by Father Ryan Whitley of St Thomas Episcopal Church followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Vice chair Carol cook colors will be presented by the boaa high school Army jrc under the leadership of Master Sergeant Scott Lewis and Colonel Jay Jackson the boaa high school voice Ensemble under the direction of Alex Ducker will perform the national anthem and after the colors retire in honor of black history month they will then perform the song Lift Every voice and sing we invite you to stand Father Ryan good morning good morning let us pray oh Lord and Master who thyself D come into the world to Bear witness to the truth and did say that the good and faithful teacher should be greatly accounted of in thy kingdom send we beseech thee thy blessing upon all who are engaged in the work of Education give them clearness of vision and freshness of thought and enable them so to train the hearts and minds of the children that they may fill their appointed places in the work of this life and be ready for the service of the life to come we ask it in confidence as knowing that thou hearest and that what we ask is in accordance with your will amen amen amen i al to the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands na God indivisible withy and justice for [Music] all [Music] [Music] The Rock [Music] of the [Music] [Applause] forward March March right [Music] every voice sing Heaven the sing a song of the the dark sing a song of the US facing the of our new let us to Victory CH to the [Music] our from the we we stand thear is of our god of [Music] our us [Music] keep your Str from the places God We Heart drunk with the wine of the world we for shadow for true to our god true to our every please be seated thank you so much Mr jcker and the entire voice Ensemble from boka sea High School you all were wonderful just two weeks ago students from across the county were gathered on different days we had elementary school middle school and high school to experience the now second annual student Leadership Summit hosted at University of South Florida St Petersburg we will now watch a video about that [Music] experience for the students that are here today you were chosen because your principles your teachers at your school think of you as [Music] Leaders what does being a good leader mean to you being a role model standing up for what's right nice and Cooperative setting a good example for others Prosperity integrity and honesty I think communication is the key to being a good leader it's going to be a great day you're going to have a lot of fun my favorite part today is able to compete in the Lego tournament we got to build and we got to um be to close together and communicate with our friends the handkerchief collaborating with each other and just helping each other out try to get un like untangled the Magic Carpet because it helped with our communication even the greatest smartest people in the world always have a team around them to move forward so we always need a team to help you move forward in life scavenger hunt cuz I got to do it with like all my friends and stuff we all work together to find out the clues and everything to finally figure out the end mle schooler on a college campus and making me want to go to college [Music] more I feel like my opinion is wanted I feel like my say is like I want to be heard and like other people want to hear what I have to say to in order to improve my school when I go back to school I'm also the president of the my school in the seventh grade I'm going to take the communication skills and have like a conversation that everyone can pitch into going to tell all the awesome things we did today and and show them how to like be a leader [Music] what makes me a leader is my drive and the way that I carry myself my social skills and how much I really like working with people and how I kind of know some things I can really help people and the way um I'll be helping up my little brothers and my mom around the house at first I was awkward to be here I was awkward to meet some new people until um when I actually like started to be less awkward and talk to them it's memorable with this like we can bring it back to our school and like kind of help our school with that for the [Music] future wonderful thank you you know um I have to say if you have any concerns about our future go to this next year the the children are amazing I've got to go to all three different levels and it will just fill you with light and joy and hope they have so many questions and ideas um but I also just want to say that the staff that was working there I saw you know a number of District staff whether it was Miss Hill or miss otou you were there Mr Hendrick certainly and plenty of others I think you guys were having just as much fun if not more than the students so thank you for taking that time and making this happen it was really wonderful uh item 1.6 introduction of professional and Community organization Representatives Isabelle mascarenes our public information officer good morning Madame chair members of the board Mr Hendrick and staff it is my pleasure to introduce the following representatives of community and professional organizations first we welcome our distinguished guests Clearwater mayor Brian unst Senor from the city of St petersburg's mayor's office Carl lavender and also from the city of St Petersburg Dr Chiron Brown Director of Education and youth opportunities representing the panila educational support professionals Association or pespa Nelly henes president from the panila classroom Teachers Association Lee Bryant president representing the north penila League of Women Voters Jean Reynolds from the panila arts for a complete education Coalition Maria cantonis Linda learner and Liv young members of the media in attendance are Nancy Guan from W USF today we have a presentation from the student rights and responsibility committee please welcome students Josiah Walker and Rachel Ferris from boaa high school and their principal Jennifer Gil thank you good morning greetings Madame chair members of the board superintendent Hendrick and staff members my name is Rachel Ferris I'm in the 11th grade and I plan to graduate early this school year I'm a student in the fundamental program and I actively participate in the student fundamental student leadership program after graduation I plan to attend St Petersburg College for construction management throughout my three years here at the basa High School I've been a member of the book club the girls the cross team which I'm a proud captain of the National Honor Society yearbook class and club and I am proud to say that I am in the top 20% of my class now I would like to invite my fellow pirate Josiah to introduce himself hello everyone my name is Josiah Walker and I'm in 11th grade and a fundamental student of the basa High School I participate in activities such as National Art Society cross country as well as reinstating the recent FBA chapter in our school as well as leading my own College Planning Club I reinstated as well bisa High School is a wall-to-wall Academy model that provides in three three various parts of the school including CSL and fundamental lead fundamental and medical side these all offer their own certifications and own individual opportunities for college credit we also offer 25 rigorous courses between AP college credit dual enrollment and Cambridge Ace BGA also has a model College and Career Career Academy excuse me with two full-time counselors who support students in any post-secondary education goals we also are an avid demonstration school we also have Avid electives but also include Avid wicker iies that that are implemented schoolwide to help support students with rigorous course work even more so last school year our AVID for students received over $4.5 million in scholarship money as well as Dale Carnegie training which I think is super beneficial to our Avid students Pirates are excelling in athletics as well last year the girls acros team were runner-up champions of the pcacs as just a three-year-old program and this year basa High School saw its inaugural boys and girls bowling teams the sport attracted enough players to have a JV and a varsity team and many of the students were first-time players basa High School took the trophy at the first annual Henderson Gil cup and six players earned places on the pelis County School's All County teams two players have offers to bowl at Hawkeye Community College in Iowa volleyball Captain Camry Jones won player of the week back in September and Camry also placed third in division 5A for kills in hitting while Junior volleyball player Caitlyn placed division 5A with Diggs swimmer safon placed