##VIDEO ID:aRewNgPKAcs## okay call this meeting in order let's start with a flag salute Al to of the United States of America to the IT stand Nation indivisible andice for all okay this is the annual reorganization meeting for the piscatway Board of Education I'm David Oliver the business administrator and I am presiding over the start of this meeting first we'll start the notification hereby be it known that the pasato Township Board of Education has complied with the notification requirements of the open public meetings act for the announcement of this meeting date and place on April 19th 2024 in the following manner posting of the public notice on the posting board for the Board of Education in the administration building email notification to the newspaper serving Piscataway the home News Tribune and The Courier News email notification filed with the municipal clerk at the mun municipal building on hose Lane this meeting is being digitally recorded this recording is not an official record or supplement to the minutes and is intended only as a source of information that the public might utilize at a later date to familiarize themselves with the board's activities we'll start the meeting with the administration of oath of office to the newly elected members we have three board members uh being sworn in tonight and I will start with Tom Connors if You' like to meet me up the podium hey Dr Conor please raise your uh hand and repeat after me I sayate your name I Dr Tom Connors do solemnly swear or affirm do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established and to the governments established in the United States and this state in the United States and this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so help me God I state your name I Dr Tom Connor you solemnly swear or affirm do solemnly swear that I possess the qualifications prescribed by law that I possess the qualifications prescribed by law for the office of member of a board of education for the office of member of a board of education and that I am not disqualified as a voter and that I am not disqualified as a voter pursuant to rs19 col 4-1 pursuant to rs19 colon 4-1 nor disqualify due to conviction of a crime or offense nor disqualify due to conviction of a crime or offense listed in njs 18a col 12-1 listed in njs 18a colon 12-1 and that I will faithfully and partially and justly and that I will faithfully and partially and justly perform all of the duties of that office perform all the duties of that office according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations [Applause] okay next I'll call up Gail Nelson thank you okay please uh raise your hand and repeat after me I state your name I Dr Gail Nelson do solemnly swear or affirm do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established and to the governments established in the United States in this state in the United States in this state under the authority of the people do solemnly swear or affirm do solemnly swear that I possess the qualifications prescribed by law that I possess the qualifications prescribed by law for the office of member of a board of education for the office of member of the Board of Education and that I am not disqualified as a voter and I'm and that I am not disqualified as a voter pursuant to rs19 4-1 pursuing to rs19 colon 4-1 nor disqualify due to conviction of a crime or offense nor disqualify due to conviction of a crime or offense listed in njs 18a col 12-1 listed in js1 18a column 12-1 and that I will faithfully and partially and justly and that I will Faithfully partially and justly perform all of the duties of that office perform all of the duties of that office according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God [Applause] congratulations and last we have pan Patel pan thank you finally did it yes let's get the please raise your hand and repeat after me I state your name I pan Asin pel do solemnly swear or affirm do solemnly swear or affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established and the governments established in the United States and this state and the United States and the state under the authority of the people under the authority of people so help me God so help me God I state my state your name I Patel do solemnly swear or affirm do solemnly swear that I possess the qualifications prescribed by law that I possess the qualifications prescribed by the law the office of member of a board of education for the office of member of Board of Education and that I am not disqualified as a voter and I'm not disqualified as a water pursuant to rs19 colon 4-1 pursuant to rs19 colon 4-1 nor disqualify due to conviction of a crime or offense nor disqualify due to conviction of a crime or offense listed in njs 18a col 12-1 listed in NJ 18a 12 col 12-1 and that I will faithfully and partially and justly and I will Faithfully partially and justly perform all of the duties of that office perform all of the duties of that office according to the best of my ability according to best of my ability so help me God so help me God [Applause] congratulations I back no this you go back on the right side okay so congratulations to the uh new board members and returning board members at this time I'll uh formally present the results for the annual school election that was held on November 5th 2024 the annual school election of the school district of Piscataway in the county of middle sex was held on November 5th 2024 the number of registered voters were 4,247 the number of votes cast were 23, 997 the results of the election were as follows I will read the candidates name and their total vote count Tom Connors 9,962 Nancy cordino 6,820 Kimberly Lane 6,596 Gail Nelson 9,634 Abba onani 5,983 pant Patel 9,776 okay with that we have recognized the results of the election I will take a formal roll call M Cherry present Dr Connors present Mr King here Dr Nelson present Mr Patel pres Miss Rivers here Mrs Salgado Cowen pres Miss Smith here miss Stafford okay we have nine all nine members present this evening okay the first order of business this is for the election of a president so at this time I'd like to open the floor to receive nominations for the office of president of the Board of Education I'd like to make a nomination Mr Sal I nominate chance Cherry okay do we have any other nominations okay hearing no additional nominations the floor is now open for a motion to close nomination ations motion thank you all in favor any opposed okay now I'll take the vote for the office of president when I call your name please indicate the name of the nominee that you choose to vote for Miss Cherry I vote for myself shanto Michelle