##VIDEO ID:C3GNZP3hsF0## everyone please stand for the pledge flag of the United States ofer the stands naice Mr secretary can you please take the road call M Cherry present Dr Connors here Mrs cordino here Mr K M rashed here m Rivers Mrs Salgado C present Miss Smith here miss Stafford here we have eight presents thank you hereby it be it known that the Piscataway Township Board of Education has complied with the notification requirements of the open public meetings act for the announcement of this meeting date in place on April the 19th 2024 in the following manner posting of the public notice on the posting board for the Board of Education in the administration building email notification to the newspaper server cascata away the home news tribute in the Coura news email notification filed with the municipal clerk at the municipal building on hose Lane this meeting is being videotaped this recording is not an official record or supplement to the minutes is intended only as a source of information that public might utilize at a later date to familiarize themselves with the board's activities executive session be it resolved that the board adjourns to Executive session for the purpose of the review and discussions of the Personnel agenda litigation hi monthly report and other matters persu to L njsa 10-4 10 semicolon 4-12 can I have a motion move can I have a second second all in favor we are in executive session e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e call the meeting back to order can I have a motion motion have a second second we are back in session public session um we have now reconvened first I want to welcome our new student representative Mr Tyler West congratulations and now that I've did your introduction you guys are first on the list on the agenda so student reports from the representatives from our junion senior thank you um first of all it's so good to be back um I have some big shoes to fill but it's kind of crazy that I was sitting here one year ago um but I hope you all had a great summer and um I'm so happy like I said to be here um to just get started all the clubs are starting up on Monday which is super exciting um for example National Honor um National English Honor Society all the National Honor societies are currently accepting applications um so that's been going on I know student council is having their meeting next week a lot of Elections a lot of um officer meetings all that um I know Student Government Association is starting up their pep rally and conversations about that and Spirit Week a lot of school spirit um sports are going on so there's a lot of festivities um as a senior there's been a lot of College Planning so many visits um the counselors have been doing such a good job communicating with us and making sure we know all of our information um as well as like writing our essays The Writing Center has opened up which is a great resource for all of us um as well as I know last year the uh cafeteria we signed with a new contract so there's been free breakfast in the morning which has been really good I know a lot of the students like that and I know they're enjoying the menu so I've heard very positive things um um I guess that kind of concludes my report there's just a lot of new things starting up um hi everyone I'm Tyler nice to meet you all I want to say thank you and I'm grateful for this and I'm very excited to be here um so just to start off for me over the summer the AP Institute took place and there was a lot of classes going on and I actually took place in it I did AP africanamerican experience and then I did AP Language and Composition and that went really good it so far help me this year with classes and like seeing what the work was going to be like and all of that so that work was really good to start the year as you said our sports teams have been doing very good just for a little bit um our board soccer team is actually 3 and 0 right now and their senior night is currently going on and they're versing Colonia so hopefully they can make that 4 and0 and then our football team actually started the season pretty well also they're currently one in one and then they go face Oldbridge tomorrow and hopefully they can make it two1 um in are there's been a lot of new faces around and a lot of those new faces have been security guards they've uped the security a lot this school year there's been one you can't really walk around without seeing one at least and um they've also had a new ID policy so every first period your teacher asks you if you have your ID and if you don't you go get a temporary ID and they also ask you third period And if you lost you have to get another temporary ID so they're being very critical on that this year and being very helpful us and then as far as classes go this is the first year that African-American studies is an official class in the school they've done a trial the last couple of years and the students have seemed to enjoy it there's been a lot of students in it and they're continuing to enjoy it this year so that's been great and many of our French students are excited because in the next coming weeks they're having an interest meeting for them to go to Quebec in February of this year you know sight see learn bunch of new things so our excelling FR students are up for that and um that's pretty much it so we're just hoping for another great year last year was great it started off to a good year so again I'm just grateful for you guys having me here so thank you thank you so much I have a couple of comments based