breaks hottest day record again could the Gulf Stream be near a Tipping Point higher electric rates feared yeah puke energy will do it to you March 10th month in a row with record heat scientists say see you won't address the issue of the BL the planet cooking applying the science of high performance passive solar building I've been bringing bringing it more than two decades more to come there are no more speakers Madam chair thank you we don't have any unfinished business this evening uh item seven our consent agenda may I have a motion to approve thank you a motion from Mrs long and a second from Mrs Peters to approve the consent agenda all those in favor say I I any opposed passes six to zero item 8.1 approval of the 20242 mental health assistance allocation plan may I have a motion to approve a motion by Mrs cook and a second by Mrs long Mr Hendrick would you please introduce this item thank you madam chair as the board remembers we workshopped this item uh just a week ago to share not only about plan but all of the services that we provide to support students around mental health in our district and here to give the a summary to the board and to the public about this plan and some of our work is our executive director of student services Donna cecilian Miss cecilian thank you good evening chairperson hindes um school board members superintendent Hendrick and staff it's my pleasure to come in front of you this evening and ask your approval for the 2425 mental health assistance allocation plan that is due to the state on August 1st so pending your approval I will head back over to my office and upload it so that we will be early and on time just as some reminders of what we talked about last week this is the fifth year that the State of Florida has set aside funding specific to districts for use to above and beyond for mental health services to students So the plan that you see before you as superintendent hendrik said is only what we are paying for with that little over $5 million we did talk at the workshop last week about the more expansive work that we do within our district around supporting the mental well-being of our students and our staff so what you have here is what we will pay for with the 5 million 5 million. 25 it's important 0.25 is a lot so um our plan that you have before you exceeds the expectations of the state for this allocation and as a reminder it includes providing training for students and for adults it includes utilizing evidence-based practices across all of the tiers increasing students access to mental health professionals inside of schools and then partnering with Community providers within the agency Community agencies within our community um so I just want wanted to have a moment to kind of refresh you on what we talked about last week and to ask you um to approve the plan and to thank you for your support we we do this well and we do so much more because of your support um both financially and in every other way and our students come to us with great needs that are always increasing and so I think it's very important that we work with our families and Guardians to to ensure that our students have mental health and well-being so that they can learn we support their learning and we link them to services in the community as needed and with parental permission and consent thank you Mrs Sicilian board members is there any discussion as you mentioned the need is increasing we all feel it we all see it whether it's in our schools in our homes or in our community but thanks to you and chief long and your team and everyone here at patelis County Schools we are meeting those needs and as long as and as well as those Community Partnerships that we've developed over the course of many years now and and people joining us in that support of children so thank you Donna and anybody who has any questions again you can find the plan online and a lot of good information shared in last week's Schoolboard Workshop so if this topic is of interest to you which I know it is to many I encourage you to look to look up that information it's really extraordinary um with that said seeing no other discussion we have a motion on the floor to approve all those in favor say I I any opposed passes six to zero thank you thank you item 8.2 request approval of the 2025 26 instructional calendar and special observance days 2025 26 this is next year I just want to make sure everybody knows that we already have this year's calendar in place um may I have a motion to approve 8.2 motion by Mrs Meyer and a second by Mrs long Mr Hendrick would you please introduce this item thank you madam chair I called up our Chief Human Resources officer Miss Texel before she uh begins I'll steal some of her Thunder I'm sure but I do want to thank the different groups who participate in this including a school board member representative our unions we have students we have parents we have faith B faith-based organizations who all contribute and give us feedback and so with that Miss Texel will share the proposed calendar for 2526 yes thank you good evening Madam chair Schoolboard members Mr Hendrick and staff I am here to present the recommendation for the 2025 2026 instructional calendar and special observance days and as Mr hendrik um just mentioned the committee was made up of a a multitude of stakeholder groups and we're very appreciative of their feedback and input um throughout this this process uh the committee members U met several times and were able to go back and solicit feedback from their stakeholder groups which then they brought back and shared that input with the committee I wanted to just highlight a few of the proposed um uh highlight uh calendar um dates for this uh just to put those uh questions about when is school starting and when is school ending so I'm just going to run through a few of the highlights in this calendar a start date for instructional staff on Friday August 1st 2025 and school start date for students on Monday August 11th 2025 and just a reminder that we are um not permitted to begin our school year until August 10th of every school year so I just always like to repeat that there are six days of pre-planning for our 10-month teachers a Thanksgiving break from November 22nd through November 30th a winter break from SE uh from December 20th through Sunday January 4 2026 first semester exams will once again according to this calendar be administered prior to winter break we do have 87 days in our first semester 93 days in our second semester we have a spring break uh scheduled for March 14th through March 22nd a school ending date for students on Thursday May 28th 2026 and Friday May 29th for our 10-month instructional staff as you'll notice on the calendars there are potential hurricane makeup days and we always say that we hopefully will not have to utilize those um and those dates are noted throughout the calendar