##VIDEO ID:Bshb_DFb2to## ready call the meeting to order we'll start with a pledge allegiance I pled alce to the of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all number three approval of the agenda so moved second I have a motion and a second all those in favor signify by say I both same sign motion passes four public forum five presentation done six consent agenda you have any questions anybody have anything I think so I didn't have any questions I get a motion to approve the consent agenda approved second I have a motion in a second all those in favor signify by saying I I I oppose same sign motion passes seven financials 7.1 r view of budget year to date okay this is the first budget year to date for fisc year 25 we're at 15% last year we were also at 15% so that's a good thing I didn't make any major errors so you look down on the very bottom um you'll see the object 461 is quite a bit over we have the closing the achievement Grant which I didn't know about when we did the budget so that will be amended in January and there's also one for the more expens that 510 which is were for the port of hies that we replaced that's not in the budget and I'll put the insurance proceeds in the budget at the same time so that's why those two are cck funny okay any questions questions for Jackie 7.2 approved Treasures report for August 31 31st 2024 okay we currently have $9.6 million in cash I usually don't have much to say about this one okay get a motion to approve the Treasure's report so Mo to second I have a motion a second all those in favor signify by saying I oppose same sign motion passes 7.3 approve 2023a bonds Treasures report for August 31st 2024 okay we currently have $2.8 million in the bond account so this would be the bond that we have designated for the roof yep when the track resurface correct any questions can I get a motion to approve so move second I have a motion second all those in favor signify by saying I I close same sign motion passes 7.4 approve regular bills for September everybody get a chance to take a look see anything stood out get a motion to approve so moved second have a motion in a second all those in favor signify by saying I I I both same sign motion passes 7.5 approve High School activity bills for September again everybody get a chance to look look through them any questions comments can I get a motion to approve so move second I have a motion and a second all those in favor signify by saying i i p same sign motion passes 7.6 approve 2023a Bond bills already did this I I'll just comment this was uh when I talked to cross Anderson I think when they had to change with their personnel there was a miscommunication with um a bill that was left to pay on their part because we went back and tried to reconcile everything and there was because they had I don't even remember his name who was working with us first and then he left Tyler yes and then he left and somebody else came in so this was an outstanding bill that we still had with Krauss Anderson for their services that they had done um so this this should be everything from what had been done before and then um we just have whatever is going on with the track and then the roof project going [Music] forward any questions comments this is the this is the last CR this should be the last cross Anderson yes because the other one was the last tsp this is the last cross Anderson get a motion to approve so second I have a motion and a second all those in favor signify by saying I I oppose same sign motion passes number eight board Forum information 8.1 board reports and updates I have any committee meetings I haven't no yet but it's coming have some more policies that we need to attack and get after um we have negotiations Wednesday Wednesday's negotiations with the ESP group and then I anticipate that we will given what I'll share a little later on in my superintendent report um a need for a finance subcommittee to meet and talk through the remainder of what's left to cover from the A bonds to the anticipated expenditures that we'll have for the roof so we a finance subcommittee but like I said we can talk a little bit more about that during my report all I talked to a few different people in the community that are very happy that we are really cracking down in the cell phone policy they a lot of people have asked how it's going and I said it was going good and they thought that it was you know something that was needed before and they said it's they're very happy that we're doing that and these are people that don't have kids in school you know so okay moving on number nine administrators report 9.1 superintendent board report all right so a few things to report um first of all enrollments 11:02 right now so that's that's good I mean we're a little better than we were last year um I think uh couple of things I we wanted to spend some time highlighting in the report um you see a couple of attachments one is a town hall meeting that's coming up we're partners with others in the community talking about the need for child care um within the community it's up on the screen right there Tuesday the 29th so that's an opportunity out at the Country Club there'll be some presentations about um the needs in the community and then some possible solutions going forward like I said I've been involved in and several of those conversations and meetings just to keep talking about how we can all work together to find the child care needs that exist in the community so that's something um another attachment that's available um and I didn't know I had a suspicion that it was the same um I handed Brad an envelope tonight that had the um a report that came from the district in a the 2022 Minnesota student survey it seems like a long time ago but but um I don't know if there was a previous report that was provided or not but this was a report that was given and um Deb has it up on the screen there are some really interesting things to acknowledge in this report if you haven't read it I would really encourage you to do so um this is um some questions that were asked of our students and some things that um the prevalence of Aces uh which are adverse childhood experiences in the school district and this is as