##VIDEO ID:a6Ai-quOYb4## call the meeting to order start with Pledge Allegiance Pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation God indivisible with liberty and justice for all number three approval of the agenda second I have a motion and a second everyone in favor signify by saying I I pull same sign motion passes number four public forum Kyle or Robert Drew stws before you started [Music] hi my name is Kyle vand uh I am with the 4 trap shooting team uh we started coaching this year uh my brother and I Gavin um we were going to see if there was any interest in getting a high school traffic League started up for next spring or sometime uh we our 4 kids right now they would enjoy being able to shoot with the high school's name on it and they're getting pretty good now we got uh State shoot comes up uh September 19th um I guess we just would need permission to start an account with uh the high school track league so we can get uh myself and Gavin trained in to be coaches for a high school team and then we would need some sort of insurance policy that covers them when uh it's outside 4 when we go to the high school tournaments and stuff um so is the season in the spring or there is a spring season and there is a fall season um uh getting pretty close already The Fall season so I don't think we're going to make it this year but uh spring season opens up in March and then it's kind of through uh the spring into early summer and it's it's Bo girls you have one team correct y okay they both yep it's a minimum of two on a team and then uh so one team could have up to five you have a second team okay participating in it too would that fall under you any under any of the schools insurance or anything I think uh Jackie saying no I think that's something we would have to figure out I know that have trap insurance policy through the FFA we already do so um and we do actually have this as an action item later on in the board agenda for consideration um because we were made aware that there was some interest in doing something with trap and and yeah but and with our 4 team they they have expressed interest and uh one one of the students is from RTR and she says she would rather shoot with the pipes Zone team that she's on 4 with rather than her RTR team so this is different than than different than what you're talking about on the agenda for later this is the same same same same thing and we have that trap shooting policy and I don't know we would have to get a hold of the company that we have that with any when we F out the application you have to put under how many people you find up participating we have to potentially amend that yeah and I know from uh some conversations that I've had it is a Minnesota State High School league function um and ederton and South West currently have a team together they're already participating um I think Le bur does too okay so this isn't so it's not something no totally foreign I mean there's interest in it yeah and I know I know from from my participation at the American Legion um we we loan out the basement to the 4 and man they'll have 30 kids m mix of boys and girls on any given Friday Saturday Sunday um and then a lot of those even participated participated the American Legion does shoots too um so some of them even went so they're doing full ra the legion and now they're interested in in this trap so well and then they got that shooting range just getting up and running so I assume you have some access to some of that stuff we we will once they get the Trap range opened up uh they're play was for later this summer but with how wet it was to begin with they got pushed back so uh we're expecting uh next summer to be able use that range there very good and I know Rick's here this evening he's done some reach out to other big South schools that have had similar activities going on and I know he's uh he's been doing his homework on this too to learn how we can best facilitate this and the good news is um through action later on in the agenda uh if we go forward with it it would give us an opportunity to recognize those kids with the with a letter and everything else that becomes part of our activities program so very good all right awesome thank you questions for these guys I don't thank you thanks for coming thanks thanks guys and don't feel compelled to stick around unless you really want to was that it is that it mhm number five presentation 5.1 trem Co well board members um car's coming to the mik and Brandon right yes um and uh they're going to report on some of the work that's been going on from some evaluation of our roofing systems you uh should have some handout information in front of you that you can look on and obviously the slide presentation so um Carrie will let you take it away yeah so my name is Carrie hacker with trimco Roofing this is Brandon kuo um we've been working with Clint and the facility staff for over a year now trying to come up with a plan for the roofs and also to include any of the facade related issues that the school may be having that are also leak related not just the roof so addressing both problems at the same time when we do the projects um and I do you run the deeper there we go so this is kind of how our project process works and so we started over a year ago in like the planning meeting with the owner um December we talked with the facilities Group after doing some initial inspections and kind of let them know how our business worked how you know how we could help facilitate the school with a large roofing project um and at that point we started the Diagnostics and some of the project planning portions of the roofs um y so right now um we have pretty much all of our Diagnostics completed with our site visits we've done core cuts to know what the existing assembly is up there through all your roofs um we've done core cuts on your perimeter edges to understand the details that you have up there um and now we're just working through the design phase so we're putting together our architectural drawings and our specs um and our plan is to have those ready to go out to bid um next month probably mid to late September we have a pre- bid date kind of set tenative um so that's kind of her number number three in the pie there um we'll go to the bid process from there um then you'll see a phasing plant this is a fairly large project um it's going to be phased over two summers 25 and 26 um where we'll administer the project and do our project management see it through the end and then do a closeup at the end next I'm sorry oh fine um so this is just the High School portion of the building the elementary school isn't shown on this area um but these are kind of how we're looking at phasing the red as the year one and orange as year two to get the entire project done over the two years as we discussed as kind of the timeline that the board wanted to work within um and then here is we haven't got into more of the detailed scope of the facade repairs um we've been being able to determine the needs based off of really tracking the leaks that the school is having and which ones we can fix and which ones really have to be done at the time of a project so um there's quite a few different items that are we'll leave this up and I'm going to have Brandon maybe talk about each of the colors here and and what we'll be addressing yeah so over the past year we've helped with weak response with our service team and so one of the benefits of that is understanding where leak issues are happening um you know if we hadn't done that we're just going to do a roofing project we complete the roofing project and you still have leaks it's going to look bad kind of for everyone um so we all of those would still be we were able to pinpoint so aside from the orange and the red here these other colored areas the pink blue purple purple is going to be wall panels yellow green green are all um failed through W flashing so if you're familiar with masonry construction um sometimes those walls are designed to have moisture come in then they're going to Wick that moisture out through your through wall flashing um on those areas that through wall is not functioning properly so water is able to get in it's not able to get back out um so in conjunction with a project for instance right here is roof level through wall um that's going to take water in and it's going to get into that building unless if we do something about it um so what we're going to do is do a through all flashing replacement spot tuck pointing spot brick replacement replace sealant and then do a a coating in that area on that masonry wall um to basically make that watertight again um and so we're going to do those areas our plan is in conjunction with the roofing so that way we can alleviate the roofing problems and the facade problems at the same time and some of them are very it's age related to like the repairs that are needed yeah so through wall has a life expectancy in the 20s years old um I don't know how old a lot of those roofs are 22 years old right now I don't know if that was a new construction at that point so they're basically at their life expectancy anyway so that they're seeing problems is not uncommon so is it smart to do another through wall or is there a way to change that for long you do another through wall I mean the only way to change it would be to clad it in metal which is quite a bit more expensive it be more expensive than it change the look of the building so a lot of times best it's totally necessary so this wall here we are the purple one we are going to clad that in metal um so depending on the circumstance if it's a if it's a lower wall it might be more cost effective to cover it in metal if it's a big tall wall um it' be more expensive and it totally changed the look like a lot of times if you can't see it from the road a metal will cover something up this is just one short step up that location so did you have you done any fixing this summer then to fix some of these problems not on the walls no no just the like we fixed leaks that were in the roof membrane yeah yeah but isn't that cause from any of this though the the rough leaks the leaks and stuff some of the leaks are caused by the walls and those we can't really do unless if we do a project so you could do like a wall sealer and then that would make you can't do a temporary this spring we're going to still have water in here then because yeah it's okay that's what I'm worried about we were hoping we could fix all of them but well just yeah you can't you can't do that project right away without doing the rest of it thing correct um so the next page is really the breakout of what he was just going over and I kind of wanted that aerial up when he was discussing how was broke out these last two areas are just needs that will be in the future that we noted um they aren't so the the 5 to8 years that's just a need that we saw that we're not recommending that needs to be done now but just so you you know because you're going to really have a lot of your building envelope already taken care of with having a new elementary school and taking