with the top 10 of the two Regional swimming events he placed fourth in the individual medley and seventh in the 100 breast Strokes swimmer St one also placed second in the district Championship our girls wrestling team are back-to-back pcac Champions and District champions for the third year in a row two band students meet the 11th 12th all count band Hudson Heckard third chair altox 11th grade and John Luke Lio chair fourth chair tuba also 11th grade at this year's marching band performance assessment basa High School earned an excellent rating and at this year's um basa High School drama troop earned 23 medals at the district thespian festival and earned a rating of Excellence at the district one act Festival including individuals who earned first and second place for marketing and costume construction the artwork of more than 25 of our students has been selected for display in this very building along with the Lea Ratner Museum the dolly Museum and the Maran Arts Center um additionally nine Visual Arts students have been awarded Scholastic silver and gold keys and in August the College Board recognition program recognized six of our basa High School pirates for National African-American Or Hispanic heritage Awards over 45 students in Mr Gabriel's classes have earned industry certifications in Adobe Microsoft and Entrepreneurship and Dr Isaac's government students participated in the District's event District Civics exam slam that was a tongue twister competition against East Lake Countryside Lakewood Oola and six of her students placed within the top 10 winners of the competition with Ryan lint placing in first for the third year in a row basa high school has outperformed the district and the state in the Florida Civics literacy exams adding on to that the academic team has had a successful season and has beat the following schools this year Northeast seal Hollands Lakewood clear waterer and panel's park placing fifth out of 16 schools basa High School also placed fourth in the first ever penel County boys Reed competition six students including myself were also awarded and selected as Reverend Dr Martin Luther King Junior award recipiant and were subsequently awarded at the award ceremony at a mar Martin Luther King Junior dinner as well as this senior Francesco was also a finalist in the questbridge scholarship as well as Philip orov recently accepted to NYU with a 90% scholarship offer as well as this students from the center of wellness and medical professions are also been placing within the top five of their individual events obviously you can tell that we have a ton of good things happening on our campus and for our basa high school students however one of the things that I've enjoyed most at our campus is our Athletics programs specifically our girls across the program and for me what I think I love best about my school is the fact that I've given so many opportunities to be a leader expire other students by creating various clubs participating in various activities and becoming a leader in areas that I never thought I could be before but thank you all for allowing us this privilege to share with you all the great things about basa high school and please have a great day we were so pleased to hear from you both thank you thank you principal Gil Mr Hendrick are there any amendments to the agenda Madam chair there are no amendments any other amendments to the agenda from the board seeing none may have a motion to adopt today's agenda second motion by Miss Meyer and a second by Miss Long all those in favor say I I any opposed the agenda passes 7 to zero item 4.1 on our special order agenda presentation of the Proclamation recognizing February 2024 is Career and Technical Education Month may I have a motion to adopt the proclamation second motion by Mrs Caine and a second by Mrs cook Mr hendrik could you introduce this please yes Madam shair it's my pleasure I don't know if you noticed but we have a little bit of a crowd here in the boardroom today to celebrate Career and Technical Education Month our students from our career cies in our high schools and our students and professors from our technical colleges so I'd like to call up Mr Mark hunt our executive director of Career and Technical and adult education who's going to tell you a little bit more about the proclamation and also celebrate some of our students absolutely Mrs hin board members Mr hendrik and staff thank you very much for having us this morning one of the wonderful celebrations that occur during February is Career and Technical education month and the recognition of Career and Technical education to the value it has in our community uh as you saw from the Showcase earlier today and as you see from these representatives from all of from our programs uh these are just an example of some of the Career and Technical education programs in students in our over 186 Career and Technical education programs in grades six through adult uh these students here with us this morning are just a few of the 29,000 students that participate in Career and Technical education throughout the school year uh Career and Technical education starts in middle school with the idea that we want to give Scholars the opportunity to explore find out what do I want to do what interests me how do I want to provide for my family when I grow up but more importantly is what I don't want to do uh we want them to understand what really interest them because we want them to use that to connect themselves to school and to make connections of core subjects to their everyday life that exploration prepares them for high school and when they move into High School they'll start to be engaged in more focused activities in our careeres they'll earn industry certifications that are valuable to the workplace but also valuable in their postsecondary Pursuits because many of those certifications carry college credit with them so that way students build on that postsecondary education because we know that when you graduate from high school the work has just begun they need to continue and through our career acmis we connect core subject teachers with the Career and Technical education teacher and the theme of CTE could be Health occupations Aerospace engineering uh business technology and it what have you but those are the things that interest young people I'm interested in becoming a nurse or a doctor or an engineer and so if we can connect those interests to core subjects and how why am I learning math and science because I know I asked that question when I was in high school um it's it's going to make them more interested in school and what we found in our data with within our district is that students that are involved in Career and Technical education also music and sports they come to school more frequently they have higher grade point averages and they graduate on time more frequently and that's what it's all about we want our young people to be uh successful when they leave high school and hopefully they participated in our dual enrollment program so that way they earn college credits toward panel's Technical College they go on to penel Technical College and complete their career preparation so that way as they enter the workforce they are entering with industry certifications skill specific training and an advanced level of technology and and hopefully pay that goes along with that I've mentioned industry certifications a couple of times and last year our students earned 11,850 industry certifications uh in the district just last year year um when students enter panel's Technical College uh they are studying to become that particular occupation whatever it may be immediately after graduation and many of the programs at PTC uh are complete in one year or less and more importantly and why we have our friends from the city of St Pete and the City of Clearwater with us this morning is those graduates have an economic impact on pelis County in excess of $47 million a year in their salaries and what they they spend those salary dollars on so they are contributing to the economic engine of penis County and that's what we really want to have happen so with that I want to ask everyone from CTE to stand up and just take Applause for you being here come on stand up come on you all are being shy come on come on there you go thank you very much for being here and for what you do all of them didn't stand up they're kind of shy but that's all right but uh hopefully this lays the foundation for the proclamation and why we're here this morning about Career and Technical education month thank you Mr Hunt what a great description really well done um Mrs Edmond would you please read the proclamation Proclamation corre