##VIDEO ID:3C9mHdT-OEU## e spe for I'd like to call this meeting of the Piscataway Township Council to order adequate notice of this meeting has been provided as required under chapter 231 pl1 1975 specifying the time date location login or dial in information and to the extent known the agenda by posting a copy of the notice on the municipal building municipal court and the two Municipal Library bulletin boards municipal website providing a copy to the official newspapers of the township and by filing a copy in the office of the Township Clerk in accordance with certification by the clerk which will be entered in the minutes there will be public comment periods for both remote and in-person attendees separately each member of the public shall only have one opportunity to speak during each public portion as the technology does not allow us to know if there are multiple callers on an individual phone line or logged in user account we ask that if you wish to speak that you log in or dial in separately so that we can recognize you as a separate individual should you have any further comments or questions the township council is always available by email and phone and you can always call the mayor's office during normal operating hours Miss Mitch would you please take the roll call councilwoman Carmichael pres councilman Espinosa here councilwoman Lombardi here councilman r here councilman Shaw here councilman Erin here and council president kahill here would you please join me in a salute to our flag to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you that will bring us to number five which are comments from Administration and Council regarding adjournment of any matters on this agenda none okay see none that'll bring us to number five uh this is oops number six this is open to the public this is comments regarding number item 13 which are the consent agenda items and this item does in this consent agenda item does include uh the vote for for um the moving of the um Board of Education elections to April so with that we will now open it up to the public for those who'd like to comment on item number 13 um and for um for uh these comments we'll always start with our remote attendees so for our remote attendees if you wish to speak at this time please raise your hand either on the Zoom app or if by phone by pressing star9 when it is your turn to speak you will receive or hear a request to unmute yourself please click the prompt or press star six on your phone to unmute yourself at that time please state your name and address and know that you have three minutes in which to make your comments the council or Administration will respond if necessary after you've completed any comments or questions just reminder that if you are a remote attendee you would press star n on your phone to speak raise your hand if by Zoom app council president I am not seeing any individuals with their hand raised somebody did okay so okay somebody did just raise their hand i'm G to ask them to speak hello yes please go ahead speak state your name and address and note that you have three minutes in which to make your comments yes Ralph Johnson 39 East bery Drive toyway New Jersey hello everyone hello council president mayor and all those attending I just wanted to get a little Clarity I saw a lot of bugs on social media and I just like to present it to all of you here in terms of item 13 Z in terms of moving the election from November to April I just kind of want to get some clarity from whoever could speak onto what was the rationale for moving cell was there a change because of ineffectiveness or was change for improvement uh is there a cost associated with this and just sort of just one of the pros and cons of it so we can make an informed decision that is all thank you sorry U Mr Johnson thank you um well I I know we're going to have a lot of folks speak tonight so we might want to answer them all at one time but I'm happy to answer um Mr Johnson's question right now as it looks like he was the only remote attendee to raise um his hand to ask um there were a lot of uh things that went into the discussion about this amongst the council people um in light of um this last November's election including trying to make this election less partisan but there are other items too but I want to offer more time for the folks who are here since there are a lot of folks here um to speak and then we can all address them sort of like all at one time so everyone gets an opportunity to uh speak their mind so with that we're going to close the remote um a public portion attendee and we're going to open it up to the folks that are here in person um so if you're here in person if you wish to speak at this time please come to the podium state your name and address and know that you have three minutes in which to make your comments you may take a seat after completion of your comments or questions and the council or Administration will then respond if necessary hi uh my name is Nancy crelia and I'm here tonight to speak on behalf of Joseph uh Toma who is the president of the Piscataway Education Association 31 Stelton Road uh dear Piscataway residents and members of the Piscataway Township council at the conclusion of the Board of Education meeting on December 12th 2024 the Piscataway Township Education Association was surprised by a message from the township of Piscataway where the Town Council has decided to vote on a resolution to move the Board of Education elections to April in an effort as the township claims to prevent partisan politics from being in play the Piscataway Township Education Association believes this resolution to be unnecessary and believes it is something um is not if something's not broken there's no need to interfere we believe that when cons considering changes that impact schools we would hope that the stakeholders would be asked for their input as it affects our children in the community why waste resources and tax dollars on having a separate election holding New Jersey School Board elections in April presents several drawbacks first of all there's low voter turnout April elections often see lower turnout uh participation compared to the general elections held in November with fewer elections in April the focus may be on local races rather than Schoolboard matters leading to lower engagement and voter awareness secondly limited public awareness the timing of April elections outside of the major election Cycles may result in fewer media resources dedicated to informing voters about candidates School budgets or important local issues this can leave many voters uninformed thirdly conflict with spring break many schools hold spring break during April families are traveling or they're disengaged reducing the likelihood of participation by parents and Guardians who are the key stakeholders in the education process budget constraints School boards May struggle with making making important decisions about budgets and other major educational policies if voters aren't engaged or aware of the stakes school boards may also lack full participation of the public in key decisions disconnection from the general election issues having School Board elections in a separate month from larger elections means voters may not connect to these races to the broader state Statewide or national policy discussions this disconnect could undermine the perceived importance of local educational decisions in summary April elections lead to lower voter turnout reduced public awareness and logistical challenges all of which can impact the effectiveness and the legitimacy of Schoolboard elections our children are watching we should be an example for them and make inroads to collaboratively as opposed to divisive behaviors we trust the council will ear on the side of collaboration and we eagerly await for your decision as it will speak volumes to the community I'm going to ask that this Council bifurcate resolution Z of the consent agenda and vote on it separately so the residents of this community can see how the members of This Town Council stand on this specific issue of great importance to this community thank you very much thank you please come to the podium state your name and address and note that you have three minutes in which to make your comments all right thank you so much my name is Vier VI Patel uh I live on 52 Justice Street Piscataway and uh I'm here in regards to uh again section Z which should be its own separate vote as previous speaker said but uh I'm here uh to not represent anybody else I found out about this issue and I I feel I believe that like the the argument that's being made that these elections are becoming too political is inherently flawed when such elections should in in nature have a healthy debate um let me ask is it not political when a mayoral candidate years on the very same brochure as such School aard candidates who Bears the burden of creating such political and and and like polarizing elections uh furthermore if I learned anything from my education in Piscataway is the worth of diversity and uh deferring viewpoints and intense discussion is at the Bedrock of not just a strong Schoolboard but a strong democracy and let it be noted that the Schoolboard elections at this time would ALS Al negatively affect voter turnout which you know I I I believe is you know it's it's really important for Schoolboard elections to have these uh have have this kind of notoriety brought to it because with it not being part of like a larger election being separate in April it's going to it's going to hurt voter turnout and people are not going to know about it and uh it's really important for not just like piscat parents but for students and you know my brother I can speak on behalf of my brother my peers bisc parents they deserve better and um in addition uh it will also increase accessibility considering that you know it's of having to go again for a separate election just for this one issue having these elections combines allows for you know people to be able to voice their opinions on multiple things without having to show up again and having to go through this process which is arduous many people do not have the time or availability especially because n because national elections are generally you know given time to for people to go vote and um you know I just want to culminate all my points within saying that um that piscato students and piscatway parents deserve better and uh this attempt at trying to silence people and twist elections is not going to go unnoticed and I just asked that we do better thank you for your time and consideration thank you please come to the podium state your name and address and note that you have three minutes in which to make your comments evening I'm uh Reverend Henry Kenny I live at One Sterling Drive Apartment 102 seniors building in scataway New Jersey I hear what you have to say I hear it all I'm I'm nonp partis and uh I just wish you well thank you good evening everyone my name is Viola Stone 134 School Street I'm actually speaking on behalf today of for Laura Liber Ritz who is a long-standing educator in our town um and she will be sworn in as our town council member um and she writes I am writing to indicate my opposition to the moving of the Board of Education elections from November to April Laura is a longtime educator and she has made a difference in voter engagement between a standalone spring Board of Education election and a November date spring elections bring significantly lower voter engagement they are very expensive and they also inere that the education system is not part of the community and its success this Municipal by body points with pride to our Township's higher voter turnout this indicates our voters believe that vote matters and they turn out to make their voices heard there has been no inclusion of the educational stakeholders in this discussion and a decision of this multitude with significant impact on one of the most important Services the township provides which should be addressed in cons consultation with key investors in the system strong schools make us desirable along for long-term homeowners uh this election chain shortens the terms of current board members who are serving our community well we have stable education Administration team we have highly rated and well-run schools our current board members have recently completed several hours of professional development and are confident in the new Jersey I'm sorry and our certified in our New Jersey Board of Education thus the date change would not only shorten the length of the board but it would also it would also should shorten the length of the term of the board members who have been instrumental in establishing and maintaining an integral for our schools also could weaken the strength of our stable and strong educational programs thus this change is definitely unnecessary our Township has a strong and stable education system that adds significant value to our town the municipal government should leave well enough alone and continue to work for the betterment of our Township and other more needed areas sincerely this is Laura lieberwitz Town Council at large member 2025 through 2028 thank you thank [Applause] you hello I'm Sarah Radford 13 Dunbar Avenue um I just want to I'm not going to take up a lot of time but I just want to chime in on the things that people have been saying it feels really disingenuous some of the things that this council is saying where you kind of say that you want to make it non-political and nonpartisan when it it it I mean that letter that I see written back there it really rankles me the way that this Council seems to communicate with the with the with the community members here so I hope you're listening I hope you're hearing that we're saying we're not in agreement with the way you're running things and we would really like you to reconsider making this resolution I would like to hear some data I'm a scientist I'd like to hear some numbers here to say that this isn't going to cost us a lot more money this isn't going to drive down voter turnout this is going to some way make our schools better because isn't that what the board of education is about and I don't feel like I've seen any of that information so I'd really appreciate you guys actually commenting back to us thank you very much thank you good even evening Chantel Cherry 34 Wagner Avenue Piscataway New Jersey I'm here tonight speaking on behalf of the board and my concern for you wanting to change the elections from November to April I'm not here about the cost I'm not here about nonp partis ISM I'm here about the safety of the students currently our calendars are built in where we are closed on general elections therefore none of our students are in any of the buildings that are all unlik locked open for anyone to come and go as they see fit if we change our elections to April that's not in our calendar therefore we're putting every student all 7,400 of the ones who attend school in Piscataway In Harm's Way because guess what the doors are unlocked and all we preach about is safety kids first safety opening the doors in April for an election is not safety that's just someone getting their way but they're not thinking about the outcome of this students and the dangers that this impose having an election in April serves no purpose because your change does not relate to what's going on in the district itself now if there was a discussion where it was presented and came forward before our calendars were all created which has also been created already for 2526 and therefore guess what April's not listing on their either for us to be closed we intentionally close our buildings so that we do not have our students inside our elementary schools inside our intermediate schools walking around with total strangers that they don't know you cannot put enough Security in a building to protect students who are going to restrooms that are in hallways you cannot protect the students who are changing classrooms I know because you only have one guard at the door so what are we going to do about that if you change elections to April how are we going to protect the students that's all I have to say is it possible to get a copy of the