##VIDEO ID:1l26ym74eEo## call the meeting to order we'll start with the pledge allegiance my pledge alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for [Music] all can I get a motion to approve the agenda some I have a motion in a second all those in favor signify by saying I I OPP same sign motion passes 3.1 number four public forum James skyberg as you said James scy couple of you may not know me personally I'm the head coach for the girls and boys tennis teams coach for the girls basketball team um we just recently competed in the section tennis tournament in sou Falls and that is why I'm kind of here before we left for the state tournament with Alicia and bibian I heard that um principal Ortman had came to our meets and there might have been some faculty or maybe board members that weren't pleased with it or didn't agree with it or whatever it is it doesn't really matter just that's why I'm bringing this up right now um to see the girl's excitement when she showed up to the section tournament and to some of our meets just because I think it's more of a it could be a female thing in a way just I know this from coaching with girls that they tend to respond a little better get excited I mean when Rick shows up I mean he's a little more old school so there's not a lot of socializing in that where she brings some enthusiasm some cheeriness you know she wishes them walk right to their face she will win or lose she'll say good job you know and it's what it is I guess on that um I didn't realize there would be any concerns with this and there may not be I'm just this is just what I heard so nothing's confirmed but uh to me it made kind of sense since she is from sou Falls you know she lives here during the week and her family's in sou Falls so us playing in sou Falls seemed to make sense to me that she would come I had talked to Rick it didn't seem like it was a big deal or any concern he just said he wouldn't be there principal would be there so just kind of left it at that and like I say this we found out I heard this on Wednesday right when we were doing the send off for the girls so I kind of wanted to say my piece about it a little bit and uh just let you know I mean it's it's a big deal to have these guys get excited when they're out there um you know I don't always bring that to them I get to be the bad guys sometimes once in a while and it's nice to see them happy when they're out there and see someone they like come support them you know tennis isn't the most watchable sport there I mean Chrissy comes once in a while I've seen her out there uh not like basketball and football where you know other than family people will come and watch a little bit so it's nice to have them have somebody come and support them on that and I think that's pretty much it I just wanted to throw that out there um video I'm not going to have them talk I just wanted to show my appreciation with that and the tendance girls wanted to do something so we're just going to hand this to her for her to keep in her office just to show that we appreciate her coming and supporting us so it's just a picture of the team and I thank you for your support so thank you thanks thank you congratulations yes SS very good seasona couldn't be here she's got to work so otherwise yeah I'll tell her for sure okay it was a good season overall than you good job you anything else under public form where was that it all right moving on number five presentation 5.1 Shaw Raymond partnership with swmn Private Industry counil all right would you would you like me to introduce you or would you like to introduce yourselves I can thank you for this opportunity um there's some concerns that I have had for a couple of years now for those of you that don't know me my name is relle Raymond I am the HR Director for Pipestone management um I lead a team across the Midwest that recruits in high schools communities and colleges one thing that we've come to be aware of is that individuals don't know the career opportunities that companies have and can provide so I'm really passionate about um personal development um I also sit on the uh Southwest Minnesota Private Industry Council that is an appointed seat for Pipestone County I have done that for 3 to four years along with Carrie um and we provide resources for schools and communities um for career Pathways so I think it's super important with the information that I know coming out of the business sector and then sitting on a council that can provide resources to our high school and community members about career paths getting them to start to think about it so I will induce introduce Carrie to talk about the different platforms um that they would have to offer thank you um good evening I'm Carrie Bendix I'm the executive director of the southwest Minnesota Private Industry Council or the uh Workforce Development for board for the for the region um um U Mr chair and board thank you so much for having us here today I just wanted to highlight we receive a lot of state and federal grants to help support school districts and students um throughout our 14 County region which um Pipestone is part of that I'm sure you're all aware of the labor shortage that we have I mean the Pipestone County is traditionally has some of the lowest unemployment rates uh particularly since Co and there was a recent study in your materials the first report that's called the youth career connector report um towards the back of that page on the back you'll see there was a study and the study showed that only well six years after high school students in the whole region after they graduate only 25 % of those high school students actually live and work in a meaningful way in southwest Minnesota so we have um we have a a labor shortage we have the vast majority of our students leaving the region and we have students who really don't know and understand the great jobs that are here and opportunities that are here in southwest Minnesota many of them leave thinking they have to leave in order to get a good job but there's lots of opportunities right here and one of the programs that we have is called the youth career connector program and this is where we work and we work with your local chamber to be sort of an intermediary between the school and the employers and help create opportunities for the students from mock interviews to business tours to um Career Fairs to working with individual students we have a whole menu of different types of services that we can offer including career ass ments with your students mock interviews um lots of different opportunities for them to be exposed to the great jobs that are here to the great employers like um Pipestone and uh from uh you know all levels that of hiring with education levels and just demonstrating that there's some great opportunities here in addition to that we have opportunities for students who might be lwi income students students students who might have some at risk factors to help Advance their careers as well you'll see on the next handout our services in general and these are programs where individuals would enroll in the program we would um assign them a career specialist where they can do individual assessments get that interpretation and even have paid work experiences where we where the student would become an employee we the Private Industry Council would become the employer of record for that student but that student would work in your area uh to get paid work experience um which develops the resume teaches them those skills that uh will help them be successful in the future uh of their work so we're here just to share a little bit about this resource that's available through the Private Industry Council and hope that you would partner with us um in that um yeah I'll turn that back so just to close the gap I would like to bring the knowledge that um people and children don't have you know Pipestone is the second largest pork producer in the United States sixth in the world there's lots of opportunities if you don't want to come into a farm and take care of animals we've got accountants we've got Auditors we've got a legal team we've got draftsmen we have Engineers that's the information that we need to get into to our students hands and this is one way that we can do it so I was really frustrated to be honest with you that I'm on an appointed seat in our County and our school is not an active