Career and Technical Education Month whereas the efforts of Career and Technical Educators with business and industry stimulate the growth and vitality of our local economy and that of our entire nation by preparing graduates for careers that are forecast to experience the largest and fastest growth in the next decade and whereas there are nearly 30,000 high school students in the district with as many as 22,000 enrolled in at least one course Under the Umbrella of Career Technical education while panel Technical College boosts an enrollment of 4,093 students and certificate and apprenticeship programs including 919 dual enrolled high school students and whereas The District offers 2016 programs of study in our secondary and postsecondary schools which are offer students career pathway opportunities leading to high skill High wage high demand careers and whereas there are 50 registered High School career in professional educationmy and 18 registered Middle School capey in the district and whereas elementary middle and high school students earned 11,850 industry certifications and 74% of postsecondary students earned industry certifications and whereas Career and Technical education offers individuals lifelong opportunities to learn new skills providing career choices and potential satisfaction now therefore the school board of pelis County does hereby recognize February 2024 as career in technical Education Month signed this 13th day of February 2024 thank you I have a motion and a second to adopt this Proclamation all those in favor say I I any opposed passes 7 to zero the next item on our agenda this morning item 4.2 recognition of career acmy earning Academy of Distinction designation by the stavos Career Education board my Heavens did you see those displays as you came in this morning it is just extraordinary across disciplines I think we were all very impressed and I just want to take a moment from the school board to say thank you to all the teachers and leaders and the the what what you give to these programs when I see those students talk to us and their eyes come alive with interest in this subject matter it's because of you so thank you for participating that I also want to thank with the city of Clearwater and St Pete here your Chambers of Commerce and the way that they work with the future of work and trying to dovetail industry with what we're doing in in education I want to thank you it's it's important work and it's seen so this morning we're going to be awarding these uh these distinction designations the board is going to come down to be able to shake hands and take photos which we're grateful to uh do and we will also remain there for the next item item 4.3 as well so with that Mr Hendrick would you please introduce these items yes thank you madam chair and I'll give the board a moment to come around uh and as they do today as we recognize these outstanding careeres with the Academy of Distinction it should be noted that with over 50 uh this is not something that everyone achieves you have to meet national standards and you go through a rigorous evaluation process here by members of our stavos education board Career Education board which has been in place now for well over a decade and their visits to schools are not rubber stamps they look they ask questions they challenge our students and our teachers and this uh programs we're going to recognize today are the best of the best I want to also thank the members from the stab the Career Education board the stabos Career Education board many of which are here today representing businesses from across our district nonprofits and other groups and so with that I'm going to pass it back to our care technical education staff to introduce this item thank you Mr Hendrick to The Honorable members of the school board superintendent hendrik members of the pelis Education Foundation and welcome guests I would like to take a moment to outline the process these academies under undertook on their Journey to the academy of Distinction recognition this process includes three levels of administration first the CTE Department next each program provides evidentiary artifacts and finally the verification through the site visits by the stavos Career Education board's team I assert to you that each program has risen to the highest performance levels required of our careeres theseis are to be commended for their dedication to Preparing our Scholars for Success after graduation in addition to their public recognition today each program earns a monetary reward to support program supplies field trips Andor equipment needs specific to their Career Cluster it is my pleasure to introduce the chairperson of the stavos Career Education board to outline their involvement in the process Mr Jos Josh bomstein [Applause] um I think you all know what the foundation does but I'm going to take a moment and and remind you so the penel said Foundation plays an integral role in providing teachers and students with the support that they need to succeed academically from the earliest grades through high school we do this with Innovative programs geared toward driving our mission which is accelerating educational achievement for all students the foundation puts a big emphasis on Career and Technical education and the career cies that um the school district provides students with relevant challenging academic courses to prepare for in- demand jobs after graduation the stavis Career Education committee is provide is comprised of 30 uh local business and Community leaders and was established 15 years ago uh to partner with the district to help Drive excellence in career in technical education so as sort of mentioned during the fall semester the committee members and many industry specific specific guests visited seven careeres to determine if they should be recommended for two potential honors the first honor is the Academy of Distinction the second honor is the diech distinguished honor each one provides monetary gifts to the academy as well as uh and this is more valuable than money the pride of having a top performing Career Academy in the districtm of Distinction receive $4,000 for their program and academies that received the diec distinguished honor recognition receive an additional $3,000 we all owe many thanks to die for their continued support and partnership in this program they are an amazing uh local business who gives endlessly of their time and their talent and their treasure so we're grateful for them the seven acmis that were visited were first reviewed by the district as mentioned uh and they were and determined to be ready for an Academy of Distinction review by the stav Career Education board uh it was a real pleasure attending these uh these acmy and visiting the schools uh there was a tremendous amount of feedback genuine amazement uh at what's being learned and taught in in the programs the stavos Career Education committee voted at our last meeting on the recommendations of the site visit guests and we're excited to recognize all seven of these programs today I would like to invite Melissa l strago from DC and fellow stavos career Ed board members who are here today to join us for pictures with theems and with the school board members and I just want to thank you for welcomeing us welcoming us here today uh we're honored to be here and and happy to do this good morning while they're finding their spot we're going to call up the academy winners here in a minute uh in alphabetical order just because that was more concrete sequential for me so I understood that better so to get us started let's recognize our first Academy and that is the Career Academy for international culture and commerce from Clearwater High School going to be represented by Mr Leslie hop kins assistant principal and Dr Mark Mansour the academy Lead Teacher please come right on on [Applause] up these visits are very intensive and we appreciate the career Ed board members taking time out of their day to attend these visits and to review theseis great congratulations thank you very much our next Academy to be recognized is the biomed Academy from East Lake High School represented by Mr Dan schmidell the principal and Miss Tanya kissner Academy Lead Teacher and all of their Academy students are going to come too that's great in these visits the uh student Representatives actually have a role in these visits where they tell the visiting members about their Academy and all the wonderful things they're learning so it's appropriate to have students up there GNA need a wider lens camera here in a minute congratulations thank you very [Applause] much our next recognition goes to the athletic lifestyle management Academy at Lakewood High