resolution because there was a lot of paper over there but there wasn't any actual copy of the resolution and it's not on the website which I think is a violation but I just want one when I'm whenever you're the council has I mean it's just it's very simple just well maybe someone could read it or someone could have printed it or somebody could have put it on the internet I know that the former council president who's not the council president anymore once told me that you can't put everything on the internet but turns out she was wrong is it I mean I don't mind giving giving my time I'm happy to wait if you want to read it so people know what because it's not available anywhere people were asking for it we go ahead um um Miss burer finish your comments and we'll read it after oh okay I didn't start my comments okay go ahead good evening I'm Stacy Berger I live at 233 Ellis Parkway here are some things that Piscataway council could be doing tonight you could be assisting constituents who are being evicted or facing homelessness you could be organizing an expungement Clinic like many other town towns for our residents you could be providing daa recipients with legal assistance like lots of other towns in New Jersey are doing you could be helping the residents in the Pome toown neighborhood who had terrible issues with construction in their area including open Flames air pollution possible toxic chemicals outside their homes they tried for weeks to get your attention but they couldn't um you could be passing a municipal ID program for individuals who need that to get documents to access vital Services you could be calling on our US senators to oppose Trump's most dangerous unhinged lunatic nominees but instead of doing any of those things or really anything at all to help protect our vulnerable neighbors and people in need you're making up reasons to move the school board election to April and I guess we should be glad that you're finally being transparent because everyone can see what this move is actually about it's a pathetic attempt to hold the election when there are fewer people likely to vote we get it you're tired and tired of losing you lost the last five elections and got swept in the last two there's an easy solution though and it doesn't involve having the schools have to close or do anything else you can just stop endorsing candidates moving the election won't stop the scataway Democratic organization from running candidates in April will it council president or councilman espanosa you two are the chair and the vice chair of the only political party in our community that makes actual endorsements and you could simply just stop this Behavior now you won't though because you don't actually care about nonpartisan elections or unity in the Democratic party like you claim you just don't want anyone to contest for power with you that's what elections are about at a time when democracy is under attack we should be encouraging voter engagement and making it as easy as possible for people to participate instead you're playing one of your favorite parlor games Petty vendettas and election rigging you're good at it in order to try to win seats on the school board but for what our school board led by the putting kids first slate is an award-winning certified board that runs a tremendously successful District you could learn some things from them because when your folks were on the board they got sued multiple times and they lost our schools are great and we know you know it because you never miss a chance to show up and take a picture our schools provide our children with a top-notch education and Rich cultural experiences they make Piscataway a desirable place to live and they employ many of our residents moving the election won't stop people including me from campaigning and supportive candidates who are committed to doing what is right for our kids but you'll do whatever you want tonight because you don't believe in putting our kids or our taxpayers first you're putting yourself first instead of basic democracy so let me be very clear we will continue to support candidates who represent the shared values of our community you can move the election you can attack us and our allies with hate with islamophobic hate and anti-semitic tropes you can put fake questions on the ballot and have to pay our attorneys you can try to remove duly elected school board members like Ralph Johnson you can gerrymander 18,000 voters in Piscataway to save a Council seat and try whatever other tricks you want but we aren't going anywhere we live here and we have every right to run for office as much as you or anyone else does and we will continue to do that thank [Applause] you hello I'm Gina register I live at 78 Riverview Avenue thank you for letting us speak tonight as Democrats we should be working together to increase voter turn out I am highly concerned that moving the school board election from November to April will lead to voter fatigue that will most likely reduce participation and Community engagement it can also be seen as implying voter suppression which is contrary to democratic principles the notice sent to the Board of Education from your legal counsel States the township Council believes that this proposed change will better serve our community by fostering a nonpartisan environment interestingly before the 2023 election I was at an event that most of you were at one Schoolboard candidate was allowed to get up at that event no other candidate was offered that opportunity this election I have seen PD Facebook post with council members standing with prospective uh standing with uh Board of Ed candidates I have seen mailers endorsing column one Board of Ed candidates with pictures of council members on the opposing side so I would like to know how does moving the election to April spending taxpayer money to do so and more importantly interrupting terms of certified board members Foster a nonpartisan environment and how will an April election discourage or prevent partisan uh display like the two I've mentioned and there's others thank you thank [Applause] you gasos 58 Curtis scway New Jersey nice to see some of you people here again that tree got hit again negligence is there let's not go too far look at the parking lot sir inside your house sir I'm sorry we're talking about item we not talking about we're talking about PCAT away right number 13 thank you H please number 13 items I need to finish my thing did you want to come back during the public surfaced a year ago now it's a yes ugly those cherry trees along the street are choking on their support straps that being said Property Maintenance has tremendous negligence and you don't care thank you please state your name and address and note that you have three in which to make your comments TJ travetti lunar Street Piscataway um heard a lot of different perspectives here I'm actually I would say in favor of the council's resolution for this to move it to uh April you know I you know I agree in the sense where moving the school board election to the to a nonpartisan election cycle you know this is what we've asked for in order to as residents in order to take the PO politics away from anything to do with our kids and in our school system you know from what my from my understanding this was a tradition about nine years ago when it was changed to the November general election you know the school board nine years ago they were the ones who moved it to November rather than letting it remain in the nonpartisan election in April you know when politics get involved things tend to get chaotic and sometimes hostile and that's the last thing we need for a School Board Race um even personally this past um November cycle you know completely didn't appreciate certain members running up to me in the parking lot and telling me who to vote for instead of just simply going in there and voting so I think we should all do the appropriate thing tonight and keep politics away from the discussion pertaining to the students and what goes on in the classroom um that's all I got thank you for the council for giving me an opportunity to share thank you thank you very much hi my name is Jessica crille I live at 1247 Brookside Road here in Piscataway and I just wanted to come up and speak about the um item Z about moving the Schoolboard elections uh it would come at a cost to the taxpayers which is completely unnecessary and it seems like the council is taking a a leaf right out of um uh former Governor Christie's Playbook by moving an election to make it politically more convenient for them to hold on to power so I'm sure all of you remember when Senator lenberg died and four years previous Governor Christie said no responsible Governor would hold a special election to fill Senator lenberg vacated senate seat and then when it was convenient for him to have have Democrats come turn out at the special election he held at the cost of 10 to 12 million to New Jersey taxpayers he did that so I guess you find yourself in very interesting company um I think that this is very transparently self-serving for this organization and I would urge you to please put voters and taxpayers and our children ahead of your self-serving ideas thank you and have a great evening thank [Applause] you good evening Bill Irwin 233 Ellis Parkway nice to see you Nancy we managed to antagonize the union that's shrewd politics um there's been a lot of good points made in opposition to uh the resolution item we're discussing so I'm not going to be labor the here uh I will note there seems to be some confusion between the concept of partisan and the concept of contested partisan generally refers to like a battle between Republicans and Democrats or political parties contested is just a lot of people running for office and that's what we have in the Schoolboard elections we haven't actually had um I mean last year I guess for the first time there were a few candidates backed by the Republicans but that was sort of a oneoff over the course of the last seven years so that's not like actually what's happening so we can dispense with the notion of partisanship uh in terms of political and education I mean all elections are political that's what elections are you think you think people people run in a nonpartisan manner in the school board but they don't have points of view I mean there's plenty of people that want to ban books that's a political point of view there are political points of view expressed in every school board election throughout the country right politics is part of democracy it's part of Elections it always will be and these elections will be contested I would expect and moving them to April will not change that it'll reduce voter turnout for sure I mean we all know that um outside of that I would say that moving this through in a lame duck session before the seating of a new council is a bad look uh putting it on the consent agenda as though you know it's already already a done deal there's already consent on it been discussed beforehand that's an even worse look and doing something that affects another elected Municipal body without you know Consulting them at all just by Fiat is the worst look of all in in a democracy government derives its legitimacy from the consent of the Govern the Govern are able to give withhold their consent at elections that is when they can speak so in addition to this being generally a bad look it's a bad idea it breeds divisiveness and antagonism at a time when they taunt is what is called for and effort should be made in that direction instead so when you ask yourselves you know at an election why is this being contested why are people running against me perhaps in a primary why are they withholding their consent for me to govern look at things like this thank you hi sir please state your name and address and note that you have three minutes in which to make your comments no problem hello my name is Courtney King I live at 231 beex Lane Pas scataway New Jersey hello pasaway in front of me hello pasaway in back of me I think pasaway is a awesome and beautiful place to live I grew up in uh New York City and then I moved out here and I haven't been happier since I've been living out here and I believe that a lot of the decisions that were made um in the council and on the school board have made this town what it is today I believe that the council member MERS and the school board should do whatever they can to work together in order to continue to push the town in the right direction changing what has been working to me doesn't seem like a good idea I'm currently on the school board we are a certified School Board every time we go to different School Board um conventions we are the superheroes we are the ones that everybody goes ahead and says look at that school board that's what you have to try to be like so if that's working why I change it that's all I have thank you for hearing me thank you for your time please state your name and address and note that you have three minutes in which to make your comments thank you my name is Nancy Salgado Cowan I live at 124 Stanton Avenue Piscataway New Jersey um I like Courtney um am a current School Board member I ran with Courtney three years ago and this decision to put it on your consent agenda for the council to move move um School Board um elections is going to disenfranchise at the very least the current board members that are up for election such as Courtney and I and um you will notice that I am the only representative of Latin Heritage on our school board and I find it um disheartening that any council member or um persons of this town would wish to to shorten the time of the one and only representative from that diverse um group in our school board secondly um as stated by Courtney um we're doing really well right we have gone to a certified School Board we are working towards um Excellence at every chance we can Schoolboard um volunteer and I say Volunteers in case anyone in the public doesn't know we do not get paid as opposed to some other elected officials we do not we are the only elected officials in the state of New Jersey who um volunteer our time and our dedication for the kids of Piscataway um I've run under the banner of putting kids first you know why because I do the reason I'm late to this organization meeting tonight is because I work as a pediatric nurse practitioner and I was working until 7:45 this evening was I supposed to get out at 720 or 7:30 sure but because I take my time and I care about children and the needs of children's and families is why I stay I do my work it's why I volunteer and I stay and I do the work at the school board okay for no money and actually it actually cost me money to become an elected official in Piscataway did you know that so that's interesting I don't get paid I work a lot and one would wonder why would one want to do this job and my mother often wonders so wait you don't get paid Nancy no Mom I get paid in my heart I get paid in the smiles I get paid in the fact that our children are striving and achieving in ways that they have not in the past I get paid in the fact that that gap for covid is smaller and smaller each year I get get paid in the fact that um children's bellies are being fed because we have a breakfast program that we have never had free breakfast ever before so yeah you know I get paid in other ways in higher ways and um at the end of the day I find it very suspicious at best um for why Council would want to move this um election they say to make it nonpartisan but I do want to take note in case any anybody here doesn't know the only person who has made the School Board elections you know political is our very good um Brian Waller over here who actually endorses three candidates every year every year our lovely mayor he endorses them it's in written literature it's online it's in the Instagram so it's nothing that nobody here knows I'm just making sure to put it on the record that home is making a political statement about Schoolboard it's certainly not me okay because I'm here for the kids and that's why I put kids first thank you so much hello Council prel 29 RB Road um I'm coming here not as a Democrat or Republican I'm coming as a parent because I had two kids