care of the all the Roofing needs and these other pade items so that's really the only thing that's in the future for as far as building up a goes so one of the questions um that we had was just how you wanted to see it laid out so um the last page is the actual timeline that we've kind of set up with plint based off of um what we discussed with the facilities group but we have two options where we can do a portion of the roofing and then um do all of the facade work in 25 as well to kind of have a front heavy um you know really start working on all of those items and addressing them in 25 and then 26 you only have the remainder of the orange areas left um or we could look at it however it works best for the district I guess we just wanted to have a flexible option that you could look at I don't know yeah so I mean basically I think it sounds like the money is available um and so from a scope standpoint we look at sizing a project so that it's completable within one summer period um so that's kind of how we have that broken out for year 25 the red areas um if we were to get bigger than that it may be more difficult for a contractor to complete that in one summer so we we kind of have it broken out that way um to take a little bit more off I believe a lot of those areas are some of the more problematic areas so um to get that in the first year is also important I think any of this so if we did the red area year one is any of it going to get like walked on or or this construction of the next year you know what I mean right is it going to get damaged the following year any of it right we would want uh staging to not Traverse across new roow for the second phase okay yeah we don't want so there is planning where y you're not wrecking the first so basically these rough this is the only rough area that's even so like if we get to year two and we can find access would stage on each side of the building to hit both those chunks yeah the facade I think you call it that's all the repairs of all them little lines is that correct all the lines except the red and orange were the ones in the future right right so I think you want to do them in that first to get the repair done well the sooner you can get those leaks St the better off correct I really wanted to recommend that for the sake that that is where a lot of leaks are Ur like we can keep patching in in rough leaks temporarily but those wall leaks are that's something that I mean depending on could be done earlier than summer um if want those repairs done before summer um as early as you can before spring rains and stuff would be say so too two to three guys Four Guys sometimes at the most but they're it doesn't get in the way of what you're going to do for 2025 then either it's kind of off on its own the ly yeah it can be almost done in conjunction because that's we need that through all put in and we need our reget put in so we can terminate our base flashings and it all kind of goes together so having them do that first and do Roofing after is ideal um I do have a couple alternate items just listed there uh talked with Len if we wanted to add any access ladders that made accessing like the HVAC areas more accessible that could be an option if you guys want to look at that if you don't have that in the budget to include anything that would just be if we're coming in under budget and we could add some of those items we were looking also at some leaks that were being caused by some rooftop duct work um I'm kind of gathering some pricing on just resurfacing some of that for you guys so that we can know what where we're at if there's continued leaks he's got them pretty much under control he said he's his bucket's empty so that's good news um but there was a lot of condensation in um some of the rooftop duck work that we found that was causing some of the leaks down two stories and really want to know that those leaks are addressed if we have a new roof as well so um that's just we're keeping an eye kind of on everything that could be causing problems or issues in the future so um and then the last page is our bidding timeline kind of which we're looking at um really Clint has helped with this um our proposed date would be Wednesday September 18th to have a pre-bid meeting with contractors and um bring in contractors to bid on the project walk the project go over the specs and the design and um give them up until October 4th to turn in that that's kind of a typical period that we' work with and then um we would be able to review bids with you before your October board meeting so really not needing any action tonight just kind of letting you know the timeline we're on and yeah adver so y so we'll take care of anything on that end yeah so we have I mean we have enough money to do that phase the the facades at the same time right y we have available right now about 2.8 is that correct Jack at it 2. oh so we even have more than mean those not for the total but I mean for those two for we would have yeah for the red area which is obviously it's a huge area that we'll have to look at we'll have to look at what other levers we have to full to get the set that's a year down the road too yeah but it can certainly get us going on the facade repairs I think you want to do that well obviously it needs to happen as we tie in the great Ro to so it's the most feasible great do when they're doing the roof parts right there any other I mean questions we're happy to answer anything that you what do you what do you think the bid climate's going to be what do you what are you reading out the te leav yeah we're getting out early enough I mean that's kind of the goal of getting it out in September here I mean years ago you wouldn't get it out January February and we just kept pushing it month earlier month earlier every year and so I think the feedback we've had on our other projects we've bit out is contractors are still looking for work so I think uh it'll be competitive size of the project be attractive to a contractor yeah it will be yep a large project is always good and I was hoping to a large but not too large yes hoping to do like this is is one of our earlier pre bids this fall but being that you're just outstayed a little bit I the earlier we could plan the better for contractor availability so it's good that we're doing this in September you wouldn't get contractors that would want to bid the whole thing would you so at the whole thing in one summer would be a pretty large project to try to for even a large contract or anything like that I mean we could set up the bid that way you could have a base bid one base bid to combined bid so let's say if there's a discount to do it all well that's that's where I going would you get discount for that um I I don't know that you would because the the project year 25 is large enough where in both project years actually large enough where I don't there's no discount you wouldn't want to you wouldn't want to spend money a year especially when we got to find a lever to them levers are they are yeah no make comment on those ladders we're talking about there's a uh 5 to 6 foot transition to get up there there so right now we're using regular ladders there's no safety handles so when you get up to you know you're taking a guess you're going to make your footing on there and U they they don't they wouldn't be that bad it's only those couple transition things they were pretty minimum what he had shown me um and also if they're done during a project versus just doing them alone the contractors usually fabricate them and you can I would say I would say talk through with Clint but then um even if we could have them as option a option right definitely see where the budget put it in put it in the bid but it's an option well then you can see what you're paying for it too so exactly definitely um but I guess this is I guess kind of what we proposed and our plan is just to try to unless we hear different from you guys that you want it to look a little bit different like this is what we would follow um and we can make some changes based off of your guys' needs but those are I think based on what you had up there and and the funds we have available the aggressive year one and the less AG aggressive year 2 matches up to and how we integrate the facade piece into this timeline obviously yeah we want to do as much as we can with the we have right definitely and ensure it's all done in the timeline you're looking at prices are only going to go up and just because Jackie Jackie was certain that this might be a question that comes up just to clarify again we have to expend the proceeds by September 20th to 26 okay September 20th got it on the calendar right so then gives us our yeah yeah we don't want yeah you would be a little short if it come in at because you said 2.8 correct yeah it's roughly where we're at right now if you did the facade in the first year you wouldn't quite spend that can I just make a comment about one very minor Det the pre-bid meeting is scheduled at 2:00 on Wednesday that's when all of our kids leave a little later maybe like 230 or something just kids released it this was just a yeah flexible okay true you guys are over at 2 o' huh on Wednesday Wednesday I want to go to bik there's a house for sale down the street yeah well we can follow up later this week to get that locked in but I think uh wonderful yeah sounds I think this is very helpful very good information thank you for having us we appreciate the time from everybody yeah thank you thank you so much yes and have a safe trip home thank you I'll leave back this is the one of the Le investigation okay thank you before you movable consent agenda I did make a t on the Personnel Report with Jackies should be5 all right moving on number six consent agenda thanks again thank you everybody get a chance to look everything over any questions can I get a motion to approve the consent agenda so moved second have a motion in a second all those in favor signify by saying I I clst same sign motion passes number seven financials 7.1 review of review of budget year to date Jackie last budget year to date you'll get for FIS year 24 and next month it'll be a fiscal year 25 I'll close the books we're at 98% we should stay close to that so that's good 98 we might have a few more bills that come in we shouldn't have that many we shouldn't have anything significant put it that way very good 7.2 approved Treasures report treas report for July cash balance of 7.8 million at the end of July get a motion to approve the treasures report for July so second I have a motion and a second all those in favor signify by saying I I oppose same sign motion passes 7.3 the next report is what we were just talking about this is a bond money that we'll be using for the rough we currently have $2.8 million in that fund can I get a motion to approve the 2023a bonds Treasures report for July move second I have a motion a second all those in favor sign by saying I I all right both same sign motion passes 7.4 approve regular bills for August there a lot of pages this month what there was a lot of pages this one yeah you can tell