School represented today by Miss Erica Miller and Mr Phil musinski teachers in the academy and their [Applause] students The Academy at East at uh Lakewood they have a summer camp that they put on every summer and some of the Lakewood graduates that are now professional athletes come back and assist with that summer camp about physical training and physical therapy and those sorts of things so that's a wonderful tie in from graduates as well as their new in current students in a little trivia I learned earlier today that uh Lakewood a lake graduate scored a touchdown during the Super Bowl this Sunday actually it was his second Super Bowl so congratulations thank you very much and next we have the center of academics for Business Administration Management from Palm Harbor University High School represented by Miss Teresa Patterson their principal and Mr Kevin schner Academy Lead Teacher that's the cabam Academy and with them all obviously are some students and also some other Academy teachers Mr Snell we're going to have to get bigger checks next year to cover you know more of the group have to roll them out all right thank you very much congratulations and next up we have the building construction and electricity Academy from richardo Jacobson Technical High School represented by Mr Josh wolfenden their principal and Mr Vince vulpi the academy Lead [Applause] Teacher congratulations thank you very much now Mr wolfenden is going to stay up front because they're the next Academy is also from Richard o Jacobson Technical High School and that's the veterinary sciences Academy obviously represented by Mr Josh wolfington their principal and Miss Kelsey Carvajal the academy Lead Teacher so Jacobson was the only School this year that had twois to be recognized asies of Distinction and I believe all three of theirm are nowmy of Distinction at Jacobson Technical High [Applause] School great congratulations and our last Academy to be recognized today but certainly not least is the engineering and water treatment Academy at seminal High School represented by Dr Jane Lucas their principal and Mr Jerry kantrell The Academy Lead Teacher [Applause] and the Academy students congratulations thank you congratulations to all theems all their teachers and their students and just to close it out I just wanted to again say thank you very much to the Career Education board uh your participation is vital to these programs and the these being successful and also our friends from City of Clearwater and city of St Pete uh your involvement is critical to our success thank you so much thank you [Applause] everyone students if you hustle back you can make it for second lunch don't worry all right thank you we're going to bring the meeting back to order and move to item 4.3 which is a presentation of the distinction of Master board certification to the penel County School Board and to make that presentation today I call on Schoolboard Vice chairperson Mrs Carol cook all right Madam chair School Board member superintendent and staff I am here today not only as a school board member I'm actually wearing a different hat it's been a long time since I presented to the board from this location it's kind of strange um I am here representing April Griffin who did our masterboard training Florida school boards Association offers a lot of services to its members and one of those Services is professional development we start with brand new board members to help them understand what the laws are that regulate their job as well as what they need to do to be good and effective Schoolboard members we also have opportunities for IND indviduals to develop and learn more to uh for professional development but one of the things that we offer in addition is masterboard training it is um an opportunity for the superintendent and board members to come together to get to know each other better to learn to trust each other to develop uh communication skills listening skills all of the kinds of things that work in groups and so um we've spent several hours in our masterboard training and I have to say I know I do a lot of the trainings we did the best job and um so I want to congratulate each and every one of you I want to thank you for the um example that you are setting if professional development is important to our staff it's important to us as well because through that professional development we are doing things that help students succeed and to help make sure that we are offering the best opportunity possible so today I am here to present you your plaque from Florida school boards Association and it says the Florida school boards Association recognizes pelis County as a certified Master board each one of our names is listed there as well as a superintendent's name that's going to be a good one um and so um in order to recognize what you have done I want to thank you for going through it because it does help improve the way we work together and I also want to um thank fsba for providing this opportunity so [Applause] congratulations item five public comments on agenda items Mrs ha do we have any speakers to agenda items today no Madam chair we do not thank you there's no unfinished business under item six item seven our consent agenda may I have a motion to approve the consent agenda I make a motion thank you thank you um motion by Mrs long and a second by Mrs Meyer all those in favor I any opposed passes 7 to zero item number eight the non-consent agenda 8.1 public hearing to receive public comment on the recommended instructional material s for school year 2024 to 2025 Mr Hendrick would you please introduce this item thank you madam chair each year we adopt uh a set of instructional materials and this year is social studies and uh we shared with the board at a workshop the process for that offered the public an opportunity to look at those materials and I'm going to call up Dr Dan Evans our chief academic officer uh and behind him our Megan fry our coordinator of instructional materials and our two social studies content Specialists Mr Matt Bloom uh who does high school and Michelle Anderson who's K8 uh if there are any questions but Dr Evans I'll pass it to you thank you so much good morning Mr Hendrick school board and staff and thank you for recognizing the fine work of the folks behind me who've really LED all this work and um they're happy to answer any questions you might have but we're here this morning to present to the board and to our public our recommended instruction materials for Middle grades and high school social studies courses and to provide the opportunity for public input as required by Florida statute as as discussed at our recent Schoolboard Workshop we are recommending materials from the state approved list of social studies textbooks and to remind the public that we have completed our formal review process that included various committees Who provided invaluable feedback to inform these recommendations also a reminder that public access to the materials has been available via our district website for the required 20 days and that those materials will remain available on our website through the next school board meeting on February 27th I want to thank as well uh Mrs Megan fry our coordinator for instructional materials as well as our two social studies Specialists Mr Matt Bloom and Miss Michelle Anderson for their leadership throughout this process and of course a special thank you to our dedicated teachers our social studies teachers did a great job in reviewing and providing feedback and once again informing these recommendations and thank you for providing this opportunity for public feedback thank you very much thank you Mrs H do we have any speakers for this public hearing today no Madam chair we do not have any speakers thank you thank you Dr Evans uh Matt I'm sorry don't I don't mean to use Mr Bloom excuse me thank you thank you Miss Anderson thank you for all of your work in this I had a friend who turned out to be on the committee I didn't even know it but she pulled me aside about a month ago and said I just want to say how professional the team was and it was a great joy to work and work through that process they they had never done that before I ran into a after care pickup recently and she mentioned that and it made me very proud so thank you um item 8.2 request approval of the addendum to the superintendent Employment contract may I have a motion to approve approval I have a motion by Mrs cook and a second by Mrs Edmund and with that I'm very pleased to introduce this item today superintendent Hendrick was hired by the penis County School Board nearly two years ago to an initial three-year contract in his annual reviews by all current board