who went through the school system they have rave reviews about piscar school system um I know Tom I know Dr basker I know Chantel and many other folks who just talked about the school system today it is awesome kids love it the way I measure this is when I'm when my 11-year-old comes home I ask him did you enjoy every day in the school the answer is yes now if you're going to talk about changing this election or calling it as partisan or something like that um it's not warranted um I think if if somebody wants to grab political power I can understand if the system is not working that's not the case I think we have a very functioning good school system I know principles to teachers and I I've visited the schools and their engagement and their responses whether they come in phone or email or when kids have issues when you go to them they are awesome so I don't think this change is needed right now and in terms of when people talk about democracy let me tell you this public trust today in democracy is alltime low it's and it's because of Democrats who try to claim to be autocrats and try to rig the elections against the public to Foster their agenda and saying that we are running this Republic the other thing I've realized in this Council and many other governments in New Jersey is many leaders who are grooming up to their position they're becoming shallow thinkers they're not deep thinkers they don't have strategic Vision like our Founders had they never sat on the chair and they never ever come into the neighborhood and talk with the people what their real issues are Miss Carmichael if you have to vote today I would expressly say no because our school system works and regardless of what position or what agenda started or or your nomination starts with because people say say hey election is a way to make change no it's starting with nominations so people have hijacked the nomination process so we are not having Fair elections and it's not good for this country and the sooner we turn the better off we will be and the sooner with our leaders think strategically versus tactically and have open commun communication I have asked many times how many projects that you are going to run with our budgets to be presented online and let people talk about it look we agree to disagree on lot of things but at least transparency is a way to think teachers union none of the principles have ever ever talked about this election so unless there was some petition that was Flo I found out at the last minute so I really don't know how this agenda is driven uh to move this election but that's not the way to run any form of governance thank you thank you please state your name and address and my name is nson 25 River Road I've been on both sides of the coin so to speak I ran with the team that lost this year last year and I ran with putting kids first this year way different experience but I'm up here to say what done in the dark comes to the light to hear someone come up to this microphone and say that only one person from our team last year was able to speak at a meeting that I knew nothing about and I'm sure Taha didn't know anything about so you want to talk about teamwork you want to talk about putting kids first let's be real about it okay I am really pissed off and if you think you're going to shorten my term after I walked in canvas grassroot style you are sadly [Applause] mistaken anyone else please come to the podium state your name and address and note that you have three minutes in which to make your comments ran Patel 52 Justice Street piscar New Jersey good evening council members Council Lombardi I strongly oppose moving the School Board elections from November to April this is a solution in search of a problem the current system works water turnout is highest in November and the board of education has earned recognition as certified board for its leadership the school board is supposed to be nonpartisan focused on our children and schools yet elected officials including the mayor and council president have actively politicized this election this past election alone saw multiple campaign Flyers endorsing candidates under their name changing the election date isn't about reducing partisanship it's about consolidating power suppressing turnout and wasting taxpayer dollars let's respect the voters and keep School Board elections where they belong on November ballot thank you thank you here if if if anyone has not seen the Flyers that people get in the mail here it's endorsed by mayor and and and their party and this was another flyer came in the mail you see one side is Mayor and council president and other side is the three Schoolboard candidates that they were supporting so they're the one who's polit politicizing this as elected official they shouldn't be endorsing School Board candidates thank [Applause] you thank you state your name and address hi this is Margaret Doyle ball I live at 77 Hancock for over 40 years have seen major changes in this town in these 40 plus years and the board of education has always come very high on my list I have four children that have excelled in the school systems here and I just am astounded when I read just a couple days ago that you'll be changing an election shortening people's terms costing us more money in April we know darn well even at the primaries very few people vote so in April I don't expect we'd have a very good voter turnout but I don't know how a decision has already been made it sounded like we were told we can come and speak our mind tonight but I feel like the decision's been made and I really am very very upset that this has not been discussed with the current Board of Education members with the different PE Educators in our in our town and that a decision is going to be made tonight it just it's just astounding to me that this can be done so underhanded ly and I don't feel it's fair to the people of our town and I'm I'm just very upset by it I could go on forever but um I just really hope and pray that you will not make this decision [Applause] tonight hi there I'm Jackie Fritz I'm at 104 Curtis Avenue um so I just wanted to say that I agree with um I think almost everyone that has spoken before me there's really nothing new to add um the Highlight I guess is um what's the reason right and so the reason is that I'm hearing is to make um something that may have seemed unbalanced and to I think the original comment was overly partisan um an election that was overly partisan I guess fairly partisan and just everybody's comments have been so to the point um there there's nothing to that except for the one gentleman who's for it which I don't get but um you know what's the data overly partisan where's the data that supports overly partisan and then um I've I've had the pleasure to work as a teacher in pcad we for 31 years so the reason why I'm here right now obviously you've made your decision it was it's very clear it's insulting but I am here for our board because our board is amazing I don't know if you've ever had the pleasure to attend the Convocation at the high school um it's amazing as Educators we felt very supported over the past few years and you're going to do what you're going to do but we appreciate it y thank you Sid Madison 176 Blackford Avenue I'd like a qu I'd like an answer to the question is this basically a first rather than second type of resolution in other words I always thought that resolutions went through the first thing and then they get voted on the next time is that what's happening that's a an ordinance Mr Madison is there anyone else in the public wishing to speak you may do so at this time this is regarding item uh any item on item number 13 which are the consent agenda items okay see none we're going to close the inperson public portion on item uh on item number six for item for the consent agenda item number 13 will bring us to um number seven which is an ordinance on second reading fully funded $1,735 th000 plus various equipment open to the public and it is a resolution adopting ordinance Miss Mitch would you please read the resolution be it resolved by the township Council of piscatway Township New Jersey that an ordinance entitled ordinance appropriating $1,735 th000 $1,712 of which is from the general fund balance and 23,000 of which is from the capital Improvement fund to provide for the acquisition of vehicles and equipment in and by the township of piscatway in the county of middlex New Jersey was introduced on the 26th day of November 2024 and had passed the first reading and was published on the first day of December 2024 now therefore be it resolved that the afores said ordinance having had a second reading on December 17th 2024 be adopted pass and after passage be published together with the notice of the date of Passenger approval in the official newspaper be it further resolved that this ordinance shall be assigned number 2024413044 thank you uh Miss Mitch and this is uh also open to the public um anyone in the public wishing to comment on this item may do so at this time please come uh we'll open it up to um the uh public who are uh remote first if you wish to speak at this time please raise your hand either on the Zoom app or if by phone by pressing star n when it is your turn to speak you will receive or hear a request to unmute yourself please click the prompt or press star six on your phone to unmute yourself at that time please state your name and address and know that you have the three minutes in which to make your comments the council Administration will respond if necessary after you've completed any comments or questions council president there's nobody with their hand rais for this item if there's anyone here in person who'd like to speak about this is item number seven um you may do so at this time please come to the podium uh state your name and address know that you have 3 minutes in which to make your comments and you may take a seat after completion of your comments or questions and the council Administration will respond then if necessary we were wondering if you were going to actually read the resolution which we had asked for yes yes I'm so sorry I kind of moved on to the next thing awfully quickly yeah we know we were wondering if you could please a resolution that was my oversight sorry about that everyone's human no problem okay um I don't actually have any I don't have a public comment on this particular on this item I can if you want me to spend three minutes I'm sure happy to stand up here and make something up but if we could just read the resolution that I will I'm going to open it up for the anyone else on this item since I move forward this is for item number um 7 and then after that we'll move forward and I'll also um make space before um number 13 to address some of the questions um that and some of the comments that folks had here so go please go ahead yeah hi um for number seven um prik Patel 29 redb Road just one question I think in one of the past few meetings um I'm sure you're buying some cars and whatever um is this budget also including some trenching equipment that sometimes that needs to dig up pipes where you don't have to dig up the entire Road or that's not part of this line item and the second question that I have is is this coming from the land taxes or the state taxes that are appropriated which which line which budget state or or land thank you hang on thank you Tim did you want to go ahead and yeah so this this included in this is a rolloff container truck garbage Packer truck a 10ton truck with Salter and plow and a wheel loader any trench equipment that you don't need to dig up the roads no so that was uh that was that was actually requested but nothing happened uh yeah I I don't know we have different Bond ordinances we've been doing Bond ordinance public request something you ignore it totally if there's no one else um wanting to come up to the podium to speak publicly on item number seven then I'll open it up to the council for uh a vote do I have an offer Council an officer okay I think I have a first and a second um Miss Mitch would you please take the roll call vote councilwoman carmichel yes councilman ESP yes councilwoman Lombardi yes councilman Rouse yes councilman Shaw yes councilman Erin yes and council president kahill yes thank you and that ordinance passes on second reading okay now just uh we're not going to move on to number eight I'm going to read the ordinance um as requested um from one of the our residents be it resolved whereas uh by the township Council of bcat Township New Jersey that where as the township of Piscataway the township is authorized under New Jersey state law to determine the timing of School elections and whereas pursuant to njsa 19 60-110 focus on school related matters including issues of Education policy without the influence of broader partisan political Dy which sorry about that which are attendant to November general elections and whereas the township Council believes that moving the board of election board of education elections to April will better better serve the community by fostering a nonpartisan environment where the focus remains on matters directly affecting the school system and whereas notice of this resolution has been provided to the board of education and the superintendent and now therefore be it resolved by the township Council of the township of Piscataway hereby authorizes moving Piscataway Board of educational election and be it further resolved that the board of educational elections and piscatway shall be adjusted from November to April commencing with the 2025 School Board elections in accordance with njs a19 60-110 this resolution be transmitted to the middle sex County Clerk the middle sex County Board of Elections Andor superintendent of Elections and the pasca municipal clerks and the school board secretary or secretaries the Department of State Division of Elections the Department of Education executive county superintendent and the Department of Community Affairs division of local government services and that is the reading of um the proposed resolution for tonight with regard to moving um the board of election um um education elections from November to April so what we'll do now is we're going to move through regular business and before we come to number 13 we're going to address um some of the questions and comments that have been raised here tonight by residence um so that'll bring me to number eight which is or us to number eight which is an ordinance on second reading this is fully funded $2,100,000 Street and Road Improvement projects it will be open to the public and it'll be a resolution adopting ordinance Miss Mitch would you please read the resolution be it resolved by the township Council of Piscataway Township New Jersey that an ordinance entitled ordinance appropriating $2,100,000 from the capital Improvement fund for various improvements in and by the township of Piscataway in the county of middle sex New Jersey was introduced on the 26th day of November 2024 and had passed the first reading and was published on the first day of December 2024 now therefore be it resolved that the app foret ordinance having had a second reading on December December 17th 2024 be adopted pass and after passage be published together with the notice of the date of Passage or approval in the official newspaper be it further resolved that this ordinance shall be assigned number 202442 uh council president if I may this as you know this is the money to put in place for the Reconstruction of uh balance of sumers Shade Circle and boxwood um thank you Mr Mayor um and now we're going to open this up to the public and we'll start with um our remote attendees if you wish to speak at this time please raise your hand either on the Zoom app or if by phone by pressing star9 when it is your turn to speak you will receive or hear a request to unmute yourself please click the prompt or press star six on your phone to unmute yourself at that time please state your name and address and know that you have three minutes in which to make your comments the council or Administration will respond if necessary after you've completed any comments questions council president there are no remote attendees with their hand raised