cherry Dr Connors Chantel Cherry Mr King Chantel cherry Dr Nelson Chantel Cherry Mr Patel Chantel Cherry Miss Rivers Chantel Cherry Mrs Salgado Cowen Chantel Cherry Miss Smith Chantel Cherry Miss Stafford Shantel Michelle Cherry Shantel Cherry is hereby elected as president of the piscato Township Board of Education congratulations [Applause] [Music] I you know Dave has some fancy little gadgets in do dads he's like look tape it up economical I don't have to buy a new name for it's all yours all right uh now uh we will continue with the vote the election of Vice President I now open the floor to receive nominations for the office of Vice President of the Board of Education Dr Connors uh Madam president I nominate um Nancy Salado Cohen I second it oh I make motion are there any other nominations for vice president being I see none uh can I have a motion to close motion can I have a second second second all in favor I I all anyone oppose uh Mr secretary can you take the role okay when I call your name please indicate who you the name of the nominee that you choose to vote for Miss Cherry Nancy Sado Cohen Dr Connors Nancy Sado Cohen Mr King Nancy Salado Cohen Dr Nelson Nancy Salado Cohen Mr Patel Nancy Salado Cohen Miss Rivers Nancy Salado Cohen Miss Salgado cow Salado cow Nancy that's right thank you sir Miss Smith Co Cowan Miss Stafford Nancy Salgado Cowen hey Nancy Salgado Cowan is hereby elected as vice president of board [Applause] ofed bye Tom yeah we do a lot of Shifting of positions all right wait you know I have a lot of stuff Tom got all my bags you should have had the Red Wagon you got your pen your phone the cool side of the table I think I started there eight years 16 years ago okay uh nomin uh motion to establish committees be it resolved that the current board committees be reestablished as standing committees with the committee chairperson and members to be appointed by the board president prior to the first committee meeting can I have a motion uh Madam yes sir president can I first say oh of course you can Tom we have time tonight go um I just wanted to say that it was an honor and privilege to serve as your vice president for the last couple of years but first I want to congratulate Chantel and Nancy uh as being named as our leaders for 2025 remember we're all here so we can best represent the needs and concerns of our school community and do what is best for all the students of Piscataway I believe that when a district has effective School governance it can promote the achievement of all students through an engaging curriculum in its programs we're committed to a diverse academically excellent transparent safe healthy and fiscally responsible School District we must commit ourselves to help every student regardless of their income level or background to see their own self-worth and reach their goals so last we're all in this together and uh so be well and take care of yourselves uh because we'll always need to be ready as a team to do our best so thank you very much thank you Dr con is very well said uh Mr secretary did we get a we need a m Chantel made a motion is there a second second Mr secretary can you take the role M Cherry yes Dr Connors yes Mr King yes Dr Nelson yes Mr Patel yes M Rivers yes M Salado C yes Miss Smith yes Miss Stafford yes motion carries thank you uh reorganization resolutions be it resolved that the following motions identified as items a through D be approved as presented second Mr secretary can you take the role well let let's we're going uh our tradition here is that we all decide one by one that we'll read the adoption of the New Jersey school board code of ethics uh they're listed up on the board over here on the wall so one by one we'll start with Loretta and you'll go with number one and then we'll go around the room continuing that's D correct yeah that's D it's D on your agenda D on the agenda page number four got it I will uphold and enforce all laws state board rules and regulations and court orders retaining to schools desired changes should be brought about only through legal and ethical procedures I will make decisions in terms of the educational welfare of children and seek to develop and maintain public schools which meet the individual needs of all children regardless of their ability race Creed sex or social standing I will confine my board action to policymaking planning and appraisal and I will help to frame policies and plans only after the board has consulted those who will be affected by them I will carry out my responsibilities not to administer the schools but together with my fellow board members to see that the they are well run I will recognize that the authorities Dr with the Board of Education and will make no personal promises nor take any private action which may compromise the board I will refuse to surrender my independent judgment to special interest or partisan polit political groups to use the schools personal gain for the gain of friends I will hold confidential all matters pertaining to the schools which if disclosed would needlessly injure individuals or the schools but in all other matters I will provide accurate information and in concert with my fellow board members interpret to the staff the aspirations of the community for its schools I will vote to appoint the best qualified Personnel available after consideration of the recommendation of the chief administrative officer I will support protect School personnel and proper performance of their duties and all together all nine of us at once I all complaints to Chief admin officer will act on complaints public me only after Administration solution now Mr secretary can you take the RO Dr Connors yes Mr King yes Dr Nelson yes Mr Patel yes M Rivers yes Mr Salado cow yes M Smith yes M Stafford yes M Cherry yes motions carry um public comments from the floor being with to reorganization meeting I don't think anyone will have any comments from the floor tonight and I have a motion to close that motion we have a second second okay all in [Applause] favor okay in addition to that be it resolved that the board adjourned to an executive session for the purpose of a discussion of a Personnel matter no action will be taken by the board board this evening can I have a uh come back out for an adjournment y we'll come back out for ajour but uh the motion and a second can I have a motion to go into executive session motion have a second second we're going to go into a back for an executive session we'll come back out and then we'll adjourn the meeting but that's all the official part of presentations and squaring and oppos all in favor of the motion opposed okay an executive session e e e for