participant in these resources so we ban together and we had a meeting with Mrs Ortman to discuss what could we do to bring light to the situation one of my ideas along with these different resources is to present and do a job fairer career fair like they do at colleges not so much to come in and recruit your students but just to give them knowledge about the different opportunities that companies right in their town or their County have to offer so we do ask for your support and thank you for the opportunity tonight thank you there's any questions no I think it's a really good program I have I last year when I went to the um msv conference too there was a lot of there's the same kind of deal I don't think it's I don't remember what that Co-op what it wasn't this but anyway it's the same kind of deal and it's I think it had a lot just a really lot of cool Hands-On things for students that kind of opens their eyes to opportunities that they may not know even exist you know especially like you're saying kids that aren't on that college pathway necessarily or or or thinking about college they're they just want to go out into the workforce I think it's really important to you know show these kids that there are careers that are available to them that can support them and be a good thing for their you know just career going forward so definitely Mrs Ortman and I had had a few conversations already about a career fair here because we do send students to Marshall which is more of a regional approach but it doesn't really dive into what's happening right here in Pipestone County and the opportunities here so we've talked about creating that opportunity certainly something we' want to partner with because I I think there's so much opportunity here for our kids that they don't even realize what what is at the doorstep so I would agree certainly something we'd like to do and you're exactly right when I go to colleges and talk to students and they're going for um animal science and I'm like what do you want to do with that degree they have no idea what industries and what all that they can do with that so that it's a called networking we got to get our students to network with us to really asked questions about our business students we have some discussions with Erica in the chamber about putting like this together she's she's an interested partner as well and and we have cuz if I remember right she came from Fairmont and they heard him her and Tom put something like this on when they were in Fairmont but um she approached me maybe a month ago yeah probably like that I and and we have officially become members of the chamber which may see the bills toight but yeah that's with Erica this afternoon we're working together on a grant called Drive for Five in collaboration and so we would partner with the chambers and do this collaboratively we by no mean want to we want to fill in the gaps we want to help provide services that maybe is is hard we're an additional resource right so we just want to kind of fill in those gaps and use the resour ources we've been given um by federal and state grants to well makes total sense it's kind of eerie how this all CU it was like 30 days ago Erica pulled out the it was like their playbook from when they last did it in Fairmont and asking wanting to do it here in typ stop here we [Music] are so other words you had to said hello perfect I was I became very daunted a couple years ago I talked to some faculty members of the school about this very idea and I was shot down very quickly and I was really saddened um knowing that there students just need opportuni to talk to people it's interesting if students engage with local businesses if they're going to local colleges they tend to stay local as well so the more we expose them to the opportunities here they they get employers who can be their mentors and kind of um help them along the path they're they're more likely to engage and stay here and and continue you know a survey is done at the big career expos in Marshall in Worthington with the 10th graders and the vast majority of the students want to stay and live in a rural area um and live even in their hometowns um some of them at also is maybe in a neighboring County but um they they want to stay in these these communities but they don't have the connection they don't know what opportunities are available for them so this could be great opportunity for the student as well as for Pipestone and the whole and Pipestone County as a whole perfect perfect good thank you thank you thank you thank moving on um number six consent agenda 6.1 approved minutes of the regular school board meeting of September 23rd 2024 and then um 6.2 Personnel report action required for the subs contracts and resignations and volunteers um can I get a motion there's any discussion around the consent agenda anybody see anything can I get a motion to approve the consent agenda move second I have a motion and a second all those in favor signify by saying I I oppos same sign motion passes number seven financials 7.1 review bud bud Year date looks fine we're at 22% last year at the same time we're at 22% any questions right on right onist yeah any questions for Jackie no uh 7.2 approved Treasures report for September 30th 2024 okay our current cash balance is 10.1 million which is good I basically just do this to do the bank reconciliations and make sure everything ties out we get a motion to approve the treasures report someone second have a motion in a second all those in favor signify by saying I I oppose same sign motion passes 7.3 approved 2023a bonds Treasures report for September 30th 2024 current balance in this account is 2.8 million that's the money that we're gonna used for the rough can I get a motion to approve the Bond's Treasures report so second I have a motion in a second all those in favor signify by saying I I OPP same sign motion passes 7.4 approve regular bills for October I did have one question um I see the track resurfacing was in there how did that actual Bild compareed to the bit do you do you remember I don't recall off the top I went back but I couldn't remember what month I have to go back say we've made another payment since then on that so there's Ben excuse me so we did like a down payment and and it's right the other payment was small I can't remember what it was but I don't think it's in these bills okay cuz that was the paint that was the paint Bill I'm imagining the first one was the I think it was all through the same okay if I came out close to what ask that I can find out don't email that if I if I look at the it's pretty close cuz if I I mean yeah pretty it's close but we can find out the exact okay which is when you look at the big picture of everything has worked out pretty well for us because we've been earning interest off of those funds to the tune of about $88,000 a month so effectively the interest earned has paid has paid for that track has paid for the track resurfacing so that's been a positive thing through this process but I will just curi any other questions r on the regular bills for October can I get a motion to approve no move I have a motion and a second all those in favor signify by saying I I I oppose same sign motion passes 7.5 approve High School activity bills for October anybody have any questions on the high school activity bills no can I get a motion to approve some second I have a motion and a second all those in favor signify by saying I I I oppose same sign motion passes number eight board Forum information 8.1 board reports and updates we had a facilities committee meeting on Wednesday night was that Wednesday night no doesn't matter but yeah and we went through all the bids and stuff for the roof and we're going to go through that later so I haven't had anything very informative yes it and we have decent amount company's bid yes um three three yeah and the one that was the low bid is one that they've worked with the most they've had a lot of I don't remember what he said millions of dollars but a lot so we feel good about the I forget the number it was like what eight eight or 10 it was a lot yeah so I feel good about yeah about the quality and just them getting it down in time and that kind of so I go she negotiations met again with peris and and the secretaries support staff um I think we're close um we hope to coming up we might have one more but we should be we should be