for this item okay so we're going to close the remote attendee portion and we'll open it up to the public for anyone who is here in person if you wish to speak at this time please come to the podium state your name and address and know that you have three minutes in which to make your comments you may take a seat after completion of your comments or questions and the council Administration will then respond if necessary yeah hi uh 29 redber rud um the question is in that 2.1 million um is there any appropriation for Speed bumps on Southern's lane or any of that because I know I've talked numerous times with Miss Carmichael did that entry ever made it into this budget or now we have to wait another two years for these numbers to come in because this is not something that if you're planning for budget and somebody raised an issue I would rather have this to be a line item either talked about in the budget whether they're short follow where can we get the money from because there is plenty of money with gasoline taxes that goes all around and if we are not getting our fair share then probably when you guys are elected and you're not getting Fair representation in Tren and you should ask why thank you so the again the question is probably the answer would be no correct is is there a money for that speed bumps on this is the money for boxwood Road and suage circle the Reconstruction of the streets this particular um resolution is not for that particular Road have anything in this year's budget for the Stelton Improvement well SE ston Lane is ongoing with the Reconstruction out there we're dealing with the utility companies uh they still have to move several poles out there until that happens we can't move forward so okay so it's it's working process it it definitely is and we always wait for the utilities to put theirs on so that they don't cut a brand new Street completely understand but because it's it's not falling through the cracks thank you so much okay thank you anyone else in the public wishing to come in comment with regard to item number eight may do so at this time please come to the podium state your name and address and note that you have three minutes in which to make your comments okay seeing none I'm going to close the in-person public portion for number eight and I'll open it up to the council for a vote do I have an offer offer councilwoman Lombardi do I have a second second councilman Espinosa thank you um Miss Mitch would you please take the roll call vote councilwoman carmichel yes councilman Espinosa yes councilwoman Lombardi yes councilman Rouse yes councilman Shaw yes councilman ER yes and council president kill yes and the ordinance passes on second reading that'll bring us to number nine which is also an ordinance on second reading this is authorizing acquisition of block 11317 Lot 2 3.02 it is also open to the public and it is a resolution adopting ordinance Miss Mitch would you please read the resolution be it resolved by the township Council of Piscataway Township New Jersey that an ordinance entitled ordinance authorizing the acquisition of property identified as block 11317 law 23.02.18 and had passed the first reading and was published on the 8th day of December 2024 now therefore be it resolved that the app foret ordinance having had a second reading on December 17th 2024 be adopted passed and after passage be published together with a notice of the date of Passage or approval in the official newspaper be it further resolved that this ordinance shall be assigned number 202443 thank you Miss Mitch and now we're going to open it up to public for the remote attendees for um uh public comment portion if you wish to speak at this time please raise your hand either on the Zoom app or if by phone by pressing star9 when it is your turn to speak you will receive or hear a request to unmute yourself please click the prompt or press star six on your phone to unmute yourself at that time please state your name and address and know that you have three minutes in which to make your comments the council or Administration will respond if necessary after you've completed any comments or questions council president there is nobody with their hand raised for this agenda item okay see no hands raised for the remote attendees we'll open it up to the public who are here in person if you wish to speak at this time please come to the podium state your name and address and know that you have three minutes in which to make your comments you may take a seat after completion of your comments or questions and the council or Administration will then respond if necessary again this is regarding number nine okay seeing no inperson um public uh questions we'll close that public portion and I'll take it to the council for a vote do I have an offer councilman or an offer do I have a second okay thank you um M Mitch would you please take the roll call vote councilwoman Carmichael yes councilman espanosa yes councilwoman Lombardi yes councilman Rouse yes councilman Shaw yes councilman Erin yes and council president kill yes and the ordinance passes on second reading and that'll bring us to number 10 which is an ordinance on second reading this is authorizing acquis acquisition of block 303 lot 17.01 it is open to the public and it is a resolution adopting ordinance Miss Mitch would you please read the resolution be it resolved by the township Council of pasaway Township New Jersey that an ordinance entitled ordinance authorizing the acquisition of property identified as block 303 lot 17.01 in the township of Piscataway County of middlex state of New Jersey for public use pursuant to njsa 20 3-1 etac was introduced on the 3rd day of December 2024 and had passed the first reading and was published on the 8th day of December 2024 now therefore be it resolved that the AFF foret ordinance having had a second reading on December 17th 2024 be adopted pass and after passage be published together with a notice of the date of Passenger approval in the official newspaper be further resolve that this ordinance shall be assigned number 202 24-44 thank you Miss Mitch and this is also um open to the public so we are going to open it up to our remote attendees if you wish to speak at this time please raise your hand either on the Zoom app or if by phone by pressing star n when it is your turn to speak you will receive or hear a request to unmute yourself please click the prompt or press star six on your phone to unmute yourself at that time time please state your name and address and know that you have 3 minutes in which to make your comments the council Administration will respond if necessary after you've completed any comments or questions council president there are no remote attendees with their hand raised for this agenda item thank you Miss Mitch and I'll open it up to those who are here in person if you wish to speak at this time please come to the podium state your name and address and know that you have three minutes in which to make your comments you may take a seat after completion of your comments or questions and the council Administration will respond if necessary hi Mr hi um just question what was the price of this and uh was there like an auction process did the bank did appraisal of this when this this was uh purchase or like how did the transaction went through can you just elaborate a little bit more so this authorizes us to begin the negotiations it's a very small piece of property in the center of a piece of property that we already owned by the arbor Firehouse so we're just acquiring this little piece of property within our piece of property so that it's all ours so this allows our attorneys to begin negotiations what was the price per square feet for the land acquisition we don't know we have to do appraisal all of that okay so this yeah so this is the authorization to allow attorneys to go negotiate okay but we don't know the priz or it wasn't listed on anywhere not until but that'll be back here once that happens okay I just want to make sure that when anything gets listed uh there is a price that is put in up front so that everybody knows about it and I understand that are uh for imun domain or public use you can acquire that land I completely understand and if that's the case uh that's different story but I've seen many times where the lands are just taken and then we when we when I look at the assessment data which you guys as a resident when you put that data for us um I don't think so we are treated right uh in dealings thank you so just to clarify value the land uh uh a fair market value from an independent appraiser Bank appraiser independent appraiser not bank that independent is selected by the council or by the bank we have to pay them yes but they're yeah we select them of course I would rather have by bank because that's when I go for loans that's what they do but they're an independent appraiser so thank you anyone else in the public wishing to comment may do so at this time please come to the podium state your name and address and note that you have 3 minutes in which to make your comments okay see none um uh no hands raised in the public portion we're going to close that and then I'll bring it to the council for a vote do I have an offer offer councilwoman Lombardi do I have a second second councilman esposa um Miss Mitch would you please uh take the roll call vote councilwoman Carmichael yes councilman espanosa yes councilwoman Lombardi yes councilman Rouse yes councilman Shaw yes councilman ER yes council president kahill yes and the ordinance passes on second reading and that brings us to number 11 which is an ordinance also on second reading this is authorizing execution of financial agreement with ID 1551 South Washington urban renewal LLC block 5301 lot 14.04 which is 1551 South Washington Avenue it is open public and it is a resolu a resolution adopting ordinance Miss Mitch would you pleas please read the resolution be it resolved by the township Council of Piscataway Township New Jersey that an ordinance entitled ordinance of the township of Piscataway County of middlex New Jersey authorizing execution of financial agreement with idil 1551 South Washington urban renewal LLC pursuant to the long-term tax exemption law njsa 40a colon 20-1 Etc was introduced on the 3D day of December 2024 and had passed the first reading and was public on the 8th day of December 2024 now therefore be it resolved that the afor said ordinance having had a second reading on December 17th 2024 be adopted past and after passage be published together with a notice of the date of Passage or approval in the official newspaper be a further resolve that this ordinance shall be assigned number 2024 45 thank you Miss Mitch and so now we're going to open it up to the public for the remote attendees if you wish to speak at this time please raise your hand either on the Zoom app or if by phone by pressing star n when it is your turn to speak you will receive or hear a request to unmute yourself please click the prompt or press star six on your phone to unmute yourself at that time please state your name and address and know that you have 3 minutes in which to make your comments the council or Administration will respond if necessary after you've completed any comments or questions council president there are no individual with their hand raised for this agenda item thank you um Miss Mitch we'll open it up to the folks who are here in person if you wish to speak at this time please come to the podium state your name and address and know that you have three minutes in which to make your comments you may take a seat after completion of your comments or questions and the council Administration will respond if necessary hello again Bill Irwin 233 Ellis Parkway I didn't know this one's on was on the agenda tonight forgive my ignorance was bus with the holidays and such um so this uh see adopting ordinance execution of financial agreement so if I wanted to find the financial agreement like ahead of the meeting I was on the I was on the C the township website now sort of you know trying to look through it real quick just to see what was going on with it uh where would I go to the agreement the actual agreement but yeah the agreement you could submit an a request for it I could submit it oh so I mean that seems like a hoop to jump through the internet's a big place we could just you know put that out there in advance it's all documentary requests go through the township go through Oprah as everybody knows I'm sure you've made a certainly made request I'm just putting forth the the proposition Rel since we can publish stuff on the internet because it's so large that we don't make people jump through those Hoops we just put it out there like and the second resolution and the first resolution and you know and all that stuff so all right given that I can't read it uh currently often these are for uh payment and Le of taxes uh programs is that the gist of this one yes gotcha oh look at that somebody did put it on the opr machine it's right here how about that um okay the could you answer uh what percentage of the payment in Lee of taxes because I know you know with pilot programs sometimes Revenue just goes solely to the municipal budget although sometimes it can be divvied up as they normally are so which one of those is this is this a solely to the municipal budget or a divvy up between all the various entities that you know have the percentages that you publish in the newsletter so a portion of the revenue or goes to the school district it's not you know again we could discuss from the land only we could discuss Pilots you know at another time and I can tell you the benefits of it but but yes I don't have the agreement in front of you so I can't tell you the percentage right generally the a portion of the land assessment only uh on a pilot project automatically goes to the school board and that's generally a very sort of tiny sliver of the overall payments the annual service charge constitutes the bulk of the payments and those don't automatically go to the school board so I guess at the end of the day it would be easier for all of us particularly in light of this uh I don't know somewhat curious letter that uh came from hogland that I guess you wrote about 190 South Washington Avenue although I presume that means 1690 south Washington Avenue because that's what's referenced here um you know it'd be helpful if we could get an accounting of like all the money that's being taken in from the service charges the annual service charges for the pilot programs and where it's going percentage was not the land improvements service charges so so you can make an OP request other people have actually made those OP requests already because I've had to review them and send them out so um yeah you can make the opra requests and and you'll get that information okay well if you've already reviewed them and sent them out surely you have the information at your finger I'm not I'm not sure specifically what's been requested or what hasn't I know know some have been I you know I can't I don't know exactly what your request is going to be so you know happy to submit it and then I'll review yeah no I'm I'm I'm happy to send it in can I can probably do one myself all right thank you hi hi Nancy grelli on behalf of the Piscataway Township Education Association 31 Stelton Road um with in particular with this ordinance how much of this pilot program is going to be designated to go to the school district that's the question that was just posed yeah well there if we're if you're passing the ordinance on the second reading then you should have those numbers available and you should know exactly how much money should be designated to go to the school district that's good so I'm not asking a global question I'm asking a specific question for this particular property as a pilot program since you're talking about the fact that you are adopting uh the ordinance and authorizing the execution of the financial agreement so you should have a number of how much of that pilot program will be designated to go to the school district so talked about there's a formula in terms of special service charge in terms of what portion goes the schools district um I don't have