##VIDEO ID:aDecvuqCLKE## e e e good morning I call meeting of the pelis County School Board August 21 2024 to order we will begin with an invitation led by Pastor Don Pratt of St Paul United Methodist Church followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Vice chair Carol cook and the national anthem performed by Oola fundamental High School's Oasis choir under the direction of Mr John Campbell please stand and remain standing until the completion of the national anthem Pastor Pratt good morning good morning let's pray together dear God we know that you are a god of new beginnings and so at the beginning of this school year we come to you asking for your protection and your grace on students and their families and faculty and teachers and lunchroom workers and school bus drivers and custodians and especially this morning we come to pray for this board that you would give them um patience that you give them wisdom and resilience and Hope For What can be and a vision for what can be we thank you that you love us and God I know that the people serving here love the students and families of this County so help them know best how to translate that love into policies and processes that enrich their lives and bring them a bright future and hope and we are grateful for the opportunity to serve and we know that's often one of the best ways we serve you is through serving others so please bless this board in this coming year bless them with the wisdom and Grace help them enrich the lives of those who are participated in education in our County and God give them joy in what they do for we pray these things in your name amenes America and to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all [Music] the the [Music] the rock is the [Music] h [Music] [Applause] [Music] wonderful please be seated Mr Campbell good morning would you please introduce the second song I would love to it's called I Sing Because I'm [Music] happy I think because i [Music] s and I know he [Music] watches on and I know he watches me I see [Music] he [Music] watches [Music] because is [Music] I know he watches me Happ yes I'm so happy yes I am I'm so happy yes I'm so happy yes I am I'm so happy yes I'm so happy yes I am I'm so happy yes I'm so happy yes I am I'm so happy yes I'm so happy yes I am I'm so happy yes I'm so happy yes I I'm so happy yes I'm so happy yes I am [Music] for I know he [Music] boy that was just wonderful could you all start every morning for me like that I mean that was just incredible thank you thank you Mr Campbell we have the great pleasure up here of watching you and everyone out there has the great pleasure of seeing these young ladies do incredible work thank you thank you so much thank you [Applause] it certainly makes us all happy just wonderful thank you so another happy celebration uh the first day of school um in case you missed it was was a week ago last Monday it was really wonderful to see so many board members participating in the first day of school and getting out there and and seeing students and teachers and and getting it started so we're going to see a video celebrating our first day of school on the Move On The [Music] Move we want our kids to have fun you know it's always a little nerve-wrecking that first day for parents how do I get into school car lines but mostly we want our kids seeing their Friends Meeting their new teachers and having fun what's up man you ready welcome back happy happy to see all of our smiling faces welcome back we cannot wait to serve you this year in penales County remember we are an a [Music] district learning is a priority today again welcome to school on this very first day at 74th Street Elementary in a school I just wish it was longer I could watch that longer it was a it was a great day and it was wonderful being out there next item on the agenda introduction of professional and Community organization Representatives Isabelle mascarenes our public information officer good morning good morning Madam chair members of the board Mr Hendrick and staff it is my pleasure to introduce the following representatives of community and Prof professional organizations representing the penila educational support professionals Association or pespa Scott Barney president from the penila classroom Teachers Association Lee Bryant president from the peniles County Council for of ptas Reagan Miller representing the north peniles League of Women Voters Vivien posie from the pilis arts for a complete education Coalition Debbie Freeman today we have a presentation from the student rights and responsibility committee please welcome Holland Downey and Logan yua from aola fundamental high school and their principal Michael Bonet good morning good morning good morning everyone um good morning superintendent in District administration um it's my privilege to speak to you today about Oola fundamental High School true Beacon of academic excellence and student achievement Oola stands out as the only fundamental High School in both district and state embodying a commitment to rigorous academic standards and exceptional student support Oola has consistently maintained an a rating for an impressive 12 consecutive years from 2012 to 24 this level of sustained Excellence is a testament to our dedicated faculty hardworking students and supportive community in fact