we are we continue to be able to provide our students again with a maximum number of days to complete the required testing that does fall in the month of May and this will allow that to take place and we are pleased to bring to be able to bring this calendar to you here today um at the end of July as you know on the first day of school that phone always rings and I do have people wondering when is school starting in 2025 so I will be very happy to be able to give them that information and again um if approved tonight we will um go ahead and make sure that these get um put together and be able to be on our website for families and Community to know that thank you very much for your consideration thank you Mrs Texel board members is there any discussion seeing none we have a motion on the floor to approve item 8.2 all those in favor say I I any opposed passes six to zero new business items introduced by the superintendent Mr hendrik thank you Mrs H and I thought you shared uh very well the the excitement of the a district and and how proud We Are I want to add just a few more notes to that uh and that is that no students take tests here in this building and and no school is in this building all of the work happens in our schools and we are so proud of the school grades that our schools achieved 55 of our schools earned A's that's 48% of all the schools in the district 40 earned B's and just 20 had a c no D's no FS for the first time in over 15 years 83% of penel County public schools are A and B schools that is a tremendous amount to be proud of but what it also represents is increases in student proficiency and what that means for individual children when they can read at grade level in third grade and what it means for their potential to graduate high school and go to college and the earnings potential that that translates into for their families in this community is immeasurable and so while we're proud as a district to have that we're more excited for what it means individually to each and every student in this District I want to like Mrs hin did congratulate each and every employee in the district and I cannot tell you how many emails I've received I've tried to respond to everyone uh from our employees because they are proud they are proud PR to be within a district and to that end I want to congratulate our school board there's never been another school board in this District's history that can say they are an a district as a school board member and the Seven of you made that happen so congratulations to each of you but mostly I want to say thank you to the community we have had so many individuals reach out to the board to me to School principles to say how proud they are to be associated with a community with a worldclass school system and our community deserves that they expect that and we need to continue to deliver that to them and so thank you to our community especially to the pelis Education Foundation and their group that continues to push us forward as you mentioned Embrace pelis we saw the video last week I wanted to give a quick update on teacher vacancies uh as of today 67 instructional vacancies that we continue to try to fill that's about half uh as many as last year we had about 140 um and we continue to fill those and we will do that up until the first day of school but with embrace pelis means guess what school starts soon teachers return to work yes Mr Bryant and teachers we return to work on Friday and we're excited to welcome our teachers back and they will be celebrating their great results at schools it also means we've wrapped up our summer camps we had a few more wrap up about 3,000 students attended summer camp with us after summerbridge this year and we're excited I want to also thank our plan operations and maintenance staff as they get the final preparations for our schools to be ready air conditioners everything in place we had a few schools finishing up construction projects and those will be ready to go and for our families they can receive the latest back to school information on our website you'll see the banner scrolling across and if you click on that it has information everything you want to know about the school year from back to school clinics where you can get those physicals that you need to have for the school year from forms breakfast and lunch programs bus information policies on our cell phone and dress code every way to get engaged new student registration how to update your parent password if you forgot it resources to power up learning this year and much much more so check out our website for that information and as we celebrate our district grade we also want to wish best of luck to the six individual graduates of penel County Schools who are Olympians and competing up for the United States right now and one of them this afternoon I don't want to ruin your evening if you're going home to watch it uh Bobby Fink Countryside high school graduate won the silver medal this afternoon in the 800 freestyle I want to end tonight by uh celebrating our superintendent standout one of our employees demonstrating those core values and tonight superintendent standout is Mr Corey Baker the night Foreman at Clearwater adult education center Mr Baker has worked for penel County schools for six years and a colleague noted how appreciative they are for him being welcoming kind and helpful going above and beyond to support and operation and training at Clearview adult just a few weeks ago thank you for taking pride in your work and your willingness to help us as the new team coming into your school this PCS praise is just a thank you for your effort to show that we appreciate you and the core values you represent thank you Mr Baker and all of our employees for the work they do each and every day thank you Mr hendrik items introduced by the Schoolboard attorney I have no items this evening thank you thank you items introduced by the board Mrs Meyer thank you madam chair I just wanted to quickly say how proud I am to be a part of this District a part of this board um we have so much to be celebrating right now and it's really exciting going into the new school school year um also being able to celebrate this a for our district so um I want to welcome our teachers and our staff back to school they'll be returning this Friday um just very exciting right to start on such a high note and um I also want to thank Mr Hendrick and his team for their excellent leadership um I'm so grateful to to work with you and I think I speak for everyone here um as well so thank you very much thank you Mrs Kane thank you so much Mrs Meyer I want to Echo a lot of what she just said I was not going to talk tonight but I really feel inclined that I should and I want to thank everyone in the district for just the incredible lift incredible work um thank you Mr hendrik uh for all of your hard work and Miss Woodford she's an