it in front of me I can't tell you I'm happy to to you review it and get back to you so all right but honestly if this is second reading then that's not an acceptable answer on second reading uh and I'm I I've been a municipal um mayor Deputy Mayor Township committee person and that's not acceptable if there's anyone else who'd like to come up and make a comment about this item you may do so at this time please state your name and address and note that you have three minutes in which to make your comments seeing none then I will um ask it to the council to take uh to vote on this do I have an offer for councilwoman lardi do I have a second councilman Miss Mitch would you please take the RO call vote councilwoman carmichel yes councilman espanosa yes councilwoman Lombardi yes councilman Rouse yes councilman Shaw yes councilman Anan yes council president Cahill yes and the ordinance passes on second reading okay that'll bring us to number 12 this is an ordinance also on second reading amending and supplement ing various chapters of the municipal code part four this is open to the public and it is a resolution adopting ordinance Miss Mitch would you please read the resolution be it resolved by the township Council of Piscataway Township New Jersey that an ordinance entitled ordinance to amend and supplement the revised General ordinances of the township of Piscataway County of middlex state of New Jersey adding chapter 2 Administration section 247 mayoral advisory Commission on public relations and chapter 34 water and amending chapter 7 traffic section 7-15 parking prohibited during certain hours on certain streets was introduced on the third day of December 2024 and had passed the first reading and was published on the 8th day of December 2024 now therefore be it resolved that the AFF foret ordinance having had a second reading on December 17th 2024 be adopted past and after passage be published together with a notice of the date of Passage or approval in the official newspaper be it further resolved that this ordinance shall be assigned number 20244 thank you Miss Mitch and this is also open to the public so we'll open it up to the remote attendees um for those who are remote if you wish to speak at this time please raise your hand either on the Zoom app or if by phone by pressing star n when it is your turn to speak you will receive or hear a request to unmute yourself please click the prompt or press star six on your phone to unmute yourself at that time please state your name and address and know that you have 3 minutes in which to make your comments the council or Administration will respond if necessary after you've completed any comments or questions council president there is nobody with their hand raised uh for this agenda item thank you very much and we'll close the uh remote attendee public portion we'll open it up for those who are here in person if you wish to speak at this time please come to the podium state your name and address and know that you have 3 minutes in which to make your comments you may take a seat after completion of your comments or questions and the council Administration will then respond if necessary okay seeing none we're going to close the public portion for item number 12 and then I'll bring it to the council for a vote um do I have an offer councilman are an offer do I have a second a second m would you please take the roll call vote councilwoman Carmichael yes councilman Espinosa yes councilwoman Lombardi yes councilman Rouse yes councilman shaww councilman Eran yes council president kahill yes and ordinance passes on second reading so that'll bring us to number 13 but as I mentioned earlier that um we'll take some time before we go to the Council on this um to respond to questions and some of the comments that had been raised here um counselor did you want to start or do you want me to I have a few things that I wanted to say okay so my what I've heard tonight all is very reasonable there's not something that anyone here brought to this table that I would disagree with at all but what I'm here to do is to kind of share with you some of what the discussion was amongst council members as we began to think about this if that is fair no we did not members of less than three members of the of the council can meet right we we don't we do not meet as a full body to discuss um business we are allowed to have have conversations with less than a quorum and that's what we do especially when we're given materials prior to a meeting and there's discussion we can discuss with people here in the building amongst um the elected officials as well as the mayor the business administrator and um our attorneys our Township attorneys that is allowed by law and that is how business gets done so there is no well I'm going to talk about how we sort of came to some of the thoughts about this if that would be okay with you all right wasn't that I specifically could we have the Nam of we're going to we're going to respond to the public portion when folks came up here and that's what we're going to do right now so there had been some talk about this last election um and we're here as a governing body not necessarily as a political body and I know that it it mixed up but come on biggest joke I've ever heard do all still live here too you know we live we live here I'm born and raised here yeah yes I am a politician but you know I do um believe wholeheartedly that my heart is for Piscataway so you the same way that you get up here and you plead that how important it is for the children okay we do feel the same way so let's not disinherit that so if I may I you know I mean you're more than welcome to um make comments while I speak but I would just like the opportunity at least to address some of the points that were raised here today and some of the questions from my own perspective um just by way of History so some of you folks don't know who I am I didn't put one child through this school system not one and I voted every single time for a school budget every single time I never asked for a tax break because I didn't have have a child that went through the public school system so just as a way of knowing who I am and where I stand I stand with school systems I stand with the people who um I do believe it um if if I'm not mistaken um it was Miss Stone who talked about um and Miss um uh SG Cohen talked about making no money and I admire that I really do it is a tough job what the school board does in this town and there is no disrespect at least from my point of view with what you do or um disagreement with the way in which that you feel about the board and the way you want things run but if I may just take a moment to explain some of the reasons why this particular um topic came came up so yeah and Mr Irwin says you know all things are politics and things are very political but we were um and again the reason why I wanted to differentiate between being political and being here on the council is that um as a governing person it's different than um my position um as Miss berer mentioned as the PDO chair so yeah there was an endorsement made and we were criticized for it and um took a lot of flak for that and we knocked on doors and we also heard from Neighbors who um felt like what was happening in um parking lots with folks who um hand out flyers um and certainly um the mayor ourselves who do that as well um supporting um a certain group of folks have um done that in the past but we've we've heard from many residents that they didn't like that and years ago um there was never any interest from this governing body this mayor at all to support a certain set of candidates until something happened now I could be wrong and again this is not the place where a governing body but since people want to bring up the political side in my position as the PDO most of the members currently of the Board of Ed are also members of a political party who are endorsed individually by members of the political party there too so I think we to set that piece of it aside especially since Mr Irwin mentioned that these are political in nature and so it's a political organization is endorsed and has done that now that said we don't want to do that anymore we don't want to part it anymore and part of this reasoning to move the election to April felt like that if we were to move the elections out of where there are um political positions for um governing elected official positions versus keeping it in April where it always had been and it doesn't affect the budget right as long as you stay within the 2% cap it will not affect the budget that it would help with that and somebody mentioned that I was not being genuine with my desire to get out out of it it is genuinely and again I'm here as a uh council member and council president but I am being put in a position to talk about also my political position as the PDO which I prefer not to do at this de but I have to apparently to give an explanation so it is my intent not to have the P endorse a governing body this count these council members do not want to be involved with Board of Ed races and that is a truth that you may or may not want to believe but those were the individual conversations that were had yes Mr Mr pant Patel it was that way and this is what I'm trying to point out nobody fromp is elected official you are oh M Mr Patel we're talking about political parties the mayor himself as his position of Mayor did not do an endorsement and never has and as a council person this is as our members of being of a political party so I just want to set that aside because I need to also address folks who believe that we are not being genuine with with wanting to present this option it is genuine I don't believe or think that you'll believe me when you walk out of here and that's okay because I know what in my heart and I know that in my truth is that I don't want to be part of making a board of ed race political um that is a little bit of my piece that I like to say I think there were some other questions that were raised in terms of finances um that either I I'm happy to talk to or Raj if you wanted to mention a few we we have some costs here in terms of what it would cost the um election um to happen in April um I cannot find my note but I believe it's somewhere in the upwards to maybe $20,000 is that accurate counselor that's about right that is that is accurate there are with the well we we we spoke with the county clerk on this we've got some some information from the clerk to see what what that expense would be and I'm sorry can we just allow her her time we allowed you your time okay let's allow her her time and and that's okay thank you councilwoman but I is fair yeah I understand it's it's um it's a very um sensitive and Hot Topic to talk about this but I don't want this board to be misrepresented in a certain way and I understand what you think somebody mentioned about it being a power grab it's quite the opposite um I've had mayor s mention as I've I've talked around to Mayors around the state Mayors who have Boards of Ed like Woodbridge like Newark where the Mayors select Board of Ed candidates win I can't imagine that that wouldn't also be partisan but there are um but I've had Mayors say that this would be uh a silly move on our part politically that we would never have cand Cates who would win in April and that this would be contrary to what some Mayors believe would be the right political move because the nature of the relationship between the Board of Ed and this governing board changed some time ago there had never under this mayor and not all of us have been here all the time during this period time uh some have been on Council before me some have come later um but there had never been this riff between this governing body and the Board of Ed up until there was and I can tell you that that was up until certain folks were being supported by a political club that said the what we've been advised is an estimated cost for the election will be roughly $15,000 to $20,000 currently the school district um and I believe this is the correct number has a budget of roughly $139 million um we also have um somebody was talking about this the pilot program money that goes to the school and yes it may not be on um evaluated on um all things about that building it is on the land but the money still goes to the school and yet there's no headcount going to the school in terms of numbers of children so the money goes there to use for existing population meaning that those pilot programs for those um buildings be they logistic centers or other do not also then incur a headcount at the school so that is additional money with regard to voter turnout Our Town between both parties has over 9500 vote by mail um voters those people who have chosen to vote by mail we believe that there's still a great opportunity to engage with those residents to get them to come out to vote Yes there would be a shortning of terms for two folks here I do believe that was Courtney and I do believe that was Nancy um Salgado Cowen so and I get what you're saying about that and I I I understand that um but I don't believe that that is uh weighs more heavily than trying to do a reset in this town where the Board of Ed and the governing body did work together um there are also other positive out outlets we believe that um somebody mentioned about the media not giving in its due but I believe and I think some of the other folks here do too believe that some media Outlets would have uh the opportunity to then focus more closely on the candidates who would run since it would be a standalone um election um it does not affect folks who might consider running for Board of Ed but who would also seek to run for governing elected office you still may do that as well um this is just the general sentiment I will open it up um to other folks here on the board who may wish to make a comment about this um or who may have um you know a concern about uh taking the vote tonight so I'm going to open it up to the council I basically just want it to be about the kids bottom line okay it should be about the kids okay but I want the politics taken out of that election okay I've been involved and seen the politics that has become in into the school board election and I don't want to be involved with that politics okay it should be about the children any other comments from the council regarding this you know I I agree I um I'm I'm a fairly new uh council member but I um I was disheartened by seeing all the politics that went around the town during the elections and I agree it should not be partisan and I wasn't in agreement with that so I am I I I am my I'm I'm in favor of resetting us so that we don't we're not we're not running against each other part uh part uh campaigning against each other and endorsing candidates I'm I I'm for that that we do reset and we start on we start on even footing we start on even footing and I was looking for a reason I was looking for explanation about whether or not it was going to cost more and I didn't get that from our lawyer um it's not it's not going to be a burden to the tax people and if you say this school the school board in piscato is as excellent as it is that's not going to hurt you and you're not going to stop being excellent because we we have an election in April so I'm for I'm for I'm for us resetting and starting on fairf footing in November in in November I'm saying in April but I'm saying if if we if if I want to know who what I'm hearing is we need more time to think about it so I'm in agreement with taking a first reading and a first vote and then taking time to think about it and coming back that's my first reading this is it only one reading it's a resolution a [Music] resolution I me take it out of the consent agenda that's there is reading table [Music] it going to be shortened too this is not a first reading this is a resolution I want to know no is there anyone else from the council who would like to make a comment with regard to this particular item that is on the consent agenda item or has any other comments with regard to some of the comments that came from our residents or questions seeing none I need to know what the um council's pleasure would be on this item because