getting should be close we'll be calling a finance committee pending the outcome of the board action on the on the bids because then we'll have to figure out the final funding mechanism that we have at our disposal to go forward with completion of ring project the good thing was we had ring project we we all that interest paid for a track overlay project and we have and we have almost another year before we pay right so we should check so we're going to have more some more interest more interest earned she's working out well absolutely other than that anybody else have anything all right uh number nine administrators report 9.1 superintendent board report all right you see the reports attached so you can reference those at your leisure um just a few things to point out you'll see an attachment from the historical society and it just shows how the partnership has worked and we even reached out to them um just to see if we qualify as a federal impact Aid School District because there are additional funds that could be there with the size of the monument and um unfortunately we didn't qualify but they were super helpful with things like that and and have been good um track update as you have observed and as we've already talked this will this will get us a little bit of time but we already know what um what the projection said as far as the lifespan of the track so it means thinking five seven years in advance now what we do for our next steps is we deal with uh that subsurface because we know that that was deteriorating a bit um we are working through school Improvement plans I know that there's been some publicity about student achievement results and those types of things and I've asked each of the principles to work with leadership teams to write School Improvement plans um with the idea of identifying one academic goal and one non-academic goal for the school year just to start the process and get a little um Cadence with that so um we'll be working through that and then uh Schoolboard conference if you haven't signed up um please let Deb know because that's always a good leadership conference for board members um we're working through winter weather planning and um election day coming up so remember to vote and get your vote in and then we are working on uh plans as well so stay tuned for a districtwide Christmas party again so um we're uh we're starting to make those plans and the administrators have met because it was such a a great event last year and I believe everybody had a really good time and and it was just a good event to kind of build collegiality and good culture and so we're looking forward to doing that again so um some things that we're working on any questions for Clint 9.2 principal board report thank you sorry I've got I'm so sorry I've got a runny eye over here hi apologies okay um we oh sorry we have I don't know your children may have mentioned to you that we now have music in the hallways um in between passing periods so we had access to that um ability to to do that we just needed to sort of um open it up and subscribe to it so it's it's enjoyable everyone is commenting about it we've got the edge shearing station on um and so every everything for the most part is very appropriate and calming and then we also have it set to um so students have three minutes uh in which to pass to the next class at when there's 15 seconds left before the bell rings the Music Stops so they automatically know you know maybe pick up the pace a little bit you're almost late um kind of a thing and then we play it um before school when they're walking in and also after school for about 10 minutes so we've had great um feedback with that we administered the pat which is a test that you need to um take if you want to be um nominated for a National Merit Scholarship and so we did have 12 students sign up and take that a couple of week ago and we did that right here in Pipestone at the school we had a uh data analysis session you're going to hear U Mrs PE talk a lot about nwea and map so I don't want to talk too much about it um but our teams are now really starting to understand that language we're all sort of in Co coherence with okay this is what this means and how do we group students and how do we move forward she'll talk more about that um I have met with my leadership teams and we have had we are having some great great collaboration and back and forth communication that's one of my goals for this year for myself is uh to to do that with my leadership teams and they've given me feedback and we've had just incredible conversations so we are in the process right now of coming up with our school our Middle School High School academic and our non-academic goals and we we talked at length about what that would look like and what is actually relevant and meaningful and what can we discuss every month not just in May to see if we met the goal our cell phone um policy you all you know were are maybe wondering how's it still going it's almost November maybe kids are starting to get a little bit um Lac ofical um for the most part I would say we have very very very few cell phone infractions um I'm I'm just so impressed with the kids and my staff as well for enforcing that we've had a few hiccups of course but I've addressed those um as you saw I am trying to go or attend extracurricular activities as much as I can during the week um on the weekends It's tricky because I do like to be with my um my family and my daughter is a senior in high school in South Dakota it's about an hour and a half away so on the weekends I don't always make um activities but obviously it's important to them and um building relationships with the kids is important to me we had the coolest event recently I partnered with with Mrs morette on this Kinder buddies event and maybe if you have a senior you would have already heard about it if you have a kindergartener you would have heard about it we partnered with um our seniors partnered with kindergarteners and they had some playtime for the first part of the week where they kind of got to know them and they were out there on the playground throwing um footballs I had High School varsity football players holding hands with their little Kinder buddies and and playing games with them and it was so incredible to watch and then on Friday on the football field they um they gave their Kinder budy a a T-shirt and I wish we had had a copy had the copy of it because it was the cutest thing sort of handing off the um Pipestone Arrow tradition of okay you're going to start we're leaving you're starting this and they put the shirt on them they took pictures and it was a really cool a really really cool event um and then in terms of just my building I've got my initial evaluation scheduled for those um teachers that are not tenured or within their first three years of the district so I'm getting ready to do that excited for that as well I've spent quite a bit of time in the classrooms as of late and I'm seeing great things happening and it makes me really proud of my team they're doing amazing things they're excited and when they have an issue they are not um they don't hesitate to come and ask for help so I'm really just pleased with how the year has has started all right so Friday October 4th I was super excited about this I'm working on every grade level having something where we have Community participation bringing in either parents or in this event it's um we just kicked off and it's going to be an annual one where we had a grand person so anybody had could invite any Grand persons that they knew or in their family and we were in the ca we had games and cookie and juice and it was so awesome to watch these students Embrace their grand person that would come in and hang out with them great opportunity they got to take them up to their classroom check that out wonderful event as Sonia just shared we partnered with our kindergarteners and our seniors and this is going to be something that we're either going to do monthly quarterly getting them together being able to kind of pass on that torch and that they're going to be the next ones with that um we had our fire drill with the fire department we do that annually and that went really well with that um I did student Focus meeting so that's something new that I've brought to my team where I sit down with every teacher in my Elementary classroom teacher and we talk about