incredible lady too who's done so many you've brought a lot of schools I mean honestly I she I want to mention her because she brought Lakewood couple years ago all the way up to an a school and so incredible those things inspire me to hear from we saw so many principles and teachers um yesterday coming back to school getting ready for the new year and so many of them have done just amazing things that really should be highlighted because it is a heavy LIF I I took a moment last week when the results came out to just look where have we come in such a short time that I have had the privilege and honor of serving the community pelis County schools and just five and a half short years ago we had 12 D and F schools and over 50 c schools and to see those numbers come in is an incredible lift in just 5 years and through covid through everything that we have all been through as a community I just think pelis County should be so proud of its school district for this amazing achievement it is unbelievable and I am so proud of all of the teachers the administrators the students everyone who has pulled together in this incredible times to work on this and to make our school system one of the best because we live in one of the best counties in the State of Florida and as I have said before we should have the best school system in the State of Florida too and we will and I know we will because we have incredible leadership so thank you all thank you Lisa well said any other reports from board from board members um I would just mention it is the new school year uh uh Keith Master rides I did my forms today online worked great so parents you can get on you can fill out your registration forms much much easier smoother clearer than the than the than than the big packets good job Keith um I also as a treasurer of a PTA in one of our middle schools I want to remind everybody you have to re rejoin your PTA every year so go ahead and do that get on and rejoin your PTA at your schools and you don't have to be a parent or a teacher or a student be in the PTA if you're a Community member you can join your local schools PTA as well and with school starting and all that Community involvement that that has helped us achieve the way we have I just want to encourage everybody go go just show up at the school that's closest to your house I bet you have a school within two miles of your home within within a couple miles and you can just show up and say what what can I do for you and it can be according to your schedule May maybe the morning's better maybe the night's better whatever whatever it might be but students need mentors and our teachers love the support in their classrooms so certainly please join us as this new school year gets going I'm very excited to start school um any board requests Mrs Woodford Madam chair I did not uh note any board requests okay thank you so as a mad chair I I I'm Excuse me for the interruption just before you move on just what we received a note just want to let you know that Miz Edmond has been on she has been able to hear the entire board meeting and it's following along we'll continue to do so but just to having technical difficulties having us hear her excellent thank you thank you for sharing that as a reminder we will start our budget hearing at 6:30 so we will adjourn this meeting and then be back at 6:30 for that budget hearing so seeing no other business I adjourn this meeting thank you for being here um public comment excuse me we'll move into public comic Mrs H do we have speakers this evening yes Madam chair we do we have seven speakers this evening thank you um so we're now receiving public comment on General business of the district please note that the views and comments of the public speakers are their own and are not endorsed nor sponsored by the school board or District we cannot ensure accuracy of statements that are made but we'll review concerns that are raised and take appropriate action which may include clarification are the referral of speakers to the proper staff member for assistance the board is committed to a standard of Civility and decorum in conducting our meetings this includes refraining from clapping or making audible noises during or after a speaker's comments additionally please note that although board members or superintendent Hendrick may leave the Das briefly there are speakers in the back room and we will continue to be able to hear your comments thank you Mrs H thank you madam chair the first two speakers are Brandt Robinson and Tim Conroy good evening Madame chair members of the board superintendent hendrik and staff uh my name is brt Robinson and I have to tell you I want to Echo the sentiments that you guys have shared tonight and congratulations for all of our success um I'm super excited because I'm heading back to school on Friday to start my 28th year teaching history and social studies here in Florida um I'm starting at a brand new school penel high Innovation and I'll certainly keep you updated on that exciting um front for me so I'm here to make a recommendation I'm here to make a suggestion and I want to thank you guys for entertaining it um before I do I want you guys to practice nodding I'm looking at you I hope you're nodding one of the things I tell my students a lot is guys I want you to nod with me even if you don't know so everybody nod with me you know every teacher in this building knows every teacher watching knows that there are two things that all of us know about teaching the first is that we always always have to to build and maintain outstanding relationships with our students right no pressure but the other thing that all teachers know we do every day in our classroom is we're always assessing our students with a little a we're always watching checking for understanding making sure they're really learning we do that all the time just like great coaches do and I say that because that's essential to us being able to modify and adjust our instruction so we know we need to make sure that our students are successful I want you to think about that as we go forward with the school year because my suggestion is this we know we're still committed to restorative practice we understand budget constraints have cut the size and and the organizational ability and capacity of our district we still have people committed to restorative practice but what I want to suggest is something simple could you superintendent hendrik instruct all of the principles at the very first faculty meeting imagine if at the first faculty meeting every principal simply asked all of the teachers and all the support professionals how they're doing at the very first faculty meeting simply ask everybody for their input ask them how they're doing what kind of concerns and needs do they have and how wonderful would that be in sending a message and modeling the foundational principle of restorative