our school has earned a spot among the top 100 high schools in Florida according to US News and World reports um for seven consecutive years such recognition underscores the high standards we set to achieve year after year Beyond academic Excellence ool is a is proud proud to have received the the prestigious fstar School award every year from 2013 to 2019 this honor reflects the staff and teachers comprehensive approach to education involving students parents and the community in creating a thriving School environment furthermore Oola is the first High School in the district to achieve ad Avid certification solidifying our commit to Preparing students for College and Career Success speaking of success our graduation rate is 100% for the past two years a feat that exemplifies dedication to ensuring every student crosses the Finish Line additionally 80% of students College achieve College and Career acceleration reflecting their preparedness for the challenges of higher education and Beyond Oola offers a wide array of classes with over 27 AP classes three Ace classes and a distinguished Academy of oh and a distinguished Academy of Distinction for culinary arts providing students with diverse opportunities to excel in their areas of Interest after graduating the band program has a long history of success consistently earning Superior ratings in both marching and concert categories from 20 9 to 2023 the marching band achieved Superior ratings and our concert band followed suit from 2012 to 2017 moreover our band has qualified for State competitions every year since 2005 a streak that continues to this day our performing arts program is equally distinguished with theater students earning Superior ratings at Florida theater conference as well as District 4 and state thespians festivals this recognition speaks to the talent and hard work of students and dedication to our from our instructors athletically alola offers a full array of FHSAA shank sanctioned junior varsity and varsity Sports in 2023 2024 school year alone eight teams were District Champions additionally 10 were pcac finalists four of those teams winning in summary Oola High School is not just a place of learning but but a community of Excellence whether in academics the Arts or Athletics Oola provides the best possible opportunities to succeed and Excel I'm proud to be part of such an amazing school and look forward to keeping the legacy of achievement going thank you I'm Holland Downey and I'm a senior at Oola and I'm going to be talking about the different clubs that we have so at Oola we offer over 50 clubs with 10 of those being honor societies we have a national award-winning FBLA and one of the biggest key clubs in the state this all the different clubs that are available gives our students lots of lots of different opportunities for academic growth it's very inclusive and it brings everybody together and there's a club for everybody if you're interested in culinary there's culinary Club there's art clubs we have our color guard and our theater and in the pictures you could see Key Club picking up trash in St Pete and on the beach Oola has lots of different activities also we have an Academy of Distinction and culinary we have dual enrollment opportunities and articulation and we have received a superior ratings at Florida theater conference in districts four and state thesbian festivals we also put on three plays a year with one being in school MAA for students to go to student life is very important at alola I would say that every single teacher has a good relationship with the with students and teachers it's a very well balanced just recently this year the senior class has put together a new group called OT or the otown tribe this our goal is to make a have a stronger school spirit and School community in our in our area by creating bigger student sections at not only football but baseball and volleyball and basketb and just creating a stronger Community one of our goals is to had add PBIS or positive behavior intervention strategies such as lunch game and shout outs and a spirit Hub which you can see we me and my friend painted in the a room out of the cafeteria some senior activities that have already happened is senior Sunrise which we had a very large turnout as you can see in the top photo and in the upcoming will have a senior week and we get to create a senior mural I'm a part of student government myself and so I get to plan homecoming prom and hallway decoration and it really has helped me be to become a better leader and prepared me for college the top three ways that oil has prepared me for college is by keeping me held to high standards both academically and athletically it's helped me become a better leader through examples by staff and it's given me a large networking of opportunities to pursue thank you District administration and Schoolboard staff thank you Holland thank you Logan it was great to have you here this morning Mr Bonet nice to see you congratulations what an extraordinary school thanks to an extraordinary leader good to have you [Applause] here next item on our agenda are there any amendments to the agenda Mr hendrik Madam chair there are no amendments thank you board members do you have any amendments to the agenda no may I have a motion to adopt the agenda I make a motion motion from