on what you had said Tyler I'm glad you brought a couple things up first of all it's really nice to hear you say that you can't walk anywhere without seeing a yellow shirt or security guard because we really take that very seriously and we put a lot of resources uh the people around this table put a lot of resources into into Safety and Security so I appreciate you know you bringing that up and the IDS uh things like that that's great and the AP institutes just so everybody understands uh they are classes over the summer if uh Tyler is taking AP African-American studies um he'll have a week or two weeks over the summer where they'll actually begin that course and one of the reasons we do that is because the AP testing dates are the same for the entire country and many country many uh states begin their classes begin their school year in August so we wouldn't want to put our kids at a disadvantage at that test by us beginning in September because that's when our school year begins in New Jersey so that's one of the main reasons and the second one is to make sure they before they enter the AP year the school year they could really see and get immersed a little bit on uh in the class to see the pace to see what's going on to see if they really like it and there is an opportunity for them to change out if they if they don't want that so I appreciate uh that as well so thanks and I did see as far as French um I happen to be on the schoy page that offering it to students so even if they don't have French this year the opportunity if they took it in the past like to like French too it's open so I I think that's really important because a lot of students haven't had that opportunity for trips so to include kids who for whatever reason W able to take it it's still an opportunity for them to have that experience so I think that's really great Madam president yes um I just wanted the um student new student representative if you could give us some kind of feedback and so people at home will know as well because we're videotaping uh YouTube hi um what is uh what is the process of a student that would apply for your position so for me at least you know you learn about the position they posted on school actually for junior representative and for me it was just I saw it and then you know conversations with my parents and then like how this school year would go see if I could do it you and then you know you apply they give you and then you have to send a video recording on why you should be a candidate and what you think of the position and what you think the position entails all that stuff and um you go in I had a meeting with the principal the vice principal or one of the teachers so they asked me a bunch of different questions gave me different scenarios on what I would do and yeah I sent that in I did my interview and then I just had to wait and then hopefully got back thank you thank you conratulations information well congratulations and as every meeting we know I know it's the beginning of the year but we know you're really busy so you're free to leave after this point at any point um and we really appreciate being here if you drive please drive safely and uh again thanks a lot for taking on this Tommy thank you for uh coming back and and uh really we're impressed with the things you do over the summer so I know our board president's going to talk about that a little bit you can just hang out for two more minutes until after I give my report then I'm GNA tell you to go home because you're a sening and you have things to do do you guys know when the uh Super Chief band Festival is yeah October October 5th thank you okay um for my president report for September 12th 2024 our 2024 2025 School Year is off to an excellent start teachers and students are settling back into their classroom routine ready to get to work and tackle the challenges to make this a successful year we start our back to school nights next week where parents will learn firsthand about their students daily experiences you will get to meet their teachers see their classrooms learn their schedules and more we urge all the parents to attend so you can learn all you can about your child school life and help them start out the year strong our Board of Education members look forward to meeting and speaking with many as many families as we can at back to school night Tomi thank you to our senior student representative to the board Tomi n for bringing attention to an issue that has brought great harm to our community and to communities Nationwide I was proud to be presid along with fellow board members and representatives of our Administration when Tomy unveiled the memorial to victims of drug overdose she planted purple and white Flags near New Market Pond to represent 45 people who had died in Piscataway in the past 5 years and more than 200 people who had overdosed in that time we are very proud that Tomi chose to use her Gold Award project the most pretigious prestigious award and Girl Scouts to raise awareness to this horrible reality I have no doubt that only can come from this efforts to help those struggling with drug addiction and other mental health issues thank [Applause] you I thank you for the invitation I thank you for being who you are to be the board representative to be your girl scout Service Unit manager to watch all that you have done in the growth that you have taken and all the ambition you have I'm amazed but most importantly I know you do it from your heart and you're doing it to always make a difference in your community