practice and again nod with me even if you don't know the foundational principle of restorative practice is called Fair process it's about validating people that you work with so it's both top down and bottom up imagine if you did that at the first faculty meeting what would all the teachers in the county be saying and then you take that feedback and what does that do it helps Drive the second faculty meeting so now your teachers and your support professionals know that their input is actually important they're being validated and it's being used as we all do to assess with a little a so guys thanks so much and let's have a great start to the year my name is Tim Conroy and I'm a proud member of indivisible North pelis a nonpartisan organiz gation that supports and values public education echoing Reverend Irby and everybody else tonight I really want to thank school board members for their hard work superintendent Hendrick District staff administrators teachers bus drivers cafeteria workers everybody the volunteers the mentors everybody that pitched in and made this achievement happen it takes everybody in hard work and we know that and I thank everyone on this team for creating the high expectations and supportive and effective interventions choosing research-based curricula and strategies and working with parents students schools and our unions to achieve this success while we have made significant strides we all recognize that there is more to be done we need to improve the outcomes for all students Bridge gaps and forever close them hire more job coaches and provide more employment training for students with disabilities but given the evidence of this progress in achievement it is imperative that we continue to fully support and vote for any board member who has helped steer and approv policies and procedures to Foster this great success our continued support for this board is vital Mr Conroy yeah I'm sorry um just want to let you know that under our school board policy you're not allowed to engage in any um speech that can be deemed as campaigning and so you're advocating for the election of certain members who are running to the exclusion of others so um you're not allowed to to do that okay I appreciate that this success is endorsement for all y'all's hard work um let's support this current School Board team so we can build on its success but superintendent Hendrick this is to you thank you for steering the ship navigating a demanding course and constantly reminding us that students are the stars thank you sir the next two speakers are Mark kutho and Carol Robinson Mark clo Largo you're sitting at a de not a dis the word is spelled d a i doesn't have two eyes pathetic oh seen all kinds of signs out out there saying conservative well you know in the words of that great philosopher John Stewart Mill although it is true not all conservatives are stupid it is true that most conservatives are stupid remember that when you vote Mr clo um appropo to what I said to the prior speaker this is not an opportunity to engage in any campaigning whether it's an individual candidate vote no no let me finish either an individual candidate or a party and so I didn't say a party who to vote for you said conservative and everybody understands what party that would be associated with no they don't okay soe in my mouth stop the clock if if everybody understood what I was saying you would have been making high performance P to solar buildings and you're not doing that you're pathetic absolutely pathetic see the graphs the graphs you'd be catching on to the science you be catching on to the science higher electric grates feared World breaks High hottest day record again troubling news from the Doomsday Glacier the big melt is underway scientists have uncovered evidence of a vigorous melting at antarcticus TH Glacier possibly 10 feet of sea level rise and here we have friendly Landscaping launches new award n natural recognition now see you're not going to get this anywhere at any of your Pinel schools all stupid Landscaping that aren't helping the environment help curving the burning planet oh it's sad really sad good evening my name is Carol Robinson and I'm a recently retired math and science teacher in penis County and also a former union representative but I come here tonight as a parent and grandparent of pelis County school children and as I was investigating one of the magnet programs that one of my grandchildren is interested in attending I found out that one of the guidance counselors that it's assigned to that magnet program had some concerning items attached to their name severe disciplinary records and the only reason I knew about this was because I was the union representative at a previous school this is what I'm asking for tonight is transparency the ability to any parent guardian or concerned citizen to be able to find out about serious discipline items that might be in a teacher or guidance counselor's file so they could so a parent or Guardian could request another person to Mentor or teach their child thank you so much the next two speakers are Lee Bryant and Tracy McConnell good evening chair hin members of the board superintendent Hendrick and staff my name is Lee Bryant I'm president of pcta my pronouns are he him and his and welcome back to the start of the school year we've been working very hard getting ready as have you and uh it was really delighted to to see that we're an a uh an a district I have been in uh penis County for 29 years uh and it is welld deserved I can definitely see that we have been on a trend up and when I was at the uh Embrace uh this last week I pointed out that these teachers that are joining our County have landed at the right place at the right time and uh we have nothing but good things ahead of us uh pcta was at the climate Institute this summer and and at Embrace and we uh enjoyed the idea that we are a partner with pellis County schools and as we approach the uh beginning of the school year a reminder that this is the contract between pcta and uh the pellis county schools and it says directly in that this agreement con con constitutes excuse me the official position of the board and term for the term of the set agreement the board empowers the superintendent to ex Ute the terms of the agreement the superintendent and the union will carry out the commitments contained herein and give them full force and effect I expect all of the uh teachers out there to know what's in their contract and follow the rules and I expect the principles and uh administrators to also know what's in the contract and follow the rules the objective of our contract which goes through the end of this school year is to coordinate the combined efforts of all concerned towards achieving the best possible education for each student in the county to the maximum of the students capacity and that is what we're here for and that is what