reported by students so I'm not going to get into the finite details of it but again I would really encourage you to because it does I think highlight some of the needs that we have to continue talking about within the school and within the uh Community as a whole and how we can continue to work with other partners in the community as we work on some of these issues um we see some not notes about domestic violence in the home mental health issues in the home um some emotional abuse situations that all need attention so um we have some things again that we can talk about and keep working on and and um I think it's an important conversation to have as a community particularly as we go forward when we start talking about our new strategic plan and the profile of a graduate which we've talked a little bit about before so um there's that if you want a copy I again I had Deb uploaded so you can review that um the roofing project and this is where we're going to I anticipate have a finance subcommittee to talk about how we're going to proceed with the financing of the project um we have a pre-bid meeting on the 18th questions are due to uh tremco by the 27th and bids are due on October 4th and we anticipate that bids will be awarded then at the October 28th meeting and uh you can see the phase one and phase two of the projects um completing now or starting them phase one of June of 20 June 1 of 2025 June 1 to 26 for Phase 2 with substantial completion September 1st to 2026 and that's to adhere to that hard timeline that we have to expend those bond funds that we have um and then as far as the financing goes and I want to be very clear that I know I've had a couple of questions about is this going to raise taxes for people in the answer is no um not that that we're aware of and that's under the understanding that we have today and I qualify that all because there is some talk about changing the ltfm funding to include roofs at the state capital building and that's outside of our control but what we control what we influence we asked um Steve pumper from PMA I think you're all familiar with him he's presented and worked with our district before um we asked about using U bond funds or excuse me using existing reserves or cash balance um we talked about doing a lease Levy because you can do lease levies where lease to purchase a roof um or you can do um a bond issue and the bond issue would be leveraged against our ltfm funds that we receive so it's not like we're bonding new on the tax base that's there it's bonding against Revenue that we already Levy for through the ltfm funding so it's not again a new tax um and we would extrapolate that out over a payment schedule of 10 to 15 years um and what is nice about that is if we use the bond funding through through the ltfm funds it's it's a good thing for our Farmers because we get the egg to school credit then for those ltfm funds that we Bond against so um we found just little handout that sock Center public schools had about the ACT to school so if there's any questions that's 70% I thought it was 50 but it's 70% um credit so that's that's a really good thing but again I think uh having the subcommittee for the finance subcommittee sit down with Steve pumper and then we sort through each of those options um and determine what is best option for us going forward because I think uh then we can figure out how we're going to close the gap there's no rush because we have phase one the first year which we obviously have the funding for phase two the second year which is what we would need these other dollars for but that would then complete the whole roof as far as bidding the project goes I've asked them to bid it out as a project a a project b and a project C project a is Phase One Project B is phase two and project C is phase one and two together we might get the best deal that way because then a contractor knows for two years in a row they've got their crew locked up and they have a a project that is guaranteed so so um we'll see how that goes uh something that's pretty positive that we were asked to be partners in is the office of higher ed partnership with uh direct admissions um it's a proactive admissions process for high school seniors and it's just another way to make students aware of different opportunities for colleges and it's not just the fourer institutions but other colleges two-year colleges as well in the state so um you see a little information there homecoming week was phenomenal um capped off by an awesome win and and certainly we had a lot of positive feedback about the week um I know there was some some discussion and chatter about the message of try to curtail the the toilet papering that was going on and um I think that was successful it was it was down significantly and I know I I can speak on behalf of the staff members that I spoke to they really appreciate that fact that it's it was a a positive thing because um often times they're the targets for this type of action and and I know I've heard from many staff members saying thank you and we appreciate that um a couple other things to highlight we're still going through some buildings and grounds issues um some challenges with air as you can tell this room's really cold some rooms are warm um there have been some issues with air handlers not working the way they're supposed to as you can see in my report we had uh some a former employee that had installed some valves backwards in our system um restricting the system flow as it was supposed to so we got those issues fixed so again we're we're getting this all sorted out and continuing to talk to the service Cooperative partners that we have to continue to test and balance the building because as I understand uh the temperatures haven't been right since the two buildings came together and something we're still working on um Schoolboard conference is coming up soon so if you're interested in attending please uh reach out and let Deb know and I just want to give a close out with a little update on the solar project that the board approved earlier I've continued to keep in contact with Su valy energy and the latest that I have is there's a public meeting scheduled for October 2nd um that Sue Valley energy will