and for that we the Board of Education thank you as a a superb representative of Piscataway High School school system thank you thank you so much you you and now that we've gotten to acknowledge you and thank you now if you want to go home please do so and I'll see you tomorrow morning in the parking lot I will um Tom the band Festival is October 5th Saturday Saturday yeah next on the agenda we have the superintendent report thank you very much uh I would be remiss if we didn't uh if I didn't ask for a uh moment of silence uh for the anniversary of 911 yesterday um many brave people were lost in an evil act and even though it was 23 years ago it still hurts just as it happened yesterday and uh families especially uh one family uh works at the high school uh Jim Knox uh our prayers go out to him and his family he lost his brother in 911 so uh please join me in a moment of silence thank you uh on a lighter note uh as always please uh check out our superintendent report the first one of the year on our website superintendent uh corner highlights this month include the start of the school year activities uh summer things uh some summer work getting ready by our uh by our cni team and our teachers things like that uh some student awards and successes even over the summer including uh T's little article is is in the superintendence report and we're really really proud of everything that we do here so please get a chance to check that out I do want to read a little bit of a snippet from one of the articles in here uh because it's really impressive uh former piscatway school teacher and Coach Joe Tani chosen this year's winner for Life award recipient from the Dr John F baitman Foundation Yani was a science teacher at PHS for 46 years and a football coach for 38 years in 13 years as head coach of the Chiefs he had an impressive 8843 and two record including an undefeated season and Central Jersey group four championship in 2002 he's an inductee to the uh NJ Scholastic coaches association Hall of Fame and the New Jersey football uh coaches association Hall of Fame uh with this award he won a $5,000 prize and he happily donated it back to our program so uh we really are are proud of our of our teachers and alumni whether they're here still in school with us or not so um I also want to reiterate Miss Cherry's comments about the start of the school year very smooth we really appreciate all the work by our uh teachers uh by our custodial maintenance department by our administrators uh we really have uh have had a smooth opening and really happy about that so looking forward to a wonderful school year and that concludes my report thank you drelli um next on your list personnel and Labor Relations Nancy okay be resolved the following motions identified as items a through a to be approved as presented second Mr secretary can take the roll call Mrs cardino yes Mr King yes M rashed yes Mr Salado Cowen yes M Smith Miss Stafford yes Dr Connors yes M Cherry yes Mo carry committee reports we have one committee report Dr coners uh the fiscal PLS and operations committee met on September 4th um to discuss audits bid projects capital projects and more on the audits Food Service excess cash in August the district was notified by the New Jersey Department of Agriculture that it's June 30th 2023 Food Service fund balance was an excess of federal regulations the district submitted a corrective action plan showing that the concern had been rectified by December 2023 uh pensions and benefits sensus review the district was notified that it was selected for census review as part of the New Jersey Division of Pensions and benefits implementation of gasby 67 I think that stands for government accountability something um Accounting Standards Board Standards Board uh census selections occur on a 10-year rotation and this is not an audit of the district annual audit um interim testing was conducted during the summer year in field work will continue through September 20th bid projects uh kitchen serving Line Equipment Denver equipment company of Charlotte completed installation of serving lines at Grand View in ctown painting painting was completed in the arbor gymnasium kakac cafeteria and office area Grand View classrooms MLK uh cafeteria and kitchen and quelt toown cafeteria kitchen equipment installations beel Architects completed the bid specifications for a contractor to install kitchen equipment at PCAT High School bid opening will be October 1st 2024 facility capital projects Roofing upgrades partial roof Replacements were completed at nolwood and Renville Paving projects Paving projects were completed at Arbor Grand View and up to High School uh HVAC upgrades some progress were made over the summer by hns and Seamans on system control work on the HVAC units but additional work remains scato High School dust collection the project was put to out to bid again with a bid opening schedule for October 2nd 2024 Scot high school media center spel Architects are in the design phase of the project bidding is scheduled to begin on January 10th 2025 uh that's uh wanted to try and open up some space for the Esports right area and a yeah and a remodel of the media center and a remodel of it um acoustic upgrades a schematic design meeting was held on August 8th 2024 speciel Architects are working on the bid specifications with bidding scheduled to begin on November 8th 2024 Energy savings Improvement program Seaman made substantial progress in completing their work over the summer including some projects that could only be completed when the