we're achieving uh a reminder out there for those that do not know there are many amazing things contained in your contract it is searchable on uh our website with a searchable uh searchable version it includes things like class sanctity student discipline uh lesson plan covering classes your school schedules all the things that are in there uh I have been saying for a little over a year now uh alone we can do so little together we can do so much and I believe that and I believe that we are going to achieve much this coming year thank you for your time my name is Tracy McConnell and I'm a third great teacher at the newly arated Panella Central Elementary yay I am so grateful to be starting off my 20th year in penis I'm so proud that we are an a district great things happen when we all work together to do what is in the best interest of our students one thing I hope we can continue to improve on is making sure all of our under the radar struggling students are able to move through the RTI process last year when I spoke here Stephanie long was able to help me get one of my students the ESC Services they desperately needed once she got her IEP and accommodations she scored a two in reading and a three in math she's going to fourth grade I know there are more kids just like her across the district they need someone who is willing to stand up and fight for them so let us be the ones that do that another thing I want you to remember as we go into the new school year is we are an a right that a came with a lot of hard work from teachers many just like me are veterans or Legacy teachers I'm a Highly Effective Teacher and have been for years but when we get our raises I always get a lower raise than an annual contract teacher I understand There are rules in place from the state that govern how our raises are dished out but those laws are meant to divide us although I am highly effective I never get compensated or recognized for it other districts finds other districts find ways to compensate their veterans I look forward to a time when I am not looking for some sort of a side quest to make money you would be amazed how many teachers and support staff have asked me about donating plasma since the last time I spoke I challenge you to look at things differently and recognize your veterans after all we have proven that we're in it for the long haul thank you so much the next speaker speaker is Justin LM RS good evening board I want to start off by thanking you for your time as well as um I should say my name I'm Justin LM Ramos a student at Largo High School in their IB Program um and I'm here to discuss the topic of book Banning specifically we need to do more to protect our teachers um the parents and students having to say and what is and is not appropriate for school is not necessarily a bad thing however it is unjust that teachers have to live in fear of losing their teaching license or going to jail because um a parent does not want to have their child read a certain material uh the teacher is the expert and we should trust their expertise and decisions they make for the class curriculum um I am not a person of color nor am I a member of the lgbtq Ia plus Community uh but I grow far greater understanding and I grow far more enlightened to their experiences through literature I like I mentioned I am a student at ler high school and I do not feel doctr indoctrinated uh by the content I have been taught in school rather I feel the curriculum has made me more H into a more holistic person and a better functioning member of society overall I want to say how proud I am of our school board and the progressive push forward with all the adversity they're facing um but more importantly how amazing our teachers are at pelis County um as well as how we citizens of P County and how you school board members um should continue to fight for our teachers at all times and most especially when it's most inconvenient I yeld the remainder of my time to the chair there are no more speakers Madam chair thank you thank you for being here just as a reminder we'll start the budget hearing at 6:30 it is a time certain meeting was in the newspaper communicated to be 6:30 so you have 28 minutes to enjoy yourselves and we'll see you back at 6:30 thank you e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e [Music] [Music] e e e e check e are absolutely no worri l e e e dle yeah CL which I'm have to to ch e my e e e e [Music] [Music] e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Mrs Emon can you confirm that you're online yes everybody ready good evening good even I call this first public hearing on millit rates and District budget of July 30 2020 4 to order tonight is the first of two public hearings on the 20242 budget we're here tonight to review the proposed ta property tax rates and budget for the 20242 school year hear comments from the public and approve the proposed millage rates and budget the order of business and actions taken tonight must follow specific directions set forth in the state statutes and we ask for your cooperation as we go through this legally required format there will be two opportunities for you to speak this evening first you may comment on the proposed millage rates second you may comment on the proposed budget if you wish to speak you must register separately for each part of the hearing with the staff member at the entrance to the boardroom after tonight's hearing the school board will continue to review the tentative budget we may make changes or reduce millage rates prior to or during the final public hearing which is scheduled for September 10 2024 we cannot raise the the millage rate higher than the rate we tely set here tonight on behalf of the school board and the superintendent I thank each of you for taking the time to be here tonight and share your views with us item two adoption of the agenda Mr Hendrick are there any amendments to the agenda Madam chair there are no amendments to the agenda board members seeing none I'll take a motion in a second to adopt the agenda I make a motion second motion from Mrs long and second from Mrs Edmund is that correct no Mrs Caine excuse me it was so yeah I I heard that thank you I said so excuse me let me let me oh well um all those in favor say I I I any opposed passes 7even to zero and if you heard there while there's six of us up here Mrs Edmund has joined us by phone and will be participating in the meeting by phone thank you for being here Mrs Edmond moving on to items three and four Mr Hendrick and staff will make some introductory comments and then we'll move right into the presentation of item four and then after that we will hear public comments on item five Mr hendrik thank you madam chair and board members I'd like to take the opportunity to thank you for your engagement and interest as we formulated this budget for the 2425 school year I know that accountability and