members Mr Hendrick exceeded expectations averaging a score over 4.5 on a fivepoint scale his performance review included comments such as these I find him to be level-headed reasonable and strategic in his leadership I look forward to working with Mr Hendrick for many years to come Mr Hendrick is imp able at building relationships with board members staff and the community he has brought together a group of unique and diverse individuals with different philosophies in a very positive way Mr Hendrick is an experienced educator who loves people sees a bright future and is able to inspire others to see and participate in achieving that bright future at our December Workshop the board discussed and agreed that given his performance and capability it would be in the interest of our schools students families teachers and staff in our County as a whole to seek an addendum to extend the terms of the initial employment contract as a result we have worked with Schoolboard attorney Mr kerski and Mr hendrik to draft the addendum on which we vote today the addendum extends Mr Hendrick's contract by three years and also includes a provision that ties future term extensions to the superintendent continuing to meet or exceed performance expectations this provision is consistent with former exceptional PCSB superintendent and other high performing superintendents across the State of Florida all other sections of Mr Hendrick's contract remain the same with that is there any board discussion on this item Mrs cook yeah I would like to just say that um I think this is serving not only the district but uh and Mr hendrik well it will will also be serving our students well the continuity and the consistency that we have as a superintendent has a huge impact on a district when you're constantly having new people coming in um you can't move forward as quickly and as strategically as we would be able to with a superintendent on top of that you've done a fabulous job so it's not just about um the consistency it is really about finding someone who is perfect for this district and keeping them and I'm thrilled to U be able to vote in favor of moving this forward Mrs long yes I I agree with everything sorry I agree with everything that Mrs cook said um it was a wonderful interview process the candidates were all wonderful but Mr Hendrick just shined such a a um well spoken individual and he truly cared he cares about our staff and he especially cares about the children I love to watch him go into a school and interact with the kids he he has his finger on the pulse and it would be a tragedy if we lost you so Mr hendrik I believe this is perfect for you and you are doing a phenomenal job and I know that many teachers have called to tell me that they are not anxious when you come in the classroom they love it and so I just want to say thank you for your service and keep going thank you with that we have a motion in a second so we'll take a vote all those in favor of approving item 8.2 say I I any opposed passes 7 to zero we'll move on to item nine new business and it starts with items introduced by the superintendent thank you madam chair and thank you board for your trust and confidence in me uh we have a lot of work to do we've done good work so far uh lots more to come but I appreciate uh your trust and I already signed it so now you've approved it and I've signed it so I guess we're we're wed together so I look forward to the next several years in leading the district uh lots to talk about and to celebrate I want to thank Mark hunt and his team for really ramping up the C technical month cele you know there's different ways to do that you could just read a proclamation but to see the students in action uh is just uh fantastic so thank you to our Kur technical uh education department uh the Florida legislature continues in session I want to thank the board members for being engaged and talking to our legislative delegation uh as I have uh Lots can happen in the last several weeks as things get negotiated between the house and the Senate we're tracking the budget we're tracking the deregulation bills especially uh we'll say it again we like the Senate version and we've let our house colleagues know that uh and and they understand that but it's a negotiation process and we'll continue to keep our pulse on that and we'll have an update for the board at our Workshop next week uh on the legislative session uh you saw the video on the student leadership Summits uh it was great to have the students there and as Mrs hin said it was a great experience for those students that were there but the whole goal is for the students to bring that back to their school and this year their task was to create activities during the upcoming say something week in the first week of March to make students feel more safe at school phys physically mentally and academically and so we look forward to seeing what the students learn come back and and put into action that first week of March as we want our students to feel safe in schools and we'll celebrate some of those examples from across the district this last week we had the pleasure uh I had the pleasure of attending on Saturday at Tropicana Field the regional spelling be competition and I really want to thank the Tampa Bay Rays for their support and partnership they are the first major league baseball team to sponsor a regional spelling be uh and they could have done it a number of ways but they chose to do it in Grand fashion they had a stage set up in left field they had breakfast for the students their parents they invited their principes uh they had their radio announcer be the uh the MC and pronounced the words they had their own staff there as judges I mean this wasn't just a a donation of money they put their heart and soul into it and I want to congratulate 28 students from pelis County who were winners at their schools who went on of the nine count region penel County had 28 of the 51 participants our students did fantastic uh they were great it was also live stream so people in their families could see it other places and really great great uh work I did also want to thank Dev Shaw our reigning National Champion uh he was there with his parents and and thank them for pushing us to make these academic competitions more valuable for all students and certainly that was on display this weekend speaking of academic competitions we have lots to celebrate uh recently our East Lake High School Regional ethics Bowl winning team they won the Tampa Bay Region and they went on and they made it to the state finals where they were defeated by Bartram trail High School from St John's County but a great uh effort by East Lake High School congratulations to the students and staff there in the regional Mu Alpha Theta math competition the math National Honor Society Mu Alpha Theta Palm Harbor University High School excelled in the regional competition winning both the pre-calculus and statistics categories and their geometry team came in fourth in the region we want to celebrate four student athletes who recently were recognized as triple impact competitors and will receive scholarships of $2,000 to the College of their choice through our partnership with the Positive coaching Alliance of Tampa Bay positive coaching Alliance does training for our coaches to make our experience for our students better they also work with our student athletes and then they do recognitions and we're uh really thrilled to have their partnership Timothy Marshall Jr of Northeast High School Maya atheni of St Petersburg High School Richard trit McCurry at Tarpon Springs High School and Ashley perfield of Oola fundamental where winners and will receive their Scholarships in a ceremony at Tropic field later this year we also celebrate 17 penel County schools that won national merit awards for the magnet schools of America the 17 is the highest number of schools we've ever had recognized as magnet schools of America winners including two schools that won the School of Excellence award which is the highest honor and that was uh Douglas L Jamerson magnet school and Countryside High Schools I stem program uh and we're proud of both of those schools and the other 15 schools that were recognized the board and I recently celebrated our outstanding mentors of the year across the district as well as our outstanding volunteers of the year and I I think we're going to bring them to uh to the board a little bit later in the semester but I want to thank especially AA Credit Union and Gary regoli who has sponsored the volunteer breakfast for literally decades and Gary always gives a great speech and a memory to take away uh and this year it was a a little Moon stress ball and about how