they're getting ready for school exactly that is true anybody have anything that stood out that they had questions on can I get a motion to approve the regular bills for August so Mo second I have a motion a second all those in favor signify by saying I all right pull the same sign motion passes 7.5 approve High School activity bills for August is there any questions on these anything that stood out can I get a motion to approve so move second have a motion in a second all those in favor signify by saying I I I oppose same sign motion passes number eight board Forum information 8.1 board reports and updates we had another policy meeting as you can see I don't know a lot of it was just changes due to the state yeah it's a statute really and name changes was there any that other I can't think of any title 's tile big one yep that was a big one that's just a first reading yep that's a first reading dress code right yeah are we prepared for which thing I'm ready no it's going to because you got to start out on day one right I've heard a a lot of just good feedback about the cell phone thing awes really good feedback actually from parents from community members I mean so at least there's support out there for that that's awesome yeah I think it helps there's a lot of schools doing it you know the challenges will come up right away absolutely but that's where you need to be strong and just start right away and it'll get better yeah I appreciate it negotiations that a few times still um still probably have a little ways to go with one of the groups I don't went anything on so but other than that think I went to the new teacher oh in service day met with a new teacher so a lot of good people coming in a lot of people who are willing to take on assignments that they're you know it's newer to them or good yeah do you have all the positions covered good shape there yes I see some six assignments there so yeah that's noral anything else all right moving on number nine administrators report 9.1 superintendent board report well board members um first of all our enrollment we're projecting will be around 1,1 And1 child so um we'll let somebody arm wrestle who that one child is but that's what we're projecting right now um and you can see in the attachment how that kind of is shaking out in terms of where where the different classes are and everything um as I shared in my written report to you there was a discussion held today about um voluntary pre kindergarten or preschool um we were a recipient of some funding for voluntary prek um to the tune of about $213,000 and as we met and we talked about it and discussed it um we think that the best approach given the funding that we have and the opportunity that we'll provide is that preschool would be tuition free for our students for all students and we think we can facilitate that with the revenue that we have so um and we're excited about that opportunity um roof updates you saw that information solar farm the city is moving forward with an ordinance they have to go through two readings of the ordinance so that will be in process going forward um tomorrow morning is back to school day it's our event with teachers you're all invited to come for breakfast at 7:45 and then we'll transition into the theater Auditorium for a couple of presentations and then um the principes will take over with their respective staff members and launch into the school year so we're excited and like I said everybody's uh all the board members you're welcome to come and join in for some breakfast and stick around for a couple of the presentations afterwards um as was shared we're still continuing negotiations with our educational support personnel and there's uh some work to be done there and um then a couple other things that I wanted to share was they have made a change they being msba and I'm happy to share certificates of appreciation this evening for board members um because September is Minnesota school board recognition month it used to be February and they have moved it now to September so um this evening I do have frame ready certificates for you frame ready um so I'll just go down Brad thank you for your service appreciate it um Katie thank you there you go we should have practic like home graduation Chrissy I'll come down and we'll do this right there you go thank you um Lance we set over here mark thank you sir thank you Tyler thank you sir here you go and again D CL I miss that when I came in and again congratulations and fr ready so um the school board's Association has a draft resolution as well that's part of this and it states whereas Pipestone Area Schools district 2689 recognizes the importance of public education in our community and whereas Pipestone Area Schools district 2689 appreciates the vital role played by those individuals who as local school board members establish policies to ensure an efficient and effective school system and whereas school board members serve as a voice that enables our community to preserve local management and control of our Public Schools we're working on that one yet local control piece right um where as school board members are charged with representing our local education interests to state and federal governments and ensuring compliance with state and federal laws and whereas school board members selflessly devote their knowledge time and talents as advocates for our school children whereas local school board members are strong advocates for public education responsible for communicating the needs of the school district to the public and the Public's expectation to the district now therefore it be resolved that District 2689 recognizes and salutes the members of the Pipestone Area School Board by proclaiming next month September 2024 as Schoolboard recognition month right here in Pipestone so those that are here please give our board members around the other board certainly you do a lot of work for the community in a lot of different ways and it is it is a appreciated um last thing I want to wrap up just sharing that I've had a couple of meetings with um the teacher Association and there are a couple ofou pieces that I anticipate will be bringing forward one is related to um substitute teachers and we have had a couple of situations where through some language changes that occurred in our last Master agreement it's created some unnecessary conflicts in our process um that we just need to clean up and what it is is we may have one PE teacher that's supervising three PE classes at one time but because that PE teacher is still supervising their own class they're not doing it during a prep time they don't get the sub bonus that we would otherwise pay if they were supervising those classes on a prep time so we want to make that right so we're working on that and then the other piece and and there was actually a webinar that occurred today um that Jackie myself and Jennifer dun participated in and it's talking about theou that's required as part of a state statute change around compensating teachers for letters training um we have some more details to work through through that we learn more today and we're continuing to learn some things but that is a required mou by State Statute that's something that the board must do um so we have some things to sort out because as as we all know our teachers were compensated and much of that training was done during staff time already so we have to sort through how that might look I know that question came up several times today and one of the things that was discussed was how can we hold those funds and possibly utilize those to compensate new teachers that we bring in that may not be letters certified and trained so um just some things to think about but we'll bring forward some recommendations as we sit down the negotiation subcommittee with the bargaining Authority from the teachers and we sort through those details but um those are really the highlights that I wanted to share and again just know that um you're all welcome tomorrow morning so I have a question about that voluntary prek thing so is that something we have to get every year a grant for for it to be a continued thing now it will be continued for like ever or the way I understand that's how I understand they before they had a certain a limited number of seats and now they they've added additional seats we were on this list for a number of years so it would be free it would be fee if I remember not just one year if I remember right in the past we were always on the bubble right one year we get it one year we wouldn't just we got it last year though too correct no no we didn't year 23 we received it okay Reed it this year 24 and then we just found out obviously after the budget was presented that we received it for this year 25 and one of the other ones is that if someone's went four by September 1st you charge on this year anyway next year Poss rules okay it's Unique rules okay so no we're excited about the opportunity though for our families yeah y that's all you got that's all I got 9.2 principal board report all right I am fully staffed very excited about that um middle and high school side hired five new teachers and um one just last week our final one daan got to meet them thank you for coming to that they appreciated that as well um Mrs uh pce and Mrs morett and I attended a data dig in Marshall last week to go over MCA data we will have a presentation SL report ready um at the next board meeting after we've had a chance to kind of go through the those some more and dissect them a little bit more clearly and also um get our first round of benchmark test for nwaa down right so I don't know if I've mentioned this I don't think to the whole board before but we are trying something in the sixth grade it's a reading Intervention Program where it um it's a program that's toally totally totally personalized um and it works on three different things for students fluency how how fast your eyes can can read the text comprehension how well you understand what you read and vocabulary acquisition students get to they take a benchmark assessment and then they are placed in this what whatever level they're at in each one of those three categories um the program kind of builds uh something very specific to that student um they get to choose which non-fiction text they read um the teacher can adjust what they do it's a truly personalized experience where everyone is getting everything they need which is not a grade level textbook it's going to be it's going to be at meet them at their level so we're trying that as a pilot for sixth grade this year I'm really excited about called Reading Plus I'm really excited about um teacher in service tomorrow getting all of my staff back in the building and hearing about how their Summers went and how I can get them excited about the upcoming school year I've got a presentation ready to go for my staff and also for my three sessions at open house um with families and I'm hoping that all of the parents and the students come so I can explain everything saying all of our new policies and things with them I actually haven't had a