plan to attend on behalf of the district regarding a city ordinance for the solar systems that people are talking about installing and it's antip ipated they will have that final reading of the ordinance on October 22nd they're still anticipating that work will begin this fall and it will be completely energ energized by the end of the school year so still a pretty aggressive timeline obviously but um they're assuring us that that we can get that done guess the last thing I would highlight is we are required by law to have an American Indian parent advisory committee um so if you're aware of potential um parents that would be interested in serving on such a committee um please direct them my my way or direction to Lisa peas because um we want to get that process going so that's all I have any questions for Clint all right moving on 9.2 principal board report okay I'll start and then Mrs P is going to give Mrs Mor's report since she's not here tonight mine is fairly um short um I guess the biggest thing that we were all my apologies the biggest thing that we were all concerned about was is this um stricter cell phone policy going to fly with our community with our students with our staff and um we are on the fourth week of school I can tell you that I have done countless sweeps of classrooms just to let students know that I'm in there and I'm looking and I have not seen a a single student on a cell phone myself I've had two cell phone infractions in the entire building 6 through 12 in the last 3 weeks and that would be students that pull their phone out and the teacher sends the um sends me to go retrieve the phone or um or the student brings it down themselves and so I think students are really understanding that I've had a few seniors even come to me and say um this might be weird but we are excited about the policy because we're not distracted by our phones and we spend more time actually visiting with each other which I thought I mean it was two students out of all the ones that I have but I don't know that they necessarily mind and they're abiding by it they're really good kids they're really awesome kids um I'm really proud of how they did at homecoming last week was awesome we had our student council plan activities every day um dress up days almost every single student participated in those and they were pumped up um but not to the point like just like Dr will mentioned they weren't um distracted or or hyper um during class time they had a certain time during the day a certain period where they would do an activity and they got right back to their coursework after those activities and we're very respectful that's one of the things I really appreciate about the student body that we have here in Pipestone is that they really are like really good good respectable kids um on a different note our U math and um English language arts teachers were trained in administering um nwaa map which is our new system um um coming off of fastbridge uh this is going to just give us a much deeper more relevant look at what our students know what they don't know what the trends are and how we can inform our instruction in the classroom to meet the needs of our Learners so I'm really excited about that math is testing this week in the math classrooms and um English and reading are going to be tested next week and then we've got a a training coming up October 9th where with the map gurus and they're going to walk us through some of those reports um I've been spending a lot of time with our new teachers um I've actually been spending quite a bit of time in the classrooms and they are so excited to be a part of this school and um and that's sort of the energy that I'm getting from them they're so excited they feel supported and um again they think the kids are amazing which they are we've had a really great start to the year it's been incredible it's gone really fast our sophomores are going to the career Expo tomorrow in Marshall and we just have a lot of awesome things happening in this District thank you any questions thank you thanks I will share Mrs moritz's report um she's uh in her report she says as we embark on another exciting school year I'm excited to share the positive momentum and enthusiasm the start of the school year has been the energy in our Halls is awesome to see and feel students are Eagle to learn it's been fun to see them reconnect with their friends and their teachers staff members have gone above and beyond to create welcoming classrooms and there are a lot of great things things happening at the elementary school uh we've had 16 staff members trained in CPR through the American Heart Association all staff in the elementary received Alice training on Wednesday the 18th and the middle school and high school staff will be getting training coming up in a couple of weeks ludolf buses came and provided bus safety training for the students in grades prek through five again with the nwaa map and Dibbles those are our new assessments the elementary um has completed those we started those a little bit earlier because of Homecoming in the middle school high school we decided to hold off a little bit and it was nice since there new platforms to get a feel of it in the elementary and and then move on into the middle school high school the outside custodial staff had have done a superb job keeping the playground clean of the Little Rock Pebbles I know that um the kids like to take the little Pebbles and make piles and spread them all over so I know that they've worked hard keeping that area um clean of the the Pebbles we had fun dress up days during homecoming week ended up with a parade and a pet Fest there will be a back to school bash on Wednesday September 25th um with the elementary booster club from 4:00 to 7 o' and everyone is welcome to attend uh she also says she would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to each board member for your support in approving the new dean of students position this year Mr Scott stoad has done an incredible job strengthening student support creating a positive School culture and ing communication addressing behavioral challenges supporting our staff and supporting my vision for the elementary school thank you for