everybody contributed in getting the United States of America to the Moon just as all of us each of our employees contribute every single day to the success of our students and our volunteers help us get there and so thank you Gary uh and we'll celebrate those volunteers I want to thank the board for continuing the listen and learn series we recently had uh the first of three this year it was at Palm Harbor Middle School you can find uh a tape of that online and watch the live stream but three board members Mrs Hein Mrs long and Mrs Meyer with a sign up uh attendees for this one and you did a great job talking to the public and answering questions both in a uh Q&A but also informally before and after the the session so I thank you for that the all count music season continues and is underway I know I've seen the board out at many of those uh and coming up is our uh all count Elementary allc County performance on February 24th and then the allc count Jazz performance will come in April we've had our Middle School our high school bands and we also had our first ever allc count dance performance just a few weeks ago all of these are supported by a referendum and we thank uh our performing arts department for continuing to push our students and give them more opportunities and speaking of Arts on the visual arts side I want to thank the tax collector Charles Thomas for continuing with the kids tag art ceremony we honored uh students from 58 schools at the n9th annual kids tag art ceremony it was hosted at Largo High School the students from their school uh fifth graders designed vanity plates for the front of your car that help to raise money for our art teachers and so you can buy those vanity plates at the tax collector's office who doesn't want to stand in line to do that or you can go online and buy those vanity plates and they'll ship them to your house all the proceeds go towards our penel County Schools art departments last year uh with tax collector Thomas's help over $10,000 went back directly to our classroom so thank you for their continued partnership and speaking of great work in the Arts the Scholastic arts and writing Regional awards were just announced and honored we held a ceremony last week at Gibbs High School 411 pelis County students were recognized for their work at 32 different schools 104 gold keys 87 silver keys and 220 honorable mentions recognized you could see that work at Gibbs High School in the theater on display and last year as you know we had 15 National honores so now we wait for the national competition and see if we have students recognized in the National Scholastic art Awards the regional science and engineering fair was also just recently held it was at Countryside High School uh and we had lots of students uh who were honored the awards ceremony was at Countryside last week and actually last night the students and their parents met here in conference Hall to find out the state award process and they're preparing to go to States and speaking of great things happening in our schools uh encourage all of you that have middle school students to look out for an in school field trip that's coming up with Great Explorations Museum the board remembers we had great X come and speak at a workshop not too long ago they are now taking a traveling planetarium to all of our middle schools and every eighth grade student in the district will participate in the planetarium they've been uh they have a lesson that they do in class for about a day and a half ahead of the planetarian visit then they all get to go in it's about a 20-minute program uh they'll either be in the gym or the cafeteria they'll look up at the at the blowup planetarium it's a great great uh lesson I participated in it at Tarpon Springs Middle School and I want to thank great X for that partnership a reminder to our families who applied for our district application programs that tomorrow you'll find out those acceptance uh so you'll have to log on sometimes tomorrow between tomorrow and February 25th at 5:00 p.m. and if you need any help you forgot your password need help navigating the system our Student Assignment office is here to help we also have some webinars and easy ways for you to learn how to do that acceptance and I wanted to give the board and the public a little bit of a heads up a few weeks ahead of time that our second annual experience penel County Schools event is coming on March 2nd last year we hosted it at Hollands High School this year it will be at Clearwater High School this free event is invited to families both within our school system system and outside and it gives you a chance to explore all the opportunities and activities that make the student experience in pelis County Schools Second To None music games fashion stem activities art academic competitions culinary athletic competitions and more you can find out more on our website at experience we look forward to those competitions including a couple Middle School championships that will be held that day at cler high school and finally as I do each month I want to recognize one of our employees who's been uh honored for demonstrating one of our core values and this particular one is teacher Ryan Daly who's a physical education teacher at Eliza Nelson Elementary School who is recognized as the head of their safety patrols and his colleague says safety patrols are an essential part of our school's culture and Coach Daly's daily contributions have been invaluable he's exhibited outstanding leadership as the safety patrol lead in his consistent presence each morning model safety for our students his helpful and caring attitude embodies the connectedness we desire to achieve for the Blazer Community he recently updated protocols and continues to foster a positive rapport with our families and we thank him for that thank you Mr Daly for your work at Eliza Nelson and each and every one of our employees each and every day thank you madam chair item 9.2 items introduced by the Schoolboard attorney I have no report today thank you ma'am thank you and items introduced by the board Mrs Meyer yes thank you madam chair first I wanted to just congratulate and thank Mr hendrik for his excellent leadership in our district um you are appreciated and we are I'm just thrilled that you are going to be here and continue to be here for our students our teachers and our community so thank you for that um I also wanted to share yesterday that I was invited to read to a third grade class um at madira beach fundamental um from their Ela module and um it was just really a joy to see all the work that is going in in that particular classroom and in that school and so I want to thank all of the staff all of the faculty and um especially their principal Mr atique for the warm welcome um and just the the tour and the opportunity to visit the school I also wanted to share that the pelis county second annual Shoe Drive is underway until March 1st um I shared this last year when it um uh happened last year as well the organizers are collecting new shoes and socks for ages for students of all ages um I've actually posted the entire list of drop off locations there's about 20 30 drop off locations on my social media but I'll just share a few North County boar contractors um in midc count representative Bernie Jock's office and short Acres Elementary in South County I also wanted to share too that this this shoe Drive um was inspired by a pellis county teacher she's still here in the county and um she was inspired to do this and to organize this because she saw that there was a need so um if you are able um check it out there's a bunch of different drop off locations throughout the county um I also speaking of Career Technical education um over the weekend I had a chance to speak with one of our great instructors um from panella's Technical College of St Pete and I I know we all support uh Career Technical programs and it was great to see today um the wonderful work that's being done in that area but I wanted to give a shout out specifically to the automotive service technology program at penell technical school of St Petersburg um they recently placed a student um with a career at the Ferrari dealership of Tampa Bay um they placed two additional students at the dimit dealership of exotic vehicles and they have a third student that are student that just finished the program that is um interviewing this week so great stuff I'm so happy to be supporting our um Career Technical program so shout out great program great work thank you Mrs long yes um I'm going to every Schoolboard meeting try to uh shout out to a program that I visited and I've been going to all of my schools in my area and teachers I'm calling