chance to really um even introduce myself to the parents and the students so I have a little presentation for that as well and the last piece um so anytime we have a little um I don't know I'll call it an obstacle or something that maybe isn't working it's our job to kind of look at it and see what we can do and that last piece was just just some scheduling concerns that our community had um so next year the councel and I are going to work together to actually have one-on-one conversations and meetings with every single student at the high school level and they are going to get registered before school leing get out awesome thank you good and so yeah that's been a problem for a long time yeah and that's aesome and it's stressful for kids oh it is and I I met with a lot of kids and they and they were um they they were really feeling some anxiety about what's going on is it's going to be forever so we are working to to make that a better process for next year Perfect all right it's good evening so at the elementary we are fully staffed I'm super excited about that you can see kind of the changes that we have we have some changes within the school building and then a lot of new staff that we have join us um I didn't add Carrie Shrek and gos went to kindergarten in first grade title I didn't have her on there um CPI training we had CPI training at the beginning of this month and so just kind of preparing our teachers for those moments that we might have any students in crisis uh we had new teacher and service it's awesome to get those new teachers in the building answer all their questions get them everything that they need to get up and get started um with the whole new teacher in service we really looked and talked about um doing a a mentor program instead of our instructional coaching type thing so we got some books for our new teachers with that um we did a data dig and we were excited about that a lot of great things that we learn in that process and we'll share more information out with that uh new CH ear service I'm so excited this last couple of weeks I've seen a lot of teachers coming in and out of the building so getting them in tomorrow and get going um open house we are set I'm excited about that I love having families come into the building and being able to celebrate the kids and celebrate their learning and making connections with families um and we are doing individual conferences this year last year we had a little bit of both individual conferences and then kind of open house come and go as you want it's all going to be individual conferences so the teachers have specific times with each family um District assessment we're changing that just a little bit we're going to nwea and Dibbles and so we had Dibbles training today for our teachers and then we'll have another dibles training after our first round of assessment with that um things I've been working on prepar for the school year we've got the PD calendar I've got binder set for the staff with a lot of back to school information with that assessment calendar the Master's calendar um assigning all of my Paras to their places and just prepping for open house scheduling all the meetings that I have with my different team levels um new on the playground you might see a little shed that's out there in that shed we're going to have some little um Strider bikes and tricycles for our younger group of students and then there's a volleyball net coming up in a couple of weeks and then that's the current enrollment for the elementary any questions for Jennifer very good 9.3 curriculum teaching and learning report before she begins want to officially introduce Lisa peas in this new capacity uh obviously a familiar face to the Pipestone Area Schools for a few years um we're not going to come but uh super excited and and um I'm sure it's no surprise to those that know Lisa well she uh literally loaded rolled up her sleeves and went to work day one and has just been doing a phenomenal job so I'm super excited to have her in the role and she's doing a great great job thank you so these two took a lot of the things that I was going to talk about so um but I really am just getting acclimated to this new position and learning all of the things I feel like every day it's oh did you know that you need to do this and I do now and I will figure out how to do it so I've had some great help with the admin team so that's that's been been great as well um talked about the new teacher in service had a great day getting to know the new staff we have a luncheon with kaanas on Wednesday um Dr Willer will be driving us driving the bus driving the bus so we'll go do that on Wednesday uh we have back to school in service we've been working on the PD calendar um also the assessment calendar the time that we typically do the MCAS is right when Easter is this year so that's changing the timeline a little bit um so we'll um get that nailed down that just needs to be posted by October 1st um I learned how to navigate the grant the title Grant application with Jennifer so that was and Jackie look at Jackie Jackie um and then with the curriculum we have a lot of consumable textbooks and so just to get all of those um organized get those in the hands of the teachers so that they have them on day one and we now have a curriculum storage room um because I learned that the elementary curriculum was stored in one place in this building and the Middle High middle school high school was in another location and we just got all narrowed down to one spot so that will be helpful to be able to keep track of what we have very good any questions for Lisa thank you uh number 10 discussion items 10.1 first reading of policies 403 discipline suspension and deiss dismissal of a school district employee 504 student dress and appearance 522 title 12 non disiplin policy grievance procedure and process 605 Library materials or 66.5 Library materials 66.5 form and 616 School District system accountability again this is just a first reading this will come back I assume next month for final approval so uh number 11 board action 11.1 resolution accepting donations um we had a two $200 donation from the friends of Richard Shroyer um I thought $ CH the king I thought it was $100 from Christ the King yeah no it's 200 not unless this is wrong maybe I didn't upload the new document it's $200 mine says $200 two checks two checks two individual checks for $100 each it's two individual checks one was from last month and one was from this month okay after the meeting last month okay um the one is for Richard Shroyer they'd like to place a bench at Paulson field um and then the second one is for $100 to the wellness room i' like to thank them for the donations great job can we get a motion to approve accepting these donations moved second I have a motion a second all those in favor signify by saying I I oppose same sign yeah motion passes 11.2 approve Transportation contract with swmn Christian something that we've had in the past um it's just agreement with them on transporting students so something that requires board action yeah we we do this every year I move move we approve the transportation contract with Southwest Minnesota Christian second I have a motion and the second all those in favor signify by saying I oppose same sign motion passes 11.3 approved 2024 2025 middle school high school handbook I think this was reported at the last meeting that this was something that was being worked on in a work in progress um I don't know Mrs artman if there's anything specifically you wanted to highlight other than just that we've updated the policies to reflect what the new requirements are particularly cell phone School address and we know a couple those things are first reading policies but um certainly will be reflected in the final action of the of the handbook once those policies are updated as a referenced in here so um overall it was a revision process that followed modeled more the model handbook from msba so um helped close any gaps that may have existed before and reflects schedules and all those things that are part of it and clarify some things with credits to credit detainment so um try just to be One-Stop shop for everything related to the high school once the second reading of these policies are done I'll link them into this document after get a motion to approve the middle school high school handbook so Mo second have a mo yeah sorry I have a motion in a second all those in favor signify by saying I I oppose same sign motion passes 11.4 approved 2024 2025 employee handbook um I'm going to give credit where credit is due Deb has done a tremendous amount of work to revise and update our employee handbook and spice it up a little bit with some color and and liven it up a little bit as you can see um and we tried again to make this very comprehensive giving staff the information that they need not only about the school district but about some of those bigger employment related things um ESS for example and uh just getting back to if you have questions go back to your master agreement for your respective bargaining units highlighting different um things related to the benefits offered and opportunities to the district to access so again it's just a another tool for communication with our staff and tried to help make it very user friendly going back to the font and the type and the style so um Deb did just a great job with this and I think it's reflected obviously in the in the final product that you see here so um so for our recommending approval this evening can I get a motion to approve so second have a motion in a second to approve the 2024 2025 employee handbook all those in favor signify by saying i i p same sign motion passes 11.5 approve MD minimum adult breakfast and lunch prices for 2024 2025 well you heard me mention earlier this evening something about local control however um as you see in the attached document um there are minimums that are set and established by mde and we're recommending that we follow those minimums um as you see breakfast $2.40 lunch $5 and um so that's just for employees that want to e for the adults yep so if a parent would come and sit with a Elementary student for example so I don't think we get too many parents at the middle school or High School level maybe we should yeah we heard it here first can you imagine that if we'd all show up someday for dinner love it five bucks is great sounds like a DAT can I get a motion to approve sove second I have a motion and a second all those in favor signify by saying I I post same sign motion passes 11.6 superintendent evaluation uh this is going to be closed as permitted by section 13 d05 subdivision 3 to evaluate the performance of the school district superintendent can I get a motion to close so move second I have a motion in a second all those in favor signify by saying I oppose same sign motion passes right can we get a motion to open so second I have a motion a second all those in favor signify by saying i i p same sign motion passes um I handed Kyle a summary from CL review and there are a few copies up there if some of you want