every student we talk about um their academic needs social emotional behavioral anything that's impacting student learning so I got to sit down with my dean of students and our social worker on Thursday and Friday of this past week and talked about every student and made a game plan for the the needs of our students which it was an awesome thing to do and it help helps me have a better understanding of what's happening at the elementary the students and our needs that we have and of the quarter is on Friday um just like U Miss Orman said we are working on student or teacher evaluations that's gotting kicked off right now and um we just have an amazing staff across the board across the district and I think it's very important that you as a board hear the amazing things that our teachers are doing in the classroom and our students the success that our students are having because of the support that our teachers have which is awesome questions for me no thank you thank you 9.3 curriculum teaching and learning board report good evening I have been doing a lot of leg work um learning about the new Ela standards which need to be implemented fully on next fall and so I have reached out to many curricul companies the mde with the read act has a list of Highly aligned partially aligned curriculum that we are um getting samples of so that we can take a look at them and really make an informed decision with with what we want to use um to implement in the fall uh we've met with the elementary literacy team the Middle School ELA teachers um to get feedback and we will be Mee meeting with the high school ELA teachers as well well just to see you know what are their needs what are their wants what what curriculum will best go with the standards that we need to implement in the fall and then with our Wednesday early dismissals we have a master teacher par educator modules that our par professionals complete each week uh we have um staff member the new staff members have to become highly qualified so this is one way for them to become highly qualified and um we like some examples are parent educator roles and responsibilities confidentiality understanding students in crisis they're just there's over 150 modules that were able to have them complete and I had a pair professional that has worked in our district for many years stopped my my office last week and thanked me us for providing relevant professional development for them so that was really good to hear that that it is making a difference for them so and then my next um part is I have a district data dig all right so the first part of it I'm just going to go over the district MCA data and then the last part of it um Dr rard and Mrs Ortman and Mrs Moritz and I are gonna um do the last few slides together just to interrupt real quick for sake of recording for the presentation should she be miked up probably stay behind yeah that' probably be a good thing just in case somebody's watching ites official all right so the first slide is the district and state Proficiency in reading and I have a comparison of the 2023 summary and the 2024 summary and and um on the bottom on the left side for 2023 Statewide proficiency was 49.7% and Pipestone Area Schools was 42.7 compared to 2024 data the Statewide was 49.7% and PAs was 40 I can't read that 3% sorry that's okay and then the next slide and and just so you know grades 3 through 8 and grade 10 take the reading assessment and then on this slide is a comparison of the student achievement level where the gray is students that that were in it does not meet category the blue is a partially meets green is meets and the purple is exceeds on the left is 2023 the first bar is the Statewide results and the second bar is the Pipestone Area Schools and then it's the same for the 2024 student achievement level and along with this just for more comparative data um on the next slides we'll look at the E population sped free and reduced so if you want to go back one not not yet that's okay and so in 20123 we had 62 um students that were in the El population and 2024 we had 80 students in the El population so that is quite a difference from one year to the next so 18 more students in that category and then with special education it was 82 students in 2023 and 87 in 2024 so five student different there and then the free and reduced um 2023 was 261 2024 was 265 so that's a pretty close comparison there and then we have so then this slide is the El population um Statewide is 99.4% and PAs was 1.3% and then the student achievement level on the right side where the gray again is does not meet blue is partially meets green is meets purple is exceeds I have a question just so I I can understand these are only given in English right that is correct yes there are embedded in there where um there are some words that the students can click on to have them read in Spanish but not a lot from what I understand and so yes the the test is in English so even if they come here in if they enroll here in February with very limited English skills they still take the test next and then here is the special education um and Statewide is 22.3% and the Pikes stary schools is 14.9% and then on the right side shows the comparison with the state and our students and then this is the comparison with the free and reduced so which is pretty similar to that of the state okay and then I have very similar slides for the math data so in 2020 3 the Statewide was 45.3 Pipestone Area was 35 and then 2024 Statewide was 45 Pipestone was 34 and this these tests are taken in grades 3 through 8 and 11 and then the student achievement levels and just a comparison again the El population that took the assessment in 23 were 60 student and in 2024 there were 70 students and then in special education there were 75 students in 2023 and 88 students in 2024 and then free and reduced uh went from 265 students in 23 down to 244 students in 2024 so just a comparison there uh yes please please there and then so this is the El population um for 20124 the dis the Statewide was 11.7 Pipestone Area Schools was 2.9% and then with the special education Statewide is 21% pipes Stone Area Schools is 177% and then the free and reduced very close there 26.3 for the Statewide and 24.6 for pipes stary schools and then with our science scores so science are grades five8 and then whatever students are in biology so mostly 11th graders but sometimes 10th grade or 12th grade depending on when they take biology you can go to the next one sorry and then here's the student achievement just for a comparison 2023 there were 11 El students that took the assessment and in 2024 there were 29 and then special education 25 students in 2023 to 31 students in 2024 and then the free and reduced 98 students in 2023 and 93 in 2024 four and then yeah those were the E and the special ed and the free and reduced ones so here's the big question so now what what do we do with this data um so one of the things two of the things actually that we um implemented this year one is the Dibbles assessment which we give to grades uh prek through three and they're short research based oneon-one it really is an evaluation of their early literacy skills with their foric awareness and fluency and um we use this data for screening benchmarking progress monitoring Title Services small group instruction all of those things and then the nwaa map assessment has taken the place of our fast assessment that we've used in the past and map stands for measures of academic progress and we can give this K through grades 11 and it's nationally normed and it shows growth over time and is also aligned with the standards and one other thing is it's also adaptive so that's if if a child is answering the questions correctly the questions get more difficult and if they are struggling Ling with answering questions then it goes to an appropriate level for them some other things that we've implemented we have closing the Educational Opportunity Grant focused on reimaging our teaching and learning practices Dr Willard I'm going to have you touch on that a little bit yeah that's that Statewide grant that we received and we were there were 14 districts that received it we were one of 57 Grant applicants that received that and we're super excited that's um we're starting to talk to a vendor about doing our profile of a graduate which we replace our our strategic plan and become our our road map