Mrs long and a second from Mrs cook all those in favor say I I any opposed I thank you passes 7even to zero uh you see six of us up here Mrs Meyer is joining us on Zoom this morning thank you for being here Mrs Meyer we don't have any items on our special order agenda uh we will take public comments on agenda items Mrs H do we have any speakers this morning uh yes Madam chair we have two speakers for agenda items this morning thank you I'll read our statement regarding public comments members of the public have three separate opportunities to address the board when we gather for a business meeting the first is public comment on agenda items as we're doing now the second is a a public hearing most of which are policies and the last is after our meeting when speakers May address the general business of the district at each opportunity for public input board members are here to listen to you this is not a Time for interaction but the board will take your comments into consideration before it votes on the agenda items the board is committed to a standard of Civility and Quorum in conducting our meetings this includes refraining from clapping or making audible noises during or after a speaker's comments We Appreciate You assisting Us in maintaining a civil and constructive environment lastly please note that this meeting and all public comments will be broadcast live on the internet and the video will be publicly archived members of the public may always communicate with the board through our email address board pcsb.org or by calling the board office at 588 6300 thank you Mrs H thank you madam chair board members and Mr hendrik the first speaker um is Scott Barnum speaking to item 8.2 followed by Mark kutho speaking to items 7.11 and 7.19 good morning um my name is Scott barnham I'm the new PESA president I just want to speak on the uh the PES for contract I was part of the bargaining team with Miss paal and she and her team were wonderful getting making this agreement and I'm hoping that all of you vote in the affirmative on this so we could move forward and have a great school year thank you very much Mark lutho Largo 719 you have this agreement for sale and purchase for sale and purchase with Habitat for Humanity that should read habitat for stupidity all those houses they're making are all wrong all wrong just like the way you're making your schools all wrong go to 7-Eleven Apprenticeship Training Program and you know there's an old saying proof the proof is in the pudding you know the the results we have the headlines Great Barrier Reef es away largest re Reef Coral Reef in the world Heatwave another warning from planet study says extremes are becoming common even as climate risk rise shortterm thinking prevails and this one monarch butterfly numbers have dropped this summer in Midwest and then here how Debbie eroded Tampa Bay beaches category one oh what happens one the category three four five it's Tampa Bay it's going to be bad very bad the thing is 99.9 999 of what is being built is wrong all wrong you see all those pictures of the new rais home and all that construction all around it all oriented wrong just like you did with that Clearwater High School and these are the resulting Madame chair there are no more speakers thank you item 6.1 is a public hearing to consider the amendments to policies 2460 exceptional student education and 56301 seclusion and restraint of students with disabilities this is the second reading and there are changes since the first reading may I have a motion and second to approve this item for approval second a motion from Mrs Edmund and a second from Mrs long Mr Hendrick would you please introduce this item thank you madam chair as we shared at a workshop recently every three years we must update our progression policy and overall policies for students with disabilities and with us today to explain those changes uh and facilitate the public hearing as Le I our director of strategic planning good morning Madam chair school board members superintendent Hendrick staff and Community today we're proposing amendments to two policies policy 2460 exceptional student education and 56 30.01 seclusion and Restraint of students with disabilities I'll begin with an overview of the specific process for revising policy 2460 which is driven by the Florida Department of Education like Mr Hendrick said every three years the Florida Statutes require districts and school boards to submit procedures for instruction and services to ESC students and families the process in the document are referred to as the ESC policies and procedures or the es P&P state and federal funding are dependent on the fd's approval of the district's P&P the process for amending policy 2460 begins with the Florida Department of education's release of the PNP form PCS staff then respond to the questionnaire about District practices District staff engage with the Department of Education in iterative revisions to the form based on feedback from the Department of Education then the fdoe approves the document and requires that school boards incorporate it into policy which is PCSB policy 2460 if approved today the district and School Board were will meet the state deadline for Schoolboard approval of a policy for the esmp by August 30th 2024 due to the nature of the itative iterative process with the