it when we as you leave so just wanted to share that that we did full transparency or as much as we can so moving on 11.6.1 summary statement of superintendent evaluation I just that's up there in the table 11.7 amend the 2024 2025 school calendar what does this entail so um the amendment helped me out there removed a parad day from January that's right that was the par it was the parad day in January was the issue because we had overcounted the number of par of days I think we wanted to we have tit oh that's what it is yes wer is the title yes thank you that's what it is um the title 9 training pairs weren't scheduled to be there that day but we want everybody to be part of that title 9 training and so we're shifting a day from one date where they were to be off and putting them on on that title 9 training in November and then they won't be there in January in January will be the day off and as long as we were amending um the new teacher orientation went down to one day instead of had it had been two days and so that was a very minor thing very doesn't make any difference in the C days but the other one was a little more significant change and since this is a board adopted calendar we wanted again just to be clear that here's the expectation for staff and that title 9 training is locked in and we uh we do expect all staff to participate in that perfect and just to be clear that there's no early outs in the in the month of May correct any other questions I just had the one by about the makeup date I know point about yeah there was a question about the U makeup Daye in July April April around 21st the Easter time yes and historically we have tried to stay away from that and I think that is the intention again no it is listed as a snow makeup yeah but the intent would be to yes if at all possible to stay away from that I would like that double checked because I do I know last year that was something that the teachers felt very strongly about and we honored that and they were very very appreciative and I I feel like that was brought up again and I know the last calendar that we had did not have the snow makeup dates at the bottom and so I want to make sure the 21st or what are we that April meeting it was uploaded at 7:03 with the dates there was one where the dates weren't at the bottom that might have been the one that I sent mail or sent originally I would still like it double checked Nancy did you look on anything uh I looked back I saw an email from you on June 6th where the SN makeup dates were listed and Easter Monday was listed as a stup DAT Theus in the past has come when Easter Monday is not listed as a sow makeup day but then suddenly people wanted to have school on Easter Monday and it hadn't been listed as a possible makeup dat so Ian it'd be great to not have school for money but if it's listed as a makeup day then at least no right don't make defitely and it's been communicated and it's not a surprise so I just saw one from June 6 any other questions discussion get a motion to approve so second I have a motion or a second all those in favor signify by saying I I oppose same sign motion passes 11.8 approved policies 204 school board meeting minutes 214 out of state travel by school board members 401 equal opportunity equal employment opportunity 402 disability non-discrimination 405 Veterans Preference 419 tobacco free environment possession and use of tobacco tobacco relay devices and electronic delivery devices vaping awareness and prevention instruction that's a big one 51 School weapons 509 enroll enrollment of non-resident students 512 School sponsored School Publications and activities 516 student medication and tell Health 517 student recruiting 520 survey form 707 transportation of public school students 509 student Transportation safety and 802 disposition of obsolete equipment again this is the final reading these we need a motion to approve these so second I have a motion and a second all those in favor signify by saying I I I oppose same sign motion passes 119 declare textbooks obsolete well board members you see a list of items here and um part of this is probably what was referenced earlier and the consolidation and Gathering of all of our curriculum materials identifying some things that are no longer necessary to have and so therefore we're bringing forward the recommendation this evening to declare them as obsolete unnecessary books that we would retain as part of our inventory leis if there's anything more you want to add to that um so basically the storage rooms from po school and Brown School got moved here so yes and then the leveled readers are actually just small books that um we are going to put those out there and other consumables that were just in storage and we're putting them all out at open house for kids to get their hands on take home hold workbooks things like that just to so of throwing them away to get them into the hands of kids they laid out in El right now I see what they are can I get a motion to declare the textbooks obsolete second Jennifer's happy because she didn't want to have to go back and gather all those books they haven't voted yet so they waiting for the yes over here I got a motion in a second all those in favor signify by saying i i p the same sign motion passes you can give them away 1110 authorize Administration to pursue the adoption of trap shooting as a school recognized activity with the Minnesota State High School league I'll just make a couple of comments and then we'll defer for Rick to make any comments that he might wish to make um we were made aware that there were some interests growing in the community and so Rick and I had a conversation and it was pretty timely because it was just on the front end of a meeting that he was going to have with some big South um ads and and when they got together they talked about um different ways and processes that districts are moving forward with trap shooting some of them have very well established organizations and we know we do with 4 and we've had some some trap shooting that has occurred through the FFA organization um I think trap shooting is one of those things that can appeal to another type of student in our system and and give them an opportunity to become a recognized letter winner for the activities and I'm all in favor of this I think it's great and knowing that we have um Community Partners that are interested in stepping up and volunteers that are willing to help out as well um so again I I think uh as you see in the action item the activity can be added without additional cost to the district and through a partnership with local gun gun club and volunteer that's how we would anticipate starting this um so I don't know Rick if there's anything more you wanted to add or comment on um so that the board can hear some of your input and reaction that you've received from Big South sure many of the schools currently have it and most of the ads don't know how it operates so very well um they run on their own pretty much and um you know for us we just need to get the system started here um it would be a State High School league event uh we host a meeting at school to find interest for boys and girls um we're hoping we have a couple of coaches it was here there so those are things we need to figure out they would follow the State High School league rules they'll have paperwork to fill out uh concussion testing I'd have to ask to see if they have to have a full physical or not and then they would be under our bylaws for um chemicals um academics all those kinds of things and we certainly would letter them and um have a pin and a certificate and those kinds of things there is no conference so to speak like uh meat or anything of that sort so they won't uh necessarily fall into that area there is a fall in a spring season um we're a little behind um on The Fall season I think registration finishes September 9th we had some questions a week or so ago we weren't sure who was going to be um necessarily involved we got to find a range pip Stones probably won't be ready till next summer so we do have t in lever um John Nelson is the contact person he is out of the Twin Cities he runs USA clay trapshoot and he's been a good resource for me he sent over some insurance documents just so like I can share with Jackie and uh he says that is not a problem um coaches we have to have a range um person certified we have to have a coach certified those can be the same they can be separate and you can have more than that than the uh participants also you either have to have DNR DNR uh licensure or otherwise there is um a program that uh USA clap uh clay trap offers and our students can go on there and uh coaches have like a 4-Hour program something like that so pretty simple I think to get set up and I do think we'll have plenty of interest and um we do have a few months here to work through it and should be ready to go in the spring is there a cost to those programs for coaches to get certified uh I believe it's 20 but I'm not positive on that yeah I feel like that's something we should as a school should they should be able to get reimbursed for I mean if they're volunteering their time if they need to get cert certain certifications and stuff I feel like she or would we or or bigger question or would we eventually put them on would they be on the contract like other coaches uh there are no schools that currently do that okay good job Rick and they're um I think they're pretty well set for like figuring out um funds to operate and do those kinds of things so pretty much every school they're they aren't involved in the financial part of that from what I understand there's like the only like competition is a state shoot uh there's a there's a few in the spring the the fall is more of one where you can kind of get your team figured out you have you can have Varsity you can have if they don't shoot in a certain range they're JV if B Squad whatever you want to call it um and then once you get into the spring there's a there's a couple of events but there's a main um event and then um a team event toward the end of the year I think at Prior Lake and there's even possibilities for Nationals to advance on so is that something they travel to themselves then also or but they go with a CO I mean it's not our con I mean we're not viable for the kids while they're traveling they not transporting them okay yeah like I like I shared earlier you know we're pretty active at the legion um and from what I gathered be a lot of the same kids um some of the same coaches the coaches had to get um like certified for that um I was very impressed I mean they they don't mess around with with safety um they just wanted use of the logo wasn't it is thatd they just need this yeah because they they want they want to be able to participate at the high school league level right they'd like to be under the umbrella of the mshs SL and we'd like to do that yeah Bob faor faor has been a good resource he's talked to me in the summer I think he probably talked to Brad too and and he's given me some good insight into this and um um I know his son is