or our goal post that we're aiming for as we move forward and um and that's a process that's moving forward like I said we're um hoping to wrap up an agreement with the vendor and get that in place um relatively soon so that's a big part of that and uh a lot of that does work around these subgroups that we're talking about our El population our special education population and how we can really focus on personalizing what needs they have and I think that ties directly back to those assessment tools that we just talked about with the NWA versus the state assessment the state assessment is a norm reference test where here are the norms and it doesn't take into account a lot of different variables that happen education where the NWA is a Criterion reference test and as as Lis has acknowledged it helps reference growth over time or a normed reference test doesn't do that so we'll be able to look at growth measures on assessments and I think that's a much more reliable tool to tell us what's happening in our classrooms in a norm reference test and set by at some national or state level by some bureaucrats so we're super excited to see that kind of weave into that weay pay for those assessments through this grant so um that's why I mention those two things as we talk about this so it's it's moving Us in the right direction and the next uh thing that we have is something called Viewpoint which we have had in the past um but teachers have not had access to it um teachers will be getting access and basically it's a data warehouse uh High School teachers can type in a student's name and they can see all of the assessment data from when they're in kindergarten so everything is in one location for them everything from Synergy transfers over with attendance and behaviors and if they are um a special education student they're it's called an IEP snapshot it all the data is just in one place for them and there is a way to um actually create small groups for elementary students based on the data the program will do that and put students according to the their data with other students that are at the same level another thing we're meeting with content specific staff regarding curriculum and potential needs we talked about that a little bit uh we need to get a list of negotiables and non-negotiables of this this this is the expectation of what you do need to do and here are some other things that you can do um if you want to too and then I also touched on the 2020 Ela standards in my other report so we're going to do a deep dive into um that so go ahead Deb and then we have an elementary Focus I'll let Mrs marvit y so last year I had a literacy team and this year I noticed just with the data that I've looked at and things that I noed in the classroom that I wanted to add a math Focus team and really focing on tier one which that's basic classroom instruction of what you have going on in there and so I meet with my literacy team and my math team once a month I just had my math team meeting today after school and one of the first pieces that we're going to be looking at is just that academic vocabulary looking at our standard so last week we had our literacy team just looking at our standards um taking those apart understanding when it says I've got du of knowledge on there too um describing something or knowledge is it and where is it at in that of um what we're asking them to do and our students and is an align to the standards and to the benchmarks and so this Wednesday our teachers are going to be getting together with grade bubble teams and looking at all of the math standards and all the ELA standards and looking at those academic vocabulary and what's important that we need to be sharing and talking about in classroom so they're going to be highlighting and talking about that in the coming weeks we'll be meeting with grade level teams above and below them and talking about that where are hols within our grade levels um with our literacy team we're going to be really talking about letters almost all of our staff are letters trained um we have some of our new staff that are not but really taking in all of the things that we've learned in our letters training and now we need to make sure it's getting implemented and in the classroom uh our lesson structure today we talked about our math lesson structure the I do we do you do portion of it what does that look like what should we be doing more talking about our depth of knowledge with the Viewpoint thing we' talked about different um groupings that we can do so the teachers are going in looking at that grouping our students tier one tier two tier three um we're just looking at what areas of strength do we have based on that data or we're really good at you know informational text but we need to work on this area so just kind of creating some goals and some Focus for each one of those teams that we have up there okay our focus in the middle school and the high school U base Bas on based on the now what it's really hard to look at um testing data um where you know it's the MCAS and everyone is forced to take it it's really hard for us to try to Define kids by that and so we want to do more digging and More personalizing in their instruction so they actually get what they need at their level and are challenged so we are working on um professional development in which we are working on grouping students more appropriately in the learning environment um so that again students can get what they need within the classroom setting that they're in granted all seventh graders are 12 and 13 years old they are all in seventh grade but they are all they are all uh learning at different at different levels and do need that um personalization so that is a goal of ours um my uh leadership teams really felt strongly about attendance goals um being something that we maybe Implement some somehow um at the at the school level our non-academic goal would be attendance goals for students and also for families we find that when families can come into the building and um are able to talk to the teachers and are able to talk to um the administrators they get a better understanding of what we're trying to do in terms of support for their child so we want people in the building we're trying to um set some goals here for families to come to uh parent teacher conferences usually the elementary does have have a pretty good turnout and um middle and high school um sometimes we don't and it's still important whether your child is 15 or 16 or 12 we want those parents in the building in the doors so we can greet them show them around and kind of become a partner with them in the learning process we are um this is not an official goal yet but this is the one that we have discussed with my leadership teams um how can we increase just simply passing rate for each semester for students that don't pass classes we might need to communicate more intensively with students and families so that they understand what what it is that they're missing or how can we help them and and just working with other team members at the school to kind of sort of a it takes a village sort of a thing how can we get more students uh to be successful in the classroom setting and finally do you have any questions for us as you're thinking I I think I hope that you're seeing board members that we're trying to move Beyond being the drip organization data Rich information poor by equipping teachers with the information with the Viewpoint by utilizing these growth measures we're hoping to equip teachers with information so they can make good instructional decisions in their classrooms um because because the MCAS are a oneoff and it's it's not to sound morbid or anything but they're autopsy data because they're given in the spring we don't receive it until late to fall and it's with the class that has already happened last year and it doesn't inform instruction and teaching and learning where the nwa's the dibles assessments are much more robust in terms of actionable data things you can do something with in the classroom now and like like was referenced the grouping regrouping the application of the data and what happens in the teaching and learning process becomes much more real than what an MCA score gives you so that's really what this whole whole effort is about just looking at our demographic when because I I feel like this is probably important when you look