transparency are important for each of the board members youve shared that with us and at the workshop and we hope that the public sees that in this budget tonight as you know our budget is aligned to the district strategic plan that you have set forth and we brought those to you and you've approved the plan separately and then brought the budget to the workshop on June 25th at the workshop the budget was detailed covering each component and as is past practice we'll continue to examine all parts of the budget especially as new student enrollment is finalized in the next couple of weeks we've added an opportunity for further discussion this year at the request of the board and that will occur at a workshop on August 13th in between the first and second public hearings I want to thank the board again for your participation in this process not only at the workshop but also in countless conversations and meetings face to face with our Chief Financial Officer Mr Jefferson at this time I will now pass it to Mr Jefferson and his team for the presentations on truth and millage or trim and the budget Mr Jefferson thank you Mr hendrik as you know our truth and millage appeared in the Tampa Bay Times this past Sunday the format for the newspaper ad and the order for tonight's hearing presentations are prescribed by chapter 200 in the Florida Statutes based on the board's actions tonight the pelis County Property Appraiser's office will send out proposed tax notices these notices will legally indicate the time and place of our second and final public hearing on our millage and budget to be held on Tuesday evening September 10th as Miss hin mentioned this proposed budget is based on estimates of the 23 24 year as this year has not yet been closed the final budget presented in September will reflect the actual results of the prior fiscal year at this time I'll ask Samantha Chastain executive director of budget and resource allocation to present the tentative millage and budget for the 2425 fiscal year thank you Mr Jefferson good evening Mr Hendrick Madame chair board members and staff truth and millage also referred to as trim requires school districts to advertise their proposed budget and millage rates annually the district's 2425 millage is comprised of the general operating millage which includes the required local effort discretionary and local referendum the Florida Department of Education determines the maximum state required local effort millage rate that must be levied by the school board to generate its local share of the funding for the district the local Ren referendum of a half Mill was initially approved by the voters in 20052 2006 and was approved for the fifth time in 2021 for a four for a 4-year period the proposed millage also includes a 1.5 Mills for Capital outlay a mill refers to the rate of property tax commonly paid on the assessed value of the homes and business properties a mill equates to $1 of taxes for every $1,000 of taxable property value the roll back rate is the millage rate that would generate the same amount of Revenue as last year if applied to the current tax R after adjusting for new construction the 2425 proposed millage of 5.82 two is higher than the rolled back rate by 4.1% pelis County's gross property tax value of approximately 150 billion is an increase from last year's value by 10.3 billion or 7.4% the proposed millage rate for the 2425 fiscal year of 5822 represents an overall decrease of 1.95% when compared to the 2324 total millage rate of 5938 the required local effort millage has decreased by 3.64% the property tax revenue comparison reflects an increase in revenue of $42 million over last year's proceeds this is the result of an increase in our property tax value the required local effort proceeds are increasing by about 14.8 million the proposed discretionary millage will generate about $7.4 million more and the referendum will yield an additional $4.9 million and the capital outlay millage will generate 14.9 million more than last year under the proposed military the owner of a home with an assessed value of $400,000 with consideration for the deduction of the $25,000 homestead exemption would pay $2,183 25 cents in school taxes this averages out to about $5.98 per day the taxable value of property in pelis County reflects an increase of 7.4% for the year the Florida legislature has set our required local effort also referred to rle to 3.74 which is a decrease from the prior Year's rly of 3.19 some homeowners may experience an increase in their school taxes as a result of an increase in property value and not an increase to their levied millage rates please note that this example does not consider the benefit of our of the 3% save our homes cap the rle is an appropriated amount set by the fldoe the school board must Levy this amount in order to receive state funding it is used for the day-to-day operations such as school staff and utilities the discussionary millage is used for General operation of the district and to meet additional costs due to inflation local referendum funds are used to recruit and retain quality teachers preserve reading art and music programs and provide up-to-date textbooks and Technology the capital atlay millage is the district's primary funding source for maintenance Renovations new constru ruction and Equipment as advertised on July 28th at this time I will turn the meeting back to the board chair to offer public comment and for the Motions necessary to adopt the millage rats Mrs Hal do we have any speakers to item five yes Excuse me yes Madam chair there are two speakers for item five we have Mark kutho and Lee Bryant thank you Mar lutho Largo well you know the problem is more money is being taken and how it's being spent you know all you have to do is listen to what what I had to say earlier it's just money down a big hole and the hole keeps getting deeper deeper and deeper and right at the top here it says your Miss is to educate and prepare each student for college career and life well the way things are going that life is going to be hell you know hurricanes are going to get bigger the planet's going to get hotter the sea level is going to go up and you know you're saying you're lowering the millage rate but my money collected is more because the value of the property is increasing but what happens when that one hurricane strikes what's that property worth then what will you do you have an alternate plan I don't think so good evening again chair hind members of the board superintendent hendri and step my name is Lee Bryant president of the pcta and executive director of the pcta and head maintenance man at the pcta Jade Mo building uh I have been in uh penis County now as a property owner for 34 years and uh I understand part of the uh issues when it comes to millage rates and that some people may not quite understand the state has the uh ability to keep widening