buildings were empty full close out should be completed by December 31st 2024 solar panels a review by cop electric found solar systems at Arbor kakac ktown rille and Shore are aging and require some minor maintenance but are working as expected the solar system at piscato high school has one inverter that is not functioning and some wiring deficiencies the committee supported Mr Oliver engaging an architect or engineer to explore replacing the piscato high school solar system uh business office policies 7510 use of facilities Mr oler informed the committee that he provided a memo with recommendations to David Rubin for review by the policy committee Mr olera discussed the successful transition to master library from school dude 6700 Investments Mr Oliva discussed a proposed change in the policy to include the investment account and the calculation of the average month-end balances to better capture all the potential funds for investing and the change was approved by the committee this is going to result in a in um a lot more returns and it's a great idea transportation the 2024 2025 school year got off to a strong start buses arrived at schools mostly on time with a few routes requiring view Food Service Universal free breakfast Mr Ola discussed the messaging to the community by the district and press coverage of the new program school media and summer EBT applications summer EBT applications is the new term they're using for the free and reduced lunch um Mr Ola discussed the requirements of the workingclass families act hunger Act uh and the impact on meals application process that I believe is a state program all families must either complete an application or actively decline it through the Genesis parent module the district will continue to message the community about the application process ad hoc committee on Food Service debt the first meeting is scheduled for September 23rd 2024 New Jersey school business legislative update Dr Connor's discussed several bills including the njsba School uh School Board notes uh in these meetings we try and make keep up with what's going on with uh any state legislation affects the school I mean there was one in there that really doesn't affect us but it was about electric school buses I think some something but didn't affect us uh anyway in accordance with uh Public Law 2023 c147 um rral products dispensers were installed in all middle school and high school female restrooms business office investment account the committee reviewed the interest earned for the 2023 2024 school year the current balance on the August 2024 NJ arm which is a organization that allows school districts to invest funds and then and and on certain interest rates and get returns all funds remain in the joint account balance and we passed a policy on that and the business administrator is the one that that oversees that uh all funds remain in the joint account because it's currently yielding more than the long-term investment options and Madam chairman that my report thank you Dr Conor any questions quick question David the solar panel the high school that has the that's not functioning in wires is that like an installation issue or is it just like equipment that sometimes goes a little wonky that now has to be fixed so it's twofold a little of both so the inverter is the uh big uh mechanical unit that um records the energy that's coming in from the solar panels makes it usable makes it usable and then also makes it able to be red so we get our srex for we have two of those at the high school one of them is down um the issue as it relates to that is the solar business is very transient companies go in and out of business um it's highly unlikely we can find a replacement for that inverter and you can't just go plug and play and buy the uh Whirlpool version of an inverter uh the other part of the problem specifically with the high school solar system for some reason reason uh we don't know why because the high school was done at the same time as several other schools the wiring that they put um wasn't the correct wiring and was not properly encapsulated in all spots so those two issues combined um would be very costly to try and address and there's no guarantee of a perfect solution because of the inverter issue I just described um so we're going to explore other options to remove those panels perhaps put new ones up we're going to look at all the options I so we're looking for the most cost effective and energy effective solution okay and my second question I guess Dave this is for you um I actually you know I I know about the menal products do you know what the date is that schools have to implement so I'm so happy that these are up and running um do you know by like because that's the New Jersey right the the public law 2023 and I know they they they it last year do you happen to know my head but I will look up yeah I'm just curious like when the school had to like um yeah up andun for the start it for the start of the year it was the start of this year so again this is really great and makes me so happy because um that public well is probably a long time coming um and we always have them available in the nurses office but yeah but I'll tell you every teacher in the middle school every woman teacher in the middle school you know has things for students because not all students feel comfortable going into the Nur office so I think this is a really it's a good thing it's a great way for kids to feel comfortable um but I'm just curious what the I'm sorry the language in the the broadcast