interested in being part of it and I just think this would be uh a good opportunity for uh kids whether they're in other activities or not but I do think it'll it'll join some together for Shooting Sports and stuff I assume it's a lot of the same kids and stuff so yeah instead of on a TV screen Esports we can do something lives right right perfect any other questions for Rick thank you for uh digging into all that Rick yep any any discussion I think it's a good yeah I think it's a good thing too I do too um in order to like for the local ones like er off trap shoot and whatever and in order for the kids to be able to eat with the other schools in the local area they have to be part of this so they're not they cannot anticipate at any of the burn Doon if they are not under this got so it is kind of like you have to make sure that you're part of the CL Le to be able to do the local competitions okay well then um can I get a motion to authorize Administration to produ to pursue the adoption of trap shooting so move second second I have a motion in a second all those in favor signify by saying i i p the same sign motion passes we're going to pursue it if anybody has any questions I or RI or the boys whatever are more than happy to answer any questions okay thank you we're excited to make it happen m 1111 consider approving perimeters for charter bus use for District activities well Rick did such a great job with the last item no actually Rick and I talked on this a number of times as well and and um we know that there's been questions and discussions at the board table part of it going back to some of the negotiations coming up I think just about two years ago now with ludolph when we negoti ated our new Transportation contract and in doing so we know that there were some additional costs for the utilization of charter buses and um what we want to do is establish some board adopted parameters on the use of these charter buses so uh when a charter is utilized there aren't questions about why or how come that it's know that's falling within the parameters and trusting that it's going to fall within the parameters that have been established by the board action so this evening it's an opportunity to hear the recommendation on parameters and how those parameters are being established and and again um some final board actions so Rick um wonder if you want to just kind of walk through a little bit of what we've discussed on this and I don't know Deb if you can make that screen a little larger so that it's maybe a little easier to read for everybody there you go so um I just listed the schools that responded to me and how they operate with motor coaches some are not able to have motor coaches as often as we are cuz they don't have that uh type of service in their community so they have to you know look outside the community and find them but most of them have um you know fairly consistent in what they do and so I wanted you to be aware what other schools do now some of those like you know new Al and St James and some of them are a lot more centrally located than we are we travel a great distance um we're on the edge of that conf on our conference think of the old Southwest Conference the longest trip we made was Jackson this year in football Jackson will be the shortest trip we make so things have changed and that's the way it goes so you know I'm just looking for Direction when we schedule a bus on you know what the board would like me to do so I gave some of uh below that part of I'm sure you read through I gave just things to take into consideration uh bus size yellow bus size how many kids can fit on there um if you have a yellow bus you know you can't store equipment in the in the aisle and so personal bags and those kinds of things are always on their lap um I also you know whatever climate controlled in the winter or you know like in the fall here for tennis it's awfully hot and um I think one of the biggest things to consider is just that there is a bathroom available on there a yellow bus that is 77 with uh three people in there it's 52 with two people in there and then we run into the scroll down a little more please sorry no that's okay just the part where I was trying to explain probably in the other handouts the other month about if we take two buses two yellow buses the cost of that and then compare it to a motor coach so if we were to travel for football we would have to take two yellow buses um just for the storage alone I know that yep we have a trailer we can ask LOLs to hook that on but that still would not uh take all of our our equipment and then just their personal belongings uh boys and girls basketball we play double headers so last year we were about at our limit um on the charter even and um and how we did it toward um in the winter was U individual sports helped put money toward that so if it was a boy girl double header each program put in $250 which helped cover the cost of uh the difference between two yellow buses and a motor coach um I think there was some question on uh gymnastics and one act due to equipment um there's there's nowh to put like one act equipment on a on a bus you can't get it on there um it has to be on a charter um the mini bus and hooking up something like that in the winter I don't our current you know our current coach wouldn't be able to uh drive that and uh safely with students and pull the trailer and get their equipment there and gymnastics kind of has the same thing they just have um other equipment that they pull with they take with to an event so um I did mention in there too we are doing more boy girl double headers than we probably ever have and um some of it is for our benefit obviously when we host or whatever our crowd isn't split our boys and girls are both playing in the same gym and other schools like to do that also you know Blue Earth is 135 mil fairmont's 107 St James is 95 Redwood is probably 80 JCC is 90 windham's 65 but we do boy girl double headers with them we do with Southwest Christian we do with RTR and others but uh so for busing we're only going to St James once for boys and girls basketball and then they come here once so scroll down a little bit I just gave you know a couple of recommendations I don't I'm not recommending anything I'm just putting out suggestions maybe that's better word so I think consistently I I'm sure we would support if our team any of our teams went to a state tournament we want them to travel most of that stuff is in the cities that's a long distance away usually multiple days um you know man for softball we've been there a lot that could change too they might even switch and move the girls championships to the U ofm that's up in the air right now and that'd be a whole separate day so um again you know it's 200 miles to the city so um I did hope hopefully like section travel we're more than 60 miles away because we do a lot of ours in Windom and uh Andor like gymnastics or one act just do do equipment or football if you were playing a section game I mean it could be Marshall but yet we you know I think our coaches and our players would love to travel on a on a motor coach to get to that event uh three and four were just you know a couple of other ones if if um I think um Kevin enerson our old superintendent was probably more on that number three level if we were in that 85 mile range somewhere in there um they took Charters and then um the other one is kind of what we've been what we've been going with is if the individual sport wanted to pay your Finance they may have a sponsor they could take it from their activity account um and they would pay the difference between the yellow bus one or two versus the motor coach so number two you're saying all section team travel so or are you saying football all the time I'm saying if you're 60 mies or more like if we were playing volleyball in leverne we probably won't take a charter but if we were playing football in um Marshall we we'd want to take a charter there for equipment and so that's why I just kind of threw those in separate um and like I said one act that's either lever RTR or maybe Redwood depending on subsection or section who's hosting or us and then gymnastics just floats around between um the seven or nine schools that are in our section for gymnastics just because it's I I I just don't understand isn't it the same equipment either way for what if we go 60 Mi or we go 40 Mi it's the same equipment so it fits for 40 Mi but not 60 I I'm just trying to understand or it's just more hard to ride with it or I don't no I'm I'm saying 60 miles for All Sports unless they have equipment concerns where we can't fit them on the yellow bus and those kinds of things and that's where I listed those separate gymnastics are one act speech no um if it's less than 60 Mi they'll be on a yellow bus right and by by saying section teams if they make it two sections is that what you're saying everyone starts off in section in Minnesota ex I shouldn't say that it's all it's a normal game except football this year which seven and eight don't make sections they play a friendship game but you're still going to play it somewhere so I guess every every activity every sport we have will compete at a section level at some point gotcha you don't think you can get football equipment in this trailer no I guess I don't know what what what yall have for football equipment or gymnastics equipment I don't know what's your take for gymnastics I guess yep some pads those types of things how big is this trailer I don't know the dimensions of it 18t in Clos I would guess double X is it 18 or 16 16 something like that probably 16 16 or 18 and close it did SI yeah it's not it's not a Shabby trailer no I see other people bring football teams here without a coach coach yeah I mean well well last year can we have that many more equipment than someone else but they're not they're taking two yellow buses right and then yep I struggle with your two yellow buses for one Char you think it holds that many more people well or is it just for the equipment reason you're saying you're using cuz cuz one yellow bus is going to hold two Stu two students per seat is going to hold the same as a charter bus correct except for storage where except for storage that's where the Suburban and the trailer comes into play here uh you're taking a Suburban anyway in case if somebody gets hurt on the football side of it correct they have all they have their other football equipment CER and kits and everything that go in there so there really is no ST there's more more stuff than maybe certain I mean I and I get it there's certain activities where the charter just it it I hate that they negotiate and you know they weren't going to budge I hate that it's so expensive you know I hate looking at this you know if you look at like Windom you know one yellow bus $242 or $800 for a charter you know it's like so from 242 to 800 if you're taking one one yellow bus and it's like to me there's a lot of other places where I'd like to spend that $600 but but then there are times where you know football for instance with pads um band with all the instruments