supporting a shared commitment to fostering positive and nurturing educational environment for all students um I know that um the times that I am over in the elementary side of the building he is constantly in the hallways helping with students and I know that that has been a huge asset for this the teachers and the students and then her last Point as I work with my team to strive to provide a holistic educational experience for our students it is essential to recognize the significant role that social emotional learning and mental health support play in Student Success with our ever growing needs at the elementary level I continue to see a great need to have a school counselor the implementation of a school counselor is not just an addition to our staff it's an investment in the future of our students by addressing their social emotional and academic needs we can create a more nurturing and effective burning environment I want the school board to be aware of the substantial social emotional and mental health needs at the elementary and ask the school board to seriously consider an additional position at elementary for a counselor the benefits of having a de dedicated school counselor will positively impact our students staff and Community as a whole and I can also speak to that today I was over meeting with Mrs Moritz and she got called out several times Mr sterud um is gone was gone today and I even went a couple of times into classrooms to help help teachers so there is definitely um a need for for a counselor as well just so that they can teach those social emotional skills to the litts yeah I know I I've been approached in the community by a handful of teachers that are also thankful for that Scott's in that position um they're already yeah that it's it's positive just the help and I guess I myself would like to see how that position you know we haven't really given that position a lot of time yet so I'd like to see how that position helps some of our things that we have going on before we jump to putting another position on you've already added one and we're only four weeks into school you know what I mean we're already you got you got to give it that yeah yeah I'm not saying no but I agree yeah well and I think we need to look at counselors that we do have in place and what they could do to you know help in different areas okay thanks for sharing that M now 9.3 curriculum teaching and learning board report well Mrs is our and Mrs maritz took some of my things so mine will be a little okay that's what happens when you're the last one but um so we did get the assessment calendar um updated to reflect the assessments that the students in our district will be taking Deb does have it posted to our district website so we are in compliance with the state of Minnesota there um as we've talked about the new testing platforms with nwaa map and Dibbles um took a little while to get those platforms up and running but it seems to be going pretty smoothly I know that Nancy's going to be testing tomorrow morning so she has me on speed dial if she if she needs me um Dibbles T testing takes a little bit longer it's one to one it's grades K through um three and then um the at risk students in grades four and five and as Mrs Ortman said the middle school high school staff were trained and so hopefully it'll be a smooth process for them uh Wednesday early dismissal professional development we completed the required blood bloodborne pathogens is seizure training uh like we said we've done the Alice trainings a new platform that we have for professional development is through the master teacher so now we have for the pair of professionals is called the par educator um which has online courses so that we can provide them with um Tools in their toolkit for when that they're working with students and working with um adults in the classrooms and we also have a teacher e-learning bundle the last couple of years in the elementary have been spent on letters training so we needed another training module just to um benefit the teachers as well and we did receive the MCA student assessment reports from last spring those we received those about a week ago Elementary has been sent out I know that the middle school high school ones um to there are a lot more of those and I know that they're working on getting those sent out as well and in October we'll have a report for you with um MCA data we got Cassies today oh was I got some did you okay good I know she's been working on them she had like two boxes I'm like I'm so sorry so good I'm glad you got them yep and then as as Lisa Shar there'll be a little deeper data dive into the MCA data that we'll share with the board um because there's a data Retreat that it'll be going to with the service Cooperative correct yes with a new um with Viewpoint actually yes one uh one question that came to mind um is there any on the letters training is there any Refreshers or is there any continuing um you know that once they finish is there any like to keep them so with Mrs marvit and I were working together she has a literacy team that she meets that we're going to meet with once a month and um work on incorporating all of the skills and everything that we've learned through the letters training and so it's going to be ongoing throughout the school year okay you know cuz positive was I mean the feedback was very positive M and I just hate for it to slowly fizzle well and that's that's an opportunity if I may to we have to establish an mou with the with the teaching staff for some funding that we receive for letters training and some of that as I understand right now there was a little discussion about does that have to be all expended or can some be held back um in anticipation of new staff coming on board because we do have to have a training mechanism in place for new staff either new graduates or indiv idual coming from a different state that need to have this training so um we'll have to work through that then speaking of mlus you saw earlier that there was an mou item that was removed from the agenda just real quickly it's an mou that I've been working with the association on because we've had some situations particularly in like the physical education classes