says beginning in the 2425 school year so we interpret that to mean the beginning of the year not I got you okay so some that that was the guidance that came from the doe so you know sometimes you know some districts there might be shortage in dispensers January maybe or there could be a shortage in dispensers so perhaps there's flexibility there but yeah we're happy that we were able to get it for the start of the year again that's you're always forward planning and preparing our District's needs okay so he answered David I'm still looking sorry David the David to the rescue see Zippity Do over here David foration okay next we're going to have approval minutes um Miss Rashid can you do that for us because Loretta is not here sure be resolved that the following minutes be approved as submitted business meeting August 8 202 4 executive session August 8 2024 second all in favor next we have public comments from the floor um I do see people in the comment in a public section so I will officially read this the Board of Education recognizes the value of public comments and educational issues and school matters of community interests in support of this position the law establish a period of public comment at every board meeting individuals wishing to speak must State their names and address comments are limited to three minutes duration but an individual may speak a second time after all others who wish to speak on the topic have been heard the board may require that individuals register to speak prior to the beginning of the meeting participants May submit written materials in support of their position all statements in or questions shall be directed to the presiding officer and no participant May address or question board members individually all speakers are requested to Express themselves in a civil matter with due respect for dignity and privacy rights of others whose legal rights may be affected please note while it is not the board's intention to stifle comments or matters of legitimate concern to the school Community the public should be aware that if their statements violate the rights of others under the law governing defamation and or invasion of privacy they may face personal liability to the injured party if speakers are uncertain of legal ramifications of their comments the board urges them to seek guidance beforehand from their own legal advisor can I have a motion to open public session motion second anyone in the public area wishing to speak this evening please come forward state your name your residence and in the township I recognize you are now okay good evening everyone sorry I I didn't come with any questions but I have a question what was your name in my name is jery Patel I live in pis um you may have seen me other meetings um my concern is start of a school year uh it's just a general question uh school year there was some shooting happen at different stuff and I'm seeing some police officers at at the at the schools when I go to get my kids I took few days off just to make sure things were going off as my son was going to a different School this year uh what is District doing something different this year than uh before to assure kids that they're safe and um also school can be doing everything in their power but I think the students needs to be a little bit more educated and also some guidance may be helpful so um thank you for your question we appreciate that and we take Safety and Security very seriously you heard me say to our uh student reps that we're glad so um you know you say what what did what have we done specifically this year yeah um we feel that we're uh very well equipped and almost on The Cutting Edge of everything we can do financially here in Piscataway so aside from really Shing up some of our um uh processes and procedures we had everything in place last year that we felt comfortable with so we didn't change much of our processes which we really can't talk about publicly right of our processes things like that so uh what what we feel very strongly is is about the education so we met uh this summer with the with the safety officers uh we talked to them about new processes uh Dr lman uh stays at The Cutting Edge with our meetings with uh the county and State Police uh they have programs and uh uh professional development for new things that they that they put in place we have a meeting with the police Department every month we met with them over the summer as well um so we we feel we stay as as a breast as we can on on the safety issues but what we what we will be doing and what we do every year is that is you're right is educating the kids on what to do if they see something if there's an emergency things like that so that's where our drills come in and you'll start to see those drills happening within the first 10 days of school and then September and every month thereafter okay thank you the drills uh we do get notifications now and we can all see it uh it's just when they see something in What scenario they should say something and it's not necessarily waiting for a drill to to happen um and it's going back to educating them of knowing and it it's just not only of Outsiders there might be something in in in school going on and um if they're they're going through something and they're not talking may result into something more than what we think so it's it's just something thank you yeah and I I do think that students um I've noticed will go to somebody if this if if something feels off or maybe somebody posted something that um seemed questionable or they