state there have been changes to the P&P since first reading the specific amendments to the school board policy 2460 exceptional student education reflects the new revision date and the effective dates of the esnp while the Schoolboard policy appears to have a laps between effective dates PCS is and has remain AED in compliance with all state and federal es requirements the PMP itself is incorporated into Schoolboard policy by reference the substantive changes to the PMP are detailed in the agenda item along with the three changes that have been made since first reading those changes are in part two section F which updates the district's plan for transitioning ESC prek students with a developmentally delayed eligibility into kindergarten appendix a which updates the meaningful consultation form for parentally placed private school students and an appendix C which aligned to the 2022 2023 District strategic plan the second policy um we're amend we're amending today is 56 30.01 seclusion and Restraint of students with disabilities and these amendments are result of legislative changes in 2022 we waited for the fdoe release of the p PMP to make these changes to this policy because we knew there would be implications to the PMP in policy 2460 which would require Schoolboard policy change but we couldn't make changes to that policy until we had access to the PMP form so again we've remained in compliance with all state and federal regulations and law supersedes local policy legislation was updated to prohibit the use of seclusion prohibit mechanical restraint and limit the use of restraint in education and discipline there are technical changes in formatting throughout that policy and the substantive changes are prohibiting the use of seclusion defining mechanical straint and prohibiting mechanical restraint adding a section specifically identifying the revisions to the Department of Education governed policies and procedures and also updating the requirement to make changes to the PMP within 90 days of revision instead of January 31st annually we recommend approving the amendments to these two policies thank you Mrs ha are there any public speakers to this item no Madam chair there are no speakers for this item thank you board members any discussion no we have a motion on the floor in a second to approve item 6.1 all those in favor say I I I any opposed passes 7 to zero thank you Miss Eis you our consent agenda may I have a motion and second to approve the consent agenda second motion from Mrs Cain and a second from Mrs cook all those in favor say I I I any opposed passes 7 to zero our non-consent agenda item 8.1 setting a public hearing and authorizing the advertisement of the public hearing to consider the amendment to policies 2250 fundamental in magnet schools this is the first reading may I have a motion and second to approve this item motion approve motion from Mrs long and a second from Mrs Edmund Mr Hendrick would you please introduce this item yes thank you madam chair it always feels strange at the start of school to be talking about next year's enrollment policies and all of that but it it takes that long to run the whole program uh and all the fairs and everything in between uh and so as Mr tuskowski introduces this and shares the changes and updates stes this year I want to remind the board at our Workshop when we talked about separating policy and procedures and it's taken a long time for us to get here today uh but what we'll be looking at is what is the board policy and then what are those procedures that allow us to implement and respond to parent concerns quickly and not have to wait for another year to change the policy and so uh Mr Kowski and team as well as our legal team and certainly the board's input have developed this and so our director of student assignment Mrs Ellen chowski will explain these updates thank you madam chair Schoolboard members Mr Hendrick and staff as discussed at the board meeting on July 23rd Amendment to policy 2250 fundamental and schools and ment programs is being proposed input and feedback is gathered throughout the school year reviewed by a committee before coming forward um separation policy and procedures as Mr hendrik indicated makes it a little bit easier for stakeholders to clearly understand the overarching goals of policy versus the steps needed to achieve them in procedures also gives us a little bit more flexibility um as procedures often require updates due to operational changes technical advancements or logistical shifts so keeping them separate from policy allows for quicker adjustments to um encounter any issues that may come up overall it'll help with more effective governance smoother operations and better alignment between the Strategic goals and daily practices other proposed changes include um program changes we're expanding the new dual language programs at bardmore and Oak grve by a grade level and we're adding the addition of an integrated Pathway to Gibbs um penel County Center for the Arts we've added a lot of clarifications in there rearranged some tables technical edits defined acronyms and languages to the centers for gifted studies um weight list in South County content changes included changing some of the geographical application and transportation areas weightless invitation period end dates we changed