the hole in the bucket so no matter how much property values go up and you would expect the the money we have have available to keep going up they have the ability to keep drilling the hole a little bit wider so the more the water flows out so we don't get the money that we think we should be getting one of the reasons why we need to seriously seriously work on getting the property tax referendum millage up to a full Mill so that we can not just recruit teachers and we're doing a very good job at recruiting teachers here in pellis County but so we can retain the teachers that have not been getting the reward again due to state laws and regulations so we really really need to work on and nobody will work harder than the pcta at getting the property tax referendum passed at a full Mill in addition to the fact that it will be supporting some of our lowest paid employees in this County our support Personnel thank you for your time there are no more speakers for this it it Madam chair thank you for item 5.1 may I have a motion for approval of the tentative discretionary local effort millage approval okay I'd like to make a motion thank you okay I move that the board approve the levying of the tentative discretionary local effort millage of 0.748 Mills as part of the total funding to be certified to the property appraiser and the Florida Department of Revenue thank you may I have a second second thank you we have a motion in a second to approve the levying of a tentative discretionary local effort millage of 0.748 Ms as part of the total millage to be certified to the property of appraiser and Florida Department of Revenue we'll take a vote all those in favor say I I I any opposed passes 7 to zero may I have a motion for item 5.2 which is adoption of the tenative total millage rates I move that the board adopt the tenative millage rate of 5.82 two Mills to be set and certified to the property appraiser and to the Florida Department of Revenue the millage rates are as followed follows for local for required local effort 3.0 74 Ms for discretionary local effort 0.748 Ms for local referendum 0.500 Ms for Capital outlay 1.500 Ms for a total tentative millage of 5.82 2 Ms this rate is 4.10% greater than the rolled back rate thank you may have a second second second for Mrs cook is there any board discussion I have a motion in a second to adopt the tentative millage rate of 5.82 two Mills to be set and certified to the property appraiser and to the Florida Department of Revenue the millage rates are as follows for required local effort 3.74 Ms for discretionary local effort 0.748 mils for local referendum 0.500 Ms for Capital outlay 1. 5 Ms total millage 5.82 two Ms this rate is 4.10% higher than the roll back rate we'll take a vote on that all those in favor say I I I any opposed passes 7 to zero moving on to item six I'll turn this back over to miss Chastain thank you this portion of the presentation covers the district's tenative budget for the 20 2425 school year the budget calendar is ongoing throughout the year during the course of the Year budget updates are provided at the board workshops and monitoring is performed through budget analyses and forecasts in the spring we typically have a better idea of what the legislative budget is providing for the district whether we can expect an increase or a decrease in state funds budget steering committee meetings are held during this time frame primarily for Capital allay requests and in July and September we hold two public hearings regarding the budget and millage and tonight is the first of those hearings the second will be held September 10th certain parameters guide the building of the budget we strive to and have been able to maintain a 63 to 37 ratio this means at least 63% of all expenses are for direct instruction or in the classroom and 37% are related to other areas such as instructional support plan operation and administration in short at least 2third of all funding goes towards expenditures in the classroom we are required by Statute to maintain a minimum 3% contingency while District policy states we are to maintain a minimum 5% contingency this budget maintains our compliance with the district policy we also budget to support our Core Curriculum and strategic directions the majority of our budget is in our general fund this year it is proposed to be approximately $1 billion the second largest funding source is capital outlay at 272 million the district's self-insured health fund is anticipated to be approximately 199 million and represents the district's thirdd largest fund the total proposed budget for All funds this year is approximately $1.7 billion looking at the budget summary for all revenue sources you see that about 65% of the total budget comes from the general fund capital outlay accounts for approximately 16% and the combined total of these two funds comprises 81% of our entire budget the new year brings several legislative changes the be the base student allocation or BSA increased to $ 5,330 198 this is an increase of $191 25 cents or 3.7% over last year's BSA Statewide funding increased by $1.8 billion or 50.9 million to pelis which includes funding related to family empowerment scholarships changes in the Florida retirement system contribution rate are projected to increase District expenditures by $300,000 the teacher salary increase allocation increased 202 million or 39.3 million to pelis County Schools a $40 million Statewide increase has been appropriated for safe schools and the increase to pelis is 1.3 million the state funded discretionary supplement of 616 million has been obligated to mitigate the impacts of family empowerment scholarships on the district's funding this is a non-recurring funding source total operating fund resources are anticipated to be approximately 1 billion of that about 668 67 million comes from local sources which includes the half Mill referendum 280 mil 80 million comes from the state resources the Florida education Finance program or ffp is the general funds primary funding source the ffp funding formul formula utilizes a combination of state and local resources to fund education looking at the operating Revenue budget graphically you will note that the local sources represent about 62% of the total operating budget State sources account for approximately 26% and the remaining 12% comes from transfers and fund balance the operating budget is used to fund the day-to-day operating expenditures of the district it pays for salaries and benefits supplies and materials textbooks student transportation utilities maintenance and repairs viewing the distribution of our operating budget by object there is little change from previous years about 58% of our budget is spent on salaries and 23% on benefits in total 81% of our operating budget goes towards Staffing Capital outlay funds include revenue from both state and local sources