we we need to know if you want to vote on it in the consent agenda item or if you want to hold or to do a separate vote separate Vote or take I'm I'm sorry this I am asking the council give us our time clearly not we're not confused but in deference to a a group of people who are out here talking about this where I don't think that you know in defference here you have a woman who raised her children here on her own in their school system has worked very hard too you have a gentleman who has been a soccer coach in town raised his children gone to school here a woman who's born and raised and chose to stay here and make her business here a pastor who has um uh preaching he has a parish here in town lives in town a gentleman who runs the pop War ER who's lived here in town his children has Mr Shaw who has helped countless of folks come from India and find a home here I don't think questioning our moral compass is the argument here and in deference to what you're saying there's no confusion the folks here really believe that moving it to April is the right move because you completely remove it out of the um uh governing elected official race es that happen in November which inherently become political and um that is it is the genuine desire and so in deference to what you saying to accuse us of not knowing what we to do or confused is a silly comment to be quite honest with you we we want to discuss this off because must there I am not offended we are I I mean I I don't understand I could either move to just to go ahead and vote without you know making comments and and trying to address these issues um you know the number of people who voted in those election how many people vote in nov you have 9500 vote by maale voters in this town not all I need to ask what is uh what what does what [Music] is I'm also in this town for 40 years and my two kids already on a school graduate still I paying same tax what you guys paying so I'm in favor for propose the motion you know the water turnout you've been in this town for many years you know excuse me Mr Pan the public you have time closed please when we respect you when you was talking about on Podium we never disturb you thank you so I'm proposed for the move from November to April um of Education Mr Shaw we're we're we're right now there's a few Council people take discussing so we're going to hold off on that just one moment has else for they representing us and you majority saying no what's wrong with that's what it works and I can tell you who they are it's like manufacturing a problem that doesn't exist it doesn't exist it's never worked as well okay thank you folks for taking your time and allowing us for that moment um what um we realized is we're not going to um get a full vote here tonight on that and so we're going to table that item and not take a vote at all we may this may come back up in um this may come back up again and you'll be more than welcome to come talk to us at Council again about it but if there's one thing that here my last meeting as council president that I would hope that you would take away is um that the desire is genuine from this Council and governing body thank you thank you foring and Tak your time council president what I would like to add a comment and um can we do it do the consent to Jenna with the other items first and I want to make a very brief comment well do you want to go through everything else and then we'll do that no just the consent agenda let's get the okay so we're gonna take off that item uh so Z Item Z will be removed from the consent agenda so when we vote today it'll be without that item folks okay now we're going to take the vote on the consent agenda items for efficiency I'm sorry before you proceed I don't want to hold you up I'm s sir the public portion is closed this is not an open public forum right now we can't call out from the um you cannot do that to here we you'll have another opportunity there'll be have another public at the end I don't know all the rules forget my KN not a problem not a problem um so for efficiency items have been Consolidated into a consent agenda to be voted on together the materials for these items have been distributed to the council in advance of the meeting at this time are there any items that the council would like removed and the consent agenda to be discussed or voted on separately well we we decided to remove number Z is and table that for now um are are there any other items from Council that you'd like to do that with no okay seeing none then um I'll take an offer for the item number 13 consent agenda items offer councilwoman Lombardi do I have a second second councilwoman Espinosa all those oh M um Miss Mitch please take the roll call vote sorry councilwoman carmichel yes councilman Espinosa yes councilwoman Lombardi yes councilman Rouse yes councilman Shaw councilman Erin yes council president kahill yes yes and the consent agenda items pass that'll bring us to um number 14 which are announcements and comments from officials um councilwoman Carmichael you gotta put you got to hold down your microphone have an open dialogue this evening I think that's good I think that's healthy thank you so much yes and everyone have a great holiday season yep I agree with the Cil woman um carmichel I also want to wish everyone a happy holidays and soon to be happy New Year 2025 here we go councilwoman Lombardi yes uh we do have Santa Claus at the Pome toown Firehouse this Sunday I believe it's from 8:30 to 12:00 um I'd also like to wish everybody a very happy holiday happy and healthy and however you may um celebrate this season happy holidays thank you councilman Rouse uh yes uh wishing everyone and hoping everyone have a blessed holiday season and be safe and have a wonderful time with your families thank you councilman councilman sha and wishing to everybody to happy holiday thank you you councilman councilman Ern yes I just want to wish everybody a happy holidays and I just want to say one thing about putting kids first my wife my two uh daughter my two sons work for the Board of Education my wife used to work for the Board of Education and I do a lot of volunteer work from my heart too so I just want you people to know that out there okay thank you thank you Mr Mayor um I'm going to take an opportunity very briefly since we have a couple members of the Board of Ed um on the August 13th uh the uh legal council sent a letter to the Board of Education in regards to the revenue coming off of 1690 south Washington Avenue um I know some of the board current some of the members that were here and some of the past members did file a lawsuit against the uh the township and the township uh Planning and Zoning Board um that was uh discussed and uh ruled on by a superior court judge I just wondering with the letter um if they are going to accept the revenue stream off that property it's estimated anywhere between 200 to a quar million dollars a year so we have not heard back from the members of the Board of Ed um if you can kindly talk to the business administrator and get back to us if you're going to accept the money I think you should accept the money but given the fact that folks filed a lawsuit against the town and everybody's talking about the costs and everything uh I just want to know that we need to know are you going to accept the money or not so I mean the bottom line is is that this is all transpired uh through there was a um application originally for that site for over 300 tow houses and that was denied and then the judge had a settlement for 275,000 or excuse me 275 units uh then changed a mind to build two Logistics buildings out there and then there was an lawsuit claiming that it was going to impact the students over at Randol phille school um knowing full well um ironically that's like more than 900 feet away um the board and if in and wind has a prek facility down on Old new brunic road right next to a current um a current Logistics building so we were a little perplexed about that um so we want to know if the sentiment still there about it are you going to accept the revenue we're hoping that you do but you need you need to let us sow one way or another whether you're going to accept the revenue or not and then it with that I give a quick update council president uh we're looking forward to moving forward sometime in the spring with the start of the cleanup environmental cleanup of the U ecological Park out there as well as uh we're hoping to um award the contract for the addition for the uh uh the metler boat D House Museum which is going to house the uh rosle uh wall right there which is actually was down in Tennesse right now it's it's finished renovating and hoping we'll have the addition built by the time the 250th anniversary of our country and back up to celebrate I know that's coming um and that's great that's why we like to use the hashtag first forth because the first Fourth of July was celebrated in our town um business administrator Daisy just wish every happy holidays thank you counselor just a happy holidays thank you okay great um I'm going to hold off my comments because I think the mayor wanted to maybe make a few comments about some council members here who are departing on uh Kelly do you have it um little surprise here capil since this is your last official act here on the on the Das yes uh we do have a a nice um back right here I got to turn this around here for you I gotta um got to pull out my glasses I'm getting older okay I got to make sure I have this the correct way says in recognition of your service and commitment to the township of scataway councilman from 2017 to 2024 capil congratulations thank you it's actually real glass Do not drop it be very careful with it thank you my council members and the mayor I'm in this town from 2001 for community service 18 years for Board of school board Library Board of trusty Recreation Department also I'm almost more than 23 years so I'm this town for 2001 I'm voluntary I'm still there I was on a school board on a curriculum Comm board also for 3 years so I am in this town for anybody anything you need I'm always available for your service thank you and this one goes to councilman lywood Rous here thank you for getting my glasses here and recognition your service and commitment to the township is scattery from 2021 and 24 and I was fortunate enough uh to be on a day as we so if we ever needed a confessional we can always come down here and get a confessional so here [Applause] come thank you president you want to say a few words again it's uh it's been a privilege another honor to serve Piscataway uh came to this town serving on the board of education in terms of always being there for our young people turn on youth for many years doing many things for our Board of Education and moving right on throughout the township I think one of my crowning uh blessings for dup scatter way is uh why when the young kids could not have a place to swim I was their band leader when they had to tear up that pool and the mayor said it's too much money to hold a public pool cost of $3 million we working on a ym and we went to work for it and now we have it today and every time I look over there I thank all the work with in from the citizens to the council for leaving our city with such a wonderful wonderful place to view so mayor thank you and once again I thank you for the service and everyone who supported me uh I'm not going nowhere I'm still here and will be here I love Pas scataway God bless you all thank you very much thank you yeah it is beautiful that why we we get a lot of compliments and a lot of folks who come from other towns to tour it for their ideas for their own why and um you know I'll just make a comment since the why came up is that um I think when you know we own that as a town right it's our town community center but you need somebody to manage it right we certainly couldn't do that and the Y came in of course you know um with the lowest bit of course and they're the best people to run it let's face it um but they had given uh the elected officials the you know the township uh leaders here and directors a bit of information to say how long it would take before we would be in the black and I forget mayor when was how many years were was it that it was supposed to take they said six years but we have been in the BL for the third year and that's because the residents here in this town take an interest in this town and want to participate and that why is just a a beautiful example of how many now 13,000 members um yeah give yourselves a round of applause and let me let me follow up on that that the the whole y was built on pilot program and no taxpayer dollars right and those are only one town in covid time there is no layoff or anybody look at the other Schools board there is lot lot of people teacher have a layoff we don't have anybody layoff from this Township so we are working so hard and we are looking for always thank you thank you councilman yeah I mean look there's a lot to be proud of um all of you you folks love this town we do too and there's a lot of common ground to be found and I will believe in that um as long as um I well I'll always believe in that but I will speak about that as long as I have uh the space and time to do that so um with that um I will wish everyone here very happy holidays um you know Merry Christmas Happy Hanukkah Hanukkah is a little bit later this year um so the Hol get extended and a very happy and healthy and safe new year and I do believe usually councilman uh espanosa will mention is um as the colder weather gets here and we may have icy conditions please uh be careful as you drive on the roads uh be on the lookout for our children and uh you know always never drink and drive as we know but hoping all have a very happy and healthy holidays season um that'll bring us to um number 15 this is uh the agenda session this is for our January 2nd 2025 reorganization meeting so I'm not going to read through every single one of these items um these are uh this will happen at the January 2nd meeting so the mayor's appointments for various commissions and advisory aards appointments of various POS position such as the municipal clerk um the deputy and Alternate Deputy registar I'm just uh reading some of them the rent leveling board uh senior citizens advisory commission and various other um administrators commissions and officers and they're all listed there on the um agenda for you to see those will happen all at the January 2nd reorganization meeting um the next item that will be on at that meeting will be a resolution uh authorizing Award of contract automotive and light duty truck parts this will be Somerset County cooperative DNB Auto not to exceed $70,000 are there any comments or questions with regard to this item from Council none see none that will be on the next item will be a resolution authorizing Award of contract 2025 catch Basin castings inlets and man holes New Jersey state contract Campbell Foundry Company not to exceed $40,000 are there any comments or questions from Council regarding this item seeing none that'll be on the next item will be a resolution authorizing Award of contract for uh collision repair and vehicle painting Somerset County cooperative DGL rafis DBA makeo um Collision not to exceed $115,000 any comments or questions from Council regarding that item seeing none that will be on the next item will be a resolution authorizing Award of contract OEM automotive parts for Ford sourcewell contract Route 23 Automall not to exceed $35,000 any comments or questions from Council regarding that item seeing none that will be on the next will be a resolution authorizing Award of contract OEM parts and repairs heavyduty Vehicles over 14,500 GVW Somerset County cooperative Campbell freight liner LLC not to exceed $25,000 there any comments or questions regarding this item see none that will be on the next item will be a resolution authorizing Award of contract 2025 pavement marking and striping Somerset County cooperative Denville line painting Inc not to exceed $100,000 are there any comments or questions regarding this item see none that will be on the next will be a resolution ution authorizing Award of contract 2025 plumbing services time and material