it The showoff tour because teachers there's so much going out in our classrooms they are not little robotss they are are just teachers that are so into what they're doing and they believe in the kids and they're teaching students critical thinking well my first shout out this for this meeting is curu Creek Elementary I visited the fifth grade units that really just it was phenomenal they are they teach the lessons but it's the children who work with each other and raise everybody up in the math class they walk in and they get a card like it says five time six okay and they answer it boom you go to that table then the teacher introduces the concept and then the kids go to the board there's all the stations so their group goes to the board and they work it together teachers just walking around around encouraging the kids but you should hear the conversations that are going um one conversation I listened to one of the kids must have been in the gifted program and he said come on let's think about this you can do it then when the one of the lower kids in the group and I only could tell this because I've taught so many years in penis County Schools was struggling and his group started saying come on you can do it you can do it and they helped him do a problem well when they're done with the problems they go back to the table and the teacher gives them a white piece of paper and they in this case they took pink paint and they painted the whole page each took a chance one group came over and said come you get to do one too and when they realized that they had their answers right it was amazing but what was more amazing was how they encouraged each other how they t talk to each other and built their strengths together and they might not be a team because every day it changes it was amazing and the teacher just facilitated it was absolutely phenomenal as a matter of fact I'm taking Miss Aaron Phillips back because sixth grade is still looking for ways to help our sixth graders transition to middle school and this program is excellent the principal believes the teachers and let them get a book and and work on it and facilitate how they're going to do it and the they're just doing remarkable things so curu Creek shout out to all of you it was a wonderful opportunity for me to go back and see what our teachers are doing there is so much positive things that are happening in our schools and I want to make sure people remember the positive and and dwell on the positive because kids feel that and man they take off so thank you thank you Mrs edman thank you madam thank you madam chair I would just like to um just Echo similar sentiments that were expressed regarding superintendent Hendrick and if we were to tally or write the list of initiatives he's put in place and our and is sticking to that will will truly show what he values from having the three-year strategic plan to working with Mr herbick as well as outside um organizations and Community people to reestablish the the sustainability task force um as well as other things that they are doing just to continue to move the district forward as well as putting our students staff and Community First I would also like to share that on Wednesday and Thursday uh Mrs cook and I will be in Tallahassee with the greater Florida Consortium of school boards and I look forward to sharing with you all what we accomplish as well as what we learn while we are there on the 29th of February I will be attending um an all together now conference in Orlando just to gain more insight as well as share things with staff as well as you all about how we can and best support our students and families and then I will be going to Washington DC with cosba um to advocate for our legislative platform as well on a federal level so thank you thank you okay um I just wanted to share a a couple things first I wanted to thank Mrs cook for uh leading the recent meeting on January 2 third and um just let my colleagues know so I'm I'm a member of the future of work task force with the St Petersburg Chamber of Commerce uh that group joined with amplify Clearwater which is the chamber up in Clearwater as well as the Beach's Chamber of Commerce the three of them planned a trip up to Tallahassee at the same time and it happened to fall on that board meeting so I did attend that we had meetings at the Florida chamber of commerce it was fascinating to receive that to receive that in in information um and I will be putting together my the key points I learned from that and also sharing the presentations that were given to us um at that meeting but there are a number of people just like all of you are who are very interested in working hard in how we dovetail the needs of Industry what are the top three five 10 growing Industries here in penel county in the state and how are we meeting meeting those needs um and what are the difficulties the challenges meeting our Workforce Etc so it was it was extremely interested and I appreciated that time thank you for um running that meeting um I also this is just a matter of trivia because you mentioned raay baseball and rowdies and the um spelling beat that they hosted and how enthusiastic they were I don't know if you all know this but one of the presidents of the raised baseball team Brian Al was a fourth grade teacher he studied education and his undergraduate work and is passionate about it he got brought into baseball who knows how but his kids attend our schools and and his wife proudly Volunteers in them and they are a great a great partner across our schools as are so many leaders of industry and people across our County so just a little trivia he's one of us for sure any other comments to share okay thank you item 9.4 Mrs Woodford do we have any requests no request no requests okay with that and seeing no other business before us I adjourn this meeting and we'll move to public participation Mrs Hal do we have any speakers for agenda or excuse me any speakers for public participation today uh yes Madam chair we have four speakers excellent so we'll now move into the public comment on the general business of the district please note that the views and comments of the public speakers are their own and are not endorsed nor sponsored by this by the school board or or District we cannot ensure the accuracy of statements made but we'll review concerns that are raised and take appropriate action which may include clarifications or the referral of speakers to the proper staff member for assistance the board is committed to a standard of Civility and decorum and conducting our meetings this includes refraining from clapping or making audible noises during or after a speaker's comments We Appreciate You assisting Us in maintaining a civil and constructive environment additionally please note that although board members of superintendent Hendrick may leave the dis briefly there are speakers in the back room and we will continue to be able to hear your comments thank you Mrs how would you please introduce the speakers yes Madam chair board members Mr hendrik the first two speakers are Tim Conroy and Lee Bryant good morning good morning my name is Tim Conroy and I'm a proud member of North pelis County's indivisible subgroup on education to summarize father Whitley truth brings us to the light today I celebrate Black History Month by advocating for a historically accurate curriculum to be taught in our classrooms I want my nephew Jackson to learn about Rosa Parks not the one who is whitewashed as the older woman simply too tired from work to stand up but the Fearless 42-year-old black woman who was fed up with the evil of segregation the Rosa who was arrested fined and fired from her job for her principles we need our students to learn about the uncompromising Roa who fought the system and one I also want my nephew to learn this story about Sergeant Isaac Woodard his story was captured in a poem yqu a search for healing truth Sergeant Isaac Woodard was discharged from the Army in 1946 and rode a bus home from Georgia to South Carolina Sergeant Woodard was still in uniform when the bus stopped at Batesburg South Carolina he asked to disembark to use the washroom but was refused by the white bus driver Sergeant Woodard reasoned with the white driver I'm a man just like you the police chief of Batesburg came on the bus and arrested him the white soldier on the bus did nothing to help at the jail the police chief Blackjack him and jabbed his eyes into craters blinding him for the rest of his life for the audacity to use to ask to use the bathroom we must never be that person who never does enough or sits idly by in Justice teachers must teach from Individual and institutional hard truths about our history