one act if they have their props but like a basketball team going to wind them or or a volleyball team that would easy fit on a yellow bus is just a huge I mean and that's where it's a massive amount of money and that's where I'd use the 85 miles that would take care of a Windom site or whatever unless you guys approve or say it's okay for that coach or that activity to offset the cost which we did last spring right oh I'm fine I mean I I don't understand why some of these why some of these clubs or or organizations would want to use the money that way but but if they do well my my thing about that is just cuz I've sold a lot of fundraisers over the years for different sports who who's making that decision is it the team or it's the coach who I mean like if you're paying for it out of your account it is the coach just saying Hey I want to take a a charter bus I mean I fundraised it takes a lot of fundraising to make money and it's just on a parent sure for example last year for basketball they did their free throw um fundraiser and they told the kids that's what it we're going to use this mostly for travel um I think softball um they are you know their account that they sponsor buses it's not through their High School activity account it's through their um own fundraiser and that's how they choose to you know use a lot of their money toward that and just to put a little more um behind this for some of you newer members to the board when when Co hit we chose to use charters for more room and for moving air with the with the that that was what that was one of the things that they chose and so the charters got the charters got used a lot y during Co that was before and and and my personal opinion I think people got used to using Charters um and I was going to say last last year I I I didn't get a chance I didn't go to a football game but I drove out here for every football game just to see what bus was in the parking lot and it was always only one yellow bus and sometimes they did have something with a trailer or a trailer behind the bus but no matter how far they came they came on a yellow bus just because I wanted to know sure J Jackson travels in two yellow buses but again some communities don't have that opportunity to take motor coaches CU they don't have them in their Hometown that is one reason like does not because they have to contract out I know Le has hitches so they pull a trailer Yep they're trying to eliminate that and the difference too is L had lever owns their own buses yeah they're not Contracting El it's different it's coming out of their own yeah I just we just need toi it's just I I really hate to nitpick this but when you look at the dollars and you look at all the activities that we do and you start putting I mean just a $5 $600 upcharge if we're doing one yellow to a charter I mean those dollars add up in a hurry if we're not if we're not diligent I think a couple years ago it was near 45 and I think last year uh or two years ago we lowered that quite a bit and then you know from what we've done now we've lowered it even more so okay lowered it as far as the number trips with the girl boy had double headers in is that what you're and we reduced we didn't you know like before we got going last year B Squad football showed up and they went to Blue Earth in a charter yeah that obviously wouldn't happen that was a big cost yeah being smart with the dollars I think there is something to be said as far as being able to take those charter buses for the students and athletes to make them feel a little bit more confident um I mean rolling into those state tournaments comfortable um you know rolling into to those bigger section tournaments um but to your point Pratt I think the the sheer cost of that is kind of getting out of hand um and and I I just from what I've been hearing from last year um it didn't seem like the boosters were as willing to pay that difference to we have not asked the booster club they're not interested this would either be Student Activity or like other sponsors I guess is what you would look at it as so the student right so I maybe I'm I'm combining them in one group here but other schools booster clubs do sure pay for help on motor coaches but we have not asked ours so reck do you think if you showed them which other schools their booster club's he that the booster club might change your mind I'm not sure it's in their bylaws to to do that I I don't know I I think I know the answer but um you know I like how they currently help us with equipment type needs and stuff and I'm not sure if that's an appropriate way for them to use their funds but I certainly could ask them yeah they the booster Club does a lot for us it's not that they don't you know what I mean and I guess I'm I think of it differently too you know as a parent I my kid is is perfectly fine on a yellow bus mine too I'm not going to be the parent that says they got to be on a charter so really as you look at the listed items that the four items that are on there number one what I'm hearing is that's that's done I think that's yeah and what I'm seeing is number three as well is is 85 miles is that questionable okay and number two I'm hearing for me I'm hearing not so much on number two my my initial thought was two 2 hours out you would take a Char of bus I don't know what the miles of that would be that's 100 miles I say I would say roughly maybe where the 85 is coming cuz you look at the 85 is roughly an hour and a half so probably 100 miles I chose 85 because that would include Redwood Falls kind of in that range think of it if you're traveling that's about the distance of yeah so how many how many do we have that's over 85 like in a normal football season how many do we have that's over 85 all of them of year so and then next year District changes and so it's hard get worse yet don't it with the longer travel times I mean it's hard to say where we'll be next year um but it would probably be similar um yeah so I mean on your mileage chart there you had Austin Benson Morris Lake Crystal Le sewer is that is that this year's or those I put on y because like Austin uh Benson uh Norwood Young America those are wrestling trips we took moris was Lake Crystal was football and wrestling and then lur was wrestling I didn't put Mapleton that'd be yeah it's right in that range too like Jordan is now in the conference in too correct correct but we would not uh we won't be participating against them in anything except maybe a crossover event or somewhere are we going to go to Jordan or I I'm no okay B plane in Tri City are in Jordan chose not to but that's only six miles farther Thane so yeah you already open over 300 and Wasa is in there too so all four of them are yeah that's I mean that's a long track a hike yeah um I would say as of tomorrow and the other uh last week Tuesday tennis chose to use motor coaches and to pay the difference for their trips um in my estimate the uh the trip to monid or go McCrae and McCrae and Y probably cost them about $500 tomorrow it'll cost them about $900 extra dollars to go to Blue Earth and new alond back it's about a $300 mile day for them how many kids is there glad you ask I can give you a run down of no it's just it helps us Rick so thank you for the extra time there yeah no um we have n cheer leaders this year obviously they're going to go on the mini bus when they go places Mariah uh Swanson is comfortable driving that not all coaches are comfortable uh volleyball we have 44 out 7 through 12 okay tennis has 23 out 7 through 12 so that's generally what they would take with them football has 37 out seventh and eighth grade uh 45 9- 12 cross country is at 20 7- 12 and marching band is at 41 7 through 12 with uh flags flag people not just so ten us at 23 23 so if they took a yellow bus everybody would have their completely own seat sure they still choose to go on Char bus well one of the things is what if the weather was that's crazy to me I know but what if the weather today is is tomorrow and you're traveling in a school bus in 90° weather it is not enjoyable there's no air conditioning in yellow bus you can open the windows and all that I'm just saying so when we schedule this out we don't exactly know what the weather is and that's what the coach felt like he wanted to do yeah they have the funds to do it and um I guess I just I rode a yellow bus to school for an hour and home for an hour no matter what time of year so what's the capacity of the little bus that seems 14 14 okay and that's with coaches and drivers and everything 14 with one driver so one driver okay 14 yes they did little have yes it does okay that one is pretty much like a motor coach he even has good music system Prett pretty nice it just doesn't look really it looks like we're going to try get something we're working on that or at least details something yeah it it's just too small enough where you can't utilize it like for the 23 I mean you'd have the air but you just yeah it's just not quite big enough for that but I suppose there's a limit there for what you could drive without licensees even like even like volleyball so how many girls would it be like when they travel cuz you gave the seven through 12 um they'd have a and C um so 30 probably 30 I think is what 28 I think is what the number was when they went to uh New Alm on Saturday all right and Dave I should Dave did um coach Duos did pay for a charter on that day too and so I think last spring we just waited till the season was over they knew I mean I would give them a pretty good estimate of what their bill would be and um paid that up at the end yeah I think just unfortunately um just due to higher cost we got to stretch that distance out a little bit we we've got a trailer let's let's use it I mean it's probably not doing a whole heck of a lot of anything else the the football I don't know what you have for equipment but I I would be hard pressed to say the gymnastics can't get their stuff in that tra I I don't know what you take but I'd like to I'd like to sure I I think you try to get the football coming in the two wow I mean that's yeah you got to see what they all take they a lot of safety gear and if you approve that the activity can offset the cost they won't take a yellow bus without that's fine I just don't think it's fair to taxpayers and just to just to you know well this is great discussion but kind of keep it moving around I mean my my opinion I mean I'm I'm I'm good with one and four right for sure yeah number two I I I think I think there are there are some things where um number three i' maybe be okay with it but I'd want it further I would I would just and then I'm not even sure if I'm it's I'm still just because of the cost difference and and and I mean you go to other activities and you see yellow buses yeah you know and and and we come in and and we're coming in a charter and it's like but it it hasn't just Co football has always traveled on motor coaches of thear basketball I mean I can think some of the coaches they would they did fundraisers otherwise certain trips I think it used to be like the two longest trips the school would