at our test scores no where else is it given anywhere else than English correct correct so I think we had similar results or data was it a year ago two years ago um and it and I remember sitting in the audience at that time going looking at the data um feeling a little disappointed kind of the same thing now too um but what I don't remember then is conversation from principles and administration on how we're going to correct that so I'm very happy to hear that that's awesome um I'm glad to hear that there there's a plan of hey we recognize that we're below average here's the things and the steps that we're going to do to try to resurrect that that's awesome I my I do have a question within that data does it indicate um grades that we fall behind them within each category we do have the data specifically for each grade level that I could get to you if you would like that perfect that great okay I will do that thanks M I think it's hard when you look at um one year's third graders to another Year's third graders to completely different students you look at third grade to third grade to third grade over time you have your different thingss of students I didn't know if if there's any Trends though that you can pick up I mean just from different teaching styles and whatnot and what is work what not working yeah cuz I don't remember what grade they would be now or if they're still in the in the building but there was a grade that since I got on the board until like a year ago every time they got tested that group of kids in that grade level performed high like way higher than the than the others as they were going through it it it was true every time they got tested and then there's a group that tests super low yeah and it was it was it was I think the High group is out now they are I was going to say they got to be closer but but following the data I thought it was interesting that there could be that much of a sway form from one group of kids one year to another group of kids especially when you're talking 80 to 90 kids per group y so it should be big enough that it would well you should be build to follow those kids still you should build follow the same group of kids as third graders fourth graders I mean that they should be getting it should be the same if not better I mean you shouldn't have to compare at like third graders to third graders we should be able to Trend them that way too which I think we've looked at before right and we still do have the effects of covid this year's sixth graders would have been first graders and so um you know the we have a a few years to get through before we were we're at the grade levels where we were back to normal so to speak um as well I guess I would just but I'm glad that I'm glad that there are some plans and some new techniques and and ways of looking at it and trying to identify and I don't think standardized testing is a great a great tool I know a lot of kids that take a lot of tests so it's a a a a or true F like I mean they just Christmas tree Christmas just whatever like I'm done testing I don't want to do it so I'm just filling it out and and and I will I will Echo to what you're saying that a lot of students just don't test well in general um one of the things that we try to do is provide things for kids that are maybe um alternative things like Project based learning let's say maybe they uh really don't do well on standardized tests at all because they struggle with reading but by golly they could build an actual house if I gave them tools so we need to look at success in different ways and not just the MCA um not just standardized testing and we want to give our kids as many opportunities as we can to to have them have success when they leave here in Pipestone yeah they don't ask too many questions about epds on uh on the MCA right maybe those are questions we should be any other questions for or any of the others thank you okay thank you number 10 discussion items any other items we need to discuss we hit it on the board report but if there is anything that no uh 11 board action 11.1 resolution accepting donations um first one we had the jasy Evangelical Lutheran $110 donation to The Wellness room we had Christ the King Lutheran $100 donation to The Wellness room Coburn's a Pipestone [Music] $2,327 of that 13448 to the health fund and 6719 to overdue lunch accounts and lastly uh Leonard management $5,000 donation to The Help fund um I'd like to thank all these organizations for their donations um it's greatly appreciated what's the help fund it's through like if um students need purchasing of some equipment or something for activities and those types of things that's where those dollarars beened and Leonard management just so you know is affiliated with McDonald's management group of McDonald's any questions if not did I get a motion to approve accept these donations so second I have a motion in a second all those in favor signify by saying I I oppose same sign motion passes 112 112 113 and 114 are all final readings um 112 final reading of the teacher sority list um 11.3 final reading of the par professional seniority list and read and the 11.4 final reading of the secretary custodian AP and Tech seniority list any discussion or question questions on the seniority list again this is the final reading we brought this last month they have been reviewed by the respective associations can I could I get a motion to approve the final reading of these seniority lists second you pick I have a motion a second all those in favor signify by saying I I I OPP same sign motion passes 11.5 second reading of policy 620 credit for learning any discussion or questions can I get a motion to approve second I have a motion and a second all those in favor signify by saying I I oppose same sign motion passes 11.6 approve snow removal quote for 2024 2025 one just one I think we all seen one it's it's um Outlaw Customs they've been doing I think they've been doing the snow removal as long as I can remember they do a good job it's not going to be a problem this Winer hope we don't need any questions or discussion from anybody okay you a motion to approve the quote second I have a motion and a second all those in favor signify by saying I I I oppose same sign motion passes 11.7 set date to Canvas election results November 88th through the 15th all right how about the 12 works for me it's fine with me going to do it November 12 I won't be that's fine that's so just go ahead and ear it's going to be it's going to be quick is maybe 10 I can do anytime Mark yeah whatever you're out yeah I like to do it earlier than 7 6:00 it's 5:30 5:30 no it's fine I can make that work it works for me yeah November 12th at 5:30 sure sounds good in here y okay all right I just need Mo you get a motion to set the canvas election results date of November 12th at 5:30 p.m. in this room second I have a motion in a second all those in favor signify by saying I I oppose same sign motion passes 11.8 resolution of governing board supporting form a application to Minnesota State High School league Foundation this is something that's part of the annual um support for the foundation that goes on it's it's um something that happens every year again just supporting their foundation and they come back and they'll assist schools with different things as they go forward if they Advance them in different levels of competition I Mo we approve the resolution of governing board supporting the form a application to the Minnesota State High School league Foundation second I have a motion in a second all those in favor signify by saying I I CL same sign motion passes 11.9 declare items obsolete I'll just share that as you look at this there are a number of items that are pictured some of them are from the old um Hill and brown schools um anybody want Central if they still looking for of those um here's your chance um there are some things that are still from the co time where we had those um plexiglass dividers so that's what that's a pallet of the face masks and face Shields from Co um so we have a couple of pallets of those obviously um and then you'll see that due to the kitchen doing some upgrades and improvements with their equipment we have some warmers these are being replaced the kitchen just received some new ones um some more face masks and face Shields and then um as you probably have entered the school you notice our new Runners