this fund reflects the revenue and expenditures for construction and renovation of school buildings and grounds the majority of these funds are generated by the local Capital Improvement millage which is set by law and limited to 1 and a half Ms These funds may not be used for operating purposes rather they may only be used for Capital outlay purposes as advertised additional funds have been provided through certificate of particip ation or cops bonds the lease purchase financing of Capital Improvements through the issuance of cops bonds is a technique frequently utilized by Florida school districts to finance school facilities an updated Capital outlay plan and facility work program will be brought to the board for review in the near future changes will include the addition of the 2028 29 school year the district's proposed capital outlay budget is approximately 200 72 million the budget reflects $215 million in new revenue and $250 million in proposed Appropriations the special Revenue budget is comprised of two major categories of federal funds contracted programs and federal and Food Service the total contracted program budget is approximately $8.5 million and this budget starts off low and builds as the year goes on as we do not recognize the revenue until it is available and included in this category are the remaining balance of cares and AR grants which will conclude at the end of September food service is a self-sustaining fund as it receives no financial support from the operating fund Federal reimbursement and local collections are the primary revenue source and the proposed food service budget is approximately $68 million The Debt Service fund is used to account for the payment of General long-term debt principle and interest the $8.5 million budget represents the debt service for cops bonds issued by the district in 2017 and 2021 the proposed self-insured workers compensation and liability budget of $5.7 million accounts for the premium revenue and expenditures associated with the district's self-insured workers compensation and liability insurance programs the self-insured health funds accounts for the district's premium revenue and claim expenditures with a budget of approximately $199 million and the proposed budget and all supporting documents are on file in the office of budget and resource allocation this information can also be found online at this point I will turn the meeting back to the board chair to allow for public comment and the Motions necessary to adopt the proposed budget thank you thank you Miss Chastain we'll open for public comment on item six Mrs H are there any speakers yes Madam chair our speaker this evening is Mark kutho thank you Mark cluth oaro well I hate to sound like a broken record but you know Capital outlay Tax generate approximately $216 million and uh construction and remodeling I especially like this relocates oh boy talk about something you can use that is so INE efficient but you know everything you're making is just moving us further along to Desolation you know I just checked your thermostat set at 7 3 comfortable with your coats aren't you at our house the thermostat is set at 78 we don't wear coats so look at some of these things here General Administration 3.7 million School administration 71.3 million and then we have operation of plant $104 million maintenance of plant 23.9 million call it 24 million and puke wants to range raise the bill oh this is bad very bad and the high performance passes solar buildings would be a stronger better learn environment that really would be preparing for the life of generations to come and you keep ignoring that science Madam chair there are no more speakers thank you item 6.1 may I have a motion to adopt the tenative budget for 20 2024 25 make a motion I move that the board approve the tenative 2425 budget as presented is there a second Mrs cook second by Mrs cook is there any board discussion I would just mention you know a tentative budget of $1.6 billion is a lot of dollars and we take that very seriously the administration of those dollars and I want you to know that all of the budget documents are available to you to look at and if you have any thoughts or input on our budget for this coming school year we would love to hear from you if you have any ideas we will have this in our next budget or excuse me in our next Schoolboard workshop and then again we have a second hearing on September 10th so if you have any ideas between now and then we would definitely value hearing them we'll call for a vote we have a motion and a second to adopt the tentative 20242 budget is presented all those in favor say I I I any opposed it passes 7 to zero item 6.2 may I have a motion for establishing the date time and place of the second public hearing I motion I move at the second public hearing on the 20242 District budget be held on September 10th 2024 at 6:30 p.m. in the conference Hall of the school administration building 301 4th Street Southwest Largo Florida is there a second second from Mrs Peters is there any board discussion seeing none we have a motion in a second to establish the date time and place of the second public hearing all those in favor say I I any opposed I passes 7 to zero item 6.3 may I have a motion for authorizing the submitt of certification of the school taxable value yes Madam chair I move that the board authorized the superintendent to advise the property appraiser of the millage rates including the required roll back rates approved at the first public hearing held on July 30th 2024 thank you is there a second second second from Mrs Meyer motion from Mrs Peters is there any board discussion on this item I have a motion in a second to authorize the submittal of the certification of the school taxable value all those in favor say I I I any opposed passes 7 to zero are there any additional board actions item seven or item eight any other considerations and concluding comments Mrs Peters thank you madam chair I just want to Echo uh Miss hein's comments about our upcoming Workshop um I'm really looking forward to this Workshop I was one of the board members who uh requested that we have this Workshop in between our board meetings so that uh excuse me our official budget meetings so that um we could gain some more understanding and the opportunity to ask more questions and now having a new CFO this is a really great opportunity and I truly appreciate all the time so far that um Mr Jefferson and his team Mr herbick he's not here but there are a lot of people involved in this process um and I just want to thank everybody who has put in all that time so far and more time to come and I look forward to the information that um we are requesting be brought forward at the next Workshop so thank you very much thank you any other comments okay seeing no additional business we will adjourn this meeting thank you for being here tonight e e for