ESC ESC New Jersey uh Magic Touch Construction Company Inc not to exceed $40,000 are there any comments or questions regarding this item seeing none that will be on the next item will be a resolution authorizing Award of contract tires tubes and Services New Jersey state contract this is a custom B I don't know is that a a band Edge what I don't even know what that is oh that's the name of the company sorry not $5,000 so any comments or questions regarding that item seeing none that will be on um the next item will be a resolution authorizing Award of contract 2025 traffic control signs supports hardware and safety devices Somerset County cooperative National Highway Products Inc not to exceed $155,000 any comment or questions regarding this item see none that will be on the next will be a resolution authorizing Award of contract Walkin building supplies New Jersey state contract Lowe's Home Centers LLC not to exceed $35,500 um any comments or questions from Council on this item see none that will be on um the next item will be a resolution authorizing Award of contract Walkin building supplies New Jersey state contract home de Depot Inc not to exceed $76,000 any comments or questions from Council regarding this item seeing none that will be on um okay so that takes care of the items that will uh be on for the January 2nd meeting so that'll bring us to number 16 which is open to the public for the remote attendees um so we'll open it up to remote attendees if you wish to speak at this time please raise your hand either on the Zoom app or if by phone phone by pressing star9 when it is your turn to speak you will receive or hear a request to unmute yourself please click the prompt or press star six on your phone to unmute yourself at that time please state your name and address and know that you have three minutes in which to make your comments the council or Administration will respond if necessary after you've completed any comments or questions council president there's nobody with hand raised for this agenda item thank you Miss Mitch so we're going to open up to the folks who are here in the public for anyone who's here in the public if you wish to speak at this time please come to the podium state your name and address and know that you have three minutes in which to make your comments you may take a seat after completion of your comments or questions and the council or Administration will respond if necessary hello again Bill Irwin 233 Ellis Parkway oh warm one tonight uh well since you got me out here on a December night I may as well clarify a few points first with regard to the 1690 uh South Washington thing the location of the preschool was mentioned I mean I don't know if you all noticed but it's not that easy to find a spot in this town that isn't close to a logistics Center so where you know where where they where they're able to find space for the preschool they're able to find space for the preschool as far as the tax revenue goes um actually they don't have to tell you whether or not they want to accept it if you owe it to him you just ship it over and that's the end of the ball game uh the like nothing further needs to be said on it the the logic behind the argument well are they going to reject it now no they had a lawsuit they didn't want a warehouse next to a school you all won you built it so now it's built so so what are you suggesting they should be like oh well now that it's built and there's nothing we can do about it we should deprive the school system of of whatever Revenue comes in I mean that wouldn't make any sense so that I mean that's just a that's a PR stunt it's silly um lastly the uh I you know thank the council for moving consideration of the uh movement of the Schoolboard election to another time I think that was the right decision uh I think it showed some wisdom and hopefully it just doesn't come up again I think that would be best for all involved um you know in terms of what happened you know to to set the record straight there was and you know we can agree to disagree on this but you know he said well something happened and then then the council got involved or the PDO got involved in Schoolboard races well what happened was in 2017 a number of folks decided to participate in the Democratic primary um which is their right to do uh we talked about consent of the governed earlier some folks with to withdraw withdraw that consent and they ran um I mean I was on that ticket I ran against Senator Smith knew I wasn't going to win of course he's a sitting he's a sitting Senator but we needed somebody at the top of the ticket because back then we had something called the line in the primary and yeah the line's not there anymore and you all have yourself to thank for that um so you know you need somebody at the top of the ball in order to line everybody up so everyone's not like way over here with no shot so that's what happened in the primary and then in November 2017 General because some Schoolboard members had participated in the primary a slate of candidates was run against them by in the Schoolboard election to try and knock them out of the school board like that's just simply what happened it was tip fortat and it just escalated from there and I actually I believe you when you say that you all don't want to be involved in that anymore I really do um maybe for different reasons like I don't imagine that's a pleasant experience I hope that that all all political groups to be the then too well there's there's a you know what's how what's what are the mechan ICS of that like if it goes into April are there just going to be some names out there and nobody's supporting anybody I mean that's not what's going to happen like it's just not it's just not it's just not realistic people are going to support people but yeah I get I get that the council members would just prefer not to do that every year it's a huge expenditure of time and effort hasn't been particularly fruitful for the last five years like you know 17 candidates got smoked uh you had a little success in the interim and then the last five elections hasn't got your three minutes are up and I I appreciate that you want to gloat about our losses there but you know whether it's the P or the PC Piscataway Progressive supporting it's still political party supporting let's just around to the idea be very careful around to the idea of the offer was made both of the last two years like hey let's work this out and stop doing it and rejected both years I I and made again I I think going to agree to disagree on that but we're not going to get into the politics of this now please thank you so much um if you may um whoever ever would like to come up next may do so thank you so much Stacy Burger still 233 Ellis Parkway so thank you for moving that um resolution to either a different time or preferably not at all because it's absurd it's not likely that you're not going to participate or somebody's not going to participate in an April election I I don't know where the gentleman went oh I'm sorry there you are the um the idea that people can't hand out literature in a parking lot 100 feet from the polling place is not going to change when the election is in November or June or April that's something that has H that happens everywhere in every Community I don't really understand why people can't just say I'm not interested in taking your literature thank you very much I will tell you people don't like it well then you shouldn't do it I me then don't do it I mean if you don't if people don't I don't okay that's fine I and people don't like it in school grounds either can I people were being accused of voting for um going against um your right to speak you know a free speech I don't think that was the intent for two board members who had preferred not to try to take a vote not to V to campaign on school grounds so there is there is a distaste and I'm not going to take away from your time I mean I actually think it's a really important conversation and I'm glad that we're having this now I I wish I I mean I wish you had had like an open hearing if you want like I I just think this is instructive right people really care about these issues they're willing to be here at 9:30 at night you all care about these issues you're here till 9:30 at night maybe later and so it would be helpful really productive if you wanted to have these kinds of discussions to have a committee which I think you most of the Schoolboard members can tell you and every other Municipal person can tell you that Committees of a of a governing body meet and consider these kinds of issues prior to bringing them up and then they do reports about what committees do so I don't I know Nancy mentioned that she's been a you know Deputy Mayor and a mayor there are lots of ways to get input without having it to be without having it be antagonistic so you could have we could have this conversation and we can back and forth about who wants to be in a Schoolboard parking lot and who wants and who doesn't um but I just want to say that before 2017 when people ran um for office in a Democratic primary and everybody flipped out in the Democratic party even though we only won I think we won four seats in the committee and nothing else but we had to have a Full Slate because there was a line and now there isn't a line and so that's helpful because then we don't have to run for races we don't necessarily want to participate in um but the we were out in parking lots before that my younger son has always wanted to hand out literature and when and so he did for many years prior to 2017 that's not going to change that's a constitutional freedom of speech First Amendment issue it just may not be so contentious if we could agree yeah I mean I don't I actually don't I don't agree with that I mean I think we just have a difference of opinion which is okay um but the right of for people to run for office is really very fundamental and we are we are about to come into a very difficult Terror potentially you know fascist regime at the at the federal level and we are going to need this Council the return and this Council to stand up for the residents of this community and so I think it would be really I think it's really important that you all protect democracy and it's good to see that you did that tonight so thank you thank you for your time please come to the podium state your name and address and note that you have three minutes in which to make your comments thank you very much Steven Salado Cen 124 Stanton Avenue scway obviously um I want to thank everybody that is here um on this side and this side and in this room I spent the past several days um trying to make sure I understood what this change to the board of it election time was going to be I don't know if a lot of people do that I think no I do know that a lot of people don't do that um I'm grateful that the council took the consideration the time to say maybe we need to think about this more I was going to not make a comment because Stacy just said something that I I I really wanted to say over there which is you are experiencing now we all are experiencing now civic-minded invested parents and residents who want to do their best to get it right they rely on you they rely on themselves their ground game the people out there what you're experiencing now is people who are upset they have valid concerns and When Stacy said maybe a committee something outside of a space like this where a resolution seems to be imminent maybe that's the thing that we need to invest in we have all seen what happens out there we all know what is very close to happening nationally globally we have the opportunity to get this right to show that people who have differing opinions can sit down and come to a reasonable understanding about something we can do it right we can stop stop talking at each other listen to each other and I'm saying this to everybody that just pissed my wife off she's going to give me an earful later on we can do better I think everybody here can agree we can do better for goes for both sides that goes for both sides I said everybody I said everyone and I specifically turned to the group of people who are going to really hurt me later on but it goes for all of us and I hope everyone hears what I'm saying that we can all do better that's all I have for today and I thank everybody here and here thank you for your consideration thank you for your incredible hard work everybody that's here I mean it for [Applause] everybody hello Nancy Salgado Cowen 124 Stanton Avenue um I do want to just make a comment to the council um stating I think that it is good to take time um to review um the information and yes committees do work very well on our side of the world in um the Board of Ed obviously your guys decision what you want to do with Council I don't want to butt into your business I would hope that you would guys would continue not to butt into our business in Schoolboard so um going forward I know that the um resolution was moved off of the decision today how would one know if it's going to be on the next agenda or where would someone look for that we publish the agenda in all places that we mentioned you can get it either on the site for people who don't use the internet we post it Library the I think the senior even the senior center we posted too well also statutorily um as you received notice last week you know you because it would be a different date you would receive notice again the Schoolboard would so anyway thank you very much have a good night and happy holidays yeah you're jingly pran Patel 52 Justice Street pcar the item Z was not updated in the agenda so general public in the town didn't know if they were not paying attention to school board meeting this came up in school board meeting but in your agenda this was not included 48 hours prior to the meeting it has to be to the extent known and the council was still decid you already knew no you already knew as of last last listen at the end of the day we can you can keep arguing but okay um Nancy corellia uh just want to say on behalf of the Piscataway Township education Association we'd like to thank you for tbling uh resolution Z today and for um taking that action we appreciate it I just want to let you know for the last 32 years I've worked with the Piscataway uh Board of Education and with the school district and I have to tell you it's one of the finest school districts in the state of New Jersey and you should be proud of no the Board of Education and I have to give credit to the township committee there I went there no one's denying that and as I said for 32 years I've been working in this town so I've seen the impact of everything so I'm not going to age myself but um I've probably been around a lot longer than a lot of people that are on this deis I've been here since the early 90s so I've seen the impact when things are going right and when things are not going right uh when they work and when they don't work and I'm going to tell you right now the way things are going they work perfectly fine uh and I would really hate to see any change take place because things can't work any better everything that is happening at this particular point it really Services the children of Piscataway and as a representative who represents that uh those employees I am proud when I look at what their accomplishments are what they've been able to provide to the children and anything that would upset the apple cart would only be to the detriment of this Township so uh anything that you can do to continue that support would really be great thank you and have a happy holiday happy [Applause] holiday I just have few good things and um just like to point out a few things on the bad governance side so on the good things um I think as as people talk about the school system I think it's one of the best one of the things that you don't do sell yourself short I think we should be just trumpeting this across the state of how wonderful piscar school system is that includes the Arts science radio um anything in between and the programs that they offer Dr basker will um time everybody in the board the curriculum committee everything is wonderful so I I don't think any changes required in that area now