where they have like three classes working at the same time a couple of teachers maybe gone and rather than hiring a sub um one teacher will kind of Monitor and manage it all well the way the new contract ended up last time when we negotiated that person wouldn't qualify to be compensated for the extra supervision um and this mou would address that so watch for that to come forward again we'll probably look at that as a negotiations committee um before we make that official action but again that's that's something that we've been working on because we need to take care of the people that are willing to do that extra supervision and if we don't have to hire a sub which often times is very difficult to hire a sub it makes sense to do that so that's just a couple other things I forgot to mention any other questions for Lisa thank you uh number 10 discussion items um 10.1 first reading of the 2024 2025 teacher seniority list 10.2 the first reading of the 2024 2025 Paris seniority list 10.3 the first reading of 2024 2025 secretary custodian AP in Tech sority list and 10.4 the first reading of policy 620 credit for learning um CL if you want to share anything on these there's no action needed just cuz they are the first it is the first reading I'll just highlight a couple of things our seniority lists look significantly different this year than they have in the past and that's because um previously we had it broke out in in these unique categories and it it ended up being a bit confusing I think that's the safest way to say it and a seniority list um through the negotiation process with the teachers this last time we just first first time starts at the top and goes on down the list so that's how we have it organized now much cleaner much easier to read and it makes sense because there is always the flexibility for outof field placements and different tiered lure options so again that's why you see the seniority list particularly with the teachers organized the way that it is this year versus what you may have noted or observed in in previous years um the other seniority list is consistent with the uh respective Master agreements that we have those in place so that we can if there were ever a a reduction in force practice which I don't anticipate um they're they're for reference so uh that's why we have the seniority list in the first place and the credit for learning policy um again it's just a a pretty straightforward um piece as we talk about how we recognize what's going on for credit and um the reference to accredited schools because we are seeing popups of different situations where they're not accredited or online courses um those types of things so again it just takes care of a lot of that work there and pretty simple policy so those will be future within that credit to learning policy uh it talks about giving credit to students who work or do an internship at a medical facility or or something very similar I know during our policy meeting I believe it was we had talked about is there the ability to do that with other internships or other types of jobs out there did we do anybody we looking into as far as I've asked a couple of questions and I don't have an answer yet and I think it comes down to is it allowed because it's permitted by State Statute and it needs to explicitly be stated that way so um that's the question I posed is does it have to explicitly stay in State Statute that it can be because this one is or do we have the capability to expand on some of the things that we're doing like with the CEO program because M zortman and I've talked about that with students who may qualify for early graduation for example I would much rather have them take a PSO course and participate in a field-based internship experience that helps them determine if that career path that they're thinking is really what they want to do or not um so we pose the questions don't have the answer yet the to the point though the the medical piece has been explicitly stated by State Statute Minnesota has noticed there's a shortage of employees in that field yes yes let's let's get them going sees the day again this was first reading of all these so we'll see them again next month any other questions all right 11 board action 11.1 FFA National Convention request is this on okay technology and me don't get along so I don't always know if stuff is on when I start talking um so I'm Natalie rush I'm one of our FFA advisers here at Pipestone I focus on the high school and our other adviser MD boomen focuses mainly on our junior high students um in the spring last year we had the amazing opportunity to have our livestock evaluation team won the state competition we also had the highest individual as well which is very exciting news which means they qualify for our national fet contest based on what a state convention is in April this would be finishing up last year's FFA team so they would can be at the end of October beginning of November time frame uh so we have four students that are going um our coach which is Bary shop from the 4 office as well she coaches our last judging team and then MD boomr would go with them as their coach here at the school building uh they gone from Tuesday October 22nd they'll leave at 6:00 or 6:30 in the morning bright and early to drive down to Indianapolis Indiana where they will participate in the National Convention contest it they judge from about 7:45 until about 3:45 in the afternoon it's a full day of experience for them as well as being able to go to sessions and workshops and learn more especially having a career fair that has colleges and careers from across the us there an opportunity that they want to get when they're here so it's really cool to have that experience as well um they would arrive back early Sunday morning Saturday morning on October 26th as well we're asking for permission to go on this overnight trip and have the school district pay for our substitute teacher in our transportation House of the competing team um FFA the egg chamber and the Minnesota livestock Breeders Association would be paying for the rest of the expenses um every year the last St bre Association gives the winning team $800 to go to National Convention as their