the rank of the military Pro um priority in accordance with um the state law and then new professional courtesy for non-school board non school-based employees um and then we removed the weight list exemption for the centers of gied studies and literacy Innovation after Consulting with our legal team a full account of the changes was included in the 2526 dap summary of proposed changes on that document was Pres Ed at the July 23rd Workshop um this is the first reading for the proposed changes thank you for consideration um additionally as he said it's never too early to begin planning for the 25 26 school year um District application fairs will start up on October 10th um at Tarpon Springs Middle we have another one on October 24th at Largo high and one at October 24th at Northeast High and on September 24th we'll be doing the Facebook and YouTube live event to try to help parents navigate um all the different options and some tips and tricks on how to find the best school for their needs once again thank you for your consideration thank you thank you Mrs truskowski um any board discussion on this item I would just say it is a significant program to manage and we recognize that uh both as parents who are moving through it ourselves and as Schoolboard members and I want to say thank you for your work over the years and consistently updating it and being very stable especially during the start of the school year gets closer and people are asking and there's a lot of questions and with the new school opening at Mangrove Bay just take I'm just taking the opportunity on this subject to acknowledge that that's a lot and and I I really appreciate you and your office's work in that I have a good team so thank you very much you do you do and and we had a really strong discussion on this item at that July Workshop um I think there's a lot of good updates to it as well as soon updating the website as well and hopefully facilitating a more you know streamline good user interface when parents are looking at what their options are and being able to navigate that so I'm looking forward to that too okay with that uh we have a motion and second on the floor to approve item 8.1 all those in favor say I I any opposed passes 7 to zero thank you item 8.2 request approval of negotiated agreement with panel educational support professionals Association or pespa may I have a motion and second to approve this item I make a motion motion from Mrs long and a second from Mrs Peters Mr Hendrick would you please introduce this item absolutely thank you madam chair we're always excited to bring forward uh pay increases for our employees and uh first this year are is pespa and so I want to thank the bargaining teams both from pespa and on the district side for getting this done early uh and at the start of the year and I'll pass it to our Chief Human Resources officer Miss Paula Texel to share the details Miss Texel good morning Madam chair school board members Mr hendrik and staff I am thrilled to be here this morning to request approval of the tentative agreement that we have reached with the pel's educational support professionals Association or pespa I do want to thank um our pespa leadership uh for a great bargaining session including Jamie Beck and her work um through this process uh employees in the group I just want to give a quick overview um of what the tenative agreement was reached uh the groups covered by PES of bargaining unit will receive an hourly increase of 75 cents per hour this will be retroactive to July 1st the school board will pay 80% of the increase in health care costs uh with the employees um paying 20% of the in increase um the school board will also um pick up the $300,000 uh for the increase in the F FRS uh contribution for all employees we also came to an agreement on various contract language changes which are noted in the agenda item uh this did go out for ratification last week and passed with over 96% approval rate from the group so again that has been consistent over the last couple years which is very promising and and very exciting to us as well so all increases if approved today will be retroactive as I said to July 1st and if approved today employees will be receiving those raises in their um in their checks as well as the retro pay on September 30th and I do have to give a shout out and a thank you to our payroll department uh for um really working ahead of the game so to speak um to get these uh raises in the Retro to our employees in a very very timely manner so we we appreciate that so on behalf of the superintendent staff we are recommending that you approve this agreement with pespa this morning thank you Mrs Texel board members is there any discussion no okay we have a motion and second on the floor to approve item 8.2 all those in favor say I I any opposed passes 7 to zero and Madam chair if I could take another moment I want to give just a quick update um as you know things change on a daily basis with all of our other units um I did want to let you know that we did come to a tenative agreement with SEIU this past week and they are working on getting their information together to go out for ratification with the hopes of bringing that to you for approval at the September 10th board meeting uh so we will keep you posted on that and we do meet with our pcta group