and rugs that we've got in I think it look great and really dress it up a lot well we have the old ones that we would like to declare obsolete so if somebody's looking for some shop rugs or something um some Library carts that Cody shared those have been out there for over four years so uh time to move on and then some other kitchen equipment that goes with it and then um kind of wrapping up at the end there towards the end you'll see some barriers for kind of perimeter around playground um that's that's um kind of to hold in different things those are plastic they interlock with each other so if somebody's looking for a landscaping opportunity at home or something along those lines and um then closing out with some more kitchen equipment so quite a quite a number of things as you can see um but Cody approached me about these and we talked through them and went through each of the items and uh would like to declare them Surplus so clear up that area clear up the shop any discussion questions comments can I get a motion to approve these obsolete would we approve those items obsolete second I have a motion and a second all those in favor signify by saying I I oppose same sign motion passes 1110 mou with p pa EA for emergency substitution and it was related to PE so nice segue so what this is um we have a situation with the new Master agreement that I think was an unintended consequence where for example in the gymnasium we may have three different PE classes going at the same time and one PE teacher may be gone for a coaching event and rather than hiring a sub the other P teacher just covers both classes and the prior Master agreement allowed for that to happen the current Master agreement doesn't because they are subbing during their own class and rather than calling in a sub um we sat down with the association and work through some language that would allow for us to let that happen without violating the master agreement and compensate those teachers for stepping in because we have such a shortage of Subs number one and number two these staff members are already trained they know the roles they know the duties they know the kids so it it makes sense to do it this way and and help um them because right now they they've done it but they haven't been compensated for it and this is a fair way to compensate them for the extra work the responsibilities that come with managing two classes so that's why you see this presented um talked that length with David douas who's the lead negotiator for the teachers about this and um the idea is that we would revisit this then when we have our Master agreement discussion with the teachers through teacher negotiations to clean up the language in the in the master agreement accordingly any questions I mean this would be the same as like if a teacher covers someone else class normally correct I mean they get a little different a little different double up yeah yeah they can do that right now if they're on a prep planning period y yep but this is when they're not on a planning but have the KE but I mean those teachers are getting compensated for that also so there's no reason that teacher should not be taking the other caveat that is part of this is it doesn't it doesn't occur without pre-approval of the ad Administration so if if the principal says no I'm calling in a sub we're covered and if the principal says no I we're short on subs today which we all know um has happened um then they can cover it this way and just allows for that flexibility get a motion to approve so second I have a motion in a second all those in favor signify by saying I I I hold same sign motion passes 1111 contract between Pipestone County and the school district 2689 to provide law enforcement resource officer so we've had a number of meetings with the county officials talking about a a revised or an up dated agreement um the agreement really has not changed a great deal there's been um a cost increase I don't know the exact percentage of that I could get that to you but it does reflect the increases that the county officials have received in terms of their compensation um I think we've had very open dialogue with how we can ensure that we're getting the level of service that we want and that we need in the District um and I think that as Keith has visited with us on on a number of occasions um I think there's been very good communication between the the officials so um we recommend moving forward and you'll notice that it's titled um law enforcement resource officer not necessarily an SRO and that's very intentional as well because then it avoids any of the Dynamics that happened with the last legislative session with school resource officers and having to navigate those political Waters it allows for that law enforcement presence in the building and adds to the Safety and Security of of what's going on in the schools is that officer here in the morning before the kids get here it varies do you want to comment on because he's officed out of your yes we he is here in the morning before school we've talked about changing up some of his locations um right now he's greeting kids when they come in which is awesome um but we um and we have discussed with him that we would like more of a presence maybe outside when students are driving in parents are dropping off um so we're we're kind of just working through that and he he's been pretty um easy to work with and as far as being approachable and is he down in the grade school too then I mean is he we we've emphasized that more this year that want a presence in the cafeteria and Walking The Halls again cuz we know that building those relationships is how you avoid a lot of problems in the first place and we've talked about um doing sweeps of the parking lot just again to ensure that there's no nothing that shouldn't be present in a car um and then monitoring when kids leave at the end of the day that's when we worry about speeding and we got little people on bikes and whatnot so um so we' we've had those conversations and and getting out of the office more having a more visual visual presence in the hallways in the Commons areas we know that's just the presence is a deterrent in of itself absolutely yep I support that but read to this I don't think there's any no that's that's where it's the communication with Keith with you and ke yeah Y and Keith has has been very forthcoming about that saying um if you need something now there was um if you recall through the policy committee oh gosh a few months ago we updated our policy around resource officers and it laid out some expectations in there so we've given that to the to the county as well and I know I drop kids off every morning different times and they the share heavy presence of police officers around the school at 730 and 8 they sit St the break we have asked Dr Willer did ask um them to kind of we had a couple of very close call incidents um with involving students in their safety and so we did ask them to to do more and and they have so we do appreciate that for sure it's a busy time of the day this after school a lot of times I'll even see a State Trooper on on my street troop yeah like coming out towards the school yeah your street your street looking for Deb any other questions or comments we get a motion to approve so move second I have a motion and a second all those in favor signify by saying I I hold the same sign motion passes 1112 approve Clint Willard to participate in the swwc service Cooperative Fellowship trip all right you see an attachment board members and what the attachment says is that the service Cooperative offers a fellowship to a superintendent in the region um that's part of the the service Cooperative every year and it's to attend the um aesa conference with the service Cooperative board to learn more about what service cooperatives across the country they've named different things obviously are and um what is expected of the home district is the the board would need to take formal action supporting the application and and allow for some time to attend the conference and um as far as the cost goes it's very minimal to the Local District in fact the only coverage is is the meals and that's that's something I can take care of so um that's what uh this is for and that's what it's about any questions or discussion where's it at I think this year Florida oh nice like I don't like I couldn't see in