way of saying thank you and continue in our career path so we're going to utilize those funds to help get the kids there and have them have less of expense on themselves to get there and pay for their food and things like that so yeah any questions no very and who was that high individual again World debates was our high individual don't want to miss an opportunity foroud mom yeah but we did have all we had five stud five students competed at Region we had to take the top four so it was unfortunate but we had all of our five kids were in the top 10 and we still had to cut one of our students to go so we were able to bring them along anyway cuz they were winning their state degree so that was good they got to go to State Convention and then the kids that extremely well it's the state contest top 15 I believe is what they were in so then we only had the top three scores counted so the kids did exceptionally well and we're very proud of them so yeah definitely yeah awesome can I um I I say we approve it absolutely can I get a can I get a motion second do Katie spit it out no but I think you should say what what to approve that we District cost yeah the district cost for the national FB convention for the livestock judging team perect is that all we're approving are we approving that they get to go and the overnight Vis B we approving the trip and the the wonderful awesome so I have a motion a second yep and a second all those in favor signify by saying i i p same sign motion passes awesome thank you good luck good luck 11.2 resolution accepting donations so um Pipestone publishing company uh donated $1,425 um to the athletic help fund arob booster club donated 9196 and18 um for a Fisher Hedgehog tackling dummy um tackling Rings another tackling ring um summer acceleration Camp two tennis ball cour court mowers um Garmin portable golf launcher two of them individual Spike trainer for volleyball and volleyball catch it um and then Pipestone donated $4,000 uh for overdue lunch balances and I'd like to thank all them for these very generous donations what is the what is the balance of our of the overdue lunch balances I don't know what it is 16,000 that's from last year right that's just car multiple years oh keeps getting carried so how does that work how how does that 4000 take seconds allocated that we need to work out with t determine that go ahead Jackie well or maybe it's already been discussed I don't make that decision all I think last time we received a donation the administrative team not we meet that down and look at the deaths of the students and they determined going to be right that's where family wise considering some of the personal circumstances people maybe the con I don't know who was involved but they determined yeah that makes sense that's what happened and then I used to have to makeal incre Food Service WR it off we have roll off Food Service C before Mr here and just is there a I was going to say I thought we've done that before just because we have such a amount be a lot higher than that yeah well we have quite an amount in that food service account than you can't use that off service account thr off against the general f oh gotcha so you can't yeah I won't have I won't State my opinion on that well that is dumb yeah I would agree but okay can I get a motion to approve these donations so move second I have a motion in a second all those in favor signify a saying I I I both saying sign motion passes 11.3 approve policy 613 graduation requirements and this is not the first time you've seen this policy it's it's a policy that went in front of the policy committee and then um obviously was vetted through the administrative team and now we're at the final reading and approval of it it clarifies for everybody how we're counting credits um and what the credit requirements are when you look at um page two it clearly explicitly States four credits of language arts three credits of mathematics three credits of science three and one half credits of social studies um and lays out all those expectations then and then um you'll notice one credit of art credits um for physical education and then seven elective credits so uh we also know that as you see in the notation of the policy um there's changes forthcoming on government citizenship requirements in 25 and 26 so I think this covers all the things that we need to with the anticipated changes coming as a result of some statutory action by the by the legislatur so um it IT addresses the concerns that we had early on with the change in the seven period Day from the Block schedule how do we count credits this is very explicit very clear and lays that all out so to me it's much more clearer than it was before yeah I move we approve policy 613 second have a motion in a second all those in favor signify by saying I I I OPP same sign motion passes 11.4 second reading of policies 403 discipline suspension and dismissal of a student um of a school district employee five 4 student dress and appearance 522 title non- description policy grievance procedure and process 66.5 Library materials um 66.5 form 616 School District system accountability again these are not new for the board to have reviewed you had a first reading and this is a second reading of those um there these are some pretty significant policies as we discussed previously particularly when we look at the title 9 um and I know that there are still some things that are potentially up in the air with Title 9 and some of that is uh may be influenced or impacted by um the upcoming presidential election because again this is one of those things that has been talked about so this one could be subject to change um you can see as well the library policy I know there's been a lot of discussion across the country about Library materials and whatnot um this lays out just processes and procedures that are in place relative to uh consideration of Library materials so again um just lays out some of those processes that that will be in place the student dress and appearance we've talked about that that was implemented in anticipation of this policy into the student handbooks um really trying to adhere to we don't want a dress to be distracted distracting or inappropriate um