this afternoon at 1 o'clock so um we will keep you posted on those uh uh the progress of those negotiations as well I'll just say I'm I'm I'm so pleased about this I know we've had years where it's taken much much longer and um I believe it's an indication of you know improved relationships trust knowing that the district is putting the best foot forward cares about our employees deeply and wants to do the very best we can when it comes to those negotiations so thank you thank you for the work it takes thank you and thank you guys too okay new business items introduced by the superintendent Mr Hendrick yes thank you madam chair uh today's meeting is on a Wednesday instead of our traditional Tuesday because of yesterday's primary election and running for office is a noble Endeavor and part of what makes our 250e experiment with democracy work it's difficult and exhausting to run a campaign and so on behalf of the entire penel County Schools Community I congratulate each candidate who ran and some who continue to run for Schoolboard office we thank you for your interest in supporting our children public schools and democracy and of course last evening two of the three Schoolboard races on the ballot were decided and I congratulate our Schoolboard chair Mrs Laura Hine and School Board member Eileen long on your Victory so look forward to working with each of you and support of our students and children and all of the board over the next several years so congratulations to each of you uh as was shared uh at the start of the meeting with the video on the start of school we are now in day eight 4.4% of the school year is over um but I want to thank all of our board members uh who attended uh the first day but have been out schools uh each of the last seven days energy and excitement was really high and I think our teachers and staff for making the school first day and all really that first week really special it needs to feel different it needs to feel exciting and certainly it was not just in the schools where you saw some video footage but really at every school in the district the start of the school uh year also brought new changes from the state regarding school safety including the Locking of all buildings and doors of every building on campus all time students are on campus not just the exterior Gates but literally every single School building and that has been an adjustment and a challenge at some schools and especially for after school activities as students parents volunteers coaches and others try to navigate what in some cases is a patchwork of buildings across our campuses we will continue to follow the law and work to implement that despite the challenges but it's also important to remember that it's not just about locked exterior gates and doors it is about a mindset of safety in everything we do not just physically but in mental health and in protecting children and our employees in everything that we operate and so as part of our safety efforts as a school district I joined penel County Sheriff Bob gotier and our own schools police chief Luke Williams in a video that was shared with all students and staff last week and I want to take just a moment to share that video with the community to talk about that mindset of safety welcome back to penel County Schools as we start the New Year let us remember remember that safety starts with each one of us every day thousands of students like you attend schools in our community and while school is a place for Learning and growth it's also crucial for everyone to feel safe and secure school safety is not just the responsibility of teachers and staff it is something each one of us plays a part in whether you're in the classroom on the playground or walking in the hallways safety is everyone's responsibility imagine you notice something that doesn't seem quite right it's a stranger in the hallway or an unintended backpack or if you see something that makes you feel uneasy or seems out of place do not hesitate to speak up tell a teacher a counselor or any trusted adult reporting what you see could make all the difference or go online and use the say something Anonymous reporting system or the fora Florida app the apps are on the penel County School District website and they allow you to submit secure Anonymous safety concerns to help someone who may harm themselves or others by looking out for each other and being aware of our surroundings and having the tools to say something we we create an environment where everyone can Thrive everyone works hard to ensure our learning environments are safe places unfortunately there has been an increase of students making false reports concerning severe threats and weapons on school property we need to educate our students and parents that threats made online including on social media can lead to a student being charged with a felony offense vels County Schools takes every threat seriously and students and fam should know that making an online or verbal threat is no joke remember if you see something say something it's no joke and it's not just a phrase It's a commitment to keeping our schools safe remember safety starts with me with you with all of us so we are sincere in in asking the public any kind of tip send it our way it's monitored 24 hours a day local police departments the Sheriff's Office