there I'm like where it was at yeah I think it was FL I think it's Florida hopefully that duy noted I want to experience an earthquake but I don't want to experience a hurricane earthquakes are funny pass I was going to say I don't think I just get motion to approve so move second have a motion and a second all those in favor signify by saying I I I oppose same sign motion passes 1113 approved roofing project bid right I'll go ahead and share what you see attached and then I'm going to add a couple of additional editorial comments and and the committee members please feel free to jump in as we go so um I should have brought my graphic of the roofing area but essentially what this is is a summary of the project being completed over two summers and the board considered um different variables of early starts and and later end times and um really there was was not significant value in changing that at all so what you see at the end of the day is the bid for the total roof area of the middle school high school except for I believe the weight room CU that's relatively new of $3,735 th000 and then there was there were a few alternates on there and some of those alternates were changing or considering during start times and those types of things and like I said the the impact financially was pretty negligible the one that we did feel was appropriate was to add the OSHA compliant access ladders to the roof as a m matter of safety for the for the access points so again that brings us to the total that you see of 3,749 th000 now the one caveat that is not included in the dollars that you see here was discussed by the uh subcommittee and we'll work through this I Envision when we get to the final AIA which is the architectural documents um is some sort of an owner's contingency into the plan we don't have an owner's contingency built into the into the bids the owner's contingency is if they end up getting into um some sort of a a def function or dysfunctional um oh like Roofing deck or something like that talk about like the drains the drain if there's a bad one if the if the insulation underneath was bad there's a which they said they said there would be they expect some of that um they don't expect the bowls to be bad um and then below the installation would be the like the plywood the actual roof structure but they said that would be very unlikely of a roof this age and this type of roof um that they'd have to go that far but there was some contingencies 20,000 to 30,000 20 to 30,000 owners contingencies based on the size and scale of this project from what they've done in the past would be their estimate of what they would run into so there are there are contingencies like that that once they start open not if it's worse underneath then what so are they putting rock down or no it's going to be the same as the elementary okay and so how it was explained was when the high school was built there's there they explained it in there's three levels of this type of roofing the high school when it was built was the lower level the Elementary is like the mid level and then there's a higher level but hardly anybody knows the high Ro and so we're going to do the same type of roof that we have that we put on the elementary and when they put together the bids there is no disposal of the rock we've asked for that to be retained so that we can either put that into the solar field that gets constructed or as some sort of landscaping rock around the building if that's necessary so we will keep all the rock that's existing on the roof now so it's like a poly they're putting on up there that kind of yeah yeah if I remember right the Elementry is like glued down it's in theher Ro Y where where this one here is the rock holds it down rubber ballasted yeah y this will be an ad don't quot me I me I'm just no you're you're right you're right you're right you're right it's an adhered D versus a rubber ballasted yep sound good the total we were getting from those funds was right now we have 2.8 which it was listed tonight I would guess based on what we've been doing for in just if it stayed the same we'd probably have another 100 probably be like 2.9 we W have another one you don't think so gained interest in a year no I might be about not possibly I don't want to Dr last I thought I start going down I'm just ma ma m I would say napkin man I'm conservative he says 100 75 so at the end of the day the options that are available and like I said this will come to the finance committee but the options to close the gap which we have time to make a final determination or one option is to take it out of the um out of the cash Reserve another option is to do a lease Levy and just lease purchase the roof and another option is to utilize our or utilize our ltfm funds and bond against our existing revenue from ltfm now the benefit is there is an AG to school credit when you Bond against ltfm so the state ends up helping pay for the roof now the other benefit of you izing um a little bit of time in these cash funds first and then ltfm later there have been for the last couple of years some discussions at the state level about including rovs in ltfm so if that actually comes to uh fruition then we may not have to worry too much about this at all so time is on our side in other words we we've got some options that we can move forward with in the in the months to come so I I look at it I mean we're we're a year away from probably paying for the first half which we have in the bank and then we have a winter and then I mean so we got a year and a half and it has to be done and and and we don't have a choice so no shot I mean it has to be done and we have levers that we can pull right you know so I mean I think we're sitting in a good options we're we're sitting in a pretty good spot any other questions or discussion anybody and it'll give money to T absolutely I think that's that's a great point I'm glad you you thought of that because that's the other thing we have to remember that this is going to be good economic development for the community we're going to have hotels being used restaurants um we'll we'll see a lot of lot of gas being bought diesel being purchased so um this is a project that has some residual benefit to the broader Community as a whole when we talk about some of the economic development activities that are going to happen in the community so I I while we're spending money we also have to realize that this will turn some dollars over in town that'll benefit the community as a whole can I get a motion to approve the roofing project bid CH move second have a motion in a second all those in favor signify by saying I I oppose same sign motion passes 1114 approve e-learning plan for 2024 2025 and this is a late addition to the agenda and I apologize for that however we met late last week with the um leadership from the Pipestone Area Education Association which is a requirement of the e-learning uh law that exists and the only change from last year that's implemented this year is if you scroll down partway on the first page you'll notice a note about teacher attendance recognizing that if a teacher has a prior approved and predetermined day off from school for personal leave or for sick leave or some other leave proof through the district that that day is that and a day that's determined to be an e-learning day the students won't have class that day that came up as a discussion I believe in one of our meeting confers where we uh where we had some teachers that were on vacation and were popping up their laptop while they were on vacation a vacation that had been planned for months and we're trying to do lesson plans for an e-learning day while they're supposed to be on vacation and just wasn't the most way to do what we want to do with e-learning so we'll notify parents and students of that change if it happens through our digital resources Synergy seaw or some other sort of communication that'll come from the secretary so um that's the only fundamental change to the plan from where we were last year think that was also a discussion item of negotiations on the contract any questions for anybody can I get a motion to approve second I have a motion on a second all those in favor signify by saying I I close same sign motion passes I get a motion to adjourn so move second Motion in a second to adjourn all those in favor signify by saying I hold the same sign we're journ