we want it to be modest and and something that is appropriate to where in school for weather and and also um avoiding any communication or anything that isn't appropriate on on um on garments so uh again some pretty significant polic icies not new you've seen them before and again just recommending that we keep moving forward with them I think we've done a pretty good job with dress policy as well this year I know I'm putting together my monthly communication of staff and this is one of the things I'm hitting on is just it's continue to to buckle down on that with the modest dress appropriate dress and and um adhering to those expectations that we have I know when Cassie leaves in the morning and make her ra D well I'm the one pushing the make her put her fingers on last still have more crop tops and maybe sell out it just takes a simple conversation with the student that happen to change a big deal good okay get a motion to approve these policies moved second I have a motion on a second all those in favor signify by saying i i p the same sign motion passes 11.5 declared dust chairs obsolete well you can see the picture that was provided regarding these desk systems and um they this is one that's in good condition we are we we are uh wanting to declare these obsolete then we have to build into our capital projects budget next year some serious replacement for desks and chairs because it's becoming very problematic you see the high school staff in particular on their head GS because it's it's um it's unfortunate some of these chairs are just you sit on them and Piece Will snap off and break I may or may not have experienced that so it's just one of those things that that it's it's unfortunate but things are just wearing out I mean these are some old units and it's time that we find something different and so that's why we're declaring these obsolete to get them cleared out and start making new room for some different ones next year any discussion questions can I get a motion to declare these obsolete some up second I have a motion in a second all those in favor signify by saying I I OPP say sign motion passes 11.6 certify proposed Levy mentation and certification report for 2024 payable 2025 um set truth and Taxation meeting December 16th 2024 7 p.m. all right I'll make a couple of comments we'll be willing to defer some to to Jackie as well because we attended recently together the um Levy workshop and um we we had it was very information um we poured over this entire document and we had training by the state and we walk through how things are arrived at the way they are and what the difference um tax rates are whether it's referendum tax capacity net tax capacity um I mean there's there's a lot of variables obviously that go into it and if you're inclined to want to know they gave us this nice little handout of where the numbers come from so if you're looking for some bedside reading I'd be happy to share my copy um just return it because somebody else might want to um all kidding aside this is um something that the state works with local with local districts on and we recommend certifying to the max because um there could still be changes in the levy and again by certifying to the Max and ensures that those changes if they are occurring that we're capturing those changes so Jackie anything you want to add or say that's different or otherwise I just thought it's very interesting you guys may not find it interesting but on page one of the actual levy on that page right there if you look at line four the 2022 market value compared to line five that's how much our market value has gone up in Pipestone County wow it's a 32% increase $741 million yeah so and then if you go down below that ref rendum market value that that excludes a so if you compare line five to line 10 that's how much agine is in this County wow so if you look at the 500 I can't even read these numbers so they 3 billion 75,000 then if you take out the Eggland you're down to the we have a line 10 and then what's interesting with all those numbers changing as our local valuation goes up the amount of state aid that we receive goes down and that's why there's a lot of those increases because the state has set a limit based on how wealthy your district is or when when market value has gone that high and our student account really hasn't increased then increased your market value per student so you're getting less Aid because they say you're a wealthier district and that's why a lot of those like operating capital on there has gone up that's because last year we received some Aid this year we didn't and the state has not even though correct me if I'm wrong even though the value has gone up pretty much in the whole state of Minnesota the state has not re has not increased the line where they determined how much is equity how much is Ling and how much is Aid so that Equity component is getting imbalanced so they they not have an inflation Factor on the market value then remember this is all determined by politicians right so the way it the way it sounded when we went to this they haven't caught up no I mean she flyed out said that sure so well be somebody recognizes it she does but she the director she's the director for the Department of Finance and and and she will also say yeah sure what I just said y as long as she's not being recorded she and then as far as as the um truth and Taxation meeting goes that is a requirement set forth in State Statute that we have um and we will start that meeting directly so that the hearing itself has right at 7:00 then is it 7 we don't have to after 6 o00 we just our I think they told us the SCH start exactly at that time but yeah so we need to take action to set this date for this dat time for this for the truth and Taxation and a certified and a certified at the maximum at the max I move that we set the truth and Taxation meeting for December 16th 2024 at 7 p.m. and certified to the max got a good second [Music] second I have a motion and a second all those in favor signify by saying I I oppose same sign motion passes 12 can I get a motion to adjourn so I moved second I have a motion in a second all those in favor signify by saying I I both same sign motion passes weour