support that all night long and uh we thank those who do make those tips and it's easy to do it's Anonymous and we uh act quickly on it so it's not just about lock doors and Gates those are important and we will do those but it's about making sure we're safe in everything we do all the time also wanted to mention today on the consent agenda the uh Habitat for Humanity lots that we sold um I we mentioned this during the workshop but good news although it's not part of the contract habitat has informed us that they've matched the lots to two penel County Schools Employees uh both a bus driver and a school safety officer and so they will be uh having and working on those homes and then eventually living in those homes and we're grateful for that part partnership with habitat and as we continue with the start of the school year we continue hiring and although we do have a bus driver for every single bus in the district we have a bus driver hiring fair tomorrow because we want more we want backups we want people to be able to be sick and take a vacation day and so staff will be online to help our applicants and the district has virtual uh Q&A as well coming up for anyone interested in becoming a substitute teacher and you can check our website for those and other vacancies in the district although we're doing very well with vacancies we always always want to have a strong bench and we appreciate our HR department's efforts to help us there as we start the school year we also have lots of new volunteer opportunities last year we had 25,000 volunteers dedicate their time to supporting the success of students in our schools and there's many more opportunities available this year from mentoring to tutoring helping in classroom a school office on the weekend whatever that might be volunteering is so beneficial to our school district and we're so grateful for our volunteers and mentors reup your volunteer uh uh email that you get I did mine last week so I'm eligible to volunteer again um and look forward to doing that in our schools and finally as I do at each uh meeting Schoolboard meeting I want to recognize a superintendent standout who's been nominated by one of their peers for great work and in this first couple weeks of school I want to recognize Aubriana Kimbro a mathematics teacher at metalon middle school she like many outstanding teacher leaders recently lent her talents to her peers during our district-wide training day and she taught uh sessions all day long helping to show teachers across middle schools in our district high achievement strategies and how she gained such great learning gains and achievement with her students last year ideas related to establishing culture of achievement focusing on instruction of the critical content monitoring student progress and celebrating success peers were able to ask questions and many uh remarked about what a great experience it was learning from an accomplished teacher presenting in front of your peers is never an easy task but but thank you Mrs Kimbro for taking on that challenge and the feedback that goes with it congratulations to all of our teachers on a great start to school and thank you for the work all of our employees do each and every day thank you madam chair thank you Mr hendrik items introduced by the school board attorney I have no items today thank you thank you items introduced by the board Mrs Edmond thank you madam chair it's been great to see just the excitement from teachers staff and families at at the beginning of the school year as well as receive um feedback regarding areas of improvement so I continue to encourage both staff and families to provide um that information or share their concerns with the school board yesterday I had the opportunity to co-chair the panel's Community Alliance meeting and there was great discussion regarding several things that are important to us as a as a school district which is the wellness and care of the children so DCF CPI Division Family Support Services the six judicial circuit prevention programs as well as care about me and Miss cecilian shared information regarding PCS prevention and support programs right here and just some of the key takeaways for me was the excitement about knowing that we have programs in our schools that many of the people on the call were unaware of so continue to raise awareness regarding the services we provide as well as advocating for the things that we need to support our students um jwb will be allocating funds for a pelis Community Alliance coordinator to assist the committee committee and once the minutes are available as well as supplemental information I'll share that with the board also I had the opportunity to attend Dr Cho's first convening of the youth health committee governance group and ultimately the goal of that group is for 25 to 30 Juniors or seniors um throughout the county to provide a youth-led um Public Health Awareness campaign or whatever they decide that to look like again because it's youth fled so I'm looking forward to hearing student voices on what they think is important and how we can best help them address some of the public health issues last but not least I'd like to thank Mrs do and Miss is as well as board members hin Peters and Myers for a productive discussion during our legislative committee meeting um that I