in terms of the the governance and all that um as I pointed out as we move into New Year uh there are areas that I would like to see some improvement which is empty buildings and when you look at 287 and the amount of traffic and many people I think now talk about environment and other programs we have very empty buildings on on in our town um and I think two to three months back I pointed out that old paychecks building where there were two glasses that were removed now I see five or seven it's becoming rundown so I don't know what's going on over there um and and there is there is Absolut that's on Washington Avenue by the way um so that's the that's the agreement that was approved tonight that building been approve for a logistics center it's right off of 287 and it's currently being demolished it is surrounded by oh it's demolished being surrounded by a fence it's all safe we are and why would somebody do that with the wonderful building it's been it's been empty for 10 years okay Al so the tax abetment didn't work no it's been empty for 10 years paychecks left they appeel their taxes they're paying very little in taxes paychecks is gone okay so lesson learned is I think we have given too many tax ABS to many companies but I think it's about time that we really hold Feit to the fire for companies and we instead of giving tax breaks let's give incentives for the right amount of work that actually lift the populace and also balance age and gender dependency in this town uh so that we can remain prosperous for next 30 Years thank you I'm glad I'm glad to hear that you um that you that you love the school system too because um and again very happy to pay it but most of our property taxes go percent AG wise to the school system and that is why we can be proud of the school because most people here have no issue with um pay you know paying towards that right we've never really I don't think we've ever had anyone when you used to vote on a budget no one ever really voted maybe one time in all the 24 years here did it not pass and that's because people invest in their children here it's a great town to live and raise your kids and on the governing side we have free Recreation right um that's another big piece we have se you know we have state-of-the-art senior programs um my my colleague mentioned that during covid we didn't do layoffs we kept uh residential services and and and mayor if I may call you that because you shall be by your last highest title um you know there's a lot to be proud of we're a dou plus stable bond rate by by m a town and that helps us go out to bond withow interest rates um we are we have uh thankful back there he's hiding our CFO who keeps us um on the street in narrow that if whole world should fall apart Piscataway um is in a good position to make sure its residents aren't suffering like other towns around us did during covid so I think collectively um you know we're we're elected officials and and being in this position you are absolutely exposed I'm sure Board of Ed people have heard complaints at various times we're exposed to that but I am very proud of the way that this Council and this Administration and the directors of this Township lead this town with yes more of the nuts and bolts but without that thought into infrastructure Public Safety those things we wouldn't be able to enjoy the other things and I'm sorry I I I didn't mean to add more commentary it's getting very late but but it's okay thank you so wonderful the only I comment years back I think there was a noise about State changing for school budget okay I want you guys to fight for it next time if something okay thank you thank you let's let's give the no we don't holler out yeah let's council president can I just make a comment he was referring to the pilot as tax breaks they're not there's a the state has a very strict statutory formula to calculate those payments and the payments are generally equivalent to what the taxes would be paid the advantage to them is that the township get Township get security as to the amount that's going to be paid on an annual basis so uh those those entities that are under those pilot programs cannot appeal their taxes as the council knows when when a commercial entity which is usually our biggest uh issue is commercial entity appeals their taxes based on their vacancy rates Etc um the township pays 100% of those refunds even though they only take 25% of the revenue so the Schoolboard doesn't pay anything back the county doesn't pay anything back the fire districts don't pay anything back the the the township does so in order to protect the Township's Revenue um the these pilot programs are are are a really good incentive also it's it's money that can be spent outside the cap to help the township keep their tax rate down um and all also it it gives the developer the benefit of of getting better lending rates so that they can actually and that's why lenders developers want it is because they can get better lending rates so they can actually develop properties that are abandoned in town like this paychecks yeah thank you and we don't want you know we don't want those abandoned spaces so that that is a benefit and um you know there is an AR you know can be arguments to be made but I do I do believe that um like most people if you're budgeting it's always good to know how much money you're getting in and that's the value of a pilot program sir if you could just come to the podium state your name and address and note you have three minutes in which to make your comments gas 58 Curtis scway I like the pcar school system it produce an IT character who's managing Central Jersey and a paralal and they both own their homes now thank you Outreach is an issue Miss berer worked out I approached her one time hoping that you give me that manora she didn't I asked her to Polie support me concerning issues with property maintenance I called twice no respond the issue is Outreach there's a lot of senior citizens out there who can produce and have a voice get them I'm not computer wise but I would ask M burger to help me out help me help her issues it's not happening there's that man there he comes once in a while when he can but there's been time when I was the only one here and lit up the room help us help you I'm going to bring out Miss Leona Ward's name 100 years old old woman who passed away 5 years ago I cried for weeks she was an angel but she couldn't bring her voice here with her words I speak to you thank you if there's anyone else in the public wishing to speak you may do so at this time please state your name and address and note that you have three minutes in which to make your comment hi Sarah Radford 13 dunar a uh I want to talk about a different topic now so I'm I don't come to that many of these meetings but I was sitting here listening and I just it was striking my ear as very outdated that we're using unnecessarily gendered terminology like councilwoman and councilman so I just like to ask you to consider maybe using the terminology council member moving forward I think it would be a big move hello Evan shagi 280 River Road um first and foremost I didn't come for school board uh I do think it's an important issue but that's not necessarily the prime issue here I do think that it is 100% a byproduct of a similar issue I would like to talk about um this community is extremely divisive I am not a Democrat not a republican at heart an independent I've always believed that you vote for the right person that can do whatever it is that needs to be done I don't pick one side or the other I am a registered Democrat for since I moved to Piscataway because that's where that's where your impact is as a voter in this town uh something that it took me a lot of effort to do but I did it because you know you have to you have to do what is right with that when I talk about doing the right thing and this being a byproduct of not doing the right thing this town has a habit of bringing people together I will tell you that but I don't think it's for the right reason over the last week a local nonprofit sent out a mailer and the township saw fit to tell the public not directly but to definitively insinuate that it wouldn't be in their best interest to donate to a federally and state recognized nonprofit it's not not the first time it's the second time there's been a lot of other things that are not public knowledge in terms of letters sent by the township Council to that nonprofit and the township recommending to the state of New Jersey that that nonprofit may be no longer be licensed so that it can continue to operate I come here tonight not as a member of that nonprofit but as a taxpayer as a member of this community a community that I chose to make home because of my involvement with that nonprofit but because I believe in servicing others and helping when the time is right and when someone is truly in need I find it on a personal level again as a resident of Piscataway completely and utterly despicable that the township would use its public platform to tell someone to elude I'm sorry to not donate to a nonprofit you don't tell people not to donate to churches or MOS or other houses of worship you don't say don't donate to the why you don't say don't donate anywhere and when the township decides to come out with their pitchforks and their torches online you start publishing other things on your social media four pictures for one event but you publish one picture as one post and another picture is another post and a third picture is a third post and a fourth picture is a fourth post almost as if you're trying to discredit the public and get them to go away you all know what I'm talking about if you don't maybe you ought not be a council person you are losing seats people are retiring how many times does this town have to be sued I don't want to be involved in any of this sir my three minutes are up well maybe your Council terms are up if there's anyone else in the public who' wish to speak now may do so please come to the podium state your name and address and note that you have three minutes in which to make your comments Sid Madison 176 Blackford Avenue um I bring a new topic up the subject is a resol a resolution that we' like the council to look at and the council president has a copy of two uh pieces of files that explain the resolution I'd like to give a little background in preparation for the council to understand what we're what we're really trying to do with these res resolutions um the background is that while Piscataway has done great on climate uh the fossil fuel companies are still putting out uh carbon tremendous amount of carbon they've known for over 40 years that that's making climate worse it's making our air worse and everything else this particular resolution has to do with making the polluters pay and that information you'll you'll find in those two documents if the council president would pass them on um uh there's been some discussion about um taxes and whatever the the way that Piscataway is done a lot in terms of climate has they've gotten funds that economically would be called carrots and you get the money from either the state or the federal government from maybe Bob Smith or Frank palone help maybe uh those are those are what are called carrots in the meantime the fossil fuel industry has made sure that they didn't have to pay any sticks a stick in this terminology from economics would be a carbon tax um it's hard to get a carbon tax passed New Jersey is suing the fossil fuel the large fossil fuel companies because we can't and this is a resolution by Bob Smith or excuse me this is a it's we're asking you to support the resolution that Bob the ordinance or the law that Bob Smith is proposing so uh we'll come back and discuss that if anybody needs to know more information about that uh please contact me I know Gabriel knows about it so that's it thank you Sid and Sid just so you know we recently received grant money for um more electric vehicle stations into the town so great ideas and uh I know that my uh my kids use the ones at the Y yeah a lot of folks do actually we we we we make sure that any new business who comes into town has to put in electric stations as well that's good by the way I learned a little about procedure today because 13 the first word on 13 says consent it implies that it's not going to go two rounds um my understanding or my guess is that the item on number 15 were the first rate first what I would call the first reading is that correct uh in terms they're not only ordinances needed first and second reading resolutions we put on to the extent known that we we put on items for the next agenda so that the council can speak about it if they have any comments or questions or just to notify the public about the upcoming uh topics so you could put a resolution on on what the equivalent of 13 without having previously mentioned did yes yes okay thank you thank you Mr Madson please come to the podium state your name and address and note that you have three minutes in which to make your comments good evening my name is Loretta Rivers 249 penelli drive scway so I've been here all night tonight listening to bipartisan partisan and I am a born member of Piscataway I've raised my children here and I enjoy living here in Piscataway everyone who knows me knows me as a person who likes everyone like with a clean slate I do not like uh all the back and forth all the slander I do not go by that so you know my children are very important to me and you know I I'm like a mama bear but when it comes to me I take a a beating right and for those who don't know I am running for a seat a democratic seat here Assembly District 17 it is not official yet but I have not put the paperwork in but there was an incident two weeks ago that that I was invited to a PDO holiday gathering I was excited that I could come as a resident of Piscataway unfortunately the next day I was called by the person who invited me to say Loretta you cannot come uh you were Uninvited and I was uninvited by the PD Uninvited who does that to a holiday party and then I get a call not saying that the call wasn't pleasant we had good conversation but to be Uninvited and they said that I make them feel uncomfortable if I was there because there might be some there will be other times for debate it's a holiday it's a holiday gathering who's debating what at a holiday party I'm very upset with Piscataway I've been here for years I normally don't say anything I was about to leave but I just had to say that in front of everyone that this is you talk about just and being right I want I want you to understand that now if that would have happened to you or anyone in your family how would you feel to be Uninvited because you're resident first and foremost just because I'm thinking about running and haven't really put the paperwork in I was uninvited to a party Letta and I are going to be friends now this how you bring together and please but you're supposed to bring people together you talked about that today you talked about you know not being separate but you separate people like that so much for your time honestly Miss Rivers your three minutes are thank you so much and happy holidays to you thank you happy holidays to you there's anyone else who'd like to come up to the podium you may do so at this time please State near your name and address and note that you have 3 minutes in which to make your comments seeing none I'm going to close the public portion uh council president I would yes I know very remiss not to mention this um we're unfortunate enough uh we there was a death in a retired employee over at the library Patricia Simons who was the children's director at the library uh worked for the library from 35 years passed away unexpectedly uh and I want to give my condolences on behalf of the council to her husband Tim and her four kids on that so I just want to make sure everybody knew about that condolences yeah I I don't know that I knew her very well but she did that's very sad so we'll be thinking about um her family and her children for sure thank you for reminding us of that that mayor um I'll take an offer to adjourn offer a second second all those in favor say I hi we are adjourned go [Music] sh