felt uncomfortable with um you know there definitely have been you know students who are bringing that to people's attention so I think um you know hopefully that that continues where you know students will go to someone that they trust and communicate something that um they they felt was inappropriate and made them uncomfortable so as long as we keep educating our I just saw one more question so um I asked my son that do you know your counselor do you know the counselor at school and he said he doesn't know uh which is just couple of weeks so he probably don't know I know because I look up stuff on the internet on the website I know who his counselor is but it's just I'm trying to get information to him if he wants to talk to somebody who he can go to those something maybe could be included in back to school night uh that parents can always parents can also talk to to to their students they say you always have your counselor available and I I talk to my son all the time and you'd be surprised how many students will come to teachers former teachers uh cafeteria workers custodians yes safety offers people in the building that they build relationships with because education is about building relationships so um counselors are great and they are such valuable resources but there's so many um members of our school community that students I in my experience in you know being a teacher and um you know having children that there are people that they hopefully everybody has someone they feel comfortable going to and it's not always going to be a counselor um although that is a good um you know it's a good stepping if you really need something that you want fixed or have a major problem but kids a lot of times um find somebody in the building that they do trust they connect yes absolutely yeah I I do have my youngest one is in third grade this year but he was in Miss Milo rog's class uh for for year and a half he was moved to general education in December of last year but every single day he would go visit her first before he can go to his class he has to go visit her Rel what what I can tell you is that every board member here is leaz on to one of the schools and we often when whether it's an award ceremony whether it's at the Piscataway High School experience and the ninth graders are coming up uh after they just graduated in eth grade or whether it's a back to school night um it's always said that when you get up to the high school uh find somebody that you can talk to that believes in you you believe in them you can trust and we emphasize about what we're just talking about having someone it could be the custodian could be the nurse it could be a cafet care worker somebody that you trust that you can talk to and we often reiterate that so thank you much it's just the technological world you know now they have everything sure before they go to a person they have something else available who they want to say or do do something before they actually should be talking to an actual person well thanks for bringing it to attention it's important thank you so much mam chairman I have an answer to miss question wait a minut let's get her on record come on mag DAV answer here says the ACT shall take effect in the First full school year following the date of enactment which sounds like exactly what Mr ol said you thank you so much for the research uh anyone else public comment comments if not can I have a motion to close public comments have a second all in favor public comments is closed disc plan and operations Dr Connors be resolved following motions identified as items a through H be approved as presented second Mr secretary can take the RO Mr King yes Mr red yes Mr Sado yes Miss Smith yes Miss Stafford yes Mrs cordino yes Dr Connors yes CH yes motion car policy Miss Smith I page six I had it there it was it ran away for yes it did be resolved that the following motions identified as items a through C be approved as presented second Mr secretary can you take the RO some discussion real quick a discussion is I just want to thank the policy committee and and David Ruben for um drafting the policy 57221 on the school yearbooks and um did a a good job with the uh drafting of that policy Ro Mr secretary M rashed yes Mrs Salgado Cowan yes M Smith yes M Stafford yes Mrs cordino yes Mr King yes Dr Connors yes M Cherry yes motions Carrie curriculum Mr King we have resolved the following motions identified as items a through F be approved as presented second one second sorry I just um am I the right place yes um I just when I was looking through um all of the um approved trips I was happy to see that um that there's a lot more CBI or Community Based instruction for our um for our life skills and that it's continuing um through the year I think it's it's great sh right Target um and and what was this the beverage Distribution Center they do a lot I think that's that's that's incredible it's the first time I think I've seen this I think we do that every year they just kind of pack them in the beginning I don't remember seeing the the I don't remember seeing at at L um like at a like a job Community Based that way so I think that that that is um a really it's it's important forward AEP a forward step so I just wanted to bring that to attention remember last year I was actually in Staples and I was wondering what was going on and it actually was a group of students that were especially with their out there and work it's really it's important for the community to see them right so it's and and it's important to learn um you know