chaired last week as well as inform everybody or remind everybody that I Rec recommendations for the fsba platform as well as the Consortium are due early September I look forward to continuing discussions with you all as well as advocating with the board on behalf of pelis County Schools thank you thank you Mrs edman any other board reports for today no thank you um seeing no other business I adjourn this meeting and we will move to public participation Mrs ha are there any speakers uh yes Madam chair we have three speakers thank you um I'll I'll read our statement regarding public participation at this time we're now receiving public comment on the general business of the district please note that the views and comments that expressed by the speakers are there own and not endorsed nor sponsored by the school board or District we cannot ensure the accuracy of statements made but we'll revie RW concerns that are raised and take appropriate action which may include clarifications or the referral of speakers to the proper staff member for assistance the board is committed to a standard of Civility and decorum in conducting our meetings additionally please note that although board members are superintendent Kendrick may leave the Das briefly there are speakers in the back room and we will continue to be able to hear your comments thank you thank you the first two speakers are Lee Bryant and Mark kutho uh good morning chair hind members of the board uh superintendent hendrik and staff uh my name is Lee Bryant I'm the president of pcta my pronouns are he him and his first I'd like to congratulate Miss Hine and miss long for the re-election yesterday I look forward to collaborating with you for years to come second I would like to remind everyone that elections do do have consequences uh as I head into bargaining for the pcta this afternoon I'd like to remind uh our people that Florida is 50th in in the nation in average teacher pay in spite of the reic rhetoric about uh funding our schools Tallahassee is failing us the educators of Florida have done an amazing job Newsweek ranked Florida number one in education this summer and wallet Hub ranked Florida's K12 education number 16 16 in the nation penis County schools has earned an a rating for the first time ever and the educators of pellis and all of us should be proud of what we have accomplished elections do have consequences while pelis County cannot control our funding from the state we can help fund our schools with the coming referendum this fall uh the referendum we pass this fall was the brainchild of the pcta executive director Jade more back in 2004 it was his idea to bring to pelis what we have enjoyed uh the benefits of local funding for our schools for arts for technology for the students and for the recruiting and retaining of quality Educators in just 76 days the voters of pelis will have the chance to solidify their support for our local schools and for the first time show some of that referendum support to our support staff the registration deadline is only 48 days from now yesterday only 26.8% of eligible voters turned out to vote in uh yesterday's primary elections we cannot survive such a low voter turnout in November if we want to get the new and improved referendum passed alone we can do so little together we can do so much Mark clo Largo well the moms for stupidity didn't do so hot yesterday and I had a meeting with my lawyer since the last meeting and uh he said that uh it was my first Amendment right to use that word conservative you know we need to go back to Aristotle to Socrates John Stewart Mill you are supposed to be the Educators here yeah I don't want to have to go and have another meeting right away it's uh you know say a day when you want to stay in the dark age but uh the uh fact that people are rejecting those moms for stupidity yeah maybe there's little hope for the future there still is this a very ominous sign you sit up there with coats heat index over a 100 degrees the carbon's being belched and we have a headline like this world breaks hottest day record record again despite El Nino's n that's not good not good at all yeah and I'll go back to what Winston church WIll said we shape our buildings thereafter they shape us the next speaker is Sarah peacock hello superintendent hendrik and uh all of the board I want to congratulate chair Hine and member uh long for your wins I'm glad to have you back um I just wanted to say I know that member Edmund and member cook have been I believe uh working with the Florida School Board Association and uh I think that we've seen the benefits of those resources their work there learning how to support this County um and since uh we're under increased scrutiny and financial pressure from Tallahassee session after session after session um I just wanted to encourage all of us to participate in any resource available to help us be resilient and work together I think it's a valuable one so I'd encourage all of you to participate that going forward um and whoever our new member is um support them as well and thank you for the work you've done all summer and I'm excited we're 4.4% done so I'm happy to work with you for the next 95.6 and I will see you all next time thank you thank you madam chair there are no more speakers thank you thank you for being here today everyone