and come to know our shared Journey so we can become a more Humane and better Nation we must elect Schoolboard candidates who ensure we allow our students learn factual history with texts supplemented by primary source books like Rosa Park's own memoral students must have the Liberty to learn and teachers the freedom to teach a rich curriculum let's be as courageous as Rosa Parks and Sergeant Isaac Woodard factual history about the black experience will Empower students history gives us perspective empathy for others and provides the lens and motivation for students to do better than us without guilt or shame but with knowledge and healing truth let's thank Rosa Parks and Sergeant Isaac Woodard today thank you good morning good morning uh chair hind members of the board superintendent Hendrick and staff and by the way I echoed this sentiment that you are the right person for the job and I look forward to working with you for the next several years uh my name is Lee Bryant my pronouns are he him and his I'm president of the pcta and I will keep using my pronouns until my friends feel recognized and respected and as long as it cheeses off that one guy on the internet uh this is a copy of the contract between the school board of penis County Florida and the pelis classroom Teachers Association Incorporated it runs through the 2025 school year bring this up today because I'm getting a lot of questions from our members and some teachers that should be members about why their administrators are not following the contract if the administrator or AP knows the contract and ignores it or worse yet purposely violates it then it is an egregious failure of leadership when I look in the contract I see the at the top of page 47 quote at the end of every marking period the five work days prior to grades being due will be without mandatory meetings for all teachers close quote several weeks ago I had a member tell me their principal said you can't tell me I can't have a meeting I'm the principal that conversation took place during the week we returned from winter break the week that grades were due I don't see any ambiguity in the contract about meetings that week so the administrator was either ignorant of the contract or ignoring the contract while we're on the topic of mandatory meetings there are eight mandatory meetings a month for elementary school five for secondary no more than two a week and never more than one on any given day when I read article 25 of the contract I see that lesson plans can either be written or electronic that there is no particular format required and that the only way an administrator can require a teacher to submit up to one week of lesson plans in advance is if the teacher has taught the district for one year or less the teacher is on a success plan where the teacher was rated as beginning or lower on the most recent observation in standards based planning domain so if a principal or AP is making Educators turn in their lesson plans without meeting one of those three conditions they are not following the contract and many seem to be doing that under article 36 I in our Progressive discipline plan consists of a summary a caution a reprimand a suspension without pay and a dismissal followed immediately by the Line quote a coaching memo is not disciplined close quote my question is then why do we ccops with coaching memos it sure looks like we're adding coaching memos to the progressive discipline plan when they should not be all we're asking is that our members follow the contract and our principles follow the next two speakers are Linda Lerner and Laura McCulla good morning good morning well it's great to be here and this is the third time I've been here from this Podium since I left the board in 2018 and I think I'm getting used to not being there and not thinking I need to vote and Mr cerski continues to be a wonderful attorney and he reminded me that door lock so if I thought of going back there thank you Mr kerski you continue to do um an excellent job I am really privileged to be able to continue in some small way supporting the community and our students and a couple of the ways are being a member of the Arts for complete education committee and there is a wonderful breakfast on March 6th starting at 7:30 at Ruth eard Hall it is for the principles in North County and administrators and board members I've gone to many of them I'm not a morning person however this is a wonderful way to start the morning and it's a real celebration of the Arts and also I'm a member of the STA stavos career uh and Technical um committee and had the privilege of going to some of the acmy and this was wonderful this morning I can remember when we celebrated Career Technical Education Month with posters around the room I mean it was all right but this is really awesome and gives uh all of you and many others in the administration building a a real chance to be able to talk to the students and the teachers so thank you Mr Hunt and staff for um continuing to do this um we were LED or a whole initiative called continuous quality improvement many of you remember that it was quite involved but I believe you're still following the concept um one example is keeping seven or eight periods in middle school as you look to improve the engagement of middle school students because then they can be assured to take the Arts Career Technical World languages and this certainly helps them stay in school and sometimes continuous quality improvement means staying the same so congratulations Mr hendrik you don't always have to change that sometimes the best thing is stay with the good thing that you have so thank you and thanks for doing such a good job at sometimes this difficult time and thank you for working together in the best interest of our kids I appreciate it good morning morning uh thank you everybody um for being here the board and Mr um Hendrick I'm so glad you're going to be still um at the helm we really appreciate it and I just want to say thank you to everybody I was able to Exhale for the first time in a long time this morning because the news is horrible it's just horrible no matter what channel you're on no matter what you're reading it's it's just it's scary but seeing all the things offered the kids today was amazing and the things those children do oh my God you know all I was doing was tipping cows when I was their age you know back in the day and these kids are involved in so many things I don't know when they sleep and just thank you for your leadership yes mistakes are being made yes it needs to be refined yes uh improvements but um um there's so much positive and this is such a better meeting the ones in the evenings we just snarl at each other and uh this has been a good meeting thank you the next speaker is Sarah peacock good morning good morning hello everyone I'm back from Tallahasse here to bother you again um uh I do want to thank thank you all for uh your work together as a board I was really impressed to see you guys got your award um and I'm grateful to see you all working together it's encouraging to see that you're all um taking the job seriously and looking for continuing education and finding new ways to work together I know it's difficult in these this day and age um I did take a peek at the new materials and again I was really impressed I don't know if I was just an unimpressed teen but um I thought the textbooks I saw were really interesting there was more art than I remember more supporting texts and I wish I'd had access to those things when I was a kid so uh thank you to the staff for your work on that um I am glad to hear you're all still lobbying um on our behalf I hope that you're still continuing to oppose HB 49 and the roll back of child labor laws um there's some other less than appropriate bills in legislation right now about the uh Charter isation of our Public Schools being up to municipalities and taking away teachers vote for those things so I hope that uh you'll all be calling your legislators talking to Bernie jacqu um telling them we don't want those things so um I'm glad to see that we're halfway through the legislative session I think almost hopefully it'll be over soon um and then the community will be coming back for another round of meetings with Schoolboard members so thank you so much to the members who met with us uh last year and I really hope that we can meet with everyone this year um I promise it will be honest respectful dialogue we want to have um relationships between Schoolboard members and community members so I look forward to working with you all again throughout the rest of this year thank you madam chair there are no more speakers thank you thank you so much for being here today