life skills and you know be out and working thank you for saying that appreciate it I see World Mr San yes M Smith yes M Stafford yes Mr cordino yes Mr King yes M Rashid yes Dr Connor yes M Cherry yes motions Carri um Public Service uh Miss cordino uh be it resolved that the following motion identified as items a through D be approved as presented second Mr secretary Mr Sado C yes Mr Smith yes M Stafford yes Mrs cordino yes Mr King yes M rashed yes yes Dr Connor yes M Cherry yes motions carry administrative and auxiliary M drack be a resol that the following motions identified as items a through e be approved as presented second Mr secretary can you take the words M Stafford yes Mrs cordino yes Mr King yes Mr rashed yes Mrs alado Cowen yes M Smith yes Dr Connors yes to all abstain on F I think we're all supposed to abstain on F we're only voting on a A3 did we separated already you missed that memo oh my go you're too efficient we are all over it uh yes then yes those motions carry okay yeah uh Ana oh H I have to do F now oh sorry approval so so so before you before you so you're going to approve everybody but your name about it from your name so I'm going to read F yep approval of attendance of members and or employees of board at conferences where read the be it resolved right oh be it resolved that the following motion identified as items F be approved as presented Mr secretary can you take the V second oh second it I'll second yeah and now we'll take the role and everybody abstaining from their themselves okay Miss Stafford abstain yes to all for myself yes to all except I yes to all except for myself I need sorry how about we do this everybody when you vote Yes I will Mark you as abstaining from yourself how's that we all agree now we've got the ABCs back in a row we're ready we keep improving every year SE all right so Mrs cardino yes Mr King yes to all obain from Mr King Mr Sheed yes salato C yes to allain from Nancy Salgado Miss Smith yes to allain from me I'm not going Dr Connors uh no to everybody no uh yes do all abstain on Dr Tom Connor and Miss Cherry abstain from Miss Cherry and yes to the he Mar scary all right oh business we got through that see you got laugh out we got yes Dr con uh Madam chairman I have uh a few items for old business the first is to uh announce that the um first meal debt ad hoc committee will be meeting uh in this room at 5:30 on Monday September 23rd uh the last New Jersey school boards association's board certific a training session will be right after that at 6:30 p.m. here and you will be getting a special agenda in the mail for that meeting email email for that meeting the board certification training does not end at that point um what I was told now as you recall one year ago we had to do an annual board self evaluation so I will be working with our new field representative Maryann fredman uh she will send me a link it'll be very similar to what we did in the past it'll link you to board school boards in New Jersey New School New Jersey site and um you'll have to go through and do board self evaluation and then um I'm sorry the the the board um certification no the the presenter last time was different is that P they shipped it is that who our new representative is going to be our new representative is Maryann Freeman here that time okay that's my question the the person that was here that that you guys get a compliment to was actually a substitute for Patty okay and but that woman um I forget what her name was she she's a a field representative like in Sussex County and a few other places and she was available uh there has been a for Al change of our field representativ is no longer Patty um it is now Maran Freedman who has worked with us in the past you I know her from our strategic planning she was at our first meeting of okay and I do I do I know who she is and I I feel like I remember her name was when I first started she was our representative I do remember the name okay I see and and the thing is that um I thought that we had already checked that box last year doing the bo self valuation but then they threw that little word annual and so since it's been a year we have to do that the good news though is that we get through the next session we get through that and then there's some other small things um you know before the end of the year as a group you know we had four years to do it uh as a group we got it done in little over little over a year so that's a good thing and we'll we'll get it certification and uh it's it's always great to um do continuous learning um and uh the next well okay yeah that was it means I need to lose your train of thought no that's all right something else no that was it that was three things okay that was it uh new business I know Dr Manelli has some I do I have four things so you know Tom I'm really battling you for the the new business but I'm RB I'm a little faster though first thing I'd like to thank Joe Toma um and his team for the support uh Joe Toma is the president of the ptea and U you know just his outlook on what a relationship should look like uh in in a district as large as our so thank you your team we really appreciate everything we had a wonderful convocation uh welcoming the teachers back um so we really appreciate that relationship and and all that you do um and and keeping the train moving as well so we thank you very much uh couple of uh logistical things we have a football game scheduled for September 27th against South Brunswick that is a Friday night uh there is a ruter football game that same night