or Bob would let them pick the two longest trips they take a motor coach some of the other schools do that I didn't put that as a as a choice the districts have changed since that time too so that's really not yeah I mean you and unfortunately contract amount has changed too I mean that's dou last time we and you were there with me I mean when we negotiated with them I mean they they threw that big price tag out and and and we told them you know we'll sign this but we're going to have to really look at how we use it because with this much of an increase you're you're you're making it really hard for us to use this any other questions for me or you're good I'll go hang [Music] out thanks for all your homework on this Rick I think it's good information to have but I I think we need to at some point make a decision yeah I mean to me just to keep I I don't know I I think from if I can be so bold from Rick's perspective I think having an established agreed upon set of parameters would help so the question is put the bed once for all agree we know Rick's got better things to do than F questions every other day yeah and and worry about how many miles and right so if we can come to some agreement tonight and establish what those parameters are I think that would be very beneficial and then it's easily communicated to the coaches I know Brad you said all state tournament teams are TR on motor coaches I don't think there's anybody that would object to that maybe I think that's and then especially cuz we know that many of those things take place as rck set up in the cities and number four we know that that's the case right now that these organizations are opting to do that I me it's s comes down to what do you do with two and three why would you not want to do four right let them do spend their money so the question is what do you do with two and three I mean I think you lump them together and say if it's beyond 100 miles utilize the tur bus so any Varsity event over 100 miles we'll pay for for it' be a charter bus right that almost sounds that's everybody else's thoughts that's my thoughts and if they want to pay a Char us for their equipment and fine otherwise we have options the trailer is an option the I mean you know I mean it's not like we're not there's not options that's how I feel anyway but my question is on that trailer in Winter what if you have bad weather roads I I know I won't want right if the road are that bad right but how many Sometimes they come back and football would be the only thing that you would take trailer you wouldn't use the trailer in a winter a gymnastic if that's what we're still choosing need it yeah and they usually travel ways yeah gymnastics will go away that's a distance yeah but if it's over 100 miles you're going to try her anyway right then they wouldn't need to train I think that was [Music] a correct that Suburban right I thought we were talking about the Suburban well they don't take the Suburban on some takes a suburb gymnastics do they just take one yellow bus or one and the bus is going to drive a polar trailer well I don't know if L has hitches on their buses I don't know we have welding Department doing turn a few I thought we were talking about the cuz the short bus does not have a hitch right not that I'm I think then you add it into a different category if you start pulling a trailer with it too I I thought we were talking about the Suburban I guess not every sport right just the football is only one there cuz they need a second view basketball G that has a super often they do Cassie Cassie the [Music] subet smaller Char 52 but it doesn't cost us $900 to take a Suburban somewhere right you know what Ian I mean I'm just saying it doesn't C us it doesn't cost you know that's the other thought too I mean even if you have to have someone so did we do number two last year yes we did that that's the way that was was in Wind yeah okay one was at RTR option are we able to just set a budget and let Rick decide what it's used for it it's hard to do CU spring Sports would be out of budget by then and then it's well and my thing is is what I hear from people is why does this team get to OS take so that's what I hear from people right well because they're obviously paying the difference but but some yeah but that's what I that's what I get back you know like why is some people which whatever I guess my opinion is leave one two and four and extend it to 100 miles unless you can come up with a thing for gymnastics the onea I don't it must take a lot stuff with the plays I don't think that cuts us down doesn't very much yeah I think we're still utilizing those more than what we like more than we should get rid three D rid of it or do you extend it to me it's just make it hard extend it so number one all state tournaments number two all section team travel that are and make going back to a Tyler which you said 100 miles away or gymnastics one act football all Varsity events that are 100 miles away and all activities that have options are taking to Charter if they are willing to pay for it I could agree with that so you're saying no matter what kind of game though gymnastics one act and football are going to give us chart that's what we're saying right or it's only for sections only the sections only for sections okay so it doesn't matter it's not a normal if it's under 100 miles away they have to take yellow that would be 100 miles away generally for us are going to be blue Earth Vermont Lake Crystal the SE Henderson Redwood would not Windam would not St James is 190 about round trip so you would be talking basically Paramount and Blue Earth and that is not going to change because in the B South the 15 schools we going big small or black gold whatever you want to call it we're going to be losing Marshall and Worthington and gaining paramont and Blue Earth and everything and we already have blue Earth and a lot of things those would be generally your two longest trips I I could agree with that but you're paying for them to and then they could upay for a redwood type of thing to use a little bit of their funding to well when we go to Blue Earth and be a boy girl yeah so you're utilizing that anyway yeah so 100 miles would seem pretty reasonable one way or 200 total proba yeah I guess I could work with that just I come to P okay that if we did that they could use a little bit of their funding for a couple of the ones that are just under that in the Deb of winter I mean that's the nice part with the climate control a little bit 20 below winter I mean they can use a little bit of their funding to help off a little bit I mean that's just someone want number two I think restate them restate what we're talking again just for clarity okay so everybody number one okay number two moving at 100 miles away yep what are you going to do with the rest of number two or gymnastics one act football due or to be within the 100 miles no because it's equipment concerns that's why it says or so that's what I asking so all football games are going to have a charter that's what saying because they're all going to be over that anyway noton not Jackson I guess but it's the equipment reason there unless we that's what I'm that's what I was asking so that's what we're we're going to go backwards then y well Jackson used the football last year all used motor coaches yeah but we didn't pay for them right can we make can we make football pay for yeah we that's what I mean we're going to go backwards their fundraisers we're going to be paid for more than we are now no uh their fundraisers paid for Jackson last year when you say section games Rick you're talking section playoff games correct but I understand this as or gymnastics one act football due to equipment so meaning all of those games and all of those contests due to equipment would need a charter bus that's how I understand that statement sounds yes okay so we would be paying for more buses this year than we have last year that's what we're going backwards we paid for them all last year for football no we didn't one didn't we well fund raise the offset the cost of two yellow buses versus let have do that again right two but two years ago you paid all everything right prices were but that was before the prices went up too yeah but I'm that's what I'm saying I I read that as all one act football no matter where they're going we're paying for it no that's for Section section playoff games okay then sorry it shouldn't say or then right it shouldn't say or well it's just how I I don't maybe I'm reading it wrong that's how I read it I and maybe that's wrong yeah yeah cuz the football would be yeah you have to remember I only talked fth grade well I'm not I just want understand I just want to understand what it means playoff time if if baseball is at Jackson right and there's a motor coach available I understand that part I understand that part but football one act in gymnastics may fall under they may be in a shorter shorter distance like Marsh like a section football playoff game could be at the stadium in Marsh which is under 100 miles but they might okay so it's not every y only right jack is right it's only for playoff it's only playoff why does the I think it's worded worded wrong then it's only for playoffs so it should just say all section playoff games yeah and events yeah that are 100 miles and then the next one would be Varsity events that are 100 miles away the number four all right I'm going to see if I've got this right yeah I move to make a mo a motion to allow the motor cut coaches to be funded by the school if we if they fall into the state tournament or we should rephrase that if they win themselves into the state tmina as a team um if they are in a section playoffs as a team and that distance is further than is 100 miles or further or they're in gymnastics one act player football due to equipment concerns any the event that is 100 miles or further but all also allowing the activities the option to pay for the difference of that charter bus regardless how was that it still sounds the same to me what you're saying all of that except you're moving it to 100 miles yep yep go second second over here team has a section meet in Marshall they can use a charter they can use a charter or football or what because but it has to be section not a regular game right section playoff game DNE seconded as long as that's what it means that's fine with me but I don't read it that way yeah you st that's how that's how Tyler St playoff section playoff section playoffs okay any other comments we have a motion and a second anything else before I go to vote all those in favor signify by saying I I oppos saying sign n motion passes get motion to adjourn nope I want to say one thing oh I would like to give a a thank you to Len and your staff for getting the building in shape it looks spotless it's very it's a big improvement over last year good job it's got a nice shine on the floors y does look good cool yeah nice does y so thank you for that all right 7:45 tomorrow morning your motion to ad journ so second all those in favor signy by i p same sign we're Jour thanks everybody