and we uh all the the police officers in town will be working the ruter game so we have rescheduled that game to Thursday the night before the 26th um and information will go out uh to the whole Community because we know it's a community event um so just let you know there our Piscataway High School experience I was mentioned here somewhere um I typically is in January um a lot of times people use the PCU High School experience to make decisions we know you have uh parents have decisions to make and you know some some people decide well you know the magnet schools might be better or a Voca I mean a uh a Catholic School might be better or a private school we have decided to move our high school experience to October uh because a lot of those applications for those other places and including theem for us um need to be in by November 1st so you'll your kids in 8th grade will hear more about the piscato high school experience in October so you have time more to make decisions about uh you know places that you want to go courses that you might want to take things like that so we're excited we're going to change the process a little bit things like that uh but I just wanted to get that information out as soon as as soon as we knew that and uh another change which we think is is good and I was working with Joe Toma on this one our uh our November parent teacher conference we wanted to try to make uh the access to parent involvement it's actually one of our goals uh access to parent involvement uh easier for for parents especially with kids in multiple grades so our parent teacher conference is in November not back to school night I know I'm saying it before back to school night but this is in November um our tonight evening parent teacher conferences at the high school only will be starting at 5:00 instead of 6 uh so you'll have some time slots from 5: to 7: instead of 600 to 8 so if you can only do one night and you have kids in two different three different schools that gives you a little more leeway to get to those schools uh so again information that is for later on in the fall but I wanted to get to you as soon as we could I'm sorry yes it's so um repeat the hours what is 5 to 7 on the two nights November 20th and November 21st and it used to be 6 to yep just at the high school only ah okay all right and there's still a virtual option if you want to do it virtually right but it gives access to families who have uh kids in in more more than one school okay because they can make it to the younger gr make it to the high school and then go to the middle school and then go to the other they have till 8:00 to get to the other school oh okay I was really confused wait a minute the train is not rolling here tonight Connors are off happening I don't I didn't understand how that worked but okay I only have one kid in school so that's probably why I don't know um and then Dr question um when now that's all online through Genesis that you scheduled your conference confer um Genesis closed for conferences it was like a week ahead correct um that I know for me um I it was my mistake that um I only scheduled a couple because in the past you used to only be able to you were limited right to like your two cores or whatever it was so in the younger grades but I I feel I think high school and high school used to be like that I feel like it was but I only I didn't do enough and then I was like I'll just go in it wased and it was closed um so we close it for and Bill C if I'm wrong here we close it so the teachers have prepare and print out you know you want come so I was just thinking like a week maybe we could stretch it you know like a you know maybe not not as much five days maybe five days five days okay I'll talk to Chris actually Bill Bill actually sets it up in the computer so maybe we'll see talk listen I know teachers need time to prep there's a lot to print and you have you know you're preparing and writing notes on all your students and you know if you have 130 students that's a lot of work to do but I know on the parent end so there's only so many slots is that that's what you're saying right yes yes but but I mean I know like like there was teachers that had openings and I was like there's like an opening but I can't get cuz I couldn't like get back in and I was like there's opening right um but Lis I have a suggestion for that also then before it closes just a reminder go out like hey it's closing tomorrow so you're process no 100% that's a good idea yeah I was going to say parents need like we we get a lot of information um so you you can never not send enough reminders especially with something where it's closing and you were just you you on my next point right there th because um you know the communication piece so just making sure that um give him that reminder okay thank you that's it for me thank you anyone else a new business I just have one new business um I just wanted to make make a u a note that the culture climate and community relations committee meeting that is scheduled for September 24th um on our website it currently says that it's virtual it is not it is in person in this room for anybody who wants to know um the people on the committee will get that notification and the website will be updated thank you it was on Dr Gray's yeah but but I mean in all the like public places like if anybody wanted a not got you okay now I'm just going to sit here we're all going to stare at each other n let me quit joking around uh have a motion for ajour all in favor we are Ched wow Courtney fin yes e for